Avalon Loudspea ker
Avalon Loudspea ker
. AWARDS fi *, ' \ \-.-\---:- -' i I t--t- i i : 1; I { " ! I l+'.t-." 'diu. \s_ i \ 11i.. ' - q) tJ l L o- J,- \ r f\ i l '.t1, l . I I \ i ii \ ?-"ri ker AvalonlsisLoudspea in lssue48 by RoyGregory Reviewed Those wondering at the yawning chasm in price between Avalons Eidolon Diamond and the flagship,four-box Sentinel need wonder no more. The lsis not only fills the gap, it also provides a more practical rangetopper for smaller European rooms. Although there'sseemingly little new to differentiatethe have alwaysexcelled, but into the new realms of dynamic range and impact. Here we have ,"! .9.yJili,"" transparencyand stagingfor which the company is justifiably -:&J goes, ". :i#r,,:*C complement the ne$,'speaker i'..#ffiffiffi; extends the Eidolons performance envelope nnt ir rct in those areas where Avalon 18 necessaqlit's a combination thats very veryspecial indeed. >+ FO f"':""""ff:J"n Isis from its more affordablesiblings, at leastas far as styling and driver without getting so much as a hair out of place: Impeccably mannered, supremelyorganisedbut brutal if : , r f. . renowned, but combined with a sense of power, scale and sheer presence that has so often been the preserveof more obvious sounding alternatives.Its a little like discoveringthat the welfspokenyoung man being bullied by the scruffs is actuallY the Eton boxing champ. These speakersare well capable of administeringa sound drubbing Price: $58000 UKDistributor: Audiofreaks Tel.(aaX0)20B94B4153 Net.wwwaudiofreaks.co.uk Manufacturer: AvalonAcousticsInc. lonacoustics.com Net.www.ava lssue48 f4.50 www.hifrplus.com REPRODUCIT NH G E R E C O R D EADR T S Awards lssue BestSpeaker? mightylsis Avolon's BestSystems? wers'picks Revie 33 outstonding Occessones Ilililil REVIEW SYSTEM . TheAvalonl s i sLoudspeake by RoyGregory Expectationis a funny thing - and it can also be quite disconcertingwhen itb wide of the mark.After all, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what Avalon speakerswere about,when along came the Isis. Not only was it larger than any Avalon lVe spenttime with, it was dear$ obviously and comprehensively better "more than them too - and not just in a of the same" kind of way Here was a speakerthat deliveredeverythingIVe come to expectfrom an Avalbn, but wed so holisticallyto a whole new capability that it rewote the rulebook, not iust for Avalors but for my understandingof how speakerswork in general.Here is the product that has finally crystallized, for me, a whole host of thoughtsand ideas about the way that hi-fi and loudspeakerscommunicate and handle information into a single moment of clarity Suddenlyall those things that I knew were important - now I know whlr Firstimpressionsare important - but they can alsobe misleading.Walk into a room where theres a pair of Isisand the first thing that'sgoing to go through your "BlG": The second is brain is the word, probably'Avalon". Yep,this is indeed a large speake4which, with its multiple facetsand angulargrillesis very definitely an Avalon,but in both cases youd only be part right.ln reality the Isis doesa remarkableiob of minimizing the visual impact of such a largebo4 it might look BIG,but it's actually BIGGER than that.Yet,despiteits true dimensions it doesn'tdominate my room in the sameway that the MAXX2sdid, or indeed the Nola fugasusdo. More importantly that lurking sense of famitiaritygoesbeyond the basic stylingcues;there'ssomethingof the company'smassiveSentinelsystemhere. Seldomseen and familiar in the photognphic senseonly the huge (and hugelyexpensive)systemis well named, with its human dimensions,tapered shouldersand forward tilted head combining to give it a brooding (omni)presence.Look closer and you begin to realisethat the Isisis both an outgrowth of its smallersiblings tike the Eidolon and a downscaledversion of the Sentinel- although its also neither of thesesimple constructs.You might assumethen, that it representsthe next evolutionarystagein designerNeil Fhtel'sthinking and developmentand here youd be on saferground; except that evolution is a gradual process whereasin developmentaland perform"the great leap forward" ance terrns representedby the lsis is actually a significantstepchange,more becauseof the slope) translateinto a seriouslymassivebody helping to explain the 100kgweight for each cabinet. The carefully arrangedfacets are selfevident and help reduce diffraction effectsfrom the front baffles, while the complex shapesthat result ensurethat the beautiful veneersare selectedand superbly applied by hand. the thick, black basethat visually couples the speakerto the floor also acts as a channel for the twin, downward firing ports, allowing an easleregress towards the rear for their considerable output. Once inside the cabinet, if you could get there, youd find the familiar ; revolutionary than evolutionary in nature. Instead,letsjustsay that,despiteappearances andthemoreobvious physicalevidenceto the contrarythisspeakeris like no Avalon you'll have heard before. Let'sstart with form; the lsismight draw its overall aesthetic and humanoid dimensionsfrom the Sentinel,but it is, technologicallyspeaking, a much closer relativeto the Eidolon Diamond. Its cabinet is constructed in familiar Avalon fashion,from massively thick slabsof laminated selecteddensity fibre material (or MDEjust not the offtheshelf variety) the sloping shapes helping to eliminate parallel surfaces and thus internal standingwaves.In this instance,the bafflesare over 115mm thick, which combined with a five{oot high fnme, near 15"width and 17" depth (although it's actually greater i multiple bracesand the exhaustivelyselected crossovercomponents that grace Avalons other products. So far so good and exactly what youd expect iust targer,a differencewhose importance (and challenges) its easyto underestimate.Other changesare likewise,more important than thev seem.The three viciously sharp cones supplied for each cabinet now thread on beautifully engineeredstuds,while large spanner flatsmake levelling the speakers an astonishinglyaccurateand simple (and vital!) process.The separate"head" is indeed physicallyisolated (although it's permanently fixed to the main cabinet) making this a four-box,stacked system,rather like the kgasus in concept. The two cabinet elementsare "carefully spaced by a slab of selected polymer material" (that'sCorian to you and me) that mimics the Ushape and rear apertureof the speaker'sbase. 73 REVIEW . SYSTEM ) Squint through the gap and sure enough, buried in the recessis a small, downward firing reflex port that loads the midrange driver. The polymer slab servesto damp the mechanical interface behveen the two cabinets,reducing intermodulation distortion of the mid and treble by spurious energj/generatedby the huge bassforcesproduced in such a speaker.Physicallyit also allows the shift in balfle angle that allows conected axesfor the hveeterand mid driver - as well as creating that chest to face transitionthat helps to make the speaker seem oddly human in form. Removethe grilles and once again its a story of the familiar writ large. Avalon's own, inhouse modified version of the 7" ceramic midrange is flanked by a diamond tweeter and a pair of Nomex-Kevlarconed bass units. But. when comoared to the Eidolon Diamond, the 25mm L * , . . . " !- T nEn-Ireouencvonver 'Z is some 25o/olarQer, --. rr!!'Fr 'f'tts6ll ,a 'r. i }ff a whilethe bassdrivers are the bigger, 13" Sentinel. Add all this lot togetherwith the changesto the cabinet and you get a significant increasein both internal volume and sweptarea when compared to a system like the Eidolon. Somewhat surprisinglythe figuresthat go alongsidethese dimensionsare far from extravagant.Bandwidth is statedas 20Hzto 45kHz*3dB, while efficiency is 90dB with a 4 Ohm load, but once again, theres more to these numbers than meetsthe eye. Setup and ancillaries... on thequalityof the lsiswill placedemands Anyspeaker system approaching However, wherein somecases andsourcecomponents. the drivingelectronics ampsto pieces, ruthlessly natureripsthe partnering theirsuper-critical with equal and reservoir capacitance exposing their musicalweaknesses disdain, the Avalonsdo not fit that mould.Maybeit'sa reflectionon the generally madefor the sensitivity of speaken, buttheir90dB optimistic claims prettyconservative, whichcombined with theirflattish4 0hm sensitivity seems lowerpowerlimitof 75Watsunusually loadmakes the manufacturer's realistic. ln thisinstance itl the qualityandnatureof the ampsthat matte6,a qualityandserious quantity verygoodthinggiventhedifficultyof combining (2kWintothe in a singlechasis. So,whilstthe mightyKaranKAM1200s ofscaleand 4 Ohmload!)delivered an undeniably majestic sense Avalons' potential, by the theagileandtactile100Wattsdelivered awesome dynamic effective. 0ddlyenough,the valve HovlandRADIA werealsoastonishingly youwon'tgetvalves to ltriedwerelessimpresive: I'mnotsaying amplifiea with care[and workwiththe lsis,but l'd certainlyapproach thecombination definitelydifferentcables). +21SEwiththe Pre-amplifien employed werethe LyraConnoisseur superiorl RADIA andthe TomEvans Vibe,with the latest(anddramatically andVPI Front-ends werethe Kuzma StabiXUAirline Pulse 2 powersupply. '12.5 with KoetsuBlueOnyx,LyraTitani, vdH turntables, TNT6IMW Signature Plusphonocartridges, all played throughtheGroove Condor andMysonic fromfinite stage.Silverdiscsspunin the Wadia86lSEwith raclsandsupports fromNordost, theValhalla signalandpowercabling elemente andStillpoints, terminals. cables shot-gunned to theAvalons'single speaker heavy', their the lsisaren'tunmanageable 0newordof warning; although makes to handle, especially asyouareadvised shape certainly themawkward againstholdingthemby the top cabinet.A little thoughtdevotedto their paydividends. Oncein the installation before theyanivewill definiiely wassurprisingly straightlisteningroom,basicpositioning of the speakers 74 :" in the unitsemployed There are other,lessobvious factors that contribute significantly to the speakers'performance. Avalon have developedproprietary purpose designed motor assembliesemploying Neodymium magnetsfor all the drivers. Likewise,all diaphragmsare concave and are contained in vented enclosures. This consistencyacrossthe audio range, especiallyas regardsthe magnetic material,is a critical component in the speakers'seamlesssenseof integration. Once again, in the IsisAvalon have produced a speakerthat doesn'twear its value on its sleeve.lf you are shopping with your eyesthen you'll need to look below the surfaceto discern their significantinvestmentin materialsand technology But, shop with your ears, and the benefib will be immediately apparent.I hesitateto use the words 'Avalon" "obvious" in the same and sentence,but as the opening preamble makesclear,there'ssomethingso weighted, withexcellent forward. Theverynatureof theirbas,naturally andtexture, means thatitt harmonic complexity speed, airanda convincing placed at thestandard veryobviously eitherrightor wrong.Withthespeakers constantfactor)| simplymovedthemforward width in my room(asurprisingly too far untilthe basslockedin; too far backandit washeavyandsluggish, of carpetsI foundthat a little forwardandit lackedweight.In the absence Havingtriedvariousseruiettes dampingbeneaththe bassportspaiddividends. from the hint of chestiness I finallvsettledon thin corkmats,whichremoved thethinnes withthefabricoption,whilestillameli0rating voices experienced That's the beautyof thelsis;at au naturellt. andslightbas humpdelivered eachandeverystageof setup,they let you hearexactlywhat'sgoingon,any deviationfrom"right"beingperfectlyapparent. periodof axes,a significant Thereafter, with tapeprovidingreference a squaredanceinvolvinglateralor front to backshifts subtlerefinement, to toe-in,realized of a few mmsat a timeandevensmalleradjustments hit thesweetspotandthe improvements untilI suddenly incremental lockedtogether.lf that soundsweird,just believeme anddynamics soundstage of musicandimages, when| $y thatyou'llknowit whenyouhearit. lnstead the energy withinthe notesfeelslikeit'scomingfromwithintheimages you general lt makes realise how vague and from vicinity. ratherthan their generated reallyis. by mostspeakers insubstantial the soundstage 2cmsto the wassituated withthe left handspeaker In my room,nirvana theorder leftand5mmforuard,the righthandone5mmto the right.That's it'scertainlya process that any of changewe'retalkingabouthere.However, with,especially oncethegoalis listener shouldbecomfortable experienced Fortunately, I wasaidedby the useof finiteelemente!deeply appreciated. floor,an thespeake6'spikes andmywooden dimpled discsbetween with ease. Thefinal adjustments arrangement that allowedtiny,repeatable which pieceof thejigsawarrivedwith precise levellingof the speakers, focut dimensionality andpresence to thesoundstage, introduced additional generating musical delivery.andconvincing anevenmoreemphatic RNIEW . SYSTEM ) obviously unusual and right about the way thesespeakerssound that youd have to be wantonly obtuse to miss it. Ironically in some respectsAvalon speakershave suffered from their greateststrength also being their greatestweakness.Their resolute refusal to add anything to the signal they receive has produced speaker systernsof astonishingly low distortion and genuinely low colouration. So much so that they genenlly leave less of a thumbprint on the music than the driving electronics- an amazing achievement for a transducer but one Lowering the costof living... thingsaboutthe lsis Oneofthe mostinteresting is the wayin whichit rewritesthe cost/quality Linn's curvewhenit comesto buildinga system. "front endfirst" philosophy wasbornout of a mixtureof self-interest andtechnological necessity. RecordplayeBarea mechanical problemandby their natureare engineering with cripplingly expensive to get right.Speakers severeimpedance curvesandlowefficiency - andthe demandampswith big powersupplies components in thosedon'tcomecheap.But it wouldbewrongto applythis logicto every s,\Atem, or to equatequalitywith price- especially whenit comesto differenttypesof product. Just in a hornbased lookat the costbreakdown that's not always appreciated in the marketplace.This almost Protestant body and weight. The problem is that adherence to sonic virtue and silent cabinets has led to the speakersbeing and harmonic relationships within the smaller than the competition, with less character- and its character (and perceived value) that customers cling on to. Let'sdigressfor a moment and examine the way in which those competing productsoperate. Generally speaking,they might be described as "better" having more scale and weight, bassand more impact - but how is this effect achieved?Hi-fi existsin a physical world and you can't get nothin' for nothin' with physics.Any speakersystem can be defined by the balance it strikes behveenthe conflicting and interlocking requirementsof bandwidth, internal volume (more generallyperceivedas external dimersions) and efficiency Therefore, if a speaker is of a certain size and sersitivity theseshould define its bandwidth - at least assuming that the manufacturerisn't exaggeratingor "enhancing" the figures.Thus,for many speakerdesignerstheir art consistsof trickingthe ear into believingthat theres more coming out of the box than there really is, creating a sense of bass power and impact where it doesn't actually "voicing" exist.This of speakers essentiallycorsists of adding (hopetully) judicious quantitiesof spurious energy from the cabinet to flesh out the lower registers,adding that senseof increased 76 the extra energy won't track the phase music, which means that it distorts the systemto seewhat I mean.Butthe lsis undermines thisin an evenmorefundamental way"lt not onlyoffe6 a morethan reasonable it doesits ownjob loadto the drivingamplifier, too.Instead betterthanalmostall others0eake6 of havingto controlthe speaketbendingits outputbackinto somekindof shape,all the amp thesignal, allowing its hasto do nowis pass on ib qualityratherthaniS ownerto concentrate powerdelivery. Ihe sameapplies(to a leser extent)furtherup the system. Suddenly, the speaker hasbecome a facilitator,makingthe sptem'sjob easierratherthan actingasa choke on performance. Thelsismightbeexpensive, but at leastit lightensthe loadon the restof your equipment, andits loadon yourwallet. become a weakness...I'm afraid that if you want real, high quality bass extension(which precludessonic sleight of hand) then you're looking at large reality of the performance. Of course, no drivers and even larger cabinets. speakeris devoidof extraneous energy Which brings us neatly and far from coincidentally back to the Isis.Just imagine a speakersystemthat combines Avalon s traditional and this is as much about controlling and directing it as anything else.If you think adding controlled energy to the sound is bad, just listen to a few of those speakers where it isn't controlled (pretty much any sub 53@ floontander will do). Of course, if you want to talk about the subtle manipulation of reality then you need some kind of recognisable reference for comparison. That generally means a familiar voice or acoustic instrument,which in turn means that such manipulation is more obvious or troublesome with some kinds of music than others. Now considerwhat that meansin the light of Avalon s zero tolerance approach and lighter, more accurate bass output. Not surprisingly their speakershave garnered an excellent reputationfor their integration,imaging and acoustic precision - which "good translatesas on classical" in the lessthan Darwinian world of hid retail. You can see how a strength can also strengths with the electromechanicalhorsepower to generaterealisticbass weight and power.Now dream about the possibilityof it having sufficientsensitMtyand a benign enough load to be driven by real world ratherthan second mortgageamplification and you'rebeginning to get the picture. Add in a bandwidth and physical dimensions that coincide almost perfectlywith the mosl a Europeanlisteningroom can realisticallysupport, togetherwith flawless finish and a shape that makes them seem smaller than they are and you can begin to understandwhy these speakersare so exciting.It'snot just their sonic performance(which is, believe me, exciting enough) but the fact that you might actually be able to realisethat potential. ings; it's time to talk (musical) turkey When discussingthe Isis,it's meaninglessto talk in terms of individual aspects or bands of performance.The whole point about thesespeakersis the holistic nature of their presentation.Sq lets be clear: they go deep, they go high, they go loud - enough in each direction to satisfy Their focus, transparency resolution and lack of distortion are all without serious peer, their integration is utterly seamless.What that means is that in real terms they impose no limits on choice of material - and few in use. One colleague, hearing that I had a pair of Avalons at home (and assuming theyd impose a stringent classical diet) asked with a mischievous glint in his eye,what the last record ld listened to was... Oh the pleasurein telling him, the consternation caused when it turned out to be the 852's first album - and yes, I was playing it very loud! It'slong been an article of faith that transducers have the greatesttonal impact on the sound of a systembecausethey have the hardestjob, taking a signal in one form and converting it to another.Indeed, listen to a rangeof CD playersand you can almost hear them strugglingto take all the information and put it back together again.Yet,it neveroccuned to me until now that a loudspeakerhas to do exactly the samething. In any musical performance,theres a place for everything and everything has to be in its place. The problem with speakersis that the distortionstend to be so gross, the transducerso inefficient (in energy terms) that the cracks in the minor get smearedoverwith the sonic equivalent of a thick layerof Vaseline.In other words, we're strugglingto see through the soft focus and whilst we're aware of the discontinuitieswe can't define their edges.Besideswhich the ear and brain are clever enough to take this fractured whole and make some sort of serse from it. But as well as having a place, every event in a musical performancealso has a time, which means that in reconstructingan acousticsoundstage,a speakermust be accurate,quite literally in both time and space.Nolg Ialways knew that imaging was important and often argued that this was so precisely becauseif the image is right then other equally important things must also be right. But it wasn't until I heard the Isis that I finally joined all the dots in the argument,becauseuntil Id heard the Isis Id never heard a speakerthat really did imageright.l,et me explain... Mostspeakersthrow out some kind of soundstagebut in most casesitb a very pale imitation of realit5rLets look at a few of the more common distortions. Those speakersthat are touted as deliveringexcellent depth; listen to the far reaches of their sound stage and you realise that more often than not you realise that the images placed there are physicallysmaller and quieter than they should be. Their senseof distanceis a visual thing ratherthan an acoustic one. Which helps explain why so many of these speakersexhibit a gentle mid-bassdip. Theyle playtng with the energy levelswithin the sound field. Likewise, that verydetailedspeakers havean etchedor spotlit soundstage are manipulating the anhal timeof upperfrequency information. Thatdetailthat ,;., , reachesthe ear before it should certainly standsoul but it also appearsahead of the harmonics that should support it and flesh it out. By norq it should came as no surprise to learn that the lsis is preeminent in my experience, when it comes to arranging musical information in space and time. Whats more it doesso with equal aplomb from the bass(although not the very deepest registers)all the way to the upper reachesof audibility Listento these speakersand they sound both different to what you expect from a hi-fi system and far more natural.Listenlonger and you'll realisethat it's becausethe scale of the instrumentsand performersis totally consistent,whereverthey'replaced in the soundstage.And I'm not just talking about acoustic,audiophile pressings either. Let's revisit the -852s. Plalng'Dance This MessAround' (which has to be about as un-Alalon as a track can get) there's real drive to the solid insistenceof the drumming, the easysepantion of the kick drum and bassas they push the music along. Kate Pierson'svocals are at exactly the right height, FredScneiderunmistakably behind her on the left. Tapedat Compass Foint with Chris Blaclaarell at the controls this is no audiophile recording. The drum booth crowds the lead singe4 the kit spreadjust a littlewide by its manymics,but the substance andenergy the tightness of the band as they work through the rhythmic convolutions of the track is infectious.Guitarsiar and stab,the keyboard grumbles, but above everything there's the senseof space and tension within the music, between the musicians.Dance?Play this tnck through the Isisand it almost physically lifts from your seat. A stepfurther?How aboutRTloros penceworth of LP And Prayers,99 samplerfromCherryRed,and as righteousa recordaseverwas.Butwith 17trackscrammedontoits hvosides, whatprice fidelityWell,iusttry 77 REVIEW . SYSTEM ) 'On Everything But The Girl's My Mind'. Theres Tiacy all winsome and right in front of you, with Ben Watt well back on her left. Its a device demanded by the song, her lyric, his distant echo and it works beautifully So much so in fact, that you can hear quite clearly both in terms of scale and the way that hes proiecting his voice, that this is no studio artifice;hes back there and this is a single take. Its the ability to preservethese cues, to conjure both the sense and the fact of the original performance that makes the lsis so special. Play something stellar like JanisIans'Some hoples Lives'and the effect is quite breathtaking, both for its musical realism and the directnessof its communication. The other thing you'll quickly realise is that on smaller ensembles,rock bands and the like, images are astonishingly natural in size and scale. This is due in no small part to the physical size of the speakers,which are after all, near man-sizedthemselves.But it's a fact that holds good to the back of the stage,such is this speaker'sability to delineate, direct and deliver musical energy Suddenly you realise iust how emasculated upright basssounds on most systemsjust because its almost always positioned to the rear of the group. The Isis rehabilitates both it and its contribution,the playing clearer,the tone far more complex, the groove coming alive. Tianslatethat to orchestra and althoughthe imagesshrink in size, they maintain their consistencyand perspective.Concerto recordings no 78 longer leave the soloist sounding so exposed and over-miced,the orchestra, the life and energy in its contributions, restoring the proper balance. Even something as familiar as the Starker Dvorak Cello on Mercury holds new surprises.Not only is the soloist positioned properly on the same stage as the orchestra,and much more to scale, the orchestra is physically larger,laid out flatter and in distinctly serried ranks. The double-basseshave real powerand weight,a rasp to theirbowingto balancethe slashing brilliance of the violins. Likewise the Du Pre Elgar,the Heifetz Tchaikovsky and a host of other records about which I thought there was little more to learn. And that's really the point. It's not to BasementJaxx and cry at the end oI La Tiaoiata,strut with Jaggerand conduct the I-SO.It deliversyou into the heart and soul, meaning and emotion of a performance.It givesyou the music... Its been a long journey via the Eidolon Diarnond, the Nola hgasus and the Wilson Duette, all speakers that have taught me about aspectsof musical coherence and low distortion. But those threads have been bound positively emphatically together in the Isis.Avalon speakershave long added little of themselvesto the musical event, but now finally Neil Patelhas produced a speaker that encompasses the scale, the pattern and the energy of that event - as well as the complexity and nature of that energy It is the most musically complete speaker ['ve heard. >+ T E C HN I C A L S P E CFI I C A T I O N S Type: loudspeaker DriverComplement:1x 25mminverted diamond about how deep these speakersgo, dometweeter lx 178mm ceramb i co w l or the wonderful basstexturestheyfloat so effortlesslylt'snot aboutthe lack of glare or edge in the treble, the supremely natural midrange tonality or the effortlessdynamic range. Indeed,you can get speakers(although not many) that do go deeper and throw an even more palpable acoustic space as a result. You can destroy the fragile wonder of their performance if you ask too much of the partnering amp (a point I reached once or twice with the RADIA but never with the Karans). You'll find that this is a speaker that reveals (but doesn't rub your nose in) the acoustic irregularities of your listening environment. These are all factors you need to consider. But what you won't find is a speaker that makes more senseof the music on your discs. This is a speaker that makesyou dance Three-way reflexloaded midrange 2x 330mmNomex/Kevlar bassunits Sensitivity: Bandwidth: 90dB 2QHz- 45kHz 4 0hms 75 -750Watts PowerRequirements: (WxHxD): Dimensions 38 x 153x 56cm(actual) lmpedance: Weight: l00kg ea. Finishes:Ouiltedcherrycurlymaple, Standard figuredwalnul Finishes: Birdseye mapl€, walnut Special clusterburl,myrtlecluster Price: burllallat additional cosu f58000 UKDistributor: Audiofreak Tel.(aaX0)2089484153 Net.www.audiofreaks.co.uk Manufacturer: AvalonAcoustics Net.www.avalonacoustics.com