- Exportinitiative Gesundheitswirtschaft


- Exportinitiative Gesundheitswirtschaft
Health - Made in Germany
Architecture . engineering . consulting . teleheAlth . services
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
Health - Made in Germany
Architecture . Engineering . Consulting . Telehealth . Services
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
editorial health – made in germany
Health Care – A Growing Market
the german health care industry is one of the most significant sectors of the country’s economy. its companies produce some 10 percent of german gross domestic
product (gDP). the sector also accounts for about 13 percent of the country’s jobs,
making it one of the largest employers in germany. All forecasts say that the health
care industry’s significance will continue to grow along with the rising demand for
health care products and services worldwide.
in this publication, companies and service providers working in the areas of architecture, consulting, telehealth and medical services present innovative solutions
which have been proven successful in international health care markets. “health
– Made in germany” is far more than the title of this publication. the claim also
represents the “export initiative of the german health care industry,” with which
germany’s Federal Ministry of economics and technology (BMWi) intends to bring
together german companies with customers and partners from abroad. As germany’s federal foreign trade and inward investment agency, germany trade & in-
vest has been assigned to implement the export initiative.
suppliers have also cooperated in putting together this publication in order to
make clear the great potential germany has for producing solutions and innovations. i would like to invite you to get better acquainted with the partners and services introduced in this guide. Please also use the platforms and events that the
german health care industry has made available to serve you. We look forward to
hearing from you to regularly exchange ideas.
Dr. Jürgen Friedrich
chief executive
germany trade & invest
health – made in germany content
MAron.rinne Architects:
state Mechnikov Medical Academy,
st. Petersburg, russia
Health - Made in Germany
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
12 Medical Technology - „Made in
Germany“ Dipl.-ing. henning lensch,
chairman, task Force healthcare
planning of german Association
of consulting engineers; Dipl.-ing.
Jörg thiele, vice-President, german
Association of consulting engineers
local global
Health - Made in Germany
Architecture . engineering . consulting . teleheAlth . services
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
32 Emergency-Room and Clinical Case
Management with evidence based
Clinical Pathways it based pathways
help doctors and nurses during their
daily routine.
16 Integrated Core Renovation
new high-tech operating theatres
at Klinikum ludwigsburg in germany
hWP Planungsgesellschaft mbh
32 mdoc – medical documentation online A secure web-based database to
manage patient related medical data.
8 German Healthcare
Exports – Highlights
25 NEST e.V. – National Association for
eHealth Systems and Telemedicine
9 Health – Made in Germany
As the population of many countries
ages, health care is becoming
a key issue.
27 VMscope GmbH Berlin
virtual Microscopy – beyond
the scope of microscopy
initiated by:
30 Working together: Schmerztherapie
2.0 – improving the quality of life
Diagnoses without unnecessary delay
14 Inclusive Design Architecture
and design can create optimal
structures. Prof. swantje Kuehn,
22 Earthquake resistance - a priority, for
high-quality hospital planning in Turkey
hWP Planungsgesellschaft mbh
28 Simulation of a highly complex scenario An interdisciplinary research
Medical Services
34 Towards a Green Hospital scenarios
and models for hospitals and health
facilities Dr. Wolfgang sittel, Asklepios
hospital group and founder of
the green hospital Program
38 Know- how for international markets
stuttgart Medical school provides
access to medical and organizational
knowledge by providing a comprehensive global syllabus. cornelia Walter,
Klinikum stuttgart
Architecture • Engineering • Consulting
42 Projects Worldwide
50 Performances
52 Company Profiles
AeP Architekten eggert generalplaner gmbh * architectural office
Kriesche * Architekten gerlach i
schneider + Partner * Beeg - geiselbrecht - lemke Architekten gmbh
53 Boll und Partner Beratende ingenieure
54 Busse & PArtner Projectmanagers
gmbh * ces consulting engineers
salzgitter gmbh * consulting services
freelancer * Dorsch international consultants gmbh * Duschl ingenieure
gmbh & co. Kg * ebert-ingenieure
55 electricAl engineering + lighting Design consultAncY g.volZ
56 eMv gmbh
58 ePos health Management gmbh
59 german hospital group Design &
consulting gmbh * gFA consulting
group gmbh
60 ghP-german healthcare Partnership
62 gKK+Architekten / Prof. swantje
Kuehn, oliver Kuehn
hWP Planungsgesellschaft mbh
icon-institute gmbh & co. Kg
iproplan Planungsgesellschaft mbh
KeMPen KrAuse ingenieure
Krämer & Partner
Maron.rinne Architects
nickl & Partner Architekten Ag
oBerMeYer corporate group
lüppens Architekten * mp-consult *
pos4 architektur/ städtebau * Quality
spa Associates gmbh * rrP architects + engineers * rri rhein ruhr
international gmbh
72 stefan ludes Architekten
73 umweltbüro Dipl.-ing. Mulisch gmbh
* vögele architekten bda
73 Wach - consulting engineers
80 sZ schmerzzentrum Berlin gmbh
81 serious gAMes Berlin c/o timeKontor Ag * timeKontor Ag * tembit
software gmbh * tsi telematic solutions international gmbh * vMscope
Medical Services
84 Klinikum stuttgart
85 charité - universitätsmedizin Berlin
86 Mh hannover – excellence in Medicine
76 Projects Worldwide
88 medica/Messe Düsseldorf
89 Cooperation Partners:
DKg - Deutsche Krankenhaus
gesellschaft e.v. * nest e.v. – national Association for ehealth systems
and telemedicine * health - Made in
germany * vBi - german Association
of consulting engineers
78 Performances
90 company index
eHealth Systems
and Telemedicine
79 Company Profiles
Ais Automations- und informationssysteme gmbh * clinPath gmbh * geteMeD Medizin- und informationstechnik Ag * iDoc institute for telemedicine
and health communication
Publisher: local global GmbH Marienstraße 5, 70178 stuttgart,  +49 711 22 55 88-0, info@localglobal.de www.localglobal.de
in Cooperation with
DKG – Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V. Wegelystr. 3, 10623 Berlin www.dkgev.de
Germany Trade & Invest GmbH, Health - Made in Germany Friedrichstraße 60, 10117 Berlin, info@health-made-in-germany.com www.health-made-in-germany.com
NEST e.V. – National Association for eHealth Systems and Telemedicine schoenhauser Allee 10 – 11, 10119 Berlin www.nest-telemedizin.de
VBI - German Association of Consulting Engineers Budapesterstr. 31, 10787 Berlin www.vbi.de
Consultant Dirk Wolske, Budapester str. 31, 10787 Berlin  +49 30 26062-0, dw@besser-medien.com
Print BWh gmbh - Die Publishing company, Beckstraße 10, 30457 hannover
Cover-Image health and hospitality centre at Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park, Berlin - copyright: gKK+Architekten, Prof. swantje Kühn, oliver Kühn
health – made in germany overview
German Healthcare Exports – Highlights
Germany has delivered
operating tables to some of
the world’s most unique and
remote places, such as the
Kazakh space center, Antarctica or to ships on the high seas.
Germany developed a neonatal
intensive care ventilator that
is being used to support the
lives of premature infants in
157 countries - from greenland to Peru.
Germany leads europe
in the field of biopharmaceuticals. As a global
player, it is second only
to the us.
A German company developed
hip implants for the Asian market
that were specifically adapted to
the anatomy of Asians. More than
twenty years after implantation,
95% of them are still working.
A German company exported
and set up a complete hospital
and laboratory, including
medical technology in nigeria.
it also trained staff on site.
Germany tops the world in medical
technology exports to the united states,
saudi Arabia, russia and Poland. it is
the second largest exporter of medtech to Brazil, india, china, Argentina,
Australia, south Africa and turkey.
An internationally-renowned German
company manufactured a medical
heavy ion machine for treating of
cancer patients and delivered the
system at the shanghai Proton
& heavy ion hospital.
A German company promoted international
cooperation by joining the World Bank and
the indian government to develop the indian
national health insurance scheme. until 2012,
it will provide health insurance protection to
300 million indians living below the poverty line.
A German university hospital
has advised the Yemeni
government on building and
operating a new 400-bed
projects health – made in germany
© sArtorius
Health – Made in Germany
As the population of many countries ages, health
care is becoming a key issue.
In Germany, many companies are already world leaders in their fields, in part
due to a policy of consistent and early
promotion of healthcare in germany.
german technology suppliers possess
decades of valuable experience in realizing healthcare projects both at home
and abroad. german industry knows how
to develop and provide customized solutions. the german healthcare industry is
a powerhouse characterized by high innovation, steady growth and continually
developing employment potential.
Besides the u.s. and Japan, germany
is by far the most profitable healthcare
market (eur 377.5 billion total volume
of healthcare industry in 2005 and rising,
with a 10.5% share of gDP in 2008).
over the past 10 years, the average growth
of gross value added in the healthcare industry has been significantly higher than
in the overall economy.
Are you looking for...
* information about healthcare products
and services in germany?
* german suppliers and business partners in order to buy or distribute new
* events in germany or in your home
country to expand your international
german companies offer you a full range
of innovative, high quality and reliable
healthcare products and services.
“health – Made in germany”, initiated
by the Federal Ministry of economics
and technology, bundles key information
health – made in germany overview
© sieMens
and contact details relating to german
healthcare products and services and
publishes it for your use on the internet:
Quality through Innovation
numerous innovations in the german
healthcare industry lead to progressively
improved products and constant growth
in know-how. german products have
also been associated with high quality for
decades and are in demand worldwide.
As a result, many german companies in
the healthcare industry can look back on
years of successful, global experience.
these companies are therefore able to
custom produce equipment and technology to meet the needs of customers onsite and tailor products to suit local infrastructure.
Among the german companies that have
global reputations and are rich in tradition
are siemens, otto Bock, Boehringer ingelheim, Bayer Ag, B Braun and Dräger.
germany also leads the world when it
comes to the quality of education and training of young people destined for careers
in the healthcare industry. some 40 german universities independently offer fullfledged courses of study in the field of medical technology. top flight programs and
highly qualified teaching personnel ensure
outstanding university educations for young
talent, for example in the fields of engineering, biotechnology and medicine.
German Safety Standards
Set the Mark Internationally
ensuring the quality of products and
services is a priority in germany. german products will continue to be associated with quality and safety worldwide
because numerous institutions in germany oversee the safety and reliability of
technologies and manufactured goods.
Among the organizations that certify
the safety and the reliability of products
“Made in germany” are:
* the Medical standards committee
(nAMed) in Din e.v., which develops
medical product and devices’ standards
to provide patients, users and third parties with a high level of protection, and
ensures devices function as specified by
the manufacturer.
* the tÜv carries out regular monitoring
and issues certificates for medical and
healthcare facilities (quality management and control).
* germany complies with eu directives for
development and licensing of biopharmaceuticals, and pharmaceutical and
medical products.
in this way, it is guaranteed that the products made here are reliable and work
safely, even under extreme conditions and
over long periods of time to ensure that
customer expectations of every single
product are fully met. 
overview health – made in germany
historical overview
Centuries of Growth Have Shaped the German Healthcare
System. German Healthcare Milestones of Global Influence:
1710 Berlin’s charité hospital is founded. in 2003, the medical
faculties at Berlin’s humboldt university and the Free university
were merged and are now called charité – universitätsmedizin.
the merger has made charité one of europe’s largest university
1810 samuel hahnemann published the first book on homeopathic
1850 hermann von helmholtz invented the ophthalmoscope, paving
the way for the development of modern ophthalmology.
1854 Physiologist Karl von vierordt developed the sphygmograph
to measure arterial pulse.
1882 robert Koch identified the pathogen that causes
1895 german physicist Wilhelm conrad röntgen discovered x-rays.
1897 chemist and pharmacist Felix hoffmann succeeded in manufacturing a chemically pure, stable form of acetylsalicylic acid.
Aspirin was born.
1901 emil von Behring discovered the antitoxin for one of the most
dangerous childhood illnesses of the 19th century, diphtheria.
on the basis of von Behring’s work, Paul ehrlich succeeded in
vaccinating people against the disease.
1903 german surgeon Ferdinand sauerbruch develops
the differential pressure chamber, making lung surgery
1924 using an artificial kidney, internist georg haas carried
out hemodialysis for the first time.
1929 hans Berger developed electroencephalography (eeg),
a technique and device for measuring brain waves.
1957 carl Zeiss – working in cooperation with gerd Meyer –
developed the xenon light photocoagulator,
the predecessor of the optical laser.
1962 Dr. Bernd Braun invented the first intravenous catheter,
the Braunüle ® B. Braun.
1990 two different healthcare systems are successfully merged
after german reunification.
2008 harald zur hausen is awarded the 16th nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the role of papilloma viruses
in causing cervical cancer.
Germany Trade and Invest GmbH
health - Made in germany
Friedrichstraße 60, 10117 Berlin, germany
© sArtorius
Get in touch
What can “Health – Made in Germany“ do for you?
“Health - Made in Germany” provides a range of
offers in Germany and in your country:
* Find business partners in germany through our website.
* generate new business contacts and gain new information about upcoming events in your country.
* convince yourself of the quality of german healthcare
products and services by visiting germany on a trade
health – made in germany projects
Medical Technology - „Made in Germany“
research and innovation are the hallmarks of the medical technology
industry in germany.
Text Dipl.-Ing. Henning Lensch, Chairman, Task Force Healthcare planning of German Association of Consulting Engineers
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Thiele, Vice-President, German Association of Consulting Engineers
With its long history in the industry and
experience with state-of-the-art technology, the country has earned the positive reputation behind the label “Made in
germany”. the tradition lives on. today
funding for research and development
is greater in medical technology than in
almost all other industries. corporate investment in r&D amounts to about 9% of
annual sales.
Engineers and Architects from
Germany – Working on the future
of Healthcare
© Pictures: rrP ArchiteKten+ingenieure
We are facing a paradigm shift in the design of modern healthcare institutions.
hospital management and design teams
of architects and engineers have to work
together to consider both short term circumstances - such as the rapidly changing medical treatments – and long-term
building parameters, i.e. providing space
and flexibility for upgrades, improvements, and adaptations of the existing facility to accommodate requirements that
could not be anticipated only a few years
earlier when the “new” hospital was in
the planning.
it is the right time to reflect on what we already know and anticipate what is needed
in the future, to enable us to find solutions
to the problems we face, some of which
are clearly of our own making: these in-
clude environmental protection, sustainable resource management, consideration of lifecycle costs at the pre-design
stage, re-usable instead of single-use
buildings, compactness instead of sprawl
and utilization of natural resources and
flexible real estate use.
the architecture is the shell and the space
for all operational processes and patient
recovery, as well as the daily workplace
for doctors and staff. You might compare
a hospital with a city – having all these
functions – from the residential part next
to the park, over the workplace for hundreds of employees and including the disposal area and energy plant center. cities
are always changing, they have to adapt
projects health – made in germany
to new technologies and requirements,
and hospitals have to be able to do the
same. As a first result, it is already proven that changes in a hospital have to be
considered as a constant need and that
the flexibility of a house is a parameter of
economy and itself affects the economic
success of a hospital directly. today, the
rate of change occurs with greater frequency and with even more uncertainty.
increasing pressures from technology, changing business strategies and
changes in the overall healthcare system
are more obvious than before, especially
in certain parts of europe. the rate of
change is becoming a constant factor of
a building´s life. the focus on the overall lifecycle costs of a building, such as a
hospital, is also a more static parameter,
not able to give predictions or exact estimates about the very important ability to
change departments or even whole parts
of a house. to respect the compliance of
the technical environment, the diversification of the different levels for interior
planning and the life-cycle aspects of the
three categories must be considered in
every healthcare and hospital project,
starting in the phase of the master plan
and program planning. We call these services “pre-services” that will play a more
important role in the near future, defining
VBI - German Association of Consulting Engineers
Budapesterstr. 31, 10787 Berlin, germany
Dipl.-Ing. Henning Lensch, ceo rrp architects + engineers,
task Force healthcare planning of german Association
of consulting engineers, chairman
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Thiele, ceo iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbh,
german Association of consulting engineers, vice-President
 +49 30 26062-0  +49 30 26062-100
vbi@vbi.de www.vbi.de
 sh Kemang Private hospital, Jakarta, indonesia
 Bandung Private hosptial, Bandung, indonesia
the basics of the hospital. this integrated
planning – a challenge for the teamwork
of architects, engineers, it-experts and
management consultants – must go far
beyond traditional understanding, it must
define a new standard and a new quality of
planning and construction.
the future hospital will respect all of
these issues – defining a new paradigm
by combining all features of hospital design, environmental protection, energy
saving and healing environment design,
included in a highly economic facility following clinical patient pathways and defined workflow procedures, for the benefit
of quality control for patients and staff. 
health – made in germany projects
© Pictures: gKK+ArchiteKten, PhotogrAPher: AnDi schMiD
Inclusive Design
Architecture and design can create optimal
structures without discrimination for an
inclusive society of young and old.
Text Prof. Swantje Kuehn, GKK+Architekten
in the past. Planning and building can be
seen as intergenerational and interactive,
from product design through architecture
to services for people, in special – nay,
normal! – life situations. respect for people’s individual needs and constitutions,
and support for their self-determined lifestyles, should be the primary goal of planning for architects.
Demographic change is currently an
issue for many industrial nations – and
various approaches for dealing with it and
shaping it have been raised.
But should we consider only the increasingly diverse older generation – or should
we not address the issue in its overall
context? Age raises certain demands on
the human environment, but at the same
time, each generation confronts particular – often comparable – limitations during a lifetime. thus, growing children,
the elderly, pregnant women, the obese,
accident victims, and the handicapped all
have similar structural demands upon
their built environment – which become
most apparent when that environment,
oriented toward healthy adults aged
twenty and forty, fails to meet them.
Paradoxically, this “normal life” of maximum, unhampered physical performance
is short indeed; beyond it, we all suffer
from our lack of this supposed normality.
our focus on “happy youth” absurdly stigmatizes aging – a process we will all face.
For it is in fact the inadequate parameters
that cause such supposed effects of aging
as felt dependency and heteronomy, which
encumber the natural aging process and
inhibit the cognitive ability to deal positively with it. the implications for architecture
are clear: we need to design our environment to again incorporate the entire process of human life, as has always been done
We all know how to build for a family with
children – from the size of the kids’ room
to space for baby buggies. But how many
of us know how to build for the elderly?
Prosthetics seems to be the main issue
here – but new opportunities are arising.
For architecture, with its mission to create
spheres of freedom, can do much in small
ways to improve our built environment.
But what can it do in an aging society to
counter feelings of restriction and heteronomy? how can people live independently as long as possible – running their own
lives in their own homes?
this is not only a humanistic concern, it
also has macro-economic implications.
projects health – made in germany
A house with simple adjustments is suitable for all generations.
every month that a person doesn’t enter
a retirement home is a month in which he
or she remains an active member of society, and relieves the pension system’s
strapped budget. responses vary by
country; in the “senior cities” in the usA,
younger people need passports to enter. if
everyone is old, the theory goes, you won’t
feel your age, and can be a silver surfer, a
gray panther. here, new forms of exclusivity are emerging, to create the opposite of
normal togetherness. europe is still holding to a different concept. guarded cities
for seniors are still just as unthinkably
un-european as “sun cities” for the rich or
slums for the poorest – and rightly so! For
it is the inclusive, not the exclusive society,
where all have their central place, that is
the way to go.
that will mean, as a first step, strengthening the integrative structures of our cities,
with the goal of optimizing the conditions
for free self-determined living in one’s
own home.
At the mega-level, it will mean placing
the compact, commonly used city at the
center of all considerations. this is where
most people actually want to live. this
is where most structures are already in
place; their generation-appropriate optimization requires simply that all logistical coherencies be considered, from traffic and mobile healthcare to delivery of
goods and services to residents, into their
apartments. especially online services
can, for instance, provide mobile services
to replace such stationary service structures as the mom-and-pop store at the
corner or the post office – which are on
the decline in any case.
At the meso-level, architectural typology
has already begun to shift. interactive life
forms, such as the inter-generational living, may soon once again become part of
an overall solution. Approaches based
on the division of labor can also help, in
times of increased mobility, to overcome
temporary bottlenecks, such as in care
for children and seniors, and to promote
a new togetherness.
But at the micro-level too, architecture
has innumerable possibilities to create
optimal structures for a broad cross section of society, to facilitate easy access,
and to dismantle or prevent barriers.
For instance seniors and children both
have similar needs in their living situations. the dependency of both old men
and young boys can be unobtrusively and
simply addressed by providing handgrips
or seats in showers, when necessary.
At the product level, where life cycles are
shorter, trends take hold more quickly
than in architecture. in product design,
aging is being addressed extensively,
albeit subtly – no wonder, since seniors
have considerable purchasing power.
thus, many products around us are particularly chic and above all fraught with
attributes of youth, even though – or indeed because – like a Porsche or a “loft,”
they are seldom affordable for young
people, and are in demand not only by the
young, but even in very old age.
carpets can report when a person in the
apartment has fallen, and call for help.
coded protocols can inform the building superintendent if the refrigerator or
the bathroom light isn’t turned on in the
morning, so that a neighbor can be alerted, and knock to ask if everything is okay.
certainly, that’s not the ideal world, but it
is still very close to a life in self-determination and security.
hence, the instruments we have to design
our lives can be remodeled simply and
without discrimination for an inclusive
society of young and old. Products for
seniors, be they hearing aids, apartments
or cars, should, in this context, simply be
reoriented semantically and culturally, in
an unobtrusive manner. 
Prof. swantje Kuehn, oliver Kuehn
gesellschaft von Architekten mbh
Pariser strasse 1, 10719 Berlin, germany
 +49 30 2830 82-0  +49 30 2830 82-53
© gKK+ArchiteKten, PhotogrAPher: uDo hesse
health – made in germany projects
© Pictures: hWP PlAnungsgesellschAFt MBh, PhotogrAPher: Peter horn, gerMAnY
hybrid-ot at Klinikum ludwigsburg, germany
Integrated Core Renovation
new high-tech operating theatres at Klinikum
ludwigsburg in germany.
Text HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Located in the south-West of germany,
the Klinikum ludwigsburg operates as a
central provider and teaching hospital for
the renowned university of heidelberg
and has a key-role within the important
hospital group of the regionale Kliniken
holding rKh gmbh (rKh). recent medical advances, technological innovations in
treatment and diagnostics, the structural
transformation of healthcare as well as
increased patient demands, all justified a
need for a modernization initiative at the
Klinikum ludwigsburg and this was especially so regarding surgical facilities.
in order to maintain a competitive edge
at ludwigsburg, between 2007 and 2011,
rKh undertook an extensive modernization project. the operating theatres (ots)
and the attached technical center, which
originated from the 1970s, were completely renovated. Focusing on both refurbishment and growth, rKh chose hWP
Planungsgesellschaft mbh (hWP) to lead
this project. in spring 2011, the central,
surgical department which is in part funded by state of Baden-Württemberg, went
into operation.
in four project phases the Klinikum ludwigsburg was comprehensively renovated. in the frame of this project a pioneering, central surgical facility which has a
high degree of patient preference in the
hybrid-ot at Klinikum ludwigsburg,
germany: exterior view
Johannes Wesling Medical Center Minden 900 bed maximum medical care center
The KEMPEN KRAUSE Consulting Engineers Service offers planning
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technical knowledge of an international team, consisting of more than
150 employees in six different locations, the planning and calculation
of all types of building constructions, especially hospitals and healthcare facilities (including forensic psychiatric hospitals, rehab centers,
long-term care facilities, etc.) is rendered in an integrative fashion.
Nearly six decades of project experience domestically and abroad,
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University Medical Center Mainz
clients. Our self-conception as service providers, multidisciplinary knowledge from one source as well as cost oriented and scheduled problem
solving mark our philosophy, just as much as the routine cooperation
with internationally active contracting authorities and planners.
From one source we offer our customers a service which very often
normally requires up to 10 planning offices: integrative, dynamic,
cost and time savings. The advantages for you: high planning speed
through the reduction of interfaces, utilization of cost reduction potentials through integrative planning.
• Support structure planning and static calculations,
Center of Forensic Psychiatry Bedburg
• Design of strengthening methods,
• Concrete redevelopment,
• Advisory opinion,
• Construction physics,
• Fire prevention concepts,
• Structural dynamics,
• Professional construction management,
• Underground engineering / district heating construction,
• Water management,
• Project management,
• Cost control,
Cardiac Center Cologne
• Construction supervision services
Aachen - Berlin - Cologne - Düsseldorf - Euskirchen - Ingolstadt
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Krause
Ritterstrasse 20
52072 Aachen, Germany
Fon +49 241/88 99 0-0
Fax +49 241/88 99 0-990
health – made in germany projects
hybrid-ot at Klinikum ludwigsburg, germany
immediate area as well as in the whole
Baden-Württemberg was established. As
a basis for decision making before this
project process could begin however, it
was necessary to identify how best to
achieve these objectives. therefore, a goal
planning process was designed by hWP
which outlined two possibilities: the first
option was one of refurbishment, with an
integrated modernization of the central
ots. Alternatively, a whole new hospital
could be designed, and constructed in a
new location. the dominant criterion for
comparison between these two scenarios,
were determined as location factors and
cost considerations.
With a well developed infrastructure, an
already existing patient preference due
to the proximity of a local park within
historical ambiance, good accessibly
via local transportation and the high
economic efficiency of the current site,
the scales were finally swayed in favor
of renovation. however, due to existing
structural restrictions the decided solution led to an altogether more complex
and individualized project.
The four phases of realization
in the first phase, six ots were built as
an interim measure during the renovation. these modular units were situated in the parking garage and above the
technical rooms. this, together with the
use of the outpatient surgeries at level
2, allowed normal surgical practice, in
all hospital wide, disciplines to be main-
tained throughout the renovation. in the
second phase, the air and ventilation
facilities in level 5 and other functional
areas of the hospital were re-fitted with
new technologies.
the switch-over to the new ventilation and
electrical systems in level 5 facilitated the
third phase of renovation. this allowed the
redundant ventilation system on level 4 to
be shut down. the complete gutting of this
level was now possible. Piping and other
equipment was dismantled. Pollutant materials were removed.
these actions paved the way for the fourth
phase. once level 4 had been reduced to
its shell, the actual renovation of level 3,
the location of the existing but now unused ots could begin. in this phase the
existing ots would be renovated and the
new hybrid-ot, which would become the
ninth, could commence.
Multi functional hybrid-operating
theatre made possible by
sophisticated architecture
structurally, the stage was now set for the
new, technologically-innovative hybridot. Due to the small storey height of the
existing building, it was necessary to ex-
© Pictures: hWP PlAnungsgesellschAFt MBh, PhotogrAPher: Peter horn, gerMAnY
projects health – made in germany
nurse counter within recovery room
tend the existing building at the northeast to accommodate the new hybrid-ot.
the body of this new structure was advantageously set on pillars, thereby avoiding
an increase to the footprint for the existing building. Dimensions and arrangements of the new structure were taken
into account bearing in mind the cramped
over-used situation, which had prevented
a greater expansion within the existing
building envelope. Aesthetic advantages
were also realized, as the new structure
incorporates an attractive glass facade
giving a certain notability to the technical
the technological advantages of this new
operating concept are intended to enhance a range of disciplines, for cardiovascular and endovascular surgery, neurosurgery as well as general surgery. the
new hybrid-ot combines the disciplines
of classic surgical procedures, diagnostics and therapy, all within a single ot.
through the multi-axis robot technology,
angiography recordings can be obtained,
similar in resolution and image quality to
conventional computer tomography. this
allows three dimensional images of internal and vascular activity to be available
throughout the operating procedure. the
resulting benefits for the patient and the
surgeon are enormous and the common
obstacles associated with complicated
surgical procedures are reduced for the
practitioners. since new diagnostic results can be obtained during the operation, surgical decisions can be made during rather than after surgery, leading to
greatly improved results, often completely
negating the requirement for follow-up
surgery or corrective surgery. in short, the
features of the hybrid-ot at ludwigsburg
lead to altogether gentler procedures for
patients and staff.
Simulation study and operational
planning evaluation
in 2007, the basis for the operational concept of the new central surgery department was presented as a simulation study
developed by simulation expert and hWP’s
affiliated company, the gBu - gesellschaft
für Betriebsorganisation und unternehmensplanung mbh. the simulation and
concurrent user requirements regarding
architectural planning, guided hWP’s operational planning process. through the
simulative analysis of the planned procedures, recommendations were developed
for reducing changeover times (the intervals between two surgical procedures)
while maintaining high standards of quality. in this, the central parameters were
simulated, such as the necessary number
of operating theatres and personnel requirements. this enabled recommendations to be made regarding complementary function areas in the holding area,
the induction and recovery department
and the recovery room, and through this
a basis for the selection of the appropriate
directional strategy was formed. through
this visualization process, early, interdisciplinary discussions could take place and
the numerous professional concerns and
suggestions could be taken into account.
this helped to ensure a sustainable and
successful change management process.
it was through this method that operational and structural design as well as optimal technical operation was developed
with such high satisfaction and approval
from the user groups.
The realization of the operating
the ots are arranged in two suites of
rooms, positioned on two separate but
health – made in germany projects
mirrored corridor systems. Access is via
a central corridor for patients, a non-sterilized material route flow, as well as two
exterior sterile corridors which operate
as the sterile supply routes for the two respective ot suites. By physically separating sterile and non-sterile material flows,
a high standard of hygiene is achieved in
the sterile supply. connected to the sterile corridors of both suites of ots are two
instrument preparation rooms, benefiting
from optimal indoor air conditions (laminar flow ceiling, short-troX ceiling) thus
leading to optimized operating theatre
changing times and economic use of the
ot capacity. As an induction system, it was
decided that shared induction rooms with
two spaces for two ots would be used.
the new hybrid-ot has an individual induction room in consideration of its special function. overall, this leads to an altogether more efficient use of space while
maintaining a decentralized approach to
in an operational plan prepared by hWP,
supply and waste disposal concepts, and
the consumption quantities for the new
surgical- area were projected, and a
storage module system with a scannerassisted ordering, was advised. the goal
being to avoid expensive storage in the
surgical area while optimizing the delivery
cycles and maintaining the balanced relationship between order and placement
Highly integrative modern, digital
surgical system
the potential of the operating concept in
the entire central surgical department,
including the hybrid-ot was greatly increased by the medical technology. By
using the state-of-the-art digital surgical
system enDoAlPhA from olympus, the
nine ots of the central surgical department were integrated into a network with
each other and with other functional areas
i.e. meeting rooms, management rooms
and hospital it network rooms (hospital
information system- his, Picture Archiving and communication system-PAcs).
the required medical imaging is produced
in hD quality. Besides the video proces-
rYB color light concept
© Pictures: hWP PlAnungsgesellschAFt MBh, PhotogrAPher: Peter horn, gerMAnY
sor and the operating lights, camera and
mobile sources such as ultrasound can be
connected to the system via external video
inputs. the information, images and videos generated during surgery are stored
digitally and automatically attached to the
patient record. Doctors and medical personnel can access this data anytime from
a dedicated Pc workstation. this in turn
allows the medical teaching hospital of
the university of heidelberg, to build up
an information base ideal for teaching and
thanks to the integrative nature of the existing it environment of the hospital, the
patient and surgical operation data are
automatically transferred from the his
(orBis from AgFA) and recorded images
can be readily reviewed. this bi-directional exchange of information eliminates the
time consuming duplicate data entries
and reduces the risk of error. During an
operation, images from the PAcs can
be displayed on one of the two monitors
supporting ot-management to optimize
workflow and provide optimal information
management. this greatly relieves medi-
projects health – made in germany
cal personnel in high concentration and
high stress situations. By routing and via
video-streaming, video of surgeries can
be transferred from one ot to another
in hD quality or watched live outside the
theater. this promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between different
disciplines and provides advisory consultation during surgery, without additional
persons needing to enter the room.
the operation procedure is technically supported at all stages. All ots
are equipped with two ceiling mounted
systems each with a viewing monitor, a
multi-light, and a touch screen. using an
intuitive interface touch screen, the safe,
sterile and rapid central control of a variety
of medical devices and systems (i.e. insufflators, shaves, operating tables and surgical lights) is possible by the personnel.
the control of the entire non-medical peripherals such as the lighting and communication controls is also handled centrally.
individually selectable presets of light and
device control configurations relax the
surgical staff and shorten the set-up and
changeover times. these facilitate multi-
tasking scenarios allow flexibility in room
changing requirements and shorten processes in general: so users can switch from
a minor to major surgery via a button.
Maximum freedom of movement and
hazard prevention during the procedure
enhances concentration for the surgical
team. the surgical activity is enhanced
greatly in a more relaxed, technically-supported, work environment. to ensure high
quality from the very start of commissioning, the users were trained intensively in
the first few days by olympus on the enDoAlPhA system.
Interior design: Combing
a welcoming atmosphere with
corporate design
hWP interior designers worked closely
with their interdisciplinary team and user
groups of the Klinikum ludwigsburg to
create a harmonious interior design solution creating a comfortable place of
respite within the high-tech medical surgical landscape of the hospital. For the
solution, various color, material and light
studies were conducted with the regionale Kliniken holding rKh gmbh to create
a timeless solution, using classical white
and gray shades and restrained color to
express itself. the dominant white sets
the stage for a serene light design in the
recovery room and operating theatres,
but flexible configuration are produced
covering the full spectrum of all the primary colors red, yellow and blue (rYB).
in the operating theatre, the rYB color
system is controlled as part of the digital operating system. color changing
settings prevent fatigue before it sets in
and the atmosphere contributes to stress
reduction. With creative lighting the attractiveness of the ot as a place of work
is increased. in the waiting rooms and recovery areas, as well as in the induction
and discharge areas, the changing colors
provide security and safety for patients.
their recovery is already positive and directly stimulated as soon as they leave
Investments with a double benefit
for the hospital group
the future investment program and the
Ministerium für Arbeit und sozialordnung, Familien und senioren des landes
Baden-Württemberg (the Ministry of labor and social Affairs, Families and senior citizens) have funded together six of
the interim solution operating modules
which correspond to the latest technical
standards. to maximize the benefits of
this state funding, the operating modules
are to be used permanently at two other
hospital locations within the hospital
group. there, the two modules will continue to add again value to local hospital
services. 
HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
rotenbergstr. 8, 70190 stuttgart
simone Bühler, Marketing & Pr
 +49 711 1662 212
s.buehler@hwp-planung.de www.hwp-planung.de
health – made in germany projects
Earthquake resistance a priority, for high-quality
hospital planning in Turkey
okmeydani training and research hospital and
göztepe training and research hospital are two
current key projects being realized and rebuilt
as earthquake resistant buildings.
Text HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
entrance hall: central courtyard
With approximately 13.1 million inhabitants, istanbul is one of the most populous
cities in the world and due to its geographical location, at the convergence point of
two tectonic plates, one of the biggest
challenges for the region is the protection of the population against the effects
of earthquakes. to face these challenges
the government of turkey (got) and the
international Bank of reconstruction and
Development (iBrD) have agreed a loan
to implement the istanbul seismic risk
Mitigation and emergency Preparedness Project (isMeP). the objectives of
isMeP are to improve the city of istanbul’s preparedness for a potential earthquake through enhancing the institutional and technical capacity for disaster
management and emergency response,
strengthening critical public facilities
for earthquake resistance, and supporting measures for better enforcement of
building codes and land use plans. Within
this framework, planning plays a key role
to reach the objectives of isMeP such as
building earthquake resistant, state-ofthe-art hospitals. Future-oriented earthquake resistant hospitals do not only
guarantee security by the sustainability of
its construction type, but also ensure the
© visuAliZAtions: hWP PlAnungsgesellschAFt MBh
cladding study: main entrance area
projects health – made in germany
continuation of clinical operations during
the crisis situation of an earthquake.
Pilot projects: Okmeydani and
Göztepe Training and Research
okmeydani training and research hospital and göztepe training and research
hospital are two current key projects being realized and rebuilt as earthquake
resistant buildings under the istanbul
seismic risk Mitigation and emergency
Preparedness Project (isMeP), under the
umbrella of the istanbul Project coordination unit (iPcu).Both hospitals will be
designed by the german-headquartered
hWP Planungsgesellschaft mbh (hWP),
an international Architecture, consulting and Planning company with over 40
years of notable experience in specialized
healthcare planning. together with its
turkish subsidiary company, hWP istanbul (established in 2008), hWP is managing both of these projects:
“We are proud to be able to ensure high
quality engineering in collaboration with
our local hWP istanbul operational office, which enables productive support of
our partners in turkey,” says Mr. Frank
Wachholz, Managing Director of hWP and
head of the Architecture and engineering
“it is a personal matter of the heart, having the opportunity to design such large
scale and beneficial hospitals in istanbul,
creating a pilot character for future hospitals for the whole region. in doing so,
we hope that the okmeydani and göztepe
training and research hospital projects
inspire further hospital projects“, adds
Mr. türker Köksal, a Managing Director
of hWP istanbul and senior leading Architect of the hWP Planungsgesellschaft
mbh in stuttgart, germany.
Planning details regarding
the earthquake resistant, hospital
Within a planning phase of only 14 months,
the two hospitals will be planned in a way
so that the projects can be realized without any interruption to their daily operations. Both of the hospitals will be engineered with the seismic Base isolation
system, structural design – as planned
by Werner sobek from stuttgart. in the
design the hospitals are grounded on columns with base isolators linked to a solid
cladding study: ward units
foundation mat. Whereas the foundation
mat is fixed inside the ground as well as
the retaining walls with permanent soil
nails, the trench around the building enables flexible movements of the hospital
Due to the planning challenges deriving
from the tight planning schedule and from
the specific structural design, the hWP
group is not only leading all architectural
and engineering design aspects but has
also taken on the roles of Management
consultancy and operational Planning,
as well as Medical and laboratory engineering, two more divisions within hWP’s
portfolio of services that create collaboratively, a holistic solution by the use of a
proven interdisciplinary approach.
in this project, the architects and the engineers of the Medical and laboratory
engineering division must work closely
together taking great care and effort to
decide on the appropriate installation
solutions for the large number of stateof-the-art medical equipment and for the
hospital infrastructure itself. to meet the
requirements of the earthquake resistant hospital planning, all appliances (especially those in the fields of radiology,
nuclear medicine) and the ceiling supply
health – made in germany projects
© visuAliZAtions: hWP PlAnungsgesellschAFt MBh
Patient room concept visualisation for okmeydani training and research hospital in istanbul, turkey
units of the intensive care units and of all
27 operating theatres had to be specifically planned in each of the two hospitals.
According to this, another challenging
factor is the risk management of it networks incorporating medical devices,
which has to meet the requirements of the
iec 80001-1:2010 and the other standards
(e.g. iec60601-1:2005, iso/iec200001:2005, iso 14971). Moreover, the logistical concept, in particular the supply and
disposal of waste, has to be adapted to the
special requirements: to prevent potential
weak points in the hospitals’ operations
during an earthquake, hWP consultants,
architects and engineers used interdisciplinary cooperation to develop an ideal
concept of flexible connections for supply
and disposal of waste in both hospitals.
in relation to the large ground floor area
of each hospital, which is approximately
235.000 square meters, this solution will
be remarkable in the context of state-ofthe-art hospital planning. Additionally,
special solutions for cladding as well as
the suspended ceilings are considered to
be especially required.
Future outlook
According to the new classification criteria of the turkish Ministry of health, both
hospitals will be in class A1 and will house
around 900 beds. once the new buildings
are operational, residents of the sisli and
Kadikoy region will be served in european
standard hospitals and experts from iPcu,
istanbul Directorate of health, istanbul
Province Management, turkish Ministry
of health will contribute in the design
process. the services of the okmeydani and göztepe training and research
hospital include functional diagnostics,
27 operating theatres, an intensive care
unit, radiation therapy, nuclear therapy, a
central sterilization, and inpatient departments, as well as teaching areas, logistics
and underground parking. Additionally,
each of the two hospitals has a special focal point: An oncological center of excellence will be realized at okmeydani training and research hospital, whereas a
pediatric centre of excellence is intended
for the portfolio of göztepe training and
research hospital.
the government of turkey has initiated
isMeP, to transform istanbul into a city resilient to a major earthquake. the project
is financed by a World Bank loan and implemented through the istanbul special
Provincial Administration. the project
implementation started on February 1st,
2006 and is expected to be completed
by the end of 2014. the istanbul Project
coordination unit, established under the
istanbul special Provincial Administration
(isPA), is responsible for the implementation of the isMeP Project.
the okmeydani and göztepe training
and research hospitals are the first local
projects by hWP istanbul after its establishment in 2008. hWP istanbul focuses
on complex projects in the health sector,
in higher education and research and in
high-tech industry, building on the deep
experience of its parent company hWP in
For 40 years, hWP has been planning and
creating complex architectural and development projects in many different sectors
- including healthcare, education, scientific research and high-tech industry. hWP
helps to realise university hospitals, special clinics, general hospitals, universities
and research centres, production plants
and even efficient production systems for
pharmaceuticals and biotechnology companies. the group’s knowledge pool and
its company structure enable hWP to successfully contribute to viable solutions by
having open access to all of the necessary
competencies. According to an ideally integrated project process hWP bundles its
core competencies in 4 divisions: Management consultancy and operational
Planning, Architecture and engineering,
Project Management and Medical and
laboratory engineering. Based in stuttgart, hWP has subsidiaries in istanbul,
cairo and tripoli and a local partnership
in china. 
HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
rotenbergstr. 8, 70190 stuttgart
simone Bühler, Marketing & Pr
 +49 711 1662 212
Dipl.-ing. Architect türker Köksal,
Managing Director of hWP istanbul
and senior leading Architect of hWP
 +49 711 1662 363
solutions health – made in germany
© gerD AltMAnn/PiXelio
NEST e.V. – National Association for eHealth
Systems and Telemedicine
in order to promote the collaboration between science and economy in
the promising field of telemedicine sustainably, 27 private companies,
research and medical institutions joined together to form a network
in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.
Founded in 2005, nest pursues the goal
of the network to support the members
in the development and commercialization of products, systems and processes
in ehealth / telemedicine sustainable.
the special trump is the direct connection
to medical care facilities: learn how the
network designed products and services
developed in close cases, concrete needs
and then implemented and marketed.
Patients and caregivers in mind
the Berlin hospitals charité, helios, and
vivantes and the ernst von Bergmann
hospital, Potsdam, have joined the net-
work. “Make telemedicine as required”
with the slogan underline the nest members the importance of early involvement
of users in the development of telemedical solutions. By means of telemedicine,
both reduced hospital admissions and
duration of hospital stays and a more favorable rehabilitation and prevention can
be achieved. this not only saves money
but brings in substantial benefits to patients in medical care: “telemedicine
enables patients to better medical care
in an emergency, because relevant data
are readily available and allows the doctor more secure decisions, for example
by allowing gathering a second opinion
even in the ambulance,” says Prof. Dr. Peter hufnagl, president of nest. “Patients
with chronic conditions can benefit from
the possibility of continuous medical supervision in the home environment. At the
same time, doctors conduct clinical trials
more easily and efficiently and get more
patient-related information that can influence the course of treatment.”
“Despite these advantages currently only a
few patients and doctors are benefiting of the
telemedical solutions on the market”, says
Ywes israel, managing director of nest. often these are too expensive, too complicated
or not adapted to the user needs. For this
reason, the telemedicine association nest
health – made in germany solutions
focuses on telemedical solutions in common design and development strategies in
partnership with the users.
therefore the network partners develop
together new concepts for emergency
care, outpatient and inpatient care and
home care. this includes both the development of medical products, including
hardware and software, interface solutions, and infrastructure and innovative
health services. the expertise is here at
the partner hospitals and doctors who
support the project development of the
network and technical support pilot applications.
Development of new concepts
in healthcare
nest has already launched convincing
projects. some projects are listed below.
Further projects are described in detail on
the following pages in this directory.
“strokenet” lays the foundations for a
qualitative improvement of timely diagnosis and treatment in acute stroke patients. the project covers the whole range
of acute diagnosis in an emergency, the
logistical decision for admission to the appropriate clinic and the acute treatment
with one and will enable all participants
to communicate at any time. through the
transmission of vital data, video, sound
and location information between ambulance car, emergency center and stroke
unit the use of neurological expertise in
emergency care is already possible in the
ambulance car.
“Als-Manager” is an internet platform
to carry out controlled pharmaceutical
trials on the basis of telemedicine support for patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Als), in the
home environment. the project can be
extended to other diseases with similar
Virtual Specimen Scout
virtual microscopy is on the way to change
the game in diagnostic pathology in a very
complex manner. Within short time we
will have access to petabytes of so called
“Whole slide images” (Wsi). the size of Wsi
goes up to one Mio. megapixel. sophisticated techniques and special cBir (content
Based image retrieval) algorithms are required to search in Wsi databases for diagnostically similar images or just for relevant
substructures. these tasks are in the main
foci of the development.
nest is concerned with far more than
just the project development. “Another
focus of our work is industrial research,
which includes the conduct of clinical
trials as well as the organization of an
international scientific exchange,” says
Ywes israel. “in addition, a working group
is currently developing a telemedicine
standard to allow safe data exchange and
audio/ video communication between devices from different vendors as well as
remote control of such devices.”
communication and socializing play crucial roles in an association - hence nest
regularly organizes thematic workshops
with speakers from home and abroad and
participates in national and international
exhibitions and conferences. nest successfully organized workshops and trade
fair participations in Aserbaidschan, Bulgaria, canada, india, Kazakhstan, rumania, russia, united Arab emirates, united
states of America and ukraine. 
National Association for eHealth Systems
and Telemedicine - NEST e.V.
schoenhauser Allee 10-11, 10119 Berlin | germany
 +49 30 390087-0  +49 30 390087-25
Ywes israel, Managing Director
info@nest-telemedizin.de www.nest-telemedizin.de
© Focus lAser vision/FlicKr
solutions health – made in germany
vM slide explorer 2010
© vMscoPe gMBh Berlin
VMscope GmbH Berlin
Your partner for virtual Microscopy – beyond the scope of microscopy.
VMscope was founded in 2004, focusing
on virtual Microscopy applications for pathology, anatomy and research. the idea
is to offer software solutions for education, research and clinical use and to be
flexible in integration on either direction.
our software supports any slide scanner
and Whole slide image (Wsi) format. it is
available as windows application or web
solution and is integrated into information
systems. Furthermore, developers can
add own plugins with our open “plugin
store” concept.
We offer virtual Microscopy solutions for:
* clinical pathology: telepathology and
web based clinical conferences
* Pathology and pharma research:
automated image analysis, tMA
* education: virtual Microscopy elearning systems or simple web
slide collections)
Furthermore we offer a slide scanning and web hosting service for
smaller web slide collections, ring
studies or teleconferences. 
VMscope GmbH
charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, germany
Mr. Kai saeger, ceo
 +49-30-450-536188
vM slide explorer 2010 during image analysis
health – made in germany solutions
© chArité
Simulation of a highly complex scenario
simMed is an interdisciplinary research project
of Archimedes solutions gmbh and charité universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Archimedes Solutions, Berlin
Joerg schmidtsiefen
Managing Director Archimedes solutions, Berlin
 +49 30 695 976-36
js@archimedes-exhibitions.de www.archimedes-exhibitions.de
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Kai sostmann, sandra Buron
Dieter-scheffner-center for Medical teaching and educational research
Department for elearning / Project simMed
 +49 30 450 576 257
sandra.buron@charite.de http://elearning.charite.de
For many years, Archimedes has been
realising interactive concepts that make
complex subject-matter and processes
easier to understand and convey scientific topics in a vivid way. the simMed
project contains the development of an
interactive multi-user application. the
new and unique challenge was then to
combine different levels at one time: the
simulation of an illness using a virtual
“living” baby, the link to the contents of a
curriculum and the involvement of various doctors.
the project is motivated by the need of
combining theoretical knowledge with
practice in medical education and the
time-consuming task of finding appropriate patients for teaching. students in
medicine are able to interact realistically
with a virtual patient displayed on the
solutions health – made in germany
 Physicians can train diagnosing rare children‘s diseases on a virtual patient, using an interactive multitouch table (conceptual drawing)
 the “patient“, modelled in real time 3D, can be examined with a number of medical tools, her “blood“ is
sent to the lab for analysis (screenshot)
local global is focusing the new global challenges. In addition to magazines and websites
we are organizing and communicating your
Deutsche Messe
© chArité
Global Business
 Deutscher Außenwirtschaftstag 1999-2011
 Global Connect 2008-2012
 sourcing_asia 2004-2011
 Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2007-2011
 Baden-Württemberg 2007-2012
Magazine Business Baden-Württemberg
 Niedersachsen 2007-2010
Website, Magazine Niedersachsen Global
 AFIDA, AUMA 2005-2010
Exhibition Markets China, Central & Eastern
Europe, Latin America
 edubiz Boosting Corporate Brain 2010 -2012
 Hyperfair.com 2010 -2012
feedback loops to help find the correct
balance here. Much of the interaction
with tools will take place using standard
selection and drag-and-drop techniques
used in traditional WiMP (window, icon,
menu, pointing device) interfaces.
Although the project is still under development we can say today that with the
realisation of this project, Archimedes
and charité are pushing the boundaries of virtual educational and training
scenarios: a procedural simulation like
simMed can also be used in various
scientific fields – not only medicine, but
also other research areas. 
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interactive table to diagnose and cure
illnesses. the project is still under development.
simMed thus combines the simulation
of complex processes with the virtual
activity level of several people at a single blow. the players interact with both
the “research object” and each other. it
is based on an interactive design that
projects this complex communication
interaction with the virtual patient
should mimic the interaction with real
patients where there is a pedagogical
reason and where it is technically possible. the challenge here is to have the
learners interact with the patient, not
with the simulation. We count on regular usability tests and corresponding
Hannover Messe 1998-2012
Partner Country Russia 2005
Partner Country India 2006
Partner Country Turkey 2007
Partner Country Italy 2010
Parner Country France 2011
Parner Country China 2012
CeBIT Flat World Forum 2009-2012
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health – made in germany solutions
Working together: Schmerztherapie 2.0 –
improving the quality of life
Doctors from various disciplines work hand-in-hand to offer diagnoses
without unnecessary delay and to apply holistic therapies.
Schmerzzentrum Berlin
Dr. Jan-Peter Jansen
schönhauser Allee 172a, 10435 Berlin
Agonising back pain with every movement, throbbing headaches that keep
on returning– yet no doctor is in a position to help. thousands of pain patients
experience this day for day and are sent
from one specialist to another. this often
means month-long waiting times, recurring examinations and new therapies –
often for years and years.
Seeing the person as a whole
treatment in a medical care centre can
break this vicious cycle or, even better, prevent it altogether. here, doctors from vari-
ous disciplines work hand-in-hand to offer
diagnoses without unnecessary delay and
to apply holistic therapies. “For doctors,
pain patients are a special challenge with
specific needs. Many, for example, have
the feeling that no one believes what pain
they are in. Furthermore, the individual life
circumstances and psyche of a patient play
a big role. this makes the treatment very
complex,” says anaesthetist, Dr Jan-Peter
Jansen. in order to meet this challenge, he
founded the pain centre, schmerzzentrum
Berlin, in 2005.
Meanwhile, it has developed into the largest medical care centre for the treatment of
© istocKPhotos
pain patients in europe. About 7000 people
of all age groups are treated each quarter.
A total of 50 staff members are employed
here, including 20 doctors of various disciplines such as general practitioners, internists and neurosurgeons. What they offer is not a mere group practice, but rather
concentrated medical competence from
which the patients profit greatly.
The System Berliner Modell
the cooperation functions far beyond
medical treatment. this is proven by the
system Berliner Modell© - a totally new
form of diagnosis and therapy management, which makes success measurable.
it was developed by partner companies
clinPath gmbh, the it specialist for medical data capture, and newstand Management Akademie, the lead management
company for many doctors` networks.
“Patient information – for instance complaints and therapeutic development – is
captured nationally by doctors on a continual and permanent basis on a database
developed by us and is then analysed
centrally. the resulting findings then flow
into treatment pathways relating to different disease patterns,” says clinPath
Managing Director, tobias leipold. For
the first time, current questions posed by
politics and cost bearers regarding costs,
usefulness and effectiveness of treatments can be answered immediately.
solutions health – made in germany
© WilDMAn Xt/FlicKr
“the system Berliner Modell is therefore
a breakthrough innovation in health services research, documentation and treatment process control. it paves the way for
Medizin 2.0,“ says Jan-Peter Jansen. the
system Berliner Modell© may have been
developed for pain therapy, but the concept can be transferred to almost every
disease pattern.
Not only in practice
“We want to take part in the further development of care structures and are therefore taking part in different studies and
big research projects,” explains Jansen.
the initiative, “smart senior – intelligente Dienste und Dienstleistungen für
senioren“ is included in this. it’s sponsored by the german Federal Ministry of
education and research and promoted
by renowned companies and research institutions, with the aim of improving the
quality of life of the elderly. this is done by
age-appropriate communication options
and new medical services in the areas of
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
the schmerzAkutDienst© was initiated
by the schmerzzentrum Berlin to make
it possible to attend to patients at home
and after practice hours. in cooperation
with the ambulance service, schnelle
Medizinische hilfe, a doctor is en route in
the whole of Berlin in a mobile practice.
It all depends on training
A further component of successful treatment is the practice-oriented training of
the patient. the schmerzzentrum Berlin
helps migraine, fibromyalgia, diabetes,
heart, hypertension and back pain patients to experience a better quality of
life in their daily routine despite their disease and their complaints. As teaching
practice of the medical school, Berliner
charité – universitätsmedizin Berlin,
it is involved in the practical training of
future doctors and also offers a training
visit programme for doctors, nurses and
medical specialist staff.
A project for the whole world
All this is more than a cornerstone for
the successful treatment of pain patients
in the 21st century – not only in germany, but in all corners of the world. the
schmerzzentrum Berlin and clinPath
gmbh, together with their partner companies, have the necessary know-how
to establish further medical care centres. “For this purpose the doctors of the
schmerzzentrum Berlin, together with
the health economists (ForBig) around
Prof. Dr Jürgen Wasem, chair in Medicine Management at the university of
Duisburg-essen, have developed a master plan,” says clinPath Managing Director, tobias leipold. this covers everything
from initialisation, including financial
planning, medical and economic controlling, architecture and building design, as
well as schooling, training visits and certification of medical staff and establishment of the it infrastructure and online
presence. A total package to guarantee
schmerztherapie 2.0 all over the world –
for more quality of life. 
health – made in germany solutions
Emergency-Room and Clinical Case Management
with evidence based Clinical Pathways
it based pathways not only support economical calculations but also help
doctors and nurses during their daily routine.
ClinPath was awarded the first price of
all Quality hospitals 2011 and the MedicinManagement Award 2011 in germany for
the emergency room software (er-Path)
which is used in the emergency room for
the initial assessment and steering of all
patients. All of the examined patients receive a first clinical pathway in addition
to a clinical priority level based on international standards and guidelines. in
particular, the user friendly and practical
application has been praised.
the clinPath gmbh is a spin-off company
from a teaching hospital of the charité,
the university hospital of Berlin, and is
specialized in the development, controlling, implementation and practical orientated application of processes (called:
clinical pathways) for several years now
(since 2003). in particular they are well
experienced in process implementation,
it integration and presentation of daily
hospital routine while their major focus
lies on both medical and economic aspects (activity-based accounting).
those it based pathways not only support
economical calculations but also help
doctors and nurses during their daily routine. important information is presented
immediately at the relevant workstations.
the system enables a continuous evaluation as well as it offers constant updating
and optimization of the processes regarding high quality development (guidelineoriented).
* calculation of costs – maximize profit
* reduce the risk (risk management) and
secure the liability insurance
* integration of systems with international
standards (e.g. hl7)
* Proof of certification
* optimized patient admission and registration – combined with ambulance
* Benchmark and optimized evaluation 
You and your patient receive:
* Quality improvement with evidence based
* integration of national and international
* get the right information at the right time
* simple and fast documentation – proven
in extreme practice (er) and for thousands of patients
ClinPath GmbH
schönhauser Allee 10-11, 10119 Berlin
tobias leipold, ceo
© sieMens Ag
solutions health – made in germany
mdoc – medical documentation online
tembit software gmbh provides a secure web-based database to manage
patient related medical data including treatment and etiopathology data
as well as information about quality of care for any indications.
Indication related parameters can be
added to the system by authorized users
without additional programming but
always in a defined change management
to improve patient’s mobility, a combination of smartcard and usB-card reader
offers an ideal and easy to handle access
technology. only a computer with web access is necessary to get access to the personal health record. the patient becomes
independent from local installations and
with data access always and anywhere.
improving medical & care quality using
new methods in standardized documentation, monitoring, cost control, and telemedicine.
mdoc allows access to inpatient- and outpatient-data by the respective caregiver.
All related and necessary data can be
accessed to continue a professional care
and treatment management of the patient. each user benefits from the documentation history that is always complete
and up-to-date.
Patient history
especially with chronic disease patients
it is important to get immediate access to
Tembit Software GmbH
Am Borsigturm 42, 13507 Berlin, germany
Mr. Markus schroeder
 +49 30 4303 3118  +49 30 4303 3122
schroeder@tembit.de www.tembit.de
historical disease and therapy data. mdoc
displays the patient history in a clear table structure. each visit, each event, each
treatment, and/or any change of medication are being displayed and can be
opened with a single mouse click.
tion of medication, events like surgeries
or pregnancies often influence the course
of disease.
mdoc provides buttons to include selected
events into graphs to get a full picture of
the patient status.
Clinical studies
mdoc supports the documentation of patients in clinical studies. Patients can be
assigned to studies or can be grouped by
integrated filters.
Telemedicine data
Data from the devices are transferred via
the internet and checked for completeness and plausibility prior to being stored
on the server. All data are encrypted and
coded. mdoc provides protocol and log
data to trace any incoming data.
mdoc provides an easy to use descriptive statistics function. With the detailed
search all general data, extended data,
disease parameters, therapies, medication, and other defined events can be
combined with each other. mdoc displays
several statistical parameters of the result group of the defined search criteria
A major focus of mdoc is the reporting of
longitudinal parameters over time. the
user can include any diagnostic parameters in a graphical view. After the selection of one or several parameters, the
user gets the respective graph displayed.
With a few mouse clicks all necessary historical data can be related to each other
and displayed with mdoc. the prescrip-
Patient access
Patient access to mdoc is granted with a
personalized usB-stick with an integrated card reader.
this technology allows an easy to handle
and secure system access especially at
home and on the way. to be independent from browser technology and local
installations the usB-stick also includes
a mobile browser and the respective link
to the individual login page of the patient.
in addition physicians not yet members
of the mdoc network may get temporarily access to the patient history in case
of emergency, e.g. if the patient needs
medical treatment. 
health – made in germany services
Building & Construction
Medical Quality & Care
Care of Health
Green Cleaning
Energy Management
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Water Efficency
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Environmental Quality
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Management Systems
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Medical Equipment
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Green Food &
Green Patient Services
Telehealth &
eHealth Service
Therapeutic Garden
& Nature & Green Art
Green IT
Information &
Motivation & Education
Towards a Green Hospital
the green hospital is a wide-ranging model of expertise to
develop scenarios and models for hospitals and health facilities.
Text Dr. Wolfgang Sittel, Head auf architecture & building construction, Asklepios hospital group and founder of the Green Hospital Program
What does the green hospital of the
Future look like? What should it be able
to do, what distinguishes it from today’s
hospital? What contributions can it make
to tomorrow’s sustainable healthcare system? these are some of the questions that
the green hospital Program, a network
alliance of hospitals, doctors, experts and
industry launched by the Asklepios hospital group campaigning for sustainable
environmental responsibility, medical
care and future-oriented, eco-friendly use
of energy in hospital construction, is find-
ing answers for. hospitals, from a political
perspective and in society, are perceived
as a focal point and a source of identity in
advanced social systems. in that context,
hospitals mirror the Zeitgeist of a society.
the healthcare sector worldwide is facing
key challenges in the designing, planning,
construction and renovation of hospitals
and healthcare facilities: climate change,
increasing co2 pollution, dwindling natural resources, rising healthcare costs, an
ageing population – these are the central
issues of today.
tomorrow’s issues? over the next thirty
to fifty years the world’s population will
cross the 9 billion threshold. Average life
expectancy will increase across societies,
global conflicts over freshwater and energy
resources are likely. the quality of air and
light will deteriorate, infections, allergies
and disease will become more widespread.
Mega-hospitals will give way to more compact hospitals. innovative developments
in communication and information technology, as well as in nanotechnology, will
change our concept of medical care and
services health – made in germany
© green hosPitAl
 Key Areas and topics inside the green hospital Program of Asklepios
 green hospital worldwide
preventive healthcare. one does not necessarily have to divide these estimates of the
future in this way. one does, however, as
a responsible planner and decision maker,
have to already today think about them and
to seriously look for solutions. We have
done that within the context of our green
hospital Program.
the direct and indirect effects of the design and planning, implementation and
operation of a green hospital of the Future
regarding its environmental impact, the
quality of its medical and health-promotion
facilities and its social responsibilities all
need to be analysed and assessed here, as
well as finding answers to questions such
as: What do patients and staff expect from
a green hospital of the Future? how do
they experience it? What experiences will
they have there? What values and objectives can be taught there?
A wholistic view of all relevant aspects and
an action plan based on these is needed
more than ever.
The Asklepios initiative defines
Green in the sense of representing
* sustainable responsibility for the environment,
* preventive medical care, and
* a future-oriented, environmentallyfriendly and at the same time, economic
use of energy.
those who would like to influence the future, need to realize that hospitals, from
a political perspective and in society, are
perceived as a key focal point in advanced
social systems. At the same time there
has been global recognition that human
beings are only a part of the natural environment and that our wellbeing is intricately tied to that of our surrounding
ecosystems. A new consciousness, subject to the most recent findings on climate
change, energy resource debates, the conservation of species and biodiversity supported by a broad political, ecological and
socio-cultural consensus has changed us,
has changed our understandings and our
A hospital or medical center can no longer
think of itself as an island, exempt from its
urban ecological context. the promotion
of human health remains its core mission
but with ecological health no less integral
to the total equation.
the green hospital is a wide-ranging,
multi-dimensional model of expertise that
uses impact mechanisms and findings
on synergies between environment and
health, between technological progress
and a responsible use of natural resources to develop sustainable solution scenarios and medically applicable models for
hospitals and health facilities. healthcare
facilities must also be the civic sanctuaries that survive disaster—places where
people can reliably go when unforeseen
needs are greatest. they are uniquely
positioned to demonstrate how location,
design, construction and operations are
essential to a broader public health mission, underscored by disease prevention,
wellness and resilient design strategies.
greening them is central to this strategy.
When we founded our green hospital Program, we tried to consider these facts and
take them into account by developing different scenarios to answer the following
questions: What are their implications for
the hospital as a healthcare facility? What
does this scenario mean for a green hospital of the Future in ten, twenty or fifty
years? We have to face the facts that the
hospital as we known today, as a concept
and as a type of building, warrants reconsideration for a sustainable future.
What does this mean for a green hospital? Which solution scenarios need to
health – made in germany services
developed already today to be able to plan
and design for such a future, to be ready
for it?
the green hospital is an initiative of europe’s largest group of hospitals, the Asklepios hospital group, and its partners in
the green hospital Program. the approach
of the model to the green hospital of the
Future is therefore focused on health and
medical care. issues regarding energy or
specific architectural and building issues
are integrated in that approach.
The Green Hospital divides an
environmentally-aware hospital
into four key areas:
* green Building
* green healthcare information
* green health & care
* green Patient
in each of these areas there are several
action levels, interdependently connected
with each other. these levels, identified in
collaboration with participating doctors,
experts and industry partners, hold a special significance for the development of a
green hospital focused on sustainability.
Within each action level are the various
research and competence projects. results of these projects are rated on their
achieved efficiency, quality and innovation
power in relation to a green hospital.
challenges to human health and wellbeing, challenges to ecological health and
wellbeing will have a significant impact,
and the green hospital as a role-model
has to demonstrate leadership in environmental stewardship in the future. the
health sector can become a role model,
actively demonstrating that it is possible
to mitigate the negative aspects of climate change by taking decisive steps in
Green Building
Green Health & Care
Green HIT
Green Patient
habsburgerstrasse 3, 80801 München, germany
lothar Dörr, Director green hospital Program
 +49 173 469 57 67  +49 6174 90 12 10
l.doerr@green-hospital.me www.greenhospital-blog.com
reducing its own carbon footprint. Around
the world, health workers – physicians,
nurses, technicians, health-care managers and administrators – touch the lives
of people at every level of society. this
means that they can be important agents
for change in thinking, for changing behaviour, for change in communities. We
envision the healthcare sector as a leader
in integrating environmentally responsible practices in the delivery of health and
care. it was in this belief that we founded
the “green hospital“ brand and initiated
the green hospital Program, together
with our industry partners, physicians,
nurses, health workers, specialists and
research staff. our approach to the green
hospital model centres around the green
Patient inside and their medical, health
and care needs. the green Building and
green healthcare it are integrated to enable the green hospital to function.
the green hospital is a quality and reference model that due to its complexity
and the structure of its modular levels of
impact and areas of action, its research
projects and the resulting product innovations, can potentially be the model for the
future of many hospitals. 
 the green hospital is an initiative of europe’s largest group
of hospitals, the Asklepios hospital group, and its partners
in the green hospital Program. the approach of the model
to the green hospital of the Future is therefore focused on
health and medical care.
D! sseldorf
New Delhi
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MEDICA ! World Forum for Medicine, D! sseldorf
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23 ! 25 March 2012
CHINA MED, Beijing
Organiser: Messe D! sseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./Health Department of General Logistics
Department, Chinese People! s Liberation Army/China World Trade Center Co., Ltd./Hui Tong
Xing Ye international exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
22 ! 25 May 2012
5 ! 9 December 2011
Organiser: S! o Paulo Trade Fairs
Organiser: Expocentr Moscow
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health – made in germany services
Know- how for international markets
stuttgart Medical school provides access to medical and organizational
knowledge by providing a comprehensive global syllabus.
Text Cornelia Walter, Klinikum Stuttgart
Stuttgart Medical School is a division
of Klinikum stuttgart (stuttgart clinical
center). As a hospital of maximum care
the Klinikum stuttgart is one of germany’s largest and most efficient health
centers. this 6800-headcount clinical
center is the teaching hospital attached to
the “ivy league” university of tübingen.
state-of-the-art medicine combined
with long-term patient care and hospital
staff training experience in international
markets symbolize an unrivalled level
of know-how and skills. Klinikum stuttgart has the confidence to compete with
the world’s most prestigious hospitals.
stuttgart Medical school pools Klinikum
stuttgart’s entire stock of knowledge and
refines this knowledge into a range of
medical, care and hospital management
courses for international markets.
A systematic summary of stuttgart Medical school’s product portfolio and specific
course modules clearly demonstrates
how comprehensive know-how from one
of germany’s leading clinical centers can
be transformed into globally marketable
knowledge products.
1 Medicine:
clinical attachment and classroom training in the following disciplines:
* general internal medicine
* oncology
* hematology
* gastroenterology
* neurology
* nephrology
* urology
* cardiology
* Metabolic disorders
* Dermatology
* Accident and restorative surgery
* orthopedics
* endoprosthetic surgery
* Abdominal surgery
* vascular surgery
* neurosurgery
* craniomaxillofacial surgery
* eye surgery
* Plastic surgery
* Kidney transplant
* heart surgery
* gynecology and obstetrics,
prenatal diagnostics
* Pediatrics including all specialties
2 Nursing:
Intensive Care Nursing:
* icu8001: Pathophysiology in
intensive care
* icu8002: Management in intensive care
* icu8003: Advanced intensive care
* icu8004: Advanced intensive care
* icu8005: Kinaesthetics in intensive
the full course runs for 5 weeks, from
8am to 5pm. upon successful completion
of all modules, nurses obtain a certificate
in intensive care nursing.
Surgical Nursing
the course in surgical nursing consists of
4 modules based on the most up-to-date
 As a full-service care hospital Klinikum stuttgart
is one of germany’s largest and most efficient
health centers.
 Katharinenhospital Building
© KliniKuM stuttgArt
services health – made in germany
international standards to equip nurses
with skills to manage operating theatre
* or8001: Pathophysiology in surgical
* or8002: Preoperative Period
* or8003: intraoperative Period
* or8004: Postoperative Period
the course runs for 5 weeks, from 8am to
5pm. upon successful completion of the
course, nurses obtain a certificate in surgical nursing.
Cardiac Care:
the course syllabus in cardiac care consists of 7 modules based on the most upto-date international standards to equip
nurses with skills to manage complexities
in cardiac care.
* cArD001 the cardiovascular
* cArD002 Assessing the cardiac
* cArD003 coronary heart Diseases
and heart Failures
* cArD004 Arrhythmias and electrocardiography
* cArD005 Monitoring
* cArD006 resuscitation
* cArD007 Patient education
the course runs for 13 working days. We
estimate a 3-week stay to enable participants to successfully complete the
course. upon successful completion of
the course, nurses obtain a certificate in
cardiac care.
Diabetes for Nurses:
the course syllabus consists of 9 short
* sMs001 introduction into the german
health care system
* DiA001 A short Diabetes refresher
* DiA002 Diabetes in general nursing
* DiA003 Diabetes in surgery and
intensive care nursing
* DiA004 Diabetes at Different Age
* DiA005 cultural Aspects of Food
* DiA006 Psychological Aspects
of Diabetes
* DiA007 Diabetes education
* DiA008 Diabetes in community settings
the course runs for 15 working days.
upon successful completion of all mod-
ules, nurses obtain a certificate in diabetes for nurses.
Clinical attachments in the following
* Adult nursing
* intensive care
* Pediatric care
* Pediatric intensive care
* Psychiatric care
* child psychiatric care
* intermediate care
* surgery
* oncology
* nephrology
* Psychiatry
* health promotion
* Kinaesthetics (moving and handling)
3. Management: Hospital
the syllabus of this further education
course in hospital management consists
of 15 modules, based on the most up-todate international hospital management
standards, to equip managers with the
skills to manage hospital complexities.
* hMn3001 health economics
* hMn3002 Business ethics
* hMn3003 law in health care
* hMn3004 evidence-based
* hMn3005 Financial Management
* hMn3006 culture and organizations
* hMn3007 change in hospitals
* hMn3008 leadership Development
* hMn3009 team Development
* hMn3010 Project Management
* hMn3011 Quality Management
* hMn3012 Public relations in health care
* hMn3013 occupational health & safety
* hMn3014 time- and self-Management
* hMn3015 communication & conflict
upon successful completion of this further
education course, managers are awarded
a certificate in hospital management.
Practical knowledge transfer
and intercultural interaction
the courses have a modular structure, i.e.
specific modules or the entire course can
be booked in each discipline as required.
Disciplines and performance in those disciplines are detailed in a certificate. the focus
is on up-to-date teaching methods, such as
problem-focused learning. tuition is initially adapted to the standard tuition format
that applies in the student’s home country.
courses initially have a “chalk and talk” format, i.e. they are lecturer-led. course participants are then gradually introduced to
new forms of tuition. the methodical transfer of clinical theory into hospital practice
is a stuttgart Medical school trademark.
Whenever feasible and useful, the teaching
of theory is followed by on-the-ward practical application. course participants are
mentored and supervised by their lecturers
and/or by practice instructors.
institutions partnering with the Medical
school have a choice as to where these
courses are held – students/participants
can receive tuition either in their home
country or in germany, at Klinikum stuttgart. the advantage of locally-based tuition
is that students remain in their familiar
environments. they can also immediately
apply the new things they have learned in
“their” hospitals. Yet a stay in germany, in
the business and cultural city of stuttgart,
provides benefits too. Participants are not
distracted by daily routines and responsibilities. they can concentrate fully on
acquiring knowledge via tuition. getting
to grips with innovative forms of learning
and new organizational routines broadens
the participants’ personal and professional
horizons, as does interacting with people
from different cultures. of course stuttgart Medical school requires this openmindedness of its teaching staff too. All
lecturers speak fluent english and have
both educational and intercultural skills.
Many of the lecturers have many years of
experience working abroad. 
Klinikum Stuttgart, International Unit
Stuttgart Medical School
cornelia Walter
Kriegsbergstraße 60, 70174 stuttgart, germany
 +49 (0)711 278-32103
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Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * iproplan Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * GKK+Architekten /
Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
* EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Dorsch International Consultants
GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG
* Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Cape Verde*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
German Hospital Group Design & Consulting
GmbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende
Ingenieure VBI * Consulting Services *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
* EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * GKK+Architekten
/ Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * HWP
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Planungsgesellschaft mbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * Krämer
& Partner, Consulting Engineers and Architects * Lüppens Architekten * Nickl & Partner
Architekten * OBERMEYER Corporate Group *
Stefan Ludes Architekten
Dominican Rep.*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * iproplan®
Planungsgesellschaft mbH * RRP architects
+ engineers
East Timor*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * iproplan®
Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Congo, Republic of*
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure
Congo, The Democratic
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Costa Rica*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
German Hospital Group Design & Consulting
GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * HWP
Planungsgesellschaft mbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
El Salvador*
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health Management GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Maron.Rinne Architects
Czech Rep.*
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * German Hospital Group Design
& Consulting GmbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * OBERMEYER Corporate
Group * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * Nickl & Partner
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH
& Co. KG * Ebert-Ingenieure * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver
Kuehn * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * Lüppens Architekten * Maron.Rinne
Architects * Nickl & Partner Architekten *
OBERMEYER Corporate Group * RRP architects + engineers * Stefan Ludes Architekten
Equat. Guinea*
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * Kempen Krause
Ingenieure * Nickl & Partner Architekten
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* architectural office Kriesche * Architekten
Gerlach I Schneider + Partner * Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Boll und
Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * BUSSE
& PARTNER Projectmanagers * Consulting
Services * Dorsch International Consultants
GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG *
G.VOLZ * EPOS Health Management GmbH
* German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje
Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure * Maron.
Rinne Architects * Nickl & Partner Architekten
* OBERMEYER Corporate Group * pos4 architektur/ städtebau * Quality Spa Associates
GmbH * RRP architects + engineers * Stefan
Ludes Architekten * vögele architekten bda *
Wach - Consulting Engineers
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * German Hospital
Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * Kempen Krause
Ingenieure * RRP architects + engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * Maron.Rinne
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure *
Maron.Rinne Architects * Wach - Consulting
EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe *
OBERMEYER Corporate Group * RRP architects + engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Korea (North)*
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers
* Consulting Services
GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co.
KG Consulting Gruppe * Wach - Consulting
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * ELECTRICAL
ENGINEERING + LIGHTING DESIGN CONSULTANCY G.VOLZ * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure *
Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers and
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * Consulting Services * Dorsch
International Consultants GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * GKK+Architekten /
Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure * Nickl & Partner Architekten * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Ivory Coast*
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health Management GmbH * German Hospital Group Design
& Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group
GmbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure * RRP
architects + engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Korea (South)*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * German Hospital Group
Design & Consulting GmbH * RRP architects
+ engineers
Lao People’s Democratic
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH
* GFA Consulting Group GmbH * iproplan®
Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * German Hospital
Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure
* Maron.Rinne Architects * RRP architects +
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Ebert-Ingenieure * GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje
Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * Wach - Consulting
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting
Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co.
KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * Maron.Rinne Architects
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * GKK+Architekten / Prof.
Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure * pos4 architektur/ städtebau
Umweltbüro Dipl.-Ing. Mulisch GmbH
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * RRP architects
+ engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * iproplan®
Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
* EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * Maron.
Rinne Architects * Nickl & Partner Architekten * OBERMEYER Corporate Group * RRP
architects + engineers
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Dorsch International Consultants
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI *
Consulting Services * German Hospital Group
Design & Consulting GmbH
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH
* GFA Consulting Group GmbH * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH
& Co. KG * German Hospital Group Design &
Consulting GmbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * RRP architects + engineers
Palestinian Territories*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * Kempen Krause
Papua-New Guinea*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * Lüppens
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * German Hospital Group
Design & Consulting GmbH * GKK+Architekten
/ Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health
Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group
GmbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure * Nickl &
Partner Architekten
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * Maron.Rinne Architects
* RRP architects + engineers
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health
Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group
Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI *
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
G.VOLZ * EPOS Health Management GmbH
* German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH
* GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure *
Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers and
Architects * Maron.Rinne Architects * Nickl &
Partner Architekten * OBERMEYER Corporate
Group * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Saudi Arabia*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH
& Co. KG * Ebert-Ingenieure * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH
* GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH
* Kempen Krause Ingenieure * mp-consult *
Nickl & Partner Architekten * RRP architects
+ engineers
Consulting Services * Duschl Ingenieure
GmbH & Co. KG * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Lüppens Architekten
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Dorsch International Consultants
GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Dorsch International Consultants
GmbH * EPOS Health Management GmbH *
Wach - Consulting Engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
South Africa*
BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers *
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Dorsch
International Consultants GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * GKK+Architekten /
Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende
Ingenieure VBI * Consulting Services *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EbertIngenieure * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING +
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver
Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure * Nickl & Partner
Architekten * Stefan Ludes Architekten *
Wach - Consulting Engineers
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Trinidad & Tobago*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * RRP
architects + engineers
Sri Lanka*
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Consulting Services * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH &
Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * RRP architects +
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Maron.Rinne Architects
EPOS Health Management GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
 Nickl & Partner Architekten AGDis one of the
leading European architectural offices based
in Germany.
HWP Planungsgesellschaft
mbH: Dongguan Kanghua
Hospital in China: Master
plan including operational
planning services as well
as planning of medical and
laboratory equipment.
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
* Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health Management
GmbH * German Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver
Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH *
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
Gruppe * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH
* OBERMEYER Corporate Group
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH
* Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * German Hospital
Group Design & Consulting GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE
GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure * RRP architects + engineers * Stefan Ludes Architekten * Wach Consulting Engineers
United Kingdom*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner
GmbH * Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke
Architekten GmbH * Consulting Services *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver
Kuehn * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * Kempen Krause Ingenieure
United States*
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * Ebert-Ingenieure * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH
& Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI *
Consulting Services * Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH * EPOS Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH *
iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Nickl
& Partner Architekten
Western Sahara*
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EPOS
Health Management GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH &
Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * RRP architects +
BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers *
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH * GFA
Consulting Group GmbH
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Architectural and
related services*
architectural office Kriesche * Architekten
Gerlach I Schneider + Partner * Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Boll und
Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * BUSSE &
PARTNER Projectmanagers * CES Consulting
Engineers Salzgitter GmbH * GKK+Architekten
/ Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * pos4
architektur/ städtebau * RRP architects +
Architectural overall planning and related services*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* architectural office Kriesche * Architekten
Gerlach I Schneider + Partner * Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Boll und
Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI * BUSSE
& PARTNER Projectmanagers * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH
* GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH
* Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers
and Architects * Lüppens Architekten * Maron.
Rinne Architects * Nickl & Partner Architekten * OBERMEYER Corporate Group * pos4
architektur/ städtebau * RRI Rhein Ruhr
International * RRP architects + engineers *
Stefan Ludes Architekten * Wach - Consulting
Colour consulting*
Electrical engineering*
Architekten Gerlach I Schneider + Partner
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH
Competition management*
BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers * HWP
Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Consultancy services*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure
VBI * CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter
GmbH * Dorsch International Consultants
GmbH * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG *
Ebert-Ingenieure * EPOS Health Management
GmbH * GFA Consulting Group GmbH * ICONINSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe
* iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH *
Kempen Krause Ingenieure * Maron.Rinne
Architects * mp-consult * OBERMEYER Corporate Group * RRI Rhein Ruhr International
* RRP architects + engineers * Stefan Ludes
Architekten * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Consulting engineering
for lifts and escalators*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
Electrical engineering and
lighting design consultancy*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EbertIngenieure * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING +
Engineering design
services for mechanical
and electrical installations
for buildings*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * EbertIngenieure * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Krämer & Partner, Consulting
Engineers and Architects * Wach - Consulting
Engineering services*
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI *
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Consulting Services * Duschl Ingenieure GmbH
& Co. KG * Ebert-Ingenieure * ELECTRICAL
Design & Consulting GmbH * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH * Kempen Krause
Ingenieure * Krämer & Partner, Consulting
Engineers and Architects * RRI Rhein Ruhr
International * RRP architects + engineers
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * Krämer &
Partner, Consulting Engineers and Architects
* Umweltbüro Dipl.-Ing. Mulisch GmbH
Fire safety consulting
and engineering*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * Kempen
Krause Ingenieure * Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers and Architects
Healthcare planning
and hospital design*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* architectural office Kriesche * Architekten
Gerlach I Schneider + Partner * Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten GmbH * Duschl
Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * Ebert-Ingenieure
* EPOS Health Management GmbH * German
Hospital Group Design & Consulting GmbH *
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn, Oliver
Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH *
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
Gruppe * iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft
mbH * Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers and Architects * Maron.Rinne Architects
* Nickl & Partner Architekten * OBERMEYER
Corporate Group * Quality Spa Associates
GmbH * RRI Rhein Ruhr International *
RRP architects + engineers * Stefan Ludes
Architekten * vögele architekten bda * Wach Consulting Engineers
Interior design services*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Architekten Gerlach I Schneider + Partner
* Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje
Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * Nickl & Partner
Architekten * OBERMEYER Corporate Group *
Quality Spa Associates GmbH
Landscape architecture
Quality Spa Associates GmbH
Project management*
BUSSE & PARTNER Projectmanagers * CES
Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH *
Consulting Services * EPOS Health Management GmbH * German Hospital Group Design
& Consulting GmbH * GFA Consulting Group
GmbH * GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje
Kuehn, Oliver Kuehn * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH * ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH &
Co. KG Consulting Gruppe * Kempen Krause
Ingenieure * Krämer & Partner, Consulting
Engineers and Architects * OBERMEYER Corporate Group * Quality Spa Associates GmbH
* RRI Rhein Ruhr International * Stefan Ludes
Renewable energies
(photovoltaics, solar thermal PP, wind energy etc.)*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG * Krämer
& Partner, Consulting Engineers and Architects * Nickl & Partner Architekten * Quality
Spa Associates GmbH * Umweltbüro Dipl.-Ing.
Mulisch GmbH * Wach - Consulting Engineers
Security systems*
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG
Software development*
ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH & Co. KG Consulting
Urban planning services*
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner GmbH
* Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke Architekten
GmbH * HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH *
Maron.Rinne Architects * Nickl & Partner
Architekten * pos4 architektur/ städtebau *
Stefan Ludes Architekten
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Company Profiles
HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH: Al Rajhi
Hospital and University
Al Bukairiyah, Al Qassim in Saudi Arabia:
Master plan including
operational planning
services as well as
planning of medical and
laboratory equipment.
office Kriesche
Architectural Practice
Sudetenstraße 23, 97616 Salz, Germany
 +49 9771 62210
Mr. Sven Kriesche
Info@AB-Kriesche.de www.ab-kriesche.de
AEP Architekten Eggert
Generalplaner GmbH
Architekts and engineers
Healthcare Planning
Beeg - Geiselbrecht Lemke Architekten GmbH
Waldstr. 40, 70597 Stuttgart, Germany
 +49 711 7696660  +49 711 7653113
aep@aep-p.de www.aep-p.de
Mr. Marc Eggert, Dipl.Arch ETH
 +49 711 769666 0
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Interior design services
* Urban planning services
Countries: Afghanistan * Austria *
Bahrain * Egypt * Emirates * Germany *
Italy * Kuwait * Oman * Qatar * Romania
* Saudi Arabia * Sudan * Switzerland *
United Kingdom
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Healthcare planning and hospital design
Countries: Germany
Architekten Gerlach I
Schneider + Partner
Speicher XI Segment 6
28217 Bremen , Germany
 +49 421 20364 0  +49 421 20364 28
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA AKG
Jörg Schneider, CEO
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Colour consulting * Healthcare planning and hospital
design * Interior design services
Countries: Germany
Ottobrunner Str. 133 a,
81737 München, Germany
 +49 89 457915-0  +49 89 457915-46
Mr. Andreas Beeg, Director
 +49 89 457915-0  +49 89 457915-46
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Interior design services
* Urban planning services
Countries: Australia * Austria * Belgium * Bosnia * Bulgaria * Canada *
China * Czech Rep. * Denmark * Finland
* France * Germany * Hong-Kong *
Hungary * Iceland * Israel * Italy *
Liechtenstein * Luxembourg * Netherlands * Norway * Poland * Portugal
* Romania * Serbia/Montenegro *
Slovakia * Slovenia * Spain * Sweden *
Switzerland * United Kingdom * United
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI
Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Etzelstraße 11, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany
 +49 711 64954-0  +49 711 64954-10
Mr. Achim Eutebach, Managing Director
 +49 711 64954-34
The Company Boll and Partner was
established in 1970 in Stuttgart. From
the very beginning the engineering praxis
developed to a leading consultant in Germany and abroad. Since 1975, Boll und
Partner has been active in the Middle
East, specifically in the Gulf Region and
Saudi Arabia.
Scope of Services
Boll und Partner is predominantly active
in all aspects of structural and civil engineering. For projects abroad, Boll und
Partner acts from time to time as general
consultant, while engaging sub-consultants of other disciplines to provide comprehensive architectural and engineering
In planning of hospitals Boll und Partner
is engaged in many current projects. Designing with 3D tools like Revit became a
standard. Currently they are member of
the JV of architects HOK/HWP who work
on the new Kaiserslauetrn Medical Center, a US Government project.
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Engineering services
Countries: China * Czech Rep. * Emirates * Finland * Germany * Italy * Kuwait *
Lebanon * Libya * Nigeria * Oman * Pakistan
* Qatar * Russia * Saudi Arabia * Switzerland
* Turkey * United States * Vietnam
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Projectmanagers GmbH
Reinhardtstr. 17, 10117 Berlin, Germany
 +49-30-240876-70  +49-30-240876-77
Mr. Volkmar Busse, CEO
 +49-30-240876-70  +49-30-240876-77
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Competition management * Project management
Countries: Belgium * Germany * Israel
* Namibia * Netherlands * South Africa
* Zambia
CES Consulting Engineers
Salzgitter GmbH
Independent Consulting
Engineering Company
Hamburger Strasse 277,
38114 Braunschweig, Germany
 +49 531 31704-0  +49 531 31704-199
info@ces.de www.ces.de
Mr. Dirk Wenzel, Project Director
 +49 531 31704-233  +49 531 31704-199
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Consultancy services * Electrical engineering * Engineering services *
Project management
Countries: Benin * Bolivia * Cameroon
* El Salvador * Guinea * Mauritania *
Peru * Russia * Senegal * Ukraine
Consulting Services
Moitzfeldstr. 11, 51069 Cologne, German
 +49 221 301 48 89  +49 721 1515 47944
Mr. Axel-V. Jaeger, Owner
 +49 221 301 48 89  +49 721 1515 47944
Categories: Engineering services *
Project management
Countries: Austria * Belgium * Botswana
* Bulgaria * China * Croatia * Denmark
* Emirates * France * Germany * HongKong * Hungary * India * Israel * Italy *
Japan * Kuwait * Latvia * Luxembourg *
Netherlands * Oman * Poland * Qatar *
Romania * Saudi Arabia * Serbia/Montenegro * Singapore * South Africa *
Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Turkey *
United Kingdom * Vietnam
Dorsch International
Consultants GmbH
Consulting Engineers
Hansastrasse 20, 80686 Munich, Germany
 +49 89 5797-0  +49 89 5704867
infodorsch.de www.dorsch.de
Mr. Gerhard Habinger
Head of Operational Marketing
 +49 89 5797-545  +49 89 5797-809
Categories: Consultancy services
Countries: Afghanistan * Albania *
Algeria * Argentina * Australia * Austria
* Azerbaijan * Bangladesh * Belgium
* Benin * Bhutan * Bosnia * Botswana
* Brazil * Bulgaria * Burkina-Faso *
Burundi * Cambodia * Cameroon *
Canada * Cape Verde * Central African
Rep. * Chad * Chile * China * Colombia *
Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
* Costa Rica * Croatia * Cuba * Cyprus
* Czech Rep. * Denmark * Djibouti *
Dominican Rep. * Egypt * Emirates *
Eritrea * Estonia * Ethiopia * France *
Gambia * Georgia * Germany * Ghana *
Greece * Guinea * Hungary * India * Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Italy * Ivory Coast
* Jamaica * Japan * Jordan * Kenya
* Kirgyzstan * Korea (South) * Kuwait
* Lao People’s Democratic Republic *
Latvia * Lebanon * Lesotho * Liberia *
Libya * Lithuania * Macedonia * Madagascar * Malawi * Malaysia * Maldives
* Mali * Malta * Mauritania * Mexico *
Moldova * Mongolia * Morocco * Mozambique * Myanmar * Namibia * Nepal *
Netherlands * Niger * Nigeria * Norway
* Pakistan * Palestinian Territories *
Papua-New Guinea * Paraguay * Peru *
Philippines * Poland * Portugal * Qatar
* Romania * Russia * Rwanda * Samoa
* Saudi Arabia * Senegal * Serbia/Montenegro * Seychelles * Sierra-Leone *
Slovakia * Slovenia * Somalia * South
Africa * Spain * Sri Lanka * Sudan *
Swaziland * Switzerland * Syria * Taiwan
* Tanzania * Thailand * Trinidad & Tobago * Tunisia * Turkey * Turkmenistan
* Uganda * Ukraine * United Kingdom *
United States * Uzbekistan * Venezuela *
Vietnam * Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe
Duschl Ingenieure
GmbH & Co. KG
Aeussere Muenchener Str. 130,
83026 Rosenheim, Germany
 +49 8031 243-0  +49 8031 243-244
info@duschl.de www.duschl.de
Mr. Andreas Duschl, Managing partner
 +49 8031 243-243  +49 8031 243-1-243
Categories: Consultancy services *
Consulting engineering for lifts and
escalators * Electrical engineering
* Electrical engineering and lighting
design consultancy * Engineering design
services for mechanical and electrical
installations for buildings * Engineering
services * Environmental engineering *
Fire safety consulting and engineering *
Healthcare planning and hospital design
* Renewable energies (photovoltaics,
solar thermal PP, wind energy etc.) *
Security systems
Countries: Austria * Bahrain * Canada
* Emirates * Germany * Indonesia * Italy
* Libya * Malaysia * Portugal * Qatar
* Saudi Arabia * Singapore * Slovakia
* Spain * Switzerland * Tajikistan *
Ukraine * Yemen
Marienbergstrasse 84,
90411 Nuremberg, Germany,
 +49 911 9522-0  +49 911 9522-100
eb@eb-ing.com h.schlappa@eb-ing.com
Mrs. Heike Schlappa, Marketing-PR
 +49 911 9522-184  +49 911 9522-104
Categories: Consultancy services
* Electrical engineering and lighting
design consultancy * Engineering design
services for mechanical and electrical
installations for buildings * Engineering services * Healthcare planning and
hospital design *
Countries: Austria * Emirates * Germany * Luxembourg * Russia * Saudi
Arabia * Switzerland * United States
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
* Electrotechnical plants and installations, electrical power supply
* Lighting design, Ilumination systems
for interior and exterior lighting, traffic
* Telecommunication and alarm systems,
hazard protection and control systems
* Building automation, measuring and
control systems
* Independent technical and economical
consultation, planning, project engineering,
* Energy consultation services for operation, modernization and reconstruction,
energy management services
* Measurements, business investiga-
Im Letten 26 , 71139 Ehningen, Germany
 +49 70 34 93 470  +49 70 34 93 47 49
pl@n-volz.de www.volz-planung.de
Mr. Guenther Volz, Managing Director
 +49 7034 93470  +49 172 71 22904
 +49 70 34 93 47 49
tions, analyses, studies
* Further education and training in the
electrical engineering
* Electrical development and design
Engineering office founded 1974. Further
Expert achievements of Guenther Volz:
Chairman of VDI - Association of German
Engineers - guide line panels VDI 6011,
VDI 6008, VDI 2166.
Chairman of the executive board of the
VDE- Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies in Federal
State Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Associate Professor for lighting engi-
neering at Biberach University of Applied
Sciences - D 88382 Biberach
Categories: Electrical engineering and
lighting design consultancy * Engineering
Countries: Austria * Germany * Hungary * Ireland * Russia * Switzerland
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
EPOS Health Management GmbH
Consulting Company
EPOS Health Management, based
in Germany and founded as EPOS Health
Consultants in 1985, is an independent
worldwide provider of consulting services
in the health sector. EPOS is specialised in
planning, managing, monitoring, evaluating and implementing international health
projects in developing and transition countries. Our Quality Management System is
regularly audited and certified according to
ISO 9001:2008 standards. Over the past 25
years, EPOS has implemented more than
370 projects in nearly 75 countries in the
areas of Health Facilities and Services,
Health Policy and Financing, and Integrated Primary Health Care and is the largest
health management company in Germany.
The company’s current portfolio includes
60 projects in 40 countries. Over the last
five years, total revenues amounted to
Euro €87 million, with an additional procurement volume of €250 million.
EPOS’ clients comprise not only international financing agencies, such as EU,
WB, ADB, GIZ and KfW, but also Ministries of Health, Health Insurance Funds,
regional and local authorities as well as
primary, secondary and tertiary health
care providers.
Categories: Consultancy services *
Healthcare planning and hospital design
* Project management
Countries: Afghanistan * Albania *
Algeria * Angola * Armenia * Azerbaijan * Bahrain * Bangladesh * Bosnia
* Botswana * Cambodia * Cameroon
* Chad * China * Congo, Republic of *
Costa Rica * Croatia * Equat. Guinea *
Ethiopia * Gabon * Georgia * Germany *
India * Indonesia * Kazakhstan * Kenya
* Kirgyzstan * Lao People’s Democratic
Republic * Lesotho * Libya * Malawi *
Moldova * Mongolia * Morocco * Namibia
* Nepal * Nigeria * Pakistan * Palestinian
Territories * Panama * Romania * Russia
* Rwanda * Senegal * Serbia/Montenegro * Slovenia * South Africa * Sudan *
Hindenburgring 18, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany
 +49 (0) 6172-930-370  +49 (0) 6172-930-372
eposhq@epos.de www.epos.de
Mrs. Susanne Wessel-Ellermann
Head of Health Facilities and Services
 +49 (0) 6172-930-370  +49 (0) 6172-930-372
Swaziland * Syria * Tajikistan * Tanzania
* Togo * Turkey * Uganda * Ukraine *
Uzbekistan * Vietnam * Yemen
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
German Hospital Group
Design & Consulting GmbH
Generalplanning and Consulting
of Healthcare Projects
Georg-Muche-Straße 1,
80807 Munich, Germany
 +49 89 28633-334  +49 89 28633-335
Mr. Harald Reher, Managing Director
 +49 171 4114256  +49 89 28633-335
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Electrical
engineering * Engineering services *
Healthcare planning and hospital design
* Project management
Countries: Algeria * Azerbaijan *
Bahrain * Chile * Czech Rep. * Egypt *
Emirates * Georgia * Germany * India *
Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Kazakhstan *
Kuwait * Libya * Malaysia * Oman * Pakistan * Poland * Qatar * Russia * Saudi
Arabia * Sudan * Syria * Tunisia * Turkey
* Ukraine
Kempen Krause Ingenieure: New interior
Medical Clinic University Hospital Mainz
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Eulenkrugstr. 82, 22359 Hamburg, Germany
 +49 4060306410  +49 4060306499
medica@gfa-group.de www.gfa-group.de
Mr. Joachim Gromotka, Director of Health Department
 +49 4060306410  +49 4060306499
Categories: Consultancy services * Project management
Countries: Afghanistan * Albania * Algeria * Angola * Armenia * Azerbaijan *
Bangladesh * Belarus * Belize * Benin * Bolivia * Bosnia * Botswana * Brazil *
Burkina-Faso * Burundi * Cambodia * Cameroon * Cape Verde * Central African
Rep. * Chad * China * Congo, Republic of * Congo, The Democratic Republic Of
The * Costa Rica * East Timor * Ecuador * Egypt * El Salvador * Equat. Guinea
* Eritrea * Ethiopia * Gabon * Gambia * Georgia * Ghana * Guatemala * Guinea
* Guinea-Bissau * Honduras * India * Indonesia * Iraq * Ivory Coast * Jordan *
Kazakhstan * Kenya * Kirgyzstan * Korea (North) * Lao People’s Democratic Republic * Lesotho * Liberia * Libya * Macedonia * Madagascar * Malawi * Malaysia
* Mali * Mauritania * Moldova * Mongolia * Morocco * Mozambique * Myanmar *
Namibia * Nepal * Nicaragua * Niger * Nigeria * Pakistan * Palestinian Territories * Panama * Papua-New Guinea * Paraguay * Peru * Philippines * Romania *
Russia * Rwanda * Senegal * Serbia/Montenegro * Sierra-Leone * South Africa *
Sri Lanka * Sudan * Swaziland * Syria * Tajikistan * Tanzania * Trinidad & Tobago
* Tunisia * Turkey * Turkmenistan * Uganda * Ukraine * Uzbekistan * Vietnam *
Western Sahara * Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn
GKK provide corporate architecture and
design for major international industrial
clients, public bodies, banks and insurances as well as for private real estate
GKK have significant experience in large
scale projects such as R&D centres and
headquarters as well as high rise buildings, infrastructure buildings or residential and cultural buildings. GKK´s architecture is innovative, sustainable, cost
effective and of high aesthetic value.
In 2010 GKK have achieved the first “LEED
Golden” Award for office buildings in
Germany. To optimize their international
work as to local needs and requirements
GKK cooperate with local partners.
GKK pursue a sustainable growth of their
business both in Europe and in China
and have therefore established a mutually benefiting working relationship with
a number of well known international design offices.
GKK have also established good contacts
to executives of large industrial corporations, banks, insurance companies, rail-
way and airport authorities and others.
Meanwhile GKK plan projects in four continents.
GKK was founded by Prof. Swantje Kuehn
and Oliver Kuehn in 1991 and is based
in Berlin, Germany as well as in Beijing,
Countries: Austria * Belgium * BurkinaFaso * China * Emirates * Germany *
Italy * Korea (North) * Luxembourg *
Netherlands * Poland * Russia * Saudi
Arabia * Spain * Switzerland * Turkey *
United Kingdom
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Healthcare planning and hospital design * Interior design
services * Project management
Pariser Strasse 1, 10719 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 2830 82-0  +49 30 2830 82-53
Mr. Oliver Kuehn, Partner / CEO
 +49 30 2830 82-0  49 30 2830 82-53
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
State-of-the-art central surgical department including a hybrid-OT planned for Ludwigsburg Hospital, Germany.
HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
For over 40 years, HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH (HWP) headquartered
in Stuttgart, Germany has been planning and realizing a variety of complex
projects, such as university hospitals,
special clinics, rehabilitation clinics,
research institutions, universities and
plants for the biotechnological-pharmaceutical industry. HWP emerged internationally in the early 1970s and concentrates today its international business in
Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and
Asia with notable subsidiary companies in
Turkey, Egypt and Libya as well as a longstanding local partnership in China.
HWP’s approximately 180 employees are
highly qualified with extraordinary international, professional and practical backgrounds. They contribute many different
professional and lingual advantages to
the HWP organization.
This interdisciplinary expertise is grouped
into four divisions, allowing HWP to offer
bundled services along the whole project
lifecycle or single services corresponding
to the specific project requirements:
* Architecture and Engineering
* Project Management
* Management Consultancy and
Operational Planning
* Medical and Laboratory Engineering.
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Competition
management * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Project management
* Urban planning services
Countries: China * Egypt * Germany *
Jordan * Libya * Saudi Arabia * Switzerland * Turkey
Patient room concept visualisation for Okmeydani
Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey
as one detail of HWP‘s extensive architectural and
engineering services in the frame of the master
Rotenbergstraße 8, 70190 Stuttgart, Germany
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Architect Herbert Klein
Architecture and Engineering / Project Management
 +49 711-1662 – 315  +49 711-1662-125
h.klein@hwp-planung.de www.hwp-planung.de
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Consulting Gruppe
ICON is a leading provider of consulting
services in the field of health management and health systems strengthening. Our reputation for excellence and
efficiency is built on more than 35 years
of experience and a portfolio of over 700
assignments in more than 100 countries.
We deliver innovative and hands-on
solutions in a timely and cost-effective
manner to achieve tangible results and
sustainable impact. We take pride in
being a preferred partner of major international institutions, development banks,
governments and private industry.
Our consulting services range from feasibility studies to technical assistance,
policy advice and capacity building in the
following areas:
Categories: Consultancy services *
Economics * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Project management *
Software development
* Health Policy and Planning
* Human Resources for Health
* Health Financing, Health Insurance
* Health Management Information
* Health Facilities & Services
* Primary Health Care
* Health Promotion
* HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted
* Reproductive Health, Maternal
& Child Health
* Health Statistics, Epidemiology
Countries: Afghanistan * Albania *
Argentina * Belize * Bosnia * Bulgaria *
Burundi * Cambodia * China * Dominican Rep. * Egypt * El Salvador * Ethiopia
* Georgia * Guatemala * Honduras *
Jordan * Kazakhstan * Kirgyzstan * Korea
(North) * Lesotho * Macedonia * Moldova
* Namibia * Nigeria * Palestinian Territories * Serbia/Montenegro * South Africa *
Swaziland * Syria * Tajikistan * Tanzania
* Trinidad & Tobago * Turkey * Uganda *
Ukraine * Uzbekistan * Yemen
Von-Groote-Str. 28, 50968 Köln, Germany
 +49 221 937 430  +49 221 937 435
health@icon-institute.de www.icon-institute.de
Mrs. Christiane Ponz, Senior Project Manager
 +49 221 937 43 281
iproplan Planungsgesellschaft mbH: Helios Hospital
Aue - 400 bed hospital including wards, different
functional buildings and units.
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Receiption area at the Maternity Clinic, Elbland Clinic Meißen, Germany
iproplan Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Consulting Engineers and Architects
force, iproplan® is your best choice of
partner for reconstruction, extension or
new construction healthcare projects.
Countries: Albania * Bangladesh *
Cambodia * Czech Rep. * East Timor *
Emirates * Ethiopia * Germany * Hungary
* Malaysia * Mongolia * Poland * Qatar *
Romania * Russia * Saudi Arabia * Singapore * Turkey * United Kingdom * Vietnam
Services provided: Mechanical and
electrical design+structural design+
architecture (incl. landscape and
interior)+building physics and certification (e.g. LEED, DGNB)
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Engineering design services
for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings * Healthcare planning
and hospital design * Urban planning
iproplan® Planungsgesellschaft mbH
is a private limited company of consulting engineers and architects with
wide-ranging experience in building design and project management. Among
the many construction projects they
have been involved with, a considerable number of references are from the
healthcare sector.
The company is specialised in the planning and design of mechanical and electrical installations, structural design as
well as all related building physics calculations and simulations to produce an
energy optimised and comfortably conditioned environment for all three hospital
user groups – personnel, patients and
visitors. Due to the fact that the user costs
of hospitals are at least double those for
office or industrial buildings, energy saving measures can be of significant value
to clients. Our engineers and architects
work closely with the client and users of
the hospitals to guarantee an optimised
design especially with regard to patient
flow and hospital organisation.
With over 60-years of experience and a
highly-skilled multi-disciplinary work-
Helios Hospital Aue, 400 bed hospital including
wards, different functional buildings and units
Bernhardstraße 68, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany
 +49 371 5265  +49 371 5265556
info@iproplan.de www.iproplan.de
Mr. Peter Matthes, Project Manager International Projects
 +49 371 5265219  +49 371 5265230266
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Consulting Engineers Service
The KEMPEN KRAUSE Consulting
Engineers Service offers planning with
synergetic competence. With the praxis
oriented and well-founded technical
knowledge of an international team, consisting of more than 150 employees in six
different locations, the planning and calculation of all types of building constructions, especially hospitals and healthcare
facilities (including forensic psychiatric
hospitals, rehab centers, long-term care
facilities, etc.) is rendered in an integrative fashion.
Nearly six decades of project experience
domestically and abroad,
the newest hard- and software, along
with internal as well as external advanced
training, guarantee the most current
technical level for our clients. Our selfconception as service providers, multidisciplinary knowledge from one source
as well as cost oriented and scheduled
problem solving mark our philosophy, just
as much as the routine cooperation with
internationally active contracting authorities and planners.
From one source we offer our customers
a service which very often normally requires up to 10 planning offices: integrative, dynamic, cost and time savings. The
advantages for you: high planning speed
through the reduction of interfaces, utilization of cost reduction potentials through
integrative planning.
Support structure planning and static calculations, Design of strengthening methods, Concrete redevelopment, Advisory
opinion, Construction physics, Fire prevention concepts, Structural dynamics,
Professional construction management,
Underground engineering/district heating
construction, Water management, Project
management, Cost control, Construction
supervision services
Countries: Australia * Austria * Belgium * Brazil * Bulgaria * Canada * Chile
* Cuba * Ecuador * France * Germany *
Greece * Guatemala * Hungary * India *
Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Ireland * Italy *
Japan * Korea (South) * Libya * Mexico *
Netherlands * Pakistan * Panama * Romania * Russia * Saudi Arabia * Slovakia
* Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Taiwan
* Tunisia * Ukraine * United Kingdom *
United States
Categories: Consultancy services
* Engineering services * Fire safety
consulting and engineering * Project
Ritterstraße 20, 52072 Aachen, Germany
 +49 241/88990-0  +49 241/88990-990
info@kempenkrause.de www.kempenkrause.de
Mr. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Krause
Consulting Engineer, Managing Partner
 +49 241/88990-0  +49 241/88990-990
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Krämer & Partner
Consulting Engineers and Architects Ltd.
Herschelstraße 10, 08060 Zwickau, Germany
 +49 375 3900510
m.kraemer@ikpz.de www.ikpz.de
Mr. Michael Krämer, Managing Director
 +49 375 39005 0
Multidisciplinary integrated
design services
We understand general planning and design to mean deploying a project-specific
team of experts (including architects,
civil engineers, mechanical and electrical
specialists and others) whose mission is
to fulfil the requirements of the building
task at hand in a client-oriented manner.
High quality design, accurate costing,
punctually-met deadlines and the ability
to be flexible throughout the whole design
and building process are essential criteria for long-term competitiveness and the
satisfaction of clients.
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Engineering design services for mechanical and
electrical installations for buildings *
Engineering services * Environmental
engineering * Fire safety consulting and
engineering * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Project management *
Renewable energies (photovoltaics, solar
thermal PP, wind energy etc.)
Countries: China * Hungary
* Russia
Centre for Neuroscience Kiel
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Sankt Marienkrankenhaus, Brandenburg, Germany
Medical Rehabilitatoion Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE (top)
Maron.Rinne Architects
Architects and Health Care Planner
architecture office based in Berlin and
focused on health care consultation, design and planning. The firm’s remarkable
portfolio includes feasibility studies, target planning, development studies and
detailed room programs for health care
facilities. Working on health care projects
on an international level for many years,
the team is experienced in adapting to different cultural backgrounds, handling national and regional policies and ensuring a
state-of-the-art design based on an optimized work flow. M.R ARCHITECTS is ambitious about an effective design concept
as well as environmental friendly technical
details. Meeting the requirements of a future-oriented hospital in terms of energy
efficiency, sustainability and the needs of
clients, staff and patients is obvious for the
planning team. Working thoroughly and
effective, M.R ARCHITECTS not only delivers work of an exceptionally high standard
but covers the complete spectrum of planning services.
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Healthcare planning and hospital design * Urban planning services
Countries: Angola * Armenia * Azerbaijan * Cyprus * Emirates * Germany * Iran
* Jordan * Libya * Nepal * Nigeria * Russia * Senegal * Thailand
State Mechnikov Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
Rheinstraße 14, 12161 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 85 96 46 90  +49 30 85 96 46 92
mail@maron-rinne.de www.maron-rinne.de
Mr. Philipp Hintzen, Project Manager
 +49 30 85 96 46 90  49 30 85 96 46 92
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Nickl & Partner Architekten AG is one
of the leading European architectural offices based in Germany. The internationally acting company is dedicated to the
development, planning and realization
of buildings in the healthcare sector, research institutions, residential constructions, office buildings, town planning and
buildings for the public sector.
Their aim is to design, develop and create
modern buildings, which strengthen the
Iiving and work environment positively.
Hereby our focal point lies on the human
being and the human scale. Designs by
Nickl & Partner orient themselves mainly
on the activities and needs of the human
beings living and working there. Their
wellbeing as well as the perfect functional interaction of flexible spatial structures and fascinating materials guides
all our works. Their specialized knowledge in regard to technical infrastructure
and building materials is deeply rooted
and our innovative concepts have proven
themselves within the last three decades.
The family owned and run Company has
grown to more than 100 employees since
the establishment in 1979
Categories: Architectural overall
planning and related services * Healthcare planning and hospital design *
Interior design services * Renewable
energies (photovoltaics, solar thermal
PP, wind energy etc.) * Urban planning
Countries: Austria * China * Denmark
* Emirates * France * Germany * Italy
* Nigeria * Romania * Russia * Saudi
Arabia * Switzerland * Vietnam
Lindberghstraße 19, 80939 Munich / Germany
 +49 (89) 360514-0  +49 (89) 360514-99
mail@nickl-partner.com www.nickl-partner.com
Mrs. Prof. Christine Nickl-Weller
 +49 (89) 360514-0  + 49 (89) 360514-99
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Visualization SEHA Hospital, Al Ain, UAE
OBERMEYER Corporate Group
Engineers and Architects
Hansastrasse 40, 80686 München, Germany
 +49 89 57 99 - 0  +49 89 57 99 - 910
Healthcare@opb.de www.opb.de
Mr. Thomas Kettenbach
Director Healthcare Division
 +49 611 890 41 - 0  49 611 890 41 - 99
The OBERMEYER Corporate Group
operates throughout the world and offers
qualified specialist planning and integrated overall planning with interdisciplinary
know-how. Through its corporate divisions
Buildings, Transport and Environment it
renders planning and advisory services
in almost every sphere of construction
engineering. Project management and
construction supervision complement
this scope of services. The company was
founded in 1958. Worldwide the corporate
group now has more than 1300 employees.
Healthcare Planning and Consulting
The rapid developments in medical technologies and the evolving processes in the
treatment of patient care are continually
leading to new challenges. We meet these
challenges by concentrating our areas
of expertise in healthcare on a complete
programme of relevant services which include: Project Development, Master Planning, Programme Planning, Architecture,
Interior Design, Medical Laboratory Design, Medical and Technical Equipment
Planning, Structural Design, Landscape
Architecture and Site Management.
With our multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, medical technicians
and interior designers, we develop visionary building concepts with a high degree of flexibility and variability to ensure
process-oriented building operation and
thus the longevity of the building. Our
planning process is based on BIM (Building Information Modeling), which allows
us to make the workflow more efficient,
economical and reliable. Our integrated
Operation Room
planning concepts focus on patientoriented design with a creative slant
towards the patient experience, which
qualifies us as an eligible constructional
framework designer of care provision for
our customers.
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Interior design services
* Project management
Countries: Afghanistan * Algeria *
Austria * China * Czech Rep. * Emirates *
Germany * Kazakhstan * Nigeria * Russia
* Turkey
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
Lüppens Architekten
Architectural Office
pos4 architektur/ städtebau
Grempstr. 36, 60487 Frankfurt, Germany
 +49 69 40321618  +49 69 40321619
Mrs. Edith Lüppens
Prinz-Georg-Str. 126,
40479 Duesseldorf, Germany
 +49 211 1623472  +49 211 1623474
info@pos4.de www.pos4.de
Mr. Ulrich B. Helger Hinrichsmeyer
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services *
Countries: Afghanistan * China
* Emirates * Philippines * Singapore
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Urban planning
Countries: Belgium * Germany
* Netherlands
Breisgauer Strasse 14,
14129 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 88 92 59 35
mp@mp-consult.de www.mp-consult.de
Mrs. Marion Pristl, CEO
Quality Spa
Associates GmbH
Categories: Consultancy services
Countries: Saudi Arabia
Bauer Landstraße 99d
24939 Flensburg, Germany
 +49 461 1687 712
info@quality-spa.com www.quality-spa.com
Mrs. Ute Ruehrig, Owner
Projectdevelopement & Consulting
Spa & Hotels
Categories: Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Interior design services *
Landscape architecture services * Project
management * Renewable energies (photovoltaics, solar thermal PP, wind energy etc.)
Countries: Germany
RRP architects + engineers
Civil Law Association
Streitfeldstr. 37, 81673 Munich, Germany
 +49 89 9269070  +49 89 92690732
rrp@rrp.de www.rrp.de
Mr. Henning Lensch
Managing Partner for worldwide projects
Categories: Architectural and related
services * Architectural overall planning
and related services * Consultancy services * Engineering services * Healthcare
planning and hospital design
Countries: Bahrain * Emirates *
Ethiopia * Germany * India * Indonesia *
Kazakhstan * Kuwait * Libya * Moldova *
Nigeria * Qatar * Saudi Arabia * Senegal
* Tajikistan * Trinidad & Tobago * Ukraine
* Yemen
RRI Rhein Ruhr International GmbH
Group Engineers and
Architects: Motol Teaching
Hospital, Prague, Czech
Republic, helicopter
Freistuhl 3, 44137 Dortmund, Germany
 +49 231 5482 - 0  +49 231 575556
sales@rri-do.de www.rri-international.com
Mr. Wolfgang Riederauer, Managing Director
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy services
* Engineering services * Healthcare planning and hospital design * Project management
directory architecture • engineering • consulting
Stefan Ludes Architekten
Stefan Ludes Architekten is one of
germanys most successful architectural
practices in healthcare buildings. The typology of buildings ranges from research
and teaching buildings, public and administrative buildings, listed buildings,
residential and commercial buildings to
urban planning.
For us, every project centers on harmonizing aesthetic demand, optimum process structures, and overall economic
conditions. Successful project realization
is based on our proven quality management, which prioritizes time and price
guarantees and constantly accompanies
each building plan. Our understanding
of architecture prioritizes eco-conscious
construction as a central aim of sustainable architecture.
With this consistently holistic approach,
we are experienced partners and experts
for all phases of a construction project.
Chemnitz, Medical Centre Ingolstadt, Rehabilitation Hospital St. Georg Hamburg,
Clinical Centre München Schwabing,
Florence-Nightingale-Hospital Düsseldorf, Centre of Tumour and Immunbiology Marburg, University Hospital Essen,
Helios Clinical Centre Bad Saarow, Private Medical Centre Donetsk Ukraine
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Healthcare planning and
hospital design * Project management
* Urban planning services
Countries: Afghanistan * Austria *
China * Emirates * Germany *
Switzerland * Ukraine
Medical University Charité Berlin, Clinical Centre of University Friedrich-Schiller
Jena, University Centre of Neurology Rostock, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films Braunschweig,
Veterinary Health Research Institute
Kurfürstendamm 177, 10707 Berlin / Germany
 +49 30 700182-0  +49 30 700182-180
Kaulbachstr. 62, 80539 München
 +49 89 38 66 618-0  +49 89 38 66 618-10
Mr. Dipl. -Ing. Stefan Ludes, Architekt BDA, Holder
 +49 30 700182-0  49 30 700182-180
architecture • engineering • consulting directory
OBERMEYER Corporate Group Engineers and Architects:
Motol Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic Gebäude
Wach - Consulting Engineers
Umweltbüro Dipl.-Ing.
Mulisch GmbH
An der Parforceheide 68,
Potsdam 14480, Germany
 +49 331 625340  +49 331 625342
info@umweltbuero.de www.umweltbuero.de
Mr. Dr. Hans-Martin Mulisch, Director
Categories: Environmental engineering * Renewable energies (photovoltaics,
solar thermal PP, wind energy etc.)
consulting engineers and architects
Ingelsberger Weg 3, 85598 Baldham, Germany
 +49 81 06 3 86-0  +49 81 06 3 86-51
info@wach.de www.waterpark.eu.com
Mr. Wolfgang Wach, Managing Director
 +49 81 06 3 86-0  +49 81 06 3 86-51
vögele architekten bda
Kniebisstraße 29, 70188 Stuttgart, Germany
 +49 711 2845713  +49 711 2846329
Mrs. Wolfgang Vögele, Inhaber
Categories: Healthcare planning and
hospital design
Countries: Germany
Conception, planning, invitations to bid,
site management of new buildings, reconstructions and modernization measures for public and private pool, SPA and
waterparks (health, cure, sport, leisure,
wellness) from the first idea to the management consulting after opening. Guarantee of all professional demands in the
field of building and technics through optimized planning courses, effective quality, cost and time limit control. Solution
as whole of complex plannings e. g. brine,
saltwater and mud bath
Categories: Architectural overall planning and related services * Consultancy
services * Engineering design services
for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings * Healthcare planning
and hospital design * Renewable energies (photovoltaics, solar thermal PP,
wind energy etc.)
Countries: Austria * Czech Rep.
* Germany * Iran * Italy * Korea (North)
* Luxembourg * Russia * Slovakia
* Slovenia * Switzerland * Ukraine
eHealth Systems and Telemedicine
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
directory telehealth
Projects Worldwide
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * TimeKontor AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
* GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
Czech Rep.*
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and
Health Communication
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
ClinPath GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und
Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for
Telemedicine and Health Communication *
SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH * Tembit
Software GmbH * TimeKontor AG
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
telehealth directory
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and
Health Communication
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
* Tembit Software GmbH * TimeKontor AG
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication * TimeKontor AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
South Africa*
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication * TimeKontor AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and
Health Communication * TimeKontor AG
United Kingdom*
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine
and Health Communication
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
* Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * GETEMED
Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health Communication *
Tembit Software GmbH * TimeKontor AG
Saudi Arabia*
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
United States*
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
* GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
Tembit Software GmbH
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
directory telehealth
Ambient Assisted Living*
Emergency Care*
Sensor Nets*
ClinPath GmbH * GETEMED Medizin- und
Informationstechnik AG * SERIOUS GAMES
BERLIN c/o TimeKontor AG * SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH * Tembit Software GmbH *
TSI Telematic Solutions International GmbH
ClinPath GmbH * TimeKontor AG
TSI Telematic Solutions International GmbH
Health Economics*
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
GmbH * ClinPath GmbH * TimeKontor AG
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
Home Care*
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
Clinical Pathways*
ClinPath GmbH * SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
Clinical studies*
IT Infrastructure*
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG
* SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH * Tembit
Software GmbH
TimeKontor AG
Computer Aided Surgery*
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Consulting/ Coaching*
TimeKontor AG
Data Security*
Tembit Software GmbH * TimeKontor AG
Disease Management*
SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * SERIOUS GAMES BERLIN c/o TimeKontor AG *
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * SERIOUS GAMES BERLIN c/o TimeKontor AG
Electronic Patient Record*
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * Tembit
Software GmbH
Medical Apps*
Mobile Heath*
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
Person Tracking*
Telematic Plattforms*
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin * iDoc
Institute for Telemedicine and Health Communication * TSI Telematic Solutions International
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik
AG * Tembit Software GmbH * TSI Telematic
Solutions International GmbH
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
TSI Telematic Solutions International GmbH
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and Health
c/o TimeKontor AG * SZ Schmerzzentrum
Berlin GmbH
Quality Management*
Virtual Microscopy*
ClinPath GmbH
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme
Second Opinion*
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
telehealth directory
Company Profiles
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH
Behlertstraße 2114469 Potsdam, Germany
 +49 331 2012486
info@ais-group.de www.ais-group.de
Mr. Kai Winnig, kw@ais-group.de
Categories: Billing * Reporting * Health Economics
Countries: Azerbaijan * Bulgaria * Finland * France * Georgia * Greece * Israel * Italy * Kazakhstan * Malaysia * Netherlands *
Norway * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Russia * Saudi Arabia * Singapore * South Africa * Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Turkey
* Ukraine * United Kingdom * United States * Venezuela
ClinPath GmbH
Schoenhauser Allee 10-11,
10119 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 - 39008724
info@clinpath.de www.clinpath.de
Mr. Tobias Leipold, CEO
 +449 30 - 39008724
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living *
Health Economics * Clinical Pathways *
Emergency Care * Quality Management
Countries: Germany
GETEMED Medizin- und
Informationstechnik AG
Oderstr. 77, 14513 Teltow, Germany
 +49 332839420
info@getemed.de www.getemed.de
Mrs. Gesa von Nettelhorst, Productmanager
 +49 3328394272
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living
* Home Care * Clinical studies * Mobile
Heath * Telemonitoring
Countries: Austria * Belgium * Canada *
Croatia * Cyprus * Czech Rep. * Denmark
* Estonia * Finland * France * Germany *
Greece * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Japan
* Latvia * Liechtenstein * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Malta * Netherlands * Norway
* Poland * Portugal * Romania * Russia *
Slovakia * Slovenia * Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * United Kingdom * United States
iDoc Institute
for Telemedicine and
Health Communication
Posthofstrasse 8, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
 +49 331 5058420  +49.89 28633-335
info@idoc.de, www.idoc.de
Mrs. Borjana Kujumdshieva-Boehning,
Managing Director
 +49 331 5058420  +49 331 5058422
Categories: Portals * Interfaces *
Telematic Plattforms * Telescreening *
Countries: Austria * Belarus * Bosnia *
Bulgaria * Canada * Croatia * Denmark *
Estonia * Finland * France * Germany * Israel * Italy * Latvia * Macedonia * Moldova *
Netherlands * Norway * Poland * Romania
* Russia * Serbia/Montenegro * Slovakia
* Slovenia * Spain * Sweden * Ukraine *
United Kingdom * United States
directory telehealth
Schönhauser Allee 172 a, 10435 Berlin / Germany
 +49 30 - 44 34 19 01  +49 30 - 44 34 19 02
Mr. Dr. Jan-Peter Jansen
Chief Medical Officer
 +49 30 - 44 34 19 01  +49 30 - 44 34 19 02
SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH
Outpatient Treatment Center
The Schmerzzentrum Berlin is the
largest outpatient pain centre in Europe.
Part of our assignment is research into
new treatment options. To make therapy
results measurable, we are developing the “System: Berliner Modell®”.
In doing so, we are integrating process
and results monitoring into the medical
daily routine for the first time. Attending physicians capture patient data on a
national basis – for instance regarding
complaints or therapy developments –
pseudonymised, continuous and permanent in a central data bank. The patient
also participates in the data collection
via a recall system. This self-learning
system processes the information dynamically and in real-time to determine
effective treatment strategies. It is based
on national and international guidelines
and their continual online consensus
according to the Delphi method. The
“System: Berliner Modell®” is therefore
a breakthrough innovation for really upto-date health services research.
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living *
Disease Management * Clinical Pathways
* Clinical studies * Portals
Countries: Germany
telehealth directory
c/o TimeKontor AG
Network of Developer for
Telemedicine, Health Games,
Games for Change
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 3900 87 0  +49 30 3900 8725
Mrs. Franziska Oehler
network/ Project Manager
 +49 30 3900 8725  +49 30 3900 8725
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living
* Consulting/ Coaching * e-Learning *
e-Patient * Medical Apps * Mobile Heath
* Portals
TimeKontor AG
Schoenhauser Allee 10 - 11, 10119 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 390087-0  +49 30 390087-25
info@timekontor.de www.timekontor.de
Mr. Ywes Israel, COO
 +49 30 390087-0
TimeKontor AG is a Berlin based company with more than 11 years of experience in the field of innovation and IT. One
focus concentrates on the initiation and
management of eHealth projects for rural areas and their technical linkage to
telemedicine centers in specialized hospitals in big cities. Also aspects of the
upkeep and management of emergency-
Tembit Software GmbH
IT Healthcare Solutions
and Telemedicine
power supply are taken into account. Our
successful domestic and internationally
realized eHealth projects and consultancy services establish our good reputation
Countries: China * Germany
* Kazakhstan * netherlands * romania
* russia * ukraine
Categories: Consulting/ Coaching
* Data Security * Health Economics
* IT Infrastructure * Emergency Care
TSI Telematic Solutions
International GmbH
Am Borsigturm 42, 13507 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 4303 3111  +49 30 4303 3122
schroeder@tembit.de www.tembit.de
Mr. Markus Schröder, General Manager
 +49 30 4303 3117  +49 30 4303 3122
rudower Chaussee 29,
12489 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 6392 6155  +49 30 6392 6157
info@tsi-telematic.com www.tsi-telematic.com
Mr. Felix Hahn
Presales & Marketing Manager
 +49 30 6392 6155  +49 30 6392 6157
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living
* Data Security * Electronic Patient record
* Clinical studies * Telemonitoring
Countries: Germany * Kazakhstan
* russia * uzbekistan
Categories: Ambient Assisted Living * Person Tracking * Sensor nets *
Telematic Plattforms * Telemonitoring
VMscope GmbH
Chariteplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 450 536188  +49 30 450 536 910
Mrs. Kai Saeger, CEO
 +49 30 450 536188  +49 30 450 536 910
Categories: e-Learning * Telepathology * Virtual Microscopy
Medical Services
Directory of Projects, Products, Performances
directory medical services
Klinikum Stuttgart
International unit
Kriegsbergstrasse 60,
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
 +49 711-27832060  +49 711-278407070
Mr. Andreas Braun,
Kommunikation/International unit
 +49 711 278 32016  +49 711 278 402016
Klinikum Stuttgart is one of Germany´s
largest modern hospitals. More than 50
clinics and institutes organized in eleven
medical centers provide all specialties
and a broad range of services.
renowned specialists supported by a
competent staff of 6.400 working hand in
hand for the benefit of our patients guarantee state-of-the-art medicine and optimum care.
Every year, more than 84.000 inpatients
and 400.000 outpatients are treated in
Klinikum Stuttgart. Furthermore, we are
extremely experienced in receiving patients from all nationalities and cultures.
The major specialties include medical
and surgical oncology, orthopedics with
endoprosthetic surgery and restorative
surgery, cardiology and heart surgery,
abdominal and vascular surgery, neurosurgery, neurology and all specialties in
* General Internal, Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology
* Haematology and Internistic Oncology
* Endocrinology, Diabetology and Geriatrics
* Cardiovascular Disorders
* General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Internistic Oncology
* neurosurgical Clinic
* Trauma Surgery and Orthopaedics
* Women’s Clinic
* Opthalmology Clinic
* Ear, nose and Throat Disorders, Plastic
* Maxillofacial surgery, Plastic surgery,
Implant Center
* Paediatric Oncology, Hematology, Immunology
* General Paediatrics, rheumatology,
neurology, Allergology / Pulmology,
* Gastroenterology
* General Paediatrics, Infectiology, nephrology, Endocrinology, Metabolic Disorders
* Congenital Heart Defects and Paediatric
Intensive Care
* Paediatric Surgery
* Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic
Countries: worldwide
medical services directory
Charité - universitätsmedizin Berlin
university Hospital and Medical School
At 300 years Charité is one of the oldest
university Hospitals worldwide and has
produced eight nobel laureates so far.
Charité can draw on a pool of medical
expertise which is unequalled in Europe.
We attach great importance to interdisciplinary co-operation and the highest
standards of professional training. Our
medical and technical infrastructure is
second to none.
A good treatment starts with prevention.
At Charité we offer comprehensive oneday check-ups and qualified second opinions for all your health issues. Our specialists employ state-of-the-art remote
patient monitoring technologies to control
your chronic heart problems, while you
pursue your daily tasks. In Examples we
perform digitized tissue probes, remote
expert diagnoses and web-based teleconferences. Treatment for Parkinson´s
disease includes standardized video surveillance in order to gauge the effectiveness of surgical interventions like deep
Categories: Computer Aided Surgery *
e-Learning * e-Patient * Electronic Patient record * Clinical studies * Teleconsultation * Telematic Plattforms * Teleonkology * Televisit * Second Opinion
Countries: China * France * India *
Japan * Kenya * russia * Saudi Arabia *
Singapore * South Africa * united States
Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany
 +49 30 450 570 400  +49 30 450 570 940
Wolfram von Pannwitz, MD, MBA,
Division Manager Corporate Development
 +49 30 450 570 342  +49 30 450 570 900
directory medical services
MHH – Excellence in Medicine
The Hannover Medical School
(Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,
MHH) is one of Germany’s leading universities and known for its excellence
in patient care: medical research of the
highest quality is closely linked with
the latest diagnostic procedures and
therapies. In no other university clinic in
Germany are patients with such severe
conditions treated as they are in the 18
medical centres and 75 departments on
the MHH campus. Interdisciplinary co-
operation is the major aim of the MHH in
all areas of clinical specialisation:
* Transplant Medicine (german’s leading
* Infection Medicine and Immunology
* Cardiac and Vascular Medicine
* Hearing Systems (world’s leading centre for cochlear implants)
* Laryngology, rhinology and Otology
* Gastroenterology, Hepatology
* Oncology (cancer therapy for
children and adults)
* Pneumology
* neurology and neurosurgery
* Emergency Surgery and Orthopaedics
* Plastic, Hand and recontructive Surgery, including a burn unit
* urology
* Obstetrics, neonatal Medicine
and Gynaecology
* Ophtalmology
* Oral, Orthodontic and
Maxillofacial Surgery
* Dentistry
Carl-neuberg-Str. 1, 30625, Hannover, Germany
Alesia Weber, International Patient Service
 +49 511 532 8721  +49 511 532 166509
Weber.Alesia@mh-hannover.de www.mh-hannover.de
Innovative audio and video room surveillance
for medical environments
As far as surveillance of your hospital or surgery is concerned, you can rely on medXvision,
the system specifically designed for the audio- and video-based surveillance of medical environments. It features superb picture quality and outstanding voice quality combined with
a unique concept of operations. You do not require a mouse or a keyboard - just one finger
enables you to operate and control the entire surveillance system from your desk.
Do you have safety-sensitive areas within your facility, such as radiotherapy rooms or intensive care units, where the safety of patients and staff is paramount? If so, the medXguard system is exactly the right solution for you! medXguard monitors the environment with cameras
and microphones, but additionally it provides in real time a fully automatic and computeraided analysis of the events within the environment. So for example you can obtain access to
the data relating to the position and number of persons in any of your facility’s rooms at any
time. So you can decide when and where to grant the access to safety-sensitive areas.
Unrivalled ease of operation, outstanding quality and flexible upgrade capability are standard
on all OPASCA systems. We partner with you to design the concept of the system that meets
your personal requirements. Regardless of whether you require an innovative solution for
a single doctor’s surgery or an integrated master surveillance and communications system
for a hospital complex, OPASCA systems is an experienced partner that you can rely on to
provide custom project solutions.
medXvision and medXguard – two high-performance products dedicated to the safety of
patients and staff.
OPASCA Systems GmbH
Julius-Hatry-Straße 1
68163 Mannheim
Dr. Alexej Swerdlow
Telefon: +49 (0) 6 21 - 15 02 82 - 77
Telefax: +49 (0) 6 21 - 15 02 82 - 71
E-Mail: swerdlow@opasca.com
directory exhibition
Messe Düsseldorf
Global Player in Pole Position for Medical Sector
Medical trade fairs are a centrepiece of
Messe Düsseldorf’s global event portfolio.
At the Düsseldorf location these include
the world’s biggest medical trade fair
MEDICA, rEHACArE, the world’s most
important trade fair for rehabilitation,
prevention, integration and care as well
as COMPAMED, the leading international
trade fair for components, parts and raw
materials for medical manufacturing.
The brand MEDICAL FAIr is the consistent hallmark of success for the longstanding, well-established medical trade
fairs held by the Messe Düsseldorf Group
abroad. These include MEDICAL FAIr
InDIA (Mumbai/new Delhi), MEDICAL
FAIr ASIA (Singapore) and MEDICAL FAIr
THAILAnD (Bangkok). Geared to the interests of the central and Eastern European market is MEDICAL FAIr CEnTrAL
EurOPE BrnO (Brno) that is a firm fixture in the regional exhibition calendar.
These trade fairs with an international
focus offer second-to-none prerequisites
for working existing markets and discovering new markets! 
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Postfach 10 10 06, 40001 Düsseldorf
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf, Deutschland
 +49 (0)211 4560-01  +49 (0)211 4560-668
info@messe-duesseldorf.de www.messe-duesseldorf.de
info@medica.de www.world-of-medica.de
cooperation partners directory
DKG – Deutsche
Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V.
Health - Made in Germany
Wegelystr. 3, 10623 Berlin
+49 (0)30 39801-1014  +49 (0)30 39801-3011
Marc Schreiner, LL.M.
Leiter Eu-Politik/Internationale Beziehungen
m.schreiner@dkgev.de www.dkgev.de
Germany Trade and Invest GmbH
Health - Made in Germany
Friedrichstraße 60, 10117 Berlin, Germany
www.health-made-in-germany.com, www.bmwi.de
The German Hospital
Federation [Deutsche
Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V. - DKG] is the
umbrella organisation
of German hospital owners. It represents the interests of its
28 members - 16 regional federations and 12 national associations of hospital operators - in national, European and international matters and performs the tasks entrusted to it by law in
the context of German self-government of the healthcare sector. About 2,087 member hospitals with approx. 1 million staff
treat over 17 million patients every year. The annual turnover of
German hospitals is about 67 billion euros, thus the DKG represents a substantial part of the German health care system. 
The German health
care industry offers a
full range of innovative,
high quality and reliable
health care products
and services. Its suppliers possess decades of valuable experience in realizing health care projects both at home and
abroad. With “Health – Made in Germany” you can convince
yourself. The initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economics
and Technology (BMWi) bundles key information and provides
vital business contacts – for new, fruitful cooperation. Focal
points of the initiative are medical technology, pharmaceuticals, medical biotechnology, telemedicine and health-related
services. 
nEST e.V. – national
Association for eHealth
Systems and Telemedicine
VBI - German Association
of Consulting Engineers
Schoenhauser Allee 10 – 11, D-10119 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 390087-0  +49 30 390087-25
Prof. Dr. Peter Hufnagl, President
Ywes Israel, Managing Director
Association for eHealth
Systems and Telemedicine” is an association
of private companies, research institutions, hospitals and notabilities founded in 2005. nEST aims to enhance patient care
through innovations and at the same time to shape the health
care management industry more efficient.
This is done through the development, production and joint
marketing of products and services. new approaches, innovative technologies and standardization processes in eHealth and
Telemedicine play the decisive role. This allows the simultaneous focus on national and international markets. 
Budapesterstr. 31, 10787 Berlin
 +49 30 26062-0  +49 30 26062-100
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus rolllenhagen
Managing Director
vbi@vbi.de www.vbi.de
Ideas and visions can
become reality with creative and experienced
planners and consulting
engineers. The leading
representatives are brought together in VBI - the German Association of Consulting Engineers. Some 3 000 member companies are
linked by this powerful professional organisation: to ensure representation for their professional and economic interests, and to
allow an exchange of views and to organise further training. On the
world market the realisation is becoming widespread that quality
out of Germany pays itself in the long run. The holistic and sustainable perspective of German architects and engineers is increasingly proving itself as a competitive advantage: The exceptionally
high level of learning of the German planners and architects, their
flexibility, their traditional proximity to pragmatic solutions on the
highest technological and economical level, their exciting creativity, and their independence from manufacturer and supplier interests ensure the success of the investment to their customers. 
directory index
Company Index
AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner
GmbH 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52
German Hospital Group Design &
Consulting GmbH 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59
OBErMEYEr Corporate Group 42,
44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 70, 71, 73
AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH 76, 77, 78, 79
GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG 76, 77, 78, 79
architectural office Kriesche
44, 50, 51, 52
GFA Consulting Group GmbH 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59
Architekten Gerlach I Schneider +
Partner 44, 50, 51, 52
GHP-German Healthcare Partnership
60, 61
Beeg - Geiselbrecht - Lemke
Architekten GmbH 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Boll und Partner Beratende Ingenieure
VBI 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53
BuSSE & PArTnEr Projectmanagers
42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 54
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter
GmbH 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50,
51, 54
Charité - universitätsmedizin Berlin
28, 76, 77, 78, 85
ClinPath GmbH 32, 76, 78, 79
Consulting Services 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54
DKG - Deutsche Krankenhaus
Gesellschaft 89
Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54
Duschl Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54
Ebert-Ingenieure 42, 44, 46, 47, 48,
49, 50, 51, 54
44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 55
EMV GmbH 56, 57
EPOS Health Management GmbH
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 58
pos4 architektur/ städtebau 42, 44,
46, 50, 51, 71
Quality Spa Associates GmbH 44, 51, 71
GKK+Architekten / Prof. Swantje Kuehn,
Oliver Kuehn 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 62
Green Hospital Program 34, 35, 36
rrI rhein ruhr International 50, 51, 71
rrP architects + engineers 42, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 71
HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH 16,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 63
Consulting Gruppe 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64
iDoc Institute for Telemedicine and
Health Communication 76, 77, 78, 79
iproplan Planungsgesellschaft mbH
12, 13, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 64, 65
Kempen Krause Ingenieure 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59,66
Klinikum Stuttgart 38, 39, 84
Krämer & Partner, Consulting Engineers
and Architects 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 67
Lüppens Architekten 42, 44, 47, 50, 71
Maron.rinne Architects 42, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 68
Messe Düsseldorf 88
mp-consult 47, 50, 71
nEST e.V. – national Association
for eHealth Systems and
Telemedicine 25, 26, 89
nickl & Partner Architekten
42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 69
Kontor AG 78, 81
Stefan Ludes Architekten 42, 44,
48, 49, 50, 51, 67, 72
SZ Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH
76, 78, 80
Tembit Software GmbH 33, 76, 77, 78, 81
TimeKontor AG 76, 77, 78, 81
TSI Telematic Solutions
International GmbH 78, 81
umweltbüro Dipl.-Ing. Mulisch GmbH
46, 51, 73
VBI - German Association
of Consulting Engineers 89
VMscope 27, 78, 81
vögele architekten bda 44, 51, 73
Wach - Consulting Engineers
42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 73
telehealth directory
Klinikum Stuttgart
First Class Medical Care
Klinikum Stuttgart, as a maximum care hospital,
offers comprehensive medical care on University
level. With more than 2,100 beds it is one of
Germany’s largest and best performing hospitals.
More than 50 clinics and institutes provide highest
levels of specialization and a broad range of services
in almost all medical specialties. This includes prenatal diagnosis, intensive care of premature infants,
all specialties of infant and adult care, geriatric care
and treatment of mental illness – the whole range
of maximum care.
Optimal results in diagnosis and therapy are
guaranteed through interdisciplinary cooperation
of all specialties, a high potential for innovations
and state-of-the-art medical equipment. For health
provision the specialists of Klinikum Stuttgart offer
various check-up packages with precise diagnosis
and competent consultation.
Every year more than 84,000 patients are coming
to Klinikum Stuttgart either for a refined diagnosis,
a surgery or for in-patient treatment. Additionally,
425,000 outpatients are treated at Klinikum Stuttgart
on annual basis. More than 6,800 employees take
care of patients in different wards, in operation
theatres and other functional areas or ensure smooth
operation in the administrative and technical
Klinikum Stuttgart è International Unit è Kriegsbergstraße 60 è
Telephone: +49 / 711 / 2 78 40 20 60 è www.klinikum-stuttgart.de è
D-70174 Stuttgart è Germany è