Temple Baptist Church
Temple Baptist Church
Temple Baptist Church Mrs. Dawn Seegars, Worship Leader Dawn@templebaptistfay.com Rev. Kelly Bullard, Senior Pastor Kelly@templebaptistfay.com Ms. Sandra Davis, Church Secretary Sandra@templebaptistfay.com Rev. Brian Dawson, Pastor of Students & Education Brian@templebaptistfay.com Church Staff Contact Information: August, 2011 A Word From the Pastor... What’s So Special About Sunday School? Summer Series Continues… “Fast Forward Faith” 3159 Sanderosa Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28312 910-483-7620 www.templebaptistfay.com NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID Fayetteville, NC Permit No. 191 T e mp l e B a p t i st C h u r ch Join Pastor Kelly as he continues his summer sermon series, Fast A Note From The Worship Leader… “True worship is not sitting in a pew on Sunday morning. It’s our response to God’s grace in our lives.” Forward Faith. This series In my 37 years I have been very fortunate with appliances. I can only remember a short period of time when a malfunctioning washer took me on several adventures to the Laundromat. Although the first couple of times it was interesting to watch different people, and fun to have all the laundry done at one time, the novelty quickly wore off. The mundane tasks of bundling dirty socks and towels, saving quarters, and lugging around detergent became much more of a dreaded chore than an adventure. Little did I know those few weeks without a washing machine would be God’s way of preparing me for a mission experience. On any given Saturday there are groups of people all over the Fayetteville area on mission to show the love of Jesus in area Laundromats. These people use their own money, or donated money, to purchase rolls of quarters and detergent. They offer these gifts to Laundromat patrons, and lend a helping hand or a listening ear, all in the name of Jesus. One man has been so touched by this Laundromat ministry, which started through Operation Inasmuch, that he is writing a play about it. The play will be presented this fall as a dinner theater, and all of the proceeds will be given back to Operation Inasmuch. Thanks to Ron and Joan Denning and their dedication to Inasmuch, I was introduced to this wonderful ministry, and have able to be involved in the planning of this exciting event. I would challenge you to begin now praying for ways that you can get involved in this or some other ministry. I would love to share with each of you how God is moving and working, and how you can help. God is working all around us. It’s up to us to get involved. We don’t have to have grand ideas for some huge new ministry project. We just have to jump in where God is! True worship is not sitting in a pew on Sunday morning. It’s our response to God’s grace in our lives. I think that’s worth a few rolls of quarters and a couple hours on a Saturday morning. I want to be His hands and feet. Do you? Dawn is an in depth study through For centuries Sunday School has been an important part in the health and growth of the local church. It all began in Britain in the 1780’s when Robert Raikes, an English Anglican Evangelical, began working with small, underprivileged children. Sunday Schools began as literal schools. Religious education was always the core component to the classes and the Bible was used as the textbook for reading. Likewise, many children learned to write by copying passages from the Scriptures. After the establishment of state education, reading and writing were learned at school during the weekdays and the Sunday School curriculum was limited to religious education. Today, Sunday School has broadened its scope to include all ages, from children to senior adults. In the twenty-first century, it seems that some have tried to undermine the importance of Sunday School in the local church. Let me briefly share with you 3 reasons why I believe Sunday School is so vitally important. Reason #1: Sunday School provides a basic systematic study of the Scriptures at a level of understanding for every particular age group. Every class is intentionally organized around a specific age or life stage group. The teaching materials chosen are unique and particular to that individual group. This ensures that everyone, from our children to our senior adults, is receiving the most benefit from the lesson. Reason #2: Sunday School provides an opportunity for group discussion and personal the book of James. Come application of the Scriptures. One of the beauties of Sunday School is that each member has the freedom to contribute to the discussion as he or she feels appropriate. Our Sunday worship as we see where faith and services do not allow an opportunity for questions, discussion, or personal feedback. Sunday life connect! This series could quite possibly be a catalyst for significant spiritual growth in your life. Don’t miss it! School, however, is the perfect place for this interaction to take place. Reason #3: Sunday School provides for fellowship and care giving for each member of the class. We know that fellowship is an important component of a healthy church. In each class, members are afforded the opportunity to build strong, healthy relationships with each other. These groups also allow members to care for each other during times of sickness, personal crisis, or other times of special need. I’ve heard it time and time again, “My Sunday School class is as close as my own family…we are a family!” These are just a few of the reasons why Sunday School is so important. Let me encourage you to give Sunday School a try. Next month (September) we will kick-off our new Sunday School year. If you are not currently active in a group, I hope you’ll seriously consider making an effort to try Sunday School. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with all of our classes and I know you’ll be encouraged in your walk with Christ. If you have any questions about which class would be best for you, please contact our Minister of Education and Students, Pastor Brian Dawson at Brian@templebaptistfay.com or call 483-7620. Pastor Kelly New Members Mitch & Shauna Hair 5031 Highbranch Ct. Stedman, NC 28391 910-988-6452 Children: Mikel & Amanda New Church Directory Look around! Have you noticed all of the new faces here? Sometimes it can be difficult remembering everyone’s name, but a church directory always helps put a name with a face! On Sunday, August 7, we will begin scheduling appointments for photo sessions for our new church directory. Pictures will be taken on Sept. 9,10,16,17. You will be able to schedule your individual or family picture to be taken on one of these dates. For more information, please see Nell Hollingsworth, Denise Davis or Joan Denning. You may also call the church office at 483-7620. Children’s Choir Summer Update Save the Date for our Ladies Hospitality Dinner Join us on Sundays for “Camp Branches Music and Fun!” We are working on a new musical that will be presented on Aug. 28. Kids can be dropped off for snacks and games at 6:15pm. We will finish each night by 7:30pm. The fall will soon be here and so will our Ladies Hospitality Dinner. Ladies, mark your calendar for Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 5:00pm. We are so excited about this years event! Information is posted online under “Women’s Ministry,” as well as a link to online registration for your tables. You can also pick up a paper copy of this information in the front lobby. Check out our NEW Flipside Parent Newsletters available online now or in the front lobby! ********************** Region 3 NC Missions Celebration A Missions Event for Men, Women & Youth! Galeed Baptist Church, Bladenboro NC Tuesday, August 23 at 6:00 PM Come join us for a summer of fun! For more information, please contact Dawn Seegars. Come join us for a night of missions celebration as we experience what God is doing through North Carolina Baptist volunteers in our state, our nation, and around the world. Included will be times of worship, mission testimony, videos, and updates on mission opportunities. Mark your calendars now for this exciting missions event for men, women and youth. If you are interested in going to this event, please let Gerald Matthew know by Sunday, Aug. 14. Registration is required. Men’s Bible Study “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17). All men are invited to our Men’s Bible Study at 6am on Thursday mornings. The study is held in the conference room and will conclude no later than 7am. The group is led by Bo Seegars and Jim Long. We are studying through the book of John. For more information, please contact Jim Long at 624-0579. Flipside Student Ministry Reminders Sunday, September 11th — Kick-Off and Registration Time and activities to be announced These are the dog days of summer and dog these days are hot. But we had a “cool” time at our meeting on July 14th. It was a real blessing. Larry Black and George Overton played and sang some great old songs and we were all blessed so very much. Like the old preacher said “if that don’t light a fire in your soul then your wood’s wet.” Guys you have to do that again very soon. Thank you again so very much. Sunday, September 18th —No AWANA All families are invited to Temple’s Annual Homecoming on this Sunday morning. We are going to the Farmer’s Market in Raleigh on Thursday, August 4th. We will leave the church at 10 AM. If you will be able to go with us please contact Nell Hollingsworth at 323-9063. The beginning of our 2011-2012 AWANA Program is quickly approaching. Listed below is some important information for you and your family. Sunday, September 25th —First Regular AWANA Meeting for Clubbers Time: 5:45—Drop off and Clubber Check In 6:00 (SHARP) - Pledges for Sparks & T&T in the Sanctuary—Puggles and Cubbies go directly to Classroom. 7:45—END—Parents will pick up clubbers in the foyer For more information please email Nell Hollingsworth at nellbell84@earthlink.net Special Thank You Please join us at Salem Pizza on August 12th. We will leave the church at 5:30 and meet in Salemburg about 6 PM for a delicious meal with great Christian friends. Please let Ron Denning (484-7303) know if you are planning to attend so we can reserve a table large enough for all of us. We are looking forward to our Amish County Trip in September. I know we will all be blessed. Please come out and support the New Beginnings. Ron Denning Thank you for all of your expressions of love and concern during my step-fathers illness and death. Dot Cherry