! FREEHOLD BOROUG.l~ ~UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 READING I. DECODING A. PHONICS 1. SYLLABICATION In the area of syllabication, the students will: Objective a. recognize the following prefixes and their meaning when added to words: re-, un-, de-, dis-, extra-, in-, mis-, non-, pre-, col-, com-, con-, cor-, il-, im-, in-, ir (CTBS/GEPA) b. recognize the following suffixes and their meaning when added to words: -er, or, -y, -ly, -ful, -less, able, -ible, -ion, -ment, -en, -ious, -ous, -ness, -tion, -able, -ible, -ish, like (CTBS/GEPA) c. recognize the following roots and combining forms and their meanings; t¢d-, scrib-, script-, spect (CTBS/GEPA) d. apply basic syllabication rules (see appendix) in decoding unknown words (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.4,3.5 - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Teacher Resource Book Word Study I. Phonics 2. Spelling . 1 • • • • Technology Scott Foresman Teacher's Technology Companion CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher's Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry www. (KnowZone) Work Muncher Deluxe I FREEHOLD BOROUGh .c'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 READING A. PHONICS 2. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS In the area of structural analysis the students will: Objective Apply their knowledge of inflectional endings, contractions, compound words and spelling changes to form plurals to decode unknown words and determine their meaning. (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.4, 3.5 - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic voyage Teacher Resource Book Word Study 1. Phonics 2. Spelling 2 • • • • Technology Scott Foresman Teacher's Technology Companion CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher s Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry (KnowZone) Work Muncher Deluxe I FREEHOLD BOROUe 2UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 READING IT. VOCABULARY A. In the area of vocabulary development the students will use the following strategies: Objective I. use of picture, context, and language rhythm clues - to determine meaning (CTBS/GEPA) 2. classification - the organization of words into categories based on logical commonality (Dictionary of Reading and Learning Disability p.21) (CTBS/GEPA) 3. semantic mapping - a visual device for building vocabulary; involves a central word with radiating lines to groups of related words that are suggested by students; used to reinforce understanding of new meanings for known words State Standard 3.3,3.4, 3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-IT Fantastic Voyage Content Area Textbooks Science Social Studies Math (CTBS/GEPA) 4. analogy - use of logic or reasoning to infer that, if conditions are alike in some respects, they may be alike in other respects (CTBS/GEPA) 5. connotation/denotation 3 • • • • • • Technology Scott Foresman Teacher's Technology Companion CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher's Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry www.sfreading,com Work Muncher Deluxe Reading Blaster Reader Rabbit 3 FREEHOLD BOROU(J..._ . . . UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSC~CULUM GRADE 5 READING B. In the area of vocabulary development the students will identify and arrange words into the following categories: Objective 1. synonyms, antonyms (CTBS/GEPA) 2. multiple meanings (CTBS/GEPA) 3. homonyms - homophones and homographs (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Content Area Text Books Science Social Studies Math 4 • • • • • • Technology Scott Foresman Teacher's Technology Companion CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher's Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry www. (KnowZone) Work Muncher Deluxe Reader Rabbit 3 Reading Blaster FREEHOLD BOROUC__ ~UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 READING m. COMPREHENSION In the area of comprehension the students will use the following strategies and techniques to organize and evaluate written A. material to get meaning from the text: Objective 1. read literally, inferentially, and critically 2. use picture and sequence clues (CTBS/GEPA) 3. use context and language rhythm clues (CTBS/GEPA) 4. identify the main idea (CTBS/GEPA) 5. identify the details that support the main idea (CTBS/GEPA) 6. compare and contrast words, ideas, etc. (CTBS/GEPA) 7. draw conclusions (CTBS/GEPA) 8. predict outcomes (CTBS/GEPA) 9. recognize the author's different purposes such as persuading, informing, entertaining and instructing (CTBS/GEPA) 10. determine cause and effect State Standard 3.4, 3.5 References - - - Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic voyage Periodicals (i.e., Scholastic News) Scott Foresman Trade Book Library Scott Foresman Leveled Readers Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) Content Area Textbooks Science Social Studies Math (CTBS/GEPA) 11. identify elements of a story, such as characters, setting, and sequence of events 12. make inferences about the main idea and details (CTBS/GEPA) 5 Technology • Scott Foresman Selection Audio Cassette/CD's • • • • • Scott Foresman Companion Technology CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher's Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry (KnowZone) Reading Blaster Reader Rabbit 3 FREEHOLD BOROUG1~ .:'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 READING Objective 13. distinguish between fact and opinion State Standard 3.4,3.5 References - (CTBS/GEPA) 14. analyze advertisements (CTBS/GEPA) 15. retell, summarize and paraphrase material read (CTBS/GEPA) 16. evaluate - give an opinion on the material based on their understanding of the material and their own experiences (CTBS/GEPA) 17. recognize the author's viewpointlbias (CTBS/GEPA) 18. identify literary forms such as fiction, poetry, drama and nonfiction 19. read independently a variety of literature written by authors of different cultures, ethnicity, gender, and age 20. read and use printed materials and technical manuals from other disciplines such as science, social studies, mathematics and applied technology - - - Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-IT Fantastic VoYage Periodicals (Le., Scholastic News) Scott Foresman Trade Book Library Scott Foresman Leveled Readers Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) Content Area Textbooks Science Social Studies Math 6 Technology • • • • • • Scott Foresman Selection Audio Cassette/CD's Scott Foresman Companion Technology CD-ROM Scott Foresman Teacher's Resource Planner CD-ROM Internet Inquiry www .sfreading. com (KnowZone) Reading Blaster Reader Rabbit 3 FREEHOLD BOROUt 1UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUrouCULUM GRADE 5 READING N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. STUDY SKILLS A. Learning from Text In the area of study skills the students will use the following strategies and techniques to gather information: Objective recognize and use the parts of a book (CTBS/GEPA) follow written directions (CTBS/GEPA) use labels, titles, captions, headings, typographical aids, pictures, illustrations, etc, as an aid to comprehension (CTBS/GEPA) use alphabetical order to organize and retrieve information (CTBS/GEPA) determine the appropriate resource for retrieving information (CTBS/GEPA) taking notes/making outlines (CTBS/GEPA) adjusting reading rate according to purpose, skimming/scanning (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.4, 3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Cross Curricular Work Stations Periodicals Content Area Text Books Science Social Studies Math 7 • • • • • • • • Technology Discovering Biographies Microsoft Bookshelf (CD) My Amazing World Explorer UXL Science Oregon Trail America Rocks UXL Junior Discovering Authors World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia ! FREEHOLD BOROUu.._ ..-'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUrouCULUM GRADE 5 READING B. Learning from Graphic Aids In the area of study skills the students will use the following graphic aids to gather information and aid comprehension: Objective 1. interpret maps (CTBS/GEPA) 2. interpret graphs, charts, tables, and schedules (CTBS/GEPA) 3. interpret timelines, symbols, signs (CTBS/GEPA) 4. interpret forms (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.4, 3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Cross Curricular Work Stations Periodicals Content Area Text Books Science Social Studies Math 8 • • • • • • • • Technology Discovering Biographies Microsoft Bookshelf (CD) My Amazing World Explorer UXL Science Oregon Trail America Rocks UXL Junior Discovering Authors World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia FREEHOLD BOROU(._... ~UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCumuCULUM GRADE 5 READING C. Learning from Resources In the area of study skills the students will use the following resources to gather information and aid comprehension: Objective 1. use of the dictionary - alphabetical order, interpreting stress marks and pronunciation symbols (CTBS/GEPA) 2. use of the encyclopedia, atlas (CTBS/GEPA) 3. use of the newspaper, telephone directory (CTBS/GEPA) 4. card catalog (CTBS/ESPA) State Standard 3.4, 3.5 - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic voyage Cross Curricular Work Stations Periodicals Content Area Text Books Science Social Studies Math 9 • • • • • • • • Technology Discovering Biographies My Amazing World Explorer UXL Science Oregon Trail America Rocks Microsoft Bookshelf (CD) UXL Junior Discovering Authors World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia I r FREEHOLD BOROUu.LA t'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUmuCULUM GRADE 5 READING V. 1. 2. 3. 4. LITERATURE APPRECIATION A. In the area of literature appreciation the students will be able to identify the following types of story structures: Objective characterization (CTBS/GEPA) setting (CTBS/GEPA) plot (CTBS/GEPA) problem/solution (CTBS/GEPA) State Standard 3.4, 3.5 - - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage a. Genre b. Trade Book Library Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) Monmouth County Audio Visual Materials Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) 10 • • • Technology Scott Foresman Selection Audio Cassette/CD's Reader Rabbit 3 Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center B. FREEHOLD BOROUC_ r'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUrouCULUM GRADE 5 READING In the area of literature appreciation the students will be able to identify the following types of techniques used by an author: Objective 1. reality/fantasy (CTBS/GEPA) 2. repetition/rhythm/rhyme (CTBS/GEPA) 3. description (CTBS/GEPA) 4. humor/exaggeration/pun (CTBS/GEPA) 5. dialogue 6. point of view (CTBS/GEPA) 7. figurative language (CTBS/GEPA) 8. mood/tone (CBTS/GEPA) 9. alliteration - the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (red, red robin) /onomatopoeia (the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (buzz, hiss, etc.) (CTBS/GEPA) 10. flashback/foreshadowing State Standard 3.4, 3.5 References - - - Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage a. Genre b. Trade Book Library Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) Monmouth County Audio Visual Materials Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) 11 Technology • • • Scott Foresman Selection Audio Cassette/CD's Reader Rabbit 3 Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center C. FREEHOLD BOROUG.L_ ~UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUIDUCULUM GRADE 5 READING In the area of literature appreciation the students will read materials from the following genre: Objective 1. 2. 3. 4. poetry fiction - realistic, historical song folldore - (folksong, folktale, fable, fairy tale, myth, tall tale, legend) 5. nonfiction/article, interview 6. fantasy 7. play 8. newspaper 9. journal/diary 10. biography/autobiography 11. speech 12. short story 13. essay 14. cartoon, limerick State Standard 3.4, 3.5 References - Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II - Fantastic Voyage a. Genre b. Trade Book Library - Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) - Monmouth County Audio Visual Materials - Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) 12 • • • Technology Scott Foresman Selection Audio Cassette/CD's Reader Rabbit 3 Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center FREEHOLD BOROUGh t'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND LISTENING I. BRAINSTORMING Objective Students will, as a group, in pairs or individually, demonstrate the ability to generate, exchange and listen to ideas, collect and share information, and select good topics for presentation. State Standard 3.1 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Yoyage Periodicals 1 • • • • • • • Technology Internet Inquiry www .sfreading. com (KnowZone) Microsoft Powerpoint Print Shop Microsoft Works Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV . VCRlVideo Camera Overhead FREEHOLD BOROUGt".l tUBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND USTEN1NG ll. ORGANIZATION Objective Students will demonstrate the ability to organize related ideas or information for the purpose of speaking to a group. State Standard 3.1 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Periodicals 2 • • • • • • • Technology Internet Inquiry (KnowZone) Microsoft Powerpoint Print Shop Microsoft Wor1cs Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV VCR/Video Camera Overhead FREEHOLD BOROUvh :t>UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND LISTENING m. AUDIENCE Objective Students will select ideas and information to meet the needs and interests of different audiences. State Standard 3.1 - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic voyage Periodicals 3 • • • • • • • Technology Internet Inquiry (KnowZone) Microsoft Powerpoint Print Shop Microsoft Works Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV VCR/Video Camera Overhead FREEHOLD BOROUGh l'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND LISTENING IV. POINT OF VIEW Objective A. Students will select a point of view for oral presentation. B. Students will identify the speaker's point of view. State Standard 3.1 - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic Voyage Periodicals Technology • Internet Inquiry • • • • • • 4 (KnowZone) Microsoft Powerpoint Print Shop Microsoft Works Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV VCR/Video Camera Overhead FREEHOLD BOROUGh t'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGEARTSCUIDUCULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND LISTENING V. PURPOSES - Students will identify and determine their reasons for speaking and listening. Objective A. To inform/to be informed 1. Students will ask and answer questions coherently and concisely. 2. Students will give clear, distinct directions and explanations and follow them when given. 3. Students will make clear and complete announcements and listen to understand and remember them. 4. Students will present a narration in clear, sequential order and listeners will restate and draw conclusions. 5. Students will recognize and use pictorial information that supplements text. 6. Students will respond to and evaluate the use of illustrations to support the text. 7. Students will use symbols, drawings, and illustrations to represent information that supports and/or enhances their writing. 8. Students will use simple charts, graphs, and diagrams to report data. 9. Students will distinguish between fact and fiction visual representations. State Standard 3.1, 3.2, 3.4,3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volwne I-II Fantastic Voyage Periodicals Scott Foresman Trade Books Literary Supplement List (Gr .3-5) Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) 5 • • • • • • • Technology Internet Inquiry www. sfreading. com (KnowZone) Microsoft Powerpoint Print Shop Microsoft Works Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV VCR/Video Camera Overhead FREEHOLD BOROUl..... PUBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 Objective B. To persuade Students will present facts to support their ideas on a given issue and listen courteously and critically to the views of others. C. To interpret 1. students will listen to and respond critically to literature and the media. 2. individual students take notes on visual information from fIlms, presentations, observations and other visual media. 3. articulate awareness of different media forms and how these contribute to communication. D. To entertain Students will read with appropriate expression, poems, plays and stories and listen for expression of voice for clues to meaning. SPEAKINGJllEWING AND LISTENING State Standard References Technology 3.1,3.2, Internet Inquiry - Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition • 3.4, 3.5 (KnowZone) Volume I-II • Microsoft Powerpoint - Fantastic Voyage Print Shop • - Periodicals • Microsoft WorIes - Scott Foresman Trade Book • Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Libarary Kid Pix • - Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) • Audio Visual Aids - Scott Foresman Theme Tape Recorder Bibliography (back of Teacher's TV Edition) VCRlVideo Camera Overhead 6 FREEHOLD BOROUGh J'UBLIC SCHOOLS LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM GRADE 5 SPEAKING VIEWING AND LISTENING VI. PROCESS AND REVISION Objective A. Students will speak in complete sentences in oral reporting and conversation. B. Students will speak and listen with an awareness of pronunciation, enunciation, and intonation. C. Students will speak with expanding and appropriate vocabulary and listen to expand their vocabularies. D. Students will speak with appropriate gestures and voice quality and listen to same in other presentations. E. Students will display poise and confidence when speaking before a group and proper behavior when attending a presentation. F. Students will speak clearly and coherently in Standard English and listen for the logic of the discussion. State Standard 3.1,3.2, 3.4, 3.5 - - References Scott Foresman Teacher's Edition Volume I-II Fantastic voyage Periodicals Scott Foresman Trade Book Library Literary Supplement List (Gr.3-5) Scott Foresman Theme Bibliography (back of Teacher's Edition) 7 • • • • • • Technology Internet Inquiry www.sfreading. com (KnowZone) Print Shop Microsoft Works Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center Kid Pix Audio Visual Aids Tape Recorder TV VCR/Video Camera Overhead .~-------- .