June 2014 Grapevine - First Presbyterian Church
June 2014 Grapevine - First Presbyterian Church
June Grapevine For the LORD has told me this: “I will watch quietly from my dwelling place— as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the morning dew forms during the harvest.” Church Office: 309-944-5189 fpcgeneseo@geneseo.net www.geneseofpc.org Isaiah 18:4 133 East North Street Geneseo, IL 61254 www.geneseofpc.org Inside This Issue of the Grapevine Table of Contents From Your Pastor ........................................................................................................... 3 Announcements & News .............................................................................................. 4 Musical Notes .................................................................................................................... 5 Presbyterian Women ..................................................................................................... 6 Prayers of the People ..................................................................................................... 6 THANK YOU .................................................................................................................... 6 Geneseo Food Pantry ..................................................................................................... 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries .................................................................................... 8 June Worship Schedule.................................................................................................. 9 2 From Your Pastor Many years ago, when we lived in Missouri, my family decided to go camping. We had a favorite spot in southeast Missouri, a campground on the East Fork of the Black River which we often had to ourselves. We set out early on a Friday morning, in the middle of a heavy thunder storm. The storm was racing eastward, but we were confident we would outrun it. We didn’t. The storm, with heavy rain, stayed right with us. By the time we got to Rolla the low-lying streets were beginning to flood. We stopped in Rolla at a fast food place, and my daughter Grace got out the radio she had brought along. The news spoke of roads closed due to flooding farther south and east. It was clear that we were not going to make our destination. Finally we decided to give it up and turn back home. As we drove back west and then north, the skies began to clear. By the time we got to Knob Noster, they were blue and sunny. The air was fresh and clean. Rather than give up our trip, we decided to camp at Knob Noster State Park, and we had a great time there. Knob Noster was only fifty miles from home. But we had traveled almost 400 miles to get there. Life often takes unexpected turns, and we go far out of the way only to wind up in places that were not far away to begin with. We trust God the Holy Spirit to guide us on our journey and keep us in his care no matter where we may wander. Pastor Tim 3 Announcements & News Finance Update Our Church Budget Update: Y-T-D through May 2014 Budget Income $40,810.82 Budget Expenses $48,490.70 Deficit $ -7,679.88 Wednesday Bible Study Our Wednesday Bible Study will continue through most of the summer. Right now we are studying Genesis. In a few weeks we will decide on a new topic. Please feel free to join Bible Study at any time. We meet on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. June Church Activities Sunday, June 8th will be our Fried Chicken Picnic Potluck. Worship will be led by the Celebration Band and the picnic will follow worship. Tickets will be sold for $5 on Sunday, May 25th and Sunday, June 1st. On Saturday, June 14th, the Deacons will host a Father’s Day Cookies for Dough Sale at the church. If you are willing or able to help in anyway with this event please contact the office for more information. Vacation Bible School will be June 23rd – June 27th. The activities will be combined and held at First Congregational Church with the program on June 29th at First Congregational Church. Also if you are willing or able to help with donations for VBS T-shirts that would be great! 4 Musical Notes About all I have to write about this month is to say THANK YOU to all who have participated in the musical presentations this past year. Thanks to Max, Alex, and Nate for being our occasional MAN band. Thanks to Melanie and the Kids Kingdom Ringers for giving us another dimension to our musical experience. A big thank you to Greg for continuing to come out of retirement to accompany the choir and to entertain us with his special talent. Thank you to our “occasional singers” – Lindsey, Sue, Brandon, Olivia, Janet, Deb, Gail, Karen, Lori and Angela. Without your help we wouldn’t have been able to do some of the larger pieces that we did this past year. Thank you to Sue Snell and Lori Palmgren for joining us these past few weeks. You have enabled us to sing four part music once again. We all are hopeful you will remain with us this coming year. Thank you to my dear wife Deb. We all are sooooo grateful for your willingness to be our organist/accompanist this past year. Although we need to hire a permanent person for this position, I personally would miss having you here on Sunday mornings. The biggest thank you goes to John, Don, Gary, Cathy, Pam, Virginia, and Karen. These seven have been the most loyal choir members with whom I have ever had the pleasure of working. Week after week, through “thick & thin”, they were giving their best on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Through good weather and bad weather, through good anthems and bad anthems, they were giving us the best they had. I couldn’t be more happy or proud of the music that these seven have given us. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU One last thing - don’t forget June 8th. It’s the CELEBRATION BAND’S annual bash at our church. Have a safe and blessed summer. George 5 Presbyterian Women Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” (NLT) No Faith Circle or Lamplighters Circle Meetings for the summer. Join us for our last PW Gathering before the summer break. Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. BIRTHDAY OFFERING/OFFICERS INSTALLATION Devotions: Faith Program: Social Time Hostesses: Faith Prayers of the People Our prayers continue for Shane Haas, Janet Borkgren, Sandy Haas, Carol (Mrs. R.C.) Johnson, Phyllis Keag, Pat Williams, Nathan Simpson’s Family, Archie Cullen, Gen Atwell, Betty Miller, & Helen Ellsberry THANK YOU The family of Nathan Drew Lee Simpson wishes to express our thanks and appreciation to our church family for all the prayers, cards and memorials. The memorial gifts will be used toward his son, Kai’s education and a memorial to Nathan in the garden at the Hospice Haven of the Tri-Counties, Chiefland,. Florida. Keila, Kai, Don, Beth, Brent, Spring, Kayla, Alyssa Simpson 6 From the Geneseo Food Pantry June 2014 Newsletter Thank you to all for donating to the annual Postal Carrier’s Food Drive. Total collected was 5,025 pounds of non-perishable food items. We are so grateful for the postal employees and their families for all the hard work and dedication they put into this project. We would also like to thank the volunteers who spent the entire day sorting and stocking the food once it was brought to the Food Pantry. With warmer weather on the way, we have already had a few requests for fans. Please consider donating a new or used fan as most our clients do not have air conditioning. Fans are especially appreciated by our older clients. We will be collecting school supplies during the summer months for the 2014-15 school year. All supplies donated to the Food Pantry stay in our school district. Some ideas of needed supplies are spiral bound sketch pads, composition notebooks, wide lined loose leaf paper, red/blue/black pens, pencils, colored pencils, red marking pencils, large pink erasers, dry erase markers, 1 or 1 ½ in. three ring binders, and folders. Complete lists can be found at www.dist228.org The generosity and blessings you give to the Food Pantry each month are a true testament of God’s love at work. You are making a difference in the lives of many families who are struggling due to circumstances beyond their control. We would like to pass along their gratitude, as well as our own. Peace and happiness! Food needs for the month of June are: sugar, flour, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, ramen noodles, and graham crackers Non-food items needed are: fabric softener, baby wipes, household cleaners, tissues, and paper plates. **For your convenience we now have a red “drop box” located in the vestibule at Fareway for non-perishable food donations. Please consider purchasing extra items for the Food Pantry during your next shopping trip. Just drop them in the box on your way out the door! Drop boxes at the church for Food Pantry donations are located outside the church office and in the coat room off the front entrance of the church. Donations are always appreciated and especially encouraged on the third Sunday of the month, which is designated Food Pantry Sunday. 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries June 5th – Ron & Wanda Hallendorf June 6th – Don & Beth Simpson June 7th – Steve & Pam Durian June 17th – Steven & Carrie Kocourek June 19th – Scott & Kim Lambin June 21st – Don & Maureen Ford June 22nd – Dave & Sharon Esche June 27th – Roger & Karen Stancliff June 28th – Randy & Becky Hugh June 28th – Drew & Amy VanKerrebroeck June 2014 2 2 7 8 10 12 12 15 16 25 26 26 30 Betty Kinzer Donna Lambin Kelli Hartsock Andy Esche Marcia Fleming Jim Hymes Irene Knapp Eric Wolf Beth Simpson Virginia Nelson Gary Bell Ethan Durian Mark Schafer If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, please call the church office. 8 June Worship Schedule Summer Worship schedule – 10:00 a.m. Worship June 1st 7th Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Confirmation Sunday 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. After Church Coffee Sermon: “Where is He Now?” Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23; Acts 1:1-11 June 8th Day of Pentecost WEAR RED IN HONOR OF 10:00 a.m. Worship Celebration Band Leading Fried Chicken Picnic Potluck Sermon: “Verstehst du nicht?” Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 June 15th Trinity Sunday Men of the Church Sunday??? 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. After Church Coffee Sermon: “The Eighth Day” Scriptures: Gen. 1:31 – 2:3; Psalm 8; Matt. 28:16-20 June 22nd 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. After Church Coffee Sermon: “Resurrection of a Sort” Scriptures: Psalm 86:1-7; & Genesis 21:8-21 June 29th 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. Worship at First Congregational Church – VBS Program Deadline for article submission will be June 20th for July’s Grapevine. Monthly Publication of First Presbyterian Church 133 E. North St. PO Box 196, Geneseo, IL 61254 Volume 34, No. 13 9
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