Untitled - World Islamic Economic Forum
Untitled - World Islamic Economic Forum
Front cover to message-Final_OL.indd 1 7/15/16 11:53 PM WELCOME MESSAGE H.E. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia The World Islamic Economic Forum is a unique and singular platform for developing new partnerships. It brings together the opportunities of the rapidly growing Islamic economy to build international collaborations. As a platform for Muslim and non-Muslim nations and business to work together, the World Islamic Economic Forum not only helps to deliver valuable business relationships, but also provides a key opportunity for deeper and more rewarding cultural understanding. The main theme of the 12th WIEF, “Decentralising Growth, Empowering Future Business” resonates well with Indonesia’s current challenges. As the economy of Indonesia keeps growing, the distribution of growth should not only be focused on the major industries and business players. Recently, we have witnessed the rise of startups in Indonesia, from eCommerce, eMarketplace, service-based companies, and many more. They are continuously innovating and improving their business practice to become more efficient, low-cost, and reachable for everyone. These new players are the one who will reshape the economic landscape. The 12th WIEF will also acknowledge the important roles of SMEs to elevate the economic growth around the globe, far from the preceding dominance of major multinationals which only represent a small portion of the business community for any particular country. The discussions will drive concerns, questions, and most importantly, solutions for the SMEs. Islamic Finance is set to play a vital part in developing the financial environment to further propel us forward as a nation. However, finance is just one aspect of the Islamic economy, which is set to deliver significant rewards for those of us who embrace it. The creative industries, Islamic travel and halal food markets, are other areas which are expected to see a significant leap in growth, as regional and global development expand for wider opportunities. It is our belief that the World Islamic Economic Forum provides the template for that collaboration, a platform where Muslim and non-Muslim alike can work together for our mutual benefit. It also provides a unique opportunity for business within Indonesia, offering a platform for discussions around private-public partnership in infrastructure, financial services, manufacturing and many more. FOREWORD The Hon. Tun Musa Hitam Chairman of the WIEF Foundation In the eight years since the global financial crisis of 2008, the only constant in our ever-changing world is change itself. Even as the US dollar struggles to recover, post-Brexit Europe is in crisis while new powerhouses—particularly China and Russia—are navigating their way in a considerably less secure world. What does this mean for emerging economies in general and Muslim economies in particular? What is the impact of these changes on our lives? How can we remain resilient and committed to the ethical and sustainable growth that is the cornerstone of the global Islamic economy? In seeking answers to these questions, the WIEF’s mission has become more relevant than ever, and the theme of the 12th WIEF— Decentralising Growth, Empowering Future Business—articulates the Muslim world’s collective response to the crises that continue to grip conventional markets, economies and societies around the world. These crises have shown us repeatedly that future economic growth must be inclusive, meaning that we must move away from the domination of multinationals in favour of small and medium businesses that must form the primary sources of economic growth in all nations. If our future prosperity is to be ethical and sustainable, we must empower local businesses and communities. We must diffuse economic power from the centre throughout the periphery so that we may all share equitably in the fruits of our collective efforts. This transition cannot happen overnight. For this reason, the 12th WIEF focuses on aspects of economic empowerment that are best suited to catalysing positive change for local communities. Industry leaders will share their views on disruptive technologies and infrastructure funding while experts will explore how established corporations and startups can synergise. A special focus on micro-businesses will examine ways to improve SME access to credit as well as explore new opportunities in digitised trade, and of particular interest will be the discussion on upgrading Indonesian micro-businesses for better access to markets and funding. Of course, the WIEF Exhibition and the trailblazing MOCAfest will once again provide a multidisciplinary platform, the latter in particular for talented individuals from around the world to collaborate and exchange ideas that can help empower millions of people around the world. Many of the problems we will explore require urgent solutions. The WIEF remains deeply committed to helping communities discover those solutions jointly and in the spirit of friendship. I take this opportunity to thank the Government of Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance for hosting the 12th WIEF. This is the second time that the WIEF has gathered in Jakarta, and on behalf of the WIEF Foundation, I would like to record my gratitude to the Government of Indonesia for its enduring support. I wish all speakers, delegates and participants a happy, productive, enlightening and valuable time here at the 12th WIEF. PATRON’S MESSAGE The Hon. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak Prime Minister of Malaysia and Patron of the WIEF Foundation It gives me great pleasure to see the annual World Islamic Economic Forum, now in its 12th edition, returning for a second time to Jakarta. On behalf of the WIEF Foundation, I would like to record my deepest appreciation of H.E. Joko Widodo, the President of Indonesia, for Indonesia’s continuing support of and friendship with the WIEF. This year’s theme— Decentralising Growth, Empowering Future Business—is an apt response to the persistent challenges to world economic and political security as well as new developments sparked by events such as the Brexit referendum in June and its consequences for Europe in the global economy. Viewed as part of a single continuum of cause and effect, many in Europe have had to deal with the aftershocks of the 2008 global economic crisis without having fully recovered—and now the possibility of a new crisis looms on the horizon. And yet a perspective beyond the Eurocentric worldview paints a very different picture: according to the Thompson Reuters/DinarStandard State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2015/2016, the world’s Muslim economy grew at almost double the global rate in 2014/2015, with Muslim consumer spending set to reach US$2.6 trillion in 2020. Closer to home, the ASEAN region recorded robust Gross Domestic Product growth of 4.5 per cent in 2015 when Malaysia was Chair of the grouping, and is expected to post marginally higher results for 2016 despite global uncertainty. These two facts alone indicate that the decentralisation of economic growth is not merely desirable but necessary in building more stable and just societies in the future. The domination of the global economy by major multinational corporations creates a host of inequalities that inhibits competition and disadvantages small and medium businesses as well as local communities, and this is as applicable here in Indonesia as it is anywhere in the world. In adverse economic conditions, this unequal relationship creates troubling systemic vulnerabilities that jeopardise entire societies and we have seen its results several times in recent decades: even our even vocabulary—which applies terms such as “contagion” to financial crises—shows how serious the situation has become. The way forward is clear: we must empower small and medium businesses at the local level while remaining united in our vision for a prosperous and sustainable future built on foundations that are just, ethical and inclusive. Whether we live in Indonesia, ASEAN, the Middle East, Africa, Europe or elsewhere in the world, the Islamic economy is more globally relevant now than ever before. In discussing these issues here at the 12th WIEF, I pray that participants will discover new ways to promote the Islamic economy as well as new innovative partnerships and friendships that can transcend borders and help return balance to our increasingly troubled world. GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION Delegates will be given a 12th WIEF delegate/forum kit upon registration. A team of registration personnel will be present to help you register and answer any questions that you may have concerning your registration, badge as well as your delegate/forum kit. Please note that you must wear your badge at all times. INFORMATION COUNTER Opening Hours 2 & 3 August 2016 | 8.00 am – 6.00 pm 4 August 2016 | 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Main Lobby: Jakarta Convention Center Opening Hours The Information Counter will assist delegates with enquiries on the Forum programme, transportation arrangements, lost and found, and other related matters. 2 & 3 August 2016 | 8.00 am – 6.00 pm Forum Secretariat Opening Hours The WIEF Secretariat will provide all necessary information related to the Forum. In addition, the Secretariat will be responsible for the distribution of Forum documents and speech transcripts. To support environmental protection efforts, WIEF will endeavour to reduce the production of documents. Only limited quantity of documents will be circulated at the Forum venue and delegates can attain access to all documents at www.wief.org/ forum/12 4 August 2016 | 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Main Lobby: Jakarta Convention Center 2 & 3 August 2016 | 8.00 am – 6.00 pm 4 August 2016 | 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Main Lobby: Jakarta Convention Center GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA CENTRE Opening Hours Journalists have full access to the Media Centre, where they can find all the necessary facilities such as internet access, fax, printers and photocopiers, as well as refreshments. 2 & 3 August 2016 | 8.00 am – 6.00 pm CATERING Coffee Break/Refreshments Lunch will be provided to delegates at the Dining Hall, Main Lobby: Jakarta Convention Center. Coffee, tea and snacks will be available during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks in the Foyer. WORKING LANGUAGES For all subsequent sessions, the SIS headsets will be made available at designated counters of the entrance to the Plenary Hall, Press Conference Room and Assembly Hall 2. Participants requiring a headset will be asked to leave an official photo ID or Forum badge at the counters. The working language of the Forum will be English. All Plenary Sessions, Panel Discussions and Masterclasses will have simultaneous interpretation through SIS devices. For the Opening Session, the SIS headsets will be placed on the respective seats. These headsets are not to brought out of the hall at any point and should always be left on the seats for collection by the venue personnel after the Opening Session. 4 August 2016 | 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Main Lobby: Jakarta Convention Center Interpretations provided include: English, Russian, French, Arabic and Indonesian. GENERAL INFORMATION BADGE Please ensure that your 12th WIEF Delegate badge is visible to our security staff at all times. Our security staff has been instructed to question anybody without a valid badge. The badge will guarantee access to all function areas such as Forum Sessions and social events. Lost or damaged badges must be reported immediately to the Information Counter. Replacement badges will cost US$50. CERTIFICATES All registered delegates can collect their Certificates of Participation at the Registration counters on Thursday, 4 August. DRESS CODE Business Attire. INTERNET ACCESS Internet access is provided at the Forum venue. Electronic devices Please turn off your mobile phones and other electronic devices or switch them to silent/vibrate mode during the sessions. MEDICAL SERVICES Medical services will be made available at the Main Lobby, Jakarta Convention Center. Please request for assistance at the Information Counter. FIRE PROCEDURE All delegates are requested to familiarise themselves with the fire procedure notices, which are located throughout the Forum venue. GENERAL INFORMATION INSURANCE Forum delegates are advised to carry their own insurance. LIABILITY The WIEF Foundation will not accept liability for personal or property damage or injuries suffered by third parties including but not limited to loss or damage occurring to any property or theft of motor vehicle, deposited or parked on site. LOST PROPERTY Any enquiries regarding lost property should be made with a WIEF Secretariat at the Information Counter. SMOKING Smoking is prohibited at the Forum venue. EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS Police & General Emergencies: 110 / 112 (SMS 1717) TAXI NUMBERS Blue Bird Taxi (blue cab) 021-79171234 Fire: 113 Silver Bird Taxi (black cab, premium taxi) 021-7981234 BANKING HOURS Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 3.00 pm and Saturday 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. TIME ZONE Jakarta’s time zone is UTC +7:00 COUNTRY CODE The country code for Indonesia is +62. MAPS Legend WIEF MAIN LOBBY JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER Information Counter Medical Room Toilet WIEF Secretariat Media Interview Room MAPS ART WALL FOH FASHION INSTALLATION STAGE ASSEMBLY HALL 3 LOWER LOBBY JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER Legend Prayer Room 1 2 TH W I E F PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER 8.00am 8.30am DAY ONE TUE 2 AUG DAY TWO WED 3 AUG 8.30am 9.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm REGISTRATION Arrival of Delegates, Guests and VIPs OPENING SESSION OF THE 12TH WIEF BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST (BNB) BUSINESS EXCHANGE NETWORKING LUNCH CEO PANEL Disruptive Technology and the Rise of New Industries INDUSTRY HARDTALK Closing the Funding Gap in Infrastructure MASTERCLASS Achieving Synergies between Corporations and Startups MASTERCLASS Halal Haute Cuisine Cooking Show BUSINESS EXCHANGE NETWORKING LUNCH IDEAPAD BUSINESS IDEAPAD Equity Seed EXCHANGE Crowdfunding Pitching and Startups COMPLEMENTARY PROGRAMMES EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS DAY THREE THU 4 AUG PANEL DISCUSSION Restructuring SMEs and Improving Credit Access COFFEE BREAK PANEL DISCUSSION SMEs in a World of Digitised Trade PANEL DISCUSSION Upgrading Indonesian Micro-Businesses in Market Access and Funding EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS CLOSING SESSION 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm FACE TO FACE 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 4.00pm MINISTERIAL PANEL What can be Achieved by the AEC by 2025? 4.00pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK The Rise of the Consumer Economy COFFEE BREAK EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS PANEL DISCUSSION Linking Islamic Financing to the Halal Sectors PANEL DISCUSSION Can Islamic Fashion Become Haute Couture? NETWORKING LUNCH MASTERCLASS Empowering Women in eCommerce BUSINESS EXCHANGE COFFEE BREAK IDEAPAD Seed Pitching MASTERCLASS Innovation in Education: Preparing for the Next 10 Years IDEAPAD ASEAN’s BUSINESS Startup Ecosystem EXCHANGE BUSINESS EXCHANGE COMPLEMENTARY PROGRAMMES EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS NETWORKING LUNCH 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm GALA DINNER 8.00pm 9.00pm PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y O N E | 2 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , T u esd ay 8.00am 9.30am REGISTRATION Arrival of Delegates, Guests and VIPS 9.30am 12.00pm OPENING SESSION OF THE 12TH WIEF Venue: Plenary Hall Qur’an Recital Welcoming Remarks by The Hon. Tun Musa Hitam, Chairman of the WIEF Foundation Special Address by The Hon. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia & Patron of the WIEF Foundation Keynote Address & Official Opening of the 12th WIEF by H.E. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia Special Addresses by Attending Leaders 12.00pm 1.30pm NETWORKING LUNCH 1.30pm 2.30pm FACE TO FACE Venue: Dining Hall (Exhibition Hall B) Venue: Plenary Hall Speaker: • Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Swiss Confederation Moderator: • Valerina Daniel, News Anchor & Communications Adviser, Republic of Indonesia 2.30pm 4.00pm MINISTERIAL PANEL What can be Achieved by the AEC by 2025? Venue: Plenary Hall The AEC Blueprint 2025 was announced by ASEAN Leaders at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur in November 2015 to pave the way for strategic measures for the AEC from 2016 to 2025. What are ASEAN’s main challenges to implementation? Is ASEAN’s vastly diverse group of member states a boon or a bane to economic integration? What can be achieved by 2025? Speakers: • The Hon. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia • H.E. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Minister of Finance, Republic of Indonesia D A Y O N E | 2 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Tuesd ay 4.00pm 4.15pm COFFEE BREAK 4.15pm 5.45pm GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK The Rise of the Consumer Economy Venue: Plenary Hall In the past, entire supply chains were controlled by a few large companies. Today, this is being challenged by new consumer-driven frameworks that allow consumers to design, build, market, distribute and trade among themselves. This bottom up approach to value creation is fuelled by peer to peer networks, and DIY platforms that constitute the ‘frugal economy’. Will frugal economics shape the next decade? What will happen to the traditional value supply chain? Speakers: • Handry Satriago, Chief Executive Officer, General Electric, Republic of Indonesia • Arancha González, Executive Director, International Trade Centre, Swiss Confederation • Dato’ Mohamad Rafique Merican, Group Head, Islamic Banking and CEO of Maybank Islamic • Oğuz Aslaner, Deputy Executive Director, Banking and Financial Institutions Department, Central Bank of Turkey, Republic of Turkey Moderator: • Teymoor Nabili, Former News Anchor, Al Jazeera, Republic of Singapore 12.00pm 6.00pm EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS 6.00pm 9.00pm GALA DINNER Venue: Exhibition Hall A Venue: Dining Hall (Exhibition Hall B) NAVIGATION GUIDE PANEL DISCUSSION MASTERCLASS IDEAPAD BUSINESS EXCHANGE EXHIBITION SME PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , W e d n esd ay 9.00am 10.30am BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST (BNB) Venue: Dining Hall (Exhibition Hall B) 6 BNB Industries: ISLAMIC FINANCE Prof. Dr Volker Nienhaus Former President, University of Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany Kunrat Wirasubrata Acting Director of Islamic Development Bank Group, Regional Office for Southeast Asia, Malaysia ISLAMIC FASHION & DESIGN Attiya Nawazish Ali Assistant Secretary General, Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), Islamic Republic of Pakistan HALAL Dr El Hassane Hzaine General Manager, Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) Essa Al Ghurair Vice Chairman, Al Ghurair Investment LLC, United Arab Emirates INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Wan Mohd Zahid Wan Mohd Noordin Chairman, WIEF Education Trust, Malaysia Ebrahim Patel Chairman, TransAfrix Holdings, Republic of South Africa INFRASTRUCTURE Sevket Can Tulumen Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee, MÜSİAD Businessmen’s Association, Republic of Turkey Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Ghani Chairman of the Board, Sime Darby Berhad, Malaysia Salahuddin Kasem Khan Managing Director & CEO of A.K. Khan & Co Limited, and Executive Chairman SEACO Foundation, People’s Republic of Bangladesh SME Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad Chairman, WIEF Businesswomen Network, Malaysia Mumtaz Khan Chief Executive Officer, Asma Capital Partners B.S.C., Kingdom of Bahrain D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 16, Wed n esd ay 9.30am 10.30am BUSINESS EXCHANGE MASTERCLASS Connecting Networks Global Networking 10.30am 12.00pm CEO PANEL Disruptive Technology and the Rise of New Industries Venue: Exhibition Hall A Speaker: • Camelia Tan Sri Ya’acob, Founder and Envoy Executive, Rootwommers Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Venue: Plenary Hall The world has seen an unprecedented growth of advanced robotics, artificial intelligence and internet technologies that have dramatically changed the way we do things for good. This development has created new industries and is disrupting the way traditional businesses operate. What can companies do to stay ahead of the curve? What are the future prospects for modern businesses? Speakers: • Dr -Ing Ilham A. Habibie, Co-Founder, Mitra Energia Ltd, Republic of Indonesia • Azran Osman-Rani, Chief Executive Officer, iflix, Malaysia • Shelby Clark, Co-Founder & CEO of Peers and Founder of Turo, United States of America • Ahmed Haider, Chief Executive Officer of Zookal and Director of Flirtey, Commonwealth of Australia Moderator: • Desi Anwar, Senior Anchor, CNN, Republic of Indonesia 10.30am 12.00pm MASTERCLASS Achieving Synergies between Corporations and Startups Venue: Assembly Hall 2 Corporations are increasingly working with startups in a bid to outsource some of its technological requirements or business operations. The reason is simple; cost and efficiency. As startups are by nature lean and nimble, it makes for more cost effective business ventures. What are the deal making factors? What are some compelling case studies? Speakers: • Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Bubu.com, Republic of Indonesia • Jordan Duffy, Director & Head of Innovation, Buckham & Duffy, Commonwealth of Australia PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , W e d n esd ay 10.30am 11.15am BUSINESS EXCHANGE Venue: Exhibition Hall A A networking session where corporations present an elevator pitch about their business before going to one-to-one meetings. 11.15am 12.00pm IDEAPAD PANEL DISCUSSION How can ASEAN Startups Benefit from Licensed Equity Crowdfunding Platforms? Venue: Exhibition Hall A An in-depth look into the world of equity crowdfunding in SEA and where they have reached so far, the challenges faced and the opportunities presented. Speakers: • Sam Shafie, Chief Executive Officer, Pitch Platforms Sdn Bhd (pitchIN), Malaysia • Kyri Andreou, Co-Founder and Director, ATA PLUS, Malaysia • Nicola Castelnuovo, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Crowdo, Malaysia Moderator: • Erly Witoyo, Founder, Kapital Boost, Republic of Singapore 12.00pm 1.00pm INDUSTRY HARDTALK Closing the Funding Gap in Infrastructure Venue: Plenary Hall This session puts representatives from infrastructure banks with infrastructure companies, moderated by a high-powered moderator, to identify gaps in the infrastructure sector and challenges to infrastructure financing. It also explores whether the planned Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the G20 agenda on sukuk for infrastructure financing will boost the prospects for the industry. Speakers: • Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn, Executive Director of Investments and Head of Strategic Management Unit, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia • Bakti Santoso Luddin, President Commissioner, PT Wijaya Karya, Republic of Indonesia • Dr Luky Eko Wuryanto, Vice President and Chief Administration Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, People’s Republic of China • Dato’ Muzaffar Hisham, Group Head of Global Banking, Maybank Moderator: • James Chau, Special Contributor, CCTV News, People’s Republic of China D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 16, Wed n esd ay 12.00pm 1.00pm MASTERCLASS Halal Haute Cuisine Cooking Show Venue: Assembly Hall 2 The first ever Michelin Star chef specialised in halal haute cuisine from Spain, Paco Morales, talks about his discovery of the culinary heritage of Al-Andalus and the potential of halal haute cuisine and proceeds to a cooking demo Speakers: • Paco Morales, Michelin Star Chef, Kingdom of Spain • Jesús M. Ramirez, Managing Director, Grupo Fuxiona, Kingdom of Spain 12.00pm 12.30pm BUSINESS EXCHANGE Venue: Exhibition Hall A A networking session where corporations present an elevator pitch about their business before going to one-to-one meetings. 12.30pm 1.00pm IDEAPAD SEED PITCHING Venue: Exhibition Hall A 2 seed startups will get to pitch in front of a panel of 5 judges who will critique and advise the entrepreneurs and hopefully invest in the most promising one. 1.00pm 2.30pm NETWORKING LUNCH Venue: Dining Hall (Exhibition Hall B) PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , W e d n esd ay 2.30pm 4.00pm PANEL DISCUSSION Can Islamic Fashion Become Haute Couture? Venue: Plenary Hall Islamic fashion is often criticised for only catering for the Muslim consumer market, and will not make it mainstream and high fashion. But facts tell us otherwise. The consumer base for Islamic fashion draws from a diverse range of people who are also non-Muslims. And by the sheer number of potential consumer spending, this sector will take the world by storm. In 2013, Muslims spend US$266 billion on fashion alone, more than that of Japan and Italy combined. This figure is expected to increase to US$484 billion in 2019. For a market estimated to be worth US$96 billion, and with many mainstream brands creating modest fashion capsules, the modest/Islamic fashion movement can make it big. What are the constraints and prospects for it to enter into the haute couture scene? Speakers: • Faduma Aden, Chief Executive Officer & Founder of Jemmila, Scandinavian Cool. Conservative Chic., Kingdom of Sweden • Barbara Nicolini, Creative Director of Infinita Group and IFDC, Italian Republic • Didiet Maulana, Creative Director, IKAT, Republic of Indonesia Moderator: • Roshan Isaacs, Country Manager, Islamic Fashion and Design Council, Republic of South Africa MASTERCLASS Empowering Women in eCommerce Venue: Assembly Hall 2 eCommerce has blossomed into a multi-billion dollar industry. And With women accounting for around 58% of all online purchases and deciding between 83-87% of consumer purchases, the role of women in shaping the online business landscape is bigger than ever. This has given rise to eCommerce businesses run entirely by women and sometimes exclusively for women, which gives a strong validation that there is a huge potential role for women to play in the eCommerce space. What are the effective steps for women to participate in this industry? Is running a business from of home entirely possible? Speakers: • Riski Hapsari, Founder and Owner, Koleksikikie.com, Republic of Indonesia • Fatma A. Elmaawy, Managing Partner, Auto Village, Republic of Kenya D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 16, Wed n esd ay 2.30pm 3.15pm BUSINESS EXCHANGE Venue: Exhibition Hall A A networking session where corporations present an elevator pitch about their business before going to one-to-one meetings. 3.15pm 4.00pm IDEAPAD SEED PITCHING Venue: Exhibition Hall A 3 seed startups with innovative ideas backed with proper research will get to pitch in front of a panel of 5 judges (accelerators & incubators) who will critique and advise the entrepreneurs and hopefully recruit the promising ones. 4.00pm 4.15pm COFFEE BREAK 4.15pm 5.45pm PANEL DISCUSSION Linking Islamic Financing to the Halal Sectors Venue: Plenary Hall The global halal industry, encompassing food, textiles, tourism and healthcare, will double to US$6.4 trillion by 2018 from 2012, according to the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC). But this consolidated industry, dubbed “Halal 3.0”, will not be realised unless there is connectivity between funding and business expansion in these various halal sectors. Islamic Banks have traditionally financed businesses in the real-estate commercial and residential sectors, but have not contributed to the expansion of the halal businesses. What are the steps to close the credibility gap? What can halal businesses do to improve their creditworthiness? Speakers: • Mohammad Nazeem Noordali, General Manager, Corporate & Structured Finance (ITFC), Islamic Development Bank, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia • Malek Mattar, Chief Executive Officer, My Outlets Pte Ltd, Republic of Singapore • Akmal Saleem, Chief Executive Officer, Maarij Capital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia • Sitta Rosdaniah, Financial and Supporting Director, Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, Republic of Indonesia Moderator: • Annamaria Tiozzo, President, Italian Halal Certification Center, World Halal Development (WHAD), Italian Republic PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , W e d n esd ay 4.15pm 5.45pm MASTERCLASS Innovation in Education: Preparing for the Next 10 years Venue: Assembly Hall 2 The education system has undergone a massive transformation from one that fed the industrial revolution in the 19th century, to one that focuses on lucrative high-paying jobs. But with a new consumer-driven knowledge economy with unprecedented technological advancements in the making, the focus of education is changing yet again. How is this going to take shape in the next 10 years? What are the innovative ideas to improve the education system to prepare us for future demands? Speakers: • Evi H. Trisna, Executive Director, Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaching Movement), Republic of Indonesia • Prof. Richard Black, Pro-Director (Research & Enterprise), School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), United Kingdom 4.15pm 5.00pm BUSINESS EXCHANGE Venue: Exhibition Hall A A networking session where corporations present an elevator pitch about their business before going to one-to-one meetings. 5.00pm 5.45pm 5.45pm 6.00pm IDEAPAD Catalysing the Growth of ASEAN’s Startup Ecosystem by Rice Bowl Startup Awards BUSINESS EXCHANGE Closing - Q&A Session Venue: Exhibition Hall A The Rice Bowl Startup Awards commends exemplary leaders that uniquely impact the startup community ranging from investors, journalists and entrepreneurs. This session together with the finalist of RBSA Indonesia will deliberate the tactics and strategies to grow a startup in the ASEAN region. Venue: Exhibition Hall A Speaker: • Camelia Tan Sri Ya’acob, Founder, Envoy Executive, Rootwommers Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 9.00am 6.00pm EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS 9.00am 6.00pm COMPLEMENTARY PROGRAMMES Venue: Exhibition Hall A Venue: Cendrawasih Hall D A Y T H R E E | 4 A u gu s t 2016, Th ursd ay 9.00am 9.10am 9.10am 10.30am KEYNOTE ADDRESS Corporatising SMEs and Cooperatives PANEL DISCUSSION Restructuring SMEs and Improving Credit Access Venue: Plenary Hall Speaker: • Tanri Abeng, President Commissioner, PT Pertamina and Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia Venue: Plenary Hall SMEs are beset by all sides with financial restrictions that impede their business expansion. In most cases, banks require huge collaterals from SMEs for loans, a treatment not accorded to big businesses that have the same propensity to default. One of the reasons is the structure of SMEs that is not scalable and attractive to financial institutions. What are the various credit access options available to SMEs? What is a conducive structure for SMEs to receive sustainable financing? Speakers: • Thione Niang, Co-Founder and President, Solektra International, United States of America • Adnan Chilwan, Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Islamic Bank, United Arab Emirates • Salih Tuna Şahin, Vice President, SME Development Organization (KOSGEB), Republic of Turkey • Peniel Uliwa, Managing Partner, SME Impact Fund, United Republic of Tanzania Moderator: • Nadira Mohd Yusoff, Chief Executive Officer, Nadi Ayu Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 10.30am 10.45am COFFEE BREAK PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER D A Y T H R E E | 4 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Th ursd ay 10.45am 11.45am PANEL DISCUSSION SMEs in a World of Digitised Trade Venue: Plenary Hall The way we do business is changing dramatically with the advent of new technologies that makes transactions and logistics exponentially quicker. To succeed or even survive in this new framework, SMEs need to quickly adapt to changes. What are the areas of improvement for SMEs in this new framework? Speakers: • Dr Eddy Lee, Managing Partner, Coffee Ventures, Republic of Singapore • Ridzki Kramadibrata, Managing Director, Grab Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia • Philip Glickman, Regional Head of Commercial Payments, MasterCard Asia Pacific, Republic of Singapore Moderator: • Elias Schulze, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Kana Television, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 11.45am 12.45pm PANEL DISCUSSION Upgrading Indonesian Micro-Businesses in Market Access and Funding Venue: Plenary Hall Micro-businesses make up an overwhelming percentage of the workforce in Indonesia, but contribution to GDP remains low and fragmented compared to their bigger counterparts. Part of the problem is due to market access and funding. Since the bulk of the population works in this sector, a concrete solution is needed to take micro-businesses to the next level. What are the policy steps being taken to address this? Speakers: • Dr Atef Alshabrawy, Global Expert MENA Region, International Council for Small Business, Kingdom of Bahrain • Rosan Roeslani, Chairman, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), Republic of Indonesia • James Digby, Co-Founder, Rockstart Accelerator and Founding Chairman, Global Startup Awards, Kingdom of Denmark Moderator: • Hermawan Kartajaya, Founder and Executive Chairman, MarkPlus Inc, Republic of Indonesia D A Y T H R E E | 4 A u gu s t 2 016, Th ursd ay 12.45pm 1.15pm CLOSING SESSION Venue: Plenary Hall • Jakarta Statement on the 12th WIEF read by Tan Sri Dato’ Ahmad Fuzi Haji Abdul Razak, Secretary General of the WIEF Foundation • Signing of Agreement on the 13th WIEF • Special Address by H.E. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia • Special Address by H.E. Moon-Soon Choi, Governor of Gangwon Province of the Republic of Korea • Vote of Thanks by The Hon. Tun Musa Hitam, Chairman of the WIEF Foundation 1.15pm 2.30pm NETWORKING LUNCH 9.00am 2.00pm EXHIBITION OF SPONSORS AND SME VENDORS Venue: Dining Hall (Exhibition Hall B) Venue: Exhibition Hall A MOCAfest PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER ABOUT D A Y O N E | 2 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Tuesd ay 1.30pm 5.30pm MOCAfest VISUAL EXHIBITION Islamic Fashion and Visual Arts Venue: Assembly Hall 3 ABOUT D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Wed n esd ay 10.00am 10.00pm MOCAfest VISUAL EXHIBITION Islamic Fashion, Visual and Live Arts 10.00am 11.00am MOCA TRANSLATIONS 7.0 Venue: Assembly Hall 3 Venue: Assembly Hall 3 Reviving classic works of literature from the Muslim world and beyond. Focusing on the work of Hamka, an Islamic and literary scholar from Sumatra, and how his message can be passed down to the next generation through the medium of art. Artists: • Jamal Raslan, Spoken Word Artist, Malaysia • Krom Monster member, World Music Band, Kingdom of Cambodia • Animal Pop, Dance Group, Republic of Indonesia • Etson Caminha, Visual Artist and Musician, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 11.00am 12.00pm PANEL DISCUSSION The Business of Culture: Commercialisation or Preservation? Venue: Assembly Hall 3 When Indonesia’s cultural capital leaves home ground to compete on a global stage, it faces a divergence point, whether to commercialise or preserve. How will this affect the transmission of creative works? Speakers: • Putri Sulistyowati, Ambassador and Programme Coordinator, Indonesia Heritage Trust, and Creative Director, G&B Guitars, Republic of Indonesia • Rasmee Wayrana, Singer and Songwriter, Kingdom of Thailand ABOUT D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Wed n esd ay 12.00pm 1.00pm MASTERCLASS Design Thinking in Motion Venue: Assembly Hall 3 Showcasing the basic principles of design thinking, and how we can use it in our everyday lives, a real live demonstration will be at work by creators and makers from the design movement. Artist: • House of Natural Fiber, New Media Art Laboratory, Republic of Indonesia 1.00pm 2.00pm LUNCH 2.30pm 3.30pm IDEAPAD Creative Arts Project Pitch 2.30pm 4.00pm PANEL DISCUSSION Can Islamic Fashion Become Haute Couture? Venue: Assembly Hall 3 A stage is given to selected talents to pitch in their innovative and creative projects in front of a judging panel. Venue: Plenary Hall For a market estimated to be worth US$96 billion, and with many mainstream brands creating modest fashion capsules, the modest/ Islamic fashion movement can make it big. What are the constraints and prospects for it to enter into the haute couture scene? Speakers: • Faduma Aden, Chief Executive Officer & Founder of Jemmila, Scandinavian Cool. Conservative Chic., Kingdom of Sweden • Barbara Nicolini, Creative Director of Infinita Group and IFDC, Italian Republic • Didiet Maulana, Creative Director, IKAT, Republic of Indonesia Moderator: • Roshan Isaacs, Country Manager, Islamic Fashion and Design Council, Republic of South Africa 3.30pm 4.00pm MOCAfest SOUNDSCAPE SERIES Venue: Assembly Hall 3 A fusion of creative works under the theme ‘Unity in Diversity’. Artists: •Tony Amaral, Visual Artist, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste •Krom Monster member, World Music Band, Kingdom of Cambodia •Ayu Laksmi, Singer and Songwriter, Republic of Indonesia •Jamal Raslan, Spoken Word Artist, Malaysia MOCAfest PROGRAMME VENUE : JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER ABOUT D A Y T W O | 3 A u gu s t 2 0 1 6 , Wed n esd ay 4.30pm 5.30pm 8.30pm 10.30pm SHARING CIRCLE Talent vs. Money – Bringing Business to the Arts MOCAfest SOUNDSCAPE CONCERT Venue: Assembly Hall 3 A fish-bowl dialogue between artists, managers, businessmen, and cultural producers in understanding the business models and the nature of the Creative Industry. What are the perceptions of artists and investors? Venue: Assembly Hall 3 A grand performing arts concert, bringing creative talents of various genres from different countries, for a fusion of modern, traditional, soulful, and expressive performances. Artists: •Animal Pop, Dance Group, Republic of Indonesia •Jamal Raslan, Spoken Word Artist, Malaysia •Ayu Laksmi, Singer and Songwriter, Republic of Indonesia •Wani Ardy & The Guitar Polygamy (3-piece band), Malaysia •Krom Monster, World Music Band, Kingdom of Cambodia •Rasmee Wayrana, Singer and Songwriter, Kingdom of Thailand •Marcell, Singer, Republic of Indonesia ABOUT D A Y T H R E E | 4 A u gu s t 2 0 16, Th ursd ay 9.30am 1.15pm MOCAfest VISUAL EXHIBITION Islamic Fashion and Visual Arts 9.30am 10.30am PANEL DISCUSSION Islamic Cinema and Challenging Ideology Venue: Assembly Hall 3 Venue: Assembly Hall 3 An in-depth discussion on the power of visual and audio symbolism in changing the narrative and catalysing social change. What are the drivers behind the emerging growth of Islamic Films and its implication on Indonesia’s culture? Speakers: • Manoj Punjabi, CEO of MD Productions, Republic of Indonesia • Daniel Rudi Heryanto, Film Maker, Republic of Indonesia • Ismail Basbeth, Director and Writer, Republic of Indonesia Moderator: • Eric Sasono, Film Critic, Republic of Indonesia ABOUT D A Y T H R E E | 4 A u gu s t 2 016, Th ursd ay 10.30am 12.20pm FILM SCREENING – Q&A Venue: Assembly Hall 3 A film screening of ‘Khalifah’, a movie directed by Norman Hakim followed by a Q&A session with the producer, Nan T. Achnas. Speaker: • Nan T. Achnas, Producer, Republic of Indonesia 12.20pm 12.45pm 12.45pm 1.15pm MOCAfest SOUNDSCAPE Visual Mapping Demo CLOSING SESSION Venue: Assembly Hall 3 Artist: • Fauzi Yusoff, Multimedia Artist, Malaysia H.E. Joko Widodo President, Republic of Indonesia In 2005, he decided to enter politics and ran for the office of mayor of Surakarta representing the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Initially people viewed him with skepticism as he was primarily a businessman with no political connections. President Joko Widodo is the 7th President of Indonesia, serving in this position since October 2014. President Joko Widodo, a forestry faculty graduate from the Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, officially entered politics when he was elected as Governor of Jakarta, after proving to be very popular among both the urban and rural sections of the society. In 1988, he founded his own business, CV Rakabu, which was later re-established and became a very successful furniture exporter by 2002. He also served as the chairman of a local branch of the country’s influential furniture manufacturers’ association. He won the elections and soon proved his detractors wrong by initiating many progressive reforms in the city. As the mayor he earned much respect for his progressive reforms and his honesty which distinguished him from other politicians. He developed a rapport with the people as he had risen to this post from an underprivileged background, and thus could connect with people from all sections of the society. In 2010, he was re-elected for a second term of office with over 90 per cent of the vote. In 2012, he decided to run for the Governor of Jakarta. President Joko Widodo was contesting the election against the incumbent, Fauzi Bowo, and ousted him in the second round of that election. As the Governor of Jakarta, he implemented many policies to encourage small industries and focused on improving Jakartans’ access to health care and education. He implemented a universal health care programme in Jakarta, based on a ‘Healthy Jakarta Card’ (Kartu Jakarta Sehat or KJS) which became very popular. He also launched the “Smart Jakarta Card” in order to help poor students by giving them an allowance that can be withdrawn from ATMs in order to buy school supplies. The leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Megawati Sukarnoputri chose Joko Widodo to be the presidential candidate of her party in 2014. His mayorship in Surakarta and his governorship in Jakarta had made him highly respected and popular all over Indonesia. He won the election with more than 53 percent of the popular vote, defeating his opponent Prabowo Subianto. After assuming office in 2014, President Joko Widodo focused on curbing corruption within the Indonesian administration and has been taking steps to attract more foreign direct investment into the country. He has also implemented land reforms, improved public services, and initiated healthcare and educational programmes. He was awarded the Bintang Jalasena Utama, 1st Class (“Navy Meritorious Service Star”) in 2011 by the Government of Indonesia, and the 1st Class “Star of the Republic of Indonesia” (BRI), Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna in 2014, and was once ranked as the third best mayor in the world by the international City Mayors Foundation. The Hon. DATO’ SRI MOHD NAJIB TUN ABDUL RAZAK Prime Minister of Malaysia and Patron of WIEF Foundation Minister, by 29 the Chief Minister of a state, and by 33 a full Cabinet Minister. Having successfully led most key ministries, including Education, Defence and Finance, aged 55 on 3 April 2009 he became Prime Minister. POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak is the Prime Minister of Malaysia. As the son of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, Malaysia’s second Prime Minister, and nephew of Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia’s third Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Najib was born into a family of political pedigree. 40 YEARS OF PUBLIC SERVICE Having initially pursued a career in business, he only entered public service upon his father’s death. After an outpouring of public support, at the age of 22 he became the youngest MP in Malaysia’s history. Despite the absence of his father to help him, by 25 he was a Deputy Cabinet Since then, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has implemented the most far-reaching political and economic reform programmes since Malaysia’s independence. These include: • Repealing the colonial-era Internal Security Act, which permitted indefinite detention without trial; • Ending Malaysia’s 60-year State of Emergency; • Introducing measures to increase media freedom, such as scrapping restrictions on newspaper publishing licenses; • Reforming the Universities and University Colleges Act to allow undergraduates to participate in political activities; • Creating the Peaceful Assembly Act, for the first time enshrining in law the right to peaceful protest; • Repealing the Banishment Act; • Repealing the Restricted Residences Act; • Implementing various electoral reforms. • Diversifying the economy and halving government dependency on oil and gas from 41 percent of total revenue when he assumed office in 2009, to 21 percent by 2015. through implementing a minimum wage, encouraging foreign investment – which grew by more than 22 percent per annum from when he took office in 2009 until 2015 – and turned Malaysia into one of Asia’s most dynamic and successful economies. His flagship New Economic Model is on target to transition Malaysia to a highincome nation by 2020. The Prime Minister also introduced the ‘1Malaysia’ concept, which stresses the importance of national unity, regardless of one’s race or religious beliefs. Since assuming office, the Prime Minister has presided over a new era in Malaysia’s foreign policy, ending populist confrontation tactics and instead pushing for open regionalism. A strong believer in ASEAN, he has promoted cooperative ties with major powers, emerging economies and the developing world. In particular, the relations he has cultivated with other world leaders has vastly increased trade, foreign investment and jobs for Malaysians, and helped to bring peace and stability to the region. His Government Transformation Programme has fundamentally changed the provision of government services – improving education, widening access to healthcare, developing rural infrastructure, expanding public transport, reducing poverty, and cutting crime. Alongside this, his Economic Transformation Programme has significantly liberalised the economy, creating more than 1.8 million jobs, raising living standards, virtually eliminating absolute poverty FOREIGN POLICY RESULTS For example, the Prime Minister played a key role in facilitating a peace agreement to bring an end to Asia’s longest-running insurgency in the Southern Philippines. He also personally negotiated behind-the scenes with pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine, securing the return of bodies, wreckage and black boxes from Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 – something no other world leader was able to do. The Prime Minister has called for a new Global Movement of Moderates to combat extremism, attracting support from President Barack Obama among others, and was the first Muslim head of government to unequivocally condemn suicide bombings and label them un-Islamic. ELECTION WINS In 2013 the Prime Minister was returned to office after winning Malaysia’s 13th general election. His Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition won 133 seats against the opposition’s 89. In 2016, despite being a midterm government subject to an unprecedented campaign of politically motivated allegations, BN under the Prime Minister’s leadership won landslide victories with hugely increased majorities in Sarawak – Malaysia’s biggest state – and also in the constituencies of Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar. Following these landslide election wins, the Prime Minister said his priority will continue to be the economic development, social welfare and security of all Malaysians. H.E. Emomali Rahmon President, Republic of Tajikistan convocation. In autumn 1992, he was elected as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of the People’s Deputies of Kulyab province. Later that year, he was elected as the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan. On November 6, 1994, Emomali Rahmon was elected to the post of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan by nation-wide voting. President Emomali Rahmon was born on October 5, 1952 in Dangara district of the Republic of Tajikistan. From 1971 to 1974 he served in the Pacific Navy Military Force. After the demobilisation, he started working at the Lenin collective farm in Dangara. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Tajik National University in 1982. From 1987 to 1992, he was appointed the Chairman of the Lenin collective farm in Dangara. In 1990, President Rahmon was elected as People’s Deputy at the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan of twelfth 5 years later, President Rahmon was re-elected on the alternative basis and by nation-wide voting and assumed an office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for a seven-year term. In 2006, at free, transparent and democratic elections, held on the alternative basis, Emomali Rahmon was elected as the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for a further seven-year term. The greatest achievement of President Rahmon is, undoubtedly, the establishment of lasting peace and national unity. The bitter experience of internal wars in the world suggests that no single state could overcome its opponents on the battlefield and stand at the head of the state machine, management structures and military agencies, using weapons, equipment and its warriors. By ensuring peace and national unity, he laid a solid foundation for moving towards the economic recovery and the beginning of constructive affairs. Over twenty years of independence, under the leadership of President Rahmon, Tajikistan made confident steps forward on the path of building an independent democratic state. During this time, the country has had its own flag, emblem and anthem. Principal foundations of statehood –a national army and border troops have emerged and matured. Tajikistan became a member of the authoritative international organizations and established political, economic and cultural ties with most countries in the world. The fundamentals of the constitutional system and public administration were streamlined, national currency was put into circulation and national passport was recognised. Thus, the historical merits of President Rahmon recognises the fact that he took over management of the state, prevented the threat of its collapse, extinguished the flames of civil war, restored paralysed power authorities, particularly the law enforcement bodies, created a national army and border troops, provided the conditions for consolidation of power and state, guaranteed the nation’s peace, returned the refugees and displaced persons back to homeland. He laid a solid foundation for building a new society of Tajikistan, held constitutional reform in the country, created a new Constitution of Tajikistan, provided political and legal basis for signing General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord on June 27, 1997. He also brought peace between Tajiks, which was instructive experience for the world community. He created the conditions for national revival, marked the beginning of creative works, radically improved the socio-economic situation of the people, eliminated the threat of hunger and contributed to the growth of political authority of the state on the international arena. At the new stage of constructing young Tajik state, a fortune bestowed upon the ancient Tajik nation unique historical personality –President Emomali Rahmon – the person, who represents the highest qualities –justice, generosity, courage, compassion and unique ability to unite the people. It is the combination of these qualities that has brought society to a high level of self-knowledge. H.E. Prof. Alpha Condé President, Republic of Guinea He was also an activist in the Union of Higher Education (SNESUP), in charge of the Association of Guinean Students in France (AEGF), Manager of the African Students Federation Noire in France (FEANF), and the coordinator of the direction of African national groups (GN), which oversaw the activities of the FEANF management. He was an influential figure and leader in the FEANF. Professor Alpha Condé is the first democratically elected president in the history of the Republic of Guinea. Professor Alpha, a faculty of law graduate from the University of Sorbonne, began a teaching career in public law at the University in Paris for 10 years. He is a politician, and author of ‘Guinea: Albania of Africa, or American Neo-colony?’. A strong advocate of the African cause and the struggle for democracy on the African continent and in his country, Professor Alpha was the chairman of the largest political party of the country. Subsequently, he held several corporate executive management positions in international trading. He founded Africonsult, an office of economic and financial studies, providing economic, financial and social advice to African governments, international companies wishing to work in Africa and for international institutions like the United Nations. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Africonsult until 2001. Professor Alpha is also commissioned as a consultant in the political conflicts with several heads of state from the region. H.E. Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister, People’s Republic of Bangladesh election of 1986, a constitutional process began in the country ending the martial law. She led the historic mass movement in 1990 that toppled the government of Ershad who resigned on December 6, 1990. H.E. Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, assumed office on January 12, 2014 for the third time after the grand alliance led by her party Bangladesh Awami League won parliamentary election on 5th of January. She became Prime Minister for the first time on June 23, 1996. Earlier, Prime Minister Hasina played crucial role in establishing democracy in the country when she won from three constituencies in the parliamentary election in 1986 and was elected leader of the opposition. Following the Following the election in 1991, she became leader of the opposition in the country’s 5th parliament. She steered all the political parties towards changing the presidential system of government into a parliamentary one. Prime Minister Hasina is a crusader against fundamentalism, militancy and terrorism. Assuming the office on January 6 in 2009, her government enacted laws leading to constitute the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) for the trial of crimes against humanity done during the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. The tribunal began the investigation and prosecution of the suspected war criminals and a number of verdicts has been given and executed. The country achieved tremendous success in socio-economic fronts during her tenure. In her 1996-2001 term, Prime Minister Hasina’s government achieved laudable successes in many fields, the most significant being the 30-year Ganges Water Sharing Treaty with India; the Peace Accord on Chittagong Hill Tracts; construction of Bangabandhu Bridge; and ensuring food security. She also introduced beneficial programme for farmers, and social safety nets for the distressed, landless and deprived people. These include allowances for distressed women, widows, disabled and freedom fighters; Ashrayan for the homeless and “One house-One farm” scheme. During her term in 2009–13, Sheikh Hasina’s government’s achievements included increased power production capacity to 13,260 MW; GDP growth over 6%; elevation of 5 crore people to middle-income group; resolving maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar and India, digital centers at all union parisads; distribution of free text books among the students up to secondary level, distribution of agri-cards and scope to open bank accounts with Tk 10 only for farmers, slump in poverty level to 24.3 percent in 2013-14 which was 38.4 in 2006; and adoption of her peace model by UN resolution. Since 2014, her government’s landmark achievements include the following: elevating the country to lower middle-income status, adoption of Land Boundary Agreement by Indian parliament resolving the 68 years long border dispute; raising per capita income to US$ 1,314; decreasing poverty rate to 22.4 percent, raising forex reserve over US$ 26 billion. Different reputed universities and institutions across the world conferred various degrees upon her for the outstanding contribution to peace building, upholding democracy and socio-economic development. Sheikh Hasina was also honoured with awards for her outstanding contributions to social work, peace and stability. She was conferred on the United Nation’s highest environmental accolade ‘Champion of the Earth Award 2015’ in policy leadership category for her forefront role at home and abroad to face the adverse impacts of climate change. The International Telecommunication Union gave her the ‘ICTs in Sustainable Development Award 2015’ for her outstanding contributions in spreading information technology in the country. Sheikh Hasina has authored several books, including Sheikh Mujib is my Father, Why are they Street Children, The Origin of Autocracy, Miles to go, The Quest for Vision 2021 (two volumes), Elimination of Poverty and Some Thoughts, People and Democracy, My Dream My Struggle, Development for the Masses, Sada Kalo (Black and White) and Sabuj Math Periye (Crossing the Green Field). Sheikh Hasina is the Chairperson of ‘The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust.’ She believes in democracy, secularism, inclusive growth and progress, and dedicated her life to eliminate poverty and barriers that marginalise people. The Hon. Ranil Shriyan Wickremesinghe Prime Minister, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka for the fourth time on 21st August 2015. He is the Leader of the United National Party (UNP), Sri Lanka’s largest political party, which is a constituent member of the National Unity Government led by H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena. Ranil Wickremesinghe was first appointed as the Prime Minister from 1993 - 1994 after the assassination of President Ranasinghe Premadasa. He was again elected as the Prime Minister from 2001 - 2004 when the United National Front Government won the general elections in 2001. A lawyer by profession, Prime Minister Ranil was elected to Parliament in 1977 at the age of 28, having worked in the Youth League of the UNP from his university days. As the youngest Minister in Sri Lanka at the time, he held the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Jayewardene. Soon after, in recognition of his exceptional talents and unique capacity for work, he was appointed to the Cabinet as the Minister of Youth Affairs and Employment. Later on, he was given the portfolio of Education. Then in 1989, as a seasoned legislator, he was made the Leader of the House under President Premadasa. He also served as the Minister of Industries, Science and Technology. From 1977 to 1994, during the seventeen years that the UNP was in power yet again, Prime Minister Ranil, made a crucial impact on the development of the country. He is still considered to be the best Education Minister of the country due to the radical educational reforms he initiated in the 1980s, aimed at the qualitative improvement of school education (with a special focus on English, Technology and Computer skills) and the Education Administrative Service. He energised the young people in Sri Lanka with creative, motivational as well as skill development programs through youth clubs (Yovun Samajas) and youth camps (Yovunpuras). Later on, as the Minister of Industries, Science and Technology, he was responsible for Sri Lanka’s second round of economic liberalisation that commenced in 1989 with focus on financial deregularisation and industrial promotion in rural areas through infrastructure development and the institution of industrial estates. As the MP for Biyagama, he dramatically developed his electorate to become a modern model suburb with brand new carpeted roads, electrification schemes, water and sanitation projects, schools, community centres and other infrastructure inputs. He also established the Biyagama Free Trade Zone to provide employment for thousands of young men and women in a range of industries. In 1993 after the untimely demise of President Premadasa, Prime Minister Ranil was appointed Prime Minister during the presidency of D. B. Wijetunge. Eveready for a challenge, the young Prime Minister rose to the responsibility of high office and he has been credited for establishing law, order and stability in the country at the crucial juncture. During the short period, the country recorded the highest level of economic growth for the decade. After the UNP was voted out in 1994, Prime Minister Ranil became the Leader of the United National Party and the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament. Under his leadership, the UNP undertook extensive restructuring at institutional and grassroots levels and further democratised the Party to represent a more equitable balance in terms of ethnicity, gender and youth. In 2001, he led his party back to power and was sworn in as Prime Minister once again. In spite of the fact that the President was from the opposing party who could exercise full executive powers and was a strong opposition in Parliament, Prime Minister Ranil’s most significant achievements were to restore full-time electricity, rejuvenate the ailing economy, break down the many ethnic barriers in the country, bring the warring LTTE to the negotiating table for peace talks, and galvanise the goodwill and financial support of the international community for Sri Lanka. Outside of politics, Prime Minister Ranil is the Chair of the Dhayakasabha of one of Sri Lanka’s historic temples, the Kelaniya Vihara and a dhayakaya of Gangaramaya, Walukaramaya and the Weragodalla (Sedawatte) temples. He has written and spoken widely on Sri Lankan history, Buddhism and world politics. H.E. Dr Jawad Al Anani Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs & Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan After a brief stay at the private sector where he established three companies, Dr Anani was appointed President of the Royal Scientific Society, where he founded the Jordan Technology Group and put forward the plans for promoting the Princess Sumayya College to a full university. After graduating with a PhD in Economics from the University of Georgia, USA, Dr Anani assumed high level positions in the Government. From the position of Head of Economic Research, he became the Deputy Minister of Labor where he was instrumental in changing labor laws, introducing and successfully defending the creation of the Social Security Corporation and promoting the apprenticeship training corporation in Jordan. In 1979, he became a Cabinet Minister of Supply, and assumed many positions including Minister of National Economy and Labor. In 1993, Dr Anani was appointed to the Management Committee of the ailing Petra Bank, where he managed along with the other members of the Committee, to cut the initial losses by 60 percent. In the same year, he became the Minister of Information and the coordinator of the peace process with Israel. He was then appointed as a senate member, a position which he kept until 2001. Dr Anani became the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Foreign Minister in 1997. The following year, he was promoted to the Chief of the Royal Court, and was the last one to serve under the late King Hussein. In 2000, he resigned after a brief service under King Abdullah II. Since, 2002, he has been running the Al Baseera Consultancy firm in Dubai Media City. Dr Anani has published 4 books and coauthored a book on the peace process to be published in the UK and USA. He has written many scientific articles in the English and Arabic language. During his career, Dr Anani chaired more than twenty quasigovernments, civil society and private sector organisations, including the Electricity Authority, Consumer Corporation, Social Security Corporation, Jordan – Gulf Bank, Amman Bank, Cement Production Corporation, Telecommunications Corporation. He championed and led the privatisation drive in Jordan and personally supervised the privatisation of Royal Jordanian Airlines, Telecommunications and the Cement factory. Dr Anani was the driver behind governance in both private and public corporations in Jordan. He was commissioned by the UNDP to do a study on Bangladesh. He also authored a book with Dr Reema Khalof on privatisation and governance. While consulting in the Gulf Region, he made several studies for private clients on corporatisation of family businesses and ensuring the adoption of governance principles in such firms. H.E. Moon-Soon Choi Governor, Gangwon Provincial Government, Republic of Korea He started his career in the newsroom of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC). After his career in MBC in 1996, he was the Chairperson of the National Union of Mediaworkers. H.E. Moon-Soon Choi was first elected the 36th Governor of Gangwon Province in 2011, and was re-elected in 2014. Mr Choi, as a head of Gangwon Provincial Government, assists the national administration and coordinates the city & country’s administrations to facilitate national and local projects in Gangwon. Prior to his appointment as the Governor of Gangwon, Mr Choi had a diverse background from being a journalist to a politician. Mr Choi was reinstated to MBC in 2001 and became the CEO from 2005 to 2008 after working in the newsroom, personnel management, and internet news. In 2008, Mr Choi ran for the 18th Parliamentary elections and broadened his career as a National Assemblyman. During his term of National Assembly, Mr Choi served as a committee member in medical industry, sport, Olympics and media. Mr Choi received an MA in English Language and Literature from Seoul National University and a BA in English Education from Gangwon National University. H.E. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro Minister of Finance, Republic of Indonesia Bambang, who was born on October 3rd, 1966, received his Bachelor’s degree majoring in Economic Development and Regional Economy from the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia in 1990. He continued his Master’s degree in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States and graduated in 1995. In 1997, he earned his PhD from the same university. He once became the guest lecturer with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, United States in November 2002. Subsequently, he served as the Dean of Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia from 2005 – 2009 and Director General of the Islamic Research and Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank up until 2010. On January 21st, 2011, he was appointed as the Acting Head of Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance. Starting October 1st, 2013, Bambang served as the Vice Minister of Finance II whilst working as a Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia. On October 27th, 2014, President Joko Widodo appointed Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro as the Minister of Finance in his Working Cabinet for period 2014-2019. THE HON. DATO’ SRI MUSTAPA MOHAMED Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia • Executive Director, National Economic Action Council (2001-2004) • Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (2004-February 2006) • Minister of Higher Education (February 14, 2006-March 2008) • Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (19 March 2008 - 9 April 2009) • Minister of International Trade and Industry (10 April 2009 – present) The Hon. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed was reappointed Minister of International Trade and Industry on 16 May 2013. Prior to this appointment, he has held the following positions: • Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance (19871991) • Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Finance (19911994) • Deputy Minister of Finance (1994-1995) • Minister of Entrepreneur Development (1995-1999) • Finance Minister II (19981999) • Adviser to the Ministry of Finance (2000-2001) Dato’ Sri Mustapa was appointed Senator in 1991 and served as MP for the Jeli Parliamentary Constituency in Kelantan between April 1995 and November 1999 and again from March 2004. He was returned for a third term as Member of Parliament for Jeli in March 2008. He has been a member of the UMNO Supreme Council since 1993. He is currently the Kelantan UMNO Liaison and Barisan Nasional Chief. A graduate in economics of Melbourne University and Boston University, he has served as an Administrative and Diplomatic Officer in the Ministry of Finance (1974-1980), Lecturer of Finance (1974-1980), Lecturer at the National Institute of Public Administration (1982-1984) and Special Officer to the Minister of Finance (1984-1987) before entering active politics in late 1987. In 1997, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Commerce by the University of Melbourne and Honorary Degree of Law by University of Nottingham in 2005. Dato’ Sri Mustapa went through the Lee Kuan Yew Exchange Fellowship Programme in January 2002. He was also awarded an Honorary Fellow of the National Institute of Public Administration in 1997. Dato’ Sri Mustapa is married to Datin Sri Khamarzan Ahmed Meah and has 4 children. He is the author of eight books on the Malaysian economy and politics. h.e. Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani President of the Islamic Development Bank and Honorary Fellow, WIEF Foundation Institute, Aden, Yemen. Subsequently, he returned to Saudi Arabia to assume the position of Acting Rector of King Abdulaziz University from 1967 to 1972. His contribution to the development of the people was recognised by the government of Saudi Arabia and in 1972 he was selected to serve as Deputy Minister of Education and served his country for three years. Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali AlMadani is the first President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) since 1975. Dr Ali holds a BA degree in Commerce and a degree in Law from Cairo University, Egypt. He earned an MA and PhD degrees, both in Public Administration, from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, USA, respectively in 1962 and 1967. Dr Ali began his career in education and manpower development in 1958-59 as Director, Scientific and Islamic Upon the initiative of the late King Faisal Bin Abdulaziz, when the member countries of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) decided to establish the Islamic Development Bank, he was chosen as its first President. His education, background and past experience helped him establish a strong base for the mission of the development of the Bank. Not limiting the Bank’s activities in one direction, Dr Ali looks at development in its totality and has spread the involvement of the Bank in several directions including trade, insurance, the private sector, etc., as demonstrated by the establishment of the Islamic Development Bank Group of Institutions, comprising of the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). In addition to establishing the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD). He was chosen to be the Secretary General of the Muslim World League (MWL) during 1993-95 and was given the task of restructuring the MWL, after which he returned to serve the Bank. He has also been contributing to the welfare of the community in the Kingdom by extending his services to the Higher Education Councils of five Universities and as a Board member of the Saudi Fund for Development. Dr Ali’s views on development have been expressed in many articles, speeches, lectures and working papers on Islamic economics, banking and education. He is a firm believer that Islamic principles and its applications in economics and banking has a lot to offer the world and thus, contribute positively towards solving the current economic crisis. He is keen on taking the IDB to a world of excellence with the Vision 1440H which was delineated on behalf of the Bank by a group of Eminent Persons. The Vision 1440H Document aims at alleviating poverty, eradicating illiteracy, providing better health facilities to the people, strengthening ties with the private sector, NGOs, and striving for the cause of development of women, etc. He looks at development as a comprehensive and integrated phenomenon that has to be continuously reviewed and closely coordinated. He seeks cooperation with all people who would like to contribute to a better life for all humans in this global village. The Hon. TUN MUSA HITAM Chairman, WIEF Foundation and Former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Musa Hitam, who is currently Chairman of the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) Foundation was Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister until 1986. In the course of his service in the Malaysian government, he held various positions including Minister of Home Affairs, Education, Primary Industries and Trade and Industries and Chairman of the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA). Among his major official activities were as Leader of Malaysian Investment Missions to Europe, USA and Japan and representing Malaysia at UN, Unesco and ECOSOS related negotiating and regular conferences. Since Tun Musa’s retirement from politics in 1987, he held Chairmanships of 3 Public Listed Companies and various business related institutions both at domestic and international levels. He was Chairman of the Malaysia – China Business Council, Co-Chair of the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) of the Asean – China, 15 year economic cooperation program and Chairman of the EPG to draft the Asean Charter. Currently, Tun Musa is Chairman of the Sime Darby Foundation, Chairman of the International Advisory Panel of CIMB Bank, Chairman of the International Selection Panel of the Royal Award on Islamic Finance and member of the Advisory Panels of the Iskandar Development Authority. Tun Musa holds a BA from the University of Malaya and MA from the University of Sussex, and held a resident Fellowship at Harvard University. For his services to the nation, The Yang Di Pertuan Agong, King of Malaysia conferred him the Malaysia’s highest award which carries the title “Tun”. Dr Adnan Chilwan Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Islamic Bank, United Arab Emirates Dr Adnan Chilwan is a leading authority in the field of Islamic banking & finance and credited as a pioneer of change and innovation. With a career spanning nearly two decades with both reputed conventional and Islamic banks in the Gulf region, he currently serves as the Group Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Islamic Bank, the world’s first Islamic bank and the largest Islamic bank in UAE. With solid repute in the industry, he has been recognised by key organisations for his efforts in driving the globalisation of Islamic finance, such as Forbes, for three consecutive years in the top 10 of the Top Indian Leaders in the Arab World. He is also ranked 6th amongst the top 100 CEOs in the GCC region at the renowned Top CEO 2016 awards and awarded the exclusive “Best Strategic Vision” title by Banker Middle East Industry Awards 2016, as well as the privileged “Banking Innovation” Award at the Indian Innovation Awards 2015. Dr Chilwan has a PhD, an MBA in Marketing, and a postgraduate degree in Islamic Banking & Insurance. He is also a Certified Islamic Banker (CeIB), and an Associate Fellow Member in the Islamic Finance Professionals Board. Ahmed Haider Chief Executive Officer of Zookal and Director of Flirtey, Commonwealth of Australia Ahmed is also the Co-Founder and Director of Flirtey, a drone delivery service partnership with NASA, which made the world’s first FAA approved drone delivery. Ironically, Ahmed dropped out of university to build Zookal, a business aimed at making education more affordable for students. Zookal does this by renting out textbooks that are otherwise very expensive to buy. Zookal also sells e-textbooks and digital video courses to help students improve their grades across Asia Pacific and makes over US$10 million in revenue from 50,000 paying customers across 3 countries. TAN SRI DATO’ AHMAD FUZI HAJI ABDUL RAZAK Secretary General of WIEF Foundation Summit in 2003, the OIC Summit in 2003 and the ASEAN Summit plus East Asia Summit and Related Summits in 2005. Tan Sri Dato’ Ahmad Fuzi Haji Abdul Razak was previously the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia. He joined the Malaysian Diplomatic and Administrative Service in 1972, and served in various capacities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mainly in the Political Division, and at the Malaysian Missions abroad in Moscow, The Hague, Canberra, Washington and Dhaka. His tenure as Secretary-General saw him deeply involved at the Senior Officials level in the successful hosting by Malaysia of the NAM Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi has previously also served as Director General, Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Malaysia; Deputy Secretary General 1, Ambassador-at-Large and Malaysia’s Representative to the ASEAN High Level Task Force (HLTF) on the Drafting of the ASEAN Charter and Malaysia’s Representative to the High Level Panel (HLP) on the Drafting of the Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Human Rights Body. The last two positions allowed him to engage a wide spectrum of representatives and stakeholders dealing with matters pertaining to Human Rights in Malaysia and other ASEAN Member States. Tan Sri Fuzi is currently, Secretary-General of the World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation (WIEF) and Chairman of Amanahraya-Reit Managers Sdn Bhd; Seremban Engineering Berhad; Theatre Management Associates Sdn Bhd; Optima Capital Sdn Bhd; Sofgen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, ACE Holdings Sdn Bhd and IMAN Research Consulting Sdn Bhd. Tan Sri Fuzi is also a member of the Board of Directors of Maybank Islamic Bhd; Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad; Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) Malaysia Sdn Bhd; MDIS Unicampus Malaysia Sdn Bhd; Alstar Solutions Sdn Bhd; Lejadi Medimax Sdn Bhd and WEROS Technology Sdn Bhd. He is also Advisor at Xadarcorp Sdn Bhd. In recognition of his service to the nation, he was awarded the AMN (1979), the JSM (1999), the DSPN (1999), the DMPN (2002) the PSM (2003) and the DSLJ (Brunei Darussalam 2014). AHMAD ZULQARNAIN ONN Executive Director of Investments and Head of Strategic Management Unit, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia Prior to Khazanah, he was appointed as the first Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Danajamin Nasional Berhad in 2009, Malaysia’s first financial guarantee insurer. He has 20 years of experience in both banking and corporates, including tenures with UBS Warburg, Pengurusan Danaharta Berhad, CIMB Group and Symphony Group. Ahmad Zulqarnain joined Khazanah in May 2014 as Executive Director of Investments, responsible for Khazanah’s investments in financial services. He is also Head of the Strategic Management Unit, overseeing both corporate and portfolio strategy. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University. Akmal Saleem Chief Executive Officer, Maarij Capital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Having built a successful global branding and creative agency (Brand786), Akmal is currently developing an ethical private wealth management and impact investment firm which helps raise capital for business owners and introduces unique investment opportunities to investors. Akmal Saleem’s vision is to change the world through social enterprise; to develop, invest and steer organisations that impact people, communities and causes. Notably, he aims to build successful societies through commerce and opportunity, all delivered through ethics and philosophy. Akmal is also the Founder of Maarij Island Hotel & Resort, the worlds first dedicated resort for Muslim holiday makers, situated on a private island in Indonesia, which will be launched in 2017/2018 to holiday makers around the world. Annamaria Aisha Tiozzo President, Italian Halal Certification Center, World Halal Development (WHAD), Italian Republic Prior to her post at WHAD, she was Vice President of Confassociazioni International, an Italian confederation group of more than 200 associations of professionals, which focuses on Arab countries. She was also the President of the ATS - legal and judiciary school - based in the faculty of law of Ferrara, from 1998 to 2006. Annamaria Aisha Tiozzo has been the President of WHAD, Italian Halal Certification Center since 2007, which operates within the cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, livestock, tourism and finance sectors. She is a consultant in Islamic Marketing, covering the development process to the distribution of products and services to the Middle-Eastern markets and Muslim consumers, for government agencies, trade associations, companies and retail chains. Annamaria has lectured on halal certification, Islamic marketing, Islamic finance, and their impact on international trade at local and international universities. This year, she was mandated by Cosmoprof, the leading international trade fair for the beauty world, to organise the first worldwide pavilion dedicated to Halal cosmetics and Muslim friendly spas which is part of the Bayti-Italian Muslim friendly hospitality project. Arancha González Executive Director, International Trade Centre, Swiss Confederation she played an active role in launching the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative and served as Mr Lamy’s representative at the G-20. Arancha González is an expert in international trade issues with 20 years of experience and currently serves as Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC). She has extensive knowledge about international trade and economics, coupled with broad experience in trade and development matters in the public and private sectors, and in the area of management at multilateral organisations. Before joining ITC, Arancha served as Chief of Staff to Pascal Lamy, the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). During her tenure at the WTO, Prior to her tenure at the WTO, she held several positions at the European Commission, conducting negotiations of trade agreements and assisting developing countries in tradedevelopment efforts. She was also the European Union spokeswoman for trade and adviser to the European Union Trade Commissioner. Arancha began her career in the private sector advising companies on trade, competition and state-aid matters, serving as an associate at Bruckhaus Westrick Stegemann, a major German law firm in Brussels. She holds a degree in law from the University of Navarra and a postgraduate degree in European Law from the University of Carlos III, Madrid. Besides her native Spanish, she speaks English, French, German and Italian. dr Atef Elshabrawy Global Expert MENA Region, International Council for Small Business, Kingdom of Bahrain lecturer in TABBIN Institute in Egypt, and researcher at INERIS-Institut National de l’Environnement et des risques in France. He also served as an expert in EC, ILO, IFC-World Bank, ISESCO, UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNIDO, GOIC, ESCWA, GIZ, TCF, FCCGCC, SILATECH, KHALIFA Fund, BDB, ODB, QABF, amongst others, and is a member of ICSB. Dr Atef has over 25 years of experience in M&SME’s Islamic banking and entrepreneurship. He is ex-CEO and Founder of Family Bank, the first M&SME Islamic bank in Bahrain. He was awarded the Mohammed Bin Rashid Award for Best SME Bank in the Arab World, by HE Mohammed Bin Rashid, Ruler of Dubai, at the World Entrepreneurship Forum in 2013. Dr Atef occupied several senior positions such as Advisor to the Bahraini Government, General Manager at the Bahrain Development Bank, Director at the Social Fund for Development, He is an international speaker, consultant and instructor on M&SME’s Islamic banking, providing his services for Islamic banks worldwide. He has led the conversion of several conventional banks to Islamic banking and recently founded the Social Innovation Expert organisation. Dr Atef has a PhD from l’Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France, D.E.A from Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France and BSc from Cairo University, Egypt. He has published 35 articles and 3 books on the development and renaissance of the Islamic world, SME’s Islamic banking and business incubation. Attiya Nawazish Ali Assistant Secretary General, Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamic Chamber at numerous international events and brings with her a wealth of experience within the private sector in OIC Countries. Attiya also works closely with selected UN agencies and other international organisations and associations in similar fields, aiming at South-South Cooperation. Attiya Nawazish Ali has been working in the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), which is an affiliated Institution of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) since its establishment in 1980. She has been working with the private sector of 57 OIC member countries, and has spearheaded projects focused on capacity building, poverty alleviation, microfinance, value addition, entrepreneurship development, SME development and transferring of knowledge and expertise. She represents Azran Osman-Rani Chief Executive Officer, iflix, Malaysia a public-listing in six years, breaking many low-cost airline industry conventions and introducing innovations such as flatbed business class seats, fly-thru transfers, quiet zone and seating options, while achieving the world’s lowest unit operating cost and industry-leading technical reliability. Azran is currently the CEO of iflix in Malaysia, and its Group COO – a disruptive internet television subscription video-on-demand service that was launched in May 2015 and now operates across Southeast Asia and is scaling to emerging markets in other regions. iflix aims to radically change how entertainment content is delivered to consumers in emerging markets, and how to address the threat of piracy. He previously pioneered the long-haul, low-cost airline model as the founding CEO of AirAsia X, leading the growth from startup to US$1 billion in revenue and Azran held positions as Senior Director of Business Development at Astro All Asia Networks, SVP of Business Transformation at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, and Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company. He currently Chairs the Advisory Board of the Asia Business Centre at Curtin University, Chairs the Malaysia Chapter of YPO, and mentors high-growth companies for Endeavor. He holds a Masters degree in Management Science & Engineering and a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, both from Stanford University. Bakti Santoso Luddin President Commissioner, PT Wijaya Karya, Republic of Indonesia In addition to serving WIKA, he is Commissioner of PT Mesitechmitra Purnabangun since 2008, and President Commissioner of PT Menamas and PT Indomas Mulia since 2012. Bakti Santoso Luddin is President Commissioner of Indonesia’s leading engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) and investment company, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA). He has more than 25 years of experience in consulting, finance, electricity, energy, and project management. He holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and an MBA in economics from the University of Nebraska, United States. Bakti actively participates in business seminars in Indonesia and abroad. He is also active in various professional organisations such as the Indonesian Industrial Engineering and Management Association (ISTMI), the British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (BritCham), Electric Power Society of Indonesia, Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Indonesia Institute of Engineers. Barbara Nicolini Creative Director, Infinita Group and IFDC, Italian Republic as LVMH (Dior, Kenzo, Fendi, Givenchy, Acqua di Parma, Sephora) Burberry, Ballantyne, Richmond Group, Cartier, Ferrari, amongst others. Barbara Nicolini studied political science at the University of Milan, and started working for the EU in the HR department in Ispra, Italy after her graduation. She was then attached to SEAT Pagine Gialle, one of Italy’s first web startups through the recruitment site Click Jobs. Later, joining the American multinational corporation Kelly Services, she worked as a business developer for Kelly Select. In later years, her portfolio in business development expanded into the fashion industry with major international groups such She created and presented the Mediaset TV show ‘Don’t Open That Closet’, and has been contributing to Italy’s edition of Vanity Fair for over two years in the ‘My Business’ and ‘Job Salad’ section. She also collaborated with the magazine and web TV Vanesia.it in the beauty section and authored the book ‘Find Jobs Now in Fashion’, which was published by Sperling (Mondadori) last February. Barbara currently runs and manages her family business, Santagostino Group, collaborating with many of the world’s leading fashion, retail, luxury and beauty brands. She mainly deals with management and resource allocation as well as brand development strategy and product consultation. Her most recent collaboration is with Infinita Group as Creative Director of the site Fashionis.com. CAMELIA TAN SRI YA’ACOB Founder and Envoy Executive, Rootwommers Sdn Bhd, Malaysia In the course of her present day business, she is totally involved in training SME startups or scaleups in business and modern marketing systems. Her simple, down to earth theories, hands on practical marketing and connecting network techniques have been proven successful for many business owners. Entrepreneurs who follow her systems will experience high profitability in a short frame of time. With more than two decades of business operational and management expertise under her belt, Camelia Tan Sri Ya’acob is a self-made successful serialentrepreneur. She has a sharp eye to effectively turnaround business strategies and strengthen marketing plans by monetising various assets to increase company profitability. Today she is the owner and CEO of Rootwommers, a company specialising in 2 powerful modern income generators i.e. Word of mouth marketing and Connecting Networks for SME companies in Malaysia and Singapore. Today, as a strong advocate in Connecting Networks, she and her team specialise in crossconnecting B2B and B2C markets from any network. Her training modules focus on building entrepreneurs to be effective connectors and marketers utilising coexisting networks from different business experiences and backgrounds. Desi Anwar Senior Anchor, CNN, Republic of Indonesia ‘TeaTime with Desi Anwar’ on Metro TV, featuring leaders, inspiring figures and personalities from Indonesia. In addition, she was a regular columnist for the news magazine ‘Tempo’ and the English daily ‘The Jakarta Globe’ and has published several books featuring her photography and philosophical musings both in English and Indonesian. Desi Anwar is a prominent senior anchor, TV journalist, writer, photographer and media & communications specialist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Previously, she hosted ‘Face 2 Face with Desi Anwar,’ on Metro TV, a programme where she interviews global prominent figures and personalities. Her guests included His Holiness the Dalai Lama, entrepreneur Richard Branson, Hollywood star Richard Gere, musician Kitaro, inancier George Soros, IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, author Karen Armstrong, and many heads of states and other influential international figures. She also hosted a weekly talk show Desi is an award winning TV anchor and recipient of an Honorary Fellows from SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London) for her contribution to the growth of the media industry in South East Asia. She is also the recipient of Number One Press Holder from the Indonesian Journalist Association (2010) and was awarded Senior Journalist (Wartawan Utama) status from the Indonesian Press Council (2011). At present, she is with CNN Indonesia as Director and senior anchor, hosting a regular hourlong primetime talk show ‘Insight with Desi Anwar,’ interviewing prominent newsmakers both national and international on a variety of current issues. Didiet Maulana Creative Director, IKAT, Republic of Indonesia He has organised more than 20 fashion shows in Jakarta between 2012 to 2016 and has been a recipient of many awards. In addition to being an official designer for Putri Indonesia and Miss Universe for several years, he has also spoken at the Indonesian Youth Conference, the Economic Faculty of Indonesia University, Danone Indonesia, and Pasar Design Kankain Karkara, and was keynote speaker for Festival Indonesia with Indonesia Tatler. Listed as one of the 40 under 40 fashion entrepreneurs by Prestige Magazine and Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, Didiet Maulana is dedicated to advancing the fashion sense of Indonesian textiles. His vision is to uplift and give new meaning to the traditional fabric of Indonesia for the younger generations. Didiet was nominated as a Creative Industries Leader 2012 by Seputar Indonesia for his contributions to the industry. Recently, he was appointed as representative for Indonesian fashion designers in India in 2015, Ambassador for Samsung Galaxy Note 3, 4, 5, and S4, and was the designer for TUMI exclusive gift bags for the Nominees of the 2016 Grammy Awards. EBRAHIM PATEL Chairman, TransAfrix Holdings, Republic of South Africa Ebrahim serves on the KwaZulu Natal Economic Council which advises the provincial government on economic strategy and is a lead member of the KZN Halaal Hub Task Team. He is passionate about youth and entrepreneurship and is regularly asked to speak on various platforms locally and internationally. Ebrahim Patel, a South African entrepreneur with a passion for business, started a number of successful ventures. He is the Chairman of TransAfrix Holdings and serves on various company boards. He is the current National President of the Minara Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Chairperson of Business Forum SA, International Advisory Member of the World Islamic Economic Forum, Chairman of the WIEF Young Leaders Network, Trustee of the eThekweni Community Foundation and Advisory Board member of the University of KwaZulu Natal ELC. dr Eddy Lee Managing Partner, Coffee Ventures, Republic of Singapore Eddy Lee has invested in and supported more than 50 startups predominantly in the US, Singapore and Indonesia. Interest areas include mobile health, big data, IoT and marketplaces. He has recently relocated from the Silicon Valley to Southeast Asia to tackle unmet needs in emerging markets. He works alongside founders with a focus on people development, product-market iteration and international markets entry into countries such as the US, Singapore and Indonesia. At Stanford University, Eddy concurrently serves as a Consulting Professor at the School of Medicine, where he connects academic projects with commercial opportunities. He is also a mentor at Stanford’s StartX incubator where he provides startups with cross border knowhow. During his career at Stanford, Singapore and Australia, he has devised medical imaging technology for visualising stem cell migration and therapy. Prior to that, he designed semiconductor chips at Marvell, a NASDAQ-listed Southeast Asia success story which he hopes his portfolio startups could one day emulate. Dr El Hassane Hzaine General Manager, Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) Dr Hzaine lectures and teaches in different OIC Countries (Saudi Arabia – IDB, GCC Secretariat, Turkey – COMCEC meetings and the Trade negotiation Committee meetings, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Libya, Kuwait, Senegal, Syria, Tunisia, Qatar and Morocco etc.). He is the former Secretary General of ICDT and Director of Studies, Research and Cooperation Department. Dr El Hassane Hzaine is currently General Manager of ICDT. He is also a Member and Secretary of the Consultative group for enhancing intra-OIC trade, a Permanent Member of the Secretariat of the Trade Negotiating Committee of the Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC), member of the working group on development of goods and services and trade finance (cooperation between the IDB group the government of Malaysia and ICDT). Elhadj As Sy Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Swiss Confederation From 2005 to 2008, Elhadj was the Director of the HIV/AIDS Practice with the United Nations Development Programme in New York. He also held senior positions with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and UNAIDS. From 1988 to 1997, he was the Director of Health and Development Programmes with Environment and Development Action in the Third World in Dakar, Senegal. Elhadj As Sy has more than 25 years of experience in leadership roles in the humanitarian sector. Before joining the IFRC in 2014, he was UNICEF’s Director of Partnerships and Resource Development in New York. He has also served as the UNICEF Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa and Global Emergency Coordinator for the Horn of Africa. Elhadj holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and Human Sciences from the University of Dakar and a Master’s degree in Arts and Germanistik from the University of Graz, and graduated from the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. He was also awarded a post graduate diploma in Education from the Ecole normale superieure in Dakar. He speaks English, French, German and is a national of Senegal. Elias Schulze Co-Founder & Managing Director, Kana Television, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Previously, he worked as the African CEO for Kaymu, an online marketplace with operations across 17 African countries. Prior to joining Kaymu, Elias worked as an Engagement Manager for McKinsey & Company where he was based in Nigeria and worked throughout Africa. He also worked as an Investment Analyst at Emerging Capital Partners (ECP), a leading Africafocused private equity firm. Elias Schulze currently serves as Co-Founder and Managing Director of Kana Television. He spent the past 8 years focusing on Africa across various strategic planning, finance and operational roles and projects in over 15 African countries. Elias also serves as the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of The Africa Group LLC, an advisory and venture capital firm, which have stakes in several early stage ventures across Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Elias holds a BS and an MS from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Schulze is also a non-executive board member of a family business, Schulze Global Investments, which has been a pioneer of US private equity in frontier markets, including Mongolia, Georgia and Ethiopia. Erly Witoyo Managing Partner, Kapital Boost, Republic of Singapore Erly left the corporate world and started Kapital Boost to focus on helping smaller businesses and investors, particularly to address the lack of financing available to SMEs and the shortage of attractive Islamic-based investments available to retail investors. He is also a partner at Club Ethis, the Islamic real estate crowdfunding platform, and a Board of Commissioner at PT Bubu Internet, one of the largest digital media agency in Indonesia. Erly Witoyo is an entrepreneur with passion for Islamic finance and technology. He is the Founder of Kapital Boost, the first Islamic peer-to-peer crowdfunding platform in Asia. He has over 15 years of experience in the financial industry working at top-tier credit rating agencies and investment banks. Before Kapital Boost, Erly was a Director at Barclays in Singapore, where he led the top-ranked Asian corporate credit research team (FinanceAsia poll 2010-2013). Essa Al Ghurair Vice Chairman, Al Ghurair Investment LLC, United Arab Emirates Oil Mills – one of the largest crushing plants in the MENA region broke all previous grain trading records in a single year, topping the 2 million metric ton mark. Essa Al Ghurair serves as the Chairman of Al Ghurair Resources, a major supply chain provider and a key player in the field of agricultural commodities. Specialising in industrial manufacturing and commodities trading in international markets, combined with extensive experience has led Essa to be a leading figure in industry circles. As Chairman of the Resources Division, he oversees the diverse business activities, which include the manufacturing and marketing of edible oils and legumes; and in the trading of food grains, oils and meals. Under this leadership, Dubai Essa has been the main driver to encourage the group to invest in the energy & petrochemicals sectors and is now leading the group’s initiatives through Trans Asia Gas International, to develop projects in the oil & gas, power generation and petrochemicals sectors mainly in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Essa graduated from the San Diego State University in California USA with Business Administration. In addition to his current portfolio, he also holds major positions within the Group and its joint ventures: Chairman - Al Ghurair Resources LLC; Chairman - Trans Asia Gas International LLC; Chairman – Essa Al Ghurair Investment LLC; Director - Al Ghurair University; Director - National Cement Co. PSC; Chairman -Tharawat Advisory Board, Tharawat Family Business Forum; Board Member - Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry. EVI H. TRISNA Executive Director, Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaching Movement), Republic of Indonesia In 2015, she worked on teacher reform with a team of experts for the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. Evi Trisna has extensive experience in social educational development. She assisted in starting several initiatives such as, Fun and Meaningful Science & Math Education with Surya Institute and a movement of professionals teaching in classrooms known as Inspirational Class, which has involved more than 20,000 volunteers in 143 districts in Indonesia. She was in one of the initial teams that started the Indonesia Teaching Movement in 2010, which was regarded as a pioneer in civil society movements for education in Indonesia. The movement has grown tremendously across Indonesia in the past 6 years and currently, Evi holds the position of Executive Director. Evi was the first recipient of the Kelly Elizabeth Memorial Scholarship. She holds a Master’s degree in International Educational Development from Boston. Faduma Aden Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Jemmila, Scandinavian Cool. Conservative Chic., Kingdom of Sweden with new segments and explore new business opportunities by improving their diversity. Empowering and inspiring women is a priority for Faduma. One of her initiatives is Jemmila Leaders, an interview series with leading Muslim women from different educational and professional backgrounds. The aim is to inspire, engage and empower women all around the world. Faduma Aden is the Founder and Creative Director of Jemmila. Jemmila is a Stockholm based fashion brand that connects Scandinavian aesthetics with Muslim fashion. The design concept comes from her personal experience and desire to find suitable high quality professional attires that perfectly fuse fashion with faith. Faduma is also the Founder of Contelier – a creative agency that focuses on intercultural communication. The agency consists of creative strategy consultants whose aim is to help companies communicate Faduma holds a Master’s degree in Strategic IT Management from Stockholm University. Her background and passion for technology is one of the reasons she is compelled to find innovative ways to work with fashion. She is the winner of KPMG Sweden’s the Future Challenge competition, the Filip Nilsson Scholarship, and the Brewhouse Award. She has also been nominated for several other prestigious awards. Fatma A. Elmaawy Managing Partner, Auto Village, Republic of Kenya Fatma holds a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, majoring in strategic management with a minor in entrepreneurship. Fatma is an advisory board member of the World Youth Parliament (Kenya Chapter) and a mentor with the Cherie Blair Foundation, London & the WIEF Businesswomen Network. She is also among the lead consultants on the online panel of expert’s forum for the women-banking segment (Annissaa) of Gulf African Bank, Kenya. She runs various companies in Kenya including Auto Village – an automotive repair company. Auto Village provides an internship programme that equips graduates with practical work skills, builds their confidence and prepares them for employment. The National Industrial Training Authority and Kenya Private Sector Alliance are partners of this programme, which is supported by the President of the Republic of Kenya. Fatma & Auto Village have been recognised by KEPSA for their contributions in alleviating youth unemployment and poverty eradication. Fatma nurtures and helps women and youth in less privileged groups in Kenya to develop and grow economically and become responsible citizens. She has empowered Growth Oriented Women Entrepreneurs through the GOWE programme sponsored by the African Development Bank. Handry Satriago Chief Executive Officer, General Electric, Republic of Indonesia Handry loves education and volunteering activities and spends his spare time visiting universities and sharing his experiences with students. He is an advisory member for several prominent universities and professional organisations in Indonesia. Handry joined GE in 1997 after having worked for a couple of years for local companies in Indonesia. Previously, he held several roles in the area of business development, sales, and quality for several GE businesses in the country as well as in the region. Handry graduated as a Bioindustrial Engineer from Bogor Agricultural University in 1993. He holds a Master’s Degree in international business from the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI) and an MBA from Monash University in 1997. He also holds a PhD degree in strategic management from the University of Indonesia. Hermawan Kartajaya Founder and Executive Chairman, MarkPlus Inc, Republic of Indonesia In 2009, he received the Distinguished Global Leadership Award from the Pan-Pacific Business Association at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He also received Lifetime Achievement in Marketing Award from Jawa Pos in 2016. He is currently the Founder & Executive Chairman of MarkPlus, Inc. Hermawan Kartajaya is the President of the World Marketing Association, Co-Founder of Asia Marketing Federation, and President of Indonesia Council for Small Business (ICSB). In 2003, he was named by the United Kingdom’s Chartered Institute of Marketing on the list of “50 Gurus Who Have Shaped the Future of Marketing” which includes Philip Kotler, David Aaker, Gary Hamel, Tom Peters, and Seth Godin. Dr -Ing Ilham A. Habibie Co-Founder, Mitra Energia Ltd, Republic of Indonesia Indonesia (IULI), which he co-established in 2012. In 2014, he was elected to be Chief Executive of Wantiknas, the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Council of Indonesia. Being Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) for Informatics, Broadcasting, Research & Technology, Ilham is also responsible for KADIN’s bilateral committee for Germany. Ilham joined Ilthabi Rekatama, a private investment company in Indonesia, as President Director in 2002. Through Ilthabi, he invested in various companies in the fields of energy, education, health, manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT), and others. Ilham’s previous professional background is largely with aerospace companies, IPTN Indonesia and Boeing USA. Prior to that, he was Assistant Professor for Fluid Mechanics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. He chairs the foundation of the International University Liaison He is also the Founder of The Habibie Center foundation, leading its Institute for Democracy through Science and Technology. He is a member of the board of advisors of the US cultural center in Jakarta called @america and the Chairman of Business Action for Support of Information Society (BASIS), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, France. Ilham is also the Vice Chairman of the All-Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals and the Chairman of All-Indonesian Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs. James Digby Co-Founder of Rockstart Accelerator and Founding Chairman of Global Startup Awards, Kingdom of Denmark As a seasoned board member, most recently with Louisiana State University (LSU), James has also served on the management team and was a personal mentor for a number of startups that have gone on to raise significant funding and global traction, recently with the award-winning AIRTAME wireless HDMI streaming device that became the most publicly backed crowd funded project in Europe on Indiegogo of all time. James Digby is a Founding Partner at the Global Startup Awards, a pan regional startup competition that recognises entrepreneurs and their respective supporting ecosystems in 25 countries around the world. He also co-founded the award-winning startup incubator Rockstart Accelerator in Amsterdam, Netherlands. James has more than a decade of entrepreneurial experience working with startups and corporations like Samsung, and public organisations such as the Saïd Business School at Oxford University and the Kauffman Foundation to development innovation & strategy workshops as well as lecture on entrepreneurial techniques with a focus on ‘lean’ methodologies and global connections. James Chau Special Contributor, CCTV News, People’s Republic of China He has interviewed a range of personalities, amongst them Nobel Peace Prize winners Kofi Annan, Muhammad Yunus and Aung Sang Suu Kyi, as well as Joko Widodo, Winnie Mandela, Robert Mugabe, Elton John, Paul Kagame, Diane von Furstenberg, and Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan. Most recently he reported on the Syrian civil war, the Paris terrorist attacks, the COP21 climate talks, and the outbreaks of Zika and Ebola. James Chau is a broadcaster, writer and Goodwill Ambassador for WHO and UNAIDS. He was a Guest Presenter on BBC World News, and is currently a Special Contributor to CCTV News after ten years as its main anchor. He is active on social media, writing for the Huffington Post and has 1.7 million followers on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. He was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. A frequent public speaker, he moderates high-level events such as World Economic Forum and St. Gallen Symposium with participants such as Prince William, Bill Gates and Jack Ma. He studied piano at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated from Cambridge University, where the annual John C.B. Chau Prize in Engineering is named for his father. He lives in Beijing and London. Jesús M. Ramirez Muñoz Managing Director, Grupo Fuxiona, Kingdom of Spain In mid-2004 he established, managed and directed a new company called Sideracero DAH, SA, which specialises in the marketing and distribution of steel products manufacturing and cutting of bespoke sizes steel sheets for both domestic and European markets. Sideracero was one of the leading suppliers to the pioneering project of floating liquefied gas storage in Crinavis-San Roque, Spain for Exxon Mobil. After completing his degree in Business Administration from the USA, he worked in a family-owned group of companies. In 2003-2004, Jesús Ramirez began his career in Comomin SCA, the parent company of the family-owned group, specialising in the area of assembling and industrial maintenance within the petrochemical sector in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. He acted as Project Manager and coordinator of various projects accorded by the autonomy of Ceuta, in Spain. In mid-2008, he continued his professional career with Ferrotek Suministros SA, with the aim of opening up its client base to an international stage providing marketing and urgent distribution of industrial supplies worldwide, managing board management and cost management tasks as well as risk controls associated with international credit sales. From early 2013, he was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Fuxiona SL, a company specialising in exclusive global trade and contracts, with its own trademarks, including genuine and iconic projects. Jordan Duffy Director and Head of Innovation, Buckham and Duffy, Commonwealth of Australia Jordan Duffy is a serial entrepreneur, technology innovation expert and, at the age of 21, co-owns Buckham & Duffy, an innovation and rapid development firm with 18 employees. B&D services enterprise and government clients in identifying and accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies, research and startups. Jordan works for governments and in international policy to create more innovative enterprises and nations. His expertise is also used as a board member for city council and as a G20 delegate. Jordan’s passion for technology and business started at home assembling computers, and his entrepreneurial journey started at age 14 with business partner Alex Buckham. Alex and Jordan have been growing businesses for eight years. Business aside, Jordan is an avid self-educator and driven change maker. Jordan has battled and defeated cancer and manages chronic pain, has travelled to 20 countries and played drums on the Great Wall of China in the 2008 Olympic Orchestra. Jordan brings an understanding of millennial, startups, small/ medium business, enterprise and government and many things in between. KUNRAT WIRASUBRATA Acting Director of Islamic Development Bank Group, Regional Office for Southeast Asia, Malaysia Based in Kuala Lumpur, Kunrat Wirasubrata is the Acting Director of the Islamic Development Bank Group Regional Office for Southeast Asia since December 2011. Before being posted in Kuala Lumpur, he worked in IDB headquarters in Jeddah managing IDB portfolio in East and Central Africa, and before that in South and Central Asia. Kunrat is a Member of the WIEF International Advisory Panel (IAP). KYRI ANDREOU Co-Founder and Director, Ata Plus Sdn Bhd, Malaysia For the past 10 years, Kyri ventured into ICT software development and brand consultancy. He has a special interest in social entrepreneurship, sustainable business ideas & Islamic peer-to-peer micro-financing. Kyri has a BA in business studies from the University of North London. Kyri, a British national, has resided in Malaysia for over 20 years. He is an entrepreneur with extensive branding, marketing and strategic planning experience in the advertising and IT sectors, nationally and internationally. He has 17 years of experience in marketing and branding for international agencies such as Batey Advertising, Saatchi & Saatchi and Dentsu, Young & Rubicam. Luky Eko Wuryanto Vice President and Chief Administration Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), People’s Republic of China at the Office of Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and Deputy Minister for Regional Development and Autonomy at the National Development Planning Ministry. He holds a Bachelor degree from Bandung Institute of Technology in Urban and Regional Planning, and a PhD in Regional Economics and Science Studies from Cornell University, USA. Luky Eko is VP and Chief Administration Officer of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the People’s Republic of China. Previously, he held various senior positions in the Central Government of Indonesia. Notable contributions include, among others, Chairman of Implementing Team of the Committee for Strategic Infrastructure Project Provisions MALEK MATTAR Chief Executive Officer, My Outlets Pte Ltd, Republic of Singapore as well as government, trade and halal certification bodies in the region. Malek is also Deputy President of the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and has been awarded the SMCCI Entrepreneur of the Year Award. He is involved in various advisory roles as well as the strategic planning, charting and developing the growth of SMCCI. He is the CEO and Director of My Outlets Pte Ltd in Singapore, a value chain platform that provides halal trade and business solutions to SMEs in the halal F&B industry since 2013. Malek plays a crucial role in the company’s strategic corporate development, helping SMEs from the halal F&B industry in developing their export capability development. He managed to build a global network and partnerships with various food manufacturers who are keen to enter the Asian market, including numerous Malaysian, Indonesian, Turkish and Australian companies, As well as his role as the Head of the Halal Industry’s F&B Cluster, Malek has decades of experience in the know-how, understanding of the needs, wants and concerns of the local halal food players. Mohammad Nazeem Noordali General Manager of Corporate and Structured Finance Department (ITFC), Islamic Development Bank, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a number of innovative solutions towards building a robust structure and led a team of multi-skilled professionals, which over the recent years have produced some of the landmark deals in Islamic trade finance for ITFC. Nazeem Noordali, General Manager of Corporate & Structured Finance, is responsible for overseeing all ITFC trade finance transactions for MENA, Africa and Asia/ CIS. Prior to the establishment of ITFC, he was Acting Group Supervisor of Operations in the Trade Finance & Promotion Department (TFPD) at the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). He pioneered the concept of Shariah-compliant structured commodity finance within the Islamic banking community. He has been particularly instrumental in introducing He began his career in 1990, before joining IDB, with the French General Council in the Finance Department and later moved to Mauritius, where he worked for the state export development agency, involved in the promotion of exports and direct investments into the Economic Free Zone of Mauritius. He obtained a Masters of Science degree in Shipping Trade & Finance in 1989 from the CASS Business School, UK, following his Bachelor’s degree (Honours) in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE). Dato’ Mohamad Rafique Merican Group Head, Islamic Banking and Chief Executive Officer, Maybank Islamic Executive Officer. He also worked with Amanah Capital Group and Bumiputera Merchant Bankers Berhad in corporate finance and advisory roles. His recent appointments include NonIndependent Non-Executive Director of Etiqa Takaful Berhad and Member of Etiqa Insurance Berhad Investment Committee. Dato’ Rafique was also the President Commissionaire of PT Bank Maybank Syariah Indonesia from 2013-2016. Dato’ Mohamad Rafique Merican is the Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Islamic and Group Head of Islamic Banking since 1 July 2016. He joined Maybank Group in 2012 as its Group Chief Financial Officer and is also a member of the Maybank Group Executive Committee. He has more than 25 years of experience in the corporate sector, as Chief Financial Officer of Tenaga Nasional and Malakoff Berhad. Prior to that, he served at Radicare (M) Sdn Bhd, a facilities management concessionaire for hospitals in Malaysia as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Dato’ Rafique is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) UK; Chartered Accountant, Malaysian Institute of Accountants and underwent the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School. He is a member of the Malaysia Accounting Standards Board; Malaysia Advisory Committee of ACCA Malaysia and CNBC Global CFO Council. Mumtaz khan Advisor, Nogaholding, Kingdom of Bahrain Prior to that, Mr Khan was with IFC for 14 years and served as Resident Representative based in Jakarta. Mr. Khan also served as a Manager in IFC’s Asia Department and pioneered IFC’s programme in China through extensive engagement with state owned entities in China and the Ministry of Finance. Mumtaz Khan is Advisor to Nogaholding, the parent company holding all the oil and gas assets of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mr Khan is a recognised leader in private equity in the Middle East and Asia. He was the key person to establish the US$730 million Islamic Development Bank Infrastructure Fund (IDB Fund) and served as Chairman and CEO of EMP Bahrain, Manager of the IDB Fund, for eight years. Mr Khan served as a Managing Director at EMP Global in Washington D.C. and for three years was based in Hong Kong as a Managing Director for the US$1.1 billion AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund. Mr Khan is a member of the Advisory Board of the UK based Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF). He is also a member of the Bretton Woods Committee and served as a member of the Interim Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). At the WIEF Foundation, he serves as the Economic Advisor. Nadira Mohd Yusoff Chief Executive Officer, Nadi Ayu Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia She was also nominated for the Prime Minister’s Women Entrepreneur Award in 2011 and was a finalist for the Great Women of Our Times Award by the Malaysian Women’s Weekly Magazine in 2012. She also represents Malaysia as the focal point in the ASEAN Women Entrepreneur Network (AWEN). Nadira is currently the CEO of Nadi Ayu Technologies and the Co-Founder of NATSB since 2002. She is also the Managing Director for Girls In Tech Malaysia (GITM), as well as Great Women Malaysia. Nadira Yusoff is the recipient of several entrepreneurship awards, such as the Malaysian Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur Award which was awarded during the ASEAN Women Entrepreneur Forum in 2015 (AWEF), and the Most Innovative Company Award at the NEF-AWANI ICT Awards in 2011. Nadira has been featured in various entrepreneurshiprelated interviews and television programmes, and has been actively involved in several local and regional forums as speaker and moderator including the Women Extraordinaire Forum in Kuala Lumpur in 2014. She was the lead programme curator for Bahtera and the 1ASEAN Entrepreneurship Summit in 2015. This year, Nadira Yusoff was chosen by the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor to represent the ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), which took place from February until March 2016. Nicola Castelnuovo Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Crowdo, Malaysia Nicola has more than 15 years of experience in financial technology with significant expertise in investment, finance, internet and the hi-tech sectors. He spent 8 years at Accenture, where part of Accenture’s research centre in Sophia Antipolis served financial institution clients on large transformational projects. Subsequently he joined Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore as a fixed income trader on Asian financial markets. Established in 2012, Crowdo, a leading financial technology company in Asia, offers a full suite of equity crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending solutions. It has a strong regional presence with offices in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and has helped raise funding for projects across six continents from more than 70 countries. He holds an MBA from INSEAD in Singapore and France and a Master in Bio-electronic engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan. He has been living in Singapore for more than 10 years. Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad Chairman, WIEF Businesswomen Network, Malaysia Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad is the Executive Chairman of My E.G. Services Bhd, an IT service provider. She is also Executive Chairman of Embunaz Ventures Sdn Bhd, a family owned investment company involved in the education and hospitality sector. She also sits on the Board of 5 other listed companies in Malaysia. Dato’ Dr Norraesah is a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) Foundation, a member of its International Advisory Panel and heads the WIEF Businesswomen Network (WBN). She obtained an MA and PhD in International Economics and Finance from the University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, France. In 1982, she obtained her Masters in International Economics Relations from International Institute of Public Administration, France. She also obtained her first Degree in Economics from the University of Malaya and also earned a Diploma in Commercial Policy from GATT Geneva. She has over forty-one (41) years of working experience in the field of banking, investment consultancy and international trade and commerce. Dato’ Norraesah worked with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) from 1972 to 1985, during which time she was in charge of trade policies and multilateral trade negotiations, trade fairs and missions. Between 1986 to 1988, she was attached to the Ministry of Finance, responsible for national privatisation programmes and debt management. Subsequently, she left the public sector to pursue her career in the Corporate/Banking sectors. Oğuz Aslaner Deputy Executive Director of Banking and Financial Institutions Department, Central Bank of Turkey, Republic of Turkey Stability and Financial Data and Monitoring Divisions report to him. He is also serving as the Central Bank representative in the Governing Board of the Banks Association of Turkey - Risk Center, which functions as the official credit registry. Oğuz Aslaner received his undergraduate degree from Boğaziçi University in the field of Economics. He started his career as a Sell-Side Equity Analyst and worked for several local and foreign investment banks. He also worked in the Strategy and Investor Relations Department of one of Turkey’s leading private commercial banks. He joined the Central Bank of Turkey in 2013 and is currently serving as a Deputy Executive Director in the Banking and Financial Institutions Department, where Financial Paco Morales Michelin Star Chef, Kingdom of Spain As the breadth of his experience grew, Morales went on to mentor and train other chefs between 2006 and 2007. He was known for his perfectionism in everything from the products used, dishes prepared to hospitality. Subsequently, he started working with former professional tennis player Juan Carlos Ferrero and became the gastronomic director at the Ferrero complex. Growing up in a family of cooks, Paco began his career working in a family restaurant in 1995, while studying hospitality at the time. Paco has had extensive experience working in restaurants such as “Guggenheim”, “Mugaritz”, “El Bulli”, and “Change of Pace” in London, creating quality dishes and menu changes. In 2006, he became head chef upon his return to “Mugaritz”, a role that included travel to various countries to give exquisite lunches and dinners. In 2010, Paco opened his own restaurant “Noor” at Hotel Ferrero, where he was awarded the coveted Michelin star. Between 2013 and 2014, he became advisor to three restaurants, in Menorca, Madrid, and Brazil. Last year, he finalised the opening of his restaurant in Cordoba. Peniel Uliwa Managing Partner, SME Impact Fund, United Republic of Tanzania He has published experiences of sub-sector studies in international journals of Small Enterprise Development and researched intensively on agricultural markets, value chain empowerment, contract farming, BDS Market Development and entrepreneurship development. Peniel Uliwa has over 27 years of extensive experience as a Business Advisor, Research Manager, Senior Programme Officer and Director cum Principal Consultant, revolving around Small Enterprise Development and more. He has been involved in a wide range of “hands on” business advisory services and policy developments for small businesses in farming and non-farming sectors, and has been exposed to working environments in multicultural teams at national (Tanzania), regional (East, West and Southern Africa) and international settings (EU, Far East/India). Previously, he held positions such as Senior Economic Development Advisor at SNV Zimbabwe, Senior Programme Officer and Deputy Director at SNV Tanzania, and Research Manager at Small Industries Development Organisation. In addition, he has undertaken several major consulting assignments with international organisations such as OXFAM, Gatsby Trust UK, UNCCD, and Norges Vel, amongst others. Uliwa currently works as a Managing Partner of Match Maker Group which houses Match Makers Associates Ltd (MMA) and Match Maker Fund Management (MMFM), offering value chain consultancies, business development services and financial services. Philip Glickman Regional Head of Commercial Payments, MasterCard Asia Pacific, Republic of Singapore Eni Group and MSC in New York, a leading shipping line, also in New York. Philip received a BA from Hofstra University, an MBA from American University and is fluent in Italian. Philip Glickman, based in Singapore, is the Regional Head of Commercial Payments for MasterCard in Asia Pacific. He oversees the product management of T&E, Purchase Card, SME, B2B solutions and partnerships as they relate to commercial products. His career has spanned the development of payments within both the consumer and commercial fields, in addition to acquiring government procurement. Before joining MasterCard, he worked with Citibank in their transaction banking business in Hong Kong and New York, and in the supply chain management field for the Prof. Richard Black Pro-Director (Research & Enterprise), School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), United Kingdom Development (Longman, 1998) and he has recent articles in Nature, Nature Climate Change, and Global Environmental Change. Richard has field experience across various countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern/South-eastern Europe. Professor Richard Black is Pro-Director (Research and Enterprise) at SOAS University of London. Prior to moving to SOAS in 2013, he was founding Head of the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex. Richard is widely published on issues concerning migration, refugees, development and environmental change. He was Editor of the Journal of Refugee Studies from 1994-2009 and was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2012. His books include A continent moving west? (Amsterdam, 2010), Targeting Development (Routledge, 2004) and Refugees, Environment and Riski Hapsari Founder and Owner, Koleksikikie.com, Republic of Indonesia In 2016, she not only had her own website, but her name had spread throughout social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Her customers are scattered throughout Indonesia, with a total of 400 online transactions per month. She successfully penetrated into the foreign market and now has a few foreign customers from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, US, and Australia. With a passion for handcrafts since her childhood, Riski Hapsari, born in 1981, started her career in secondary school by selling handmade bracelets. In 2007, she resigned from CIMB Niaga Bank and started her first online business http:// koleksikikie.multiply.com. In 2013, she joined the 2nd Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Surabaya where the Workshop inspired her to develop another website called http://koleksikikie.com. Not only focused on selling accessories, the website also provides information on how to find materials to make accessories at home and market them as well. This way, she will help Indonesian women establish their own business from home. Koleksikikie also collaborates with the Indonesian Government through the PNPM Mandiri programme in order to empower women in rural areas. Due to her dedication and hard work, she was selected as one of the finalists for the Indonesia Women Entrepreneur award “Wanita Wirausaha Femina” in 2015. Rosan P. Roeslani Chairman, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), Republic of Indonesia With extensive experience in foreign currency analysis, he possesses expertise in analysing and developing investment and portfolio diversification, financial restructuring exercises and merger and acquisitions processes. He is also currently Commissioner for PT Visi Media Asia Tbk., Lativi Media Karya (TV One) and Mahaka Media Tbk., among others. In 2015, Rosan was appointed as Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as, Chairman of All Indonesia Weightlifting, Body Building and Powerlifting Association (PB PABBSI). He is the Chairman of PT Recapital Advisors, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Losari Foundation, and Founder and Chairman of Recapital Amanah Foundation. Roshan Isaacs Country Manager, Islamic Fashion and Design Council, Republic of South Africa Her contribution to establishing a voice for the Islamic design industry is at the core of all she does, as juror of the International Fashion Film Festival, Managing Director of Style Africa Fashion Network, producer and host of CoverMode on local radio station Voice of The Cape, writer for Modest Muse and IFDC’s highly anticipated Cover Magazine (being called in the press the Vogue of Islamic fashion), host of IFDC’s The Modest Chapter, and model for TopCo. Roshan Isaacs is revolutionising the way in which designers, the world over, perceive the modest fashionista. As the IFDC’s South Africa Country Manager, she oversees creative projects as she tackles creative problem solving, business strategies and big picture thinking. Her vision for IFDC South Africa is to create global awareness amongst South African Designers who cater to the modest wear market, promote modest wear on mainstream runways, host an IFDC International Fashion Show and build a market, retail or online, that enables South African designers to reach out to global consumers. salih tuna Şahin Vice President, SME Development Organization (KOSGEB), Republic of Turkey He was later appointed as Head of Personnel Certification Commission and Head of Neutrality Commission of the TSI, and then became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Credit Guarantee Fund until 2015. Salih has been serving as Vice President of KOSGEB since 2007. He studied metallurgical and materials engineering in Middle East Technical University between 1990-1995 and started his career in the Turkish Standards Institution (TSI), where he served as the Head of the Supervisory Board. In 1999, he was appointed as the Ministerial Advisor to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and in 2002, he was assigned as Acting President of KOSGEB. He also served as an Advisor to the President of KOSGEB between 2003 and 2007. Salih is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Research & Business Organisations Public & Private Partnership (TURBO) since 2008; Vice Chairman of OECD Working Party on SME’s and Entrepreneurship (WPSMEE) since 2012; independent member of the board of director of KOBİ Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. Co.; and a member of the board of directors of the İstanbul Venture Capital Initiative (IVCI) between 2008-2013. He has held the post of Chairman of the board of directors of IVCI since 2013. Sam Shafie Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Pitch Platforms Sdn Bhd (pitchIN), Malaysia He co-founded the crowdfunding platform, pitchIN in 2012 and started the long journey of introducing crowdfunding in Malaysia. After the Securities Commission introduced Equity Crowdfunding, pitchIN became one of the first 6 companies that was registered as a Recognised Market Operator (RMO) for the purpose of offering Equity Crowdfunding. Sam is legally trained, having served as a Deputy Public Prosecutor in the AttorneyGeneral Chambers of Malaysia as well having served in the Securities Commission of Malaysia (SC) and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Sam left public service after 15 years in 2008 and joined the entrepreneurial rat race. Sam is also the Founder of WatchTower and Friends (WTF), a 4-month tech startup accelerator program that also does pre-seed funding. He has been named by Digital News Asia in their 2016-2017 Digerati 50. Shelby Clark Co-Founder and CEO of Peers, and Founder of Turo United States of America Shelby is an entrepreneur who has dedicated his career to building and empowering peer-to-peer marketplaces. Shelby has been called a pioneer in “Collaborative Consumption” or the “Sharing Economy.” This movement is rapidly changing consumer behaviours in many ways, and along the way, these marketplaces are disputing mobility, insurance, commerce, work, and the very way we live our lives. Shelby is the founder of RelayRides (recently rebranded to Turo), the world’s first and largest peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace (Airbnb for cars), which has raised over $100M in financing from top tier investors and now operates in over 3,000 US cities. RelayRides spawned a global industry, garnering participation from major corporations and attracting significant press attention from hundreds of outlets worldwide. Shelby was also the CMO of payper-mile car insurance company, MetroMile, and the Founder/ CEO of Peers, which aims to help a new sharing economy workforce find and manage work. Shelby started his career in Management consulting, and has done significant independent consulting as well, advising major corporations on strategy, project implementation, and operations. Shelby holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a BS in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University, where he attended on a swimming scholarship. Shinta Dhanuwardoyo Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Bubu.com, Republic of Indonesia Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo, known as Shinta Bubu, recognised as Globe Asia’s 99 Most Powerful Women in Indonesia, is a pioneer in Indonesia’s tech industry. She established Bubu.com in 1996, which is one of the first Internet companies ever built in Indonesia. Bubu.com started as a web design company, and with rapid development in the country’s digital landscape, has since evolved into a leading digital agency. She is passionate about all things tech, and is committed to contribute to the development of the tech industry. One of her initiatives include IDByte 2015 event and Bubu Awards, which brings in world-class industry players and honours the best talents in Indonesia’s digital landscape. She also set up SVATA – a non-profit organisation aiming to bridge knowledge between Silicon Valley and Indonesia’s tech ecosystem. Her most recent initiative is establishing Angel eQ Network – a community of angel investors made of prominent entrepreneurs. Shinta Bubu has also served as CEO of Plasa.com – one of the digital arms of Telkomsel and one of the first e-commerce in Indonesia. At Plasa.com, she managed to secure partnership with E-Bay. She also set up Nusantara Ventures, one of the first venture capital firms in Indonesia. Sitta Rosdaniah Financial and Supporting Director, Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, Republic of Indonesia Policy from the Crawford School from the Australian National University. She attended an Executive Education in Finance at the Harvard Business School. Sitta Rosdaniah is the Financial and Supporting Director of Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP) − the first industrial estate in Indonesia. She has served 18 years as a staff and official at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises in Indonesia. She has a B.Eng. in Industrial Engineering from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), an MSc in Business & Economics from the University of Strathclyde, and a PhD in Economic Public She has taught in several universities in the areas of business & economics, finance, and public administration. She is currently a member of the Advisory Board for the Industrial Engineering Department at ITS. She was a recipient of the British Chevening Award in 1999 and the Australian Leadership Award in 2007. Tanri Abeng President Commissioner of PT Pertamina and Former Minister for State-Owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia enterprise reform is part of his involvement for more than three decades with multinational, regional and national corporations. He has held top executive positions in Indonesia for Union Carbide (USA), Heineken (Netherlands), Bakrie & Brothers and has held non-executive positions in other companies including BAT (United Kingdom), BATA (Canada) and Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore). In March 1998, Tanri Abeng was appointed by President Soeharto as Indonesia’s first Minister for State-Owned Enterprises and given the challenge not only of restructuring the State sector but also of creating, from scratch, a new ministry to undertake the task. He was reappointed to the same portfolio when Dr Habibie replaced President Soeharto. He launched a programme to restructure the state-owned enterprises, to increase their productivity and unlock their value, which was completed before President Habibie’s cabinet was resolved in 1999. Tanri’s experience in formulating a coherent plan for state-owned Tanri was also an Elected Member of People’s Consultative Assembly from 1990-1998. Since leaving government, he has been active in the field of developing cross cultural leadership skills for the benefit of future private and public sector leaders in Indonesia and the Asia Pacific region, through the Executive Center for Global Leadership. Tanri is currently the Publisher of Globe Asia as well as the President Director of Global Investment Partners. A graduate of State University of New York in Business Administration, he also completed an Advanced Management Program at Claremont Graduate School, USA. Teymoor Nabili Former News Anchor, Al Jazeera, Republic of Singapore Teymoor was awarded the “Best News Presenter” at the Asian Television Awards in 2006, and shared the award for “Best News Story (Sports)” from the Royal Television Society in 2000. Teymoor is a journalist, broadcaster and public speaker with a 25-year track record of presenting, writing and editing news and current affairs. He has launched and hosted high profile programmes for major global TV networks including Al Jazeera, BBC, CNBC, CNN and Channel 4, and has covered major international news events like 9/11, the Asian tsunami, the Arab Spring, the Japan earthquake and nuclear meltdown, the Thailand riots, and the Iran Presidential election of 2009. Thione Niang Co-Founder and President, Solektra International, United States of America communication and relations between global organisations and governments, and the third is Akon Lighting Africa & Solektra International which he co-founded with the renowned artist Akon and Malian Businessman Samba Bathily in 2014. The mission of Akon Lighting Africa is to bring electricity to 600 million African households and communities through sustainable solar energy. Thione Niang is a social entrepreneur, political strategist, youth advocate and author. His efforts led him to participate as a community organiser in the 2008 election of President Barack Obama and National Co-Chair of Gen44 for the 2012 campaign. He currently heads three international organisations. The first is the Give1 Project, which he created in 2009 as an institution that promotes the involvement and leadership of future young leaders. The second is the TNG Consulting Group, which aims to facilitate In 2015, he was appointed Ambassador to the US Ministry of Energy by President Obama. Thione Niang advocates for inclusion of minorities in all aspects of the energy sector, with a special focus on energy economic development, STEM education, and climate change. Thione Niang shares his inspiring story with the world in his recent book, Memoirs of an Eternal Optimist. Valerina Daniel News Anchor and Communication Adviser, Republic of Indonesia and Forestry of Indonesia whom entrusted her to be the Communications Adviser since 2005, acknowledged her passion for the environment. Valerina was recently appointed as Ambassador for Indonesian Legal Wood Campaign. Valerina Daniel is a prominent News Anchor in Indonesia. As a Broadcast Journalist for 15 years, she has covered many stories from the devastating tsunami in Aceh and Sri Lanka to the US Presidential Election in Washington, DC. She is very passionate about communications, sustainable development and climate change issues. Her passion for the environment was acknowledged by the Ministry of Environment Valerina graduated from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, majoring in Master of Communications and Media Studies after receiving the Australian Leadership Awards in 2008. She has published several books titled “Easy Green Living”, and “I Love Earth” - a series of children’s stories. Because of her dedication to the environment, Valerina received the Indonesia Green Award and the Australian Alumni Awards for Communications and Journalism in 2011. Prof. Dr Volker Nienhaus Former President, University of Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany Volker Nienhaus was Professor of Economics at the German universities of Trier and Bochum, Vice Rector of the University of Bochum and President of the University of Marburg. He holds an honorary professorship of the University of Bochum and was Visiting Professor at the University of Reading (UK), University of Malaya, and the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies. He served in several academic advisory committees and boards, including the German Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development and the German Federal Agency for Civic Education. Currently, Volker is a member of the Governing Council and Adjunct Professor of the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in Kuala Lumpur and consultant to the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB). He is also member of the Supervisory Board of FWU AG in Munich, an internationally operating family takāful provider. His interest in Islamic economics and finance and his long list of publications date back to the late 1970s. ABOUT ABOUT MOCAfest is the WIEF Foundation’s arts and culture festival. It is an initiative to recognise the potential of the creative industry and the role that it can play in the lives of millions of people across the globe in terms of economic empowerment and social enterprise. MOCAfest seeks to synthesise the creative and business world so that they can learn from one another. It is the melting pot of various artistic expressions, where artists, old and new, emerging and established, Muslim and non-Muslim, come together to create unique blends of art cutting across race, religion and cultures. Putri Sulistyowati Ambassador & Programme Coordinator, Indonesian Heritage Trust and Creative Director, G&B Guitars, Republic of Indonesia Growing up surrounded by Javanese culture and tradition, Putri is passionate about spreading awareness on the importance of conserving cultural heritage. She pursued her education in Master of Science in Historic Building Conservation in London, after graduating from architecture school. She later began her modelling career in Jakarta, and graced covers and editorials in well-known magazines. She moved to London, walked for London Fashion Week for 3 seasons and was a regular for in-house presentations such as FCUK and UNIQLO. Currently, she is back in Jakarta contributing to heritage conservation and the modeling industry. Animal Pop Dance Group, Republic of Indonesia Animal Pop is inspired by the local tradition and urban culture of Indonesia. The elements that are projected in the dance group are animal movements, pop and ancient human imagination. Animal dances are inspired by the tradition in Indonesia which is highly influenced by many animals, expressed in movements of birds, kangaroos, reptiles, fish, monkeys, chicken and more. Pop is a word inspired by the changing culture of the city which is constantly developing trends like hip-hop styles, modern dances, ballet, cartoon films, animation and MTV. These elements mix well into the ancient human imagination of the ape walking upright in the past. All these elements merge into a powerful movement called the Animal Pop Dance. Ayu Laksmi Singer and Song writer, Republic of Indonesia Gusti Ayu Laksmiyani is the leading Balinese diva in Indonesian World music. She is not only a singer, but also a gifted song-writer, dancer, actress and theatre performer. Ayu Laksmi travelled through and explored many musical genres before arriving at where she is now. Her music employs many musical expressions from across the Indonesian culture and its religions. She is self taught and consistent in sharpening her talent in the art of sound. Her new solo album entitled Svara Semesta 2010 & Svara Semesta 2 2015 features religious and spiritual undertones, presented in an innovative and contemporary format. Her songs are performed in 7 different languages, including Sanskrit, Kawi, Balinese, Indonesian, English, Malay and Latin. Ayu’s contemporary version of an ancient Kawi poem is an integral part of her spectacular show, with a haunting performance that showcases Ayu’s vocal abilities and spectacular stage presence. Along with the launch of her new solo album Svara Semesta, Ayu Laksmi formed a new musical collective, also named Svara Semesta, comprised of talented and young musicians mostly from Bali but also from different corners of Indonesia. For the live theatrical performances, Ayu Laksmi collaborates with the Indonesia’s leading art directors, choreographers and dancers. She has performed all over Indonesia at the highest levels and has been invited to festivals around the World. David Gunn Artist and Producer, United Kingdom David Gunn works across the borderlines of art, education and participatory practice. His projects include an interactive sound installation in a condemned community housing block in Phnom Penh (The Room); a museum exhibition showcasing actual museum objects alongside fictive histories written by local school children (Museum of Lies); live audio-visual performances created entirely from the vocal contributions of audience members (pyka_vox); an improvisation quartet working with traditional Cambodian musicians, combining khmer folk music with modern electronics (Krom Monster). His work includes commissions and projects for institutions including Cambodian Living Arts, Asian Development Bank, National Museums Wales, Tate, the Roundhouse, Opera North and more. Currently, he is focusing on the development of pyka, using digital creativity to unlock better learning in schools and White Noise, a multi-disciplinary combination of artistic commissions, exploratory journalism and site-specific interventions that seek to research and positively influence the processes of urban development and change in London’s White City. Etson Caminha Visual Artist and Musician, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Born in 1984 in Los Palos, Timor-Leste, Etson is one of the best known and most accomplished musicians of his generation. He plays bass guitar for the well-known band Galaxy, one of the only Timorese acts to have been invited to perform at international festivals; the Darwin Festival in 2006 & 2008 and the Sines festival in Portugal, 2010. He is also one of the country’s most creative and in-demand percussionists. He is a veteran of the Arte Moris free art school, where he established and taught in the music department there. Currently, he is involved as one of the central organisers of the annual Festa Múzika, which is supported by the EU, now in its third year in Dili. Etson distinguishes himself as a multi-genre artist who incorporates traditional instruments into creative performances, and as a highly-regarded organiser that brings people together from different realms. He is regularly involved in voluntary work for smaller public arts events. After years of hard work and dedication, he is now formally recognised as an important part of the cultural life of East Timor; he was a featured speaker at the prestigious TEDx Dili earlier this year. He is married and has 3 children. Haryo Sasongko Founder of G&B Guitars, Republic of Indonesia The idea of painting Batik on electric guitars came to Haryo Sasongko (Kongko), 15 years ago. He started customising some of his branded guitars collection, and soon the beautiful art pieces gained recognition from his family and colleagues. Inspired by the feedback and the will to create an originally made guitar, Kongko started creating his own guitar designs and specification, and from that process, the first line of guitars was born which he then branded as G&B Guitars. G&B Guitars did not stop developing there. Not only did they paint beautiful batik designs on guitars, but they sought to meet the standards from the demands of professional guitarists. This inspired them to work harder to develop designs that brought comfort and great playability. In 2011, after 10 years in researching and developing the programme, the originally made guitars of G&B Canting Guitar received positive feedback from players and art collectors. This was then followed by other models, like G&B Canting Bass. The legal trademark of G&B began in 2011, and today G&B is a registered brand and company under the name of PT Gitar Batik Produktama. Jamal Raslan Spoken Word Artist, Malaysia Jamal Raslan, a versatile writer with experience in advertising, is an established spoken word poet in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As a copywriter, he has worked with BBDO as the Malay copywriter in their Creative Department and also worked with other advertising agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi Malaysia and TBWA. As a poet, he has performed in various local and international creative and corporate events, and won his debut slam in 2010. He has performed at Impact Forum, Singapore; the World Islamic Economic Forum, London; and has appeared on TEDxKL twice. His exploits as a poet earned him an invitation from Saatchi & Saatchi to guestwrite their winning pitch for a Bank Simpanan Nasional (National Savings Bank, Malaysia) campaign before going on to perform at the campaign launch. Jamal has also expanded his portfolio to teach English and poetry to high school students. Jamal juggles this passion with his day job as a banker. He recently concluded his gig as a consultant for the upcoming “25” campaign with ASTRO Oasis, one of the channels under the satellite pay-per-view TV network ASTRO. Having released an EP titled “The Word” at the Georgetown Literary Festival 2012, Jamal is currently finishing his first poetry anthology and is collecting materials for his debut album targeted for a release in 2016. He is also collecting materials for a book to be published in the same year. Krom Monster World Music Band, Kingdom of Cambodia Krom Monster is a unique collaboration between British and Cambodian musicians. On their eponymous debut and the subsequent Versions Metal Postcard 2014, Krom Monster sketched out a unique take on Cambodian musical traditions, where ancient melodies combined with ragged beats, digital noise and lush soundscapes. The band emerged from a series of residencies bringing together Cambodian and British musicians. This residency was conceived and supported by the Cambodian Living Arts, a major force in promoting the recovery and rejuvenation of contemporary Khmer music, and Incidental, a contemporary arts organisation in the UK. The result is an energetic live performance that resamples traditional instruments, reworking traditional themes and blending Khmer themes with contemporary electronics, urban music and free improvisation. Live shows are accompanied by responsive video projections developed by David Gunn and Tith Kanitha, that deconstruct a collage of footage from contemporary and historical Cambodia. Krom Monster features Sour Vanna on Gong Tum, Chamroeun Phan on Tro Sao, Lun Panith on Ksae Diew and David Gunn on laptop. Tony Amaral Visual Artist, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Growing up in Dili under the Indonesian occupation had profound impact on Tony’s arts practices. He was a founding member of the Arte Moris Free Art School artist collective and was involved in many peace-building activities throughout Timor-Leste. In 2010, he graduated from the National Art School in Sydney, Australia. He has exhibited in Australia, Switzerland, Indonesia and Timor-Leste. He has also exhibited work in the 15th and 16th Asian Art Bienniale in Bangladesh. In 2014, he participated in the Darwin Festival, Melbourne’s Gertrude Street Projection Festival and Timor-Leste’s first public arts festival, Arte Publiku. He is a talented painter, sculptor and multimedia artist. More recently his focus has been on urban arts - graffiti, street art, stencilling - bringing his artistic expression onto the streetscape. Wani Ardy & The Guitar Polygamy Music Band, Malaysia Wani Ardy & The Guitar Polygamy has had an eventful year so far; an expanding lineup, a sound that is getting increasingly diverse and difficult to pigeonhole, and a barely feasible DIY touring schedule across the Peninsula. The band is going all heart on all four cylinders, proving that they are rapidly becoming the little group that can. Marrying the tender, melodic toughness of her early singer/songwriter influences (KT Tunstall, Missy Higgins, Nick & Liesl to name a few) with a trippier, slanted fare (Sia, Filastine, and Portishead), the upcoming record Raskat is already shaping up to be as eclectic and potentially peerless in its own right; Gelombang Dasar Laut is trip hop with heavy Javanese overtones slathered with feedback and noise, Gula Melaka is poetry underscored with sensual, dreamy synth pop and Lampu Jalan already treads on semi-post rock territory. The bands discography includes Senikatawati (EP) 2007, Meanwhile (EP) 2009, Langit Vanilla/ Sekarang Aku Tahu (single) 2012, and Raskat (full length) TBA. Among their published works are Perempuan Simpanan (anthology) Sindiket Soljah, 2009, Langit Vanilla (prose/poems) Sang Freud Press, 2011, and Mesin Cahaya Masa (prose/poems) Sang Freud Press, 2014. Gardu House Street Art Collective, Republic of Indonesia Gardu House is an Art Space established in 2012 and founded by Graffiti artists named Artcoholic. They have a goal to fulfill what is actually needed by the community such as workplace, exhibition space and stores to nurture collaboration and growth amongst artists. Gardu House has become a place for communication and exchange between both local and international artists. Gardu House consists of 3 divisions: exhibition space, street art shop and visual studio. House of Natural Fiber (HONF) New Media Art Laboratory, Republic of Indonesia The House of Natural Fiber (HONF), Yogyakarta, is a New Media art laboratory, founded in 1999. HONF concentrates on the principles of critique and innovation. Since the beginning, the House of Natural Fiber has consistently focused on cultural development and New Media art, running numerous New Media art projects and workshops. In every project, they concentrate on interactivity with people and environments. Thinking forward, positively and creatively is HONF’s vision. In the implementation of this vision, in every programme, they work towards the development of art with technology. Aside from the development of intellectual material in New Media art, HONF also focuses on the younger generation. HONF has set up the Education Focus Program (EFP), which offers various workshops for children and ‘newcomers’ to new media technologies. HONF is the organiser of the Yogyakarta International Media Art Festival, Yogyakarta Videowork Festival & HONFab Lab Indonesia. Nouha Saleh Visual Artist, Republic of Indonesia Nouha Saleh always enjoyed drawing and painting since her early childhood years. After she learnt to read the Holy Qur’an and write in the Arabic language, her love for calligraphy began to grow. After high school, she continued her studies at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, where she received her Bachelor of Design degree. She continued her life journey to Montreal, Canada where she co-designed the book “Pipe Fiend: A Visual Overdose of Canada’s Most Infamous Skate Spot”, and designed Montreal’s famous Hip Hop group Nomadic Massive’s first album “Nomad’s Land” and a few other projects. Her work mostly incorporates illustration, design and calligraphy. Rasmee Wayrana Singer and Songwriter, Kingdom of Thailand Rasmee began singing at the age of 5 with her father, founder of Jariang, a Khmer folk singing band. She joined the local band in the Isaan region at the age of 13. Her music is a unique mix of traditional Mor lam-Jariang cultures with Soul. She calls her singing style “Isaan Soul”. Currently living in Chiang Mai, she has collaborated with various foreign musicians, such as Poni Hoax and Limousine from France and Bamako Express from Israel-Thailand, amongst others. She is frequently invited to Europe to play and record music. In March 2016, Rasmee received 3 national “Kom Chad Luek” awards as Best Female Singer of the year, Best Album “Isaan Soul” and Best Song “Maya”. Global Information Provider Combining industry expertise innovative technology, our information services cover deep coverage of Islamic finance news, market insights and Shariah-compliant pricing data, indices, screening solutions, regulation, standards, and more. Leading Research House Built on the back of the world’s most extensive data capabilities, we leverage global networks to provide primary source intelligence on markets, industries and institutions to a wide range of sectors, including Islamic finance and broader Islamic economy. Global Growth Solutions Thomson Reuters consulting professionals include renowned experts with subject-matter know-how and extensive experience in all major areas of the Islamic financial services industry, including deep understanding of Shariah law. Global Community With more than 100,000 clients in over 30 industries in more than 100 countries worldwide, we have built a growing global network with major decision making executives from top governments and leading institutions. Facebook.com/IFGateway Twitter.com/IFGateway 12th WIEF EXHIBITION Capitalising on the huge presence of the global business community converging at a single meeting point, the 12th WIEF Exhibition will undoubtedly grant numerous networking opportunities and prominence to corporations who are interested in showcasing their products, services and recent innovations. With its close proximity to the Forum’s other networking programmes, such as IdeaPad, Business Exchange, WIEF LinkedUp Lounge, Country Desks as well as the Country Pavilions, the Exhibition is poised to serve as a vibrant meeting place for more effective discussions and collaborations. At the Exhibition, SMEs will be able to participate in the Country Pavilions and Country Desks and to explore opportunities in regional and international markets, discover new funding options, increase brand exposure, establish business partnerships, widen distribution partnerships, and organise one-on-one business meetings with relevant parties. 12th WIEF EXHIBITION LAYOUT Business Exchange & IdeaPad Country Desks WIEF LinkedUp Lounge Sponsor Meeting Rooms Exhibitors & Media Partners EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company The World Folio Gimena Solari Director of Institutional Relations The Business Year Paul Loomis Regional Director Contact Contact t +34 620 735 728 e gsolari@theworldfolio.com w www.theworldfolio.com t e e w Company Company Thomson Reuters Mazen Al Saleh Manager Strategic Execution Islamic Finance The Financial Times Asia Alex Wee Regional Director Asia Sponsorship & Partnership Contact Contact t +973 17502021 e mazen.alsaleh@thomsonreuters.com w www.thomsonreuters.com t +65 96822000 e alex.wee@ft.com w www.ft.com Company Company CNBC Asia Evon Guo Senior Marketing Executive Hadith of The Day Omar Ahmed Contact t +65 9385 6991 e evon.guo@nbcuni.com w www.cnbc.com +90 537 606 16 27 p.loomis@thebusinessyear.com tetra.loomis@gmail.com www.thebusinessyear.com Contact e omar@hadithoftheday.com w www.hadithoftheday.com EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company Maybank Islamic Bhd Mazlan Rasheed Assistant Vice President, Sovereign & International Strategy Iskandar Investment Bhd Siti Aidah bt Abd Rahman Vice President, Marketing & Communications Contact Contact t h e w +603 2297 2330 +6019 278 7714 mazlan.r@maybank.com.my www.maybankislamic.com.my t h e w +607 233 9000 +6019 755 4559 aidah@my-iib.com www.iskandarinvestment.com Company Company United Malayan Land Bhd (UM Land) Kaireen Romeena bt Abdul Rauf Senior Manager UEM Group Berhad (UEM Group) Ramzan Ibrahim Group Corporate Communications Contact Contact t h e w +603 2036 8033 +6012 201 1651 kairin@umland.com.my www.umland.com.my t t e w +603 2727 6868 +603 2727 6830 ramzan@uemnet.com www.uem.com.my Company Company Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Sahal Ali Al Marwai Senior Outreach & Events Management Officer MasterCard Poully Gunharie Vice President, Acceptance Development Contact Contact h +966 565777000 e sahal@isdb.org w www.isdb-pilot.org t +62 21 57900325 e Poully_Gunharie@mastercard.com w www.mastercard.com EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company Capital Markets Malaysia (CM2) Preetha Subramaniam Executive KPJ Healthcare Berhad Group Zaila Idrus General Manager Contact Contact t h e w +603 6204 8999 +6019 2829191 preethas@seccom.com.my www.capitalmarketsmalaysia.com t h e w +606 794 2675 +6019 352 8227 zaila@kpjhealth.com.my www.kpjhealth.com.my Company Company Johor Corporation Mohd Kamal Ahmad Senior Manager NRS Business Solutions Ms Norlin R. Sunga CEO / Founder Contact Contact t h e w +607 219 2692 +6019 293 6011 kamal@jcorp.com.my www.jcorp.com.my t 6391717188188 e nsunga@nrsbusinesssolutions.com w www.nrsbusinesssolutions.com Company Company Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF) Ms Norashikin Mohd Noh Associate Director Fixture Solutions Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Rozuwan Mohd Kassim Managing Director Contact t h e w +603 2276 5279 +6016 312 4818 norashikin.mn@ciif.global.org www.ciif-global.org Contact t +6013 2112729 e rozuwan@fsesb.com.my w www.fsesb.com.my EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE) Dr Haji Zulkifly Baharom Director Qatar Financial Centre Authority Jahongirbek Burhonov Business Development Manager - Asia Contact t h e e w +603 6196 2694 +6012 281 8331 hajizul@icife.net hajizul50@gmail.com www.icife.net Contact t h e w +97444967777 +97466789352 j.burhonov@qfc.qa www.qfc.qa Company Company Mistree Pte Ltd Khairoullah B. S. Managing Director The Brainy Bunch Fazli Rahim Chief Development Officer Contact Contact t +65 96645790 e khairoull@me.com w www.mistree.sg t +6019 271 8445 e fazli@brainybunch.com w www.brainybunch.com Company Company IBFIM Khairul Sabudin Head, Corporate Communications Razak School of Government (RSOG) Shaireen Abdul Waris Head, Corporate Communication and Special Projects Contact t h e w +603 2031 1010 ext 529 +6016 378 5428 khairul.sabudin@ibfim.com www.ibfim.com Contact t h e w +603 8888 4797 +6019 377 6454 shaireen@rsog.com.my www.rsog.com.my EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company Cool Dining Sdn Bhd Mashad Pino Chief Executive Officer Values Asia Pte Ltd Peggy Soh Yee Chin Marketing Director Contact Contact h +6017 696 9637 e mashad97@gmail.com t +65 91853085 e pegrealty@gmail.com w www.values-asia.com Company Company Rootwommers Sdn Bhd Camelia Yacob Chief Executive Officer SalaamBNB Amir Yusaf Anderson Chief Operating Officer Contact Contact h +6012 787 6669 e rootwommers@gmail.com w rwommers.com/v2/ t +44 7910 735407 e Amir.Yusaf@salaambnb.com w www.salaamBNB.com Company Company Halaljourney.com Andras Khan Chief Executive Officer Modestyle Group Timothy Chen Chief Executive Officer Contact Contact t +041788446138 e Andras.Khan@Halaljourney.com w www.HalalJourney.com t +65 96159678 e timchen@modestyle.com w www.modestyle.com EXHIBITORS LIST Company Company Asia Star (S) Pte Limited Edwin Neo Sales Manager Aladdin Street DotCom (M) Sdn Bhd Nurul Huda Event Specialist Contact Contact t +65 98252428 e neo.edwin@gmail.com t +603 2714 3999 w www.aladdinstreet.com www.aladdinstreet.com.my Company Company Gano Singapore Mr Roslee Sahli Director Zuriyyat Ventures Sdn Bhd Dayang Lily Maznah Muas Managing Director Contact Contact t +65 98786063 e leeokaizen@gmail.com w www.ganoeworldwide.com t +603 5880 7462 e zurriyatventures@gmail.com w www.micf.com.my Pavilion Pavilion Indonesia Pavilion Retno Maruti Malaysia Pavilion (MATRADE) Zamzuri Mohamed Embassy of Malaysia Trade Office (MATRADE) Contact t +62812 1825879 e rmaruti@fiskal.depkeu.go.id Contact t +62-21-576 4297 / 4322 e zamzuri@matrade.gov.my w www.matrade.gov.my EXHIBITORS LIST Country Desk Country Desk Republic of Korea Lee, Kyung Seok Deputy Director Kingdom of Thailand Nitivadee Manitkul Deputy Head of Mission Contact Contact t +62 21 574 1522 e kris@kotra.or.kr t +6221 29328190 e nitivadeem@hotmail.com Country Desk Country Desk Republic of Indonesia Retno Maruti Malaysia Imran Jamily Johari Assistant Director, Bilateral Economic and Trade Relations, West Asia Unit Contact t +62812 1825879 e rmaruti@fiskal.depkeu.go.id Contact Country Desk Country Desk Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Thamara Subasinghe Attache - Research & Documentation United Kingdom Andang Kurniawan Trade & Investment Manager Contact t +6221 3141018 e slembjkt@gmail.com t +6012 905 8210 e imranj@miti.gov.my Contact t +6221 23565200 h +6281 11607383 e andang.kurniawan@fco.gov.uk EXHIBITORS LIST Country Desk Country Desk Federative Republic of Brazil Gustavo Westmann Head of Economic & Commercial Kingdom of Spain Juan Olaechea Market Analyst Contact Contact t 021 5265656 h 08787475466 e gustavo.westmann@itamaraty.gov.br t +62 21 391 7543/44 e jolaechea@comercio.mineo Country Desk Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Usman Commercial Attache Contact h +62 2157851723 e usman.waince@gmail.com STRATEGIC PARTNERS About Maybank Islamic Corporate Profile About Maybank Maybank Islamic is ASEAN’s leading Islamic bank is the largest Islamic commercia lbank in Malaysia with a market share of 33% of Islamic financing and deposit of 25% as at June 30 2015. For the same period, its total assets stood at US$42.65 billion, which registered a year-on-year growth of 22%. Maybank Islamic now contributes to over 40% of the Group’s financing assets. Maybank Islamic is ASEAN’s leading Islamic bank and the largest Islamic commercial bank in Malaysia with a domestic market share of 33% of Islamic financing and deposit of 26% as at March 31 2016. For the same period, its total assets stood at US$45 billion, which registered a year-on-year growth of 12.0%. Maybank Islamic now contributes to over 52% of the Group’s financing assets. As a global leader in Islamic finance. Maybank Islamic continues to spearhead the Islamic banking and finance industry through cross-border business, regional leadership in retail and investment banking in Southeast Asia and the development of new, through a network of over 400 Maybank branches in Malaysia, as well as Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, London and Bahrain. As a global leader in Islamic finance, Maybank Islamic continues to spearhead the Islamic banking and finance industry through cross-border business, offering regional leadership in retail and investment banking in Southeast Asia and the development of new, innovative and competitive propositions. Its portfolio of diversified products and services are available through a network of over 400 Maybank branches in Malaysia, as well as in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, London and Bahrain. STRATEGIC PARTNERS About UEM Group Berhad We are UEM Group Berhad (UEM Group), Malaysia’s leading engineering-based infrastructure and services group and an international entity operating in emerging and matured economies. We focus on four key businesses namely Expressways, Township & Property Development, Engineering & Construction, and Asset & Facility Management. We have the ability, expertise and resources to deliver as well as manage key infrastructure development projects and services for the public and private sectors. UEM Group has total assets of more than USD5.9 billion with shareholders’ funds standing in excess of USD2.0 billion as at end December 2015. We focus on developing infrastructure and delivering related services in the belief that facilitating easier physical connections stimulates trade and commerce, drives economies and ultimately fosters unity. We build and maintain expressways that traverse the nation; we build properties and townships for communities to live and grow; we build bridges, urban transits and airports so that people are better connected; and we undertake asset and facility management services at educational institutions and hospitals so that individuals are cared of. UEM Group has human resources of more than 14,000 including 2,500 technical professionals. Our headquarters and core market is Malaysia and we have significant presence in India, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the Middle East. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the strategic investment fund of the Government of Malaysia. GOLD SPONSORS About Sime Darby Sime Darby was incorporated in 1910 as a small British company managing 500 acres of rubber estates in Malacca. From such humble beginnings, Sime Darby has grown into one of the biggest multinational corporations in Malaysia. Today, Sime Darby is Malaysia’s biggest conglomerate in terms of stock market value. It is a major player in the Malaysian economy and is involved in key growth sectors, namely plantation, industrial equipment, motors, property and logistics. With operations in more than 26 countries and 4 territories and a workforce of over 132,000 employees worldwide, its business divisions seek to create positive benefits in the economy, environment and society. Sime Darby is committed to the single goal of developing a sustainable future for all its stakeholders. Corporate citizenship at Sime Darby means maintaining an equitable balance between increasing value for our shareholders and being responsible to society and the environment. GOLD SPONSORS About Islamic Development Bank The Islamic Development Bank is a multinational development institution providing Shari’ah-compatible funding and technical assistance to the Islamic world. In line with its overall objectives of fostering economic development and social progress, it finances projects and programs in both public and private sectors in member countries by investing in economic and social infrastructure, providing technical assistance, and promoting foreign trade. The bank also assists Muslim communities in nonmember countries and undertakes research studies in Islamic economics and banking. For more information, visit www.isdb.org. SILVER SPONSORS About Iskandar Investment Berhad Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) is a strategic developer incorporated in November 2006 to stimulate the long-term development of Iskandar Malaysia in Johor, Malaysia. To ensure that Iskandar Malaysia grows into an attractive investment destination and a vibrant livable region, IIB continues its focus on developing catalytic or high impact projects in the education, tourism & leisure, creative and health & wellness sectors that cultivate a dynamic and sustainable ecosystem. Its principal accomplishments to date include the successful joint ventures and investment partnerships in EduCity, LEGOLAND ® Malaysia Resort, Medini and numerous infrastructure projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan in Iskandar Malaysia. IIB through its wholly owned subsidiary EduCity Iskandar Malaysia Sdn Bhd (EIMSB), has developed EduCity as the new education hub in the region. Already in operations with nine (9) local and international education partners, EduCity plays a significant part in developing the education sector of Iskandar Malaysia. EduCity shall be further developed to reinforce its status; as the education cluster’s multiplier effects have proven to be multifarious to the local economy. IIB not only plans for a sustainable head-line growth but is also mindful that growth with equity is always its top most priority. Its social inclusion projects are meticulously designed to benefit the locals, whether through education, employment, business opportunities or community building. For more information on IIB, please visit www.iskandarinvestment.com SILVER SPONSORS About United Malayan Land Bhd (UMLand) UMLand is an award-winning company with two property development divisions: Township Development and Niche Projects. In addition, UMLand has a hospitality division that operates Suasana Suites serviced apartments and a construction division under UMLand Builders Sdn Bhd. UMLand’s Township division has five township developments: Bandar Seri Alam (Iskandar Malaysia), Taman Seri Austin (Iskandar Malaysia), Bandar Seri Putra (Bangi, Selangor) Makhota Hills (Semenyih, Selangor) and the new world–class integrated biotech park in PasirGudang, Johor Halal Park; a joint venture initiative with J-Biotech, a Johor State Government arm. UMLand’s Niche division has completed several premier residential developments in Kuala Lumpur and Johor. These include Suasana Sentral Loft (KL Sentral, KL), Suasana Bangsar (Bangsar, KL), Seri Bukit Ceylon (Bukit Ceylon, KL), Suasana Bukit Ceylon (Bukit Ceylon, KL), and Somerset Puteri Harbour (Iskandar Puteri, Johor). On-going niche projects include Suasana Iskandar Malaysia, a mixed development in Johor Bahru City Centre; Medini Lakeside, a multi-phased mixed development comprising UMCity, a mixeduse commercial development and winner of the International Property Award, and Viridea Lakeside, a green residential development, in Medini Iskandar Malaysia; and Star Residences, a joint venture initiative with Symphony Life Berhad to develop an upmarket serviced residences in the Kuala Lumpur City Centre. UMLand has a strong industry track record that spans more than two decades and the company continues to embrace excellence and innovation as its main tenets to drive growth. The Group currently has over 1,800 acres of undeveloped landbank located in strategic areas across Malaysia. For more information about UMLand, please visit www.umland.com.my For media enquiries, please contact: UMLand Kairin Romeena, 03 2036 8033, 012 201 1651, kairin@umland.com.my PARTNERS Preferred Payment Partner About MasterCard MasterCard (NYSE: MA), www.mastercard.com, is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and businesses in more than 210 destinations and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Follow us on Twitter @MasterCardAP and @MasterCardNews, join the discussion on the Cashless Pioneers Blog and subscribe for the latest news on the Engagement Bureau. Knowledge Partner About Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization. With headquarters in New York and major operations in London and Eagan, Minnesota, Thomson Reuters employs approximately 60,000 people and operates in over 100 countries. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges. For more information, go to http://thomsonreuters.com. Capital Market Partner Business Exchange Partner Social Media Partner MEDIA PARTNERS Patron, Founder Patron & Honorary FELLOWS PATRON Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak FOUNDER PATRON Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi HONORARY FELLOWS President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo President of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani CHAIRMAN & BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN Former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Musa Hitam TRUSTEES Chairman, Management and Science University (MSU), Malaysia Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin Chairman, MY E.G. Service Berhad, Malaysia Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad Chairman of the Board, Sime Darby Berhad, Malaysia Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Ghani Othman Chairpersons of WIEF Initiatives WIEF Education Trust (WET) Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin WIEF Businesswomen Network (WBN) Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) Ebrahim Patel INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL Chairman, WIEF Foundation Tun Musa Hitam Chairman, Management and Science University (MSU), Malaysia Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin President, Independent Industrialists & Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD), Turkey Nail Olpak Chairman, MY E.G. Service Berhad, Malaysia Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL Vice Chairman, Al Ghurair Investment LLC, United Arab Emirates Essa Al Ghurair President Commissioner, PT Pertamina, Indonesia Tanri Abeng Executive Chairman, Speedway Investments Ltd, Kenya Evelyn Mungai Managing Director & CEO, A.K. Khan & Co Limited Executive Chairman, SEACO Foundation, Bangladesh Salahuddin Kasem Khan INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL Chairman of the Board, Sime Darby Berhad, Malaysia Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Ghani Othman Chairman, TransAfrix Holdings Ltd, South Africa Ebrahim Patel Former President, University of Marburg, Germany Prof. Volker Nienhaus President, Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI), Saudi Arabia Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL Chairman, Development Credit Bank Ltd & Chairman, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, India Nasser Munjee General Manager, Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) Dr El Hassane Hzaine Acting Director of Islamic Development Bank Group, Regional Office for Southeast Asia, Malaysia Kunrat Wirasubrata ADVISORS ADVISOR ON ISLAMIC FINANCE AND BANKING CEO, Hong Leong Islamic Bank, Malaysia Raja Teh Maimunah Raja Abdul Aziz ADVISOR ON ECONOMIC AFFAIRS CEO, Asma Capital Partners B.S.C., Bahrain Mumtaz Khan PERMANENT SECRETARIAT Secretary General Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak Managing Director Datuk Syed Abu Bakar Almohdzar Executive Director & Head of WET Initiative Mazwin Meor Ahmad Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer Jackie Mah Executive Director & Head of WYN Initiative Fazil Irwan Som Executive Director & Head, Marketing & SME Initiative David Emir Bareng Senior Manager & Head of WBN Initiative Nor Azuwa Mohd Isa Senior Manager & Head of Events Vicky Yip Manager, PR Ida Fazila Ismail Manager, Human Resource Fadzilla Ali Sulaiman Manager, WBN Initiative Lulu Hanim Zulkifli Manager, WYN Initiative Said Hamadi Said Mohamed Manager, Finance & Admin Firdaus Faizal Assistant Manager, Finance & Admin Norazura Ahmad Assistant Manager, Events Rozdaliena Rozali Assistant Manager, WYN Initiative & MOCAfest Najmia Zulkarnain Assistant Manager, Creative & Production Najwa Yosof Administrative Coordinator Dahlia Abd Rahman Executive, IT Nur Aziemah Mohamad Corporate Members The members of the Foundation consist of corporations and organisations worldwide that are advocates of our cause to enhance the economic well-being of the Muslim world. Membership & Privileges Membership is one of the most effective ways to leverage on the global platform and outreach of the World Islamic Economic Forum. Being an event that hosts a huge number of participants from both the government and business sector, WIEF provides tremendous opportunity for members to boost publicity and showcase their businesses. Membership Categories Entry Fee Annual Fee PlatinumUS$20,000 US$2,000 GoldUS$10,000 US$1,000 SilverUS$5,000 US$500 Platinum GOLD Silver Supporting Organisations Collaborations is one of the main thrusts of the WIEF Foundation, we believe that with the support of organisations, we can make a positive difference in the economy and its people. foundation donors We would like to recognise and thank the donors and partners who have contributed to the Foundation since its establishment. We continuously seek new avenues to expand our partnership portfolios. PREVIOUS FORUMS Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jakarta, Indonesia 1 - 3 October 2005 Forging New Alliances For Development And Progress 27 - 29 May 2007 Global Challenges: Innovative Partnerships 1 - 4 March 2009 Food and Energy Security & Stemming the Tide of the Global Financial Crisis 1000 Participants 600 Participants 1st WIEF 2005 3rd 1728 Participants WIEF 2006 2nd WIEF Islamabad, Pakistan 2007 5th WIEF 2008 4th WIEF Kuwait City, Kuwait 5 - 7 November 2006 Unleashing the Potential of Emerging Markets 29 April - 1 May 2008 Islamic Countries: Partners in Global Development 700 Participants 900 Participants 2009 2010 6th WIEF Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 18 - 20 May 2010 Gearing for Economic Resurgence 2567 Participants Astana, Kazakhstan London, United Kingdom Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7 - 9 June 2011 Globalising Growth: Connect, Compete, Collaborate 29 - 31 October 2013 Changing World, New Relationships 3 - 5 November 2015 Building Resilience for Equitable Growth 2700 Participants 4113 Participants 2508 Participants 7th WIEF 2011 9th 11th WIEF 2012 8th WIEF Johor Bahru, Malaysia 4 - 6 December 2012 Changing Trends, New Opportunities 2100 Participants 2013 WIEF 2014 10th WIEF Dubai, United Arab Emirates 28 - 30 October 2014 Innovative Partnerships for Economic Growth 3150 Participants 2015 WIEF Businesswomen Network (WBN) WBN Tea Talk Programme On 21 March 2016, WIEF Businesswomen Network organised the inaugural WBN Tea Talk that featured Dato’ Sri Meer Sadik Habib, Managing Director of Habib Jewels Sdn Bhd – a leading jeweller in Malaysia. Designed exclusively for WBN Alumni, the Tea Talk was attended by 30 participants aimed at empowering women entrepreneur with business management insights. During the one hour programme, Dato’ Sri Meer Sadik Habib shared his experience in managing a growing business in a highly competitive industry. He also provided the participants with invaluable knowledge into the importance of customer satisfaction, marketing, product development strategy as well as creativity and innovation in a business. In light of the success of the inaugural WBN Tea Talk, the WIEF Businesswomen Network would continue to hold other similar programmes as an avenue for entrepreneurs to network and interact closely with captains of industry. WIEF Regional Online Marketing Workshop Today, strong online presence and the use of social media are considered valuable asset for almost any business. In order for businesses to maximise the use of internet, ecommerce and social media tools, WBN introduced the WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in January 2012 in Kuala Lumpur. The Workshop capitalises on the current technological connectivity that helps women entrepreneurs expand their business reach globally. Since then, WBN has successfully organised similar programmes all over the world: • 1st Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2012 • 2nd Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Surabaya, Indonesia, in April 2013 • 3rd Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Casablanca, Morocco in February 2014 • 4th Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia in August 2014 and • 5th Regional WIEF Online Marketing Workshop in Amman, Jordan, in April 2016. More than two hundred women entrepreneurs from Kenya, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Yemen, Brunei, Bangladesh, Uganda, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Malaysia have benefited from the Workshop. The Workshop would be continually improved to keep abreast with changing technology and practices of businesswomen globally. WIEF Businesswomen Network (WBN) WBN Mentorship Programme The WBN Mentorship Programme was launched by the Hon. Tun Musa Hitam, Chairman of the WIEF Foundation at a gathering of WBN Alumni, organised at the sidelines of the 11th WIEF in Kuala Lumpur. The WBN Mentorship Programme provides opportunities for personal growth and development as well as a range of other benefits for both mentors and mentees. The programme can also help develop business through improved planning, performance and productivity. The WBN Mentorship Programme also broadens business networks, which could lead to new opportunities, ideas and innovative solutions for their respective businesses. Five former participants of WBN progamme who have become successful entrepreneurs have been selected to become the first batch of mentors to help five mentees with startup companies. A 6-month coaching programme, the WBN Mentorship Programme pairs the mentors with the mentees based on their level of business development and business goals. The guidance and support extended by the mentors are personalised and based on the mentees unique developmental needs. WIEF Businesswomen Forum The WIEF Businesswomen Network in collaboration with the Gangwon Provincial Government in Korea will organise the 1st WIEF Businesswomen Forum in Lakai Sandpine Resort, Gangneung City, Korea on 7-9th November 2016. With the theme “The Role of Businesswomen for Creative Economies” the WIEF Businesswomen Forum is expected to attract 200 participants from around the globe. Recognising the importance of the creative economy as a generator of jobs, wealth and cultural engagement, the Forum will explore business opportunities in this industry. The Forum will also address halal industry, Islamic Finance and Korean Policies and its experiences. In addition, the WIEF Businesswomen Forum will also feature an SME Exhibition as well as business networking as additional platforms to encourage greater international collaboration between businesswomen in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) The WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) is a global youth network for young leaders and change makers to connect and collaborate for business opportunities and social projects for the common good, with 8317 members from every continent across the globe. WYN brings together young people to connect creative ideas and explore prospects of collaboration on earth-shaking solutions. WYN organises the WIEF IdeaLab (a full-fledged startup empowerment conference), the annual Young Fellows programme (a leadership programme nurturing top class leaders with a moral compass), the MOCAfest (WIEF’s creative arts initiative to help empower creative talents in the Muslim world and beyond), the MOCAfellows (a creative arts residency for emerging artists), the Internship Programme (a crossborder internship placement programme), thinkTalk (a community dialogue session) and the WYN Networking Evening (a speed networking event bringing together young professionals from different industries). Join WYN’s global conversation at http://www.facebook.com/groups/ wiefyoungleaders, a virtual village of 8317 young leaders from literally every continent across the globe, who are hungry for ideas, new opportunities and global connections. WIEF IdeaLab – Pitching Promising Startups to Global Investors WIEF IdeaLab is a startup empowerment conference bringing together some of the most highly fundable startups for investment opportunities with global investors. The programme brings together startups looking for investments within the range of USD15, 000 to USD1 million. Industries in focus for IdeaLab are consumer goods, clean tech, Halal tech, software/mobile apps, oil and gas, education and fintech. The first IdeaLab held on 11-12 August 2015 in Malaysia at Parkroyal Hotel KL consisted of a variety of features such as the Ideation Stage by regional business experts, Networking Pods, the IdeaClinic, the City Mapping Project, the Startup Fair, and IdeaPad stage where 12 selected startups got to battle it out live on stage to a panel of investors and industry players. It was attended by 29 investors from 11 countries, 105 startups from 8 countries and 152 public participants from 8 countries. The second IdeaLab (IdeaLab2016) will be held on 31 October – 1 November 2016 at the Berjaya Hotel, Bukit Bintang. It will be held during the Malaysian Entrepreneurship Week, together with other complementary events such as the Global Entrepreneurship Community, MBAN Summit, MOSTI Commercialisation Year Conference, and the Global Startup Awards, happening in the same week. IdeaLab 2016 focuses on ASEAN startup cross-border linkages, the Malaysian startup ecosystem, and MBAN Summit (All About Angels) for investors worldwide. For more details, please contact Daniel David at daniel@wief.org WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) WIEF Young Fellows – LEARN, EMPOWER, EARN, RETURN. This is a week-long leadership empowerment programme on a holistic leadership concept covering everything from finance, business management, social enterprise, sustainability, community living and philanthropy. The programme incorporates leadership and entrepreneurship skills, with an opportunity for real-time business experiences. It attracts young change-makers all over the world ranging from graduates, young entrepreneurs, junior professionals, young CEOs, community leaders, young creative artists and NGO workers. Young Fellows 2016 will be held in Singapore on 18-24 September. This immersive leadership programme, held in various cities previously – KL (2012), Durban (2013), Manila (2014), Cordoba (2015) – bears the tagline “Learn.Earn.Empower.Return.”. The programme was attended by various change-makers from different parts of the world, 23 participants from 13 countries in 2012, 28 participants from 18 countries in 2013, 24 participants from 16 countries in 2014 and 26 participants from 20 countries in 2015. Every year since Manila, participants will be engaged in a real-time business challenge. In Manila, it was selling in a high traffic marketplace in downtown Manila. In Cordoba, it was creating a digital viral campaign. This year in Singapore, it will be a tech hackathon with engagements with the likes of Google in Singapore. Please contact Said Hamadi at said@wief.org for further details. WIEF Internship Programme This programme is designed to empower young people with leadership and management skills through internship exchange in reputable corporations and organisations across the globe. The programme hosts a wide range of organisations worldwide from multinationals, SMEs, and foundations such as Sime Darby, CIMB, Al-Ghurair Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Fundacion Paraguaya, Rio Tinto Alcan and many more. In less than 4 years, the programme has received more than 636 applications from 63 countries worldwide and has successfully secured 28 placements to interns from 16 countries. Visit us at www.internship.wief.org for more details. WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) WIEF Marketplace of Creative Arts Festival (MOCAfest) Series The MOCAfest is the WIEF’s international creative arts festival. WIEF recognises the power of the creative and cultural sectors of our global economy and the role that art, culture, and creativity play in the lives of young people and as a means for economic empowerment and social enterprise across the globe. The MOCAfest, as a truly international festival, brings together artists and audiences from around the world as it travels from city to city for each edition, developing young creative talents worldwide by giving them a platform to showcase, interact with other artists, attend art workshops, and connect with potential career opportunities. It is home to music, dance, poetry, comedy, film, calligraphy, painting and every other art form imaginable. The Festival has travelled to 6 cities; Kuala Lumpur in May 2010, Singapore in February 2011, Astana in June 2011, Bandung in April 2012, Johor Bahru in December 2012, London in October 2013, Dubai in October 2014 and Kuala Lumpur in November 2015. The 9th MOCAfest will take place in Jakarta in November 2016 in conjunction with the 12th WIEF. Follow our MOCAfest page for information and updates on Facebook. MOCAfellows The pre-festival MOCAfellows, focuses on professional and business development for creative artists from across the globe, who will join the MOCAfest after their three-day fellowship. MOCAfellows is now a core component of the MOCAfest programme. The fellowship starts with three days of creative business and professional development workshops created especially for artists. After the completion of the programme, the fellows will join the Festival artists for three days of MOCAfest, including time to collaborate and create together with more established artists. The end goal is to give artists the key skills they need in order to plan and launch successful careers as well as learn from other artists and arts professionals. Artists will also have the opportunity to perform, present and exhibit their work at MOCAfest. The first MOCAfellows was held in Brick Lane, London on 26-28 October 2013 bringing together 15 emerging artists from 7 countries. The second was held at FN Designs Studio, Dubai on 24-26 October 2014, with 15 artists from 12 countries. The third MOCAfellows was held in KL City Gallery, Kuala Lumpur on 29 October to 2 November 2015 bringing together 10 talents from 7 countries. WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) thinkTalk In February 2013, WIEF’s Young Leaders Network (WYN), Crescent Collective and Urban Village collaborated to launch “thinkTALK: a community dialogue session” at the Annexe Gallery, Central Market, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. thinkTALK is a community dialogue session that gives space for the community to discuss contemporary issues in a constructive and amicable manner. thinkTalk emphasises the power of ideas, the importance of community, and the imperative of networks in creating change. Apart from its inaugural KL series, thinkTalk was also held in Durban, South Africa in May 2013, Manila, Philippines in June 2014 and Cordoba, Spain in March 2015. WYN Networking Evening WYN Networking Evening is an initiative aimed at building local networks and providing a casual platform for dialogues on new ideas. 3 editions of WYN Networking Evening have been conducted at WOLO in the heart of Kuala Lumpur metropolitan, Bukit Bintang. The programme is an opportunity for WYN members and new faces to meet face to face over drinks. Aligned with the objectives of WYN, topics of discussion are directed via speed networking format followed by a light performance and/or story-telling to end the night. WIEF Roundtable The WIEF Roundtable was designed as a unique extension of the WIEF Annual Forum. This programme provides an avenue where regional and local business leaders can congregate to leverage on existing business and economic strengths and define key steps and measures to take, in order to transform a common vision into reality. The WIEF Roundtable has received overwhelming response and support from government leaders, business communities, and the media of the respective countries. Due to the runaway success enjoyed by the programme, the WIEF Foundation plans to hold more Roundtables in the future. The WIEF Foundation has organised similar Roundtables in the following countries: 1st WIEF 2nd 3rd WIEF WIEF 4th WIEF Roundtable Roundtable Roundtable Roundtable Bahrain Turkey Russia South Africa FEB 2011 AUG 2015 MAR 2011 MAY 2015 APR 2011 MAR 2015 OCT 2011 DEC 2014 13th 12th 11th 10th WIEF Roundtable Cambodia WIEF Roundtable Japan WIEF Roundtable Spain WIEF Roundtable South Korea 5th WIEF Roundtable 6th WIEF Roundtable Bangladesh United Kingdom MAR 2012 OCT 2012 JUN 2014 9th WIEF Roundtable Indonesia MAY 2014 APR 2013 7th WIEF Roundtable Saudi Arabia 8th WIEF Roundtable Turkey To find more information about the WIEF Roundtable Series, kindly visit www.wief.org or contact us at marketing@wief.org or +603 2163 5500 WIEF Education Trust (WET) WIEF-UiTM Global Discourse Series The WIEF-UiTM Global Discourse is a collaborative programme between the WIEF Foundation and the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). It is aimed at bringing to Universities in Malaysia and their communities, discussions and lectures on current issues of importance in the field of science and technology, to the Muslim World. The purpose is to enhance the understanding and build bridges between various factions of our global community by promoting international academic collaborations. The inaugural Global Discourse was held in 2009 with theme, “Global Economic and Business Scenario: Muslim Countries as the New Emerging Economies and the 2nd Global Discourse held in 2010 addressed, “Churning Out Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Malaysia”. The 3rd Global Discourse was held in March 2011 on “Social Entrepreneurship” and the 4th was on Nanotechnology, which was organised in October 2011. The 5th Global Discourse on Zero Waste was held in April 2014 and the 6th was on Regenerative Medicine held in February 2015. WIEF Social Entrepreneurship Challenge 2014 The WIEF Social Entrepreneurship Challenge (WSEC) was a competition opened to all full-time students of higher education in Malaysia. Aimed to inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst them, the Challenge encouraged the students to present business ideas to empower the poor and the underprivileged communities in Malaysia. The WIEF Social Entrepreneurship Challenge brought together entrepreneurs, corporations and institutions to help incubate the four Business Plans that won the competition, into sustainable projects for the benefit of the targeted disadvantaged communities. WIEF-UiTM Occasional Paper The aim of the WIEF-UiTM Occasional Paper was to contribute to the intellectual property of the WIEF-UiTM International Centre which was established in 2007 as a capacity building initiative for the Muslim World. The 1st edition of the WIEF-UiTM Occasional Paper was published in October 2012 with academic papers on business, economics, and finance. It was distributed to local and international institutions as well as disseminated during the WIEF international outreach programmes and activities. The 2nd edition of the WIEF-UiTM Occasional Paper on Waqf was printed and distributed at the 11th WIEF in Kuala Lumpur in 2015. WIEF Education Trust (WET) WIEF Graduates Entrepreneurship Training The WIEF Graduates Entrepreneurship Training provides a unique platform for young students and graduates to consider business and entrepreneurship as an alternative career path. It provides hands-on training to help them succeed should they venture into business in the future. The training programme helped the participants identify opportunities available in the business and entrepreneurship industry. The inaugural training programme organised in collaboration with the NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women, Malaysia was held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia in August 2014, which was attended by 29 participants from Yemen, Sudan, Singapore and Malaysia. Meanwhile, the 2nd WIEF Graduates Entrepreneurship Training themed “The Entrepreneurial Revolution: Be Your Own Boss” was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in August 2015 and was attended by 45 participants from Cambodia, Singapore, Indonesia and Taiwan. ABOUT INDONESIA INVEST IN INDONESIA The world economy is going through a period of slow growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that global economic growth in 2016 and 2017 will be around 3.4% and 3.6% respectively. Similar to the IMF, the World Bank estimates the numbers to be slightly lower at approximately 3.3% and 3.2% respectively. Despite the global slowdown, the prospect of Indonesia’s economy remains positive. As a result of expanded fiscal and reserve buffers (Standards & Poor, May 2015), Indonesia’s economy is demonstrating resilience and has been able to respond swiftly to external shocks (Standards & Poor, May 2015). The country’s economy has reached its turning point in the last quarter of 2015, with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded at around 8,976 trillion Rupiahs (an increase of around 4.9% compared to 2014). In 2014, Indonesia was ranked 16th largest economy in the world. As a result, stable growth in Indonesia is expected to be supported by public consumption and investments. In 2016, the World Bank estimates a higher growth rate for Indonesia at around 5.3%, while the IMF predicts slightly lower at around 5%. The Oxford Economics also claims that the long-term outlook of Indonesian economy is relatively strong with a prospect of 5% economic growth rate in the real term until 2025. In addition, Indonesia also has the 4th largest population in the world, with around 250 million people. Currently, around 45 million people are under the consuming class category, with approximately 50% of its population categorised as young people under 30 years old. The World Bank reports elucidates that this favourable demographic profile of Indonesia could serve as one of the powerful drivers of growth. With burgeoning middle-income class and educated workforce, there is a huge potential within the domestic market. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has also acknowledged that market size is one of Indonesia’s key competitiveness factors. (Indonesia is ranked 10th in the market size category among the 140 countries observed in WEF’s Global Competitiveness Index). Also, having the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has an enormous potential to be a key player in the Islamic economic sectors, such as Islamic finance, halal business, as well as modest fashion and the creative industry. INDONESIA’S ECONOMY Strategic Investment Destination Indonesia has been highly recognised as an ideal investment destination by several international organisations. The country was ranked first place as “Southeast Asia’s Top Investment Destination for United States’ Multinational Companies” by AmCham ASEAN Business Outlook Survey in 2015. Furthermore, in the same survey, Indonesia was among the best locations for potential new business expansion, alongside Myanmar and Vietnam. Similarly, Indonesia was ranked 2nd for the “Most Promising Country for Business Development in December 2015” and “The Best Investment Destination in Asia for 2015” by Japan Bank for International Cooperation and The Economist respectively. In addition, Indonesia was ranked 14th globally in 2014 as a country with the highest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows by the UNCTAD, moving up five places compared to 2013. This prospect has also been highly acknowledged by the Asian Development Bank, which has allocated around US$1.6 billion of their portfolio in Indonesia with the possibility of expansion. Finally, three major credit ratings such as S&P, Moody’s and Fitch have also assigned a positive and stable outlook for Indonesia. Large and Stable Economy > 4th largest population in the world with 64% of the population in the productive age (Median Age of 28.4) > 2015 Dependency ratio of 49% > 2015 GDP growth of 48% due to stable household consumption and robust investment growth > Benign inflation in 2015 of 3.35% > Direct investment reached IDR 545.4tn for January - December 2015 > Rated as investment grade by Moody’s, Fitch, Japan Credit Rating Agency and Rating & Investment New Economic Structure > From commodity-based to industrialised-natural resources-based economy via infrastructure development > From consumption-led to investment-led growth via a stronger manufacturing sector and more investment initiatives > Policies to maintain purchasing power to stimulate domestic economy in the midst of weakening macroeconomic conditions Continuous Structural Reform Consistent Budget Reform > Budget reform as part of larger economic reform initiative > Tax base to be broadened to reduce dependency on commodities > Fuel subsidies significantly reduced and spending redirected to more productive allocation - infrastructure, welfare, healthcare and education > Prudent debt management by maintaining budget deficit at a safe level while diversifying sources of financing In view of Indonesia’s large amount of natural resources and a favourable demographic profile, the Government of Indonesia is committed to shifting from resource-based economy to manufacturing and value-adding sectors through policy reforms and infrastructure development. Starting from last year, the Government has significantly increased the budget allocation for infrastructure development at around 290.3 trillion Rupiahs or 15% of total spending. This allocation will continue to expand in 2016. This effort is aimed at reducing logistics cost among regions in Indonesia, as well as increasing efficiency, reducing operational budgets and providing higher profit margins for businesses. In 2015, the Indonesian Government had also launched several stimuli to promote investment in the country, such as licence and permit simplification, tax incentives in the form of tax relief for labour-intensive industries, and enhancement of integrated logistics zones. High Infrastructure Investment > Three main sources of financing for IDR 5tn investment needs: State and regional budget, State-owned enterprises and PPP > Continuing from 2015 ‘s policy, infrastructure spending will be higher than fuel subsidy > Infrastructure spending focused on basin infrastructure projects – arterial roads, railways, dams irrigation, small seaports and local airports > Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to attract infrastructure investment and promote PPP In conclusion, combining Government’s commitment and favourable economic factors, Indonesia is on a positive trajectory for greater growth and development. The materials in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) Foundation. The mention of specific companies, products of manufacturers or representation in photos used does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by the WIEF Foundation in preference to others of a similar nature. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the WIEF Foundation. The WIEF Foundation encourages reproduction and dissemination of material in this publication. All queries and request for copies should be addressed by email to enquiry@wief.org For further information on the publication and Foundation, please visit our website at www.wief.org E www.wief.org W www.wief.org © WIEF Foundation 2016
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