
Gospel Truth
“I am the
light of
the world.
follows me
will never
walk in
but will
have the
light of
John 8:12
Past, Present and Future –
Sanctuary Tree Chrismons
Ornaments made from Christian symbols (or
Chrismons, a contraction for 'Christ monograms') were
first developed in 1957 by Frances Spencer and the
women of the Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville,
VA. Many churches today display a Chrismon tree
during the Advent and Christmas season decorated
with handmade ornaments.
In 1995, our white satin Chrismons were designed by
Bev Ellis. Eleanor Wingard, with her special sewing
skills, stitched the outside edges of each piece. The
pieces were then hand-beaded by Bev and a group of
volunteers from the congregation including: Renie and
Sue Latimer, Ginger Burress, Carolyn Glennie, Maxine
Hinger, Kathy Smith, Patty Miller, Bobbie Laughlin,
Betty Haines, Sally Olive, Edith
Balman and Dorothy Boltz. They
were first used for Christmas
1996 and you can see these
beautiful ornaments on our
sanctuary tree this season.
Dear Friends,
Sometimes, the “time warp” that exists when I write a December
pastor’s page before we have even begun to buy things for the Thanksgiving
Meal is disconcerting. This year, that seems especially so. I am especially
thankful this year: thanks for relatively good health—despite my end stage
renal disease, thanks for the faithfulness of a wonderful congregation, thanks
for four children who are productive, and doing well as capable adults…
But, by the time you all receive this issue of the Gospel Truth,
Thanksgiving will have come and gone, and we will be well along in the
preparations for Advent and Christmas! Elsewhere in these pages, you will
learn of many pre-Christmas activities, the Cantata, the schedule of three
services on Christmas Eve, so I won’t belabor that here. But, I hope and trust
that you will not only plan to be with us, often, in Advent, but that you will
bring a friend! Advent and Christmas is one of those times when many who
would not otherwise attend a church are open to it—so, it is a great time to
help a neighbor or friend who may be “on the fence” to come, and maybe find
their way to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ!
We will do our best to make sure that every
event during this special season, from the Sunday
Services to the Bible Studies to the Candle Light
Services on Christmas Eve, are well planned and
meaningful, and filled with joy and grace.
In the meantime, may we all do everything we
can to prepare our hearts and minds to welcome the
newborn Jesus into our lives!
-Rev. Marshall
December 6 Our exploration of
“People of Advent” continues, today
with Zechariah, focusing on parts of his
story in Luke 1:5-20, 57-66.
today with Joseph, as he is mentioned in
Luke 2:1-7.
Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve
services: 4:30 pm - Children’s Pageant
7:00 pm - special music
10:00 pm – Chancel Choir
December 13 Our
choir will present its
annual Cantata: “Love
Came Down at
Christmas,” at both
services. Rev. Marshall
will briefly remind the
congregation of our
“People of Advent”
theme, looking this
morning at Mary, in
Luke 1:26-38.
December 27 Today
we will “Bask In The
Glow of Christmas”
with the sanctuary fully
lighted, not only with
decorations, but by the
light of the newborn
Christ-child. Our
scripture lesson will come from
Luke 2:8-20.
December 20 Rev. Marshall will
conclude the “People of Advent” series
Wednesday Evening Worship:
7:00 pm, December 16 – Taize Service
This service is in candlelight, with short
scripture readings, music and contemplation.
A great worship time for silence, rest and listening
to our Lord.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Christmas Cantata
Outreach is asking for volunteers to ring
This year's Christmas Cantata is
"Love Came Down at Christmas"
based on the poem by Christina
Rossetti. The composer, Joel Raney
says, "What a perfect phrase to
describe the very essence of
Christmas. In addition to composing a
new tune for Rossetti's lyrics, I
scattered lines of this classic poem
throughout the work. Much of the
material in this cantata is original,
though you will find many familiar
carols and Christmas favorites woven
into its fabric as well. There are four
main sections corresponding to the
four prominent themes of Advent:
Hope, Peace, Joy and Love."
the bell at the downtown Farmington
Post Office. Saturdays – Dec. 5, 12, 19,
from 10-11 am, 11-12, 12-1, or 1-2pm.
Contact Pat Bradley to sign up! E-mail or call 248-476-2579.
Thank you for your outreach and time.
Christmas Caroling
Join us for our annual caroling to our
homebound members on Saturday,
December 5. Bring your singing voices,
dress warmly, carry a flashlight and
meet in Wesley Hall at 3:00 pm.
Afterward, we will return to Wesley Hall
for dinner and fellowship.
Please plan to attend worship on
Sunday, December 13 when the
Music Ministries will present this
lovely work aided by Angels in Motion
and extra instrumentalists.
“Light Up The Grand”
Farmington Parade
First United Methodist will be walking
in the parade this year! Join us to show
our community spirit as we walk and let
our Light shine! Bring a batterypowered candle, dress in dark clothing
and white gloves. Saturday, December 5
at 6:00 p.m. Gathering time TBA.
May hope, peace, joy, and love be
yours this Christmas season.
Outer Circle's Christmas Party!
All couples are welcome!
Saturday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m.
Bring a dessert to share!
Miska Residence,
22854 Penton Rise Ct., Novi
Please join us for our annual Toys for Tots drive and breakfast on Sunday,
December 6 at 8:00 a.m. Bring a toy, and breakfast is free! Toys must be new,
unwrapped and the greatest need is always for boys 9-15 years old.
Yarbrough, the Regional Coordinator, will join us to speak about the program. Some
years, a Marine has also accompanied her, and it is always a privilege to speak to them.
Free Community Dinners
All dinners served from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
December 18th
Times to volunteer:*
10:30 a.m. to sanitize
2-4 p.m. to prepare food & set up
5:15-6:15 p.m. host or hostess
4-6 p.m. to serve
5:30 p.m. dinner with friends
6-7 p.m. to clean up
*times are flexible
“I was hungry and you gave Me food;
I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
I was a stranger and you took Me in.”
Matthew 25:35
Cookies for Community Dinner:
Can you donate some Christmas cookies for the
community dinner? Decorated, undecorated, fancy
or plain: we can use them all!
Contact Suzann Lanstra if you have
any questions.
Community Dinner Meat Loaf recipe:
featured at the September Dinner.
This is the basic recipe. Change amounts according to
your taste. Enjoy!
Best Ever Meat Loaf
1 hour at 350° internal temp. of 165° serves 6 people
2 eggs
2/3 C milk
1 onion chopped
1 C shredded Cheddar Cheese
½ C shredded carrot
 2 tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
3 slices bread, crumbled
1.5 # ground beef
¼ C dark brown sugar
¼ C ketchup
1 TB yellow mustard
  Whisk eggs, milk, salt, and ground black pepper in a large bowl. Add crumbled
bread and stir until dissolved. Mix ground beef, onion, Cheddar cheese, and carrot into
bread mixture; transfer mixture to a 9x5-inch loaf pan. Combine brown sugar, ketchup,
and mustard in a small bowl; spread over meat mixture.
 Bake in the preheated oven until no longer pink in the center, 1 to 1 1/4 hours. An
instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 160 degrees F (70
degrees C).
S. Lanstra changes:
 Instead of crumbled bread use Panko bread crumbs (use amounts on the box)
 No salt, No pepper
 Make sure onion and carrots are finely minced
 I used 50% ground turkey
 The brown sugar, ketchup and mustard: use according to your taste. I used MUCH
less sugar
United Methodist
Now that 2015 is almost over and the combined November-December meeting
went well, we are looking forward to an exciting 2016. Sally Mattmueller has
some great programs lined up for us. We are having a representative from the
Navigators at Wayne State University with a Christian message to students.
Karen Brichford, our treasurer, will conduct the annual Pledge Service. Sue
Briese will be presenting on breast cancer awareness. In April, we will be
having a program on justice for our neighbors and later a program on the
Methodist Children’s Home. These will be enlightening and inspirational as
well as a great opportunity for fellowship and devotions. For the most part
they will need us to bring a sandwich. Details will be in the bulletins. I’m sure
you won’t want to miss any of these opportunities.
Hope to see you there! Marilou (Lou) Harrison 248-473 5863
Getting lots of notepads in the mail?
There is a happy home for all those notepads that come in
the mail…..
‘God’s Treasures’ (the summer camp for special needs
adults at Lake Huron Retreat Center) can use all those
notepads, cards and stickers. The campers send mail to
other campers during the week. You can give these to
Suzann Lanstra anytime.
United Methodist Reading Program
All (men & women) are invited to attend the book discussion for the United Methodist
Reading Program. We meet on selected Saturdays at 10:00am to discuss the chosen
Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 10:00am,
at Panera Bread, 34635 Grand River, Farmington
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by
Michael Pollan
The more we worry about nutrition, the less
healthy we seem to become. What we should
eat may come down to: "Eat food. Not too
much. Mostly plants." Pollan’s book shows us
how to start making thoughtful food choices
that will enrich our lives, enlarge our sense of
what it means to be healthy, and bring
pleasure back to eating.
This book isn’t in the church library, but should be readily available at local libraries.
Reading Program Category: Social Action
Contact Karen Brichford if you have questions.
SOS Dinner at Orchard United Methodist Church - Thank You
The Outreach Committee and some wonderful volunteers helped prepare and serve
dinner at Orchard United Methodist Church on October 26th for the South Oakland
Shelter program. We served about 32 people and Leah Sheppard's chicken pot pie was
once again a hit with the group. Thank you to all who helped make it such a success,
including John and Leah Sheppard, Peter and Estelle Kalakailo, Kelly and Jackie Brown,
Jeri Lou Rodibaugh, Scott Mendoza, Pat Bradley, Rich Tengler, Tim King, Reverend
Marshall, Joy Baum, and Paula Mullan, who even helped make lunches for the next day!
Also, thanks to all those who baked the desserts. All the goodies were much appreciated,
especially as it was the week of Halloween. Thank you everyone and great teamwork!
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The Outreach Bake Sale, conducted on November 15, raised $428! Thanks to
everyone who donated goodies or money. These funds will be used to
support our many charitable activities as we help to share the love of Jesus
Outreach – Pasties and Mission Trip
Great job to the pastie crew who made over 380 pasties in two days! An old Cornish
recipe, the pasties are hand made, baked and frozen, and make a delicious meal! The
funds raised are to support mission trips in the following year.
Eight adults have volunteered to participate in our Hurricane Sandy mission trip, which
is scheduled for the week of July 31, 2016, somewhere in New Jersey. Additional
volunteers are welcome. Planning meetings will begin after the first of the year. See
Frank Wassilak, Team Leader, for information.
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Thanks to all who supported our Fall Fundraiser held on Sunday, November 15 by
purchasing handcrafted items made by our members. The Piecemaker Quilters
donated over $1,000 to benefit the Building Restoration Fund!
We meet on Monday, December 21 from 9:00 am to noon and/or 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
in Wesley Hall. Please bring sewing machine and sewing supplies.
We welcome new quilters to our group and our contact person is Susan Cook, 248478-4711 if you have any questions.
Books & Bitəs
The next meeting of Books & Bitәs is Sunday, Dec. 20 at 2:30pm in the church library.
This month’s selection is Winterfrost by Michelle Houts. Left in charge of her home
and infant sibling when her parents are called away at Christmastime, Bettina forgets a
family custom about leaving out rice pudding for the nisse, who make their magic
known when the baby disappears. To find her sister and set things right, Bettina must
venture into the miniature world of these usually helpful, but sometimes mischievous,
Books & Bitәs is open to women and girls ages 12 and up (ages
12-15 need to be accompanied by a mom or substitute mom).
Check our web site (linked on the church web site) at for last minute changes in
book choice or date. Contact us at or call
Jennie Macy at (248) 521-8546 with questions. We hope you will
join us!
The books that we read and discuss are selected by the group. We
encourage mothers and fathers to read the books to be sure they
are appropriate for their daughter.
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What a blessing the women of our church are! In October, Karen
Brichford, Connie Haase and Nancy Wlasuk went to a school in
Redford and helped 15 young ladies learn to make ‘sassy purses’.
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Events are subject to change!
Remember to check the calendar
on-line for any updates or
changes, at the church website:
10:00 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus
6:45 PM Advent Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
8:00 & 9:30 AM Advent Study
8:00 AM UMM Breakfast
9:30 & 11:00 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
11:00 PM Staff Parish Comm.
12:00 PM Charge Conference
1:00 PM Disciple 2
3:15 PM Angels in Motion
5:30 PM Stephen Ministry
8:00 & 9:30 AM Advent Study
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
4:00 PM Jr. High Guiding Force
5:00 PM Sr. High Guiding Force
8:00 & 9:30 AM Advent Study
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
1:00 PM Disciple 2
2:30 PM Books & Bites
3:15 PM Angels in Motion
4:00 PM Guiding Force Christmas
9:30 AM Bible Sermon Texts
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
1:00 PM Disciple 2
7:00 PM Worship Comm
7:30 PM Education
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Growth &
7:00 PM Outreach
7:30 PM Boy Scout
Parent Meeting
9:00 AM Piecemaker
6:05 PM Exercise
6:30 PM Piecemaker
7:00 PM Finance
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10:00 AM Bible Study
11:00 AM Caring Ministry
5:30 PM Stephen Ministry
6:45 PM Advent Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
10:00 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus
6:45 PM Advent Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
10:00 AM Bible Study
6:45 PM Advent Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
6:30 AM Prayer
12:00 PM UMW
General Mtg.
7:30 PM Staff Parish
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
6:30 AM Prayer
7:00 PM Social Justice
7:00 PM Trustees
7:00 PM Women’s 4th
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
7:30 PM Library
6:30 AM Prayer
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Worship
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
6:30 AM Prayer
7:00 PM Women’s 4th
9:30 AM Gospels Bible
6:00 PM Advent Study
6:30 PM Sanctuary
7:00 PM Gospels Bible
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
9:30 AM Gospels Bible
6:00 PM Advent Study
6:30 PM Sanctuary
7:00 PM Gospels Bible
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
9:30 AM Gospels Bible
6:00 PM Advent Study
6:30 PM Sanctuary
7:00 PM Gospels Bible
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
4:30 PM Worship Service
7:00 PM Worship Service
10:00 PM Worship
5:30 PM Community
Christmas Day
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7:00 AM Operation
Good Cheer (Guiding
8:00 AM Boutique –
Relay for Life
3:00 PM Caroling for
6:00 PM Farmington
Light Up the Grand
10:00 AM UMW Book
1:00 PM Advent Craft
7:30 PM Outer Circle
Welcome to New Members
Deborah Clouse
Debbie’s fellowship friend is her neighbor, Gladys
Bocker. She has already helped with the rummage
sale and is happy to be at FUMC.
Debbie lives at 32900 Grand River Ave. Apt 327,
Farmington 48335. Phone: 248-536-2883
Jack Williams & Krystyna Hascall
Jack and Krystyna are the parents of
Jed and Elizabeth Williams, and are
happy to be part of FUMC. Their
fellowship friends are Dan & Paula
Mullan. Their phone # is 248-4992879.
- 16 -
Cristina Briese, daughter-in-law of Bob and Sue Briese, has received all of her test
results and she will not need radiation or chemo for her breast cancer; however,
she still needs her second reconstruction which will be in the next few months.
Cristina believes she is a miracle and the doctors told her she was definitely “the
case of the month” because of her results. Cristina gives God the Glory!! She, Bob
and Sue thank all of you for your prayers. Thank you, too, for your love and
16 - John Immonen
17 - Madilen Gesse, John Tryon,
Eleanor Wingard
18 - Bob Rodibaugh
19 - Claire Tryon, Karen Brichford,
Tina Horton
20 - Beth Patton
21 - Sharon Gesse
22 - Julia Wilke
23 - Marianna Barrons
24 - Emma Devine
26 - Usha Kadiyala, Frank Wassilak,
Ross Wlasuk
27 - Amy Berry, Adam Figi,
Justin Macy, Abigail Switzer
28 - Barbara Walker, Thomas Boysen
31 - Shannon Banchero, Mia Gress
1 - Richard Lakin
2 - Jennifer Smith
3 - Carson Drake,
Margie Shaul,
Brian Smith
4 - William Morrison
5 - Judy Hanson, Alan Wilson
6 - Oliver Schultz
8 - Charlene Weigle, Doug Wilson
9 - Jack Fisher, Tim Latimer,
11 - Michael Kwasky, Jenna Latimer, Alan
14 - Rich Tengler
15 - Krissy Campbell,
Connie Haase, Brenda King
Paul & Brenda King
Jerry & Sharon Thomas
Bob & Debbie Muncey
Ben & Maggie Niemiec
Celebrating this month!
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From the Church Mouse:
I love this beautiful time of the year and I so look forward
to seeing all of you in our beautiful church during this
advent season…. We (me, too!) will decorate the sanctuary and many areas of the
church on November 28, and you might want to join us. We all have a very fun time
and it sometimes involves lunch after, some place locally. Yes, even the mouse goes
along! We have so many opportunities to attend a class that interests you and so
many worship services to pick from on Christmas Eve, so bring the family and join in
the festivities! … Thank you once again this year to “Pat and Jodi’s kids” for
helping to deliver Christmas cards within our church membership – what a wonderful
service to our congregation!... We have a craft day coming up on December 12 so the
children can make a priceless gift for someone special, and you also have an
opportunity to share a toy with a needy child by bringing an unwrapped toy to the
Men’s breakfast on December 6 as we present the toys to the “Toys for Tots” annual
drive … and don’t forget the children’s (and a few adults) Christmas Play on
Christmas Eve.. This little mouse accompanied Rev. Marshall as he hand delivered
some pasties to some homebounds - thank you, my dear friend… did you hear that
Maureen Latimer was driving home from Indiana recently and her car was hit by
and eight-point buck, doing $4,000 damage to the car, but Maureen was fine and so
was the deer! On November 15, “Miss Rena” Swanson had eighteen little angels in
her choir (wow!). They are just adorable and we all like to hear their sweet songs.
Also it was nice to see one of our former ministers, Rev. Jeff Maxwell and his wife,
Jan, in our congregation as they were in town for a visit. They look wonderful and
they could not believe how much our youth have grown in the past few years – a few
of the boys were even taller than Rev. Jeff … I hope you all got to see the November
4th Farmington Press with pictures of Jerry Thomas, Lee Imus, Abigail Carpenter,
Celia Mendoza and Pat Imus, sharing the information about Rebuilding Together of
Oakland County. This little mouse is so proud of you! I wish you all a most blessed
holiday season, and remember the Reason for the Season!
Love, Love, Love from Your Church Mouse
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Attendance and Regular Offering Report
(Compares this year to last year)
Oct. 4
Oct. 11
Oct. 18
Oct. 25
(158 + 31)
(148 + 38)
(181 + 32)
(174 + 33)
(146+ 34)
Church Staff Members:
Pastor: ---------------------------------------------------------Rev. Marshall Dunlap
Director of Christian Education & Ministries:----------------------- Sherry Young
Office Administrator: ------------------------------------------------ Ann St. John
Office Assistant:----------------------------------------------------- Judy M. Phillips
Parish Visitor:--------------------------------------------------------- Connie Mendoza
Director of Music Ministries: ---------------------------------------- Jan Wassilak
Organist: ------------------------------------------------------------- Harvey Kahl, Jr.
Carillon Choir Director: ---------------------------------------------- Diane Miller
Youth Coordinator: -------------------------------------------------- Patrick Imus
Children’s Program Coordinator:------------------------------------ Tammy Gabourie
Sunday School Superintendent:------------------------------------- Jane Hunter
Custodians: --------------------------------------- Dick Latimer, Dan Latimer, Gary Shier
Turnkey: ---------------------------------------------------------------Doug Tonkovich
Please join us in worship on Sunday mornings.
Church school and nursery care are also available.
Church office hours are:
Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – noon / 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Friday 9:00 am – noon
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Non Profit Org.
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Farmington, MI
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P.O. Box 38
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Phone: 248-474-6573 Fax: 248-474-2624
Address Service Requested
Mailed 11/25/2015
Farmington Parade.......................................4
From the Pastor .............................................2
Outer Circle .....................................................5
Outreach ........................................... 4, 10, 11
Piecemaker Quilters ........................... 12, 13
Reading Program ..........................................9
Taize Service ...................................................4
Thank You ..................................................... 17
UMW .................................................................8
Worship Schedule.........................................3
Anniversaries & Birthdays .......................17
Attendance & Giving ................................19
Books & Bitәs ..............................................12
Calendar................................................. 14, 15
Caroling............................................................ 4
Chrismons ....................................................... 1
Christmas Music............................................ 4
Church Family News..................................16
Church Mouse .............................................18
Community Dinner ................................ 6, 7
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