newsletterapril2015 - Allegan United Methodist


newsletterapril2015 - Allegan United Methodist
APRIL 2015
409 Trowbridge Street
Allegan Mi 49010
Fax No. 269-673-8856
Listed below are some of the Joys and Concerns heard during recent worship services. We
carry each other’s burdens and dance dances for all of God’s children. Reach out and touch
someone’s life as you pray for them.
Sunday Morning Worship
9:30 a.m.
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
All Ages
Robert K. Lynch
Gene and Wende Wood celebrated an anniversary. AHS Band earned
straight 1’s at District Band Festival!; Joan Rininger’s grandsons—
Adam’s team won 1st place in 3-on-3 basketball in Special Olympics
and brother, Scott, is co-coaching their team and working towards
being an Eagle Scout; Magen Dennis became an aunt to Colin Michael;
Bobby Tremaine became a first time grandfather to Logan
DeWanpoynter and prays for a strong connection.
Thank You
Ginny Borgman thanked everyone for their continued prayers and
support during her recovery; We are thankful for God’s gift of youth;
Dave and Irene Waanders for making sure our parking lot is clear;
Anita Nielsen is thankful for your prayers for Al and their family; Vern
Olcott thanks everyone for their prayers; Sue Thiel for playing the
piano during worship for Jacque who was sick.
is a caring, dynamic community of faith where all people
are invited to encounter God
and to celebrate a Risen Lord.
Through God’s Spirit we grow
spiritually, emphasize the
individual’s relationship
with Christ and others, and
change with and serve the
needs of the community.
Celebrations and Joys
PJ McQuaid returned to China safely; Snowbirds returning; Barb
Simpson shared family birthdays and enjoyed a family baby shower;
Spring arrived March 20!
Concerns on the following page….
APRIL 2015
Prayers for our military:
Those connected with this congregation: Ryan Balgoyen, Tanner Boysen, Steven Carroll, Andrew
Cowen, Thomas DeBruyne, Matt Fullam, Stephanie Hadley, Isaiah Hadley, Dillon Hileski, Michael
Hileski, Gregory McIntire, Chelsea Reed, Jason Star, Jeremy Thompson, Dai Wessman and Dan
Continued prayers for those battling cancer or having treatment:
Jane Allen, Dale Barber, Evelyn Bierlein, Hanford Brink, Erin Brown, Bill Carr, Denise Cherry, Jim
Conlon, Tammy Christy, Stacy Davis, Sam Edgerton, Linda Evans, Bonnie Geurink, Ernie Hagerman,
Angie Heckman, Dave Hitchcock, Ryan Howrigan, Monica Kraai, Mary Jo Lange; Julie Maynard,
Ken Milhiem, Villas Mohrland, John Murphy, Nancy Parker Newton, Philip Nicolai, Linda Pullen,
Phil Rose, Denise Schmidt, Mark Thomas, Terri Stapleton, Deb Stutzman, Cessily Wotring Thackler,
Naomi Watts, Jenny Walsh, and those known but unnamed.
Concerns: Unrest and violence in Syria and Middle East; Fire at AMFC and loss of jobs;
Health Concerns: Janet Earle knee and throat surgery; Abby Hall had foot surgery and prayers for the
healing process; Patrick Ballard released from hospital - infection; Julie Maynard cancer lung surgery;
Kevin DeLaet asks for prayers for a co-op student from his work, Erin Brown, who was diagnosed with
ovarian cancer; Jacque James was sick and unable to play the organ on Sunday;
Prayer Shawls Given To:
Barb Brewster, Karen Brooks, Janet Earle.
Sympathy: Matt Milbocker and family on the death of his uncle, David Milbocker and grandma,
Ella Ellis; Janet Earle family on the death of her step-brother, Charles Eshbaugh, Jr.; Barb Brewster and
family on the death of her mom, Fran Canfield.
Travel Mercies: Our “snowbirds” as they return to Michigan.
From The Heart of the Pastor
Rev. Robert Lynch
On April 5, we once again celebrate the fulfillment of the path to the Cross and the Empty Tomb.
Yet similar to the Gospel times, doubts remain and in the midst of the human condition much of the world
still questions the event. It is with that reality that I would like to focus our Sundays of Easter around the
first letter of John.
As the elder statesman in the church, John wrote this letter to his “dear children.” Two
generations had passed since the Easter event, and John was hearing “doubts.” False teachers, heresies,
and sin had corrupted the new generation of Christians, and John began to hear about discussions of doubt
among the believers!
“A GOOD MAN. . . yes. . . perhaps one of the best who ever lived. . . but just a man,” say many.
Others disagree, claiming that he suffered from delusions of grandeur--a “messiah complex.” And the
argument rages over the true identity of this man called Jesus. Suggestions have ranged from “simple
teacher” to “egomaniac” and “misguided fool.” Whoever he was, all would agree that Jesus left his mark
on history.
Hearing these discussions, even Christians can begin to wonder and doubt. Is Jesus really God?
Did he come to save sinners like us? Does God care about me?
John sat down and wrote this letter to dispel doubts and to build assurance by presenting a clear
picture of Christ. Entering history, Jesus was and is God in the flesh and God in focus--seen, heard, and
touched by the author of this letter, John the apostle. John walked and talked with Jesus, saw him heal,
heard him teach, watched him die, met him arisen, and saw him ascend. John knew God--he had lived
with him and had seen him work. And John enjoyed fellowship with the Father and the Son all the days of
his life. In his letter he presented God as light, as love, and as life. He explained in simple and practical
terms what it means to have fellowship with God.
Unfortunately, things haven’t changed that much with today’s generation of Christians, so John's
letter is a model for us to follow as we combat modern heresies and false teachers!
Do you know God? Do you know Christ? Do you know that you have eternal life? First John was
written to help you know the reality of God in your life through faith in Christ, to assure you that you
have eternal life, and to encourage you to remain in fellowship with the God who is light and love. Read
this letter written by one overwhelmed by God's love, and with renewed confidence pass on his love to
others. What a great way to celebrate Easter 2015!
First John was written to dispel doubts and to build assurance by presenting a clear picture of Christ.
Entering history, Jesus was and is God in the flesh and God in focus--seen, heard, and touched by the
author of this letter, John the apostle. John walked and talked with Jesus, saw him heal, heard him teach,
watched him die, met him arisen, and saw him ascend. John knew God--he had lived with him and had
seen him work. And John enjoyed fellowship with the Father and the Son all the days of his life.
The letter is of particular value for its development of the intrinsic connection between Christian belief
and moral conduct: God is love, and the Christian who is a child of God has faith in Jesus Christ and
loves his neighbor.
APRIL 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY: Mark 16:1-8 We celebrate the Final paradox of the Cross that
Easter is not for “full people,” but that Easter is for “empty people.”
APRIL 12, 2015 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER: 1 John 1:-2:2 1st letter of John series: “Avoiding self
deception.” This letter affectionately challenges all Christians to know and obey God!
APRIL 19, 2015 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER: John 3:1-7 Kids Hope Celebration: 1st letter of John
series: Is it possible to experience a love without limits? We see how great God’s love is!
APRIL 26, 2015 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER: 1 John 3:16-24 1st letter of John series: “Love One
Another” We realize the first letter of John makes clear that our core competency as Christians is to love
one another.
MAY 3, 2015 5th SUNDAY OF EASTER: 1 John 4:7-21 1st letter of John series: “Bonds of Love”
We will examine some of the ways the church is called to embody love and the binding and loosening
power of love.
MAY 10, 2015 MOTHER’S DAY : John 5:1-6 1st letter of John series: “Obedience sets us free”
We conclude our series by realizing that we believe that Jesus is God's Son; it's that faith, and not our
striving, that makes us part of his family.
MAY 17, 2015 ASCENSION SUNDAY: Acts 1:1-11 We celebrate the music of Johann Bach! Johann
Sebastian Bach is revered through the ages for his work's musical complexities and stylistic innovations
as well as his religious conviction.
MAY 24, 2015 PENTECOST: Romans 8:22-27 As we celebrate Pentecost, we realize that praying on
our own, our requests become confused and misdirected. But the Spirit helps to deliver our prayers to
“Three in One; One in Three!”
Isaiah 6:1-8 We cry out Holy, holy, holy -- the God who is
7 pm Chancel Bell Choir
2 Maundy Thursday
8-10 am TOPS (DS)
1 pm Bible Study (Heckman)
8-4 pm Food Pantry
Delivery. (FH/KT)
7 pm Chancel Choir
6:15 am Sunrise
Service -Hudson Corners
9:30 Easter Worship
3:45-4:30 pm Joyful Noise
4 pm Cherub
4:30 pm Colors ’N Chorus
6-7 pm Maundy Thursday
Supper/Service (FH)
5-7 pm Weight
Watchers (FH)
8-10 am TOPS (DS)
7 pm Chancel Choir
1 pm Bible Study (Heckman)
8 am- 12 pm Food Pantry
Delivery (FH/KT)
Pastor Out Of Office
5-7 pm Weight
Watchers (FH)
Pastor Out Of Office
8-10 am TOPS (DS)
Pastor Out Of Office
8-10 am TOPS (DS)
7 pm Chancel Choir
1 pm Bible Study (Heckman)
8 am- 12 pm Food Pantry
Delivery (FH/KT)
4 pm Cherub
4:30 pm Colors ’N Chorus
No Sunday
8:30 am UMW (FH)
9:30 Worship
Food Pantry Bake Sale(FH)
11 am Sunday School
12-12:30 pm Joyful Noise
4:30 pm Scouts (DS)
Pastor Out Of Office
10:30 am Vision Imp(FH)
1 pm Mary Martha (FH)
6 pm Highway Pickup
7 pm Chancel Bell Choir
9:30 am Worship
KH 20th Yr Celebration
Potluck after Worship
No Sunday School
4:30 pm Scouts (DS)
9:30 Worship
11 am Sunday School
7 pm Chancel Bell Choir
5-7 pm Weight
Watchers (FH)
12-12:30 pm Joyful Noise
2-7 pm SA/FH/KT (Barber)
4:30 pm Scouts (DS)
6:30 pm Trustees (FH)
7 pm Chancel Bell Choir
5-7 pm Weight
Watchers (FH)
6:30 pm SPRC (LB)
7 pm Chancel Choir
1 pm Bible Study (Heckman)
8 am- 12 pm Food Pantry
Delivery (FH/KT)
3:45-4:30 pm Joyful Noise
4 pm Cherub
4:30 pm Colors ’N Chorus
7 pm Sarah Circle (FH)
4 pm Cherub Choir
4:30 pm Colors ’N Chorus
5 pm Dinner (FH)
6:45 pm Service Auction
8-10 am TOPS (DS)
1 pm Bible Study (Heckman)
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
3:45-4:30 pm Joyful Noise
4 pm Cherub Choir
4:30 pm Colors ’N Chorus
9 am Men’s Fellowship
Location Key
DS - Downstairs
FH - Fellowship Hall
HS - High School Classroom
KT - Kitchen
LB - Library
M - Music Room
MS -Middle School
SA - Sanctuary
YR - Youth
Looking Ahead
April 3 - No School
April 6 - 10 Spring Break
April 16 - Kindergarten Roundup
12:00 pm & 5:30 pm
April 17 - 1st Grade to Meijer Garden
April 19 - 9:30 am KH 20-Year
Celebration during
worship, followed
by all-church potluck.
April 27 - 4th Grade to Lansing
Allegan United Methodist Church/North Ward Kids Hope USA History
Twenty years ago Allegan Public Schools asked Allegan United Methodist Church to start a
Kids Hope program; with Virgil Gulker’s guidance and direction, we accepted the challenge and
initiated the program with church members and school personnel encircling North Ward
School, “hugging” the building and praying for a new mentoring program.
Although we currently mentor 23 students, we support the entire student body with such
activities as welcoming and guiding students the first day of school, celebrating “Incredible
Kid Day,” providing treats for MEAP testing, providing staff treats for teacher appreciation
and other special days; the school regularly requests the assistance of Kids Hope personnel
at such events as “Donuts with Dad,” “Muffins with Mom,” open houses, and kindergarten
Our Kids Hope leadership team regularly organizes special events for our Kids Hope students
and their families such as Christmas parties, end-of-year/graduation parties, summer “jumpstart” programs and others; occasionally other local KH programs join us in activities.
In addition to the commitment of 54 mentors and 54 prayer partners (totaling 514 years of
service), the entire church family demonstrates continued support for KH by providing food
for meals at KH events, donations for “Thanksgiving Bags” given to KH students, funds for
“camperships” offered to KH 5th grade “grads” for a week at a local Christian camp and other
KH projects which have supported our 133 students (for a total of 335 years of mentoring);
the congregation that “hugged” the building 20 years ago still embraces the remarkable
partnership our church shares with North Ward through Kids Hope USA.
Karen Rambadt, Kids Hope USA Director
1-Betty Reimink
4-Vern Olcott
5-Bob Lynch
11-Michelle Adams, Ashley Weaver
13-William Adams, Marc Schroeder, Allison Wiley
14-Travis Waigand
15-Carolyn Carr, Mary Wilcox
16-Marcus Hard
17-Julie Cortright, Tom Giles, Stone Karle
21-Charles Thomsen
22-Norm Pierson
24-George Babcock, Christine Spohn
25-Marguerite Bloss, Jeff Gowens
27-Shelby Van Order
30-Matt Thiel, Rainah Spohn
17-Mark & JoAnne Giles
21-Chris & Patty Anderson
23-Nick & Vicki Brower
Our annual church FAMILY CAMP will be held the week of June 28-July 4, 2015, at Lake Michigan
United Methodist Camp near Pentwater. We hope you are planning to attend and maybe invite other
family or friends to join us. Let’s try to fill the camp this year! Could you help with daily devotions,
kids' crafts, a group meal (potluck?), theme day, sand castle building, treasure hunt, etc.? We would
be glad to assist if you have an activity you would like to lead. Please contact Hanford and Eilene
Brink at 673-6031 with your ideas or if you have any questions.
Possible Cancer Support Group Forming
Bill Carr would like to know if there is an interest in getting a Cancer Support Group at our church.
Please give him a call at 686-0290 if you are interested.
Mark your calendars for Church/Parsonage Cleanup Day
9:00 a.m. Saturday, May 16
Sign-up Sheet will be in Fellowship Hall later in April.
Monday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. in AUMC parking lot.
Questions? Contact Denny VanOrder 673-3262.
We will be celebrating our 20-year Kids Hope partnership with North Ward School on Sunday,
April 19, during the 9:30 a.m. worship service. A potluck lunch will immediately follow the service.
Because we have invited North Ward staff and Kids Hope families to attend and be our guests for
lunch, it would be great if you could bring a dish that would help us serve some extra people.
Beverages and table settings (plates, etc.) will be provided.
Allegan United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
There will be a simple supper and then video segment from “The Path to The Cross” and closing
worship. Child care provided. Wende Wood will also practice with the Cherub and Colors ‘N Chorus
Choirs after the supper.
April 2 (Maundy Thursday)
Supper Sponsored By:
Communion and Project of the month is the “Hands of Grace” Food Pantry.
Offering change and Penny Jar will continue to go towards Ministry Shares.
355 26th St., Otsego
23rd Annual Benefit Breakfast for American Cancer Society
Saturday, April 4th – 8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, April 19 – 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Youth Room – Spiritual Gifts Application
Mark your calendars!
JUNE 14 - JUNE 18 Evening
More information to follow.
The 2015 project CHALLENGE for Kalamazoo District UMW is diapers! There is a special pattern
that must be followed using flannel fabric. So dig through your material box and find all that flannel.
The pattern can be found online, and I will also have patterns available soon. How many diapers can
our Unit make by September 19? 100? 150?
The National Legacy Fund drive is a national incentive to have a self-sustaining fund for the
administration of the United Methodist Women Organization. It is much like UMCOR so that all
future giving will all go to mission. Go online or check the bulletin board for ways to give--$1.50, $15,
$150 or any amount.
Plan to attend the Spiritual Growth Event in South Haven April 25. Spend the day learning to heal
the broken heart. Look for the flyer on the bulletin board or the Kalamazoo District UMW Facebook
page. This event, as well as all events, are open to everyone! They are sponsored by UMW.
Prayer Shawls— We are in need of more prayer shawls.
The shawls must be about 58 inches in length ( wrist to wrist).
Search “prayer shawl pattern” online for the complete instructions.
Please contact the office if you have a daughter/son who is graduating from high school this year.
Saturday, April 25
Dinner 5:00 – 6:15 p.m. – Auction 6:45 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
The dinner will be sponsored by the Chancel Handbell Choir. They will use the funds to purchase
mallets. Their menu is: Baked Potato Bar, Chicken Noodle Soup, Vegetable Soup and Salad
Do you still have outstanding items from the service auction last year? Please contact that person so
they know where they stand. We will put a deadline of December 31, 2015, for the service items
that are sold in April. This can be extended through an agreement between buyer/seller.
The proceeds from the “Service Auction” will go towards Ministry Shares.
A poster is in Fellowship Hall with a sign-up sheet attached. You can sign up or contact the church
office. Need some ideas? Check out the poster!
Our church has a wonderful opportunity to enhance our worship by the use of a display of televisions
in the sanctuary. It will do many things to help our worship go to another dimension.
Scripture and responsive readings can be displayed for all to read along with the pastor
and liturgist.
Words to all songs can be displayed for congregational songs, including songs not currently
in our hymnals.
Words to songs of the many choir anthems can be displayed so there is never a loss of
meaning to the worshipful and teaching songs sung.
Announcements can be displayed before and after worship services.
Points to the sermon and supplemental scriptures can be listed to help people follow and
understand the sermon even better.
People with hearing impairments can be better involved and included in the worship service.
This can be accomplished in three large televisions and some equipment to make the display
happen. Your gift to the church with the designation of “TV Worship Aids” will help us get this
new ministry tool going. Be a part of what God is doing in our church.
Ellen Bierlein
February 26, 2015
Finance: Next Finance meeting Wednesday, March 4, at 7:15 p.m.
“Hands of Grace” Food Pantry: Our funds are getting low, approximately $882.00, and it’s
almost time to spend $1,600 for non-perishable items. The Food Pantry Committee will discuss
options on what we should do at our next meeting which is February 27th.
We are waiting to hear if the Pantry has been approved for a $4,000 Great Lakes Energy Grant
for a refrigerator, which would be a win-win for the Pantry and church.
We are very excited to have a new volunteer to assist with our grant requests!
Tracy Brower, Director of the Allegan County Food Pantry Collaborative, requested other Food
Pantries to join the Steering Committee, so Chris Jurkas has joined.
Kids Hope: March 19 is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day at North Ward.
April 19 is Allegan KH 20-year celebration at the church. Virgil Gulker, founder of KHUSA will
be the guest speaker. A church potluck will follow the service.
Membership: Membership is at 302 with the death of Janet Trutsch, transfer of Jeff and Diane
McElwee, reinstatement of Bobby Tremaine.
SPRC: Next meeting: April 21 – 6:30 p.m.
Missions: March POM & Communion – One Great Hour of Sharing
Trustee: The heat tapes are working!
UMYF: Youth events coming up: March 4th – Youth will serve Lenten Dinner.
March 29th – Noah Movie & Discussion
UMW: Saturday, March 21, from 11:00-2:00 Kalamazoo District UMW is sponsoring a Get to
know Wesley Foundation for students, parents and anyone interested. The event will be held at
Wesley Foundation at WMU. Wesley Students will speak, have musical entertainment, plus
serve lunch! There will also be time to tour the ‘new’ building. Registration is $8.00. Go to their
Facebook page or registration forms will be on the UMW bulletin board.
It has been suggested to have teams of two or three people cover funerals for three months at a
time. I will be bring this idea to the circles and general membership.
Food Pantry
2015 Report
2014 Visits
No. of People
Total Number of New Households YTD
# Of
# Of
Not Tracked
2015 Visits
64 (2/16-28)
85(Thru 3/22)
161 (Thru 3/22)
APRIL 12TH BAKE SALE: We invite all the ladies (or gentlemen) to participate in a Food Pantry Bake Sale on APRIL
12TH. The bake sale will be in the Fellowship Hall after church service. All proceeds will go to the Food Pantry.
Please help us make it a success.
VILLAGE MARKET UMBRELLA DONATION FUND RAISER: During the month of APRIL you can place cash
donations in the umbrellas at the Allegan Village Market grocery store. Let it rain FOOD PANTRY donations.
COUPON BOX: We have placed a Coupon Box on the small round table close to the office. Please help yourself
to any coupons. Please add coupons too.
DATE TO REMEMBER: On May 31st we will celebrate the success of the Food pantry, our volunteers, recipients
and contributors. Cake will be served.
THANK YOU—for all the cash donations; our account has risen to $1,552.46, which is almost what we need to
buy our non-perishables.
Please keep it up.
Also, thanks for all the non-perishable donations. It is a huge help!!