Young Ranchman`s All Breeds Livestock Show


Young Ranchman`s All Breeds Livestock Show
Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show
September 25, 26, 27, 2015
Swift Current Ag Grounds, Swift Current SK
Committee Members
Mary Kate Robertson
Alvin Pawlitza
Suzanne Smyth
Tyler Smyth
Jamie-Rae Pittman
Jonathon Thomason
Kim Simpson
Lisa Casey
Special thanks to the Swift Current Ag & Ex for making this weekend possible
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Cattle may begin move in at 12:00 pm, they do not have to be stalled until 12:00 pm,
Friday, September 25, 2015.
Friday, September 25, 2015
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
3:00 - 5:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
Registration begins
Cattle must be stalled in the barns
Public speaking
Educational workshops take place
Art and Photography entries must be submitted
Young Ranchman’s family social and BBQ
Saturday, September 26, 2015
7:00 am
8:00 am
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Grab and Go Breakfast, in front of barn 1
Group picture in the ring
Preliminaries for Show Team Judging
Opening Ceremonies
PeeWee Showmanship and Grooming
Steer show entries weigh-in
Junior, Intermediate, Senior Showmanship & Grooming
Little Ranchers program begins
Little Ranchers wrap up snack and social
Show Team Judging Finals
Prospect Steer Show
Banquet and Awards Presentations
Speech performances from the Public Speaking competition
Sunday, September 27, 2015
8:00 am
9:00 am
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Complimentary Breakfast
Breed classes begin
Supreme Champion, presentation of remaining awards
Cattle are released
Age Groups – As of January 1st, 2015
PeeWee 8 yrs and under
Junior 9-12 years
Intermediate 13-16 years
Senior 17-21 years
Special age splits are required for a few of our skill classes. Please read through all the
skill class descriptions to find out which skill classes follow which age splits.
Livestock Classes
**No cross entries with the pen show allowed**
In order to have a breed division we will require at least 10 head representing that
breed division to enter. We strive to represent as many breeds in their respective
divisions as possible, but will be classifying anything with less than 10 head in the
“All Other Breeds” section.
Breed Codes
A – Angus and Angus Influenced
B – Hereford and Hereford Influenced
C – Charolais and Charolais Influenced
D – Simmental and Simmental Influenced
E – Shorthorn and Shorthorn Influenced
F – Limousin and Limousin Influenced
G – Maine-Anjou and Maine-Anjou Influenced
H – Club Calf Influenced
I – All Other Breeds
Class Numbers
Class 1 – Heifer calf, born on or after January 1, 2015
Class 2 – Yearling Heifer, born January 1 2014 – December 31 2014
Class 3 – Two-year-old cow calf pair, cow born January 1 2013 – December 31 2013
with her own natural calf at foot. Shown as one unit
Class 4 – Mature cow calf pair, cow born prior to January 1 2013 with her own natural
calf at foot. Shown as one unit
Young Ranchman’s entry deadline is September 11th, 2015
Little Ranchers program entry deadline is September 14th, 2015
Southwest Prospect Classic Steer show entry deadline is September 14th, 2015
Young Ranchman’s participant registration fee: $75.00/participant
Registration fee for Little Ranchers: $40.00/participant
Conformation class fee: $25.00/class
Skill competitions: FREE!
Environmental fee (per head): $10.00
Every participant will receive a complimentary banquet ticket as well as a keepsakeclothing article. Additional banquet tickets will be available for purchase.
Rules and Guidelines
1. The Young Ranchman’s Livestock Show complies with all the rules and
regulations set out by the Swift Current Ag & Ex
2. The Swift Current Ag & Ex is not responsible for any accident, injury or damage
suffered to person’s or property while at the show and grounds.
3. The Young Ranchman’s Show Committee is not responsible for any accident,
injury or damage suffered to person’s or property while at the show and grounds.
4. The show committee reserves the right to make any decisions pertaining to
breaking ties, the skill competitions, and the conformation show at our discretion.
5. Livestock on the grounds must have a CCIA tag
6. Livestock must be tied with a suitable halter and neck tie.
7. Show is open to Juniors (Age 0 - 21 as of January 1, 2015)
8. Copy of the Registration forms must accompany entry for all purebred entries.
9. Tattoos must be legible.
10. The Show Committee and or its members are not responsible for accident or loss.
11. Adult participation is forbidden.
12. If the committee has identified and spoken to a parent twice over the course of Fri
and Sat, the participant will be denied entry into the conformation classes on
13. Cattle may only be shown in one class. If an animal is eligible for more than one
class, please enter it in the class you prefer.
14. No animals with ringworm will be allowed on the grounds.
15. No farm signage please.
16. All rules and complaints will be left to the discretion of the show committee
to make final decisions.
New this year to our rules – Two Strike Clause
At the 2015 event, we are going to be enforcing our “no adult participation” rule strictly.
We have designed the Two Strike Clause, to assist us with this. It is important that we
offer a fair competition for all, fostering an environment where youth learn through a
hands-on approach. If the committee has identified and spoken to a parent twice over the
course of Fri and Sat, the participant will be denied entry into the conformation classes on
Skill Competitions Requirements
New this year
You must pre-register for all skill classes, we will not accept entry at the show as
we have in the past.
If you have a Young Ranchman’s conformation show entry, we require
mandatory showmanship and grooming class entry. If you are only entered in the
steer show, this does not apply.
We encourage our participants to select and compete in as many skill competitions as
Skill Competition Descriptions and Details
Educational Workshops
We are hosting two educational workshops this year. Participants will be split into age
groups, 0-12 years, and 13-21 years. Younger participants have the option of moving up
if they choose to take part in the older age group workshops.
For our older age group, we will be hosting 2 one hour long workshops. We are excited
to offer a livestock photography workshop, and a social media agvocacy workshop. You
must attend both of these to take part in these sessions.
Our younger group will only be attending 1 hour long session. We will be doing a
photography session, in which we will be participating in a photo scavenger hunt during
part of the workshop!
Young Ranchman’s Team Building Competition
Our team building competition will not be a requirement, though we really encourage
participants of all ages to utilize this competition to gain a valuable mentor/mentee
experience. The purpose of this competition is to foster leadership in our older
participants and provide hands-on help for our younger participants.
Please pre-register for the Team Building competition. You may enter an entire team, or
you may enter as an individual and we will match you up. The teams will be announced
at our mixer, and introduced. Depending on the need, each team may consist of up to 2 –
4 youth. The goal is to have the older seniors and the intermediates provide leadership
and hands-on help throughout the weekend to the juniors and peewees by giving advice,
providing instruction, lending a hand, etc. We will have judges watching the youth teams
through the course of all three days and evaluating their commitment and ability to work
At the conclusion of the show, we will announce 3 individuals as winners to receive a
prize from this competition. These three individuals will all also receive one extra
aggregate point that may be used towards their aggregate total.
Spirit of Young Ranchman’s Award
At our awards presentation we will announce the participant that the show committee has
selected to receive the “Spirit of Young Ranchman’s” award. This award is chosen by the
show committee as the participant who represents the show with integrity, a willingness
to help, and an enthusiastic attitude.
Show Team Judging
Show team judging is a judging format used where participants work together in teams.
You may choose your teammate; the team will be entered in the age group according to
the age of oldest member of the team. Each team will partake in the team judging
preliminaries where they will judge a class of animals. They will have 20 minutes to
judge the class together, and provide placings and a set of reasons written down on a
team judging card.
The cards will be scored for placings and reasons, the top 3 teams from the Junior and
Senior age groups will move on to the show team judging finals. Our top two PeeWee
teams will move onto compete in Show Team Judging finals.
The show team finals will consist of one class of animals, with a 20 min time limit.
Teams will be expected to delegate each a ringman and a judge within their team.
Participants are encouraged to dress in judge appropriate attire. They will then work as a
team to operate the ring and act as a judge just like a real show ring class. The judge will
place the class and give reasons orally over the mic to a crowd. The ringman will plan
how to direct the cattle around the ring, and ensure all the “exhibitors” move about in
order and are attended to, from entering and exiting the ring, to standing in line and
moving about in a timely fashion. The participants will be judged on how well they work
as a team, based on their effectiveness in operating the ring as well as placing and
providing a strong set of oral reasons.
We also offer a “PeeWee” Show Team Judging age category. This age category will not
qualify to the Western Canadian Show Team Judging finals as there is no age category
for this age there. However, we would like to give our top two PeeWee teams the
opportunity to show team judge a class and speak over the mic. PeeWee’s may also team
up with an older participant to bump up an age category to compete.
Showmanship will be evaluated on the exhibitor’s skill in showing their animal in the
ring. Participants will be divided into age groups and judged according to their skill,
handling cattle in the ring. If you have an entry in the Young Ranchman’s conformation
show, you are required to enter showmanship.
Grooming is a team event. Teams will be made up of 1 senior, 1 intermediate and 1
junior. On your entry form, you can pre select your team and indicate your team
members. If you do not have team pre made up, we will match you up on one. Grooming
will be judged on a number of factors, including your ability to work as a team, your
knowledge of techniques and products, and your skill in implementing those techniques
to achieve an overall result.
Please note: As we may end up with an uneven number of participants in the various
ages, when matching up a team, we will sort the teams as best as we can, so each team is
represented with different ages, though the teams we make up, may end up with varying
ages depending on entries.
PeeWee’s will groom separately. Teams can be made up of 3-6 PeeWee’s. These
participants will groom in the morning right before showmanship. This way our youngest
participants can take care of both events prior to the Little Rancher’s program.
If you have an entry in the Young Ranchman’s conformation show, you are required to
enter grooming.
The theme for our photography competition is “Cows”. You will be judged on your
technical ability, and artistic merit. Please bring your entries printed as a 5 inch by 7 inch
photo. You may matte it if you wish, but no frame. Only one photography entry per
participant please. In addition to bringing a printed copy of your photo to the show,
we will require a digital copy of your photo to be emailed to us in advance. Please
email the photo in its original size (do not compress or shrink for email, large files only
please) to:
Only one photography entry per participant please.
The theme for our art competition is “Cows”. You will be judged on your technical
ability, and artistic merit. Only one art entry per participant please.
Public Speaking
Participants are expected to prepare a speech and bring it to the show. They will then
have the opportunity to present their speech. They will be evaluated on their speech
content and their skill as a speaker. The time length for speeches is as follows: seniors 35 min, intermediate 2-4 min, juniors 2-3 min, peewee 1-3 min. We adhere to the
Saskatchewan 4-H public speaking rules and guidelines. Our public speaking champions
will perform their winning speeches at our Saturday night banquet.
Grand Aggregate
To compete for Grand Aggregate you will need to enter a minimum of 2 skill
competitions. There is no maximum to the number you can enter, but we will only take
your point totals from your top 4 skill competition standings.
We will be calculating Grand Aggregate points according to the following system:
1 point for participation in a skill competition
1 point for Reserve Champion in a skill competition
2 points for Grand Champion in a skill competition
1 point for participation in the conformation show
1 point for placing out of the team building competition
If we have a tie we need to break we will use your conformation show placing.
Our Champions Qualify!
We are pleased to provide our top Show Team Judging Champions the opportunity to go
on to compete in the Western Canadian Show Team Judging Finals, held in Bashaw,
AB, August 2016.
We are excited to provide our top overall aggregate champions with the opportunity to go
on to compete in the Canadian National Young Cattleman of the Year competition,
held in Bashaw, AB, August 2016.
Little Ranchers Program
Little Ranchers is set up especially for our participants aged 0-8 years. We will be
providing a whole day of activities for this group that will promote fun, learning,
agriculture skills, and friendship building. Our agenda will include some crafts, learning
games, opportunities to get to know one another and showmanship for those wanting to
practice up in the ring! Our Little Ranchers program is flexible, your child can participate
in all of the components or they can just participate in the elements that they are up to
trying out.
If you have a Little Rancher aged 0-5 years participating, we ask that one parent or
chaperone stay in the building while they are doing activities. Occasionally our younger
participants need a familiar face!
It is important to note that not all 8 years and under participants are required to be a
part of the Little Ranchers program, participants of this age may come and just partake
in the regular portion of the show, or partake in both programs.
Little Rancher’s Activities
Showmanship and Grooming - 0-5 yrs class, 6-8 yrs class.
As not all our little Ranchers will have access or a desire to show or groom an animal in
the ring, this is completely optional. Showing an animal requires lots of time getting to
know each other, so if you don’t have one but would like to think about taking that step
in years to come talk to us at the show. We would love to introduce you to some
participants that have extra quiet heifers that will let your Little Rancher ask questions,
try a comb out and touch them.
2 crafts - comprised of agriculture themes, we will have lots of volunteers’ help our little
hands get messy cutting, pasting and colouring!
2 snacks – at each “snack time” we will provide a drink and a few snack choices to help
fill our busy participants up!
Farm safety activity – we will review some basic farm safety in a fun way, then engage
our participants by putting together an impromptu skit with a farm safety theme.
I.D stations – split at 0-5 yrs and 6-8 yrs, having appropriate items for each age group to
look at, ask questions and then try to identify. After each participant has gone through the
stations we will talk as a group about all the items so we are all experts by the end on
what we have been looking at!
Public speaking “let’s get to know each other!” – this will be a very informal
introduction into public speaking. We will sit in a circle group with a microphone. Each
participant will have the chance to stand up at the front of the group if they are
comfortable and introduce themselves and tell us something about themselves. In this
way we can get to know each other and begin to get comfortable with speaking to a
Full hook up sites: $30.00 per night
Just power sites: $24.00 per night
Banquet Tickets
Additional banquet tickets are available at the following rates. Please order with your
participant registration form.
$20.00 adult
Non participant youth 10 and under $12.00
6 years and under $8.00
Banquet by K Motel Restaurant
Participant Registration Form & Livestock Entry
Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show - September 25, 26, 27 2015
Entry deadline September 11th, 2015. Little Rancher’s deadline September 14th, 2015
Swift Current Ag & Ex PHONE: 306-773-2944 WEBSITE:
Exhibitor Name
Mailing Address
Exhibitor Age (as of January 1st, 2015)
Clothing size (please circle) Youth XS
Postal Code
Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Additional non participant banquet tickets
Adults $20.00 # of tickets
Kids 12 & Under $12.00 # of tickets
Kids 6 & Under $8.00 # of tickets
Additional Family Social BBQ tickets, Fri night, $10.00, # of tickets (participants receive their ticket complimentary)
Camping: full hook up $30.00/night power hook up $24.00/night
total nights stay
total camping fees
Breed Class
Code Number
Name of Animal
Name of Calf at Foot
ENTRY FEES Junior registration fee $75
Little Rancher’s registration fee (8 years and under) $40
Class entry fee $25/confirmation class
Environmental fee $10 per head (cattle)
Total livestock entry fees
Total enclosed (entry fees, camping and additional banquet tickets if requested)
signature of parent or guardian, or of individual if over 18 years of age
Entries payable to Swift Current Ag & Ex
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Swift Current Ag & Ex P.O Box 146, Swift Current SK, S9H 3V5
OR BY FAX: 306-773-7015
Please include payment in mailed forms, and note that faxed entries
will only be processed once payment is received. You may send a
cheque by mail, or call with a credit card number.
Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show - September 25, 26, 27, 2015
Exhibitor Name
Exhibitor Age (as of January 1st, 2015)
NOTE - Please Complete a Livestock/Participant Entry Form to register. Even if you are not bringing cattle you need to fill
out the participant registration component on that form, in addition to this form to sign up for skill competitions.
Send them in together please.
Team Building
Educational Workshops
Public Speaking
Show Team Judging
Show Team judging partner (if you don’t have one we will match you up):
Age as of Jan 1, 2015
Grooming team members, teams of 3, 1 senior, 1 intermediate, 1 junior (if you don’t have a team we will match you up):
Age as of Jan 1, 2015
Age as of Jan 1, 2015
Team building team, we are aiming to have our younger participants matched up with a few of our older participants.
We have no formal age requirements, but ask that you sign up with a mix of varying experience levels. The goal
is to assist one another and stimulate learning.
Parent/Adult Volunteer Sign Up
If you are attending the show as a parent/adult and would like to donate some time and energy we would
appreciate the extra hands! Please let us know if you are willing to lend a hand over the weekend.
Volunteer Name
Entries payable to Swift Current Ag & Ex
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Swift Current Ag & Ex P.O Box 146, Swift Current SK, S9H 3V5
OR BY FAX: 306-773-7015
Please include payment in mailed forms, and note that faxed entries
will only be processed once payment is received. You may send a
cheque by mail, or call with a credit card number.
Southwest Prospect Classic - September 26, 2015
ENTRY FORM - Entry deadline September 14, 2014
Swift Current Ag & Ex PHONE: 306-773-2944 WEBSITE:
Exhibitor Name
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Camping: full hook up $30.00/night
power hook up $24.00/night
Name of Animal
total nights stay
total camping fees
Owned by
Must be stalled by 9 am on Saturday September 26, 2015. Weigh in on Saturday September 26 at 10 am. Show at 4:30 pm. Cattle may
begin move in by Thursday September 24 at noon if they desire. Classes will be split by weight at the show. $500 guaranteed for champion
with added jackpot for Grand and Reserve after entries are complete.
Class entry fee $50/class
Total livestock entry fees
Total enclosed
Entries payable to Swift Current Ag & Ex
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Swift Current Ag & Ex P.O Box 146, Swift Current SK, S9H 3V5
OR BY FAX: 306-773-7015
Please include payment in mailed forms, and note that faxed entries
will only be processed once payment is received. You may send a
cheque by mail, or call with a credit card number.