World capitals of cutlery meeting
World capitals of cutlery meeting
SERVICE COMMUNICATION CCI AUVERGNE - 2016 - Crédit Photo : Bullo - Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique. Aalst (Netherlands) I Albacete (Spain) I American Bladesmith Society I Batangas (Philippines) I Copenhagen (Denmark) I Elverum (Norway) I Eskilstuna (Sweden) I Gabrovo (Bulgaria) I Gembloux (Belgium) I Guimarães (Portugal) I Ibach (Switzerland) I Knifemakers Guild of Southern Africa I Maniago (Italy) Mikulasovice (Czech Republic) I Montreal (Canada) I Onkaparinga (Australia) I Sao Paulo (Brazil) Seki (Japan) I Sheffield (United Kingdom) I Solingen (Germany) I Tandil (Argentina) I Uusikaupunki (Finland) Yatagan (Turkey) I Yangjiang (China) I Ybbsitz (Austria) I Zlatoust (Russia) World capitals of cutlery meeting F R O M 12 TO 15 MAY 2016 - T HIER S - F R AN C E T h e W o r l d C a p i t a l s o f C u t l e r y The World Capitals of Cutlery Meeting F R O M 12 TO 15 MAY 2016 - T HIER S - F R AN C E Provisional programme THURSDAY 12 MAY 2016 7:00 pm: Welcome Ceremony at Usine du May FRIDAY 13 MAI 2016 9:00 am: Talks on the world cutlery capitals with their history, their joint initiatives, their economic areas, etc. 12:00 noon: Buffet lunch 2:00 pm: Talks on training and recruitment in the cutlery sector Debate on the legislative terms for the sale of knives Throughout the day: Business convention with all the stakeholders in order to promote services for cutlery making (supplier, makers and manufacturers) 8:00 pm: Gala evening SATURDAY14 MAI 2016 9:30 am: Visit to the Musée de la Coutellerie (Cutlery Museum) 11:00 am: Unaccompanied visit of Coutellia international fair 7:30 pm: Unaccompanied tour of Thiers (festive evening in the town centre) SUNDAY 15 MAI 2016 7:30 am Return to the airports or stations in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand e r y Thiers, cutlery french capital of Thiers has been the leading French centre of cutlery production for several centuries. The origin of its specialisation goes back to the Middle Ages: as legend has it, crusaders from Auvergne, during the First Crusade, are said to have brought back the secret of production from the East; in actual fact, steel making in Thiers dates back to the 14th century. The growth in cutlery-making enabled the town to export its products, as early as the 16th century, to Spain, the Netherlands and Lombardy. Blades of all sorts are run over the grindstones driven by the water power of the River Durolle. The Thiers production area even has its own knife, the Thiers®, symbol of its expertise. M e e t i n g Subcontracting for Cutlery Business Convention THIS BUSINESS CONVENTION ALLOWED YOU TO DISCOVER MANY MANUFACTURERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS OF CUTLERY. These business meetings will take place in a dedicated area that will just be for professionals in the sector. To this end, we propose that you, the historic capitals of cutlery making, invite your cutlery companies to take part in this convention. In this way they will be able to discuss and expand their business in an international environment. REGISTRATION PROCESS: For this business convention to run smoothly, registrations will be made beforehand on a dedicated web portal for which we will give you the URL. These pre-registrations will make the organisation of the meetings easier and will enable everyone to meet the professionals they target. Participants will fill in detailed technical questionnaires and position themselves as suppliers and subcontractors of the cutlery industry or clients (cutlery companies). Participants will ask for meetings with each other via the platform using a search engine. The reason for their request to meet shall be specified and they themselves can also be requested by other participants. Participants will be able to accept or refuse the requests sent to them. The organiser will only extract validated requests and will use all of these to organize the meetings schedules in the best possible way. A personalised schedule of these pre-programmed meetings will be sent to each participant. Today, 70% of the knives and sharp items in France come from the Thiers area. 300,000 products are made every day, bearing in mind that there are nearly 20,000 “made in Thiers” models: professional knives, kitchen gadgets, sharp-edged tools, table knives and flatware, pocket and recreational knives, wine accessories and tools, etc. The businesses in Thiers were able to look to the future by expanding their activities into different sectors: medical, plastics technology, the aeronautics industry, etc. The sector includes about a hundred small-scale businesses; 90 subcontractors or suppliers operating in the various stages of the knife-making process. This generates a business activity corresponding to 1,620 jobs. ne 144c ne 1665c 425c ool grey 2c We accompany you… FROM YOUR ARRIVAL IN LYON (STATIONS OR AIRPORT) OR CLERMONT-FERRAND (STATION OR AIRPORT), WE WILL ACCOMPANY YOU FOR THE DURATION OF THIS WORLD CAPITALS OF CUTLERY MEETING. SERVICES PROVIDED: The organiser of this meeting will take care of the following: • Transport for delegations: shuttles will be provided to welcome you when you arrive in France at two meeting points: Clermont-Ferrand (station or airport) and Lyon (stations or airport). • Accommodation: reservation of hotel rooms by us from Thursday 12 May 2016 (evening) to Sunday 15 May (morning). • Shuttle transport in Thiers: transport around the town during this meeting to get from the hotel to the meeting points. • Food: buffets and meals to give you a taste of our specialities.P PARTICIPATION OF DELEGATIONS: We propose that you form an official delegation (up to 5 people) to represent your town and your cutlery tradition. In addition to your official delegation, you can invite businesses (limited to 5 people) who would like to come and discover Thiers and its companies. THE ONLY OBLIGATION is that your businesses shall take part in the business convention on subcontracting for the cutlery industry. They will then be taken care of upon their arrival at the same time as the official delegation. IF YOU REQUIRE FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF PUY-DE-DÔME AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: SERVICE COMMUNICATION CCI AUVERGNE - 2016 - Crédit Photo : Bullo - Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique. SPECIFIC PARTICIPATION IN A SUBCONTRACTING FOR CUTLERY BUSINESS CONVENTION: