www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com December 18, 2005 Volume 1


www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com December 18, 2005 Volume 1
Looking downstream towards the mystery “hut”
Message from the Curator
Now that King Kong has been returned to
the image of a gorilla once again by the
special effects wizards, I canʼt help wonder
how much influence this film will have on
the public awareness of BF. The demeanor
portrayed by Rick Baker in the first KK
remake in the ʻ70s (starring Jeff Bridges and
Jessica Lange) was more of a BF type
creature, as Baker played him very much as
a biped (he donned his own suit to be Kong.)
This takes on an interesting “spin” when one
recalls that Baker was one of the Hollywood
FX folks that promulgated the shameless
hoax about John Chambers being responsible
for the “BF suit” in the P/G Film. (Chambers
was looked up to as “THE Man” in special
FX at the time, due to his work on the
original Planet of the Apes movie in ʻ67) In
Jacksonʼs new King Kong movie, the ape is
by far the most convincing actor on the
screen. Iʼm glad Bakerʼs version can now be
put to rest—as Jacksonʼs supplants it as the
state the art— along with the hoax Baker
helped perpetuate.
In case you missed it, there was a special
documentary on the History Channel called
“Giganto, the Real King Kong.” The hour
long show was produced by the same team
that worked on Sasquatch, Legend Meets
Science, and juxtaposed paleontologists
studying fossils in a Chinese cave with
cryptozoologists seeking BF in the Pacific
Northwest. The BFRO has been aggressively
advocating Gigantopithecus as the most
likely source of the BF phenomenon. (As I
write this the museum copy of the program is
on its way) The show made it known that
Giganto lived along side modern Homo
sapiens for a least 100,000 years and Homo
erectus for another 200 - 400,000 years
before that. Giganto jaws from India are
older and smaller than those found in China
and Viet Nam. As Giganto got more
contemporary, it got bigger!
December 18, 2005 Volume 1 Number 8
The whole “island thing” is exhibited in the
King Kong story: the tendency for mutation,
and the evolution of unique lifeforms, on
islands. Gigantism and endemic dwarfing are
both likely among island species. (Homo
floresiensis might be the first example of the
dwarfing phenomenon among primates.)
Whatʼs more, some scientists are suggesting
that “virtual islands” may be forming where
human development is cutting off normal
wildlife corridors. Areas where certain
species are trapped by the expansion of
human habitation may lead to the appearance
of strange new species as a result of natural
selection and these genetic bottlenecks. For
example, as was mentioned in Vol 1 No 1,
Chester Moore believes the Gulf Coast BF
have three toes because theyʼre inbreeding.
Also, last yearʼs reported early morning
sighting in San Mateo County near Butano
State Park was corroborated (2nd hand) by a
San Mateo Deputy Sheriff who is convinced
he heard a BF roar while on a call in the
woods in that same general area. I heard this
story from a friend of the sheriff who came
into the museum the day after Thanksgiving.
This is the general area in which we want to
have our Spring “campout.”
The release of King Kong is just another
component of a major BF wave that is
currently sweeping the globe. The latest in a
series of media flaps concerns a sighting of
a hairy biped in Malaysia. Check the
Internet... Its currently Malaysia and
Sonoma County that are getting the most
attention. The “Sonoma video” was shot in
mid November by a man named Mark
Nelson. Its available for viewing at the
museum or on the BFRO.net web site. The
BFRO has authenticated it while skeptics on
the bigfootforums.com claim the
videographerʼs story varies too much and
smacks of hoax. Time will tell (or will it?)
Another Internet heads up: check out the
site known as www.cryptomundo.com Its a
blog posted by Loren Coleman, Rick Noll
and CraigWoolheater. These guys post BF
stuff almost every day!
On the local front, another BF encounter has
been reported that took place in the early
ʻ80s in Scotts Valley. It involved a couple of
teenagers and a German Sheperd hiking on
a trail leading to a water tower above Scotts
Valley Drive. The dog had run ahead on the
trail into the woods, and suddenly it came
flying through the air yipping, rolled head
over heals, then jumped up and retreated
down the path with its tail between its legs.
The two young men then observed an 8-9ʼ
tall, brown hairy being glarring at them from
the trail ahead. They immediately turned and
ran after the dog.
The photos shown here were taken less than
a mile from the museum on Gold Gulch
Creek. Weʼd like to set up a web cam to
monitor this “hut” 24/7. Thatʼs one of the
things on our “to do” list for 2006: local
game cams hooked up to the Internet and
made available for all to view on our web
site. We also want to distribute flyers or
notices in potential BF habitat areas
requesting BF encounter reports. So much
to do. So little time.
---Michael Rugg
Wo o d l an d D aily D e mo c r at
Thursday Evening, April 9, 1891
“What Is It?
- An Unheard of Monstrosity Seen in
the Woods Above Rumsey”
A Look Back in Time...
Bigfoot Stories from the
Historical Archives
By Tom Yamarone
As the year comes to an end and the
field research I participate in is on the
back-burner due to the holidays, family
time and conditions that make the
mountains inaccessible, itʼs a good time
to just relax, recharge your batteries and
enjoy a good story. Iʼm fortunate to have
a copy of “Big News Prints” by Scott
McClean. Scott has found newspaper
articles in an on-line archive that include
references to hairy, man-like creatures. He
has shared these fascinating accounts for
over a year on the internet at bigfootforums.com in a thread entitled, “Historical
Archives” (in the Media section and the
subsection of “Newspaper Articles” for
those familiar with this website.) Earlier
this year, he assembled these stories into
a hard-copy volume in which they are
presented chronologically and sorted by
the state (in the U.S.) and nation in
which they occur.
Scott has invested hours of research into
this project and continues to collect stories
as the archives are updated. He has placed
“Big News Prints” onto a CD in the PDF
format and is offering it to the public for
the modest sum of $20. To obtain a copy,
go to McClean.org – itʼs a “must-have”
for anyone interested in this topic.
I want to share with you a few of the
stories from California. There are the
“classics” that we know about from
John Greenʼs books. The 1870 Antioch
Ledger article details a man hunting in
the region between the Pacheco Pass and
Mt. Hamilton and having his campfire
disturbed while away from camp. He
eventually hides and observes two bigfoot
creatures that enter his camp “play” with
the logs of his campfire. Itʼs a fascinating
account. The other two classics from our
state are the Jerry Crew front page article
from 1958 and the October 21, 1967
article about the famous Patterson-Gimlin
film event entitled “They Filmed Mrs.
Bigfoot.” These wonʼt be reprinted in
this issue.
Upon conferring with Scott, he suggested the following articles. The first is
an 1891 account from the Woodland Daily
Democrat. Woodland lies in the western
Sacramento Valley. Scott expressed the
following observations about this piece:
“I think that one is important because it
mentions the men actually witnessing
really interesting behavior first hand!
He says they watched the thing rip up
and break trees-brandishing a 5 inch
sapling like a club (confirms tree twists
and crude tool use), actually make screaming noises (confirms that Sasquatch makes
the noises), seeing it standing up in a
tree, eating game, running on all fours,
and beating itʼs chest with itʼs fists! He
then describes it standing slightly bent
over (matches most descriptions), itʼs
general features and muscle structure. All
in all a very detailed account. Anyway, I
think itʼs important and unknown for the
most part.”
Mr. Smith, a well known citizen of
Northern Capay Valley, called upon us
today and tells us the following strange
story which we would be loth (sic) to
believe if it were not for the fact that he is
an old acquaintance of this office, and has
always borne a spotless reputation. Several
days ago, Mr. Smith together with a party
of hunters, were above Rumsey huntlog
(sic). One morning Mr. Smith started out
early in quest of game, he had not gone far
when his attention was attracted by a
peculiar noise that seemed to come from an
oak tree that stood near by. Looking up Mr.
Smith was startled to see gazing at him
what was apparently a man clothed in a
suit of shaggy fur. Having heard of wild
men, Mr. (sic) he naturally placed upon his
guard, but thinking that he would see
“what virture (sic) there was in kindness,”
he called to the supposed man to come
down, as he was filled with nothing but the
kindest motives. This speech did not have
the desired effect, rather the opposite, for
the strange thing gave grunts of
unmistakable anger. Believing that
discretion was the better part of valor, our
informant stood not upon the order of his
going, but went at once in a bee-line for the
camp. After placing some distance between
himself and the strange creature, the hunter
turned around just in time to see it descent
the tree. Upon reaching the ground, instead
of standing upright as a man would, it
commenced to trot along the ground as a
dog or any other animal would do.
Smith then realized that it was no
hermit he had see, but some kind of
monstrosity, such as he had never heard of,
much less seen before. The hunter stood
amazed and spell-bound for a moment, but
soon gathered his scattered senses again
and was soon making his best speed to
camp, where in a few breathless words,
was telling his companions of what he had
They were disposed to laugh at him at
first, but his sincereness (sic) of manner and
his blanched cheeks soon proved to them
that he had seen something out of the usual
order of things.
A hasty council was held, and the party
decided to go in search of the monster, so
taking their guns and dogs they were
piloted by Mr. Smith to whom they soon
came in sight of the unnamed animal. In the
meantime it had commenced to devour the
contents of Mr. Smith’s game bag that he
had dropped in his hasty retreat. The
creature would plunge its long arms or legs
into the bag and pulling forth the small
game that was in it, transferred it to its
mouth in a most disgusting manner. An
effort was made to set the dogs upon it, but
they crouched at their masters heels and
gave vent to the most piteous whine.
The whines attracted the attention of the
nondescript, and it commenced to make the
most unearthly yells and screams, at the
same time fleeing to the undergrowth, some
half a mile distant, upon which the whole
party immediately gave chase. They soon
gained upon the strange beast, and it, seeing
that such was the case, suddenly turned ,
and sitting upon its haunchs (sic),
commenced to beat its breast with its hairy
fists. It would break off great branches of
trees that were around it, and snap them as
easily as if they had been so many
toothpicks. Once it pulled up a sapling five
inches through at the base, and snapping it
in twain, brandished the lower part over its
head, much after the same manner a man
would sling a club. The hunters seeing that
they had a creature with the strength of a
gorilla to contend with, beat a hasty retreat
to camp which soon broke up, fearing a visit
from their chance acquaintance.
Mr. Smith describes the animal as being
about six feet high when standing, which it
did not do perfectly but bent over, after the
manner of a bear. Its head was very much
like that of a human being. The trapezie (sic)
muscles were very thick and aided much in
giving the animal its brutal look. The brow
was low and contracted, while the eyes
were deep set, giving it a wicked look. It
was covered with long shaggy hair, except
the head, where the hair was black and
Mr. Smith says that of late sheep and
hogs to a considerable extent have
disappeared in his vicinity and their
disappearance can be traced to the hiding
place of the “What Is It.” Among those who
have suffered are Henry Sharp, Jordan
Sumner, Herman Laird and J.C. Trendle.
Here is a chance for some energetic
young man to start a dime museum and
acquire a fortune within a very few years.
Anyone wishing to learn more about this
peculiar monstrosity can do so by calling on
our informant who will no doubt take a
delight in piloting them to the dangerous
vicinity of the late scene of action.
The scream followed by the moan and then
the crashing of the brush…unusual indeed!
It kept them up by the fire and Iʼm sure it
would have the same effect today on any of
us. Hopefully, someone in camp would
have recorded the sounds.
Yes, these stories from the past show us
The second article suggested is one of a
strange scream heard in Yosemite National
Park two years prior to the Jerry Crew
that mysterious, hair-covered entities have
been written about since the pioneer days.
Native tribes have their own stories and
names for these creatures. The stories
contained in “Big News Prints” by Scott
McClean are interesting and thought
provoking. I hope you enjoyed them. Keep
on the track and weʼll see you next year!
M E D I A / P O P
M E D I A / P O P
Look! In Mentor! Bigfoot!
HIGH POINT, N.C., Dec. 20 /PRNewswire/
by Curt W. Olson
Kleeberg Entertainment is bringing to the big
screen a family's personal story about a man who
had a secret obsession with Bigfoot that no one
in his family knew about until he died."Bigfoot:
A Family Adventure" (http://www.themovie
bigfoot.com ), is scheduled for release in late
2006 and will also incorporate a montage of
stories and images from other individuals willing
to share their tales of Bigfoot encounters. After
his wife passed away, a grandfather became
obsessed with Bigfoot.The family found over
1,000 Bigfoot-related items in their grandfather's out-of-the-way cabin ranging from newspaper clippings to plaster castings of big feet.
July 2005, Mentor, OH-- Area native Bob Gray
set to debut low-budget film starring many local
residents at Mentor Lagoons Marina.
Bigfoot is known to have a home in the
Mentor Marsh.It will soon be seen in the
Mentor Lagoons. The world premiere of Gray's
new "Bigfoot" movie will be shown outdoors
beginning at 9:30 p.m. Friday at the Mentor
Lagoons Marina."It's our gift to the city," Gray
said of the first showing of the movie that was
made on a low budget and has a cast of many
area residents. (We have the movie in the museum)
The fun for area residents and fans of "Bigfoot"
will begin much earlier Friday when actors and
actresses attend the movie's premiere and take
time to sign autographs. Additionally, the city
of Mentor reports the Flagship building in the
Mentor Lagoons will be turned into a miniature
"Bigfoot" museum. The items will be on display
from Friday through the Mentor Lagoons
Festival, which will take place 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
July 9. The featured item will be the stuffed
7-foot-tall Bigfoot costume Gray used to shoot
the film.
Gray soon left Mentor after graduating in 1984,
spending most of his time in Hollywood, Calif.
Gray said he returned to Mentor in 1992 for his
mother's funeral. While driving in the Mentor
Headlands area, Gray said a herd of 12 deer
came straight at him as he drove down the
road."Maybe a Bigfoot was chasing them," he
recalled saying at the time.From that moment,
two or three times a year he would think of a
scene for the movie and wrote it down on a
"As a kid I was fascinated with Bigfoot," Gray
said. He said he was glued to the television
when the program "In Search Of..." was being
shown. While he is captivated by Sasquatch,
especially those images on TV tabloid news
shows that are barely noticeable, he wanted to
create his own Bigfoot. Bigfoot fans from the
Northwest, South and even Ohio say Sasquatch
would never hurt a human being, according the
several Web sites. But, being a "huge 'Predator'
fan," Gray wanted to make a mean Bigfoot - so
much for "Harry and the Hendersons."
Gray said he was pleased with cooperation he
received from Mentor leaders.He is hopeful his
"Bigfoot" debut will get wide distribution in the
foreign film industry as a sci-fi thriller. He also
hopes purchases of DVDs will prove profitable.
That is because Gray, who does a lot of work
for the Cleveland Cavaliers and ESPN, will
shoot "the deuce" - Bigfoot 2 - with much of the
same cast.Gray said he only wishes he could
have had more money for Bigfoot.
He also wishes he could have "killed" more
than seven people and two animals in his first
movie on the yeti legend. He guarantees things
will be much different with a planned eight
Sasquatches for "Bigfoot 2."
"The most remarkable thing we learned is how
the grandfather's obsession indirectly affected the
entire family," said Daniel Kleeberg. "For
example, the family realized that some of their
most memorable vacations were actually a way
for the grandfather to visit Bigfoot attractions
like the Bigfoot parade in Willow Creek, CA.
and Happy Camp, CA., which holds an annual
Bigfoot Jamboree. This movie is not just about
the grandfather's paraphernalia, it's about the
family's adventure learning about a man they
thought they knew."
"The man saved hundreds of newspaper articles
about Bigfoot encounters along with stories,
letters and correspondence from others who had
Bigfoot encounters," said Zack Kleeberg. "The
family found 100 journals in which he recorded
his observations and sketches of his and other
people's Bigfoot sightings. In his comments, he
frequently offered opinion about which stories he
believed to be real and/or hoaxes. It was wild.
"The Kleebergs are seeking input from citizens
worldwide who may have stories, photographs or
film footage detailing their Bigfoot encounters.
They will pay $1000.00 for footage of Bigfoot or
a re-creation of a Bigfoot encounter, $500 for a
photograph of Bigfoot, $250 for a video taped
testimonial and $100 for a written story or
drawing of Bigfoot. The producers will be
accepting items until January 31, 2006. For
details on where to send the information, please
visit: http://www.themoviebigfoot.com. "Bigfoot:
A Family Adventure," will be 90 minutes long
and feature 15 minutes of montage using the
elements contributed from the general public.
Contact: Daniel Kleeberg or Zack Kleeberg,
This release was issued through The Xpress
Press News Service, merging e-mail and satellite
distribution technologies to reach business
analysts and media outlets worldwide. For more
information, visit http://www.XpressPress.com .
SOURCE: Kleeberg Entertainment LLC
Web Site: http://www.themoviebigfoot.com
Cryptid of the Month
This monthʼs cryptid is found right here in the
Santa Cruz Mountains. The first report of this
unknown animal came in last summer from a
woman who saw a strange animal while driving
from SoFel to Santa Cruz on Highway 9. She
said that as she passed the area in Rincon where
the RR tracks cross the highway she saw a “four
-legged, skinny, dog-like animal.” It resembled a
greyhound dog at first look, but as “it turned its
head towards me in slow-motion, I could only
compare the head to that of a praying mantis.”
Now that description evoked images of Whitley
Streiberʼs grey abductors in my mind at the time.
She said “it looked like some kind of mutant.”
Then, 6 or 8 weeks ago a young woman came
into the museum and we were discussing the
local sighting map. Nisene Marks Park came up,
and she remarked that 8:30 one morning, just a
couple of weeks before, while jogging in the
forest at Nisene Marks, a strange animal came
down out of the woods and crossed the road in
front of her. She described it as “a greyhound
dog with some kind of weird [deformed,
oversized] head.” So what do we make of that?
Seems to be a pretty good match for the animal
viewed on Highway 9! Also reported in the Gold
Gulch area about 20 years ago was a strange
dog-like animal with oversized kangaroo-like
rear legs that hopped through the neighborhood
one night.
An interesting coincidence are the several
“chupacabras” stories that appeared on the
internet this last year featuring photos of dead
hairless dog-like animals that had been caught
raiding domestic livestock. These were reported
as being coyotes with mange, but at least one
photo appeared to show kangaroo-like rear legs!