
A place of Grace. All are Welcome.
March 2014
Mark Your Calendars
The season of Lent is one of the landmarks of my life.
Mission Partner Lutheran World Relief
Mar 1-2
I know landmarks are supposed to be things you can locate on a map. Landmarks are things that
stay in place over the years. They are places that orient you and point you in the direction you
want to go.
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Mar 4
Ash Wednesday
Mar 5
First Sunday of Lent
Mar 9
Midweek Lenten
Supper & Worship
Mar 12
Lent means the year is well underway and not new anymore. Lent brings quiet evening worship
in the middle of the week. Lent gives us time for an honest look at ourselves and our world and
then Lent takes us in the direction of Jesus as he walks the path toward the cross.
Coffee in the Courtyard
at Haven For Hope—
Cookies Needed
Mar 16
This year that path leads us through the Gospel according to John. Along the way, we will meet
Jesus with the people who met Jesus - in person!
“At the Table” Family
Mar 2830
All Church Property
Clean Up Day
Apr 5
Easter Sunday
Apr 20
All Church Picnic at
Raymond Russell Park
Apr 27
Responding to God’s gift
of grace in Jesus Christ
and energized by the
Holy Spirit we
I can’t put Lent on a map. But it is one of the things that has stayed in place in my life. It is one of
the things that orients me.
In person!
In worship we will witness as Jesus stops to listen -- Jesus with Nicodemus, in person.
We will listen as Jesus reflects on questions -- Jesus with the woman at the well, in person.
We will see Jesus reach out to bless with healing -- Jesus with the man born blind, in person.
And then we will join Jesus to share human grief -- Jesus with Martha and Mary, in person.
The season of Lent is a landmark, orienting us toward Jesus, the One we seek to follow and inviting us to come in person.
A special opportunity to come together in person during Lent is
Wednesday evening supper at 5:30 and worship at 7:00. Come and
bring friends to share faith and fellowship in person! Come for a nourishing meal; come for quiet prayer; come for a renewal of hope. Be
touched in person by Jesus’ assurance:
For where two or three are gathered in my name,
I am there among them. -Matthew 18:20
Give, and
Grow in Faith.
In Christ, Pastor Dawn
Page 2
B A P T I S M A L PR O M I S E S . B A P T I S M A L L I V I N G . A L E N T E N D I S C I P L I N E
“Child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and
marked with the cross of Christ forever.” ELW page 231
These words remind us that in Baptism we are claimed by God.
Being marked with the cross of Christ and sealed by the Spirit, we
have received a new identity and the story of Jesus becomes our
story! With water dripping from our brow, we are called to live
our lives, striving to be Christ-like in every word and action. The
good news is that God does not leave us empty handed as we go
forth from the font. For many of us, parents and sponsors walked
with us as we began this journey. As time passed we confirmed
those baptismal promises. During the season of Lent, a time traditionally set apart for those preparing for baptism, we are reminded that living the baptismal promises is not seasonal…it is
lifelong journey.
What are the baptismal promises?
and deed…We share our time and talents in service, talking
about our faith in our homes and with others out in the world,
offering encouragement to those with any need, and inviting others to the church where Christ is proclaimed as Lord.
Serve all people following the example of Jesus…At the
heart of Jesus’ ministry is service. To truly serve means placing
yourself last, embracing humility, and being involved in the lives
of others. We have an excellent model in Christ.
Strive for justice and peace in all the earth…We are called
to try to ease suffering in the world. A justice mindset is one way
we practice our faith. A mindset and a heart filled with peace is
faith in practice.
In the waters of Baptism a lifelong journey began. The Baptismal
promises describe how to travel daily.
During the season of Lent, you are invited to share and deepen
To live among God’s faithful people… It takes a community.
your understanding of baptism during the SunBeing a Child of God is a way of life that is learned living in a comday school hour. Join us each week as we dismunity of faith. Walking wet is an enculturation process, and folcuss the baptismal promises and how they are a
lowing the baptismal promises are ways we learn to live our faith.
driving force behind our relationship with God
To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supand with each other. Find strength in some
per…In worship, in Sunday School, in Bible study we hear God’s new behaviors, disciplines, tools, activities, or
word and find our place in God’s story. In Holy Communion we
practices. Come and discover how to live out
are reminded of the presence of Jesus in us and God’s unending
this lifelong journey with God.
mercy and grace.
Living in the promise,
Proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word
Pastor Steve
A N N O U N C I N G — D r . S h e l b i e S i m m on s , M i n i s t e r o f M u s i c
We were blessed to have been chosen to lead the search process
for our Minister of Music. It is an exciting time in the life and
ministry of Abiding Presence as we welcome Dr. Shelbie Simmons
to our staff. Dr. Simmons comes to us with a wide variety of skills
and gifts, among which is a powerful presence on organ and piano, as well as a PhD in conducting. Shelbie joins this place of
grace where all are welcome as an apt facilitator and proficient
musician, but more importantly as a minister, saying, “I have a
passion for combining theology and music and constantly engaging people. Everyone has something to contribute to the
worship and music process, and I strive to include everyone.”
The Search Committee truly felt the Spirit calling Dr. Simmons to
join this community of faith. A special thank you to Beth
Billnitzer, Sally Mask, Jason Scarlett, Jackie Henning, and Pastor
Steve Cox, for interviewing multiple candidates, organizing the
search process, and discerning the needs for Abiding Presence’s
future music ministry. Thank you to the Personnel Committee
and Executive Council for their discussion and negotiations enabling Abiding Presence to move into the next stage of ministry. Please keep Dr. Simmons and the congregation of Resurrection Lutheran Church in your prayers as they say their goodbyes.
In God's Love, Jordan and Sigrid Stern
Here is a message to Abiding Presence from Shelbie
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at APLC,
Last Sunday morning, as I contemplated the call to come serve
as your new Minister of Music, the words of the second lesson
spoke directly to me.
1 Corinthians 3: 5-11 What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned
to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. The one who plants
and the one who waters have common purpose, and each will
receive wages according to the labor of each. For we are God’s
servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.
According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master
builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it.
Each builder must choose with care how to
build on it. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid;
that foundation is Jesus Christ.
I leave a position that has a rich worship
and music tradition, as you all do. Four
Directors of Worship and Music at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Plano, TX, did
(Continued on page 5)
Page 3
More than half a century ago, World War II left an estimated one
-fifth of the world’s Lutherans homeless. Here in the United
States, Lutheran churches in 20 states mobilized to help in Europe through a new agency called Lutheran World Relief.
Today, LWR works to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering around the world through its six major program areas: Water, Agriculture, Health & Livelihoods, Emergencies, Climate,
and Civic Participation.
With 100 local partners, LWR works to improve harvests, health
and education in 35 countries each year. LWR partners train
local women and men to produce local foods, dig low-cost wells
and protect and restore their local environments. Some partners
are small village groups on the edge of the Sahara. Others are
nationwide programs that may reach across the Andes.
Over the course of 60 years, LWR has learned that the future in
health, agriculture and education often lies with the hearts and
hands of women and that disaster can sometimes be prevented
or withstood by effective development programs. When disasters do occur, LWR partners are often on the spot well before the
world notices and remain long after the crisis no longer commands front-page headlines.
Abiding Presence has an active group of ladies who love to quilt
and who welcome others to come cut, pin, or stitch. This year,
through your donations of materials and their stitching, Abiding
Presence will send 100 quilts to LWR in April. And, we plan to
send 50 Personal Care Kits and 100 School Kits. For families
who have lost everything due to a natural disaster or violence,
small items of comfort—a warm quilt, a bar of soap, a set of pencils and paper—let them know someone across the sea cares.
How can you get involved?
On the weekend of March 1-2, samples of the quilts and kits will
be displayed. You can help by donating items for the kits or with
a financial gift which will benefit the LWR Shipping Fund and
the LWR ministry at Abiding Presence. And, you can come
help pack all the quilts and kits on March 11 at 9:30 in
the morning.
Check out the website lwr.org for more information on other
ways to be involved through purchasing Fair Trade Products,
giving an LWR gift, or supporting the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.
The LWR website says, “No matter what you are able to do to
help, someone, somewhere in the world, will always remember
your kindness. And the more people that get involved, the faster
we will end poverty, injustice and suffering.”
Bill Rainville Memorial Golf Tournament & Fundraiser
On April 25, we will gather at Northcliffe Golf Club for a day of
fun. Come at noon to warm up with a complimentary bucket of
balls, followed by 18 holes of golf, a barbecue dinner and awards
ceremony. Drawings for donated prizes will round out the day.
All for only $65.00.
The tournament proceeds will benefit our April Mission Partner,
Operation Comfort, a local group that provides recreational
rehabilitative services and financial assistance for wounded Service Members while they receive treatment at Brooke Army
Medical Center and Audie Murphy VA Hospital.
Registration forms will be available in early March. You can
support the tournament by registering and playing or by sponsoring the registration fees for a wounded hero. Businesses can
purchase a hole sponsorship. And, donations of all kinds will be
gladly accepted for the prize drawings. Registrations forms will
be available early in March. For more information, contact Sophie Rainville at 496-3231 or rainvilleb@sbcglobal.net
More Golfing fun …
The Board of Directors for Lutheran Campus Ministry in San
Antonio is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Benefit Golf Tournament
on Saturday, March 22 at Northcliffe Golf Club. Register on line
at www.LCMSA.org Invite a friend
and help support one of our APLC
Mission Partners. Contact Mike
Ceyanes if you’d like to play on an
APLC team.
Page 4
Sunday School News
Each Sunday, as we read stories about
Jesus and his friends, we learn lessons. In the 3rd-5th grade Sunday
School class, the students learned about
Jesus' lesson of putting our relationships first. Jesus said..."first be reconciled to your brother." We said that
means to FIX our FRIENDSHIPS first. We role played how an
argument might develop between friends and how to make up
with friends after an argument. This group of young students has
a lot of fun each week in Sunday School. Come and join the
learning and fun.
Vacation Bible School
June 23rd - 27th, 9:00—11:30 a.m..
Invite your friends for a week of discovering welcome and care,
laughter and surprise in Bible stories every day. There will be
games and crafts, adventures and activities, snacks and songs for
ages 3 years through 5th grade and grown up helpers. All are
Cross Trails Day Camp
July 7—11, 9:00—3:00
Cross Trails leaders bring camp to Abiding Presence for 1st—5th
Adult Study Groups
Monday Night Women’s Bible Study—“Missing Pieces—
Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense.” The study continues through March 17. Contact Kay Davidson for more
details. katiedid331@hotmail.com
Coed Wednesday night Bible Study Come for dinner on
Wednesdays and stay for adult study—time change during
Lent 6:00 pm. Child care is available.
Bible Story Tellers! This group is meeting regularly
through Lent learning Bible stories “by heart.” A series of
stories will be shared during worship through Lent. Talk to
Pastor Dawn if you are interested in participating..
Grace Circle—This Women’s Bible study group meets on
the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in room 206.
Joy Bible Study—Women’s Bible study and fellowship
group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
in room 206.
March 28-30
Kids, bring your parents! Parents, bring your kids! This is a firstannual All-Ages Family Retreat. We are headed to “Linnets’
Wings” - one of the sites at HEB Foundation Camp. It has bunk
house-style dorms for sleeping, indoor-outdoor deck for eating
and lots of space to hike and play and be on the river. And the
best part about it is that it is free!!! All we have to bring is our
food. So come and help start a new APLC tradition!
The Retreat will bring us all together around the meal table for
food and fellowship and for exploring four Bible stories that take
place at the table.
Jesus ate with his followers often. He used those meals at the
table to grow their understanding of who they were called to be.
As we discuss those stories and participate in activities related to
them, we will be inspired by what we see and hear! You will take
home experiences that will enhance your family’s faith practices
at home.
In between times at the table, families can explore the trails of
Frio canyon, try out a canoe or a kayak on the Frio River, be creative and build a bird feeder to take home, and spend time together
outdoors or indoors. Just before bedtime we will gather around
the campfire for s’mores and prayers under the stars.
We hope this family retreat spent at the table will be a blessing
for families in the midst of the Lenten season. To see a schedule
for the retreat weekend, go to aplc.org and click on calendar, date
and event or call the church office and we will send you a schedule. Linnets’ Wings houses 75 people. Sign up soon! The last day
to register is Sunday, March 2.
For more information or to sign up, call or email Mike Ceyanes
(494-8884 or Mike_the_youth_guy@hotmail.com) or Pastor
Dawn (830-200-9824 or dawns@aplc.org)
February Confirmation Retreat
Page 5
by Mike Ceyanes
The theme of this year’s combined 6th, 7th, 8th grade confirmation retreat was The Family of Faith in Christ: Living and
Growing Together in Community. The discussion and object
lessons were designed for our young people to think about how
you live together in a faith community.
The Plank Challenge
We all live in various communities in our everyday lives; the
people you work with, maybe an alumni association of some
kind, school, friends, maybe you play a sport, or perform with a
musical group. We are all entrenched in many communities. So
why is our faith community any different? As a community of
believers it is important for all of us to build each other up in
this world that sometimes feels like we are tearing each other
down to get ahead. My mom always told me, “It takes the same
amount of effort to give someone a helping hand as it does to
push someone down.” Youth ministry, at it’s core is providing a
space for young people to feel comfortable, safe, ask questions,
learn, and grow. This retreat gives our young people time to
know each other better and work together in a reaffirming place.
The youth participated in several relationship building activities
during the retreat with the purpose of getting them to do things
that are uncomfortable for some of them. Getting an 8th grader
to talk to a 6th grader or an adult is sometimes like trying to give
a cat a bubble bath. The concept that we can all learn from one
another’s experiences is sometimes a strange thought for people.
But, when you have to all work together to accomplish one goal
it sometimes breaks down the walls we build around ourselves
and allows us to be real and genuine in the moment.
The A-Frame challenge is an activity where a small group of
youth have to communicate and cooperate to move participants,
one at a time, across the course. One person stands on the
wooden frame while the rest of the group balances them with
ropes hanging from the top of the A-Frame. If the group works
together you can shift your weight and move the A-Frame across
the course without the rider falling off. All of the groups completed the challenge. (That does not always happen)
As our young people grow they will face many difficult challenges. Having a faith community to lean on for support and guidance during those tough times is a great blessing. This retreat
helps to plant the seed for our young people to realize it’s ok to
ask for help and rely on others. We can learn, pray, play, help,
work, and live together as children of God.
Retreats allow our young people to get away from their everyday
lives and focus on what is right in front of them. We ask them to
leave the electronic world alone for the weekend and concentrate
on one idea: what it means to be a Baptized Child of God. It is
time spent encouraging them to stop going through life looking
down at a screen, asking them to look up, and participate in the
community around them.
Thank you to all of the adult sponsors that make our youth
events possible. Your support, hard work, and patience make it
possible for our young people to learn and grow in faith.
The Log Challenge
The A-Frame Challenge
Minister of Music –continued
(Continued from page 2)
planting and watering a long time before I came in 2008.
Together we grew in God’s grace, and now it’s time for me
to move forward and serve a new congregation that has a
strong worship and music tradition as well – that means you
at Abiding Presence Lutheran Church!
When I came the weekend of Jan. 18/19 to lead the music
in worship, I was struck by the energy and joy I saw in all of
your faces as together we shared in word and sacrament.
Your love of hymns and liturgy, old and new, and your love
of each other was apparent. Your Sanctuary Choir, Handbells, Cantor (Jackie), and Pastors Steve and Dawn were
committed to give their best efforts in praise to God.
I believe there is a place for everyone to share their gifts
and grow in God’s grace. Please plan to stop and chat with
me when I get to APLC in May. Share your hopes and
dreams, and ways we can grow the APLC Music Ministry together in God’s Grace.
Yours in Christ,
Shelbie Simmons
Page 6
You still have time to buy tickets for the Day School’s Annual Silent Auction and Family Night, coming up on March 6th. Besides
a wonderful catered meal by Annemarie’s catering, we will have
some great items to bid on for the Silent Auction- golf, restaurants, boys and girls bikes, Family Night basket, Wonder world
tickets, wine tasting and so much more!! Bidding will begin at
1:00 pm on Thursday, March 6th – so even if you can’t make it to
the dinner – you can still bid! The most important part of the
evening is the fellowship that we share with one another – IT IS A
made a class mural depicting their favorite dinosaurs and what
the dinosaur’s habitat would have looked like (volcanoes, trees,
bushes etc.). Also, we did an activity about our bones and how
important bones are to the human body. We learned that bones
give our bodies their shape. Also, bones help protect our organ
systems and help us to run and jump. The children figured out
that eating healthy foods would give us healthy bones. Another
large group activity we did was to compare our footprints to an
Apatosaurus footprint. We did a brainstorming activity and used
phrases like: What is faster than a dinosaur? What is taller than
a dinosaur? What is shorter than a dinosaur?
News from the 3’s class
During Chapel, Pastor Steve told us the story of Joseph and his
For the month of February we studied the world of dinosaurs.
coat of many colors. This story reminds us that it’s important
This was some of the most fun so far this year. To start, we
to forgive.
wanted to see what the children already knew about dinosaurs.
We recorded their responses in a poster which is displayed on
the door outside the classroom. The children learned that dinosaurs roamed the earth a very long time ago and that some dinosaurs ate plants (herbivores), some ate meat (carnivores) and
some ate both plants and meat (omnivores). We looked at lots
of pictures of dinosaurs. We saw that some had horns, spikes,
claws, wings and even flippers. After learning about the differJ A N Ugot
B Itheir
R T Hfavorite.
ent types of dinosaurs, the children
Our Dramatic Play Center has turned into a campsite. Be careful where you walk. You just might step on a rattle snake! In
our Science Center, the children get to be Paleontologists. The
children take turns using brushes to excavate dinosaurs and dinosaur fossils (we even made our own). As a group, the children
by Pat Bjornson
Check out our book cart for novels by Lauraine Snelling. We recently ordered several of her newest fiction. Most of her novels
are set in North Dakota in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and
the locales are familiar to many of our APLC members who come
from “up north.”
Lent begins this month, and you can find a good selection of Lenten and Holy Week meditations by Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Walter Wangerin and others on the cart. Max Lucado has
written several books about Holy Week and Easter. We have six
of them in our library; two of these are also in large print editions.
Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury and Cassidy, Jessie, and
Texas Sky, all by Lori Wick, are also new to our library.
Blessed Is She: Living Lent with Mary by Tim Perry is written from Mary’s perspective. Ann Weem’s Kneeling in Jerusalem is a very fine book of poetry about Holy Week.
We have almost all of Janette Oke’s books in our library. Several
of them have been made into movies and can be seen on TV’s
Also on the book cart this month are several children’s books
Hallmark Channel. You can find DVDs of Love’s Abiding Joy, about Easter. You can find the cart in the hall near the church
Love’s Enduring Promise, Love’s Long Journey and others offices.
on the book cart this month.
Page 7
APLC Staff
Steven J. Cox
A Workshop for high school students and their parents
Understanding College Admissions and Financial Aid
Dawn Silvius
The workshop is free. To sign up, contact TLU Church Relations, Becky Hruza
(RHruza@TLU.edu 830.372.8160)
Jazz Lab Band of Gustavus Adolphus College
in Concert at Abiding Presence
Sue Evans
Business Manager
Gaye Hank
Communications Manager
Frances Harrelson
Day School Director
Executive Council
Tuesday, April 1st, 7:00 pm
Michael Guerrero
Executive Director
Curtis Ruder
Assistant Executive Director
Cory Rodriguez
Make plans now to come to APLC for a wonderful jazz
concert presented by the Jazz Lab Band of Gustavus
Adolphus College. This band has a history that dates
back 90 years, when jazz was new and the country
was roaring through the 1920’s. Jazz has developed over the decades and so has the
repertoire of the band. From cool to hot, they play it all! They are on tour in early
April (escaping the last weeks of winter in Minnesota) and will be spending several days
in San Antonio.
Sandy Musk
Music Associate
Mike Ceyanes
Minister of Youth
Presenter: Tom Oliver, Vice President for Enrollment Services at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin. Mr. Oliver is an “insider” to the college admissions process having spent 25
years on Admissions staffs for SMU, Southwestern, TCU, and Trinity. Mr. Oliver will be
available after the workshop for individual consultation.
Minister of Music
Invite your friends and neighbors to this free workshop sponsored by Southwestern Texas
Synod and Church Relations at TLU. Workshop topics will include:
How to find the college that is right for you
How to fill out a strong application
Understanding Financial Aid and the FAFSA
Some DOs and DON’Ts to remember
Sunday, March 16, 2—4 p.m.at Abiding Presence
Roger Schievelbein
On the third Sunday of each month a group from Abiding Presence will take coffee
and cookies to serve to guests in the Courtyard. Adults are invited to serve by going along
and families and folks of all ages can help by baking homemade cookies to send along.
Each third weekend of the month, there will be tables for “Haven For Hope” cookies in the
narthex and in the gym. Cookie bakers—mark your calendars!
Please contact Pastor Dawn if you have questions or would like to participate.
That afternoon APLC folks served about 300 cups of coffee
and many more cookies to about 200 guests. Some of the
guests asked, “When are you coming again?” The answer to
that question is “March 16th.”
On February 16th, fourteen members of Abiding Presence
took coffee and homemade cookies to serve to the Courtyard guests, ready to share a word of care along with the
Ministry Action Teams
Every day and every night in San Antonio hundreds of people are making their way in the
world without permanent shelter and without enough resources. The Courtyard at Haven
for Hope provides meals, a place to sleep at night and a place to rest during the day.
Sandy Liwang
Sharon Hensel
Care and Nurture
Jordan & Sigrid Stern
Worship, Arts, & Music
Dianna Hopkins
Becca Cox
Faith Formation
March, 2014
Nonprofit Org. U.S.
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Worship Times
8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Sundays in Lent —
March 4—6:30-8:00 pm
In Person
Come! Get ready for your Lenten journey
with a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday,
the day before Lent begins. It’s a day of penitence, to clean the
soul, and a day of celebration, to clean the pantry. Long ago,
eating pancakes became a custom as they are the perfect way to
use up rich foods such as eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting
season. Our middle and high school youth will serve pancakes
from 6:30—8:00 pm in the gym. Freewill offerings help our
middle school youth with summer confirmation camp costs.
Ash Wednesday Worship
March 5
12:15 and 7:00 pm
Marked with the cross of Christ in person
Lent begins with ashes suggesting our human mortality and
frailty. But, what seems like an ending is really an invitation to
make each day a new beginning, in which we are washed in
God’s mercy and forgiveness. Come, worship, and begin your
journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. Both worship times
include Holy Communion and imposition of ashes.
Jesus meets Nicodemus, a Samaritan Woman,
a blind man, and Lazarus In Person, challenging each to new ways. Jesus meets us, too, In Person each day.
Wednesdays in Lent —
Making Change
Change is a constant in our lives. Sometimes gradual, sometimes
in the blink of an eye. We choose to make some changes while
others are forced on us. Christ did not come to earth to maintain
the status quo, but rather to usher in a change.
March 12
March 19
March 26
April 2
April 9
Change of Season
Change of Habit
Change of Circumstances
Change of Heart
Change of Plans
5:30—6:30 Soup and Sandwich Supper
6:00—6:45 Adult Bible study
7:00—7:30 Worship
All youth choirs follow normal schedule. Sanctuary choir rehearses following worship. Nursery available 5:00—7:30.