Celebrating the Lady of Avalon, Her Calling and Her Treasures in


Celebrating the Lady of Avalon, Her Calling and Her Treasures in
Welcome to the Twenty first Annual
Glastonbury Goddess Conference
Tuesday 26th July to Sunday 31st July 2016
Celebrating the Lady of Avalon,
Her Calling and Her Treasures
in Avalon
Painting of the Lady of Avalon by Tiana Pitman
Glastonbury Goddess Conference is a unique transformative spiritual, emotional, psychological
and physical experience. In 2016 we adore and celebrate Goddess as Lady of Avalon, Nolava
of the Sacred Land, Mirror of Avalon, Goddess of Love, of the Deep Healing of the wounds of
karma, of Discernment, Compassion and Transformation.
Journey with Priestesses, Presenters, Melissae and Participants from all over the world
through six Pilgrimage days of Sacred Ceremony, Processions, Presentations, Workshops,
Performances, seeking Her Treasure within Her Sacred Landscape in Glastonbury, moving
ever more deeply into the Heart of the Mysteries of the Lady of Avalon.
Goddess Temple Teachings
Priestess Trainings in Glastonbury
beginning Autumn 2016
Priestess of Rhiannon
Priestess of Love Training
T hree Spiral Priestess / Priest of Avalon Training
with Michelle Patten, Erin McCauliff
and Kathy Jones
with Katinka Soetens
Rhiannon, the Great Goddess of Love calls to us.
She asks us to remember who we are: Sacred
Embodiments of Her. Erotic, sensual, powerful, alive,
conscious, compassionate, beautiful, wild, wise and
loving. Priestesses of Her Temple which is our body,
our mind and our heart, and the land around us
Eight weekends of teaching between
22nd / 23rd Oct. 2016 and 7th / 8th Oct. 2017
An inspiring Priest/ess
training that will open
your heart, deepen your
relationship to Goddess,
stimulate your creativity
and transform your life
for the better.
Open to women and men
who love the Goddess
and Avalon
First Spiral of Eight Circles betwen
29th / 30th Oct. 2016 and 23rd / 24th Sep. 2017
Email Priestess training also available
Priestess * Priest of Cerridwen
2 Spiral Training
Serving the Goddess of
Transformation, Inspiration and Renewal
Train to become a
A nine- weekend
adventure for
Souls that fly
Both a deeply
experience and
an exploration of
You are standing at the threshold of a journey into You
- take the first step to answer the Dark Mother's call Become Her Ray of Light in the world.
Spiral 1: This is your time for Self discovery,
Self development and Self empowerment
leading to the acceptance of open hearted
love for yourself and others.
Spiral 2: Priestess Training — includes how to
be a ceremonialist, devise rituals, be a soul
friend, deal with traumatized souls, rebirth
them after retrieval and integration, midwife
the souls of the dying, be a funeral
celebrant, liaise with the bereaved… You are
the Strength others rely on in times of
sadness and pain.
Take your
place at the
of Avalon
or email bee.baganz@gmail.com
for further information
about this course
With Mary Bruce
Priestess of Avalon and Morgen Sister Starting
Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd October 2016
Venue: Goddess House, Glastonbury BA6 9AJ
For more information and a booking form
contact www.goddesstempleteachings.co.uk
Tel. 01458 833 724
For information on any of these Priestess Trainings
please go to www.goddesstempleteachings.co.uk
Glastonbury Goddess Temple,
2-4 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DU
oddess Conference
elcome and nformation
Your Conference Webster and Spinners
elcome to our Twentyfirst lastonbury oddess Conference,
Fringe and xhibitions, which are visioned by Conference ebster
Kathy Jones, and woven together with the help of many other
people. At the end of the
oddess Conference after
as Conference ebster, athy is handing the oddess Conference to
two sister riestesses of Avalon Katinka Soetens and Marion van
Eupen. There will be a special ceremony of thanksgiving for all that
has been received on Sunday afternoon.
n creating this Conference athy is supported by a Spiral of
Very Special Spinners and riestesses of Avalon in the Conference
Ceremonial Circle, this year Anna-Saqqara Price, Katinka Soetens,
Marion Van Eupen, Michelle Patten, Sally Pullinger, Sharlea
Sparrow & Sue Quatermass. e work together through the year,
creating and designing the transformative Conference Ceremonies.
nvaluable contributions to the Conference are made by wonderful
Roz Bound from Canada on egistration lovely elissa other
Amanda Baker inspired artist Amber Skyes co-ordinates THE CALL
TO AVALON Exhibition in the lastonbury Assembly ooms magical
artist Tiana Pitman presents INTO THE SPIRAL in the iracles oom
of the lastonbury xperience crafty Mandie Thorne co-ordinates
Artists Craftspeople in the Small Town Hall holistic therapist Annie
Sapsead organises Goddess House Healing Spa in our new wonderful
oddess House playful Lina Spyrou and team look after oung eople
and amazing webmistress Geraldine Charles responds to Conference
bookings and creates our wonderful website. e all work together to
create the best possible oddess event we can imagine.
The Conference takes place through the energy, vision, efforts
and hard work of many, many women and men who are named here,
as well as you, the participants, who make a huge contribution to the
Conference. ithout all of us the oddess Conference would not be
the fabulous event that it is and we are very grateful for the gifts and
talents offered by all who come to the Conference. Together we are
bringing oddess back into the world, creating new forms for Her
expression. The lastonbury oddess Conference is a truly magical
oddess event, where we gather together to express our love for Her
and encourage others to do likewise in their own lands and cultures,
bringing oddess back into our recognition in Her otherworld.
Our Nine Year Cycle
oddess Conference is the culmination of our nine year
journey of oddess celebration around the
heel of Avalon
experiencing many different faces of oddess. Here in the centre of
the heel we honour the Lady of Avalon, who is oddess in this
Sacred Land of lastonbury Avalon.
The Spiritual Pilgrimage of this Goddess Conference
The oddess Conference and Fringe is a spiritual and cultural feast
dedicated to oddess. Taken as a whole it is a nine day spiritual
pilgrimage to meet oddess as She expresses Herself within the
sacred landscape of lastonbury and the sle of Avalon, in creative
ceremony, workshops, performances, talks, music, artworks, dance,
etc., as we see Her in each other and in the world around us.
To make a ilgrimage to oddess is to journey to Her holy places
as an act of spiritual devotion, an act of love for Her. t is both an
outer and an inner journey, at times individual, at times communal.
Throughout this year’s oddess Conference we are consciously
making our pilgrimage to olava, Lady of Avalon, in our ceremonies,
talks and workshops, as we walk on the land that is Her physical body,
as we journey through lastonbury’s sacred landscape visiting the
holy places. e are seeking to recogni e Her all around us, as She
shows Herself to us as we move through the Veil into Avalon, as we
breathe Her in with every breath.
ntering the mystical sle of Avalon is all about consciousness,
awareness and perception. t is about opening our hearts to Her as
we walk through the town of lastonbury and its countryside. t is
about listening to our intuition as we pass lightly through Her Veil of
ystery, recognising that there is more to life than meets the eye. t is
about seeking and finding the Lady within and beneath the surfaces
of the obvious. e can help each other to do this by holding focus,
staying connected to Her, by being aware.
As we begin our pilgrimage to the Lady in Avalon we open our
eyes, ears and consciousness to Her throughout the Conference. e
recognise Her all around us, in the earth of Her land, in the springs
and streams that arise from Her body, in the outer and inner fires
that warm our bodies, in our breath, in the wind, in the wide skies
above us, in the night time stars of Stella olava in the constellation
of rion. e open our hearts to Her resence, ready to experience
Her Treasures, which lie hidden in the land. e notice who comes
to us
birds, animals, people who appear at relevant moments.
Synchronicity marks the presence of oddess. e notice what we
see out of the corner of our eyes and allow what is there to reveal
itself to us, so that we may recognise Her.
As we walk from place to place in the landscape we make small
offerings of water, herbs, flower seeds or grains to scatter in gratitude
on the earth, wherever we stop to pray. All offerings are biodegradable
so that they return harmlessly back to Her body.
Treasure Priestesses
Eight dedicated Treasure Priestesses of Avalon hold the otherweb
of the Conference and facilitate ceremonies on behalf of the
whole Conference. The Lady of Avalon is in our Centre. e are
Anna-Saqqara Price, Kathy Jones, Katinka Soetens, Marion Van
Eupen, Michelle Patten, Sally Pullinger, Sharlea Sparrow & Sue
Quatermass. Through the days of the Conference we are each moving
around the heel of Avalon, from Tuesday to Sunday working with
and expressing a different facet of the Lady’s ama ing energy.
Thirteen Trove Circles
n arrival at Conference participants are invited to join one of Thirteen
Trove Circles for companionship and support. A Trove contains
Treasure the Treasure of our own Souls, the Treasure of oddess. Trove
Circles, led by Trove riestesses, gather throughout the Conference to
participate in ceremony together, to share experiences and to support
each other. e ask you to welcome and include newcomers in your
Trove Circle as well as old friends to the Conference.
Trove Priestesses
Thirteen Trove Priestesses of Avalon facilitate sharing and support
within each of the thirteen Trove Circles. They are Anna Bordin,
Bee Baganz-Dickinson, Daniel Homes, Gina Willow, Hildegard
Kirchweger, Jana Perales, Laura Ghianda, Luiza Frazao, Mary Bruce,
Miriam Raven, Regina Abukhadra, Saskia Basten & Vicki Phelps.
ther riest esses will help priestess in other ceremonies.
Looking After Yourself at the Goddess Conference
Lammas Lady of Avalon –
first Lady of Avalon Conference wall hanging by Willow Roe
Conference Melissae
Conference elissae are the busy worker bee priest esses who
support the ueen of the Hive. They play a vital role in the smooth
running of the oddess Conference and their work is focused by
elissa other Amanda Baker. elissae work in exchange for
conference tickets
sweeping floors, carrying paintings, sta ng
registration, looking after conferees and presenters. They include
Alexandra Cichon, Amanda Reeves, Amie Smith, Barbara Harriott,
Becky Johansson, Brian Harrison, Cathy Hookey, Ciska Gorree,
Dave Phelan, David Mitchell, Eunice Bourn, Greg Coppoletta, Jack
Bland-Friedrich, Joan Cichon, John Reeves, Julie Rivet, Laura Slowe,
Luna Neale, Manon Gallifrey, Marina Randich, Marisa Picardo,
Paola Blanton, Peter Wood, Sadhu Valakhilyas, Sandra Evers, Sara
Romadero, Scarlette Jiminez-Alder, Sian James, Silva Soetens, Steve
Patten & Sue Rushworth. Thank you all
Registration Team
The all important egistration Team is once again focused by the
fabulous Roz Bound, assisted by Conference elissae. They are here
to register Conferees, provide information and help with administration.
Talks, presentations, ceremonies and workshops take place in
lastonbury Town Hall,
oddess House,
oddess Hall, the
lastonbury xperience, lastonbury Assembly ooms and other
venues in the town, which are given at registration. See map for venue
locations. The Town Hall and the oddess Hall have disabled access.
lease ask for assistance in other places if you need it.
e hope that you have a happy and inspiring time at the oddess
Conference. t is a wonderful event where you can attend all sorts
of ceremonies, talks and workshops, meet old and new friends, and
leave feeling inspired and renewed. However, it can also be a very
intense experience and, if you haven’t been before, it can even be a
little overwhelming. t is important to look after yourself, so here are
some thoughts...
lease read the programme carefully. This will give you most
of the information that you might need in planning your time at the
Conference, together with details of which events might be unsuitable
for children. f you are unsure, please ask. There are lots of people at
the Conference who will be happy to hear any thoughts, feelings or
questions that you may have your Trove riestess, your Trove Circle
sisters and brothers, members of the Ceremonial roup, and other
Conference participants who may have attended before and be able
to guide you through.
oddess Conference is envisioned as a spiritually
transformative pilgrimage journey and this journey can be engaged
in as deeply as you wish. t weaves its way through all the days of the
Conference and each day is carefully designed to take participants
to a different place within themselves and to shift energy each day.
our journey may begin on the Fringe, or on Tuesday when you arrive,
leaving behind your everyday life and entering into oddess space,
with Blessing Ceremonies followed by the pening Ceremony. t
deepens through the days into the Heart of the ysteries on Friday.
e ground that journey on Saturday and Sunday. n this way we
hope to open new pathways for oddess to work in our lives. t is
not always obvious how this will happen and we all have a part in
weaving the extraordinary and unique experience that is the oddess
t is possible to attend the whole Conference or just for one or
two days, choosing what to go to during that time and what to take
away with you. ntention is important and on one level, it is possible
to engage in the Conference as little or as much as feels comfortable
to you. However the Conference is both an individual and a collective
journey and it is important to be aware that those around you may
be deep in the process, even if you aren’t. This can affect your own
thoughts and feelings.
Some of the ceremonies at the Conference may not be what
you are used to, and may seem quite different in some way. They are
powerful, transformative ceremonies and it is important to bear this
in mind when attending. The intention of each ceremony is described
in the programme, together with information about whether they are
suitable for children. f you have any questions or concerns please
speak to a priestess or registration.
t is very important at the Conference to take care of yourself,
knowing what you can and cannot do. The Conference is full of
wonderful things to see and do and you may want to experience
everything, but it is also important to know when you need some
quiet time away from the hurly burly. There are many beautiful places
to rest in, such as the oddess Temple, which is held by trainee
priestesses and priests of Avalon throughout the Conference the
xhibitions in the Assembly oom and the iracles oom or relax
in the oddess House Healing Spa see below). Glastonbury Abbey
grounds are close by and there is Chalice ell, the Tor, just walk in
the landscape. Trust your intuition when it tells you that you need to
rest, eat or just be.
After Conference is over be gentle with yourself. f possible
take time to ground yourself back into everyday life. Honour the
experiences that you have had and the pilgrimage journey that you
have taken. Be aware that feelings may come up suddenly, whether
high or low. f you have the opportunity and time, take a couple more
days off work, go back gently into the world and allow oddess to
speak to you. She wants nothing more than for us to take care of
e hope that you have a wonderful Conference
Special Support
f you have a sight, hearing or mobility di culty, a elissa is available
to facilitate as comfortable a passage as possible for you through the
Conference. Contact her through egistration.
Goddess House Healing Spa
Take care of yourself with relaxing healing therapies at Goddess House
Healing Spa, which is open daily in our wonderful new Goddess
House on
agdalene Street, just opposite the Abbey car park.
rganised by holistic therapist Annie Sapseed, our team of qualified
and experienced therapists offer a range of services, all designed with
your wellbeing in mind. Book yourself several inexpensive sessions,
minutes each or for an hour or more. n offer over the five
days of the conference we have the following Spa therapists and
treatments Anina Fox giving Deep Tissue assage, Aromatherapy,
eflexology, ndian Head
assage and
Acupressure. Anina is an experienced Holistic Therapist
Spiritual Counsellor living in and working in the magical place of
Glastonbury. Annie Sapsead offers luxurious, nourishing, relaxing
Aromatherapy assages with beautifully blended oils, eflexology,
ndian Head assage and eiki Treatments so that you are sure to feel
pampered and restored. Justine Bonner offers Thai assage, based
on ancient methods of releasing blocked energy by compressions,
stretching and lifting, on a clothed client laid on the floor. She also
offers Lomi Lomi massage, a sacred and sensuous Hawaiian assage
which works gently yet deeply on the muscles and psyche. And
Swedish massage, an all encompassing body treatment. Melanie
Ward offers Shiatsu and ndian Head assage to relax, transform pain,
di culty and stuckness. Shiatsu is a form of healing bodywork that
Goddess Ground
oddess round tells you about our intentions for the Conference
and the basis on which decisions are made. These are guidelines
and we retain the right to be flexible and to make exceptions and
changes for the good of the whole conference as necessary. e wish
• To create a six and nine day Sacred ilgrimage into the
ysteries of oddess upon the Holy sle of Avalon.
• To invite women and men from all over the world who love
Goddess to come to Glastonbury to join us in celebrating
Her living presence upon the sle of Avalon at Her festival
of Lammas and to create an open, loving space in which we
can all experience Her.
• To focus each year on a different face of the oddess
increasing our knowledge and experience of Her.
• To provide an interesting and varied selection of
ceremonies, rituals, talks, workshops, performances,
exhibitions and celebrations of oddess, and to provide a
forum where oddess ideas and artwork can be presented
in a friendly, oddess loving atmosphere.
connects deep into muscles, joints and underlying energy qi of the
body. So much to enjoy
Meeting the Needs of Children and Young People
e welcome children and young people to the oddess Conference.
we are providing participatory workshops for young
people between and
years of age, on ednesday, Saturday
. am . pm Thursday . am
. am, facilitated by Lina
Spyrou and her team. There will also be a longer day facilitated
by Lina, available on Friday from . am
. am, or through to
. pm, including morning workshop, afternoon workshop, supper
and an evening film, for additional fee of
per child paid at
registration. f staying all day please bring a packed lunch. Supper is
provided. lease book in at the beginning of the Conference. Children
are the responsibility of their parents at all times and we ask parents
to be sensitive to the needs of other conferees.
• To take participants to some of the special places on the sle
of Avalon.
• To present to the outside world the oddess work of British
resident women and men. The oddess Conference is one
of the few places in Brigit’s sles where women’s oddess
creativity is openly presented. e also invite selected
women and men from abroad with particular oddess
interests and connections to Glastonbury to present their
work at the conference.
• To provide a fee structure which allows the widest range of
women and men as possible to come to the conference and
which pays well those who do the work. There are arlybird
Bridie tickets which allow us to pay for printing brochures
and advertising the event early in the year, date related full
price tickets, and bursaries for single parents, unemployed,
disabled, pensioners, etc. There is also work in exchange
for tickets. ore than one third of those taking part in the
Conference are either paid presenters, priestesses, people in
receipt of bursaries, or working in exchange for tickets.
• To provide a market place for artists, performers and
participants who are presenting their oddess creativity at
the conference, so that they can reach a wider audience.
that will connect us back to our
deepest roots and the hidden memory
of this land.
Art xhibitions
th to Sun.
st July
Open daily 10.00 am - 5.00 pm, except during Conference
workshops / events.
Suzie Edwards Goose: Goddess
artist and ritual tattooist. Priestess of
Elen. I paint from the heart, a deep
calling to Goddess, Land and nature.
My soul lives in the deep forest and
wild mountains. I try to embody the
Wild in all I create.
THE CALL TO AVALON Exhibition created by AMBER SKYES,
Amber Skyes: My art is an allegorical representation of my connection
to the earth, elements and Goddess. I am inspired by wild places,
nature, mythology, of ancient stories held within the landscape and the
divine feminine. The guiding principle of my art is to evoke a deep
connection, a resonance between the painting and the viewer.
Freddie Miller creates stone carvings which explore our sacred
relationship with animals.
The Dark-Light Mother at West Kennet Long Barrow by Monica Sjoo.
The late Monica Sjoo was one of the artists at the 1st Goddess
Conference in 1996
Glastonbury Small Town Hall
Lady of Avalon Revival by Fleur Barnfeather
Internationally selling artist Fleur Barnfather has a world-wide
reputation for creating inspiring works of art that energise all that is
uplifting and wondrous in Life. As she paints another dimension of
energy leaps onto the canvas eager to Simmer, Pulsate and Reveal its
unique nature. People who have viewed her pictures have been moved
to tears or felt thrilling goose bumps. Emotions are stirred in a similar
way to when one hears a piece of music that just seems to command
time to stand still, touching something deep inside.
Hannah Willow: My inspiration comes from the land, wild places,
stories and folklore, poetry, myth and legend. I strive to capture the
hidden knowledge held within the landscape and spark rememberings
Delight in the creative GODDESS CRAFTWORK of artists
craftspeople brought together by MANDIE THORNE. They include
Cheryl Yambrach Rose Hall is a visionary artist, portrait painter and
researcher. Using historical data along with her psychic impressions, she
creates empowered oil paintings based on experiences in sacred sites
and other realms. She calls this ‘Neo-Mythic Art’®. Her book “Art
Through the Eyes of the Soul” released in 2010 is a rich collection of
these experiences. The associated Oracle deck was released in 2011.
Her recently released “Art Through the Starstream Oracle” connects
cultures and their stories to their origins in the stars and other worlds
where all possibilities and creations are waiting to be intuitively chosen.
She paints in her studio overlooking the Vales of Avalon. Website:
Ronnie Hudson
I am bringing statues and jewellery featuring Goddesses of the
Egyptian pantheon … Scarves, veils, headdresses, robes and lush
clothes, lovely ritual objects and sparkly stuff.
Lady of Avalon
by Cheryl Yambrach-Rose
Painted drum
by Elaine Morgan
Elaine Elluna Morgan of EllunaArt.
I am a self-taught artist mainly working in acrylics on, canvas, stone
and fixed frame drums.
Ember Vincent – From The Belly …
from the belly of the earth comes
clay, fire, water… I am a professional
ceramicist, a practicing pagan and a
mother and have been working with
clay for nearly 20 years. Some of the
first things I made from clay were
Goddesses – it seemed natural –
almost compulsive to shape a
female figure from the earthy mud I
held in my hand. When I create a
new image I work intuitively with
the clay. Sometimes I research a
particular Goddess first; sometimes
she just appears, emerging from the
clay and into the world. I will be bringing to the Goddess Conference a
collection of lovingly handmade ceramic Goddesses and related items for
reflection, inspiration, protection, comfort, reassurance, enjoyment, ritual,
practical use or anything in between! Website: www.embervincent.
co.uk Email: ember.vincent@fromthebelly.co.uk
Victoria Shillingford
Victoria Shillingford has her
silversmith workshop where she lives
in the heart of the Sussex countryside.
Here she creates jewellery using
inspiration from nature, wildlife, the
seasons, moon phases and dreaming.
She enjoys the sheer pleasure of
working with metal, stone, fire, water
and hammers ! Victoria adds beautiful
and unusual crystals and fossils into
jewellery pieces for the awe, wonder
and magic they bring the wearer. She
loves using both copper and silver
equally; Copper for its glorious
earthy ancestral feel, making tribal
and shamanic pieces that reflect this
and silver for the more subtle magical and etheric energies, again
making jewellery that reflect these qualities. Commissions taken for
that special, shamanic, ceremonial, magical, or celebratory piece of
jewellery. Facebook page ‘Victoria Shillingford the Jewellery Dreamer’.
See www.facebook.com/thejewellerydreamer
Miracles Room, The Courtyard, Glastonbury Experience
This exhibition is a celebration of the Lady of Avalon. A new collection
of works in a variety of media expressing The Lady in her spiraling
dance through each turn of the wheel, through each shif
shifting season
and all Her radiance. Come … into the Spiral …
Gwen Davies is really happy to be
back with her henna, hennaed drums
and artwork. Bespoke pieces a
speciality! www.gwendavies.com.
Karen Mander
Lady of Avalon by Tiana Pitman
th July
Conference Begins
opens in Glastonbury Town Hall.
ith apple juice and cider in celebration of Avalon Afallon the sle
of Apples. njoy beautiful oddess banners created by Lydia Ruyle,
Thalia Brown & Willow Roe in lastonbury Town Hall. Decorate the
central oddess, specially made by Foosiya Miller, with your offerings
of ribbons, beads, sparklies, etc. Light prayer candles at the main altar.
Sign up for Conference workshops and ampering sessions in
Goddess House Healing Spa. Sign up for oung eoples’ orkshops.
Connect with friends in the Rainbow Circle of Diversity.
Town Hall, Assembly ooms and iracles oom in the lastonbury
10.00 am - 11.15 am WELCOME CIRCLE
elcome to lastonbury with reen Councillor
ayor Jon Cousins
ntroduction of participants, presenters and artists. ntroductory
announcements with Kathy and the Conference Spinners, plus first
Trove Circles with Trove Priestesses.
11.15 am Coffee Break
Lydia Ruyle is the artist scholar whose wonderful
oddess con banners, have graced the
oddess Conference over many years. Lydia and
now her family, generously allow us to display
these wonderful ancient images of oddess
from many cultures of the world and to process them with honour
through our sacred landscape. Lydia is one our dearest Soul Sisters
who passed to the embrace of oddess and the reat Beyond on
th arch
Katie Hoffner is Lydia’s niece, who will celebrate
and honour her aunt with us. atie o ner is a
community leader, social-entrepreneur and changemaker based in Fort Collins, Colorado USA. She
brings passion and magic to the work she does in the
world. In November 2014, Katie completed the
Foundation Program for Theory U and since then has
been sharing this phenomenal process with others
who want to create from their emerging future !
LAND OF AVALON – a visual presentation
To connect with the Lady of Avalon is to connect with Her sacred
sle. To work with the Lady involves becoming aware of and visiting
different parts of the sland that is Her body. n this presentation will
take you to on a visual journey exploring all the beauty and magic that
is the sle of Avalon and therefore the Lady of Avalon.
Marion Brigantia van Eupen I am a Priestess of Brighde and Priestess
of Avalon. As a full-time Priestess I reclaim, celebrate and serve
Goddess through my work ‘Priestessing for You !’
which is all about being in service to Goddess as
well to the people who come to me for Priest/ess
of Brighde Trainings, Sacred Tours on the Land,
Ceremony, Workshops, Oracle Readings,
Shamanic Drumming, etc. My biggest joy is
connecting with Goddess within and without: to
Her land, Her nature, Her people and ‘Her-story’,
the story of Goddess. Walking Her pathways for me is connecting with
the Great Mother in all Her elements, and where better to do this than
on Her body which is the Isle of Avalon. By teaching and taking people
on walks and tours I hope to help them make these connections,
through the paths She o ers, through the tales She tells, through sacred
Ceremony and the Beauty of Her Nature. It is my belief that by
connecting with Her in the Land, you are able to connect deeply with
yourself and others. In this way I hope to spread Her Loving Energy in
the world. For more information about my work, please go to: www.
priestessingforyou.com or mail priestessingforyou@live.co.uk
– Learning chants for the Opening Ceremony
Priestess of Avalon Sally Pullinger is a
professional medium, healer, composer, musician
& grandmother, who has lived in Avalon for 34
years. She has written many songs and music for
the Goddess Conference for over ten years,
including her song-cycle for VocalAna, and also
with her son Jerome O’Connell, a more rock and
roll style of music for their Goddess Band, Divine
Roots, worshipping Goddess through song and
strong dance beats. She is also Musical Director of the well-loved local
Avalonian Free State Choir. Sally has been a medium for 40 years, and
now runs her own mystery school with her daughter Sophie Pullinger,
assisting many to find their own uni ue path of spiritual self
development. See www.deepsoulconnection.com/
1.00 - 2.30 pm Lunch
This year the Town Hall caf is once again open with delicious meals
and snacks will be available. lease support this local oddess caf
or eat in any of the many good cafes and restaurants in lastonbury
Journey consciously and prayerfully in your Trove Circle with your
Trove riestess to receive the Lady’s blessings of arth, ater, Fire, Air
and Space, preparing yourself for tonight’s pening Ceremony and
for the whole Conference.
Please meet your Trove Priestess outside the Town Hall ready to begin
walking at 2.30 pm.
Trove Circles begin their journey at each of four different Sacred
Please ensure that you arrive
on time to begin promptly
Spaces and walk between those spaces through the afternoon.
The Blessings of Air can be received at the oddess Hall, Benedict
The Blessings of Fire can be received in the Town Hall Temple
The Blessings of Water can be received at the oddess Hall
The Blessings of Earth can be received in the Assembly ooms Art
xhibition Space
here is elissa help for those who have di culty moving between venues.
Facilitated by the Ceremonial Circle of Treasure riestesses of Avalon
Trove Circles, Dance from SAUCCO DE TRIVIA, oetry from ROSE
ou might like to wear your Conference clothing that expresses the
violet radiance of the Lady of Avalon, ranging from pale lilac to deep
purple, as well as silver, gold and mist.
Treasure Priestesses of Avalon in the Ceremonial Circle:
Anna-Saqqara Price is a Priestess of Avalon, of
Rhiannon and SoulStar Priestess of Isis( Esa Esa).
She loves to work bringing the healing love of the
Goddess through in all that she does. She is a
experienced Priestess, Ceremonialist and Healer,
living and working on the Isle of Avalon for over
13 yrs, where she has been involved in the
Glastonbury Goddess Temple Priestessing at the
seasonal festivals, and healing days, at the annual
Goddess Conference, and now in Goddess House as a Healer. It is her
joy and passion to embody Goddess and to channel her loving presences
in ritual arts, dance / prayerformance, healing and crafts, making incense,
smudge fans, ceremonial robes, etc. She loves teaching and leading
workshops that empower others to find their own creative soul
expression, through the arts and leads Soul development healing
sessions both for groups and individuals. She is a Soul Development
Facilitator for Soul Support Systems UK and has studied trance work for
many years with Sally Pullinger, working with Chung Fu & Esa Esa. She
loves to combine Soul development work with natural horsemanship,
and equine assisted learning which creates a deeply grounding nurturing,
shamanic healing experience for both horse and human. She currently
runs Spirit Horse soul-focused retreats in Burleigh, Stroud, and equine
assisted therapy sessions for personal development and growth at
Heartshore Stables. See www.goddesstemplepriestesses.com or
soultempleweavers.com or www.goddesshoushealing.co.uk
Kathy Jones is a Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of
Goddess, Founder and Webster of Glastonbury
Goddess Conference, Founder, Creative Director
& Temple Weaver of Glastonbury Goddess
Temple, Goddess Hall & Goddess House &
Motherworld Initiator. She has lived on the Isle of
Avalon in Glastonbury for 38+ years and loves this
sacred land of Goddess. She is a ceremonialist,
teacher, writer, wounded healer, initiator, Temple
Melissa and sacred dramatist. She is the author of several acclaimed
Goddess books, including ‘Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess’,
he ncient ritish Goddess
In the ature of valon. athy o ers
with riestesses ichelle atten
rin cCauli , a year training to
become a Priestess or Priest of Avalon, and other Goddess, Soul &
Emotional Healing trainings. See www.kathyjones.co.uk
Katinka Soetens is Priestess of Avalon and of
Rhiannon, Goddess of Love. Mother of three, and
originally from the Netherlands, she lives in
Glastonbury. She serves Goddess as movement
meditation workshop facilitator, teacher of the
sacred mysteries, doula, natural active birth worker,
tantric massage therapist, shadow huntress and
sexual healer. Katinka holds ceremonies and
workshops in the UK and abroad as part of Her
Path of Love: the Mirror of the Goddess within and all around us,
grounded in the indigenous spirituality of the Celtic / European Lands.
She guides Goddess Tours to ancient powerful Goddess places in
Europe and facilitates individual and couple healing sessions. She runs
a two year Priestess of Rhiannon training for Glastonbury Goddess
Temple, as well as a year long empowerment Soul Quest ‘Brotherhood
of Rhiannon’ for men. She is director and creator of the Modern
Magdalene Mystery School, which is a MotherWorld business. Katinka
works with movement, touch, breath, sound, intimacy, embodiment
and meditation and writes a regular newsletter. Her website is www.
Marion van Eupen See this morning for Marion’s biog.
Michelle Patten is a Priestess of Avalon and of
Rhiannon. She lives in Glastonbury with her
wonderful husband Steve, and a menagerie of
delightful pets! She is a Montessori teacher by
profession, currently running the Goddess Temple
Discovery training and holding her own Goddess
of your Heart year-long training She is overjoyed
to be teaching the First Spiral of the Priestess of
Avalon training from Samhain 2016. The Lady
changes everything She touches – and Michelle provides gentle and
unwavering support for her students in their journeys, knowing that
they hold enormous untapped potential in Goddess. Michelle is
delighted to be part of the ceremonial group, helping to create the
transformational magic of this wonderful Conference !
Sally Pullinger See this morning am for biog.
Sharlea Sparrow is a Priestess of Avalon and is
looking forward to her third year as a Conference
Ceremonialist. Sharlea is one of the Glastonbury
Goddess Temple Wedding Celebrants and Registrars.
Sharlea is honoured to have been able to take on this
role after the Temple became the first Goddess
Temple to be licensed in England to conduct legal
sacred marriages. For more information please visit
Sue Quatermass – I am Priestess of Avalon, soul
midwife and healer, artist, grandmother, mother
and child. I am Goddess-loving, heart-opening,
creative Inspiritrice, a facilitator of experience,
shape-shifter and woman of Earth and Clay. I am
creative weaver of Goddess Temple Gifts, the
Goddess Temple’s shop in the Courtyard of the
Please read this programme carefully
Glastonbury Experience, and my love and service is to bring Goddess
imagery into 21st Century global culture. For Goddess Temple Gifts go
to www.goddesstemplegifts.co.uk
Performers and Musicians include:
Heloise Pilkington has always walked a
combined path of music and healing. For the last
17 years she has toured and performed extensively
in the UK and Europe with her acappella trio ‘The
Madrigirls’, whilst also working as a psychic
medium, healer and ceremonialist. In 2013 she
released her album ‘Lady of Avalon’, a collection
of songs and invocations celebrating the Great
Goddess who lies in the sacred land of Glastonbury.
She loves working with individuals and groups, creating a sacred space
where people can experience the healing energy of the divine feminine
through sound. www.heloisepilkington.com
Jerome O’Connell plays cello, bass and many
other instruments. He loves to sing and compose
in a wide variety of styles and genres. Jerome’s
education has been one of spirituality, music and
the healing arts. He has also been training as a
medium and healer for over 10 years with Sally
Pullinger, his mother, and with her Spirit Guide
Old Chinese (Chung Fu). Jerome runs his own
recording studio and plays in several bands. He
has been on a deep and beautiful journey with Goddess and his Spirit
Guides in the creation and development of magical soundscapes that
heal, hold, nurture and create feelings of love and peace deep inside.
His soundscapes for the Glastonbury Goddess Conference Opening
Ceremonies have been a wonderful magical support for the Ceremonial
Priestesses during the last five years. Jerome’s Goddess Conference
Soundscapes are available and may be purchased from the Goddess
Temple Gifts Shop in Glastonbury. Jerome’s music may be sampled at:
Saucco offers his dance in ceremonies and rituals for
the Goddess. In his professional career he has
danced with the National Ballet of Spain and in
collaboration with the Paris Opera at the Teatro Real
in Madrid. He has danced for the kings of Spain in
private receptions. As dance teacher and director of
his own company Saucco combines his spiritual life
and dance dedicated to the Goddess. https://
Sophie Pullinger is a mother of two and has lived
most of her life in Glastonbury. Sophie channels
her guides in many different ways, working
especially with sacred sounds and creating heartheld space for emotional self-exploration and
personal transformation. She is a deep soul
therapist and counselor. Sophie loves people and
is passionate about this deep work of
empowerment – she is a good ally to have in
those hard to reach soul places. See www.deepsoulconnection.com/
Lydia Lite is a renowned Glastonbury musician
who works internationally teaching and playing
shamanic drumming with various traditions and
groups, exploring individuality and collective
creativity in her work with others. She plays
regularly with Silver on the Tree, Wild Women,
Vocal Ana, Julie Felix and in the Goddess
Rose Flint is a Priestess Poet, whose poetry is
aligned to the Goddess on the wheel of the year.
She has brought together a new collection of
poems, prayers and incantations honouring
Goddess in the land. Rose has been working for
Mother Earth in the Green movement for many
years. She is an award-winning poet, receiving
two international prizes for her work – the Petra
Kenny Prize and the Cardiff International. See
photo Ann Cook her poems on www.goddess-pages.com/
Lady of Avalon sculpture by Rhea Silvia
Saucco de Trivia is a professional Dancer, a Master of Ceremonies into the
Celtic Reclaiming Tradition and an active member of that community. He is
Dancer of the Goddess and Priest of Iberia in Spain. As a Sacred Dancer
Programme Design- Paul Williment: brighid.design@mac.com
The Lady of Avalon,
olava of the Sacred Land
apple blossom, in the hum of honey bees. She is the air we breathe. n
autumn Her winds blow away the cobwebs in our minds. e hear Her
in the call of Her doves, of the circling orgen crows, Her swooping
ravens, in the great flocks of starlings that move as one across the
winter water meadows, in the tapping of the green woodpecker on the
bark of the Summerland trees.
She is the Sacred ing of Fire that encircles the slopes of
lastonbury Tor. She is the Fire of Creativity and assion, rising as
There is no historical or even mythic record of who the Lady of Avalon
is. hile there is an ancient story told of orgen la Fey, one of ine kundalini in our bodies, in the land, sparking change and transformation
orgen Sisters who inhabit the sle of Avalon, the Lady of Avalon is a within us all.
She is the ed and hite healing waters, the alchemical blend
oddess who has potently emerged only in the last
years. et Her
name is redolent with ystery and eaning, and She calls to many that emerges from the earth in the valley between the Tor and Chalice
people in the present day. n lastonbury. She has revealed Herself Hill. She is the Source of the many sacred springs that arise all over
Her body bringing watery emotion to the surface of
to us through our experiences of Her within Her
the land. She is the vessel of feminine power and
sacred landscape, through
years of creating
the stillness found at the centre of every container.
oddess Conference, in celebrating Her
The Holy rael of aiden nnocence, the Lover’s
different faces in seasonal ceremonies, through
Cup, the other’s Chalice and the Cauldron of
the riestess of Avalon Trainings, through the birth
the Crone belong to Her. She is the hite Lady,
and development of lastonbury oddess Temple
the white and violet tinged mist that clothes the
and all our subsequent creations for Her, and in the
land in autumn and spring, hiding Her face from
daily ractice of Her resence. The Lady continues
all who would venture unaware beyond Her Veil
to reveal more of Herself and of the perfection of
into Avalon. She is ystress of the Lake of ysts
Her ways each day, to all who instinctively love
Topographical map of the Isle of
we must cross to enter into Avalon. She is Lady of
Avalon by Simant Bostoc
the Lake of Avalon.
The Lady of Avalon is oddess of the Sacred
She is the beauty of Her nature, the sensuous
sle of Avalon, the lace of Apples. She is oddess
wonder of Her natural forms, the soft curves of the
of Love, Discernment, Truth, Transformation and
hills, the tree lined clefts. As we walk Her land
Deep Soul Healing. Her familiar name is olava
olava comes to us in visions through the Veil of
the irror of Avalon. She is the Treasure hidden
Avalon in the forms of a woman, young as a girl,
in the Land of Avalon. She is the Transforming
mature and beautiful or as an old woman. She
Healing ower of Avalon. She is Avallonia Lady
appears in a bla e of rainbow and violet light or
of Apples. She is Lady of ists, Lady of the Lake
as a wispy, misty form, only partly visible to the
of ists and Lady of the Lake of Avalon. She is
human eye. She appears in our meditations, in
orgen La Fey
eeper of the
ysteries of
Lover / Mother in the Landscape
our journeys. e meet Her in our dreams, in our
Avalon. She is eaver of the eb, Shapeshifter,
(Foosiya Miller)
imagination. She communicates with us in sound,
ayshower, Apple oman, Lady of Time, alker
words, music and art. She can be found wherever
between the
orlds, Sovereign, Shining ne
we walk upon the sacred land that is Avalon. She is
and Faery oman with Her Deer, aven, Cat and
the relief we feel when we journey from the harsh
storms of st century life into Her calm paradise,
The physical landscape of lastonbury is
for She is our arth, our round of Being. She is
the uterworld expression of the mythical sle of
our Home.
Avalon, the sacred land where oddess lives and
hen we meet Her She communicates with
has always been loved. The life forms of the Lady
us about life in the world and the great mysteries of
of Avalon are visible within the contours of the
birth, life, relationship, death and the great beyond.
lastonbury Avalon landscape. ach is delineated
Swan & Crone in the landscape
She is especially connected to the feminine
by natural features of the landscape, which
(Foosiya Miller)
ysteries, the bearing of new life, the nurturance
are superimposed upon one another, showing
different faces from different perspectives, for the Lady is mutable of life, the care and support for all life, the relationships between all
and unfixed. Her aiden form is visible from above as a great Swan forms of life, the ending of life in death, and life after death. She is
aiden flying, wings outspread, across the Summerland, from the the ne who takes us across the reat aters to the ther Side in
northeast to the southwest. ithin the same boundaries She can be the Barge of Avalon. She walks with us into the worlds beyond form,
seen as olava the Lover, a soft luscious green woman whose body into the inner worlds, into the discarnate worlds. She brings us to
encompasses the whole of the land which rises above the surrounding the essence of who we are as energy beings, as spirits, for She is the
flat Summerlands, which lie at sea level. As Lover Her earth lies open wildness that loosens all bonds, releasing us into the freedom to be
and receptive to the elements, to sun, moon, wind and rain. She who we are, soul infused beings alive now on Her beautiful body.
xpress your devotion to Her in the Lady’s rayer ractice, which
also appears as reat other olava, whose fertile pregnant body
continually gives birth to the town of lastonbury from between Her includes body movements and mudras, which connect to and awaken
widespread legs, and to all that is ew. n the upper contours of each of the seven major chakras in the body. oddess spirituality
the landscape She is visible as a bent old Crone with Her Cauldron is incarnate in the body. oving the physical body moves spiritual
of Transformation, the ne who knows all, who takes us deeply and energy. ake Her prayer your own and share it with others.
ou can find out more about Her in my books, ‘ n the ature of
often precipitously into our Shadow selves, that we might be healed.
The Lady comes to us as a gentle breeze on a summer’s day as Avalon’ and ‘ riestess of Avalon, riestess of the oddess’ by athy
we stroll in the rchards of Avalon. She is here in the sweet scent of Jones, Ariadne ublications. www.kathyjones.co.uk.
th July
The Treasures of Avalon
Every day Wednesday to Saturday:
Each morning for the early birds
CIRCLE in the Goddess Temple
Each morning Louise Tarrier will facilitate a space for prayer in the
oddess Temple. These prayers will weave together the conference
experience, and we will offer them up body and soul, through
authentic movement, mantra and song. e will listen to the wisdom
of the Lady holding Her words close to our hearts, be held in Her
silence, and offer our prayers of surrender and love. The oddess
Conference is a spiritual pilgrimage and this is a time for us to connect
to the oddess as She reveals Herself in Avalon. This morning act of
prayer in beauty, peace and love is open to all conference participants.
Louise Tarrier is a Priestess of Avalon, author and creative facilitator.
Working with individuals and groups she helps them to access their
inner creativity and to explore the relationship between Goddess and
the creative process. She uses art, writing, dance and music, and takes
her inspiration from Earth-based practices. Her personal practice is one
of prayer and she believes that when we come together in prayer that
the impact in our internal and e ternal world is magnified. She is author
of the way of the ‘Sea Priestess – an Inner Path’. See Facebook
#seapriestesspath, www.onedropof.co.uk, Twitter @ltarrier
9.30 am - 1.00 pm Wednesday-Saturday mornings
YOUNG PEOPLE’S WORKSHOPS 8-18 years, begin in the
Goddess Hall.
The oung eople’s morning workshops are designed to help young
people to enter into the spirit of the oddess Conference, learning
songs, being creative and having fun. They run from . am . pm
ednesday and Saturday. n Thursday they run . am
. am,
after which young people can join in the main Conference activities. n
Friday workshops run from . am
. am, or through to . pm,
including morning workshop, afternoon workshop, supper and an
evening film, for additional fee of £15 per child paid at registration. f
staying all day please bring a packed lunch, supper is provided.
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Conference in the Town Hall begins with: CEREMONIAL
OPENING of the day by this year’s First Spiral trainee riest esses of
Avalon including Carole Anne Turner, Estelle Davenport, Eunice
Bourne-Fernley, Julie Collet, Linda Matthews, Lyz Barnard, Mandy
Skeels, Marina Randich, Mary Sutcliff, Olivia Church, Sara Ramadoro,
Saucco de Trivia & Sian James. These students are also generously
opening taking care of the oddess Temple throughout the Conference.
Followed by announcements with ystresses of Ceremony, Kathy
Jones & Katinka Soetens
Presentations from:
y own journey to Avalon has been a spiral that began even before
my own birth. Throughout my life, events both in the material world
and in the inner world have interconnected to shape who am, and
the other oddess has been a presence in many forms birth
mother, adoption mother, step mother, wise mother, ancestral spirit
mother … And in that interlinking chain, births that carry the energy
See Tuesday eve for Rose’s biog.
10.10 am CHRISTINE WATKINS-YNYS: Ships set sail …
Ships set sail and pilgrims travel steadily on towards the island of their
hearts, where maps falter and the night sky is unfamiliar. Drawing
on descriptions of nys Afallon from elsh texts as well as her own
journeys, Christine atkins weaves an island story as it calls though
time to a girl-child stood shoulder-deep in buttercups beside the
iver sk.
Christine Watkins, storyteller priestess: I’ve been
a writer and theatre maker for over thirty years.
During that time my work has been produced by
many and various theatre companies, as well as
Welsh National Opera, the British Film Institute,
BBC, S4C. I initiated as a Priestess of Avalon in
2014. I continue working in collaboration with
wonderful musicians, artists, scientists, exploring
ever further along the pathways of mythmaking
and the sacred feminine – a fabulous path of service and re-membering.
See www.honeysuckledirection.org
omen are hungry for the mysteries. e are hunting for our authentic
selves, our power fueled by the roots of the Sacred Deep Feminine,
and connection with life, a life lived with meaning.
ALisa Starkweather has been involved with
women’s empowerment and spirituality for over
three decades and is the visionary founder of the
Red Tent Temple Movement, Daughters of the
Earth Gatherings, the Women’s Belly and Womb
Conferences, and the acclaimed women’s 13
weekend mystery school, Priestess Path
pprenticeship. Certified facilitator of Shadow
DISCLAIMER : We are unable to accept responsibility for accidents which occur while Conference participants
are out walking in the landscape, or moving between workshops / ceremonial spaces.
Please make your own arrangements for personal travel insurance if you should require it.
PLEASE NOTE : The Conference is a smoke free and mobile telephone free zone
Please leave your mobile switched off in all Conference spaces
Do not use flash photography during ceremonies, talks, performances, etc.
Always ask people if they mind having their photographs taken.
10 |
Work, ALisa is also the co-founder of the international archetypal
program, Women in Power: Initiating Ourselves to the Predator Within.
She is co producer of the film hings We on t alk bout; Women s
Stories from the Red Tent and is published in the anthologies, Women,
Spirituality and ransformative eadership; Where Grace eets ower,
Stepping Into Ourselves and Voices of the Sacred Feminine. Her online
Fierce Feminine Life course teaches women to move forward with
conviction and vulnerability hand in hand. ALisa has three CD recordings
of her chants and spoken word.www.alisastarkweather.com www.
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Caf .
Starhawk speaks informally of over three decades of oddess and
earth based spirituality, writing and social activism, exploring how
writing, ritual making and trouble making interact, and telling stories
from her travels and broad range of interactions. Catch her perspective
on world events, and her personal tips for making sense of the mess
this planet is in, whether it’s in our backyards or across the globe.
She reads from her newest book, ‘City of efuge’, the sequel to her
ecotopian novel ‘The Fifth Sacred Thing’.
Starhawk is one of the most respected voices in
modern earth-based spirituality. She is a cofounder
of Reclaiming, an activist branch of modern Pagan
religion, and continues to work closely with the
Reclaiming community. She is the author or
co-author of twelve books, including ‘The Spiral
Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the
Great Goddess’, long considered the essential text
for the Neo-Pagan movement, and the nowphoto Ann Cook classic ecotopian novel ‘The Fifth Sacred Thing’,
now in development for film and television.
Starhawk s most recent non fiction book is he mpowerment anual
Guide for Collaborative Groups, on group dynamics, power, conflict
and communications. In 2016 she publishes ‘City of Refuge’, the longawaited sequel to ‘The Fifth Sacred Thing’. www.starhawk.org.
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm Lunch
n the Town Hall Cafe or any of the many great caf s and restaurants
in town.
1.30 pm - 2.30 pm Glastonbury Assembly Rooms
Eat before or bring your lunch. Open to non-Conferees.
Join pioneering pagan musician and singer Ruth Barrett for an
enchanting concert of original goddess songs, chants, and traditional
magickal songs and music from the Celtic tradition. uth features the
mountain dulcimer, a native instrument from the eastern .S. and
played in a classical fingerpicking style. Her concert will feature songs
of oddesses of the land and sea.
Ruth Barrett is an ordained Dianic High Priestess, seasoned ritualist,
and award-winning recording artist of original Goddess songs. She is a
mountain dulcimer artist and vocalist, and among the pioneering
musicians in the pagan and Goddess Spirituality Movements since the
early 1980’s. With eleven magical CDs to date, and most recently,
Songs of the Otherworld, Ruth gives concert
performances set in the Wheel of the Year. Ruth is
author of Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries:
Intuitive Ritual Creation, and has contributed to
many anthologies including Foremothers Of The
Women’s Spirituality Movement: Elders and
Visionaries (2015). Ruth has been teaching
magical and ritual skills throughout the USA since
1980, including her mystery school called The
Spiral Door. With Falcon River, she co-founded the Temple of Diana, a
national Dianic feminist Temple, and also teaches ritual arts through
Cherry Hill Seminary. In 2015, Ruth was honored to give a Concert for
Mother Gaia at The Parliament of the World’s Religions, and the
spirituality keynote address for The National Women’s Music Festival.
Kellianna plays Songs
yth And
Kellianna is an American Neo-Celtic artist
internationally renowned for her powerful
performance of song and chant inspired by myth,
magic, sacred places and ancient times. With
guitar and vocals, this storyteller brings to life the
glories and sagas of the Goddesses and Gods.
Using frame drum and chant she honors the Earth
and the Ancestors with primal rhythms and
captivating lyrics. www.kellianna.com
3.00 pm - 10.00 pm SEEKING & FINDING TREASURE
ilgrimage through the Sacred Landscape of Avalon with your TROVE,
walking upon the body of the LAD of AVAL
in Her landscape,
seeking and finding Her TREASURES OF AVALON.
By kind permission of the landowners we will visit Avalloka, Chalice
ell, Chalice Hill and Bushey Coombe. e will dig deep in the earth
for Her Treasures, play music, drum, dance and sing. There will be an
eightfold mbodiment of the Lady of Avalon in Her different aspects
offered on Her land. The evening ends with a Lammas Bonfire.
Please bring snacks, drinks & packed supper to eat outside on the
land. Something to sit on if the grass is damp. Drums and rattles. Wear
suitable shoes and weather dependent clothing, with something warm
for the evening. A torch to light your way home.
There will be musical contributions
from Jana Runnalls with Grandmother Drum, and from the various
musicians, priestesses and groups
from overseas who are attending
the Conference Alejandro Reyes
group from exico, ALisa
S group, Dov
sraeli group, Jana Perales,
Iranzu Aspiroz Spanish priestesses,
Julie Felix, Katka Kramolisova
C ech
Slovak priestesses,
S group, Ruth Barrett
S group, Sarah Perini &
talian priestesses, and Stephanie Schudel Swiss group.
ith a dance performance of ECHOES OF SHADOW: LADY OF
BLACK DIRT & WINGS Sacred performance: dance, song, poetry
| 11
practice of European Panantheism (yes, not ‘pantheism’) and Ritual
Magic. I am trained in Tantra (Yoga, therapy, bodywork and meditation),
in devotional dances from the ancestral feminine traditions of the
Middle East, Northern Africa and South Europe, and in conscious
movement, coaching and Emotional Intelligence.
There is a thread. t is the fine string of Her hair. t is the web of Her
spider hands, She is weaving, and moaning, and crying. She is birthing
and dying. She is calling. will write this story now. t is carved in my
bones and yours. Ancestral steps under our feet, sacred bodies buried
so deep oots of life, iver under the river. Dust within dust. will
dance now to ou, other, we shall dance now to ou.
Lila Nuit: I was born and raised in the countryside, observing myself in
the seasons on Earth. A great part of my learning is from experiencing,
hands-on, Mother (Matter) – Nature – source of life and key to wisdom.
I have a degree in Institutional communication. I am a self-taught
herbalist, crystal and dream therapist and conscious cook. I am a ritual
dancer, having studied Oriental and Organic Movement with the artist
and medicine woman Iris Lican, with art activist Mariana Lemos and
with musician Baltazar Molina. I am part of the cooperative project
Senhora d’Azenha and it’s related projects: Contemporary Medicine
Women Institute, Corpo Terra Studio and Cozinha das Bruxas (the
Dancing Witches’ Kitchen). I teach holistic herbalism focusing on
incenses, essences, elixirs, conscious cooking and stiry-telling. I have
created the project Earthwalking (bare foot walking retreats in wild
nature), Corpo Essência (crystal therapy) and Delphos Seeds oracle. I
aim to o er an integrated work of healing and self development. y
whichever of these paths, the choice is always an expression of Pure
Life in movement, consciously creating what each moment requires in
connection to All in resonance.
Iris Lican: I am a Dance Artist, Medicine Woman, Therapist and Doula.
I am mother, woman, sister, lover, companion, friend, animal and
mostly a being at the absolute service of all beings in the heart of the
Mother Goddess. As did the ancestors, I believe that the artist, healer,
philosopher and witch are one, in dynamic integrity. This is the basis of
my work, be it bodywork, ritual, birth or soul journeys In Portugal, my
homeland, I created the Contemporary Medicine Woman Institute (a
school of holistic therapies, art, health, nutrition, birth and death), the
cooperative Senhora d’Azenha (a retreat center in nature) and I
coordinate a Tantra Yoga, Feminine Practices and Sacred Dance studio
in Lisbon. Although young, I have 20 years experience of study and
Conference Venues 2016
Old Wells
Bushey Combe
tt La
ll St
Bulwarks Lane
Silver St.
8 21
ers Hill
Street Fish
t Roa
Bove Town
ok St.
5 20
Post Office
Rowley Roa
ict Str
Butt C
High Str
Wells Ro
St. Edmunds
rs Way
The Arche
12 |
Sandpits Rd
Manor H
Chinnock Road
se Road
Goddess Temple
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience)
Goddess Hall, Benedict Street
Goddess House, Magdalene Street
Town Hall
Assembly Rooms
Avalon Room
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience
Miracles Room
(upstairs in Glastonbury Experience)
Conservative Club
Methodist Hall
Glastonbury Tor
Chalice Hill
Chalice Well
Bushey Combe
White Spring
United Reform Church
St. Benedict’s Church
The Avalon Centre
George and Pilgrims Hotel
Lazy Gecko
Excalibur Cafe
100 Monkeys
Abbey Car Park
Car Park
ere L
ell S
To th
th July
pening to Her
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Ceremony in the Town Hall
ith nd Spiral trainee riestesses of Avalon Angie Gerrey, Annie
Sapsead, Claire Paveley, Janet Parfitt, Joanne Britton, June
Somerville, Marga Nobell, Maya Vasello, Sarah Harris, Sharon
Watkins, Tressy Driver & Zindra Andersson.
Plus announcements.
Presentations from:
come to weave with you strands of my quest to penetrate the
arden of the Lady, to reach Avalon a quest guided by Love, yet
as befits a Fool’s quest, so oft seemingly misguided. For come into
Her presence by indirection, through the labyrinth as patriarchal ma e
archetypally a longissima via the longest possible route to the
centre. et of such roads, the poet illiam Blake reflects, f the Fool
would persist in her folly, she would become wise. A daughter of
patriarchy, as a child followed my dead father into the nderworld,
like Alice down the rabbit hole, and seeking him, took up in turns my
favoured role of mistress, and later a more reluctant bride. et those
have called beloved, by virtue or betrayal, have led me inescapably
back to myself. Her hand unerringly present, the oddess revealed
Herself first as Ariadne, true ystress of the Labyrinth in which
wandered, claiming me as elissa to sing the songlines of the soul of
Her Ariadnian heel. Calling me home to lastonbury, to the Tor as
axis mundi, and into Her presence as the Lady to enter the longed for
Avalon first recogni ed as a child in Alice’s onderland quest to get
into the garden. At long last neither too large nor too small in her my
transformations to grasp the key and pass through the doorway portal.
Alexandra Cichon Ph.D. becoming Priestess of
Avalon, I am seeker, wanderer, writer and a weaver
of Goddess spirituality with sacred drama,
psychology, and psychodrama. I received my
doctorate in the tradition of depth / imaginal
psychology from acifica Graduate Institute in
California. Called as Her Melissa to reclaim the
Wheel of Ariadne of Bronze Age Crete, my
dissertation was a revisioning of the myth of the
Goddess Ariadne. As actor, I am honoured to be a recipient of the
Oxford University Dramatic Society’s Best Actress Award, for a
performance piece I conceived and directed for ensemble on the
Sumerian Goddesses Inanna and Ereshkigal, and in the States, recipient
of the oseph e erson ward non uity for erformance. I
co-directed, with the playwright, the premiere of Commedia at the
Oxford University Playhouse, (a work in the improvisatorial Commedia
dell rte tradition ; and my written reflections on improvisation as
entry into parallel universes are published in the 2014-2015 Double
Dealer, literary journal of New Orleans’ Faulkner Society. As a theatrical
collagist, I am a bricoleur-ragwoman, sweeping up bits of reverie, myth,
dream, image, sound, literary and esoteric fragments, shaping them into
a new vision / context, as our dreaming psyche nightly re-assembles the
remnants of the day. Email alexandracic@sbcglobal.net
will talk about my memories, calling and longing for the ‘ sle of
riestesses’ knew was in the
before knew anything about
lastonbury, and Avalon. remember Brian Ferry’s song ‘Avalon’ in
s and how much this word Avalon resonated in my heart like
a gentle bree e … whispering … and the longing didn’t understand
ow do …
Ma Gita Fireswan Wigren, Priestess of Avalon,
Rhiannon and Hel, has her roots in a blood-line of
Wise Women / Witches and Shamanism. She is
the founder of the first Swedish Goddess emple
‘Hels Vi’ which opened in 2006. She also works as
a teacher in Woman groups, Moonlodges,
Priestess training. She is a psychic medium,
therapist, soul healer and ‘shadow hunter’. As a
mother of three children with six grandchildren
she is very committed as a Keeper of the Goddess Flame and the
Childrens’ Fire.
Carolyn Hillyer is an artist, musician, writer and
traditional drum maker who lives and works in the
deep heart of Dartmoor’s wild hills. She is the host
of Thirteen Moons international women’s festival
at her moorland farm, where many of the workshop
journeys that she creates also take place. She
travels widely with her work, from Japan to Canada
to Arctic Siberia. She has been a regular presenter
at the Goddess Conference since the very first one,
sometimes exhibiting her life-size paintings here in shrine installations.
This year she will share songs from her recent album The Wyched Wombe,
as well as women’s mystery tales from her newly published ‘Weavers’
Oracle’, which has emerged from 30 years of her paintings of ancestor
women, spirit grandmothers and ancient shamanic guardians of hearth
and land. www.seventhwavemusic.co.uk
11.30 am - 1.00 pm
A Feast of Fabulous Workshops to choose from:
A creative workshop where we will explore how the Sacred sle in
many shapes and guises has entered our own life and story. This
workshop which will appeal to those who wish to explore how
pathways can be woven, discovered, re membered or re told with
narrative, word and image. See this morning for Christine’s biog.
Magical migrations from Avalon to America and Back
Back in the
s, when the early Cornish, nglish, rish, Scots and
elsh people began coming to the Appalachian mountains of the
southeastern nited States, they brought with them all the old songs,
| 13
sayings and wise ways of their homelands. any married with the
First ation folk and adopted the wise ways of the Cree and Cherokee
Tslagi who had always lived there. n this way, a unique culture
evolved and was for a few centuries perfectly preserved and protected
by the rugged, inaccessible landscape itself. Born of an equal mix of
nglish, French and rish immigrants and orth Carolina Cherokee
ancestors, Falcon grew up in the mountains of southern est Virginia
in the late s and early
s at a time when the mountain culture
was still fairly unchanged. n keeping with family tradition, between
the ages of nine and fourteen, she was ‘given’ to her Aunt Beulah, the
local ‘ ranny oman’, to be trained in traditional folk magic and plant
medicine. Falcon’s ncle H, the local ‘cunning man’ taught her how to
read the tracks on the forest floor to expand her vision for miles around
to ‘far see’ to find game willing to become food, and how to wait until
the ‘life light’ had fully left before taking the body of an animal for
food. n this workshop, Falcon will share her personal stories of folk
magic from her mountain culture that is fast disappearing.
Falcon River is an ordained Dianic Priestess of the
Guardian path, teaching practical energetic and
magical skills for daily life throughout the USA.
Falcon is a storyteller, a craftswoman in wood and
leather, and a traditional archery instructor as a tool
for women’s empowerment. For the past 20 years
Falcon has taught archery at locations around the
US at major pagan and women’s music festivals.
She co-founded Temple of Diana with Ruth Barrett,
where she is on the core faculty for The Spiral Door Women’s Mystery
School of Magick and Ritual Arts, a training program for Dianic clergy in
the U.S. www.artemisarchery.com/about/falcon.html
Together we will create a powerful sound ceremony singing songs and
chants specifically invoking the Lady of Avalon. e will experience
how it feels to invoke Her energetically, using sound as the bridge
between the visible and invisible worlds. e will open to receive Her
energy and Soul Songs inviting Her to sound through us as a group for
individual and global healing. e will finish with a time of relaxation
and integration to the sounds of magical sacred instruments including
Tibetan and Crystal bowls. See Tuesday eve for Heloise’s biog.
Come and explore the loving, healing and transforming energies of
the Lady of Avalon through moving meditation, circle dance and
creative dance. n this Her sacred land, we will consciously connect
with the Lady and dance her awake in our bodies. n this modern form
of Temple dance, we honor oddess by singing, dancing and letting
her energy move us. Sacred dance is one of the most ancient forms of
oddess worship. Since times beyond records women were dancing
with and for each other, connecting with the feminine divine and
expressing Her energies. Through dance we feel our quintessential
female power, our sensuality and vitality.
Hildegard Moonfiredancer Kirchweger is a
Priestess of Avalon, a Priestess of the Goddess, an
Integrative ance Instructor and a certified teacher
for Tribal Style Bellydance and Oriental Dance.
She lives in Vienna, Austria where she
co organi ed the first and second
Goddess Conference in May 2012 and 2014.
Hildegard follows the path of the Dancing
14 |
Priestess and her vision is to reclaim the ancient art of Sacred Dance.
Furthermore she is in the process of founding a Goddess Temple in
ienna and o ers a riestess of the Goddess training.
Angie Twydall – The Path of the Bee Priestess
xploring the way of the Hive. hat is nity consciousness
hat is
the message of the Bee Come and explore the ath of the Bee riestess.
eaving through the threads of myth of the Bee oddess’ from around
the orld. xperience Hive sounds and editations, and a Journey to
the Hive. A taster of the ne year Bee riestess course starting arch ‘ .
Angie Twydall is a Priestess Therapist, Healer, Yoga
Teacher, Doula, and Sacred Natural Bee Keeper
with over 17 years healing experience. She blends
together the combination of practical and grounded
experiences in the working world, together with a
magical, liminal life of living as a Priestess in Avalon.
Angie is a sensitive intuitive, soul healer and
workshop facilitator, helping others to release
deeply held emotions and woundings. She is now
re-claiming Goddess Healing and Sacred Bee Priestess practices, teaching
the one year Priestess Healer course and Sacred Bee Priestess. Angie
facilitates the Red Tent Moonlodge in Glastonbury, a Bee Dreaming
monthly channeling group, as Healer and Therapist in the Temple of the
Feminine Arts at Goddess House. As part of the wider Goddess
community, she Priestesses at the Ceremonial events and Healing Days.
www.thefountainoflife.org Advanced Mentor and EU Group Facilitator
for Womb Awakening www.goddesstempleteachings.co.uk/goddessteachings/priestesspriest-healer-training / Priestess Healer Teacher
Facilitator www.theblessed-bee.co.uk Creator of the Blessed Bee
courses and products.
econnect to the ays of Love of Avalon and experience practices to
enhance feeling the guidance of hiannon, oddess of Love in your
life and body. pen to the power of forgiveness and the deep source
of belonging within. ith breath, movement meditation and conscious
touch, fully dressed, women and men. See Tuesday eve for Katinka’s biog.
AVALON Introduction to Priest/ess of Brighde Training
Brighde has so many names and all of them are part of this land. She
is the Swan aiden lying in the land of Avalon. She is Brighid of the
healing waters of the hite and ed Spring. She is St. Brigid who
stayed on Brides ound. She is Brigantia, Britannia, the peaceful warrior
ueen. She is the sle of Brigit, the British sles, the reat other of
this Land. During this introductory workshop will offer you a glimpse
of how all those aspects of Brighde open a door to pathways of deep
healing and transformation, wisdom and inspiration, creativity and
celebration. Do you hear Her call See Tuesday eve for Marion’s biog.
oddess shows in the diversity of who we are. The Lady of Avalon
sees us all the skinny, the fat, the girly, the butch, black, white, yellow,
red. She does not judge our appearance, we humans do that. Fed with
images in film, facebook and adverts, we are our own harshest critics.
n ritual space, we will take our emotional wounds of not fitting into
the ideal stereotype to the entrance to Avalon, where we are accepted
as we are and healed by Her love. Sharing our values, beliefs and
experiences of who we truly see in the mirror, we will celebrate the
beauty of diversity as always seen by the Lady.
Peege has been working with Goddess since
1986, also in situations where it was really not
accepted. She has been prominent in establishing
women groups and is now
working with asylum seekers,
refugees and street homeless.
Susan van Soest is a Dutch
Priestess and a university
photo Ann Cook teacher trainer. As Priestess,
she o ers workshops close
to the land with labyrinths, ceremony and around
Maria as connection to the female Divine in the Catholic city in which
she lives. Both in her professional and Priestess work Susan enjoys the
diversity of people and helps them to acknowledge their qualities.
nce there was a perfect town, in a perfect world, where there were
rules for everything and a right way and a wrong way to do everything,
and nobody ever broke the rules … except sometimes. So begins
Starhawk’s eco fable for children ‘The Last ild itch’. hen the
wind is in the west, and the last wild itch is brewing her magic
brews and singing her magic songs, some of the wildness might get
inside you As adults how do we let the wildness in to our lives,
to our vision of what community means How do we recover our
sense of being part of the natural world, and let nature’s own patterns
inform the way we meet our human needs, so that we can heal and
regenerate the world around us Starhawk’s story is her jumping
off point to explore insights from both earth based spirituality and
permaculture that can help us weather times of rapid change and
enormous challenges, and guide us toward a world that honors the
wild. See Wednesday am for Starhawk’s biog.
Julie Felix has travelled the world for over fifty
years with a suitcase and guitar in hand. She has
sung her wonderful songs at the Goddess
Conference for many years. In June 2013 Julie
performed at the prestigious Leicester Square
Theatre to celebrate her 75th birthday and in
October she was invited to Buckingham Palace to
meet the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and
Camilla. During 2015 Julie sang at a “Stop the
photo Ann Cook War” meeting in London, for “Women Against
Violence” in Lewes, at Goddess Conferences in
Glastonbury and California and marched in London at the Climate
Change rally. here are those among us who just have to play and sing;
to whom there can be no uestion of uitting; to whom their work is
not a job but a calling. Julie Felix is one such musician.” Steve Harley
Ea / Spring Equinox
Bear / Hare / Hen / Cat
Wand / Rod
Moer of Fire
Ara, Grainne, Sulis
Oara of Springtime, Cliton
Lion / Raven / Cat
Britannia, Brigit Ana
Nolava, Lady of Avalon
Morgen la Fey
Ke M Loo ee YE am
El M r, G  m / LL ma
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Heloise ilkington will sing a set of songs and invocations honouring
the Lady of Avalon, embodying Her through sound and giving a
transmission of Her energy. n
she released her album ‘Lady of
Avalon’, a collection of original compositions, which has become a
favourite in The oddess Temple and found its way all over urope.
She will be joined by multi instrumentalist Jennifer Bennett. See
Thursday am for Heloise’s biog.
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The Sacred Wheel of Britannia / Brigit Anna
at before or bring your lunch.
Nor / Winter Solice
Wren / Eagle / Owl / Buzzard
Sceptre / Sword / Feaer / Fan
Moer of Air
Danu, Anu, Arianrhod,
Bone Woman, Stone Woman
Cailleach, Tyrone
We / Autumn Equinox
Boar / Badger / Fox
Stone / Orb / Crystal
Moer of Ear
Banbha, Brigantia
Gaia, Moronœ
Era e Ear
1.30 - 2.30 pm Glastonbury Assembly Rooms
Julie Felix will sing some of our favourite songs.
Sou / Summer Solice
Dolphin / Whale / Salmon / Seal
Chalice / Shell
Moer of Water
Domnu, Queen of e Deep
Lady of e Springs and Wells
Lady of e Lake, Gliten
Nimue of e Glass Isle
| 15
3.00 - 5.00 pm
Wonderful 2 hour Workshops to choose from:
As a
elissa, time traveller, and scribe across millennia, will
introduce the heel of Ariadne of Bron e Age Crete. Together we
will ritually reclaim Ariadne call Her in, sound the names of the
forgotten oddesses who stand beside Her, and offer our libations. To
the echoes of Cretan music we will walk dance Ariadne’s spiral path,
and journey imaginally to the underground caves, hilltop sanctuaries,
temples, and coastline of ‘sea girt’ Crete to re member Her. e will
trace the saga of Ariadne, the inotaur, Theseus Dionysos, received
from the patriarchal reeks backward in time to its matrilineal origins
in Bron e Age Crete, a thousand years before the classical reek era.
For even as the diminished human princess in the reek transmission
of Her myth, Ariadne embodies the immanence of the oddess. e
shall restore Ariadne from the hapless victim of a patriarchal reek
Hero’s quest, reclaiming Her matrilineal lineage as the oddess who
stands at the centre of this heel in triple aspect as Life Bestower,
Death ielder and egeneratrix. n so doing we follow ancient
trackways, for Ariadne offers Her ed Thread to lead us deeper into
and out through the windings of Her iconic symbol, the Labyrinth of
Crete. The labyrinth is template for this heel of Ariadne not only
because ancient sources name Ariadne ‘ ystress of the Labyrinth’,
but because the language of matrilineal Bron e Age Crete, Linear A,
remains undeciphered, prompting us to look to the soul’s language,
image, to decode ancient Cretan cosmology. Ariadne’s seven circuit
Cretan Labyrinth is also the key to understanding Ariadne’s profound
kinship to Avalon, for like lastonbury Tor Labyrinth, it is an axis
mundi, cosmic axis, world pillar, celestial and geographical pole
of interpenetration between sky and earth where the four compass
points meet. The Cretan Labyrinth is thus a feminine matrix, omphalos,
world navel, and Ariadne’s infamous ed Thread the subtle umbilical
cord stretching across millennia, pulling us back to re member the
matrilineal bloodline of Her mysteries, and forward to recogni e Her
immanence, manifest in the interpenetrating fields of the postmodern
quantum universe. See Thursday am for Alexandra’s biog.
ntentional journeys begun with our highest hopes for self love,
clearest paths, greatest selves can lead us unexpectedly into descent.
ur personal work of opening our hearts, accessing both our past
wounds and future dreams dives us into our present shadows where
there is often raw rubbing against the contradictions of our lives. n
reweaving patterns we may feel fear, rage and grief on the path of our
awakening. As we go down without guides we are apt to believe we
are failing in our falling when in truth, our willingness to face our fears
is the parting of the mist from what is conscious to the catacombs of
what is in our unconsciousness. ith years of guiding descent passages
and Shadow ork facilitation, ALisa brings you skills illuminating this
initiatory rite where from the mysteries in the underworld comes new
life. To trust the way is the work. See Wednesday am for ALisa’s biog.
n this workshop, we will be giving consideration to ourselves and our
place as men within the oddess Conference and the heel. e will
acknowledge and honour our roles as allies and supporters. e will
also step into the centre and explore how the Goddess path is a path
to self awareness and a gateway to spiritual experience. e will take
some time to journey through the heel and to seek male archetypes
16 |
that will inform us as men on the oddess path. From this place, we
will discover and share ways in which we have and will become more
of who we truly are, in ourselves, in relationships and in community.
Brian Harrison has been devoted to the Goddess
for 40 years. He has been attending the Goddess
Conference for the past 7 years and now joyfully
gives his support as a conference Melissa. Brian
has completed the Brotherhood of Rhiannon and
Tribe of Rhiannon training and dedicated as a
Priest of Rhiannon in 2015. He is a founding
member of the She eld Goddess emple and
runs two en s circles in She eld.
Strange Songs & Hidden drums Women Only
A journey through ancient totemic sounds and the distant echoes of
our ancestral motherlines. When strange songs and hidden drums
stir the profound layers of our intuitive memory, how do we heed
the summoning call
erhaps with reckless courage, fathomless
conviction and abundant kindness to wayfarers we encounter on the
way. A workshop with voice, drum, rattle and rhythmic feet bring
yours along See Thursday am for Carolyn’s biog.
eepers between the Shores and the Stars, hispers of the Heart
ysteries of Ancient Avalon, Lady of Avalon, mbodiment of Sacred
Feminine, Her Love, isdom, Compassion, orgen Le Fey, ise
ne, nchantress, agical Shape shifter, the ine orgens, ine
Faces, Creations and anifestations of Her, Lady, oddess They
call you through the ists of Time to emember, to Awaken, to
Sense … A whisper in the wind, a touch in your hair, a feather on your
ath, they guide you through the ortals of ld and hold your hand
when you step forward and embrace their touch, inhale their essence
and wisdom and be ready for a agical ite of Honour, ratitude,
emembrance From Stardust, lemental shape to arth ssence.
Ceremonial Honouring ite with Sacred Herbal ils and ncense,
Anointment, nitiation and mbodiment of the Spirit of Avalon Join
this honouring circle for the Lady of Avalon. eceive a ersonal ift
for you to keep, a bottle of Sacred Herbal il and ncense
Corah Avalon is deeply connected with the
Ancient Spirits of Avalon, for the last 25 years she
has been listening to the Call to create workshops
and circles to awaken the sacred feminine. She
guided hundreds of people to sacred places all
over the world, including Glastonbury and the
Realm of Avalon. She facilitates Sacred Circles
and teaches the Oral Celtic Traditions and Ancient
Ways of Avalon and the Nine Morgen Mysteries
since 1995. She is the founder of The Avalon and Nine Morgens
Mystery School. Corah is a HPriestess, Keeper and Key holder of the
Sacred Ways of Ancient Avalon, Morgen Mystery Keeper from the
Ancient Lineage of Avalon, Writer, Light worker, Weaver of the Ways,
Ceremonialist, Sacred Herbal Healer, Teacher, Mentor. FB The Avalon
and Nine Morgens Mystery School
Dance & Voicing in the Wild Nature.
e are ature, ature is s. e have a body which is interconnected
with all Life and all of life’s processes birth, life, death, transformation,
regeneration . ature is pure consciousness, it is soul expressed Kellianna is a certified teacher of the vocal practice SpiritSong, a
into form, ever sustaining each of us. She speaks to us about energy powerful tool for freeing your voice and honoring the divine within. She
in eternal flow, about the complementarity of opposites and its has performed her music and facilitated workshops at venues in 9
vital importance for balance day night, feminine masculine, countries on 3 continents over her 12 year journey as a SpiritSong
light shadow . Ancient cultures dance as a spiritual practice. Dance instructor, with regular visits to the United Kingdom, Canada, Western
and song are living, active prayers dynamic meditations that honour Europe and Australia. Experienced in the art of ritual chant, she uses
the core of silent freedom and take you beyond roles, into the essence song to move energy, to celebrate the ancient mysteries, and to
of Being. magine, move, feel, allow the right side of the brain to fully empower intention. www.kellianna.com
express its empathy, recogni ing human experience as a vast field
of opportunities in deep connection with All. From this space you MA GITA FIRESWAN WIGREN – WALKING WITH HEL
move in the world and in all your relationships in Love and truth. ou … is a walk back in time when the ice still covered most of urope. Hel,
know you are not All, but you are aware you are a part of the All an the rimal other oddess of the orth has left her marks in the
essential part. The body is a map of your life’s experience validate it,
orthern countries. Her name still remains in hills, seas, mountains
it’s a precious book of wisdom. ith its ‘cans’ and ‘can’ts’, it moves and in the orthern languages. Hel means whole or ring circle … holy.
along like trees do in the wild woods, carved from strong winters Come and let yourself follow Her footsteps and imprints back in time
and fruitful springs. Let it be. ove in full power from within listen, on a journey thousands of years ago and forward to present time. a
observe, act, be silent. Dance to the drum of your heart, blood and
ita shares her own journey of deeper understanding of how Hel as a
bones and let them flow with the roots of trees, with insects, birds,
other oddess became demoni ed to Hell, a place of punishment
fungi beneath the ground. Let soil and soul recogni e and celebrate and how this has affected us from the respected V lva riestess to
their oneness. See Wednesday pm for Iris’s biog.
the burning time of the witches and the split in the Sisterhood. a
ita shares her own transforming meeting with Hel and how that
changed her life and history. ith randmothers as ise omen in
her blood, she share her own ‘witch’ story which many of us can relate
to. This workshop includes an inner journey to meet the orns the
Trinity of Hel. See Thursday morning for Ma Gita’s biog.
nvocation is the act of inviting a deity or spirits into a specific time and
place to witness, to grant a request, for protection, or to praise, thank
or honour Her or them. hat if you could invoke and bring forward
your own sacred presence into time and place as you would when
invoking a goddess or elemental being articipants will learn about
invocation as a magical skill and participate in a creative process that
culminates in a ritual of healing and empowerment. Bring a notebook
and something to write with. See Wednesday afternoon for Ruth’s biog.
For countless millennia humankind has used toning, chanting and
drumming as a vehicle for transcending the boundaries between
our day to day world and the realm in between. The place where we
can more easily communicate with the gods, the place where magic
happens, and few places embody that magical realm as Avalon does.
Join ellianna in this SpiritSong vocal healing workshop, where we
will delve into that which draws us time and time again to the sle f
Avalon. hether it is our first visit to Avalon or our th, we respond
to the Call f Avalon. e feel the pull of these magical hills, veiled
in mystery and rich with the history of the Lady of Avalon. ellianna
will take us through the practices of singing, toning, chanting, and
movement, with the express purpose of honoring our connection to
this land through song. n sacred circle we create a community of
song as we practice loving witness of ourselves and one another. t is a
sacred trust. t is a practice of a very special kind of loving, to empower
someone to be freely themselves in the moment. As we witness one
another, a communion of healing and unity is created. ur hearts truly
open as we embrace each others’ song. This practice is beneficial to
singers and non singers alike Created by author, composer, singer
and sound healer Shawna Carol, ‘SpiritSong’ is a unique approach to
singing and toning based on a method of ‘singing without words’ a
powerful technique that permits us to reconnect to the most primal
form of singing. SpiritSong is based on the premise that singing has
two primary purposes first, to release any dis ease we are carrying
and second, to connect us with the Creative Source.
An Evening of Songs and Performances
ver many years of the oddess Conference in a really magical way
riestess of Avalon and Songsmith Sally Pullinger has received and
co created many, many, many ama ing oddess songs and chants.
She has composed songs for the Lady, and for each of Her expressions
around the heel of Avalon, which we all love to sing. e plan an
evening of magical delightful chanting of Sally’s and other oddess
women’s songs, with solo singing, dance and word performances to
open and delight our hearts.
With Narrator Gabrielle O’Connell and the Paradise Choir Annabel
Du Boulay & Sophie, Bee Helygen, Caroline Crawley, Caroline
Kenmore, Dawn Wartski, Gabrielle O’Connell, Heloise Pilkington
(soloist), Jaine Raine, Katie & Holly Player, Katinka Soetens & Silva,
Marion Brigantia, Michelle Patten, Natasha Hopkins & Mariella,
Oshia Drury (soloist), Sally Pullinger (conductor), Sharlea Sparrow,
Sophie Mia Russitto, Sophie Pullinger, Sue Quatermass, Suzie Steer,
Tina Potts.
Performers Kellianna, Rose Flint, Dancers Iranzu & Saucco, Iris
Lican, Lila Nuit, Anna Saqqara & Marion Brigantia, Sally Bryant,
Silva Rawnsley & Young People’s dance group.
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Goddess Temple Teachings
Priestess Trainings in Glastonbury
beginning mbolc
© Wendy Andrew
Marion Brigantia
A transformational 2 year (10 weekends) journey of healing,
discovery and deep reconnection with Brighde as Goddess of the Land
& Goddess within you, as well as remembering and reclaiming
yourself as Priest/ess of Brighde.
Starting 3-5 February 2017
For further enquiries:
Glastonbury Goddess Temple,
2-4 High St., Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9DU
Tel: +0044(0)1458 831518
Website: www.goddesstempleteachings.co.uk
For information on any of these Priestess Trainings
please go to www.goddesstempleteachings.co.uk
Glastonbury Goddess Temple,
2-4 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DU
2017 GODDESS CONFERENCE – Celebrating Goddesses of the World
Tuesday 1st to Sunday 6th August
with Fringe pilgrimages, events and workshops from July 30th
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Heart of the
th July
ysteries The nner Journey to Avalon
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Ceremony the Town Hall
iith riest esses of Avalon Alejandro Reyes-Ortiz, Alexandra
Cichon, Bee Baganz-Dickinson, Eva Wellhoner, Joan Cichon, Kallisto
Nikolaidou, Mandy Butler & Vicki Phelps. Plus announcements.
9.50 am – 11.15 am KATHY JONES
21 Years Exploring Her Mysteries in
the Glastonbury Goddess Conference
The oddess Conference began in
and is now in
its st year. athy has been the creative ebster for
the Conference during that time working with many
wonderful women and men to create this extraordinary
oddess event. athy will share some of the insights
and wisdom that has been experienced through the
Conference, when we have dared to go beyond what
is known into the unknown spaces of oddess, where
we have received the ifts and Treasures of the Lady.
See Tuesday for Kathy’s biog.
11.15 am - 12noon Coffee / early Lunch break
12.00 noon - 10.00 pm
Deep within the inner landscape of the Sacred sle of Avalon, veiled
by mists that rise from the soft earth, lie the Heartlands of the Lady of
Avalon. Shaped by the elements of Her ature, by air, fire, water and
earth, resting in the space that is between all things, here the landscape
of the Soul can be found. ine orgen sisters play as weather upon
the surface of Her body as wind, rain, clouds, frost, snow, sunshine
and heat, continuously transforming the inner world of the Soul,
revealing and healing wounds, developing courage, restoring strength,
purifying essence. ithin this interior world we might find our way
into the mysterious wild Heart of the Lady of Avalon.
This afternoon and evening experience within the Town Hall
Temple is a
Hour Journey into the Heart of the ysteries of Avalon.
sing contemporary and traditional methods of inner journeying
sound and silence, music and embodiment, we will visit some of the
Secret laces of the Soul in the Heartlands of Avalon. These include
the Forests of emory, the Lake of Deep nowing, the racle Cave,
the eak Temple of the Lady, the Soul Springs of ternal Life and the
Heart Sanctuary of the Lady of Avalon.
Ten Hours may seem like a long time to stay in one place, but
the experience of time changes as we explore our inner worlds,
sometimes passing like a dream or sometimes expanding into the
vastness of our Soul’s embrace. This day of stillness will allow you
to connect more deeply to the Lady of Avalon and to the ystery
of your own Soul, for inspiration, personal and group healing and
transformation, renewal and expansion of consciousness and
spiritual nourishment.
articipating in this day you are asked to stay within the temenos
of the Town Hall Temple for the whole
Hours. The temenos
includes the ain Hall Temple, the caf area, and the bathrooms, not
the Small Town Hall. ou are asked to refrain from talking once the
Hours has begun and throughout the
Hours, and to allow yourself
to be led through listening, hearing, sound, stillness
into your inner world to receive the wisdom of your
own Soul and that of the Lady of Avalon.
Hours experience is led by Kathy Jones
and the Circle of Treasure Priestesses. ith usical
support from Heloise Pilkington and Sophie Pullinger.
Please bring a blanket / cushions to lie down on, if
desired a journey shawl to cover head and body, and a
journal to record your experiences.
Two light vegetarian meals will be served during the 10
Hours – lunch and supper (gluten and dairy free). Bring
extra snacks and drinks if you require them.
Please note: If you leave the Temple Temenos during
the day there is no return.
This day is unsuitable for oung eople under the age
So that parents of young people can be with us if
they choose there will be a oung eople’s morning
workshop, an afternoon workshop with LINA
SPYROU, supper and an evening film provided for
oung eople, for an additional fee of
. Bring a
packed lunch.
2.00-5.00pm LINA SPYROU
An uplifting afternoon workshop for young people.
Together we shall weave a magical web of sound, songs from around
the world, laughter, movement and creativity.
As a Priestess of Avalon and of Aphrodite, Lina Spyrou is deeply committed
to her path of the heart. She enjoys spending her time living between
ondon and Glastonbury, o ering seasonal Goddess Workshops,
Ceremonies, Card Readings and Retreats. She is devoted to her work with
children and runs Arktoi family friendly seasonal ceremonies in Glastonbury
and teaches the Young People’s Goddess Workshops at the Glastonbury
Goddess Conference. In the last year she has been part of the team setting
up the new Goddess emple of ondon. ina is a certified Sound ealing
Practitioner, Sound Healing Tutor, Singing and Drumming Teacher, Chi
Gung Instructor, Laughter Yoga Leader, Labyrinth Facilitator and Sacred
Womb ance eacher. She also o ers one to one eiki, Sound and
Shamanic ealing and ouise ay ife Coaching. ina helps others to find
their inner joy and happiness and is a ualified aughter oga eacher,
teaching the UK Laughter Yoga Leader Training. She enjoys exploring
working with the Sacred Fool Goddess archetype and has trained and
worked abroad with Patch Adams MD as a Humanitarian Clown in
Women’s Prisons and Children’s Hospitals. https://m.facebook.com/
thelaughinggoddesslaughlovelife www.linaspyrou.com
| 19
20 |
lastonbury oddess House, Hall
Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30 98 28 Account number 00583169
For further information Go to www.goddesstemple.co.uk
Goddess House is the newest Motherworld adventure being
created by the Priest/esses and Melissae of Glastonbury’s
Goddess Temple. Goddess House is situated on Magdalene
Street, in the heart of Glastonbury, overlooking the grounds of
Glastonbury Abbey. It is both an holistic Natural Health Centre,
and a Goddess Educational Centre with beautiful workshop
spaces and group rooms, which are available for hire to local
and visiting groups, who wish to hold their events in a specially
dedicated Goddess environment.
Promoting healing and good health is a vital part of our work
for Goddess in Glastonbury. In these challenging times many
people find themselves under pressure and become unwell. In
March 2016 we decided to create a Goddess centre of healing,
wellbeing and education as the next step in our work for the Lady
of Avalon here in Glastonbury.
Within Goddess House Healing we now offer a wide range of
natural healing therapies from experienced professional therapists
and healers, who are here to help you receive the care and attention
you need and deserve for your wholeness and well-being. Among
the therapies on offer are several forms of holistic massage, including
Aromatherapy, Swedish, Hot Stone, Lomi Lomi, Pregnancy and
Sacral Abdominal massage, as well as deluxe Goddess treatments.
We offer different kinds of healing including Goddess, Deep Soul,
Crystal, Sound, Shamanic and Reiki Healing. We have practitioners
in Reflexology, Aromatherapy Facials, Ear Candles, Advanced
Bowen Therapies, Shiatsu, Counselling, Nutrition, as well as Tarot,
Psychic Reading, 1-1 Yoga and Meditation.
Goddess House is also part of the educational outreach of
Glastonbury Goddess Temple. Here we hold Priest/ess Trainings
and offer public daytime, evening and weekend classes in Goddess
spirituality, crafts, healthy eating, etc. We are opening a Reference
Library of Goddess, feminist and healthy living books, where people
can come to find out about Goddess, healing and healthy living.
Goddess House is part of Glastonbury Goddess Temple, which
is the first and so far, only Goddess Temple formally registered
as a Place of Worship in Britain and Europe, for perhaps 1500
years. It is a very special place which we hold with open hearts
and wide loving consciousness as a Sacred Space of Goddess.
During the Conference the Goddess Temple in the Courtyard of
the Glastonbury Experience is opened daily for personal prayer,
worship & meditation, from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm, Melissaed by
students taking the First Spiral of the Priestess of Avalon training,
apart from times when workshops are happening in the Temple.
Glastonbury Goddess Temple also owns the Goddess Hall,
where Priestess Trainings and Temple seasonal ceremonies take
place. Goddess Hall is located behind St Benedict’s Church in
Benedict Street. During the Conference it is a venue for Conference
workshops. Our Goddess Temple Gifts shop is open in the Courtyard
of the Glastonbury Experience with beautiful Goddess items, just
waiting for you to buy. All profits go to the Goddess Temple.
And you can now be legally married in the Goddess Temple by
a Priestess of Avalon with the blessing of Goddess ! Glastonbury
Goddess Temple is licenced for formal Legal Marriages, for
heterosexual and same sex couples within the Goddess and
pagan traditions. This is another first for the Glastonbury Goddess
Temple in Britain and in Europe ! Please contact Dawn Kinsella
or Sharlea Sparrow, our Priestess Registrars, for details of how
to plan and book your wedding. dawnkinsella@hotmail.co.uk
See www.goddesstempleweddings.co.uk We also offer wedding
planning services
The Goddess Temple and all we offer are supported entirely
by donations from the public, from Temple Friends and Madrons,
as well as from income from Goddess Temple Trainings and
Goddess Temple Gifts. Please make your donation to support the
Goddess Temple.
And finally we would really like to buy a much bigger
building and/or land to create a larger Goddess Temple in
Glastonbury. We want to buy a larger Goddess Temple in the
centre of Glastonbury, with larger and smaller ceremonial spaces.
Please help us if you can. Any donation, large or small, will be
gratefully received for this important Goddess work. If you can
help us raise the necessary funds, please contact Kathy Jones,
email goddessconference9@gmail.com
Please Support this Vision
Goddess House is a work in progress and there are many expenses
in bringing the House back to beauty, after years as a telesales
centre. For our first two years we really need your support –
financial, practical and energetic, to make this vision work. We
are asking all supporters of Glastonbury Goddess Temple to
become Temple Madrons, making a regular monthly donation to
Glastonbury Goddess Temple. If you are already a Temple Madron
we ask you to increase your donation for the next couple of years,
while our work develops.
Please make a regular donation into our account, and send
your name and address:
Maiden, Lover, Mother and Crone of Avalon by Jane Rickard
| 21
The Return of the Bee Priestess
Journey around the Bee year combining Myth, Unity
consciousness, Apiary art and Shamanic drumming.
April 2017 next course starts at
Goddess House, Glastonbury.
On-line and in person courses,
Bee-Devotional Workshops/events
Mentoring, Swarm rescue service
01458 835 562
22 |
th July
From Avalon to
MORNING 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
Ceremony the Town Hall
ith trainee riestesses of hiannon.
11.00 am - 11.30 am Refreshment Break.
Drinks and snacks are available in the Town Hall Caf .
Presentations by amongst others:
After a day of sitting and lying in stillness, time to move and release
and let go into bodily ecstasy.
9.50 am KAY DAYTON
12.00 noon - 1.00 pm TROVE CIRCLES with TROVE
After a huge life crisis that triggered a soul awakening, ay first
visited lastonbury in
when she was
years of age, and
later lived here for
years. ow at
years of age, ay shares her
transformative experiences of lastonbury and the oddess. t’s a
journey of snapshot key moments from the serious to the absurd to
the hilarious. ay is most comfortable being on the edge of events as
an observer. This talk means being at the centre and taking the risk
of being seen and heard. Hopefully you will understand her Scottish
accent and not need a translator.
To share your experiences of Her
Kay Dayton: I am an artist and love to create altars
as installations dedicated to the Divine Feminine. I
have exhibited at several Glastonbury Goddess
Conferences and most recently at The Moray Arts
Centre in Findhorn. I am passionate about the power
of the menstrual cycle and have been exploring and
charting my own cycle for the past 17 years. I have
facilitated workshops that help women connect and
understand their cycles in a deeper more profound
way. I have been living in the Findhorn community in Scotland and am
writing and illustrating a book on the menstrual cycle which is due to be
launched at this year’s conference. I am returning to live in Glastonbury.
Through myths, cosmogonies and oddess lore we are guided to
expand our imagination into the invisible plan of the ‘Fifth rovince’ or
Sambogakaya, where new forms originate to carry Creation on. ith a
tribute to our Foresister ary Daly.
Luciana Percovich: In the Women’s Movement
since the Seventies, she has lived and worked in
Milano (Italy) as a teacher, translator and author,
before leaving for the country, where she, her
husband and son grow organic food. She is part of
the Università delle Donne di Milano www.
universitadelledonne.it, director of a series of books
on women’s history and spirituality www.venexia.it,
and essayist on women’s health, science, anthropology
and mythology. She has introduced the works of Marija Gimbutas, Starhawk,
Vicki Noble, Tsultrim Allione, Genevieve Vaughan, Phyllis Currott, Kathy
Jones and many others. English essays have been published in Trivia. Voices
of Feminism, Nemeton, She is everywhere 3, She Rises. Luciana conducts
Circles on the archetypes of the goddesses, working with bodily postures
and meditations in movement. Her books: La coscienza nel corpo, Franco
ngeli, ilano, 200 ; scure adri Splendenti. e origini dl sacro e delle
religioni, ene ia, oma, 200 ; Colei che d la vita, Colei che d la forma.
Miti di creazione femminili, Venexia, Roma, 2009.
1.00 pm - 2.30 pm Lunchtime
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Another fantastic choice of
2 hour Goddess workshops
DOOR: A Circle of Chants
From time out of mind shaman kas, priestesses, elder women, and
women of spirit and power used chants, ancient songs and hymns
in honor of the oddess as a sacred tool of opening the heart and to
create an intimate connection between them and the Divine other.
During many years have been collecting these jewels of wonder
from the memories of old ladies, holy sites of oddess worship, and
keepers of sacred heritage … and now it’s a time of sharing. Come
and join a circle of some of these old, old words and melodies in
honor of the ancient oddess of the iddle and ear ast. Bring your
drums, rattles and your very unique voice that The Lady gave you, and
let’s sing together those powerful incantations in her honor. e shall
also experience some small, simple and extremely powerful ‘home
ceremonies’ that the old ones conducted alongside these chants. It is
advisable to bring some means of recording with you
Dov Ahava is an Ion – carrier of The Mother’s
blessings and memories of her ancient paths. He
has been serving The Goddess for the past 27
years. He was trained in the Shamanic and Native
American traditions, starting with grandmother
Twylah Nitsch of the Seneca nation (where he was
adopted to the Wolf Clan by the tribe elder). He
was initiated in Mexico by Ad-Uma – a Mayan
Shaman, and was also trained by Alexey of the
Wolves in Siberia – Russia. In 1995, together with Tara – his wife and a
renowned shaman (“the one love of my life”), he has created UMATA
– a center of studies, where together they teach Shamanism as well as
the Old and Ancient Ways of the Sacred Feminine and The Goddess,
giving courses, leading pilgrimage to sacred sites in Israel and around
the world and holding gatherings and ceremonies throughout the year.
www.netofthemother.com FaceBook: dov ahava
orking directly with the Flame of Avalon, and with the contours of
this Sacred Land we will kindle and build our passionate connection
to Avalon. e will dance, explore drama exercises, and work with
| 23
candle magic in ceremony to reignite and build the Fire in our bellies
and in our hearts. Come and explore your inner Fire riestess.
member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Bring your voice,
reverence, mirth and a Northern sense of humour !
Katie Player is a Priestess of Avalon and Temple
Weaver at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. She
leads a Fire Priestess Training to call people back
to their centre, to re-member themselves, their
inner knowing, and their passion. To remember
the times when we sat in circle around a fire, and
breathed its power into our bellies. Working with
creativity, movement and the element of fire
around the Wheel. Katie is a Theatre Director and
Sacred Dramatist, holder of a Sacred Performance group, Creative Arts
Worker, a poet and deep Green activist. Based in Avalon she loves to
greet pilgrims and deepen their experience here and delights in taking
Goddess out into the world. She is available for Handfastings and
bespoke ceremonies of all kinds. Find her on Facebook as Katie Player,
at katieplayer@gmail.com and at katieplayer.org
any of us have trained to be riestesses of Avalon and then gone on
to do other trainings priestess or otherwise. et most of us would
still see the Lady of Avalon as being central to anything we might do.
How does one hold onto that focus s there a conflict Do all paths
lead to the Lady is She indeed the Source and the eturn
storytelling, discussion, chants, movement and ceremony, we will
weave our own individual Avalonian tapestry, ending in a thanksgiving
ceremony to the Lady of Avalon which we will create together.
Please note – you do not have to have undertaken any priestess training
to attend this workshop – all are welcome.
Lorraine Pickles is a Priestess of the Goddess and
of Avalon, self-initiating in 2009. She completed
the Soul Healing Training in 2011, is an active
member of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, and
is Co-Editor of the Goddess Temple News. In
2014 Lorraine began training as an inter-faith
minister with the One Spirit Foundation, and is
due to be ordained the weekend prior to the
Conference. She is also currently undertaking a
year’s priestess training – Cerridwen’s Cycle – which ends in selfinitiation in September of this year. Lorraine is a poet, and the CD of her
poems, “The Soul Catchers”, which includes a cycle of seasonal poems
performed at Temple ceremonies, is now available. Lorraine is working
towards the completion of her Goddess crime novel, ‘The Old Crone
Mysteries’, featuring Keridwen as a private detective solving murders.
Join Lynne Harling for a Bardic journey around the
orthern oddess wheel of the year. Discover
the ancient British Goddess names hidden in plain
sight within the landscape of the ennine hills,
and learn of the unfolding story of Her presence
in the orth. Sing sacred chants inspired by the
ancient history of the orth, dedicated to the
orthern oddesses and recently revealed by the
Druidic Awen Divine nspiration . The beautiful
oddess heel of Avalon has inspired many of us to seek oddess in
our own landscapes. The rugged and wild uplands of the ennines and
the orth of ngland have a very different spiritual energy, an energy
which is now revealing that which was hidden for so long.
Lynne Harling is a Prehistory graduate, Bard and a long standing
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The Sacred Land of Avalon supports the heart and soul,
With Violet, Hawthorn, Nettle and many-leaved Yarrow.
The Lady in compassion provides more than enough,
With Skullcap, Clover, Coneflower and spiraling Woodru .
So walk Her ways with care and joy, as She can ease your pain,
With Thyme and Comfrey, Meadowsweet, Willow and Vervain.
Learn how to cultivate, harvest and propagate these easily grown herbs. Be
prepared to get your hands dirty. will briefly summari e their medicinal
qualities and preparation so that you can you can use their effective
healing ways for yourself. Take time to experience the herbs’ energy see,
touch, taste and feel them dance their praise song to the Lady of Avalon.
Mary Bruce is a Medical Herbalist available for
consultations based in Glastonbury where she
runs a clinic and dispensary. She is a Priestess of
Avalon, Soul Healer, Priestess Enchantress and
Morgen Sister. Mary runs courses, workshops and
herbalistmary@icloud.com www.
AVALON – Do you hear the Lady’s Call ?
Come and explore your Calling to Avalon, your response to oddess
ou will create a map of your Soul ath so far and mark its milestones
and the choices you have made. ou will journey to meet the Lady
of Avalon and ask for Her guidance for your future, bringing back
a symbol of Her love a sign of your connection with Avalon and
a guide for your future. ou will discover more about becoming a
riestess of Avalon for yourself See Tuesday eve for Michelle’s biog.
The Lady of Avalon shows herself to us in so many ways throughout
our lives. Today as we write, read and listen in ritual space, we will
discover the many ways she loves and guides us. Through imaginative
exercises, meditation, sacred writing practices and personal stories, we
will share our own journey with Her, honouring Her presence in this
precious time we have to spend together with our pens, voices and
open hearts. ew and well seasoned writers of all ages are welcome.
Please bring your favourite writing materials.
Roz Bound, Elder, writer and healer, priestesses
sacred space for writers in their transformational
process. She celebrates the wheel of the year in her
island home in Canada by facilitating writing courses,
ritual circles, open floor readings, labyrinth walks,
always stressing the vital importance of Goddess,
myth and ritual, so necessary for our conscious
evolution into an uncertain future. Her poetry books
in print are ‘Spirit of Lyme’ and ‘The Fireman’s Child’.
Come feel the Connectress of Avalon, she who lifts the veil of separation
to reveal the collective heart of all beings She who dispels the illusion
of disconnection and restores the profound interconnectedness at our
hearts n modern patriarchal society we observe from afar so much
human atrocity in the world, yet are simultaneously so disassociated
from the plight of our fellow people and from our power to reach out
to connect with and help one another. n this workshop we’ll savour
the deeply restorative forces of the Lady of Avalon as She reignites our
passion and power to love and nurture one another Let the Lady of
Avalon flow through you as you relish conscious touch and contact
movement practices that a rm and enliven Her community of the
heart Come bathe yourself and each other with the healing power of
presence infused touch and allow the Lady of Avalon to revitali e the
richness at your heart
Sadhu Valakhilyas is a Goddess loving man who is
deeply devoted to the unfolding of his path in service
to Goddess ! He facilitates spiritually awakening
classes and events in yoga, meditation, Sacred
Contact Play and AcroYoga, which emphasize
community and our profound interconnectedness.
Sadhu is a keen storyteller and relishes weaving tales
of the Goddess into all he o ers. e has a deep
passion for movement, touch and embodying the
flow of life, the dance of Goddess. e has o ered transformational classes
& events, as well as healing arts treatments internationally since 2004 and
currently lives in Amsterdam. www.ExaltedHeart.com
(The Calling)
A gentle and powerful enchanted journey of discovery using dance,
music, creative visualisation and breath awareness. e invoke and
experience with the compassionate heart of the Lady of Avalon, who
graciously reveals Herself to us beyond the veils. Dancing through the
elements of arth, ater, Fire and Air we embody and meet our power,
passion, emotions, dreams and visions. n the safety of Her tenderness
and compassion our vulnerabilities and strengths are revealed. orking
in pairs, alone and in circle, connection with the heart naturally happens,
followed by release, transformation and integrations. n this place
sisterhood begins. Completing with peaceful meditation and reflection.
magine lying on the strong beautiful body of the Lady. Surrendering,
sinking ever deeper into Her unconditional love, we are naturally
invited home to our inner soul selves and the arth other.
Sally Bryant: I am currently living and working in Glastonbury. I have
been working with groups and individuals for 25 years. My passion is
supporting people in balancing body, mind and spirit, using Dance,
Humanistic Counselling, Astrology and Tarot Soul readings. I am
presently completing the Priestess of Rhiannon Training and supporting
the Goddess movement here in Avalon.
4.30 pm - 7.30 pm Break to get ready for the evening
At this ala asque entry is only for those who are dressed as the
oddess or od you are, with finery, mask or veil. Treat yourself to
a delicious Vegetarian Finger Buffet specially prepared for us by
YAMUNA WYNN, with free wine and soft drinks.
DANCE and MAKE MERRY! Beginning with a ‘kicking’ set from WILD
WOMEN, who are Jana Runnalls, Kat Brown, Lydia Lite, Oshia Drury,
with Di Milstein on keyboards and Viv Andreae on backing vocals.
L S the fabulous DIVINE ROOTS, our lastonbury oddess inspired
band, led by riestess SALLY PULLINGER with nstrumentalists
Jerome O’Connell, William Cartwright & Lydia Lyte. Lead Vocals
Sophie Pullinger, Jaine Raine & Tina Potts. Backing vocals Sophie
Russito, Gabrielle O’Connell & Caroline Crawley.
| 25
st July
oddess rocession and Thanksgiving
Through lastonbury into the Sacred Landscape of Avalon with
Connecting editation in the Town Hall for those unable to walk up
and down hills.
2.30 pm GIVE AWAY
n the conference the ive Away ceremony recognises that oddess
gives us everything that we have, regardless of who we are. By
giving away a gift to another perhaps unknown person, we emulate
the generosity of oddess and Her bounteous nature. lease bring
a lovely gift that you would like to receive, to freely give away to
another person. ifts will be randomly given and received.
Handing on the eys to Her
Marion van Eupen.
ysteries to Katinka Soetens and
CLOSE OF CONFERENCE will be around 4.00 pm.
26 |
MONDAY 1st August at 7.30 pm
Thanksgiving Ceremony
After the conference is ended Melissas, Spinners and Priestesses
begin the process of dismantling the Temple space we have created
in the Town Hall. We always need extra help. If you can stay on and
help we would be most grateful.
By donation
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28 |
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Cards, Prints,
and Paintings
Local Artists
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10A High Street
Tel 01458 837888
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Open Tuesdays to Saturdays
9am to 5pm
Priestess & Priest of Avalon and Rhiannon
Amanda & John Earthfire Reeves
Offering Goddess:
Ceremonies, Workshops, Retreats and Tours
in Glastonbury Avalon
o tte
e t
with Her; and their own Divine Feminine.
“Every moment that we connect with Goddess
is an opportunity to love ourselves”
Amanda Can Offer:
As Priestess and Priest working
together we are able to embody
the energies of the Divine
Feminine and Masculine in
John is an experienced Priest,
offering workshops for men to
explore their relationship with
the divine feminine and
Red Tents
Amanda & John can offer:
John Can Offers
Body Love Healing
Bespoke Ceremonies
Amanda is a talented and
experienced Priestess, Teacher,
Yogini and Tantrica
Vast experience of 1-2-1 healing
sessions with disabled, wounded and
abused women
Seasonal Celebrations
Goddess Sound Healing
A fusion of Voice sound healing with
conscious touch and aromatherapy
Sacred and Ceremonial
Yoni and Womb Healing
Goddess Yoga
Eat like a Goddess
Seasonal cooking workshops that
nourish your body, promoting
health, vitality and a love of life.
White Tents
Connecting with and exploring what
it means to be a concious man in
today's society.
Men's Sharing Circle
Rites of Passage
Exploring our wounds of patriarchy,
how they manifest and ways to heal.
Red and White Tents:
Green Man Retreats
Spiritual Hen and Stag nights
Individual, Couple or Group
Tantra & Sacred Sexuality
Conscious touch
Raising Sexual life Energy
Festival and Gatherings
workshop facilitator
Goddess and Spiritual Tours
Leading groups to sacred sites
including : Glastonbury
Should you require any further information, or wish to book our services, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Email john@reeves-family.co.uk
Amanda: (44) 7951 930909
John: (44) 7739 712040
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Fragrant Earth
the Goddess Conference
We have provided the libation for many years.
Now we can welcome you to our store in the High Street,
you will find a world of caring creations for skin,
body and soul.
“Seek out your Lady of the Lake
and experience her persona through
the power of sight and fragrance.
Enjoy the relaxed fragrance
of a nature caring environment.”
Fragrant Earth International,
Unit 21, The Beckery , Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9NX
Tel: +44(0)1458 831216 Fax:+44(0)1458 831361
Email: sales@fragrantearthint.com
Retail Store: Fragrant Earth, 5a The High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9DP
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