here - First Baptist Greenville


here - First Baptist Greenville
Mission Statement
We are a community of believers in
God as revealed in Jesus Christ as
Lord. We believe in the authority of
the Bible, the equality of all members,
unity in diversity, and the priesthood of
all believers. In communion with and
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
we follow the Way of Jesus the Christ
and share the Good News through
worship, education, ministries, and
missions. As an autonomous Baptist
Church, we value our heritage and the freedom it allows us to minister
alongside other groups, both Christian and non-Christian. We express our
love for all in gratitude for the love God has shown to us.
September 15, 2014
First Baptist – Greenville
8 4 7 C L E V E L A N D S T R E E T, G R E E N V I L L E , S C 2 9 6 0 1
Saturday morning,
I found myself
running on North
Main Street again.
I was ending my run when I
saw the infamous ‘hump in the
sidewalk’ that caused my fall a
few weeks ago. As I approached
this seemingly minor fracture in
the path, I stopped, deliberately
hopped over and then resumed
my run. I smiled at my childish
approach to the minor obstacle.
(And hoped no one saw me.) This
was my first run, on Main Street,
since ‘the fall.’ I am still nursing the
remnant of some wounds. I will no
doubt have some minor scars for
years to come. I was determined
to avoid the same painful stumble.
But, I in no way intend to quit
running on Main Street. There is
too much good about along this
path to go elsewhere because of
an irregular sidewalk. That’s just
part of running on Main Street...
THIS COMING...Sunday, I’d
like for you to join me in worship.
I know some of you already intend
to be here. You were here last
Sunday and the Sunday before
and the Sunday before that. But
some of you haven’t been since
‘the fall.’ Your fall may have been
different from someone else’s fall.
continued on page 2
Sunday, September 21
The Governors School for the Arts and Humanities Wind Ensemble will
be guest musicians during morning worship this Sunday, September 21.
They, along with the Sanctuary Choir, will provide our service music.
In Case You Missed It...
First grade children, along with their parents, were recognized in
worship on Sunday, September 14. Becky Ramsey, minister to children,
reminded the children that they are each a child of God and blessed.
Each child was presented with a cross necklace.
October 5 following worship
$12 – 6th grade and up
Free childcare/pizza – birth-5th grade
Visit or
call the front desk at 233-2527 to
RSVP. Reservations must be made
by October 1. Watch for more
information on the website and in
next week’s newsletter.
If you have any questions,
please contact Elaine Barnhill at or
Thought from the Spiritual Formation Committee
“Religion is to do right. It is to love, it is to serve, it is to think, it is to be
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century
Sunday’s Worship
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Bible Presentation to Third Grade Students
10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
2014 Budget Goal
Proclaimer: Jim Dant
Scripture: Philippians 1:1-14
Sermon: Making Memories
Guest Musicians: South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts
Giving as of 9/11/2014
and Humanities Wind Ensemble
Anthem: “St. Patrick’s Prayer” – FORREST
Giving as of 9/11/2014
The service choir for this Sunday is the Sanctuary Choir.
The 10:30 a.m. worship will be simulcast live on WLFJ 660 AM
and 92.9 FM from 10:30 -11:30 a.m.
Missions: Focus on
During the month
of September,
we are collecting
baby items for
Serenity Place.
Serenity Place is
part of The Family Effect.To learn
more about Serenity Place and
The Family Effect and how to get
involved, visit www.thefamilyeffect.
org or contact Heather Lother at
Please place the following items
in the collection containers:
• Diapers
• Diaper rash cream
• Baby wipes
• Baby lotion
• Baby powder
Book Discussions Planned
Make plans to attend one of
the Tattoos on the Heart book
discussion groups hosted by
our pastor, Dr. Jim Dant. Three
discussion groups will meet weekly
during the month of October:
Carpenter Chapel – Sundays, 9:15 a.m.
AYMC – Mondays, 10:00 a.m.
Carpenter Chapel – Monday, 7:00 p.m.
*Read chapters 1-2 prior to session.
More information to come on website
and next week’s newsletter.
Sanctuary Flowers
The next open date
to place flowers in
the Sanctuary is on
September 28. Contact
Kimberly Coates at kimberly.
or 370-2522 ext. 128 if interested.
Church Conference Set
September 21, 11:30 a.m.
(Fellowship Hall)
Agenda items include adding
Matt Rollins to pastoral staff and
membership and committee reports.
Blessing of the Pets
Sunday, October 5, 2014
6:30 p.m., Prayer Garden Labyrinth
Rain Plan – Inside Building
The service will include music,
litanies and prayers in addition to
the procession and blessing of
the pets. Watch the website and
next week’s newsletter for more
A Green Tip from SAVER
In this link to a
NASA photo, the line
above Earth’s surface
is light reflection, and it
marks the boundary of
our atmosphere. This membrane
is all that separates us from the
vacuum and radiation of Space.
continued from page 1
Yours may have been the pain
caused by an insensitive, sharp
word from a fellow member...or a
needed word not spoken at all. It
may have been the discomfort of a
decision made by fellow members
of the church. It may have been
the uncomfortable angst created
from a differing opinion. It may
simply be life has become busy
and tiring and Sunday morning
seems your only moment of
rest. Or it may be much deeper
– something between you and
God. No doubt, past struggles
can cause wounds and scars –
some you may carry for a while.
And there is no guarantee there
won’t be other bumps along the
way – that’s just part of being and
doing church. But I believe there’s
enough good ahead to try running
on the path again, and I would love
to run with you. I hope you’ll join
me on Sunday...
– Jim
Alliance Event
September 25-28
Charlotte, NC
Room for Hope Festival:
Alliance of Baptists and
Bright Stars of Bethlehem
For more information, visit
What’s in the Pot?
Committee on Committees Seeks Volunteers
The Committee on Committees is currently considering nominees for Standing Committees for the upcoming
church year. These positions are for three-year terms beginning January 1, 2015. For a description of most
committees, please consult the Rules of Church Order. Some committees meet only a few times per year, while
others meet monthly.
Remember to make
your reservations by
noon on Monday!
Serving lines are open 4:45-6:15 p.m.
September 17
• Island Jerk Pork Loin
• Saffron Rice
• Butter Basil Carrots
• Salad
• Fruit
• Dessert
• Chicken Skewers
• Sweet Potato Tots
• Veggie Tray
• Fruit
• Dessert
September 24
• Meatloaf
• Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
• Squash Casserole
• Salad
• Yeast Roll
• Fruit and Dessert
• Meatballs
• Buttered Noodles
• Fruit and Cookies
Roadrunners on
the Move
September 24
Rolling Green Village Day Trip
Lunch and a Tour
Depart church: 11:00 a.m.
Return to church: Mid-afternoon
Cost: $1 (bus)
October 7
Lunch at Copper River in Seneca
(pay your own)
SC Botanical Gardens
Depart church: 10:00 a.m.
Return to church: 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $5 (bus)
Please contact Sylvia Clyborne
at 370-2522 ext. 137 or sylvia.
com to make reservations for any
Roadrunners trip.
Those eligible to serve on Standing Committees are members who do not already hold membership on a standing
committee (or, if presently serving, whose terms will expire in 2014). Because of staggered terms, each standing
committee usually has only two or three vacancies in any given year. For this reason it may not be possible to place
every volunteer on a committee at the present time.
Distinctive Purpose Committees serve in an ongoing capacity. New members are added during the year on an
as-needed basis.
Members of the Committee on Committees are: Lisa Davis, Tyrone Edwards, Doug Girvin – chair-elect, Brenda
League, Foster Rodwell, Bert Taylor, Henry Watkins – chair and Jenna Manning – staff liaison.
Please designate the types of committees in which you have interest and for which you have special talents or
experience. You do not need to indicate areas in which you currently participate.
(3 Year Term)
 Affiliations/Missions
 Activities
Senior Adults
Mission Partnerships
Core Operations
Adult Education & Spiritual Formation
Faith Formation 
Children’s Ministry
Preschool Ministry 
Youth Ministry
Neighborhood Partnership
Sustaining and Valuing Earth’s Resources
Technical Operations
Information & Technology Advisory
 Young Adult Council
Congregational Care
Sanctuary Guild
Music and Worship Wedding
Greeters/Visitors’ Host
Media Center
Ministry to Families
 Wed. Night Supper Delivery
 Visitation
 Bereavement
 Transportation
 Flowers to Friends
Relevant skills or experience:
If you are interested in serving on a committee and are willing to attend regular meetings and accept responsibility
for committee tasks, please complete this form and return it to Jenna Manning by Wednesday, October 1, 2014.
Message from the LGBT Discernment Team
In February, the Diaconate
approved the formation of a task
force to develop a process by
which our church can discuss
and discern the nature of our
relationship with the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
community. The group, now known
as the LGBT Discernment Team,
began meeting in the spring to
explore the topic and work on the
tasks as charged by the Diaconate.
On Tuesday, September 2, the
Discernment Team presented to
the Deacons the recommended
process for our church’s collective
discernment, and the Deacons
approved the process. Church
members will be receiving a letter
this week which describes the
process and highlights important
dates. Watch for the letter and plan
to put the dates on your calendars.
Save this Date
October 26, 5:00 p.m.
Hector Olivera, organist, in recital
in celebration of the 30th anniversary
of the Casavant organ in the
Watch for more information on the
website and future newsletters.
The News
(USPS No. 597060) is published weekly January thru December (except
one week in July and December) by First Baptist Church, 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Periodicals postage
paid at Greenville, SC 29602. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE NEWS, 847 Cleveland Street Greenville,
SC 29601. (Phone 864-233-2527). Kimberly Coates, Editor.
Diane Durham, 208 Highbourne Drive, Greenville,
SC 29615, joined the church on July 20 by
promise of letter from another Baptist church.
Diane is pictured here with her husband, Frank.
Vol. LV September 15, 2014 No. 36
Care List
as of 9/15/2014
In the Hospital:
There are no members in the
hospital of whom we are aware.
Returned Home:
Tim Bright, Stephanie Luck,
Johnny Dennis
Sympathy to:
...Peggy Nielson in the death
of her aunt.
Anne Calhoun and Ronn
Carroll, 155 Covey Hill Lane,
Greenville, SC 29615, joined
the church on August 31 by
previous profession of faith and
Anne is
at Carolina
Gerald Stroud (Pole) Walking Group Extended Session: September 21
First Baptist Greenville
is pleased to host a weekly
Parkinson’s (Pole) Walking
exercise class in partnership with
the Parkinsons Support Group of
the Upstate (PSGOTU). The class
was named in memory of Gerald
Stroud who was an active member
of both FBC and
class meets every
Wednesday at 10:00
a.m. in the parking
lot next to Faris
Road. Participants
have the option of
walking on the Swamp Rabbit Trail
or going indoors and using the
AYMC indoor track. Pole walking is
beneficial to Parkinson’s patients,
helping with strength, balance
and trunk rotation. Although the
group is focused on those with
Parkinson’s, all are welcome.
For more information, contact
Heather Wyss, executive director,
Parkinsons Support Group of the
Upstate, 864-905-2574. Visit their
Robert and Sarah Farrar (Directors)
Darin Gehrke and
Cherington Shucker
Brad and EA Easterling
Jon and Julie Good
Daniel and Julie Moniot
Helen Lee Turner
Rhonda Bradey
Nights and Weekends
September 15-22
Jim Dant 478-737-7298 (m)
370-2522 ext. 199
September 23-28
Baxter Wynn 288-4078 (h)
370-2522 ext. 199
If you are unable to reach this minister
immediately, please call the Church
Office, 233-2527, and leave a message
by pressing the number “3” for “Pastoral
Care Emergencies.”