Spring, 2015 - Carol Leigh`s HILLCREEK FIBER STUDIO


Spring, 2015 - Carol Leigh`s HILLCREEK FIBER STUDIO
Spring, 2015
Page 1
Carol Leigh’s Specialties
Established 1982
Established 1986
Specializing in Custom Handwoven
Textiles, Nature-Dyed Fibers,
Handspun Yarns
Specializing in Workshops
in Nature-dyeing, Spinning, and
Weaving, and in related tools,
supplies and books
using natural fibers and dyes
Home of the
Spriggs 7’ Adjustable Triangle
& Rectangle, and 5' Adjustable
Square Frame Looms
Spring 2015, Vol XXXIII, No 1
Carol Leigh’s
Event Calendar for 2015
Bed & Breakfast and
Airport Shuttle Service from
St Louis & Kansas City
available for students
Subscription $8.00/year for two issues
Spring Greetings Fiber Friends!
Ahhh! Spring refreshes the soul. Bloodroot blossoms, the first to bloom,
evoke the purity of starting a new year fresh. Then jonquil, trillium, spring
beauty, daffodil, Dutchman’s britches, bird’s foot violet, May apple, purple
violet, forsythia, red bud, dogwood, narcissus, jack-in-the-pulpit, Jacob’s
ladder, Solomon’s seal — an array of nature’s colors and aromas.
Keeping in mind our previous two severe weather February workshops,
we scheduled our two Ancient Dye workshops for the end of March this
year. The weather was better, especially for the first weekend, but we succumbed to setting up
the marquis, wood stove and warm cider for the second, as the temperature left a little to be desired. Photographer daughter Rose came from Florida for nearly three weeks to photograph the
two workshops and other dye material for our upcoming book Nature Provides, Dyes for
Rainbows of Color. See more about the workshops and dye book on page 3.
Speaking of Rose, Good News! She’s expecting her first child in early September — a boy!
My sixth grandson! (You know what this means - she’ll just have to try again for my first
grand-daughter! 8>) (That’s a sideward smiley face - the “old” way!)) Rose and baby are fine.
We have noticed a trend these past few years back to a growing interest in weaving. Perhaps some
credit can be given to the introduction of rigid heddle looms to the knitting community. Perhaps due
to the slow economy of a couple years ago, and to the
growing interest in caring for and promoting
Carol Leigh’s Specialties
locally-grown foods and handmade products, people
have re-discovered the joy of making textiles by
hand. Perhaps it is just time for weaving interest to
recycle again. Regardless, due to growing interest
for weaving, spinning, and dyeing
Supplies & Workshops
and to participants of our local Guild-sponsored
Creek Road, Columbia, MO 65203
weaving workshop with Madelyn van der Hoogt
Call 573-874-2233 for inquiries, or toll-free
needing special yarns, we have been filling our
(874-9328) for placing orders
shelves with yarns and dyes for weavers and dyers.
Web Site: www.HillcreekFiberStudio.com
And also, surprisingly, for rug hookers, who are
with an on-line Shopping Cart WebStore
falling in love with our Rio Grande rug wool. See
pages 4 and 7 for report on yarns we have in stock.
Quick Reference Page
Annual subscription rate for Hillcreek Fiber News is $8.00
for two issues, Spring and Autumn. Single Copy, $5.00.
Students and customers with purchases during the year of
$20 or more will receive a complimentary issue.
For a listing under Equipment/Fiber Sources or other
classified columns, please remit $10 by Septmber 15, 2015 for
inclusion in the Autumn 2015 issue. Limit ad to 30 words in
addition to your contact information, $30 for 1/4 page, $50 for
1/2 page. Circulation is now around 8000 fiber-interested people
by e-mail and snail mail.
Hillcreek Fiber Studio is a working studio & mail order service.
Please call 573-874-2233 or 1-800-874-9328 before planning a
trip to the Studio. Studio hours are: Tuesday through
Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, by appointment only. At other times,
please leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.
carried by Carol Leigh’s
ASHFORD Spinning Wheels, Looms and Tools
EARTHUES Natural Dye Extracts
LOUËT Spinning & Weaving Tools & Supplies
HARRISVILLE Friendly Looms
SCHACHT SPINDLE CO. Looms, Wheels & Supplies
SNIPES Weaving & Spinning Tools
Square, and Rectangle Looms; Navajo & Inkle Looms; Drop & Navajo
Spindles; Warping Boards; Maru-dai, knitting spools
UNICORN BOOKS fiber-related books
Partial Listing - MISCELLANEOUS Items
Pewter Jewelry by Ram’s Horn
Brass Shawl & Kilt Celtic brooches by Mountain Forge
Handmade Bookmarks by Moosetrack Studio
Lucets by Peggy Ledrich
Page 2
Greetings from Carol Leigh Brack-Kaiser ..................Page 1
Index, Subscriptions, Ad Information, Hours.................... 2
Dealerships carried by Carol Leigh's HFS ........................ 2
Hillcreek Fiber Studio Workshops Schedule ..................... 2
Report on Shows and Workshops ..................................... 3
Report on Ancient Dye Workshops and Dye Book .......... 3
Yarns in Stock: Lamb’s Pride and Cotton Fleece,
Dragon Tale, Harrisville Highland and Shetland,
Maysville Carpet Warp, Nature-dyed Riata & Suri....... 4
Hillcreek Fiber Studio & Yarn Shoppe Event Calendar... 5
Workshops and Private Lessons Offered at Hillcreek
Fiber Studio ...................................................................... 6
Yarns in Stock, continued: Nature-dyed Wool
Potholder Loops, Rio Grande Rug Yarn, Churro and
Trading Post Tapestry Yarns .......................................... 7
Spring Cleaning: Mountain Looms, Alpaca Fibers,
Knitting Spools ................................................................ 8
Shoppe Talk with Bex ......................................................... 9
Weaver’s Craft, Video Discounts, Vintage spindles
& spools ...................................................................... 10
Classifieds, Contact Information for Events .................... 11
Map to Hillcreek Fiber Studio ......................................... 12
Taught by Carol Leigh BrackBrack-Kaiser
BROWN SHEEP CO, Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed Riata,
Suri/wool yarn, suri/wool boucle, Colinton mohair yarns
Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed wool potholder loops,
Ashford TEKAPO wool, FROG TREE alpaca & more,
VERSEIS/FOXFIBRE colorganic cotton,
WEAVING SOUTHWEST Rug and Churro wool
Spring, 2015
1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328)
$25 per hour, $65 per three hours,
$95 per full day
Tuition: Two days, $150; three days, $210; four days,
$280; five and 1/2 days, $355. Deposit of one-half
tuition will hold a space for you. Bed & Breakfast
available at the Studio: $50/night. Airport shuttle
available from St. Louis and Kansas City airports to
Studio. Also, some flights arrive at Columbia Regional
airport. Call toll free to reserve space in a class or two.
Spring, 2015
Page 3
Shows and Workshops
Although Denny and I are slowing down and not doing as many large shows or large workshops at the Studio,
that doesn’t mean our “presence” won’t be felt. Now that Bex is back with Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, we are
working closely with her and Eric to bring more weaving, spinning and dyeing supplies to her knitting and
yarn shop. They will be taking all supplies with them to shows. It may be a little time before they can get in
to all the shows they intend. At some of the larger shows, such as SAFF (Southeast Animal Fiber Festival) in
Asheville, NC, one of us may also attend to assist in the booth while Bex is teaching. See Pages 5 and 9 for
Bex’s shows and classes, check out HillcreekYarnShoppe.net, and sign up for Bex’s bi-weekly e-newsletter.
Our last week-long workshop here at the Studio is scheduled June 28 through July 3, Fiber Furlough II,
Weaving of All Types. If you would like to explore any number of weaving techniques, this is your opportunity. See Page 6 for more information.
We will continue to offer Private Lessons on any aspect of weaving, spinning or dyeing. Please call to set up
a time for one to four people. See also Page 6 for details.
Bed and Breakfast is available to welcome any textile artist traveling through Missouri or taking private lessons. This is a great opportunity for a quiet retreat immersed in textile study — or just read some of the textile
books from over 500 titles. Or, hike some of the trails through Rock Bridge State Park (across the street from
the Studio) or on the Katy Trail, which follows the Missouri River from St. Charles to Clinton, Missouri.
Ancient Dye Workshops and Upcoming Natural Dye Book
The last two weeks of March were filled with rainbows of color. The Lesser-known Ancient Dyes of
Alkanet Roots-lavender and grey, Annatto Seeds-yellow/orange, Kamala-gold/brown, Stick Lac-red/lavender,
Mungeet (wild Madder Root)-red/orange, Pomegranate Rinds-tan/charcoal, Quercitron (Black Oak Inner
Bark)-clear yellow/greens, Red Sandalwood-russet, Safflower Petals-yellow/pink/salmon, and Woad vat-blue.
Then the more Common Ancient Dyes of Brazilwood sawdust-red/purple/plum/burgundy, Cochineal scale
insect-scarlet/pink/lavender, Cutch resin-brown, Fustic sawdust-gold/forest green, Indigo vat-blue, Logwoodpurple/lavender/navy/grey/black, Madder Root-orange/red, Saxon Blue (Indigo plus sulfuric acid)-turquoise/
teal, and Weld-clear yellow/kelly green/lime. Nuances of color were brought out with various mineral salts.
Besides rainbows from all the above Ancient Dyes, the Missouri Dyes of Bidens flowers (in coreopsis
family)-gold/orange/brown, Elderberries-lavender/teal/green, Goldenrod flowers-yellow/gold/green, Ironweed
flowers-greens, Osage Orange wood chips-yellow/gold/khaki, Pokeberries-fushia/purple/rust, Staghorn Sumac
berries-tans/black, and Walnut-browns, also provide a rainbow.
Is it any wonder I’m so enamored by Natural Dyes? Nature DOES Provide.
Hence the book title: Nature Provides (not just food, medicines, and fibers
for textiles, but also) Dyes for Rainbows of Color. The book will cover my
approach to offering weekend workshops whereby full rainbows of color
may be obtained. Of course, full recipes for each of the above dyes will be
covered. Thus, readers may choose to either present full rainbow workshops
or choose to explore just one dye at a time.
Progress on the book: nearly all the color pictures have been taken. Most of
the text and bibliography is written. Still to do: finish text on ancient dyes,
glossary, index, editing of words and pictures, assembly of pictures and
words, sending manuscript to at least 4 readers. We hope to have the manuscript ready for readers by the end of July. (Any volunteers?) Has to be
done before the baby is born! We’ll be accepting pre-orders for the book
after July 31, 2015.
Nature Provides
Dyes for
Rainbows of Color
Spring, 2015
Page 4
Yarns in Stock Let us know if you would like sample cards of any of the following
Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride worsted and bulky, Cotton Fleece Fine
Domestic yarns produced in Nebraska. Lamb’s Pride blend of 85% soft wool/15% mohair. Bulky: 125
yards/4 ounces — great for easy shawls and blankets on large Continuous Strand Triangle, Square, and Rectangle frame looms. Worsted: 190 yards/4 ounces — great for weaving on all travel size Continuous Strand
Triangle, Square, and Rectangle frame looms. Use doubled for lighter-weight shawls on larger looms. Also
great for knitting and felting projects.
Cotton Fleece Fine, blend of 80% fine cotton/20% merino wool. 12 ply, equivalent to 8/2 cotton. 1000 yards per 8 ounce cone. I’m inspired to weave a baby wrap
for Rose, and will be threading the floor loom for it soon. 18 colors in stock.
Dragon Tales—new color, rayon, chenille, 8/2 and 4/2 cotton
Domestic yarns produced in North Carolina. Due to the popularity of our new
“washcloth loom,” we are now well stocked on all 21 colors of Dragon Tales 4/2
cotton, including the new “Scarlet.” The 4/2 cotton (450 yards per 8-ounce cone)
works especially well for washcloths on the 12-inch square loom, using the continuous strand weaving method. Use two strands at once. We also have Dragon
Tales 8/2 cotton (900 yards per 8 ounce cone), 8/2 Rayon, and Rayon Chenille in
all 21 colors.
Blanket for Baby Vincent
with Highland Weight Yarn
Dragon Tale Yarns
Harrisville Highland and Shetland weight 2-ply
100 % wool
Domestic yarns produced in New Hampshire. Highland weight (500 yards
per 8-ounce cone) and Shetland weight (1000 yards per 8-ounce cone). This
yarn is perfect for warm, traditional, heirloom textiles. I’ve used it for blankets, scarves, and for the voyager’s capote (heavy, densely fulled, water and
wind repellant overcoat, woven on all three large adjustable frame looms) in
the Continuous Strand Weaving book. Due to the weaving workshop with
Madelyn van der Hoogt, we have increased our color selection to 32 colors
in the Harrisville Shetland weight. We’ve always carried a full complement of Harrisville Highland weight 2-ply wool, in 49 colors,
Maysville Carpet Warp
Domestic yarn originally produced in Kentucky. This yarn hardly needs an introduction. Popular for carpet
warp, and for weaving placemats and runners. Knitters and crocheters love it for washcloths, vests and more.
This 8/4 cotton comes 800 yards per 8-ounce tube, and softens nicely after being washed. We somehow
double ordered, so are especially well stocked in over 75 colors.
Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed Riata and Suri/Merino yarns
I’ve bragged on these two yarns before. Uniquely designed by Brooks Farm in
Texas, these yarns specialize in putting 2 or 3 fibers, into 2 or 3 plies, spinning
each ply in a different fiber. Each fiber takes the natural dyes differently, offering
a unique, heather appearance to the yarn. Each of these yarns have been discontinued by Brooks Farm, but we like the Riata so well for light-weight shawls on our
triangle looms, and Bex loves the Suri for knitting, we have bought out their last
remaining stock—enough to last me several years. Riata: silk, kid mohair, merino Riata Shawl Dyed with
wool, 3-ply, 375 yards per 8-ounce skein. Suri Alpaca/Merino Wool: 2-ply, 225
Saxon Blue
yards per 6-ounce skein. Yarn blooms nicely. Both yarns are silky soft and are
dyed in dozens of natural colors. Will dye to customer’s specifications. (More Yarns, continued on Page 7)
Spring, 2015
Hillcreek Fiber Studio 2012 - 2013 Workshop and Event Calendar
Page 5
April 25-26......
April 25 ..........
May 8-10 ........
May 15-16 ......
May 16-18 ......
May 22-23 .......
May 29-31 ......
June 13-14 ......
June 15-20 .......
June 27 ...........
June 28-July 3 .
July 11 - 18 .....
July 17 - 19 .....
July 26-31 .......
August 6-9 ......
August 12-16 ..
Aug 27 - Sep ?
Sept 19-20 ......
Sept 22 - Oct 3
October 10.......
Oct 30-Nov 1...
Nov 6 - 7 .........
Nov 13 - 15 ....
Nov 21 - 22 .....
Dec 11 - 13......
Indiana Fiber and Music Festival, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor .......................... Clarksville, IN
All Missouri Spring Spin-In, Carol Leigh, Vendor, Instructor ....................................... Chillicothe, MO
Kentucky Fiber Festival, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ? ................................... Lexington, KY
Beg Knitting, Cont. Strand on Mini Looms, Beyond Knitting Basics, Bex Instructor
The Lake Studio for the Arts ....................................................................................Sunrise Beach, MO
Deflected Weave Structures Workshop, Madelyn van der Hoogt, Columbia Weavers
and Spinners’ Guild sponsor, participant ...................................................................... Columbia, MO
Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival, Bex HillcreekYarn Shop, Vendor ? ................................ Dickson, TN
WARP (Weave A Real Peace) Conference, participant .............................................. San Francisco, CA
Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Hillcreeks Fiber and Yarn, Bex & Carol Leigh, Vendors ..... Colfax, IA
Midwest Weavers’ Conf., Weavers Guild of Minnesota, U of St Thomas........................... St. Paul, MN
BLUE PARTY, Bex and Carol Leigh, Hillcreek Fiber Studio, vendor............................ Columbia, MO
FIBER FURLOUGH II: Weaving of all Types, Hillcreek Fiber Studio ...................... Columbia, MO
Finish writing Nature Provides with Rose .............................................................................. Jupiter, FL
Fiber “U”, Bex & Denny, Hillcreeks Fiber Studio & Yarn Shoppe, Vendor, Instructor .... Lebanon, MO
Christianson Native Crafts Workshop, Carol Leigh, Vendor, Instructor ..................... Shannondale, MO
Stitches Midwest, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe ,Vendor ? .............................................. Shaumburg, IL
Michigan Fiber Fest, Carol Leigh, Vendor, Instructor ...........................................................Allegan, MI
Assisting Rose preparing for and with her baby ...................................................................... Jupiter, FL
Fiber Daze, Southwest Missouri Fiber Folks, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe ? ................ Mt Vernon, MO
Eastern Primitive Rendezvous, suttlery and instructor ? .................................................. Dodridge, WV
Lake Area Fiber Arts, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe Vendor ......................................... Camdenton, MO
SAFF (Southeast Animal Fiber Fest), Bex & Denny, Hillcreeks Fiber and Yarn ............. Asheville, NC
Ozark Fiber Fling, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ................................................ Steeleville, MO
Col. Weavers and Spinners’ Guild Holiday Exhibition Sale, Boone Co. Museum ............Columbia, MO
Navajo Weaving workshop on Mini Navajo Loom, Artisan Guild of Southern IL ............. O’ Fallon, IL
Hillcreek Fiber Studio 33rd Anniversary Open House and Sale .......................................Columbia, MO
Jan 13 - 23 ....... Alafia River Rendezvous, Sutlery & Seminars ............................................................... Homeland, FL
Mar 11 - 13 ..... Fiber Retreat, Lincoln U Exten, Hillcreeks Yarn & Fiber Vendors, Bex Instr ........ Jefferson City, MO
Events in BOLD and ALL CAPS are workshops offered at Hillcreek Fiber Studio,
and are taught by Carol Leigh Brack-Kaiser and/or Bex Oliger
We are not offering individual Traditional Weaving, Navajo Weaving, Continuous Strand Weaving,
Spinning, nor Missouri Dye Workshops at the Fiber Studio in 2015.
However, Bex offers classes nearly every Saturday a.m. in knitting, weaving, crochet,
and other needlework subjects at the Yarn Shoppe.
We are both available for private or small group lessons at the Studio or Yarn Shoppe,
and/or for Trunk Shows or classes at your location.
For PRIVATE or small group sessions, please Call 1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328) to register
and set a time for weaving, spinning, or dyeing with Carol Leigh
Please call 573-449-KNIT (5648) to schedule with Bex.
Bed and Breakfast at Hillcreek Fiber Studio is available for students.
method. Learn a few intermediate
or advanced techniques, such as
twill, leno lace,double weave, plus
Nestled in the Little Bonne color patterns such as log cabin,
Femme Creek Valley amidst tartan plaids and color blending.
woods and pastures in view of a
major state park, Hillcreek Fiber *Navajo Weaving: (and other
Studio offers the serenity for a forms of tapestry) Warp a frame
loom and learn basic Navajo
true get-away.
Just focus on
weaving techniques and color
learning a new skill or on
joins. Students should finish a
exploring an older one. Cuddle up
sampler, learning finishing
with a book from over 500 titles
techniques for the tight ending.
on the shelves. Workshops at
Hillcreek Fiber Studio allow the *Four to Eight Shaft Weaving:
student to immerse her or himself Beginning students will warp a
in the study and exploration of a loom, complete a project, learn
number of textile-related subjects. threading and weaving techniques
Let us know what subjects interest and how to read and understand
pattern drafts and basic weaving
Intermediate students can work
Join us for our BLUE PARTY
on projects with guidance from the
June 27. Bex & Carol Leigh will
have 4 different blue pots going: instructor. Choose to weave a Colonial Weave Structure SamIndigo/thiox for protein fibers,
indigo Zinc/Lime for cellulose and pler, learn traditional loomsilk shibori and ikat dyeing, Saxon dressing methods for a Tartan
Dancing Shawl, or explore anBlue for turquoise on protein
other weave structure and project
fibers, and historic Woad blue.
of your choosing.
Charged by the weight of items
you bring to throw in the pots.
*Rigid Heddle weaving for two________________
shaft weaving, scarves, runners
and more. Learn various lace and
Full workshops have been
pick-up techniques on the loom.
offered at Hillcreek Fiber Studio
*Inkle and/or Tablet Weaving
since 1986. One last week-long
for narrow belts, straps or ribbons.
weaving workshop will be
in a variety of subjects, by arFIBER FURLOUGH TWO,
rangement with the instructor.
Weaving of All Types.
One to four consecutive days, or
June 28—July 3, 2015.
one day per week. Groups of up
Choose one or more types of
to four people may be arranged to
weaving to explore:
reduce the cost per person.
*Continuous Strand Weaving
Choose from: any of the weaving
on Triangle, Square, or Rectanstyles listed above, or learn to
gle Looms: Complete a triangle
spin, spin special fibers, or creor rectangle shawl, square blanket
ate designer yarns, as described
or other textile using the simple,
following. Or, spend a day or two
unique continuous strand weaving
exploring dyes with Carol Leigh.
Spring, 2015
Page 6
Spinning: Beginning students
may learn basics of spinning,
choosing and skirting fleece,
cleaning, carding & combing
techniques, spinning on spindles
and on a variety of spinning
wheels. Designer Yarn students
will learn color & fiber blending
and Navajo 3-ply techniques.
They will create novelty yarns
such as slubs, knop, marl, corespun, loop, and feather yarns,
among others. Spinning Special
Fibers students will dress distaffs
and spin flax, unwind cocoons &
spin silk from several preparations,
spin cotton and other fine fibers on
charkas & taklis, and will comb
wool. Design your own lesson.
Natural Dyeing: Spend a day or
two working with Carol Leigh
while mordanting and dyeing
yarns or wool loops. Learn techniques for evoking rainbows of colors using Ancient or Missouri Dyes,
depending upon the time of year.
Taylor your lesson to your interests.
Private Lessons $25 per hour.
Spinning Lessons: Two 3-hour
sessions are recommended for
begininning students, $65 per 3hour session. Two free hours of
lessons with purchase of spinning
wheel or loom.
Tuition: One day $95, Two days
$150, three days $210, four days
$280, five and 1/2 days $355. A
deposit of one-half tuition holds a
space. Bed & Breakfast at the
Studio $50 per night. Airport
shuttle from St. Louis, Kansas City,
and Columbia Regional airports.
Call toll free to reserve a date.
1-800-874-9328 (TRI-WEAV).
Spring, 2015
Page 7
Yarns in Stock, continued from Page 4
Nature-dyed Wool Potholder Loops: Regular size, PRO large, and Fat Loops for Rugs
Wool, the sensible fiber for use around heat, especially around flames. Wool
is fire-retardant and insulative. In December, I finally received my longawaited order of more PRO Wool Loops for Harrisville’s new PRO potholder loom. I have now nature-dyed all the colors in the same 10 color-sets
as for the regular-size wool loops, plus more: Rainbow, Ocean, Sunset, Terra
Cotta Sky, Woodland, Denim, Tiger, Pastel, Berry Pie, and Flag. The PRO
Loops make full-sized potholder/trivets of 10+ inches square. The Fat Loops
resulted from my first re-order of Regular-size Wool Loops. The loop knitter
inadvertently used the cotton guage for the wool loops, making the loops too
PRO Trivet &
fat for the potholder looms. We are now making rag rugs by chaining the
loops together and weaving them on the floor loom— great, thick, wool rugs!
Weaving on Navajo Loom using
Churro Tapestry Yarn
Rio Grande Rug Wool,
Churro (Navajo breed), and
other Trading Post single-ply
tapestry yarns.
Hand-dyed near Taos, New
Mexico. We continue to offer all
75 colors in Rio Grande yarn
(approximately 425 yards/pound)
and all 32 colors in the finer
weight Churro yarn (185 yards
per 4 ounces), in addition to many
natural-dyed colors of the finest
trading post tapestry yarn. We use
these yarns for Navajo-style and
other types of rug and tapestry
weaving. Lately the rug yarn has
been popular with rug hookers,
who are also enjoying a renewed
Rug Using Rio Grande
Rug Yarn
Pearl Cotton, 3/2, 5/2, 10/2
A weaving studio is not complete without a selection of colors in pearl cotton of various weights. We also
carry linen, bamboo, mohair, handspun, hemp, silk and a variety of other yarns.
If you are potentially interested in any of these yarns, and would like a sample card to see all the colors, please
call or write, 1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328), carolleigh@hillcreekfiberstudio.com.
To see pictures in color: If you are not receiving this newsletter by e-mail, check it out on line at
www.hillcreekfiberstudio.com/newsletter15-1.html for color pictures. Starting in 2015 all newsletters will be
sent by e-mail only, unless you pay the subscription of $8 per year for the hard copy. If you currently are receiving the hardcopy by regular mail, and wish to receive it by e-mail, please forward your e-mail address to
phils@hillcreekfiberstudio.com, or call Carol Leigh at 573-874-2233. Thank you.
Spring, 2015
Page 8
Spring Cleaning
Thirty-three years in business! Wow, hard to imagine — one-third of a Century! You can image the amount
of Stuff accumulated! So, we’re doing a bit of Spring Cleaning — things overstocked, or not being used, need
to move.
Mountain Looms. Great table top
looms, manufacturer no longer in business.
We feel these are the best table looms ever
made! We have been saving them back to
use as great, portable looms for workshops.
The beaters have a swinging reed to allow
the beater to hit the fell of the cloth at a
perpendicular angle for several inches, affording a more evenly placed weft. On
their larger, 18-inch 8 shaft loom, they add
All Three Mountain Looms
an extra two levers in the center to which
several shafts may be tied. This is particularly handy if you are alternating a plain weave row with a patterned row, for example when weaving overshot weave structure. And, the castle folds, while
dressed, down into the frame for easy transportation.
8-shaft, 18-inch Loom
8-shaft, 18”, 10 levers .……………. $891
8-shaft, 12”, 8 levers .………………. 725
4-shaft, 12”, 4 levers ……………….. 544
Alpaca Fibers
When alpaca fibers first became available a couple decades ago, they were rare, sought after, and expensive.
We acquired quite a bit over the years from local growers. Now, however, the market has become flooded. I
know at least a dozen alpaca growers in central Missouri alone. Our shelves are way over-stocked. We carry
a wide variety of colors, in both suri and huacaya breeds, even fibers from “Larry,” “Curly,” and “Moe!”
Prices have ranged from $2 to $6 per ounce. Now, in an effort to clear the shelves, all alpaca fibers are 50%
off. For purchases over $100, take an additional 10%. I believe alpaca breeders have over 20 official natural
colors registered, and we have many of them. Let us know your preference, or we can put together a variety
pack for you.
Knitting Spools (“Corkers”) $16
This little knitting spool has many useful applications. I’ve used it to make
handles for purses, or ties and decorative effects on garments. Make attractive hair ties. Stitch the resulting I-cord knit tube into a spiral for mats, twist
them into animal toys. You get the idea. They are
fun and easy to use — even for children. Remember the little “corkers” made from small thread
spools with nails on one end? A yarn is wrapped
around the wooden pegs. Then the first row is
pulled over the second row of yarn creating a knit
stitch. The successive knit tube grows down
through the hole in the middle of the spool. Instructions included. We are way overstocked on
Tabbard Vest detail
these. Four and six-peg spools are available.
Knit I-cord
4-peg Knitting Spool
decorative closures
Spring, 2015
Page 9
Shoppe Talk with Bex
Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe currently has the privilege of hosting master needlepoint artist George T.
Bacalakis for a series of upcoming trunk shows. George began needle pointing in first grade in
Australia. He attended the United Kingdom’s Royal School of Needlework in London, and concentrated on design. He has done custom work for people from all over the world, including Christmas
stockings for Kate Middleton! In addition to designing and painting canvases, George is now in
Columbia, MO, working on a restoration of chairs from Louis the XIV. His designs are all hand painted
on mono canvas and cover numerous functional uses, from piano bench covers to pillows to eyeglass
cases and coasters – the possibilities are endless.
Starting Tuesday, April 28th, George Bacalakis will be having bi-monthly trunk shows here at Hillcreek
Yarn Shoppe. He will be bringing in a variety of hand-painted canvases from his 8000-piece collection
for each show. George will also be available to do custom work, so if you want to have a personalized
canvas, bring in your pictures and your ideas and George will come up with a gorgeous custom piece.
Free lessons are also being offered, just come to a trunk show and make an appointment!
The first trunk show will be Tuesday, April 28th from 5-7pm, and Wednesday, April 29th from 11am1pm. Subsequent trunk shows will be the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each month. May
12th & 13th, May 26th & 27th, June 9th & 10th, and June 23rd & 24th. Come take advantage of this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity while you still can!
Fiber Art Class Announcement
Bex Oliger, owner of Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe in Columbia, MO, will teach several
workshops at Lake Studio for the Arts (16533 N State Hwy 5, Suite 201, Sunrise
Beach, MO) on May 15-16, 2015. Bex grew up in her mother’s Hillcreek Fiber
Studio, so she has learned and mastered a wide range of knowledge in knitting,
crochet, weaving, dyeing, etc.
Beginning Knitting — Friday evening May 15 5:00-8:00 pm
This class is for anyone who has considered whether they might like to learn to knit. Bex will give you
basic instruction in how to cast on and do the knit and purl stitches You will practice forming stitches
and become comfortable with knitting a row and turning your work to knit the next row. Bring any
medium-weight yarn and US size 7 or 8 needles, or purchase at HYS. $5 per hr, arrive between 5-7pm.
Continuous Strand Weaving — Saturday, May 16 8:30-11:30 am
Learn this magical technique for creating triangles or rectangles of woven fabric that
can be joined together to make shawls, pouches, rugs, etc. Bex’s mother wrote THE
book on this method! No measuring, warping, or math needed for this class. Bex will
loan the weaving frames used for class. Finish a project in 3 hours! This is a great way
to learn more about continuous strand weaving with no initial investment in the loom
equipment. (3 hours $30, materials $15, can bring your own yarn if you prefer)
Knitting Beyond the Basics (25 Things You Need to Know) — Saturday, May 16 1-4pm
This class is for anyone who can knit & purl — beginner to experienced knitters. We will discuss stitch
alignment, when/how to check gauge, adapting patterns, pattern and chart reading, tips for measuring
and keeping track. (3 hours $30, no materials provided, bring a pen & notebook, some smooth mediumweight yarn, US size 7 or 8 needles, or can purchase at HYS. Bring a current project for Q & A)
Spring, 2015
Page 10
Weaver’s Craft Magazine, by Jean Scorgie. In addition to offering individual issues, we continue to
carry and maintain full sets of Weaver’s Craft Magazine, now 30 issues. Each issue focuses on a special
weave structure or technique. It is filled with projects using that technique and always includes many additional tips and tricks for weavers. Jean assures me Issue 31 will be available on Rep Weaves by the June Midwest Weaver’s Conference. We offer full sets of these morsels of great weaving tips and techniques at a discount, complete with an index I have compiled of the contents of all issues. For
example: Canvas Weave, Huck and Swedish Lace, Easy Plaids, Overshot, Summer and Winter, Monks Belt, Complimentary Plain Weave, Mock Satin Damask,
Gingham Towels, Turned Drafts, M’s and W’s, Baby Blankets, Barleycorn, Spot
Bronson, Log Cabin, Waffle Weave, Bound Weave, Petit Point, and much, much
more. Jean was editor of Handwoven magazine for many years. Her instructions
are very clear and easy to understand. This is a classic set of issues, basic to every
weaver’s library. The full set would regularly cost $205.90 if issues were bought
separately. Our full sets, including my complete Index of all issues, is only $175
— a 15 percent discount (the equivalent of FOUR FREE ISSUES!)
Vintage Textile Industry Spindles and Spools — $5 each
Speaking of Spring Cleaning, we rediscovered these which we picked up in North
Carolina decades ago. The hardwood spindles are 18 inches long and 3/4-inch in
diameter. With a little sanding they could be turned into fat knitting needles (making
a come-back). The spools are 3x4-inches, the ends of which are made of a hard
compound (fore-runner to plastic?). Many of the spools are filled with either a fine
white cotton or a red fiber yarn. We have dozens of each. Any creative ideas?
Videos - discounted 40%
With the advent of U-tube and other avenues for learning, DVD’s are perceived by many as not as useful.
However, many subject matters are much more thoroughly shown by experts in their field on DVDs especially
made for a more thorough coverage of the subject. Here are listed just of few of the videos we would like to
clear from our shelves. Please check our catalog or web site secure shopping cart for a full listing of all the
videos we carry.
Tie-Dye 101, Basics of Making Exceptional Tie Dye, Rolofson...................$24.95 ............$14.95
Advanced Tie Dye Techniques, Making Shapes & Mandala, Rolofson ........ 36.95 ............ 22.15
Fabric Painting with Dyes on Silk & Cotton, Crockett .................................. 39.95 ............ 24.00
Fiber Dyeing: Immersion & Painting of Protein Fibers, Menz ...................... 29.95 ............ 17.95
Cotton Spinning Made Easy, Ruane............................................................... 39.95 ............ 24.00
Silk Fusion, Journal covers, Greeting cards, Sculpture and More, Selk ........ 39.95 ............ 24.00
Tapestry Techniques for Fabric for Clothing, Harvey ................................... 39.95 ............ 24.00
Tapestry Techniques for Rug Weaving, Harvey ........................................... 19.95 ............ 11.95
Weave a Neckpiece (Tablet weaving), Hendrickson...................................... 24.00 ............ 14.40
Special Events
I plan to attend the annual WARP (Weave A Real Peace) conference in the San Francisco area the end of
May. (And to visit my two youngest brothers, whom I haven’t seen since my dad’s memorial nearly three
years ago. They weren’t able to make our family canoe/kayak trip down the Missouri River last summer.)
WARP is an international organization which works with indigenous communities around the world in learning, developing, and assisting them in marketing their own textile products. I’m very interested in becoming
more involved. Will give a further report in our fall newsletter.
Using the HFS WebStore Missing us at shows? We miss you, too. You may still order supplies through our
comprehensive on-line web store www.hillcreekfiberstudio.com . If you have questions about any supplies and/or how
to place an order, please call our toll-free number: 1-800-874-9328 (TRI-WEAV). We now accept PayPal.
Spring, 2015
Alpaca yarn, roving, and webbing FOR
SALE: Various colors from white to black;
Some blended with merino wool or bamboo.
Excellent Quality. Also alpaca fiber, rugs,
beautiful patterns. Kingdom Alpaca Farm.
Phil & Sylvia Glenn, 3295 County Rd 255,.
Fulton, MO 65251. 573-592-7866. glennhaven@kitis.net
Page 11
Handwoven Textiles for Sale Shawls, Jackets,
Ponchos, Shrugs, Scarves, Blankets, Pillows,
Purses, Pouches, Voyager Sashes, Potholders,
Wine bottle carriers, Household Textiles, and
more. www.hillcreekfiberstudio.com/HFS-Shopv10/contents/en-us/d260.html And www.etsy.com/
carolleighspecialty, or 1-800-874-9328.
Trunk Show items from Continuous Strand
Weaving Method book, and much more.
Spriggs Creations, Custom Woodworking, Specializing in Textile Products
573573-447447-3563, spriggsrocheport@aol.com; etsy store: Spriggs Creations
2015 Event Contacts
All Missouri Spring Spin-In, April 25, 2015,
Zelma Cleaveland, Chillicothe, MO,
Fiber Daze, September 19-20, 2015, Marc Center,
Mount Vernon, MO, Fiber Folks of Southwest
Missouri, www.fiberfolksofswmo.com
Indiana Fiber and Music Festival, April 25-26, 2015,
Clarksville, IN, www.indianafiberfest.com;
Eastern Primitive Rendezvous, Sept 23 - Oct 3,
2015, Dodridge, WV, www.nmlra.org, www.nrlhf.org
WARP (Weave a Real Peace) Annual Conference,
May 29-31, 2015, Mercy Center Retreat, Burlingame, CA, www.weavearealpeace.org/annualmeeting.
10th Annual Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Colfax,
IA, June 13 - 14, 2015, Margie Meehan, 563-9207704, www.iowasheepandwoolfestival.com
Midwest Weavers’ Conference, June 15-20, 2015 ,
St. Thomas University, St. Paul, MN,
Fiber “U” - Fun, Fiber, and You! MOPACA event,
July 17 - 19, 2015, Lebanon, MO. Liz Mitchko, 417533-5280, info@whirlwindranch.com
Christianson Native Crafts Workshop, July 26 - 31,
2015, Shannondale, Missouri, Nita Pace, cncwdirector@gmail.com, www.christiansonnativecraft.org,
Lake Area Festival of Fiber Arts, Oct 10, 2015,
Lake of the Ozarks, Camdenton Christian Church,
Camdenton, MO, lakefiberarts@gmail.com.
SAFF (Southeast Animal Fiber Fest), Oct 30-Nov
1, 2015, www.saffsite.org.
Ozark Fiber Fling, November 6 - 7, 2015, Steelville, MO, Rural Missouri Spinners Guild, Lois
Wissmann, 573-245-6851,
We hope to see you at one or more of these events
this year or next!!
Alafia River Rendezvous, Jan 13 - 23, 2015,
Homeland, FL, www.floridafrontiersmen.com.
Fiber Retreat, March 11 - 13, 2015, Jefferson City,
MO, Leslie carroll-bartlettl@missouri.edu.
Michigan Fiber Fest, August 12 - 16, 2015, Allegan
County Fair Grounds, Allegan, Michigan.
We accept MC/Visa/Discover
All of our products may be ordered on our toll-free line:
1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328)
or on our Website: www.HillcreekFiberStudio.com
with a secure "Shopping Cart” WebStore
2015 ISSUE
Spring, 2015
Page 12
Carol Leigh’s Specialties
7001 Hillcreek Road
Columbia, MO 65203
Return Service Requested
Directions to visit Carol Leigh’s Hillcreek Fiber Studio
Diagram is not to Scale
W. Broadway
E. Broadway
573-874-2233 or
Last house in the valley,
before the creek.
Before coming to the STUDIO, GIVE US A CALL so we won’t miss YOU