February 2015 - First Congregational Church


February 2015 - First Congregational Church
February 2015
Monthly Newsletter of the
First Congregational Church UCC
Greetings from Dr. Bob
Mark Your
Communion Sunday
Laity Sunday
Ash Wednesday Service
Stronger than Before: A
Gift of Hope Benefit
Blue Skies
There’s nothing like blue skies in the middle of a west Michigan winter,
largely because they can be elusive. Betty and I lived in Florida for 7
years, and sometimes we would hope for a few days of gray skies and
gentle rain to break the monotony of uninterrupted sunshine. Can you
I have a blue-sky kind of offer for you. No, I’m not raffling off a
Caribbean cruise for mid-March. I’m offering some sunshine for your
soul as we open our eyes to Lent. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on
February 18 and awakens to the blue-sky dawn of Easter on April 5th.
For 5 Wednesday evenings beginning February 25 we will rediscover
The Heart of Christianity, using a book by that name, written by
Marcus Borg. Borg is a well-known professor, writer, and speaker who
has a reputation for being quite liberal. I have learned over the
decades that we can learn much from Christians all along the
conservative-to-liberal spectrum. I have a major disagreement with
one of Borg’s ideas about the Bible, but at the same time his
interpretation of some basic truths is wonderfully rich, clarifying and
We will cover only about half the book, but you will be enriched if you
read all 225 pages, so I encourage you to buy it now and start reading.
If you want to order it through the church, let us know (see below) and
we will order on February 9 so the books will be here with plenty of
time to begin.
Ask yourself, “When is the last time I spent an appreciable amount of time learning more about my
faith, and WHY DOES THAT MATTER?” If Lent is anything, it is a season to remember why our faith
matters, and why we need to grow in it.
Here are the 5 topics:
 Born Again: A New Heart
 The Kingdom of God: A Heart of Justice
 Thin Places: Opening the Heart
 Sin and Salvation: Transforming the Heart
 The Heart of the Matter: Practice
The book is $12.00 if you order through the church. Leave your name and contact information. Payment
is due when the books come in. Of course you can place your own order, and if you do, I hope you do it
I’m looking forward to spending some time with you during Lent, opening our eyes to God’s blue skies
for the soul.
Dr. Bob
Stay Tuned for LENT
Lent is the 40-day season leading up to Easter. Its name derives from the Latin word for spring. Because
it originally involved fasting, each Sunday provided a break from that fast and was sometimes called a
“little Easter.” Those 6 Sundays are not counted in the 40 days.
Should Christians give up something for Lent? A better way is to trade off something for Lent.
 Trade off your lunches and use the money saved to help someone who doesn’t have enough food.
 Trade off 30 minutes of TV watching for prayer to tune in to God.
 Trade off your short fuse for some God-given patience.
 Trade off some work time for family-and-friends time.
 Trade off your …. Okay. You get the picture.
Here is the Lenten Calendar:
 February 18 – Ash Wednesday – Worship service, with Communion and Ashes, 6:30 p.m.,
following a tasty, basic supper of soup and bread.
 March 29 – Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem and cleans house!
 March 29-April 4 – Holy Week, including:
 April 2, Maundy Thursday, Jesus introduces the practice of Communion, after washing his
disciples’ feet in an act of servant leadership
 April 3, Good Friday, Jesus is crucified
 April 5, Easter Sunday, Jesus rises from the dead
Some of you will “disappear” during Holy Week, which is also Spring Break week. Hopefully you will find
ways to observe and celebrate that faith-rich week wherever you are. For the rest of you, stay tuned for
our worship schedule for Holy Week. And simply stay tuned, to God and to one another.
Music Ministry
Since I didn’t get an article written last month, here is a belated Thank You to all the ringers and singers that were part of
the December Christmas programs! I was very blessed by the many concerts and services that made the Advent Season
so beautiful and bright. Not only was my life busy, but I sold my house of 14 years in December and moved downtown
St. Joseph on January 19. Life has been far from dull lately!!
Our main February event is a benefit concert entitled Stronger than Before: A Gift of Hope Benefit Concert on Sunday,
February 22 at 4:30 p.m. The concert will feature uplifting music that is based on “HOPE” and will benefit two cancer
organizations and a bereavement center, which provide needed services and support for people and their caregivers
dealing with cancer and grief. We are supporting Handles of Hope, associated with the Marie Yeager Cancer Center of
Lakeland HealthCare, Berrien County Cancer Services, and Lory’s Place Grief Healing and Education Center. It is common
for people to be influenced by Cancer, either in their immediate family or their circle of acquaintances. I am excited to
work on this project because it has potential to speak to everyone. My family was affected by my father’s battle with
pancreatic cancer. Our church is indirectly connected to these organizations through three of our members: Lisa
Bartoszek, director of Lory’s Place; Ruth Beach, founder of the Handles of Hope project; and David Resch, a volunteer for
the annual bike ride at the Berrien County Cancer Services.
The concert’s aim is both to support these organizations and to provide an opportunity to come together and celebrate
the power of healing and joy generated by uplifting music. The concert will include both choral and instrumental music
and will feature the First Congregational Church Chancel Choir, under the direction of Stephen Zork; and the Alleluia and
the Jubilate Ringers, under the direction of Paul Flyger. Guest musicians include Mike Perkins (alto saxophone) and Beth
Oeseburg (violin) from Stevensville; Christina Gibson (flute) from Niles; and Janene Bergen-Bock (soprano) from Chicago.
She will sing Olivia Newton-John’s “Stronger than Before”, the cover title for Newton-John’s album of inspiration and
encouragement for women who have dealt with breast cancer, written after her personal cancer experience. The local
jazz combo, Jazzmin II, under the direction of Steven Reed, will perform three well-known tunes in a jazz setting. The
Andrews University Singers, under the direction of Stephen Zork, will perform the center piece of the program, “This
House of Peace,” composed by Ralph M. Johnson and commissioned for the opening of Portland Oregon’s Sacred Heart
Medical Center in 2008. The words are from patients and family members, and the composition is dedicated to all
healthcare givers.
Please help spread the word and invite your family and friends to this afternoon of support and celebration thru uplifting
Paul Flyger
Director of Music Ministry
February Music Schedule:
Epiphany 4: Communion
Chancel Choir
Epiphany 5: Laity Sunday
Chancel Choir, Jubilate Ringers
Epiphany 6
Chancel Choir
Ash Wednesday Service
Lent 1
Cancer Benefit Concert (4:30 p.m.)
Stronger than Before: A Gift of Hope Benefit Concert
Alleluia Ringers
Health News from Nurse Jan
This coming April, I will be celebrating my third year anniversary as your
Parish Nurse. I am so privileged to serve this membership in this ministry.
The needs and requests for the services of the Parish Nurse have shown
dramatic increases over the last three years. In fact interventions have nearly
tripled from 250 per year to over 600 per year.
What these statistics reveal, in part, is that we are a congregation in need,
and not just for my services. My duties take me into private homes, assisted
living facilities, long term care facilities, our hospitals, and other edifices of
our membership community. As I have worked closely with the Called to
Care Ministry, it has become very apparent that the need for Christian
fellowship and service far outweighs the capability to respond. I see so many
of our congregants, especially our elderly, who are lonely, need assistance
with simple activities, require short-term support with meals, and just long
for human contact.
This message is to appeal to those individuals who want to serve but cannot
commit to a long-term engagement. I’m requesting assistance from those of
you who can occasionally visit with our shut in saints, make a simple meal
and deliver it, converse by phone, drive a member to church and church
functions occasionally, send a few cards for birthdays and other holidays,
deliver ministry gifts or provide countless other blessings.
In Philippians 2:4 Paul challenges us as Christians to “Let each of you look not
only to his own interests, but also to the interests of other.” Our own Six
Practices of a Disciple include these three commissions:
Generous Giving – includes time not only monetary
Selfless Serving – Volunteering
Spiritual Friendship
If you are interested in helping in any of these ways (serving just one time or
a multiple of times), please contact Beth Kenagy at bak73wm@aol.com or
me at nursejan@fccstjoseph.org.
Women’s Bible
News from the Library
Start off the new year by taking time to
visit the church library. There are a
number of books that have been added
since the beginning of last year. The
books that Dr. Bob is using as reference
for his Wednesday night classes are
available to be checked out. The Logan
Center has requested a number of titles
that should be available within the next
few weeks. Look for them near the
Milestone shelf. The Wonder of His
Name – 32 Life-Changing Names of Jesus
with meditations by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
was recently donated.
Thank you to Women’s Fellowship for
continuing to support the library with
their financial support.
Patty Nordberg
Niki Schreiber
“Keepers of the Library”
Women’s Book Club
On February 24, we will be learning about how a
young women survived after the Taliban took control
of Afghanistan. Kamila Sidiqi’s life changed overnight
and after her father and brother were forced to flee;
she became the sole breadwinner for her five siblings.
Banned from school, confined to her home, and
armed only with determination, she picked up a
needle and thread to create a thriving business that
saved their lives. The Dress Maker of Khair Khana by
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon tells the incredible true story
of this unlikely entrepreneur who mobilized her
community under the Taliban. A story of war, it is also
a story of family, faith, and resilience in the face of
despair. Diana Seaman will be leading the discussion
and all women of the church and their friends are
invited to attend. The group meets at 9:30 a.m. in the
Greeting Room.
02 – Sallie Coldren
02 – Caryl Eller
04 – Kimberly Giandiletti
05 – Carol Geldhof
05 – Betty Westmaas
07 – Georgia Haight
11 – Nina Dominy
11 – Adam Parin
12 – Bob Cultice
12 – Shirley Garey
12 – Karen Mitchell
14 – Perry Ballard
15 – Debbie Wood
18 – Sophie Gable
19 – Drew Christy
20 – Jim Meister
21 – Deb Burkhard
22 – Bill Chickering
22 – Nancy Gaynor
22 – Daniel Michaels
23 – Brady Iddings
24 – Greer Armstrong
25 – Jacob Dibkey
25 – Ron Gaynor
26 – Insley McCausland
26 – Karen Molineaux
27 – Carol Johnson
28 – Kim Capes
28 – Walt Waldenmaier
All women of the church
and friends are invited to
join us on Thursday
afternoons at 1:00 p.m.
in the library. This month
we begin a 12-week
study of Who is the Holy
Spirit? by Barbara H.
Knuckles & Ruth Van
Reken. Books are
available for $7.00. This
is an inductive or
discovery approach to
Bible study. Christians
worship one God who is
three distinct persons in
His being – God the
Father, Jesus Christ, the
Son of God, and God the
Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit is more elusive of
the three. Let’s explore
with each other! Call
Patty Nordberg for more
information at
or 429-7297.
A Big Thanks!
We would like to thank
everyone for their cards,
prayers and meals that
you have given us since
Steven’s birth. We are
truly blessed to have
such a wonderful church
Eric, Katie, EJ & Steven
The Logan Center – Some News
Women’s Circle News
The Logan Center has been in our church for two years now. Wow!
What a change they have made in the atmosphere of this place! It’s
exhilarating to see all the dedicated Logan staff and the children with
autism, under the excellent leadership of Kristin Wier. Their formal
name is the “Sonya Ansari Center for Autism,” under the umbrella of
The Logan Center of South Bend.
Women’s Fellowship
Recently an article in the newspaper stated that the Logan Center
bought Stump School from the Benton Harbor School District. What
does that mean? Will our lower level soon be empty as they move to
new quarters? The rest of the story involves, among other things,
exploration of the building’s suitability and usefulness, including the
cost of refurbishing. It is not yet a “done deal.” If all the pieces come
together in the right way, there would still be much time and work
required before it was usable. And even then, that does not
necessarily mean the Center for Autism will vacate our church
facilities. The need is great, and it might mean expanding services,
not necessarily relocating them.
So continue to thank God for the wonderful work and ministry
happening “downstairs” and for the privilege God has given to us to
be a part of it.
Laity Sunday is February 8th
Each year we join with churches across the nation in welcoming our
members to lead us in worship. The clergy are present as well, but as
people in the pew with you. This is a rich and rewarding time,
reminding us that professional clergy are invaluable for continuing
leadership, but God has called us all into a “priesthood of believers”
with gifts to share with all. Let’s truly celebrate Laity Sunday.
It’s a Little Noisy
We have a little noise problem that affects each of us differently. It
happens on Sunday mornings after the service has begun, when the
Liturgist is reading announcements. Those who are just arriving or
others who are gathering in the Narthex forget that their voices carry
quite well, and those in the back pews are picking up words from the
front AND the back. So, as you come to worship, please lower your
voices and keep words to a bare minimum as you enter the Narthex
and the service has begun.
FYI: The Narthex is a fancy word for the “lobby” area just before you
enter the Sanctuary.
And, for you parents, this isn’t directed at you! Kids will be kids, and
we love them in worship. If they make a little noise, no doubt they
are following in the footsteps of Jesus as a boy. Thanks to all.
All women of the church are invited to
join us for our monthly meeting on
Wednesday, February 18 at 9:30 a.m.
in the Greeting Room. We look
forward to seeing you!
Mary Preston Guild
Our next meeting on Wednesday,
February 11 at 1:00 p.m. will be in the
Greeting Room. Forever Books will be
sharing books by Michigan authors. If
you have a book by a Michigan author,
please feel free to bring it. All women
are welcome to join us. Feel free to
bring a friend. Questions? Call Mary
Griffin at 429-1923.
Attention Crock Pot
Join the new women’s group “Church
Ladies” for a crock pot challenge. You
may submit an entry or just enjoy the
delicious food. A winner will be chosen
by the most money collected in their
ballot box. All of the proceeds will
benefit the Benton Harbor Soup
Kitchen. This event will take place on
February 15 at 3:00 p.m. in Fellowship
Hall. Contact Deb Burkhard
debra.burkhard@gmail.com or Beth
Christy beth.christy@yahoo.com to
RSVP an entry or to attend.
Senior Minister
Rev. Dr. Robert Braman
Associate Minister
Rev. Kathryn Nix
September to May
Worship with Nursery
10:25 a.m.
What Our Church is About
The Invitation to Discipleship from Jesus
Christ -- Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you that are weary and
are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you, and learn from me;
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. For my
yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
June – August
Worship with Nursery
9:55 a.m.
We grow as disciples through these 6
 Daily Prayer
 Bible Reading
 Weekly Worship
 Generous Giving
 Selfless Serving
 Spiritual Friendships
Our Vision
As believers in Jesus Christ, we will be
a church of vibrant Christians.
September - April
5:15: p.m. – Beginner Bells
5:45 p.m. – Dinner
6:30 p.m. – Dr. Bob’s Class
Middle High Youth Group
Junior Choir
7:30 p.m. – Chancel Choir
Our Mission
We welcome people to faith in Jesus
Christ to
Discover God
Equip one another for life
Reach inward and outward to serve
Children’s Classes held
during worship.
5:00 p.m. – Alleluia Ringers
6:30 p.m. – Jubilate Bells
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (269) 983-5519
2001 Niles Avenue, Saint Joseph,
WEBSITE: fccstjoseph.org
EMAIL: office@fccstjoseph.org