Headlines Jun 2012


Headlines Jun 2012
By Vanessa Valkin
During the late 1950’s some diligent HERZLIA alumni set about
establishing the Old Herzlians’ Union and designing the blue badge
seen alongside. With time, the organization became known as the
The Old Herzlian Association and by 2000 it was renamed Herzlia
Alumni Association. So where do we go from here? Should we go
back to The Old Herzlians or stay with Herzlia Alumni Association?
The feedback so far has been mixed: some feel that Herzlia Alumni
Association is more appropriate for university graduates and The
Old Herzlians is better suited to a school. Others say Old Herzlians
is reminiscent of long ago graduates and Herzlia Alumni Association
is more inclusive of recent and older Herzlians. We would love to
hear your views on this. Please email us at oldherz@herzlia.com
or find us on Facebook.
In this rather bulky issue we offer you a feature on that wonderful
group of alumni who, after school, returned to join HERZLIA’s staff.
We also launch a new regular feature--spotlighting a deserving or
interesting alumnus. Please browse our roundup of Alumni News
and reflections from alumni who attended reunions, including the
50th Reunion of the Class of 1962, who not only gathered for a
vibey weekend of celebrations in Cape Town but decided to make
a joint collection for HERZLIA.
I also want to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am the
new Director of the Herzlia Foundation where I will be in charge
of fundraising and managing the Alumni Program. I have returned
to South Africa after 17 years in the United States and Canada and
I am thrilled to be back. We are building our strategy, hoping to help
you set up your reunions locally and around the world, and look
forward to connecting you all to your former school mates.
We invite you to get involved and get in touch. My email address
is vvalkin@herzlia.com I look forward to hearing from you!
Back to School
By Vanessa Valkin
Some of us consider the day we leave the campus for the last time
as a school career highlight. In this Headlines Newsletter, we highlight
that group of alumni who returned here in their professional careers.
“My children say that I am the only adult who's never left school!”
says Sharon Kahn (Marcow, ’83), the Grade 5 Class teacher at
Highlands Primary.
Anton Krupenia (’89) and Principal at Weizmann Primary, says that
having been a pupil at Weizmann himself has had lots of pluses.
“There was a level of familiarity with the environment so it was easy
to slot into it.There’s a knowledge of the process and an understanding
of what it means to be a HERZLIA graduate.” Anton says there are
teachers at the school who were teaching when he was a student.
One of them, Ben Anderson, the Weizmann Sports Master, left last
year. At his final staff meeting, Ben joked: “You know it’s time to leave
when your pupils become your boss.”
Similarly, John Mills, who encouraged a deep love of Maths in his
student Alon Cohen (‘89), was teaching at the High School when
Cohen came back to teach. Alon says that he was a fairly naughty
pupil and was not as disciplined as much as he should have been
by his teachers. Having learnt from experience, he himself is fairly
strict though. “As soon as it gets nasty, then I take control.”
Some teachers feel that the school has really defined their lives. Says
Ronnie Gotkin, principal at HERZLIA Highlands Primary, who began
as a Sub A pupil fifty years ago in 1962: “My strong sense of Jewish
identity, my love of Hebrew and Jewish culture, and my identification
with the State of Israel are all direct products of my HERZLIA
education; and I believe that these things have enriched me
immeasurably as a person.”
UHS News
Ronnie jokes: “As I entered that first classroom in Hope Street, little
did I know that almost four decades later, I would still not have left!
Perhaps had I known, my first day tears would have been even more
Cheryl Lazarus (Bubb, ’81), and Principal at Alon Ashel, says, “In
today’s global village it is rare to have an institution play such a big
role in one’s life. And here I find myself, a past pupil of Alon-Ashel,
Weizmann and Herzlia High right back where I started…at AlonAshel.”
Cheryl says that some of her old teachers, Sybil Banks, Eunice Pesach,
Eleanor Goldin and Jill Joubert have been role models for her.
“I hope that I can emulate them and make a difference in the life
of a child.”
Another teacher who was very touched by her own educators was
Susan Salingre (Urisohn, ’81) who heads the Hebrew Department
at Weizmann and has been at HERZLIA for 22 years. “I was inspired
to teach Hebrew by wonderful and dynamic individuals like Aliza
Woznica, Chava Glanger and Ronnie Gotkin, who instilled the love
of the language in me.”
Many of the staff have been, or will be, parents of the school too.
“The cycle continued for me when my children entered and then
graduated from HERZLIA,” recounts Cheryl. “And it was with an
immense sense of pride that I experienced, yet again, all that HERZLIA
has to offer.”
What is it about HERZLIA that makes alumni return?
Photo: Cheryl Lazarus (Bubb), Principal Alon Ashel.
Taryn Bernstein (Kaganson, ’02) qualified as an accountant and joined
the HERZLIA Admin staff as the management accountant. “I love
this place. When I walk into the atrium and see that huge banner
“We know who we are,” it endorses everything I feel about being
Jewish, being a product of HERZLIA, and about the value of a Jewish
In the words of Anton Krupenia, “HERZLIA is a big family and you
feel like you are home”
Cheryl Lazarus, (Bubb, ’81), Principal at Alon Ashel
Samantha Laing (Reznik, ‘06), teacher at Gan Aviv
Monique Gardner (‘03), teacher at Gan Aviv
Nicky Aginsky (Stein, ‘84), teacher at Gan Aviv
Renee Jaffe (Bederman, ‘83), administration at Gan Aviv
Geoff Cohen (‘76), Head of School
Benji Blumenthal (‘98), teacher at Herzlia Constantia
Bev Travill (Brenner ’73), teacher at Highlands Primary
Anton Krupenia (’89), principal of Weizmann
Melissa Hack (Boyd ‘00), teacher at Weizmann,
Ronnie Gotkin (’73), principal of Highlands Primary
Susan Salingre (Urisohn,’ 81) teacher at Weizmann Primary
Sharon Kahn (Marcow, ’83), teacher at Highlands Primary
Hilary Waters (Israel, ’73), teacher at Highlands Primary
Alon Cohen (’89), teacher at High School
Taryn Bernstein (Kaganson, ‘02), administration
Robyn de Kock (‘03), teacher at Alon Ashel
Apologies to those staff not mentioned - you did not email us back!
Photo: Anton Krupenia, Principal HERZLIA Weizmann.
UHS News
Photo: Ronnie Gotkin, Principal at Herzlia Highlands Primary
Photo: Geoff Cohen, Director Education UHS.
Photo: Hilary Walters (Israel), Teacher at Highlands Primary.
HERZLIA Alumni News
for an Army
By Vanessa Valkin
Avron Almaleh, class of 1990, and owner of Avron’s Place Restaurant
and Caterers, chatted with Herzlia Headlinesabout his work on a
day where he had woken at 4am to cater an Upsherin and then
headed to his own restaurant on Regent’s Road to serve his
One of Avron’s more exciting and challenging endeavours of late
was catering three meals a day for the eight days of Pesach at the
President Hotel to as many as 350 Pesachdik people who came in
from Johannesburg and around the world.This added up to over
14 000 meals - including 450 chickens, 1.2 tons of potatoes, 650
packets of lettuce, 900 litres of fruit juice, 240 litres of milk and 468
litres of kiddush wine.
many last minute changes. “We were once told on a Thursday we
were having a Shabbat dinner at the restaurant for 50 people.
By Friday the numbers had grown to 120 people!”
Perhaps the most terrifying function for Avron was catering a braai
on safari in the middle of the Kruger Park. “I was driven out to a
small kraal where I made a fire and cooked loads of meat. While
the meat was cooking, I asked about safety and the ranger said they
don’t carry guns or tranquilizers. It was very nerve racking, especially
with all that raw and cooking meat in the middle of the bush in the
dark with a few lights and the only self- defence was jumping in the
There are a handful of kosher caterers in this city and Avron says
they generally have a respectful working relationship, each with their
own respective niches. His valuable team also includes his wife and
mother; his father who helps with the books; and cousins who help
with deliveries.
As with any function there were a few complaints-- the best one
being - “Why is the meat cold?” - when it was a cold meat and salad
lunch. The President built two kitchens - Milk and Meat, put in
temporary plumbing facilities with sinks and dishwashers, brought
in gas ovens and stoves and trestle tables and somehow the operation
Avron likes to be present at all the functions he caters so that he
can watch over the minutiae. But he loves being there. “It’s the nicest
thing that you are part of all the simchas. You feel a part of the
families,” he says. “I am now doing Barmitzvahs of kids where I
catered their brises. I am doing weddings of people whose Barmitzvahs
and Batmitzvahs I did.”
Avron also fondly remembers co-ordinating and catering the
mammoth HERZLIA 70th Anniversary Dinner at the Cape Town
International Convention Centre for over 800 people in 2010.
He and his staff have learnt to work under immense pressure - with
And what is the chef ’s own favourite dish? “I am a dessert person.
I love desserts. But my beef burgers are amazing. We make our own
freshly made burger patties. If there’s something I won’t eat, I don’t
put it on my menu.”
Photo: Hayley, Avron and Ryan Almeleh.
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions
Herzlia Class of 1962
50th Anniversary
By Cecily Hanson
In February 2012, the class of 1962 celebrated 50 years since
Before this event, in 2008, a list of emails was drawn up - conceived
by Joel Gordon and executed by David Miller - and since then the
class has been in touch, both virtually and in person. Rosalyn Gelcer
sends birthday greetings to each class member and when someone
is visiting a city where there are classmates, meetings are arranged.
There was great excitement at being in touch again and the idea of
having a reunion was born out of this. The question was whether
to have it during the year of our 65th birthdays (2010) or on the
50th anniversary of leaving school.
I happened to be in Cape Town last year, 2011, and met with Rochelle
(Reingold ) Goldschmidt, Roslin (Sadur) Lichtenstein and David Miller
and we decided to make contact with everyone and see what we
could do.
The planning was longer than a pregnancy - a whole year - but much
easier than giving birth, although there were a few labour pains along
the way! It was as democratic as possible, starting with a vote to
have the reunion in Cape Town because the school is there and a
visit would be an integral part of the celebration. The class gave
input on what activities they were interested in and the final choice
was for as many intimate get-togethers as possible as opposed to
formal gatherings and trips etc.
So, on Thursday 9th February at 7pm at the Radisson Hotel, we met
for the first event of what was to be an amazing weekend. Some
of us were meeting for the first time in 50 years and the hugs and
kisses were abundant. There were 36 present including 11 spouses
and the countries represented were: Israel, Switzerland, England,
Canada, and the U.S. and of course, South Africa. A welcome guest
was Mike Kessel, past teacher and high school headmaster, who
came from Hermanus to celebrate with us.
On Friday 10th February, we were hosted at the school by Geoff
Cohen, Tracy Klass (Manager: Marketing & Communications) and
Paula Cohen (Herzlia Alumni Association) where we were given an
update of the school and shown around some of the newer parts
that didn't exist when we were at school, viz. the Middle School and
swimming pool; Admin Centre (old Rosenthal home ); the science
lab where we saw a demonstration of the electronic smartboard;
the Beit Midrash/Minyan Yosef where we met with members of the
Students' Council, Saul Kaplan (Head of Jewish Life & Learning) and
were addressed by the High School head, Marianne Marks. It was
an eye-opener seeing how the school has developed, physically and
curriculum-wise in these past 50 years.
Saturday 11th, we met at the lovely home of Lydia (Symons) Abel
for a light supper and presentations of old pictures which elicited
lots of oohs, ahhs and laughs of amazement. We went around the
room giving everyone a few minutes to update us on what he/she
had achieved in the past 50 years - children and grandchildren
featuring prominently with almost everyone.
The reunion ended on Sunday 12th with a pot-luck lunch at Rosalyn
Gelcer, who, although living in Israel for the past 40 years, maintains
a holiday home in Muizenberg across from the beach. Oh what
memories that brings back! But where is the 'snakepark??? This time
it was the turn of the spouses to tell about themselves and it was
highly entertaining hearing how they met etc.
The weekend was over too soon and those who didn't immediately
go back to their present countries met again during the week to
continue a renewal of ties that was so amazing that everyone has
asked to meet again in the near future.
Those attending (photo below) included: Ray Bach, Ros Gelcer, Joel
Gordin, Dave Kapelus, Charles Orolowitz, Cecily Sebba, Colin Sive,
Raymond Stein, Basil Taibel. Joburgers were Alan Glaser (my next-door
neighbour whom I have not seen since I left home at age 21!), Ann
Rosenbaum and Dave Wolpert.
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions
Class of ‘62 - Reflections
from David Miller
It seems a good time to share some thoughts and a
picture with you.
I am astonished that everyone I spoke to can still speak
and understand Afrikaans - I tested them all - including
Ray Bach of Geneva and Dave Kapelus of Canada.
(I was at Shul in Muizenberg on Friday night with David
K and I can tell you he has a fine singing voice. Sadly
there were only 13 men in Shul including the two of us,
and no women!)
Mike Kessel (who looks SO young) was with us on
Thursday night at the Radisson Hotel.
Colin Sive loaned me the picture below to scan.
From what I can gather it must be a group picture of
the entire High School - because: Mervyn Danker, Avra
Sebba, Niema Avin and Simon Frank are in the front
row. Also from the class above us are Roy Levine, Albert
Glass, Alvin Silverman, Henry Rosenbaum, Tamar Swade
(was she in the class above or below us?), (the Late)
Abe Barron, (the late) Charles Rosenthal - to name a
few I recognise easily.
As far as I can see almost all of us from our year are
there, including (the late) Vivienne Faktor. Also in the pic
are Eva Sanzul, Malka Bouwer, Michael? Sternberg,
Michelle Miller, Phillida Cohen, ? Druker, Sandra Dunstone
and (the late) Larraine Moss - who were a class below
Front row teachers: (from left) maths teacher (?) Mike
Kessel, Mrs Lederer, Mrs Perlman, Mr Joseph Abitz/Zalman
Avin, Meyer Katz, Mike Rabinowitz,
Julia Eppel, Mr Conradie, Mark Cohen
I am guessing this picture must be at least Std’s 8, 9
and 10.
Alles van die beeste,
David Miller
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions
HERZLIA Class of 1971
- 40th Reunion
By Dr Roy Aronson
The 40th reunion of the Class of 1971 took place on the weekend
of the 16 and 17 December 2011.
Friday night, the 16 December started off at Marais Road Shul for
the erev Shabbat service.
Rabbi Wineberg, in his sermon, welcomed the class of 1971 and
made mention of the amazing bonds that exist and last a life time.
I was given the honor of reciting Kiddush.
After the service we made our way to my home for a traditional
Shabbat dinner. Some of us had not seen each other for forty years.
Initially we were all a bit tentative but soon the flames of friendship
were fanned and burned bright. Attending the erev Shabbat dinner
were Dalia Margalit from Canada, Richard Cohen from London,
Ian Joffe and his wife from Canada, and June Pool from the USA.
Roy Aronson, Marco Van Embden Darron Swersky, Harry Friedland,
Debbie Sklaar Wolf, Sorrel Abromowitz, Sally Gross and Phillip
Orolowitz made up the local contingent. We ate and drank the
night away.
On Saturday we had a wonderful traditional Cape Malay braai
planned. We met at Marco Van Embden’s home at 7.30pm. The
contingent expanded for the braai: Basil Dubb and his wife from
Cape Town and Yaron Rabinowitz and his wife from Los Angeles.
The Head Boy (Yaron) and Head Girl (Dalia) of the class of 1971
were now both present in the same room for the first time since
matric of 1971.
Photo: Dr Roy Aronson.
Photo: Marco Van Embden and Dalia Margalit-Faircloth.
By now we were all firm friends and although we were all clearly
older and wiser, we had connected in ways that were unexpected.
We had the good wishes of our class mates from all over the world
and many actually took the trouble to post their good wishes on
Facebook. We in turn posted pictures of the event on FB for our
classmates around the world to view.
In addition to the formal reunion, a number of our classmates who
were unable to make the December reunion arrived in Cape Town
in January. A small gathering took place at a local pizzeria and we
had the pleasure of seeing some new faces.
It is difficult to describe or quantify the emotions that were felt that
weekend but suffice to say that the bonds binding HERZLIA alumni
together are strong and the bonds binding the individual classes
together are even stronger.
The Class of 1971 will wait in anticipation for our 50th reunion
scheduled for 2021.
Photo: Yaron Rabinowitz and Dalia Margalit-Faircloth ( Head Boy and
Head Girl 1971).
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions
Class of 2001 Reunion Class of 1991 Reunion
By Sylvana Cohen
The Class of 2001 ten-year reunion was held on 28 December 2011
at the Atlantic Bowling Club in Green Point, Cape Town.
A large number of Class of 2001 pupils were in attendance and all
enjoyed a fun evening, reminiscing and catching up after many years.
Great food was provided by Sababa (ex-Herzlian Tal Smith, nee
Saban) as well as Goldies, with delicious HERZLIA 2001 themed
cupcakes made by Avrons Place complementing the other treats.
It was great to catch up with everyone a decade after leaving school
over many laughs and l’chaims. Our Head Boy, Rael Sarembock,
welcomed the attendees with a humourous and entertaining speech,
enlightening us all on certain ex-pupils’ achievements in life. This was
followed by a slide show which brought back many brilliant memories
shared by the Class of 2001. A great time was had by all!
Call me a little biased, but I think our matric year has great genetics.
One would never say it has been 20 years since school, apart from
the odd grey hair (for those with hair) or the faint wrinkle or two
(the lack of sunshine on this damp little island definitely helps).
Generally running for busses, tubes or out of the rain has kept us
all in good shape! Most of us had already crossed paths at some
stage in London, but it's always good to have an excuse to meet up
for a few drinks at a cosy pub on a cold winter's evening.
LONDON L-R: Justin Sacks, Bradley Sherman, Adam Querido, Steven
Berkman, Niki Caller (Zieff), Golan Losinsky, Neil Gordon, Shelley
Frankel (Gordon)
Above: Stacy Fintz, Loren Hassen (Fintz), Taryn Solomon (Gore), Cara
Rosenberg (Sischy).
Above: Claude Hanan, Marc Sevitz, Adam Green, Stuart Edelstein.
NEW YORK L-R: Daniel Zinn, Shaun Abrahamson, Gavin Friedman,
Alan Freeman, Devorah Freeman, Simone Jowell (Noble) - 1990, Susan
Zinn, Jodi Michaels (Harris), Francine Kniberg (Jacobson), Andrew Kniberg,
Melanie Stoopler (Sass), Eric Stoopler.
HERZLIA Alumni News
Ryan Pequito, Class of 1995
Ryan was injured in an accident that left him a complete paraplegic,
which means that he has no feeling or voluntary movement below
his naval.
In his words “It’s come to my attention that there perhaps remains
some mystery regarding the situation surrounding my accident and
how I came to be paralysed. It is neither the noblest of all circumstances
nor a tale from which I could expect much pity, but as is often the
case in an event where our everyday lives can be permanently
changed in an instant, it can be so much as a step in the wrong
direction that suddenly alters everything as you’ve come to know
it. Walking back to a boat moored in a marina in Lisbon, I tripped,
stumbled or slipped (I can’t exactly remember), I fell 6m off the dock
wall and suffered a spinal cord injury. Unfortunately, there was a jetty
floating on the water below which had been moved there temporarily,
but which I landed on. Any other day I may have just fallen into the
water and probably just swum away from this incident.”
“I spent two weeks in hospital, post-surgery, followed by another
four months in rehabilitation. Nothing since has been a breeze and
it’s been a significant period of readjustment to everyday life. Be that
as it may, I may have become a better person for it.”
Saul Turvey initiated an appeal to the Class of ’95 to assist Ryan to
buy a wheelchair that has made a profound contribution to the
quality of his life. Through the Alumni Association we extended the
appeal to the school’s weekly tzeddakah collections. As a result a
significant sum of money was raised that enabled Ryan to purchase
the wheelchair at a cost of over R40 000.
Above: Ryan Pequito, Class of 1995.
Ryan wrote the following letter of thanks:
Mandy Allen, Class of 1992
Dear Principal, Staff and Students of Herzlia,
The following snippet is an excerpt from an article that was featured
in the Decorex 2012 Expo newsletter.
It is with a most profound debt of gratitude and complete humility that
I write this letter to you all. Each and every one of you have contributed
so generously and selflessly toward the funding of my new wheelchair
which, in its entirety, has proved nothing short of staggering and without
any of whom this would still remain nothing more than an aspiration.
Mandy Allen is no stranger to the world of decor and design. Not
only is this Francophile mad about stationery, she is besotted with
all things kids, making her the go-to guru on trends for kids’ rooms.
As is often the case, in any given situation where so many rally together
for another with such compassion and generosity, words can neither
quantify nor truly capture the immensely visceral sense of appreciation,
awe, serenity and gratefulness. There are only so many ways one can
say thank you, yet even then it never seems enough. I am deeply moved
by this act of remarkable kindness - you have all done me a truly
wonderful mitzvah.
I would like you all to know that the assistance you have granted me
during this trying period of significant transition and adversity will never
be taken for granted. The collective force with which you have all
mobilized, and with such unrestrained munificence, has been astonishing.
Once more and from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.
This will never be forgotten and I will carry the legacy of your generosity
and kindness with me always.
Former deputy editor for House & Leisure and VISI; and former
editor of Plascon Colour, the calling of motherhood made her ditch
the office. From her Victorian home in the Cape Town CBD she
shares with her husband, two kids under four, a dog, a bunny and
boxes of silkworms, Mandy does freelance work for leading decor
A firm believer that kids should be free to jump on the sofa and
draw on the walls, she also edits the Design and Kids section in
Sunday Times Home Weekly.
Mandy also logs in some hours at Elle Decoration interviewing
designers, writing profile pieces, doing theme-specific features and
trend-related stories. In addition she contributes a weekly blog post
to Freeworld Design Centre.
HERZLIA Alumni News
Carolyn Gad, Class of 2001
After matriculating in 2001, I went on to study Textile and Surface
Design at (CPUT) Cape Peninsula University of Technology where
I obtained my bachelors degree (Cum Laude). In 2006-2007 I felt
myself leaning more towards illustration and fine art as opposed to
textiles and began experimenting with silk-screen printing which I
turned into “Fine Art” to exhibit in various galleries around Cape
Town. I then started to export my artworks abroad to the U.S. and
have sold to clients in New York, London and Germany. In 2008 I
decided to take a break to “see the world.” I spent 18 months on
the Isle of Man while working and travelling around the UK. After
spending six months in New York, I have recently returned to Cape
Town where I am working on future exhibitions. My most recent
exhibition of whimsical illustrations was on view at the Rust-enVrede Gallery in Durbanville earlier this year.
Rus Nerwich, Class of 1994
One of the greatest joys of being a musician is the opportunity to
travel and play in new spaces to new audiences. I find it crumbles
my comfort zones and forces me to be present and very conscious
of the new environments. It kickstarts fresh inspiration and new
songs which I hope to bring back with me. On the 27th April I hit
the road on my European tour - Silence & Forgotten Things. This
trip took me to some great European jazz clubs. It was the first time
I tested out the material I want to record in July for a new album,
so I was filled with a sense of excitement and trepidation. Getting
up on stage for 20 nights in a month long period and diving into an
entirely new repertoire of music sure was a trip. Our journey started
in the Czech Republic with a series of small club dates. The Czech
Republic has a rich history of jazz: the great Louis Armstrong once
recorded an album in Prague. From there we headed off to Belgium
and then to Italy to play a wonderful festival called Lana Live. I have
posted videos and recording of the gigs on www.rusnerwich.com
and Facebook. Contact me at rus@tonesofnote.com
Above: Flower Girl by Carolyn Gad.
HERZLIA Alumni News / Graduates
UCT Graduates
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
of Surgery
Larry Chapman (with distinction in the preclinical, clinical and final
clinical examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Marc Davidowitz (with distinction in the preclinical, clinical and final
clinical examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Calli Dogon (with distinction in the preclinical, clinical and final clinical
examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Elia Isralls (with distinction in the preclinical examinations)
Candice Levetan (with distinction in the preclinical, clinical and final
clinical examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Jared Lipsitz (with distinction in the clinical and final clinical examinations)
Simon Mendelsohn (with distinction in the preclinical, clinical and
final clinical examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Raphaella Stander (with distinction in the preclinical and final clinical
examinations and the degree with honours)
Jo-Anne Strul (with distinction in the preclinical and final clinical
examinations and the degree with first class honours)
Danielle Travill (with distinction in the preclinical and final clinical
examinations and the degree with honours)
Bachelor of Science
Tamara Kahn a B.Sc. in Occupational Therapy
Matthew Miller a B.Sc. IT
Amanda Stein a B.Sc. in Molecular and Chemical Biology
Above L-R: Dr Larry Chapman; Dr Marc Davidowitz; Dr Simon Mendelsohn.
Inspiration in Jerusalem
By Ziv Okun, Class of 1998
There are many types of family vacations - to the beach, on a cruise,
hiking in the mountains. My family had taken all these, but recently
we did something different. That’s because 2011 was not an average
year for us. In January, my mother passed away suddenly, leaving us
all shocked and angry. Why would G-d take my mother? Why would
He give us no warning? What proof is there that He cares and is
there a reason for His actions?
These are some of the many questions we had, but did not get
sufficient answers from our local rabbis. Throughout the year my
family performed numerous deeds in my mother’s name. We said
Kaddish every day. We donated to various charities in Israel and in
our native South Africa. We organized Jewish community events.
These are just a few of the things we did in her memory, as a way
to help elevate her soul. Unless these questions were answered, we
would never be at peace with my mother’s death.
Still, we never fully believed that what we were doing would actually
benefit my mom. All it really did was comfort us slightly. My family
has always been a traditional Jewish family, though not religious.
We attended Jewish day school. When we were kids my mother
used to tuck us into bed, kiss us goodnight, and say the Shema with
us. We had Shabbat dinner every Friday night; at the Passover Seder
30 people would gather around our table; and the Yom Kippur breakfast was 50 people strong. But when my mother died so suddenly,
we had many questions about our faith. We decided as a family that
unless these questions were answered, we would never be at peace
with my mother’s death. And we might begin to grow distant from
Judaism. We sat together - my father, brother, sister and I - and
determined that the best place to get these questions answered
was Israel. We committed to spending two weeks together in
Jerusalem, probing the foundations of Jewish belief. Our goal was to
attain clarity - to leave either as believers or non-believers, but not
to remain in limbo as we were. Read more on:
Above: The Okun family.
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions / Visitors
Class of 1982 Reunion
Lauren Dorfman ( Barnett)
Eleven excited past students from the Class of 1982 met for dinner
in Bondi for our 30th year HERZLIA reunion. There was a real buzz
in the air as many of us had not seen each other since finishing
school in 1982. Some of us brought photos from school to share
which of course generated much laughter and reminiscing. Throughout
the night many funny stories from our wonderful school days were
shared and the names of many teachers came up and what we
remember of them. Neil Katz proceeded to regurgetate his lines
when he was Pharoah in Mrs Gobrechts Afrikaans play which threw
us all into fits of laughter. Besides all the reminiscing, we had the
opportunity to fill each other in on what we have been up to over
the past 30 years as well as sharing photos of our children and
families. It was truly a special night and as Anton Allen said, 'it was
good for the soul'. We look forward to staying in touch now that
we have all reconnected!
School Visitors
Benny Kaplinski (1971) currently residing in Sydney and his
daughter Amy visited the school on 20 January 2012.
Above: Another Sydney visitor - Gavin Chapeikin (1983) with
wife Sharon, daughters Alex and Zoe in January 2012
Above: Back Row L–R: Bryan Goldberg, Maon Catzel, Neil Katz, Evan
Goodman, Max Satz, Ashley Shwartz. Front Row L-R: Michael Rubenstein,
Lauren Dorfman (Barnett), Rochelle Slabber (Zurnamer), Jennifer Glazer
(Levy), Anton Allen.
Julian Reitstein (1978) with friends from Tucson, Arizona
Paul and Alice Baker who have grandchildren at the Tucson
Hebrew Academy (palicep@gmail.com)
Loretta Falk Helman currently living in Toronto (head girl of
the class of 1960) and her partner Shabotay Levy visited the
school on 20 February 2012. She attended a mini reunion
organised by Roydon Sacks over the weekend.
Dr Leslie Green from Israel (1958) visited for first time in
30 years on 8 March 2012
Josephine McWatt (nee Gotthelf) together with her husband,
Keith visited HERZLIA on 6 February. It was her first visit to
the school in 53 years. Anyone who would like to make
contact with Josephine is welcome to email her on
If you are in the area and would like to visit your old school,
please contact the Alumni Association: oldherz@herzlia.com
We would love to show you around.
To Adele Sulcas (1984), a daughter (SA)
To Daniella (nee Blumenfield) & Howard
Frank (1984), a daughter (SA)
To Candace (nee Bernstein) & Saul Klotz
(1985), a son (SA)
To Laila Retief (1993) & Gary Saven (1986),
a son (SA)
To Wendy (nee Kaplan) (1986) & Marc Swiel
(1987), a daughter (SA)
To Martine (nee Jackson) (1996) & Gregor
Klotz (1987), a daughter (SA)
To Ilana (nee Ruch) & Amnon Meltzer (1988),
a son (SA)
To Lori (nee Mauerberger) (1999) & Brian
Weiner (1989), a daughter (SA)
To Ruth (nee Levin) (1989) & Christiaan
Vorster, a son (SA)
To Talya (nee Grauman) & Paul Lewin (1989),
a son (Australia)
To Andy (nee Segal) & Gavin Karro (1990),
a son (Australia)
To Annette (nee Alis) & Daniel Hirschson
(1990), a daughter (Australia)
To Hilary (nee Fine) (1990) & David
Reinhardt (1995), a son (UK)
To Daniella (nee Schneider) (1991) & Colin
Abrams, a daughter (SA)
To Francine (nee Jacobson) (1991) & Andy
Kniberg, twin sons (USA)
To Noa & Bryan Choritz (1991), a son (Israel)
To Tania (nee Fendel) (1991) & Dion Cohen,
a daughter (Australia)
To Carla (nee Maisel) (1992) & David
Roytowski, a daughter (SA)
To Debby (nee Jamieson) (1992) & Anton
Modlinne (1992), a son (SA)
To Lara (nee Sandler) & Daniel Woznica
(1992), a daughter (Isle of Mann)
To Lauren (nee Jewell) & Trevor Cohen
(1992), a son (USA)
To Michelle (nee Borkowf) (1992) & Aviad
Tohami, a daughter (Israel)
To Nicola (nee Kaganson) (1992) & Ari Joffe,
a son (UK)
To Sharon (nee Lipshitz) (1992) & Anton
Lopis, a son (UK)
To Ashli (nee Gillis) (2003) & Brian Gradner
(1993), a son (SA)
To Caline (nee Cohen) (1993) & Adam
Schwartz, a son (USA)
To Cherie (nee Hurwitz) (1993) & Dylan
Tarason, a daughter (USA)
To Jackie (nee Joffe) (1993) & Hadleigh
Millman, a son (UK)
To Lucy (nee Spector) & Peter Lurie (1993),
a daughter (UK)
To Mandy (nee Figg) (1993) & Jason Stone
(1997), a daughter (SA)
To Sybil (nee Chait) (1993) & Jonty Kaye, a
son (SA)
To Belinda (nee Rose) (1994) & Ilan Lazarus
(1994), a son (SA)
To Benita (nee Harris) (1994) & Jonathan
Band, a son (SA)
To Candice (nee Friedland) & Dean Ginsberg
(1994), a son (SA)
To Candice (nee Leslie) (1994) & Anthony
Liffmann, a son (UK)
To Caryn (nee Diamond) (1994) & Paul
Kaplan, a daughter (Australia)
To Karen (nee Marcus) (1994) & Jason
Kurensky (1994), a daughter (UK)
To Nicky (nee Novick) & Daniel Goss (1994),
a son (UK)
To Talia (nee Spilka) & Mark Talmud (1994),
a daughter (SA)
To Tanya (nee Nurek) (1995) & Hayden
Katzenellenbogen (1994), a Daughter (USA)
To Bev & Anton Black (1995), a daughter
To Cindy (nee Stein) (1995) & Scott Ring,
a daughter (Ireland)
To Darienne (nee Lewis) (1995) & Ryan
Maron, a son (SA)
To Gabi (nee Payne) & Samuel Brodovcky
(1995), a daughter (Australia)
To Leah & Terence Mervis (1995), a daughter
To Lindy (nee Ress) (1995) & Gavin
Wertheim, a daughter (Australia)
To Orit (nee Laskov) (1995) & Michael
Sachar (1995), a daughter (SA)
To Liora (nee Singer) & Jonathan Leslie
(1996), a daughter (SA)
To Talya (nee Wiesenbacher) & Jason
Gottschalk (1996), a daughter (SA)
To Tamara (nee Wagenheim) (1996) & Ryan
Rittoff, a daughter (SA)
To Andrea (nee Finkelman) & Adam
Mendelsohn (1997), a son (USA)
To Laurian (nee Sussman) (1997) & Riaan
Theron, a daughter (SA)
To Lindy (nee McMullen) (1997) & Stuart
Diamond (1997), a daughter (SA)
To Sarah (nee Norton) (1997) & Marc Spiro,
a son (SA)
To Taryn (nee Weinkove) & Simon Brooke
(1997), a daughter (SA)
To Reviva (nee Arnoni) (1999) & Abbi
Hasson (1998), a daughter (SA)
To Belinda (nee Shapiro) (1998) & Eddie
Rabbie, a daughter (SA)
To Nadia (nee Kraitzick) & Malcolm Siegel
(1998), a son (SA)
To Tal (nee Saban) (1998) & Russell Smith
(1989), a son (SA)
To Tracy (nee Scher) (2001) & David Swil
(1998), a son (Israel)
To Natasha (nee Chait) (1999) & Brian
Clohessy, a daughter (New Zealand)
To Robyn (nee Jocum) (1999) & Richard
Samir, a daughter (UK)
To Aimee (nee Gottschalk) (2000) & Gareth
Kobrin (2000), a daughter (UK)
To Danielle (nee Cohen) & Avi Ziskind
(2000), a son (USA)
To Melissa (nee Boyd) (2000) & Pinchas
Hack (2000), a daughter (SA)
To Carla (nee Hack) (2001) & David
Haarburger, a son (SA)
To Zoe (nee Cunio) (2001) & Julian Sher, a
son (SA)
To Talia (nee Scher) & Yonatan Ellman (2003),
a daughter (Israel)
To Sarah (nee Friedman) & Avigdor Hack
(2004), a daughter (SA)
To Jodi (nee Babus) (2007) & Yehuda
Goldberg, a daughter (SA)
Rachel Kaplan.
Rubin Levin-Vorster.
Sam Mendelsohn.
Photo Gallery
Abigail Samir.
Ava Katriel Diamond.
Ava Sophia Lurie.
Dann Robert Sacks.
Gavriel and Yehonatan Polatinski.
Gadi Doron Serman.
Jude Aaron Goss.
Jessica Marcus.
Jemma and Mia Wertheim.
Maddison Ring.
Max Reinhardt,
Maya Talmud.
Caroline Beckman to Avron Olshewsky
(1991) (UK)
Jennifer Yarin to Neil Gordon (1991) (UK)
Jennifer Glyn to Graeme Sacks (1993) (UK)
Kim Smollan (1993) to Greg Ecker (Australia)
Michal Baruch (1993) to Jonathan Kay (SA)
Marilyn Potash (1994) to Michael Symons
Zara Zetler to Shawn Rudnick (1995) (SA)
Natalie Gruzd (1999) to Justin Marcus (1997)
Ruth Jacobs (1997) to Anthony Goldstein
Emma Goldman (1998) to Gareth Cohen
(1999) (SA)
Gabriella Harris (2005) to Ryan Jossel (1998)
Melissa Weber (1998) to Bryan Gluckman
Natalie Hunt to Jackie Solomon (1998) (SA)
Stacey De Kock (2003) to Richard Melmed
(1999) (SA)
Caitlyn Leslie to Charles Gottschalk (2000)
Lisa Toay (2001) to Dave Leon (SA)
Tarryn Laden to Jason Salkinder (2001) (SA)
Amy Salkinder to Ryan Berkowitz (2002)
Sara Kazarnovsky to Raphael Ress (2002)
Choulamite Soudry to Jonathan Sacks (2003)
Natasha Gild (2003) to Albert Sha’altiel
(2003) (SA)
Casey-Lee Pezaro (2004) to Kevin Kovarsky
Deena Ress (2004) to Shmuel Watkin (SA)
Leeanne Jacobson (2004) to Myron Jacobs
Carli Aderem (2006) to Seth Meyerowitz
Dani Pieterkosky (2006) to Ayton Hack
(2007) (SA)
Lauren Sadman (2011) to Mikey Kushner
Jacques Van Embden (2001) to Lior Chen
Leeanne Jacobson and Myron Jacobs.
Lisa Toay and Dave Leon.
Jacques Van Embden (2001) to Lior Chen.
Deena Ress and Shmuel Watkin.
Elana Friedman (1989) to Guy Kornetski
Jenny Arenson (1989) to Josh Abrahams
Lisa Gordon to Dean Murinik (1991) (SA)
Kara Lee Krupp (1992) to Gary Locketz
Lisa Kelman (1992) to Michael Jardim (SA)
Claudia Gurwitz (1994) to John Lofty-Eaton
Lori Blumin to Asher Lichterman (1994)
Sarah Friedgood (1995) to Warren Minde
Taryn Joffe (1995) to Gregory Krupp (1995)
Mandy Lewis (1996) to Gavin Morris (SA)
Gina Saban (1994) to Anton Israele (1997)
Julia Maisel (1997) to Brett Angel (USA)
Lauren Jacobs (1997) to Steven Liebrecht
Robyn Friedman to Colin Almeleh (1997)
Shelly Feld to David Myers (1997) (Israel)
Merle Stodel (2002) to Robert Lewenson
(1998) (SA)
Monique Templehof to Jonathan Katz (1998)
Orli Zaacks (1998) to Hanan Bushkin (SA)
Taliah Salomon to Benji Blumenthal (1998)
Jessica Parmenter to Stuart Blair (1999)
Julia Cope (1999) to Oier PenagaricanoMunoa (Spain)
Lara Sher (1999) to Wade Butlion (1999)
Elienne Horwitz to Marc Blumberg (2000)
Jessica Goldberg (2004) to Justin Chait (2000)
Nicki Rabie (2000) to Anton McElhone (SA)
Adi Balely to Simeon Angel (2001) (SA)
Amy Shleifman (2001) to Andrew Stockwell
Ilana Michaelis to Rory Jossel (2001) (SA)
Rachel Kaplan to Bryan Silke (2001) (SA)
Sam Shaw to Jarred Rose (2001) (UK)
Caryn Rogaly to Jonathan Margolius (2002)
Deborah Goetz to Yair Schkolne (2003)
Lauren Marcus (2002) to Daniel Levy (SA)
Liora Krug (2003) to Jarred Benatar (SA)
Shirit Shemesh to Shad Alter (2003) (Israel)
Tali Barnett (2004) to Sean Feinberg (SA)
Lee-Ann Lipman (2007) to Greg Gelb (2005)
Marc and Elienne Blumberg.
Liora and Jarred Benatar.
Taryn and Greg Krupp.
Jessica and Stuart Blair.
Monique and Jonny Katz.
Jenny and Josh Abrahams.
Julia Cope and Oier Penagaricano-Munoa.
Claudia Gurwitz and John Lofty-Eaton.
Amy and Andrew Stockwell.
Lee-Ann and Greg Gelb.