July 2015 Issue of Country Road Chronicles of West


July 2015 Issue of Country Road Chronicles of West
Country Road Chronicles Of West Segment
Published by Mandaree West Segment
Editor: Lovina Fox
Volume 10 Issue 7
July 2015
West Segment Presents The 2015 Mandaree
Celebration New Celebration Grounds
Photos By Jessica Phelan
Quotes For The Heart & Mind:
* “We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to
be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
fabulous?’ Actually, who are you
not to be?” ~Marianne Williamson~
“There’s nothing more
powerful than a woman who
knows how to contain her
power and not let it leak,
standing firmly within it in
mystery and silence. A woman
who talks too much sheds her
allure.” ~Marianne Williamson~
Inside This Issue:
Page 2: Representative Update.
Page 3: Mandaree Clinic hours
Pages 4 & 5: Regulatory News
Pages 6 & 7: Mandaree News
Pages 11: New Kitchen at hall
Page 12 & 13: Photos of pow wow
Pages 22-23: Obituary
Pages 26-27: Meal site Menus
Pictured above is the newly decorated 2015 Mandaree Celebration grounds. The grounds were
decorated before the celebration began. The new arbor was dedicated to our Veterans which is on page
13 are pictures of the dedication. Below is a picture of grand entry on the first day of the Mandaree
Celebration. This year there
were 530 registered dancers
inside the new Mandaree
celebration. This year was one
of the best celebrations yet and
next year will be even better.
What an awesome site to see
the new arbor filled with our
Veterans, royalties and dancers
from the four directions.
Page 2.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
West Segment Tribal Representative Update
Hello Community members and
relatives. Before I begin this month’s
update, I would like to extend my
deepest condolescences to the Izzy
Smith family and relatives. It’s always
hard for everyone when we lose
someone from our community and to
those who have losses in their
segments on our reservation. May
our Creator be with each an every
one of you and comfort you during
this sorrowful time.
July was a busy month here for us in the community. The first part
of this month we had the Bakken Days we had a big turn out. We
had a parade, a mud run which drew a big crowd. Tug a war, and
a company out of Fargo that brought in a lot of air jumping items
for the kids to enjoy, they were up by the parking lot at the school.
We also had a big cook out, there were fun games for young and
old. A high heel race which is a lot of fun, and hand games. We
had a lot of activities and things for everyone to participate in our
community. We also had a fireworks display it was a big deal, we
had a lot to offer to everyone in our community. We had the
Bakken Days only for one day but it was full of fun and activities
for our community and everyone enjoyed themselves. In all that
we do for our community it always takes a team effort from our
staff who were very instrumental in handling everything. I
commend the staff here for doing what they do. As you all know
we just ended our 2015 Mandaree Celebration, it was one of the
hugest and biggest pow wows we have ever had in Mandaree.
And again I give all the credit to the committee for doing an
outstanding job, we dedicated our new arbor to the Veterans that
took place on a Wednesday the week of the pow wow. We had a
big dedication and a meal for all the Veterans here at the
community center. Than they marched from here to the arbor, and
then we had a grand entry for our Veterans. This is a first, it is
something that has never been done before, so it’s something we
can put in our history books. Our Veterans are the first ones to
step into the arena. This is the very first time any arbor has ever
been dedicated to Veterans. We set a precedent once again. It’s
called “The house where the Veterans dance” so the veterans are
really proud of that. We had a big positive huge success from
community members and visitors about our new pow wow
grounds, we got comments that our pow wow was bigger than
United Tribes, we had a big turn out. So again I want to give all the
credit and the glory to the Mandaree Celebration committee for the
outstanding work. I also want to make a big thank you to all the
sponsors. There is too many to name and they all contributed to
our pow wow and that’s why it was a big success. I will name
some; Crestwood, WPX, Enerplus, Airemaster., and ariemaster
provided all the tiny tot monies and they made me laugh because
they thought they would spend about five hundred a day and it
turned out to be 1,200 dollars a day because they gave out $10.00 each
time and they went three days so they gave out almost 4,000 dollars.
Assurant, Bird Trucking, Marathaon, there was more but just to name a
few. We had a huge turn out because of all those sponsors, and the work
of the pow wow committee, we even had a fireworks display on Friday
night. The fireworks display really made an impact it was a
commemorative event and I hope next year we can continue the trend and
make Mandaree the biggest and the best on our reservation. Already the
new committee has commitments from the people, next year there’s a ten
thousand dollar men’s traditional special, so there people pledging already
for next years celebration. As far as the new grounds are concerned I am
still going to put more electrical outlets on the outside because this year
everyone had to use their generators. Then I am going to have our arbor
fenced off so we can keep our sod inside the arbor looking nice so that’s
something I am working on now. We are also planning on making a whole
ring on the outside the arbor asphalt. The most important thing that we
need to do is to get it fenced off so we don’t have horses in there or ATV’s
driving on it and ripping up our beautiful grass. That’s our goal to always
put Mandaree in the front.
By the time this paper comes out everybody should have their
disbursement and those of them want it for their kids will have to sign up. I
just want to let the people know that if you want the disbursement for your
child than you have to sign up put in a request. With that said, I want to
make sure that my community understands that I’m fighting hard for
another disbursement real soon. This one is going to be like last years,
they’re going to take out child support, and take out your loan payment
that sort of thing. I disagreed with this, and I am telling you as community
members that I disagreed with this because I feel this is the people’s
money, we are not a collection agency. I know I will get flack on this and
have people come at me and say are you going to take money away from
the kids that need the money? Look at it from a different point of view if we
allow the white people to come in here and dictate to us of how we handle
things, in my mind that’s one way of losing our sovereignty. People are
entitled to that money and we have enough sense to take care of our kids,
that’s our motherly and fatherly instinct is to take care of our kids. So we
don’t need a white man’s department to tell us that we need to take care
of them. So that’s why I think we need another plan of action in place.
On another note, I would like to touch on our Regulatory commission. I
think they’re doing an outstanding job, I’m glad that we are looking at
safety as our number one concern. The Regulatory Commission is up and
running we want to be the safety division of our community, and we are
headed in the right direction. Also speaking on safety, I’m getting two new
officers starting this coming Monday, July 27 they will be stationed in our
Mandaree Officer Andy and Officer Jerry they’re ready to go. We got them
housing. By October we are looking at five total officers for Mandaree. So
we got the two houses that we set aside for the police that are being built
down at the low rent housing. Those are already earmarked for these
officers. We have one in Black Eagle Estates one of the officers already
moved in there. The other two will go in the trailer up here so by October
we are looking at having five officers for our community take all
Continue on next page.
Page 3.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Update Continue
I told them we’ll take as many as we can get so our goal is to have as
many officers as we can in Mandaree as possible.
As far as our new community clinic it’s a private clinic but you can use
your assurance insurance to be seen there. The ambulance is doing an
outstanding job and I’m just glad that we have an ambulance service
here in Mandaree and we now have two CHR’s as well. So things are
moving really well for us here in our community. We will start infrastructure of phase II of Black Eagle estates as soon as we get our draw down
from the council for more housing and we will be doing that shortly.
Mandaree Community Clinic
M a n d a r e e
Community Clinic
is a clinic run by
Mandaree EMS
that offers basic
clinic services via
meetings with Dr.
Benji Kitagawa,
DO. Dr. Kitagawa
has practiced
medicine for more
than 20 years and is board certified in Emergency Medicine.
As far as the tribal council, we will start our budgeting process next
month in August. To get a new budget complete by October 1 our new
fiscal year. Due to revenues of oil and gas as we all know it has de- Diagnostic Test Available:
creased so I don’t know what our expectations will be for next year. I will  EKG’s
continue to fight and try to get the best I can for Mandaree.
 X-rays to extremities
Other than that for our community here I would like to inform everyone
 Physical Examinations
that I will be giving out back packs for the kids. Also on a side note we
had extended two more weeks for our summer youth workers. They  CLIA waived tests including:
were supposed to be done on Monday, July 27th but now they will go  Strep, pregnancy, urinalysis, drug screens, mono tests, hanother two weeks, because we gave them additional funding. So that
pylori, blood glucose levels
will help them with their school clothes or supplies that they may need. I
do have a plan that I will do for seventeen and under for our community Illness We Treat:
kids here. I am planning on giving out some school clothes monies that  Stomachache
will be in August and I have yet to determine how much will be given out.
 Nausea
On another note, I would like to mention that in collaboration with the
 Vomiting
Fort Berthold Housing Authority I allocated $40,000 of West Segment
funds set aside for labor costs for renovations and FBHA supplying ma-  Urinary tract infections
terial for 4 units. Renovations will begin this coming week.
 Ear aches
Well that’s pretty much it for now where we will get ready for the back to
school bash an at that time we will give out back packs. I just want to
mention that I am still shooting for the 55 age mark I’m going to bring
that back up in August, I will have to have legal write up a resolution and
see how it goes. If we can just look at it for the 2016 budget it will impact
it but at the same time there’s a lot of our people aren’t reaching 60 and
passing away.
With that I want to say thank you for being a good reader.
Panther Development Investments
Alex Moreno/Managing Partner
6401 Congress Ave. Suite 250
Boca Raton, Fl 33487. USA
Ear infections
Heat exhaustion
Allergic reaction
Sore throat
Skin ailments
Minor burns
Wound care
Minor injuries
Most walk in clinic care
The Mandaree Community Clinic is
located at the Elders Building West
Entrance as you can see in the
picture above. We ask everyone for
your patience we are waiting for the
landline to be installed. We will have
our number listed in our paper. For
now everyone is asked to call (701)
421-1357. Your call will be
Page 4.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
How Things Have Changed Only For The Better
Within the past few years our West
Segment community has gone
through a lot of changes. All the
changes made in our community
were all positive and very much
needed changes. Presently we
have more homes for our people
to live in at the Black Eagle
Estates and our White Oak Trailer
Park, which is still in the works.
Many of the other segments have also
rebuilt their arbors for the upcoming
celebrations we have on the Fort
Berthold Reservation. As you can see
our Mandaree Arbor pictured to your
right. The announcers stand is really
nice and it has two additions on each
side. Which I am assuming is for our
The 2015 Mandaree Celebration
Committee will be the first committee to
enjoy our new arbor. We want our
community members to let their
children and grandchildren know that
the Mandaree arbor is not a place to
play in or vandalize, over the years our
old arbor has been vandalized and we
don’t want this to happen to this new
awesome arbor. So everyone please
help us keep our new arbor looking
nice for us and for our visitors.
All of these changes have been
good for our people who live here
in the West Segment community.
Pictured to your left is our old
celebration grounds, and for those
of you who live off the reservation,
can see how the new
Mandaree Celebration arbor looks
now. In the photo below. It is
awesome and beautiful!
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 5.
Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department
Another great job by the Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department! Responded to and effectively extinguished a vehicle engulfed on flames on
Highway 22 by Blue Buttes. Mandaree is fortunate to have such great people. Thank you volunteers!!
The West Segment community would like The
Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department to know that
each of them are greatly appreciated for all their
work efforts in all that they do by protecting and
serving community members in Mandaree.
Their job isn’t an easy one their lives are on the line
when they have to put fires out or help in any
incident or accident that needs their help.
Kudos to Mandaree Volunteer Fire Department we
thank you for your much needed services in taking
care of our community.
Page 6.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Local Student Accomplishments
Photo & Courtesy of MHA Nation
Jessie is the son of Chaundee Chase and Shannon. His grandparents are Nina
and Elgin Crowsbreast who reside in New Town and Polly and Manuel Chase
from the West Segment community. On behalf of the West Segment Community
we would like to congratulate Jessie for his accomplishments in the rodeo realm.
As a people we love to hear good things about our children and grandchildren,
we can all continue to encourage them as they represent our MHA Nation.
Three Affiliated Tribes Councilman Randy Phelan leading an honor song with
Councilman Frank Grady and Councilman Cory Spotted Bear as the Tribal
Business Council (Chairman Mark Fox and Councilman Ken Hall to the right)
honors enrolled member, Jesse Chase, national champion in several events for
tie down and roping for the 2015 NJHRA. As Native people we believe in the
importance in maintaining our traditional honoring of our people's
accomplishments and it's in these moments we are reminded of what makes our
Tribal Governments unique.
Photo & Caption by Norma Baker- Flying Horse
Photo by Rhonda Hall, Adrianne Young Bird
Adrianna Young Bird proudly stands with her diploma
between her sister and her father Farley Young Bird. She
recently received her diploma as a participate in the North
Dakota Governors School at the North Dakota State
University. Adrianna is the daughter of Helen Black Hawk
and Farley Young Bird both from Mandaree, North Dakota.
According to Adrianna she states; “I loved the experience it
was great and I honestly recommend NDGS for the kids of
my school and other reservation schools to try and
experience NDGS as well. It helps you get ready for
college, teaches you about being on time to things, and just
sets you up for the future”.
Adrianna is now a role model for students her age and
younger, she is proof that if you want to experience
something and succeed at it, as you can see it can be done.
She has made her family and relatives very proud of her.
Adrianna is currently a junior at the Mandaree High School
and resides in the Mandaree community. On behalf of West
Segment we congratulate her on her graduation and her
accomplishments. We are proud of you Adrianna keep up
the good work.
Page 7.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
For Your Information
Enerplus Donates To The 2015 Mandaree
First of all, I would like to congratulate the winners of the singing contest, Wow I Celebration Committee
A Note From The Editor
know there were a lot of great songs heard at this years celebration. I literally
missed out! Not on purpose, but for good reasons due to spiritual obligations I
was unable to be here. I commend the drum groups who participated and to
those who just came to sing an enjoy what you love to do. You know if it wasn’t
for our drum groups and our singers, we would not have the kind of celebration
that we have. I remember how hard it was to work for a non profit organization,
we had to do fundraising. I remember my auntie Wanda telling me a long time
ago, she said if you want to raise money use that drum. So I did, when I worked
at the radio station in New Town, I did just that, and wouldn’t you know it we had
a very successful fundraiser. The reason I mentioned this is that we sometimes
forget how important these singers are to every tribal nation out there. The
singers of a drum group not only sing at our celebrations, they also sing at our
ceremonies as well. Which is something we all hold very dear to our hearts. It
takes a special person to be able to want to sing, to have the patience and the
know how of taking care of a drum. Over the years, I have learned from my
uncles, my brothers, my nephews, of the things they shared of how they take
care of their drums. Over the years, I have learned to respect that drum, and the
singers. I am proud of my relatives who win at various celebrations when they
enter a singing contest. Even for that a contest there are rules to be followed.
When I used to record for the radio station, my uncles, nephews, and brothers
would often share knowledge with me. Like my brother Rex Fox, my grandpa’s
Billy Baker, Finnegan Baker, my brother, Angus Fox, Casey Fox, Marvin Driver,
Delvin Driver, Dean Fox, Alex Gwin, just to name a few. It’s amazing, they all
shared knowledge of the drum with me. It is heart breaking because many of my
relatives who sang aren’t here anymore, and yet their legacy is still here. I have
gained a certain respect for all of them, and to those who still sing today. I
applaud my nephew Randy Phelan for having this singing contest as part of the
Celebration. For sure, I know my nephew knows our Hidatsa ways of life, and
being a singer himself, he knows how to treat our singers and visitors good.
Having this contest attracted some the best singers throughout the four
directions to come here and participate at the 2015 Mandaree Celebration. I
have heard nothing but positive comments on our Celebration. It makes me feel
proud to hear our people came together and sponsored many specials. It makes
me even prouder to have our new dancing arena, it is simply amazing and
beautiful. How fortunate we are to have such a nice arbor. I also want to thank
those who helped with pictures, those who took the time to sponsor the specials,
which are a big part of making our celebration successful. Those who helped
with our arbor to make sure it was done in time. Many thanks to everyone who
made it possible.
I just wanted to say that much, and for those of you who aren’t a good reader, I
apologize if I have offended you in any way. I just wanted to take this time to
share a few words from my heart and thank the singers for bringing their drums
along with their wonderful songs to our Celebration. Kudos to everyone who
helped make this celebration successful.
I have put in a few quotes to your right, from participates and dancers who
enjoyed our celebration.
Pictured above is Enerplus handing over a donation to the
2015 Mandaree Celebration President Randy Phelan as he
shakes her hand and accepts their donation. On behalf of the
2015 Mandaree Committee we thank Enerplus for their
generous donation.
“Good evening my dear relatives and friends, well made
it home to our lil house on the prairie feeling very satisfied. 3 of my takozas place, Mandaree was the pow wow
of the year. The best in music and the best in dancing. I
liked it because the culture is still there. A lot of honoring
respect friendship. I had a great time seen a lot of very
good friends haven’t seen in years. Made new friends.
Tried to dance to every drum. It was just AWESOME!”
Sandra Black Bear
“Mandaree hospitality was the best and the traditions are
awesome. I've seen some amazing gift giving
ceremonies and wicket Family Specials with huge prizes.
Stoney Park, Young Bear and Mandaree ROCKED as did
the Championship drums that made it. Congrats to
Northern Cree, MNX, BigBear, Cozad, The Boyz and all
that placed n didn't place. Was good to hear Muskwaki
Nation and Chiniki Lake sounded champ boys. Thank
you Randy Phelan and Jessica Renea Phelan for an
experience we will cherish. See you all next weekend at
TsuuT'ina Nation Pow-wow Fans. Travel Happy”
Hal Eagletail
Page 8.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Newly Remodeled Kitchen at Water Chief Hall
Where the second door to the kitchen used to be is no longer there. The
door has been covered. In these photos you can see how the kitchen has
been remodeled. The work was done by Three Foxes a local company
from Mandaree. Larry Fox is the owner of Three Foxes. New tile was laid
for the flooring in the kitchen, also new cabinets were installed, and new
sinks. A new walk in cooler was installed. The kitchen now has a lot of
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 9.
TAT Tribal Council Members Participate in Grand Entry At White Shield Celebration
Councilman Spotted Bear, Councilman Phelan, Chairman Fox, Councilman Fox and Councilman Grady were all on hand
to participate in the grand entry at the 2015 White Shield Celebration.
Pictured to your left
are women’s golden
age traditional
dancers. As they
grace the crowd and
intertribal at the 2015
Photos courtesy of
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 10.
Councilman Phelan Dedicated Mandaree Arbor To The Veterans
Photos by Rosie White Owl
Councilman Phelan and Chairman Fox. Chairman Fox mentioned that
West Segment out did themselves with their new arbor.
Before the 2015 Mandaree celebration began a parade and a special
event was held at the Water Chief Hall. Here is Councilman Phelan
talking to the Veterans in which he stated; “It’s been a long time since
anyone has done anything for the Veterans, I wanted to dedicate this
new arbor to them.” It was here that Councilman Phelan dedicated our
new arbor to the Veterans. Pictured with Councilman Phelan is Millard
Hale Jr., Commander for Post 271. After the dedication a meal was
served to everyone. In the photo below is the Young Bear drum leading
the parade sang a Veterans song as they led everyone to the
Mandaree Celebration grounds where the dedication took place.
The new announcers stand was decorated by the West Segment staff
and 271 Ladies Auxiliary.
After the dedication a picture was taken of the Veterans and councilman
Phelan and Chairman Fox inside the new arena before the pow wow.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 11.
New Asphalt Paving put Around The New Arbor
Photos by Rosie White Owl
Pictured above behind the announcer’s stand is Councilman Phelan, and
Jack Sawyer, who did the asphalt paving around the new arbor. Also
pictured is Dan Huntsalong who works for West Segment Maintenance.
The asphalt wasn’t quite done up to the time of the pow wow, so Jack
and his workers will be back to finish up what they started to do.
As you can see in these photos they went around the arbor as much as
they could. Councilman Phelan still wants the arbor paved all the way
In this picture you can see where they paved where the flags go during
the pow wow. The goal is to have it paved all the way around so it’s
convenience for everyone.
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Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
For Your Information
MHA Nation Tribal Education Announcement
North Dakota Department of Transportation
608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58505-0700
Toll Free: 1-855-637-6237
On behalf of the MHA Nation Education Department, we would like to remind
everyone that the New Town Schools will begin classes on Monday, August 17th.
White Shield School will begin classes on Wednesday, August 19th and Parshall
and Mandaree starting on Thursday, August 20th. The Twin Buttes School will
begin the school year on Wednesday, August 26th. Nueta, Hidatsa, Sahnish
College registration will begin on August 17th and they will be in all of the outlying
areas for orientation and registration. Community College classes will begin
Tuesday, August 25th. Classes for Head Start begin on Wednesday, September
9th with registration ongoing. Physicals and screenings have to be complete before
applications are considered.
With that in mind the MHA Nation Education Department will once again be
handing out back packs for all students for the 2015-2016 school term. Last year
600 back packs were given away and it will be on a first come first serve basis.
The Education Department will be at the following locations to distribute back
Monday, August 10th: Parshall High School 9am-11am. White Shield
School at Noon-2pm.
Tuesday, August 11th: Twin Buttes School 10am-Noon (CST)
Wednesday, August 12th: Mandaree School 10am-Noon
Thursday, August 13th: New Town School 10am-Noon. Four Bears
Johnny Bird Memorial Hall 1-3pm.
Friday, August 14th: Bismarck Satellite Office 10– Noon
Any questions, or comments please call Damon
Brady @ 421-7150, Benita Spotted Elk @ 4218723, Sarah Young Bird @421-4125 or Francine
White@ 421-3791.
For More information: NDDOT Safety Public Information
Specialist, (701) 328-4559 or contact local law
enforcement (contact information can be provided on
DUI Patrols Made Over 1200 Traffic Stops in June
Statewide– Increased patrols for impaired driving
enforcement during the month of June resulted in 1,207
citizens contacts across North Dakota. Forty-one law
enforcement agencies, including the North Dakota
Highway Patrol, participated in the focused enforcement
during the first 30 days of summer travel.
A total of 870 citations were attributed to the added
patrols with 90 accounting for driving under the influence
arrests and 44 drug related violations. Sixteen citations
were given for having an open container of an alcohol
beverage in the vehicle and 22 offenders were minors
consuming alcohol.
Increased law enforcement for traffic safety is one
element of a collaborative effort to eliminate roadway
deaths in North Dakota. Alcohol-related crashes, which
are considered preventable, caused nearly half of the
traffic fatalitities in North Dakota last year.
Funding for additional traffic safety enforcement is
provided by federal grant money distributed through the
North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT)
Learn more about traffic safety initiatives at
www.codefortheroad.com or join the conversation on the
CODE for the Road Facebook or Twitter page.
Page 13.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Mandaree Celebration
Councilman Phelan standing proudly with his two sons; Jude and Tony
Phelan. Their matching shirts were made by Norma Baker Flying
Mandaree Pow Wow 2015 Cowboy Dance Special Winners- put on by
Councilman Phelan in honor of the late Ted Bolman Jr
Veronica Serdahl Cowboy dance special winners, left to right: BJ
Brady, 3rd place; Tony Johnson, 2nd place; 1st place champion,
Marty Young Bear.
Jr. Boys cowboy special sponsored by the Korday Johnson
family was won by Peyton White Buffalo who won this horse.
Picture was taken by Stefanie Hall.
Page 14.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Mandaree Celebration
Three Affiliated Tribes,
Tribal Chairman Fox.
2015 Mandaree Celebration Grand Entry as always led in by our Veterans.
Miss Indian World, Miss
Cheyenne Brady,.
Mandaree hospitality was the best and the
traditions are awesome. I've seen some
amazing gift giving ceremonies and wicket
Family Specials with huge prizes. Stoney
Park, Young Bear and Mandaree ROCKED
as did the Championship drums that made
it. Congrats to Northern Cree, MNX, Big
Bear, Cozad, The Boyz and all that placed n
didn't place. Was good to hear Muskwaki
Nation and Chiniki Lake sounded champ
boys. Thank you Randy Phelan and Jessica
Renea Phelan for an experience we will
cherish. See you all next weekend at
TsuuT'ina Nation Pow-wow Fans. Travel
Hal Eagletail
Pictured above are relatives, family and friends as the 2015 Mandaree Celebration President
Randy Phelan has his give away. This is one of our traditions that keeps us as a people very
close to our culture. We have giveaways and honoring's for all our relatives. As Hidatsa
people we are a very giving and generous people, we give to our visitors, and some families
feed our visitors and our people during our celebrations. We gift genuine eagle war bonnets
and beautiful star quilts, shawls, Pendleton's and other beautiful blankets to our visitors and
our clan members.
Pictured to your
left is Randy
Phelan, the 2015
M a n d a r e e
President. Randy
Representative for
the Mandaree
Page 15.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Mandaree Celebration
Another year that came and went as everyone parted their ways back to their homes. Photo & Caption by Jessica Phelan
The 2015 Mandaree Celebration chalks up another plus of success in our community.
All the participates had the opportunity to dance in our new arbor, which was dedicated
to the Veterans.
It takes a skilled person to keep the pow wow rolling, this year the Mandaree
celebration invited two announcers from Canada. Donald Speidel and Hal Eagletail.
Perhaps some you remember them they came here for the Young Bear Round dance
which was held earlier this year. An interview with Hal Eagletail was written in our
newspaper on his knowledge of the round dance. Very interesting article.
The new committee for the 2016 Mandaree Celebration was selected during the pow
wow. They are as listed:
President: Tony Phelan
Vice President: Diane Hale
Treasurer: Shawn Sage Beston
Secretary: Rylan Baker
Flagbearer: Leland Dubois
Drumkeeper: Nelson Baker
Headman dancer: Jude Phelan
Head woman: Jamie Hale
Jr. Princess: Brighton Johnson, daughter of Miranda and Tony Johnson.
Jr. Princess: Sierra Flying Horse
Arena Director: Donovan Abbey
Announcer: Lawrence Baker
Next year we can all look forward to another successful celebration.
The most Awesomest announcers who came to
"Rock this Joint".... Donald Tatanka Hoksila Speidel
and Hal Eagletail....awesome job guys and hope
you enjoyed yourself....
In the photo to your left was The 2015 Mandaree
Celebration Committee President’s give away. Randy
Phelan and his family, and relatives. What an
awesome site to see them wearing all genuine Eagle
Photo by Jessica Phelan.
Page 16.
Country Road Chronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Mandaree Celebration Results For Juniors & Teens
Junior Girls & Boys Category:
Teen Girls & Boys Category:
Junior Girls Traditional:
Teen Girls Traditional:
1st– Sparrow Little Sky
1st– Aerius Benton
2nd– Tessa Abbey
2nd– Andrea Stump
3rd– Neeha Lasley
3rd– Kolby Lonebear Smith
4th– Sistene Yuzicappi
4th-Wambie LittleSky
5th-Selma Ruiz
5th– Alexis Isnana
6th– Skye Hayes
6th– Tatyannah Bull
Junior Girls Jingle:
Teen Girls Jingle:
1st– Haley Bearstail
1st-Waskwane Stonefish
2nd– Alice Brownotter
2nd– Shoshawna Jack
3rd– Sarai Tso
3rd– Sunshine Acoren
4th– Abbilee Runsabove
4th-Emmalee Clairmont
5th-Wicapi Cook
5th– Hokian Win McCloud
6th– Meah Bird
6th– Kendra Bellegarde
Junior Girls Fancy:
Teen Girls Fancy:
1st– Wakinyela Clairmont
1st-Morning Star Roberts
2nd– Kass Acoren
2nd– Summer Dawn Olney
3rd-Redstar Cavanaugh
3rd– Malia Jacobs
4th– Tosha McCloud
4th-Oke Twsha Roberts
5th– Harmony Speidal
5th-Charlize Acoren
6th– Morning Rain Honani
6th– Eahtosh Bird
Junior Boys Traditional:
Teen Boys Traditional:
1st-Jonah Jackson
1st– Donovon Houry
2nd– Jace Young
2nd-Myles Bullbear
3rd– Terry Brownotter
3rd– Theron Olney
4th– Lincoln Kingbird
4th-Talon White Eye
5th-Quanah Bellegarde Okane
5th– Triston Lasley
6th– Elmer Flying Horse
6th-Brycen Whiteshirt
Junior Boys Grass:
Junior Boys Fancy:
Teen Boys Grass:
Teen Boys Fancy:
1st– George Gillette
1st– Buster Cleveland
1st– Wambdi Clairmont
1st– Delano Cleveland
2nd– Colter Cook
2nd-Cactus Runsabove
2nd– Therien Paskemin
2nd– Jessup Yazzie
3rd– Chaske Jacobs
3rd-Preston Olney
3rd-Hunter Street
3rd– David Cleveland
4th-name not listed
4th– Levi Cleveland
4th– Jai Knight
4th-Parker Bearstail
5th-Muh Jutheen Roberts
5th– Adlai Cleveland
5th– Hampton Olney
5th– Sonny Means
6th– Talance Fairbanks
6th– Cola Patrick
6th– Jakobi Omeasoo
6th– Xander Littlethunder
Page 17.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Mandaree Celebration Results For Golden Age & Adults
Women’s Golden Age:
Senior Women’s Jingle:
Men’s Fancy:
Senior Men’s Fancy:
1st– Diane Derosiers
1st– Winona Tahdoochinppah
1st– Isiaiah Bob
1st– George Abeyta
2nd– Denise One Star
2nd– Rebeca Roberts
2nd– Canku One Star
2nd– Michael Roberts
3rd– Chalene Cozad
3rd– Della Bighair Stump
3rd– Davey Madera
3rd– Tyler Lasley
4th– Elsie Wuttanee
4th– KC Lasley
4th– Darrell Hill
4th– Joe Bearstail
5th-Carmen Clairmont
5th-Dionne Jacobs
5th– Rylan Baker
5th– Bucky Johnson
6th– Vickie Hindsley
6th– Emma King
6th– Walter Runs Above
6th– Allen Roy Pay-Kwin
Women’s Traditional:
Senior Women’s Fancy:
Men’s Chicken:
1st– Delmarie One Feather
1st-Gracie Her Many Horses
1st– Rooster Top Sky
2nd– Charish Toehay
2nd– Kellie Lebeau
2nd– Nelson Baker
3rd– Cheryl Iron
3rd– Nahmi Lasley
3rd– Theo Claymore
4th– Amanda Harris
4th-Sherry Bird
4th– Angelo Begay
5th– Anna Spottedwolf
5th– Denaye Jack Honani
5th– Ranan Day Hayes
6th– Kadijah Meeches
6th– Codi High Elk
6th-Jamon Paskemin
Women’s Jingle:
Men’s Golden Age:
Senior Men’s Chicken:
1st– Leah Omeasoo
1st– Jonathon Windy Boy
1st– Brain Waskewitch
2nd– Mallory Oakes
2nd– Jim RedEagle
2nd– Bobby Badger Sr.
3rd– Yanabah Redhouse
3rd– Royce Kingbird
3rd– Jake Miller
4th-Tahnee Baker
4th– Mike One Star
4th– Daryl Three Irons
5th– Jordan Drapeau
5th– Wilson Totus
5th-Curtis Pelletier
6th– Jody Beaver
6th– Frank Eaglespeaker
6th– Alfred Smith
Women’s Fancy:
Men’s Traditional:
Senior Men’s Traditional:
1st– Tanski Clairmont
1st– Brando Jack
1st– Richard Street
2nd– Keya Clairmont
2nd; John Richard
2nd– Chaske LeBlanc
3rd– Laryn Oakes
3rd– Nathaniel Deegan
3rd– Kevin Haywahe
4th– Amber Cleveland
4th-Dwight Little John
4th– Russell McCloud
5th-Bobbie Lynn Frederick
5th-Red Bear McCloud
5th– Tony Wahweotten
6th– Jocy Bird
6th– Sidrick Baker Jr.
6th– Jason Kingbird
Senior Women’s Traditional:
Men’s Grass:
Senior Men’s Grass:
1st– Danita Goodwill
1st– Julius Not Afraid
1st– Randall Paskimin
2nd-Tosha SpottedTail
2nd– Trae Little Sky
2nd-Lakota Clairmont
3rd-Amber Buffalo
3rd– Jon Taken Alive
3rd– Buck Spotted Tail
4th-Sheri Chandler
4th– Jason Cook
4th-Wayne Fox
5th– Theo MCloud
5th– Colton Tohannie
5th– JR. Buffalo
6th– Orrie Littlesky
6th– Byson Rabbit Manyhorse
6th– Haga Cleveland
Page 18.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
2015 Drum Contest Winners At Mandaree Celebration
Photos Taken by Various photographers, Information by Jessica Phelan
contesting and
non contesting
received $1,000.
M andar ee
committee had
many sponsors
4th Place– Big Bear, from Thunderchild, Sask, Canada.
for this singing
contest. They
would like to
1st Place Champions: Northern Cree, from Saddle Lake, t h a n k
acknowledge all
Alberta, Canada.
contributed to this
singing contest.
Your sponsorship
has helped our
committee be 5th Place– Cozad Singers from Hominy, Oklahoma.
2nd Place: Midnight Express also known as MNX all from St.
Paul, Minn.
6th Place– Battle River, from RedLake, Minn.
3rd Place: Tha Boyz from Twin Cities, Minn.
7th Place– Mystic
River. Pictured to
your left.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 19.
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Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July
Updated Numbers for Mandaree
Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager: Jade Standish: 759-3049 or Water Chief Hall Security: Director: James Johnson: 759-3377
Cell: 421-5987 or Donovan Abbey
Water Chief Hall Maintenance: Dan Hunts Along: 421-2992
Catholic Church: Father Roger Synnek: 759-3412
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Will Reeves Director : 759-3399
Clinic in Mandaree: 759-3422 or Fax: 759-3209
Mandaree Hidatsa Housing Specialist. Assist: Shanna Fox: 7593399
Pharmacy in Mandaree: 759-3151 or Fax: 759-3181
Hidatsa Language Department: Arvella White & Carol Newman: 759Circle of Life: 627-4700: 315 Main Street Box 907 New Town
Mandaree Elders Meal Site: 759-3092
West Segment Regulatory Commission Office: 759-3572 or 7593574, or 759-3576.
Hidatsa Elders Program:759-3099
Elders Delivery Assistant: 759-3099 Ted White-Cell 421-3248. or West Segment Regulatory Commission Fax: 759-3579.
Paul Rosario Sr: 759-3099.
Two Mandaree CHR’s: Jessica Spotted Horse: (701) 897-6257 or
Pam Longie: (701) 421-6432.
Hidatsa Elders Fax: 759-3093
Emergency or Ambulance: 911
Mandaree Fitness Center Dennis Fimbres: 759-3780
Mandaree EMS Main Phone: 421-1357
FBCC Mentor’s Office Buff White: 759-3545 or Fax: 759-3528
FBHA Compliance Office: Ursla Stiffarm 759-3177 or Fax: 759- TAT Police Dept. 627-3617
Gary Schwartzenberger-McKenzie County Sheriff: 444-3654
FBHA Maintenance Office Raymond Yellow Wolf: 759-3577 or
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
cell 421-0672
TAT CHR Main Office: 627-4240
Fire Management : 759-3124
Little Plume Teacher 1: Leroy White Singer: 759-3369
TAT Commodities Program: 627-4292
Native Printing Jody Brieck: 759-3228 or Fax: 759-3227
TAT Game & Fish: 627-4760
Post Office: 759-3370 M-F 12:00 -4:00pm, Sat. 11am-1:15pm
Road Department: 759-3420
Bus Garage: 759-3395
Business Office: 759-3120
Main Office: 759-3311
Mandaree School Fax: 759-3112
Animal Control Wardens: Chance Fredericks-421-3879, Delia Baker
-421-5214 Anthony Chandler– 421-1924
Local Game Wardens Cell Phone Numbers:
421.6977 or Office: 627-4760
Bradfield Sage:
TAT Chief Of Police: Chad Johnson: 421-8976
TAT Acting Lieutenant: Dan Hudspeth: 421-9166
TERO Compliance Office: Lana Turner Office Manager: 759TAT Police Officer: Jerry Nelson: Twin Buttes/Mandaree Area: 4213255 or Cell: 421-6052
Tribal Ranch & Lodge: 759-3176
Tribal Ranch Fax: 759-3133
TAT Police Dept. Records: 627-3308 or Fax: 627-3113
Tribal Ranch Director: Ted Siers: 421-8672
Tribal Court: 627-4803 or Fax: 627-4602
Mandaree Water Treatment Plant: 759-3160 or Fax: 759-3199
TAT Utilities: 627-2580
In Case of Emergency call these cell numbers for water Gerald T. Fox Justice Center: 627-3500
treatment: Bruce Fox: 421-7512, Maynard Demaray Jr. 421-7859
 Please read. This is only for your convenience. Keep in mind
Water Chief Hall Office Receptionist: Tasha Shane: 759-3377
some numbers were removed and some were added and corrected.
Water Chief Hall Fax: 759-3232
Some of the names changed of the workers in some of the
Mandaree Public Relations: Lovina Fox
programs. Please post this so you can find what numbers you are
Public Relations Fax: 759-3375
looking for when you need them. In case of an emergency we
Mandaree Events Coordinator: Martha Phelan: 759-3377
have listed numbers for you. Thank you for reading.
Hidatsa Health Coordinator: Loretta Lone Bear: 759-3377
Page 21.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Trip To Jerusalem
Last month I had the awesome experience of a
lifetime to visit the homeland of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. What an opportunity to walk
the path that Jesus walked while here on earth.
For several years I had been making plans for
this trip, in fact I had purchased my pass port in
2007 praying one day I will make my journey. The
opportunity soon arrived, it was through a
Prophetic Conference and Tour 2015 being
offered by “Jesus Saves Ministries”, I was sent a
letter and invitation from brother Sadhu Sunder
Selvaraj, a born again Muslim, who now preaches around the world and
owns the “Angel TV” network. He stated in his letter that 2015 is not
another ordinary new year, But a year of “acceleration; mounting up;
leap frog.” In the Hebrew calendar we are in the year 5775, which is the
Year of the Whirlwind. 5, is the number for grace and 7, is the number
for completion of grace for whatever God has assigned us to do in this
year. This year, is also the Shemittah Year. As soon as the Jews settled
in the Holy Land, they began to count and observe seven-year cycles.
Every cycle would culminate in a Sabbatical year, known as Shemittah,
literally: “to release”. It runs from September 25, 2014 –September 13,
2015. Needless to say I was very excited about attending this 4 day
conference and to witness all the magnificent places of the Holy Land.
On the first day of the conference Monday, June 8th brother Sadhu
shared that we were there to seek the Lord and to be taught by Him. He
sees all our tears. They speak to His heart and move His heart, our
tears. He had a visit from a huge angel in his room, right before the
conference started. This was a different angel, with huge wings, pure
white. He said, “I have been sent for this conference.” Brother Sadhu
saw a golden treasure box in the corner, full of many scrolls for us. Cast
away doubt and unbelief and the scrolls will be released to all those who
obey God. He said, “We who are ministers need to seek God. Our
destiny will begin to change from September 13th and onward. We
should seek him in a new way, for re-alignment. We will be repositioned, and will receive a new heart, with new angels assigned to
us. Everyday was intense and different ministers came to speak and
release prophetic destiny. Bruce Allen shared many prophetic visions of
how God thwarted the plans of the enemy through the power of prayer.
The Lord told him “Do not beg God for answers to your prayers. Receive
your answers by faith. Don’t let doubt come from your words. Just pray
and believe and receive. He prophesied that this year on September 24
could bring and asteroid strike on the Atlantic Ocean. This asteroid is
2.5 miles wide and the damages and climate chaos would be
incalculable if even a fraction strikes the ocean. September 28th is the
last of the four tetrad blood moons of 2014-2015. Many prophets are
saying that after September it will be almost impossible to travel. When
the world is in darkness (and it is, due to marriage law and drug
legalization), we’ll bring light and the glory of God. We will have divine
provision and protection.
I Thessalonian 5:9 For God has not appointed us to (incur His)
wrath (He did not select us to condemn us), but (that we might)
obtain (His) salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (The
Wednesday was one of the most intense time during the conference,
as we were being prepared Tuesday evening on the history and
significance of the country Israel. Wednesday we were being
commissioned and on assignment to secure Israel’s borders. The
Lord told Sadhu to “station a garrison at each border; a garrison of
angels. “A garrison is a 500-man army. The Lord said that stationing
this garrison is like putting up a locked gate at each border. Sadhu
commissioned tour buses to take all 560 delegates from 22 nations
(conference participants) to each border of Israel. Worship, warfare
and prophetic declaration was done. Singing, banners, and shofar
blowing was done. Some saw chariots of fire and horses of fire
taking up their position as we prayed. Others saw huge and mighty
angels forming a link across the borders and across the airways.
Much more detailed revelation was shared as many visions came
forth from the delegates and captains of the buses. The net result of
this intense day of travel and intercession was that all three borders
were secured by the Lord’s heavenly forces, who came in response
to our prayers. This type of warfare and prayer reminded me of our
“Walk Around the Rez” prayer walk and that what occurred during
this time is soon to be released for this year as we continue to
believe and receive His promises for the Fort Berthold Reservation.
I would like to commend my sister’s in Christ who made this journey
and adventure with me, I couldn’t have asked for a better group of
travel companions and prayer warriors who committed not just their
time but energy, it was more challenging that we thought or
expected, but non the less a VERY rewarding experience. They
attended EVERY session, not like some do when they go to
conferences and skip out to go shopping or site seeing. Every day
was intense and we went from morning till evening with a few breaks
in between. I will share more in next month’s newspaper of our tour
of Israel,
God bless and Amen!
Pastor Elise Packineau
On the Sea of Gailee
Part of Tour of Israel
Pictured from Left to
Hartman, Amanda
Bird Bear, Darlene
“Red Elk” Myers, and
Page 22.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Remembering The Life Of Isabelle never had quiet times, but created many great memories.
Florence Smith (Close to Me).
Izzy was a hard worker and worked two jobs at a time. She would
O u r b e a u t i f u l m o t h e r, a u n t ,
later instill this in all her children to be self-sufficient and independgrandmother, great grandmother and
ent. She worked at the CAP office and used many of her skills to help
loving wife, Isabelle Florence (Good
the community. She was a teacher’s assistant at the Mandaree head
Iron) Smith “Close To Me”, made her
start as well as doing two other jobs as cook and bus driver. She
journey home on July 8, 2015 at the
worked as a cook for 35 years for the Mandaree School, driving in at
Sanford Hospital, in Bismarck, N.D.
early morning hours and working overtime. She always made sure all
with her loving family by her side.
her children were in school everyday and attended all of their events.
Isabelle Florence Smith, also known as
Izzy was adopted into the Dripping Dirt Clan by Raymond Jackson
“Izzy” was born at home on Christmas day, December 25, 1933, on the
family, she was very proud of her Hidatsa culture and was fluent in
Standing Rock reservation to Joseph and Emily Good Iron. She lost her
Hidatsa language. She often remembered words when someone
mother at the age of 3, and lived with her grandmother Julia Cottonwood
called the house to ask for the pronunciation. She could remember
until she was school age. She entered boarding school at Pierre, South
songs that her son’s sometimes forgot. Her favorite place to sit at a
Dakota, and remained there till graduation. She then came back to Fort
pow-wow was by the Oakdale and Thunder butte drum and she
Berthold with Neva Dancing Bull and Sylvia Grey Wolf, it was here that
would sing along to every song. She made many friends and relashe would meet the love of her life, Arthur Clyde Smith.
tionships throughout the pow-wow circuit. She would learn personal
Isabelle and Arthur were married February 26, 1955, by Father John songs alongside her husband. She was extremely proud of her son’s
Oderman at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Mandaree, ND. Eleven with their knowledge of many personal songs. Pow-wow was her life.
children were born to this union; Ronald, Janice, Patsy, Doris, Tracy,
As her children and grandchildren got older, she encouraged them to
Lyle, Kenny, Barbara, Brenda, Valerie and Michael.
join all the sports in school. She followed them to every game and
This year they had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Together event. Not a storm or “no travel advise” had ever stopped her from
they had a solid and faithful relationship with the Catholic Church and attending. She was proud of her kids and grandkids and always had
took the whole family to church every Sunday. Isabelle always said that great motivational words such as “stick to it when the going gets
the “family that prays together, stays together.” The family often did tough”. Izzy handed down many life traits to her children such as
rosary at their home because the rosary was what kept all their faith planting a garden or butchering a beef, she made sure they all had a
strong with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
part in the process. She would tell them these are life survival skills
Art and Izzy made their home in the Oakdale Coulee in Mandaree, N.D. you need to know. She enjoyed picnicking and watching her kids
During this time they took in many families, nephews, nieces, swim at McKenzie Bay. Izzy enjoyed quilting and as well taught her
grandchildren and foster children. There was just something about being daughters. You could always find them sitting around the quilting
at their home that drew many friends and relatives there. Even when the frame having “girl talk”. These are all memories that will never be
family did without, they never asked for anything in return. Home life
forgotten. She also made the best fry bread and won awards on her
fry bread skills. She had many visitors that come and enjoy her
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 23.
famous fry bread. That alone was an award to her.
nursing home in Mandan, the grandchildren knew that she loved and
She had a rule in life, that “giving” was better than receiving, she missed pow-wows, so they would take their outfits and dance for her,
had many gift giving events such as honoring’s, sporting events, while their uncles sang. It was such a beautiful contribution of showing
being on a pow-wow committee, adoptions, healing ceremonies, their grandmother of how much they missed and loved her. Her
and everything through the Hidatsa culture. She taught her children grandchildren were by her side until her final breath. Izzy and Art loved
how and what to do and what was needed to have a giveaway and their big family, in addition, they adopted sons; Tex Hall, Rod and Marcel
feed. She always went above and beyond to provide for these Ishanna, Lewellyn (Tote) Gray Hawk, Leon Old Elk Stewart and Tony Iu.
events. If there was something you liked of hers, she would give it to Everything they did for their children, she did for her adopted sons,
you. While in the nursing home in Mandan, N.D. she gifted every whom she loved very much.
worker with something; her clothes, purses, Pendleton's and star Izzy also had a little Chihuahua puppy “Roger” that stayed indoors. He
quilts that her children brought to her. She loved giving things to her was like a son to her. She hung signs saying that this home belongs to
the dog, you are just a visitor. She gave him nightly baths, dressed him
Later in life, one of her favorite hobbies was to go to bingo and to for holidays and talked to him like a child. When she got off the vehicle
the Four Bears casino. You could always find her playing machines to shop, she would tell him to stay in and watch the vehicle. And would
or just visiting. If she got lucky and won she would split her winnings leave the air conditioner on for him. Always buying him a snack or a toy.
with dad. She also won a Ford F-150, a four wheel side by side and Little “Roger” was at the hospital on the night she left. He knew what
other numerous prizes. She enjoyed family dinners at the casino as was happening, as his mood changed and he begin crying and not
well. Often times, Izzy took her daughters to a girl’s night out to play eating. Mom loved her little dog. Izzy has a loving long life. She touched
bingo and dinner in Minot. She could play cards and have the many lives of many people that knew her and she went miles out of her
electronic machine, and still look at all of their cards and tell them way to make things right in the way of Traditional Indian culture. Izzy’s
what numbers they missed. She supported the local pow-wows by family will always cherish her memory and will miss her words of
donating gifts, food baskets or making monetary donations and encouragement, support and teachings she provided to the family. She
would donate her winnings back.
will be greatly missed by her family, relatives and adopted children. She
She tried to attend everyone’s funeral and never went empty is survived by her Husband Art Smith, Sons; Lyle (Dorothy), Kenny
handed, always taking food or donations to every funeral. She often (Sandra), and Michael (Dana); Daughters; Janice, Patsey (Danny),
gave monetary donations to help purchase food or whatever was Doris, Barbara (Wayne) and Brenda; 20 grandchildren and 14 great
needed for the funeral. Often times she stayed up late to peel grandchildren; and her adopted sons. She is preceded in death by sons;
potatoes and eggs to take potatoes salad and make sandwiches. Ronald Smith Sr. (Plume) and Tracey Arthur (Raven Belt); Daughter;
She did everything possible to help the mourning families.
Izzy raised many of her grandchildren, she made sure that each one
had an Indian name. She loved her grandchildren with all her heart.
They all had the same loving reflection of her that even the
youngest ones would want to be by her. While she was in the
Valerie Joann Smith; Parents Emily & Joseph Good iron, Brothers;
Brumo, Steven, Oscar and Thomas Good iron; Sisters, Louise Young
Eagle, and Mary Flying Horse; Son-in-law Paul Fox, Grandchildren;
Ronald Smith Jr., Jesse Lone Fight, and Jada Paul; Nephew Brooks
Good Iron, Father and Mother in law, Sam & Gertrude Smith.
Page 24.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
“A Celebration Of Life
Isabelle Florence Smith
“Close To Me”
December 25, 1933-July 8, 2015
Wake Services:
Funeral Services:
Sunday, July 12, 2015- 5p.m.
Monday, July 13, 2015-11a.m.
Johnny Bird Memorial Hall
Johnny Bird Memorial Hall
Senior Pallbearer:
Arvella White
Father Roger Synek
All Welcome
Active Pallbearers:
Tex Hall
Rod Ishanna
Marcel Ishanan
Lewellyn Gray Hawk
Tony IU
Verdell Thunder Horse
Jay Standish
Adrian Ireland Jr.
Honorary Pallbearers:
Delores Sand, Arleen Charging, Chairman Mark Fox, Sister Lucille, Father Stephen, Delma Fox, Judy
Brugh, Mary Lone Bear, Sadie Mann, Corkey & Rachel Old Horn, Sandy & Shirley Iron Road,
Adrian & Peggy Ireland,
Dave Stewart, Leticia Stewart, Aurelia Gillette, Doreen Johnson,
Marlene Fox, Marcia White Eagle, Jim & Roseann Johnson, Donna Morgan, June Lizotte, Claudia
McGrady, Spencer & Kay Wilkinson, Bruce Wilkinson, Gabby Wilkinson, Dr. Monica Mayer, Dakota
Heart, and her nurse Judy.
And all her In-laws, adopted family and pow wow friends whom she love dearly.
Resting Place:
Oakdale Coulee
Mandaree, ND
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 25.
NHSC Registration/Orientation Financial Aid Opportunities
August 17-21, 2015 Registration Orientation (R & O)
Aug. 17: R & O Parshall AM/White Shield PM
Aug. 18: R & O Mandaree/Twin Buttes
Aug. 19: R & O New Town-PM-Evening
Aug. 20. Registration– New Town, NHSC Campus
Aug. 21: Registration– New Town NHSC Campus
FAFSA Deadline Fall 2015 Semester
Aug.24: Orientation-PM & Evening
New Town– NHSC Campus
Aug. 25: Day Classes Begin
Students are encouraged to pre-register NOW for the Fall 2015 Semester.
Course placement tests for Math, Reading and Writing.
Registrar’s Office at (701) 627-8047 (Garrett Titus)
Admission’s Office at (701) 627-8049 (Jennifer Wilkie)
Financial Aid Registration/Orientation:
FAFSAs need to be completed immediately by each student to be eligible for Financial Aid for the 20152016 academic year. August 21-FAFSA completion deadline.
Documents Needed:
 High School Transcript or Proof of GED
 Social Security Card
 Driver’s License
 CDIB (Certificate of degree of Indian Blood)
 Transcript from previous college (s)
 Vaccinations (Housing)
Please contact our Financial Aid Office
(701) 627-8036 (Melissa Brown) or (701) 627– 8013 (Hadley Olson), if you need help completing your
FAFSA or if you have any Financial Aid questions.
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College Registers Office: Garrett Titus
P.O. Box 490 220th 8th Ave. N. New Town, ND 58757
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Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 27.
Count ry Ro ad Ch ronicles of West Segment July 2015
Page 28.
Our Deepest Sympathy &
Prayers to the family of
Isabelle Florence Smith.
May our Creator God be
with each and every one
of you and grant you
peace and comfort during
your time of sorrow.
From The West Segment
Representative & Staff.
Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation
Animal Control Department
Three Affiliated Tribes Fort Berthold
Indian Reservation
404 Frontage Road, New Town, ND
Phone: (701) 627-2654
Fax: (701)627-4743
Running at large is prohibited, it is unlawful for any owner or
keeper of a cat or dog to allow animal to be at large within the
corporate limits of any city or within any established
community or residential area situated in the reservation. No
intent or knowledge of the owner or keeper of the dog or cat is
necessary to prove a violation of this provision.
1st Offense: $100.00 bond plus, if applicable assessed impound
and care fees.
2nd Offense: $200.00 bond plus, if applicable assessed
impound and care fees.
3rd Offense: $300.00 bond plus, if applicable assessed
impound and care fees.
Spotted Horse Rehired as West Segment CHR
On behalf of the West Segment community we would like
to welcome Jessica Spotted Horse back. She was recently
rehired as our CHR for the Mandaree Community. Jessica
worked with the CHR program last year. We are glad she
came back to resume her duties as our CHR.
All elders can look forward to her visiting you soon. Also a
reminder to those who need their medicines picked up can
call Jessica or Pam and they will get them to you. The
West Segment Community now has two CHR’s to service
our community. Pam Longie is the other CHR and her
number is 421-6432.
Jessica’s number is 701-897-6257 when she gets her
number from the tribe it will be listed for your
July Birthday Wishes to Our
Geraldine Van Dyke
Tillie Walker
Laverne Fettig
Elmer Fredericks
Tillie Lone Fight
Martha Bird Bear
Paige Baker Jr.
Vivian Gillette
Ted Danks
Joan Young Bird
4th and all subsequent offenses: $500.00 bond plus, if
applicable assessed impound and care fees.
At large: means the animal is off premises of the owner and is
not securely confined in a vehicle or other enclosure or
effectively restrained with a chain, leash or cord not more than
6 feet in length.
* Please forgive us if we forgot to mention your name it was
not done intentionally. If you have a family member who is an
elder and has a birthday coming up, please call 759-3377 &
ask for Nina she will make sure we have their name down, or
those turning 60. Your help is greatly appreciated.