That`s The Spirit! - New Spirit Lutheran Church
That`s The Spirit! - New Spirit Lutheran Church
That’s The Spirit! Rev. Alan Field New Spirit Lutheran Church Our faith is in Jesus. Our hope is in grace. Our strength is in love. December 2014 New Spirit Lutheran Church Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 14th, at 2:00 p.m. in the agenda will include the following: Sanctuary. The 1. Election of Vision Team members, 2. Appointment of members to the Memorial Garden-Columbarium Board, 3. Appointment of the Audit Committee, and 4. Appointment of the Nominating Committee. 5. Vote on proposed 2015 Mission Plan (church budget). Discussion and vote on Proposed 2015 Mission Plan (operating budget) Discussion about the Sanctuary Roof, Narthex ceiling, and Narthex/Office building roof. Confirmed members in good standing (having communed and contributed in the past 12 months) are encouraged to attend. Sign-in is required for attendance. Please arrive early enough to sign the roster. Children’s Christmas Program will be held at 3: 30 p. m. Sunday, December 21st. “The Innkeeper’s Daughter” was written by Shelley Colwell. Following the program you are invited to a Ham & Turkey Holiday Dinner in Fellowship Hall. Christmas Eve Services 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. The Family Candlelight Service will be held at 4:00 p.m. This Traditional Candlelight Communion Service will include carols, brief Christmas message, candlelight, and Holy Communion. The service will be one hour, and should get people home before it is too dark. The Nativity Candlelight Community Service will be held at 8:00 p.m. A mix of traditional and new carols will include candlelight and Holy Communion. Dear Advent-urers, As the darkness of early winter evenings wraps its arms around us without release as these days go on, we will begin to bring a light to challenge that darkness. It is Advent….and this year it will be an Adventure. It is Advent….and this is a new year for New Spirit. Oh sure, the commercialization of the holiday will seek to blur the lines of rationality, but in the Church we will step into a story that is so amazingly redemptive that many of us may shake our heads in disbelief. What’s the difficulty? It lies in the mystery of God taking on flesh. It lies in the mystery of a young girl’s faithfulness to do the work that the Lord has given. It lies in the witness of shepherds, angels, and our ancestors who discovered the power of the unbridled love of God. It is a mystery, and with the lighting of each Advent Candle we will embark on this Adventure with a certain anticipation, and a real call. It is Advent and a new year for New Spirit. One facet of the Lutheran heritage is what Martin Luther called “The Priesthood of All Believers.” We, who have peered into the manger at Bethlehem, have been called to faithful service. We, who have knelt at the communion rail, have been called to be ambassadors of God’s grace to the world. We, who have been called as disciples of Jesus Christ, have abilities to complete the mission work of Christ’s church. We are the “believers” whom God has called into an incredible Adventure. This Adventure is to do the will of our Lord. This Adventure will be to re-think, and re-form the ministry profile of New Spirit. Think “extreme makeover”. Advent can easily lull us into a dream-state as instrumental Christmas carols began playing in stores and malls shortly after Halloween. Our thoughts are stirred to those past Christmases that have become romanticized to an extent. We will be busy with all the holiday preparations. On December 26th, or January 6th (Epiphany), the “holidays” will be done, but the mission work of the church will go on. There are a host of positions at New Spirit that need to be filled for the new year. There are a host of areas where ministry programs go incomplete. The coming year may be a year of serious crossroads. Who will step-up to take responsibility? Who will devote time and energy to tell the New Spirit story? Who will commit to a year of deepening faith by serving and study? The birth of the Christ-child is not a once-a-year memory, then packed away in the Christmas boxes in the garage or attic. The incarnation of Jesus is our daily understanding of God’s call as the priesthood of all believers to do the work of ministry and mission, so the church, the Body of Christ will flourish and prosper. This will be our Adventure in 2015. Prayerfully, Pastor Alan Page 2 SUNDAY SCHOOL CORNER Getting to know our New Spirit Children!! Jakob is 10 years old and in 5th grade. He LOVES math, video games and spending time with family playing games or watching sports. Advent Midweek Services… Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. December 3rd, 10th, 17th Christmas Eve is on Wednesday this year. This year’s Advent theme will be “Love, Love, Love, that’s what it’s all about!”. December 3rd – Hanging of the Greens service will look at “Love without Bounds”. After the brief service we will Ethan is 7 years old and in 2nd grade. He loves Legos and playing with his little sister. He really enjoys jumping and climbing. Eva is 2 and stays home with Mommy. She loves playing in her kitchen, with her "babies" and talking on the phone. She enjoys Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Henry Hugglemonster cartoons. “hang the greens” in the Sanctuary. December 10th – “Love at Close Range” December 17th - ‘Surrender to Love” December 24th – “Love Divine, all loves excelling” Join us for supper at 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday and build our fellowship while sharing a meal. Feed My Starving Children is bringing a “packing-event” to Oro Valley in January. The Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene will host a weekend “Packing Event” to pack 200,000 nutritionally engineered meals for children suffering from starvation. Packing sessions are 2-hours in length, and involve assembly-lines measuring and filling “manna packs”. The “high energy” atmosphere is enhanced by upbeat music, and friendly competition between packing stations. Normally “packers” pay $40 to support the ministry of Feed My Starving Children, but because of a New Spirit Endowment Grant we can have 54 members participate with the $40 waived. Many of us have participated in FMSC packings in Tempe, but this will be our first in the Tucson area. Please sign-up on the Narthex magnet board. Page 3 Deborah’s Gathering Thank you Women of New Spirit for your participation in Thank offering Sunday. The programs that benefit from these offerings are on National and International levels. We reached out and touched others in God’s name. December activities: PRISON COOKIE TIME If you would like to donate cookies for this worthwhile project they will need to be in the kitchen and labeled on Dec. 7th. That is an earlier date than previous years. Cookies can be homemade or bakery purchased. We hope to have 75 dozen to contribute. St. Paul’s United Methodist has invited any ladies that have Dec. 2nd free to join them at their annual Christmas Tea at 9:30 am. They are located at Broadway and Maguire. December Deborah’s Gathering, December 10th, will be a “Sing-a-long” and a sharing of Christmas traditions, yours or somewhere in the world. Overview of Bible Study will be given. Coffee and juice provided. Project Chairman Report: Sue Gilmore reported she took aluminum tabs to McDonald’s House. We had 5 lbs. Our “unbrunch” meetings netted enough money to donate 15 gift cards to the Food Bank Holiday gift card project. Thanks ladies for participating in this project. The entertainment book sale will end in December. Thanks for those who supported us in this project. Praise Team celebrates its 13th Anniversary The 1st Sunday of Advent, 2001 br ought a new chapter in th e life of Spanish Trail Luther an Church. That year the “new pastor” introduced a “contemporary service” at 8:00 a.m. (yes, it was way early!) The group included Mark & Jamie Buglewicz, Ron & Cathy Cermak, Paul & Brigitte Stuetze, Richard & Lois Siegel, Colleen Busboom-Green, and Pastor Alan. Over the years singers & musicians have come and gone, but the core group remains committed to lead worship with praise to God with the best music we can find. The song list for the 9:00 service is well over 100 songs. New songs are always being crafted and introduced. This past month we introduced two songs: Thrive by Casting Crowns, and Completely by Among the Thirsty. . We also have two song writers on the Team now: Harry Bolin (drummer) is an accomplished writer and arranger, and Mark Buglewicz has written more than twenty songs, and recently recorded a CD of his compositions. inspiring and The Praise Team rehearses three hours every week to ensure Sunday worship is an up lifting experience. Today the Praise Team is made up of: (moving clockwise) Singers - Paul Stuetze, Richard Siegel, Phyllis Wagner, Marlene Hansen, Micaela Eibl, Jamie Buglewicz, Cathy Cermak, Tabitha Hayes, Mary Jane Beardmore, Mary Warren, Mark Buglewicz, Sarah Drath, Patrick Carty, Harry Bolin, and Pastor Alan Musicians – Mark Buglewicz (lead guitar), Ron Cermak (all about the bass….no treble), Mary Warren (guitar), Harry Bolin (drums), Patrick Carty and Sarah Drath (percussion), and Pastor Alan (acoustic guitar). Page 4 Lutheran Senior Rally in the Valley- PRELUDE The program is coming together and registrations are flowing in for the Rally in the Valley, February 16-17, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 56th Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix. It is clear this Rally will be a sell-out. There will be no “walk on” registrations the days of the event. New Spirit has sent in 20 registrations. If you have not yet registered you will need to send your registration yourself. Participants will also need to make your own hotel reservations at Comfort Suites on Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale. Housing for multiple persons in rooms will be covered by the Arivaca Endowment funds. This year’s program will help us to “live faithfully into the 3rd chapter of our lives” . The Rev. Barbara Lundblad noted author, speaker, and preacher will be the keynote speaker. Music will be led by Mary Preus and Tom Witt back again for this Rally. Interest sessions on a broad variety of topics will flesh-out this year’s theme: PRELUDE...which is the church’s equivalent to: ”Drivers……START YOUR ENGINES!!!” Pastor Alan serves on the Rally Planning Team and writes the closing communion worship. FOOD BANK/LOAN CHEST New Spirit collected 998 lbs of food for the month of October, which included 300 lbs of vegetables purchased by Pastor Alan. Thank you Pastor Alan. We logged 320 volunteer hours in October. Thank you volunteers. Without your help we would not be able to keep the Food Bank open. During December the Food Bank will be closed on Christmas Day and the following Saturday, December 27th, which will allow the volunteers to enjoy the holiday season with family and friends. We will re-open on December 30th. We will also be closed January 1st, 2015. Notice of these closed dates are being posted so that people coming to the Food Bank can plan accordingly. To give our volunteers the ability to spend the holidays with family, the New Spirit Food Bank will be closed Christmas Day and Saturday, December 27th., as well as January 1st. Food Bank clients have been made aware of the closures, and they will pick up their food boxes on other days of operation. Thank you Carol Lowe and Maureen “Mo”Hunter. After two and a half-years of building up the New Spirit Food Bank ministry, Carol and Maureen have resigned as the “K-Hall Dynamic Duo.” Under their leadership the Food Bank has been licensed by the State of Arizona and Pima County Board of Health to do the ministry of food distribution to at-risk clients. Carol and Maureen brought years of management experience and the spirit of intentionality to bring the Food Bank into compliance with health laws and Food Bank regulations. Together they have done a herculean task in organizing and overseeing the operation of the Food Bank. They deserve the deepest thanks of the members of New Spirit and the 400+ client families we serve each month. A management–team is being formed to succeed Carol and Maureen in this much needed ministry in East Tucson. Thank you Carol and Maureen Page 5 2015 a NEW Year at New Spirit with NEW people imagining, creating, and planning. W hich w ill you complete in 2015: Caring in Community Team – C in C is a team for caring hearts, party planners, and groupbuilders. C in C is tasked to engage the congregation quarterly with events, activities, or projects. C in C ensures New Spirit’s shut-in members are being remembered and visited by Caring Ministers. C in C is a great team for folks who enjoy laughter and gatherings. Witness and Welcome is tasked to make New Spirit known in the community. W&W is both the publicity arm of New Spirit, and the team that engages “Sunday morning guests.” While New Spirit is a welcoming place on Sunday mornings, personal connections with guests are falling by the way-side. W&W ensures guests are contacted and connected. Worship and Music is central to our life of faith as Lutherans. The heritage of participatory worship is key to the expression of the Lutheran church. While worship is important, it is meant to be a growing experience for members by introducing new hymns/songs, liturgies, and seasonal worship experiences in Advent and Lent. Do you have a heart for worship? FROM THE HOSPITALITY TEAM FOR 2015 Please watch for the new monthly Hospitality Team assignments for 2015 arriving via mail in early December. If you do not receive yours please contact the church office. Thanks for your contributions & service in this ministry. CoChairs: Marilyn Stoeckig & Linda Lamb December 28th Worship – 10 a.m. On December 28th there will be one service at 10:00 a.m. The service will be a Carols & Holy Communion service and this year will be led by the Praise Team. We encourage you to bring guests and family to worship the Newborn King. Gnostic Gospels Class The first half of the Gnostic Gospel class has been a hoot. We are taking December off for Advent Midweek Services. We will reconvene on Wednesday, January 7th at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. We will read “The Gospel Stewardship teaches Lutheran Christians to see their everyday life as a gift from God. Vibrant According to Judas.” churches are communities where members You are invited to step into this fascinatunderstand their tithes are important, but more, ing look at these early writings about their sharing in the ministry programs of New who Jesus is. Spirit will prove to be a blessing for someone. Stewardship is far more than money! It is Wednesday Supper Cook Team life-management itself! You up for that joyful This Fall the Wednesday Cook Team task? Missions and Service oversees the outreach ministry of New Spirit through the Food Bank, Medical Loan Chest, Blessings in a Backpack, and Homeless Blessings. The ELCA is also extremely active in the world through Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response Ministries, and more. If you have a passion for the poor and those in need, Missions and Service is for you! has been made up of Aaron Garibay, Lupita Garibay, Naida Granmo, Sharon Dobbs, Sarah Drath, and Pas- tor Alan. If you would like to plan and prepare a Wednesday supper for 30 people….let the church office know. You will be reimbursed for your expenses. We could always use prep-help on Wednesday afternoons. Thrivent members, benefit and associate, order your desk calendar devotional, Inspirations for Life. Call- 1-800-847-4836 and at the prompt say, Fraternal, or e-mail to Page 6 BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK God is working through New Spirit and making a difference in our community and the lives of 200 children and their families. A very special thanks to all the Blessings Team Members. We couldn’t do this without the contribution each of you makes to our team. Shout out! Our grant from Walmart in the amount of $8,861 for the 2014-2015 school year has allowed us to partner with Henry Elementary to help 40 of their students from 23 families. Please make your tax deductible check out to Blessings in a Backpack. You can drop it in the offering plate, drop it off at the church office, or drop it directly in the mail to BIB Lockbox, PO Box 950291, Louisville, KY 40295. Remember to put Steele Elementary on the memo line. HOMELESS BLESSINGS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 AT 11:00 A.M. We have joined forces with Pima College Class SSE210 for their Hand in Hand Project to benefit homelessness 300-400 expected to be served Our team members are hard at work to keep up with the added students each week. Learn more about what we do and how you can help. We need volunteers to help with fund raising, planning, purchasing, packing, and delivery. Contact Laurie Bernard at “Like” our page on Facebook Blessings at New Spirit Lutheran Church We will be assisting the class with their event instead of our previously scheduled one on December 20th Want to help? Contact NSLC Office or Laurie Bernard at 886-3242 or PLEASE DONATE: MEN’S AND WOMEN’S WARM CLOTHING SHOES AND SOCKS COATS, BLANKETS, GLOVES, MITTENS AA AND AAA BATTERIES TOWELS AND WASHCLOTHS FULL SIZE SHAMPOO, LOTION, SOAP, TOOTHPASTE, DEODORANT RAZORS LOOK FOR THE FLYERS IN THE NARTHEX DO YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN GROWING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS? Paul Stuetze is offering 3 sessions in January starting the 14th, Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 8:00 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the magnet board in the Narthex. Page 7 Entertainment BooksEntertainment Books will only be sold until Dec. 14. The books are now good through Dec. of each year so you get 2 more months on your 2014 and 12 months on the 2015. Sign on the list on the bulletin board and WELCA will deliver your book. They are still $30 and lots of eating places and car washes. Check your book from time to time and then you will use them more. Also you can exchange coupons with other people. The money goes for WELCA outreach projects. Checks should be made out to Gloria Burke. More info?-call 296-7834 Prayers are so powerful!!! I thank each of you for your prayer, thoughts, cards of encouragement and acts of kindness during and the days following my recent heart attack. Bless you for being God's hands in this time of need. I thank you. Joyce Dow The Sunday School children are collecting mittens for Christmas to give to children at Casas de Los Ninos, infants through high school. There is a box set up for donations in the Narthex. Grace Notes Practices in December6:30 p.m. Tuesdays Dec. 2, 9, and 16. Want to find out about your family history? Every family has one. There are black sheep, bad boys, and the ones we don't talk about. And then there are the family historians. Are you the one, or do you want to become one? A class on beginning genealogy will be held on Saturday, January 10 at 10 AM here at New Spirit. Come, learn and participate. You might find out what you always suspected about Aunt Betty. Contact Ken Dobbs at 520-275-9150 if you have questions. “Welcome Home” to our winter residents!!! A number of our winter residents have returned to New Spirit. Take a few minutes to welcome our friends from the “northern climes” to their home-away-fromhome! December Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations 4th— Carol Brennan Robert Friend Allan Wedemeier 6th— Christine Santos Joel & Barb Carty (anniversary) th 9 — Sandra Johnsen 10th— Evelyn Balija 12th— Joyce Dow 13th— Carol Schmidt 14th— Katherine Johnson Muriel Nasby Tom Vaclavek 20th— Marilyn Carter Shirley Potter 26th— Linda Lamb 27th— Laurie Bernard Gabriella Delgado th 28 — Kjetil Ryan 15th— Amber Uidenich 19th— Carol Morales Lyle & Verola Halverson (anniversary) 30th— Don Austin Ethan Rettig Sarah Elmquist Eva Kwapich Page 8 New Spirit Lutheran Church 8701 E. Old Spanish Trail Tucson, AZ 85710 Shout-Outs SHOUT OUT- to Marie Halver, Mark Canterbury, SHOUT OUT- to Marilyn Stoeckig & Linda Lamb for schedArchie Burke for helping to package Eegees bread for uling the Hospitality teams for 2015. the Food Bank. SHOUT OUT- to Ellie Thompson for scheduling the greeters. SHOUT OUT- to all the Food bank volunteers for faithful service to the clients of the food bank.. SHOUT OUT- to Steve Lamb & Don Austin for continued weekly efforts to bring worship service to life through Media Shout. SHOUT OUT- to Trunk or Treat participants for tributing to the event. Sundays: 9:00 am Arise to Praise (Spirited Contemporary Worship) 10:15 – 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Traditions (Classic Hymns & Liturgies) Wednesdays: 5:30 pm Dinner, 6:15 pm Classes How to contact us: con- New Spirit Lutheran Church 8701 E. Old Spanish Trail Tucson, AZ 85710 Phone: (520) 296-2461 E-Mail: Website:
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