first baptist church - First Baptist Bryan
first baptist church - First Baptist Bryan
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRYAN, TX A U G U S T 8, 2 0 1 4 w > w ~I w a <( I (f) VOLUME XVI ISSUE 8 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRYAN TRAININGCAMP SUNDAY SCHOOL & SMALL GROUP LEADER CONFERENCE ~ ~take~ AUGUST17 @FBCBRYAN childcare & conference rsvp to or 776-1400 ext. 100 4:00-4:45 ROOM 12oA Interconnections: Ministry to Each and to the Whole Speaker. Blake Coffee Christian Unity Ministry 5:00-6:15 ROOM 120A ROOM 136 ROOM 137 ROOM 252 6:30-7:00 Conferences for Each Age Division Adult Sunday School & Small Group Leaders Building Unity through Adult Group Life Ministry Leader: Blake Coffee Christian Unity Ministry College and Young Adult Leaders Leader: John -Travis Smith Interim College & Young Adult Pastor Youth Workers Leaders Leader: Sean Wegener Interim Minister of Youth Preschool & Children Leaders Leaders: Renee Brady Minister of Childhood Education Debbie Prince Interim Preschool Director Light Meal ROOM 120A 7:00-7:30 ROOM 120A My Vision for Group Life at FBC Bryan Speaker: Bro. Jim Heiligman, Senior Pastor ADULT Brush Arbor: Our weekly meetings resumed Aug. 3. Be sure to check the bulletin, each Sunday, for updated announcements. This week, bring a friend, and join us at 6:00 pm in Room 136 for a message brought by Charles Higgs, Director of Western Heritage or Cowboy Churches for the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Music will be led by John Briscoe. Adult Summer Study: We'll continue meeting in the Fellowship Hall, Tuesdays, Aug. 12 and 19, at 10:00 am, to conclude our Bible study on the Parables of Jesus, led by Jim Adams. Luncheon will follow at 11 :30 am, costing $5 per person. Please RSVP to Michal at 776-1400 ext. 1 00 to sign up for ~~..:1~f!IM!Illl the study and for lunch. Prime Timers Game Night: All ages are invited to join us for an evening of table games. Meet us in the Fellowship Hall, Tuesday, Aug. 12, from 6:00-9:00 pm. Bring a guest and a snack for this time of fellowship. KIT Game Day: Keeping In Touch will take place Fridays, Aug. 15 and 29, from 1:00-3:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a snack and a friend for this time of fellowship. Tour to Branson, Missouri: Calling all adults! Reserve your spot today for a trip to Branson, MO, Oct. 20-25. Trip costs will include bus fare, most meals, and seven shows in Branson! RSVP to Michal at 776-1400 ext. 100 and make final payments no later than Sept. 1. Prices, per person, are $1 090 for a double room, $998 for a triple room, $951 for a quadruple room, and $1368 for a single room. THE GREAT GIVE-AWAY: WEDNESDAY AUG. 20 Help Aggie BSM welcome international students with furniture and household items! August 15 is the donation drop-off deadline and donation pick-up day. Call to arrange donation pick-ups. Email for additional information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Missions Report Service: Plan to attend a special worship service, taking place during both the 9:00 and 1 0:30am worship hours. We will hear from individuals who attended FBC Bryan's summer mission trips, gaining a special glimpse into how God is using our FBC Bryan family to spread the Gospel at home and abroad. First Serve 2014: Mark your calendars for a First Serve 2014 Launch on Saturday, Oct. 4, followed by a First Serve Celebration Service on Sunday, Oct. 5. Sign-ups for First Serve projects will begin on Kick Off Sunday, Aug. 24. PAGE2 AUGUST 8, 2014 PRESCH 00L - - - P R E S C H O O L MINISTRY _ _ _ _. . . . . . . _ _ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Kick Off Sunday: Promotion Sunday is approaching, and we have lots of preschoolers who need loving volunteers to teach them about Jesus each Sunday. If you are a member of FBC Bryan and are willing to serve in our preschool department on a weekly, biweekly, or substitute basis, please contact FBC Kl OS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers meets Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 6:15-7:15 p.m. in the fall. Volunteer mentor moms (those who are past the preschooler parenting stage) and volunteer childcare workers are needed to make this ministry a success. If you are a grandmother or mother who is willing to serve as a mentor or childcare volunteer during either of these times, please contact or - - - - - - - - - - - · C H I L D R E N ' S MINISTRY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Wonderful Wednesdays UPDATE: Wonderful Wednesdays will continue through the end of August. Details for Wonderful Wednesdays will be updated on the FBC Bryan Kids Facebook page. Email any questions to WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS AUGUST SCHEDULE: AUGUST13 Minecraft Mania AUGUST20 Back to School Craft Night AUGUST27 Movie Night Wonderful Wednesdays: This week, join us for Minecraft Mania from 6:007:30 pm. Meet in the Children's Gathering area upstairs. (for children who have completed 151 -61h grades) First Grade Bible Presentation: If your child will be moving from Kindergarten to First Grade, during the upcoming school year, we invite you to join us on Sunday, Aug. 17, for the First Grade Bible Presentation from 8:00-9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Your new First Grader will be welcomed into our FBC Bryan Children's Ministry and will receive a Bible to use during their time in Children's ministry. Donuts will be served. First 8tctde BIBLE PRESENTATION SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 Cornal River Tubing Trip: CYM will be taking a day trip to tube the Coma! River Saturday, Aug. 16. We will leave from FBC Bryan at 7:30am, returning around 6:00 pm. The deadline to register is Monday, August 11. Registration to be completed and emailed to may be found at KickStart: We'll welcome our incoming 71h graders Aug. 18-22, with various activities, introducing students to the youth group and emphasizing God's love for each of us. Cost is $20 for incoming 71h grade students and $10 for returning students and covers aT-shirt, cost of activities, and food. Pick up a registration form in the Church Office or email for forms or additional information. The deadline to register is Monday, Aug. 11. THE VINE Prayer Requests: Our students have had a busy summer, from our annual Garage Sale Fund raiser to attending Centrifuge in Glorieta, New Mexico, to journeying to Johannesburg, South Africa, to share the Gospel on another continent, in another culture. We want to thank our FBC Bryan family for remembering us in your prayers throughout these endeavors. As we transition into another school year, our students face new responsibilities and challenges-some of them in a brand new school setting! Please pray that we would remember to whom we belong and the Gospel we profess, that we would attend to our responsibilities, and that we would seek to know our Father more. - - - - C O L l E G E MINISTRY _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . Vine Small Group: We will continue our study of Hebrews on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, Room 230. Attendance is booming! Make plans to join us. Fall Outreach: During the month of August, we will be attending Impact Retreat's ministry fair, BSM's Howdy Cookout, and Aggieland Market, to introduce new students to our church and college ministry. We will have the opportunity to tell 5,000+ students about how God is working through FBC Bryan and how they can become involved in ministry here. Please join us in asking God to bless our participation in these events and to guide us in our efforts to further His ministry to local College students. PAGE3 DEACON MINISTRY OFFICERS I CAPTAINS Email Address Dillard Leverkuhn Chairman jjmoore1 9n Jim Moore ChairBect Larry Dooley Secretary Jim Thompson Benevolence Lynn Branan Hospital Visitation (weekend) Harvey McFalls Hospital Visitation (weekday) Rob Brower Hospitality Dicky Herron Prayer Steve Hanson Worship Transition Jake Berkline Nail Pouch Sam Smith Bereavement Phone 820-2329 uncle, Jim Wiman The family of Don & Nancy Ladewig on the death of their daughter, Terri Snider 224-0307 690-1818 brother, Don Morton The family of Buddy Faries on the death of his sister, Denise English The family of Bill Adams on his death 846-3492 690-9079 n5-3127 696-6831 693-3141 nS-1861 690-n67 n4-0851 CHURCH STAFF MINISTERIAL STAFF EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE Jim Heiligman 776-1400ext.102 Senior Pastor Bill Wiman 255-1217 Minister of Education/Administration David Gusewelle Associate Pastor I Business Manager Renee Brady Minister of Childhood Education 219-4070 nS-1400 Debbie Prince 776-1400 Interim Preschool Director Jim Adams nS-1400 Interim Ministry Associate for Adults 55+ Sean Wegener 214-883-0765 Interim Youth Minister John-Travis Smith 2n-4057 Interim College & Young Adult Minister Chester Fehlis 268-5n4 Small Groups Coordinator David Kipp 229-5472 Music Associate Gary Balmain 492-2845 Interim Minister to Missions SUPPORT STAFF EMAIL ADDRESS EXTENSION Kay Dowling Membership I Education Assistant Lynn Bronstad Financial Assistant 102 Gladys Kuykendall Financial Assistant Liz Lindan Music Assistant LEADERS NEEDED for FALL 2014 Leading a small group is a great way to serve others and become more connected to the FBC Bryan family! Interested individuals should ontact Chester at 979-268-5714 or no later than Aug. 14, to volunteer, and plan to attend Training Camp on Aug. 17! 103 104 110 Michal DeBord Adult & Small Groups Assistant Patsy Jones Children I Preschool Assistant 100 Laura Acuff Communications Assistant Ronny Jones Building Superintendent 112 137 121 CHURCH RECORDS AUGUST 3, 2014 Sunday School Enrollment 2155 Sunday School Attendance 699 Budget Required Per Week $69,155.58 Budget Gifts $74,058.05 $2,143,822.00 Budget Req. to Date Budget Gifts to Date $1 ,868,252.80 Gifts Over/Under Budget -$275,570.08 ATIME TO BUILD Contributions $6,062.00 Gifts Year-to-Date $127,452.64 Loan Balance (as of 06/30/14) $2,759,993.92