July 2013 - St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church


July 2013 - St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church
St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church
313 Dividend Drive, Suite 210
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
Phone: 770.487.0078
Website: www.saintchristopherhoc.org
Very Rev. Fr. George J. Tsahakis, Pastor
July 2013
George Psihountas, President, Parish Council
The Capacity of Love Through the Spirit of Truth
The Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) is the only non-Italian sculptor commissioned
to have one of his statues erected in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. He was not allowed to sign
his “Monument to Pope Pius VII” because he was a Protestant, not a Catholic.
What Thorvaldsen is most known for, however, is his 1821 Christus carving
known popularly as “The Resurrected Christ.” You can see it today in the
Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, Denmark. Thorvaldsen wanted to create a
statue of Jesus. Out of clay he molded a monumental, majestic figure with
regal gestures: His face tilted upward in triumph, and His hands raised in
power and authority.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the unveiling. A partially opened
window in his ocean-side studio let night fog and sea spray work their way
with the clay. When Thorvaldsen returned to his studio after a brief
absence, the upraised hands had drooped. They no longer commanded, but
welcomed. The confidently upturned face had lowered itself onto the Savior’s chest.
The face was no longer that of a King wearing a crown, but a compassionate shepherd worrying
about His sheep. At first, Thorvaldsen agonized over the time wasted and the need to begin again.
But the more he looked at the statue shaped by the mist, the more he realized that this was a
more accurate Jesus than the one he had originally conceived. So instead of the inscription
"FOLLOW MY COMMANDS" on the base of the statue, he chiseled another message: "COME
This statue was carved later by Thorvaldsen in Italian Carrara marble. The original is in the
National Cathedral of Denmark Church of our Lady. A famous copy of this statue of “The Last
Adam” decorates the Latter Day Saint’s Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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Pastoral Remarks From Fr. George:
The Capacity of Love Through the Spirit of Truth
My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the creation of the first human, there was another mist that
molded the First Adam into an image of vulnerability and beauty. In fact, there are two creation
accounts in Genesis: a macro one in Genesis 1, and a micro one in Genesis 2. In the Genesis 2
micro-creation story, God creates “Adam,” “the human being,” the first inhabitant of the earth,
by breathing into his nostrils God’s breath, “the breath of life.” Once divine spirit is added to
physical matter, Adam “became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). No other creature receives God’s own
breath as its source of life. Until Jesus!
In Church theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to as the “Second
Adam,” or the “Last Adam,” because Jesus’ perfect humanity expunged
the failures and “fall” of the “First Adam.” But if Adam was distinguished
by being the first God‑breathed living being, then the true “Second
Adam” is that which Jesus’ Spirit breathed into existence. Jesus
breathed the “Spirit of truth” into an inexperienced group of frightened
followers and He re-created humanity.
Jesus’ Spirit-breath created the community that today we call “The
Consider how when the banks failed in the 1930’s and the Great Depression drove millions of
people into poverty and despair, it took a lot of “town spirit” to get people through those dark
Consider when the levees failed all over the Mississippi basin as a result of Hurricane Katrina, it
took a huge helping of “community spirit” to fill sandbags and ferry people to safety.
Consider when our favorite sports team is competing against a fierce rival, we call on the
encouragement of “team spirit” to tip the balance in our favor.
Consider the frigid coldness of winter and its adverse effect on our emotional states, how we
welcome the warmth of a “Christmas spirit” to bring comfort and encouragement to our cold and
dark world.
But all those “spirits,” however helpful, are “human‑based spirits.” They are fragile and fractured
from the outset. The flaws of the “first Adam” - disobedience, self-centeredness, “get-minefirst” greed cannot help, but eventually infects all those human-rooted “spirits.”
The foundational Spirit of the Church has no cracks or flaws; it has no weak points or warts.
Why? Because the foundational Spirit of the Body of Christ is Christ’s own Spirit, made manifest
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Pastoral Remarks From Fr. George:
The Capacity of Love Through the Spirit of Truth
on this earth. It is the “Spirit of truth” promised in John 14:15-17 breathed out upon the
disciples’ community after Christ’s Resurrection: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is
the Spirit of truth, Whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.
You know Him, because He abides with you, and He will be in you.”
It is the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-4 that transformed “along-for-the-ride” disciples into heroic
trail-riding apostles: “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all
together in one place. And suddenly from Heaven there came a sound like
the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were
sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue
rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”
When Jesus breathed new life into His failing followers, He redeemed
humanity. From that moment on, every new Christian bears Jesus’ name and
is filled with Jesus’ Spirit. The first breath we take outside the womb fills
our lungs with oxygen. The first breath we take after receiving Jesus’ gift
of the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with love.
The miracle of the first creation is that despite all the diversity, everything hangs together in a
divinely-tuned harmony. The singleness of God’s Spirit prevails. The miracle of this second
creation is that everything in it is brought into unity and community by love. Jesus’ aim is
straightforward. Love Me by keeping My commandments. And Jesus’ last commandment to His
disciples is unambiguous: Love one another as I have loved you.
Simply put, love is the breath of life. Love is the Spirit of truth. Love kick-started eleven
frightened “orphans,” into a vital, living community of faith with a mission for the world. This love
Jesus offers is not a vanilla coating that frosts over every sin and pain with sticky sweetness.
There are costs and consequences in choosing to take a deep breath from the Spirit of truth and
love. There have been countless martyrs who have followed Jesus’ own path to sacrifice. “Keeping”
Jesus’ commandments requires developing a love that is far more than feel good fuzziness.
Christ-breathed love has three distinct features. It has the sensitivity of a stethoscope. It has
the stability of a gyroscope. It has the sightedness of a telescope.
First, Christ-breathed love has the sensitivity of a stethoscope. A Spirit-of-truth community
feels the flutter of fear in the community it serves. A Spirit-of-truth community can detect the
presence of a quickened pulse from hopelessness long before that gloom can transform the
membership. A Spirit-of-truth community can discern the drop in heart rate that foretells
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Pastoral Remarks From Fr. George:
The Capacity of Love Through the Spirit of Truth
a deathly drop in vision and vitality. A Christ-breathed love acts on its discernment of these heart
failures, offering itself as a remedy against these ailments.
Second, Christ-breathed love has the stability of a gyroscope. No matter how many hard knocks,
unsuspected sideswipes, even complete upside down inversions the world throws at a Christbreathed community, it has an infallible center of gravity and an unfailing central truth. No
matter how much the world around us turns upside down, loving Jesus and loving others enables
Jesus’ followers to find there is always a “right side up.” That’s the stability of a gyroscope.
Finally, Christ-breathed love has the sightedness of a telescope. The promises Jesus made to His
disciples were for both the “now” and the “not yet.” Love is never negated just because the values
it upholds are “not yet” a reality in this world. Christ-breathed love never fails; it is only the
world that fails to perceive and embrace the truth that Christ’s Spirit offers as a new way of
living. God has a vision for us that has been telescoped through time. God has a mission for us
that has been unveiled for all time. We are here to glorify God, enjoy God, and please God.
In John 14:25-27, our Lord Jesus Christ emphasized: “I have said these things to you while I am
still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name, will teach
you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I
give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not
let them be afraid.” As we ponder the meaning of Pentecost, which we just celebrated, and God’s
gift of His Holy Spirit, let us be encouraged to let His Spirit guide us in our journey of faith.
Indeed, “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5: 22-23) If we are filled and controlled by the Holy
Spirit, then these virtues will be clearly manifested in our life. They are the great virtues of
Christ. As we submit to the will of the Holy Spirit, God imparts these virtues to us, and we
acquire the capacity of love through the Spirit of truth.
Very Rev. Fr. George J. Tsahakis
Chancellor, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta
Pastor, St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church
Visit the St. Christopher’s Online Parish Calendar at
for up-to-the-minute details about upcoming events and services!
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Lunch and Community Outing
Atlanta Botanical Garden
6th Annual Volunteer Work
July 28th
August 16th-18th
at our Diakonia Retreat Center
Save the Date and Make Your Commitment Today!
Come join us Friday,
August 16th, through
Sunday, August 18th,
for our 6th Annual
Diakonia Center
Volunteer Work
Weekend. This is our
opportunity to offer our time and talents and volunteer
at the Metropolis of Atlanta Diakonia Retreat Center in
Salem, South Carolina.
Parishioners in Fr. George’s Adult Religious Education
Class have chosen to visit the Atlanta Botanical Garden
and lightly reflect on spiritual themes during our tour.
After church on Sunday, July 28th, we will gather for a
quick lunch in Peachtree City (location to be decided)
and then carpool to the Botanical Garden. Tickets will
be purchased at the gate: adults are $18.95, children
ages 3-12 are $12.95 and children under 3 are free.
All parish families are welcome to join us. Please
confirm if you and your family can come by telephoning
Fr. George, (770) 381-1842 or email him at
All parish families are welcome to join us from Friday
late afternoon/evening (or whenever you can arrive)
through Sunday afternoon. This special weekend allows
us to assist our Metropolis retreat center, as well as
have fun, fellowship, and spiritual time together.
The Diakonia Retreat Center will provide all bed linens,
towels, and food. Our parish will make a contribution to
cover the food and linen expenses as we did last year.
We hope you will bring your family and enjoy fellowship
with your parishioners as we improve our beautiful
retreat center. Please confirm if you and your family can
come by telephoning Danielle Dawkins, (770) 827-3056
or email her at danielledawkins83@gmail.com. If you
have special skills and equipment you can bring and use,
please let Danielle know.
Hands of Love: July 2013
“For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore, I command you to
do his word which says, ‘You shall surely open your hands to your brother,
to your poor and needy in your land.’ “ Deuteronomy15:11
July: Fayette County DFCS
Throughout the month of July, we will be collecting gift cards (for Target, Wal-Mart, T.J. Maxx) and
monetary donations for Fayette County Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS).
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) is the part of the Department of Human Services
(DHS) that investigates child abuse; finds foster homes for abused and neglected children; helps low income,
out-of-work parents get back on their feet; assists with childcare costs for low income parents who are
working or in job training; and provides numerous support services and innovative programs to help troubled
families. For more information about DFCS, please visit: www.dfcs.dhs.georgia.gov.
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Philoptochos News:
God’s Green Earth
A Summer Tea Hosted by the Ladies Philoptochos Society
of St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church
July 13, 2013
Peachtree City Event Center
313 Dividend Drive
Peachtree City, Georgia
Tickets $25
For ticket information: contact Helen Psihountas, (770) 486-6580
Covers of Love
“Covers of Love” is a Pastoral Care program at Cancer Treatment Centers
of America (CTCA) that provides shawls and lap rugs to their new cancer
patients as part of their group orientation session. Our Prayer Shawl
Ministry became the first organized group to partner with the new CTCA
center in Newnan. Gail Ericsson, BJ Spanos, and Susan Kleto delivered the
shawls and lap rugs and received an introductory tour of the CTCA facility.
The fourteen (14) shawls that were blessed by Fr. George on Mother’s
Day, May 12th, as our Pascha donation of prayer shawls, were donated to
the CTCA. The beautiful shawls and lap rugs were
lovingly made by Mildred Mayson, Alexandra Tagalos,
Stella Christodoulopoulos, Julie Skouteris, Helen
Psihountas, and Susan Kleto. Sewn into each shawl or
rug was a label (donated by DeDee and Kirk Panayis)
identifying our Philoptochos as the provider
organization. Accompanying each shawl or rug was also a hand-crafted
card created by BJ Spanos.
Our next blessing of prayer shawls will be in honor of the Feast of the
Dormition of the Theotokos on August 11th. Once again, we will partner
with the OCMC to aid a missionary team spread the word and love of the
Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe. To help the shawls be of true use in
the colder climates of the recipients, please use yarn that contains wool.
To receive yarn, sew-in labels, a Prayer Guide, or other information, please
contact Susan Kleto at sbkleto@gmail.com or 770.253.8469.
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Second Annual GOYA
(By request!)
Calling all GOYAN’s, past and
present, to join us on Sunday,
August 4th, for our 2nd Annual
GOYA Reunion. After church, we
will meet at Pascal's in Peachtree
City for lunch and then go play Putt
Putt in Newnan.
We are looking forward to seeing
each of you and catching up. Come
join us for fun, food, and most
importantly, FELLOWSHIP!
Jeanie Ellinas
GOYA Advisor
July Prosfora Baking Schedule
The following families are scheduled to prepare Prosfora in July:
Sunday, July 7 (due by Fri., July 5, 4 pm)
Georgia Lungaro/ Claudia Sliwinski
Sunday, July 14 (due by Fri., July 12, by 4 pm)
Costas and Tammy Soulakos / Zenais Bassett
Sunday, July 21 (due by Fri., July 19, 4 pm)
Becky Butler/ Presbytera Marinda Tsahakis
Sunday, July 28, (due by Fri., July 26, 4 pm)
Helen Psihountas/Julie Skouteris
Please allow Prosfora to cool completely before wrapping and placing in bin to avoid sweating. The
names of your living and deceased that Fr. George will pray for should not be placed inside the
wrapped Prosfora. Kindly tape your names on the outside of the plastic/foil wrapping. Thanks.
Date – Saturday, September 21st
Site - Dixie Wing Commemorative Hangar
Date – Saturday, September 15
Event Site - Dixie Wing Commemorative Hangar
Purpose of Event – Major Fundraiser to Benefit St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church Building Fund II
Purpose of Event – Major Fundraiser to Benefit St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church Building Fund II
Next Meeting – July 21
Committee Chair Volunteers:
(Immediately after the Divine Liturgy)
Religious Table – Father George Tsahakis with
Sanitation Engineer – Christ Vagotis
assistance from Outreach Committee
Bar – Steve Sarantis & Randy Pelky
We are still
chairs for Sponsorship/Donations,
and Sanitation
– Costasfor
Decorating – ElaineAppetizers,
Engineer. If– you
interested in chairing any
of these
– Faye Georgeo
& Julie Jackson
Golf Carts – Jeanie Ellinas
contact George– Tammy
or Julie
Skouteris at gsjs401mg@gmail.com
or Manny Haldopoulos at
Tickets – Tammy Soulakos
– George Psihountas
Greek Store – Helen Psihountas
Kitchen Equipment – Fotis Sakkas & George Skouteris
Greek Dance - Katie Wilson
Grills – GeorgeChairs
Zavlanos– Please take ownership of your committee! We need everyone’s help in order
our event
to be successful!
As always we look forward
working with
pray that
– Presbytera
Marinda Tsahakis
and Julie
day –we
be able&to
our church to the Glory of God in Fayette County.
Service Line – Eva Sarantis & Dina Tagalos Kearns
Food Prep/Cooking at Church – Eva Sarantis & Dina Tagalos Kearns
Gyros – Costas Soulakos
Julie & George Skouteris
Please contact George or Julie to sign up to help
on one
or more of these committees at gsjs401mg@gmail.com
Tri-Chairs 2013 GreekFest
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Community Calendar July 2013
7 2nd Sunday of St
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
July 4th Holiday
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
Fr. George will
be away from
Atlanta this
Philoptochos Tea
12:00 –2:00 pm
PTC Event
7:45 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
No Religious Ed or
Hellenic Lang Classes
Holiday Weekend
14 Sunday of the Holy
6:00 pm Religious
Educators Mtg
7:45 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
10:45 am Religious Ed
11:45 am Parish Council
21 4th Sunday of St
7:00 pm ECYDC
7:45 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
10:15 am GreekFest Mtg
11:00 am Philoptochos
11:30 am GOYA Mtg
12:00 pm Outreach
Committee Mtg
28 5th Sunday of St
7:45 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
11:00 am-4:00pm Lunch
and Community Outing to
Atlanta Botanical Garden
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As we travel this summer- Praise God for our gifts!
So, where does God rank in your family's summer plans? Will
He go with you on vacation or will a break from school and
work mean a break from God? This summer we want to invite
you to take the Summer Challenge. Instead of taking a rest
from your spiritual life, we want your family to use the summer
to grow closer to God.
Go to Church! Summer is a wonderful time to worship
with your family. Attend Divine Liturgy as well the other
services offered throughout the season. While vacationing, visit
different Orthodox churches in the area. To find an Orthodox
church close to you, visit: www.assemblyofbishops.org or
http://www.goarch.org/parishes . Don't forget to check the
calendar of the church for special fasting periods and other
celebrations. Information can be found at:
Don’t forget to take pictures! Let’s share what we learn when
we visit other Orthodox churches!
… bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him for all ages.
Be creative! Be committed! Be with Christ!
Prayers Before Travel
Lord Jesus Christ my God, be my Companion, guide and protector during
my journey. Keep me from all danger, misfortune and temptation. By
Your divine power grant me a peaceful and successful journey and safe
arrival. In You I place my hope and trust and You I praise, honor, and
glorify, together with Your Father and Holy Spirit now and forever and
ever. Amen.
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(prayer cont.)
Lord Jesus, You traveled with the two disciples after the resurrection
and set their hearts on fire with Your grace. Travel also with me and
gladden my heart with Your presence. I know, Lord, that I am a
pilgrim on this earth, seeking the citizenship which is in heaven.
During my journey surround me with Your holy angels and keep me
safe from seen and unseen dangers. Grant that I may carry out my
plans and fulfill my expectations according to Your will. Help me to see
the beauty of creation and to comprehend the wonder of Your truth in
all things. For You are the way, the truth, and the life, and to You I
give thanks, praise, and glory forever. Amen
Prayer for Peace
Almighty God and Creator, You are the Father of all people on the earth. Guide, I
pray, all the nations and their leaders in the ways of justice and peace. Protect us
from the evils of injustice, prejudice, exploitation, conflict, and war. Help us to put
away mistrust, bitterness, and hatred. Teach us to cease the storing and using of
implements of war. Lead us to find peace, respect, and freedom. Unite us in the
making and sharing of tools of peace against ignorance, poverty, disease, and
oppression. Grant that we may grow in harmony and friendship as brothers and
sisters created in Your image, to Your honor, and praise. Amen.
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