DGS A Day of Joy: Celebrating the Fruits of the Past Year


DGS A Day of Joy: Celebrating the Fruits of the Past Year
A Day of Joy: Celebrating the
Fruits of the Past Year
Newsletter Issue No.16 (January 2016)
School Council
The Rt Revd Andrew Chan
The Revd Dale R Hanson
Mrs Doris Ho, JP
Honorary Treasurer:
Mrs Josephine Chang
Mrs Stella Lau, JP (Headmistress, DGS)
Mrs Emily Dai (Headmistress, DGJS)
Mrs Sheilah Chatjaval
Prof Nelson Chen
Mr Ronnie Cheng
Ms Stephanie Cheung
Mrs Yvette Ho
Prof Arthur Li, GBS, JP
Mrs Ng Saw Kheng
Prof Helen Shen
Mrs Susanna Wong
Mr Marco Wu, GBS
Ms Benita Yu
The Hon Madam Justice Yuen, JA
Ms Yvonne Chan (DOGA President)
Mrs Sherlynn Chan Wong (PTA Chairman)
DGS Tel: 2277 9100
DGJS Tel: 2277 9200
1 Jordan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
DGS Website:
Speech Day 2015
On the evening of Friday November 20th, 2015, after the
Thanksgiving Service to praise Our Heavenly Father for his
blessings and munificence towards our school over the past 155
years as part of DGS’s 155th Anniversary Celebration, the year’s
Speech Day commenced. It was a merry occasion –one filled
with good cheer and laughter as parents’ chatter reverberated
throughout Symons Place while handshakes of recognition and
appreciation were exchanged between girls, parents, teachers
and guests. This year, we were honoured to be graced with the
presence of Professor Deborah Chung, who flew in from New
York, the Right Reverend Andrew Chan, Chairperson of the
School Council, Mrs. Doris Ho, our School Supervisor, as well as
distinguished members of the School Council to celebrate the
wonderful achievements of our girls.
The Ceremony opened with a report on DGS Life in the past academic year 2014-2015 by DGS
Headmistress Mrs. Stella Lau. After emphasizing the 5 pillars of the DGS Education, Mrs. Lau touched
upon the achievements of our girls inside and outside of School over the past academic year. She also
shared with us her personal thoughts as headmistress of this hallowed institution – the importance of
finding a balance between work and play, and her reflections on the Schools with Innovative Future
Technology Forum which was recently held at DGS (SWIFT), her conclusion that technology and
innovation must be used with utmost care and consideration.
Professor Chung addressed our school with a brief account of her
mother’s experiences as a DGS Old Girl, detailing her mother’s
selfless decision to give up a university education to make way for
her younger brother, and her painstaking travels over the “hump”
(as the Himalayas was dubbed) during the Second World War as part
of her nursing duties. Professor Chung then gave a short account
of her own life, reminding us to be patient, to uphold our virtues as
women of excellence and to maintain our spirit and vigour as we
pursue our dreams and passions.
Following the joyous applause in recognition of the prizes and
awards our girls had brought home over the past year, the senior
girls gave stirring vote of thanks on behalf of the student body to
express gratitude to the many parties who had played irreplaceable
roles in their development as DGS girls.
They pledged to strive for excellence
and humility in the years to come, and
their speeches were greatly applauded.
Right Reverend Andrew Chan then
ended the memorable evening with
the Benediction, a reminder of the
shower of blessings we had received
as a School, and a prayer for continued
prosperity and guidance.
DGJS Website:
The 3rd Schools With Innovative Future
Technology (S.W.I.F.T.) Round Table Forum
Schools taking part include Hwa Chong Institution
and Nanyang Girls’ High School from Singapore,
Mission Heights Junior College from New Zealand,
School No 19 from Tartarstan, and Waverley College
and Shenton College from Australia. The Forum
officially opened with addresses by two keynote
speakers, Professor Nancy Wong from the Center
for Information Technology in Education (CITE),
University of Hong Kong and Professor Wong Po
Choi, Director of IT at Hang Seng Management
College and developer of the Hong Kong Edcity
online platform. This was followed by sharing in the
afternoon by representatives from Diocesan Girls’
School and Nanyang Girls’ High School respectively
of their experiences in the use of iPad as learning
tools at their schools.
The morning of the second day involved inspiring sharing by School No 19 and Hwa Chong Institution respectively,
whereby each shared ways in which to harness the power of students and teachers by setting clear pedagogical goals
and expectations, allowing them to spearhead changes through technology. The afternoon session saw schools from the
Australasian continent, namely Mission Heights Junior College, Waverley College and St. Edmund’s discussing ways they
have changed the paradigm towards whole-school learning, incorporating ideas which liberate the process of learning.
This was followed by a late afternoon visit to Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College to see the best innovation
practices by students there.
On the final day of the conference, member schools went on class visits to observe the implementation of IT learning
pedagogy in different key learning areas at DGS. A total of eight different subjects were observed, including Chinese,
English, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Information Technology in Education, Physical Education and Music
lessons. The day culminated with a forum conducted by Mr. Westley Field, who shared his views on school mission and
leadership, followed by the official closing ceremony.
All-in-all, the SWIFT forum proved very worthwhile as it enabled the participating schools to share the best teaching ideas
and practices, and we were inspired and gratified by how much had been achieved. We look forward to attending the 4th
S.W.I.F.T. forum in 2017.
DGS Swimming Team – The 28th
Consecutive Overall Champion
On October 28th, thirty-five swimmers represented the school
in the Inter-School Division I Swimming Championship held at
Kowloon Park, bringing the 28th consecutive overall champion
back to 1 Jordan Road. Our swimmers did exceptionally well
this year and six new inter-school records were made. Winning
the overall championship and Grand Slam was no easy feat.
However, with the unfailing support and faith in us from our
teachers, parents and peers, and also our unyielding efforts, the
DGS legacy carries on.
On top of daily after-school training sessions, swimmers also
took part in an overnight training camp and sharing sessions
conducted by the coach from the National Swimming
Squad, ensuring that our swimmers were physically and
psychologically prepared for the race. Ultimately, our blood,
sweat and tears paid off, earning us the fruitful results. We are
very proud of all our swimmers, especially Toto Wong, Tinky
Ho, and the A Grade Freestyle relay team, comprising of Tam
Hoi Lam, Yeung Pak Wai, Lau Sze Wing, and Hung Nok Yan,
who set new records for the meet.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our teachers
for their heartfelt encouragement and devotion to the team.
In addition, we would like to thank our coaches for spending so much time and energy on us. We must also extend our
gratitude to our old girls, schoolmates and the cheering group, who came to support us, in spirit and in person. Finally,
thanks must be given to our Headmistress, Mrs. Lau, for her unwavering guidance and support, and for being our pillar
of strength all this time.
Focus on Sports
Dodgeball Team
In March 2015, our team participated in the Inter-School
Dodgeball Championship. Everyone was extremely excited as
this was our first dodgeball competition. Though it was intense,
our team went all out in every round. Finally, we were the
champion of the Kowloon District.
Thanks must be given to our teachers-in-charge. Without their
encouragement and help, the Dodgeball Club would not have
come together. Lastly, thanks must also be given to Mrs. Lau, for
her support and guidance for the team. The team will continue
to strive for excellence.
Dragon Boat Team
Our school was invited by Young Post to
participate in the Inter-School Dragon Boat
Competition, which was held on 19th April, at
the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association
in Shek Mun, Sha Tin. Even though we were
new to the sport, we persevered. At last, we
were the overall champion of the Women’s’
Gold Cup.
Thanks must be given to Mrs. Lau,
our Headmistress for her support and
encouragement, giving us the opportunity
to take part in such a meaningful event.
Moreover, we sincerely grateful to our
coaches, Mr. Li, his team and our teachersin-charge, Mrs. Santos, Mr. K.L. Tang and Mr.
H.Y. Li for their patience, encouragement
and time.
Beyond the Classroom
School Exchange with Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
This past summer, Mrs E Yu and Mr J Tong accompanied 24 Primary Six students to Singapore with 2 parent helpers for
our 2nd annual school exchange with Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS) from 19th to 24th July, 2015.
We were very fortunate to visit Singapore at this time because the country was
celebrating its 50th anniversary. There were many celebration events going on and
the girls had the opportunity to take part in some of them. It was interesting to
witness the strong sense of nationalism among the Singaporeans and our students
were amazed at the sustainable technology that the country has developed over the
years. The students filled their days with stimulating lessons at SCGS in the mornings
and fun, educational attractions in the afternoon.
The students and teachers enjoyed this educational trip and new friendships have
blossomed from this meaningful learning experience. We all came home with a
deeper understanding and appreciation of our Asian neighbour. The students
were so grateful for the experience because they couldn’t think of a better way to
conclude their primary school life with such happy memories. We look forward to
hosting our SCGS buddies in November 2015.
UK Study Tour
Last summer, thirty-four Primary Five girls had the precious opportunity to experience the life of a British boarding
school student at Epsom College in the UK. Led by Excel Academy staff and accompanied by two DGJS teachers and two
parent helpers, the girls were totally immersed in the British culture and polished their English throughout the tour in a
meaningful context.
During the 15-day immersion tour, the girls attended small-class lessons on drama, writing and public speaking. The
lessons were highly motivating and stimulating, and the girls not only made great strides in their daily oral and written
work, but they also learned to cooperate with one another and think critically. At mealtimes, girls conversed with their
course teachers and peers while being mindful of their etiquette as they enjoyed the local food in the dining hall.
Apart from regular lessons, students also engaged in a wide range of fun activities like British party games, sports, arts,
treasure hunts and rolling down grassy hills. On excursion days, students delivered interesting and highly educational
presentations at the historic sites based on the research they did the night before. They amazed their parents when they
demonstrated their achievement at the farewell ceremony, which was a compelling mix of drama, singing, dancing and
poetry reading.
The girls were observed to be enthusiastic learners both inside and outside the classroom and the routine they followed
helped them form healthy habits and gain independence. The tour was indeed a brand new experience for the girls and
as the girls put it, one of the highlights of their lives.
World Book Day
The School is dedicated to promoting a reading culture as reading for pleasure builds the enthusiasm and skills for
lifelong learning. A reading extravaganza is launched every year to celebrate the World Book Day. It is a heartwarming
occasion with small groups of Primary One and Two students sitting cozily around their teachers to listen to their
favourite English and Chinese stories during lunch time.
Here are photos taken at the Reading Extravaganza which was held in the School Library on 22nd April, 2015.
Use of iPads in e-Learning
Just as how technology is inseparable to our daily lives, e-learning has been closely integrated into the DGJS education.
Lessons involving the use of IT and mobile learning were delivered by teachers across various academic subjects. These
lessons were jointly designed by the IT Department and the respective subject teachers. A total of 135 iPads and 36 Apple
TVs were procured to facilitate the delivery of such lessons. Teachers regularly received IT training to get themselves
familiarised with iPads and different educational apps. Hundreds of e-lessons were conducted to girls from Primary 1 to 6
in the last academic year. Ranging from English lessons involving creative writing to Mathematics lessons encompassing
problem-solving challenges, all these lessons proved to be very popular amongst our girls. Moreover, through e-learning,
girls were deeply inspired and were inevitably trained to become independent learners.
Updates from the Visual Arts Department
Last year, our students from Primary Five and Primary Six created large-scale sea creatures with papier mâché in a
collaborative art project. The sculptures transformed the Art Garden into an underwater world with the theme of “Under
the Sea”.
This year, we are pleased to let you know that our school was invited to join a guided tour at Fine Art Asia 2015, an art fair
held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Twenty girls from P.5 were invited to join the tour on 5 October
2015 which showcased artworks such as Impressionist and Modern Art, Contemporary Art and Chinese Ink Painting.
We are also pleased that more than twenty girls from P.4-6 have joined the Art Club this year. We will be displaying new
artworks by our students around the school campus in the second term. We hope you will enjoy the vibrant and colourful
Mrs. Rebecca Yip’s Visit to the School
As an old girl and former teacher of the school, Mrs. Rebecca Yip served as Headmistress of DGJS for 10 years. After her
retirement in 1999, Mrs. Yip has been residing in Canada with her family. Thus, it was a much-cherished occasion when
she visited the School together with her husband on 26th October, 2015.
Mrs. Yip enjoyed lunch and took a tour around the redeveloped campus with past and current Headmistresses of the
Senior and Junior Schools, Mrs. Elim Lau, Mrs. Daphne Blomfield, Mrs. Stella Lau and Mrs. Emily Dai, as well as other retired
teachers who served the school in the past decades.
It was a delightful afternoon filled with laughter and nostalgia as old friends were reunited and pored through black and
white photos in the School Magazine.
155 Years of Ex
155th Anniversary Concert
The 155th Anniversary Concerts, entitled “Instruments of Praise” and “DGS Concert Competition & Instrumental
Showcase,” were successfully held on 10th & 11th July 2015 respectively. The highlight of the evening was the grand
finale, as the choirs join in one voice with the String Orchestra, giving thanks for the many blessings of the days of old. The
Concert Band kicked off the second concert, which also featured winners of the DGS Concerto Competition performing
with the School Orchestra under the baton of Mr. Leung Kin Fung. The evening came to a close with a spectacular
collaboration by the School Orchestra and dancers from DGS & DGJS in a rendition of Ravel’s Bolero.
On 10th July, the Junior School made its debut by forming a special concert choir comprising different members of the
DGS family, including Bishop Andrew Chan, Chairman of the School Council, Mrs. Doris Ho, the School Supervisor, the
Senior and Junior School Headmistress, Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association, President of the DOGA Ltd., DGJS
teachers, students and parents and DGS alumnae. All were united in one heart when they sang the hymn “Gloria” to
praise our Almighty Father for His manifold blessings on the School in the past 155 years.
Members of the School Council joined hands with the school
to celebrate its 155th anniversary through the Thanksgiving
Service, held on the afternoon of November 20th, 2015
in the School Auditorium. The Service was conducted
in praise of Our Heavenly Father, who has showered His
munificent blessings over our School over the past 155 years.
Punctuating the Bible readings and the Reverend’s powerful
sharing was the staple of Diocesan life – music. In that brief
one-hour service, the walls of the auditorium reverberated
to the sounds of melodious
music emanating from
angelic choir and orchestra
members, who sang and
played celebratory hymns
that praise His Name.
Round Table Forum
From 28th to 30th October 2015, Diocesan Girls’ School played host to the 3rd
S.W.I.F.T. Round Table Forum, as part of a series of events held throughout the
year to commemorate the School’s 155th anniversary. In this forum schools
from the Asia-Pacific region gathered at DGS to share teaching ideas that
utilize innovative future technology and pedagogy.
The concert programme and event
banners were generously provided
by the DOGA.
PTA Executive Committee
Mrs Doris Ho, JP
Mrs Stella Lau, JP
Mrs Emily Dai
Mrs Annie Lee
Mrs Veronica Lee
Mrs Sherlynn Chan Wong
Ms Winnie Cheung
Mrs Chlorophyll So
Hon Secretary:
Ms Wendy Wai
Hon Treasurer:
Mr Danny Ma
Hon Auditor:
Mr Andy Ngan
Mrs Janice Chan
Mrs Cecilia Cheng
Mrs Michelle Cheng
Mrs Conny Ching
Ms Catherine Siu Doo
Mrs Andrea Kee
Ms Sylvia Leung
Ms Vanessa Leung
Mrs Stella Ma
Mrs Esther Ng
Mrs Christine Nip
Mrs Bianca Tan
Mrs Esther Tang
The PTA Annual General Meeting
The 64th AGM of the PTA took place on 25 September 2015. More than 1,200 parents and teachers
attended the event. Before the formal proceedings, members were treated to performance by the
Senior School String Orchestra, who played two movements from Benjamin Britten’s “Variations on a
Theme of Frank Bridge” with energy and precision.
The report of the Chairman Ms Deirdre Fu Tcheng focused on the new initiatives undertaken by the
PTA in the past year. These include activities which aim to enhance the partnership between parents
and teachers, such as parent-teacher gatherings for both Junior and Senior Schools as well as joint
sports and music activities. For the students, the PTA increased the number of PTA scholarships, made
donations to the libraries and started activities such as the cooking club for Junior School students.
Since Ms Fu was to step down after the AGM, she expressed a sincere gratitude to the DGS community.
“It was an amazing journey!” she said. Her departing wish is for the DGS girls to continue to strive for
excellence while at the same time show respect and empathy to others.
The formal proceedings went smoothly with Mr Danny Ma, the Honorary Treasurer giving a report
on the accounts, followed by election of 19 executive committee members, three of whom are new
Mrs Lau then delivered her vote of thanks and also announced the exciting news that the Senior School
plans to offer GCE A Levels (as an alternative curriculum to DSE) for students who will be graduating in
2018. Students will be able to make an election by the end of Secondary 4 and will be accepted to the
programme on a needs basis, so that they may also attempt to enter the local universities via the non
jupas route. Eight A level subjects are intended to be offered.
Mrs Dai thanked the PTA for its support in helping the Junior School achieve its two focus areas in
the past year. These include the sponsorship of ipads to enhance e-learning, and sponsorship of PTA
scholarship and software to help with the implementation of the “Daily Giving Services” Award, to
encourage girls to look beyond their own interest and think about service to others. She thanked
the departing members of the PTA, Ms Fu, Mrs Emmy Mong and Mrs Audrey Tam for their generous
Mrs Doris Ho our supervisor ended the AGM by asking more fathers to contribute towards PTA activities
and also thanked the departing members for their contribution towards the welfare of the girls and the
school in many aspects.
It was a productive and pleasant evening.
Seminar by Dr. Charles Yu
On 6th November 2015, Dr. Charles Yu spoke to parents on the topic “Be a wise
parental guide on cyber space usage”. Dr. Yu talked about both the practical
dangers of cyber addiction and the soft skill for parents on how to communicate
and guide their children at home. The seminar was well-received by a high
attendance of 300 parents.
Talk by Hong Kong Team Swimming Coach
On 21st September 2015, Mr Rick Xue, coach of the Hong Kong swimming team, visited the school and gave an
inspiring and informative talk to the members of the DGS and DGJS swimming teams.
Lunch box: Health Department Workshop
Parents attended two very informative workshops arranged with the Health Department on lunch and snack
nutritional guidelines on 19th and 22nd October, 2015.
The PTA Outings
P1 to P6 girls went on outings to different venues after exams. They all had a great time !
Primary 1 at
Holiday Farm
Primary 2 at
Lake Egret
Primary 3 at Zen
Organic Farm
Primary 4 at HKFYG
Organic Farm
Primary 5 at Ma Wan Park and
Ma Wan Main Street Village
Primary 6 on
a heritage tour to Macau
Cookie selling 2015
On 15th and 16th December 2015, the Brownies took part in the Inter-school cookie selling
competition organized by Charity Helping Hand. They sold walnut cookies at school to
raise funds for the elderly. Thanks for all the support.
Flag selling
The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association has
scheduled 5th December 2015 as this year’s flag
day. A total of 31 Brownies participated in this
meaningful flag selling activity. It was great to see
the Brownies having volunteered their time in social
services for a good cause.
The 1st HKSKH Schools Alumni Choral
Festival -- <Together We Sing>
Choir Sub-Committee
The Diocesan Graduate Singers participated in the 1st Hong Kong Sheng Kung
Hui (HKSKH) Schools Alumni Choral Festival -- <Together We Sing> Charity
Concert at Diocesan Boy’s School on 20 June. It was an unprecedented joint
school music event by the alumni of eight schools, namely St. Paul’s College,
DGS, DBS, St. Stephen’s College, St. Stephen’s Girls’ College, St. Paul’s Coeducational College, Heep Yunn School and Bishop Hall Jubilee School.
Over 25 songs were presented by the alumni of the 8 schools, as well as an
orchestra of 60 people. A finale group of praise and thanksgiving songs were
sung by a joint choir of 400. The concert was open to public, and proceeds
from the concert were contributed to the educational fund under HKSKH to
aid schools in need and provide better teaching facilities and materials. Not
only was this for a good cause, it was also a most memorable event for the
Diocesan Graduate Singers!
Community Services Sub-Committee
Our annual Dumpling Making Day, held in association with Towngas with funds
raised in aid of the Community Chest, took place on 6 June. This meaningful
event was well attended by a total of 36 alumnae, who brought along their
children. The DGS Home Management Centre was brought to its full capacity
with the buzz of everyone, both young and old, making dumplings. For many,
it was a first time hands-on experience, but for a loyal group of others who have
returned year after year, it was a much enjoyable event. Special thanks to Mrs.
Hui for accommodating us and to Mrs. Anissa Wong for specially returning to
school to help. With the total funds raised, our school managed to secure yet
again the award for the highest fundraiser for the event.
Legacy and Succession Planning Seminar
Part II
Social Sub-Committee
In Part II of alumna Ms. Thelma Kwan’s seminar on ‘’Legacy & Succession
Planning’’ held on 27 June, participants eagerly learned more about the need
to make an informed decision on whether or not to make a will or set up a
trust to protect the rights and interests of their dependents and loved ones.
Those who have attended the first part were especially keen to ask questions
directly related to their own situations. Ms. Kwan explained to the audience in a
clear manner, citing many real-life cases. The seminar was attended by over 60
alumnae together with their spouses and friends. They all felt privileged to have
obtained this first-hand information from a practising barrister with wide experience and knowledge.
DSOBA Medical and Health Chapter Dinner with Diocesan Old
Girls’ Association
DGS alumnae from the medical and healthcare profession were
invited by the Co-ordinating Committee of the Diocesan School
Old Boys’ Association (DSOBA) Medical and Healthcare Chapter to
attend the DSOBA Medical and Healthcare Chapter Dinner with
Diocesan Old Girls’ Association on 3 July. Our Headmistress, Mrs.
Stella Lau, was invited as one of the honourable guests to join this
special event.
DOGA assisted in the dissemination of invitation to DGS alumnae
and the registration of interested participants. The social event,
which was well attended by over 90 DGS alumna and students
(including 72 graduates with 9 spouses and 23 undergraduates),
reinforced fellowship, brotherhood and sisterhood solidarity
amongst alumni of DBS and DGS in the medical and healthcare profession.
Class of 1995 – 20th Reunion
The Class of 1995 gathered together on 7 August, 2015 for their 20th anniversary reunion in Hong Kong. Little did we
all know, that auspicious day is the same date that Class of 1995 received their HKCEE results 20 years ago. Over 70 girls
and teachers gathered for this once-in-a-lifetime celebration. Our alumni flew in from Canada, United Kingdom, Australia,
Singapore, Taipei, Japan and Shanghai, joining those residing in Hong Kong. The evening was a night full of surprises and
non-stop photo-taking over the never ending chattering of classmates, eager to catch up with everyone else. The reunion
gathering was undoubtedly a team effort, with all girls contributing to the success of this reunion: from artistic graphics
design imported from classmates overseas, to each girl creating a one page “Update of last 20 years” slide, numerous
lucky draw prizes both from teachers and girls, DGS trivia to test our recollection of DGS, and last but not least,
customised reunion cakes for this special evening. It was a memorable occasion to be able to reconnect with DGS and
DGJS classmates and teachers, and an ultimate example of once a DGS girl, forever a DGS girl.
55th Reunion of the Class of 1960
The Class of 1960 had our 55th reunion celebration in Hong Kong, beginning on 30 October at the DOGA Annual
Dinner. We had 22 alumnae joining, some returned from Australia, Canada, UK, USA and New Zealand. Our reunion
continued with a tour of the new school campus the next day and we all were very impressed with the state of the art
facilities. This was followed by a buffet lunch at the nearby Eaton Hotel. We continued our celebrations with a four-day
tour to Taiwan. It was more of a gourmet trip rather than a sightseeing trip and most of the time was spent catching up
with one another. Upon our return to Hong Kong, we had our farewell dinner. Everyone was exhausted but content and
vowed to do this again, hopefully in the near future.
DOGA Annual Dinner
Social Sub-Committee
Alumnae who attended the DOGA Annual Dinner on 30 October would no doubt agree that the event exceeded all their
expectations. All the preparation work was well worth the effort as you could see joy and excitement written all over the
faces of those who came to the celebration. The beautifully decorated photo corner and the props of Venetian masks,
floral tiaras and colourful feather boa scarves added to the festive mood. The sparkling wine and cheese were much
appreciated and the Souvenir Stall made fantastic sales.
Classes ranging from Year 1957 to Year 2008 attended the dinner and the 9 classes celebrating milestone anniversary
years were treated to delicious cupcakes and a bottle of chilled wine. The 127 lucky draw prizes and 12 table prizes
printed on the programme were most enticing as they included numerous cash coupons and brand-name items. The
brightly-lit, nicely decorated banquet hall comfortably accommodated 644 guests. The decibel of the chatter and
laughter continued to rise over the evening.
Lastly, 3 winners for each category – Most Colourful, Most Festive and Most Elegant of the ‘’Best Dressed Competition’’
were chosen. The Class of 1998 was winner of the ‘’Best Turnout Class’’, with a record of 44 girls from the same class
Thank you everyone for your participation in this marvellous event and see you all again next year!!
Best Turnout Class – Class of 1998
Special cupcakes for celebration years
DGS 155th with standees and balloons
Best Dressed Winners – Most Colourful
Class of 2005 celebrating 10th reunion
Best Dressed Winners – Most Festive
Best Dressed Winners – Most Elegant
Father’s Day DIY Music Box Workshop
Art Club
Following our tradition, we hosted a Father’s Day gift-making workshop on
20 June to create special music boxes for the dads. Participants decorated
music boxes with individually designed superheroes to signify that dads
are forever the biggest superheroes in their hearts! We were pleasantly
surprised to see many boys (and dads) attending, with each family making
the most fabulous and creative centerpiece for their music boxes. It was a
cozy gathering for old girls, and a fun activity for their families.
Job Shadowing Programme
Career and Scholarship Sub-Committee
DGS has launched a Job Shadowing Programme as part of school activities that is compulsory for all Secondary 5
students since July 2014. It is intended that, through this 3-day programme, each student would be able to experience a
real work environment and culture that would be valuable to the student’s personal growth and development.
The students would take part in the job-seeking process by looking into the job nature and the type of industry according
to their preference and then to look for the job themselves. Some of the students were given job opportunities with
assistance from DOGA. In 2015, the 3-day programme was conducted in early July. So far, the feedback has been positive
and DOGA would continue to support the programme on a need basis.
DOGA is happy to announce that Isabella Woo has been
awarded the Dr. Symons Scholarship for 2015. The scholarship,
which amounts to HK$160,000, will support her Mathematics
studies at the University of Cambridge. Congratulations to
Isabella and all the best to her studies!
Upcoming Events
Interhouse Netball Tournament; UST University Group Gathering
Introduction of DOGA to S6 Graduates, Art Club Event (19 Mar); Beach Netball
Social Seminar; Class Rep & New Members Tea Gathering (9 Apr)
DOGA Neball Team in Festival of Sports; Charity Rice Dumplings; Art Club Event
(7 May); DGJS Netball Club in Development Tournament
DOGA AGM; Dr Symons Scholarship Interview (18 June); DOGA Choir in HKSKH
Schools Alumni Choral Festival; Social Seminar
Art Club Event (9 July); Careers Talk for Students; Support of Job Shadowing
Programme for S5
Entering University Students Gathering
HKUST University Group Gathering; HKU University Group Gathering; CU
University Group Gathering
Community Services Language & Etiquette Workshop with Elderly; DOGA
Netball League; HK Adventure Corp Flag Day
DOGA Annual Dinner (4 Nov); 11th Mentoring Programme; Medic Group
Gathering; CUHK University Group Gathering
Art Club Event; Careers Talk; DGS Mini-Bazaar; End of Term Netball Match DOGA
vs DGS
Details of the events will be updated periodically. Please visit www.doga.org.hk to obtain the latest information.
DOGA Office: 1 Jordan Road. Tel: 2771 5881, Email: doga.info@gmail.com
Joining DOGA:
Any old girl of DGS or DGJS (whether resident or
abroad) who has completed at least one academic
year at DGS or DGJS is eligible to apply for
membership of DOGA Ltd. Details of the application
can be found at www.doga.org.hk.
Class Reunion Gathering:
Alumnae who are interested in organising their
class reunion gathering at the School, please
contact DOGA office for further information.