the hilltop news - Western Hills UMC


the hilltop news - Western Hills UMC
2820 Laredo Dr., Fort Worth, Texas 76116
August 12, 2014
The purpose of Western Hills United Methodist Church is to
continue the ministry of Jesus by making disciples through faith, hope and love.
Wednesday—August 13
7:00 p.m., La Vida Cristo Centrica
7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir
Thursday—August 14
9:00 a.m.-Noon, Food Pantry
Saturday—August 16
5:00 p.m., Praise-4-Him Concert
Sunday—August 17
9:00 a.m., Spanish Worship Service
9:30 a.m., Sunday School
10:30 a.m., Spanish Sunday School
10:50 a.m., Worship Service
12:00 p.m., All Church Lunch
5:00 p.m., UMYF
Monday—August 18
5:00 p.m., Stephen Ministry
6:00 p.m., Girl Scouts
7:00 p.m., Finance Committee
Tuesday—August 19
Meals on Wheels
9:00 a.m.-Noon, Food Pantry
Wednesday—August 20
7:00 p.m., LaVida Cristo Centrica
7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir
Thursday—August 21
9:00 a.m.-Noon, Food Pantry
Saturday—August 23
8:00 a.m., UMM Great Breakfast
Sunday—August 24
9:00 a.m., Spanish Worship Service
9:30 a.m., Sunday School
10:30 a.m., Spanish Sunday School
10:50 a.m., English Worship Service
5:00 p.m., UMYF
Tuesday—August 26
Meals on Wheels
9:00 a.m.,-Noon, Food Pantry
Wednesday—August 27
7:00 p.m., LaVida Cristo Centrica
7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir
Pastoral Reflections
I am so glad to be back among you. I want to thank you for the time
off that you allowed me and my family to enjoy our summer vacation. I am
back with an eagerness to serve God by serving you as your minister. I
want to express to Terry Meyer my appreciation for taking care of the
ministries of the church while I was away. I am indebted to him in many
ways. I was away from you with the assurance that the ministries of the
church were in good and capable hands. I am also very thankful to God for
Loretta Booth. Her dedication as my administrative assistant and our
financial administrator was exemplified during my time away. Although
she was recovering from an illness that required hospitalization her
dedication brought her to work under most strenuous conditions. She was
back in the office when she should have been recovering at home. I thank
our music staff, Debra Rue and Allen Brown, for their unfailing faithfulness
to the music ministry of our church. I am most thankful for your
faithfulness. The church has not lost a beat in giving witness to our faith in
God through Christ Jesus our Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit.
As we continue to go forward, let me invite you to come and
participate in the contemporary Christian Concert, “4 Him” this Saturday at
5pm in our church. The worship experience will take place in the church’s
sanctuary. There is a spaghetti dinner in fellowship hall after the concert.
Allan Brown and the Praizn’ Band have worked very hard to present a
music worship event for our church and community. You may say that
contemporary Christian music is not your preference. Please consider
embracing this evangelistic event with your prayers, your presence, and
you witness. Your coming will be the gift and your service to God. We
have a gift in the church complex God has given us. Let us offer it as an
offering to God. Your prayers and your invitation of others to this Christian
spiritual experience are extremely necessary. Will you offer your support?
Come and invite others to feel the reception and inclusion that God’s
church in Western Hills freely extends.
Nothing would please me more than to come together on Sunday
morning fresh with the memory of Saturday’s concert. In advance, I am
thankful to our guest contemporary Christian bands that will dedicate to
God their talent and witness. I will dedicate myself with you to be in prayer
so that our senses can see the greatness of God and our ears hear the Good
News of salvation. I invite you to come Saturday accompanied with guests.
I look forward to seeing you. Raul
Supporting My Church
Current Prayer Concerns:
Ongoing Prayer Concerns:
Lewis Atterbury, father of Vickie Peach;
Timothy, Darian & Noah Austin; Melissa
Bearden; Brewer Family; David, Nurit, Tal &
Rotem Dekel, friends of Vickie & Fil Peach;
Terry Eden, brother of Steve Eden; Dianne
Long, niece of Ken Leach; Mike Magee; Kevin
Riibe, son of Becky Riibe; Dwaine Robinson; Russ
Larry Cornett, Jan Fisher, George Gatchell,
Debbie Hibscher, Doug McGlaun, Bill Mills, Rubin
Mills, Eric Paige, Mildred Rankin, Camille Redden,
Duane Spalding, James Stockton, Paul Stricklin
(Current prayer concerns will be posted for one
month unless a request is received for the name
to continue on the prayer list)
Our Military:
Sam Brooks, Jason Busby, Garret Comparini, Sarah Davis, Dan Fagan, Sarah Harris, Angela
Herrington, Trinity Herrington, Daniel Kinnibrugh, Christopher Moore, Thomas Morton, Robert
Newman, Daniel Newman, Richard Ray Owens, Jr., Nicholas Perez, Jacob Rangel, Chris Sotello, Blake
Strack, Melvin Williams, Brandon Wilson
The deadline for the next newsletter is
Monday, August 25, 2014 by 12:00 p.m.
With Presence
Spanish Worship:
August 3rd
August 10th
Sunday School Attendance:
August 3rd
August 10th
Worship Attendance:
August 3rd
August 10th
Praiz’n Attendance:
August 2nd
Gifts of Money
Needed for General Budget
each week: $5,000.00
August 3rd
General Budget
Heifer Fund
Grace Fund
Food Pantry
Special Givings
$ 4,905.57
August 10th
General Budget
$ 4,054.85
Heifer Fund
Food Pantry
Neighborhood Arts
Special Givings
August 17th
Security: Ralph Fagan
Lock Up: Ralph Fagan
August 24th
Security: Vicki Peach
Lock Up:
If you are unable to work on your assigned day, please make
arrangements for a substitute.
Julian Rodriguez, our pastor, and Joyce Brown have
spent many hours this month trying to get
everything set for Julian to attend Texas Wesleyan
University this fall. Even with scholarships and
loans, Julian is about $1,000 short per semester to
attend school. Two families have already funded a
scholarship for Julian. But more of our church
family need to help if Julian is to attend college.
We are asking you to pray for Julian and to pray
about your willingness to help him attend school. If
you wish to help, make your checks to the church,
mark the “for line” on your check “Julian scholarship,” and send your check ASAP to the church
office at Western Hills UMC, 2820 Laredo, Fort
Worth, TX 761116.
Many thanks
Joyce Brown (with our pastor’s permission to put
this message in our church newsletter.)
August Birthdays
2—Kenneth Leach
3—Greg Fowlds
3—Suzette Kile
6—Angela Harvey
8—Mattie Elrod
8—Rachel Elrod
9—Christopher Brown
10—Cam Beight
11—Ralph Fagan
11—Linda Connor
11—Dorothy Johnson
13—Kaylee Busby
16—Jane McGoodwin
20—Vince Brown
21—Dale Ford
23—Jordan Neuman
24—Mitchell Robinson
27—Elsa Gutierrez
27—Monica Barto
28—Daniel Newman
29—Larry Morton
29—Fay Nettleton
29—Renee Brown
30—Jeanine Robinson
30—Tristan Watkins
30—Geneva White
31—Sue Luttrell
31—Kim Taylor
31—Shelly Warburton
Please join Praiz'n and fellow United
Methodist Church praise bands, on
Saturday, August 16th at 5:00 pm, for a
free contemporary Christian
concert, followed by a spaghetti dinner!
We are asking for dessert donations
from the congregation, please!
August Anniversaries
4—Dave & Joni Clemens
10—Michael & Marilyn Magee
25—Elsa & Raul Gutierrez
29—Dan & Joyce Brown
31—Mike & Mary Ann Cox