Wildcat Weekly, October 23, 2015


Wildcat Weekly, October 23, 2015
St. Anne Catholic School
Wildcat Weekly
October 23, 2015
October 2015
Bingo Dinner
6 pm
7 am-1 pm
11 am-4 pm
Student Conferences
Upcoming Events
October 24 11 am-4 pm Carnival !!!
October 26 4:30—5:30 pm Boys’ Basketball
Tryouts—8th grade
October 26 5:30—6:30 pm Boys’ Basketball
Tryouts 6th & 7th grades
October 27 AR Pajama Day
October 27 4—5pm A Team Girls’ Basketball
@ Community Christian n Orange
October 27 4:30—5:30 pm Boys’ Basketball
Tryouts-8th Grade
October 27 5:30—6:30 pm Boys’ Basketball
Tryouts-6th-7th grades
October 28 6th, 7th, 8th grades to Jefferson
Theater for Chamber Theatre Productions (may
wear spirit shirts and jeans or uniform bottoms)
October 29 7:30 am-3:30 pm Pink Out Day;
donate $1 to Gift of Life and wear pink
October 29 2-3 pm Magic Treehouse--A Night
in New Orleans Presentation (kindergarten-4th
grade attend in Cat Cafe)
October 29 4-5 pm A Team Girls’ BB @ St.
October 30 7:30 am-3:30 pm Wear Carnival
or Halloween t-shirts with jeans or uniform bottoms
Tis the season
for allergies!
October 31
General aches and
Fatigue and weakness
Itchy eyes
Sore throat
Runny nose
They’re finally here—the crisp,
cool fall mornings with low humidity, cloudless skies, weather
conditions that beckon us outdoors. But also outdoors are
blooming ragweed, goldenrod,
and things that make us go
“achoo!” Above, “Mac” is properly covering his mouth as he sneezes, which helps squelch the spread
of SOME germs. Or is his sneeze
an allergic reaction?
How do you tell if your child has
a cold or suffers from allergies?
Use the handy chart (left) that can
help you determine at a glance
whether your student likely has a
contagious virus or an immunesystem response resulting in allergies. Treatments are different for
the two as well.
Third Grade Leads School in
Praying the Living Rosary
The word rosary comes from Latin and means a garland of roses, the rose being
one of the flowers used to symbolize the Virgin Mary.
On Tuesday of this week, the parish hall filled with the student body, faculty,
parents, grandparents, and guests who joined third graders in praying the rosary, a devotion honoring the Virgin Mary. The rosary prayers come mainly
from the Bible.
Third graders took turns leading the five decades of Hail Marys, Glory Bes, Our
Fathers, as the audience responded in unison. Students formed a rosary chain,
and each student placed a rose in a vase after they introduced and led their
prayer. This very beautiful tradition is always well-attended and guests are impressed with the reverence shown by the St. Anne students during the service.
A special thank you to third grade teachers Marie Roux, Suzanne Steptoe, Sami
Thibodeaux, as well as volunteer parents for a beautiful presentation.
Pictured at left are Ms.
Roux and her homeroom students.
Below: Ms. Steptoe
and her students.
Below: Mrs. Thibodeaux
and her third graders.
All ages come to pray the rosary. And those too little to say
or know the prayers are very watchful of the soft lighting,
deep red roses, students’ readings, and students’ procession
around the rosary “chain” as they return to their seats after
Coach fOR the Day
Once again, Coach Andrew Falgout came to work but let his “Coach for the
Day” assume coaching responsibilities! On Monday, first grader Cane Paschal led St. Anne School’s PE classes and kept the gym in good order.
Cane revealed in his pictures, however, how exhausting the job could be;
but he would gladly help out again should the need arise.
Left: Coach Paschal
in the morning—
raring to go!
Right: Coach
Paschal in the afternoon after a day of
dealing with students,
teachers, and parents!
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor hail will
stop the Saint Anne Carnival!
With heavy rains predicted for this Saturday and Sunday, Carnival
organizers and school officials met Wednesday afternoon and
made the executive decision that “the show must go on.” With the
possibility of such severe weather moving through and dumping
flooding rains on Southeast Texas, organizers had considered
postponing the Carnival until Saturday, October 31, the following
weekend, to ensure at least a modicum of success since it is our
largest fundraiser.
But given permission to use the parish hall if needed to house
many of the activities that normally would be set up outdoors,
the decision to keep the already scheduled date and time came
more easily. So tomorrow from 11 am to 4 pm, the Carnival season’s grand finale, the 2015 Carnival, the event we have looked forward to since last
year’s Carnival ended, will happen!
Enjoy some pictures of this busy week’s activities!
PK3 show
some scary,
witchy moves
and faces
while wearing the hats
they made.
Do they fly
on broomsticks!
First graders point to
their Halloween papers
decorating the Primary
Building hallways.
7th Graders Decorate
Two office workers whose faces were
purposely hidden so as NOT to embarrass their children, practice the Thriller
Dance before the pep rally so they “will
remember it and be good at it.” Unfortunately, their practice did not pay off, and
rumor has it that their children have
changed their names and are dressing
As much as I hate
to admit it, the faculty dancers were
actually pretty
good! Now, I would
never recommend
that they quit their
day jobs, but they
didn’t come off as
uncoordinated buffoons with two left
feet! That’s as complimentary as I can
And the band played on . . . And did a great job!
The Batty Cave for
batty faculty!
The bats in the belfry?!
visits PK3
and teaches
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winners
Saturday, October 24
11:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Carnival highlights
We’ve got
Capture the fun at our Photo Booth
Courville’s gumbo will be made fresh Carnival morning to eat on the spot or take
home in a 32oz. container to eat that night or freeze
Be the first to try Beaumont’s newest restaurant FIG PIG (formally The Burger
Guy) in their food truck for Hamburgers & Pork Sliders
Taste Mr. Tamayo’s Tamales
Come see some of our 8th graders at the spaghetti eating contest
Our very own Wee Wildcat singers & IRule dancers
Some new booths - Bat in a Haystack, Boxing Ring, Mechanical Bull, Games People
Play – Putt Putt, Ping Pong/Washers & Quad Bungee Trampoline, & Hay Ride
Carnival T-Shirts reduced price of- $5.00
Pick-up or buy your wristbands/tickets in the Secondary Building entrance closest
to Pre-K3
Don’t miss out on a BATTY Good Ole Time at all our game & food BOOths!!!
Carnival Schedule of Events
Prayer, Welcome, Band and Cheerleaders
St. Anne Wee Wildcat Singers
Costume Contest
IRule Dance Performers
Tiger Rock Martial Arts
Sons of Italy Spaghetti Eating Contest
featuring SAS Student Club Representatives
Class Booth Awards
Thank You Carnival Underwriters
Air Comfort
Brocato Family
Brain & Spine Center of Southeast Texas/Spine TECH Neurosurgery – Drs. Sujin Yu & Erwin Lo
Jason’s Deli
Dr. Gene Isabell & Family
Dynasy & Lan Phelan
Scriptcare, Ltd.
Turbo Power Systems Inc./ Lumpkin Family
West End Dental Group – Michael Olson, DDS
Thank You Carnival Publicity Sponsors
Coburn Supply Company, Inc.
G&G Enterprises Construction Corp. – Garrett Family
Maloney Family
McClelland Samuel Fehnel & Busch, LLP
Neighbors Emergency Center
Neff Brothers Towing
Saba Family
The Shanning & Gertz Families
Thank You Bingo Sponsors
Monica & Jimmy Brousssard
Giglio Distributing
Quality Mat Company
Thank You Booth Sponsors
Anderson Homes-Stoney Petit, Adam Farnie, Bart Nichols, Ronnie Anderson
Ian & Jane Angel and Family
BO-MAC Contractors, LTD
Ashton and Sydney Burch
Sofia, Knox & Max Babineaux
Beaumont Tractor Co., Inc.
Ben & Ella Bennett/Zee Zummo
Branch Family
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Burd
Florer Family
Gambrah Family
Games People Play
Green Family
Goehringer Family
Andrew & Penni Guidry
Dr. Dean Halbert & Family
Heinz Family - Josh, Kim, Julianne, Jack
Will & Rachel Henderson
Jones Family
Jenkins Family – Hannah, Gates, Roy Thomas, Mary Ellis
Brian & Mandy Mazzola
McClelland Samuel Fehnel & Busch, LLP
Michelle & Andy Miller
Michele Mazzola-Smith
Montalbano Family
Phelan Audiology Hearing Center
Pritchard Family
Cade Riedmueller
Nicole & Russ Riedmueller
Riffer Family
Saba Family
Sanders Motor Co.
Sanitary Supply Co., Inc.
Seay Family
Shellenberger Family
Slack Family
Michele & Mitch Smith
SETX Ob/Gyn Association
Tortorice Family - Robert, Joey, Mary Margaret
Wright's Scrap & Recycling
Bryan & Brandi Yancey
Thank You Carnival Supporters
Paula Atkins
Patricia S. Bates
James & Patricia Brown
Edward Jones investments – - Jacob Vernon
Ted Harp Engineering
Jo Beth & Mike Jenkins
Arthur W. & Dorothy Kiker
Terri & Rich Kirschner
John & Gladys Knott
McHann Family
Sean & Buddi McKenzie
Merrick & Stephanie Moody
Percy Pitzer
Pritchard Family
Lowell & Beth Rogers – - 11th Street Motors
Nicole & Russ Riedmueller
John & Stephanie Ross
Salazar-Casajus Family
Mel & Neysa Wright
Alliance Engineers & Project Consultants
Air Comfort, Inc.
Anderson Homes-Stoney Petit, Adam Farnie, Bart Nichols
Bret & Karen Babineaux
Beaumont Asset Management LLC
Beaumont Smile Center
Beaumont Tractor Co., Inc.
Mark F. Bellard, DDS Inc.
Brocato Family
Children's Dentistry of Beaumont
Coastal Welding
Mikey and Cookie
Dr. Ian Angel & Dr. Marco T. Silva
DRC Construction LLC/Cockerill Family
Andrew & Penni Guidry
Will & Rachel Henderson
Gene P. Isabell, Jr., MD/ Beaumont Bone & Joint
J.S. Edwards & Sherlock
Jason’s Deli
Jones Family
The Laurels - Home of K&K Designs
Mathews Jewelers
Gigi & Ben Mazzola
Brian & Mandy Mazzola
McClelland Samuel Fehnel & Busch, LLP
Messina Family-Georgia, Olivia, Maceo
Phelan Audiology Hearing Center
Rao's Bakery
Renegade Industrial Supply/ Rinando Family
River City Hospice
Saba Family
Script Care, Ltd.
Michele & Mitch Smith
Southeast Texas Vein Clinic
Tortorice Family - Robert, Joey, Mary Margaret
Joseph, Luke, Lainey Tortorice
Turbo Power Systems, Inc./ Lumpkin Family
West End Dental Group: Michael Olson, DDS
Wright's Scrap & Recycling
Sons of Italy - Sam Coco
Giglio Distributing
Orange County Ice
Dairy Queen
Market Basket
The Shanning Family
The Lampson Family
Knights of Columbus #951
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
Fig Pig - Jake Mazzu and Nathan Luna
Richard Tamayo
Little Caesar’s Pizza
Papa John's Pizza
Cici's Pizza
Courville's Special Events and Catering
West End Neighbors Publication - Lee Gomez
KFDM Channel 6
KBMT Channel 12
Tiger Industrial
Rao's Bakery
Confections Macaroons - Netty Giglio
Pit Crew
Crabtree Barricade
All Power Electric - John May
Sherry & Bubba Paschal
Boy Scout Troop 85
Zummo's Meat Company
Soccer season is over and the last early morning breakfast was served last week. The St.
Anne team had a season record of six wins
and two losses, placing second in the league.
Congratulations to these athletes and their
coach, Paige Bucklew!
Stacey Savino-Philmon, Music Teacher,
is Now on Board!
After a long search for a music teacher who will lead students ages 4to 14-year olds in music classes, church services, and schoolwide performances, our prayers were answered! Stacey Savino-Philmon happily signed on the dotted line this past week. She is already working in
the music room arranging the tools needed to teach music at the various
levels, and groups of students originally assigned
to music but unable to
take it without a teacher,
will have their schedules
rearranged so that many of
them may begin their music elective this Monday,
October 26.
Mrs. Philmon grew up in
Beaumont and graduated
from Beaumont Charlton
Pollard High School. She
attended Lamar for one
year and then was accepted at the Boston Conservatory where she received a bachelor of fine arts in musical theatre and a minor in acting.
She has traveled the United States with touring companies, singing and
performing and loving it until her daughter Ava began attending school.
She is married to Jeff Philmon and they have a daughter Ava, 16, and
an 11 year-old son Nicholas who both attend Hamshire Fannett. Nicholas recently performed in the Kidmunity production of The King and I,
which is how Mrs. Philmon learned of the need for a music teacher at
St. Anne.
Besides stage performances (Lady Bird Johnson attended Stacey’s performances in Austin and became an avid fan!), she has taught private
voice and piano lessons and owned her own studio, Savino Voice Studio here in Beaumont. So if you run across a pretty, tiny brunette lady
who looks as though she just stepped off a Broadway stage, say hello to
and welcome Mrs. Philmon; and don’t underestimate the powerful
voice of such a petite person!
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creeder@sasbmt.com or call 409.832.5939