Headlines Dec 2011


Headlines Dec 2011
A New Chairperson
for HERZLIA Alumni Association
We are responsible for maintaining links, networks and communications
between our 6223 Alumni spread around the world in 42 different
countries. We have 2861 alumni overseas and 3362 in South Africa.
For your information - 840 live in the United States of America, 198
in Canada, 548 in the United Kingdom, 563 in Israel, 583 in Australia, 27
in New Zealand. The balance live in South Africa and other countries.
HAA aims to serve as a dynamic alumni organization, enabling alums
worldwide to leverage the value of the HERZLIA network, socially
and professionally.
serves on the board of trustees. Amanda heads the Poetry and Old
Khaki brands at Cape Union Mart.
Prior to joining Cape Union Mart, Amanda was a Senior Associate
with the Highland Consumer Fund (a R2.5 billion venture capital
fund based in Boston, USA) investing in and growing retail and
consumer goods companies. Previously, she was at Limited Brands
in New York as Manager of Strategy and Business Development at
Victoria’s Secret Beauty, and before that managed the development
and launch of multiple beauty and personal care products at Bath
& Body Works. Amanda also worked at The Rockwell Group, where
she advised mall developers
on new retail concepts. She
began her career at Boston
Consulting Group in New
York focusing on the
consumer and retail sectors.
In addition to providing relevant, and informative communication to
members worldwide, a key focus will be to promote a value-added
interactive social media network. A young, energized committee will
focus on re-engaging and involving alumni in relevant activities,
including social responsibility, the sciences, arts, culture and sports
We have appointed Amanda Herson (nee Krawitz, matric 1998) as
the chair of the Alumni Association. Amanda is a second generation
Herzlian - her father Philip Krawitz matriculated in 1967 and served
as a PTA Chair, on the UHS board and as its chairman and now
Marco van Embden
Marco was instrumental in rejuvenating the Alumni Association over
20 years ago and as a result of his vision and foresight we are in
contact with nearly all 6223 alumni.
Honoured for Communal Leadership
Marco van Embden was recently honoured at the Keren HayesodUIA’s annual World Conference, held earlier this year in Jerusalem.
The recognition was given as a token of appreciation for Marco’s
successful four year tenure as Chairman of the United Jewish
Campaign (2005-2009) and his service as Chairman of the David
Susman Community Foundation (DSCF) and the Friends of the
UJC since then.
“We perceived a risk for our community if we could not replace lost
donations,” says Marco, explaining his more recent initiatives. “I set
about creating and launching the DSCF as a stabilisation fund, with the
goal to build a capital base to R20 million. We also launched the Friends
of the UJC Cape Town, to approach the many out-of-towners who have
residences in Cape Town, to support our community and foundation.
“As at early 2011 we have raised a capital base of R16 million and
increased the overall target to R50 million. This will ultimately have the
effect of ‘future-proofing’ the Cape Town Jewish community.”
In these most recent capacities, Marco is carrying on a long and
illustrious career in the Cape Town Jewish community, during which
he held numerous leadership positions. These include being Chairman
of UNITED HERZLIA SCHOOLS, UJC Chairman and he has also
served as the HERZLIA Alumni Association Chairman and has
dedicated much of his time and resources to outreach work.
Harvard Business School,
MBA Wharton SchoolUniversity of Pennsylvania,
BSc in Economics (Summa
Cum Laude)
Amanda enjoys power yoga,
re-exploring the Cape and
all things culinary.
During his tenure at HERZLIA, Marco modernized HAA and
emphasized the importance of electronic communication (5754
email addresses) and networking amongst our alumni. He picked up
the reigns as chairman of HAA in 2010/2011 when he approached
Amanda to take over.
A successful businessman,
keen sportsman and
committed Zionist, Marco’s
enthusiasm and energy have
clearly brought impressive
results to his various
campaigns over the years.
“The worldwide Keren
Hayesod-UIA family thanks
Marco for all he has done to
date,” said the organisation on
its website.
“We know that he will remain
at the heart of Jewish and
Zionist activity in South Africa
for many years to come!”.
UHS News
Farewell to Friends
It is appropriate to highlight those teachers who are retiring after
decades of dedicated service. Our teachers are the bedrock of
HERZLIA and it is true to say that a good school cannot exceed
the quality of its teachers. I would like to thank the teachers for their
dedication, patience and commitment to their pupils and to the
school. We say a very fond farewell to a number of stalwarts who
have served HERZLIA for a combined total of 238 years. Hava
Glanger (38 years), Roelene Saker (18 years), in the High School,
Margie Cook (25 years) in the Middle School, Ben Anderson
(34 years) and Diedre Visser (15 years) at Weizmann, Yehudit la
Chat (22 years) and Larry Gouws (29 years) from Highlands and
Maxine Nerwich (27 years) from Constantia. We thank them most
sincerely and wish them mazel in the future.
The Legendary Maxine Nerwich
The time has arrived for Mrs Nerwich to bid us farewell and to take
a well-deserved rest from classroom teaching. Mrs Nerwich has
developed the reputation as a passionate and committed Afrikaans
teacher. All of my sons had the privilege of being taught by her, as
did hundreds of HERZLIA Constantia graduates. She is the most
colourful, fashion-driven teacher who lights up the school with her
dynamism (written by Jos Horwitz).
wane, change from being compulsory for all pupils, to being offered
as a choice with Jewish Studies, to today, where it competes with
13 other subjects as an elective. She has weathered every storm,
both personally and professionally, with her characteristic strength
and dignity. She has always been a consumate professional. Every
role that Hava has undertaken – teacher, head of subject, supervisor,
grade head, member of the school executive – she has done with
the utmost dedication and devotion. She has been a wonderful role
model for every teacher and pupil.
I will always treasure the friendship we have had over the years and
which I hope we will continue to have in the years ahead. Your
insight and wise counsel has been invaluable to all of us on the
executive and particularly to me in my role as principal.
you leave behind a space that cannot easily be filled. you have been
a legend in your own time (written by Mariane Marks).
Big Ben Anderson
“Living Legend” under a picture of Ben Anderson said it all.
On Thursday morning 1st December the Weizmann Hall was packed
with pupils (past and present), teachers (past and present), friends
and colleagues all paying tribute to “Big Ben Anderson” in a final,
emotional farewell assembly. The staff assembled on the stage to
sing an extraordinary song written by Morah Salingre that encapsulates
everything about Ben, sung to the tune of Matchmaker (Go to our
website to see the entire song).
As I said at valedictory, there are no words that are good enough
to thank and give honour to someone who has spent a life time
being a part of the very fabric of which the school is made. Hava
has seen HERZLIA school evolve over 38 years; she has seen so
many principals come and go; she has seen her subject wax and
Matchmaker, matchmaker, make us a match
Put our son in, though he can’t catch
Day after day we will be on the phone
So make us a match, or we’ll moan
Matchmaker, matchmaker when are the trials?
Our girl’s the best, she’ll win it by miles.
Sportsdays and galas will not be the same
When Ben isn’t there. It’s a shame
Big Ben Anderson
Maxine Nerwich
Hava Glanger
Roelene Saker
Diedre Visser
Yehudit le Chat
Larry Gouws
Margie Cook
Hava Glanger
HERZLIA Alumni News
Ronnie Gotkin wins UHS
Chairman’s Award
By Gary Nathan, Chairman UHS
It has become customary to award an individual member of the
greater HERZLIA family, who in the discretion of the Chairman had
made an extraordinary contribution to the day-to-day experience
of Herzlians. The Chairman’s award is bestowed upon an individual
who has over a period of time through his or her particular interest,
or area of expertise and commitment, made an impact on the lives
of the pupils of HERZLIA, while also enhancing the good name and
standing of our school.
vice principal of the High School and then the principal of Highlands
Primary in 1995 where he still runs an incredible school.
Ronnie is a staunch Zionist and committed to the Jewish people.
He currently is actively involved in the Israel Advocacy committee
and shared his knowledge of Jewish History in the editing of the
brilliant HERZLIA Israel Advocacy booklet just recently launched.
Ronnie has not only been educating our children, he has shared his
expertise and love for Jewish history with countless number of adults
in our community, lecturing at Melton.
This year’s recipient has been a part of the HERZLIA family for the
past 49 years and it gives me great pleasure to award the Chairman’s
Award to Ronnie Gotkin. Some of you may be asking: “how old is
he if he has been with us for 49 years?”. The truth is he is not that
old, but Ronnie joined HERZLIA as a sub A pupil in 1962 and has
been with us ever since! He matriculated in 1973 where he was a
student councillor, and went on to earn a Masters degree in education
at UCT. Ronnie joined HERZLIA as a Hebrew Teacher in 1979 and
became Head of Hebrew. Ronnie was instrumental in bringing the
Tal Am and Netar Hebrew programmes to HERZLIA. He became
Photo: Ada m Wa genheim (2002) aka DJ Wags was crowned the winner of the 5fm Ulitimix@6 star DJ. Hundreds of mixes were sent through
and after an intense on air competition Dj Wags was proclaimed the winner. He had the honour of joining the Ultimix@6 Dj’s Fresh, Euphonik,
Dino Bravo and Kent on their national album tour in November as well as winning a one month residency on the programme during 2012.
In 2010 Adam took part in one of the most talked about parties of the year when he dj’ed on board the Miller Rock the Boat cruise ship, entertaining
over 2000 people for the weekend. To listen to a collection of DJ Wags’ mixes check him out online http://soundcloud.com/dj wags
Greetings from around the world
Alberto Hasson (1963)
I matriculated in the class 1963 together with Claire Moss,
Manfred Derman and others. I am originally from the Congo and
stayed at the Oranjia, the Cape Jewish Orphanage.
My name is Alberto Hasson and I am currently living in Belgium
where I have very recently retired from the newly created European
External Action Service (EEAS) after a long career within the
European Institutions. I would love to receive news from my former
class mates.
Best and Shalom to you all
Mordechai (Martin) Wilk (1971)
We're living in Efrat, Gush Ezion. Rachel (nee Muskin) and I have
been blessed with 7 kids and 2 grandchildren. Our second child, Zvi,
is getting married B’H in July. He completed 3 years in the paratroopers
in the army and our second son Yaakov is now serving in the army
through the yeshiva hesder program. Our next son Yair is starting
the Hesder Yeshiva program in Yerucham in Elul.
Our 2 older daughters did Sherut Leumi. The eldest Shira (married)
just completed her first degree in Special Education with Liora Shani
studying Social Work at Hebrew University.
An integral part of our family is our 14 year old daughter Ayelet
with Downs Syndrome. She has daily transport to an integrated
school on Kibbutz Rosh Zurim in Gush Etzion. Our youngest blessing
Elisheva is 9 – she keeps us young....
primarily write-ups and current accounting. Rachel is a special ed
teacher and counselor, working in the school system and colleges.
We wish you a successful reunion. Well done on all your hard work.
May we all meet one day here in Israel.
Lawrence Schneider (1971)
I think that we all owe quite a debt to HERZLIA in that, at least for
me, it did much to shape the rest of my life.
HERZLIA was a way of life, not only formal education but also taught
us how to think for ourselves and formulate our own opinions
(Scholastically I cannot say I was an over achiever. My most vivid
memory is being lectured to by Mr Kessel for 25 minutes in front
of the class after not having done my homework again). Almost all
my friends were from there and the really good friends that I have
here in Israel are from back then.
Currently I am running the Kibbutz’s computer system while studying
for a network administrator's diploma (One of the real pluses of
Kibbutz life is being able to change professions in later life. I don’t
feel I have reached middle age yet).
All our kids live by or near us except for Yoav who is a company
commander in the armoured corps (he has completely recovered
from his wounds).
All the kids are free thinkers and I think that is a bit of what HERZLIA
gave to me that I passed on in a small way to them. Shabbat suppers
quite often sound like the Knesset in full session.
I’m practicing accounting in Jerusalem and have my own office doing
I will be at then reunion in spirit at least. I would have loved to be
there in person. I am attaching a current picture of the family including
daughters in law (2).
Photo: The Wilk family (pictured l to r) Yair, Liora, Shani, Elisheva, Zvi,
Yaakov, Ariel (Son in law). Front row: Rachel, Ayelet, Mordechai,
Shira (with eldest boy).
Photo: Judi, myself, 5 sons, 1 daughter, 2 daughters-in-law and 2 of our
4 family dogs (Keshet and Harley). From L-R: Nitzan, Judi, Ziv, Reut,
Laurence, Yoav, Shir, Avishai, Yonatan, Dvir.
HERZLIA Alumni News / Book Launches
Cooking for an AllergyFree Lifestyle
In the book I include a shopping list for stocking your pantry to use
as a guideline for making your own master list. Cooking for an
Allergy-Free Lifestyle is a highly practical book, with emphasis on
convenience and quality of cooking.
Cooking for an Allergy-Free Lifestyle by alumnus Tammi Forman is
a book with a difference. It is written by a person with allergies, for
people with allergies, but the recipes in its pages are as delicious as
any dairy-laden, wheat-ridden, egg-loaded dish.
Most importantly, this book is for easy cooking. It is not an exercise
in paint by numbers: it offers outlines for you to add and take away,
mix and match to create your original. My aims are that you don’t
spend hours in the kitchen cooking, yet still produce allergy-friendly,
delicious foods and to help you to alter your own ‘family favourite’
recipes to make them ‘allergy safe’.
Well, there are ways to be able to have your cake (even if it is
wheat/gluten/ egg/ dairy-free) and eat it too. This book is filled with
yummy foods which are yummy regardless of allergies, and it gives
alternatives which are easy and delicious.
Food is the very first pleasure we experience. The preparation of
food is an act of love - the sharing of it with family and friends, its
consummation. The main ingredients for successful cooking are
enthusiasm, perseverance, a spirit of adventure and the anticipation
of joy. These ingredients are essential to every recipe. Having said
this, you need a well organised and well stocked pantry too!
Gluten free, Sugar free, yeast free & dairy free
This batter bread is versatile and delicious, bake it in muffin pans or
loaf tins
1 large sweet potato, cooked and peeled
1 C rice flour
1 C finely ground yellow polenta meal
1 C soya milk
2 T sunflower oil
1 heaped tsp baking powder
Half tsp salt or herb salt
Preheat the oven to180c. When preparing for this recipe, leave the
potato whole; prick it all over with a sharp knife or fork, them steam
for about 25 min or until soft. Or you could steam it in a microwave
for 8 -10 min instead. Roughly chop the cooked, peeled sweet potato
and put it in a food processor with all the other ingredients. Using
the blade attachment, whizz the mixture until smooth, then transfer
it to a small oiled loaf tin and bake for 40 mins or until beginning
to brown on top.
HERZLIA Alumni News / Book Launches
Girlfriend 911
By Jacquee Kahn Class of 1987
It’s been said Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and
over again, and expecting a different result. In her eye-opening book, Girlfriend
911, relationship “guru” alumnus Jacquee Kahn puts an end to the insanity with
a step-by-step guide to rescuing relationships in trouble, and helping single
women find and keep “Mr. Right.”
Often referred to as the “Super Nanny for Women” – a nod to
no-nonsense parenting expert Jo Frost – Kahn’s approach is concise, straightforward, and backed by proven results. Based on years of helping her girlfriends
(and their girlfriends, and their girlfriends, and so on) with all sorts of relationship
woes, Kahn devised a “formula” for attracting and maintaining a healthy
relationship. She details her secret formula in Girlfriend 911, and provides easyto-follow instructions, fascinating relationship “case studies,” and extraordinary
outcomes. In relatable, girlfriend-to-girlfriend language Kahn exposes the root
cause of relationship failure, and skillfully illustrates how immediate the results
can be once you get with the program. Girlfriend 911 is the relationship bible
no girlfriend should be without!
Girlfriend 911 is an invaluable tool for any woman, regardless of her relationship
status. Single, dating, in a relationship, and even married women can benefit
enormously from the Girlfriend 911 program and the lessons contained within.
You can download the book from Amazon: http://amzn.to/girlfriend911 or
from Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/bngf911
Tracking the Future
By Daniel Silke
Daniel Silke has just published his latest book – Tracking the Future: Top
trends that will shape South Africa and the World. Silke’s predictions on the
global, regional and South African political and economic environment will
challenge any audience to further discussion and debate. For South African
audiences, understanding the context of current (and future) political and
economic debates is crucial for any business. Silke’s unique ability to combine
both political and economic insight is essential at a time of domestic political
uncertainty and global financial unease.
Daniel holds a Masters Degree in South African and International Politics and
has served, in a senior capacity, both as a Member of the Provincial Parliament
and as a City Councilor in Cape Town. He regularly appears on television and
radio, in print and on the Internet. His articles and comments on topical issues
are widely published and he is in demand, as a keynote speaker across the
He is the Director of Political Futures Consulting that offers expertly illustrated
keynotes on topical International Relations issues and additional research and
media-related products.
HERZLIA Alumni News
Uri Gobey
Uri Gobey – class of 95 (ex Herzlian now living in Israel) just won
a high profile pro-Israel blog competition. He has done an amazing
job positively publicising Israel and broadcasting the truth to his huge
network of blog followers. We have all experienced the way the
world misrepresents Israel and distorts the truth so if you are tired
of hearing a one sided view then Uri’s blog is a great way to gain
access to the real story.
If you aren’t already a following his blog, now is the time Israel Muse
Portal http://www.israelmuse.com
He has a daily following of about 1150+ people on Facebook where
information is exchanged and discussions take place, if you would
also like to add that to it:
Above: Uri Gobey’s Israel Muse Portal http://www.israelmuse.com
UCT salutes cream of its student
leadership crop
They may be young, but the student leaders singled out at the annual
UCT Student Leadership Awards Ceremony on 20 October 2011
have made their mark early. Their resumés made for impressive
reading at the event, hosted by the Department: Student Affairs.
The Vice Chancellor’s Student Leader Award – Simon Mendelsohn,
2011 President of the Students’ Health and Welfare Centres
Organisation (SHAWCO). In addition to a superior academic record,
invitations to and awards from a clutch of conferences, and his work
with SHAWCO, Mendelsohn is also a member of the organising
committee for the 2012 People’s Health Movement’s People’s Health
Assembly, and started the Faculty of Health Sciences’ Inter-societies
Forum. And somehow he’s made time for the Mountain and Ski
Club, the UCT Surgical Society, and the Faculty of Health Sciences
Student Mentoring Programme.
Above: UCT Vice Chancellor, Max Price, congratulates Simon Mendelsohn.
Cara Saven Photography
Cara Saven Photography began in 2005 in Cape Town, when she
saw a need to provide the hospitality industry with customized and
unique photographic images at affordable prices. Since its inception,
Cara has kept to her rule of not charging her clients a shoot fee.
All images are either available on file or are shot on spec and the
client merely buys the images they want!
As the business grew, Cara saw a need for providing a one stop
shop – photographic images PLUS printing on all forms of media.
From canvas, to wallpaper, to vinyl to glass – what they all have in
common is the highest standards of quality (canvases come with an
8 year guarantee against warping!) Most of her clients now include
interior designers and architects. Some past installations include The
One and Only hotel (Cape Town) and Southern Sun Hotels and
her work can be found as far afield as Ireland and North Africa.
Above: Cara Savan showcases some of her works.
HERZLIA Alumni News
Welcome Back
By Jonathan Gershuny – Class of 1988
We have returned to Cape Town after spending 8 years in Sydney.
As much as we loved Sydney, the warmth, familiarity and ease of
living in Cape Town was something that we missed. Cape Town is
a very hard place to leave. It is so special for me to drop Chloe at
Weizmann and to bump into people that I either went to school
with or teachers that taught me. We both felt that in Sydney we
were being robbed of time and felt that something would
eventually give.
It was sad watching our two young children growing up with
grandparents being so far away and the time change made
communicating even more difficult. Two of the biggest factors in our
returning was having a strong supportive family base to fall back on
and having a family business to go back into (Endee Panel Shop).
Sydney is a very mature, saturated market whereas it feels that Cape
Town and South Africa still has much opportunity to offer.
since Sept 2008. Gavin is one of three South Africans to have played
in the side. The others are ex Grey Bloemfontein, Stellenbosch
University and South African Schools Flanker Koos Roussouw and
ex Craven week rugby player and Nuffield cricketer Colin MackayCoghill (son of the ex-Springbok cricketer Don Mackay Coghill)
Gavin , nicknamed “Angry Man”, by his team mates played 53 games
for the team and was part of the victorious 2009 and 2010 team.
As the only Jew in the side, Gavin withdrew from the 2009 Grand
Final as it was second day Rosh Hashanah but in a wonderful gesture
the team left him on the team sheet as a reserve so that he could
receive a winners medal.
Gavin, a Head and Neck Radiologist, lives in Perth and is married
to Sharon (nee Stern) and has 2 daughters Alexandra (15) and
Zoe (10).
We have become appreciative of many of the luxuries that we took
for granted when we lived here, like our parents dropping in when
they are driving past and having Friday nights together. When we
told our relatives and friends in Sydney that we were planning to
return to Cape Town it was very confronting for many. Some told
us that we were very brave, our response was that it would be
braver for us not to return.
In Australia we always felt as if we were on the outside looking in
– I never really had that feeling of belonging. Whereas everyone
here has been so inviting and happy now that we are back. It feels
like we have given people hope that their families can return – we
have even been dubbed the “great white hope”!
Tel: +27 83 7751430 (m) Email: jongershuny@gmail.com
Winning the Premiership
Gavin Chapeikin – Class of 1983
Gavin Chapeikin (Class of 1983) was part of the University of
Western Australia’s ‘Muzz Buzz 4’ grade team that this year won a
historic third consecutive West Australian Rugby Premiership.
Comprised of mainly older players (but still playing in the open
competition), the team which boasts no less than 5 ex international
level representatives (including an ex Australian 7’s scrumhalf and
an ex Wallaby centre) has won both the minor premiership (league)
and the knockout finals series for the last 3 years running and went
through the 2009 and 2010 seasons unbeaten, extending their
unbeaten run to 49 games this year before losing their first game
Above: Gavin “Angry Man” Chapeikin stands tall in the lineout.
HERZLIA Alumni News / Graduates
Mazaltov to our Graduates
till 08h00. Laura’s mother, Carol Wener, nee Sheinbar matriculated
from HERZLIA in 1977,
12 Alumni Graduate from
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences
Seen in the Press
The UCT Faculty of Health Sciences announced final year results
and there are 10 Herzlians who will graduate as MBChB this year:
Larry Chapman, Callie Dogon, Elia Isralls, Candice Levetan, Jared
Lipsitz, Simon Mendelsohn, Jo-anne Strul, Danielle Travill (all 2005)
Marc Davidowitz, and Raphaella Stander. Tamara Kahn (Occupational
Therapy) and Alexa Biccari (Physiotherapy) are the 2 other Herzlians
who will also graduate in this faculty.
Daniel Fig
To Daniel Fig (2006) who graduated with a Bcomm from UCT.
Laura Wener
To Laura Wener (2005) on graduating from with a Bachelor of
Journalism from Rhodes University, in Grahamstown. Having completed
4 years of practical and theoretical training including semesters of
Television production, newspaper printing and photojournalism,
Laura went on to intern at Tswelopele Productions on their new
lifestyle breakfast show, eXpresso on SABC 3. She is now the head
researcher on the show which broadcasts weekdays from 05h30
Daniel Brotman
Daniel Brotman (2004) is the new Media and Diplomatic Liaison
for the SA Jewish Board of Deputies.
Larry Cornofsky
Larry Cornofsky been appointed by the International Hockey
Federation (FIH) as a technical official (Judge) for the London 2012
Olympic Games for Hockey.
This will be his 5th Olympic cycle, commencing with the 1996 Atlanta
Olympics where he was the Asst. Competition Manager - Results;
2000 Sydney Games where he was the Sport Services Supervisor;
2004 Athens Games where he did not attend the actual Games,
but attended the Homologation test for the Hockey software (these
3 were “back-of-house” positions); 2008 Beijing Olympics - Judge
and now London 2012 - Judge (front-of-house positions). Larry is
also scheduled to attend the software Homologation Test in November
2011 in London.
Larry is currently living in Sydney with his wife (Shelley Padowich)
and 2 sons.
Above: Carol Wener (nee Sheinbar) with her daughter Laura at her Graduation in Grahamstown.
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions
The Class of 1980 mark 30 years
Written by Vanessa Herman
On 28 December 2010, the class of 1980 gathered to mark 30
years of school leaving. Eighteen of us congregated in Lynne Hirsch
(Michaels) home and had a fantastic time catching up on each other's
For most of us this was the first time we had seen each other in all
these years. Delighted greetings were accompanied by arms being
flung open to embrace a long-lost classroom friend. There were a
few doubtful sightings that had to be corroborated as the gap from
gangly seventeen year old to well matured ‘close to fifty year old’
requires some cognition re-imaging process to take place in one’s
brain. I stood with my Gin and Tonic in hand to steady my nerves,
I felt like I had entered a time warp that nobody could have possibly
prepared me for. I was overjoyed to be reunited with my high school
friend Sharon Lomofsky who is a movie production designer in New
York City.
I re-met Jonathan Gabriel who now lives in Los Angeles. I kept
flashing back to when we were thirteen and he pulled my pigtails
after I good naturedly competed with him with our impromptu
knowledge challenges.
I wanted the night to never end, as we all swopped business cards,
snippets of gossip, wisdom from well-worn experience, memories
of eccentric and some well loved teachers and what occupies our
time and passion now in 2010.
A now very serious classmate confided that he had, had a crush on
me when we were twelve. We chatted and it seems that we had
shared a very similar spiritual journey, separately, for the past thirty
years. We have now become friends. Samuel Seeff lit two candles
and we all observed a minutes silence to honour classmates Michael
Turecki and Selwyn Shachat who passed away suddenly and tragically
in 2010.
Unfortunately due to physical time constraints our reunion ended
too soon. Some of us could not separate so we went onto ‘Sampy’
Samuel Seeff’s house for more reminiscing and laughter.
The night was a magical milestone. I left with a heart full of warmth
and the knowledge that destiny may be random, but the people
who we meet along its crooked path, always teach us important
things about ourselves. In the weeks after the reunion classmates
who were visiting from overseas got together for more one on one
catching up.
Amongst our overseas visitors were: Kevin Meltzer visiting from
Sydney, Jonathan Gabriel and Suzanne Hirschmann from Los Angeles,
Sharon Lomofsky from New York and Elaine Levitt from Dallas.
Class of 1980 from left to right: Raoul Coscia, Mark Zuckerman, Sharon Lomofsky, Samuel Seeff, Mark Simon, Jeffrey Cohen, Gavin Durra, Kevin
Meltzer, Brian Kawalsky, Jonathan Gabriel, Lovell Friedman. Front left to right: Lynne Hirsch (Michaels), Sharon Cohen (Ruditzky), Vanessa Herman,
Beverley Benatar (Berger), Suzanne Hirschmann (Greenblau), Elaine Levitt (Isenstein)
HERZLIA Alumni Reunions / Visitors
Reunion News
The following reunions have been arranged in Cape Town by our
alumni. Please feel free to contact them for details of your year’s
1962 Weekend of 10 February 2012
Cecily Hanson: hanson@zahav.net.il
1971Mid December 2011
Sunday 18 December 2011, 10am, Parsley Bay, Sydney.
RSVP Steven Trope: steventrope@hotmail.com
2001 December 2011
For further information please contact any of the 4 convenors:
Sylvana Cohen: sylvanacohen1@gmail.com
Taryn Solomon: tsolomon@ens.co.za
Tarryn Kaplan: tarrynromi@gmail.com
Jessica Brett: jsbrett@gmail.com
Roy Aronson: roy@citivet.co.za or 082 552 3160
School Visitors
1991 December 2011
Barry Ben-Ezra (Glaser) and his family visited the school in
October. It has been 42 year's since he visited the school.
Barry lives in Ramat Hasharon, Israel and is Vice President of
Research and Development, Advanced Vision Technology Ltd
Looking for reunion co-ordinators
Cape Town (Pepenero)
Marc Goldstein: marc.goldstein@frost.com
Bev Sollinger: bev@datafin.com
Neil Gordon: neil_gordon@tinyworld.co.uk (London)
Los Angeles
Contact Simon Flax: simonflax@gmail.com
Vinnie and Ester (nee Zolin) Gore (1966) visited us in
September 2011.
If you are in the area and would like to visit your old school,
please contact the Alumni Association: oldherz@herzlia.com
We would love to show you around.
Irene Baron (nee Neumann) sent us this pic of the Class of 67 in response to a request from Michael Kawitzky. Please help us caption the pic.
To Debra Kolevsohn (1984) & Jeremy Jowell
(1978), a son (SA)
To Lisa (nee Abkin) & Brian Klitzner (1983),
a son & daughter (UK)
To Lisa (nee Pines) & Trevor Simon (1984),
a son (SA)
To Martine (nee Miller) (1988) & Larry
Berman (1984), a son (SA)
To Glynis & Avi Keren (1987), a daughter
To Judith (nee Miller) (1987) & Alan Max
(1988), a daughter (Australia)
To Sharon (nee Rabinowitz) (1987) & Barry
Diamond, a son (Australia)
To Carmen & Julian Rabinowitz (1988), a
daughter (SA)
To Ilana (nee Zar) & Maurice Maisel (1988)
(SA), a daughter (SA)
To Nicole (nee Sher) & Anton Krantz (1988),
a son (USA)
To Cara (nee Cohen) (1989) & Jonni Katz,
a daughter (SA)
To Lisa (nee Steinberg) & Barry Kagan (1989),
a son (UK)
To Marnie (nee Lipman) & Evan Selby (1989),
a son (Canada)
To Andy (nee Segal) & Gavin Karro (1990),
a son (Australia)
To Devorah (nee Sandorfy) & Guy Saban
(1990), a daughter (Israel)
To Donna-Mae (nee Schwarz) (1990) &
Matthew Owen, a daughter (Australia)
To Elisha (nee Rabinowitz) (1990) & Simon
Berridge, a daughter (SA)
To Leanne (nee Rabinowitz) (1990) & Ofer
Ronen, a daughter (Israel)
To Rene (nee Resnick) (1990) & Sean
Herman (1990), a son (Australia)
To Samantha (nee Freedman) & Richard
Sacks (1990), a daughter (USA)
To Tanya (nee Shlom) (1990) & Raffy
Schwartz, a daughter (Israel)
To Veronica (nee Kaufman) & Mark
Yankelowitz (1990), a daughter (SA)
To Beth (nee Levy) & David Sacks, a son
To Cara (nee Woolf) & Trevor Sacks (1991),
a daughter (Australia)
To Caryn (nee Gibbons) & Golan Losinsky
(1991), a son (UK)
To Devora (nee Klein) & Alan Freeman
(1991), a son (USA)
To Jackie (nee Huth) (1991) & David Zidel,
a daughter (SA)
To Shiva & Nissim (Nicky) Hallale (1991), a
daughter (UK)
To Tamara (nee Siegel) (1991) & David Klein,
a daughter (USA)
To Teri (nee Bauer) & Daniel Lichtenstein
(1991), a son (Australia)
To Yael (nee Pillimer) & Clifford Rosenthal
(1992), a daughter (USA)
To Alexia (nee Slutzkin) (1992) & Ettienne
Minne, a daughter (SA)
To Ghislaine & Grant Rutenberg (1992), a
daughter (SA)
To Janice (nee Weiner) (1992) & Stephen
Shapiro, a son (UK)
To Jodi (nee Marshall) (1992) & Nick Hugh,
a daughter (Switzerland)
To Nicole & Roni Sha’altiel (1992), a son
To Odelle (nee Capouya) (1992) & Christian
Steinbeck-Madson, a son (Switzerland)
To Sheryl (nee Kramer) (1992) & Shane
Brown, a son (Canada)
To Danielle (nee Cheerin) (1993) & Brent
Stein (1994), a son (SA)
To Devorah (nee Cohen) & Steven Felder
(1993), a daughter (Israel)
To Liat Mazor (1993) & Steve Simons, a son
To Mandi (nee Sher) (1993) & Dani Levitan,
a daughter (Israel)
To Claudia (nee Heymann) (1994) & Gary
Palmer, a son (SA)
To Farryn (nee Pein) & Jonathan Zuckerman
(1994), a son (SA)
To Lana (nee Perel) & Daniel Ziskind (1994),
a daughter (UK)
To Nicky (nee De Marigny) & Jonathan Abitz
(1994), a daughter (Australia)
To Sue (nee Phinn) & Anton Resnick (1994),
a daughter (SA)
To Tanya (nee Shapiro) (1994) & Branko
Rihtman, a daughter (Israel)
To Taryn (nee Chaskin) & Jason Sive (1994),
a son (SA)
To Vanessa (nee Symons) (1994) & Barri
Mendelsohn (1994), a son (UK)
To Gaby (nee Sive) (1997) & Ronen Jackson
(1995), a daughter (SA)
To Kerri (nee Brick) (1998) & Joel Serman
(1995), a son (SA)
To Lisa (nee Mitchell) & Matthew Plax (1995),
a daughter (UK)
To Loren (nee Rubinstein) (1995) & Graeme
Lewis, a son (SA)
To Michael (nee Stone) & Davin Cohen
(1995), twin daughters (Israel)
To Mina (nee Ziman) (1995) & Michael Stein,
a daughter (SA)
To Nirit (nee Sumeruk) (1995) & Brice
Abbou, a daughter (France)
To Belinda (nee Ruckersberg) (1996) & Marc
Abrahams, a son (Israel)
To Bonnie (nee Schneider) (1996) &
Benjamin Rouah, a son (USA)
To Candace (nee Rosen) (1996) & Wayne
Rudolph, a daughter (Israel)
To Dani & Craig Nerwich (1996), a son (SA)
To Daphna & Paul Newman (1996), a
daughter (SA)
To Leilani & Andrew Joffe (1996), a daughter
To Mica (nee Curitz) (1997) & Bradley Stern
(1996), a son (SA)
To Michal (nee Shpigel) (1996) & Paul
Schroder (1990), a son (Australia)
To Taryn (nee Rosenthal) (1996) & Floyd
Davis, a son (USA)
To Aviva (nee Nathanson) & Mark Potash
(1997), a daughter (Israel)
To Jenna (nee Miller) (1998) & Daniel Bloch
(1997), a son (SA)
To Orit (nee Ronen) (1997) & Russel
Berman, a son (SA)
To Jacqui (nee Cohen) (1998) & Justin Balkin,
a daughter (SA)
To Judith (nee Rehse) & Hilton Giesenow
(1998), a daughter (SA)
To Daniella (nee Levin) (1999) & Craig Silver,
a daughter (UK)
To Lauren (nee Zuckerman) (1999) & Garon
Bloom, a daughter (UK)
To Sarah (nee Popack) (1999) & Shuey
Biston, twin sons (USA)
To Aviva (nee Codron) (2000) & Scott Sedar,
a daughter (UK)
To Caryn (nee Abromowitz) (2000) &
Bradley Reznik (2001), a daughter (SA)
To Chantell (nee Walker) & Ryan Joffe (2000),
a son (SA)
To Dana (nee Galili) (2000) & Alin Blumberg,
a daughter (SA)
To Dani (nee Jude) & Jonathan Landau
(2000), a son (Israel)
To Debbie (nee Binder) (2000) & Ross Leslie,
a daughter (SA)
To Emma (nee Stern) (2000) & Dave Haupt,
a son (SA)
To Ilana (nee Friedland) (2000) & Danny
Friedmann, a son (Israel)
To Lisa (nee Valenti) & Adam Singer (2000),
a daughter (SA)
To Maxine (nee Friedland) (2000) & Jacob
Levy, a daughter (SA)
To Rivka & Gavin Potash (2000), a daughter
To Batya (nee Berger) (2003) & Dale Schaffer
(2001), a son (Israel)
To Hayley (nee Fava) (2001) & Ori Saban
(2001), a son (SA)
To Hila (nee Gropper) (2001) & Jack Jonker,
a son (USA)
To Candice (nee Sher) (2002) & Mike
Locketz, a daughter (SA)
To Kerryn (nee Gordon) (2002) & Adam
Thal, a son (SA)
To Melanie (nee Hasson) (2002) & Dan
Saltzman, a son (SA)
To Rochel (nee Goldstein) & Yitzi (Nicholas)
Cohen (2004), a daughter (Israel)
Photo Gallery
Sienna Abbou (daughter of Nirit SumerukAbbou 1995 and Brice Abbou) France.
Yael Tamar Giesenow.
Son of Anton and Nicole Krantz.
Cooper Sam, son of Evan and Marnie Selby.
Twins, Noa and Mia Klitzner.
Gabriela Locketz.
Galiya Meira Levy, daughter of Jacob
and Maxine.
Hadar Hodaya, born 14 July in Jerusalem to
Raffy and Tanya (Shlom) Schwartz.
Jack Micah Mendelsohn, born 5 July 2011 in
London to Vanessa and Barri.
Jayden Chad Stein born 31 July 2011.
Baby Matthew Shapiro.
Naomi, daughter of Branko and Tanya Rihtman.
Jennifer Black to Neil Kursan (1987) (Canada)
Nicci Cheerin (1989) to Jonathan Blumberg
Danielle Henen (1990) to John Reinders
Candice Cheerin (1991) to Jono Wolman
Lisa Gordon to Dean Murinik (1991) (SA)
Mandy Figg (1993) to Jason Stone (1997)
Lori Blumin to Asher Lichterman (1994)
Tessa Rosenthal to Justin Samuels (1994)
Cindy Stein (1995) to Scott Ring (Ireland)
Gina Kaye (1997) to Arthur Winkler (1995)
Justine Van der Leuen to Samuel Choritz
(1996) (USA)
Mandy Lewis (1996) to Gavin Morris (SA)
Amanda Taylor to Hylton Wener (1997)
Candice Dreyer to Herman Zolty (1997)
Robyn Friedman to Colin Almeleh (1997)
Lauren Ratner (1998) to Lior Lanzer (SA)
Monique Tempelhof to Jonathan Katz (1998)
Sarah Chitrin to Gavin Holzman (1998) (UK)
Simone Pascall (1998) to Dan Stein (UK)
Stacey Plax to Ezra Gardner (Israel)
Lara Sher (1999) to Wade Butlion (1999)
Leigh Wesson to Wayne Chaitman (1999)
Leigh Wienburg (1999) to Mustafa Roberts
Nicole Michalowsky (1999) to Raymond
Kark (SA)
Talya Schaffer (2002) to Paul French (1999)
Bonnie Marcus to Matthew Karabus (2000)
Elienne Horowitz to Marc Blumberg (2000)
Jessica Goldberg (2004) to Justin Chait (2000)
Samantha Sanzul (2005) to Hilton Jacobson
(2000) (SA)
Tessa Snitcher (2000) to Alon Harari (Israel)
Adi Balely to Simeon Angel (2001) (SA)
Ilana Michaelis to Rory Jossel (SA)
Michelle Holzman (2001) to Bradley Lipow
Nicole Sacks to Brent Borstrock (2001) (SA)
Caryn Rogaly to Jonathan Margolius (2002)
Deborah Goetz (2002) to Yair Schkolne
(2003) (SA)
Lauren Marcus (2002) to Daniel Levy (SA)
Liora Krug (2003) to Jarred Benatar (SA)
Taryn Schneider (2003) to Stephen Lipschitz
Natalie Ginsberg (2004) to Ryan Smith (SA)
Natascha Matthee to Hilton Ruch (2004)
Talya Barnett (2004) to Sean Feinberg (SA)
Alicia Pam (2007) to Larry Chapman (2005)
Lee-Ann Lipman (2007) to Greg Gelb (2005)
Hylton Wener and Amanda Taylor.
Asher Lichterman and Lori Blumin (USA).
Johnny Katz and Monique Templehof.
Marc Blumberg and Elienne Horowitz.
Greg Gelb and Lee-ann Lipman.
Jarred Benater and Liora Krug.
Lara Teixeira to Brent Greenblatt (1990)
Kim Solomon to Gavin Levinsohn (1992)
Jeanette Jegger (1993) to Hillel Braude (Israel)
Kim Mannsbach (1993) to Richard Petersen
Daniella Saul to Ari Boyd (1994) (UK)
Darienne Lewin (1995) to Ryan Maron (SA)
Elana Castle (1996) to Grant Smuts
Lauren Jacobs (1997) to Steven Liebrecht
Hayley Rabie (1998) to David Cohen (Israel)
Zoe Kawitzky (1998) to Grant De Sousa
Beth Shapiro (1999) to Robert Jeffrey (SA)
Judith Friedlander (1999) to Svilen Georgiev
Lila Bruk (1999) to Rodney Kuhn (SA)
Simone Scharffenorth (2003) to Daniel
Serman (1999) (SA)
Michal Hoffman (2000) to Moshe Shabab
Taryn Shub (2000) to Esrar Mongie (SA)
Loren Fintz (2001) to Richard Hasson (1997)
Nicole Sacks to Brent Borstrock (2001) (SA)
Dalya Friedlander (2002) to Ariel Weisbrod
Taryn Kaganson (2002) to David Bernstein
Shallya Scher (2003) to Noam Erlich (Israel)
Rochel Goldstein to Nick Cohen (2004)
Ari Boyd and Daniella Saul, Jerusalem.
Daniel and Yael Sacks (nee Fialkov).
Hayley and David Cohen.
Taryn and David Bernstein.
Judi (nee Friedlander) and Svilen Georgiev.