Prof. dr Vojo An|us, dipl.gra|.in`. Katedra za puteve, aerodrome i `eleznice Gra|evinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd predmet: PROJEKTOVAWE PUTEVA (GSP4) 1 Re~nik termina - Putno in`ewerstvo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Put je svaka tako izgrađena ili utvrđena povr{ina koju kao saobraćajnu povr{inu mogu da koriste svi ili određeni učesnici u saobraćaju, pod uslovima određenim zakonom i drugim propisima. Javni put je ona saobraćajna povr{ina koju nadležni organ u skladu sa kriterijumima za kategorizaciju javnih puteva proglasi javnim putem određene kategorije i koju svako može slobodno koristiti na način i pod uslovima određenim zakonom i drugim propisima. Državni put je kategorisan javni put koji povezuje celokupnu teritoriju države i povezuje državu sa mrežom evropskih puteva ili koji povezuje teritoriju jednog ili vi{e regiona ili povezuje za državu važna turistička ili pogranična područja i granične prelaze. Ako u okviru takvog putnog povezivawa nije izgrađen obilazni put van naseqa, sastavni deo državnog puta je i wegov deo koji prolazi kroz naseqe. Autoput je državni put koji je namewen iskqučivo za saobraćaj motornih vozila sa fizički razdvojenim kolovozima po smerovima, bez ukr{tawa u istom nivou i sa prikqučivawem samo na određenim i posebno izgrađenim prikqučcima koji su wegov sastavni deo, Op{tinski put je kategorisan javni put koji povezuje područje op{tine, odnosno grada i povezuje op{tinu, odnosno, grad sa mrežom državnih puteva. Nekategorisan put je svaka saobraćajna povr{ina koja nije kategorisana kao javni put i na kojoj se saobraćaj obavqa na način i pod uslovima koje, u skladu sa propisima o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima, određuje vlasnik ili lice koje on ovlasti za upravqawe tom saobraćajnom povr{inom ({umski putevi, poqoprivredni putevi, prilazni putevi i prilazi objektima i zemqi{tima, funkcionalne saobraćajne povr{ine pored objekata, autobuske stanice, putevi u privatnom vlasni{tvu i slično). Državna biciklistička staza je samostalni državni put koji je namewen samo saobraćaju biciklista i koji je označen propisanom saobraćajnom signalizacijom. Državna biciklistička staza nadovezuje se na mrežu evropskih biciklističkih staza, povezuje centre od regionalnog značaja ili vodi do značajnih turističkih područja ili centara i do područja izuzetnih prirodnih znamenitosti. Naseqe je izgrađeni funkcionalno objediwen prostor na kome su obezbeđeni uslovi za život i rad i za zadovoqavawe zajedničkih potreba stanovnika. Granice naseqa utvrđuju se prostornim odnosno urbanističkim planom i na propisan način se signali{u na javnom putu. Put van naseqa je deo javnog puta postavqen u slobodnom prostoru izvan granica naseqa. Put u nasequ je deo javnog puta unutar granica naseqa čije se funkcionalne karakteristike utvrđuju prostornim ili urbanističkim planom op{tine, odnosno grada. Označavawe javnih puteva je propisima uređeni postupak jednoznačnog definisawa kategorije i prostornog položaja trase puta i wenih delova (kilometarska i hektometarska stacionaža) koji se primenom odgovarajućih znakova signali{e za potrebe vođewa evidencije, upravqawa saobraćajem i putevima kao i za potrebe korisnika puteva. Evidencija o javnim putevima je propisima uređeni sadržaj relevantnih podataka i postupak wihovog prikupqawa odnosno obnavqawa za potrebe upravqawa putevima i saobraćajem na wima. 2 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Dowi stroj puta čine objekti izgrađeni u prirodnom tlu (useci, tuneli, galerije, i sl.) ili od prirodnih - zemqanih i kamenih materijala (nasipi), zatim objekti izgrađeni od različitih materijala (beton, kamen, čelik, drvo, i dr.) radi premo{ćavawa prirodnih ili ve{tačkih prepreka u terenu (mostovi, propusti, i sl.) ili za osigurawe trupa puta izgrađenog od zemqanih materijala od destruktivnih spoqa{wih uticaja (potporni i obložni zidovi, za{titne konstrukcije i sl.). Kolovozna konstrukcija je vi{eslojni kruti ili elastični sistem koji služi da primi mehanička dejstva vozila i prenese ih na dowi stroj puta. Služi da omogući bezbedno, udobno i ekonomično kretawe vozila (biciklista ili pe{aka). Zavr{ni sloj kolovozne konstrukcije, koji je direktno izložen dejstvu spoqa{wih sila, naziva se kolovozni zastor. Kolovoz je izgrađena povr{ina javnog puta po kojoj se obavqa dvosmerni ili jednosmerni saobraćaj i čine ga saobraćajne trake (vozne, dodatne, ivične, zaustavne i sl.) za kretawe i/ili mirovawe (prinudno zaustavqawe) vozila. Putni objekti su mostovi (u trupu puta - podputwaci, iznad puta nadputwaci), propusti, tuneli, galerije, potporni i obložni zidovi, zidovi za za{titu od buke i sl. Nadputwak je objekat iznad javnog puta kojim se razre{ava ukr{tawe u dva nivoa sa drugim putem, drugim infrastrukturnim sistemom ili železnicom kod koje se ovakav objekat naziva podvožwak. Podputwak je objekat ispod javnog puta kojim se razre{ava ukr{tawe u dva nivoa sa drugim putem, drugim infrastrukturnim sistemom ili železnicom kod koje se ovakav objekat naziva nadvožwak. Objekti, postrojewa i uređaji za odvodwavawa služe za skupqawe, odvođewe i/ili preusmeravawe povr{inskih, pribrežnih i podzemnih voda u ciqu za{tite javnog puta od wihovog dejstva ili za za{titu suseda javnog puta i recipijenata od {tetnog dejstva voda sa puta. Prateći sadržaji javnog puta podrazumevaju povr{ine, objekte, postrojewa i uređaje namewene efikasnom upravqawu putevima i saobraćajem (funkcionalni sadržaji) kao i za pružawe usluga korisnicima puta (prateći sadržaji za potrebe korisnika). Funkcionalni sadržaji obuhvataju povr{ine, objekte, postrojewa i uređaje u okviru baza za održavawe puta, naplatu putarine, kontrolnih stanica, centara upravqawa saobraćajem i slično. Sadržaji za potrebe korisnika puta podrazumevaju povr{ine i objekte (parkirali{ta, odmori{ta, zelene povr{ine i slično) sa ili bez građevina za uslužne delatnosti (moteli, restorani, servisi, stanice za gorivo, prodavnice, sadržaji rekreacije i sl.). Autobusko stajali{te je posebno izgrađena i označena saobraćajna povr{ina uz kolovoz puta ili prikqučena na kolovoz koja je namewena iskqučivo za zaustavqawe vozila javnog prevoza putnika. Granice građewa su kontinualne linije unutar kojih se izvode svi građevinski zahvati u okviru javnog puta. Zemqi{ni pojas je kontinualna povr{ina sa obe strane puta {irine najmawe 1 metar mereno na spoqnu stranu od granice građewa. Putno zemqi{te obuhvata povr{inu koju zauzimaju: trup puta, raskrsnice, prateći sadržaji i sl., odnosno, zemqi{te obuhvaćeno granicama građewa i zemqi{nim pojasevima. Pojas eksproprijacije obuhvata putno zemqi{te, kao i zemqi{te nameweno za izgradwu ili rekonstrukciju drugih objekata da bi se obezbedila funkcija u prostoru ~iji je poreme}aj uzrokovan izgradwom ili rekonstrukcijom javnog puta. 3 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Raskrsnica je povr{ina na kojoj se ukr{taju ili spajaju saobraćajni tokovi dva ili vi{e javnih puteva ili {ira saobraćajna povr{ina (trg i slično) sa istom saobraćajnom funkcijom koja nastaje ukr{tawem ili spajawem javnih puteva. Prikqučak je deo javnog puta kojim se obezbeđuje saobraćajna veza sa nekategorisanim putem ili prilaz do kompleksa i objekata u za{titnom pojasu, pojasu kontrolisane izgradwe i {irem području javnog puta. Ukr{taj javnog puta je mesto ukr{tawa puta i železnice u istom nivou ili sa drugim infrastrukturnim sistemima u različitim nivoima. Infrastrukturni sistemi obuhvataju transportne (rečni, železnički, putni, cevovodni i sl.) i druge sisteme (snabdevawe vodom, kanalisawe, daqinsko grejawe, snabdevawe gasom, prenos i snabdevawe elektro energijom, telekomunikacije i sl.). Zahtevana preglednost je potrebna preglednost za bezbedno zaustavqawe vozila ispred nepokretne smetwe na kolovozu puta. Ova preglednost mora biti obezbeđena na svakoj tački puta и одређује се на основу меродавних вредности пројектне брзине у оба смера вожње. Потребна прегледност на раскрсници (укрштај, прикључак) одређује се из услова одвијања саобраћаја на укрсним правцима сагласно релевантној законској и техничкој регулативи. Служи за конструкцију зоне прегледности раскрснице која мора бити ослобођена свих препрека које на било који начин могу угрозити безбедно одвијање саобраћаја. Sused je vlasnik ili korisnik zemqi{ta i objekata ili uređaja na zemqi{tu koje se najmawe jednom stranicom graniči sa putnim zemqi{tem. Rubni pojas puta obuhvata bankine (berme, rigole), kosine, obodne kanale i zemqi{ni pojas, kao i razdelnu traku (pojas) ukoliko postoji. Za{titni pojas jeste kontinualna povr{ina uz spoqnu ivicu kolovoza čija je {irina određena ovim Zakonom i služi za za{titu puta i saobraćaja na wemu. Pojas kontrolisane izgradwe je kontinualna povr{ina uz spoqnu granicu za{titnog pojasa u kojem se, u ciqu za{tite puta i saobraćaja na wemu, ograničava vrsta i obim izgradwe objekata; ovaj pojas je iste {irine kao i za{titni pojas. Saobraćajna signalizacija obuhvata sredstva i uređaje kojima se obezbeđuje praćewe, kontrola i vođewe saobraćajnih tokova (obeležavawe na kolovozu, saobraćajni znaci sa stalnim i promenqivim sadržajem, svetlosna signalizacija i slično) sa ciqem ostvarewa projektovanog režima odvijawa saobraćaja. Saobraćajna oprema obuhvata sredstva i uređaje za vizuelno i sigurnosno obezbeđewe puta i saobraćaja na wemu (smerokazi, za{titne i sigurnosne ograde, ogledala, rampe, markeri, kupe, {tapovi za sneg i sl.). Putna oprema obuhvata: telekomunikacione i električne uređaje namewene bezbednom odvijawu saobraćaja, stacionarne uređaji za praćewe, kontrolu i regulisawe saobraćaja, uređaje za kontrolu stawa kolovoza, uređaje za daqinsko obave{tavawe i upozoravawe, objekte i uređaje za naplatu putarine, ventilacione i sigurnosne uređaje u tunelima, objekte i uređaje za za{titu puta i putnog saobraćaja, kao i objekte i uređaje za za{titu neposrednog okružewa puta. 4 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Upravqawe saobraćajem obuhvata primenu posebnih mera i aktivnosti praćewa, kontrole i vođewa saobraćaja na mreži puteva ili duž pojedinačnog putnog poteza sa ciqem obezbeđewa zahtevanog nivoa efikasnosti i bezbednosti saobraćaja i udobnosti vožwe. Obustava saobraćaja podrazumeva potpuni prekid saobraćaja na putu svih vrsta vozila o čemu se mora obavestiti javnost i na propisan način signalisati. Obustava saobraćaja traje dok postoje razlozi za uvođewe ovakve mere. Ograničewe saobraćaja podrazumeva zabranu kretawa pojedinih vrsta vozila koja mogu biti {tetna za određenu deonicu puta ili putni objekat ili ako to zahtevaju razlozi koji se odnose na za{titu puta i bezbednost saobraćaja na wemu. O ovoj meri se mora obavestiti javnost i na propisan način izvr{iti signalisawe. Ograničewe saobraćaja traje dok postoje razlozi za uvođewe ovakve mere. Vanredni prevoz je prevoz vozilima koja sama ili zajedno sa tovarom prekoračuju bilo koji od propisima dozvoqenih elemenata (osovinsko opterećewe, ukupna masa, {irina, dužina ili visina). Vanrednim prevozom smatra se i prevoz kod koga je vozilo samo ili zajedno sa tovarom u granicama propisom dozvoqenih mera, mase ili opterećewa, ali prekoračuje ograničewe bilo kog od ovih elemenata koje je na javnom putu ili wegovom delu određeno saobraćajnom signalizacijom. Prekomerno kori{ćewe javnog puta ili wegovog dela predstavqa vi{e od 50-postotno privremeno ili trajno uče{će u svim izvr{enim prevozima robe tim putem koje je posledica obavqawa investicionih radova ili prirode proizvodne ili uslužne delatnosti u vezi sa kojom se vr{e prevozi (eksploatacija kamena, minerala i slično). Uče{će prevoza se utvrđuje u prosečnom dnevnom godi{wem saobraćaju teretnih vozila nosivosti vi{e od deset tona, {to se utvrđuje najmawe četvorostrukim brojawem saobraćaja na izvornoj-ciqnoj lokaciji prekomernog korisnika puta. Prekomerni korisnik puta je pravno ili fizičko lice koje vr{i investicione radove ili delatnosti iz prethodnog stava. Održavawe puta (funkcionalno i/ili gra|evinsko (rehabilitacija)) jeste proces očuvawa i za{tite wegovih funkcionalnih i konstruktivnih karakteristika u stawu {to je moguće sličnijem stawu koje je bilo u trenutku wegove izgradwe ili rekonstrukcije sa ciqem minimizacije ukupnih tro{kova eksploatacije, saobraćajnih nezgoda i uticaja na životnu sredinu uz minimum uloženih sredstava za održavawe puta. Za{tita puta obuhvata neophodne mere za za{titu puta i bezbednost korisnika puta koje se realizuju kroz ograničavawe dopu{tenih intervencija u putnom zemqi{tu, za{titnom pojasu i pojasu kontrolisane izgradwe, odnosno, kontrolu i regulisawe učesnika u saobraćaju. Kori{ćewe puteva obuhvata efikasno, bezbedno i udobno odvijawe saobraćaja, kao i druge aktivnosti u okviru putnog zemqi{ta saglasno ovom Zakonu. Razvoj puteva obuhvata tehničke, ekonomske, finansijske, organizacione i druge aktivnosti u ciqu unapređewa putne mreže ili pojedinačnih putnih poteza u pogledu kapaciteta, kvaliteta, bezbednosti saobraćaja i životne sredine. Upravqawe putevima jeste skup mera i aktivnosti kojima se obezbeđuje racionalno održavawe, za{tita, kori{ćewe i razvoj javnih puteva i saobraćaja na wima. 5 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Koncesija podrazumeva razne oblike preno{ewe određenih prava i obaveza za definisani vremenski period u domenu izgradwe, kori{ćewa, održavawa ili upravqawa javnim putem domaćem ili stranom pravnom ili fizičkom licu od strane nadležnog državnog organa zakqučewem ugovora. Izgradwa puta jeste skup mera i aktivnosti koje obuhvataju: prethodne radove, izradu i kontrolu investicione i tehničke dokumentacije, građewe, stručni nadzor i druge zakonom predviđene obaveze za pu{tawe puta u saobraćaj. Rekonstrukcija puta jeste skup mera i aktivnosti na postojećem putu kojima se unapređuje životna sredina, funkcionalne i konstruktivne karakteristike puta u celini ili wegovih pojedinih elemenata ili obejkata. Klasifikacija puteva podrazumeva daqu razradu kategorizacije definisane ovim Zakonom, odnosno podelu javnih puteva po geopolitičkom, funkcionalnom i tehničkom kriterijumu saglasno značaju i funkciji puta u putnoj mreži i topografiji terena. Upotrebna vrednost puta podrazumeva sada{wu vrednost javnog puta, kao celovitog investicionog objekta, s obzirom na stepen očuvanosti wegovih projektovanih karakteristika. Tehnička regulativa obuhvata standarde, tehničke propise, tehnička uputstva i tehničke uslove (specifikacije) kojima se jednoznačno defini{u relevantni parametri za racionalno i kvalitetno planirawe, projektovawe, građewe, održavawe, kori{ćewe i upravqawe putevima. 6 7 8 Glossary - Road Engineering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Road is every built or designated area that can be used as a traffic area by all or specific participants in traffic, under the conditions specified by law and other regulations. Public road is such a traffic area that is, in conformity with the roads categorization criteria, designated by the competent authority as a public road of a specific category that can be freely used in the manner and under conditions specified by the law and other regulations. State road is a categorized public road which connects the entire territory of the country and the country with the European road network, or connects the territory of one or several regions, or connects the tourist areas, areas near the border and border crossings of state interest. When a road bypass outside the urban area is not built within such a road network, a section passing through the urban area is the integral part of the state road. Motorway is a state road intended solely for motor vehicle traffic, with physically divided carriageways for each direction, without at grade intersections and with the possibility of traffic access solely at the designated and specially built junctions, which are its integral part. Municipal road is categorized public road that connects the area of a municipality, or a city, and connects that municipality, or city, with the state road network. Uncategorized road is every traffic area that is not categorized as a public road and on which the traffic runs in the manner and under conditions which are, in conformity with the road traffic safety regulations, designated by the owner or authorized entity that manages that traffic area (forest roads, agricultural roads, access roads and accesses to the facilities or land, functional traffic areas in the vicinity of the facilities, bus stops, roads in private ownership, etc). State bicycle path is an independent state road intended solely for bicycle traffic that is marked with the specified traffic signalization. The state bicycle path is linked with the European bicycle path network and connects centers of regional significance or leads to the significant tourist regions or centers and to the areas of exceptional natural features. Urban area is a developed functionally unified area that is provided with living and working requirements and meets all the communal needs of the population. Urban area limits are specified by the spatial and/or urban development plan and are marked on the public road with the designated signalization. Road outside the urban area is a part of the public road set up in the undeveloped rural area outside urban area limits. Road in the urban area is a part of the public road located within the urban area limits whose functional characteristics are determined by the spatial or town development plan of the municipality, or the city. Public roads referencing is a regulations defined procedure of the uniform definition of the category and spatial position of the road route and its sections (kilometer and hectometer point) that is, by application of appropriate signs, signalized for the purposes of keeping records, managing the traffic and the roads and for the road user needs as well. Public roads registry is a regulation defined number and content of relevant data and procedures for their collection and/or updating to meet the demands of road and traffic management. 9 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Sub grade structure of the road comprises the structures constructed in natural terrain (cuts, tunnels, galleries, etc) or using natural materials – soil and stone (fills), structures constructed using various materials (concrete, stone, steel, wood, etc) for the purposes of bridging natural or artificial obstacles in the terrain (bridges, culverts, etc), or for safeguarding the road body built of the soil material from the destructive outside effects (retaining and crib walls, protective structures, etc). Pavement structure is a multilayer rigid or flexible system that receives mechanical impact of the vehicles and transfers them to the sub grade structure of the road. Its purpose is to enable safe, comfortable and economical movement of vehicles (bicycles or pedestrians). The top layer of the carriageway structure, which is directly exposed to the impact of external forces, is called a pavement surfacing. Carriageway is a constructed area of the public road on which two-way or oneway traffic occurs and which comprises traffic lanes (driving lanes, additional lanes, edge lanes, emergency lanes, etc) for moving and/or standing (forced stopping) of vehicles. Road structures are bridges (in the road body – underpasses, above the road – overpasses), culverts, tunnels, galleries, retaining and crib walls, noise protection walls, etc. Overpass is a structure over the public road that enables grade-separated intersection with another road, another infrastructure system or a railway track; with railways such a structure is called rail-underpass. Underpass is a structure under the public road that enables grade-separated intersection with another road, another infrastructure system or a railway track; with railways such a structure is called rail-overpass. Structures, installations and equipment of drainage systems serve for collection, drainage and/or redirecting of surface, slope and underground waters with a purpose of protecting the public road from their impact or for protection of the public road neighbors and recipients from the adverse effects of the waters from the road. Service facilities of the public road are areas, structures, installations and devices intended for the efficient management of the roads and traffic (functional facilities), as well as facilities to meet road user needs (road user oriented facilities). Functional facilities are the areas, structures, installations and devices within the maintenance depots, toll collection areas, control stations, traffic control centers etc. Road user oriented facilities are the areas and structures (parking places, rest areas, green surfaces, etc) with or without buildings for service activities (motels, restaurants, repair shops, fuel stations, stores, sport & recreation facilities, etc). Bus stop is a specially built and marked traffic area located next to the carriageway as a bus bay or connected to the carriageway intended solely for stopping of passengers public transport vehicles. Construction limits are continuous lines encompassing the area within which all the works in public road construction process are undertaken. Land strip is a continuous area on both sides of the road that is at least one meter wide and measured from the construction limit outwards. Right of way (ROW) includes the areas occupied by the road body, intersections, service facilities, etc., actually, the land surface within the construction limits and land strips as well. Land aquisition zone includes right of way area as well as land proposed for building or reconstruction other structures perturbated with road construction or reconstruction. 10 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Intersection is an area where crossing and/or turning movement of traffic streams from two or more public roads take place, or a wider traffic area (a square or similar) having the same function and created by intersecting or fusion of the public roads. Junction is a part of the public road enabling connection with an uncategorized road or access to the buildings and structures in the road protection zone, the controlled development zone or in a wider area adjacent to the public road. Crossing of the public road is a location at which the road intersects the railway track (or tracks) at grade (railway crossing) or grade separated with other infrastructure systems ducts. Infrastructure systems include transportation (river, railway, road, pipeline, etc) and other systems (water supply, sewer, heating, gas supply, energy transmission and supply, telecommunications, etc). Required sight distance is necessary distance free of visual intrusions required for safe stopping of a vehicle in front of the stationary obstacle on the carriageway. This sight distance must be maintained at all points of the road and it is defined based on the standard values of the design speed in both traffic flow directions. Required sight zone at intersections (intersection, junction) is defined based on the conditions for the traffic flows on intersecting carriageways in conformity with the relevant legal and technical regulations. It is used for the construction of the area at intersection that must be free of all obstacles that can in any way impair the traffic safety requirements. Neighbor is the owner or user of the land or objects or devices on the land that, at least with one side, borders the road right of way. Roadside is the entire right of way except the carriageway thus including median (if existent), shoulders, berms, cut or fill slopes, open channels and land strips. Road protection zone (RPZ) is a continuous area along the outer perimeter of the roadway. This Law designates its width and it serves for protection of the road and the traffic on it. Controlled development zone (CDZ) is a continuous area along the outer limits of road protection zone (RPZ) in which, for the road and pertaining traffic protection purposes, type and size of building construction is restricted; this zone (CDZ) is of the same width as the road protection zone (RPZ). Traffic signalization includes means and devices that enable monitoring, control and management of the traffic flows (carriageway markings, traffic signposts with the constant or variable content, light signals, etc) with an aim to implement the designed traffic flow regime. Traffic equipment includes means and devices used to insure visual and safety requirements of the road and the pertaining traffic (direction signs, protection and safety railings, mirrors, swing-gates, markers, cones, snow sticks, etc). Road equipment includes telecommunication and electric devices used to provide for traffic safety; stationary devices used for monitoring, control and regulation of the traffic flows; condition of the carriageway monitoring devices; devices for remote information and warning system; facilities and devices for toll collection; ventilation and safety devices in tunnels; structures and devices for protection of the road and road traffic; and structures and devices for protection of the immediate surroundings of the road. Traffic management includes implementation of special measures and activities regarding monitoring, controlling and directing of traffic flows at the road network level or along the specific road routes in order to provide for the required level of efficiency and safety of the traffic and driving comfort. 11 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Traffic suspension is a total road closure for traffic for all types of vehicles. General public must be properly informed about this measure and signalization applied as designated. Traffic suspension shall be in force as long as the reasons for implementation of this measure are present. Traffic restriction is a prohibition of movement for specific types of vehicles that can be harmful for a specific section of the road or road facility or due to the reasons related to the protection of the road itself or pertaining traffic safety reasons. General public must be properly informed about this measure and signalization applied as designated. Traffic restriction shall be in force as long as the reasons for implementation of this measure are present. Irregular transport is a transport by a vehicle that by itself or together with the vehicle load exceeds any of the legally permissible elements (axial load, total mass, width, length, or height). Transport in which a vehicle by itself or together with the load is within the limits of the legally permissible dimensions, mass or weight, but exceeds the restriction level of any of these elements that is specified by the traffic signalization on the public road, or its section, is also considered to be an irregular transport. Excessive usage of the public road or its section is the temporary or permanent percentage exceeding 50% as calculated to total freight transport at that road or its section being caused by investment works, type of production or services (exploitation of stone, minerals, etc). The percentage is determined based on Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) value for freight transport vehicles with load capacity of over ten tons. AADT value is defined by at least fourfold traffic counting at origin-destination locations of the excessive road user. An excessive road user is a legal entity or private person performing investment works or activities mentioned above. Road maintenance (functional and/or structural (rehabilitation)) is a procedure of preservation and protection of the functional or physical features of the road in order to provide, as close as possible, the conditions characteristic for the moment of construction or reconstruction works completion. Road maintenance is undertaken with the aim of minimizing total user costs, traffic accidents and environmental impact and road maintenance cost as well. Road protection involves necessary measures for protection of the road and road users safety that are implemented through restriction of permissible interventions in the road right of way (ROW), road protection zone (RPZ), and controlled development zone (CDZ), and the surveillance and control of the traffic participants. Road usage comprises efficient, safe and comfortable flow of traffic and other activities within the road right of way in conformity with this Law. Development of roads comprises technical, economical, financial, organizational and other activities aimed at the improvement of level of service, quality, traffic safety and environmental protection of the road network or specific road route. Road management is a set of measures and activities aimed at the rational maintenance, protection, usage and development of public roads and pertaining traffic. Concession entails various forms of specific rights and obligations transfer for a predefined time period in the scope of construction, usage, maintenance or management of public roads. This transfer is defined by a contract between a domestic or foreign legal entity or private person and the responsible state authority. Road construction is a set of measures and activities that include: preceding works, investment and technical documentation preparation and review, construction, expert supervision and other obligations, as designated by the law, related to putting the road into operation. 12 51. 52. 53. 54. Road reconstruction is a set of measures and activities on the existing road intended for improvement of the environment quality, functional and physical features of the road as a whole or its specific elements or structures. Road classification understands further elaboration of the categorization as defined by this Law, namely, classification of the public roads based on geopolitical, functional or technical criteria compatible with road function within the network and terrain topography. Usable road value is the present worth of the public road as an investment structure entity, measured in relation to the level of preservation of its designed characteristics. Technical regulations comprise standards, technical directions, technical instructions (policy) and technical conditions (specifications) that unambiguously define relevant parameters for planning, design, construction, maintenance, usage and management of the roads in order to achieve required rationality and quality. 13 14 15 16 RE^NIK TERMINA Nema~ki Engleski Francuski 1 Kronenbreite Crown width Plate-forme 2 Mittelstreifen Median Terre-plein central 3 Innerer Fahrstreifen Lane two Voie de gauche 4 Aeusserer Fahrstreifen Lane one Voie de droite 5 Standstreifen Shoulder Bande d'arrêt d'urgence 6 Bankett Verge Accôtement non stabilisé 7 Boeschung Slope Arrondi de talus 8 Randstreifen Marginal strip Surlarger 9 Randstreifen Marginal strip Surlarge 10 Distanzschutzplanke Guardrail Glissière 11 Bordrinne Gutter Caniveau 12 Randmarkierung Edge line Bande de guidage 13 Mittelmarkierung Traffic lane Bande mediané 14 Leitpfosten Delineator Délinéateur 15 mindestens 2,5% at least 2,5% minimum 2,5% 16 Strassenablauf Gutter outlet Avaloir 17 Querdurchlass Transverse culvert Tuyau transversal 18 Planum Formation Forme 19 Oberboden Top soil Terrassement 20 Rauhbettmulde Check-drain Cuvette pierrée en hérisson 21 Oberbau Pavement Chaussée 22 Unterbau Embankment Couche de forme 23 Untergrund Subgrade Sol de fondation 24 Sammler Collector Collecteur 25 Sickerrohrleitung Drain Conduite drainante 26 Pruefschacht Manhole Puits de contrôle 27 Fahrbahnbefestigung Pavement Chaussée 28 Deckschicht aus Asphaltbeton Asphaltic concrete Couche de surface en béeton bitumineux 29 Asphaltbinderschicht Asphaltic binder course Couche de liason en asphalte 30 Bituminoese Tragschicht Bituminous base Couche de base bitumineuse 31 Frostschutzschicht Kiessand Gravel frost blanket Couche antigél en grave-sable 32 Gesamtdicke des Total thickness of Epaisseur totale de la frostsicheren Oberbaues frost-proof structure chaussée antigélive 17 18 RE^NIK TERMINA Nema~ki Engleski Francuski 1 Kronenbreite Crown width Plate-forme 2 Boeschung Slope Arrondi de talus 3 Bankett Verge Accôtement non stabilisé 4 Standstreifen Shoulder Bande d'arrêt d'urgence 5 Aeusserer Fahrstreifen Lane one Voie de droite 6 Innerer Fahrstreifen Lane two Voie de gauche 7 Mittelstreifen Median Terre-plein central 8 Randstreifen Marginal strip Surlarger 9 Randstreifen Marginal strip Surlarge 10 Leitpfosten Delineator Délinéateur 11 Randmarkierung Edge line Bande de guidage 12 Mittelmarkierung Traffic lane Bande mediané 13 Distanzschutzplanke Guardrail Glissière 14 mindestens 2,5% at least 2,5% minimum 2,5% 15 Oberbau Pavement Chaussée 16 Unterbau Embankment Couche de forme 17 Untergrund Subgrade Sol de fondation 18 Planum Formation Forme 19 Oberboden Top soil Terrassement 20 Fahrbahnbefestigung Pavement Chaussée 21 Fahrbahndecke aus Beton Concrete pavement Couche de roulement en béton 22 Hydraulisch gebundene Tragschicht Hydraulically bound base Couche de base liée hydrauliquement 23 Frostschutzschicht Gravel frost blanket Couche antigél en grave-sable 24 Gesamtdicke des frostsicheren Oberbaues Total thickness of frost-proof structure Epaisseur totale de la chaussée antigélive 19