True Colours – Drama Night Extravaganza True Colours – Drama


True Colours – Drama Night Extravaganza True Colours – Drama
True Colours – Drama Night
Newsletter Issue No.17 (July 2016)
School Council
The Rt Revd Andrew Chan
The Revd Dale R Hanson
Mrs Doris Ho, JP
Honorary Treasurer:
Mrs Josephine Chang
Mrs Stella Lau, JP (Headmistress, DGS)
Mrs Emily Dai (Headmistress, DGJS)
Mrs Sheilah Chatjaval
Prof Nelson Chen
Mr Ronnie Cheng
Ms Stephanie Cheung
Mrs Yvette Ho
Prof Arthur Li, GBS, JP
Mrs Ng Saw Kheng
Prof Helen Shen
Mrs Susanna Wong
Mr Marco Wu, GBS
Ms Benita Yu
The Hon Madam Justice Yuen, JA
Ms Yvonne Chan (DOGA President)
Mrs Sherlynn Chan Wong (PTA Chairman)
After months of preparation, the Drama
Ensemble presented their original production
True Colours on the Assembly Hall stage in
March this year. It tells the story of a featherless
young bird struggling to find her identity in a
world where she does not seem to fit in, and
discovering for herself what it truly means to be
thankful, selfless, honest, wise and perseverant.
A play that consists of characters that are
mostly birds, True Colours was an endeavour
that was drastically different from our previous
productions, making it a very exciting venture.
communicate with each other so that we can
grow and improve as a cohesive unit.
All in all, this production was an extremely
fruitful experience for every single student who
participated. We are also extremely honoured
to have achieved great results in the Hong Kong
School Drama Festival, including winning the
Outstanding Director, Outstanding Script and
seven Outstanding Performers awards.
Under the guidance of our teachers-in-charge,
Mr. Tobin and Miss Mitchell, we were challenged
to think outside of the box, and as a result we
came up with a lot of new and creative ideas
that resulted in the success of our production.
Throughout the process, we learnt about the
importance of teamwork and the need to
DGS Tel: 2277 9100
DGJS Tel: 2277 9200
1 Jordan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
DGS Website:
DGJS Website:
New Exchange Partnerships Adds
Vibrancy at DGS
Overseas Programme
This year, two new schools joined our Overseas Exchange Programme:
St. Andrew’s Priory School in Hawaii, United States, and St. Aidan’s
Anglican Girls’ School in Brisbane, Australia.
Two students from Secondary Four embarked on a journey to Hawaii.
Once they arrived at the Honolulu International Airport, their host
families and the Head of St. Andrew’s Priory School came to greet
them with warm hugs and leis. It was an eye-opening opportunity
for our two students to experience the warm Hawaiian hospitality
and explore this beautiful island. They in turn came to stay with our
students this spring and they had a wonderful time in Hong Kong.
A student from St. Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School in Brisbane, Australia
also came to stay with one of our Secondary Four students and her
family. They took our guest sightseeing all around Hong Kong and got
her to sample the many local delicacies during weekends, after she
experienced life as a student at DGS during the week. It will soon be our
student’s turn to experience school life at St Aidan’s later this summer.
This should prove an equally unforgettable experience.
Local Programme
In addition to the Overseas Exchange, DGS has embarked on a student exchange programme with local schools in Hong
Kong starting this year. From March to May, we were honoured to have students from Queen’s College, Belilios Public
School, and Heep Yunn School come to our school for three to six days; and in turn we reciprocated by visiting theirs. It
was a valuable opportunity for us as we were able to immerse ourselves into each other’s school environment through
shadowing lessons and extra-curricular activities. After the exchange, all students agreed on one thing: even though
the classroom atmosphere and the way lessons were conducted in each school were different, every school had their
own unique style which worked well and we felt lucky to have been given the opportunity to experience these different
learning styles. We definitely benefitted from this experience and will work hard to make our school an even better place.
English Debate – The Oldham Cup
in Singapore
From the 14th to 16th of April 2016, a group of nine girls from
Forms 2 to 4 were invited to join the 2nd Oldham Cup Contest
hosted by Anglo-Chinese Junior College in Singapore. The
tournament was of top tier quality and the intellectual exchanges
throughout the three days were gratifying to behold.
During the first two days of the competition we debated two
prepped motions, namely “This House believes that governments
should provide a guaranteed universal basic income.” and “This
House believes that social justice movements should adopt a
moderated approach, instead of an aggressively confrontational
one.”, while on the last day we took part in four impromptu rounds
that touched on topics related to education, social policies and
religion. All motions require strong knowledge of world issues on
top of well-honed analytical skills. To fully prepare ourselves for the
challenge, much well-spent time was dedicated towards research,
strategizing, case building and rebuttal construction. Such intricate
planning enabled us to engage in high quality debates that left us
thoroughly inspired.
feedback sessions towards the end of each debate were very
rewarding, giving us constructive comments which encouraged
us to improve steadily after each round. Their passion towards
the mastery of debate was generously displayed by their prompt
readiness to walk us through foolproof arguments in hopes of
bettering our technique. For that, we are most grateful, and we
hope that the DGS debating team will make the Oldham Cup a
perennial stop in the debating circuit.
We grew stronger after each intense round with worthy
opponents, who were seasoned debaters on the Singapore
circuit. These included the world champions in the World Schools
Debating Championships 2015 and Team China, with whom we
have previously competed against. We witnessed a high level
of analytical skills, breadth of knowledge and logic effortlessly
executed with stylistic flair. The complexity of arguments as
well as the flexible thinking prowess harnessed by our fellow
opponents was particularly eye-opening, yet we held our own
and were able to compete and win rounds. The adjudicator’s
A STEM Year at DGS
The Science Department has been advancing the concept of STEM, where Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics are integrated into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. Below are some
highlights of achievements in STEM at DGS over the past academic year.
Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme
From early November 2015, fourteen Biology students reared horseshoe crabs as part
of the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme. This programme, co-organized by
the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation and City University of Hong Kong, aimed to
raise the awareness of horseshoe crab conservation and to inspire students to engage in
conservation activities. Our team took part in the annual Conservation Day at Ocean Park,
and organized several activities and workshops in our school, so that schoolmates could
observe at close hand the horseshoe crabs at different stages of development. Students
also went to the Salvation Army Yau Ma Tei Integrated Service for Young People to share
their rearing experiences with primary school students.
8th International Science Youth
Forum Singapore (ISYF 2016)
Two students from Secondary Four attended the 8th International
Science Youth Forum at Singapore in January. The programme was
designed to develop a global mindset in the pursuit of scientific
knowledge and excellence. The students cherished the opportunity
to discuss their research findings with Nobel laureates, eminent
scientists and students from different countries.
The HK FLL Robotics Engineering
and Robotics Tournament
On 30 January, 2016, a team comprising eight girls participated in the
Hong Kong FLL Robotics Tournament, where they had to come up
with different solutions to tackle various mission tasks ranging from
building innovative attachment arms on the EV3 robot to writing
programs giving commands to robots to perform preset tasks. It
was a both eye-opening and exciting experience for all of us, and
students benefited a lot in terms of programming and problemsolving skills through this event.
Professional Enrichment
On 25 March 2016, a professional sharing session on Science
Education was successfully organized by the Chemistry
Department. Eight Taipei First Girls High School Chemistry
teachers, led by their Director of Academic Affairs, Ms Tsui YuLing, took part in this sharing session. Topics discussed ranged
from good teaching and learning practices, student experiences
and learning achievements in Science Education. Through this
sharing, we hope to foster future academic cooperation and
development in STEM in the two schools.
MIT & IBM Workshop at DGS
The Discover Engineers Workshop was conducted by engineers from MIT
Media Lab & IBM on 8th April 2016. The keynote speech made by the
guest speaker enhanced Secondary Three students’ understanding of the
engineering field.
Achievements in Science
Student Name (Class)
Lee Lok Sze (5W)
Allie Poon (4W)
Jia Jimsyn (4W)
Leung Yin (3W)
Team A:
Pallas Wan (4U)
Katrina Chau (4W)
Allie Poon (4W)
Jimsyn Jia (4W)
Eden Chau (4Y)
ScienceFocus Article
Submission Competition
An iPad Air
The Hong Kong Budding
Scientists Award Competition
First Class Honour
Second Class Honour
Third Class Honour
Searching for Nature Stories 2016
Team B:
Kalfanie Chan (5U)
Coey Chung (5U)
Clarice Mak (5W)
Jenny Ng (5W)
Her winning article was published in issue 006 of the
HKUST ScienceFocus magazine
2nd Runner Up
Team of Secondary
4 – 5 students
FIRST Tech Challenge
Hong Kong Tournament
Best Robot Design Award
Cheng Wee Sum (S5)
Lau Sin Tung Clarice
Tang Wing Shun Selina
Tsui Sui Nam Christina
The Hong Kong Institution of
Engineers and Business-School
Partnership Programme of EDB
Excellent Design Award in
efficient transport
Kylie Yeung (4W)
University of Cambridge Science
Writing Competition 2016
Third place
Her winning essay was published in the issue 26 of
the Science in Society Review
STEM Education at DGJS
The School has been organising a wide range of activities to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) Education in the school curriculum. One of the highlights this year was the Primary 5 girls’ field trip to the Hong
Kong Science and Technology Park on 10th June, 2016.
The day kicked off with a series of inspirational talks on the topic ‘Turning What Ifs into What’s Next for Hong Kong’.
The girls were immensely privileged to learn from Ms Camille Tang, President and Co-founder of Convenient Power; Mr
Jimmy Tao, CEO of Vitargent; and Mr Doug Glen, Chief Strategy Officer of Hanson Robotics.
Accompanied by the Headmistress, Mrs Dai, chairpersons of the Mathematics, General Studies I and Information and
Computer Technology (ICT) Departments, as well as representatives from the PTA and parent helpers, the girls visited
four different eye-opening sites, namely Green 18, Green Trail, Robo Workshop and Robotics Garage.
Our girls utilising their programming skills to steer
the electronic models at the Robotics Garage.
Let’s hear what our girls had to say about their experience!
Charmaine Tung
They [the talks] made me think my whole life over. Were all inventors born to
Surely not. All inventors started with an idea or a random thought. Next,
they would develop and polish that particular idea they think would help society,
not just themselves… What if there were anti-stain shirts? What if there were tubes
or straws that would filter any dirty water into clean, drinkable water?... A lifechanging idea may come to you anywhere or any day. Your tiny suggestion may
become the next big thing in Hong Kong.
Grace Daniels
Ms Camille Tang described how she started from Diocesan Girls’ School as
a student and got to where she is now; from how she had an infinite sea of
imagination, to creating a company which produced wireless chargers… Ms Tang
said that no matter what other people say, you must believe in yourself.
Maggie Barnett
Students team up against robots to solve the
Rubix Cube in the shortest time possible!
Mr Jimmy Tao comes from a company called Vitargent. He said the three main
things required to start his company were money, ideas and people. Of the three, he
thinks that people are the most important. Vitargent’s mission is to use bio-testing
to determine whether there is poison in products using fish embryos. If the fish
embryos change colour, it shows that there are toxins in the product.
Vanessa Yip
My favourite part was when everybody had a chance to meet the flabbergasting
Sophia. She was an intelligent robot with cameras in her eyes to detect
expressions and pulses… In the future, robots might help us make food, do chores, or
even teach in schools! Building robots can impact our lives for the better.
Just two weeks after the field trip, the Primary 5 girls had the opportunity to write their
own programmes in the Hour of Code Workshops led by Dr Ray Cheung, Assistant
Professor of the CityU Apps Lab Director, and created holiday e-cards using Scratch,
a project designed by MIT Media Lab. We look forward to many more exciting STEM
activities in the next academic year!
Introducing Sophia, the intelligent robot!
Beyond the Classroom
Exchange Programme with Singapore
Chinese Girls’ School
Seventeen girls from Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS) visited DGJS from 17th to 20th November, 2015. The SCGS girls were each
paired with a Primary Six student and were immersed in classes to experience school life at DGJS. Students of both schools engaged in
a mini-forum, “Dialogue on Asian Cities”, to share the differences and similarities of their cities and discuss challenges faced by students
in both cities. It was an insightful exchange of ideas and the students actively participated in the forum.
Mrs Chiang arranged a wonderful music collaboration with students from both schools and formed a DGJS-SCGS joint choir to perform
a song in assembly on the last day of their visit.
DGJS will be visiting SCGS from 17th to 22nd July, 2016. Mrs N Yau and Miss W Lau will accompany 24 students to Singapore with two
parent helpers.
Representatives from SCGS and DGJS join hands to
perform a heartwarming song during assembly.
The girls deeply involved in their discussion during the ‘Dialogue on
Asian Cities’ mini forum.
Diocesan Girls’ Junior School and Diocesan Boys’ School
Primary Division Curriculum Exchange Visits
Did you know that exchange programmes are not for students
only? Teachers also seek exchange opportunities to enhance
their teaching skills and knowledge.
The School participated in a curriculum exchange with
Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division (DBSPD), which took
place on 23rd and 24th February, 2016. The teaching staff of
both schools went into each other’s classrooms for lesson
observation and split into groups for evaluation afterwards.
Not only were the teachers able to experience the teaching
and learning styles of mutual schools during these visits, but
they also had a rewarding time exchanging ideas with one
another regarding the lesson plans
and the curricula of both schools.
These ideas were later brought
back to the respective departments
as part of staff development and
enhancement of their teaching
The Headmistresses, Ms Phyllis
Lo and Mrs Emily Dai, along with
teachers from both schools pose
for a photo at DBSPD after a fruitful
day of lesson observation and
Exchange of souvenirs between Mrs
Rakesh Nair Chandni and Mrs Nina Yau,
the deputy heads of DBSPD and DGJS.
Focus on Developing Social-emotional Skills
Dr. Sharon Ng has joined our school as a part-time Wellness Specialist, and has been employing fun and
engaging activities to help students understand themselves better, hone their
relationship skills, manage stress and make responsible decisions.
At DGJS, we believe that social-emotional skills are important to our students’
success in life, not only in career development but also in relationships. We
encourage all our girls to make use of this positive resource.
During the second term of the school year, Dr Sharon has been educating
students on the topic of bullying, kindness and gratitude. Everyone in school
now better understands what bullying really is, what each person can do to
stop bullying, and what the consequences of bullying are. The School hopes
that through these activities, girls can understand the importance of kindness
and how acts of kindness towards people in our school community can build a
strong culture of respect and gratitude within our beloved school walls.
Girls created their own Kindness Trees to spread the
message of being kind and caring to others.
Our girls learning how to deal with bullying.
Achievements in Sports
Our girls achieved excellent results in sports this year. It was great to see the girls
demonstrate their school spirit in the challenging yet rewarding competitions as
they competed with swimmers and athletes from many other schools. What is most
worthy of mentioning is that both teams clinched the Grand Slam in the Kowloon
West Area Inter-Primary Schools Competitions. The girls were very delighted that
their hard work paid off. The competitions ended on a festive note, with girls feeling
pleased to receive their hard-earned trophies and medals.
Our athletes pose for a photo with Mrs Dai and
PE teachers, Mrs L Fung and Miss E Poon.
Our swimmers receiving their medals and
trophy from Mrs Dai during morning assembly.
Excursions for Primary 6 Girls
In May, various programmes were held for the Primary 6 girls to relax and have fun after
their Final Examinations. The retreat at St Andrew’s Church and M21 were two of them.
Primary 6 Retreat
The main focus of the retreat at St Andrew’s Church was to equip our Primary 6 girls with a positive
attitude to face challenges in the future, especially when they enter a new learning environment
in the Senior School. Through the ‘Five Love Languages’, the girls learnt how to improve their
relationship with their family and peers.
Through these activities conducted by Mrs Carol Strydom, Miss Emma Ash and Mrs Lisa Card,
the girls were given the opportunities to lead, cooperate and observe each other within their
Thanks must be given to the devoted instructors from St Andrew’s Church, who have
constantly been working with the School to provide the girls with spiritual nurturing and
pastoral care, as well as our parent facilitators from the PTA who assisted on that day.
Happy faces at the retreat!
Organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club, M21 proved to be an
exciting excursion for our girls. In the fully furnished studios, the girls had a glimpse of the
multimedia business through the authentic experience of
being radio broadcasters, news anchors and camera crew
Filming a TV episode in the studio
Recording their show like a pro!
PTA Executive Committee
Mrs Doris Ho, JP
Mrs Stella Lau, JP
Mrs Emily Dai
The PTA Subcommittees
Brownies Activities
An educational outing to OLE 全方位航空探
知活動 has been arranged for Brownies on 1
February, 2016. They had the privilege to visit
the air cargo terminal, the airport runway, the
Aviation Discovery Centre and to learn about the
development and the aviation history of Hong
Cooking Workshop
With the kind help of Mrs. Catherine Doo, Mrs. Wendy Wai and all the parent helpers, a cooking workshop
was scheduled again this year for all Brownies on 3 March and 10 March 2016. All participants enjoyed the
activity very much.
Mrs Annie Lee
Mrs Veronica Lee
Mrs Sherlynn Chan Wong
Ms Winnie Cheung
Mrs Chlorophyll So
Hon Secretary:
Mrs Wendy Wai
Hon Treasurer:
Mr Danny Ma
Hon Auditor:
Mr Andy Ngan
Mrs Janice Chan
Mrs Cecilia Cheng
Mrs Michelle Cheng
Mrs Conny Ching
Ms Catherine Siu Doo
Mrs Andrea Kee
Ms Sylvia Leung
Ms Vanessa Leung
Mrs Stella Ma
Mrs Esther Ng
Mrs Christine Nip
Mrs Bianca Tan
Mrs Esther Tang
中文閱讀會於2016年1月28日 舉辦了三場演講會,
PTA Activities for Parents
Parent-Teacher Meetings
On 28 May, 2016, the PTA sponsored 3 sessions of Parent-Teacher meetings for S1-S3 parents with the aim of enhancing better
communication between parents and teachers. The parents had the opportunity to meet their daughter’s subject teachers and other
parents over a cup of tea in a warm and relaxing context, during which parents discussed aspects of their daughter’s school life and work
with the teachers.
How To Maintain Family
Harmony Under Pressure
More than 300 parents attended the seminar hosted by Ms
Shirley Loo on 6 November 2015. Ms. Loo reminded parents
to recognize potential tension within families resulted from
pressure and challenges in everyday life. She shared her
most valuable ideas on how to handle tension in order to
maintain a loving and harmonious family.
NLP Workshop - Parenting
Through Positive Stimulation
A 4-session Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
workshop was held in February and March 2016. The
workshop adopted the NLP methodology to provide
parents the knowledge and skills to motivate their
children in their learning and to promote their selfesteem. The speaker, Mr Chris Man, delivered his
messages through real life examples and interactive
activities which were very well-received by participating
The PTA Outings
P1 to P5 girls went on outings to different venues after exams. They all had a great time !
P3–The EMSD Education Path
P1–Health Education Exhibition & Resource Centre, TST
P2–The HK Science Museum, TST
P5–St Mary’s Home for the Aged,
Wong Chuk Hang
P3–Construction Resource Centre, Kln Bay
P4–Crossroads, Tuen Mun
P6 Dongguan Factory Visit
The P6 girls had a truly fun-filled learning experience at the Crystal Group
Garment Factory in Dongguan on 15 April 2016. Our host kindly strolled us
through the factory premises while carefully explaining the process in garment
production and the operations of different departments. Each of our girls were
also given the opportunity to design their own mini T-shirt to bring home.
What a wonderful day out!
Briefing by our host on garment production:
from raw materials to what we wear
Visiting the VAP centre, needle detector centre and automatic workshop in the factory
Thoughtfully designing
their mini T-shirts
Grabbing the opportunity
to ask at the Q&A session
Strolling the huge showroom
and studio
Saying goodbye to our wonderful host
Class of 1980 Anniversary
The Class of 1980 gathered for a reunion in November 2015 for their 35th Anniversary. Over 50 classmates including
ones from United States, New Zealand and Japan came to Hong Kong for the occasion. Our activities started with a tour
of the school campus where the highlight was a tea appreciation class in the Chinese Culture Room. This was only made
possible, courtesy of Miss Ma, our favourite Chinese teacher, who had devised the program for DGJS. Between the laughs,
we are very grateful to Miss Ma and the school for creating this special experience for us. Our celebration continued with
a dinner and slideshow at the KCC, and a scenic walk with a boating trip in Lantau the following day. With the money
left over from dinner, our class donated a collection of items needed in the DOGA room. Overall, the gathering was a big
success and we look forward to planning our 40th Anniversary reunion!
25th Reunion of Class of 1990
On 19th December 2015, some 40 of us gathered
together at the Kowloon Cricket Club to celebrate
the 25th reunion of Class of 1990. We were very
honored to have our teachers joining us: Mrs
Yeung, Mrs Watt, Mrs Cheung, Miss Chin (now
Mrs Chan) and Miss Li, (now Mrs L Fung) from
our primary school years at DGJS, and Mrs Hui
and Mrs Chui from our senior school years. It was
both amazing and overwhelming to see so many
familiar faces, it felt just like yesterday that we
had graduated from school. Not only did we
have lovely cakes and decorations to celebrate
our reunion, we played DGS trivia and answered
questions such as “what was the first dish you
made at cookery lesson in DGS?” and everyone
had a blast out of answering those questions!
The highlight of our gathering was a slide show of photos we had
gathered during our years at DGS! It was so much fun trying to identify
ourselves in old photos. In many ways we have all changed so much,
but in one way, we haven’t – as “once a DGS girl, always a DGS girl”.
Membership Sub-Committee Events
On 5th December 2015, we kicked off the 10th Mentorship Programme with encouraging response of 48 mentee and
36 mentor applications. “Legal”, “Investment Banking” and “Medicine” sectors continued to be the most popular interest
groups. In addition, alumnae in the medical field leveraged on the Mentorship Kick-off Meeting to convene in discussion
about career planning, work environment, training opportunities and attachment arrangement.
In March 2016, 150 students attended our S6 Talk to encourage them to stay connected with DGS after graduation
through DOGA. They enjoyed the sharing made by old girls about the support and experience they receive from DOGA
through programmes like university support groups and mentorship.
On 9th April 2016, we hosted our Annual Tea Gathering for new members, class reps, mentors, mentees, and senior
committee members of the DOGA. It was an intimate gathering with many members returning to the family after years
of posting outside of Hong Kong!
Annual Tea Gathering
10th Me
S6 Talk
DOGA Old Girls Inter-house Netball Tournament
Sports Sub-Committee
The annual event was held successfully on 27th February with participation from more than 50 DOGA
players. There were a number of tight games with very close scores this year. Sawyer reclaimed the championship
which they lost to Hurrell in 2015. Hurrell came second and Symons secured third place.
The champion – Sawyer
Big smiles from all of us
Community Services Activities
Community Services Sub-Committee
In October 2015, DOGA members went ‘behind the scene’ at
the Hong Kong Committee of UNICEF’s office to experience the
logistic of their ‘Change for good’ programme. The programme is
a collaboration between Cathay Pacific and UNICEF. Small change
were donated by travellers to fund UNICEF’s projects in over 150
different countries around the world, helping underprivileged
women and children. We sorted coins and notes by countries,
denominations and stacked them into bags. This service provided
a wonderful opportunity for us to play our part in serving those in
About 50 participants, including alumnae and their families, took part in
Playright Flag Day on 21st November 2015.
15 alumnae paid a heart-warming Christmas Nursing Home
visit to Lok Sin Tong Hoi Wang Road Nursing Home. We sang
Christmas carols, played games and gave presents to the elderly
It was a rewarding Easter Service Project with DGS Citizens Club on
29th March at the Henry G Leong Yau Ma Tei Community Centre. Over
30 ethnic minority children of 6-12 years old joined us in a series of
Easter related games which stimulated creativity and teamwork. This
service project clearly demonstrated that community service continues
well beyond leaving DGS.
Art Club Spring Workshop
Art Club
On 19th March, we hosted a fun workshop for making quilled candle
holders with colourful paper strips. Parents patiently rolled rainbow
colour strips into teardrops, circles, diamonds and heart shapes, and
the children carefully assembled the shapes to form flowers, insects
and patterns for decorating their candle holders. Everyone was
amazed by the stunning and colourful patterns created around their
candle holders.
Latin Dance Class
Social Sub-Committee
If you had thought about signing up for this class
but didn’t, you really missed out. On International
Day of Dance (29th April 2016), for two hours, we
danced to romantic Latin American music under
the superb instruction of professional dancers
Ivailo and Alyona. This charming couple are
registered with the World Dance Council and are
winners at world-class Latin American Dance
Championships. Not only were they smooth,
exciting dancers, they were also patient and
humorous instructors who made us dance the
salsa and the cha-cha without becoming too
self-conscious about every move we made. After
all, it was the sheer fun and the great beat of
music at the state-of-the-art dance studio that
made this a great experience.
Dr. Vivian Wing-Wah Yam from the Class of 1980 is one of the “Leader of the Year” 2015 award winners. This annual event
is organised by Sing Tao News Corporation Limited to recognise and encourage the achievements of Hong Kong’s finest
individuals who have made outstanding contributions towards the SAR’s success and prosperity, linking it to the Greater
China and the international community. Vivian is currently a chemistry professor at the University of Hong Kong and has
gained international recognition for her academic research.
Upcoming Events
July – August
Entering University Students Gathering (July 9); Art Club Event
HKUST University Group Gathering; HKU University Group Gathering
DOGA Annual Dinner (Oct 28); DOGA Netball League; Community Services
Language & Etiquette Workshop with Elderly and HK Adventure Corps Flag Day
Diocesan Graduate Singers’ 15th Anniversary Concert (Nov 19); CUHK University
Group Gathering; Medic Group Gathering
Art Club Event (Dec 10); Mentoring Programme Kick-off (Dec 10-12); Careers Talk;
DGS Mini-Bazaar; End of Term Netball Match DOGA vs DGS
Details of the events will be updated periodically. Please visit to obtain the latest information.
DOGA Office: 1 Jordan Road. Tel: 2771 5881, Email:
Joining DOGA:
Any old girl of DGS or DGJS (whether resident or
abroad) who has completed at least one academic
year at DGS or DGJS is eligible to apply for
membership of DOGA Ltd. Details of the application
can be found at
Class Reunion Gathering:
Alumnae who are interested in organising their
class reunion gathering at the School, please
contact DOGA office for further information.