Here Today . . . . Here Tomorrow - First Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia


Here Today . . . . Here Tomorrow - First Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia
Volume 65 Number 39
Congregations that approach financial
stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view
the money Christians give to their church merely as a
way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see
financial contributions as a way to help people grow
spiritually in their relationship with God by
supporting their church’s mission and ministry with
a percentage of their incomes.
Our congregation’s finance committee now begins
the annual stewardship campaign with the above in
mind. We hope you will seriously consider your 2015
giving over this next month so we can prepare our
budget for 2015.
Commitment Sunday will be on Sunday, October
26. During morning worship on that Sunday we are
asking our attendees and members to make their
financial commitments to our church’s missionary,
benevolent, and educational ministries in this
community and around the world.
Every attendee and member who completes an
Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by
attending morning worship on Commitment Sunday.
We urge you to attend even if you feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in
such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card.
We will do no home solicitation to ask people to
complete cards. During morning worship Rev.
Ronnie Brewer will conduct a brief period of
instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members
making their commitments as a confidential act of
We encourage participation in Commitment
Sunday events. Since we will make no follow-up
visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will
make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit
everyone to attend Sunday worship on October 26.
© 2014 First Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia
October 2 , 2014
Immediately following morning worship,
everyone is invited to a free dinner at Athens Steak
House. Please remember to make reservations for
the luncheon, by calling the church office before
Wednesday, October 20, 2014.
The finance committee is confident that 2015 will
be an even more successful year than 2014 through
your continued generous giving. Thanks in advance
for your enthusiastic participation in Commitment
Sunday events.
Tom Makres, M.D.
Finance & Stewardship Chair
Here Today . . . . Here Tomorrow
Make plans to attend
Commitment Sunday
October 26, 2014
The Kearfott Legacy
The Bristol Historical Association and the Arts Alliance
Mountain Empire will jointly sponsor a program Monday,
October 6, 2014 at 6 p.m. in the J. Henry Kegley Meeting
Room of the Bristol Public Library. William J. Wade will
present a Power Point slide presentation entitled "The
Kearfott Legacy" identifying the accomplishments of two
eminent twentieth century Bristol architects, father and son,
both named Clarence B. Kearfott. The program will
emphasize the artistic versatility of these two men and show
the wide variety of types of buildings which they designed –
homes, schools, churches, offices, hotels, government
buildings, and industrial complexes. First Baptist Church is a
featured design in the presentation. Some original plans and
other memorabilia will also be on display.
The yard sale was a huge
success. Total we raised $5,000.
A very special thanks goes out to
everyone who donated items,
helped price and organize
merchandise, contributed to concessions goods,
made purchases, and worked the sale. We are
very excited about the enthusiasm
we’ve seen to grow our youth and children’s
programs and your commitment is inspiring.
Thank you again for all you do.
Our fall festival is scheduled for Wednesday,
October 29. This is a wonderful event for
everyone, young and old, to participate in. Ben
will be recruiting volunteers in Sunday School
to help with games and activities, alongside the
youth. Be sure and let him know if you’d like to
In conjunction with our First Mondays outings, join us
on Monday, October 6, for a trip to Shatley Springs.
We will leave the church at 8 a.m. and have breakfast
at the Shatley Springs Restaurant and Inn. We will also
travel a few miles to Jefferson, NC, to view some beautiful Fresco paintings after breakfast. Please call the
church by Friday, October 3, to hold your spot.
We would like to wish a warm
welcome to Jeff Franklin and
Eric and Jennifer Rouse, along
with their children, Elizabeth and
Eric. They joined First Baptist on
Sunday, September 28, 2014.
There are children at Highland View Elementary,
Bristol, Virginia, in need of gently used or new
clothing for 5 and 6 year olds. Pants and underpants
are especially needed and any sizes in the range for 5
and 6 year olds are welcomed. You may drop your
donations off at the school or at the church.
Lost Boy: My Story by Greg Laurie
has been donated to our library by
Tracey Talbert. Like many who
came of age in the 1960’s, Greg
Laurie was on a search for the
meaning of life. Born out of wedlock
to beautiful Charlene McDaniel, an alcoholic who
married seven times, Greg started drinking and taking
drugs to escape the insecurity and dysfunction of his
family. However, his life was suddenly and
dramatically changed when he met a group of young
Christians on his high school campus in Newport
Beach, CA. Greg shares his disappointments, healing
and growth and how he came to start a ministry that
has touched millions of people. Franklin Graham says
“Greg’s life is a picture of God’s grace, protection and
love for a lost boy… His story will touch your heart in
a profound way.”
OCTOBER 8, 2014
5 P.M.
The cost is $7 per person with a $15 max for
families. We MUST have reservations for
those not on the standing list and cancellations by
Menu: BBQ Sandwiches, chips, cole slaw, vanilla wafer
Light Menu: BBQ Pork, baked potato
The Church at Worship
11 a.m.
October 5
“Jesus, Us, and the Poor”
Matt 6: 1-4
Kids: Grilled cheese, chips
NOTE: With two options each week, if you choose the
lighter menu, you must make a reservation through the church
office by Tuesday at noon. The light menu will only be
prepared for those reserving it.
Our Quarterly Business Meeting will
be held on Sunday, October 19, after the
morning worship service when there
will be a luncheon provided. According
to our church’s by-laws, chairs of teams
and boards are asked to give a quarterly
report of the group’s activities. The
report can be either written or oral. If
the report is written, please give a copy
to the church office so copies can be
made for the membership. If at all possible, please
submit the report no later than October ???? . The
information you share will be helpful in keeping the
membership informed of what is happening in our
Carter Family Fold
On Saturday, November 1, a trip has
been planned to visit the Carter Family
Fold to see Wayne Henderson and Friends
with Jeff Little. The show starts at 7:30
p.m. Admission is $10 per person, $1 for
children age 6 to 11, under age 6 is
free. If you are interested in attending,
please contact the church office
as soon as possible, so that we
can arrange transportation.
Would you like to learn more about FBC Bristol?
Then we welcome you to a luncheon on Sunday,
October 12, following the morning worship in
Rosser Hall. There is no cost for the lunch, and child
care is available. Please contact the church office by
Thursday, October 10, if you would like to attend.
We would love to spend time with you and help you
know more of our mission and values here at FBC.
The office will be closed on Monday, October 6,
from 2-5 p.m. due to a scheduled power outage.
Alma Hunt Offering
for Virginia Missions
Sunday, October 5, is your last chance to contribute
to this year’s Alma Hunt offering. This is a wonderful
opportunity to bless others thru missions in the state
of Virginia. To date, we have given $1,765.
If you haven’t already, please consider a gift to
this wonderful cause.
Deacon Elections
Sunday, October 19
Our Staff
Rev. Ronnie Brewer
Rev. Ben Ondrak
Mr. Eric D. Hicks
Mrs. Angie Hicks
Ms. Jackie Crum
Associate Pastor
Minister of Music
Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kay LaSpina
Mr. Dennis Thomas
Ms. Terri Thomas
Mrs. Jean Widener
Mrs. Nola Woods
Administrative Assistant
Parish Nurse
Church Phone : 276.669.8191
Fax: 276.669.5082
One Virginia Street
P.O. Box 116
Bristol, VA 24203
Extended Session - October 5, 2014
Deacon of the Week for October 5 - 11
Linda Sprouse and Hannah Chandler
Amy Fuller and Emily Fuller
Jamie and Kellie Rock
Elementary-Aged Sunday School
Chris and Lisa White
Elementary-Aged Children’s Church
Ben Ondrak and Pam Kerr
Misty Hawk
The Record September 28, 2014
Weekly Budget Needs ............................ $ 8,982.00
Giving This Week .................................... $ 5,881.00
Same Sunday last year ........................ $ 14,481.00
Budget Needs to Date .......................... $350,298.00
Giving to Date ...................................... $346,353.00
Giving to Date vs. Budget
Needs to Date …….………….…………. $ (3,945.00)
Next Week for October 12 - 18
Gene Eller
Ushers for the Month of October
Head Usher: Dean Cloyd 423-968-3462
Ron and Joan Guest, Brian Hayes,
Dennis and Sandy Leonard,
Chris and Lisa White
Bryan and Misty Hawk
If you are unable to serve, please contact
the head usher.