sentinel_jan2016 - [Central] Trinity UMC
sentinel_jan2016 - [Central] Trinity UMC
Sentinel Sentinel February January 2016 2014 Central Central Trinity Trinity United United Methodist Methodist Church Church Dr. Steven Dr. Steven Fewell, Fewell, Lead Pastor Pastor Tom England, 62 South Associate SeventhPastor Street Zanesville, 62 South Ohio Seventh 43701-4399 Street Zanesville, Ohio (740) 43701-4399 453-1210 (740) 453-1210 Parade of Progress IV We have wonderful news to share. Parade of Progress (POP) IV Phases 1 & 2 are now complete with a total cost of $166,235.40. Thanks to persons that adopted specific portions of the project the total cost to POP IV is approximately $163,000. Thanks to the trustees’ management efforts during the construction this is within the amounts authorized by Administrative Council and well below the initial estimates for the work. Surely the team is biased, but we think the Sanctuary looks wonderful. This is great news, but there is more! To date pledges were made that total $194,023. At this point we are less than 18 months into our three pledges, and Holly reports that, as of December 6, POP IV contributions stand at $153,303.90. Your generous giving in paying pledges early has enabled Phases 1 & 2 to be completed without the need for any transfers from the investment account to cash flow the contractor payments. Hallelujah and praise the Lord!! This may be an example where we did not have enough faith. Maybe we can take a lesson from this that, when we trust in God and maintain our focus, there are no limits to what we can accomplish. Big thank yous to all who made this happen! As amazing as these two previous items are, there is more good news. Have you been doing the math? With current pledges and costs there is more than $31,000 available for Phase 3, the parking lot repaving and repairs. Phase 3 work was originally estimated at $85,000. Pledges available represent about 1/3 of the Phase 3 work. Thanks again for your generous giving. The next steps are for the trustees to update their assessment of the parking lot work to be done, and solicit bids from contractors. Once these bids are evaluated, the team will make a presentation to Stewardship and Finance Committee and Administrative Council about options for moving forward. Yes, we will need more pledges to complete Phase 3. Our goal is in sight and very doable. The team will keep you informed. Parade of Progress IV Team Cathy Dorman, Jim McLaughlin, Willard Wheeler, and Duane Deal Sermon Topics January 3 Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: Holy Communion 8:00 at railing; 10:15 in pews “Making New Friends of our Neighbors” John 1:32-39 Chancel Choir January 10 Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: “Helping Friends Become Believers” John 1:43-46 Chancel Choir January 17 Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: “Making New Disciples of Jesus Christ” John 4:27-30, 39-41 Chancel Choir January 24 Message: Scripture: Music 10:15: “Come as Yourself” John 8:2-11 Children's Choir & Carillon Bells Ensemble January 31 Message: Scripture: Music: rk Ma ur r Yo nda le Ca "Grow in Your Faith" John 12:20-26 Chancel Choir Wednesday, January 13, we will be having a Leadership Retreat at Central Trinity from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. All committee chairs are encouraged to attend. Anyone in the church who is interested in the planning of our spring/summer events is also welcome. Men’s Breakfast – January 9 Our Men’s Breakfast continues on the second Saturday morning of each month. We will meet at 7:30 at the church for breakfast, a good time of conversation, fellowship and prayer. Inclement Weather Policy - With the exception of Sunday Services, the church will be closed when there is a Level 2 emergency issued in Muskingum County. If the Level 2 is downgraded by 12 noon, the church will be open for any planned activities in the evening (unless a decision is made otherwise). Please check WHIZ TV or Radio Station WHIZ 1240 AM/102.5 FM/92.7 FM for current weather conditions. You may also check the website at January 24 after 10:15 service Sponsor: Family Life Ministries Taco Bar Sponsors are needed for February, March, April See bulletin board for sign-up sheet 2 This is your reminder page for January January 3 Acolytes: Greeters: North 8:00 Marjorie Simms North 10:15 Stu & Candice Hoover South 10:15 Phyllis Bradshaw Hospitality: Clarence & Sandy Holbein Children will stay in the worship service for Family Sunday January 10 Acolytes: Greeters: North 8:00 Kay Walker North 10:15 Tim & Cathy Duff South 10:15 Sue Wright Hospitality: Jeremy & Lori Wyatt Kids Own Worship Leaders: Lynn Shook & Becky Wiseman January 17 Acolytes: Greeters: North 8:00 Katlyn Thomas North 10:15 Mack & Delores Smith South 10:15 Doug & Darylin Best Hospitality: Paul & Margaret Baker Kids Own Worship Leaders: Cathy Dorman & Nancy Miller Greeters: Pick up your name tags at the Welcome Center. If you are unable to greet on your dedicated Sunday, please make sure you find a replacement and notify the office of who will be taking your place. January 24 Acolytes: Greeters: North 8:00 Sandra Robe North 10:15 Roger & Carol Fitz South 10:15 Tom & Judy England Hospitality: Andy & Holly Ruetz Kids Own Worship Leaders: Kathy Seiler & Emily Rollins January 31 Acolytes: Greeters: North 8:00 C.T. Youth North 10:15 C.T. Youth South 10:15 C.T. Youth Hospitality: Tim & Cathy Duff Kids Own Worship Leaders: Holly & Andy Ruetz Ushers: Bob Potts, David Beitzel, Tim Duff, Darren Founds, Karen Herron, Ronald Hicks, Brett McCutcheon, John Miller Childcare provided each Sunday from 7:50 – 11:30 by our Nursery Attendant, Eva Stanton. Greeters - Would you like to get to know more people at Central Trinity? Greeting is a fun way to meet new people as well as saying “Hi” to familiar faces. Greeters can choose 8:00 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested in greeting on a Sunday morning, contact Jim McLaughlin, 740-452-3241, or the church office, 453-1210. 3 Special Thanks A heartfelt thank you to Darylin Best, Phyllis Bradshaw, Dennis Dunlap, Ginny Harding, Marcie Hunter, Jim & Mary Longshore, Leslie Miller, and Sandra Robe for helping the office this past month. Office Staff Dear Friends, We are So Blessed by your gift of "Thanksgiving" to the shelter. We give thanks every day for the miracles here at First. The needs are great and because others care - people are served. Thanks for your prayers and gifts. May you receive many blessings for your generosity. First Church Family, Marilyn Moody A big thank you to the Music Ministry, staff and volunteers of Central Trinity for making this holiday season so meaningful. Making music and sharing in all the best this season has to offer is what Christmas is about! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of you and I pray that 2016 has the best in store for all of us! Tyler Driggs A big Thank You to Sandy & Clarence Holbein, Judy Scanlon, Dorothy Brandfass (my elves) for all you did for the cookie walk. The Christmas season is seen in each of you. Seasons Greetings. Love, Your Sister in Christ, Mary Hoover The offering taken at the annual Messiah Concert was $2,470.00. This will be given to Lifebridge Ohio in the "Spirit of Handel". What a joy to have such a response for this music concert. There is a matching grant opportunity also with this gift. You did it - Due to the Central Trinity bakers, the 2015 Cookie Walk was a success. Due to the generosity and your favorite cookies we had an awesome cookie walk this year. We made $650. which will be used by the church. As the Bible says, "With God all things are possible". Have a blessed Christmas season. Your Sister thru Christ, Mary Hoover Bakers & Elves, Place your right hand on your left shoulder, place your left hand on your right shoulder, squeeze! That is a hug from me and God. Your Sister in Christ, Mary Hoover It's been almost 3 years since I started working at Central Trinity as secretary. I won't say I took Lori Wyatt's place, because no one could take her place. She is priceless! I cannot express how blessed I am to have gotten to know the people here, and so many of you have become such good friends. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your kindness, generosity, and helpfulness. I hope the new year brings you much joy and many blessings! Love, Barb Colvin DVD/VHS/Audio tapes - DVD & VHS tapes of Sunday Morning services are available for purchase by request for $3.00. A VHS tape can be borrowed for free by signing your name to the sheet in the office. Tabs for Ronald McDonald House The Ronald McDonald House pays their electric bill with money raised through the recycling of pull tabs from aluminum cans. Please save your tabs and bring them into church or give to Sandy Holbein. 4 Wish Our “80 Plus Club Members” Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Mary Helen Williams January 5, 3110 South River Rd. Dick Robison, January 25, 1180 Country Club Dr. If we have missed anyone or do not have the date right, please call the church office. Sharing our Christian Hope and Sympathy With this family who lost a loved one in December Lori Talbot & family in the passing of her mother, Lucinda (Cindy) Koons, December 12. Family Life Ministries Church Camp Fundraising - January Jingle! During the month of January, you have the opportunity to help raise funds to send our childen and youth to church camp this summer. In the last few years our congregation has been very generous and provided $110.00 plus to each camper. Combined with the support from UMW of $100.00 per camper, these amounts allow many children to attend that may not have without our support. The January Jingle Noisy Coin Offering will be collected as a second offering during each Sunday worship service. There will be 6-8 kids ushering right behind the adults. They will be using large coffee cans to collect any spare change (or green stuff!) that you happen to have on you that day. Taco Juan Sunday On the fourth Sunday of the month - January 24th - Family Life Ministries will be hosting a taco bar and dessert dinner after the second worship service. Your donations will help bring a rock band and speaker to Central Trinity in March during the 150th Celebration for our youth and the community to experience the love of Christ through word and music. Winter Jam: Saturday, January 9th, leave the church at 1pm - Winter Jam is a contemporary Christian Concert featuring For King and Country, Matthew West and Crowder, RED, Newsong, etc... The show starts at the Schottenstein Center at 5:45pm! Please RSVP by Wednesday January 6th so we can plan for enough transportation. Youth will need to fill out a permission slip and elementary-aged children are welcome to join us with a parent or guardian. Tickets are $10 at the door. Please also bring enough money to pay for a meal and any other concessions and/or merch. you plan to purchase. For more info. contact Deacon Jessica or go to the event website at Creation 2016 June 29th - July 2nd Please contact Deacon Jessica to RSVP for Creation by January 31st so we can order tickets and begin fundraising! Attendance at Sunday School and Worship Average YTD attendance: Sunday School 58 Morning Worship 192 Average attendance the first 2 Sundays in December at morning worship was 220. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT November 2016 Year-To-Date Budget $ 344292. Year-To-Date Income $ 353720. 5 Year-To-Date Expenditures $ 362680. United Methodist Women United Methodist Women, Climate Justice, and the Reading Program United Methodist Women (UMW) has co-signed a letter from the General Agencies of The United Methodist Church to the Paris conference participants. The letter expresses support for a global climate treaty, grounded in the belief that we are called to care for one another and for all of creation. Our work has shown us that our brothers and sisters are gravely affected by climate change, resulting in their relocation, disease, hunger, and more. UMW urges the leaders of the world to support a binding agreement to limit global warning and to provide financial and other support to nations where needed. We hope for a planet that will continue to sustain all of life. Climate justice is a UMW mission priority area. Each year the UMW recommends a diverse range of books with the intention of broadening exposure to a variety of concepts for readers about current issues. Below are a few titles from the Reading Program about climate justice. *Claiming Earth As Common Ground: The Ecological Crisis Through the Lens of Faith, Andrea Cohen-Kiener † Bottlemania, Elizabeth Royte ‡ Green Church: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice!, Rebekah Simon-Peter † Going Blue: A Teen Guide to Saving Our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands, Cathryn Berger Kaye and Philppe Cousteau *Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices, Julie Clawson † Finding Higher Ground: Adaptation in the Age of Warming, Amy Seidl Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social and Ecological Intelligence, Daniel Goleman, Lisa Bennett and Zenobia Barlow ‡ Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence, Marc Bekoff ‡ Nature Girl: A Guide to Caring for God’s Creation, Karen Whiting and Rebecca White Every Last Drop: Bringing Clean Water Home, Michelle Mulder *Available at Central Trinity Library † Available at Muskingum County Public Library ‡ E-reader version available Angel Wings Prayer Shawl Ministry resumes Thursday, January 7, 5:00 welcome for stitching, praying, and fellowship. PM, at the church. All are Hope Circle does not meet in January. Faith Circle meets Tuesday, January 19, 6:00 Global Migration: Signs of the Time.” PM, at the church. The program is “Climate Change and Join us Friday, January 22, to help celebrate January birthdays at LifeWell, play Bingo with the kids, and serve a meal and birthday cake. Rummage Sale - When cleaning out your closets, garages, attics or other areas, don’t forget our annual Rummage Sale. It is never too early to bring in your items. You can drop them off upstairs in the Quilters room #216. Recycle your eyeglasses, hearing aids & cell phones-This is an ongoing project for the Duncan Falls Lion’s Club and a box has been placed in the Cen-Tri Library for your use. 6 Prayer Ministry Happy New Year!! Can you really believe it's a new year already? Time goes by so quickly not only when you're young and working, but it seems to go faster when you're old and retired!! I pray to God that our new year will be blessed with health, safety and joy!! From scripture we read: I urge, then, first of all, that requests prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior. 1 Timothy 2:1-3. Going through some of my writings and poems I found this one, so I'm sharing it with you. DIRECTIONS TO OUR FATHER'S HOUSE Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd. Keep straight and go through the Green Light, which is Jesus Christ. There, you must turn onto the Bridge of Faith, which is over troubled water. When you get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep Straight. You are on the King's Highway - Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles. One for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Ghost. Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there, make a Right turn on Gospel Lane Keep Straight and then make another Right on Prayer Road As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also, avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD END. Pass up Envy Drive and Hate Avenue Also, pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd. However, you have to go down Long-suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd, and Trials and Tribulations Ave. But that's all right, because VICTORY Street is straight ahead! AMEN!!!!! Your Prayer Ministry team is always looking for "prayer warriors". Please feel free to call on any of us at anytime. Gene Kirkbride, 740-455-6390; Clarence & Sandy Holbein, 740-453-3782; Nancy Moose, 740-297-7729; Marcie Hunter, 740-455-2168; Sue Wright, 740-452-1859; Dr. Fewell, 740-297-4027; or Deacon Jessica Stonecypher, 740-683-4321. Military & College Students The Compassionate Congregational Care committee would like to have updated addresses for all of our C.T. college students and active duty military as we plan to mail Our Daily Bread booklet to each one. If you know any student or military addresses, please contact Mary Hoover at 453-8790. If you are a college student who still attends church, please pick up your free Our Daily Bread to help reduce our postage expenses. Aluminum Cans Recycling Help us make our world a little greener. The Missions Outreach Committee is collecting all aluminum can. A collection receptacle is located in the back hall way by the men’s restroom. All money collected from the aluminum can recycling will go into the Emergency Fund which is available to aid church families who find themselves in difficult financial situations. It could be used to buy medicine, pay a utility bill, or assist in making a rent or mortgage payment. 7 Central Trinity United Methodist Church 62 South Seventh Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701-4399 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Zanesville, Ohio Permit No. 256 Address Service Requested Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00; Closed for Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 A Stephen Ministry Congregation “May the Light of Christ be seen in our Journey of Faith” OFFICE HOURS: January ‘Sentinel’ SUPER BOWL SUB SUNDAY is February 7 this year, and the Verla Moore Service is again selling subs. We are offering our famous regular subs plus turkey subs. The cost is $6.50 for each sub. Please order by January 31, and pick up your subs following worship on Sunday, February 7. To order your subs, please contact Nancy Miller, 740-453-6512, any service club member, or fill out the form below. Baked goods will also be available by donation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Order Form for Verla Moore Service Club Subs Name_____________________________________________________ Telephone_________________________ Quantity: (Feb. 7) Pick up: Sunday 9:00 ________ Sunday 11:30 ________ _____ Italian @ $6.50 $_________ _____ Turkey @ $6.50 $_________ Total $_________
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sentinel_mar2016 - [Central] Trinity UMC
740-453-3782; Nancy Moose, 740-297-7729; Marcie Hunter, 740-455-2168; Sue Wright,
740-452-1859; Dr. Fewell, 740-297-4027; or Deacon Jessica Stonecypher, 740-683-4321.