Heifer International Cornerstones
Heifer International Cornerstones
Heifer International Cornerstones Benefits of Livestock • • • • • • • • Milk Money Manure Meat Motivation Materials—leather, honey, wool, horns Manual Labor More—Self Esteem, Health, Security The first female offspring and training in how to raise it, are passed on to another family. The gift of livestock continues to grow! PASSING ON THE GIFT CEREMONY in Gooma, Sierra Leone --Records are keep accurately and are open to the community. --Members participate in all community meetings. --Decisions are made by the group. --All members follow the group rules. People who can not read or write, sign with a fingerprint. Each member of the group is to care about and help others, sharing the joys and sorrows of life. --The program continues after 3-5 years when HI staff are no longer in the community. --Diversity of income source is planned to enable self reliance. ie. Livestock, cash crops, palm nut oil, fruit or nut trees, handicraft business. Organic farming in Crossing, SL diversifies income and is environmentally sound. Live stock are provided with care, affection, fresh food and water, shelter and veterinary care. Nutritious goat food is plentiful in the bush! In Gooma, SL, pure water is fetched for family and livestock. Paul Kargbo, a HI Community Facilitator in Port Loko, SL, creates salt licks from locally obtainable plants, egg shell and other nutrients. His recipe has been shared throughout Africa! HI animals are inoculated and receive care from locally trained Community Animal Health Workers. --Family nutrition is the 1st priority. --Income is used for the good of the family—food, medicine, and school fees. --Nutritional value of garden produce increases with use of composted manure. Meals are eaten from a common plate. Goat manure is swept into composting pits, to later be used in the garden. --Husbands and wives respect each other. --Sons and daughters are to given equal opportunities. --Husbands, wives and children share the work, decisions and benefits of livestock. Children are often not provided with flip flops. Cut feet often get infected. Flip flops are available in the local markets for about $1 . Within the 1st year of HI impact in Dorwa, SL, almost all the children had flip flops! Babies and toddlers are safely “in touch” with their mothers of older siblings! --Recipients are chosen based on genuine need. --There is no discrimination in choosing Passing on the Gift recipients. --Active participants and hard workers are given priority over someone with the same income who does not put forth effort. The site chosen for the Bantatiya well is next to the home of Sunkarie and her son, who are both handicapped. Care for the environment takes many forms: --hygienic sanitary systems --improving the soil with composted manure --sheltering animals to prevent overgrazing --forestry projects to fight deforestation --cleaning public places In the creation of the Morthaim spring fed water system, care was taken to ensure overflow of surface water for the environment. This mountainside garden depends on the surface water overflow from the gravity fed water system. Composting manure and plant material for organic gardening in Crossing, SL. Group members participate and contribute in all group activities, discussions and meetings. 10. Full Participation Villagers of Rolal gather for the announcement that they will be able to have a well! Children sit through long meetings. The Dedication of the Konta well. Some participate from a different vantage point! People in each village are educated to be HI Trainers and Community Animal Health Workers, who then train the others in their village in HI policy and care of livestock. The Trainers and “CAHWs” lead community meetings. Spirituality is valued. --The group is considered over the individual. --All are treated equally. --Care is taken for the feelings of others. --Common values and beliefs about the value of life, the connectedness of humanity with the earth and a shared vision of the future are upheld. --Respect for religion is observed. --Meetings are opened with prayer. Mosques and churches work together for the good of the community. The Imam of Bantatiya.