May - Spirit Society of PA


May - Spirit Society of PA
Spirit Society of PA.
A Monthly Journal of News & Upcoming Events • Vol 16, Issue 5 - MAY 2011
“ROO’s” BOOS - Notes from SSP Founder Kelly Weaver
This month, let’s take a good look at our past. No, not your
school days, I mean, way, way back. Such as in a past life?
Do you believe in such a thing? Well, I do. Remember, our
energy never dies! Ask yourself this… why have I always been
attracted to ... (Fill in the blank)? Is there a particular time
period, fashion, war or country you are drawn to and you are
not really sure why? Do you meet people you really like and
feel like you’ve known them all of your life? What about the
opposite? Meeting someone who makes your skin crawl? Take
some time to explore you past lives this month with an excerpt
from my Past Lives Classes. At Spirit Day in May, we are all
going to do a past life regression. Dress Comfortably.
Working with the Story behind the Story
Remembering past lives
has value.
We bring up
feelings that
have long
been buried
or blocked
come to the
surface and
be released.
Old fears,
as we have
seen, can be
re-run and
found to be baseless: we find that they no longer apply today,
that they are simply old stories somehow lodged in our minds.
Generally speaking, it is in lifetimes where there were trauma
and severe struggle, or where the life span was cut short, that
phobic or traumatic patterns are most likely to be passed on.
One of the meanings of the word “karma” is actually “work.”
It is the things we failed to do, the setbacks we experienced in
one lifetime, seem to be passed on as the soul’s ongoing taskswork that has to be redone by the new ‘person’ upon its return
to this earthly plane.
Replaying Past - Life Scripts
Old stories, carried unconsciously can become the driving
force behind the continuous scripts and compulsive patterns
that dominate our current lives. We find ourselves attracting
misfortunes, bad relationships, or persistent unhappiness. We
all know people, for example, who go from one bad relationship to another, always replaying the same betrayal script; we
all know people who are chronically accident prone.
One woman who had an endless stream of physical accidents,
broken bones, and seeming bad luck went into have a regression. When she explored her problems in the session, she
saw herself in a past life as a Polynesian woman about to be
crushed by an enormous tidal wave. Water engulfed her entire village, and her terrified dying thought was, “I’ll never get
away from this. It is going to hit me.” Sure enough, throughout her present life, things kept ‘hitting her; cars and horsed
and large objects. Only when she let go of the Polynesian
woman’s terror did the accidents stop!
Karmic scripts can almost always be traced to some personal
tragedy, trauma, or cataclysm in a past life: The loss of those
we love. Our possessions destroyed in upheaval or war. Suffering deportation or imprisonment. Being orphaned as a
child. Dying of starvation on the streets. Invasion, rape, enslavement – they only scratch the surface of all that could have
They create scars that our souls carry from lifetime to lifetime.
These wounds rarely are healed in the lifetime they occurred
and return in this lifetime in order to be healed.
Where the Soul Goes After Death
There are three states the departing soul/spirit may find itself
in as it leaves the body.
Earthbound: The departing spirit stays stuck on earth, either
fixed or wandering, unaware that its earthly life has ended.
Unfinished or troubled: The spirit moves to a higher afterdeath realm, but in a state of confusion, still obsessed with the
life just ended: if this is confusion does not clear (and often it
does not) it is recycled into a subsequent rebirth.
Completed or Enlightened: The spirit is fully freed from the
earthly memories and goes peacefully to an even higher plane,
a pure realm of light.
In the Tibetan view, the after-death realm- called Bardo (the
in- between) is real. Tibetan tradition teaches that when a spirit leaves the body, it spends a time in this intermediary realm
and goes through a series of experiences, partly to help it let go
of the lifetime that has passed and partly to prepare it, ideally,
for becoming “completed.” In this realm you may be faced
with beings, entities, or energies that mirror the unfinished
psychological problems of the person who has died. Whether
you are in a body or out of a body, the mind in continuous. The
birth canal itself is a mirror image of the tunnel that the soul
travels through when it leaves the body. Coming back into the
body is a reverse tunnel, a painful one. The way we come into
this life mirrors the way we died in a previous life. A person
is born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, may
when regressed, remember how in a previous life was hanged.
Our Dying Thoughts
Whether you die peacefully or painfully, the person remembers
himself leaving the body and simply floating upwards. The
pain is gone. Sometimes the person hovers over their body,
taking in the fact that it is all over, it may stay looking down
over the departed spirit until the body is buried or cremated.
But unlike the earthbound spirit, this departed spirit is aware of
having died, and this awareness frees the soul to travel up into
the higher dimensions of the bardo. The transition can be quite
beautiful; one sees the earth below from above and you are
shown a panoramic visionary overview of one’s life, and may
be shown the progress of the loved ones left on earth.
White Elephant Sale Please bring your items well marked.
Be creative and help raise money for our monthly rent and
website. You’ll feel better and help a good cause… or unless
you are like me, you end up bringing home things that fill the
spaces you cleaned… ah, a vicious cycle! At least it was a bargain to try something new! I’m sure everyone will find some
special treasures.
Food If you have not all ready signed up or were specific as to
what you are preparing, you MUST sign up tonight or contact
me via e-mail or home phone. I certainly do not want 13 crockpots of meatballs and the rest desserts. Please help by letting
me know. Thanks!
Eventually there is a feeling of having arrived in another dimension or realm.
If the circumstances of the death have been at all difficult, or if
the person was emotionally disturbed in any way before death,
resentful, guilty lonely or fearful for instance- it is the intensity
of those emotions and thoughts that will go with the departing spirit, sometimes obscuring the uplifting and reassuring
aspects of the transition.
Buddhists and Hindu’s alike believe that the last thought you
have at the moment of death determines the character of the
next incarnation. If you die bitter or angry, you may have these
overwhelming thoughts and feelings you have in the current life.
“They did not want me.” “They did not care about me,” are
thoughts of children who had been put out to die or get lost in
some kind of attack. “I have to do it alone.” “There is no one
to help me,” say people who are left to struggle or die alone.
People who die in famine say that, “There wasn’t enough, there
was never enough.” People who are killed for speaking out or
crossing the line, say “I could have done more.” “I’ll hurt them
the way they hurt me.” We may have negative thoughts like
“I’m useless, I failed.” Etc.
Take Some Time to Quiet Your Mind
Quiet your mind and do some breathing exercises to calm and
ground yourself.
Then, in your minds eye, begin at your feet and describe what
you are wearing, then repeat the same thing with the pants/
stockings/color/material of garment. Was it dirty, fancy, full of
ammunition? What smells did you notice. Continue up your
body to the top of your head. Write everything down in a journal. Pay attention to your dreams. Remember, there is no such
thing as a coincidence.
From Troy Taylor’s Annual “American Hauntings” Gettysburg Trip: Troy, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, John Weaver & Rene
Kruse pose in the Devil’s Den “Snipers Nest”. Thanks to Kelly
(who was not on the morning tour) and her candle magick for
a beautiful day!
Troy Taylor’s “Ghost” Seen at Benners Hill: Troy is so knowledgeable about Ghosts that he can become one at will himself...
with the assistance of a slow shutter on my IR filter-equipped
camera! Note how he (like Craig Telesha) is casting a shadow,
further proving this was a solid form, not an apparition!
Another Civilian Casuality in Gettysburg? – By Matt James
Feels weird writing this the morning after Osama Bin Laden’s
death - another war story which will be sure to spin conspiracies down the line. (About when he was actually killed, and
such.) One thing that always made me wonder was the story of
Jennie Wade on how it was made such a big deal of the fact that
she was the only civilian casualty at the battle of Gettysburg.
Yes it was a major story, especially considering her love dying
from war wounds in VA several days later, not neither knowing
the others fate. I feel when a big story is told I always have to
wonder what story is not being told.
I believe I may have run into another story that perhaps the
Union was not so keen on having revealed on one of my investigations. The location is the Hoffman mansion; I’ve been here
several times. This night I would be out with the Gettysburg
Paranormal Association. The location in this place that would
be of importance this night would be the attic. There are two
stories that originate from here one being of a girl, Sarah, who
after the civil war hung herself, the other being of a spirit
which they did not know much of that would chase individuals
off. Many would feel pressure upon their chest and around
their neck. One story in particular is about a remodeler who
went upstairs unafraid, being a skeptic. Well long story short in
under an hour they were out of there, unable to be convinced to
return after having a cross necklace ripped from his neck.
The attic is one place I had not been to in my previous trips so
I figured let’s go try it out. I was joined by four Confederate
Re-enactors. I have experimented with music before as I would
also this night use and have always found it to help bring in the
spirits. A favorite tool I use is the dowsing rods. We proceed
to the attic and first we run in to the spirit of the girl. No major
developments, just talked, using the dowsing rods and getting
slight readings on the meters. While talking to her, I felt a more
prominent spirit coming in. Something I have found when the
area contains more than one spirit, one of the more powerful
entities will control the area. The one that started to come in to
me we would call the “old man”.
This is the one I believe might have been mistaken for being
a evil being at one point in time, from the stories. I was getting more a feeling that it was not that he was a evil spirit, but
instead one who wanted people to stay the hell away, and leave
him alone. Which made me ask why he scared and made them
run away in fear? When using rods the I usually start off questioning which side they might have been on. This spirit was
here during the war but was not a veteran. He was too old to be
in the war and just wanted to be left alone. The house was used
as a field hospital for the South, I was told at the beginning,
the condition being anyone who received help here became a
POW when the Rebels retreated and badly wounded were left
behind. This man tried to ride out the days in the attic. Well it
would turn out through investigation I would come to learn that
he would be mistaken as a Rebel soldier. Not willing to be taken as prisoner, he tried to resist Union soldiers who came to the
house and was stabbed by a bayonet. A Union civilian killed
by Union soldiers! This story has a totally different spin than
Jennie Wade who was killed by accident while making bread.
Well I next sense that when he made others run out he was trying to scare them - he did not wish to hurt them just to make
them leave. A Civil war Clint Eastwood from Grand Torino
“Get Off MY LAWN!” This made one of the re-enactors ask
if he thought the war was still going on. The answer was yes.
Basically what it came down to was that when re-enactments
would take place he thought the battle was still occurring. The
re-enactor then went through a series of questions about the
fact that he was an actor trying to explain it to him. I was getting readings on the rods that the spirit was believing it but was
very hesitant. At this point a feeling came upon me: I asked if
this spirit had once crossed over but had come back to protect
his home and the answer was yes. At this point the re-enactor
goes to check a video camera he had setup behind me and steps
right back. I ask the old man if it was him who was putting
pressure around his neck and on his chest. Yes. I then explain
to the old man he should not do that, that we are only trying to
help him and ask him if the Confederate can check his equipment the answer comes back yes.
Now knowing my major spirit guide is Fitz Lee, I use him at almost every investigation. I asked if he would be at peace if another spirit would step up and keep a eye on the place. Another
yes. I then ask Fitz to make himself seen and ask the old man
if he can see him the answer comes back yes. I next ask Fitz to
show me where the light is coming from he points to a spot off
to the right. Bring the rods back center and start talking to the
old man explaining his land is safe, and that he can return to the
light. Very slowly the rods begin to go to the right. I continue
to talk to the man explaining the benefits of crossing back over,
that he can be at peace (rods still going right). Talk to him for
about 5 minutes until the rods go all the way to right and slowly
return back to center then ask Fitz if the man has crossed back
over. Answer is yes. Then I ask Sarah if he has crossed and if
it makes her happy the answer from her comes back yes. Prior
to leaving, one of the lead investigators comes over to me and
says “check this out”. I look at his camera and and directly on
my rod is the brightest object in the whole picture, a solid white
orb. To which he says “that is pretty good!”
Comments by JDW: Matt has been attending our meetings
for some time. I’ve spoken to him often about ghosthunting at
Gettysburg, but was unaware he used the dowsing rods. Although my own investigations over the years have mainly employed instruments (meters, recorders, IR video & photography), it would be wrong to summarily dismiss such techniques
as dowsing, especially given the abilities of Kelly’s late Uncle
Cecil Downing, an original SSP member. Many long-time
members will recall Cecil’s uncanny dowsing skills, both at a
location and remotely by using a map or diagram. Having
found nearly 1000 wells in his lifetime, Cecil’s ability was well
documented. I am so glad Kelly and I had the chance to tramp
the battlefield – and witness his dowsing firsthand – on several
occasions. We can’t drive by the Lincoln Diner on Carlisle
Street – where he always had to be promptly at noon for lunch
– without thinking of him!
BIG News
Announcing the
2011 PA UFO & Bigfoot Conference
Presented by PA MUFON & the PA Bigfoot Society
October 22 and 23, 2011
Sunset at Benners Hill: IR pic of one of the ANV guns which
dueled with Federal artillery on Cemetery Hill 7/2/63. These
were driven off with approx. 20 killed in various batteries.
W.C.C.C. Westmoreland County Community College
Youngwood, Pennsylvania
Featured Speakers
Stanton Friedman
(Saturday 10/22)
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
(Sunday 10/23)
Full Lineup:
Saturday October 22, 2011
UFO speakers
William Birnes, Stanton Friedman, Roger Marsh,
William Konokolsy, David Twichell
Almhouse Cemetery: “Unknown man, died Aug 8 1896, aged
60 years” They knew his age but not his name? Rather odd...
(Near the Henry Heist - last man hung in Adams Co - grave)
Sunday October 23, 2011
Bigfoot speakers
Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Stan Gordon, Billy Willard,
Steve Kulls, David Dragosin/Eric Altman to co-present
Tickets as low as $20 for Sat, $21 for Sun
For more info go to
Also Coming Oct 15 & 16, 2011:
PA MUFON Philadelphia Conference
Sat Speakers: Joe Marra, John Ventre,
Linda Moulton Howe, Bill Birnes, Bill Weber
Sun Speakers: Col Robert Dean, Maj George Filer,
Jerry Jonas, Chris Augustin
Full details on the Phila. event coming soon...
Seen at the Royal Wedding: ET Emissaries from an undetermined star system (or dimension) were amongst the guests. (I
suspect the ET on the right knows Rick Fisher) Perhaps they’ll
also appear at our upcoming fall MUFON cons! - JDW
Spirit Society of PA.
Story & Photo Contributions are Solicited - send to:
S.S.P. Website: