in Nature-dyeing, Spinning, and Weaving, and in related


in Nature-dyeing, Spinning, and Weaving, and in related
Autumn, 2015
Page 1
Carol Leigh’s Specialties
Established 1982
Established 1986
Specializing in Custom Handwoven
Textiles, Nature-Dyed Fibers,
Handspun Yarns
Specializing in Workshops
in Nature-dyeing, Spinning, and
Weaving, and in related tools,
supplies and books
using natural fibers and dyes
Home of the
Spriggs 7’ Adjustable Triangle
& Rectangle, and 5' Adjustable
Square Frame Looms
Carol Leigh’s
AUTUMN 2015, Vol XXXIV, No 2
Event Calendar for 2016
Bed & Breakfast and
Airport Shuttle Service from
St Louis & Kansas City
available for students
Subscription $8.00/year for two issues
Autumn Greetings Fiber Friends!
This newsletter is coming to you a little later than normal for several
reasons: birth of 6th grandson, working on dye book, increased web
orders, and private lessons.
Late August through the first week
in October, I was gone for six weeks in
Florida with my daughter/photographer
Rose and her first child, my 6th grandson.
Roland Oliver Martin arrived August 30, 2015, weighing in at
8 pounds, 8.6 ounces. Roland, of course, is a handsome fella,
complete with a full head of black hair, which is now lightening to dark brown. He arrived through natural birth and is being nourished and thriving on mother’s milk. Here he is in the cradle which held his mother,
custom handcrafted by an Amish bent-wood furniture maker back in 1987.
Progress on The Book: Nature Provides, Dyes for Rainbows of Color. Besides being there to assist the
new mother with her new addition to the family, I had planned to be able to work with Rose on finishing our
natural dye book. Babies sleep most of the time, after all, don’t they? Well, Roland had other plans. Rose and
I are now working long distance through “the cloud” to insert all the pictures she has taken into the words I
have written. It’s a slow process, depending upon Roland’s schedule, Rose’s professional photography shoots,
and the challenge of downloading high resolution pictures for the book. She has all the pictures taken and I
have all the words written. To date we are 3/5th of the
way in combining the two. We have been taking preCarol Leigh’s Specialties
publication orders of $39.95, but may not have the book
printed before Christmas, as I had hoped. A couple
people have offered to read and help edit the book before
for weaving, spinning, and dyeing
going to print. I would like a couple more volunteers.
Supplies & Workshops
Please contact me if interested.
7001 S Hill Creek Road, Columbia, MO 65203
Now that I’m back at the Studio, we are scheduling
Call 573-874-2233 for inquiries, or toll-free
private and small group lessons in: Multi-shaft, Navajo,
1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328) for placing orders
Rigid Heddle or Inkle Weaving; Continuous Strand
Web Site:
Weaving on Triangle, Square, or Rectangle Looms; Spinwith an on-line Shopping Cart WebStore
ning; and Natural Dyeing. See page 6 for more details.
Quick Reference Page
Annual subscription rate for Hillcreek Fiber News hard
copies is $8.00 for two issues, Spring and Autumn. Single
Copy, $5.00. Students and customers with purchases
during the year of $20 or more will receive a complimentary
issue. For e-mail copies, please submit your e-mail addy.
For a listing, please remit $10 by March 15, 2016 for inclusion
in the Spring 2016 issue. Limit ad to 30 words in addition to
your contact information, $30 for 1/4 page, $50 for 1/2 page.
Circulation is now around 8000 fiber-interested people by email and snail mail.
Hillcreek Fiber Studio is a working studio & mail order service.
Please call 573-874-2233 or 1-800-874-9328 before planning a
trip to the Studio. Studio hours are: Tuesday through
Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, by appointment only. At other times,
please leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.
carried by Carol Leigh’s
ASHFORD Spinning Wheels, Looms and Tools
EARTHUES Natural Dye Extracts
LOUËT Spinning & Weaving Tools & Supplies
HARRISVILLE Friendly Looms
SCHACHT SPINDLE CO. Looms, Wheels & Supplies
SNIPES Weaving & Spinning Tools
Square, and Rectangle Looms; Navajo & Inkle Looms; Drop & Navajo
Spindles; Warping Boards; Maru-dai, knitting spools
UNICORN BOOKS fiber-related books
Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed Riata: silk/mohair/merino
Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed Suri alpaca/merino yarn
Carol Leigh’s Nature-dyed wool potholder loops,
JAGGERSPUN fine wool
GREAT NORTHERN Carpet Warp and Perle Cottons
Ashford TEKAPO wool,
WEAVING SOUTHWEST Rug and Churro wool
Partial Listing - MISCELLANEOUS Items
Pewter Jewelry by Ram’s Horn
Brass Shawl & Kilt Celtic penannulars by Mountain Forge
Handmade Bookmarks by Moosetrack Studio
Lucets by Peggy Ledrich
Autumn, 2015
Page 2
Greetings from Carol Leigh Brack-Kaiser ......... Page 1
Index, Subscriptions, Ad Information, Hours .......... 2
Dealerships carried by Carol Leigh's HFS ............... 2
Hillcreek Fiber Studio Private Lessons info ............. 2
Report on recent arrivals in the Studo: dyes,
spinning wheels, loom, dealing with Black Friday
and big box companies, and two Shows
we’ve returned to .................................................... 3
Focus on small Navajo Looms and New Kits ............ 4
Hillcreek Fiber Studio & Yarn Shoppe Event
Calendar................................................................... 5
Private Lessons Offered at Hillcreek Fiber Studio . 6
Small Business Saturday and Anniversary Sales ..... 7
Coupon and Holiday Gift Ideas ................................ 8
Price Changes for 2016
Items for Sale, antique great wheel, used
baby wolf loom, used Navajo Loom ....................... 9
Shoppe Talk with Bex ............................................ 10
Classifieds, Contact Information for Events........... 11
Map to Hillcreek Fiber Studio ................................ 12
Taught by Carol Leigh BrackBrack-Kaiser
1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328)
$25 per hour, $65 per three hours, $125 per full 8
hour day. Two days, $250; three days, $300; four
days, $350. 10% discount each for two or more
students. Deposit of one-half tuition will hold a date for
you. Bed & Breakfast available at the Studio: $50/
night. Airport shuttle available from St. Louis and
Kansas City airports to Studio. Also, some flights
arrive at Columbia Regional airport. Call toll free to
reserve space in a class or two.
Autumn, 2015
Page 3
Contrary to our notion of “slowing down”, we keep ordering dyes. (Why not? That’s what we
love!) This year we have received additional shipments of Cochineal bugs from Peru, Madder Root from
Pakistan, Safflower Petals, Tin (Stannous chloride), Iron (Ferrous sulfate), Lime, and Cream of Tartar.
Cochineal prices have gone down, Safflower prices have gone up, Chopped Madder Root is easier to handle
and yields better color than the full-sized large roots. We carry natural dyes and dye aids from Alkanet to
Zinc, many plant parts for dyeing, as well as natural dye extracts for painting and surface design. Please
“Refresh” your tab on our web site and secure shopping cart to have current prices. I’ll probably continue to
carry natural dye items until I die, as dyeing naturally is what I love —naturally! (By the way, when speaking
of coloring things, please spell the word with a “YE” so as to not confuse the concept! I’m getting too close to
that other natural dying, and don’t care to rush it!)
Schacht Side Kick Wheel
We keep ordering spinning wheels, including Schacht’s Side Kick and
Lady Bug wheels which have been popular at Bex’s Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe. Also all
Ashford models. Spinners meet at the Yarn Shoppe the 4th Thursday of each month.
(The 3rd Thursday November and December.) We still offer discounts on wheels if you
take a spinning lesson, or discount on lessons if you buy a wheel. (Added value, which
on-line shopping does NOT provide!) PLUS, we have a rent-to-own spinning wheel
policy, so customers may try out several wheels before deciding on the one they prefer.
AND, we’ve added a new Schacht 8-shaft Mighty Wolf folding floor loom to our
pack of wolves at the Studio! (Baby wolves, 26”, Mighty wolves, 36”, and Wolf pups,
Speaking of On-Line Shopping, I’m sure most of you have heard how on-line shopping with
Amazon and big box companies is affecting closures of many small businesses and brick-and-mortar stores.
That’s not good for our nation’s economy, putting many local businesses and workers out of business. Plus,
the service-after-the-sale and support, with lessons and guidance for items purchased, is no longer available.
How hollow our future will be if we allow this to continue! We need to support a movement to change the
nation’s mentality of “cheaper is better” and to learn to value the value-added aspect of supporting our local
brick-and-mortar stores and small businesses in person or on-line. Can you imagine the lowest of low: customers in stores look through books, find a book they like, copy ISBN#s, then order the book from Amazon
due to discounts, free shipping, and no sales tax, while still in the store! Where will they go to peruse a book
if every customer were to do that, forcing the store out of business? See our secure shopping cart at, or, and support small businesses!
National Small Business Saturday. To help defray some of the damage done on Black Friday
with big box companies, National Small Business Saturday is designed to put the emphasis back on small
businesses, to which most of your spinning/weaving/ dyeing/ fiber and natural yarn suppliers belong. Take
advantage of our Small Business Saturday Sales. See page 7 for National Small Business Saturday
Returning EVENTS
Christianson Native Crafts Workshop (CNCW), Shannondale, MO, and Southeast Animal Fiber
Fest (SAFF), Asheville, NC. These are two events we always enjoyed and had attended for over two
decades, each. We did not attend either of these for three years in our effort to “slow down.” However, each
event persuaded us to come back this year! And we’re glad we did.
CNCW is Missouri’s best kept secret. It is a week-long family craft camp in southeast central
Missouri Ozarks. It provides offerings of a variety of crafts for all age groups, from nursery school through
Autumn, 2015
Page 4
CNCW continued
teen and adult activities — a true family craft camp. Family activities include canoeing on the Current River,
auctions, talent show, and music entertainment. Sign up for classes in everything from spinning, weaving, and
dyeing to chair caning, leather tooling, black smithing, basket making, oak bucket making, broom making,
photography, mountain dulcimer, bobbin lace and more. We offer classes in Continuous Strand Weaving on
all our shapes and sizes of frame looms, Inkle & Tablet Weaving, to Potholder weaving. See contact info on
Page 11 to sign up for next summer.
SAFF is an animal and fiber festival which has grown over the past few decades. We were surprised
at how much it had grown since we were there 4 years ago. New, huge arena, over 200 vendors, over 200
classes! Wow! Bex, Eric, and Denny had a booth while Bex taught two classes. I stayed home and played
Grandma for Holloween weekend and parent/teacher’s conference, with little Charlie, now 8. See page 11 for
contact info.
It’s truly hard to slow down when shows find us and invite us back, new venues come up wanting us to teach and vend, and when our Studio, with all its contents, is in our home, and now with helping Bex
keep her store front stocked. Our fall has been filled with private lessons and B&B students or fiber customers
just wanting a place to escape to. How does that song go? “I’m just a gal who can’t say ‘No’!” Guess I just
love you all too much!
Due to increasing interest in Navajo Weaving, we have put together several Navajo Weaving Kits. We have mentioned the Mini Navajo Loom Kits before: frame
small enough for mug rugs with everything, including instructions for warping the loom the
Navajo way, cords, batten, comb, weft of 3 colors, sacking needle, and locker hook, $49;
and also, the same kit, but already Warped and Ready to Weave, for $69.
We have also been offering the next two larger sizes of Navajo
A-frame Looms, the Small A-frame Navajo Loom, big
enough to weave a piece up to (14” x16”), and the Medium Aframe Navajo Loom to weave a piece up to (18”x24”), each of which come in a
kit which includes the loom, all cords, dowels, yarns for warping, plus instructions, offered at $109 for the Small, and $129 for the Medium sizes.
NEW!! We received extra custom-made heavy-duty, padded, square cordura
bags, which are the right size for both the 18-inch Square and 2-foot Travel Trilooms and also for the Small Navajo A-frame Loom. (The bag alone is $177) I
have carried my A-frame loom in this size bag for several years, and find it very convenient for keeping my
loom, tools, and yarns all together, conveniently.
So, we are now offering, for your convenience, a new Complete Kit for
the Small A-frame Navajo-Style Loom, designed to fit everything into
this tough cordura, protective, zippered bag with thick padding on both sides
and two inside pockets. The Complete Kit includes the Small A-frame
Navajo Loom, all the dowels, cords, warp yarn, and instructions to warp the
loom, PLUS a set of 3 widths of battens, 2 combs (including a small finishing
comb), 10 ounces of Churro wool yarn in 5 colors (2 naturals and 3 dyed), a
sacking needle, locker hook, and set of Churro sample cards to choose yarns
for a second project, all for only $370. A book and DVD are available separately: Weaving the Navajo Way, by Carolyn Spurgeon ($24), DVD, Navajo
Weaving: Sharing the Technique and Tradition, Maloney & Clark ($39.95)
Autumn, 2015
Page 5
Oct 30-Nov 1 ... SAFF (Southeast Animal Fiber Fest), Bex Eric & Denny, Hillcreeks Fiber and Yarn ..... Asheville, NC
Nov 13 - 15 ..... Col. Weavers and Spinners’ Guild Holiday Exhibition Sale, Boone Co. Museum............ Columbia, MO
Dec 11 - 13....... Hillcreek Fiber Studio 33rd Anniversary Open House and Sale ....................................... Columbia, MO
Jan 13 - 23........ Alafia River Rendezvous, Sutlery & Seminars ............................................................... Homeland, FL
Mar 11 - 13 ..... Fiber Retreat, Lincoln U Exten, Hillcreeks Yarn & Fiber Vendors, Bex Instr ...... Jefferson City, MO
Mar 15 - 17 ..... Navajo Weaving lessons, Hillcreek Fiber Studio ........................................................... Columbia, MO
April 1 - 3 ........ Sunflower Knitting in the Heartland, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor .............. Overland Park, KS
April 15 - 16 .... The Fiber Event of Greencastle, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor .......................... Greencastle, IN
April 23 - 24 .... Columbia Weavers’ Guild Workshop, Katherine Dickerson, 3-shaft Blocks .................. Columbia, MO
April 30 ........... All Missouri Spring Spin-In, Carol Leigh, Vendor, Instructor ...................................... Chillicothe, MO
May 7 - 8 ......... fiber event, Carol Leigh Vend & Teach ............................................................................................... IA
May 21 -22 ...... Kentucky Fiber Festival, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ...................................... Lexington, KY
June 3 - 4 ......... Magnolia State Fiber Fest, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ................................... Vicksburg, MS
June 11 - 12 ..... Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Hillcreeks Fiber and Yarn, Bex & Carol Leigh, Vendors ..... Colfax, IA
June 18 ............ Jesse Reeves & Denea wedding (Bex’s son) .................................................................. St. Charles, MO
June 25 ............ Blue Party, Bex & Carol Leigh, Hillcreek Fiber Studio ................................................... Columbia, MO
July 9 - 10 ....... Fiber “U”, Bex & Eric, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor, Bex Instructor .......................... Lebanon, MO
July 8 - 12 ........ WARP (Weave A Real Peace) Conference, participant ..................................................... Sante Fe, NM
July 24 - 29 ..... Christianson Native Crafts Workshop, Carol Leigh, Vendor, Instructor .................... Shannondale, MO
July 31 - Aug 6. Convergence International Weaving Conference, Vendor............................................... Milwaukee, WI
August 4 - 7 .... Stitches Midwest, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ? .............................................. Shaumburg, IL
August 19 - 21 . Michigan Fiber Fest, Carol Leigh & Bex Vendor, Instructors................................................Allegan, MI
Sept 16 – 17 .... Fiber Daze, Southwest Missouri Fiber Folks, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe ? ............... Mt Vernon, MO
Sept 22 - 25 ..... Stitches Texas, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Bex .......................................................................... Irving, TX
Sept ? .............. Eastern Primitive Rendezvous, suttlery and instructor ? TBA................................................................ ?
October 8 ....... Lake Area Fiber Arts, Bex, HillcreekYarn Shoppe Vendor ........................................... Camdenton, MO
October 28 - 30 SAFF, Bex, HYS vendor, Bex Instructor ............................................................................ Asheville, NC
Nov 4 - 5 .......... Ozark Fiber Fling, Bex, Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe, Vendor ................................................ Steeleville, MO
We are not offering our traditional Multi-shaft, Navajo, or Continuous Strand Weaving,
Spinning, nor Missouri Dye Workshops at the Hillcreek Fiber Studio in 2016.
However, we WILL continue to offer Private Lessons on any aspect of weaving, spinning or dyeing.
Please call to set up a time for one to four people. 1-800-875-9328 (TRI-WEAV) See also Page 6 for details.
Bex offers classes nearly every Saturday a.m. in knitting, weaving, crochet,
and other needlework subjects at Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe.
Please call 573-449-KNIT (5648) to schedule with Bex.
We are both available for private or small group lessons at the Fiber Studio or Yarn Shoppe,
and/or for Trunk Shows or classes at your location.
Bed and Breakfast is available to welcome any textile artist traveling through Missouri or taking private
lessons. This is a great opportunity for a quiet retreat immersed in textile study — or just read a textile book
from over 500 titles. Or, hike some of the trails through Rock Bridge State Park (across the street from the
Studio) or on the Katy Trail, which follows the Missouri River from St. Charles to Clinton, Missouri.
Autumn, 2015
Nestled in the Little Bonne
Femme Creek Valley amidst
woods and pastures in view of a
major state park, Hillcreek Fiber
Studio offers the serenity for a
true get-away.
Just focus on
learning a new skill or on
exploring an older one. Cuddle up
with a book from over 500 titles
on the shelves. Private lessons at
Hillcreek Fiber Studio allow the
student to immerse her or himself
in the study and exploration of a
number of textile-related subjects.
Let us know what subjects interest
Join us for our BLUE PARTY
June 25, 2016 Bex & Carol
Leigh will have 4 different blue
pots going: Indigo/thiox for protein fibers, indigo Zinc/Lime for
cellulose and silk shibori and ikat
dyeing, Saxon Blue for turquoise
on protein fibers, and historic
Woad blue.
Charged by the
weight of items you bring to throw
in the pots.
in a variety of subjects, by arrangement with the instructor.
One to four consecutive days, or
one day per week. Groups of up
to four people may be arranged to
reduce the cost per person.
Choose from: any of the weaving
styles listed below, or Learn to
spin, Spin special fibers, or Create designer yarns, as described
following. Or, spend a day or two
exploring dyes with Carol Leigh.
Continuous Strand Weaving on
Triangle, Square, or Rectangle
Looms: In two to three days,
complete a triangle or rectangle
shawl, square blanket or other textile using the simple, unique
continuous strand weaving
method. Learn a few intermediate
or advanced techniques, such as
twill, leno lace, double weave,
plus color patterns such as log
cabin, tartan plaids and color
blending. Or, in just one day,
weave a smaller project, such as a
washcloth, hat, or scarf.
Page 6
Spinning: Beginning students
may learn basics of spinning,
choosing and skirting fleece,
cleaning, carding & combing
techniques, spinning on spindles
and on a variety of spinning
wheels. Designer Yarn students
will learn color & fiber blending
and Navajo 3-ply techniques.
They will create novelty yarns
such as slubs, knop, marl, corespun, loop, and feather yarns,
among others. Spinning Special
Fibers students will dress distaffs
and spin flax, unwind cocoons &
spin silk from several preparations,
Navajo Weaving: (and other
spin cotton and other fine fibers on
forms of tapestry) Warp a frame
charkas & taklis, and will comb
loom and learn basic Navajo
wool. Design your own lesson.
weaving techniques and color
joins. In two to three days, Stu- Natural Dyeing: Spend a day or
dents should finish a sampler, two working with Carol Leigh
learning finishing techniques for while mordanting and dyeing
the tight ending.
yarns or wool loops. Learn techniques for evoking rainbows of colFour to Eight-Shaft Weaving:
ors using Ancient or Missouri Dyes,
Beginning students will warp a
depending upon the time of year.
loom, complete a project, learn
Taylor your lesson to your interests.
threading and weaving techniques
and how to read and understand Private Lessons $25 per hour.
pattern drafts and basic weaving Spinning Lessons: Two 3-hour
theory. Intermediate students can sessions are recommended for
work on projects with guidance begininning students, $65 per 3from the instructor. Choose to hour session. Two free hours of
weave a Colonial Weave Struc- lessons with purchase of spinning
ture Sampler, learn traditional wheel or loom.
loom-dressing methods for a Tartan Dancing Shawl, or explore
Tuition: One day $125, Two days
another weave structure and pro$250, three days $300, four days
ject of your choosing.
$350. 10% discount each for two
Rigid Heddle weaving for two- or more students. A deposit of
shaft weaving, scarves, runners one-half tuition holds a space.
and more. Learn quick, easy Bed & Breakfast at the Studio $50
warping method, plus various lace per night. Airport shuttle from St.
and pick-up techniques on the Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia
Regional airports. Call toll free to
Inkle and/or Tablet Weaving for reserve a date.
narrow belts, straps or ribbons in 1-800-874-9328 (TRI-WEAV).
one or two days.
Autumn, 2015
Page 7
Churro Fleece
Another new addition. We have just received 5 Navajo Churro fleece from Tahnibaa, Sarah Natani’s daughter.: 2 Lamb fleece, one black and one white, and 3 Adult fleece, one grey, one white, and one light brown.
Price $18 to $24 per pound. Call for availability.
Thanksgiving Weekend will Probably be Here
by the Time you receive this Newsletter
It is time to reflect on all those things for which we are thankful.
For us, this includes a healthy, happy family,
a freezer full of venison, blackberries and blueberries,
And, most of all,
For all the wonderful friends and customers we have found
through the world of fibers.
To show our appreciation and Thanks to You, we are offering great sales
through our Anniversary Open House, December 11-13, Friday through Sunday
Two weeks of deliriously insane sales!
$50 off any purchase of $200 or more WITH COUPON (page 8)
Special Items 30% Off: used books, tools, discontinued yarns, and
fibers in “Bargain Bin”
50% Off Used Steel Reeds for looms (many sizes and dpi—just ask)
20% Off Any Other Item in the “Bargain Room”
20% Off Any Patterns for Continuous Strand Weaving Projects
(30% off if purchase one of each, 15 in all, including Celtic Mist)
During Small Business Saturday and Anniversary Sale Dates
Refreshments and Surprize Door Prizes
10% off any other purchase, of items in stock, until the end of the year
Starting Small Business Saturday
To see pictures in color: If you are not receiving this newsletter by e-mail, check it out on line at for color pictures. Starting in 2015 all newsletters will be
sent by e-mail only, unless you pay the subscription of $8 per year for the hard copy. If you currently are receiving the hardcopy by regular mail, and wish to receive it by e-mail, please forward your e-mail address to, or call Carol Leigh at 573-874-2233. Thank you.
Autumn, 2015
Page 8
Great Holiday Gift Ideas
Potholder Loom with Cotton Loops or Nature-dyed WOOL Loops
PRO Potholder/Trivet Loom with Cotton Loops or Nature-dyed WOOL Loops
12-inch Square “Washcloth Loom” with 4/2 cotton in two shades (enough for 8 cloths)
Pewter Jewelry pins or earrings with Weaving, Spinning, Knitting, Animal, or
Celtic Theme
Finished Hat, Scarf, Shawl or Other One-of-a-Kind woven textile
Cricket, Easy Weaver, or Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom with free Lesson
Spinning, Weaving, or Dyeing Book
Fibers to Spin or Felt: wool, cotton, silk, cashmere, bison, flax, alpaca, mohair, & more
Spindle — great stocking stuffer — many lovely turned
ones from which to choose
Weaving tool — boat shuttle, shaped Navajo Comb or
Niddy Noddy, Fringe Twister, Knitting Spool (“corker”)
Gift Certificate for Weaving, Spinning or Dyeing Lesson
Gift Certificate in any amount for item of receiver’s choice Nature Provides
For the Gift which keeps on giving, give a frame loom
Dyes for
for Continuous Strand Weaving
Autographed “Continuous Strand Weaving Techniques and Rainbows of Color
Projects for Triangle, Square, and Rectangle Frame
Pre order “Nature Provides, Dyes for Rainbows of Color”
$50 off on purchases over $200
From Small Business Saturday (Nov 28)
Through Anniversary Open House (Dec 11-13, 2015)
10% off everything else in Stock
through the end of the year.
(not to be used in addition to other discounts)
Bring this coupon to Studio,
or mention it when ordering on line or by phone
Autumn, 2015
Page 9
WARP (Weave A Real Peace) conference met in San Francisco last May. Among the presentations
of weaving and dyeing activities in communities around the world, Rebecca Burgess, author of Harvesting Colors, reported on her Fiber Shed project. This program has been initiated in many communities here in the States, as well as Europe, Australia, and more. These programs develop cooperatives which include local food and fiber growers, individual and small business weavers, knitters, and
clothing manufacturers, and other services so these communities are self-contained within a 150-mile
radius, with the focus on buying or sharing locally, without dependence on over-seas manufacturing
or on items shipped in from a distance. Next year’s conference is in Santa Fe during the Indian Crafts
Festival. The following year in Guatemala. See contact info on Page 11 to come join in.
Discount on Looms and supplies for Museums, Schools, and Charity Programs
We have always felt it important to support those interested in weaving who might need a helping hand. We
have donated to customers who lost their triangle loom in the Katrina floods, in tornadoes and in fires, and
have always offered 10% discounts to schools, students and museums. We were delighted to help when Kim
Shirley mentioned she has started a program in her rural Iowa community, which has no programs for senior
citizens, in order to provide creative and useful activities for them. If you know of a good cause with people
interested in weaving, please let us know. We’ll be glad to help.
Order large looms for Continuous Strand Weaving NOW! Old prices still good for 2015
Prices going up after January 1, 2016
We have not raised prices on our Triangle, Square, and Rectangle large adjustable looms or Travel
Looms on each of these shapes for 5 years! Wood prices keep going up — especially walnut! Old prices are
still good until the end of 2015.
Hard Maple/Oak
7-foot Adjustable Tri Loom
$320 $334
$336 $350
$336 $359
7-foot Adjustable Rectangle
362 379
5-foot Adjustable Square
362 379
Tri-Pod Stand
184 194
All Travel Size Loom Prices remain the same as listed on our web site and brochures, except 3-foot Triangle
Old price $115, NEW $119. All woods for each size and shape of Travel Looms are the same price.
Triangle Frame Loom
Spinning Lady
Navajo Weaver
Specialty Pins for Weavers
and Spinners
Used Large Cedar Navajo
Early 1800’s Great Wheel with Miner’s Head
Contact Hillcreek Fiber Studio
Autumn, 2015
with BEX
Page 10
with Bex
Black Friday/Small Business Saturday
Friday, November 27th, 2015 is our
HANG OUT DAY and Yarn Swap
Bex knitting with son, Ben
Bring black food and drinks … or leftover pie and cookies!
Clean out your yarn stash and bring it in for Yarn Swap
so you can get new yarn without guilt. Hang out with us and relax.
We won’t open early, but may stay late if Wined Down is swinging!
We won’t have any special two-hour sales.
Just good company and YARN!
Small Business Saturday, Nov. 28, Shop Your Local Neighborhood Stores
This is our day to start off the Holiday Season. We will have Refreshments, Grab Bags
(with each purchase) full of Goodies, Notions, and maybe even Yarn.
Fun Day, KIDS Welcome Bring a jingle bell, bar of soap, or fabric to embellish with
felting. We’ll demonstrate wet felting to enclose jingle bells (great cat toy) and soap
in a fitted coat of wool fiber (great for the bath tub), or make colorful wool beads.
Our pine tree is full of donated knitted and crocheted hats for the needy. Thank you.
More Charity Needlers and Hookers are Needed
We are in need of: Baby hats for Boone Hospital and UMC Women and Children’s NICU
Scarves for Assistance League to donate with new coats for children
Warm hats and scarves for Cold Force to distribute to the homeless
Afghan squares in colors for Welcome Home Soldiers (7” x 9” or 12” x 12”)
Chemo hats in all sizes
Twiddle Muffs for seniors with Alzheimer's or kids in court or cop cars.
Contact the shop for patterns or more information.
If you need yarn for your youth group, school or charity organization, come get some!
If you have left-over yarns to donate for charity causes, please donate.
Thank you for any and all help.
Upcoming Classes, Saturdays 10 - 1 pm, $30
December 5: Mobius Cowl
December 12: Knit and Felted Bag
December 19: Crochet Amish Puzzle Ball Ornaments
December 26: UFO (Un-Finished Objects) Help Day
Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe
Bextra on Ravelry
Your Local Yarn Shop With A Heart
601 Business Loop 70 W, Suite 213C
Columbia, MO 65203
573-449-5648 (KNIT)
Bextraordinary Designs
Autumn, 2015
Used 4-shaft baby wolf floor loom and
Warping Frame, good condition $750.
Page 11
FOR SALE: An old fashion working wheel made in Canada by Theodore
Borduas (since it was made in Canada it is called a ''working wheel'' not a
''spinning wheel”). It stands 45'' high from the floor to the top of the
wheel, 48” long from the
edge of the wheel to the tension bar, and 22” wide at the
bottom of the legs. Drive
wheel diameter is 30”. I had
3 extra bobbins/spools made
for it, so it has 4 of them total. Asking $750.00.
Teresa Hegre, 47123 220th
Ave., Chariton, IA 50049;
2016 Event Contacts
Alafia River Rendezvous, Jan 13 - 23, 2016,
Homeland, FL,
Missouri Fiber Retreat, March 11 - 13, 2016,
Jefferson City, MO,,
Sunflower Knitting in the Heartland, April 1-3,
2016, Overland Park, KS,,
The Fiber Event of Greencastle, April 15 - 16,
2016, Greencastle, IN,
All Missouri Spring Spin-In, April 30, 2016,
Zelma Cleaveland, Chillicothe, MO,
Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival, May 21 - 22,
2016, Lexington, KY,
Magnolia State Fiber Fest, June 3 - 4, 2016,
Vicksburg, MS,
Annual Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Colfax, IA,
June 11 - 12, 2016, Margie Meehan, 563-920-7704,
WARP (Weave a Real Peace) Annual Conference,
July 8 - 12, 2016, Santa Fe, NM,
Fiber “U” - Fun, Fiber, and You! MOPACA event,
July 9 - 10, 2016, Lebanon, MO. Liz Mitchko, 417533-5280,
We accept MC/Visa/Discover
Christianson Native Crafts Workshop, July 24 - 29,
2016, Shannondale, Missouri, Nita Pace,,,
Convergence International Weaving Conference,
July 31 - Aug 6, 2016, Milwaukee, WI,
Michigan Fiber Fest, August 19 - 21, 2016, Allegan
County Fair Grounds, Allegan, Michigan.
Fiber Daze, September 16-17, 2016, Marc Center,
Mount Vernon, MO, Fiber Folks of Southwest
Eastern Primitive Rendezvous, Sept ? - Oct , TBA,
Stitches Texas, Sept 22 - 25, 2016, Irving, TX,
Lake Area Festival of Fiber Arts, Oct 8, 2016,
Lake of the Ozarks, Camdenton Christian Church,
Camdenton, MO,
SAFF (Southeast Animal Fiber Fest), Oct 28 - 30,
Ozark Fiber Fling, November 4 - 5, 2016, Steelville, MO, Rural Missouri Spinners Guild, Lois
Wissmann, 573-245-6851,
All of our products may be ordered on our toll-free line:
1-800-TRI-WEAV (874-9328)
or on our Website:
with a secure "Shopping Cart” WebStore
2015 ISSUE
Autumn, 2015
Page 12
Carol Leigh’s Specialties
7001 Hillcreek Road
Columbia, MO 65203
Return Service Requested
Directions to visit Carol Leigh’s Hillcreek Fiber Studio
Diagram is not to Scale
W. Broadway
E. Broadway
573-874-2233 or
Last house in the valley,
before the creek.
Before coming to the STUDIO, GIVE US A CALL so we won’t miss YOU