current newsletter. - Mooroolbark East Primary School
current newsletter. - Mooroolbark East Primary School
MEPS NEWSLETTER Wednesday, 18th March, 2015 MOOROOLBARK EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL Taylor Road, Mooroolbark 3138 Phone: 9726 9422 FAX: 9726 9833 Website: MEPS CALENDAR TERM 1 March Thursday Monday Friday 19th Grade 5/6 Athletics 23rd Gr 4 Excursion: Old Melbourne Gaol & MCG JSC Badge Presentation at Assembly 27th Last day of Term 1; Easter Raffle draw at Assembly after lunch Finish at 3.30pm SICK BAY LINEN ROSTER Friday, 20th March Natalie Guest BANKING ROSTER Thursday, 19th March L Hazeldene, A Knight CANTEEN ROSTER Thursday, 19th March: Natalie Elder, Jody Beaton, Heidi Bell Friday, 20th March: Sharon Tyzack, Melissa Principal’s Comment Hi Everyone, The last two weeks of term are certainly busy. I have given you a report of what has been happening around the school and what is about to happen by the end of next week. I hope you enjoy reading the happenings around the school. Parent/Teacher Interviews: These interviews were very well attended last week with around 95% of families meeting with their child’s classroom teacher. I know the staff appreciate the information they receive from you and also like to be able to put a face to a name. I hope you found them valuable too. There will be further interviews at mid-year after you receive your child’s report. Athletics: Last week we had the Grade 3/4 Interschool Athletics at Croydon Athletics Track. This was a great day with all children partici pating with a great sense of sportsmanship and giving it their best. There were lots of parents there who offered their support with teams as well as staff undertaking various roles. Thank you so much to all of you for your assistance with this. Special thanks to Aaron Palmer for his training and organisation prior to the event. I had one Mum come to see me after the athletics to let me know how proud she was to be a MEPS Mum as the kids were so well behaved, had a great attitude and supported each other. This feedback certainly made my day! Even better, we came second overall! Congratulations! Aaron has included a full report later in the newsletter. Tomorrow we have the Grade 5/6 Athletics Carnival at the same venue. Good luck to all those competing. We look forward to hearing of your results. Easter Egg Raffle: I love this whole concept! It is an annual event. You donate the Easter eggs, then you pay for raffle tickets to see if you are lucky enough to win some of them back! The raffle will be drawn at a final assembly next Friday afternoon, March 27 th. It is a great fundraiser but just as important, it is a great event for the students. It is always exciting. Please make sure that you buy your tickets. The grade who brings the most Easter Eggs also receive an extra raffle ticket each. Leadership Conference: ‘We got to the station at 7.20am and got our Myki cards from Mrs. Nelsson. There were all the captains of the school – 20 in total. There were two other schools at the station waiting to go too. We hopped on the train and on there we met a man named Nathan and he was doing Maths. We were talking to him about Maths and his occupation. We got off the train at Southern Cross Station and went outside and took a big selfie. We walked to the Exhibition Centre. Inside it was very sleek and modern and green. There were lots of seats. At the GRIP Lead ership Conference there were around 2,100 students and then staff too. GRIP stands for Generosity, Responsibility, Integrity and People. There were six hosts for the day. There were lots of activities such as paper, scissors, rock with everyone and Connect 4 with the whole audience. We had to make loud noises too with Andy and Mason. We learnt that paper, scissors, rock is a reflection of leadership. Paper, you make a plan, scissors, take action, rock, stand strong. There were three sessions over the day. They spoke about the Stand Up Principle – Stand up when there is an opportunity, stand up for yourself, stand up for others and stand up for what is right. We also talked about developing a leadership plan. P is for priority areas, L is for listen, A is for activity and N is for next steps. When all the sessions finished we got up on the stage and had a group photo in front of the banners. It was a fantastic day and I can’t believe that I got to go. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Leadership has never been so interesting and it was WOW!!! ‘ By Jorja Pauer and Alana Roache. Cayley Gray and I would like to congratulate our school leaders on their enthusiasm and contributions for the day. They were sensational. Choir: Our choirs are performing at the Celebrate Mooroolbark Festival this weekend. If you are around they would love to see you there cheering them on. Fiona Hall and Keren Saxon do a great job with our choir. Thank you very much ladies. All the best for the day! Car Wash: Thanks to those people who brought their cars up to be washed by the Junior School Council last Friday. There were lots of giggles going on over lunch time. Michelle Hood and Cayley Gray ran the event with the representatives from the Junior School Council and were both soaked by the end. The JSC raised $170 for their efforts. Well done! Twilight Sports: This event took place on Monday evening. I think it was the best turnout we have ever had. The oval was covered with students wearing their house colours and their parents cheering, taking photos and enjoying their children’s success. There is nothing more gorgeous than watching the Preps put so much effort into throwing a beanbag, rolling on a mat or passing a ball to one another. They are so focussed and yet so distracted at the same time! Thanks to Aaron Palmer for all his organi sation with this event. Thank you to Graeme Barnett who always done a brilliant job of setting up the sound systems for us. It is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to Gold House who were the winners on the night. You were great! Election Promise: Brant Kennedy, Matt Henry, Geoff Lovell and myself attended a briefing on Monday morning regarding the $1million election promise. We will have to wait until the budget details are released in May to see whether or not we will receive the money this financial year or next financial year. The money has been earmarked for improving the hall and learning spaces. There will need to be significant discussion to determine what the money will achieve and what takes priority. I will keep you informed and seek your opinion as the process continues. School Council: There is a School Council meeting tonight at 7pm. This is the first meeting of the new Council. All are welcome to attend as this is a public meeting. Junior School Council: Badges for the JSC will be presented at Monday assembly, 23rd March. You may wish to be there to see your child presented with their badge. Preps: Next Wednesday is the last week of testing for our Prep students. They will commence full time school as of the beginning of next term. Let’s hope they have a good rest over the holidays and are rearing to go in Term 2. Grade 4 Excursion: Next Monday the Grade 4 students are heading off on an excursion into the city for the day. They will visit the Old Melbourne Gaol, Captain Cook’s Cottage and other sites of Melbourne. I will give you a full report in next week’s newsletter. China 2015: Next Friday, March 27th, 20 staff will be heading off to China for the holidays. We will be visiting our sister school in Kunshan as part of this tour and will be conducting lessons. It is a little intimidating to have 50 students in a class who don’t speak English, with 20 Chinese teachers at the back observing the lesson and taking notes! We will be there for three days. This is a big commitment for staff. It is fun but staff are paying their own way, giving up their holidays and preparing lessons to present. It is truly a testament to the value they place on the sister school relationship and the concept of global education. We will give a full report next term. Enjoy your week! Debbie Nelsson PRINCIPAL House Points BELL JAMINSON WALLING HOOKEY 25 42 26 42 MOOKIDS VALUE : UNIFORM SHOP Mondays & Fridays 8:45 - 9:45am CO-OPERATION Co-operating is working helpfully with others. Co-operate with other people’s ideas. Be mindful of other people’s opinions. Co-operation means working as a pair or team. CHAIRBAGS Do you have a spare chair bag at home? We would love to take it off your hands. We are in need of a few spare ones for a couple of our clas ses. If you can help, please send the chair bag along to the office. Thank you! Green polo shirts are now available in sizes 8 and 10. BIG REDS are also now in stock! Rain Jacket Order Form included in the newsletter. We need some more coat hangers for the Uniform Shop, so if you have any to spare, please send them along to the office. Thank you! Need uniform but can’t get to the shop at the above times? 1. Fill in an order form (available at office) 2. Pay at the office 3. Uniform will be given to your child to bring home. Hope this helps! Penny Spencer Uniform Co-ordinator FUND RAISING NEWS BUNNINGS BBQ: Easter Sunday, 5th April Thank you so much for the fantastic response to our request for help on this day. The roster has been totally filled! Awesome effort! This should be a great fund raiser for the school, but is in the middle of the school holidays. If you are not going EASTER RAFFLE Our famous Easter Raffle is drawing near!! We are looking for donations of Easter eggs, baskets, soft toys, any Easter stuff really so we can have our usual number of prizes (over 100!). The class that donates the greatest number of items will receive an extra raffle ticket for each student. Raffle tickets will be going home this week. Last week-end was a great success with many portraits being taken and families arriving looking quite splendid!! If you missed out on having your portrait taken, you are still able to book a sitting at the Yellingbo property. The cost is $15 (which is non-refundable) for the sitting and you receive a framed 8 x 10 print. Obviously other prints can be ordered from the photographer as well. Please contact the office to obtain your $15 voucher which has all the details you need to book a sitting at the farm property. CANTEEN NEWS Icy poles and snack items are available over the counter at the Canteen on Thursday and Friday. Please do not enclose money for these items with your lunch orders. FROM THE LIBRARY We would really appreciate the return of all missing library books and Take Home Readers. The estimate is about 400-500 for the library alone! The THR loss of books is about the same. Please encourage your kids to have a good look and return them to the class teacher, the library or the office. Thank you! District Athletics: Last Thursday the 12th of March our Grade 3/4 students attended their District Athletics Carnival at Croydon Athletics Track. As always, our students put in their best efforts and behaved extremely well during the day. We received a lot of positive feed back about our students’ behaviour and sportsmanship from parents and staff from other schools. As a whole, MEPS performed extremely well on the day. We finished in 2 nd place out of the five schools – which was a great result! Well done to all of our Grade 3/4 athletes! Our Grade 5/6 students have their District Athletics Carnival tomorrow (Thursday the 19 th) at Croydon Athletics Track. Good luck everyone! Twilight Sports Carnival: Our Twilight Sports on Monday night was an excellent night. We had a great turn out with just under 400 students participating and a whole heap of parents, friends and relatives there to support the kids and enjoy the evening. Our house captains and school captains did an amazing job supporting their teams and providing some enthusi asm by getting dressed up and making banners for the night. The eventual winners of the carnival were Yellow House, by just 5 points! Thank you to all of the parents who attended as well as all of the staff that helped out by taking groups around or running activities. We must also thank Graeme Barnett (for setting up the speakers and microphone), Lisa Marceddo (for organising the food and drink vans for the night) and Geoff Lovell (for his help with the organisation and packing up of the audio gear). Woorabinda Camp: All children who are attending Woorabinda Camp on the first week of next term should have received their notices today with information regarding drop off and pick up location, group numbers, dorm numbers etc. If you have any questions about the camp don’t hesitate to contact me. I will continue to pass on any correspondence that the camp provides me. Aaron Palmer PE Teacher SECONDARY COLLEGE OPEN NIGHTS AND INFORMATION SESSIONS LILYDALE HIGH SCHOOL SEAL PROGRAM : SELECTION PROCESS The Lilydale High School SEAL program selec tion process begins on Friday, May 20. Testing day is May 22nd. UNIFORM SHOP Mondays & Fridays 8:45 - 9:45am RAIN JACKETS Order your waterproof, light weight jacket now and be ready for those rainy days. These are a new item! They are black, without a logo, so can also be worn out of school. They fold down into a small side pocket of the school bag. At $17.00, they are the perfect addition to your child’s bag to be ready for the weather to change. Available in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… RAIN JACKET ORDER FORM Child’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………… Grade: ……………… Room No : …….. No of jackets: ……………….. Sizes: ……………………………………………. Enclosed: $.................. ($17 each) cash / cheque / credit card details: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Details: Cardholders Name: ……………………………………………………………………….……………..…….. Phone: ………………………………………….. Card Number Expiry Date: ………………….. Amount: $........................ Visa/Mastercard (please circle) Signed …………………………………………………………………………………. STUDENT OF THE WEEK GRADE NAME REASON Prep C Cruz Barra For having lovely manners and sharing with a class mate. Prep D Tegan Barber For going full steam ahead with your Mioow words. Prep O Keira Styles For being so caring and helpful to other students. Prep T Tamieka Dickson For being a caring friend and class member Prep CS Max Arthur Great attitude towards his learning and beautiful manners 1D Calan Hogeboom For always giving his 100% ! 1KB Chris Weinert For his awesome skip counting skills 1/2H Gemma Peterson For helpfulness with our rainbow facts 2C Jonathan Konstas For working really hard and doing great work 3H Luke Peterson For doing a fantastic job with his journal writing 3T Jasper Bateman-Payne For his kindness, thoughtfulness and all-over awesomeness! 3W Sonny Hull For being a reliable and responsible student 4F Jayden Isbester For always putting in his best effort! 4S Maddy Lorimer Completing all school tasks to a very high standard. 5H Ajay Fairweather For a fabulous narrative writing piece 5J Mercedees Cooper Displaying resilience at LHSC Discovery Day 5L Charli Bromley Representing the school in a fantastic way at Lilydale Heights SC 6G Lily Luri For her dedication to her learning and for always being polite and caring! 6MP Meghan Lyall For always trying her best with challenging tasks. PE Zac Ellis [5H] For competing in the Regional Swimming Finals Global Ed Spencer Hill [4F] For amazing discussion about the values good global citizens share. Literacy Support Ben Studzinsky [1N] Great participation in his reading group AP (SM) Tylar Clark [Prep T] For trying hard all the time! AP (BK) Ryleigh McCormick [3T] For his efforts at Athletics. So proud of you buddy! COMMUNITY NOTICES AND ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE NOTE: SUCH PUBLICATIONS DO NOT IMPLY SCHOOL ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE Enrichment, Education, Excitement - Become a Volunteer Host Family! World Education Program (WEP) is inviting you to experience another culture in your own home by becoming a volunteer host family to an interna tional student arriving in July 2015. Our students from Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Italy, Belgium, the USA, and France are looking forward to experi encing life in Australia, making new friends and becoming a member of an Australian family soon. Hosting Is Fun! Find Out more! Getting to know your student before he or she arrives brings fun and joy to everyone involved. To help you make this important decision, contact WEP today to receive a full information pack for your family. Sylvia Kelly Manager – Inbound Exchange Programs Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: Online: