Term 3, Week 1 - Grenfell Public School
Term 3, Week 1 - Grenfell Public School
Volume 16 Issue 20 Date: 19th July 2016 Phone: 6343 2122 Fax: 6343 1480 Email: grenfell-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Achievement for All in a Happy, Safe & Caring Environment School Athletics Carnival Due to the inclement weather expected this week, and the fact that we have to submit our District Athletics nominations by this Friday, we will not be running a normal Athletics Carnival. We are going to endeavour to finish off field events at school this week if we get a break in the weather. We will bus students to and from the High School to run the 100m, 200m and 800m on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. The oval at the High School is still wet, and to make matters worse, they had a water leak on the 100 metre track. If that fails, we have prepared a temporary track on our oval and will run the track events on Friday as best we can. We are still going to run House and Age Championships and will tally up the points as normal. The only event that we might not be able to run is our House relays. We will do the best that we can and we appreciate your support with this. We ask that all students turning 8 years and above wear their joggers to school this week and have a change of clothes with them as they might get wet if we run events. If you check our school Facebook page we will announce each day whether we are going to run any events. District Athletics Carnival The District Athletics Carnival will be held in Cowra on Friday 5th August. More information will be given to students once we have sorted out our own entries. Regional Athletics Carnival The Western Region Athletics Carnival will be held in Dubbo on Friday 2nd September. P & C Meeting There will be a P & C meeting tonight in the school staffroom at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along. 2015 Athletics Champions Athletics Carnival 2015 Year 6 Transition to the High School Students in Year 6 are attending the High School each Wednesday afternoon this term for Science. Mr Martens will take the students to the High School each Wednesday at lunch time for the afternoon session and students will be dismissed from the High School at the end of the day. They will need to make their own arrangements home from there. This is a great opportunity for our Year 6 students to become familiar with the High School. VO LUME 16, ISSUE 19 EMU CREEK ECHO PAGE 2 State Cross Country Good luck to Will Johnson who is off to State for Cross Country this Thursday, 21 st July. Showground sale The P & C catered for a showground sale last Sunday. Thank you to John Gorman, Brent Cartwright, Tam Ingrey, David & Debbie Freebody, Paul Westman, Daniel Martin, Francesca Nolan, Ali Forde and Tracy Taylor for helping out at the sale. Thank you to Debbie Freebody and Mia Westman for making all the lovely cakes and slices for us to sell. We made around $600 which is excellent. School External Validation Our School is going to be one of the first schools in the state to be externally validated and it is happening this term. This is where external people from the department come in to look at our plans, programs and the running of our school. Our executive team will be involved in preparing things for the validation which is on Thursday 1 st September. This will happen every 5 years. I will discuss this further at our P & C Meeting tonight. Education Week We are celebrating Education Week in Week 8 of this term and our special day will be Friday 9th September. We will have an early Morning Tea at 10.30am, a Special Assembly at 11.00am in the hall, and then have a Tabloid run by our Year 6 students. Lunch will be at 1.00pm and then we will continue with the Tabloid if we are not finished. During the day we will be holding our Book Fair in the Library which will be run by Mrs Scott and Mrs Eppelstun. You can come and buy books before school, at morning tea or lunch time. Students will be able to view the books for sale all week. The Library will be closed for students during Assembly and Tabloids. Please put Students enjoying Tabloid sports during Education Week—2015 Kinder Enrolments for 2016 Information booklets and enrolment forms for students starting Kindergarten in 2017 are available from the office. We will be sending out our Kinder Orientation program for Term 4 very soon. We will be presenting a Kindergarten information session on Wednesday 3rd August at the PreSchool. Father’s Day Stall Our Father’s Day Stall will be held on Friday 2nd September. Students can bring in $1 to $10 to buy their Dad a Father’s Day gift. If you are able to help out on the Friday morning for this please contact Bec Squires, Jessica Brenner or Mia and Paul Westman. Winter Uniform Now that winter has set in we need to keep our students warm. Students should be wearing: Sky blue school jumper or Navy blue school polar fleece jacket Navy blue school parker Navy blue skort with Navy blue tights Navy blue pants If you want to buy a jacket without a logo it needs to be navy blue. In winter students can also wear gloves, a beanie or scarf but they have to be Navy blue. If they are not navy blue the kids can not wear them. I would also like parents to purchase black shoes as a part of our school uniform. It looks very ordinary when students are not wearing the correct uniform. It’s fine to wear joggers on a Friday as that is our sports day or for special activities. I would appreciate your support with this. VO LUME 16 ISSUE 20 PAGE 3 EMU CREEK ECHO PLEASE REMEMBER OUR FISH PHILOSOPHY Month of July Meal Deal! Homemade Macaroni Cheese & a Fruit Popper for $5.00. Canteen Roster for Term 3 Tues 19th July: Volunteer required Wed 20th July: Volunteer required Thurs 21st July: Volunteer required Fri 22nd July: Volunteer required VO LUME 16, ISSUE 19 SCHOOL BANKING EMU CREEK ECHO Welcome back to Term 3. This term we have 2 new reward items - the Jump & Skip Rope and the Backtrack Eraser Pen. Also there is another competition running where students can go into a draw to win a Star Saver prize – these include 50 camping kits, 90 instant cameras and 200 magazine packs. All you have to do is make 3 deposits during Term 3 to be eligible (details below). Also there is an online competition where students go into a draw to win one of 50 Supernova prizes - PlayStation 4 packs. Go to commbank.com.au/prizelights for details. Congratulations to all those students who received certificates and reward items during the last week of Term 2 - great work! Don’t forget to send in your deposits each Tuesday. PAGE 4