August 9, 2013 - Trinity United Methodist Church


August 9, 2013 - Trinity United Methodist Church
Knowing, loving and serving God
Vol. 1, Issue 11
August 9, 2013
Calendar of events
August 10
10:00 a.m. Back-to-School Aloha Party
august 15
9:30 a.m. Surviving the Death of a Spouse
august 18
11:15 a.m. Worship Arts for K-5th
What is it about
fellowship and laughter
and Bible study—and
good cookies?
september 8
Discover Church Sunday
No-Stress Sunday (Join with a Group)
8:15 a.m. UMM Pancake Breakfast
5:00 p.m. Building Better Moms
Every Tuesday
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
9:00 a.m. Tues. Morn Bible Study
9:30 a.m. Strong Women
7:00 p.m. AA Meeting
Over 30 people have
been studying scripture
on Mondays. Next
Monday study begins
Oct 28. (See related
article for other study
options, page 3.)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Every Friday, 9:30 a.m.
Strong Women
Worship times
8:30-10:30 AM
Coffee and Fellowship
9:00 AM
Solid Grounds
Worship-Relaxed Fit*
10:00 AM
Sunday School*
11:00 AM
Worship- Updated Traditional*
*child care available
**child care by request
Summer HOURS
MON-THURS 8:30 - 4:30
8:30 - 12:30
Emergency numbers
Rev. Betsy: 501.517.1661
Simon Bookout: 501.681.1215
laughter is sacred; it’s spiritual
Striving for a little more levity in our
gatherings and our christian life
Trinity Family,
I was in a Finance meeting at our church last
week. We began at 5:30. As we went through
the last meetings minutes, our profit and loss
statement, we turned to a good report of
our current finances (thank you so much for
keeping your pledges and giving current during
the summer months!). Then we heard from our
Financial Secretary Susan Garner, who reported
on an insurance salesman with a packet of
information that we all agreed should be handed
off to Trustees, who examine such maintenance
care and protection of our assets. I noted that
there was a very nice luggage tag in the packet,
and Susan made a humorous comment about
the free gift, saying she was getting some nice
“swag.” For those of you who don’t know, “swag”
is a slang term that, in this case, doesn’t refer to
a window decoration. “Swag” is free promotional
stuff. (Recently, I got a nice lime green luggage ID
at a luncheon about educational trips to the Holy
Land and Paul’s journeys.)
Next our meeting turned to a discussion of
the new church credit card. Careful protections
have been put into place, but, as an almost $1
million business, we need to be able to order
online, especially now that there is no brick and
mortar Cokesbury store, for example. At one
point, we began to joke about the staff getting
more “swag” from access to the credit card,
access that won’t happen, but which none of us
could resist laughing about.
Continued On page 2
Trinity united methodist church | 1101 North Mississippi | little rock, AR 72207
Phone 501.666.2813 | fax 501.666.1375 |
Senior minister
Rev. Betsy Singleton Snyder
Minister Of music
David Glaze
Children’s minister
Paul Owen
Youth minister
Jay Sweningson
Communication Minister
Judy Gribble
Minister for
Congregational Care
Simon Bookout
Trinity preschool
Tammy Childress
Financial secretary
Susan Garner
Office manager
Kim Mills
Increasing the humor, Susan noted that
when she tried to order our Financial Peace
University kits, our finance planning class
that begins in September, our credit card
would not be accepted because Finance
guru Dave Ramsey, the creator of Financial
Peace, doesn’t believe in them! Someone
else said, Well, he’s making sure he gets his
There were also numerous one-liners
about one of the Sunday school classes
that will be in Florida over Sunday, so
we discussed the importance of them
streaming the service online and that the
senior pastor would not give them a shoutout online unless they signed in as the Gulf
Shores group! More laughter.
Why am I telling a story about one
of those you-probably-had-to-be-there
gatherings? I’m telling it because the Finance
Team conducted a good meeting, was
out in just under thirty minutes, and was
laughing half the time. All meetings are not
so joyful and can’t be, but it struck me that
Financial Peace
september 10 - November 10
Tuesdays at 6 pm
In addition to seeing your family doctor
for your annual checkup, how about a
financial checkup this year? Whether you
have a mortgage on your home, a car loan,
credit card debt, or just want to take a
fresh look at your finances, Financial Peace
University (“FPU”) may be the place for
you in September. Whether you are just
launching your career, just married or just
trying to make ends meet, you may want
to be part of FPU.
Dave Ramsey will have you rolling in
your seat as he teaches God’s way for
handling money. He is the kind of high
school teacher or college professor that you
always wanted — knowledgeable, inspiring,
and funny. Financial Peace University is
we ought to strive for a little more levity in
our gatherings and our Christian life. Why?
Because it’s sacred; it’s spiritual.
That will be the topic of our upcoming
sermon series, Of Heaven and Mirth:
Laughter and Joy in the Christian Life, which
begins Sunday, August 11.
I’ll leave you with this story. Groucho
Marx (famous comedian in early days of
film and TV) was once in a hotel lobby
when a priest, in his clerical collar, rushed
over to see the great film comedian. “Thank
you, Groucho, for bringing so much joy and
laughter into people’s lives!” he said. “Thank
you,” Groucho replied, “for taking so much
joy and laughter out of them.”
Join us for a walk on the funny side with
the Giver of laughter and joy.
Rev. Betsy
right in line with Methodist Founder John
Wesley’s saying, “Having first gained all you
can, and secondly saved all you can, then
give all you can..”
You might think two accountants
would spend evenings talking about their
household finances. Not so with Trinity
members Allison and Ben Richardson.
When you are caught up in the daily shuffle
of working and raising children, paychecks
are deposited and bills can be paid without
much discussion. Financial Peace University
can help you change that. Allison attended
FPU last year and she noted that the
weekly lessons provided the groundwork
for healthy discussions with Ben about their
current finances. She added it was not only
a great way to get to know other Trinity
members better, but also an outreach to
our community as several non-members
were there.
Trinity members Kim and Nat Mills
will be leading the classes and Allison
Richardson will be assisting. Contact Kim
at to sign up or ask
changing lives through missions
Trinity Assists
Brady Bulldogs
It is back-to-school
shopping time again!
A major part of Trinity’s Partnership in
Education with Brady Elementary School is
TABB, or Trinity Assists Brady Bulldogs. This
program ensures that all students at Brady
have the necessary supplies and uniforms.
Donations can be left in the church office
or by the Miracle Team table near the
Youth Director’s office. Please donate only
new school supplies. Monetary donations
are also welcomed and can be left in the
church office. We will use these funds
to purchase additional supplies and new
uniform pieces. If you have gently-used
uniforms they are also appreciated.
Supplies Needed
• Washable Markers • Pencils • Wideruled loose leaf paper • Black and white
composition books • Erasers • 24-count
crayons • Scissors • Glue sticks • Folders
with pockets and prongs
next faithworks
Saturday, August 10 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Assist with the Trinity Aloha event at Trinity.
Saturday, September 2
Assist with Health and Wellness
Day at Our House Homeless Shelter
For more information contact Laurie
Norman at
Prayer requests
for the church &
Please remember the following church
members, families and guests in your prayers:
Illness: Betty Martin, Will Ballard, Melinda
Sain, Hugh Jeffus, Lois Looney, Suzie Warren,
Mary Frances Hodges, Shirley Warrick, Gary
Barket, Lou Brett, David Swift, Dorothy
Waddell, Phoebe Norman, Gerald Ewald,
Mary Glenn Wade, David Henry, Deedra
Berkemeyer, Margaret Ratliff, Dana McDonald,
Francis Shackelford, Polly Fricke, Dalynne
Horner, Pam Hathaway, Georgeann Osam.
Homebound: Sid Painter, Clay Price.
Death: Greg Barrett (death of step-son),
Dennis Thomas (death of father). Other
Concerns: Rich Richards, Kim Dubois,
Efurd Family, Marilyn Hastings, Linda Kretz,
for our veterans, for our leaders, the church
and the world. Military: Dylan Blancett,
Will Goggans, Derek Hays, Nick Price, Rob
Please send your prayer request to Judy Gribble
at or call 501.666.2813. It will
appear in the next newsletter and on screen during
our worship services.
Attendance totals
Time to Sign Up for Fall Bible Studies
This summer’s Monday night Bible study has been wildly successful with over 30 people each week!
For more information sign up on the Connect Card or email Kim at
Fall options for Bible study and spiritual formation include the following:
• Men’s Group
Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m., Crossroads classroom
No cost
Acts Study
• Growing Older and Wiser
Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m.; Beginning Sept. 10
New Day Classroom with
Georgiana Soderberg
Cost of book: $6
• Disciple 1
Begins September with Bob Bradley
Time TBA after input from participants
Cost of book: $32.29
A 32-week overview of the Bible
• Meeting God in Scripture:
Entering the Old Testament
Tuesdays, Oct. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Explores Hebrew scriptures and spiritual
formation with Simon Bookout.
Cost of workbook: $7
• Reasonable Questions with George
Harper and Rev. Adam Kirby
Begins Monday October 28-Dec. 18
• Sunday School classes meet at 10 a.m.
( has a complete listing of adult
Sunday school classes).
• John Wesley’s Message Today
(a Methodist study)
Sundays at 10 a.m. Sept. 8-Oct.27
Class location TBA
July 14
Sunday School
July 21
Sunday School
July 28
Sunday School
TUMM Pancake
Oasis luncheon
thursday, september 19
Yes, that’s right! OASIS luncheons begin
again on Thursday, September 19 in Martin
Hall. This will be one of our best programs
yet with the musical skills of Rev. Pat Henry.
Simon has heard his show and he can
assure you that it will be entertainment
you will not soon forget. Of course, we will
also have our usual delicious food catered
by Patti Cakes of Conway and the cost of
the meal continues to be a very reasonable
$9.00. So, all past attendees and anyone
else regardless of age are urged to get
your reservations in early for a great time
of food, entertainment, and fellowship! For
those who are interested, the Prayer Shawl
Guild will meet immediately after OASIS at
1:00 pm in the New Day Classroom.
Sunday, september 8
Trinity United Methodist Men will
sponsor a Pancake Breakfast on Discover
Church Day, September 8. Proceeds from
this event will go to support Mr. Paul and
Trinity’s children’s ministry.
The menu includes pancakes, sausage,
orange juice, coffee, and milk. Serving will
begin at 8:15 a.m. and continue until around
10:00 a.m.Tickets will be on sale beginning
Sunday, August 25; the cost is $5.00 per
person or $15.00 for a family. Tickets can
be obtained from any member of the
Methodist Men or from the church office.
We will also have a table in the narthex on
Sunday, August 25 and Sunday, September 1.
For questions, contact Mike McWilliams at
663-6989, Chairman of the event, or Jim
Geisler at 224-3797. There will be no Solid
Grounds on September 8.
annual youth
mystery trip
tuesday morning
bible study
starting September 10
Tuesday Morning Bible Study begins
Tuesday, September 10 at 9:00. Join us in
the New Day Classroom for a study of the
Bible’s perspective about aging using the
book Growing Older and Wiser by Dale and
Sandy Larsen. The books will be available
at the first session. Everyone is welcome!
227-0906 or for
more information.
august 16-18
Guess what?! August 16-18 is our Annual
Youth Mystery Trip! Details...well I can’t give
you any, yet, it’s a Mystery! Though there will
be some basics. Look for more information
in July, but mark your calendars and get
ready, It is going to be a BLAST!
–Jay Sweningson,Youth Minister
Cokesbury Hymn society
Sunday, Aug. 25, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Come join us as we make a joyful noise to
the Lord from our hearts on August 25 and
on the last Sunday of each month from 4:00
to 5:00 p.m. Enter through the office door.
september 25 - 27
The Church of the Resurrection
Leadership Institute 2013 is Wednesday,
Sept. 25th through Friday, Sept. 27. If you
are interested in attending this year with
Rev. Betsy, the Early Bird registration is
$149 and the deadline is September 6.
Registrations after September 6 will be
$175. There is a Young Adult Rate $49
(25 and under). Go to their website
at for more information but
we are registering everyone through
TUMC so if you want to
register or have questions,
please contact Susan at or call
501-666-2843 asap.
Building better moms
Support, learning and spiritual growth
for moms requires advanced registration
to assist those planning this ministry.
We are providing excellent topics
and speakers. Please register TODAY
by contacting Kim through email at or online at
Childcare provided. $35 annual fee due
at first meeting. Questions about BBM?
Contact Kim at
Trinity umc
ool Luau
aloha! back-toschool luau
august 10, 10:00 - 11:30 am
Get ready to limbo! Pull on your flipflops and Hawaiian shirts and join us on the
beaches of Trinity for our community-wide
event. Free hot dogs and entertainment
by Derek Rose. Hula on over on Saturday,
August 10th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at
Martin Fellowship Hall and campus parking lot.
HayDay! Growing
in Friendship With
july 28-august 18, grades 1-5
Hayday takes us through the Bible stories
of Zacchaeus, The Widow’s Mite, and A Little
Servant Girl and the Proud General Naaman
to prove that “Our Lord Jesus Christ has
made us friends of God.” (Romans 5:11)
Worship Arts
Our children love to sing and play hand
bells, to create artworks through a variety
of mediums, and to interpret Bible stories
through dramatic play. So, what would
happen if children ages Kindergarten
through 5th grade came together from
11:15 (or directly after “A Time For
Young Christians”) until 12:00 on the
second through fourth Sundays of each
month—the first Sunday of each month is
reserved for Family Sunday in our worship
service—to experience the Worship Arts?
Beginning Sunday, August 18th, our children
are invited on a volunteer basis to be a part
of this group. We’ll meet down in Believers’
Village and create examples of visual, vocal,
and dramatic arts to be shared with the
congregation. We’ll all be a part of Worship!
During August, we will follow Rev. Betsy’s
new sermon series, “Of Heaven and Mirth:
Joy and Laughter in the Christian Life.”
shoes for water
Let’s continue church-wide with the
success of this outreach mission project
from last year! Again our children are
collecting used, wearable
shoes of any size and style.
During last week’s Trinity
Cruise Lines VBS, our
shipmates donated 164
pairs of shoes. Last year,
Trinity added to that year’s VBS donations
and brought the number up to over 1000
pairs. We can do this again! The shoes are
taken directly to people in Kenya and Haiti,
and 35 cents a pound of these shoes goes
to help the Ozark Water Project install new
water drilling rigs and water purification
systems. Recently, the first systems were
installed in Namisambia and another in
Beckham and Karla Allen travel regularly
from Little Rock to these countries in
Africa taking shoes. Please check out their
website to
take a closer look at this project. Their goal
this summer is to collect 20,000 pairs of
shoes or 500 pairs from 40 local churches.
Trinity met and doubled their goal last year.
We can do it again this year. Donations
are being collected in the main church
office until “Discover Church Sunday” on
Sept. 8, 2013.
As we learned this year at VBS, Christian
neighbors are friendly, giving, helpful,
forgiving, and welcoming. Please help our
children prove this!
–Capt. Paul
Have you ever seen a funeral hearse
going down the street pulling a U-Haul
trailer? Don’t think so! Less than 50% of
the population has an estate plan, i.e. a will
and/or a Revocable Trust; are you part
of the greater than 50% that have not
planned for the distribution of your real
estate, cars, savings, etc. upon your death?
Only 10% make gifts to charity at their
death vs. the 90% who give during their
lifetime. Did you know that if you now
give $1,000 to Trinity each year during
your lifetime; and you provide $20,000 in
your estate plan to be given to the Trinity
UMC Endowment Fund upon your
death, your gift invested at 5% interest
gives a continuing $1,000 gift annually in
your memory. Would you like to know
more? Call the office to request that a
member of the Endowment Committee
help you find the right people to start
your plan today.
Reba McDaniel by Mary Frances
Damour, Rebecca Davidson, Sue Walls,
Mr. & Mrs. David Fox; Buddy Fraim
(Becky Owen’s father) by Lois Looney
(Music Fund); Minnie E. Blancett
by Carolyn Blancett Itzkowitz; Billie
Ferguson (Rosalie Patterson’s sister) by
Jerry & Frankie Daniel.
Jim & Cherry Duckett’s Anniversary
(Anthem Fund) by Kay Allen, Martha
Thank you
For your prayers,
Presence, gifts & service
Thank you to Jacque Petersen for
donating a wheelchair.
Thank you to Pat LaGrone for
designing and building the VBS back
Worship & Events
Congregational Care ministry
Paula Newell, Olen Taylor, (Rev. Betsy), Melissa Muse, Jo DeWitt and group leader,
Simon Bookout. CCM’s will provide direct pastoral care to out Trinity family. For more
information contact Simon at
Ann Martin crowns new president of the Chancel Choir, Ben Richardson.
Trinity Praise Band
Trinity youth enjoying a night at the Travelers baseball game.
Chris Newell leads Trinity Praise Band before he takes some time off to be with his
family during worship.
Home-made volcano at VBS
Cooling off at vbs
youth night at the travelers game
Children are amazed at the science behind the home-made volcano eruption.
King Ben
Children and their families enjoy the giant water slide at the VBS dinner.
Trinity in action
Vacation Bible School events
The Vacation Bible School mascot, Godwin Merrifeather, peeks out of the VBS backdop designed by Pat LaGrone (top left); VBS directors, Alison Chambers, Tamara Hindmon
and Tina Collins. (top right); about 200 people enjoyed a the delicious fried chicken at the Vacation Bible School Dinner on July 17 (bottom left); the sanctuary was filled with
children during Vacation Bible School Opening Ceremony (bottom right).
PERMIT #2043
1101 North Mississippi
Little Rock, AR 72207
Address Service Requested
Stay connected
Next sermon series
Of Heaven and Mirth: Joy and
Laughter in the Christian Life
To build a Christian community
where non-religious and nominally
religious people are becoming deeply
committed Christians.
Too many Christians seem to think that humor, laughter and joy
aren’t part of the Christian life. Come and be surprised as we take
a look at how scripture, the lives of the saints, and a healthy sense
of humor go hand-in-hand with a growing spiritual life. And don’t
forget, joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit!