June 26, 1879 - Buchanan District Library


June 26, 1879 - Buchanan District Library
|ierrien$o. H$eeoi[d.
Help Yourself.
G . H O L M E S .
from nothing, beewne the
but what ha got under 'S od , he achieved
himself. .1 ?
- ' '
T o w n s r —* 1 . S O p e a r Y e a r .
S i r rAtiELX IH ADVASCI.*®*.
x m
2 0 .
OFFICE.—Tn K eco-d Building. Oak Street.
Di r e c t o r y.
I. O. O. F.
Tba reci.tar m feiiogs o f Ru-bauan Lodge No. 75 are
You can buy a
v a A M UMds a regular meeting every Monday
e T e tin ffo n o rb e n T e th e .o il of .b e moon, In each
£ .° S
mc, ™ y ,W
-M .
. P . n ARrsR, Sec.
-O F -
B U C H A N A N L O D G E N O , 68,
I , J! The rgnlar commnnications o f tills Lodge
are J u at Masooic Hall, on Friday evemng on or
before- the m il o f the moon in oacb moath
3 i v a S k it s . W . M.
L P. ALESAAnsa..e..
.A T T O R N E Y S .
E . M . P L IM P T O N ,
V A N R IP E R & W O R T H IN G T O N ,
Attorneys and Counsellors a t Taw. and S olicitor in
Unancery Ooi!e<-trous made and ptw-eo is promptly
remitted OCt-%o'* r U . II- Kmy.mV store, Bm-hanS
•' A.wor.TmN«Toa:
b a
D A V ID E . H IN M A N ,
Attoroey and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chaneery ColieciiODS m»de aiui proceeds promptly re*
m iued. Ofiice i& Kougli s BiocJc.
M Dress Slit
Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office corner Main
Shetland Shawls,
and Second Stre ws, Niles, Mich.
E . S . D O D D . M . D .,
Physician and Surgeon. Special atlention glTen to
chronic diseases. Office, in E S. Fodd * Son s drug
score. Residence oa Dny’ s Avenue, east side, Bucb&n&n,Micli-
-Af the Old Stand, on Front Streei.
B U C H A N A N . MI C H.
D E N T IS T S .
J . M . W IT S O N ,
lentlst Ctance tirst door ncrtb o f the Bank. Char
KeasC-iahleand satisfaction su&raateed.
Will. A. Wii
U R . J . W . B E IS T L E .
■entfet^ ha* bis room* over the Grange Store, where
he is prepared to do all work per.*niuiog to the pm*
fesskm. Filling teeth with fine gold or tin-toil. »ud
re^ulitUDc Children’:* Teeth. a specialty. Charges
r^usonabii. I als * keep a fine tooth t»owder lot
cleansing the tetth and punfyiug the^hre.-tth. Bu« hanan. Mich.
Fine Boots, Shoes,
and Rubbers,
B E E IE E B H O U S E ,
Berrien Springs. M»ch* This old and fa\ ornbly ltno*^D
h^teli^ still under t i e management «‘t Mrs DeFieltl
who wilt spare no eft'orfc* to maintain a nrstcla*8 hotel at the Couuty Scat-
Berrien Springs. Mich. 0 . Reed, Proprietor.
Livery In eonutedon with the hrm-e.
<jo *d
T h e N e w e s t S t y le s o f
!er the Spring Trad**.
Dealer* in Staple and Fancy G roo ve*. IYutJsions and
Crocket v . Central B lock ,loot o f Main airet t.lin chauati, Mich,
A l.i. Wool, from no to 7-">e. jht >;ml.
Loivor (Inulos at iso. poryani.
NFW LACKS-- I’liiton. DutiTiess. RusMiin, Valem-ieniH’S. At1.. fr*>iu
7 to 7t» routs per yard.
S . P . & C. C. H IG H .
A rt-mpclofe a fo r k o f
M IS O E L L A N E O U S .
S. & W . W . S M IT H ,
Dealers in Dry Goons and Notions. Ri f ' s
Street, Brnhanau, MUu,
lock Front
E . B . W E A V E R & C O ..
Dealers in CloThimr Genii 'mens’ Furntebi*; *» 1
Hats, Caps, Hv»?iery. Neck 'Vn\r. Buckskin t*x»T
Umbrellas, Ar., BniUauau, Jln.ii.
N E W S P R I N G D R Y G O O D S.
An th in g ;o n wnrit «t Boltom Triri’s at
KKB'i'S. N*le<. Mich., formerly Ket i A I*« -*
N X I O II..
B . T. M O R LE Y .
Star Fvcodry. All Lind- 01 casting, 3nch as plow
points sugar kettles aleiih shoes. Ae. Iron turning
and jo b vv -rk done to *-nl*r. Old metal t-nkeuin
exch »nge ter wo* k . Center c f Fivut and Portage
Streets. But hanan, Mich.
W E IS G E R B E R ,
Manniacttirer o f Lumber. Custom sawing done f.«
order, and at reasonable rati**. Cash paid lor all
kinds t f b o’ ts. Mill oa S ill’ ll Oak Ftreat.Buchanan,
N . H A M IL T O N ,
Auctioneer. 'WsII attend to ail calls prom ptly, and
Sell at as reasonable rate* as any other good auc­
tioneer in the count;,. Residence and P. 0 . address,
Buchanan. Mh*k.
Ki-xp a full a*s=ortment of
S ta p le
(T "th s. ( ’ assim ori's. O ilcloth s.
L a d ie s ' a n d C h ild r e n s F a rs.
Sc-lc Agents !ur the popular
Ri bbi ng,
A ll G o o d s S o ld a t t h e V e r y L o w e s t P r ic e s .
40; 1
G E O R G E B IR D .
Proprietor o f Bird's *Bns. W ill run his 'Bus foun d
ftt>m the Railroad trains and hotels, o r to any part
o f the village. Faro only £5 cants, including bag­
Consulting and Operating Surgeon for Deafness, Blind­
ness, and all diseases and deformities o f the
NY ONE having household or other goods to sell
at public auction, w ill find it to their advan­
tage to employ
W . G . T H O M P S O N A u c tio n e e r ,
G A L IE N , M IC H .
.: n . v a n r i p e r , m . b .,
B u c h a n a n . M ic h .
R a te s R eason aW e.
E -B A L L E N G E E ,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
Moneys collected and prom ptly remitted, Beal Es­
tate Agent. Makes ou t Pension Papers as usual.*
Ten thousand dollars to loan, in sums to salt, at 8
p er cent , o a five years’ time.
4 ^ 0 f f i c o in Rough’ s block, corner o f Front and
Oak Streets. Buchanan Mich.
J. W . R. Lister,
18^ X
P R I C E L IS T .
Rotary Plow, complete with
No. 20 Iron Beam, complete
A ll Business in Conveyance
with jointer,
ing, Foreclosure, &c.,
No. 20 Iron Beam, with chill­
Promptly Attended to.
ed mold-hoard, extra,
Collections M adeandM oney P rom pt­ South Bend Chilled Plows and R e­
ly Forioarded.
pairs at List.
49*Offico in Fox’s building, in rooms formerly occu*
Plain points,
gled b y E . i l . Plimnton.
S itf
Cutter points, - 50
Discount from above list for
I am also agent for C. & G.
Cooper’s Traction or Self-Propel­
ling Engines.
Send for Circular.
B. T . M O RLE Y ,
J. F. HAHN", TJcdertaker.
Metalic and Gasket Coffins,
Keady-madc, constantly on hand, or made to order
on short notice.
Buchanan. Mich.
ftnd JIORPJ1IXE habit abso­
lutely aod speedily cured. Pain­
less. No publicity. Send stamp
for full particulars. Dr Carlton.
203 S. Clark SL, Chicago., IlL
T o C o n s u m p tiv e s
C L M T S -.
R E A D .T H I S
Vi • w ill p a r A gents a Salary o f Sluo p e r m on th
a a d • i p . n . M , o r . i l o w a l . r g * cu:;im i*«in n I t o s e l l ou r
■ • w a n d r r o a d .r fu l ia y .a U r n o . W t m c o » w hat u . .a y .
AddJM»liu u ;maOfc.iUr»kA]],
1buslnesa yon can engage In. S5 to $S
per day made by any worker o f elthe
__ ___ __ _ sex, right in their own localities. Par
tfcalazs and samples worth $5 free. Improt e yocr
B ^ceH m aat tbli bosln us. Addreu SlixaonIt Oo.
All Colors Biting,
D ebages,
A lpacas,
W h i t e G oods,
Pain cannot stay whore it is uaod I t is tlie'cbeaDest medicine ever made. F ive drops cover a in-face
aa large as tho hand. One doso cu re, common Sore
Throat. One bottlohas cured Bronchitia. Fifty cents
worth has cured an Old StandiogCoueh. It positively
cures Catarrh, Asthma and Group. fifty cents’ worth
has cured Crick in the Hack, and the aime quantity
Lame back o f eight years’ standing. I t enrea Swelled
Neck, and all other TumorB, Bhenmatism. Neuralgia.
Contraction o f tho Mnacles Still doints, SpiDal UifBcultieB. and Pain and Soreness in any part no matter
where it m ay be, nor from w hat cause it m ay arise it
always does you good. T w eutyfiye cents’ worth has
cured had cases o f Chioois and Bloody Dysentery
One teaspoonfnl enres Colic in fllteen minutes, i t
w ill cure any case o f piles that it is ppsdble to euro.
Six o r eigh t applications are warranted to cure any
case o f Excoriated N ipp'cs or Inflamed Breast. Per
Bruises, i f applied often and bound np, there is never
the slightest discoloration to the akin. I t atopB the
pain of a B u m as soon as applied, and iBapoBitive enra
fer Ohilblainf, FrostediFeet, Boils, W arts, Corns m d
W ound! o f every description on man o r beast. Price
60 cents IB S $1.00, ‘ Trial Side, 25 cants. FOSTEB.
M DiBVItN A CO., Sols Prop’rs, Buffalo, N . V , d fy
S.!. i 1.1
Furnished to all ordering, ou sbort^ootico.
A Gentleman having been so fortunate as to euro
his son o f Consumption i n its worst stages, after being
given np to die b y the m ost celebrated physicians,
desire* to make known the cure (w h ich proves sue*
•awful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma,
Bronchitis. Cough?. Colds, Consumption, and all Affec­
tions o f the Throat and Lungs, and w ill send the
Beclpe, free o f charge to all those who desire it, if
their w ill forward their address to DA N IEL ADEE.
34 LibOTty-SU New Y ork.
S lie r Sills,
Communications b y mail promptly answered.
L a is’ Slits.
Black and Colored
41 31UV ST.,
Attorney « n i Counsellor a t Law, and Solicitor in
O ti-e ever Noble's Store, Bncbanan,
Berrien Count;)» Muh.
a a
fashion, with an unerring aim. It caught
my revolver. Sitting in a chair he pulled
Sunspots and Rainfall.
off his boot, and from the toe pulled out
in the rim, the hat was drawn up care­
has recetly been published
a roll o f Greenbacks. Said b e : ‘A few
fully and restored to the young girl who,
ll.*8 curious, isn’ t it, B illy,
days before leaving I was lucky enough by Prof. Archibald, o f Patna, on the rain­
with oxhilirating color and sparkling
T h e ch a n ge s a tw e lv e m onths m a y bring ;
to find an opportunity to exchange my fall o f the world in connection with the
eyes, thanked tlio men most profusely.
L a st y e a r J was a t S aratoga,
doubloons for these. My poor child let eleven year period o f sunspots. The au­
A s h a p p y am i rich as a k ing.
They cut short her rhapsodies by jumping
me make restitution. Here are two thou­ thor is an ardent advocate o f the modern
1 was ra k in g in p o o ls on th e ra cos,
on the driver’s box, and telling us to
sand in bills for the one thousand secured theory o f the existence o f such a connec­
A n d fe e in g Iho w aiters w ith “ Tens*'
‘pile in.’
by the robbers,’ handing her that amount. tion, and he states his views very clearly
A n d sip p ing m in t ju le p s b y tw ilight,
“ Once inside, she said:
‘Your lining was a Godsend to me; if in the present paper. W e may say that
A n d t o -d a y I am here in th o ‘ T e n 1”
“ ‘As you are all my friends, I must let
they had searched me further they would his idea is that the minimum o f sunspot
you into ihe secret o f my hat. All tho
“ TThat led m e t o d o it? ” W h a t always
have secured twenty instead o f one thou­ frequently corresponds to a maximum o f
L ea d s m en to destru ction a n d crim e ?
sand. Concealed in my baggage- are dia­ terrestrial temperature, and he is thus in
quilted in —and no man, not even a
T h e pi o d fga l sou, w h om yo u ’ ve read of.
monds and precious stones which, i f they accordance with Dr. F. G. Hahn and some
highwayman, would ever suspect the
H as a ltered so m e w h a t in his tim e,
other European, as distinguished from
had secured, would have beggared me.
treasure hidden in such a cell, now, would
l i e sp en d s his su b sta n ce as freely,
Taking a solitaire from his vest lining, he English, physicists who have dealt with
A s the b ib lica l f e llo w o f old,
presented that also for her acceptance. the question. N ot only does Prof. Arch­
“ We, o f course, praised her ingenuity.
B ut w h en it is g o n e lie fancies.
‘I should have explained in Die stage, but ibald endeavor to prove the existence o f
T he husks w ill turn in to g o ld .
‘walls haye ears,’ and why should I trust the relation in temperature, but also in
C ham pagn e, a b o x at th e o p e ra .
vapor tension and in wind force, assuming
the others with my secrets?’
“ ‘The very sum,” she replied.
H igh steps w h ile fo r tu n e Is flush.
that,the solor periodicity o f typhoons-re­
“ O f course, as it turned out I was high­
T h e p assionate kisses o f w om en ,
quires no further proof. The most inter­
•It was about two o’clock iu the morn­ ly pleased with the sagacity o f the gen­
W h ose ch e ck s h a ve fo r g o tt e n to b lu sh .
esting portion o f the paperis the explana­
ing. W e were well out o f the most for­ tleman; the more so as I recollected
T h e old, o ld story, B illy,
tion o f the reason why some stations af­
midable passes, driving briskly toward the responsibility o f specie I, too, had as­
O f pleasures that e n d in.tears,
ford results as to periodicity o f rainfall
the Canadian fork. The full moon light­ sumed.
T h o fro th that fo a m s fo r an hour,
diainetyjcally opposite to those exhibited
“ I need not tell you that the lady’s
ened our way, making the bushes and
T h e dregs th a t a re ta ste d f o r yea rs.
by the records on which Meldrum has
trees adjacent enst sharp, decided shad­ tears were transmuted into rare smiles,
based his theory. Prof. Archibald points
L a st n ight as I sa t h ere and p on d ered ,
ows across the road. I .had exchanged andshe went to her home rejoicing.”
out that in general the periodicity has
On the ends o f m y evil w ays,
places with the horshocr. Inside they
T h e re a rose like a p h an tom b e fo re m e,
been sought for in the annual amounts,
were dozing, but I was awakeful aud alert.
T h e visions o f m y b o y h o o d day?'.
The E lectric Light.
but that i f the seasonal falls be examined
We beguiled the dreary hour by story
I th ou gh t o f m y old hom e, B illy,
tlie figures will be much more favorable.
Suddenly, I saw something
Mr. W . H. Preece, tho eminent electri­
O f the school house that s to o d ou tlio hill,
He divides tbe globe into certain zones, in
moving in the shadow o f the road ou be­ cian', says the Scientific American, recent­
O f the b ro o k t hat flow ed th rou gh th e m ead ow ,some o f which a defect, and in others an
yond us.
J can e ’o n h e. r its m u sic still.
excess, o f rain characterizes a sunspot
“ ‘What is that?” I said.
a lecture on the Exhibition o f Electric
A g a in 1 th o u g h t o f m y m other,
“ The driver looked, his eyes rouuding
Lighting Apparatus.
Tlie Prince of maximum. The chief authors ha cues
O f the m o th e r w h o taught m e to p ra y,
Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh, and a are Mr. S. A. Hill and Dr. F. G. Hahn.
like a moon.
W h o se lo v e
<a precious treasure,
“ “Nothing but a burro!’ referring to
large assembly of ladies and gentlemen
T h a t ! h e e d l o ly ca s t a w a y .
were, present. The Werdermann light
the pack-mules that frequently strayed
I saw again in m y vision s,
A W arning.
was ofib'of the first shown, and while it
down the mountain side. It disappeared
T h o fre s h -lip p e d , careless b o y .
lasted) was both bright and steady. Much
An intelligent writer calls the attention
T o w h om the future w as boundless.
attention was also excited by the light
o f all consumers o f kerosene oil to the
stantly, as if by magic, jumped out iuto
A n d tire w orld but a m ig h ty to y .
produced by iridium rendored incandes­
pernicious aud unhealthy practice o f us­
the road two men. They were hidden in
cent by electricity, and much satisfaction
I th o u g h t o f all this
I s .a hero.
ing lamps filled with that article with, the
huge slouched sombreros and army
O f m y ruined a n d w a s te d life,
was expressed at its extreme brightness,
wicks turned down.
The gad' which
cloaks. The stoutest caught the bridle
A n d th e p angs o f rem orse w e re bitter.
purity, and steadiness. The Lontin light
should be consumed by the. flameS'is' by
o f the leaders; the other, covering us with
T h e y p ie rce d m y h e a rt like a k n ife .
also made a brilliant show, and the Kathis means left heavily in the air, wnile
his rifle, shouted:
I t ta k e s som e cou rage, B illy,
pietf was greatly admired on account o f
the cost o f tlie oil thus saved at present
“Don’t stir, or you are dead men!'
T o laugh in tho fa ce o f fate,
its' steadiness. Then came the turn of prices would scarcely be one dollar Ayear
“Advancing closer, and keeping us
W h e n th e yearn ing am bition s o f m an h ood
the so-called “ candies,” constructed on the
for tho household. His attention ;wAS
A r e b lasted a t tw enty-eight.
systems o f Jablochkoff and Wilde.
called particularly' to this custom' while
ou t:
—Written in the State's Prison* Joliet, lil.
former o f these, ranged round tho upper
boarding iu the country where kerosene
“ Pitch out the treasure box quick! We
corrider, for an instant shone brightly, but
was the only available light) - Alarge
are in a hurry!”
afterward gave evidence o f capriciousness.
family of cliildren living in • the
“ The driver began to stammer a reply,
On the other hand, the Wilde lamps, from
same house were taken ill one night,
shaking as if he had an ague stroke, but I
their being close together instead of dis­
and on going to the nursery the mother
hushed him with a whispered;
tributed over a wide circuit, or from some
found the room nearly suffocating, with a
One tempest-tossed night, weather­
“ ‘Stop, stop! let me talk to these m en!
other cause, burned very steadily and
lamp turned down; whereupon the phy­
bound at a small hotel on the stage-route
There is no treasure aboard to night!’ I
well. Mr. Preece then introduced the
sician forbade the use o f a lamp at night,
from Santa Fe, we met a lellow-traveler
said this coolly, at the same time swaying
audience to tlie “ holophote,” a powerful
unless turned at full head. He says he
in whom we became greatly interested.
my body to and fro, backward and for­
lamp for “ illuminating the depths o f the. could quote many cases, one o f a young
Among others, my companion, a finelyward, to get out of range o f the muzzle;
sea,” about to be introduced iuto tlio ports
girl subject to fits o f faintness, which, if
built, athletic fellow, narrated an experi­
the man was evidently very nervous as
at Spithead, with a view to testing their
not induced, were greatly increased by
ence o f the previous season, which, he
welL as very near.
value in detecting tlie advance o f an ene­
sleeping in a room with the lamp almost
said, “ made every hair stand on tiptoe.”
“As I intended he should, he took me
my’s tqrpedo.
He next referred to the
turned out. Besides the damage to health,
“ How i” we asked. “ You were in great
for an express messenger, and, as neither
advantage o f the “ arc” over the “ incande­
it spoils tlie paper and curtains, soils the
p erilf’
driver nor passenger are supposed to pos­
mirrors aud windows, and gives the whole
“ One o f those imminent risks that you
sess any valuables, they are seldom mo­ scent” system in economy o f power, and
the strength o f the incandescent lamps in
house an untidy air and an unwholesome
meet at every turn. Four o f us came in
their great steadiness and durability. The
“ ‘None o f your nonsense!’ replied the
the stage from Santa Fe, the last of June,
Wallace Farmer lamp was then tried, and
bandit. ‘Hand out the treasure, or you’ll
I think. A young lady—governess in an
with very satisfactory results; and the
see trouble.’
officer's family— her escort, a wealthy
Amyl Nitrite in Ague.
eyes o f tlie audience were next directed
“ The man at the reins evidently enjoyed
merchant, reputable, with a guarantee of
upward toward the great Siemens light,
my endeavor to get out o f range,, for lie
honor inscribed on every line o f his ear­
Dr. W . E. Saunders, o f Indore, India,
or rather chandelier, hanging from the in­
squeaked in a falsetto voice:
nest face, and myself, were acquaintances;
regards the nitrite o f amyl as the most
side o f the dome, and which made a noise
“ ‘Do them bar’ls look big?’
the other was the liorseshoer o f the com­
powerful diaphoretic, and uses it ih all
far less agreeable to the ears than the
pany , bound for the stables at Denver.
“ ‘l res,’ I said, echoing the old joke cur­
cases o f fever to produce sweating. In a
rent among miners. Y es, I can read all
“ The lady— among the twenties—was
report o f several cases o f ague treated
Mr. Preece dwelt upon the many short with this drug, printed in the Indian-Med­
the advertisements on the wadding!’
so happy in the thought o f going east and
comings o f the electric light as at present
-H e chuckled a rough chuckle.
seeing her widowed mother—was so in­
ical Gazette, he claims that in no -instance
produced— the noise, the flickering, the
terested aud full o f life, that her joy rip­
did the amyl fail to remove tlie attack in
“ Come, come, heave out that speciedeep shadows, and the whiteness o f a light
pled through our conversation like a mer­
about one-third the usual time, and in
box,’ shouted the man holding the rifle.
most cases the fever did not return. The
ry warble.
“ I insisted there was none.
drug may be mixed with an equal part o f
“ You’d like a personal description?”
“ ‘Here, look at the way-bill; i f there is
On the other hand may be set tbe absence
“Well, rather tall and willowly, eyes as
oil o f coriander, to make it less volatile
any such thing aboard it will be among
o f smoke and the purification instead of
and to cover its odor, and administered
black and full o f sparkle as a frosty night,
the items,’ and I made a move to get
poisoning o f the air in large buildings.
aud hair commonly called red, but with
as follows:
down, holding it in my hand.
a glint o f gold in lines aud dashes when­
Four drops o f the mixture or two of
“ ‘Stay where you are, or I ’ll shoot you
amyl are poured on a small piece o f lint,
ever the sunlight glanced across it. I saw
on the spot.’
A W rit for George W ashington.
it fully when she dropped her liat, and a
which is given into the hands o f the pa­
“I threw him the way-bill. He dropped
W e have at this office the original writ
stylish, neat affair that was, too— but I
tient, and he is told to inhale it freely.
his rifle and picked it up, perusing.the
o f attachment served on George Washing­
have not come to that yet.”
He soon becomes flushed, aud both Ids
items in the moonlight. Profiting by this
ton, says the Lowville (N. Y.) Journal,
pulse and respiration are much acceler­
“ I ’m sure you’re aware o f the brigand­
action, I undertook to slip m y portmonated; and when he feels warm all over,
age for which that route is noted. Mar­
naie into my hoot, and moved my hand for contempt o f court, in Fairfax, Ya.,
A N D 113 years ago, being in tlie year 1760,
the inhalation is discontinued, as the
velous tales are told o f the robbers. I
around to get at the pocket. The driver
and in tlie Eixth year o f tho reign of
symptoms contMue to increase for some
suspect the mountain passes o f the Apen- ■ misunderstanding the movement, whis­
George III. The document belongs to
time afterward. A profuse perspiration
nines bold no more mystery o f crime than pered :
Squire H. Oliver, o f Glendale, and any
now sets in, which speedily ends the at­
do the rocky passes of this fresh continent.
“ ‘Have you got one?’
one can see it by calling at this office. It
tack; in some cases, however, the cold
Constantly facing danger, the pioneer ac­
“ The man at the reins noticed the con­
stage merely passes off without any hot
quires a hardiness that fits him for every ferring and hallowed at us. The other reads as follow s:
George the Third by the grace o f God
or sweating stage.
lresh encounter o f peril, however unusual.
instantly raised his gun:
o f great Britain France and Ireland, King
The periodic robbing o f stages has be­
“ ‘None o f that! Hands up!’
Denfender o f the Faith, &c To the Sher­
come so much o f a fact that the express
“ We threw up our hands, and he again
iff o f Fairfax Greeting we command you
Am erican Made Telescopes.
company will take no more risks, and
turned to the way-bill. I did manage,
that you attach George Washington, Esqr
specie and treasure have to be taken east
though, to secrete my money, slipping it
perfection o f workmanship attain­
if he be found within your Bailwic aud
by private parties.
into my boot.
ed by American opticians in making tele­
“ As government expert, I was well
“ ‘You see there’s no mention made of
scopes and microscopes has often won
before our Justices o f our County Court
known to the bankers o f Santa Fe, They
the treasure, and i f it was sent it would
high praise from scientific men both at
o f Fairfax at the Court house in Alexan­
never hesitated to intrust me with large
be noted on the bill. However, you can
home and abroad. In 1S61 European as­
amounts of gold, and this time there was
get up and look in the box and satisfy
tronomers may be said to have had their
no exception. So I was loaded, partly by
eyes opened by Clark’s discovery o f a
A rc v o n ' m isoualtle this year.
meaus of an inner belt around my 'waist,
“ He hesitated but a moment, and then
minute companion to tlie brilliant Sirius,
partly by a false bottom, improvised in
jumped up and looked in the box; in do­
with the eighteen inch object glass made
my valise by gumming strong wrapping
ing so he kicked my valise.
for the Chicago Observatory. The mon­
paper over the precious parcels and inner
“ ‘Open this!’ Baid he, I did so, taking
ster telescopes o f Herscliel and LordBosse
Court shall in that part consider, and this
lining o f the bag.
out carefully its contents and letting him
and the great achromotics in the chief
you shall in nowise omit and have there
“ The day would have been intolerable
European observatories, had given no hint
look inside; the wrapping paper deceived
but for tlie cool currents that swept down
o f this star’s existence, although there
o f our said Court, this 28tli Day of July
the declivities and through the mountain
were mathematical reasons for believing
“ ‘N o,’ he cried, ‘there’s no treasure on
In the 6th year o f our reign 1766.
ravines. Frequently during the day, up this stage, but we've sworn to have a hun­
that Sirius had a companion. Since its
P . W agoner.
the steep ascents, we would get out and dred dollars to-night, and i f we can’t find
discovery this delicate star has been seen
By Rule o f Court for not appearing as
walk. It rested us aud relieved the it in tho treasure-box, we may find it in
with comparatively small telescopes, and
a garnishee in the suitbetweenKirpatrick
tedium o f the drive. The lady was most
now Mr. Jay Harcourt, o f lYappinger’s
the baggage. W ho’s inside?’
and Win Holy.
charming, rattling lier words like fine
announces to admiral Rogers that
P. W a g o n e r .
“ ‘Two men and a lady; none o f them
shot against our sallies o f wit aud wisdom
one fine night recently he saw the com­
rich. One is the horseshoer, going to
and turning into sport andjest our serious
panion of Sirius with a Byrne telescope
Denver to shoe the Company’s horses.
fears. She became confidential, aud told
o f only four and a half inches aperture.
Roman Character.
us she expected to return a madame, with
Several other persons saw the star, and
pens, don’t stir, on your peril. We may
a military escort—if she returned at all.
The genius o f Romo displayed itself in
they certify to the correctness o f the ob­
find the 'money on them or in the bag­
character, and scarcely needed an occaS1011Her finance was a lieutenant, stationed
servation.—Scientific American.
a! wave o f the torch of thought to show
now in the Indian Territory; but whenlie
“ I felt terribly for the young girl. The its lineaments, so marble strong they
received bis furlough—well, very soon,
perspiration stood in great beads o f ago­
T w o P lu ck y Women.
gleamed in every light. Who that ba3
perhaps— then we might expect to hear
ny all over my body.
lived with those men, but admires tlie
of wedding bells.”
o f two plucky women of
“ It was evident they were sleeping. The
plain force o f fact, o f thought passed iiti°
“ ‘I should like to be a little richer,’
Cliina, Me., is narrated in the Portland
man rattled the door and roused them
action? They take up things with the^
she added, with a sigh; ‘but we must
Press. One o f these ladies is the wife o f
Presenting his gun, he ordered them out naked hands. There is just the man, and
take what the good God gives us, and my
tho former proprietor o f a hotel in Boston,
to he searched. They obeyed, half asleep. the block he casts before you—no divintreasure happens to be not in gold !”
Her husdand failed a year or so ago, and
He placed them in a row. ‘Hands u p !’
ity, no demon, no unfulfilled aim, but just
“ ‘How much o f a dot have you?’ said the
got a situation that barely afforded a liv­
he said. ‘Now for your pockets!’ The
the man and Rome, and what he did for
practical merchant.
ing salary for two. The wife, a woman o f
Everything turns your attention
She laughed merrily. ‘Are you a bangood education, smart and active, conceiv­
to what a man can become, not fay yield­
d’t in disguise?’ then added, ‘the fruits
ed the idea o f starting a stock-farm at the
five, and tlie young lady’s nothing but her
o f my industry amount to the heavy
ing himself freely to impressions; not by
far west. She had a neice, n young lady
papers and a little change. The girl I
letting nature play freely through him;
weight o f oue thousand in g o ld !”
visiting in China; and the two together
was sure, looked as i f she would swoon.
but by a single thought, an earnest pur­
“ ‘You haven’t it with you?’-lie inquir­
startedjor Oregon with some little money
pose, an indomitable will; by hardihood,
ed, so quickly and earnestly that I was
the older lady possessed iu her own right.
self command, and force o f expression.
They secured two grants o f land ICO acres
Architecture was the art in which Rome
“ Gome, you are accounted shrewd; just
each near Seattle, Wash. Ter., and went
excelled, and this corresponds with the
try and find out! I will answer all rele­ hundred dollars we must have, so we’ll
to work with a will. Recently the- laY
vant questioning.’
wrote to her husband to come out, and he
with infinite disgust.
did not grow— they built themselves up,
is so pleased with the countryand the suc­
“ He blushed and stammered an apolo­
‘•The merchant then spoke. ‘You’ll
Or were built up by the fate of Rome, as
cess o f the two ladies that he has induced
gy, and she sat for a moment on a rock
find nothing o f account in our baggage,
* tem ple for Jupiter Stator. The ruined
several friends to come out froth the east
that projected from the side o f the road
but i f you will ask this young lady for
Roman, sits among the ruins; he flies to
aud colonize there. The two womenhavc
over the mountain edge. She had gath­
Thanking all for past favors, ered stray flowers on her walk, diving un­ her hat, and carefully rip out the lining, no green garden; he does not look to raised forty head o f cattle and have a ver;
you will there find something worth your
heaven; i f his intent be defeated, if lie is
large flock o f sheep, and have also Taisec
der hushes and behind rocks, and was
less then he meant to he, he lives no more.
we are
all the subsistence required. They haye
fastening them on her hat and mantle.
.“ The girl turned toward him with blaz­
—Margaret Fuller.
had the complete management o f the af­
R espectfu lly,
A scarlet creeper ran round the base o f ing eyes, and uttered but one word:
fairs, and are entitled to all the credit.
the rock down the side o f the mountain.
“ ‘Traitor!’
“ ‘Oh, that suits me, I must go now,
“ There was no escape; the hat was se­
Sensible T alk.
she said, rising to her feet, and dropping cured. After the lining was very care­
A constant contributor tells the follow­
It is a misfortune to be poor, but not a
hat and flowers in the excitement. Just fully ripped out it -was returned with
ing story of the elder Van Buren— old
crime—unless one keeps up appearances
then a sudden eddy of wind came twist
“Matty Van”— the scene being laid on
at tho expense o f others, contracting debts
ing round the corner o f a fissure, and
“ ‘In luck, iu luck!’ said Die highway­
board a steamer on tlie Hudson, - where a
he cannot pay, borrowing money he can­
whirled hat and flowers round and round,
man. ‘Jump up all. I ’m sorry for your
number o f gentlemen on deck were can­
not return, etc. This trying toseemwliat
lodging them beyond her power or re­
loss, miss, but we are bound to take what­
vassing the character and merits o f the
we are not lias become the bane o f socie­
covery, on a narrow ledge o f perpendicu­
ever is sent us. We have no treasure, but
distinguished son of New York, who was
ty, and, like what is called mimicry
lar rock, jutting out and inaccessible this will do. Drive onJ.’
known to he in tho. cabin at'that 'time.
amongst insects; produces a nondescript
from the road.
“ ‘I want tlie way-bill?’ I said excited­
One who knew the o ld -gehtieiiian Well,
race very difficult lo define or assign to
“ ‘How, new, what will you do?’ I
ly, for tlie scene we had just witnessed
declared i t to he impossible to. obtain
jts proper place in the order to which it
said, half in sport at the possibility o f a had increased my indignation to a fever
from him a direct answer to even tlie
evidently belongs. O f course, we are not
bareheaded companion for the rest o f the
simplest interrogatory. Another .o f the
advocating the’exposure o f a man’s busi­
party, whose acquaintance, with' Mr. Yan
“ To my surprise, she looked the image under the horses’ feet, - and again I de­
Buren was not o f very long1 duration,
o f despair aud grief; the color had faded
manded it. Mechanically he picked it comes into business or friendly relations;
FARM o f 45 acres, best quality o f laud,
thought he could succeed in getting
but we do h old that be has no right to
within one m U e o fF ro n tStreet, Buchanan.
from him a direct-reply and a-wager
pretend to be'better off in worldly goods
A good house, new barn, largo orchard, large M
spring near the honae. W heat on ground w ill go with
was made, the first further agreeing tthat
thanlle is in'fact; for to do .so is a decep­
in tho most agonizing expression, as she said:
the place. W ill be sold at a bargain.
Mr. YanBuren might tie told tlie circum­
mutely gazed at the slender shape below,
“ ‘But for this lining you might have tion which is, but another name for dis­
A BARGAIN .—A lo t on Day’s Avenue, co r- w
stances o f the wager before the *Question
mocking her with its airy grace o f blooms.
been’ lying in.yqnder ditch: j N o treasure honesty. By‘ strict economy, and the
ner Chicago Street. A large two story house, |i|=M
was propounded. Accordingly, the genin good condition. Coat $2,000. W ill be sold •Lsl l ii.
“ ‘Oh, my friends! can’t you recover
on board ! ' Come this way, next'.time adoption o f sfmanner o f living' suitable
tleinen descended to the oqhin- and;- ac­
dirt cheap.
that hat for me? Do, in pity, and I will
withhut it, and ' We w ill 'ihfeh'youF' ac; to ourifickhs; tire 'pressure o f poverty may
costing Mr. Van Buren. addressed..-him
thank you to my dying day!’
HOUSE AND LOT on Front Street, Eu- > — fa
counts. ‘ Drive oiil’
somewhat in the following fashiOn :“ ‘‘Mr.
1 o ^ ^ iohp^8flf'i|relu^mes o f life, and
chanan. Corner lo t ; good buildings; plen- T filig
“ Ho mother, appealing for a lost child,
butt y o f small frnita; pleasant location. Good •‘~s*=» Van Buren, a-party-of your- fhends’ -and
could have been more piteous, while
could not find language vigorous enough rcsdIufM^hitnJfr6m' a ll' expensive pleas-- admirers, on deck, who have -been-' dis­
title and easy torms.
tears stood in her eyes. I was half angry
to express our c&ntempt: for tjrc jSnean|fe£i3: tales; v;But’ it m ist-be’ done i f wealth ‘i s;to
OR TRADE.—1 6 0 acres o f land within one-half
b£ gained;. 7 iThcrfi is-a pleasure iu self-de-; cussing the political situation and; your
that any woman could he so metamor­
o f 'the merchant, ' The." drivei' sw^re
m ile of Howard City, Kansas, and ten acres with­
own merits, and. I may say, your - wellin one-half m ile o f this place, with good improve­ phosed by tho loss o f a hat. The mer­
him in Spanish, and- thei yjiungj; lady! niglthat.j majority o f our people never
known non-committalism, have ihide a
gloiiments o a the latter. W ant to trade fo r a farm in or
answered .atl, attepipfs^t cpnsqlatiqn -wm,
chant whistled, looked bewildered, hut
wager o f the champagne that- you would
near Berrien county. Reference as to quality and
-evidently didn’t choose to risk his life.
hysterical sobs! VThc /merchant; alone: quslyf Junius fetremblysatisfacfory to the
situation o f Kansas land given in this pU co.
npt'give.a direct answer to the simplest
The driver and horseshoer came to her
preseiwed his cool1,equanimity^■■o f -iteinjjeri dnhlpfhctibibg'&itpiwhenuhe 'san5 say, “I
question.! might propound tojoir, .-Now;
rp A
A r m p c ! 80 acres improved* 80 acres o f
-veryrescue; they fastened a hook on to the
l U v c L U X b - O O ? hooch and maple tim ber. Good
sir, please fell me .whether fhe sun' rise#
orchard o f 100 trees, grafted.fruit. Good buildings;
end o f a coil o f rope, saying:
iff- the cast or west?-- The old geniti&tiaii
w ell watered; good quality o f s cil; one and one-half '
‘“ Don't fear, Miss, nor look so anx­
listened; quietly and attentively- to ;th6
m iles north o f G&lien. W ill be sold at a bargain. A
small payment down, rem ainder on lor g time a t seven
end, and then, in his zn,ost convincing'and
per cen t, interest
so in^earnest that the young girl yielded a n ii i,® e rothnrih nndred id obtained. It.
earnest maimer, said: “ The terms wast
requires, some : courage, to adopts such a
A A ACRES, no waste. SO acres w ell improved, 100
and west are relative"— “ That'U dp, MrT
with duly his head and arms' over ,the
* u apple trees, irame hou se, barn and granery,
. “ Heclosed.the door and bqlted it which
Van Buren,” said the otbetfr “ IveTctitiny
nevSt falling Well o f good Water, I l acres o f corn.
this as ft recommendation—it is perfectly
precipice, and anchored firmly -b y the: looked strangely.
2 mtlfcs north o f A very; W ill b e told at a great barbet!”
safe and honorable! and deceives s o one
“ ‘Don’t fear,1be said, as I fumbled for
r«gt efttw party, threw bis rope harpoon
kin. E nquire
tb it office.
Tho Fate of tlio Fast Young Man*
eler I Horace Gre6lby7was always doing
something o f that kind— more journalists
have gone tiirougE™) Horace Greeley’s
pocket;to e" livelihood anil success than
through-any other one route.'- The great
New Yorkeditorsaw in the green coun­
try lad .fi»m“I&nimftBquare a mind large
sriduglrto'tieimniSwf 'pl&fcipOtentiarT to
anyfeoahtry.' -tPSdmitimejP ftkei genius
to discover genius.t As -Mr. Greedy looked
upon the young literary adverturer desir­
ing to see Europe and the world afoot, he
remembered; itiaxmnjeaiiy.deyB, when in
home-spun dyed with butternut, he help­
ed his father, and when he landed in New
York with flO.W'iA1'K&* pdeket, asking
only for something ■to 'd b . ■' But for the
most 'part‘Bayard; Taylor helped himself.
Yet how many wait for others to start
them.'and .make 'them— waft for circumrtMtesto^niako them! "¥ooI go, make
yourself!- Columbus W$s a Weaver.
Harley was a soap boiler. ASgop was a
slave. Homer was-a beggar. -Bayard
Taylor was a'type-setter In a village print­
ing tiMbe: ' T & e ’your'pick-ttxe trad -hew
your owh wiy.'through'the' solid rock.
The beat outfit for * man is ft world full
o f obstacles, and grit to overcome them.
Trouble is'i the best h6ne ou wliich to
sharpen razors—2h?mis<2y«.-
How to Have a Loving Wife.
I f you would have a loving wife, be as
gentle in your words after-as-before mar­
riage; treat her quite as tenderly when a
matron as when a miss; don’t make her
the maid o f all work, and ask her why she
looks less tidy and neat than when you
firet knew her; don’t buy cheap, tough
beef and scold tiecause it does not come
on the table “ porterhouse;” don’t grumtile about squalling babies i f you cannot
afford to keep up a nursery—and remem­
ber that baby may take after his papa in
his disposition; don’t smoke and chew
tobacco and thus shatter your nerves,
Bpoil your temper make your breath a
nuisance, and complain that your wife de­
clines to kiss you; go home joyous and
cheerful to your supper, and tell your
tired wife the good news you have heard,
and not silently put on your hat and go
out to the Club or lodge and let her after­
ward learn that you spent the evening at
the opera or 'at ' a fancy ball with Mrs.
Dash. Love your wife; be -patient; remember'you are not perfect/ but toy to
be; let whisky, tobacco-and vulgar com­
pany alone; spend your evenings with
your wife; live a decent, Christian life,
and your wife will be loving and true—
if you did not marry a heartless beauty,
without sense or worth; i f you did, who
is to blame'if you suffer the consequences?
-Farm and Fireside.
“ Think a Minute First.’ -*
Apropos o f the sayings o f the little
ones, says HarperV Magazine, I am re­
minded o f an incident which touched me
very much at the time, and may find a re­
sponsive chord in the hearts o f some who
are parents. I 'was sitting on my porch
on a pleasant summer morning,'when up
runs little; 5-year-old Belle, intent on a
visit to a playmate across the way. “Pa­
pa)” she asks, “ may I-go over and play
-with Carrie'“awhile?" and then,' as ehe
seemed to discern a dissent in my face,
she put her little rosebud lips to mine,
and quickly added: “ Please don’t say
h o ; thinks minute first.” —'Was there ev­
er a more charming protest against a has­
ty and inconsiderate answer? O f course
the little girl had her wish, we are, per­
haps, all too ready thoughtlessly, to deny
many o f the requests o f the little ones,—
things that seem trifling to us, but are
everything to them. And when the little
appeals come, before letting the “no” rise
too quickly to our lips, let us think a min­
An Elephant’s Gratitude.
§The Birmingham{(Eng.) Gazette says that
among the animals belonging to a mena­
gerie that visited Tenbury recently is a
tine female elephant named “Lizzie.”
Nearly five years ago this animal, after a
hard walk,'was allowed to drink a quan­
tity o f cold water, the result being that
she was seized with severe illness, and her
life was all but despaired* of, A chemist
o f Tenbury being called ih, by his vigor­
ous'efforts and skillful-treatment she ul­
timately recovered. Lizzie had not for­
gotten her preserver; and when she was
walking in procession through Tenbury,
recognizing the chemist at the door o f his
shop, she left' the other animals, and go­
ing to him, affectionately ptee'ed her trunk
in his hand. ='In the evening the chemist
visited the exhibition, when Lizzie gave
him a warm and most gratifying^ recep­
tion. Gently encircling him with her
trunk, sfae'lietd him for some time captive
to the anxiety o f tlie spectators, - and was
With difficulty induced to let him go.
The repast was charming. What dishes,
bowls, and piates there we re 1 Birds’-nest
soup, sharks’-fin sOup, chicken broth, lapwinga’-egg soup, and countless other disiies, all cooked to perfection, from tlie fish
with sharp sauce to the apricot-kernel
milk, and the sweet salad o f young rad­
ish-tops. Loiifalou offered me, witu his
chop-sticks, a piece o f roast duck. I re­
ciprocated the politeness by taking—now
from the dish, now Burn my plate— pieces
o f fowi or pork, and placing them on his.
“A preserved' Canton -oraiige 'for Miss
Perftimted’ Jade,” a water-chcstnut for
another lady, for each guest, i f he wishes
to be polite, must pass hall’ his time in
heaping up his neighbors’ plates with
different lands o f food, and accepting
with “ tching, tching,” or “ toue shie,” alt
that is offered him in return.—-London
Times are not now the same as they
used to be, and the mustache is no longer
a symbol o f degeneracy, for it grows alike
on the upper lip o f fhe banker, the law­
yer, the poet, the preacher, the editor, and
the man about "town. - But once it was
otherwise, and a' ’correspondent o f the
Boston Journal tells the following’ story
o f his experience in that -city in 1847 or
1848 to prove i t : “I was then a young
man just entering business, and bad the
impudence to allow what little beard na­
ture had blessed me' with-to grow, hot
excepting the upper lip. (I do not think
there were more than two or three men
in Boston who dared to wear a moustache,
and they w ere foreigners:}5 " One -day I
applied to the Washington Bank for a
discount. The President was the father
o f J. Charles Baldwin, whose residence
was at or hear the corner o f Essex street.
The notes were returned - with’word •that
‘nothing was done.’ 'As Phad Sever been
refused before, I thought it strange, and
I interviewed the Castiiqr, who referred
me to the President. I found him in his
room, and approaching him, I asked why
the notes could not be discounted. Rais­
ing his eyes and scanning m jf face, he’ replied: ‘W e cannot discount notes for a
person who wears a shoe-brush on. b is
face.” Argument was useless, and rather
than give up tho mustache (which has
never -been shaved to this day) I removed
m y account to another batik.”
A White Man.
Yery little idea can tie formed, b y for­
ty-nine fiftieths o f the population o f this
country, o f the cost o f human toil at
which their houses are kept warm and
’ bright, says the Frazer’s Magazine. Es’ pewaily when the coal is worked iu thin
s beds is the- toil o f the miner all bu t intol) crabfo.' In some instances he actually
‘ lies full length on’the floor o f the work­
in g , clad in nothing but a scanty-pair o f
i drawers, working with his p ick a little in
' advance o f his head as he lies.~ Nor does
’ he cast off the badge o f ' toil !whe"n he fe: turns to the tight o f day. -Ther other day
a Colonel in the army, a man deeply interested Sn Bll "taechanioal tact scientific
improvement; who was - staying in-One o f
the great mining centers, happened-'to ge
to a public establishment in the town in
order to take a Turkish bath. W hile he
was waiting for his—room “two miners
came out who had beeifenjOyicg-lhst tin*
usual luxury. “ I- saytJjrakti’/SSKlbne o f
them, “ M oll wdn)tJtnpWjjnfr-p She never
ssw m y skinwhifer’’ '-T fisw ifehad never
seen h in WMh«d| except his fate,
r.- . -
r m
.v ■
JOHN G-. HOLMES, Editor..
TBliRADA'S, JUNE 26, 18*10.
Petroleum lias fa lleu in price since
1SH0 from §20 to 65 cents per barrel.
H en ry TV. B lair has ju st entered the
U . S. Senate as the mem ber from H ew
H am pshire. E lected to fill a vacancy.
General Grant is m eeting w ith a
very hospitable reception among the
Chinese in their ow n country.
The Congressmen are goin g home
one at a time, and the prospect is that
there w ill soon be no Congress, w ith ­
out an adjournment.
The latest swindle on an unsuspect­
in g public is “ the last survivor o f the
Custer massacre.” Show him the door
w hen he comes around.
D e lph o s , June 18,1870.
J. G .H o m ie s —Dear Sir:—I seiid you
b y m ail a paper containing an account
o f th e recent severe storm . I t does
not begin to speak o f h alf o f the deso­
lation it made in this vicinity-. P rank
H ow e’s house was com pletely demolished, and he has n ot fou n d a w hole
piece o f timber belonging to it. They
very narrow ly escaped w ith tlmir
lives, b y going into the cellar. T hey
did, n o t' have a change o f clothing left.
H is farm m achinery w as all destroyed,
being litterally torn to pieces. T he
storm being more electricity than
I send this to you fo r publication, i f
you seo fit, fo r P ran k needs im m ediate
help, w hich he can repay, fo r he has a
good fa rm and a w illin g hand. There
are plenty o f others made as desolate
as he— as you will see b y the paper 1
send you — but P ra n k is the only one
from tBuchautui, excepting your hum­
ble servant. I escaped w ithout any
V ery truly,
J. W. M cI ntxre .
Forty-five m illions o f dollars was
the estim ated value o f Baron Ha than
It otltsc Intel's, estate at the tim e o f his
A young man named Johnson has
undertaken to walk from Chicago to
H ew Y ork in fifty days, on a wager o f
$300. H e st arts out at thirty miles
p er day.
The Eddystone light-house is to be
130 feet high, and the light to he the
latest improved; electric light, that
m ay be seen the distance, o f eighteen
miles, or equal in pow er to ISO,000
Trailing dresses have gone out o f
fashion in Paris, and as Paris governs
the world, except A frica , in fashions,
we may expect to see n o m ore ladies
sw inging a lon g trail over their should­
er before tbev can cross the street.
The title o f •Hon." before the names
o f the Indiana legislators, has been re­
placed by that o f "Win's " which means
••whistler, in com m emoration o f the fa ­
mous act passed b y them requiring lo­
com otive engineers to blow their whis
ties alm ost continually.
A n oth er bill providing fo r the ex­
change o f legal-tender dollars, was
placed before the H ouse last week.
When this is done.- those w ho have
been hoarding the trade dollars at ten
per cent discount, w ill bring them ou t
and chuckle over tlie sharp trick they
played on U n cle Sam.
The E ven in g H ew s starts ou t w ith
one o f its State items in th is w is e :
‘•Senator Chandler, th e H ew s candi­
date fo r P resid en t" T o have read the
H ew s six m onths ago one w ould thank
Senator Chandler was the w orst man
in existence, and w orthy the respect
o f none. TVhy the change V
-Last Thursday th ere was an interest­
ing tim e in th e Senate at "Washington.
Senators Lam ar, o f Mississippi, and
Guiklin, o f H ew Y o r k , took to calling
each other cowards, and other endear­
in g epethets. lively. T he Dem ocratic
friends o f Lam ar expected to see. a
duel, but are they about even on the
scratch, and it is probable th at no
challenge w ill be given. Such another
tim e never before occurred in Con­
gress in the Senate chamber.
P rince L ouis H apolion. P rin ce Im ­
perial o f Erance, was killed in South
A frica , in the war w ith the Zulus,
June 8. H e w as the last heir to the
H apoleonie claim to the governm ent
o f France, and his death is expected
to practically end all further strife fo r
possession o f the F rench throne, and
th e Frenchm en w ill h ave to find some­
thing else to quarrel about hereafter.
There was a case o f wholesale shoot­
in g in Chicago by the armed company
o f B ohem ian sharp shooters, Sunday
afternoon. Seventeen o f the company
are in th e p olice station charged w ith
One man shot at was killed,and several others badly wounded. A
recent a ct o f the H linois Legislature,
not yet in force, prohibits the existence
o f such armed companies w ith in th e
T he F ren ch C ivil Engineer, w h o is
to have charge o f the construction o f
th e Panam a ship canal, has been over
the ground and gives as h is opinon
th at it can h e completed in eight years,
by diligent w ork. H e proposes to com­
mence operations Jan. 1 , 1SS0.
A n act passed b y our Legislature pro­
h ibits any person from driving along
tbe high w ay, or allow ing to rim at
large any sheep in fe cte d w ith fo o t rot,
under penalty o f fine of- $25 to $100.
A n oth er act makes it the duty o f
health officers to report to the prose­
cu tin g attorney all cases o f neglect to
g iv e n otice o f th e existence o f small­
pox, or other contagious disease, as re­
quired b y sections 1784 and 1733 o f the
com piled laws, A n oth er act authoriz­
es boards o f health to 'p rov id e fo r the
free.vaccin ation o f persons w ho have
never been vaccinated, o r w ho have
n o t been vaccinated w ith in five vears.
H illsdale college has conferred-the
degree o f L L . D. upon Zacli. Chandler.
Barney, a six-year-old son o f police­
m an L ourim ol’ Jackson, had botii legs
broken and was otherwise injured by
catching on a m oving wagon.
Litchfield charges $500 fo r a license
to do a saloon business in that placo.
Such tow ns don’t have saloons very
H ortli L ansing w ool buyers have
taken in 47,000 pounds o f that connnoddity this year. *
Mrs. I . P. Christiancy lias gono to
join her husband in Peru.
The twenty-third child was born to
John D en llou ten o f Grand Rapids last
T he Liidington w aterw orks company
w ill charge that city $1,800 annually
fo r the water supply.
On W ednesday o f last week, when
the Strakosch Company arrived in
V irgin ia City. M iss Cary and M arie
L itta set forth w ithout escort to find
P ip e rs Opera House, where they w ere
to sing th at night. H aving, as they
thought, follow ed directions, they
pulled up to th e Court House. They
marched about the corridors fo r some
tim e, seeking entrance to the body o f
th e Theatre, and finally penetrated"the
jail corridor, where a heavy gate clang­
ed in th eir face. T he ladies demanded
admission. T he turnkey said they
couldn't enter w ithout a perm it, though
he kin dly volunteered to tak e any
m essage they m ight wish to send to
their brother. “ G reat-heavens! w h at
exclaim ed Miss
A n n ie
Louise, w ith im p atien ce; “ w e w an t io
go upon the stage.” “ There ain’t any
stage to th is ’ere jail, Miss.” “Jail, ja il!”
and the sw eet singers fainted.
T he follow in g were the closing quo­
tations last evening: W heat steady;
Sl.05 cash or seller J u n e; 97j?£c seller
J u ly ; 9 lJ 4 @ 9 l»6 c seller A u g u s t; SSJJ
©SSJgc seller September. Corn steady ;
33/gC cash or seller J u n e; 3GJ£c seller
J u ly ; 373-40 seller A u g u st; 37>6®33c
seller September.
Oats q u iet; 3126®
3 l% c cash or seller J u n e; 3 2j*e seller
J u ly ; 292£c seller A u g u st; 2SJg@29
seller September. E y e qu iet; 5 3 )4 ®
54c cash or seller J u n e; 54cseller J u ly ;
543-^@54)6c seller A ugust.
qu iet; Ho. 2, cash, 7oc. Mess pork
steady; $9.S0@9,$2)4 cash or seller
J u ly ; $9.02}4@9.95 seller A ugu st;
$ 10.02J4@10.05 seller September. L ard
steady; $0.10@6.12)£ cash or seller
J u ly; $G.20@6.22J< seller A ugu st;
$ 6.27J6@6.30 seller September. Short
rib sides steady; 84.07)6 cash or seller
July ; $l.S0 seller A u g u st; S 4 90 seller
September—loose. — Inter Ocean, June
P rosecu tin g A ttorn ey Haire, o f Jackson county, a rampant greenbacker who
lifted up iiis v oice in lam entation last
fa ll in Ingham and other counties, in
denunciation o f the tw o old parties, is
going to stump it in Ohio, ju st a little,
to aid E w in g and the dem ocratic party.
A nother evidence that the tracks o f
leading nationals lead directly into the
dem ocratic cam p.— Lansing Republican.
T he Bepublicans have been in power
in the n a tio n a l governm ent fo r over
IS years, y e t the first Congress which
is D em ocra tic in both houses finds but
tw o law s on the statute books which
excite its hostility or which it seeks to
repeal, and one o f these is a law design­
ed to prevent frauds at the ballot box,
There could hardly he a higher tribute
to Republican legislation.— Post and
June 23.— The total
sales o f refunding certificates to date
amounted to $29,880,760, leaving but
$19,240 to be disposed of. T he conver­
sion o f the certificates into bonds to­
day-reaches $22,060,260.
a s h h in g t o n ,
About 10,000 o f the Mississippi negroes have,.,left That 4$tate -.for .more
congenial- climes..- This: takes, all that
expect to gcfcfrom that St&te: ;
The trustees of the state Institution
for the deaf and dumb and the blind,
have offered the position o f principal
to Prof. Thomas MacIntyre, a gentle*
T h e c033^ J^ .^ ^ P n ta .sex ercises:,a t ’man who has bad,25 years experience
Mount Holyoke Bemin^cy, ^ Kjilaraa-'-' in a similar institution in Indiana.
- .
. : *
A man in Jackson bought a fine large
pickerel o f a fish peddler the other day,
and upon taking it hom e fou n d the in­
side half filled w ith small stones.
T he Cedar Springs Clipper says a
snow bank fourteen feet high is still
to be seen near that city. In early
spring th e d riftin g sand had covered
it and thus preserved it.
A young g en t o f this city named
H enry Mc.Learn stuck a hoe handle
into liis boot-top yesterday, and tried
to see how fa r he could k ick it. I t
didn’t go very far— ju st through his
eyelid and the bridge o f his nose, to
the skull.— Mason News.
A hotel 60 b y 100 fe e t is being built
on H arbor P oint, near L ittle Traverse.
A num ber o f cottages are also being
built at th e point and on the Presby­
terian resort grounds.
T ho M ichigan State fireman’s tour­
nam ent w ill be h eld in B attlo Creek,
on W ednesday and Thursday, Septem­
ber 3 and 4. T he prizes w ill consist o f
the cham pion hose belt, cham pion hook
and ladder trumpet, cham pion hand
engine banner and $925 in eash prizes.
A new nitro-glyeeriuo works are in
course o f con stru ction in th e vicinity
o f the L ak e Superior pow der com pany’s
mills, 2 miles northeast o f Marquette,
under the auspices o f G. II. Call. They
w ill soon he ready to blow the w hole
north peninsula in to th e lake.
A letter fro m U nion City says that
there was 23,000 pounds o f w ool bought
■in that village on the 18th, at Horn 33
to 37 cents per pound. Some ch oice
lots brought 3S cents.
__ T he editor o f the H artford D ay
Spring recently w ent in to a saloon in
that place to get som e ice for m aking
ice-cream fo r a church social, and the
saloon keeper threw a stool at his
head. H e says he w ill know better
next tim e than to “ go to H ell for ice.”
Cadet B row n , son o f Mr. Chas.
Brow n, o f P arm er’s Creek, Lapeer
county, has ju st graduated in his class
at W est P o in t M ilitary A cadem y, be­
ing the only one from M ichigan out o f
five w ho started w hen h e did.
The Y p sila n ti H om e A ssociation, a
society o f ladies w hich has been in ex­
istence fo r 22 years, has during the
past year raised m oney and clothing,
and assisted S3 fam ilies to the value
o f $347. A noble work.
T he result o f lon g and persistent
efforts at boring a salt well at Midland
has been the reaching o f 93 per cent,
brine, which flows freely. I t is ex­
pected they w ill he m anufacturing
salt in a fortnight. M idlanders are
very jubilant over the success o f this
effort, and m ore w ells are likely to fo l­
D etroit is trying to buy Belle Isle
fo r a park. "H o t a bad scheme, inas­
m uch as it will have a strong tendency
to keep V anderbilt away from there
with his railroad buildings.
T he eastern division o f the Chicago
and L ak e H uron railroad, extending
from P ort H uron to Flint- was sold in
D etroit, last Saturday, fo r $300,000. It
was bought by the Grand Trunk Com­
T he State authorities got coal fo r
the new capitol fo r tho year at $-1.8S
per ton. T he Lansing agent o f the
D elaw are, Lackaw anna & W estern
coal company made the bid.—News.
W m . E . P ick ett o f H enrietta lias
kind neighbors. H e w as burned out
last week, and they turned out on June
9, cleared away th e debris, dug his cel­
lar, and sent nine team s to tow n for
lum ber fo r a new house.— Jackson Citi­
There are a fe w counties in this
State where th e Supervisors continue
to disregard the law in regard to tak­
in g assessments at less than th e cash
value, and w ill probably m ore than,
m ake up the difference in th e trouble
they w ill be in settling. I t is a great
deal easier to do all such w ork in strict
accordance w ith the la w and n o bother.
L ast week L . S. Jenison and another
gentleman Of L ansing caught a white
robin near P in e Lake. M r. J . k ept it
alive a fe w days, b u t it was acciden t­
ally drowned. T he bird was the exact
shape o f a robin, and sang and chirped
lik e one. I t w as placed in th e hands
o f a taxiderm ist fo r preservation.
B attle Creek and H iles are still talk­
in g about the D iam ond lake regata.
B attle Creek says the H iles double-senllers m ight n o t have w on th e race if
the G oguac crew ’s boat had n ot
filled w ith water, and H iles retorts
that the G oguac four-oared crew m ight
n o t have w on that set o f fou r medals
had there been another four-oared
shell on the lake that day,’and they
might neither o f them ;haye w on the"
prizes i f they hadn’t been th ere; - B e k
ter hot quarrel until you getoider.
Chicago ........... Jjv. 7 00 A . M.
Kensington ......... 7 GO
b a k e .................... 8 40
Michigan Oity ...... 0 20
Now Buffalo ........ 0-17
Three OakB ......... 10 oa
Buchanan ........... 10 32
N ilos .................... 10 45
Dowaglan............. 1115
Docatur ............... LI 30
L aw ton.. ............. LI 57
Kalamazoo .......... 1 2 SOP. M.
Galesburg ........... 12 02
Battle Crook ........ 1 27
Marshall............. 2 2ft
A lb io n ................ 2 52
Jackson ...........Lv 345
Grass Lake .......... 4 OS
Chelsea................ 440
Doxter................. 5 00
Aim Arbor........... 5 20
Ypsilanti.............. ft 38
Wayne Junction.. 0 02
G .T . Junction .... C 33
Dotroit.............Ar 6 43
4 00 1\ M.
4 50
5 45
6 30
6 57
7 12
7 43
S 12
S 40
0 05
9 23
10 00
H e w F ir m ?
jN igbt
9 00 P. M
9 50
L0 32
LI 15
LI 35
12 35 A.’ M
1 03
1 27
3 lf.
3 40
4 10
5 40 A» W. 4 55
0 07
6 31
6 47
7 10
6 28
7 *27
6 45
7 52
7 00
8 25
7 45
8 40
s 00
“E leven years our daughter suffered
011 a bed o f m isery under-tlie care o f
several o f the best (and some o f the
w orst) physicians, w h o gave her dis­
ease various names but no relief, and
n ow she is restored to us in good health
by as sim ple a remedy as H op Bitters,
th at w e had poohed at fo r tw o years,
before using it. W o earnestly hope
and pray that no one else w ill let their
sick suffer as w e did, on account o f
prejudice against so good a m edicine
as H op Bitters.”— T he Barents.
E S T A T E O F L E W IS V . B A K E R ,
C o iis m n jp lio E i C u r e d *
A n old physician, retired from prac­
tice, having had placed in his hands
by an E ast India missionary the for­
mula o f a sim ple vegetable reme­
dy for the speedy and permanent
cure fo r Consumption, B ronchitis,
Catarrh, asthma, and all Throat and
L un g affections, also a positive and
radical cure fo r N ervous Debility,
all H ervous complaints, and after
haying tested its w on derfu l curative
pow.er in thousands o f cases, has felt it
liis duty to make it know n to his suf­
ferin g fellow s.
A ctu ated by this m o­
tive and a desire to relieve human
suffering, I will send free o f charge to
all who desire it, this recipe, w ith fu ll
directions fo r preparing and using, in
German, French, or English. Sent
by mail by addressing w ith stamp,
nam ing this paper, W . W . S i i e k .a u , 149
P ow ers’ Block. Rochester. H . Y .
Ccrrectedevery Wedntsday morningforthtRtcord
•& <&W. W. SMITH,Dealers in Grocerictand Provi­
sion Front Street, Buchanan. Mich.
Thesefiguresreprumt thepricespaid by dealers, tm
Us otherwise specified.
W heat, Wliito, por bushel,........................ .
1 05
Whoat,' red, per bushel..................... ,............
1 00
5 50
flo u r , white, per barrel, s e llin g..................
Flour,red, per barrel, s e llin g................... ...
5 00
4 50
Clover Seod, perbushol..................................
1 50
Timothy Seed, p er.bu sh el............................
Corn, per bushel...................-.........................
Oats, per bushel..............................................
Bran, per ton, selling..
10 00
P ork.live, per hundrep.................................
i, <
dressed, per hundred...........................
Pork, mess, per pound................ ..................
Corn Meal, bolted ,p er hundred,selling.....
1 25
Plaster, per barrel, nelling.........................
1 75
Hay, tame, p or,ton......................................... 8 00@10 00
Hay, marsh, per to n ....................................... 5 00(3)0 00
Saltifine, per barrel, sellin g........................
X 80
Salt, coarse, per barrel, s e llin g....................
2 00
Beans, per bushel..........................................1 25@1 50
W ood, 18 inch, per co r d ................................. 1 00@1 25
W ood, 4 feet, por co rd ......... ...........................
2 50
Butter, perpoun d...........................................
Ig g s , per dozen...............
Lard, p erpoun d..................
Tallow, p erp ou u d .........................
6@ 6
Honey, por pound....................................... .
Green Apples, per buahol.............................
Chickens, p erpoun d.......................................
B rick, per thousand, se llin g ...................... .
5 0q
Hides, green, per pound...............................
Hides, dry, per pound...... ..............
Pelts................................ - ...............................
Mackerel, No. \1, perpound, selling.............
W hite Fish, per poundts e llln g ....................
Potatoes .......
Potatoes (uew )................................................
^ FA R M o f 120 a c r e s o n e m il e s o u lli
ancl west o f the depot o f the M.
O. railroad company at Gallon.
100 acres improved, in a high State
o f cultivation, with large orchard,
choice fruit and fences good. A
good span ot work horses with tho farm.
Twenty-seven acres of wheat on tho ground.
Price, $5,500, $1,500 down, balance 5 or 8
years, with interest at 8 per cent. Title per­
fect. For further particulars enquire on the
vl. C
C u th b e rt, o r
premises ofD . A.
E . M . P L IM P T O N , B u ch a n a n .
TO $6,000 A TEAK, or $5 to $20 a
day in yoar own locality. No risk.
Women do as well as men. Many
make more than the amount stated
above. No ono can fail to make
money fast, Any one can do the work. Yon can
make from 50 cts. to $2 an hour by devoting your
evenings and spare time to the business. Nothing
liko it for money making ever offered before. Busi­
ness pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, il you
want to know-all about the best paying business be­
fore the public, send us your address and we will send
you’full particulars and private terms free; samples
worth $5 alsoiree; yon ran.tbra-raftenp ypnr mind,
for yourself. Address GEORGK STINSON .& CO.i.
Portland, Maine.
Send 31;eQ l o t the R ecoup one year,
IA t tlio o ld S tan d -of I o P . & G . W . T ox-)
And wo propose to soli good goods
Liver &Stomach M
C heap
as th e
for Baths.
A n y p ortion o f contents o f c a n m a y b e u s e d w ith ou t $pr ilriig balance.
Trl p o u n d s o f P i i f u m w l H a i t i .S ou p m a d e i n tw en ty miinit.es w ith c u l l »oiiing,— a n d y o u r w ash w ill b e $weet a n d clea n t o t h e senses, w ithout
that nasty sm ell p ro d u ce d w lie a using reatly-inw lo S oap -or S oa p m a d e
from other Lye.
O n e t e u s p o o n f i i l w i l l E o ft c n f i v e g a l i o i u i o f Iva rsl w a t e r .
L E W I S ’ L l .W is SS p e r c e n t * s t r o n g e r fin a l a n y oilie r L y o o r
so-ca lled H o c k o r B a ll Potashes.
f f
Como and examino onr goods, as wo will la k e pi
uro in showing you, even i f you do not purchase* "Vcn
can send your little onus, and th«y will rect iv e lh e
same atteutiou as the older ones.
The Holman Liver and Stomach Pad
W orks by absorption. I S t w o f o l d in its action—
g iv es a n d takes. I T is H onest, E ffective, Harm less.
I T is marvelous in its prompt and radical cure of
every species o f l iv e r and stomach difficulties,
the seat o f most all diseases.
I T is worn over the vitals, U v er and Stomach.
I T removes torpidity o f the Liver, gives tone to the
Stomach; arresting ferm entation an Spain by giving
it the natural quantity o f bile and gastric juices.
I T also vitalizes the entire system with Nature’s
true tonic.
I T arrests all deteriorated and poisonous fluids in
the Stomach, and thus prevents their entering the
f circulation.
system by way o_______
. ....
I T absorbs from the body every particle o f bloodpoison, whether bilious, malarial or medicinal, and.
leaves the wearer in perfect health.
I T i* the m ost w on derful discovery o f the nine­
teenth century, and marks a n ew era in the history
o f medical science.
I T is a fact, incontestably proved in thou­
sands upon thousands o f cases, that th e H o l­
man L iv e r and Stomach P a d w ilt do a ll that
is claimed f o r it. I t w ill cu re F ev er and A g u e, B il­
ious Disorders, L iv e r Complaints, Interm ittent F e ­
v er, P eriodica l Headaches, Dyspepsia, A g u e Cake,
Chill F ev er, Dumb A g u e , Bilious F ever, jaundice,
N euralgia, K idn ey Troubles, Irregu la r A ction o j
the H ea rt, Rheumatism, a l l kinds o f Fem ale Weak­
ness, Sick Headache, Lum bago, Siatica, Patti^ in
Side, B ack, Stomach. Shoulders and Muscles, Bilious
*Colic, Bilious D ia rrh a a , E tc.
F o r safety, convenience and effectiveness, it com ­
mends itself to every household.
Send for our pamphlet, g iv in g extended inform a­
tion and testimonials.
Caution to the Public.—B ew are o f poisonous
and fraudulent imitations fo r c e d upon the market by
designing and unprincipled adventurers to be sold on
the reputation o f the'genuine. B u y none but the
Holman Pad, etc.
Descriptive Price List.
Regular Pad—$a.oo; Incipient diseases
o f the
Stomach and L iver, first stagcs*Chills and
F ever, etc.
Special Pad—$3.00; C hronic L iver and Stomach.
D isorders, o f e ve ry form , also Malaria,
Biliousness, etc.
pad or Spleen B e lt ~ $ S .o o : Is intended
to cover Stom ach, L iv e r and Spleen, and is
a sovereign rem edy fo r all chronic troubles.
Infant Pad—$ 1-50; P reventive and Cure o f Chol­
era Infantum, Diphtheria, Scarlet F ever,
Summer Complaints, etc.
Body Plasters—50c. \ W F o r N ervous and
*2 Circulative _ troubles,
.2 throw in g off obstrue­
F oot
“ pair—50c,
nt tions and rem oving
F o r Colds,
Absorption Salt—i 3 pains.
<3 S i c k
b o x , 35c ; 6 boxes, $ 2.25
numbness o f extremities, etc.
Sent b y mail, free o f postage, o n receip t ot price.
W h o le s a le a n d H e ta il Depot,
134 Madison St., Cor. Clark, Chicago, III.
Managers for the Northwest*
The Berrien Co. Record
F O B # 2 .0 0 P E R
Y E A lt,
We take ploasnro in auuouncing that wo have umdo
arrangements with thopublisher of tho Chicago Week­
ly News which enable us to club that paper with tlio
Record at tho very low prico of $2.00 por year, a trifle
over the regular price o f tlio R ecord alone. Thiels
beyond question tho first tiino that a metropolitan
weekly has been brought within the reach of subscrib­
ers at bo small an additional prico.For the comparatively small amount our roadorsenn
place themselves in command of the wholo situation.
All events of interest, local, national and foreign, will
be presented completely and promptly, by one or tho
other of these publications. Tho single featuro of full
and trustworthy Chicago market quotations will be
worth, to many of our readers, more tbau tho addi­
tional amount involved in the clubbing arrangement.
To those who are not familiar with tbe character ot
tho Chicago News, we would say that it is tho best
representative of independent journalism in the west.
T he W eekly News is a largo oight column folio,,
f'eram full” of telegraph and general dows, short and
pithy editorials on the topics of tho day, written in a
familiar yet incisive stylo, and in all its departments
evidently aims to give facta in few words, without the
verbiage and fine writing wh*ch render so many of
the metropolitan journals '*a weariness to tho flesh.”
j Facts, not words, appears to bo its motto.
Wo trust that all onr readors will avail themselves
of this Unusual opportunity of securing a Chicago
Weekly paper at bo trifling a cost,
. . . *• .
Bainflo cop!6a.,the Qb i ;A89 W ltS W N«TO CM bs
fteq thiseSctf ‘
la i-g -e
n <1
Do not bring yc-ur lunch with yi'U, m
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t o
E ig -lr i;
-A x lc lv e ^ .s
_safe sg 13
tJ-.j gs33Si
fJY rtV:
H {k ^
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l>e s e n t .
A d .t L i* e s s 9
Square Meal for 20 ets.
H P iX o -e
w ill
C o lu m n s ,
I 3 in perfect Order, and we can give you a
lY in r v -.s ix
P ost
IP tixd,
JL. l « S O ,
IV -e w
Y o r k
C it y .
W E ft
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<- hrt
X "3g
umi,® Shuttle
' Pies, Cakes, &c., Daily.
, ^ fV-S-J
■ rn :
its c o n c e p t i o n , u n d o in g a la r g o r a n g e o f
• o .i i :- ;; f a b r i c s a n d l e a t h e r . I t s
■ t - f l i 't 'n u o u s , a d m i t t i n g o f a n
- ;3
s p a e d , e ith e r by
‘ » : ■
E very m o tio n o f th e
s r itc h o s , th u s p r o d u c -• • --.h i-d jvi e r c w o r k i n a d a y
•’•-•‘■'■■V 'M a c h i n e s .
It h a s n o
•< G g iV c n s t h e s t itc h w ith
.•: *•-. t h e f a b r i c . 5t u s e s t h e
s i r j o s o f t h e n e e d l e . It
1■■•! ••'-.lass S e w i n g M a c h i n e .
: 1
rtnei f i v e a n d o n e - . h a l f
c o m p a c t ly a n d s c ie n •
d e s ig n a n d a p p o a r • r h i n i s m p l a c e s , i t .a s f a r
f l '.' t e l e p h o n e i s s u p e r i o r
' ■ir.TS.JtriC A T T A C H M E N T ,
.T .J O U T P A T C H I N G , fu r ' -'.A C -K 5 M E S , t o g e t h e r w i t h
- f i n d e r , e t c . P r i c e s fur™
■s d m a c h i n e s f u r n i s h e d o n
• .t h s t e a m - p o w e r , i n p l a c e s
jt -r .t t - d C a t a l o g u e a n d P r i c e
F resh O y ste rs!
M j
B y tho Can, Quart or Dish
D e liv e r e d F r e e .
w o-i- i’
*V" h as tw n- ilii.f- - . ■■
Its asm i i u d ’v -I
in ch e s h igh , -v- ■
tiflcaliy c o n . - ' £* •
ar.ee. Sis r.r-if
in a d v a n ce c-f v i .
to th e tin
H ig h e st M arket P rice Paid
for Produce.
We trust by fair dealing to merit u libenO
slinvo of your patronage.
fo r
Vi T u e f l e r , F.is - .
n i s h e d v s l t h •<
t r i a l t o r G s p o s i '.!w h ere w ch rvM :
L i s t , M o - F iS O .
M e u r a lg ia .
N o other preparation I n - enre 1 $0 m any cases o f
those distressunsr complaint 5« - tuo S iv ir jjv t . Our
1* in uto r is i gva.i *1.ibis in these di-ea Y-', Lum bago.
F ainsiu B ack or Side. .Ve. O u* c i s u m o u t (Vi
cents) fo r use v h -*■» removal o f
venient, is a great holn i..i relievingiufiunm utory
B leeding from the
H e m o r r h a __
L n n g p. Stom ach.
Nose, or from any cause,is ppcedily cortroilctl and
stopped. Our Arnf»:tl
IXnsw*l Myr»
t!3 ee**i •>sumt anh n le
r * ($l.0D)
arresting internal
($1.00) are great ixhb11.1
D ip h th e r ia & S o r e T h r o a t ,
Use tho Tf'xi r:u*t promptly. It is a sure cure. Dcla y is dangerous.
rs n
T ho E x ia rs ic t is the o t fv 5prei fie
k t f C lL d i 1 H i fo r this disease. C old in
&e. Our “ C a t a r r h C u r e ,” specially } r : ; ”.red
to meet serious cases, coi.taira all tb e t’u iu th c
properties o f tho E x t r s it r ;
invaluable fo r use in catarrin] affections, is tim ple
and luioxponsivo.
U lc e r s ,
W ou n d s,
S p r a i n s a n d B r u i s e s . heal­
ing, cooling and cleansing. Tfeo oiir O in t m e n t
in connection, with the iZ x iv u v t 5 it will aid in
healing, softening and in keeping ou t the air,
B u rn s a n d
S c a l d s . g& Saw SS
it is unrivaled, and should be-kept in everyfam ily
ready fo r use in case o f accidents. A dressing of
Oiir O in t m e n t will nitl in heealing
and’ prevent*
S ore
n fia m e d
"y e s .
I t can be used without the p!i?rht&?t fear o f harm ,
quickly allaying all iiiflaniiimrion and sorcucFn
without pain.
E arach e,
T ooth a ch e
''Vhft' 1 tlle E x t r a c t is
I L L U v C l Vs i
used according to direc­
tions, its effect is sim ply wonderful.
B lin d , B le e d in g , o r I t c h in g .
I t is the greatest, k n ow n rem edy : rap­
id ly curing when other medicines have failed.
IC xirvift IsB
Pa»5>rr fo r Closet
use, is a preventive mraiusfc Chafing and Tiles. Our
O intzneus is o f great service where tho removal
o f clotliingisii.co.H euieni.
F or
B rok en
B reast
F e m a le
m. . J L
Carpets, Carpets
Z F -iY IR IK :-
lt**fore the war, when every thing wus 1ho vhoapeat,
Crtiprtn sold fur more m oiu y than at thu pfeaent,
O n 1. It will pay you to c-une to us for your-Carpets.
Vr^havi* tho la;goat assortment to select iroin. W o
nr ;l them at
T h i s m o s t p l e a s a n t s iu m n c r r c s o r r i s n o w
o p e n f o r t h e s e a s o n o f 1870. T lio H o t e l ha s
b e e n n e w l y -fu rn ish e d a n d r e fille d , a n elega n t
D a n c in g H a ll a n d R e c e p t io n r o o m h a s been
a d d e d . T h e b e a u tifu l s t e a m e r , C o n u w ill g iv e
e x c u rs io n s a ro u n d th e la k e a t a n y h ou r. A
tine fis s o r t m e n t o t R o w l l o a l s , S a ilT ’.oais? a m i
F is h in g R o a t s . n o w in c o m p le t e 'O r d e r l o r the
s e a s o n . T h e L a k e h a s a n a b u n d a n e c o t fish,
a m i fis h in g n e v e r w a s b e t t e r t h a n t h i s 'season,,
fine B a s s a n d P e r c h b e i n g t a k e n d a il v . T h e
g r o u n d s a r e a ll t h a t c a n b e d e s i r e d t o r P i c n i c
p a r t ie s , a n d have, b e e n r e -a r r a n g e d a n d lilted
w ith S w in g s . -C roq u et, l o r A r c h e r s , e t c . A n
e l e g a n t P a v i l i o n w it h S o d a F o u n t a in , I c e
C rea m s ta n d s , e t c ., h a s b e e n e r e c t e d o n the.
b a n k o f t h e la k e . T a b le s a n d c h a ir s l o r p a r ­
t ie s fu r n is h e d . B a t h in g H o u s e f o r la d ie s an d
g e n t le m e n r e a d y f o r t h e s e a s o n . A lim it e d
n u m b e r o f gu ests w ill b e a cco m m o d a te d b y
th e w e e k . T h e p r o p r i e t o r p r o p o s e s t o m a k e
tn is a p e r m a n e n t .S u m m er R e s o r t , a n d a ssu res
th e p u b l i c t h a t n o p a in s w i l l b e s p a r e d t o g iv e
fu ll s a t i s fa c t i o n t o a ll p le a s u r e s e e k e r s w h o
f a v o r h im .
JU DSO X T . W A R E S .
B a r r o n L a k e , C ass C o ., M ic h .
Tw o-ply. single cotton c h a i n . . . . . 25c
Two-ply, hail’ double cotton ch ain . .30e
Two-plv. all double
do . .8.7c
Tw o-ply double cotton chain, strict­
ly all w ool Ailing, that will never
fade, and will wear as well as an
extra su p er..... ........ ..........................r>oc
Tw o-ply. ail wool iil.li.ng and chain. .U0e
Extra supers, the 'nest tw o-ply carpels
made, at (S3. 70 and 75 ets.. according
to six !e. the, quality being- the same.
Tapestry Jinissells. 05, 70 and 75 ets,
according to style. Jleautilul designs.
B eds,
j-H O
Best Quality W ool M attresses, $5.00,
Best Q uality o f G eese F eathers
80 ('eiiis p e r P ou n d ,
Yon will not be abb to beat th e price o f any article
fih 'ins yon at
Ji >10momr:,nv
y m
a n
Sz> C o »3
98 ,mil .'15 Wiciiiaan StrcW,
O jso o
Bo You Want to Buy a
Carpet Cheap?
0 -© i5 »
1>0 called in fo r
tho e x t r a c t b e used.
r\ RA/*\
5v’x r"-\? .•-»
I. JIG fijL ir a c t lS S O
O U i v
cleanly and effica­
cious that mothers ■who have once used it w ill never
be without it. Onr O in t m e n t is the best emollient
that can. be applied.
Address v*
R h e iu n a tis m ,
r s p 3 : i!w .~
n islicd
jou rn -y f o r business, hcdllh or recreation in
the. M aintains, Lakes, or Shore. over land or over sea,
tlont fa il to secure Vic protection o f A C C I D K N T
IX S U IU N U E w T I I K T IU Y E b K R S , of
U a itfoid . A n y regular Agent w ill W7ite a yea rly or
monthly Policy in a f e w minutes, or a ticket fr o m one
to th irty days. The cost is so small that any o n : can a f­
fo r d i t who travels at all— Cash p a id f o r Accidental
Injuries c>v r
0 ,0 0 0 %
IK D .
t. The jiGMitiia has
FromJlR S. J. BELUM." D.
the w o r d s * - b i o w n in llicgls>$,
and our picture trade-mark on surrounding bun
WTiippor. Hone other is geimine. Always Insist
oa having 2v<»sur« ,Es *r a v L Take u o ouier preparatioiu It is never sold in bulk, or by measure.
B A L T IM O R E , M D .
, . T 1»>T« prescribed Coldon’s X e i h i a ’ s X l q n i i l
x fr ite f, u f H e e l au«1 Tonic Invigoiator. aud
rue»Tlully stuto that ithas met mj* most Hatiguine expcv t:Uions, giving to patients long e u f e e b l c c l by
H m m i c d ls e a s c N , d e b t l i l y , w e a k n e s s
lo ^ ot appetite and i s i O i g e s t i o n . the no- dod m i ( r i i i o i i a u i l u m o iood. Sold by leading l*rng-
» r ic e o f P o n d ’ s E x tr a c t, T o ile t A r ti­
c l e s ;a n d S p e c i a l t i e s ,
NORTH’ S K X T 3 ? A C T
1 Oi>
foilotU V ca m ..
)ealilV i(ffi......
.ip Salve......
) 450
. S l . O O n s u l S 1 .W
n r r h L t ir c ..
llil ;ile r .
.ll.O O
.Viai:»i 'S.\
i ' a p Cl*
i l ic t iic a i
..... .
Prepared only b y POND’ S E Z X M 0 T 0 0 -,
’or ealo b y all Druggists and F a n cy Goods Dealer?.
Orders l o r $2 worth, ferriage free, on receipt Of
Orders for-5«* worfii. c^rriatro
on nv.•oinfe
J: $5. if.addiessetl to 1> l •*T
B P E O X A .I i
A nn o u nce m e n t!
Facts for the Public!
P H IL A D E L P H IA . P A .
0 a rt Without Medicine. Simply by A biarptlon. ''T he
B sst Liver, Stomach and Spleen Doctor fin th e World*
T h e Stomach a.nd
JLtver are the sourc­
e s o f ’vigor and
health—if kept in a.
healthy condition.
There is n o known
rem edy that w ill so
p rom p tly jx n d effi­
insure a
and jC iv e r , and so
thoroughly fortify
the system against
the sudden changes
o f our climate, as the
■wonderful, vitaliz­
ing, health-giving
H olm an L iv er and
Stomach P a d . It is
also a sure p rev en ­
tive o f disease. D o
not fa il to try it.
M A K E R :
Tills LYE Is a HUE O T B li
C h ea p est.
Don’t Forget
Medicinal Absorptive
F A M IL Y - S O A P
A ll G ood s
98 P er Cent Pure.
Crockery, c&c.,
Judge o f Probate
A WEHK in your own (own. auri no cap­
ital riakeil. I o n can give the bnamcsn a
trial without expense. Tho best opportu­
nity ovor o0on.nl for thono w illing to work.
You should try uothiug else until.you $oe
for yoursolf what you can Uo at tho business we Oder.
No room to expl ain here. You can devote all your
tim e 'o r only your spare liuio to the business, atid
make good pay for every hour that you work. Women
muko as much as m en. Send for special private
terms and particulars, which we mail tree. $5 Outfit
free. Don’ t complain o f bard times whilo you have
such a chance. Address IX- JTALDETT A CO., Port­
land, Maine..
K X O irO JK .K
(A true copy,)
Jiiicrl anilijcsl or ovcrytldng in our Hue wMcliJs offemlloiv Tor«t s
< DYJ .T ,
D eoea sed .
ROBATE ORDER;— State o f Michigan, Couutv o f
Berrien, a$.—At a session o f the Probate Court
for said County, held at the Probate Office, in the
village o f Berrien Springs, on Monday, tho 23d
day o f Juno, in the yoar ouo thousand-'eight hun­
dred and seventy-nine.
Present. A lexander B. Leeds, Judge ol Proburo.
In tho matter o f the ostato o f Lewis V. Baker,
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, o f
Orange W . Rose, administrator, with the will annexed,
o f said estate, praying for the examination and allow­
ance o f his final account with said estate; that his
resignation as such administrator nmy bu accepted,
and that John Redden, or some other suitable person,
may be appointed administrator (Je bonis non. with the
will annexed, o f said estato
Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 21st day
o f J uly next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, be as­
signed for the hearing o f said petition, and that tho
heirs at law o f said docoased, and all other persons
interested in said estate, are required to appear at a
session o f said Court, then to be holdon at the Probato Office, in the village o f Borrieu Springs, and
show cause, i f any there bo, why the prayer o f tho peti­
tioner should not bo granted: And it is further order­
ed, that said petitioner give notice to tho persons
interested in said estate o f tho pendency of, said pe­
tition, and the hearing thoreof, by causing a copy o f
this order to be published in the B errien County iiecord, a newspaper printed and circulated in said Coun­
ty, for three successive weeks previous to said day ot
Tbe Best Is the Cheapest,
The announcement that a n ew edi­
tion o f W ebster’s U nabridged'D ietionary has ju st been published, contain­
ing many new and beautiful features,
suggests the thought th at buying a
D ictionary is a good deal lik e buying
an egg or w atch; a had one is not
cheap at any price. W ebster being the
standard authority fo r tho English
language, he naturally has im itators,
but im itators are usually held at their
true w orth by the p u b lic;— who wants
a w ooden nutmeg, though i t m ay look
ever so m uch like the genuine article ?
T he popularity o f W ebster is based
upon this principle.
I f you want a handy thing to carry
w ith you, a com panion than you can
always rely upon, and one that will
never tire you, a really made mecum, we
recom m end that you get a copy o f the
pocket edition o f W ebster, with its
18,000 words and meanings, rules for
spelling, tables o f weight and meas­
ures, abbreviations, words, phrases and
verbs from the ancient and modern
I t is printed from new type, and
bound in m orocco, w ith tucks, and
bright gilt*edges, and w hen not other­
w ise obtainable, w ill be sent by mail,
on receipt o f one dollar, by the pub­
lishers, Ivison, Blakeinan, T aylor &
Co., 13S & 140 Grand street, H ew Y ork .
W o d e s ir e t o s a y t o tlie p u b l i c g e n e r a lly U nit
w o H ave a
Accom. •Kveuing
7 00 A . M. 4 45 1\M. 6 20 P. M.
5 00
7 15
6 86
7 46
5 32
7 10
8 10
6 00
7 sh;
8 30
6 30
8 10
8 56
0 53
8 31
9 15
7 08
8 45
0 47
7 33
9 07
10 20
9 40
n 01
Marshall.............. 11 50
11 03
Battle Crook...... 12 19 L» M.
n 35
Galesburg............ 1-152 *
12 0 7 'A . Mi
1 IS
4 30 A .M . 12 25
Lawton................. ; 1 64
5 05
Docatur ............... ‘ 211
5 20
1 27
Dowagiae............. ! 236
5 45
.1 67
Nilos...;................. > 3 05
6 80
2 3$
Buchanan........... 319
6 43
2 54
Throe Oaks.......... 3 49
7 13
3 2S
N ow B uffalo....... 4 03
7 28
8 4.5
Michigan City.... 4 30
7 55
4 15
Lake..................... 5 13
8 40
5 04
K en sington.......
6 05
5 55
Chicago...........Ai 6 5o
10 30
6 45
.Leaves Detroit 2 50 p. m., arriving at Grand Rapids
9<0 p. in. and Kalainazo S 40 p. m.
.RETURNING, Loaves Grand Rapids G 15 a. m. and
Kalamazoo G 50 h. m., arriving at Detroit 11 45 a. in.
•Sundays excepted.* ^Saturday and Sunday exceptod
H enry C. W entworth G. F . <C T .A ., Chicago.
11. B, L eotard, Gen. Manager, Dotroit.
The editor o f the Three R ivers R e­
porter has offered him self by telegraph
to a girl in Logan, la., w ho planted SO
acres o f corn in fou r days. A t least
that is w hat the last num ber o f his pa­
per says. W h en som e day she drives
him into a corner nourishing that lioehaudle over his head, he’ll w ish he had
taken a slow er train.—Lansing Republi­
D otroit............ Lv.
G.T. Junction......
W'uyno Junction .
Auu A rbor..........
D ex ter..................
Grans Lake..........
Three large bears were seen by a
railroad engineer betw een St, Louis
and A lm a, one day last week, and up­
on arriving at A lm a he inform ed some
o f th e citizens, w ho started in pursuit,
and tw o o f them have been killed and
the other is believed to be wounded.
The first one killed weighed 300 pounds.
T iiiio T n b lc —.Tiino 2;t. 187$.
T he A ttorn ey General has decided
that obligations solvable in merchan­
dise, and used fo r circulation, com e so
evidently w ithin the m ischief intended
to be remedied by tlie act o f Feb. 8
1S75, as to subject them to a ta x o f 10
per cent. T he act provides that every
person, firm, or national bank associ­
ation, and every corporation, state
bank, or state bank association, shall'
pay a tax o f 10 per cent, on the amount
o f their own notes used fo r circulation
and paid out by them.
Lym an M iller, a tan bark peeler o f
Fruitport, w as instantly killed in his
shanty June 13, by the accidental dis­
charge o f a shot gun that one o f his
com panions was foolin g with. The
person w h o fired the gun has becom e
insane from grief.
m m
E . E. Trow bridge, o f Birmingham,
haying declined the appointment ten­
dered him last week as one o f the M ich­
igan delegation to the w orld’s fair con
vention called to m eet in H ew Y o rk
on the 18th, Gov. Croswell has appoint
ed Col. John B, Burleigh, o f A n n A r­
bor to fill the vacancy.
IVill'iam Griffin o f Ovid, B ranch
county, tells the Coldwater R eporter
that he picked a straw berry in his
patch the other day w hich measured
6)4 inches around it.
Special Notices.
The Saginaw Courier says;
owners o f the- Carrollton oar factory
have recently received an order for
furnishing 11,000 oars fo r the F ren ch
navy, making 14,000 fo r that country,
an order fo r 3,000 having been re­
ceived early in the season. Tlio facto­
ry is crow ded to its utm ost lim it to fill
orders fo r oars, w hich arc shipped all
over the world.
There are fou r brick stores in pro­
cess o f erection at Hastings.
T o those w ho do n ot understand the
wliys and wherefores o f the exodus o f
colored people fro m the South, the fo l­
low ing extract from an old darkey’s
letter w ill m ake explanation:
“ This is tlio reason TVhv the colored
people W ants im m igrant to the State
o f K an sas; they can t m ake a L ivin g
in th e S ou th ; and furtherm ore they
cand n ot B y lands in the South, and
ever pay fo r it. A g a in : Thay Say you
all can H ot L iv e in K an sas: it is to
cole fo r B lack P eop le: you w ill die aup
tliero L ik e sheeps. W e have taken
into constirration that W e H ad ju st
Soon D ie aup there like Sheeps, to Be
shote D ow n lik e Beesto and foll3 o f
the A ir .”
T he Traverse Bay D aily E agle has
duly been hatched. -M a y success at­
tend the ven tu re! T he manager w ill
find it no great trick to publish 11 daily
paper. Just shove in tho paper, ink,
scissors and money - a t one end o f the
m achine, and watch th e other end fo r
a year or tw o. I f the m oney comes
out again tho enterprise is a success.
I f not— w ill it isn’t ; that’s a ll— News.
T he Enterprise at P ontiac, a semi­
weekly, is the latest venture in tlio
journalistic arena. Success to the pub­
lisher is our best wish.
A son o f M r. H unt, proprietor o f
P resid en t H ayes has ju st vetoed the H u n t’s m ill, in Glenwood, Cass comity,
ju d icia l appropriation bill, w ith the at­ m et w ith a pecular and perhaps fatal
tach ed
L egislation
repealing the accident a fe w days ago. In jum ping
United- States election laws. T here is from a partly lodged tree on w hich he
n o w more, doubt regarding th e future was w orking, he struck th e stub o f a
action o f -Congress. Som e o f the m a­ bush about an in ch in diam eter w hich
jo r it y are in fa v o r o f adjourning w ith ­
had been cu t off about fo u r feet from
o u t farther action in support o f th e
the ground. H is w eigh t and momen­
cou rts, and others ...passing the Dill,
tu m forced it in to th e low er part o f
again th e sam e as b efore and then ad­
his body, com ing ou t under th e low er
jou rn , w h ile others to n o t kn ow w hat
rib a distance o f about 18 inches. H e
th ey are in fa v o r o f, but w ill com e to was suspended in this terrible position,
alm ost anything to beat th e President. his feet clear from th e ground, u ntil a
T h e gam e has becom e reduced to tbe boy w h o was w ith him cu t th e stick ;
“ I w ill and you w o n ’t” act. T hey w ill then he sat dow n and braced him self
lik ely com e to th eir senses before lon g and th e b oy drew the stick from the
and pass th e b ill as th ey should and wound. T he plu cky fe llo w then w alk­
adjourn. tChe length, o f th e term is ed about 30 rods, w ithout assistance.
still very.u n certain .and m ay continue A surgeon dressed the wound and
to September o r later.
hopes are entertained o f his recovery.—
Dowagiae Repiiblican. ■
zoo/ were' k
I t is expected th at Senator Chandler
w ill orate at Orion, m this State, on
the fou rth o f July.
T he H ew Y o rk w orld announces
that the lvhedive o f E gypt has present­
ed to the city o f H ew Y ork th e second
o f the tw o great obelisks at A lexan ­
dria, know n as “ Cleopatra's Hcedles,’
the first o f which was- given to E ng­
land, and, after num erous vicissitudes,
including its loss at- sea while in tran­
sit, is now erected in London. The
one offered to the city o f H e w Yrork,
lik e that in L ondon , is o f rose-colored
syenite, nearly seventy feet in height,
and covered with hieroglyphic inscrip­
tions., A partial translation o f the in­
scriptions on the English obelisk has
been m ade; but those upon the one
presented to H ew Y o rk are yet to be
translated. The g ift o f the Khedive
is, however, something o f a “ white E l­
T he w ork o f transporting
the English obelisk to England was
one o f great expense and difficulty
and the transporation o f th is m onolith
to H ew Y o rk , across the A tla n tic
Ocean, w ill be a still more form idable
undertaking. B u t the result w ill be.
w orth the trial. A m onum ent o f the
oldest civilization o f the w orld w ould
be indeed a valuable contribution to
the m etropolis o f the new est; and the
W orld announces (.without giving any
name, how ever) that the means o f
transportation were “ long ago provided
fo r by the splendid liberality o f a sin­
gle citizen o f H ew Y o rk .”
K an sas C o r r e sp o n d e n ce .
n ^ o . ^ e c a t d .
im m
~ -- -a Salary
-L per m on th
d .? trilll ]>
p a:;;•
y A- gents
ot S100
Il e\j>.
or ailan-a large curnniiision, to sell our
lnv0,,tiul' s- be mean vJtal vesnv,
ee. A
■■'i.ij'l.: 11ee.
AiMresabaEKMAi; £C o., Jilarahalt.-Mieh.
A Grst class Magazloo for young peoplo, containing
a largo amount o f orijrinal and stfiocted reading mat*
ter o f u high moral tone, and entertaining in Aharitv
tor. Dialogues for school ami other entertainments.
Tho Monthly has a widorcpnlation and is coniintmlly
gaining in popularity. Only $1.00 per yoar, postage
paid. Soud ton cents for sample copy. Address
T H E W E S T E K N K l J l it A L ,
1 5 7 l > c a r f > o r u >S2.s C h i c a g o .
♦-l^SubticrinUoiia taken at this office.
A MORTU guaranlcoil. Sl’J a day at
homo made by tho industrious*. Cap­
ital not roqnirod ; wo will start, you.
Men, woinou. hoys and girls m tho
m oney faster at work loi’-us than at any­
thing else. Tho work is light and pleasant, and such
as any ono can go right at. Tlioso who «ro vtiso
who seo this notice will send us. their addivsaos. at
onco and soo for ihomsolveH. Costly Outfit and tonus
freo. Now is tho tiino. TIiobo already at work uro
layiug up largo sums o f money. Address TRUE & CO.,
Augusta, Maine.
• 1 9y l
Take Notice S
O T IC E is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t i n y w i fe L o a fi
a n d c h ild r e n h a v e le f t m y b e d a n d b o a r d
■without a n y j u s t c a u s e o r in * o v o c a lio n , a n d all
p e r s o n s a r e h e r e b y w a r n e d a g a in s t t r u s t in g
t h e m o n m y a c c o u n t , l’o r I w i l l p a y n o d e b ts
o f t h e ir c o n t r a c t io n .
T. P0TTE3 WIGHT i CO‘ B r tk «S a S ’ V r .ll8f , N . Y.
T O F . « . R I C H & C O . Portland,
Mnino, for bo.it Agency llurinw ain tho
W orld, Expensive OntOt Erco.
<hr?>y a Mouth and expennos guaranteed to Aironts.
V ‘ * Outfit froo. Shaw & Co., A ugusta , M a im s
7 7 7 f YEAH null.ozpenBoa to agenta Outfit Froo
flOHET OF flOBEHORim AND TAR $ * 1 A ddreBA P. O, V IC K E R Y , Avgusta..M niue.
Coughs, Colds, Inflnenaaj Hoarsenoss, Diilicolt
Breathing, and all Affections o f the Throat.
Bronchial Tnhos, and Langs, loading
to Consumption.
Advertisement ta
8 *5**
for 100 l'«8 « pamphlet.
fc.ljli cC LiVl.j N. i..
« . 1\ R 0 vV-
This infallible remedy is composed of the t
H oney of the plant Horeliound, in chemical
union -with TAU-ljAi.xr, extracted from tf e
L if e P p.incii ’i .e of the forest tree Aeeis
B alsamea, or Balm of Gilead.
O U BT I I E I X I i U S T K I A L
The Iloncy of Horeliound GOO'niES a n d
scatters allin-itaUons andinflammalions, and
the Tar-halm cleanses and heals the throal
and air passages leading to tlie lungs. F ive
Being a com plete history o f all the important in
additional ingredients keep the organs cool, this'rio-i ol America, including A gricultural, Mecbani
moist, aud in healthful action. . Let no ore- cal. Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial and other
judice keep you from trying this great medi­ enterprises.
cine of a famous doctor\vho has saved thou­ A l i e n ' lo o t * l a r g e o c t a v o p n g o s a n i l .IO V
fu to, c i i g r a v i n g s . K e w e r l c l l h e
sands of lives by it in his large private practice.
it e v e r p u b lls lio d .
U.B.—Tlie Tav-Bahn has no bad taste or
S F C O S U F B 1 T U I1 S N O W M P E E , * .
For tortus and territory .apply at once to’
Great saving to b u y large sizo.
buainofifl yon can engage In. $5 to ?2
per day mado by any worker o f eitbo
^ sox, right in their own localitios. Par
Scalars and samples worth $5 froo. Improve your
spare time kt this husinew. Address Snsgotf ft Go.
“ P ik e ’s T ootliaclie D r o p s ” Cure
in 1 M inute.
Portland, M«ln*
Sold by all Druggists.
E - G E O T E r o i j ProjPo M
T he H en ry Bill P ublishing Co., N orw ich , Ct
K . F . B ttC E B S ,
Ilu b b a r tlN to w n ,llltc Ii,„
G e u e r a l A g e n t fo r IJ Ic ltig W l
Old papers for sale at this oMbe.
H r to last Thursday evening, there
had been shipped from the m outh o f
the St. Joseph river, 0-\.*>oo crates o f
strawberries this yea!*.
T o A dvertisers.
T he “ R ecord ’ ’ lathe best A dvertisin g
Medium in South-western M ichigan,
h av.n g the largest circu lation o f a n y
paper in this part o f the Stats-
T o u kje & W.vx-KR have ju st rigged
up a m eat Avagon, ;md John F ry w ill
furnish the farm ers o f ihe neighbor­
hood w ith fresh meat from i f .
A fren tii.
Geo. P. Rowell & Go., 41 Park Row, N.
Y., S. M. Pettiagill, “47 Park Row,_N. Y;,
and Rowell A Chesman, St. Louis, Missouri,
are sur authorized agents to contract for
a-lvortia ng, at our lowest rates, for the colu m s of the Shuriks C ovxtt R ecord.
T h e screen door business is looming
up. T avo linns are making them in
this place, and avo belieA*e they find
customers for all they make.
T h an k s to M r. I,. II. W eaver for a
mess o f new potatoes, ’they Avoir
rather larger than usual, averaging
about the size o f a hen's egg.
Hi;- now
Full and Complete Lines
— of —
Look at the Bargains
G ood corn weivtlu'i--
I’lN.vn>i:r: in Yiit"» tu-uight.
m.v-n a t e u is in season tliis iveek.
Cora M a n s f ie l d is sick with
Oni : week from to-m orrow is Inde­
pendence 1 lay.
R in : xasphevries w ill he th e table
sauce for a lew thus now.
T hf.uk is a prospect fo r a good crop
•■f whortleberries this vear.
()xr. week from to-morroAV w illl >e
the ga-lorieiis Fourth.
T h e Buchanan Cheese F actory now
uses a ton o f m ilk everv day.
T h e Avann rain Saturday afteraoo"
was a splendid help to vegetation.
T he heated term eoinmeneed Sun­
day. and that av; : l . vongeam r.
H o w a r d lo> r he-ic-T t to Kalaraaoo to \v»rk for s. L . lit a’. -i'k
A new cross-Avalk i'roiii the bank
Ilot-V W oik is an im p ivven n -q .
T he Tied Ilibhon Club a\ill meet at
the Christian Clsnreh t '-iRurr.nv ev» n-
Miss Ii>.v I ’ ear - relurneti th is mnniinprfjom her school, at M ount Holyoke
J o u x B eck , th e Grange store clerk,
has gone hom e t«> attend to bis La­
Mus. C l a r a J osL ix , o f -Taekson. i
in Kueliaiian eisitinc: her father. I>r.
B. S. Dodd.
ifts s IlEisEor.v B eck has been en­
gaged to teach a: Ca-sopohs f..r an­
oth er year.
T h e next regular m eeting oi the
fim m iw i Coin-i'll will Le to-m orrow
* veiling.
bills. S a k a i ! R ice . nee W agner, is
visiting Avith her parents. Mr. and Airs.
V. Z . W anner.
N ew cross-'walks are bein g built at
the intersection o f M ain and .Second
M rs . N e l l i e H am ilton *, nee Black,
o f Port H uron, is in to w n fo r a visit
w ith her relatives.
T in : gravel placed on the road lead­
ing ayos l from R ca*. Mr. B arlines'place
will make a great im provem ent in that
entrance to tow n. avIicu it gels packed.
T h e Buchanan M anufacturing Com­
pany have been applying a new coal
o f paint to their oilier building that
m aterially in q m m 's its a p p ea ra n d .
C l m ' de M a t h e w s vaill hand out
the* dailies at the P. O. news store only
this week, after which time lu> may he
found in ,S. P. A C. C- High’s store.
L a n d .Sa l e — L ast M onday
north-west quarter o f the south-east
quarter o f section at. in this tow nship,
war sold by Thom as M cN ally fo r ril,h'o. E nos Holm es aya* the purchaser.
Ei> L. IlARri.u
II enrv E cu chi
took a trip dow n the m e r to St. Joseph
in a.skiff, and then crossed the-lake
to Chicago in a steanu r. T in y report
a line trip.
B ees seem to be doing m uch better
this summer than usual, to make up
for the mishaps o f last Avinter. Some
stands are SAvarming three *-r fou r
T h e r e aya* a Lawn Sni ial at the
old school yard, last evening*, by the
Band, fo r the henelit o f their leader.
Joe Thompson. T he benefit amounte l R s i t net.
A nt'NDLEof Avheat sacks Avere found
hr ih e alley next to this building, Sat­
urday evening. The orvuer may recov­
er them hy calling at this office and
proving property.
N eav po tato es appeared in market
Monday, hut taste aw fully strong o f
greenbacks at tM per bushel. They
will, doubtless, be somewhat cheaper
before Christmas.
in the Xiles Republican o f last
week, can dud Avhat the eomiuuiu•aiion over ihai signature asks for
.n tli:- place, and one av1u>thoroughly
understands her business.
IB x a w a y . - Mr. Garret Striker's
'earn ran away yesterdav m orning
wliile he was in toAvn w ith tl;em after
some lumber fo r liis new house. N o
•.er;oi ,s damage was done.
Tin: Holly m anufacturing company
claim that South Bend Is using hy­
drants that are an infnngm enr on a
patent ow ned by them, and propose tv'
have a royalty or lawsuit, or both.
J immy
Ilrs-ox* left lo t Detroit
Tuesday m orning, where h is engaged
as salestn m in a large hardware house.
W e learn B. F . Beardsley will lake
J ’ n in n ’s place in Rough B ios', store.
M u-. A nnie J ohnson*, ol i.ousville.
Ky.. Avlto has heen visitin g in this
place a 1‘cav days past, left yesterday
m orning for August;!, in this State.
Mrs. Annie W elch accompanied her.
rut: clatter o f tin- tuowi r sickle is
being heard through the county now-.
Tiie crop o f clover is good this year,
and about ten days o f good Avanu
weather uoav Avill find it all secured.
Mr,. M. II am eon el tided to take a va­
Mus. r . C. H ig h is array on a visit
w ith friends in th e eastern past o f this
T h e Buchanan F ir e Company are
advertised to be present at N ew Car­
lisle on th e Fourth.
P r ic e H o o k e r and xvife. formerly
o f this place, but now o f Iowa, are here
visiting relatives and friends.
M rs .
E mma
E astm an
home this morning, after a xisit of
sex*er:il weeks with her parents.
M r . H o r a c e B liss , o f Courtland, X .
Y -, is visitin g in this p la ce w ith liis
brother-in-law , M r. II. Samson.
T h a t F lex ib le Cement, at George
Churchills, is th e best th in g hi the mar­
ket fo r calk ing boats. T ry it.
Co n s id e r a b l e
quantities o f the
growing wheat is badly lodged, and
Avill probable be badly damaged.
A good w ork has been done at clean­
in g the gutters a lon g F ro n t street,
fro m Oak street w is t.
H eal H . W o rth ix ’ g to n has been
engaged to d eliver th e F ou rth o f Ju ly
iRation at X e v Carlisle.
becom ing popular
am ong the boys. N ix O sborn Aron th e
belt in fo u r races M on day evening.
F oot -r a c in g
T h e Michigan Central Avill sell tick­
ets between any points on their line,
fo r one fa ir the round trip, .for the
Fourth. . .
M iss K a t e W ic k h a m , o f Niles, was
H urried Monthly to M r. H en ry J. N o ­
bles, o f P erry. N - Y .
T h e affair Avas
M r . J o n a t h a n B e r in g , o f Medina,
Ohio, is in B uchanan v isitin g relatives
—Mrs. Ephraim W ilso n and Geo. M er­
r ill
M il
F r a n k B u x b a r a n d M iss
M in n ie B o t l e Avere married a Aveek
ago yesterday. Congratulations arc in
I n attempting to raise tkeneAV smoke
stack at Spencer & Barnes’ shop, Monft puffed apart and came down
cation. and left one Aveek ago to-day to
visit tiie old stamping grounds in the
State o f N ew York. We wish him a
pleasant journey and safe return home.
O ft : thanks are due the Secretary o f
th e-Y ou u g F olk s P icn ic Association
foi a nicely printed copy o f the p ro­
ceedings o f the last m eeting o f the as­
sociation, held in Berrien Springs last
S o u th B en d has got tired of being
whistled to death, and passed an ordi­
nance prohibiting railroad companies
from bloAving their steam Avliistles
Avitliin the oorporated limits, except to
prevent accident and a signal for tar­
gets. Ac.
M en* in the vicinity o f South Bend
are being sued fo r a royalty on driven
wells tliey lurve been using fo r years.
They pay th e royalty, and i f they stand
suit they pay th e costs Avitli It. Pretty
“s o ft snap" fo r the patentees, that.
T h e r e Avas a basket m eeting fo r the
heuetit o f R ev. M r. Burton, at Rhodes'
grove, near Cottage H ill, last bund ay.
There w as a good sized crow d and the
m eetin g a good one.
The benefit
am ounted to a little over eight dollars.
F r a n k B r o w n has returned from
Elkhart, Avliere he lias been the last
ferv months employed in Conn’s band
instrument factory.
W e AA*ill now*
hear his clarinet in the band once
On e
Aveek ago last Sunday Miss
H a ttie H abn lo st a valu able circular
at Clear lake. I t Avas either lost out
of, or stolen from , a buggy. A reAvard
Avill b e paid b y M r. J. F . H alm fo r its
Crim in al business has. been pretty
liv ely th e past week. W hether the
change Avas due to th e item in our last
issue o r n ot' Ave can not say. I f Ave
thought it w-ere Ave could promise faith­
fu lly to do so no more.
W e do not claim to be an adept at
philosophy, and perhaps that is the
reason Ave cannot see the philosophy
of thawing gravel on the streets, and
then sending a man over it Avitli a
AA'heelbarrow the next day to wheel it
off again, unless i t be the extreme ne­
cessity of fttrnishing the wheelbarrow*
With worje.
T in : regular m eeting o f Summit
L odge N o. ItE .F . A A . XL, Avill be held
on next M onday evening, and the reg­
u la r meeting o f Buelianan Lodge N o.
•T Avill be on the following F riday
M m J. W . R . L is t e r lias our thanks
fo r a quart measure o f delicious strnwberries. The largest one, Avliieh, by
the way, topped out the quart, measur­
ed I1,, b y 5 inches in circumference.
That Is Avhat avc call pretty good sized.
It the OAvner o f that skiff did not
get damages from the city o f Niles for
building the dam across the river, be
managed to come out ahead by getting
in debt to soA’eral parties there before
Ca r t . J. F. L insuott Avill lecture
hear on Temperance, on Sunday evenin g next. Mr. L in scoll is a lecturer o f
acknoAvledgcd ability, and all should
here him.
T im e and place o f the lec­
ture Avill be announced by bills and
otherwise, as soon as determined.
A n o th er pleasure boat Avoid to
Clear Lake, Tuesday m orning. It is a
side Avfieel steamboat, less the engine,
the Avhcels to be Avorkod by a system
o f levers, and l»v man power. It is
owned by A ndy Car-others. The next
one will probably have the engine.
M e . W m. Co n r y d t bad a spider can­
cer about t lie si .e o f a hickory nut tak­
en from bis arm by Dr. Pierce, last
Saturday. It liad been grov.ingseveral a ears, but di 1 not give him any very
great iuei-iwenioiiee in his work.
A vacancy occurs in the United
Slates N aval A cadem y from this Con­
gressional District, and an exam ina­
tion o f candidates will be held at Kal­
amazoo July 2.*>. N ow , boys, look up
those reviews if you want this position.
l..w r Thursday George Beard, a
painter o f South Bend, fell from a lad­
der. over thirty feet to the ground,
breaking both bones o f bis leg and dis­
locating bis spine at a point betw een
the shoulders. IDs condition is rather
Sr. Josi-mii expects to spend s.voO
in celebrating the Fourth o f July, and
have engaged a Chicago baud' to do
their tooting. That amount placed to
the credit o f the village poor fund
would do vastly more good, and >>elong­
er appreciated.
T he St. Joseph Daily N ew s credits
Copeland to Buelianan. Y o u are be­
hind the tim es. Mr. N e w s: Buelianan
makes no claim to the "critter." li e
is a citizen o f South Bend. Iloosterdt.m. Please tell vour readers so.
Mu. R o ber t C ovE LLm et w ith rath­
er a severe accident last Friday. W hile
shoveling gravel from the pit, at the
Niles hill, a large, hard chunk caved
off from above him and fell on him
bruising him pretty badly about the
legs. N o bones were broken.
M il F . A . W h it e expects to receive
a quintal o f fresh mackerel as often as
o iee a week during the summer, and
will have them fo r sale at the Express
Office. Those w h o wish to indulge
must be on band, for they do n ot last
lon g at a time.
T avo young chaps broke into George
II. Rough's cellar, in his block. M on­
day, tapped bis eider barrel and got
happy drunk. Their offense may look
rather trilling, but it is just enough to
give each a jo b in Jackson for the
State, if prosecuted.
P osters are up all around tow n an­
nouncing the celebration o f the Fourth
o f July in South Bend, N eiv Carlisle,
M ichigan City and Clear Lake. “Which
way are you goin g ?
The prospect for
a celebration here does not seem to
loom up Avitli very great prominence.
Out; readers should n otice the
change in one o f the cards in the busi­
ness directory on the first page in this
paper. I t tells o f th e new ly form ed
eo-partuership betw een J. J. V an R i­
per and A . A . W orthington.
A co u p le o f you ng fellow s named
II oavc and Clark ivere arrested, by Con­
stable Evans, M onday afternoon, for
stealing $r>u in m oney from a party
near Sr. Joseph. They Avere held lien*
for the arrival o f Sheriff DeMont. who
laid a special desire to see them, but
were afterw ards released. The perpe­
trators o f the th eft Avere captured in
N ew Buffalo.
-V l a t e copy o f the M arble’Boole.
Iowa, W eekly announces the death o f
a form er resident o f this place, that
occurred June l i, that o f lio n . W m .
II. Johnson, brother o f Mr. N . Johnson,
now o f this place. li e m oved from
this place in is.v,. H e is highly spoken
o f by th e W eekly as a man o f ability
and one highly respected.
M r . J. I I ugtison , who took the
steam-skiff H anley from N iles to St.
Joseph, reports to the L ake Shore
X cays that on an island a fe w miles
below this place b e and a m an w ith
him fou n d a counterfeit trade dollar,
a ladle, and a quantity o f scraps of
metal, and th at appearances indicated
that they bad been le ft there recently,
and probably b y th e manufacturers o f
the “ queer "
M o r e Ga m e .— M r. Jesse Thaxton
was arrested b y Constable Evans, last
Thursday, on com plaint o f Wrm. S.
M orley, o f Weesaxv tow nship, fo r
stealing som e shirts, shoes and other
trinkets. l i e was brought before Jus­
tice Sparks, w aved examination, and
w en t to jail, and x\dll probably go from
there to Ion ia, fo r b e confessed his
guilt. H e is nineteen years o f age.
T h e tax-payers in the village should
rem em ber that th is is the last week in
w h ich th e M arshal w ill collect taxes at
one per cent. A fte r n ext M onday his
fees w ill be fo u r per cen t, anil besides
that lie w ill “punch, up” the tax-payers
w ith a “ sharp stick.” Govern your­
selves accordingly.
R o b er t B u n b u k Y, o f Niles, was ar­
rested b y Constable Evans, Monday,
and brou ght before Justice Ballengee,
charged w ith assault and battery. H e
gave bail in $500 to appear fo r trial.
T he case was adjourned yesterday to
Jtily 31, ow in g to the absence o f One
o f the eompl&ining wjtue%ses.
T m s village lias ju st m ade a loan o f
$1,500 from the F arm ers and M anufac­
turer's Bank, at eight per cent, interest
per annum ; this principal to he paid
in three yearly payments. W ith this
m oney it is intended to cancel the ten
per cent, bonds n ow outstanding. This
w ill make tlio great saving o f $30 per
vear in interest to th e village.
M r . D. Bcudmore, o f Dayton, was
called to Battle Creek last F riday by a
telegram announcing that his brother
Henry was dying. Mrs. S. w ent M on­
day m orning to the same place. Mr.
Ilen ry Sciilm oro w ill be remembered
by some o f our citizens as having been
here last summer to have a cancer re­
m oved from liis cliin, but returned
w ithout treatment.
E lection .— T he follow in g officers o f
Buelianan L od ge N o. 75, I. O. O. F .
were elected Tuesday evening:
W . W . Smith, N. G.
L eR oy II. Dodd, V . G.
J. C. Dick, Sec'y.
W . 1. Himes, Treas.
Trustees— B. D. Harper, fo r 2}g years;
L eR oy II. D odd, fo r 11J years: Peter
Woeso, for G months.
J o hn S immons .
was reported in
these columns as having skipped the
country, has returned, and reports that
liis trip was purely a business trip, and
that ihe AA*oman story is a hoax. W e
willingly make the correction.
Ci not n* Co u r t has adjourned to
August, 'rive m otion fo r a new trial
in tiro case o f the School D istrict N o. 1
o f Buchanan vs. Jacob W eaver et. al.
w as argued, bu t the m otion was n ot
granted. T he defendants p ropose to
appeal to the Supreme Court.
M on i: - h oo t 'T !;.-—Sam Kelley, saw­
yer in Muteiiler’s mill, was arrested
Saturday by Constable Evans, and
brought to this place, charged w ith as­
sault w ith intent to kill a m an nam ed
Martin, by shooting- at him w ith a re­
volver. The trouble seemed to arise
from a dispute about w ho bad the best
claim to M artin’s w ife. K elley has his
exam ination before Esquire Ballengee,
T he m em bers o f th e Buchanan Cor­
n et Band desire to express their sin­
cere thanks to the citizens o f Buchan­
an for their good attendance and lib­
eral patronage, at the law n social, last
evening. A lso to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Roe, Mrs. J. Graham, E d. Plim pton,
F ran k B errick, th e m em bers o f the
F ire and H ose Companies, Mr. and
Mrs. N . Johnson, M iss Genie Michael,
the editors o f the R eco rd a n d .R e­
porter, M r. E . M. P lim pton Mr. L. P.
A lexan der and Spencer & Barnes.
colored, was
brought before Justice Ballengee Sat­
urday, on complaint o f baying m ar­
ried too m any wom en fo r com fort.
H e was com m itted to ja il to await
fu rth er examination. W hen he com ­
m enced getting m arried he didn’t know
when to quit. H o was m arried three
or fo u r times in nearly as many months,
and there is no k now ing how many
more hearts he w ou ld have smashed
before whiter, liad lie been allowed to
E ugene
M a r io n ,
I m p r o v e m e n t in p r o s p e c t iv e .—
W e learn that it is the in ten tion o f
the R ou gh Brothers to erect a brick
building to cover all o f their lot lying
to the south o f the W agon Factory,
and being about one hundred feet
square, to be divided in apartments
fo r the storage o f tlieir wagons and
buggies. T he w ork w ill not be done
this summer but w ill probably be push­
ed forw ard as fast as possible, next
A t the N orthern Berrien County
A gricultural Society’s recent fair, they
indulged in a ten-liour trotting match
betw een liorses. One o f the. contest­
ing horses gave out at the end o f the
fifth hour, and the game was pronnouced a draw. There is a law in this
State fo r tire prevention o f cruelty to
animals, and this looks like a case
where it ought to be enforced i f ever
and any society that w ill allow such
treatment on its grounds does n ot de­
serve the respect, or m uch less the
patronage, o f a civilized com m unity.
A b o u t tw enty tramps m ade i t live­
ly fo r N iles city officials last week
They bad their campinggrounds near th e depot w hile they
made their m arauding
through the city and surrounding
country, picking up such little traps as
gold watches, clotiling, cash, &e., they
could find from under lock and key.
W liat a rich blessing i f the European
countries could send a few* m ore ship
loads o f their vags ov*er here.
I f that
isn't a fit subject fo r war there never
was one.
R un aw ay '.— T he dangers attending
the firing o f fire-AA*orks about the
streets w ere pretty thorougly de­
m onstrated in B enton H arbor last
F riday night. A team that was stand­
in g in th e street, opposite the A m eri­
can House, in* that place, w as frighten­
ed by the firing o f a rocket, and ran
dot™ the croAvded side-walk an d scatered goods o f all .kinds, that had been
le ft out on tiie rvalk, in all directions.
One m an w as run over and quite badly
injured about the head.
Our reporter
says it ivas the m ost frightfu l runaway
he ever saw. P eople cannot be too
carefu l about exploding such play­
things on the streets.
J.lst o r Loiters.
Remaining in the Post Office at Buchanan,
Wednesday, Juno 25, 1S79.
Fox. Henry J.
Lavaqne, Mr. Larry
Hanltot), Mr. Lal'ore Laring, G. H.
Hatfield, Lizzy
Parker, Joseph
Ilale, Luseniu
Pratt, Edward
Hoynes, A. D.
This list is published iree for the informa­
tion of the readers of the R e c o r d , therefore
there is no charge for delivery of letters ad­
vertised herein. Persons will, however, in
ciaimng any of the above, call for “ adverised letters.”
L. P. A l e x a n d e r , P. M.
T h e editor of the Niles Democrat
still continues to blow bis born about
that Soldiers Re-union, and asks i f rve
shouldered a musket aud A\*ent to the
front. W e did not, and bad a very
good reason for it, which Avas a lack of
T h e P ost & T r ib u n e of Saturday
contained reports from all parts of the
State concerning the crop and fruit
prospects, and AA*ith the exception of
age— being but ten years of age at the
time. So far as our “winnings” are
concerned, we did just enough o f it to
accomplish our object— to have the
Re-union postponed from Decoration
one or two small parts of the eastern
part of the State, the reports are of ex­
cellent prospects for wheat and small
fruit, Avliilc that for corn and apples
arc not very promising. “Warm weath­
er during the months o f July and A u ­
gust may more than make up for the
baekAvard spring groAvtli in corn. The
prospects from other parts of the State
Avill apply to this vicinity, for we cer­
tainly never had a much better pros­
pect for an enormous crop of wheat
tlian now, and the only thing to fear is
warm damp weather to rust the straw
between this tim e and harvest.
D ra*, Avliicli \Aras done, and now we
have no more to say, but Buchanan
does not propose to be bull-dozed out
of the proper observance of that day.
I f Mr. Horn lias any bravery to
spare he should keep quiet about it,
for lie avIio boasts of bis bravery is
like unto a barking dog— not to b'e
feared. W e trust rve shall hear no
more on this subject until the proper
tim e comes, in September, Avlien there
AA'ill be a Re-union in good feeling on
the part of all concerned.' So far as
place is concerned Ave care nothing, so
long as proper accommodations are
It is a b it amusing to bear some o f
those w ho return from Kansas talk.
Y o u ask one h ow be likes it out th ere:
"O b, tip-top. T here isn’t a better
country in the world, i f the -wind didn’t
blow th in gs about quite so lively.”
A sk another, and he likes the country*,
only the drouth hits them pretty hard
once in a while. T he n ext one objects
to th e aw ful w et weather, and another
can’t stand it where there are so m any
grass-lioppers to eat up their crops;
but the conclusion is, they think M ich ­
igan about right, and the best p lace in
the w orld to live in.
T h e Delplios, Kansas, com m unica­
tion, in another colum n, tells a rather
hard experience fo r th e people o f that
place. The storm referred to occurred
on Tuesday, June 10. T he account in
th e paper referred to, places tire dam­
ages in Delplros, besides that in neigh­
boring towns, at $25,000, and says there
was but one building, a stone dwelling,
le ft uninjured. "We can’t say th at w e
have any particular anxiety to live in
a country where they are subject to
such gentle zephyrs.
IT E M S F R O M T H R E E O A K S .
June 24, 1S79.
AVheat crop looks splendid.
Corn crop is grow in g nieel 3*.
" Mr. Perham , an old m an living in
Cbiekaming, rvas buried on Sunday.
W m . Paine, at A very ’s, lost a child
w ith
Children should not be brought to toAvn
Avlien they aro-very side Avith diphth­
eria. There lias n ot been ’a case o f
said disease in this village fo r many
months, and w e don’t care to have it
peddled ou t here.
Hon. B enton R . Sterns called in.
this m orning.
The trains running- through the cen­
ter of the A'illage occasionally kill or
cripple a feAv of the lower animais.
The people must care for their domes­
tic animals.
A fellow from Chickaming im bided
to o freely o f the ardent, last Aveek, A vas
m ildly requested to get out o f sight.
H is m aniac style caused th e Marshal
to land him in the calaboose.
W e need a foundry, flour mill, and
cheese factory. W e have some of the
best grass land to be found, and the
same land furnishes some heavy crops
of Avheat. • W e have some o f the live­
liest set 'o f business men to be found
in the county.
Some of them are re­
markably homely but generous, and
the ladies are the fairest among sever­
al thousand. They all mind their oAvn
business, and therefore Ave' have * a
peaceable village.. I f anyone is discon­
solate and moody, come to Three Oaks
and stay three days, get some one to
shoAv you around and see the city
scenes and country realities, and you
will go home happy.
I t e m iz Ee .
T h e r e is some talk o f a trip to the
M ackinaw s b y a com pany fro m this
place in th e sail-boat now on Clear
lake, the trip to be dow n on this side
o f Lake M ichigan and return on the
opposite coast. There w ould evident­
ly be an immense amount o f sport
attending such a trip in a craft o f that
size, especially vvdien one o f the fine
breezes com m on on that pond com es
up. W h en w e go on that trip it w ill
be in a m ore substantial conveyance.
M r . $. H e in e iie , w h o recently rented
-a brew ery at Three F ivers, left that
•place fo r Toledo on business, M ay 28,
reaching the latter place, and has n ot
sin ce been h eard from . H e is about
30 years old, has a w ife and one child,
an d .was a resident o f N iles previous to
go in g to Three R ivets,— Pest and Tribnnf.
[Niles Republican.!
To-day 70,000 eels were im ported in to
the State from th e Hudson, at Troy, the
last shipment o f the season. .A n Irish­
m an nam ed Reardon, at w ork laying
pipe fo r the Avaterworks, oh Eleventh
street, w as buried fo r a while, on F r i­
day last, under a bank of. sand that
caved in on him. H e Avas injured
slightly ahout'tlie legs, hut is at w ork
again. .
. . . .
■* ,
[Berrien Springs Journal.!
A M rs. Smith, o f Coloma,- last w eek
gave hirth to triplets— three boys:—
each w eighing 7 % pounds—— T he R e­
public ' cam e up here a fter a cargo o f
lum ber last week, took on her load and
started on* h er: return trip, but only
g o t a fe w "m iles dow n the river w hen
she run on to a snag and knocked a
h ole in to her side. She had to dis­
charge her cargo, and was detained a
Now Look at THIS Letter.
Chicago, June 23, 1879.
D k . E . S. D odd & S on,
Druggists & Apothecaries,
Buchanan, Mich.
We guarantee the Paris Green
we sent you as being Strictly Pure.
A lso the Drugs, Medicines, Oils,
D ye Stuff8, §‘a., the best the market
affords. From the increasing sales
o f your German Cough Balsam and
Sugar Coated Pills Ave believe they
are giving excellent satisfaction.
Yours truly,
L it at His Lair.
Wholesale Druggists.
* The car load of Sugar received,
at Grange Store, best line in town.
To W . A . S E V E R S O N ,
D duggist
Something new in mens’ Serge
Boots, at
Waite & W oods’ .
For Salt Meats, and Salt Fish,
go to
S. & W. W. Smiths’ .
Waite & Woods’ are closing out
their Serge Shoes at cost. Call
and see them. •
Fourth o f July is coming, and
you will find a large stock of Fire
Works, at
B armore B ro’ s .
20 gross o f Fruit Jars for sale, at
B ough B ro’ s .
L O O K A T T. M. F U L T O N ’S
P harmacist,
Main sts..
B ear S ir :
of the P aris G reen we
M orrison, P lummer & Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
Within the next sixty days we will
offer our entire stock o f Boots and
Shoes at greatly reduced prices. It
would be well for those intending to
buy, to call and examine our GoodB
and prices before purchasing else­
Yours respectfully,
G ardner & B oyle,
20 w4
H ill’s Corners,
H ighs ’ .
No better 50c tobacco sold than
S. & W . W . S mith .
Photographs from Bradley’s are
not to be beaten in Berrien county.
dies fo r $1,00 at
I f you want Fire Works for the
Fourth, cheap, call at
The Chicago Cheap Store is get­
ting in new goods this week.
Handsome neio Ruching, at
H ighs ’ .
B A R G A IN S ! B A R G A IN S ! !
Go to Bradley’s for the best pic­
tures in Berrien county.
Lots of thoseWebb Slips at Waite
& Woods.
Call and see them.
Our goods run from the finest to
nothing below first-class common.
W eaver & Co.
Chew Jackson^ Best S w eet IVavy T o b a cc o .
When visiting Niles, if you have
any old jewelry, take it to J. Crock­
er Brown,- one door east of the Cit­
izens’ National Bank,.with W . G.
Blish, and have it worked over into
Our Dress Goods at old prices
until sold out, at
H ighs ’.
B U IL D E R S , T A K E N O TIC E .
The largest stock o f Nails in town,
and cheapest for cash is at
R ough B ro’ s.
20 gross Fruit Jars at Grange
Store. Our large purchases enable
us to sell as low as the very lowest.
The best Steam Threshing Ma­
chine and Engine in the. market is
Gaar. Scott & Co’s, o f Richmond,
Ind. For sale by R ough B ros’.
Bradley keeps an assortment of
Picture Frames of all regular sizes.
See them.
The only strictly pure colored
lead manufactured in the world, for
sale by
R ough B ros’.
Strictly pure Paris Green, at
D odd' s.
About five dozen Carpet, Raw
Silk and Terry Lounges, at Spencer
& Barnes, very nice, ami close fig­
ures, for cash.
Parties canning fruit will
large stock of jars at
find a
They have just received their
stock of Spring Goods, and offer
Have you seen that new Corset,
T. M. F ulton & Co.
T. M. Fulton & Co. carry the
best line o f Carpets in the city.
B armore B ro’ s .
S till t h e y come from a distance
to trade at T. M. F ulton & Co.
Farmers in Weesaw, Galien, and
the western part of Berrien County,
can get McCormick Machines o f W .
K . Sawyer, agent at Three Oaks,
Mich. Call early and examine the
Builders can find all kinds of
seasoned lumber, at Rough Bros’ ,
S hetland S H A W L S .— A big
line at popular prices, at H igh ' s.
Opportunity now offered to buy
D ry Goods and Groceries cheap,
at T. M. Fulton & Co’s, before it
The only place in Buchanan to
buy the Genuine Oliver Center
Draft Plow and Repairs, is at
Rough Bros’, hardware.
Fruit Jars found
B ro’s very cheap.
Dress Goods, O ! so
Subscribe for “ Golden Sheaves,”
and get a treasure for your home.
Mrs. M. Badgley will introduce the
Cotton goods are daily advancing,
therefore a great rush at the Grange
Store to receive bargains in Mus­
lins, Carpet Warp, Prints, Denims,
benefit of the
Truly yours,
Mrs. M. A . Weaver has o n hand
a fine lot o f Pianos and Organs o f
the best makes, that are to be sold.
She keeps the instruments in stock,
and doeB not sell by catalogue de­
scriptions. A new E flat A lto
Horn for sale cheap.
The crowd as it goes to take the
sent you.
A good Fine Cut Tobacco, at
Grange Store for 40 cents.
B u y your Flannels N OW , and
save the advance, as we will hold
them at the old price, at H ighs’.
Cor. Front and
.Gents’ aud youths’ broAvn and
navy blue Blouses, at
E. B . W eaver & Co.
The latest styles o f ladies’ Hats
may always be found at Mrs. Dun­
ning’s at low prices.
C hicago, III., June 16, ’79.
T olman & K ing ,
M r . T. G. P ie r c e , form erly a student
o f Chamberlain Institute o f Randolph,
N. Y ., lias been visiting fo r the past
few days with B. Chamberlain, just
south o f town,
n e has traveled
through considerable o f the western
country during the past six months.
One o f the places w h ich be visited vv*as
Leadvillc, Col., w hich he thinks comes
the nearest being a den o f thieves and
cut-throats o f any place be aauis ever
in. H e believes that young m en wlio
wish to make tlieir fortun e bad better
seek it w ith in the bounds o f civiliza­
tion rather than risk their lives in such
a pandemonium as Leackville.
A good Serge Congress for La­
N o b le ’ s.
Broadhead Alpacas, the heaviest
and best Dress Goods in town at
H ig h ’ s.
5 cent Tables for Bargains.
Best, cheapest and largest varie­
ty of Lap Robes and Dusters in
town, at C. Hayden Rea’s Harness
Shop, and that is the place to get
your harness goods.
For any house in Western Michi­
gan that will sell as good goods
for lower prices.
- Now receiving a lot o f Gents and
Youths’ Alpaca Coats.
W eaver & Co.
The rose o f death. D o not w a it un­
til the h ectic flush w hich indicates ad­
vanced consum ption, appear on th e
cheek. Check the hard cough and heal
the irritated lungs w ith H ale’s H oney
o f H oarhound and Tar, before the crisis
comes. E e in time. Sold hy all D rug­
P ik e’s Toothache D rops cure in 1
Why Will You
A llo w a cold to advance in your Bys­
tem and thus encourage more serious
maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hem or­
rhages and lung troubles when an im ­
mediate relief can be so readily attained.
Boschce's German Syiup has gained
the largest sale in the world for the cure
of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung
Diseases. It is Dr. Boschee’s famous
German persenption, and is prepared
with the greatest care, and no fear need
be entertained in administering it to the
youngest child, as per directions. The
sale ol this medicine is unprecedented.
Since, first introduced there has been a
const ant increasing demand and without
a single report of a failure to do its
work in any case. A sk younr Drug­
gist as to the truth of these remarks.
Large size 75 cents. T ry it and be con­
Debt, poverty and suffering haunted
m e fo r years, caused hy a sick fam ily
and large bills for doctoring, w hich did
no good. I was com pletely discour­
aged, u n til one year ago, by the advice
o f my pastor, I procured H op Bitters
and com m enced their use, and in one
m onth w e were aU well, and none o f
us have been sick a day since; and I
want to say to all p oor men, you can
keep your fam ilies well a year with
H op B itters fo r less thaiYone doctor’s
visit w ill cost.—A W orkingman.
Second Door West of
Tremont House,
Buelianan, Michigan.
A T L O W P R IC E S .
C . Is. H a r r i s ,
G A L I E N , M I C H .,
'Ely's Cream B alm cures Catarrh
w ith ou t the unpleasant effect o f suuff
A ll kinds of A gricultural I m -' or liquids. See advertisem ent in oth­
er column.
B armore -Bros’.
ELEMENTS, o f the best makes, at
R ough B ros’ .
G B E A T B A R G A IN S in Para­
sols, at
H ighs ’.
The choicest Jap. Teas ever offer­
ed in this town, at
G range S tore.
New stock of Groceries, and at
bottom prices.
T. M. F ulton & Co.
T . M. Fulton & Co. sell the goods.
B ottom
prices .
For Doors, Sash and Blinds, go
R ough B ros’.
I f you want 140 spring bed, made
o f the best Bessemer steel spring,
you can get them for $4.00, at
S pencer & B arnes ’ .
New Btock o f Linen Dusters this
week, at
T. M. F ulton & Co.
Quart and half gallon fruit jars
tound at
B armore B ros ’.
•Handsome new Laces.
say “ How beautiful,” at H ighs ’.
Highs Sell more lad ies’ and chil­
dren’s Hose than ever before.
Farmers, call in at Rough Bros,
and see that O sborne S elp B inder .
A C a r d .— It has been said b y
some person of small principle that
the Spring Beds, at Spencer &
Barnes are nothing but iron, which
is false. W e warrant all . of our
Bprings to be steel.
Muslins at the same old price.
T. M . F ulton & 0 o.
cent syrup beats them all,
T. M. F ulton & C o’s.
Splendid assortment of Pocket
Cutlery,' Razors and Strops, just
in, to be sold cheap for cash, at
D odd’ s .
You Must Cure That Cough.
W ith Shiloh’s Consumption Cure you
can cure yourself. I t has established the
tact that Consumption can be cured,
while for Coughs, Bronchitis, W hoopin g
Cough, Asthma, and all diseases o f
Throat and Lungs, it is absolutely with­
out an equal. T w o doses will relieve
your child of Croup. I t is pleasant to
take, and perfectly harmless to the young­
est child, and no mother-can afford to be
without it. Y o u can use two-thirds of a
bottle, and if what we say is not true
we will refund the price paid. Price 10
cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle, I f
your lungs are sore or chest or back
lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold
by W . A . Severson.
H ave you Dyspepsia, are you Consti­
pated, have you a Y ellow Skin, Loss of
Appetite, Headache ? I f so, don’t fail to
use S H IL O H ’S S Y S T E M V I T A L I Z ­
ED. I t is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such terms as these?
Price 10 cents, and 75 cents. Sold by
W . A . Sevorson.
----- A N D -----
Furniture Dealer,
First door north o f Mr. Blakelee’s stere with
la very complete stock o f
Caskets, Coffins &Bobes.
A good Hearse and Attendance when desired,
Tho use o f C o o lin g Boards FREE,
which is quite important
in warm weather.
With an experience oi ten years I am pre­
pared to care for the dead on scientific princi­
ples, and with great satisfaction to the friends.
A ls o a S to c k o f
T o salt the demand.
R e c p e c t fd ly S o lio it T o u r P a tro n a g e .
Wells- Persian Perfume “HACKME
T A C K ” is rich and fragrant. T ry it.
A B A R G A IN !
Sold by W . A . Severson.
H E R E . —You can makemoaar by S.tllng
oar Sterling Chemical Wicks—Narer needi
trimming—No amoks or amell—1(1 cent, each,
3 for 26 conta, Send Stamp fo f catalogue oC.Wond.ttul Intention*, .taple and fanejp goods, paMOM.l'ef&O94I & Olacti BtijU&oKgdt
"I 4 f t AORI8 Of vIR8T-CLA8S
jSjjtijfgg a p wt:Sitrsr.s&
IN D.. within two mile,
of Bucb*B’‘E, >20 *cr*—Improved.
; 15 acre, orchard, 10 acr<> m all
^-frtilb, in good condition;; pi. -4
Berrien 7 •
M o r t g a g e S a le .
Disinfectant.—A teaspoonful o f turpen­
tine added to a pail o f •water •will disin­
fect a sick room, immediately, and will
prove a powerful auxilliary against germs
and bad odors.
Boiled Salt Mackerel.— After freshen­
ing, wrap in a cloth, and simmer fifteen
minutes; remove; lay on two hard-boiled
eggs, sliced; pour on it drawn butter and
trim with parsley leaves. . Boiling salt
fish hardens it.
Stains.—In k stains in cotton or linen
can be removed b y washing in salt and
water; i f wet they can be taken out with
venegar or milk without injury to the
color o f the fabric. But either o f these
methods must be employed before the
fabric is washed with soap, or even wet
with water.
Cure for Ingrowing Nails on Toes.—
Take a little tallow and put it iu a spoon
an-l heat it over a lamp till it" becomes
very hot, then put it ou the sore or gran­
ulation. Tile etfect will be almost magie l. The operation causes very little pain
if the tallow is perfectly heated.
Virginia Corn Bread.—Dissolve a fablespoonfut o f butter in three pints and a
half o f boiling milk, and into this scald
one quart o f Indian meal. When cool,,
add half a pint o f wheat Hour, a little su­
gar. a teaspoonful o f salt anti two eggs
wed beaten: m ix well together, and bake
in two‘cake-tius well buttered.
Mixture for Cleaning Paint.— Dissolve
two ounces o f soda in a quart o f bot wa­
ter. which will make a ready and useful
solution for cleaning old painted work
preparatory to repainting. The mixtureshould be used while worm, and wood­
work afterward washed with water to re­
move the remains o f the soda.
lem ons.— For sick headache take a
tumbler two-thirds full o f finely crushed
iee. the juice o f one lemon, and one teacupful o f white sugar. This mixture
eaten by degrees or all at once, will allay
the feverish thirst and quiet the disturbed
qualmish stomach as it is not sweet
enough to be nauseous.
Cream Rice Pudding.— Wash 4 ounces
o f rice through two waters, put it in a
bakiug dish with 3 ounces o f sugar and a
teaspoonful o f flavoring; pour in three
pints o f milk and put into a moderate
oven to bake one hour and a half, or un­
til it is o f a creamy consistency. This is
very delicate and wholesome.
A Relish for Farm Stock.
T A T E O P K I C H I G A N , C o u n t y o f B e r r ie n , ss.
B y v ir t u e o f a w r i t o f FieH Facias is s u e d o u t
o f ancl u n d e r t h e s e a l o f t h e C ir c u it C o u r t I n
a n d f o r t h e C o u n t y o t B errien , a n d S ta te o f
M ic h ig a n t o m e d i r e c t e d a n d d e l iv e r e d a g a in s t
t h e s o o d s a n d c h a t t e ls , la n d s a n d t e n e m e n t s ,
o f S im e o n ‘H a m ilt o n a n d W a r n e r O . H a m ilt o n ,
I d id , o n t h e 23d d a y o f J a n u a r y , A . 1). l$7i\
l e v y u p o n t h e f o l l o w i n g d e s c r ib e d r e a l e s ta te
J v in g a n d b e i n g in t h e C o u n t y o f B e r r ie n , t o w i t : B e g i n n in g a t th e n o r t h -w e s t c o r n e r o f
t h e e a s t h a lf O « > o f t h e n o r th -e a s t q u a r t e r . ^ ;
o f s e c t io n t h ir t v -fo u r (34) t o w n s e v e n (7) s o u th ,
r a n g e e ig h t e e n fl.S )w e s t; t h e n c e s o u t h t o th e
T e r r e C o u p e e r o a d ? t h e n c e n o r th e a s t e r ly
a l o n g s a id r o a d t o a p o i n t w h e r e t h e s a id r o a d
in t e r s e c t s th e n o r t h l i n e o f s e c t io n th ir ty -fiv e
i3T>* in s a id t o w n s h ip a n d r a n g e a f o r e s a id ;
t h e n c e w e s t o n th e n o r t h li n e o f s e c t io n t h ir ­
t y - f o u r i;U) a n d t h irty -fiv e (35) l o p l a c e o t b e ­
g in n in g , c o n t a i n i n g o n e h u n d r e d a n d fiv e (105)
a c r e s ; e x c e p t i n g t h e r e f r o m te n (10) a c r e s in
t h e n o r t h -e a s t c o r n e r o t th e n o r t h -e a s t q u a r ­
t e r ( 1 p o f s a id s e c t io n t h ir t y -fo u r <34) s o ld t o
th e v i l l a g e o f B u c h a n a n f o r e e n i c t e r y l o t . A ls o ,
c o m m e n c in g * o n e h u n d r e d a n d t w e n t y ( 120)
r o d s w e s t o f t h e n o r th -e a s t c o r n e r o t s e c t io n
f o u r (4) t o w n e ig h t (S) s o u t h , r a n g e e ig h t e e n
(1S» w e s t ; t h e n c e s o u t h o n e h u n d r e d (100; r o d s ;
t h e n c e w e s t f o r t y - o n e (41) r o d s ; t h e n c e n o r t h
o n e h u n d re d (IO O ) rods*, t h e n c e c a s t f o r t y - o n e
(41) r o d s , c o n t a i n i n g t w e n t y -fiv e (25) a c r e s .
A ls o , th r e e -q u a r t e r s (9£) o f a n a c r e a d jo i n i n g
th e s o u t h e n d o f firs t d e s c r i p t i o n , d e e d e d t o
S im e o n H a m i l t o n b y D a v id A . B e s t a n d w if e ,
e x c e p t o n e -q u a r t e r {>£1 o f a n a c r e in t h e s o u t h ­
e a st c o r n e r . A ls o , l o t o n e Q ) i n s e c t io n fo u r
(4) t o w n e i g h t (S) s o u t h , r a n g e e ig h t e e n (IS)
w e s t , s ix t y - e i g h t a n d 25-100 a c r e s , e x c e p t
t h r e e (3 a c r e s d e e d e d t o t h e M ic h ig a n C e n tr a l
R a ilr o a d , a n d fifte e n a n d 21-100 a c r e s d e e d e d
t o F . H a m ilt o n , l y i n g s o u t h o f M ic h ig a n C e n ­
t r a l r a i l r o a d , w h ic h p r o p e r t y I s h a ll s e ll a t
p u b l i c a u c t io n , a t t h e f r o n t d o o r o f t h e C o u rt
H o u s e , i n t h e v i l l a g e o f B e r r i e n S p r in g s , i n
s a id C o u n t y o t B e r r ie n , o n t h e firs t d a y o f
J u ly , A . D . 1S79, a t t e n o 'c l o c k : i n t h e f o r e n o o n
o f s a id d a y .
D a t e d M a r 30, A - D . 1879.
R IC H A R D A . D eM O X T , Sherifl'.
D tyid E . H inman, Plaintiff's A tt'y.
Est*vto o f George W . Spangenberg.
ROBATE ORDER.—State o l Michigan, County ot
Berrien, as.—A t a session o f the Probate Conrt
for said County, held at the Probate office in the vil­
lage o f Berrien Springs, on Monday, the 9 th day o f
Jane, in the year one thousand eight .hundred and
seventy-nine, i
Present, A lexander B, L eeds, Judge o f Probate.
In the matter o f the estate o f George W . Spaugenberg, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, o f
Enaice J- Harris, praying that administration on said
estate m ay he granted to herself or some other suita­
ble person.
Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 7th day
o f July uext, at 10 o 'clock in the forenoon, be assigned
for the hearing o f said petition, and that the heirs at
law o f said deceased, and all other persons interested
in said estate, are required to appear at a session of
8aid Court, then to bo h olden at the Probate Office, in
tho Village o f Berrien Springs, and show cause, i f any
thero he, why the prayer o f the petitioner should not
be granted. And it is further ordered, that said peti­
tioner give notice to the persona interested in said
estate, o f the pendency o f said petition, and the hear­
ing thorc-of, b y causing a copy this order to be publish­
ed in the Berrien County Record, a newspaper printed
and circulated in said County, for three successive
weeks previous to said day o f hearing.
[L . g.'J
(A tr u o co p y .)
Judge o f Probate.
Authorizedby the Commonwealth of Ky.-
^ = ! O
t I i ^ =
A purely vegetable distillation entirely
unlike all other remedies.
tho preparation o f this remarkable rem edy
every nero, plant, and bark Is subjected to dis­
I Ntillation,
whereby tho essential m edical principle)
is obtained in vapor, condensed and bottled. What
remains in the still 1b inert, valueless, nud totally
unfit fo r use in an organism s o delicate as the nasal
passages. Y e t all snufl's are insoluble compounds
o f w ood y fib r e ; &U tinctures, saturated solutions.
Is a lo ca l and constitutional rem edy, and Is applied
to the nasal passages b y insufflation, thus allaying
inflammation and pain and at on ce correcting,
cleansing, and purifylngthe secretions. Internally
administered, it acta upon the organs o f circulation,
keeps the skin m oist, end neutralizes tho acid
poison that has found its w a y into the stom ach and
thence Into the b lo o d . Thus a cure progresses in
b oth directions, and it does n ot seem possible for
human Ingenuity to devise a m ore rational treat­
Gentlemen. —A bou t tw elve years a go, while
travelling with Father Kem p’s Uld Folks Concert
T ronpe as a tenor singer, I t o o k a severe co ld and
was laid up at Newark, N. J. This cold.brought on
a severe attack o f Catarrh, which I battled with
every know n remedy fo r four weeks without avail,
and was finally ob liged t o giv e up a most desirable
------ --------------able to
osition and return
hom e, unable
to sf-----------sing a note.
o r three years afterwards I was unable
nabl t o sing at
all. T he first at tack o f Catarrh had left m
y nasal organs and throat s o sensitive that the slightest co ld
w ou ld bring o a a fresh attack, leaving m o pros­
trated. In this w ay I continued to suffer. The last
attack, tho severest I ever had, was terrible. I suf­
fered the m ost excruciating pain in m y head, was
so hoarse as t o b e scarcely able t o speak, and
coughed incessantly. I thought I was goin g into
quick consumption, and I firm ly believe that had
tnese symptoms continued w ithout re lie f they
w ou ld nave rendered m e an easy victim . "When
In this distressing con dition, I com m enced the use
ofSAXFor.D’8 R ad ic a l C a n s f o r C a t -aheii, very
reluctantly, I confess, as I ha d tried all the adver­
tised remedies withoutbeneflt. T he flrst dose ofthis
wonderful m edicine gave m o tho greatest relief.
I t Is hardly possible fo r one whose head aches, eyes
ache, w h o can scarcely articulate distinctly on accon nt o f tho ch okin g accumulations in his throat,
t o realize how m uch re lie f I obtained from the flrst
application o f S axfo rd ’ s R a d ic a l C u r b . Under
Its influence, b oth Internal and external, I rapidly
recovered, and b y an occasional use o f the rem edy
since, have b een entirely free from Catarrh, for tho
first tim e in tw elve years.
Respectfully yours,
W-ALTHAir, Ma ss ., Jan. 8. 1S7G.
P . S.— I purchased tho R a d ic a l Cu r e o f GEO.
H . ROGERS, Druggist, Rum ford Building.
E ach package contains Dr. Sanford’s Im proved
Inhaling Tube, with full directions for use in all
cases. P rice, f 1.00, F o r sale b y all W holesale and
Retail Druggists throughout the United States and
Canadas. WEEKS & POTTER, General Agents
and. W holesale Druggists, Boston, Mass.
Training Saddle Horses.
Capt. E. N . Jennings, in an article writ­
ten to the Country Gentleman, says: ‘T
must say that it is not a good rule to use
a first-class saddle horse in harness or vice
versa, and horsemen all know that to use
a trotter to saddle is to shorten his gait
and get him in the habit o f cantering. As
soon as a horse finds it easier to canter,
or “ run" as it is commonly called, when
going fast, he will invariably take the lat­
ter gait. But with the ordinary buggy
horse, or saddle horse if properly trained,
it will not make any difference. The
writer lias trained a great many horses
for saddle and harness purposes both in
Europe and America, and knows that the
best saddle horses in the world are never
harnessed until their services to saddle
are over. In England, when a horse has
hunted four-or five seasons, he is sold to
some tradesman, and then he 'is good for
four or five more seasons for dog-cart or
gig. With regard to the development o f
the muscles o f a horse undergoing train­
ing for either trotting or running, his
muscles will all be fully developed. The
horse o f all work should first be thor­
oughly trained to saddle and then to har­
ness, as in my experience he will always
work to those gaits; that is to say when
in saddle to trot and canter, but never to
pace or single foot. When in harness, he
w ill learn the two latter top soon. Some
people think a saddle-horse ought to
pace, but this a mistake, as the canter is
by far the best for horse and rider. 1 speak
from experience, as for the last twenty
years I have been in the saddle six days
out o f seven. In traveling a long distance
the horse which trots or canters will take
you over the road with more ease than
the paceing horse. A good trainer can
train a horse to Ihe saddle gaits so that
these will never conflict with each other,
and on the proper application o f the bri­
dle-hand and the legs, the horse will
change Ms gait at any moment.”
■ -■
These Plasters have how been before the public
fo r tw o years, and, notwithstanding the Immense
number o f remedies in the form o f liniments, lo­
tions, pain-carers, and ordinary plasters, they have
steadily increased in sale and m et with universal
approval, as evidenced b y ov e r one thousand un­
solicited testimonials in our possession. Many re­
m arkable cases have b een certified t o b y wellknow n citizens in all parts o f tho U nited States,
copies o fw h ic h w ill b e sent freo o f charge to any
o n e deBiring them . Im provem ents, in many ways,
have been m ade, as suggested b y experience and
use, until it is believed that thev are now perfect in
every respect, and the best plaster in the icorld o j
•medicine. A ll w e ask from everyi sufferer in tho
land is a single trial. The price is 25 cents, although
the cost is double that o f any other plaster. But,
notwithstanding the efforts o f the proprietors to
m ake tho best plaster in the w orld fo r the least
m oney, any similar rem edy can b e bought, num­
bers o f unscrupulous dealers w ill b e fouuu ready to
misrepresent them fo r selfish motives and endeavor
t o substitute others. I f y o u ask fo r
Have it i f yo u have to send t o us fo r it.
SotdOby all W holesale and R etail Druggist
throughout the United States and Canadas, aiid by
W xE sa & P o t t e r , Proprietors, Boston, Mass.
Popular Drawing o f the
In the City o f Louisville on
Thursday. J u ly 31st, 1819*
On which occasion a Grand C o n c e r t w ill be given
holders o f a ticket o r part o f a tick et entitled toa d mission free.
The drawing w ill be supervised by men o f undoubt­
ed character and standing, and ticket holders, agents
andclabs aro respectfully requested to Bend on repre­
sentatives with proper credentials to exam ine into
the Drawing.
A Hew Era in History ol LOTTERIES.
Every ticket holder can be his own supervisor. Call
out his number and see it placed in the wheel.
The Management call attention to the grand oppor­
tunity presented o f obtaining for only $2, any of
1 Prize............. .,....$30,000 100 Prizes $100 e. $10,000
1 Prize.......................10,000 200 Prizes 50 each 10,000
1 P rize.............................. - 6Q0
Prizes 20 each 12,000
10Prize8$l,0oO each 10 000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000
20 Prizes
500 each 10,000
9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes.......... $2,700
9 Prizes 200 each,
“ ...... 1.800
9 Prizes 100 each,
“ ....... 900
W h e n a m e d ic in e h a s in f a l li b l y d o n e
its w o r k in m illio n s o f c a s e s f o r m o r e
th a n a t h ir d o f ft c e n t u r y ; w h e n i t h a s
rea ch ed e v e r y p a rt o f th e w o r ld ; w h en
n u m b e r le s s fa m ilie s e v e r y w h e r e c o n ­
s id e r i t t h e o n l y s a fe r e lia n c e in e a s e o f
p a in o r a c c id e n t , i l l s p r e t t y s a fe t o ca ll
s u c h a m e d ic in e
1,960 Prizes.
W h o le Tickets 82. H a lf Tickets 81.
21 Tickets, 850.
55 Tickets, 8100
T h is i s th e c a s e w ith th e " M e x ic a n
I t lu s t n iiK L i n i m e n t .
E v e r y m a il
b r in g s in te ll i^ e iw r o f a v a l n n b l e l i o r s e
s a v e d , th e a g o n y o f an a w f u l s c a ld o r
b u r n s u b d u e d , th e h o rro rs o f r h e u ­
m a t i s m o v e r c o m e , im d o f a ih o u s a n d a n d -o n e o t h e r b le s s in g s a m i m e r c ie s
p e r fo r m e d b y t h e o l d r e lia b le M e x ­
ic a n M u s t a n g X d iiim c n t.
A ll fo r m s o f o u t w a r d d i s e a s e a r e j
s p c e d il v c u r e d b y th e
A ll applications for club rates should he made to
the home office.
Remit by Post Office Money Order, registered letter,
bank dralfc or express. T u ll list o f drawing publish­
ed in Louisville Courier*Journal and New York Herald
aad mailed to all ticket-holders. Tor tickets and infor­
C 0 .,o r T , J . CUMMERFORD, S ec'y, Courier-Journal
Building. Louisville. K v .
N . B.—After J u ly 31st drawings w ill occur monthly.
M U S IC .
en t.
IM uItstap ennge tLr ina tim
e s m u s c le , m e m b r a n e a n d
tis s u e , t o t h e v e r y b o u o , b a n is h in g p a in
Ianne dv e cr ufar inils.g dIist ise a as emwe ditich ina ej>o\ver
th a t
a ecd ed b y
e v e r y b o d y , f r o m th e ranchej-o, w h o r id e s
3 h is
o v e r t h e s o lit a r y p la in s , t o t h e m e r c h a n t
p r i n c e , a n d th e w o o d c u t t e r w h o s p lit s
h is fos«t w it h th e a x e .
I t c u r e s R h e u m a tis m w h e n a ll o t h e r
a p p lic a t io n s ta il.
T h is w o n d e r f u l
I s p r e p a r e d t o f u m i s l i F irs t-C la s s M u s ic f o r
P i c n i c s , P a r t ie s , F e s t iv a ls , E x h ib it io n s , &c.,
o n re a s o n a b le te rm s.
A ll ‘ co rre sp o n d e n ce p r o m p tly a n sw ered .
A d dress,
GEO. M E R R IL L , S ecreta ry .
s p e e d i l y c u r e s s u c h a ilm e n t s o f t h e
K h e u m a v i s m , S w e llin g s , S tiffU
J o in ts, C ontracted lilu scles, S u m s *
an d S cald s, Cuts, B r u i s e s a n d
S p rain s, P o i s o n o u s S it e s a n d
S tin g s, Stiffness, X a m e n e ss, O ld
Sores, U lcers, F ro stb ite s, C h ilb lain s,
Sore R ip p le s, C aked B r e a it , a n d
in d eed every fo rm o f extern al d is­
I t is t h e g r e a te s t r e m e d y f o r t h e d is ­
o r d e r s a n d a c c i d e n t s i o w h ic h th e
15r u t h C r e a t io n a r e s u b je c t U iat lias
o v e r b een k n o w n . It cu res
S p r a in s ,
S w in n y .
.S t iff J o i n t s ,
F o u n d e r , H a r n e s s S o r e s , H o o f 3 > isca ses, F o o t H o t, S cre w I V o n n , S ca b ,
H o llo w
H o r n , S c r a t c h e s , " iv in d g n lls , S p a v in , F a r c y , H iu g b o x te ,
O ld S o r e s , F o i l E v i l , F i l m u p o n
th e S ig h t a n d e v e r y o t h e r a ilm e n t
t o w h i c h ts ie o c c u p a n t s o f t h e
S ta b le a n si S lo c k Y a r d a r c lia b le .
■i l H O M li
Dominique Fowls.
bays the Poultry Yard about the good
qualities and the defects o f Dominique
fowls r
W e can very easily speak o f the good
character o f this famous old breed— and
we know o f very few drawbacks common
among tMs variety—for ordinary uses.
The Dominique is not a laTge fowl, but
the hens lay very good-sized eggs and a
great quantity o f them in the course o f a
They are an evenly-barred, bluish-gray
fowl, breeding among themselves with
wonderful uniformity and accuracy, from
the pure stock. Indeed, we know o f no
parti-colored domestic fowls wMch carry
their distinctive .color and markings with
greater nicety, generation after generation,
then do these. •
H They are bright, clear yellow-legged,
with straight, upright single or rosecombs; the cocks weight about 6J^ to 7
lbs,, and the mature hens
to 5 lbs.
each, ordinarily. They are good sitters,
good mothers, and their flesh, when mar­
keted’ and well fattened, is found to be
very presentable to the eye o f the epicure
or Ore seller o f dead poultry.
What is Castile Soap ?
A subscriber writing to the American
Agriculturist wishes to know howthia dif­
fers from Other soap. The hard soaps
made in tMs country are almost exclusive­
ly from animal fats; iu the south o f Eu­
rope, where the olive - grows abundantly,
the poorer kind o f olive oil is used for
soap-making. Common soap are soda
and animal fat, Castile soap is soda and
vegetable oil. In making Castile soap
great care is taken to avoid an excess o f
alkali (the soda), only just enough being
used to> neutralize the oil. On this ac­
count the soap is much milder, and may
beused .on wounds, and other (surfaces
where common soap would irritate and
give pain. The mottled appearance o f
Castile soap, is due to admail quantity o f
salution o f copperas(sulphate o f ■iron)
which fr stirred into it before fit Hardens;
this leaves 'a bluish' oxide' o f iron in the
soap, wMcVwben exposed to the ah', be­
comes changed to the' fed oxide. White
Castile soap^Is also sold, which is the
same as the ofher withfovft the '‘coloring;
Though called Castile) it “is~by' no means
•exclusively Made -iM Spain, the-'largest
share coming from thir aonth fiC-Erarice,
and indeed it is generally .kfiqwn .irt Eu­
rope as Hafreijkgjtoapr '
r~:~~ P -.
• ) ) » )
An Electpa-Galvanio Battery combined
with a highly Medicated Piaster con­
taining the choicest medicinal Gum?
and Balsams known to modern Phar­
The importance o f an occasional relish
o f salt and wood ashes for all kinds o f stock
can not be to highly appreciated. The
most convenient form in which these ma­
terials are offered, according to feeders o f
wide experience, is in a solid mass, which
admits o f diligent licking on the part of
the animal without gaining more o f the
mixture then is desirable. In order to
mi\- these ingredients so that a solid mass
may be formed, take salt and pure wood
ashes in the proportion o f pound for
pound, with water sufficient to hold the
mixture together. To preserve the m ix­
ture in a solid state place it in troughs
or boxes sheltered sufficiently to keep the
rain and snow from reaching it and con­
verting it into an alkaline pickle. These
troughs with their tempting contents
prove efficient as baits, for ■alluring an­
imals, turned out on long runs during the
day, home at night.
When cattle chew leather, wood and
old bones, remember that it indicates a
lack o f phosphate o f lime in their food,
which is required to supply bone material.
A teaspoontul o f bone-meal given daily
with their grain will correct the habit and
supply the deficiency which induces it.
I f the* disposition to eat bones is indulged
in when cows are in grass, the deficiency
then evidently exists in the soil, and the
pasture will be greatly benefited by r top
dressing o f bonedust. Two or three hun­
dred pounds to the acre, sown broadcast,
well repay attending expenses in a better
yield and quality o f m ilk and butter.—
Neto York World.
rp H E sum o f eight hundred oighty-two dollars and
X forty-four cents is claimed to bo due at the date o f
this notice on a mortgage made b y 'William It. Daven­
port and Laura A . Davenport to DoWitt C. Nash, daiod
March eight, ISTfl. anti recorded March 10th. 1^876. iu
Liber eleven o f Mortgages, on rpago 463, in the ,office
o f t b o Register o f Deed* o f Berrien county, Michigan.
^Pursuant therefore, to th e power o f sale in said mort-jgagorOFtained i'heprem&es therein described, to-wit:
Xota tWelve and thlrtefen in Ross atiAAlexander’ s se­
cond addition to the village ot Buchanan, in Berrien
county atoresaid. will be sold at public auction, at the
front door o f the Court-House, in the village o f Borrien Springs,in said county, ou Tuesday, the seven­
teenth day o f June, 1879, at one o’ clock in the after­
noon, to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage, t o ­
gether with the attorney fee o f thirty dollars mention­
ed in said mortgage, and other costa o f foreclctnre
Buchanan, March 2 0 ,1S79.
DeW IT TC. N A 8 9 , Mortgagee.*
D. E . H inman . Attorney‘for Mortgagee.
A l w e n t v - i] \ e c e n t b o i l J e o f M e x i c a n
M u r e a n g L i n i m e n t lia s o f t e n s a v e d a
v a lu a b le
a life, o n e v u t c h e s , o r
y e a rs r fln r t u r e .
I t h»*si2 i v v l l U o u t a S c a r - It g o c s t o
’ h e w ; y rote
\ U m - u i c r , p e r n * !r u li n g
A w a r d e d t fa e G r a n d m e d a l o f H o n o r
a n d D i p l o m a b v the U nited States Centennial
Exposition a t Philadelphia. A ls o First Premium
fo r eight eoasecutiva years at tho M ichigan Stats
F air, and S ped al C ash Promlnms i s 1875 and i 8j 6.
Must M a l a r R a i l in i h t a c a r iii. S ta tis t muma jed R a J h its t i l m a rk et. E very p iece is put iu
ta h t n a r .
_U c u r e ? e v e r y b o d y , u u d d is a p p o in t s
n o o n e . I1:1 pit, b e e n * i n s t e a d y u se f o r
m o r e ihsp. i v c n t y - i i v o y e s r s , nnil is
no* i tw**)
I n every tow n. D on’ t he swindled b y baying any
c f the worthless things called R ak er that or* flood,
e g tho country from others states. Address G A L S
M A N U F A C T U R IN G C O .,A lb io n . M ich.
8 —H> P. Mounted, 8650. \
10 “
750. 2.H.P. Eureka,$150.
12 "
1000. 4 •<
Sendja r our Circulars. 8 "
1State w here y o u saw this.
A . J . Thompson & Co.,
H U M A N M IS E R Y .
Just published, in a sealed envelope. P ric e six cents.
A L ecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical
cure-of Seminal Weakness o r Spermatorrhoea, induced
b y Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Im potency,
Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gen­
erally; Consumption, E pilepsy and F its; Mental and
P hysical Incapacity, Ac.—B y ROBERT J . CULVERW ELL, M . D ,, author o f the “ Green Book,” Ac.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable L ec­
ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the
awful consequences o f Self-Abuse m ay b e effectually
removed without medicine, and withont dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or
cordials, pointing o a t a mode o f cure at once simple,
certain and effectual, b y m eansof w hich every suffer­
er, no matter what his condition m ay be, m ay cure
him self cheaply, privately and radically.
ttg^This Lecture w ill prove a boon to thousands
and themsands.gent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,
post-paid, on receipt of[six cents o r two postage stamps.
Address the publishers,
41 A n n S tMNew Y o r k ; P .
. B o x 4586.
Jgg& * ? °A c r e s , 2 good set ofbuildings and
i l l s ! ^ 1°
‘ orchards, the Lest o f fruit.
A lo t aC small fruit.. 100 acres,improv­
ed, 60 acres acres- in one lot and 40 acres in
th e other. Timber nevSr been culled. Will
be s o ld ia o n e or tw oiots, on easy^enns. In­
quire on the premises, five miles southwest
o f Berrien Springs, in Oronoko township, of
Commission Merchants,
F o r the Purchase an d Sale o f
A Diamond Eye.
Tom’ Howl’* 'clev&r -tile ' o f “ Miss Kil>manegge<»iia H «r :Goldett; Leg’’ is doubt­
less pure fiction, but a story, which is al­
most the exact counterpart, o f it comes to
us frpin Brussels by way o f Australia and
the Melbourne Argus, apropos o f a lady
with a diamond eye, which having lost
her natural eye, she wore instead o f a
glass one. The truly brilliant orb spar­
kled so brightly and was so suggestive o f
riches that1a-Parisian adventurer married
the lady on sight, took her to the gay city
with him, arid there having squandered
her property, lie one night decamped car­
rying off her diamond eye, which she used
to keep in a glass o f water b y her bed­
side. The deserted wife is now suing the
pawnbroker who advanced money on it
to her husband for the recovery o f the
The Bee-Keeper’s Magazine asserts
that the flowers o f the yellow jasmine, a
climbing vine which blooms freely during
February and March from North Carolina
to Florida are a sure poison to Italian bees,
while the black honey-bee avoids it, and
is therefore safe from its ravages. The
reason assigned is the greater energy and
activity o f the Italian bee, and possibly so
the greater length o f its proboscis. The
mortality commences at the opening of
the flowers and lasts till the end o f flores­
cence. This usually occupies from one
to two weeks. The young bees are the
ones that are mostly affected. It seems to
have very little effect upon the old ones.
Its effect upon the young bees commence
after they eat their first meal. At first
they appear crazy, then become stupid,
and make for the entrance with abdomens
distended to nearly bursting.
Virtue in W histling.
An old farmer once said he would not
have a hired man on his farm who did not
habitually whistle. He always hired
whistlers. Said he never knew a whist­
ling laborer to find fault with bis food,his
bed, or complain o f any little extra work
be was asked to perform. Such a man was
generally kind to children and to animals
in bis care. He would whistle a chilled
Iamb into warmth and life; and would
bring in his iiatfull o f eggs from the barn
without breaking one o f them. He found
such a man much more careful about clos­
ing gates, putting up bars, and seeing
that the nuts on liis. plow were all properly£tightened before he took it out into the
field. He never knew a whistling hired
man to beat or kick a cow, or drive her
on a run into the stable. He had noticed
that the sheep that he fed in the yard or
in the shed gathered around him as he
whistled without fear. He had never em­
ployed a whistler who w.w not thoughtful
and economical.
Offered a Job.
An anecdote o f the late Asa Otis, o f
New London, Conn., who left $1,000,000
for foreign missions, is as follows: He
was at one o f the New London fish mark­
ets on the wharves, clad in his customary
overalls, and as ever unassuming in his
deportment, when the Captain o f a sink­
ing vessel rushed ashore, and seizing Mr.
Otis by tbe shoulder, shouted: “ Say, old
man, quick. Do you want a .job?" Mr.
Otis lookod at him a little surprised and
turned away, whereupon the persistent
Captain followed him up and again de­
manded : “ Say, you, don’t you want a
job to pump out my vessel?” As Mr.
Otis remained quiet the exasperated Cap­
tain exclaimed: “ Wiell, old chap, if you
are too lazy to work you will die in the
poorhouse surer then thunder.” The man
m the overalls was then the owner of
moro then $3,000,000.
W hat the L ittle Busy Bees Bo.
There are 2,000,000 bee hives in the
United States. Every hive yields, on an
average, a little over twenty-one pounds
o f honey. The average price at which
honey is sold is twenty-live cents per
pound. So that, after paying for their
own hoard, our bees present us with a
revenue o f over $8,800,000. Or reckon it
in another way—they make a pure gift o f
one pound o f pure honey to every man,
woman and child in the vast domain of
the United States. In I860 over 23,333,383 pounds o f wax were made and given
to us by these industrious workers. The
keeping o f bees is one o f the more profit­
able investments that our people can make
o f their money. The profits arising from
the sale o f surplus honey average from
•50 to 200 per cent o f the capital invested.
—Minn. Farmer.
Berkshire Hogs.
Tiie following claims are made for
Berkshire liogs by Mr. Knapp, an Iowa
breeder, and while the admirers o f other
breed* will not accept the statements in
full, it is well to know the claims for each
The Berkshire hogs are superior to all
others for the following reasons:
1st. They possess greater vitality, and
hence are less liable to disease.
2d. They are more prolific. Mature
sows seldom raise less than eight or nine
3d. Being strictly a thoroughbred hog,
the pigs are uniform— all choice.
4th. Their flesh is firmer than that o f
any other hog.
They furnish superior
ham, shoulder and bacon. They bring a
higher price for the English market.
H all. Patterson k C o , Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
H ide and Leather B ank, Chicago.
P r im # Hospital, 203
S . Clark St^Chieago,
Hi. CCPBpecialty, all
Private. Chronic and
F e m a l e Disease*.
Consultation f r e e .
Ladies and Gentle­
men, send one dollar
Ter samples o f b est
r o b b e r good*; and
valuable Information
b y express. R e l i a ­
b l e Female P ills, $5
per box. P riv a te
home and nurse for
L td iet during con­
/JV V rv
c a
lm j
A netr -work, price 5 0
eents b y m aiL U js te - .
ties o f Nature, Phrslology o f Marriage, Orfa n s o f G e n e r a t io n ,
Diseases o f T onth and
Manhood; a wealth o f
eholce and valuable information, o f interest
to both sexes. Nothing
offenrire to good taste
u d refinement. Inform atloh n e v e r before
published. No family
■honld be withont it.
NAMES o f residents wanted. -For 25
names and 25 cents we w ill send yo n i
fine silk handkerchief,
[er, every thread
regnlarprice,ICO. G. W . F oiter * Co.,
52HClerk Btreet, Chicago, Hi.
' T.
anfoeb s
Sis a Standard Family Kuuedy for
{diseases of tbe Liver, Stomach -e."
*>and Bowels. ■It is Purely
^Vegetable.— It never
^Debilitates— I t is t
5Cathartic and
All Sorts.
Do you want a pure, bloom ­
ing Complexion? I f so, a
few applications o f Hagan’s
ify yon to yonr heart’s con­
tent. It does away with Sal­
lowness, Redness Pim ples,
Blotches, and all diseases and
imperfections o f the skin. It
overcomes the flushed appear­
ance o f heat, fatigue and ex­
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN­
T Y ; and so natural, gradual,
and perfect are its effects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
— A G E N T FOR—
, 0' *
The Haskins Engine,
aV I
e au.\ d °* a s 'A? „ 0<^ *
\r o % v 5
»* •
in m y practioeS
fin d b y th e p u b l i c , !
‘for more than 35 years,J
> K ^ « - with unprecedented results.J
£S. T. W. SANFORD, M.D.,
A large, aew and complete Guide to
W ed lock , containing, with manv
other*, the following chanter*: A
competent ‘Womanhood, Selection ot
|Wife, Evidences ot Virginity, Tem­
peraments,compatible and incompatl_________________ble. Sterility m women, cause and
treatment. Advice to bridegroom. Advice to husband*.
Advice to wives, Prostitution, it* cause*, Celebaey and
Watrimonv compared, Congugal duties. Conception, Con­
finement, Love and Courtsliip, Impediments to
m male and female, Science ot Reproduction, Single life
considered, Law of-Marriage, Law ofDivorce, Legal right*
o f married women, etc., including Diseases peculiar to
W om en, their onuses and treatment. A book for private
end consideratereading. of 320 pages, with full Plate En­
gravings, by mail, sealed for 50 cents.
„ ‘ ‘ The Private Medical Adviser,’ *
onSyphiliB, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Varicocele,
&c., also on Spermattorhcea, Sexual D ebility, audlmpotency, from Self-abuse and Excesses, causing Seminal
Emissions, Nervousness, Aversion to Society, Confusion ol
Idea*, Physical decay. Dimness o f sight, Detective Memory,
Lois ot Sexual Power, etc. making marriage improper
Of unhappy, giving treatment, and & great many
valuable receipts for tho cure o f til! private diseases: same
fixe, over 60 plates, 60 cent*.
, .
‘ ‘ Medical Advice,”
• lecture on M anhood and W om anhood, 10 cents; or
mSI. 1.Thev contain
«. —
_ ....__—
bined volume is positively the best Popular Medical’ Book
published, and those dissatisfied after getting it can have
their money refunded. The A uthor is an experienced
Physician, o f many years practice, fas is well known,) and
the advico given, and Rules for treatment laid down, will
be found o f great value to those suffering from impurities
o f the system, early errors,lost vigor, or any o f the numer­
ous troubles ^coming under the head o f “ Private” or
•‘Chronic” diseases.----Sent in ?ingle volumes, or complete
in one, for Price m Stamps. Silvcr or Currency. (Consul­
tation confidential, and letters are promptly anil frankly
answered without charge.) Address: Dr. Butts’ Dispen*
tary, 12 N. 8th Sb-St.Louis, Mo. (Established 1847.)
.5 3 “ F o r tale by R ew t Dealers. AGENTS wanted.
DR» B UTTS invites all persons suffering from ”V
RUPTURE to send him tneir names and address, ■
and hereby assures them that thev will learn W
tomethins to their advantage,——N ot & T ru M .'^
------- T H E -------
A Valuable D iscovary
ami New Departure in Med
teal Science, an entirely
2Sew andpositivelyeffcetivc Remedy for the speedy
and permanent Cure of
Seminal Emissions &
Im potency by the o«ly
true w ay, v iz: Direct
A pplication to die prim
seat o f tho Disease,
. ....................
..... , -----c by
bsi---- ition. and ezerting its specific influence on the Seminal vesicles Ejac­
ulatory Ducts, Prostrate Gland ami Urethra. The use
of the Remedy is attended with no pain or inconvenience,
it is quickly dissolved and soon absorbed, producing an
immediate soothing and rostorative effect upon the sex­
ual and uervoua organizations wr-c^k,-,! from self-abuse
and excesses, stopping the drair. from thesvstem.restoringthe m ind to health and scuna m em ory, removing
the Dimuess o f Sight, N ervous D ebility, Confusion
o f rdeas, Aversion to S ociety, El c.Etc. and the appear­
ance of prem ature old age usuullv nceompanving this
trouble, and restoring perfect Sexual V igor, where it has
been dormant for years. This mode o f treatment has stood
the test m very severe cases, and is nou* a pronounced
xaecess. Drugs are too much pieseribed in these troubles,
mid, an many can bear witness to, with but little Hatty
permanent good. There is no Nonsense about this Prepara­
tion, Practical observation enable* us to positively guaran­
tee that it will give satisfaction.------- During the eight
years that it has been m general use, we haw thousands
of testimonials as to its value, ami ii is now conceal­
ed by the Medical Profession to be tbe most rational
means yet discovered of reaching and curing this verv prev­
alent trouble, that is well known to be the cause ufunlohl
misery to so many, and upon whom quacks prev with
fheiruseless nostrums and bigfees.T he Remedyi*puttip
in &neat box, enough to last a month, and sent *m a plain
wrapper by mail scaled for $ 3 .—Two boxes, {sufficient tu
effeetaperinaneutcure unless in severe cases} £ 5 ___ Three
boxes lasting ihree full months, will stop emissions, nml
restore vigor, in the worst cases. $ 7.—P ull DIRECTIONS
for tusing w ill accom pany EACH BOX.
- Send for &Descriptive Pamphlet giving Anatomical
/ ! Illustrations, which will convince the most sceptical
that they can be restored to perfect manhood, and
fitted for the duties o f life, Game as if never affected.
‘Sent Sealed for stamp to any one. Sola ONLY by the^
Vnr*'*! and 8ih. Sts.
Gardner Governor,
Utica Steam Gauge. I
Engines, Threshing Machines,
W ood Sawing Machines, Horse
Powers, Mowing, Reaping and
other Machines repaired.
Cider Mill Screws, Saw Arbors,
& c„ &c., made to order.
Shotting, Pulleys,
Couplings and mill supplies fur­
nished on short notice.
Shop on Chicago street, near
mill race.
However bold a man is, he will wince
a little when a woman seizes a rolling-pin
aud demands a pail o f water.
There is a man ou Arbor Hill who is
so infernally lazy that his friends say it .
is impossible to cut him to the quick,
since he hasn’t got any.
An Illinois debater h a d ’em w ln nh e
arose and said: “Yes, gentlemen, Water­
loo was the biggest kind o f a fight, but
Washington whipped ’em like a wink."
When an Oswego clergyman in a ser­
mon Sunday, said “ tho bloom o f youth
js upon many o f you,” the ladies got
frightened and covered their faces with
their kerchiefs.
An English .Judge, who has continued
ids obsinations on tliu bench for twenty
years or more, Miys dial defendants in
breach ot' promise casus have very rarely
well-developed foreheads.
T h © W h it©
Dr.I ClarencePrice
Y E A m .
AS m et with unprecedented success in the treat. raeut o f all
C h r o n ic D i s e a s e s
Its Introduction an d World-renowned
rep u tatio n w a s th e death-blow to highp ric e d m achines.
T h is i s a very Important matter, a s It is a welltenown an d undisputed fact that many o t the socalled first-clL'SS machines which are offered so
c h ea p now-a-days are those that have been re ­
possessed (that Is. taken back from customers
after use) a n d rebuilt an d p u t upon the market
i a s new.
Head, nor roe, kidueyw, bladder, womb, and blood.
Affections o f tho urinary organs, gravol, scrofula,
L IV E R .
rlioumatism. catarrh,asthm a, bronchitis, dyspepsia,
Dr Price’s reputaii*>u has been acquired caudid,
hoiiostdealiug and years o f anccsssful practice.
My practice, not one o f experiment, but founded
the laws Of Nature, with
3ara o f experience nnu
evidouce to sustain it, does not tear down, mako sick
to mako w e ll; no harsh treatment, no trilling, no flat­
tering. W o know the causeand tliorem od y needed,
no guoss w ork, b u t know ledge gained by years of
experience in tlio treatm ent o f Chronic diseases ex­
clusively; noencourasom ent w ilhoute prospect. Can­
did in ou ropiu ion ,roa 8onauloin our charges, claim
n o tto liu o w oYorythiG g.er to cure everybody, but
do claim to reason aud com m on sense. W e invite
tb e sick , no m atter what their ailm ont, to ca ll, in
vestlga teb oforoth oy abandon hope, m akointerroga
tion and docid eforthom solvos. I t w ill cost nothing
an consultation is fro o . V isits m ado rogn la rly.
D r . V . C larence P r ic e can b o con sulted at
Niles, Bond TTonee, Saturday and 8m iday, the 12 li
nml 131U o f J'ulv. A t Lanorto, lud , Myers House,
Friday, loth o f June, and Friday, tho Sth o f August.
Patients will address all letters to Dr. V . Clarence
P rice. WaukoKHU,III. with shuno.
G ltA V ’ S S P E C IF IC
m ark.
Do not Buy any other before try­
ing the WHITE.
Prices anfl Toms laic Satisfactory.
T h e fir o n t
W h i t e S e w i n g M a c h i n e ^ o .,
• C ie V E l.A U O , r .
T o r sale bvJJOHlN \Y. BKISTLK, i»u>'ltan
a n , iT ic h
lilH c c h i
V A h V A I*JjE § T R U T H S .
Tf you arc suffering from fipoor health, c r languish*
In s on a bed o f slckuesi.gtakc chetr, fo r
H o p B ittevftgn *ill C u r e Y o u .
I f yon are simply ailing Jsif yon feel weal; nnd
dispirited, w ithout clear- ly know ing why.
E n & l iH b K e m *
Ay m*I**iling em o for Semi­
nal weakness Sperniatorilua, Impo­
tency, ni d all DhPHses that follow,
as a sequence o«
tfelf-AIu-'t. as Losb*
H o p B itte n * w i l l R e v i v e Y o u *
I f yon are a minister, and have overtaxed yonrself with your pastoral du- tles; o r a mother, worn
ou t with care o r work,
Fain in the Hack.
of Vi-jon, lYematuro Old
Age M.d many other di-eases M«..t le.s l to Iu.*a.tiity or
Consumption »ud a I’ n ni: ture Grave.
Full particular?* in our j RipplUr’ . which we desire to
send free by mail to e\ e*» on**. The Specific Medicine
is sold bv all clrmr«ists el
per package or -ix pack­
ages tor $5, or will be rent free by mail ou receipt o f
the money bv addre-^i’ ?
H o p B it t e r s w i l l
I f yon are a man o f busstrain o f your everyday
ters, tolling over your
H o p B it t e r s wi l l
I f yon aro young, anu
cretlon, orare growing too
H o p B iu e r s w ill
I f yon are In the workdesk, a n y w h e r e , and feci
cleansing, toning o r etlrn
e a tin g ,
No 10 MhcIi imc ' s W ork. Dfi^Korr. Mien
ficSs.Sold in Biu-hamui by all dnmuism aud by all
wholesale ard retail dealers everywhere
H o p B it t e r s i t W h a t Y o u N e e d ,
I f yon are old, and youi pulse Is feeble, your
nerves unsteady, and youi faculties waning,
, w.
Before T a l d i i g ^ ' ^ o ^ l f t ^ Taking.
T H E G R A Y M E H i m E CO.,
H op
B a t t le C r e e k , M ic k ,
r.. t.nrv- 11
B it t e r s
w ill
am i
R e store Y o n .
mess, weakened b y the
duties; or a man o f letinldnlghtwork,
S tr e n g th e n Y o n .
offering from any inuis
Cast, as is often the cate,
R e li e v o Y o u *
shop, on the farm , at the
(hat you r system needs
ul&tlng, w i t h o u t iu t o x i«
iv o y o u
V ig o r .
N ew
Try Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief.
U-..J».^non*ra0<4V.ac*« i . .'C;S li .,Tb-*«
It«*r-rV-ii'Oij uar l t>r«TTf»7l.. Uo
« V I B R A T O
F o r sale b y all druggists.
R ”
laspfOYcmsnis ScpieBibsr, 10781
Matchless Grain-Sarins', Tim e-Saring,
and Konev-Saving Threshers ofthis day and genera­
tion. Beyond*all rivalry for Rapid Work, Perfect Cleaning,
and for Saving Grain from Wastage.
IX a v i-" rcra r.i W th e i l r n m J of this
I'rogreSfSiv** rw v.*' now offr-r to tho "World,
T ? a?
if I p U J B j
5 *
" ’
m portant 1m pro y cm ents.’
In his later years, George Cruikshank
used to regret that lie had been betrayed
into, drawing coarse caricatures.
had taken a highly comic view o f the
marriage o f the poor young Princess Char­
lotte, and Leopold came in for a good deal
o f what was anything hut pleasant. The
Prince Regent, too, and his vices used to
be satirized unmercifully, and neither the
pencil ot George nor the taste o f the day
was especially delicate. As George re­
gretted these caricatures, I made quite
sure he had destroyed his stock o f them.
But, after all, it seems that his repentance
did not take quite so practical a turn.
The caricatures— a very good investment
—-were carefully preserved, and only late­
ly, in the auction-room, collectors fought
with each other over tbe possession o f
The Detroit- Free Press has studied in­
to the matter, and believes “there is no
doubt that a person, can go on a railroad
dr'steaffiboat eiteursioq 'and have a good
; tM e;n And'it lets out the secret o f how;
■this can be done, by saying : ' “I f you are
. youggmaa-bring your gM along; take
ie rffi^ d M the car enters the depot, and
don’tletgb" o f ft until you start for home,
not even to wipe your note;’ I f yoirwant
to open- your jack!'kmfe'‘'d<uffijg4h« 'day,
do it w ife jo u r left hand and teeth.”—
A lso: “ Come with soma money in your
pocket. Fifty Sent* anil g o a long way
m a city like this; providing y o u 'fillu p
wife apples to: start oh. •Some- folks can
hays a good time on a uickeli but i f your
girl should call for a soda water, you’d be
It is said tliat at the' factory . where it is
consumed it first undergoes a-sweafejg
process, by, which an .article of- spirits is
_1 1 ? _ ' J
V- VJ.L «il HAM ' •r\M
is nsed for medical
poses, anffthatit is then manufactured into paper, and also tan article for stuffing
Docter Thomson, taking once for his
text, “Look not upon the Wine when it is
red in the cup," enlarged upon the head,
heart and purse. As the congregation
departed, two .old cronies,, givenIto tak­
ing more than a vree ;drap,::talked over
thaserinon. ’D id yOu here jo n ; Johnnie l’!: quoth one... "D id Iirear’t?. Wh*
. didns Iheaftl j I.n fe’efc'winked
,.Aweelfr an’.whatihochtc ye (ftS” i"Adeedi
.Davie,.Iithink ihe haafeienadad fnrhi$
dayj or he couldna- ba, .iken’d sae wesl
aboot it; he’s bttn a 'sly hand, the minis-
Power Threshers a Specialty. Special
sizes of Separators made expressly for Steam Power.
UB Unrivaled Steam Thresher Engines,
O both Portable and Traction, with Valuable Improve­
ments, far beyond any other make or kind.
ENTIBE Threshing Expenses (and often
three to fire times that amount) can be made by the
Extra Grain SAVED by theso Improved Machines.
(■■BAIN Raisers will not snhmittothe enor-
W mous wastage of Grain and the inferior work done by
all other machines, when once posted on the difference.
•for Wheat. Oats;
l the Om y Successit, Clover, and like
Heeds. Requires no "attachments" or "rebuilding" to
Change from Grain to Seeds.
I N Thorough Workmanship, Elegant Finish,
Perfection of Parts, Completeness of Equipment, etc.,5
oar “ Vibrator” Thresher Outfits aro Incomparable.
c f any luaeli:;..! J.i tl «
supportc-fl 1 y a fr :.t c f volunto
f a f.., t
n o w e n n iu ir n ii,- cl.u ■> I- r i t | T . . i r
simplicity, a vomlcrf::! r.
friction, anil altogellicr n J.Vrrc ComVmation Desirable- Q’lalHuv. JV>r sale
by Merchants end oiiicrs.
^S-Sontl for Illustrated Circular and Price:-:. Liberal Terms lo ibo Trade.-S t.
D o n 't buy u n til yo u have seen t h e lig h te s t ru n n in g m a c h in e in
th e W o r ld ,— th e E v e r R e lia b le “ V I C T O R . ’ ’
5U D D M lX O lYN j CONY., a n d
XOi) iiiul SO1 '\Ynh:\<lL
Mrs. F R A N C W H I T M A N , A g t , Buchanan.
TVF4BYELOUS Ibr Simplicity o f Farts, using
less thancno-haU thensualBeltsand Gears. Makes
Clean Work, with no Litterings or Scatterings.
OUB Sires of Separators Hade, Banging
red Hotse
from Six to Twelve-Horsesize, and two styles of Mount*
Powers to
OB Particulars, Call on our Dealers or
F write to us for Illustrated Circular, which wo mail fres,
B i ’iu lle v "> ! P L o t o j j v u p b
irE c m
Sigwall Siwii lactoe
Troves it to b o tho m oot perfect construction
o f the kind over offered to thopubiic, combin­
ing t b 9 b e s t a n d m o s 4 t l i o r o n g h l y
te ste d p r in c ip le s o f S e ttin g M a­
c h in e m e e b a n is m ,
A Decided Cure, ’A Local Remedy,
Harmless, Effectual, Simple.
Applications Easy and Agreeable.
Gbahd RAPIDS, Mich , Hoc; 2,1870
Mib M b,‘ E lt B roihxrb—I cheerfully add m y test!m ony to the value o f your Cream Balm as a specific
in the case o f m y sister, who has been seriously debitItatedW ith Catarrh for eight yearp; Shaving tried inef-fectnally, Hanford's remedy and several specialty docto r i in B o s ton* She improved at once under the use
o f your discovery, and has regained her health and
hearing, w hich bad been considered Irremediable.
Bern: W .Umtu, 8eNPhaix Mca. Co.
S Y T O C oass
■Whichin? faiiivo’d thn introduction of Ills
The effect is truly m agical,giving instant relief, and
as a curative, is in advance o f anything now before
the public.
The disagreeable operation o f forcing a quart o f
liquid through the nose, and tbe use o f snuffs that
.only excite and give temporary relief, are already be­
in g discarded and condemned.
Cream Balm has the property o f reducing local irri­
tation. 8 oros in the nasal passages aro healed up in a
few days. Headache, the effect o f Catarrh, is dissi­
pated in an almost magical manner. Expectoration is
made easy. Sense o f taste or smell is moro or less
restored. Bad taste in the month and unpleasant
breath, where it results from Catarrh, is overcome.
The nasfcl passages, which havo been closed up for
years, are made free.
Great and beneficial results are realized in a few ap­
plications o f the Balm, but atborou gb use o f it, in
every instance, w ill be attended with moat happy re­
sults, and generally a decided cure
. Fifty cent* will buy a bottle, and i f satisfaction is
not given, on application the proprietors w ill cheer­
fully refund* the m oney. Trial size, 10c. A sk your
druggist for it .
BLY BROS., Oswego, N.Y.,Proprietors.*
F or sale In Buchanan by F . A . W hite.
C K ftllc x -y .
O f steadilv iuerca£ii)g popularity, it m a y b e ju stly claim ed that P r o c t e r £- G a m b le 's E x t r a O live
2soap deeervts its w »H -e»rncd reputation fo r pu r e q u a l it y aiul h o s ia t w e ig h t . "P rocter J:
G a w h fe ’ s lo n g experien ce (since 1S37) a n d d o s e attention t o ils m anufacture, com b in ed w illi care­
fu l selection o f m aterials used, insures to housekeepers an effective, dvradfic and economical Soap for
4j l
Every State iu the Union except Lou­
isiana has a Sunday law o f some kind.
One hundred and eighty-three cotton
mills have been built in the South since
the war.
“It’s all up with the down," sighed a
disappointed youth, as he rose from a
barber’s chair.
The Key West sponge trade is on the
increase. Seventy vessels and 350 men
are engaged in it.
- I would not live always,” sings the
tramp. He would not live oil ways hut
only one— on other people.
However hold a man is, he will wince
a little when a woman seizes a roUmg-pm
nud demands a pai I o f water.
The liwt Austrian census shows that 183
men aud 22!) women in that Empire have
celebrated their own centemihds.
“ The sign on a returning emigrant’s
wagon read, “ Rough iu Texas. Going
bade to my mother-in-law."
“ The sign on a returning emigrant's
wagon read, “ Rough in Texas. Going
back to my mother-in-law.”
L a d ie s
M 3
The hitherto despised, neglected and
Y ellow Jasmine a Poison to Italian
Grain, Seeds,Hides, Greenland Dried apparently worthless pine straw1has de­
veloped into new industry-and an arti­
Frnlts, Batter and Eggs, &c.
cle o f export at Wilmington, N. C.
Particular Attention Griven to Fruits Over eight tons Were Shipped on one
steamer to New York recently, and tbe
and Vegetables.
manufactory requires fifty tons a week.
1 9 0 S . W a t e r S t., C h ic a g o .
I t meets all tbe requirements o f its department
in tbo family, and proves itself a
H O U S E H O U B _ B L E S S IN G .
Illustrated P rice L ists furnished on application to the Company or the L oca l A gent.
AGENTS WANTED, to -whom the most liberal inducements will be offered.
SIGWALT SEWING MACHINE CO., 19 Jackson St., Chicaijo, III.
Are you going to
Chemical Paint9
M A .K T T F A C T V I t E F J I T
Geo. W . Pitkin & Co.,
8td fir SimpleCardsandPriceLists.
$ &
Chicago, UL
“My dear,'1 said a gentleman to Ins
wife, “ our club is going to have ail the
home comforts." “ Indeed,” sneored the
wile, “ and when, pray is our home to havo
all the club comforts?”
The Upper Peninsula o f Michigan has
several organized townships with scarcely
inhabitants enough to fill the official po­
sitions required by law.—Mining Ga­
Patrick—“ And, Biddy, darlint, they’ve
been tollin’ me there’s too many o f ns in
the Worruld. Now, i f you and me get the
praste to make us tvro wan, troth won’t
there be wan the less?”
“ Doctor,” said a gentleman to his pas­
tor, “how can I best train up my boy in
the way lie should go?” “By going that
way yourself"' blandly replied the pas­
An English Judge, who has continued
Ids observations on the bench for twenty
years or more, says that defendants in
breach o f promise cases have very rarely
well-devcloped foreheads.
The Due de Moray’s definition or a po­
lite man: “ One who listens with interest
to things he knows all about when tliey
are told by a person who knows nothing
about them."
Bumptious old gent (in a directorial
tone)—“A h! conductor, what are we— ahl
waiting for?"’ Conductor (with uncon­
cern) “ Waiting for the tram (o go on,
sir.” Old gent retires.
A lady iold her littlo son who was teas­
ing for something to eat. to wait until
breakfast. With a tear in his eye, lie
burst out: “ I jest honestly sometimes
think you're a stepmother.”
Caldwell, (Iowa) farmers’ wives have
found a specific for troublesome lightningrod peddlers in the trusty shotgun. The
peddler can take his choice—either go off
himself or have the gun go off.
A selectman o f a suburban town, rays
the Boston Transcript, while superin tend­
ing some repairs and improvements o f a
highway, indicated a spot near a small
stream o f water as “ a good place to put
down a culprit.1'
It is as bad to be with a grumbler as
to be out on a rainy day. The one damps
our clothing the other our spirits. But a
bright, sunny-faced man or woman cheers
us like a lay o f sunlight coming into tv
dark room.
A o-year.'-old ghl, lost in Minnesota
woods, had the good sense to hang
bits o f her dress oil bushes as aha wander­
ed, and these led to her discovery, after
she had lived four days on berries and
wild onions.
The manufacture o f jewelry from tho
pure blood o f an ox is flourishing in Ger­
many. The blood is dried, reduced to a
powder, and then molded and polished.
The ornnments-thus produced are capablo
o f high polish.
I t is as bad to be with a grumbler as
to be out bn a rainy day. The one damps
our clothing the other our spirits. But a
bright, sunny-faced man or woman cheers
us like'a ray o f sunlight coming into a
dark room.
The skeleton o f an Indian and hia horse
has been found near Union Springs, Bul­
lock county, Ala. The man w'as fouud
sitting upright on the animal, and rich
specimens o f gold with large sheets of
mica were found, which had decorated
the bodies.
A clergyman in Illinois, who had been
marrying several parties o f young folks,
was asked by a brother who called on
him, how ho was getting along. “ Oh,
finely,’’ he replied; “ I ’m sailing right
along at the rate o f thirteen knots an
When :m old backwoodsman was about
to take his first ride on a Mississippi
steamer, he was asked whether he would
take deck or cabin passage. “ Well,” said
he, in a resigned sort o f way, “ I’ve lived
all my life in a cabin, and I guess cabin
passage will be good enough for a rough
chap like me.”
A fashionable visitor thus addressed a
little girl: “How do you do, m y little
dear?” “ Very well, I thank you,” she
replied. The visitor then added, “ Now,
my dear, you must ask me how I do.”
The child honestly replied, “I don’ t want
to know.”
In a certain Massachusetts normal
school tho word “Eucharist” was given
out not long ago to be spelled, aud de­
fined, says the Boston Transcript. More
than three-fourths o f the gir—beg pardon
—young ladies—wrote, “ euchreist, a per­
son who plays euchre."
A correspondent o f the St.Louis GlobeDemocrat tells this story: An Irishman
upon his arrival in the United States,
notingthe great number o f military titles,
exclaimed, “ What a divil o f a battle has
been fought near here, where all tho pri­
vate* was kilt,”
A number o f prominent merchants and
planters in Louisiana have organized the
“Mississippi Valley Immigration Compa­
ny,” which is designed to be an agency
to promote immigration from Europe
and from the Northern States, and to sup­
ply white labor to the planters.
A Vienna statistician hag published a
I>:lift in wliich he states that there ar*
1U-V-- ! persons in Europe 90 years old
siv: upwards; and that o f thoia over 100
t!u>e are. 241 women and 181 men in
Italy. 220 women and 183 men in Auitria,
and. 526 men and 524 women in Hung­
_Very excellent imitations o f tlieEnflehl
rifle are manufactured in large numbers
at Cahul under the superintendence o f
some German armorers. They are quite
as good as the English made ones, as far
as their shooting powers go, their one fault
being that they are occasionally liable to
“ W e Indians,” said the chief o f the Lit­
tle Ottawas, with tears in M b eyes, speak­
ing to Rev. Dr. Young, “ we Indians use a
great deal o f wliisky, hut,” very impres­
sively, “ we don’t make any o f i t ” True,
noble savage, you do n o t Y ou couldn’t.
You’ d drink it all up before it waa half
,,-noi Sop n j ‘presq ut amd ;ou am
u o f j i -preaq ut amd aq o p fjn p m o f
B^tpeq; putj£„ ‘eiidnd «tq ppq oqp iqj pa
-W® EII I a‘Jw3q ut omd oqpam passaiq,,
Suipear aejyy ’ssputtpiaq aq* puu qonq
aqi naaAqaq uopoaunoD qBjiA n gr araq;
IBqj piaq oAnq 6; piss bi ‘aSaqon n fea
o ae)ssra-p«eqatntj’ e u o ^ tt'e je e j’ia ;