CBCP Monitor - CBCP Media Office


CBCP Monitor - CBCP Media Office
Church must adapt to the
way media are impacting
culture, pope says
‘Jesus prayed to the
•B1 Father
for the unity of
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus
His Disciples’
PPCRV gets Comelec’s
accreditation for 2010 polls
‘Ondoy’ damage report
fabricated—Church official
THE Commission on Elections (Comelec) has
accredited the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) as its citizen’s arm
for the May 2010 elections.
In an en banc resolution dated Oct. 26, the
Comelec noted that for the past several years,
the Catholic Church-backed poll watchdog has
consistently worked for credible elections.
“The petitioner’s participation during the past
electoral exercises and its commitment towards
honest, clean, credible and peaceful elections are
commendable,” the resolution read.
A CHURCH leader has accused Camarines
Norte Gov. Jesus Typoco Jr., of cheating over a
report that the province suffered millions worth
of damages due to a recent typhoon.
Fr. Norberto Eyule, Diocese of Daet’s social
action director, said the reported P73 million
damages made by the governor and other provincial government officials was fabricated.
Typhoon “Ondoy”, he said, did minor damage to agriculture and nothing to infrastructure
in the province.
“We assert that it is immoral to cheat and in
Accreditation / A6
November 9 - 22, 2009
Vol. 13 No. 23
Php 20.00
Fabricated / A6
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Make the Eucharist focal point
of your life, Asian youth told
FIESTA MOOD. Festive dancing and prayerful singing will characterize the opening activity of the weeklong celebration of the 5th Asian Youth Day from November 20-27. Around
1,500 young people across Asia will come together to reflect and experience in a profound way the meaning of the Eucharist in their lives and their respective communities. Hosted
by the Diocese of Imus, the youth event is themed “Yasia Fiesta! Young Asians: Come Together, Share the Word, Live the Eucharist!”
FOR a nation described as “Light of Asia,” hosting the fifth Asian Youth Day
(AYD5) later this month is a fitting contribution in instilling solid Eucharistic
spirituality among the young people of the continent.
Infanta Bishop Rolando Tirona said the AYD5, set to take place at the historic Diocese of Imus from
November 20 to 27, is envisioned to serve as a catalyst in improving the youth’s understanding of the
Holy Eucharist, hence its theme “Yasia Fiesta! Young Asians: Come Together, Share the Word, Live
the Eucharist!”
“The theme of the AYD is rooted on the goal of making the Eucharist the focal point of the youth’s
life. The AYD celebration is held so that the Asian youth can better understand and deeply experience
the meaning and reality of the Eucharist in their personal lives and in the life of their communities,”
Tirona said.
The prelate, who also chairs the Office of the
Laity of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC), urged the AYD5 delegates to
“be grateful for the gift of the Eucharist.”
“Understand better and live joyfully he
challenges of the Eucharist. Celebrate it as the
heart of your youthful life,” the prelate told
the young Catholic faithful.
Earlier, Tirona encouraged the Catholic
hierarchy to come up with “creative” liturgy
that will encourage the young faithful to realize that the Eucharist is a “very powerful force” that can
move them to be “agents of transformation.”
Apparently heeding the bishop’s call, organizers of the AYD5 included prayerful singing and festive
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By Kris Bayos
Eucharist / A6
Bishops join people’s outrage
against Laiban Dam
JOINING the people’s outrage
against the proposed Laiban
Dam project, Catholic bishops
collectively called on government to put forward the common
good above all else by preserving the integrity of creation.
In a letter sent to President
Macapagal-Arroyo, prelates led
by Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales
urged the government to scrap
the contentious Laiban dam
project citing ethical and legal
Other signatories to the letter
are NASSA chairman and Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo,
Communications and Mass Media Chairman and Auxiliary Bishop Bernardino Cortez, Pasig Bishop
Francisco San Diego, Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez, Novali-
Spray ban / A7
Estrada camp dared to name Church
officials receiving jueteng money
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
has challenged
presidential aspirant Joseph
Estrada's camp
to identify
church leaders
receiving donations from
Malolos Bishop Jose Oliveros
said that as far
as his diocese
is concerned,
receiving proceeds from the
illegal numbers game in the form of donations is totally baseless.
Various church leaders earlier said that Estrada should not run
for president again if he is just to legalize jueteng as his alternative
employment for the poor.
Opposition stalwart, former senator Ernesto Maceda, however,
fought back, saying that some church officials benefit from jueteng
"I challenge him (Maceda) to prove that church donations come from
jueteng proceeds," said Oliveros.
He also slammed former President Estrada’s “twisted” logic that
legalizing jueteng would lift Filipinos out of poverty.
On the contrary, the church leader said, jueteng will further drive
the poor people to poverty.
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has
publicly continued to stand strong in their fight against gambling.
Gambling whether legal or illegal, ruins society’s moral fiber and
exploits the poor. (Roy Lagarde)
ches Bishop Antonio Tobias,
Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado
and Infanta Bishop-Emeritus
Julio Xavier Labayen.
The 113-meter Laiban Dam
project if realized will engulf
around 28,000 hectares of “biodiverse-rich-forest-ecosystem,”
including some 3,000 hectares
of mangrove fish sanctuary and
farm irrigation in the towns of
Gen. Nakar, Real and Infanta.
Aside from destroying the
rich ecosystems of the area, the
dam will also displace several
thousands of families, especially
the indigenous communities of
Dumagats and Remontados living within the Kaliwa watershed area.
© balarila.smugmug.com
MANILA’S Catholic bishops have brought the clamor for a total
ban on aerial spraying of pesticides in banana plantations in
Mindanao right on President Arroyo’s doorstep.
At least three bishops met with Executive Secretary Ermita and
other government officials in Malacañang on Monday to raise
their concerns on the issue.
A source privy to the closed-door meeting said Ermita assured
the bishops that they will carefully study the case and would
come out with a decision soon.
The executive secretary, the source added, also said that they
will attend to the Health department-commissioned study that
resulted in recommending the ban.
The bishops who attended the meeting were Manila Auxiliary
Bishop Bernardino Cortez, Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez
and Infanta Bishop-Emeritus Xavier Labayen.
Also at the dialogue were 12 farmers representing the Mamayang Ayaw sa Aerial Spraying, a group of farmers who live
Laiban Dam / A6
400 priests gathered in Albay
AT least 400 priests from the Archdiocese
of Caceres and the Dioceses of Legazpi,
Sorsogon, Daet, Masbate, Libmanan and
Virac have gathered at the Bethlehem Retreat
Center, this town for their regional clergy
retreat which began November 9 and will
end on the 13th.
The retreat is centered on the theme “Revisiting the Priesthood in the Light of St. John
Mary Vianney’s Life and Example.”
Masbate Bishop Joel Z. Baylon, secretary
general of the Union of Bicol Clergy (UBC),
said the regional clergy retreat is being held
because of Pope Benedict XVI’s proclamation
of the period from June 19, 2009 to June 19,
2010 as Year for Priests, as integral part of the spiritual preparation for the 300th anniversary of
the Peñafrancia Devotion in 2010
and the Golden Jubilee of the
Union of Bicol Clergy.
He said Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legazpi, Virac
Bishop Manolo A. Delos Santos,
Daet Bishop Gilbert A. Garcera,
Libmanan Bishop Jose R. Rojas,
Sorsogon Bishop Arturo M.
Bastes, SVD, Legazpi Apostolic
Administrator Lucilo B. Quiambao and Legazpi Bishop Emeritus
Jose C. Sorra are in attendance.
“All our speakers are priests
from the Bicol region except for Professor
Danny Gerona, an expert in the history of the
Bicol church,” Bishop Baylon said.
The Union of Bicol Clergy was organized
in the late 50’s by Fr. Teotimo C. Pacis, a
Vincentian who became bishop of Palo,
Leyte and Legazpi.
Ever since it was established the Holy
Rosary Minor Seminary played host to the
UBC every September. During gathering the
clergy engage themselves in various sports
Legazpi Bishop Emeritus Jose Sorra said
the first Regional Clergy Congress was held
in 1995 under the auspices the Catholic Bish-
ops Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal
Commission on Clergy then chaired by Cebu
Archbishop Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal.
In another development, four prelates
and 50 priests from the Archdiocese of Zamboanga, Diocese of Ipil and the Prelature of
Isabela gathered at Bishop Querexeta Formation Center in Isabela City, Nov. 6.
Isabela Bishop Martin Jumoad said
this year’s theme was “Responding to
the Signs of the Times – Faithfulness of
Christ, Faithfulness of the Clergy,” which
he described as a response to Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration of 2009 as “Year
for Priests.
Cotabato Archbishop and Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences Secretary General Orlando
B. Quevedo, OMI was guest
speaker at the opening rites.
Jumoad told the assembly that
he believes something good is
bound to happen when men of
God come together to pray in
He added the gathering of
bishops and priests is an inspiration to the faithful aside from
contributing greatly to the efforts of working for peace and
unity.” (Fr. Louie Occiano/Melo
M. Acuna)
Contributed photo
Church leaders raise
spray ban case to Arroyo
World News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Holy See says beatification of
John Paul II not imminent
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 4, 2009—The Holy See’s press office has denied a report published by the Italian daily La Repubblica, which made claims that John Paul II will be
beatified in 2010 and that Rome and Krakow are locked in a dispute over which city
will host the ceremony.
Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office said Pope John Paul
II “will surely be beatified,” but the process must be completed, including the decree
certifying a miracle.
Lombardi also denied the reported tension between Rome and Krakow, Poland. “The
Pope is the Pope and he belongs to the universal Church,” he said. (CNA)
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 5, 2009—A Vatican press conference was
held today to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's upcoming meeting with
artists on Nov. 21. The meeting is intended to promote collaboration
between the Church and artists.
Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council
for Culture and of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church, spoke on how the meeting will be celebrated
on the tenth anniversary of John Paul II's “Letter to Artists” and the
forty-fifth anniversary of Paul VI's meeting with artists.
“The event,” he explained, "is not like a general audience of the
Holy Father, open to any artist or exclusively to Christian-inspired
artists.” “Rather,” he continued, “it aims to be representative of the
desire for dialogue between the Church and the world of the arts, a
dialogue which must necessarily develop over various stages and
using various means.”
According to the archbishop, 255 artists have accepted the invi-
German diocese receives bishop who
was ordained by Cardinal Ratzinger
ESSEN, Germany, Nov. 7, 2009—On
October 28, Pope Benedict XVI appointed 45-year-old Franz-Josef
Overbeck as the Bishop of Essen,
Germany. Bishop Overbeck was
ordained a priest by Cardinal Josef
Ratzinger, has survived a bout with
cancer, and is now the youngest
bishop in Germany.
Bishop Overbeck, previously the
auxiliary bishop of Münster, told
Bild.de, “I was having breakfast in
Rome when I received the call that I
had been selected to be the next bishop of Essen. I immediately said yes,
and then I finished my breakfast.”
When asked if he had any role
models, Bishop Overbeck cited his
parents, whose faith had quite an
influence on him. Overbeck said he Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck
also admired Pope Paul VI, who “guided the church through a very
difficult political and social phase.”
Describing himself as “a bishop, who has his worries, but loves
the Church,” Bishop Overbeck said that some of the most important
events in his life have been his ordination as priest and as bishop,
as well as his battle with cancer, its treatment, and “the fact that I
defeated it.” Asked if he is afraid it will come back, he responded,
“I am not a man of fear. I have come to terms with the finiteness of
life. If the cancer comes back, then
it is a new sickness.”
On a lighter topic, Bild.de asked
Bishop Overbeck about his daily life,
where he buys his socks and underwear. “I used to shop in Münster.
Now I will be shopping in Essen.
I do all my clothes shopping in a
very concentrated manner, twice
a year. When I go to a department
store, it is very awkward for me,
because so many people recognize
me,” he said.
When asked about his future
diocese, Bishop Overbeck told Bild.
de, “The Diocese of Essen is a mirror
image of the shaken Ruhr district.”
“There are many people who
believe, and this faith carries the
Church. My task as bishop is to see
that the people gladly go to Church, and that they believe gladly.”
Essen is located within Ruhrgebeit, a zone in northwestern Germany
whose now faltering economy was once driven by mining.
At his first press conference in Essen, Bishop Overbeck said that
all of the concerns of diocese—the lack of work, the separation of
families, the mass emigration of the youth—are very present to him.
His mission in ministering to the diocese's 909,000 Catholics is “to
help people to be able to find God.” (CNA)
Vietnamese preparations for Jubilee
celebrations well underway
HANOI, Vietnam, Nov. 6, 2009─The Archbishop of Hanoi has said that preparations
for Vietnam’s Jubilee celebrations are “well
underway.” Despite “enormous obstacles,”
the Catholics of the country will celebrate
the 350th anniversary of the first apostolic
vicariates of the country and the 50th an-
Archbishop Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet
niversary of the elevation of the country’s
three archdioceses.
In an interview published on the Vietnamese bishops’ website on Nov. 3, Archbishop
Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet said that among the
obstacles was the fact that the local government did not understand how the Jubilee
ceremonies will take place.
“Such a huge crowd coming
from multiple dioceses will
make coordination efforts a
real challenge,” he explained,
saying that the town of So Kien
has shortcomings in logistical
"Nonetheless, everything is
all well underway now,” he
So Kien was the first site the
Church in Vietnam could build
a large and durable complex of
buildings. The archbishop noted
the “harmonic architecture” of
the area, whose 10 acres contain
Archbishop accuses police of apathy over church attacks
BANGALORE, India, Nov. 9, 2009—Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore has accused the government and police of apathy
in the wake of the vandalization of another
church in his diocese.
Vandals broke into St. Anthony’s
church in Bangalore on Saturday evening,
strewed Communion hosts around the
church and stole a gold-plated chalice
and two ciboria.
Karnataka state has witnessed “so many
church attacks” but no “culprit has been
booked despite the assurances given to me
by top police officers,” Archbishop Moras
told the media Nov. 8.
St. Anthony’s parish priest Father
Arockiadoss discovered the damage
when he opened the church, in the suburb
of Kavalbysandra, at 4:30 a.m. Sunday
The bishop said he was “upset” at
government apathy toward catching culprits and was losing confidence in police
“I am hurt because of the desecration of
the Blessed Sacrament which is so central
to our faith,” he said.
He called for calm from the 1,000 parishioners who had gathered at the church
to pray. Several police officers visited the
parish along with a dog squad and fingerprint experts.
Another church in Bangalore was
vandalized on Sept. 10, as Christians in
Karnataka were preparing to observe the
first anniversary of the start of four months
of church attacks by radical Hindu groups
late last year.
St. Anthony’s caters to some 5,000 parishioners. It was expanded this year, and
Archbishop Moras reopened it on Sept.
11. (UCAN)
a cathedral, the Vicariate Office of Tay Dang
Ngoai and a deteriorated Major Seminary.
The location is almost equidistant between
Hanoi and other major cities.
Expected to attend are 30 cardinals and bishops, 4,000 priests and at least 100,000 faithful. It
is believed the event will be the largest recent
gathering of Catholics in North Vietnam.
The archbishop credited generous efforts
of northern dioceses and the Archdiocese of
Hanoi in particular.
The opening ceremony is scheduled to take
place at So Kien on the evening of Nov. 23, the
Vigil of the Feast of the Vietnamese Martyrs.
The martyrs Andrew Dung Lac and 116
companions were beatified by Pope John
Paul II in 1988.
The Diocese of Hai Phong has designed
a giant torch for the event, while a musical
troupe with 200 trumpeters will come from
Bui Chu diocese. Another 200 drummers
will come from Thai Binh Diocese and a
large choir will gather together 750 singers
from the dioceses of Than Hoa, Hung Hoa
and Lang Son.
A large number of volunteers for the
ceremony had registered with the Jubilee’s
organizing committee. About 300 of them
come from the remote dioceses of Vinh and
Phat Diem.
All Vietnamese dioceses will observe a
Novena from Nov. 15-23 in preparation
for the Holy Year. After the grand opening ceremony at So Kien, each diocese will
have an opening ceremony on Nov. 28.
The Holy Jubilee will run through Jan. 6,
2011 with the closing ceremony to be held
on the Feast of the Epiphany at La Vang
National Sacred Marian Center, Fr. J.B. An
Dang tells CNA.
On Sept. 9, 1659, Pope Alexander VII
established the vicariates of Dang Ngoai
(Tonkin) and Dang Trong (Cochinchine)
with French Bishops Francois Pallu and
Lambert de la Motte, appointed first prelates. On Nov. 24, 1960, Blessed Pope John
XXIII established the Catholic hierarchy in
Vietnam, elevating Ha Noi, Hue and Saigon
to archdioceses. (CNA)
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Vatican plans
meeting between
Pope and artists
tation and are coming from places all over the world. They will be
divided into categories such as painting and sculpture; architecture;
literature and poetry; music and song; cinema, theatre, dance and
Before the Pope addresses the artists, the Sistine Chapel Choir
will sing for the gathering. The meeting with Benedict XVI will be
followed by a reception in the Vatican Museum where the artists
will receive a medal in the Pope's name. (CNA)
Thousands of Catholics turn out
for Rosary Sunday in Phoenix
PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 8, 2009─From its humble beginnings in
the church of St. Francis Xavier in Phoenix, Rosary Sunday has
grown into an annual event that draws more than 5,000 people
in devotion to Mary. Last month, Catholics in the diocese marked
the 34th year the faithful throughout the state gathered for adoration, confession, benediction and the recitation of the rosary.
Under her title, “Immaculate Heart of Mary,” and in honor of
the Year for Priests, families and individuals entered the Phoenix
Convention Center representing a multitude of ethnic communities and organizations.
Rudy and Barbara Martinez drove 240 miles one-way from
Cameron, Ariz. to participate in the public prayer honoring the
Blessed Mother.
“We come because we want to show her our love and gratitude,”
Barbara said. This is the fifth year the couple has made the journey
from the Navajo Indian Reservation in Northern Arizona. “It’s
important for us to be here together in honor of Our Lady.”
The strong devotion to the mother of Jesus gave impetus to the
Phoenix Diocese embracing an event that has attracted national
Dorothy Westfall, the event’s coordinator and a Legion of Mary
member, fields calls from other dioceses around the country each
year on how to develop advisory committees in hopes of starting
a Rosary Sunday.
“People come because they see this as an opportunity for
grace,” Westfall said. “Not only for themselves, but for their
family, the country and the world.”
The spirit, beauty and reverence of the afternoon was not lost
on the keynote speaker.
“I am very impressed. We need one of these in the Rockford
Diocese,” said Fr. James Parker. “When we pray those beads, we
touch the heart of the Mother of God and simultaneously touch
the heart of God.”
The Illinois priest used imagery and stories to emphasize
Mary’s love, concern and protection of the faithful.
“When we pray the rosary, she wraps us in her mantle,” Fr.
Parker said. “When we are close to her, we are able to maintain
a peace of heart.”
The event proved to be an uplifting and spiritual opportunity
for many families to pass the torch of faith and tradition on to
their children.
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted’s very presence got the crowd to
their feet, but it was his words of encouragement that rang true
with many.
In his opening address, the bishop said Mary will help each
person as they join with Christ by offering daily sacrifices.
Sam Marshall began praying the rosary after he was inspired by
a group of women in Santa Fe, NM, more than a decade ago.
“More men need to pray the rosary, but they think it’s something
women do,” he said. “We all want more, inside, than we realize.
We just have all this worldly stuff that gets in the way.” (CNA)
Christians demand release of
banned Malay bibles
Bishop Ng Moon Hing
KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia, Nov. 9, 2009—Malaysian
Christians are demanding
the release of 15,000 Malaylanguage bibles, confiscated by
the government because they
use the word "Allah" for God.
The Christian Federation of
Malaysia (CFM) says everyone
has the constitutional right to
use the national language to
practice his or her religion.
"It is baseless to withhold
the bibles in Bahasa Malaysia
(the national language) on the
grounds that they are 'prejudicial to public order,'" the CFM
said in a Nov. 4 statement.
The use of the word "Allah" in Christian publications is also
likely to confuse Muslims and draw them to Christianity, the
government has said, although repeated media requests for
further comment have failed.
"Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia have been used since before independence ... and have never been the cause of any public
disorder," the CFM statement says.
Despite the government ban, "Allah" remains the commonly
used word for God in the Malay language.
The constitution "gives every Malaysian the right to profess
Malay bibles / A6
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Church must adapt to the way media
are impacting culture, pope says
VATICAN CITY, Oct. 29, 2009─New media are not just instruments for
communicating, but they are having a huge impact on culture ─ on the way
people interact and think, Pope Benedict XVI said.
"This constitutes a challenge for the church, called to proclaim the Gospel
to people of the third millennium," the pope said Oct. 29 during a meeting
with members of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
The content of the Gospel message remains unchanged, he said, but the
church must learn how to transmit that message to new generations and
must do so by taking advantage of the new technology and new attitudes
toward communications.
Pope Benedict said one of the marks of the new media culture is its multimedia and interactive structure.
New technology is not leading to developments only in television or radio
or the Internet, but is "gradually generating a kind of global communications
system" in which media are used together and the audience participates in
generating content, he said.
"I want to take this occasion to ask those in the church who work in the
sphere of communications and have responsibility for pastoral guidance to
take up the challenges these new technologies pose for evangelization," the
pope said.
Pope Benedict encouraged all producers and users of media "to promote a
culture of respect for the dignity and value of the human person, a dialogue
rooted in the sincere search for truth (and) for friendship that is not an end
in itself, but is capable of developing the talents of each person to put them
at the service of the human community."
The pontifical council, he said, is called to study the new media culture and
offer Catholics ethical guidance so that they recognize the importance of the
communications media and use it effectively to spread the Gospel. (CNS)
Official: Catholics need new
perspective on migrants
© Pinky Barrientos, FSP / CBCP Media
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 3, 2009─Globalization is not
just about economics; it is also about the human
person, and thus challenges us to a "radical change
in perspective," says one Vatican official.
Archbishop Antonio Vegliò, president of the
Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, spoke
of this challenge today when he announced the
upcoming conference hosted by this dicastery.
The archbishop said the risk today is for the
discussion on globalization to be seen "almost exclusively with reference to the economic-financial
sphere, characterized by the amount of international aid and the degree of trade
“But," he said, "we know, as Christians, that life's core is fundamentally
spiritual and that the challenge is how
to promote and safeguard every human person, preferring the most vulnerable, precisely people like, among
others, migrants and refugees."
The pontifical council conference
will be the sixth of its kind. It is scheduled for next Monday through Thursday, and will consider the theme: "A
pastoral response to the phenomenon
of migration in the era of globalization.
Five years after the Instruction 'Erga
Migrantes Caritas Christi.'"
Archbishop Vegliò said the chal-
lenge in a globalized society is "to make a radical
change in perspective, by making a clear 'choice for
the human person,' giving them back the place that
God has assigned to them within the one family of
peoples, 'image and likeness' of the Creator."
The Vatican official suggested that this perspective change is made concrete in relation to migrants
in "the value of welcome."
He said this value is carried out with respect for
persons of different nationalities, ethnicities and
religions, and "contributes to rendering visible the
authentic physiognomy of the Church itself."
"The Church," the archbishop affirmed, "is close
to migrants, especially to the victims of human
trafficking, to refugees, to asylum seekers, and
to the people who suffer the tragedy of human
This closeness translates into defending the
cause of migrants, he added, "also through a collaboration in promoting adequate laws, at the
local and international levels, that favor proper
integration." (Zenit)
Green group chides politicians for early campaign
QUEZON CITY, Nov. 6, 2009—An
environmental advocate rebukes political wannabes for spending millions of
pesos on propaganda materials saying
the money could have been put to good
use by helping families in dire need of
Romy Hidalgo,Vice-President of
the EcoWaste Coalition expressed
disappointment on the insensitivity of
politicians for splurging on propaganda
materials at a time when many people
are suffering due to recent calamities.
“Why waste so much resources for
blatant premature campaigning when
we know that thousands of poor families are in dire need of assistance after
a string of devastating storms?,” asked
He said politicians should be aware
“that not a few people are unhappy
about the insensitive hanging of banners and placing of radio and TV ‘infomercials’ amid the agony that calamity
survivors are going through.”
Hidalgo’s group asked politicians
and their supporters instead to help
typhoon victims rebuild their lives by
“helping affected families make both
ends meet, reconstructing battered
homes and restoring weather-damaged
roads, bridges and schools.”
“We are dismayed to see millions
of pesos being spent by national and
local candidates for costly, but hollow
campaign materials that have only
messed up our already chaotic streets,”
lamented Hidalgo.
The group is reacting to tarpaulin and
cloth banners of various colors and sizes
that have sprouted on the streets with
faces of politicians emblazoned on them.
© www.answers.com
Caritas says climate
change will drastically
increase world hunger
Hidalgo also pointed out that the
mindless hanging of banners and
streamers along the streets contribute
to the piling up of trash in an already
polluted environment.
He stressed that “premature campaigning not only violates the intent of
the law, but also wastes financial and
material resources that are better spent
for activities that can alleviate the sufferings of disaster victims.”
Funds for expensive banners and
advertisements can also be diverted to
enable communities set up their ecology
centers or materials recovery facilities
(MRFs) to help them safely manage
their discards, Hidalgo said.
Although the campaign period for
those aspiring for political positions
have yet to officially start, some politicians are apparently taking the oppor-
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 5, 2009─Caritas Internationalis and other humanitarian organizations
want world leaders to know that without bold
action, global warming will have a disastrous
effect on the world’s poor and hungry.
Climate change is already undermining
efforts to help the more than 1 billion people
now suffering from lack of food, and without
drastic measures to limit its effects, “the risk of
hunger and malnutrition could increase by an
unprecedented scale within the next decades,”
according to a Nov. 4 press release from Caritas
Caritas, the umbrella organization for 164
Catholic charities, said it has signed a joint
statement addressed to environmental ministers and other officials who will participate
in the U.N. Summit for Climate Change Dec.
7-18 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The message
includes both dire warnings and practical suggestions for action.
The U.N. World Food Program and U.N.
Food and Agriculture Organization, the World
Health Organization, the International Federation of the Red Cross, Oxfam, World Vision and
Save the Children are the other co-signers of the
statement. In their message, the organizations
stressed that it is the world’s most vulnerable
people, especially children, who will suffer the
most from the effects of catastrophic climate
“Climate change will act as a multiplier of
existing threats to food security,” the joint statement read. “It will make natural disasters more
frequent and intense, land and water more
scarce and difficult to access, and increases in
productivity even harder to achieve.”
“The implications for people who are poor
and already food insecure and malnourished
are immense,” the statement warned.
For example, the statement said, temperatures could increase 2-3 degrees Celsius (3.6-5.4
degrees Fahrenheit) in tropical and sub-tropical
regions as early as 2020. This could cause a reduction in grassland productivity of 40 percent
to 90 percent in arid and semi-arid regions and
increase desertification in some areas of Africa,
Asia and Latin America.
In the statement, the organizations advocated a plan of investment in the development
of better and more sustainable food production
systems, improved access to food and nutrition
sources for populations at risk and enhanced
social protection for the poor who cannot afford
to feed themselves adequately.
Managing weather-related disasters, which
typically affect underdeveloped countries most
dramatically, is another priority if catastrophe
is to be averted, the statement said.
The number of people affected by such disasters has more than tripled since the 1990s,
the statement said. Climate change has been
leading increasingly toward weather extremes
marked by more storms, droughts and higher
temperatures. In 2007 alone, more than 74
million people were victims of humanitarian
crises originating from natural disasters, the
statement said.
About 40 representatives from Caritas are
expected to attend the summit. (CNS)
tunity to get media mileage
this early.
“Their non-filing of certificates of candidacy yet
should not be used by aspiring government leaders to get
around the law whose intent
is to encourage a level playing field for all contenders,”
Hidalgo observed.
Sec. 80 of the Omnibus
Election Code provides that
“it shall be unlawful for any person,
whether or not a voter or candidate, or
for any party, or association of persons,
to engage in an election campaign or
partisan political activity except during
the campaign period.”
The campaign period for those aspiring for national positions such as
president, vice-president and senator
starts 90 days before the May 10, 2010
elections, or on February 10, 2010. For
local positions, the campaign period
begins 45 days before the polls.
The EcoWaste Coalition is a band of
over 85 non-governmental groups that
seeks to promote green electoral reforms,
to prevent and reduce poll campaign
waste and pollution. (CBCPNews)
NGOs propose alternatives to Laiban Dam project RP Church seeks Japan, Iran bishops’
MANILA, Nov. 5, 2009─Nongovernment organizations
have banded together calling
on government and the public
to oppose the implementation
of Laiban project.
The Save Sierra Madre Network (SSMN), Pambansang
Kilusan ng mga Samahang
Magsasaka (PAKISAMA) and
the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) has stressed that
there are possible alternatives
than to continue the Laiban
Dam project.
“One of the most viable
alternatives is to restore denuded forests in Angat, Ipo
and La Mesa watersheds,” the
group said.
They also emphasized
that the government should
strengthen the anti-logging
campaign and restore existing watershed like the Wawa
Watershed to enhance water
Reduction of the water demand and improvement of
the efficiency of the Manila
Water and Maynilad through
minimizing the non-revenue
water levels is another “simple
and economical option” which
the group has presented.
“These non-revenue water
levels only translate to water
wastage” they said.
In a recent report, Bro. Martin
Francisco, BSMP, Chairman of
Sagip Sierra Madre Environmental Society Inc. (SSMEI), said
that proper care and protection
to the environment is the only
solution to attain a sufficient
water supply and not putting up
additional dams.
“Instead of building another
dam, the viable solution is effective forest protection or forest
conservation,” he said
SSMESI is an environmental
non-government organization
that protects and preserves the
environment particularly the
Sierra Madre corridors that
supplies 97% of water to Metro
Manila, Bulacan and Pampanga
through its four critical watersheds.
The group then said that the
consumers of Metro Manila
would bear the burden of the
costs for the said project.
“The hefty price tag of $1B
is also expected to hike up to
almost $2B due to delays and
huge cost over-runs, which are
typical of large dam construction,” they said.
Meanwhile, the group conducted a protest march yesterday, November 4, to gather
support from “policy makers”
and the public against the
implementation of the Laiban
Dam project.
The nine-day protest march,
which started at General Nakar in Quezon, is participated
by the indigenous peoples,
farmers, women rural workers, youth and religious
This march will culminate
on November 12 at the Malacañang Palace in Manila.
The group also asked for
the immediate rejection of
all the government plans on
“monstrous dams” construction since these has been
proven to be devastating to
the communities most especially to the environment.
(Kate Laceda)
help in aerial spray battle
MANILA, Oct. 30, 2009— Bishops from the Philippines are
seeking assistance from their
fellow prelates in Japan and
Iran in their battle against aerial
spraying in banana plantations
in Mindanao.
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo said they are bringing up the matter to the church
leaders there where the banana
products are being exported
from Davao province.
He said they are planning to
write a letter to the bishops in
Japan and Iran to bring to their
attention the negative impact of
aerial spraying to the health of
the people in Mindanao.
“This is just to inform them
that the fruits being exported
to them used aerial spraying to
the detriment of the people,”
Pabillo said.
Pabillo chairs the Episcopal
Commission on Social Action –
Justice and Peace of the Catholic
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
The Catholic leadership has
been supporting the farmers
belonging to the Mamamayan Ayaw sa Aerial Spraying
(MAAS) calling for a ban on
aerial spraying of pesticides in
banana plantations.
“It’s an immoral practice that
infringes upon human health
and dignity,” the bishops said
in their Oct. 26 letter to Stephen
Antig, executive director of
the Pilipino Banana Growers
and Exporters Association (PBGEA).
“Your heeding of our appeal
will stop us from bringing to the
attention of your international
market the concerns of the poor
farmers who have been victimized by your aerial spraying
activities,” the letter read.
Aside from Pabillo, other
signatories of the letter include
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio
Cardinal Rosales, Manila Auxiliary Bishop Bernardino Cortez
and Kalookan Bishop Deogracias
Pabillo earlier said they are
also seeking a dialogue with
President Arroyo to express their
concerns on the issue.
He said all they want is to
bring to Mrs. Arroyo’s attention negative and concrete
cases related to aerial dust
“Environmental protection is
a right, not a privilege reserved
for the few who can fend off
protests or shun accountabilities. If there is doubt as to the
effect of the spray, the government must resolve the problem
in favor of the people, rather
than the growers,” he said.
"It is better to sacrifice profit
than the health of the people
and the environment,” added
Representatives of MAAS
are currently here in Manila
to ask Malacañang to issue an
executive order banning the use
of aerial spraying.
Maas is primarily made up of
residents around agricultural
plantations who are protesting
the chemical drifts in their environment. (Roy Lagarde)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
The pope and the youth in the
digital world
THE 26 years of petrine ministry of the late Pope John Paul II is
crowded with monumental deeds of both ecclesiastical and social
imports. The universal catechism, the new code of canon law and
his intervention in the final collapse of communism in Eastern
Europe, are just a few of his colossal legacies to humanity.
Disputable as it may seem, but the most impact-making of the
late Pope’s initiatives was the institutionalization of the World
Youth Day in 1986. If only to prove this point, nobody has yet
seen people, whether young or old, getting converted, or at least
recovering the sense of the sacred, while browsing the new code
of canon law or the universal catechism. On the other hand,
the world sees millions of young people recovering something
every time there is a world gathering of the youth. The Luneta
in Manila is a mute witness to conversions among the youth in
1995 numbering about 6 or so millions that earned the moniker
“an excess of success.” The latest gathering in Australia the other
year is a relative case in point, which until now still lingers even
in the mind of onlookers.
At the onset of his pontificate, John Paul II was already very
passionate about young people: “Do not be afraid! Open, indeed,
open wide the doors to Christ! Open to his saving power…do not
be afraid.” Repeatedly in succeeding documents he would declare
his conviction that “the future belongs to the youth.”
The 5th Asian Youth Day, which is going to be celebrated in the
Philippines in a couple of days, is an offshoot of this conviction. It
is happy to note that Episcopal Conferences of Asia, as maybe in
other continents, have taken serious steps in upbeating the youth
apostolate. The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, for
instance, has conducted of late a survey which reveals disquieting
findings prevalent among Asian Youth which, understandably, is
weighed down by the plurality of cross-cultural determinants.
But perhaps nothing is as avant-garde as the initiative of the chair
of the Episcopal Commission on Youth of the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philippines, Most Rev. Joel Baylon. For a
year now, he has been belaboring a brain child that he intends
to deploy as “online missionaries”. In a collaborative effort with
the CBCP Media Office, Baylon has organized a group of young
people whose culture is very much intertwined with the digital
world—they move and breathe according to the number of online
applications or platforms and the size of available broadband.
Youth Pinoy is the group’s name. And “Winning the World through
the Word” is their campaign that easily goes comfortably with
the World Wide Web in www.youthpinoy.com. Whether these
online missionaries will matter or not is not exactly the issue.
What is of consequence is that they know where to relate with
their own kind.
Global Warming and Climate Change
THE sea level rise due to the increase in temperature is projected
to adversely affect 16 regions in the Philippines, 20 provinces and
more than 700 municipalities. Climate change has increased the
number of stronger storms and typhoons that hit the country every
year. Each typhoon that hits our land reminds us of our balding
forests. With every landslide, we are reminded of the vulnerability
of man against the dynamics of nature. The 2007 Fourth Assessment
Report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) reveals that Manila, Cebu and Davao will be of
great risk.
Nature constantly reminds us that it is not only the illegal acts
committed by some that simultaneously burn and freeze our home;
our daily habits and our choices contribute greatly to this tragedy.
Our continuing dependence on fossil fuel and the government’s
subsidy on diesel, the use of coal as an alternative despite clear
evidence of its highly polluting nature are the collective factors
that contribute to the changing climate and weather patterns.
We must take advantage of the gifts of nature which offers healthier
and less destructive options such as wind and solar energies, water
and geothermal resources.
The challenge to preserve our beautiful land may be difficult but
not impossible. We recommend that dioceses, parishes and other
institutions especially the government would foster education on
the protection of nature. We encourage every citizen to eliminate
wasteful consumption. We pray that the government, in making
economic and political decisions, would always consider that
true stewardship does not mean economic gains for the powerful
few. True stewardship is the constant and continuing work for
the benefit of all.
No material gain can equate the value of life. Every Filipino
depends on the environment. Because of the threats against these
fragile resources, our lives and livelihood are likewise threatened.
Our present and our future must not be made to depend on programs
that offer short-term gains for a chosen few. Our responsibility
to our mother nature is our responsibility to ourselves. We call
on all stakeholders, the government and its implementing arms
to contribute in good will, so that in a responsible and humane
manner we can reflect that human life does not have a price.
We end this Pastoral Letter with the words we used 20 years ago:
“There is an urgency about this issue which calls for widespread
education and immediate action. We are convinced that the
challenge we have tried to highlight here is similar to the one
which Moses put before the people of Israel, before they entered
their promised land. ”
– Upholding the Sanctity of Life, 2008
Illustration by Bladimer Usi
Oscar V. Cruz, DD
Views and Points
THIS is certainly not about the common saying or the forlorn joke
even that something that looks like a duck, walks like a duck and
quacks like a duck is a duck plain and simple. Instead, this is specifically about a lame leadership, a sorry authority position, a tenuous
tenure of power. The figure is then likened to a “lame duck”—a disabled leader trying hard to appear in command, and over-acting as if
the same were not disabled. But to no avail, irrespective of whether
the fact limping image of supreme might and dominant influence
knows/admits the lackluster actuality or not, the truth nevertheless
remains that the same is a lame duck—notwithstanding all posturing
and appearance to the contrary.
Thus it is that a lame duck leader—particularly in the highest
level of a government hierarchy—approves this and that, but a
mere approval it basically remains. The same may order one thing
to be done or direct another to be undone. Yet, simply but a token
observance by the leader’s underlings is done—if any at all. This is
especially true when the leader concerned is not simply undermined
by the short and ever shortening tenure of office in the course of
time, but also buried in the quagmire of corruption, deception and
misrepresentation of historical proportion.
No wonder then that as the ominous day in May 2010 infallibly
comes nearer every hour of the day and every day of the week,
the same leader cannot but be expected to do the main following
Pinky Barrientos, FSP
Kris P. Bayos
Melo M. Acuña
Laarni Bergado
Roy Q. Lagarde
Ernani M. Ramos
Associate Editor
Managing Editor
News Editor
Feature Editor
Marketing Supervisor
Circulation Manager
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez
Layout Artist and Online Editor
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila.
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO.
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
ISSN 1908-2940
predictable agenda: Assign executive offices to whoever are willing and available as their previous holders jump the ship one after
another. Acquiescence to visionary plans, impulsive programs and
quixotic projects in the vain attempt to make up for previous big
executive failures, with the futile design even to leave some kind of
a vain and futile legacy.
Meantime, it is definitely nothing but the money of people that is
fooled around with, spent and wasted. It is also surely nobody else
but the people again who are left holding an empty bag. And it is
certainly nothing else than the country that is more underdeveloped
than some nine years ago. With the laming of the duck, it is only in
the world of fantasy—if not in the realm of miracles which are rather
illusive and wherefore rare—that better things for the people and
the country can be realistically expected.
Both leadership radiant successes and dismal failures offer really good and relevant lessons to all those now decidedly vying for
leadership position in government—especially that exercised from
Malacañang. Those who in their solitary times, sober moments
and specially so during occasions for quiet praying, harbor honest
doubts about their integrity, competence and character for good
and effective leadership, will in fact stand taller before God and
the people in the event that on their own, they withdraw from the
electoral contest.
Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
More on Pondo ng Pinoy
“LET us give thanks to God for inspiring us
to love Him and for sharing our compassion with those who are weak and poor. Let
us thank God for giving us a new way of
depicting love for God and neighbor in the
ways of Pondo ng Pinoy”—words of His
Eminence Cardinal Rosales in one of the
anniversaries of Pondo ng Pinoy, now going
on its sixth year.
Although I have been involved in serving
our poor brothers and sisters in various ways
as a Good Shepherd Sister, my involvement
in Pondo ng Pinoy as Board Member and
Project Screening Committee head has truly
been inspiring and fulfilling. It took a while
for me, as well as the other Board Members
and staff, to grasp the vision of His Eminence. At first, we thought it was just another
fund-raising concept, another organization
in the Church that would compete with the
many fund-raising activities in the parishes.
(And I think some parish priests still think
this is the case, that is why a 100 percent
cooperation has not been obtained these past
years). But the Cardinal kept expounding on
the scripture texts that he based his vision
on, and had Bishop Chito Tagle and Msgr.
Gerry Santos put into writing the theology
of the “Crumbs”, so that reflection papers
and manuals have been produced and distributed to schools and parishes. Inspired
by the parable of Lazarus who only asked
for crumbs that would fall from the Rich
man’s table, “crumbs” refer to the small good
deeds done daily and symbolized with the
Love Life
twenty-five centavo coin to be dropped in
one’s personal container every day.
This way, evangelization and the spirituality of forming a habit into virtue, then into
good character can be done by anyone, rich
or poor. And the contribution of a coin daily
can be given not only by those who have
means but by the poor as well.
Do you know that the total of twenty-five
centavos dropped everyday for a month is
only P7.50! And you do not even have to wait
for your bottle or can to be full. Just bring it
to your parish church every last Sunday of
the month (“Pondong Pinoy Sunday”) properly labeled so it does not get mixed up with
the usual Mass collection. The parish coordinator will then deposit it to the designated
banks or forward it to the Diocesan Chancery,
then all will be forwarded to our head office
at Pius Center, UN Ave, Manila.
Why am I writing an article again on
Pondo ng Pinoy and describing in detail the
process? Because collections in some dioceses
have gone down almost 50 percent this year
as compared to the former years.
If the cash contributions are getting less,
does this mean then that people are forgetting to do their daily small acts of goodness?
Wasn’t the recent calamities of so many
reaching out to those who suffered through
the floods, while the victims themselves offering their sufferings in patience and hope
the very substance of their “crumbs”?
Less collection also means less funds for
the projects for the poor. And while Pondo
Fr. Melvin P. Castro
Pedro C. Quitorio
Lame duck
Speaking of Mary
WE had the privilege of undertaking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land
from 09 to 20 October 2009. It was unexpectedly very hot weather,
and it was just an approximation of what summer heat is.
We started our pilgrimage first to the land of exile of the Holy
Family, Egypt. In Cairo, we were able to go to the more famous
pyramids and the Sphinx. These were wonders to behold, man-made
and were magnificent. Paradox that we were told by our Egyptian
guide who informed us that once a Pharaoh assumed the throne,
he was already preparing his grave and this was the pyramid. And
their belief all the images that were included in the tomb would come
alive in the next life. And hence, statues of the favorite things the
Pharaoh wanted were included, and of course, there were statues
of slaves so that in the after-life, the Pharaoh would still have slaves
serving him. It was very interesting; they went out of their way and
took pains to prepare for the after-life, at least, in the manner they
ng Pinoy does not fund relief missions, there
are so many development projects that can
be organized precisely in those devastated
areas, if only more people would volunteer
and give their talents to reach out to our
I congratulate the many Diocesan Pondo ng
Pinoy Desk Coordinators who have submitted projects and continue to implement them
such as the micro-financing projects among
street vendors, buying and selling dried fish,
rags-making and sari-sari stores. It is good to
know that the older children who were sent
to vocational courses are gainfully employed
and helping in the family income. We have
also visited the hog-raising and goat-raising
projects in Antipolo as well as the shrimp
farms in Cavite. Among the health projects
are the Botika sa Bayan in some parishes, the
community-based programs in depressed
areas, Responsible Parenthood and Natural
Family Planning Program in Tondo, and
of course the Hapag-asa Feeding Program
that has improved the status of over 500,000
severely malnourished children. Special
projects include the electrification of a whole
town in Kalinga, artesian wells in Palawan,
and the upgrading of the water system in
Macalelon, Quezon Province.
Over P100M have been released to over a
hundred projects these past five years, besides the millions more spent in the HapagAsa Feeding Program.
Do your share in Pondo ng Pinoy. Let us
truly be a Church for the Poor!
Retracing the footsteps
of Christ (Part 1)
thought it best to prepare.
Our Egyptian guide also commented how Egypt is so rich with
natural resources but that only 25 percent of the population benefit
from the 75 percent of the resources while 75 percent of the population benefit from the mere 25 percent of the resources. Sounds too
familiar, isn’t it? And guess, what is the proposed solution of the
government to this misdistribution of wealth? Curb the population. Now that’s very familiar!
One evening which was a Saturday, we had our dinner cruise
along the Nile River. As our guide pointed out, it was not the cruise
that was the highlight but was the Nile River itself. That Egypt and
surrounding areas survive and even flourish only because of the
Nile River.
The next morning we proceeded to Mt. Sinai. No we didn’t dare
Mary / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD
By the Roadside
THERE is an armless Christ on a crucifix hanging on the wall facing
my room. It’s been there for a long time now. The sacristan told me
it was taken off the Catholic cemetery chapel’s altar after the crucifix
fell on the floor, an incident that broke the right arm of the Christ
image. Till now nobody can tell me where the missing arm is. And,
as I pondered all kinds of stories about the missing parts of the Christ
image in other places and times, including the rather expected but
now-worn-out exhortatory insight that has been the stuff of homilies,
talks, PTA or graduation addresses etc. (“We are the arms, the hands,
the feet etc. of Christ”), I wondered if and how I could find ways to
have the arm restored and the whole image repaired.
Then it struck me.
The armless Christ speaks of who we are. We are mostly a povertystricken people who often feel powerless (yes, armless) not only
over the forces of nature exacerbated by global warming, such as
typhoons, torrential and flood-causing rains, earthquakes etc. but
also even over our seeming inability to find solutions to problems,
like bad governance, corruption and a tainted culture which feeds
it. For instance, in my home province of Eastern Samar we have
been badgering our leaders to have our roads repaired only to find
piecemeal responses (only selected stretches are repaired), following standards that even simple common sense sees as way below
par (how about new asphalted roads that already have craters or
those that feel like you are sailing over a rough sea?). And, lest I be
accused of being too parochial, how about a fundamentally sound
economy that little translates into good economic conditions for the
people? Or how about claims of our having democratic elections that,
Nicolo F. Bernardo
Armless Christ
in reality, are not decided by the ballot and informed choice but by
money, celebrity or personalized transactional politics?
The armless Christ speaks of why we are where we are. The missing arm is what we do not extend to one another. It sometimes takes
powerful disasters to interrupt our bad habit. But most of the time
Christ’s right arm is missing because ours is missed by others who
need it. We are busy taking care of our families, our hometowns,
our province, our region. We forget about nation and country. We
are active parts busy ignoring the whole. It could be argued that we
are an archipelago geographically, politically, psychologically and,
hence, culturally. Nonetheless, our present conditions only reinforce
the truth that we can only sink unless we swim together.
The armless Christ points to where our salvation lies. The right
arm is missing. Mostly what is missing in the country—and the
world, for that matter—is a ‘strong republic’ sense of what is right
in our politics, economics and social relations. We have to begin
restoring ourselves by being and doing right. Right is not decided
by might, sight or fright. Right is decided by what is already inside
our hearts, nay, in a special center called ‘conscience’. It is decided
by what brings us closer to the One who speaks in it and towards
the ones with whom He asks us to be one in faith, hope and, most
of all, in caritas—yes in that love which Vatican II says we are called
to be perfect in order to be holy.
Now I see your eyes wide open as if to ask: “You’re saying all this
just because you saw an armless Christ?”
Maybe. But here’s one more. Our Christ has no right arm because
it is out there busy saving people—not excluding ourselves.
Jose B. Lugay
System failure
THE aftermath of Typhoons Ondoy, Pepeng
and Ramil caused the deaths of thousands of
persons killed by landslides and drowning
in swollen rivers. The release of water from
the dams, admittedly a factor in the sudden
flooding of the irrigated rice lands and the
drowning of more persons instigated a Senate Hearing on Climate Change. What can
the laity expect from government after this
As we settle down after a harrowing experience, we take stock of what the country
should do to prevent the same catastrophic
event from ever occurring again. To improve
our readiness for incoming disasters, let us
review the government system for disaster
mitigation—its ability to plan, to support the
plan with manpower and financial resources
and to implement timely action when disaster comes.
We start by taking a look at a typical
government organization like the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration
(PAGASA). Its personnel are well trained
but salaries are not commensurate to their
technical and managerial capabilities so
that they are prone to be pirated by our
neighboring countries. Be that as it may,
those who stay with PAGASA know that
this country with an average of 20 typhoons pummeling this country yearly,
need scientific instruments to detect and
measure important variables in weather
forecasting. Hence they requested for the
purchase and establishment of the Doppler Weather Radar Network for Disaster
Prevention in Metro Manila in 2004. The
President herself gave the go signal and
approved the financial support to prevent
the recurrence of damage to property and
death of thousands of victims caused by
the typhoon in 2004.
Laiko Lampstand
All of a sudden, after Ondoy poured rain
in 9 hours what should normally pour in
one month, people started asking where
are the Doppler Radars that were approved
for purchase by Malacañang? The National
Disaster Coordinating Council was also
surprised when informed that the Doppler
Radars were not yet purchased in spite of its
being approved many months before. The
Commission on Audit to put it mildly stated
that “Lack of coordination delayed weather
project”. In short, there is a governmental
system failure.
These are the system steps of the purchasing process of any entity in government:
1. Identify the need,
2. Determine the type of equipment to
satisfy the need,
3. Obtain approval for the purchase of the
equipment from the head of agency during
the preparation of the Annual Procurement
4. Estimate the funds required for the type
of equipment specified,
5. Get approval for the budget allocated
for the specific equipment,
6. Purchase the equipment following the
procurement process according to R.A.
In the COA report (published in Philippine
Star, page 17, Oct. 29, 2009), the following
information relating to the system stated
above will give the reader a typical government transaction which is replicated in all the
departments/sections of government at the
National and Local Government levels.
• Estimated cost of equipment:
• Fund source: The government’s calamity fund;
• Estimated time of completion: March,
Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL
Spaces of Hope
THE Feast of All Saints is celebrated to honor all the Christian saints,
both known and unknown. In the Greek Orthodox Church the date
is the Sunday after Pentecost while the Roman Catholic Church
celebrates it November 1.
This feast captures the original meaning of who are the saints as
reflected in the beginning of Paul’s letter to the Romans: “To all God’s
beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints…” For Paul all the baptized faithful are called to be saints or are already considered saints
as he indicates at the start of his second letter to the Corinthians.
It is a welcome fact then that in the Philippines November 1 is
when families gather together to remember and pray for their dead.
After all, it is not only the canonized saints who are in heaven.
Yet for those who have remained faithful to the end, an even more
hallow picture emerges with the sealing of the 144 thousand faithful
(the number is meant to be symbolic) clothed in white robes with
palm branches in their hands; they have been washed by the blood
of the lamb as the seventh chapter of the book of Revelation puts it.
The picture is one of final victory for those who come out of the great
tribulation by sharing in Christ’s Resurrection, and are now worshipping God unhindered. The book of Revelation was written during
the empire-wide prosecution of Christians by Emperor Domitian,
81-96 A.D. It was written to affirm Christians in their faith.
In contemporary Filipino society, the Feast of All Saints is now
preceded by Halloween, the evening of October 31. Halloween caters
to the lure of the fear factor; after all, do not human beings pay others
to scare them out of their wits? Some people consider this fun and
it is good for commerce. But is this all there is to it?
Perhaps another way of evaluating Halloween is to contrast it with All
Saints Day; is the consoling picture of the saints who lived the Beatitudes
and who reign victorious with Christ compatible with the blood and gore
of Halloween? Is this how we want the dead to be remembered?
Jesus speaks authoritatively in the Beatitudes. He literally “opened
his mouth and taught them” (Mat 5:2). He is a Moses figure but goes
beyond this revered leader. In other parts of the Sermon on the Mount
(Mat 5-7) of which the Beatitudes are a part, he says he comes to fulfill
the law (Mat 5: 17) and this fulfillment is his person: “You have heard
the commandments…What I say to you is…” (vv. 21-22).
Peacemaking is the focus of v. 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.” This is the only time the noun
“peacemaker” appears in the NT. This peacemaking is neither
pacifism nor indifference but a state of being that leads to positive
• Request for purchase of 2 Doppler
Radars by the Procurement Service (PS) –
December 31, 2005;
• PS took more than 31 months to tell PAGASA that it could not procure the
• radars because of the problems of prequalification of the bidders;
• The amount of P 105,500,000 was deposited to PS on Dec. 13, 2005 and was returned
to PAGASA on August 21, 2008;
• PAGASA eventually conducted a bidding and issued a notice of award on January 7, 2009;
• COA discovered that the contract for the
purchase of the radars was still not signed
by the parties as of Feb. 27, 2009;
• The draft of the contract provides that
the delivery of the equipment is 18 months
after the signing of the contract or August
• COA also reported. “As of Dec. 31, 2008
the Subic radar building costing P864,999.46
was already completed, while construction of the radar building in Tagaytay City
which is in three phases, with a total cost
or P 9, 813,019.72 remained uncompleted.
(The Doppler Radar has to be housed in this
building, so even if it arrives on time, it can
not be installed).
Conclusion of COA—The 51 months
delay is due to lack of careful planning
and proper coordination among PAGASA
Sinong niloloko niyo?
The failure of the system is caused by the
desire of the implementors or their political
superiors to make money out of this procurement.
This is a case where the Advocacy for
Good Governance of LAIKO can be involved
in preventing corruption—as Observers of
the Procurement Process according to Republic Act 9184.
Saints as peacemakers
action that reconciles.
Psalm 13:14 describes peaceful action: “Keep your tongue from
evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil, and do
good; seek peace, and pursue it.” James 3: 18 tells us that “the harvest
of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” What
sowing in peace means is indicated when he distinguishes between
worldly and heavenly wisdom (vv. 13-17). A peacemaker also speaks
out when the time is right: “He who winks at a fault causes trouble,
but he who frankly reproves promotes peace” (Prov. 10:10).
Finally, a peacemaker is one who is inserted into the original peacemaker, Jesus Christ: “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to
dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth
or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross” (Col 1: 19-20).
The bishops urge us to be peacemakers:
Finally, we ask everyone to follow the path of peace. This means
the path of dialogue and openness…the path of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation…Together let us intensify the signs of hope
regarding politics and peace that we observe such as…military
groups participating in formation towards a culture of peace; lay
organizations, faith communities, BEC’s, and NGO’s spreading the
good news of principled politics and organizing themselves to reform
our political culture; politicians who pursue reform..(CBCP 12 July
2009 statement on Lay Participation in Politics and Peace)
In the Archdiocese of Cebu, His Eminence, Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal,
reiterates this call to be peacemakers in the area of principled politics.
He distinguished between two efforts, one ensuring honest and credible elections; another ensuring honest and credible candidates. He calls
upon the lay faithful to a participative role in the elections that go beyond poll-watching. It is by the lay people’s “own coherent faith, moral
firmness, educated judgment, professional competence and passion for
service” that they will know “whom to vote for, and whom to reject.”
Meanwhile a bottom-up mechanism to help form the practical
consciences of voters is being adopted in Cebu and elsewhere. It
opens the doors for answering these questions in a process that is
deliberate, proactive, communal, and God-centered.
Saints are called to be peacemakers. While relying on the prayers
of those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, we
who are still engaged in the battle over hearts, minds, and souls,
particularly in the area of evangelizing politics, are consoled that
we shall be called children of God.
Where is God?
AT the 300th anniversary of Bicolandia’s Lady of Penafrancia last
September, GMA 7 reported a scuffle in one of the processions
which resulted in injuries. Some devotees, in the hope of receiving
a miracle of their life, assaulted those in the way—religious and
laity alike—just to touch the miraculous image of the Virgin.
But what happened may not really be an isolated case. A similar scenario unfortunately occurs at times during the Feast of the
Black Nazarene. Do or die, touching the image has been the goal
of some, whether this would mean stepping into another’s body.
What makes such feasts almost exclusive to males is that only the
hulks could probably stand the violence, heat, and indifference
that could arise. The sick, the elderly, the women and children,
the weaklings, those who perhaps need the most prayers, stand
no chance. Never mind the people, never mind the prayers or
Masses going on, just mind your goalee.
The efforts of church authorities and the police to abate these
instances in recent years are commendable. I have known devotees of the Black Nazarene who have qualms joining certain observances that sometimes approximate idolatry and hysteria.
Call it “folk Catholicism.” The probable root cause is the belief
that God or the saints are ONLY or MOST LIKELY somewhere—an
image? A shrine? A relic or medal?—or ONLY or MOST LIKELY
sometime—Sundays? Christmas? Holy Week? So that anything else,
or anyone else, or any other time, is dispensable. That you can be vicious the whole year but repent on the feast of the Black Nazarene. That
perhaps it is preferable to be charitable to an image, believed by some
Catholics to be “possessed” by the saints, than to one’s neighbor.
In Christian theology, God is spoken, by virtue of being the
Ultimate Being, as having both “emmanence” (anywhere, anytime where being is, except of course in its absence or negation
[evil]), and also “immanence” (particularly into something, such
as in the Holy Eucharist). There are different degrees of being
and different manners of God manifesting His presence.
In folk Catholicism though, it seems that immanence by localization/fixation of God on one place, or at one time, prevails
so that the deity is limited to a thing. God or the saints are like
movables. They are anting-anting.
The real Catholic faith teaches us that religious medals, relics
and scapulars are blessed. Like the pictures of our loved ones,
they evoke representations of an unseen reality. In the Scriptures,
God ordered Moses to craft images of the cherubims for the Ark
of the Covenant. But then, the purpose of these sacramentals is
to sense God right here, right now; not to limit His presence. Not
that God is someone whose presence one can leave or ignore
when not beholding religious representations.
Particularly, it is man himself who alone has been dignified
as being made “in His image and likeness.” Man is the “temple
of the Holy Spirit” that the angels of God serve him. If only the
Virgin of Penafrancia or the Black Nazarene could speak during
the rubble, perhaps they would say: better reach a hand to your
neighbor in need. They are the image of God.
In the faith too, we are taught that the Second Person of the Trinity is personally and really present in the Eucharist. But this do not
mean we must fixate God on “something,” because at the same time,
the faith teaches us that the Third Person of the Trinity—the Holy
Spirit—blows as It wills. He is just as much personally present in a
human being in a state of grace. “The wind blows where it wills,”
says Jesus, “but you do not know where it comes from or where it
goes, so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (Jn 3:8).
Corollary to this, the greatest commandment of Jesus was not just
“love a religious image,” “love this shrine,” or “love my feasts.” But
rather, “love God above all things and love your neighbor as I have
loved you.” In the context that we are children of God, Jesus even went
on to say, ‘”Is it not written in your law, ‘You are gods?’” (Jn 10:34)
Such teaching reminds us of the story of Elisha who was searching for God in places. He looked for Him in the mountains but
He was not there. In the earthquake, but He was not there. In
the wind, but He was not there. In the fire, but He was not there.
Rather, it was God who found Elisha and spoke to him in his
very being, in a “tiny whispering sound” (1 Kgs19:12).
Elisha’s search contraposes that of the German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche. He once went around the streets with a
lampstand asking people, “Where is God? Where is God?” And
the philosopher answered, “God is dead! We have killed him.”
Nietzsche’s question and answer was intended to be a ruse. It was
suppose to be a critique of the “Christian West” that had colonized
and burdened people like hell as if God is lost. One who really believes in God knows He could not be found somewhere, because He
is everywhere. Thus one who believes in God in the Eucharist, yet
behaves as if His Spirit is not in his neighbor, in his people, denies
God at the same time. The difference between an atheist and a folk
Christian is just a prefix: the former thinks God is no-where, the
latter thinks he is just some-where. God is watching us out there, as
a song goes, but “from a distance.” It is a qualified presence.
Such fixation ignores the faith on a God who creates and sustains everything and who sanctifies time. Everywhere around us,
and every time, can be a medium of His grace, a reflection of the
dynamism of this Higher Intelligence guiding everything.
Fixating God is fatalism not faith. It only leads to uncertainty. A
dysfunctional Catholic finds himself troubled and unable to function
his faith, not even function his humanity, once stripped of his religious
objects. Without his religious fixations, or when outside the chapel or
the church, he doubts himself and God’s loving and constant watch.
What follows is further fixation—fanaticism and fundamentalism—which can be very tempting because they make religion
simplistic. You can be as you are, hate your neighbor, damn the
world, so long as you observe your religious rituals.
When we look at the lives of the saints, we will realize that what
sanctified their lives is their faith on a God who indwells in His
people, diversely, indiscriminately, even with the poorest of the
poor (Blessed Mother Teresa). A God among His creatures, even
with the birds and the beasts (St. Francis of Assisi). A God who
is in one’s own body (St. Paul). With such real faith, the world is
suddenly majestic, exciting, and mysterious. People are suddenly
interesting! God is suddenly so near with His infinite presence.
Quote in the Act
“Let us remember that we are duty bound as Christians
to value life more than economic gains.”
Manila’s Catholic Bishops, in a letter sent to President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo, asking her to issue an executive order permanently banning the practice of aerial spraying of pesticides
on banana plantations.
“The festive celebrations do not deny that there are
hardships. What these actually imply is that despite
our people’s suffering, we still find reason to celebrate
life because we believe that God is in our midst.”
Bishop Joel Baylon, Chairman of the Episcopal Commission
on Youth of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines;
on the festive atmosphere that awaits Asian delegates to the 5th
Asian Youth Day on Nov. 20-27, despite the recent calamities that
hit the country that left thousands of families homeless.
Local News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Prelate: Gov’t has the duty to provide safe
relocation areas for informal settlers
A CATHOLIC bishop has stressed
the government’s duty to provide
safe relocation areas for informal
settlers displaced by floods triggered by typhoon Ondoy.
Diocese of Cubao Bishop Honesto Ongtioco in a recent radio
interview called on government
officials to be “concerned with the
plight of informal settlers.”
The diocese is on the process of
rehabilitation efforts. But the prelate lamented that the displaced
families have nowhere to go.
“I talked with a barangay captain recently and asked him if the
local government already found
a safer place for the informal settlers and he said there’s none,”
Ongtioco said.
He added one cannot just re- Bishop Honesto Ongtioco
locate people to areas where there are no basic services and job
“[Otherwise] they will return to
their previous barangays and take
chances,” he said.
The bishop explained the Catholic Church cannot buy big properties for informal settlers because it is
the government’s duty to do so.
It was earlier reported that some
20 parishes were affected by floods
last September 26, 2009.
Children affected by traumatic
experiences due to the recent floods
are undergoing stress debriefing
and counseling.
He said relief efforts were made
easier because they have Basic
Ecclesial Communities in the diocese who help in facilitating the
relief work.
The bishop also acknowledged
the support of Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office and Caritas Manila in their relief efforts. (Melo
M. Acuna)
Eucharist / A1
© www.asianyouthday2009.com
dancing to let the 1,500 delegates experience the creative Filipino expression of the
Catholic faith.
To mark the formal opening of the AYD5
on November 23, Filipino and Asian youth
delegates will converge at the Imus Pilot
Elementary School and dance their way to
the Imus Cathedral to the tune of Cavite's
famed Caracol dance.
Tirona, together with Masbate Bishop Joel
Baylon, Imus Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle,
Apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, and several
other Asian bishops, will concelebrate the 4
p.m. solemn High Mass to welcome some 890
local and 597 foreign AYD5 delegates.
The festive and creative opening activity alone, according to Baylon, hopes to
invigorate the delegates' enthusiasm in
playing a part in the Church's mission of
"Festive dancing and singing during fiesta
are what we Filipinos are known for. This
typical expression of faith is something
unique that we can offer our delegates," said
Baylon, who is also the chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Youth of the Catholic
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.
Baylon, however, clarified that the fiesta
mood of the AYD5 is not meant to imply
that the youth gathering is only about merrymaking.
"The festive celebrations do not deny that
there are hardships. What it actually implies
is that despite our people's suffering, we
still find reason to celebrate life because we
believe that God is in our midst," he said.
Baylon even described as “God’s will”
the devastating situation that the country
has underwent after typhoons “Ondoy”
and “Pepeng” wreak havoc in cities and
provinces of Central and Northern Luzon
last month.
Despite enduring the devastating damage
brought by the typhoons, the host families,
who have fallen victims to the typhoons’
unprecedented flooding, still insisted in accommodating the AYD5 delegates during
their “Days in the Diocese” from November
20 to 23.
It was reported that Pasig, Marikina,
Rizal and Antipolo are among the worst-hit
cities ravaged by the consecutive typhoons
that hit Central and Northern Luzon. Eight
other dioceses
near Imus, Cavite
have pledged to
provide accommodation to the
delegates way before the typhoons
hit the country.
Although it
will be inconvenient for the delegates to be hosted
by families who
need hosts themselves, Baylon
said it is a blessing for the AYD5
participants to
experience the
real lesson of the
“I think it is
that the delegates will have a taste of what
poverty and suffering mean. Hopefully, their
days in the diocese will make them realize
that in the midst of poverty, the Church is
alive because the faith and hope of the people
remain unwavering,” he said.
Aside from the host families, the youth
volunteers who rendered service, time and
effort for the AYD5 preparations have earned
the respect and appreciation of the FABC,
ECY, and the Youth Ministry Office of the
Diocese of Imus.
Baylon was particularly overwhelmed by
the surge of volunteerism shown by youth
ministers, students, teachers, families, and
catechists nationwide who have offered their
services for the event without cost.
“Compared with our limited financial resources, we have more than enough manpower for the event. We even had to trim down
the number of volunteers because a lot of
people are more than willing to render service
as unpaid helpers since they can no longer
participate as delegates,” Baylon said.
For those who have failed to join the official delegation of the 5th Asian Youth Day
can still participate in the upcoming event—
by praying for its success.
“The celebration of AYD is not a celebration of the Diocese of Imus nor is it a
celebration of the ECY. It is a celebration of
the Church in the Philippines. This youth
gathering is about experiencing the Church
in our country.
“What I ask of them is to consider this
event as theirs too. I hope they can monitor
the event through updates that we will send
to the media. We will supply updates from
Imus so we can update the world and the rest
of the Philippine Church of what is happening during the AYD5,” he said.
The prelate said that praying with the AYD
participants in spirit is as good as participating in the AYD in person.
“They may not be able to personally participate in the AYD but they can still partake in
the celebration by being one of us in prayers
and by extending any support they can lend,
whether financial or moral. By doing so, they
are already part of the AYD, much more its
success,” Baylon added.
Laiban Dam / A1
The dam also sits on top of a major seismic fault line which could
be dangerous in an earthquake of great magnitude.
“What maybe perceived as common good of the present generation may turn out to be a cause of suffering of the next,” the bishops
stated in their letter.
“Even with the best intention of providing more water to the
people can spark protests when it ignores and violates framework
sustainable for development and violates ethical and legal procedures considerations,” they added.
The project ran contrary to existing laws such as Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System, the National Integrated Protected
Areas System Act (NIPAS), the Wildlife Resources Conservation and
Protection Act (Wildlife Protection Act), E.O. 33, and the Indigenous
People’s Rights Act (IPRA).
The government wanted to revive the Laiban Dam in view of an
alleged impending water shortage that could hit Manila and environs
in any eventuality.
in a public report, both Maynilad and Manila Water declared that
their respective systems losses of 69% and 20% were mainly due to
leakage problem, thus disproving the water shortage claim.
The bishops argued that instead of pushing with the project the
government should consider rehabilitating the Wawa Dam which
has supplied Metro Manila with water for 60 years.
“With a watershed area of 27,980 hectares, it is capable of
continuously discharging millions of liters of fresh water daily,”
they said.
For their part, the public and various organizations, together with
the Catholic Church have taken up the cause, eyeing the move of
government with suspicion.
A group of indigenous peoples, farmers, women rural workers,
youth and religious groups are currently on a 148-km protest march
from Gen. Nakar to Manila. The walk which began Nov. 4, and
ends on Nov. 12 will stop at Metropolitan Waterworks Sewerage
System (MWSS) and finally at Malacañang to urge government to
stop the project.
The construction of the dam is a joint project of MWSS and San
Miguel Corporation (SMC).
“In these trying times when uniting the people is more urgent
any project that can be a cause of suspicion and division should be
avoided,” said the bishops.
The prelates further urged the government and its agencies to focus and bring solutions on issues like “leakage problems of Maynilad
and Manila Water; declaring Marikina Watershed Reservation as
Protected Area under the NIPAS Law; and expediting reforestation
efforts in Marikina watershed to increase water capacity, provide
carbon sink and mitigate impacts of global warming and climate
The MWSS must also pursue its primary mandate of serving
the people, putting above all the common good while working
closely with environmental groups, LGUs, NGOs and POs for the
sustainable development of the people, the bishops said. (Pinky
Barrientos, FSP)
Bishop asks oil firms
to be sensitive
BISHOP Deogracias Iñiguez of the Diocese of Kalookan has
called on oil companies to be sensitive and think of the country’s
many poor people.
At these trying times, he said, it would be better for oil firms
to consider the social welfare instead of making profit.
“They (oil companies) should think of the welfare of the people
now. They should look on how to help and not add burden,”
said Bishop Iñiguez, who chairs the CBCP’s Committee on
Public Affairs.
The church official made the statement yesterday amid warning of oil industry’s threats of a supply shortage due to a Malacañang directive to bring down fuel prices.
President Arroyo on Friday issued EO 839 directing oil companies to freeze oil prices of petroleum products to their Oct. 15
levels while the state of emergency over Luzon is still in effect.
Bishop Iñiguez also
called on the government
to study the repealing of
the Oil Deregulation Law,
as pushed by militant
As of now, he also said
it would be best to appeal to oil companies for
them to strike a balance
between making profit
and being sensitive to
the needs of the public.
Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez
Fabricated / A1
the spirit of good governance, it is not proper for the elected leaders to manufacture false information in order to get public funds,”
Eyule said.
The priest’s statement was contained in a letter sent to National Disaster Coordinating Council chairman Gilbert Teodoro last Oct. 5.
He said even the provincial engineer at a meeting of the provincial disaster coordinating council admitted that the damage report
included those that were not caused by Ondoy.
Eyule said it’s clear that said government officials are after the
hefty calamity funds which are needed by other areas hardly-hit
by the storm.
“We would like to protect the taxpayer’s money that will be at
the mercy of the few people who showed much less credibility in
the disposition of their power,” he said.
“We are aware that there are other provinces and communities
who are in dire need of the resources for them to recover from the
havoc brought by typhoon Ondoy.”
“Our stance is for a corrective measure if there are lapses in the
process. But we strongly uphold the right of the people to information and for the taxpayer’s protection,” he added. (Roy Lagarde)
Accreditation / A1
As citizen’s arm, the PPCRV will assist the poll body in voters’
education on poll automation and poll watching for next year’s elections aside from poll watching in each voting precinct.
The poll watchdog will also receive a soft copy of the computerized voters’ list (CVL) as well as the 4th copy of the election returns
(ER), both soft and hard copies.
The PPCRV will also be given the chance to test the equipment to
be used in the holding of the elections on May 10 before precincts
Signing the resolution were Comelec chairman Jose Melo and
Commissioners Rene Sarmiento, Nicodemo Ferrer, Elias Yusoph,
Gregorio Larrazabal, Lucenito Tagle and Armando Velasco.
PPCRV was also accredited as Comelec’s citizens’ arm during the
1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2007 National and Local Elections.
For the coming elections, the PPCRV eyes to recruit at least 400, 000
volunteers—the average turnout that they have for national polls.
PPCRV was formed in October 1991 as a program of the archdiocese of Manila in preparation for the 1992 elections, the first elections
that it performed poll watching duties. (CBCPNews)
Malay bibles / A2
his or her faith as well as to practice it," says the CFM statement,
signed by its chairman, Bishop Ng Moon Hing. The bishop is head
of the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia.
Most of the seized bibles are destined for the eastern states of Sabah
and Sarawak, where Malay is the most widely used language.
The CFM, based in Petaling Jaya, just outside Kuala Lumpur, represents the Catholic Church, the Council of Churches of Malaysia,
and the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia.
It demands the authorities "resolve this matter promptly and
release these bibles for the use of Christians without further delay
or excuse."
The CFM also raised the ban issue at an Oct. 29 meeting with
the Sabah Council of Churches in Kota Kinabalu, capital of the
easternmost state.
The seizures have added to fears among minority groups that
Islamic fundamentalism is gaining a grip in the predominantly
Muslim but multi-racial country.
There are around 2 million Christians ─ 9 percent of the population
─ in Malaysia. Around a third of them live in Sabah, another third
in Sarawak and another third in peninsular Malaysia. (UCAN)
Mary / A4
to hike the Mountain, it is supposed to
be an arduous four-hour early morning
trek, as in early morning, 2:00 am. Well,
our group opted to sleep further and
to celebrate Mass in the morning. We
then proceeded to St. Catherine of
Alexandria Monastery which is at the
foot of Mt. Sinai. There, with the usual
dry hot weather, we walked a short
distance towards the Monastery. No
there were no more monks. There is an
Orthodox Church instead. Inside the
compound is the fire bush, the burning
bush through which the Lord spoke to
Moses. Yes, it’s still an alive bush. And
Filipinos as we are, some of us tried to
have some souvenirs from the fire bush
and ended up with wounded fingers, it
was so full of thorns. Probably that was
why Moses dared not go near it. Our
group found a silent corner near the fire
bush despite the multitude crowd, we
prayed and sung a song, O Lord, You
are near. (Just one remark, per Vatican
instruction, we avoided mentioning the
revealed name of God and substituted
it with the title Lord.)
It was such an experience knowing
that in very place, the Lord God revealed His Name to Moses and there
instructed him to be His instrument to
set His people free.
From Mt. Sinai, we travelled by bus
towards Israel, a seven-hour drive, and
we took the opportunity to watch the
classic film, The Ten Commandments.
Our first stop in Israel was the Dead
Sea. We arrived early evening. Most
still took advantage to dip their feet at
the Dead Sea. Well, I took the advantage
to sleep longer (ehem…).
Next morning, the 13th of October,
we proceeded to Nazareth. We first
visited the house of Our Lady where
the Archangel Gabriel greeted Our Lady
and announced to Mary her particular
and singular vocation to be the Mother
of God. The Ave Maria was translated
into many languages, including Tagalog, and was displayed around the
Basilica. It was, as in any sacred place,
a touching moment, realizing that there,
Verbum caro factum est, the Word was
made flesh.
We also visited a church marking
the traditional spot where the house of
St. Joseph was. There we prayed that
we may encounter Christ in the fulfillment of the ordinary duties of life. After
lunch we proceeded to Cana, there we
celebrated Holy Mass and where five
couples of our group renewed their
wedding vows.
After the Holy Mass, I asked a
religious nun who happens to be a
Filipina if she was familiar with the
statue of Our Lady, Mary, Mediatrix
of All-Grace, which was given there
some months ago, and she said yes. She ushered the entire group into
their convent, and inside their chapel
is the statue of Mary, Mediatrix of AllGrace. The group was so surprised
since earlier on I was telling them of the
story of Lipa Carmel. They promised
to help me promote the cause of Our
Lady and also the Confraternity of
Mary, Mediatrix of All-Grace.
Then on we went to the Tiberias
region. Our first stop that morning
was the celebration of the Holy Mass
at Capernaum, the place where Jesus
called His first apostles among the
humble local fishermen. Here in this
area, Our Lord taught at the Synagogue. On we went to visit Mount of
Beatitudes where the Lord preached
His Sermon. We also visited Tabgha
where the Lord multiplied the loaves
of bread and the fishes. Then, we
visited the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy, the traditional site of the third
appearance of the Lord after the Resurrection. It was here where the Lord
asked Peter the triple question of Do
you love me? And Peter responded
thrice in the affirmative. Contrast that
to his triple denial of Christ during
his Agony and Passion. There it was
also recognized the Primacy of Peter
among the Apostles.
Later on the day we visited Mount
Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration
of the Lord. We cannot but help feel
how Peter, James, and John must have
felt when the Lord was glorified right
before their very eyes.
And before the evening set in, we
found ourselves in the boat over the Sea
of Galilee… (to be continued)
Diocesan News
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Farmers hail Catholic bishops for support to ban aerial
DAVAO CITY— Farmers belonging in Davao province lauded
Catholic bishops in Manila for joining in their call against
banana companies to stop aerial spraying. Bishops led by
Cardinal Rosales earlier appealed to the Philippine Banana
Growers and Exporters Association to stop aerial spraying in
their plantations since it is an “immoral practice that infringes
upon human health and dignity.” (Mark S.Ventura)
Bishop urges faithful to read the Bible
LEGAZPI CITY— Legazpi Apostolic Administrator Lucilo
Quiambao wants all the faithful to read the Bible every day,
as he recently spoke about Bible illiteracy plaguing Catholics
in areas even where Scriptures are of abundance. He said it is
essential that the faithful have knowledge of the Bible. (Melo
M. Acuna)
Need for values formation among barangay officials
CALAPAN CITY—A formation program on public service
ethics and accountability is now being given to barangay officials of the city’s 62 barangays. The program was in response
to Calapan Bishop Warlito Cajandig’s recommendation to
involve barangay officials in programs geared toward good
governance. “To aid and guide them in performing their duties
and responsibilities, I am recommending the conduct of value
formation for our barangay officials,” he said. (Fely Sevilla)
Caceres archdiocese sends help to typhoon victims
NAGA CITY—The Archdiocese of Caceres has initiated a
donation campaign to help families displaced by typhoon
Ondoy in Manila archdiocese. Caceres Archbishop Leonardo
Legaspi issued an appeal to all parishes, Catholic schools, and
religious organizations to help the typhoon victims. Around 43
parishes, 18 religious congregations, schools, other institutions
responded to the call and generously sent in donations in cash
and in kind. (CBCPNews)
Women religious against Aboitiz hydropower project
DAVAO CITY— The Association of the Consecrated Women of
Davao has now issued a unity statement expressing their strong
opposition against the proposed Hedcor-Aboitiz hydropower
project and calling for the protection of the integrity of the
Tamugan-Panigan watershed. In a statement, the group said
“the pending hydropower project of Hedcor-Aboitiz in the
Tamugan-Panigan-Suawan Watershed poses overwhelming
threats to the environment and its biodiversity as well as to
the people’s rights to access the gifts and bounty of creation.”
(Mark S. Ventura)
Public office is for lay people, not for priests:
NAGA CITY— As the political cauldron simmers and calls for
clergymen to seek elective posts build up, an acknowledged
Canon law expert of the Catholic Church stepped in to explain
specific canonical provisions for both the clergy and laity to
understand. Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi said that
“Clerics are forbidden to assume public offices which entail a
participation in the exercise of civil power.” He said a priest
does not get ordained for the purpose of entering into politics.
(Jose Obias/Fr. Louie Occiano, CCCom.)
Bishop warns flock not to get blinded by money from
CALAPAN CITY—Bishop Warlito Cajandig has warned his
flock not to be blinded by promises of mining firms because the
damage mining would bring to the environment and the community would be much greater. Speaking at a multi-sectoral
rally the prelate said the environment needs all the protection
it could get considering the series of natural disasters that hit
the country recently. (Felly Sevilla)
Dagupan shifts to rehab
DAGUPAN CITY— Nearly a month after Pepeng brought
extensive destruction to Pangasinan, the Social Action Center
of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan has shifted to rehabilitation. Social Action Director Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza said
they hope to provide housing materials to the typhoon victims
whose homes have been severely damaged by flooding. (Melo
M. Acuna)
CBCP maintains it won’t endorse candidates
LIPA CITY—With six months to go before the presidential
elections, the Roman Catholic Church maintained it will not
engage in partisan politics. Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles
gave this statement to erase any perception that the church
will be open in showing its support to any candidate. “I don’t
think we will endorse any person but we will endorse what he
stands for. We need their platforms of government,” he said.
Pope honors church,
lay leaders in Davao
DAVAO CITY— Pope Benedict XVI conferred honorary titles and
prestigious pontifical honor to seven Davao diocesan priests, 13 lay
leaders and 1 missionary in recognition of their contribution to the
growth, maturity and stability of the local Church of Davao.
The 7 priests conferred with the honorary title of Papal Chaplains
and addressed as monsignor are Fr. Leonardo Vicente, vicar general
and parish priest of San Pablo Parish; Fr. Nelson Lucas, judicial
vicar of the Archdiocesan Matrimonial Tribunal; Fr. Maximo Sarno,
vicar forane, diocesan finance committee member, parish priest of
the Immaculate Conception parish in Peñaplata; Fr. Jaime Gamboa,
secretary of the Archbishop and head of the Archdiocesan Secretariat,
Fr. Edgar Labagala, staff member of the Clergy Assist Program of
the CBCP Commission on Clergy, Fr. Abel Apigo, rector of the Saint
Francis Xavier Regional Major Seminary (REMASE) and chairman
of the Diocesan Commission on Cultural Heritage, and Fr. Julius
Rodulfa, rector of the Saint Francis Xavier College Seminary and
Archdiocesan Superintendent of Catholic schools.
The 13 lay leaders who were conferred the prestigious pontifical
honor Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice are Apolinar Bundalian of the Cursillo
Movement; Rodulfo Tagle of the Serra Club International –Davao
Chapter; Celestino S. Barreto of Archdiocesan Charismatic Renewal
Movement; Jesus V. Quitain, member of the College Seminary Board
of Director and Editorial writer of Davao Catholic Herald, Ernesto
Evangelista, member of the Archdiocesan Finance Council and Lay
Associate of the Davao Priests Fraternity, Michael Manalaysay, chair
of the Archdiocesan Coordinating Council for Lay and Integrated
Movement (ACCLAIM) and Cipriano Genosas of the Archdiocesan
Liturgical Center.
The women lay leaders are Luzminda Llanillo of the Legion
of Mary and ACCLAIM; Bernardita Asis of the Pope John XXIII
Catechetical Center; Milagros Punzalan of the Archdiocesan Bible
Apostolate; Maria Iris Milleza, president of the Holy Cross of Davao
College and of the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Pastoral Council;
Aileen Lourdes Lizada, legal counsel of the Archdiocese and member
of the Archdiocesan Finance Council and Holy Cross Press Board
of Directors, and Victoria E. Anghag, secretary of the Archdiocesan
Pastoral Office.
The veteran missionary priest, canon lawyer, defender of the bond
of Matrimonial Tribunal and member of the Archdiocesan Administrative Council is Fr. Patrice Picard, P.M.E (Mark S. Ventura)
Villegas challenges flock
to be ‘salt of society’
DAGUPAN CITY─ The newly-installed archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan said he came to the archdiocese
neither as a liberator nor a tyrant but
a servant like Jesus who called everyone to be “salt of the earth and light
of the world.”
Archbishop Socrates Villegas assured his flock of his fatherly love
and concern even as he challenged
everyone to truly live up the call to
“We who form the Catholic faithful
of Lingayen-Dagupan, living in the
province that is named after salt, must
truly be salt for society and salt for the
rest of the world,” said Villegas in his
homily during his installation.
Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas
was installed as Lingayen-Dagupan’s
fifth prelate in solemn rites at the St.
John the Evangelist Cathedral this
The prelate said everyone is ex- Archbishop Socrates Villegas
pected to be sanctified and be members of doctrine but of common morality.
“sanctifying community of disciples.”
“The Church and her priests would be
“We are a community, not an organiza- more credible prophets in society if the
tion and none of us is master, all of us are stomach of the preacher would be as empty
disciples,” he added.
as his parishioners,” he said.
The archbishop said integration of faith
He then called on his priests to “preach the
and life called not only for a shared common Gospel, and talk [only] if necessary”.
Bicol youth joins forums on political, social change
LEGAZPI CITY— At least 4,000
people participated in separate
political forums on political and
social change held in two Catholic schools in this city recently.
During the forum, the youth
shared their views on socio-political issues in the country and
the importance of their participation in the electoral process.
The first meeting was held at the
Immaculate Conception College in
the neighboring town of Daraga
where students from Albay and
Sorsogon provinces attended.
Prominently featured in both
assemblies were presidential aspirants Sen. Noynoy Aquino and re-
ported senatorial aspirants former
Bukidnon Congressman Nereus
Acosta, Bukidnon Congressman
Teofisto Guingona III, Muntinlupa Congressman Ruffy Biazon
and Akbayan Party List Congresswoman Risa Hontiveros.
Aquino and his group reiterated the fact that the youth
could well indeed turn the tide
of next year’s elections regardless of who they were going to
vote for.
After two hours, St. Agnes
Academy gymnasium played
host to multi-sectoral representatives which included farmers,
fishermen, urban poor and non-
government organizations in
Aquino said he and his group
did not come “to talk but to
He added that “it was better to
hear the issues up close…” and
that interactions such as these
would help him very much in
his pursuit of an effective and
transparent government.
Taking their cue from the
young legislator, the delegates
were able to voice out their opinions about the current concerns
and how a change in the government would assist them.
With every apprehension
RTPV Tagalog TEV English
BPV Bicol
RCPV Cebuano HPV Hiligaynon RIPV Ilocano
PNPV Pangasinense TOTAL
— —
— — — —
36,168 copies
10,071 copies
1,004 copies
15,482 copies
5,002 copies
2,507 copies
404 copies
70,603 copies
Parishes/Communities served:
At least 300
Total Funds Needed for Printing and Transport of Bibles in 2009: P10M
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The Bibliarasal de Navotas Divine Services (BINDS), a movement in Navotas that is actively involved in the May They Be One Bible (MTBO) campaign,
testifies that miracles happen to those who believe God and His Word. Just
when people were expecting Navotas to be submerged into the heavy floods
brought by typhoon Ondoy, a miracle spared their city such that no part was
damaged. Believing this to be God’s act of grace, BINDS held a thanksgiving
hour to the Lord on October 1 and also held a fundraising project Sept. 27-Oct.
9 to help victims of the flood. BINDS, founded by Bro. Frank Reyes, meets in
small groups every week to study the Word of God using MTBO Bibles and
seeks to live the Scriptures in daily life.
On November 5, members of the MTBO Advisory Committee, including Ambassador Henrietta de Villa, attended the installation of the Most Rev. Socrates
Villegas as Archbishop of Pangasinan and presented him with 50 Ilocano and
50 Pangasinense MTBO Bibles for the Biblical apostolate of his diocese.
thrown at him, Aquino gave a
preview of what possible solutions could be implemented.
He, however, admitted all
the problems brought during
the discussion could not be immediate resolved, he vowed to
actively look into each particular
group’s concerns if he is given
the chance to lead.
Other participants in the dialogue were members of Catholic
charismatic group, the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen
and Professionals (BCBP) Legazpi
Outreach Chapter, alumni of St.
Agnes Academy and other civic
organizations. (Joey Garalde)
Spray ban / A1
May They Be One Bible Campaign
Target No. of Bibles for Distribution for 2009: 100,000 cps.
No. of Bibles Distributed (from Jan – October): 70,603
“Pangasinan does not need teachers, Pangasinan needs witnesses,” he
said, adding: “Fathers, give us Jesus,
only Jesus, always Jesus.”
The newly-installed prelate said
there is a need for intensive evangelization. He noted that “evangelization
by its nature is confrontational.”
He said one cannot proclaim Jesus
while tolerate corruption to happen
either in public or in private.
“We cannot be rightly called
Christians and play games with
evil,” he stressed.
He also said that the work of evangelization can be unpleasant at times
because “it can hurt both preacher
and hearer.”
“It can make the hearer take revenge on the preacher,” he explained.
“[But] evangelization is the only way
for the Church,” he added.
Present during Villegas’ installation were Papal Nuncio to the
Philippines Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, Cebu Archbishop Ricardo J. Cardinal
Vidal and Manila Archbishop Gaudencio
B. Cardinal Rosales, CBCP President and
Jaro Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo and
69 other archbishops and bishops. (Melo
M. Acuna)
© Noli Yamsuan / RCAM
CBCP Monitor
around banana plantations where pesticides
are released from airplanes.
‘Valuable legacy’
Exposure to pesticides, substances used
mostly on crops to kill anything from weeds
to insects, is linked to health problems, the
bishops said.
In a letter to the President, the church officials
urged Mrs. Arroyo to issue an executive order to
permanently ban the practice of aerial spraying
in the country “as soon as possible.”
“The executive order will be your valuable legacy of governance. It will surely be
remembered by the next generations as your
deep expression of motherly care for them
because you have protected them from dangers of incurable diseases and early death,”
the letter, dated Oct. 29, read.
“Let us remember that we are duty bound
as Christians to value life more than eco-
nomic gains,” it added.
The letter was hand-delivered by Bishop
Cortez to Ermita during the meeting with
other government officials and civil society
Aerial spraying is being practiced in particular in the Cavendish banana plantations
in Mindanao.
The bishops said authorities must ensure
that citizens today and in the future do not
have their health endangered by the use of
pesticides, and can benefit from a safe, clean
and rich environment.
“The chemicals sprayed from airplanes
used for bananas indiscriminately expose
the people and the environment to poison,”
they said.
“We are one with all affected people of Mindanao in working for deliverance from this im-
moral practice of aerial spraying that infringes
upon human health and dignity,” they added.
Also in attendance were former poll chairman Christian Monsod and representatives of
non-government organizations, the National
Secretariat for Social Action of the Catholic
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and
Manila Archdiocese’s Ecology Desk.
On the part of the government, Ermita
was joined by Environment Secretary Lito
Atienza, Health Undersecretary Mario Villaverde and representatives from the Department of Agriculture and the Fertilizer and
Pesticide Authority.
Aerial spraying is utilized by corporate
farms belonging to the Pilipino Banana
Growers and Exporters Association (PBGEA) around the country to eradicate “Sigatoka,” a fungus that attacks the leaves of
banana plants that cause premature aging
of fruits.
Banana fruits grown in Davao are of export value generating over $400 million in
export revenue annually.
Communities around these plantations
complain of skin-itching, eye irritation and
nausea when caught outdoors during an
aerial dust cropping.
Residents also complained against powerful banana companies who failed to issue
warning or notification that aerial spraying
would be conducted.
PBGEA groups over a dozen commercialscale plantations in Southern Mindanao, including Davao and South-Central Mindanao
provinces covering over 40,000 hectares of
banana farms and directly employing about
60,000 workers. (Roy Lagarde)
People, Facts & Places
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Ireland’s Filipino and Irish
communities raise funds
for typhoon victims
Aside from the Church’s after mass collection, other activities like Car Wash for a Cause, Guest Tea
Party and Show/Disco for a Cause, were also initiated to raise funds.
The fundraising activities opened the doors of the generous Irish community.
Mr. Pat Harvey, a former CEO of Health Service Executive, Northwestern Health Board Region, organized the Philippine Flood Disaster project and joined hands with the Filipino community to make
the fund raising efforts more productive.
On October 4 and 11, the Filipino community in Twintown,
County Donegal did an after the church’s mass collection and during football games.
They also asked for personal donations from the Filipinos and
other Non-Government Organizations.
Mrs. Cecil Budiongan, the president of County Donegal Filipino
Society said she was truly amazed at the generosity of both Filipino
and Irish communities.
“I was really overwhelmed by the support of the Filipino and Irish
Community here in Twintown. I was only expecting to collect around
500 Euros but we were able to collect 3,500 euros,” she said.
Three thousand Euros (approximately 205,000 pesos) were immediately donated to Sagrada Familia Parish at Sitio Veterans,
Brgy. Silangan, Quezon City. The remaining amount went to Sagip
A Guest Tea party was held on October 26 at Mt. Erigal Hotel in
Letterkenny, County Donegal, organized by Mr. Harvey and the
Filipino community in Letterkenny.
The event was attended by more than 400 guests coming
from the business sectors, politicians, Health services and other
Photos of victims and the aftermath of the typhoons flashed on
the big screen while singer Judie Cabañero sung a rendition of the
song “The Prayer”.
A Filipino shared on her family’s tragic experience as victims of
typhoon in the Philippines.
The Filipino community showed their gratitude to the guests
through a showcase of cultural dances and native Filipino
Filipinos in County Donegal culminated the month-long fundraising activities with a show/disco at Arena 7 in Letterkenny.
The night’s event climaxed with the formal handover of a Cheque
by Mr. Pat Harvey to the Filipino community amounting to 20,000
euros (approximately 1.5 million pesos).
“I hope this is not the end where Filipinos and Irish community
together… more to come,” he said.
Mr. Pat Harvey, a Health executive of Northwestern Health Board Region in Ireland (above left) organized a guest tea party in Letterkenny, together with the Filipino
A committee was formed to administer the funds and help identify
community to raise funds for typhoon victims in the Philippines. The fund raising event climaxed with the turn over to the Filipino community of a cheque worth 20,000
euros (approx. 1.5 million pesos) (top photo).
the beneficiaries. (Nathaniel A. Cabañero)
Photos courtesy of Nathaniel Cabanero
THE recent typhoons that ravaged the country have galvanized Filipinos in Ireland to raise funds to
help victims back home.
Having seen the devastation caused by typhoon Ondoy, the Filipino community at County Donegal,
Ireland initiated various activities to raise funds to help typhoon victims.
Fundraising awareness campaigns were launched through radio interviews and posting of pictures
of typhoon victims in the local newspaper and in commercial centres around town.
CBCP to hold national congress on Deafness
THE Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Health Care (CBCP-ECHC), is organizing a nationwide
congress on deafness that will reflect on the various issues concerning
deaf people and other possible ways to improve their situations.
Slated on November 14-16 at the Paco Catholic School, Manila, the
Philippine Catholic Congress on Deafness is now on its 20th year.
Organizers said the congress intends to create “Action Committees” that will aid in promoting the welfare of the deaf and other
persons with disabilities.
Some of the invited speakers are representatives from the Department of Education (DepEd), Newborn Screening and University of
Sto. Tomas Medicine and Surgery Department.
Confirmed attendees of the seminar are the Philippine Catholic
Organization of the Deaf (PCOD) Chapters from Davao, Surigao,
Sorsogon and Zamboanga.
PCOD is an organization for the deaf whose members want to
become convinced Catholics; leaders; work for others; and serve in
the Catholic Church.
The PCOD chapters are tasked to report and update the congress
on the recent development of PCOD in their respective areas.
Organizers are also encouraging the physically and mentally persons, as well as teachers, caregivers and other related organizations
dedicated in serving people with disabilities to attend the congress.
Simultaneous with the congress will be the celebrations of other institutions dedicated to the service of the people with special needs, among
these are the 70th anniversary of the PCOD, 20th Anniversary of Catholic
Deaf Care; and 15th anniversary of Handicapped Center Lourdes, a home
for the multiple disabled persons will coincide with the congress.
The 10th Anniversary of Special Education Assistance which offers free Special Education courses for committed teachers to help
the disabled and the 1st Confirmation for terminally ill children will
also concur along with the congress. (Kate Laceda)
Photo courtesy of ECIP
Fr. Dinter named as new
ECIP executive secretary
Fr. Ewald Dinter
THE CBCP’s Commission on Indigenous
Peoples has formally named its new executive secretary.
Fr. Ewald Dinter, currently the executive
director of Mangyan Mission of the Vicariate
of Oriental Mindoro, will now work for the
CBCP’s IP ministry on a part time capacity,
replacing Fr. Rod Salazar.
According to the ECIP, Fr. Salazar’s vicariate in Occidental Mindoro “badly needs him
that made it necessary to end his term.”
“This was made in accordance to the
request of Bishop Antonio Palang to ECIP
chairman and Laoag Bishop Sergio Utleg,”
the ECIP said.
Dinter was also the South Central Luzon Coordinator of ECIP from 1992-2004 and a parish
priest in Oriental Mindoro for three years.
He is a German citizen from the province
of Silesia who was appointed to work as a
missionary in Mindoro in 1966.
Presently, Dinter works full time among
the Mangyans in Oriental Mindoro. (Kate
Manila holds Congress of the Clergy
THE Ecclesiastical Province of Manila will
hold a Congress of the Clergy at the Mall
of Asia’s SMX Convention Center in Pasay
City on Nov. 17, 2009.
The gathering is a pre-event of the 2nd
National Congress of the Clergy set on Jan.
25-29, 2010, at the World Trade Center.
More than 5,000 priests from all over the
Philippines and even some countries in Asia
are expected to attend next year’s big event.
The provincial congress will gather
priests from Manila archdiocese and its
suffragans of nine dioceses, two Apostolic
Vicariates and the Military Ordinariate. The
Dioceses are Antipolo, Cubao, Imus, Kalookan, Malolos, Novaliches, Parañaque, Pasig
and San Pablo. The Apostolic Vicariates are
Puerto Princesa and Taytay in Palawan.
The theme of the congress follows the theme
of the Year for Priests (June 2009 to June 2010)
as declared by Pope Benedict XVI, “Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests.”
Imus Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle will
lead in the “Disposition Reflection on the
Theme in Preparation for the Second National Congress of the Clergy.”
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales will preside at the closing Mass
of the one-day Congress.
Cardinal Rosales chairs the Commission on Clergy of the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
(Kate Laceda)
Parents of clergy to hold priests’ concert
THE Priests Association of the
Philippines (PAPA), an organization of parents of clergy, will
hold a concert featuring parents,
priests and some invited artists
to raise funds to promote vocations and support seminarians.
Mrs. Leticia Syquia, PAPA
president, said they have been
preparing for the concert since
May of this year. She lauds the
dedication of PAPA members to
ensure the success of the project.
“This has been a work of love
for them; love for the Church,
for the priests and ultimately for
God,” she said.
The show is slated on November 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the San
Carlos Seminary Auditorium.
A matinee performance will
be shown on November 19, at
5:30 p.m. exclusively for priests,
parents and religious sisters.
Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales
will grace the matinee show and
later host a fellowship dinner for
guests and performers at the San
Carlos Seminary Gymnasium.
A brainchild of Mr. Dominador Tapiador, Msgr. Gerry
Tapiador’s father; PAPA was
formed in 1998.
Syquia said Mr. Tapiador
thought of it after their sons whom
they used to visit in the seminary
have been ordained priests.
As part of their activity, the
group has recollection twice a year
and prays together for the intentions of priests and seminarians.
Three years ago, the association started to reach out to the
poor by distributing donations
during Christmas season.
Instead of spending money for
Christmas party, they pool the
amount together and give donations to poor children, Syquia said.
This year, they thought of initiating a fund raising activity to
promote vocations to the priesthood and help poor seminarians
through their seminary training.
INSTALLED. Archbishop Socrates Villegas as archbishop of
Lingayen-Dagupan at St. John the
Evangelist Cathedral, attended
by more than 60 arch/bishops
throughout the country including
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio
Cardinal Rosales and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal,
November 4, 2009. About 500
priests from Manila, LingayenDagupan, Balanga, Antipolo,
Kalookan, Pasig, Parañaque,
Cubao and Novaliches filled
nearly a fourth of the enormous
cathedral. Villegas who turned
49 last September 28 is one of
the youngest archbishops in the
Catholic Church. He was ordained
priest by then Manila Archbishop
Jaime Cardinal Sin in October 5, 1985. As a young priest, Villegas served
as secretary to Cardinal Jaime Sin, a post he held for 15 years until he was
ordained Auxiliary bishop of Manila in 2001. He also served as Rector of
the Shrine of Mary, Queen of Peace at EDSA, from 1989 until 2004. He
was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Manila in July 25, 2001, and ordained
Bishop and Titular of Nona in August 31, 2001. He was later appointed
Bishop of Balanga (Bataan) in May 3, 2004 and installed in July 3, 2004.
Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan last
September 8, 2009. The Papal Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop
Edward Joseph Adams read the message of His Holiness Pope Benedict
XVI during the Mass. The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan has over a
million Catholics with about 70 Catholic priests and 11 religious priests in
26 parishes, after the Diocese of Urdaneta and Alaminos were erected
in January 12, 1985.
CELEBRATED. Sr. Ma. Rufina Ranalan, Sr. Vittoriana Morales, Sr. Ma.
Bernadette Imperial, Sr. Ma. Hermosada, Sr. Martina Machacon, golden
jubilee of religious profession among the Sisters Oblates of the Holy
Spirit, November 4, 2009. Cubao Bishop Honesto Ongtioco celebrated the
thanksgiving Mass at the Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Pasay City.
ORDAINED. Rev. Fr. Gerald Tuzon Biñegas was ordained to the priesthood on October 31, 2009 at the Holy Cross Parish, Langangilan, Abra.
Biñegas, the first Rogationist from Abra, was ordained by Bangued Bishop
Leopoldo Jaucian, SVD. Various Rogationist communities, different
religious congregation, members of the Union of Prayer for Vocations,
family, relatives, benefactors, and friends of the newly ordained priest
attended the event.
DIED. Father Edward Malone, M.M., 83, long-time
Assistant Secretary General
of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC),
at the Maryknoll Fathers’ St.
Theresa’s Residence in New
York City, November 4, 2009.
Malone served FABC as assistant secretary general for
33 years, from 1971, a year
after the federation came into
existence, until his retirement
in 2004. Malone has edited
and published more than 100 editions of “FABC Papers,” which explore
issues in theology, interreligious dialogue, the social apostolate of the
Church in Asia, communication and laity – as they relate to problems
facing the Asian Church. He has also organized leadership seminars for
bishops within the FABC structure. Malone was also a recipient of several
honorary degrees. He taught dogmatic theology and ecumenism for 17
years at the former Maryknoll Seminary in the United States, after his
priestly ordination in 1952.He move to Hong kong in 1971 and was made
assistant secretary general of the FABC.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Pastoral Concerns
‘Jesus prayed
to the Father
for the
unity of His
The Church, a people gathered into
the unity of the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit,[2] was instituted by
our Lord Jesus Christ, as “a sacrament
─ a sign and instrument, that is, of
communion with God and of unity
among all people.”[3] Every division
among the baptized in Jesus Christ
wounds that which the Church is and
that for which the Church exists; in fact,
“such division openly contradicts the
will of Christ, scandalizes the world,
and damages that most holy cause,
the preaching the Gospel to every
creature.”[4] Precisely for this reason,
before shedding his blood for the
salvation of the world, the Lord Jesus
prayed to the Father for the unity of
his disciples.[5]
It is the Holy Spirit, the principle of
unity, which establishes the Church as
a communion.[6] He is the principle of
the unity of the faithful in the teaching
of the Apostles, in the breaking of the
bread and in prayer.[7] The Church,
however, analogous to the mystery
of the Incarnate Word, is not only an
invisible spiritual communion, but
is also visible;[8] in fact, “the society
structured with hierarchical organs and
the Mystical Body of Christ, the visible
society and the spiritual community,
the earthly Church and the Church
endowed with heavenly riches, are not
to be thought of as two realities. On
the contrary, they form one complex
reality formed from a two-fold element,
human and divine.”[9] The communion
of the baptized in the teaching of the
Apostles and in the breaking of the
eucharistic bread is visibly manifested
in the bonds of the profession of the
faith in its entirety, of the celebration
of all of the sacraments instituted by
Christ, and of the governance of the
College of Bishops united with its head,
the Roman Pontiff.[10]
This single Church of Christ, which
we profess in the Creed as one, holy,
catholic and apostolic “subsists in the
Catholic Church, which is governed by
the successor of Peter and by the Bishops
in communion with him. Nevertheless,
many elements of sanctification and
of truth are found outside her visible
confines. Since these are gifts properly
belonging to the Church of Christ, they
are forces impelling towards Catholic
In the light of these ecclesiological
principles, this Apostolic Constitution
provides the general normative
structure for regulating the institution
and life of Personal Ordinariates for
those Anglican faithful who desire to
enter into the full communion of the
Catholic Church in a corporate manner.
This Constitution is completed by
Complementary Norms issued by the
Apostolic See.
I. §1 Personal Ordinariates
for Anglicans entering into full
communion with the Catholic Church
are erected by the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith within the
confines of the territorial boundaries
of a particular Conference of Bishops
in consultation with that same
§2 Within the territory of a particular
Conference of Bishops, one or more
Ordinariates may be erected as
§3 Each Ordinariate possesses public
juridic personality by the law itself (ipso
iure); it is juridically comparable to a
§4 The Ordinariate is composed
of lay faithful, clerics and members
of Institutes of Consecrated Life and
Societies of Apostolic Life, originally
belonging to the Anglican Communion
IV. A Personal Ordinariate is
entrusted to the pastoral care of an
Ordinary appointed by the Roman
V. The power (potestas) of the
Ordinary is:
a. ordinary: connected by the law
itself to the office entrusted to him by
the Roman Pontiff, for both the internal
forum and external forum;
b. vicarious: exercised in the name
of the Roman Pontiff;
c. personal: exercised over all who
belong to the Ordinariate;
This power is to be exercised jointly
with that of the local Diocesan Bishop,
in those cases provided for in the
Complementary Norms.
VI. §1 Those who ministered
as Anglican deacons, priests, or
bishops, and who fulfill the requisites
established by canon law[13] and are
not impeded by irregularities or other
impediments[14] may be accepted by
the Ordinary as candidates for Holy
formation. In order to address the
particular needs of seminarians of
the Ordinariate and formation in
Anglican patrimony, the Ordinary
may also establish seminary programs
or houses of formation which would
relate to existing Catholic faculties of
VII. The Ordinary, with the approval
of the Holy See, can erect new Institutes
of Consecrated Life and Societies of
Apostolic Life, with the right to call their
members to Holy Orders, according to
the norms of canon law. Institutes of
Consecrated Life originating in the
Anglican Communion and entering
into full communion with the Catholic
Church may also be placed under his
jurisdiction by mutual consent.
VIII. §1. The Ordinary, according to
the norm of law, after having heard
the opinion of the Diocesan Bishop of
the place, may erect, with the consent
of the Holy See, personal parishes
for the faithful who belong to the
§4. In order to provide for the
consultation of the faithful, a Pastoral
Council is to be constituted in the
XI. Every five years the Ordinary is
required to come to Rome for an ad
limina Apostolorum visit and present
to the Roman Pontiff, through the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith and in consultation with the
Congregation for Bishops and the
Congregation for the Evangelization
of Peoples, a report on the status of
the Ordinariate.
XII. For judicial cases, the competent
tribunal is that of the Diocese in which
one of the parties is domiciled, unless
the Ordinariate has constituted its own
tribunal, in which case the tribunal of
second instance is the one designated
by the Ordinariate and approved by
the Holy See.
XIII. The Decree establishing an
Ordinariate will determine the location
of the See and, if appropriate, the
principal church.
We desire that our dispositions and
norms be valid and effective now
and in the future, notwithstanding,
should it be necessary, the Apostolic
Constitutions and ordinances issued
by our predecessors, or any other
prescriptions, even those requiring
special mention or derogation.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter’s, on
November 4, 2009, the Memorial of St.
Charles Borromeo.
IN recent times the Holy
Spirit has moved groups
of Anglicans to petition
repeatedly and insistently to
be received into full Catholic
communion individually as
well as corporately. The
Apostolic See has responded
favorably to such petitions.
Indeed, the successor of
Peter, mandated by the Lord
Jesus to guarantee the unity
of the episcopate and to
preside over and safeguard
the universal communion of
all the Churches,[1] could
not fail to make available
the means necessary to
bring this holy desire to
Apostolic Constitution “Anglicanorum Coetibus”
and now in full communion with the
Catholic Church, or those who receive
the Sacraments of Initiation within the
jurisdiction of the Ordinariate.
§5 The Catechism of the Catholic
Church is the authoritative expression
of the Catholic faith professed by
members of the Ordinariate.
II. The Personal Ordinariate is
governed according to the norms of
universal law and the present Apostolic
Constitution and is subject to the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, and the other Dicasteries of the
Roman Curia in accordance with their
competencies. It is also governed by
the Complementary Norms as well
as any other specific Norms given for
each Ordinariate.
III. Without excluding liturgical
celebrations according to the Roman
Rite, the Ordinariate has the faculty
to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and
the other Sacraments, the Liturgy
of the Hours and other liturgical
celebrations according to the liturgical
books proper to the Anglican tradition,
which have been approved by the Holy
See, so as to maintain the liturgical,
spiritual and pastoral traditions of
the Anglican Communion within the
Catholic Church, as a precious gift
nourishing the faith of the members
of the Ordinariate and as a treasure
to be shared.
Orders in the Catholic Church. In the
case of married ministers, the norms
established in the Encyclical Letter of
Pope Paul VI “Sacerdotalis coelibatus”,
n. 42[15] and in the Statement In
June[16] are to be observed. Unmarried
ministers must submit to the norm of
clerical celibacy of CIC can. 277, §1.
§2. The Ordinary, in full observance
of the discipline of celibate clergy in the
Latin Church, as a rule (pro regula) will
admit only celibate men to the order
of presbyter. He may also petition
the Roman Pontiff, as a derogation
from can. 277, §1, for the admission of
married men to the order of presbyter
on a case by case basis, according to
objective criteria approved by the
Holy See.
§3. Incardination of clerics will be
regulated according to the norms of
canon law.
§4. Priests incardinated into an
Ordinariate, who constitute the
presbyterate of the Ordinariate, are
also to cultivate bonds of unity with
the presbyterate of the Diocese in
which they exercise their ministry.
They should promote common pastoral
and charitable initiatives and activities,
which can be the object of agreements
between the Ordinary and the local
Diocesan Bishop.
§5. Candidates for Holy Orders in
an Ordinariate should be prepared
alongside other seminarians, especially
in the areas of doctrinal and pastoral
§2. Pastors of the Ordinariate enjoy
all the rights and are held to all the
obligations established in the Code of
Canon Law and, in cases established
by the Complementary Norms, such
rights and obligations are to be
exercised in mutual pastoral assistance
together with the pastors of the local
Diocese where the personal parish of
the Ordinariate has been established.
IX. Both the lay faithful as well as
members of Institutes of Consecrated
Life and Societies of Apostolic Life,
originally part of the Anglican
Communion, who wish to enter the
Personal Ordinariate, must manifest
this desire in writing.
X. §1. The Ordinary is aided in his
governance by a Governing Council
with its own statutes approved by the
Ordinary and confirmed by the Holy
See. [17]
§2. The Governing Council, presided
over by the Ordinary, is composed
of at least six priests. It exercises the
functions specified in the Code of
Canon Law for the Presbyteral Council
and the College of Consultors, as
well as those areas specified in the
Complementary Norms.
§3. The Ordinary is to establish a
Finance Council according to the norms
established by the Code of Canon Law
which will exercise the duties specified
(The text of the apostolic constitution
“Anglicanorum Coetibus” signed by
Pope Benedict XVI on November 4,
2009, published November 9, 2009; this
introduces a canonical structure that will
allow groups of Anglicans to enter full
communion with the Catholic Church while
preserving elements of their spiritual and
liturgical patrimony)
[1] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, 23; Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter Communionis
notio, 12; 13.
[2] Cf. Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium,
4; Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 2.
[3] Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, 1.
[4] Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 1.
[5] Cf. Jn 17:20-21; Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 2.
[6] Cf. Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium,
[7] Cf. ibid; Acts 2:42.
[8] Cf. Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium,
8; Letter Communionis notio, 4.
[9] Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, 8.
[10] Cf. CIC, can. 205; Dogmatic Constitution
Lumen gentium, 13; 14; 21; 22; Decree Unitatis
redintegratio, 2; 3; 4; 15; 20; Decree Christus
Dominus, 4; Decree Ad gentes, 22.
[11] Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, 8.
[12] Cf. John Paul II, Ap. Const. Spirituali militium curae, 21 April 1986, I § 1.
[13] Cf. CIC, cann. 1026-1032.
[14] Cf. CIC, cann. 1040-1049.
[15] Cf. AAS 59 (1967) 674.
[16] Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, Statement of 1 April 1981, in Enchiridion
Vaticanum 7, 1213.
[17] Cf. CIC, cann. 495-502.
[18] Cf. CIC, cann. 492-494.
[19] Cf. CIC, can. 511.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Towards personal ordinariates for former Anglicans
Looking at the bigger picture (Part II)
LAST 20 October 2009, the
Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith—the former dicastery
of Pope Benedict XVI—surprised
the world with an announcement
of a forthcoming Apostolic
Constitution that would pave
the way for the establishment
of Personal Ordinariates for
groups of Anglican clergy and
faithful in different parts of the
world, who have expressed their
wish to enter into full visible
communion with the Catholic
Church. The announcement went
on to say that the forthcoming
Apostolic Constitution provides
a reasonable and even necessary
response to a worldwide
phenomenon, by offering a
single canonical model for
the universal Church which
is adaptable to various local
situations and equitable to
former Anglicans in its universal
After forestalling useless
speculations related to the
ordination as Catholic priests
of married former Anglican
clergy—i.e., of concluding that
perhaps soon Catholic priests
will be allowed to get married
too—let us now focus on the
really important novelty of
this forthcoming Constitution:
the Personal Ordinariate as
What is a Personal
Even if for the specific case
of the Personal Ordinariate
for former Anglicans we have
to wait for the forthcoming
Apostolic Constitution, the
reference made (in the Vatican
announcement) to Military
Ordinariates allows us to foresee
some of its characteristics.
The figure of the Military
Ordinariate was introduced
into Church Law by the Apost.
Constitution Spirituali Militum
Curae, signed by John Paul
II on 21.IV.1986. According
to this document, Military
Ordinariates, which may also be
called Army Ordinariates, and
are juridically comparable to
dioceses, are special ecclesiastical
circumscriptions, governed by
proper statutes issued by the
Apostolic See, in which will be
determined in greater detail
the prescriptions of the present
It is therefore a form of
what in Canon Law is known
as a personal ecclesiastical
circumscription, which has
the following constitutive
1) A group of faithful—a
portion of the people of God,
delineated not by the fact of their
domicile or quasi-domicile (as in
the territorial circumscriptions,
like the diocese or territorial
prelature), but by their having
certain personal qualities.
In the case of the military
Ordinariate, this delineating
quality is their relationship
with the armed forces,
specifically (quoting from the
aforementioned document):
— the faithful who are military
persons, as well as those who are
at the service of the armed forces
provided that they are bound to
this by civil law;
2) An Ordinary—a proper
pastor (a priest, but preferably a
bishop because of his episcopal
functions), with power of
jurisdiction which is (again
quoting from the aforementioned
— personal, in such manner
that it can be exercised in regard
to the persons who form part of
the Ordinariate, even if at times
they are beyond the national
— ordinary, both in the
internal and external forums—
i.e., it is a power that comes with
the office itself and not through
fruitfully this special pastoral
ministry, give service in the
Personal Ordinariate. These can
be of different categories:
— those who are formed in the
seminary that the Ordinariate
may erect with the approval of
the Holy See, and promoted to
Holy Orders and incardinated in
the Ordinariate once they have
completed the specific spiritual
and pastoral formation;
— other members of the secular
clergy who may be incardinated
into the Ordinariate according to
the norms of Canon Law;
— still other priests—both
ecclesiastical circumscription—
i.e., the Personal Prelature.
This type of apprehension can
arise if one forgets that personal
ecclesiastical circumscriptions
should be understood from the
viewpoint of the ecclesiology
of Vatican II. From this point
of view, it becomes clear that
among the Pastors of the
Church, there is neither rivalry
nor competition, but rather
communion and collaboration.
Thus, the provision of this type
of personal circumscription is the
result of the desire of providing
help to the local Churches,
— all the members of their
families, wives and children,
even those who, though
independent, live in the same
house, as well as relatives and
servants who also live with them
in the same house;
— those who attend military
training schools, or who live
or work in military hospitals,
hospices for the elderly, or
similar institutions;
— all the faithful, both men and
women, whether or not they are
members of a religious institute,
who carry out in a permanent
way a task committed to them
by the Military Ordinary, or with
his consent.
a delegation by another (e.g.,
the Pope);
— proper—that is to say not
vicariously, like what happens
with the former military vicar
(who acted in behalf of the Pope)
or the actual apostolic vicars in
the apostolic vicariates.
— cumulative with the
jurisdiction of the diocesan
bishop, because the persons
belonging to the Ordinariate
do not cease to be the faithful
of that local Church of which
they are members by reason of
domicile or rite.
3) A Presbyterate—composed
of priests who, endowed with the
necessary gifts for carrying out
secular and religious—who,
with the consent of their
own Ordinary, serve in the
Ordinariate (by adscription).
through the creation of entities
which are capable of carrying
out a special pastoral activity
that goes beyond the normal
possibilities of the dioceses for
their faithful. Thus, a document
issued by the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith in
1992—with the significant name
of Communionis notio—had
precisely pointed out how
these entities created by the
Holy See for peculiar pastoral
tasks are harmoniously inserted
in communion with the local
It could be expected, therefore,
that the upcoming Apostolic
Constitution—aside from the
particular statutes of every
Personal Ordinariate that shall
be subsequently erected—will
guarantee the rights of the
Local Ordinaries and the way
of harmonizing the activities of
the priests of the Ordinariate
with the authority of the local
parishes, including norms
regarding such matters as how
a faithful becomes part of the
Ordinariate, what registries are
to be kept, etc.
© CBCP Media
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso,
Relationship of the Faithful of
the Personal Ordinariate with
the Diocesan Bishop and the
Local Parishes.
Some journalists have
expressed fears of possible
frictions between the projected
Personal Ordinariates for
Anglicans and the local
Churches. If we recall, that
same apprehension had been
raised (and sadly still seems to be
raised in certain quarters) in the
case of another kind of personal
Similarities and Differences
with Personal Prelatures
The press has compared the
upcoming Personal Ordinariates
for former Anglicans to Personal
Prelatures, specifically with
Opus Dei. A notable difference
would be that the projected
personal ordinariates for former
Anglicans would depend
on the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, instead
of the Congregation for Bishops
or the Congregation for the
Propagation of the Faith as is
provided for the erection of
personal prelatures. Another
difference would be the use of
a particular liturgy in the case
of the Personal Ordinariates for
former Anglicans, whereas the
only existing Personal Prelature
has no liturgy of its own and
does not even print its own Ordo
for daily Masses and Liturgy of
the Hours.
Beyond the obvious
differences, however, it is
more interesting to note the
elements common to all these
personal jurisdictions. As an
imminent canonist had recently
pointed out, in reaction to the
announced Personal Ordinariate
for former Anglicans, Personal
Ordinariates, Military
Ordinariates and Personal
Prelatures constitute in each
case that type of personal
circumscripton expressly willed
by Vatican Council II, which are
superimposed with the local
Church (insofar as their faithful
also belong to the diocese), in
order to carry out a specialized
pastoral activity. Beyond the
pastoral phenomenon of Opus
Dei, up till now the personal
prelature—as typified in cc.
294-297 of the Code of Canon
Law—has been mentioned as a
possible solution to the pastoral
needs arising from human
mobility (e.g., care of migrants,
refugees, seafarers and overseas
workers). Now it has come to
light that this type of personal
circumscriptions might also
be of great use in the area of
ecumenism. (Cf. Eduardo Baura,
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law,
Pontifical University of the Holy
Cross [Rome], in an interview
published recently in www.zenit.
Veneration for a ‘Venerable’
Q: What type of veneration is due
to someone who has been declared a
venerable? Can there be official liturgical
or paraliturgical prayers addressed to that
person? Can that person be mentioned
during the naming of the saints at Mass?—
G.C., Bangalore, India
A: Traditionally a servant of God is called
venerable after the promulgation of a decree
declaring that he or she practiced the virtues
to a heroic degree.
For precision’s sake, however, it must be
noted that this title is no longer a stage along
the path of beatification and canonization.
Thus it is no longer technically correct to say
that a person has been declared venerable,
since no such declaration is issued.
Nor are there any particular liturgical
honors attributed to a person who has
been decreed to have practiced heroic
virtues, as these must await the conclusion
of the process and the (possible) eventual
Pope John Paul II reformed the basic
norms regarding the process of canonization
with his 1983 apostolic constitution “Divinus
Perfectionis Magister.” The Congregation
for Saints’ Causes has published several
clarifications and instructions with more
precise regulations, such as the 2007
instruction “Sanctorum Mater,” tightening
the rules for the initial diocesan phase of
the process.
At this stage the law says: “Any solemn
celebrations or panegyric speeches about
Servants of God whose sanctity of life is still
being legitimately examined are prohibited
in Churches. Furthermore, one must also
refrain, even outside of Church, from any
acts which could mislead the faithful into
thinking that the inquiry conducted by the
Bishop into the life of the Servant of God
and his virtues or martyrdom carries with
it the certitude that the Servant of God will
be one day canonized.”
Likewise, before closing the diocesan
stage of the process the judges must assure
that there has been no public cult offered
the candidate. Thus the 2007 instruction
“Art. 117 - § 1. In accordance with the
dispositions of Pope Urban VIII, it is
prohibited for a Servant of God to be an
object of public ecclesiastical cult without the
previous authorization of the Holy See.
Ҥ 2. Such dispositions do not impede,
in any way, private devotion toward
the Servant of God and the spontaneous
spreading of his reputation of holiness or
martyrdom and of intercessory power.
“Art. 118 - § 1. In observance of the abovementioned dispositions, prior to the close
of the Inquiry the Bishop or his Delegate
must ensure that the Servant of God is not
an object of unlawful cult.
Ҥ 2. For this purpose, the Bishop or his
Delegate, the Promotor of Justice and the
Notary of the cause, must inspect the tomb
of the Servant of God, the room where
he lived and/or died, and other possible
places where signs of unlawful cult may
be found.
Ҥ 3. The Notary is to draw up a report on
the outcome of the inspection that is to be
inserted into the acts of the Inquiry.
“Art. 119 - § 1. If no abuses of cult are
discovered, the Bishop or his Delegate
is to proceed to the preparation of the
“Declaration on the Absence of Cult”, that
is, the declaration which attests to the fact
that the Decrees of Urban VIII have been
Ҥ 2. The declaration is to be inserted
among the acts of the Inquiry.”
Once the diocesan phase of the process
is concluded, the acts go to Rome for the
subsequent stages of examination. A special
book called the “Positio,” or summary of the
documentation that proves the candidate’s
heroic virtue, is prepared. This is first
examined by nine theologians who give
their vote. If the majority vote in favor it
is examined by the cardinals and bishops
who are members of the Congregation for
Saints’ Causes. If these approve the cause,
it is finally presented to the Pope for a final
decision. Once the cause has received papal
approval, the decree of heroic virtues is
The next and final stage of the process
is the examination of an alleged miracle
attributed to the servant of God. This must
also be rigorously examined from both the
scientific and theological standpoints. If
and when this stage is completed, there is
another decree and the Holy Father decides
on the date for beatification.
Along with beatification comes the
concession for public liturgical veneration
albeit still limited to particular spheres
such as within a religious family, or to the
diocese where the new blessed is buried or
is associated with in a particular way.
Thus, as said above, there is no public
liturgical or paraliturgical cult for a
“venerable” since there is as yet no guarantee
that the person will eventually be beatified.
Some of the restrictions in force during
the early stages of the process, such as
the prohibition on panegyric speeches
regarding the candidate’s sanctity of life,
would naturally be lifted as the Church has
officially proclaimed that the person lived
a holy life.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
By Sr. Crispina Abluyon, SIHM
Geography and people
Kalinga and Apayao are two civil
provinces that is home to the mountain
tribes of Northern Philippines. It covers
a landlocked area of a little less than
From 1907 to the present there was a
steady increase of baptized Catholics;
the establishment of mission stations,
of growth in priestly and religious
vocations and formation of lay leaders
and catechists. We can laud the
missionaries who tirelessly journeyed
with our people in spite of the harshness
missionary journey.
The new Bishop tirelessly visited the
out stations and got acquainted with his
new ecclesiastical responsibility which
he served for the next nine years. Early
in 2002, he was transferred to another
Residential See which is now the
Diocese of Baguio. While ministering
tribal conflicts and a growing number
of religious sects—and only recently, we
observe the slow surging population of
Muslim traders.
The objective of the First Pastoral
Assembly was more of bringing people
together and to come up with a common
vision and corresponding pastoral
Andaya was already familiar with the
thrust of the Vicariate for he was a guest
observer during its second Vicarial
Pastoral Assembly. He could easily pick
up from where his predecessor had left
off. Born in Kalinga from Ilocano and
Tagalog parentage he is familiar with
the way of life of the Kalingas. Like his
Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk
4,000 sq. km. bound by the provinces
of Cagayan and Isabela on the east, by
Abra and Ilocos Region on the west and
on the south by Mountain Province.
Apayao, dubbed as the “Cordillera’s
Last Frontier of Nature Richness”,
boasts of natural wonders otherwise not
found in the Cordilleras. Splendid lakes
and underground rivers, magnificent
forests serve as abode for the exotic
wildlife that still thrives in the province.
Agriculture, especially in lower Apayao,
has been the prime source of livelihood
of the populace. Countless wonders
and untold discoveries like caves
and wildlife sanctuaries are natural
treasures of the predominant Isneg tribe.
There are 131 barangays sprawled all
over the 7 municipalities, with more or
less 80 thousand inhabitants.
Like in Apayao, Kalinga province’s
geographic feature is characterized
by high mountain peaks, valleys and
plateaus. The mountain ranges link with
the whole of the Cordillera Region. With
the Chico River’s rough waters (that was
once a controversy in the early 70’s due
to the attempted construction of a huge
dam for electrification), Kalinga got a
name in tourism as the “White Water
Rafting Capital of the Philippines”.
With the abundance of water cascading
from mountain slopes, agriculture in
flatlands is flourishing. The Kalingas
are with productive land areas for both
wet and dry farming. Like the Ifugaos,
they build rice terraces aside from the
skills they display in textile weaving,
pottery and metal works.
There are as many as 48 sub-tribes
of Kalinga that settle alongside with
other ethnic groups coming from the
lowlands. Since time immemorial,
the Kalingas were able to resist the
colonization of the Spaniards. A strong
sense of tribal affiliation and cultural
consciousness remain as a reason for
this. All through the years, occasional
tribal conflicts would arise which
resulted to broken peace pacts and fear
among our people. This has always
been an enormous challenge for peace
advocates nowadays.
The Vicariate and its remote past
The Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk
covers the civil provinces of Kalinga
and Apayao. It used to be part of the
ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Vicariate
of the Montañosa which separated from
the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia in
1933. Sixty years later, Christianization
took roots among the mountain people
in the early 1900’s although history tells
us that evangelization started way back
in the 16th Century with the attempts
of the Dominican friars to establish
their mission posts in the hinterlands
of Apayao and Kalinga. To this day,
only ruins of the old church is found
in Pudtol, Apayao… there is hardly
any trace of the Spanish missionary
establishment in Tuga and Bulanao,
Tabuk. Since the Spanish Dominicans
left these areas in the later part of the
16th century, there were almost no
reported attempts at all to evangelize
the Apayaos and the Kalingas, not until
the Belgian Fathers, now known as the
Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary (CICM missionaries), took the
road from Bontoc, Mt. Province in 1907
to expand the missionary endeavor
in upper Kalinga. The mission of
Lubuagan became the cradle of mission
work in Kalinga, and then spread out
in the neighboring territories until they
reached far-flung areas of Apayao.
Due to lack of continuity in the
missionary work began by Spanish
missionaries many converts reverted to
their former pagan practices. The new
missionaries had to start all over again.
The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, (ICM) arrived later. They
were to work side by side with the
Belgian Fathers greatly enhancing the
spread of the Faith especially through
the educational system.
of life and the communication gap that
they had from the onset. The catechists
who faithfully served in our missions
acted as bridges of evangelization.
Despite long years of missionary
presence, Kalinga and Apayao are
still mission territories until today.
Evangelization has always been a snailpaced undertaking. So much have yet to
be done in terms of enabling the seeds
of Christianity flourish among the tribes
of Northern Philippines.
Yet we are happy that to this date,
there are already 20 Mission Stations
all over including the recent re-opening
of two mission areas which are Tuga
(2007) and Allaguia (2006) Missions,
the latter is ironically the very first
establishment of the Dominican Friars
way back in 1865.
Birth of a New Vicariate
In 1992, Pope John Paul II, through the
Papal Bull, Philippiniarum Insularum,
acceded to the request of the CBCP and
particularly the then Apostolic Vicariate
of the Montañosa (which presently
covers the whole of the Cordillera
Region except Abra) to divide the
whole Vicariate into three ecclesiastical
entities. Thus, on August 30, 1992, the
news came of its approval forming the
Apostolic Vicariate of Baguio-Benguet;
the Apostolic Vicariate of BontocLagawe and the Apostolic Vicariate
of Tabuk with their respective first
Apostolic Vicars as follows: Most Rev.
Ernesto Salgado, DD; Most Rev. Brigido
Galasgas, DD; and Most Rev. Carlito
Cenzon, CICM, DD.
Few days after his Episcopal
Ordination on November 28, 1992 at
the Baguio Cathedral, Bishop Carlito
Cenzon, was installed as the first
Apostolic Vicar of Tabuk. The Church
of St. William, the Hermit, in Bulanao
was jam-packed with the faithful on
the morning of December 5, 1992, to
witness the birth of the new Apostolic
Vicariate with the installation of its
new shepherd.
The neo-Vicariate composed then
of seventeen mission stations with
only two Diocesan Clergy among the
priests. The CICM Fathers were
still quite a number that time
to cater to the mission
stations. It didn’t take
long before the SVD
came in to join
us in our
to his people here in Tabuk, he didn’t
mind at all the hazards of traveling
through rugged mountain roads; hiking
extensive distances over ravines and
trails; crossing rivers as he waded
through rough waters; and even almost
having offered himself as a martyr.
On December 3-5, 1997, on the 4th
year of his Episcopacy, Bishop Cenzon
launched the first Vicariate Pastoral
Assembly. The focus of the pastoral
agenda then was in line with the
thrusts and programs of PCP II. The
preparations were arduous as they
wanted to cover a broad spectrum of
issues and concerns in the Vicariate.
Besides, to tap the cooperation of
the mass base was as demanding as
the issues themselves. The concerns
included issues on the socio-political,
economical, cultural and religious
realities of that time. Kalinga and
Apayao then were weighed down with
the issues of poverty, social justice,
strategies. Undoubtedly, the principles
of BEC were used as guidelines—which
became the pastoral thrust of the
Vicariate from then on.
The Vicariate saw an opportunity
for renewal when the Second Pastoral
Assembly was convened on June
15, 2003. The delegates strongly
reaffirmed the Vicariate’s VisionMission and Pastoral Thrust which
they set for themselves during the
first Vicarial Assembly. Then, Bishop
Cenzon was already transferred to the
Apostolic Vicariate of Baguio-Benguet.
Meanwhile, Tabuk was run by Rev. Fr.
Feliciano Agatep who was appointed
as Administrator for almost a year
and a half.
It didn’t take long before somebody
was elected. On the Feast of Our Lady
of Mount Carmel, 16th July 2003, Rev.
Fr. Prudencio P. Andaya, Jr., CICM,
was ordained and installed as the
second Apostolic Vicar of Tabuk. Bishop
ABOVE: Pastoral visit of Bishop
Andaya to the Apostolic Vicariate
in 1969. ON BACKGROUND: St.
William the Hermit Cathedral
predecessor, he had to visit each of the
mission territories even in places that
are unreachable by vehicles. He has
always been acquainted with the harsh
realities of the far flung missions─the
lack of social services that people ought
to receive; the spiritual ministry that
they deserve so much and the need
for healing and reconciliation among
many of the conflicting sub-tribes. With
the Vision-Mission of the Vicariate
already in place, he tried to build up
on the enthusiasm of the clergy and all
the other pastoral workers to pursue
the goals of building Basic Ecclesial
To help keep up with the challenging
task of caring for the spiritual, material
and social needs of our people, the
Vicariate has a few CICMs and SVDs
working hand in hand with the Diocesan
clergy. The presence of religious sisters
from the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary (SIHM), the Missionary Sisters
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM),
the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus
and Mary (SSHJM) and the Teresian
Association is a big boost.
There is still the need for more active
lay participation. The catechetical
ministry needs to be strengthened.
Aware of this need and the scarcity
of funds the Vicariate encouraged
volunteer catechists from the lay
people. To prepare them for the task
the Vicariate has designed a yearly
live-in Catechetical Summer Workshop
for the formation and training of
volunteer catechists and lay leaders.
Their formation is followed up in the
course of the school year by seminarworkshops to address particular needs
of catechists.
These and other activities are but
attempts towards building Christian
communities. In this endeavor the
Vicariate is helped immensely by
the team of Bukal Ng Tipan, CICM
Maryhill, Taytay, Rizal. It serves as an
excellent venue for making linkages and
for channeling collaborative efforts in
Pastoral Thrust and Action Programs
Building BEC’s in our mission
areas do not make sense if the
pastoral workers are not acquainted
experientially with its dynamics.
Working with the principle that “we
cannot give what we don’t have”, the
Tabuk / B7
Bishop …………………………...
Diocesan Priests ……………….…
Deacon …………………..………..
Religious working in the Vicariate:
CICM ……….................………..
SVD ……………..................….
ICM ………………...........…….
SIHM …………………................
SHJM …………………….……..
Teresian Association ...................
Pre College ……………........….
Philosophy ………………....…...
Theology ………………….……..
Regents …………………….……
Full time ……….......…….….
Volunteers ………………….........
Educational centers:
College ………........…….………
Secondary ………………….....
Elementary ……………....…….
Kindergarten ……….......…….
Population …………….......
285, 959
Catholics …………………….
Area ………...……… 3,813.17 sq. km.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
CBCP holds congress for Seminary Formators
Catholic Family
Bible Encounter
in Kuwait
By Rev. Fr. Miguel M. Garcia, SSS
THIS is a dream come true after almost two
years of planning to hold a Family Bible
Encounter in this part of the world. This idea
was actually coined by His Excellency Most
Rev. Fernando Filoni, the former Apostolic
Nuncio to the Philippines. Sometime in 2007,
the Secretariat chaired by Ms. Elvira Go went
to the Nunciature for a visit. During that
visit, the Nuncio challenged the Secretariat
to spread this to the Filipino Migrants abroad
and there the dream of having one in Kuwait
Last October 23, 2009, the team from Manila left for Kuwait
to make this dream comes to life. The team was composed
of Bp. Antonieto Cabajog of Surigao, Msgr. Gary Formoso
of Vigan, Fr. Mike Garcia of the Congregation of the Blessed
Sacrament, Fr. Agustin Ancajas of the Archdiocese of Cebu,
Ms. Elvira Go, the National Chairperson of the Power to Unite
Catholic Family Bible Group and Ms. Vizmalau Bonalos of
NBN 4. They took the flight from Manila to Abu Dhabi early
morning of October 23 and arrived Kuwait early morning of
the same date. The party was met by the Labor Attache, Atty.
Josephus B. Jimenez and helped out to secure the necessary
entry documents. After accomplishing all the documents,
the team went out of the airport and met by Bishop Camillo
Balin, MCCJ, DD, Bishop of Kuwait, Fr. Ruben Barrameda,
Chaplain of Filipino Migrants in Kuwait and some Filipinos.
They warmly welcomed the team and later were brought to
the Bishop’s Residence for breakfast.
The Catholic Family Bible Encounter was held in the
evening of October 23, 2009. There were 4 Filipino families
that participated in the said bible encounter. The program was
well organized by Fr. Ruben together with the assistance of
Filipinos. Bishop Camillo was very supportive of the event. He
was visible all throughout the program and gave his inspiring
The Second Institute for Seminary Formators held at the San Carlos Pastoral Formation Complex last October 26-29 gathered some 156 rectors, deans, spiritual
directors and professors from 43 diocesan seminaries across the country.
By Fr. Augusto de los Angeles
THE Episcopal Commission on
Seminaries of the Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philippines
organized a congress for Seminary
Formators at the San Carlos
Pastoral Formation Complex last
October 26 to 29, 2009.
The congress also called Second
Institute for Seminary Formators
reflected on the Intellectual,
Theological and Philosophical
Formation of seminarians with the
theme of Intellectual Formation in
the Updated Philippine Program
for Priestly Formation.
It had two objectives; first, to
anchor intellectual formation in
the seminaries according to the
updated ratio and second, to aid
seminary formators update their
competencies in teaching theology
and philosophy in the seminary.
The congress was spearheaded
by Most Rev. Mylo Hubert
Vergara, D.D. chairman of the
commission on seminaries, with
the help of Rev. Fr. Augusto Jesus
Angeles and Rey. Fr. Reynaldo
Gregorio, executive secretary and
assistant secretary respectively of
the commission.
There were 156 representatives
consisting of rectors, deans,
spiritual directors and professors,
from 43 diocesan seminaries of the
The opening Eucharistic
Celebration was celebrated in San
Carlos Seminary Chapel presided
by Manila Auxiliary Bishop
Bernardino Cortez, D.D.
Rev. Fr. Rey Anthony
Yatco, Dean of seminarians of
the philosophy department
welcomed the institute of
formators on behalf of Rev.
Msgr. Ding Coronel, Rector of San
Carlos Seminary, at the beginning
of the mass.
Bishop Mylo Vergara delivered
his welcome remarks and Rev. Fr.
Augusto Angeles and Rev. Fr.
Jun Gregorio gave the program
orientation and the house rules
During the congress days, the
Institute for Seminary Formators
began with holy hour and lauds
at in the morning and concluded
the day with the celebration of
the Eucharist.
The Eucharistic Celebrations
on October 27 was presided
by Antipolo Auxiliary Bishop
Francis De Leon, D.D. and on
October 28, by Boac Bishop
Reynaldo Evangelista, D.D.
There were series of colloquia
each day. Most Rev. Luis Antonio
Tagle, D.D., S.T.D. talked about
the Intellectual Formation in the
Updated Philippine Program for
Priestly Formation or UPPPF in
the joint conference of Theology
and Philosophy formators which
was held in San Carlos Seminary
Auditorium on the second day.
A separate conference was given
for college formators and theology
formators in the afternoon and
followed by group workshop.
Rev. Fr. Aloysius Cartagenas,
S.T.D. and Rev. Fr. Edwin Mercado
S.T.L. explained the Proposed
Seminary Curriculum According
to the UPPPF to the theology and
college formators respectively.
Rev. Fr. Vitaliano Dimaranan,
Jr. S.D.B., M.T.L., Ph.D. talked
about Ethics in Catholic Tradition
to the theology formators and Dr.
Florentino Timbreza explained
about Filipino Philosophy of
Person to the college formators
in the separate conferences on
the third day.
In the afternoon, Most Rev.
Pablo Virgilio S. David, D.D.
discussed about the Biblical
Theology in Catholic Tradition
to the theology formators and
Mr. Manuel DY, Ph.D. explained
about Phenomenology of the
Human Being as a Person to the
college formators.
Bishop Tagle discussed about
Doctrine to the theology formators
while Mr. Rainier Ibana, Ph. D.
explains Human Person in the
Age of Climate Change to the
college formators in the separate
conference at the last day.
The separate conferences were
held at the Sala Maria of the San
Carlos Theology Building for the
theology formators conferences
while the college formators
conferences were held at the
big classroom of the San Carlos
Seminary Main Building and at
the Heritage hall of the Lorenzo
Mission Institute.
The Second Institute for
Formators concluded with the
closing Eucharistic Celebration
presided by Bishop Vergara.
Participants of the said event
were accommodated in different
houses inside the complex.
Toddlers and TV sets don’t mix
By Kevin Ryan
The team of Power to Unite Catholic Family Bible Group headed by
National Chairperson Ms. Elvira Go during a Family Bible Encounter
in Kuwait. Shown with them in photo are Bishop Camillo Balin, Bishop
Antonieto Cabajog and Fr. Ben Barrameda.
message to the families. Ms. Elvira Go likewise gave her
moving, Spirit-filled message to the Filipino families present
that evening. She challenged the Filipinos to be missionaries
in their own ways and help in the spread of the Word of God
in this part of the world.
One common observation and impression the team had
when they arrived Kuwait was that of fascination, surprise and
amazement on what their eyes have seen. The team got there
on a Friday which is a holiday for them. Friday is equivalent
to Sunday for us in non-Muslim country. The Cathedral was
full; the Church yard was filled with many people including
children who are attending Catechism classes. And what
surprised them most was the sight of different nationalities
gathering together to worship. There are many Indians, Sri
Lankans, Pakistanis, Lebanese, Europeans, Americans and
Filipinos. They come together to that Cathedral of the Holy
Family where their faith is nourished and sustained by the
Word of God and the Eucharist.
After the Family Bible Encounter, Fr. Ruben brought us
around the city. Part of the itinerary was the visit to the
Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. The team had a chance to
meet the Labor Attache Atty Jimenez again and this time the
team met the Filipinas who are temporarily sheltered at the
Filipino Center. These are the workers who have problems
and cases with their employers and waiting for their return to
the Philippines, most of them are domestic helpers. That time
the team went there the number was more than a hundred
Pinays. Each of the team was given a chance to give messages
to the Filipina workers – a message of hope; encouragement
and challenge. Ms. Go challenged them to start reading the
Word of God and to draw their hope, guide and strength from
the Bible. Msgr. Gary celebrated Mass with them where he
shared a very inspiring homily. Our Filipino workers really
need prayers and support. An episode for the Power to Unite
with Elvira on TV was taken from there. Ms. Go was able to
interview some workers with different cases. We will see this
in the coming days, please watch so that we will know the
plight of some of our Filipino workers in Kuwait.
After a brief stay in Kuwait, the team returned to Manila
last October 25, 2009. Leaving Kuwait behind brought us too
many learning and discoveries. The Catholic faith there is very
vibrant and alive. The Catholic faithful are very committed and
zealous in living out their faith in that Muslim country. Faith
brings different nationalities together. These are experiences
that the team will remember of Kuwait.
The group was very grateful for the hospitality of Bp. Camillo
Balin, Fr. Ruben Barrameda, and all the Filipinos in Kuwait.
Boarding the plane bound for Manila, the team was filled with
joy and fulfillment for another successful story of Family Bible
Encounter. Another dream commenced while waiting for the
flight to Manila: that there be another Family Bible Encounter
in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. The team will try to get in touch with
the Filipino chaplain in these cities.
THE house that Mickey Mouse built is
taking a hit. The Walt Disney conglomerate
that spans from Hannah Montana to most
of Hollywood and from ESPN to sprawling
worldwide resorts is giving up ground. It is
minor turf, but still Walt and Team Disney’s
lawyers are not used to losing.
Since 1998, Disney’s “Baby
Einstein” videos and DVDs have
been aggressively marketed to
parents of young children intent
on increasing Junior’s intelligence.
For ten years, children from three
months to three years (the target
group) have been glued to screens
and the Disney Empire has raked
in millions. A 2003 study found
that one-third of all American
babies aged between 6 months
and two years had been exposed
to a Baby Einstein video. Disney’s
success has spawned several
competitors who promise to
give Junior a leg up in the music
world, the sports world and
maybe even the world of making millions with
phony promises.
Folks at the Campaign for a Commercial Free
Childhood have been pressuring Baby Einstein
for evidence that their materials were anything
more than electronic baby sitters. Turning up
the heat, the American Academy of Pediatrics,
concerned with all the time infants are
spending transfixed before television sets, has
recommended no screen time. Under pressure,
then, the Disney marketers are dropping the
word “educational” from their advertising and
providing refunds to disappointed parents.
While the $15.99 cheque from the Disney
empire may appease the saddened parents of
dull-eyed, TV-addicted kids, will this sop solve
a larger problem? Will it lead parents to get
more balanced goals for their children?
The quest to increase one’s IQ or intelligence
quotient has been the goal of both serious
scientists and scammers for some decades. By
and large, the scientists have given up on IQ
quick-fix increases, but the scammers are still
roaring around. IQ, the measure of our capacity
to learn, appears, however, to be quite stable,
and while very poor nutrient and lots of screen
watching can suppress it, there is not much
parents can do to boost Junior’s score.
Unquestionably, it is a worthy goal to want
one’s offspring to be knowledgeable and have
a head full of useful facts, theories and ideas.
So, too, is the parental desire that their children
attend the very best schools and become truly
educated adults. The Baby Einstein route and
its cousins, the increase-your-IQ-in-ten-easylessons course, sadly will not get us there. They
are bogus elixirs for anxious and perhaps lazy
parents. Even worse, they distract attention from
the royal road to improving a child’s chance to
become educated: developing his or her CQ.
CQ stands for Character Quotient, a
scientific term especially ginned up
for this article. While it admittedly
reeks of ersatz Baby Einsteinlike promotion, CQ actually is a
stand-in for one of our world’s
most enduring truths: character
is destiny.
Each of us has a character and
each character is different. Our
characters are the sum totals of our
habitual ways of response to life’s
events. They are the totality of our
good and bad habits, our personal
virtues and vice. As we ramble
and shamble through our days, we
develop patterns of waiting until the
last minute to get things done. Or of
never failing to pass on a juicy piece
of gossip. Or unreflectively stepping in to help
someone in need. Or of telling the unvarnished
truth even when it hurts.
These habits are the markings on our character
by which we are known. Rarely do we recognize
our own character, but it is all too apparent to
our spouses and co-workers. “He’s a generous
guy, but he just can’t finish a task!” “She’s a
toothache to be around, but she is the go-to gal
when you want something done.”
Kids / B7
Medical point of view on the Aerial Spray Ban
Dear Editor,
My active and courageous stand in support to
a contested local ordinance banning the use of
aircraft for spraying as an agricultural practice
and speaking out in favour of the affected citizens
in the face of the obscene stance of the banana
plantation companies regarding the issue of
aerial spraying of pesticides, has put my medical
profession and extensive experience in community
medicine at stake that somehow worried many of
my colleagues. Some of them warned me about
my security and even advised me not to answer
critics that attack my credibility for fear of further
This letter is meant to shed light on the erroneous
information being published in the media that
mislead readers who might be uninformed,
misinformed and gullible enough to believe
the assertions and suppositions of those who
believe that aerial spraying of pesticides is safe.
Lawyer and former Comelec Chair Christian
Monsod, a staunch supporter of the ban aerial
spray campaign, expressed to include his opinion,
This is also to put emphasis that the gap in this
issue of aerial spraying is not communication but
on profits and people’s health.
Jean Lindo, M.D.
Professor, Community Medicine, Davao Medical
School Foundation
Immediate past president, Philippine Medical
Women’s Association- Davao City Chapter
November 5, 2009
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
‘The energy consumption pattern of
today impacts future generations’
adjusted to economic and fiscal
instruments, as well as to regional
and international cooperation,
information sharing, transfer of
technology and best practices in
this field.
When addressing the various
renewable energy technologies,
solar, hydro, and bio, we note
that the developing countries
as a group have more than
40% of installed renewable
power capacity, more than
70% of existing solar hot water
capacity and 45% of bio-fuel
production power capacity. But
often low-carbon technologies,
like solar technologies, including
photovoltaic, concentrating
solar power and solar thermal,
incur very high initial expenses.
Access by poorer people to
this innovation is essential for
allowing developing countries to
meet their growing demand for
energy and fostering sustainable
Availability of and access
to energy has a profound
positive impact on health,
education, nutrition and income
opportunities. Improving
access to energy requires
better infrastructure, ensured
by appropriate legal and
institutional “frameworks”.
This inevitably needs the
involvement of local institutions,
which can more easily identify
the type of energy, including
the forms of financing and
marketing most appropriate
for the complex realities of
the zone. Where this access is
denied to the poor or delayed
due to various reasons, more
efficient and sustainable use
of traditional energy resources
should be promoted, existing
energy efficiency improved
and conservation by relying on
a mix of available technologies
Second, Mr. Chairman,
every discussion on identifying
reliable, affordable, economically
viable, socially acceptable and
environmentally sound energy
services and resources should
take into account the human and
environmental long-term costs.
Environmental exploitation,
without regard to environmental
or long-term concerns, may
provide a short-term economic
growth but such growth comes
at a great price. The costs today
are being born primarily by
developing countries, the poor
and those who do not have the
ability to protect themselves
from challenges of climate
The field of renewable energy
presents a challenge and an
opportunity for Governments
and all other relevant
stakeholders, including the
private sector, civil society and
international organizations,
to work together to address
this pressing challenge. The
common initiatives of renewable
energy should also be based
on “intergenerational justice”
since the energy consumption
pattern of today impacts future
generations. We should not
burden future generations
with our overstated energy
consumption. Therefore a change
of lifestyle is imperative in this
regard. In this way, renewable
energy programmes will ensure
an “intergenerational solidarity”
beyond national and economic
Finally, for successful
(Statement of Archbishop Celestino Migliore,
permanent observer of the Holy See at the United
Nations, delivered before the 64th session of the U.N.
General Assembly, November 3, on renewable energy)
Mr. Chairman,
At the outset my Delegation
joins others in congratulating
you on your election and
leadership of this Committee
and thanks the bureau for its
valued collaboration.
The question of energy, both
renewable and non-renewable,
has become a key issue facing
the international community
and calls for identifying a
durable and comprehensive
energy strategy. This energy
strategy should be able to meet
such needs in the short and
long term, ensuring energy
security, protecting health and
environment and establishing
concrete commitments to address
the problems of climate change.
It should also be capable of
launching a peaceful transition
towards a more efficient global
economy which seeks to lower
energy consumption and use of
fossil fuels.The promotion of new
and renewable sources of energy,
besides being central to this
strategy, is of great importance
to guarantee a long-term
comprehensive development,
capable of extending to different
areas of the planet.
In this regard, my delegation
would like to highlight three
First, progress in the
field of renewable energy
is extremely important for
poverty eradication. The many
benefits of the application and
dissemination of new and
renewable sources of energy
can be used for development
of related objectives. Similarly,
energy cooperation should
ultimately be oriented towards
poverty alleviation and be
renewable energy programmes,
proper energy consciousness
education and ongoing energy
learning is vital. In this regard,
civil society and faith-based
organizations can contribute a
great deal to raising awareness
about and advocating for the use
of renewable energy sources at
the grass-roots level.
In developing strategies and
policies for new and renewable
energy, there is no “one size
fits all” formula. Instead it
will require multidimensional
cooperation, which places
responsible human stewardship
of the earth at the center of
international, national and
individual efforts to address
the causes and consequences
of climate change. While this
challenge presents a number
of scientific and economic
challenges, through firmness of
purpose and compassion for our
neighbor, we will be able to foster
a planet where desire to care for
the earth is not a consequence
of fear but a precursor to longterm economic and personal
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Two Letters of the Roman Catholic Bishops of Manila to President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo on the Laiban Dam Project and on Aerial Spraying
come from different religious faiths and persuasions, trying our best to
help forge lasting peace between all men and women living in Cagayan
de Oro, whatever their religious faith and persuasion, in alignment
with the efforts of the Bishops and Ulama of Mindanao (BUC), are
one with all peoples of good will in expressing our extreme sadness
at the abduction of an aging and sickly Columban missionary priest,
We are also one with the Columban Fathers and with every concerned individual in our anxiety that after four weeks Fr. Mick has still
not yet been released from captivity. Until now the only confirmation
that he is still alive is the video released by his captors dated October
22. That was already three weeks ago.
We, therefore, humbly address ourselves now to you who are holding him. We address ourselves humbly to your human hearts, to your
We do not even have to know the reasons why you abducted him.
We only beseech you, beg you, now to set him free. We are sure you
have your own anxiety over his health. We are sure you also have your
own sick relatives, family members, perhaps even parents who are sick,
and you would want them to have immediate care and attention.
You can be assured of our gratitude to you, and our prayers (both
Muslim and Christian) will be offered to Allah, God, for your own
We, the members of IFPHS, make this appeal together, and hopefully
await the freedom of FR. MICHAEL SINNOT. Everyone will be waiting
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
Northen Mindanao Ulama’s League
United Methodist Church
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
Our Lady’s Missionaries
Jamaah-Oro al Islamiyah
Silsilah Dialogue Movement
Dear Pres. Arroyo:
Greetings of Peace!
As Pastors, we are one with the outrage expressed by our people against the
Laiban Dam project of your administration. The project is made worse with SMC’s
offer of US $2B government guarantee with “take or pay” provision in a proposed
Joint Venture contract with MWSS.
“In these trying times when uniting the people is more urgent, any project that
can be a cause of suspicion and division should be avoided.” What may be perceived as common good of the present generation may turn out to be a cause of
suffering for the next. Even with the best intention of providing more water to the
people can spark protests when it ignores and violates framework for sustainable
development, ethical and legal considerations.
The project will submerge 28,000 hectares of a biodiverse-rich forest-ecosystem,
under a 113-meter high Laiban Dam. Moreover this dam is situated on top of a seismic
fault line with historical record of 7.6 intensity. It will undermine the integrity of Marikina
watershed reservation and violate E. O. 33 given on July 16, 2004, which bans the
settlement, entry, sale or disposition of land in Marikina Watershed by relocating
12,728 upland (indigenous) people to Brgy. San Ysidro.
It will destroy the ecosystems of the towns of Gen. Nakar, Real and Infanta,
like the more or less 3,000 hectares mangrove fish sanctuary and farm irrigation.
Likewise, such actions will endanger Metro Manila of flooding, air pollution and
intensify global warming and climate change.
People have the right to be provided with full information concerning the water
program of the government, the terms and conditions of the private ventures, the
biddings, etc. Unfortunately even NEDA, a government corporation has been in
the dark on the arrangements entered into by MWSS and SMC. MWSS and SMC
cannot invoke their right to confidentiality on a project imbued with public interest
where public funds will be used in the process.
In addition, the project will violate various laws such as the Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) System, the National Integrated Protected Areas System Act (“NIPAS”), the
Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act (“Wildlife Protection Act”),E.O. 33, and
the Indigenous People’s Rights Act (“IPRA”).
Madam President, in their latest report, both Maynilad and Manila Water publicly
declared systems losses of 69% and 20%, respectively, due to leakage problem,
thereby, belying claims of water shortage. In the meantime, consider the possibility of
rehabilitating Wawa Dam since it has served as the main water supply of Metro Manila
for 60 years. With a watershed area of 27,980 hectares, it is capable of continuously
discharging millions of liters of fresh water daily.
For the sake of the common good, we are requesting you, Madam President, to
scrap the Laiban Dam project. Instead, let the government and its agencies focus
their attention on the following:
1. Remedy the leakage problems of Maynilad and Manila Water;
2. Declare Marikina Watershed Reservation as Protected Area under the NIPAS
3. Expedite Reforestation Efforts in Marikina Watershed to increase water
capacity, provide carbon sink and mitigate the impacts of global warming and
climate change.
4. MWSS to pursue its primary mandate of serving the people, the common
good and working closely with environmental groups, LGUs, NGOs and POs. It
must also provide avenues for public discussion and debate concerning a wide
variety of water management options.
We advocate service for the common good and integrity of creation out of our
love for life. We pray that we join our forces together for the sustainable development of our people. God bless you.
Archdiocese of Manila FATHER VIC ARELLANO
Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Auxiliary Bishop of Manila; Chairman, CBCP-NASSA-JP
Diocese of Cubao
Cagayan de Oro Evangelical Convergence
Diocese of Pasig
Office on Muslim Affairs Region X
Diocese of Novaliches MONA LISA PANGAN
Xavier University
Silsilah Dialogue Movement
Silsilah Dialogue Movement
Panday Kalinaw Youth
Diocese of Kalookan
Diocese of Parañaque
Auxiliary Bishop of Antipolo
Bishop- Emeritus, Prelate of Infanta
An Appeal for Fr.
Michael Sinnott, SSC
September 14, 2009
October 29, 2009
Dear President Arroyo:
For many years now, families living in the surroundings of Cavendish banana
plantations in Mindanao have been complaining of getting sick, their crops dying
and water resources contaminated because of aerial spraying. The chemicals
sprayed from airplanes used for bananas indiscriminately expose the people
and the environment to poison.
Various international and local studies point to the hazards of aerial spraying of pesticides on humans and the ecosystems. This was recently proven
by the technical review made by the World Health Organization on the DOH
commissioned study few years ago.
We are one with all affected people of Mindanao in working for their deliverance from this immoral practice of aerial spraying that infringes upon human
health and dignity. We cannot allow their suffering to go on any longer for
anything that offends people, especially the least of our brothers and sisters,
is an offense to God.
As Pope Benedict XV said in his encyclical Letter “Caritas in Veritate,” “the
Church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the public sphere. In so doing, she must defend not only earth, water
and air as gifts of creation that belong to everyone. She must above all protect
mankind from self-destruction.”
We commend the Department of Health (DOH) for standing by and adopting
the key recommendations arising from a study prepared for the DOH by the
Philippine Society of Clinical and Occupational Toxicology and the University of
the Philippines–National Poison Management and Control Center, which recommends among others the banning of aerial spraying. Once more your health
department has proven to us and the whole Filipino people that indeed they are
for the protection of the health of the people especially the most vulnerable.
We therefore recommend and request that her Excellency help the DOH in
strengthening their appeal by issuing an executive order banning permanently
aerial spraying everywhere as soon as possible. This executive order will be
your very valuable legacy of governance. It will surely be remembered by the
next generations as your deep expression of motherly care for them because
you have protected them from dangers of incurable diseases and early death.
Let us remember that we are duty bound as Christians to value life more than
economic gains. We look forward for your immediate response.
Archbishop of Manila
Auxiliary Bishop of Manila; Chairman.CBCP-ECMMC
Auxiliary Bishop of Manila Chairman, CBCP-NASSA-JP
Bishop of Cubao
Bishop of Kalookan; Chairman, CBCP-Public Affairs Commission
Bishop of Novaliches
Bishop of Pasig
Bishop of Parañaque
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Jesus’ kingdom: Not of this world
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year B, (Mark 10:17-30); October 11, 2009
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD
POWER and privilege are
what kingship and ruling
are all about. In times past,
among the basic duties
of the king concerns war
and law: they have to
wage war to protect the
interest of the people, or
protect them from war.
They see to it that there
is order in the kingdom.
Today, among the basic
expectations of the people
from their rulers have to do
with food and justice. They
have power and privilege,
but they have to see to it that
people do not starve, and
provide an ordered society
in which justice prevails.
It happens, however, that
power, by which they can
provide people food and
justice, ironically causes
hunger and injustice. For
as Lord Acton observes,
“power tends to corrupt;
absolute power corrupts
Fr. Francis Ongkingco
‘Youth spells Ondoy’
“SPELL ‘Ondoy’…,” I asked the student in
an interview.
T…Y…,” he answered.
“Spell ‘Ondoy’…,” I asked another eager
lady volunteer.
C…E…,” she replied.
“Last one who wants to spell, ‘Ondoy’…,”
I looked around the students.
he proudly said.
These individuals are not special students
who don’t know how to spell a simple name.
When I interviewed these college students
about their experiences of volunteering in
shuttling relief goods, helping the victims
clean their houses and move their furniture,
and joining the many medical teams, etc.,
none could spell ‘disaster’, ‘sadness’, ‘boring’
or ‘punishment’ from the unprecedented
effects brought about by typhoon Ondoy
(internationally known as Ketsana).
I was interested to know how this
meteorological catastrophe had shaped their
character and views about life. For the great
majority of the students it was their first time
to be involved in such a large scale volunteer
operation. This required a lot of time and
sacrifice on their part: staying up late at
night, having very little food and water,
being deployed to almost any point with
unknown shift hours, and being exposed
to elements that their ‘university shells’ had
kept from them.
“The most difficult task for me,” Iñigo
shared, “was seeing so many people hungry
and tired. We didn’t have enough relief
goods. But it moved me how disciplined
and how they patiently waited for their
“I was involved with organizing the
distribution of the relief goods,” Calai, a
young professional said. “It was quite a
headache to determine how to systematically
distribute the help and to those who
really needed it. All this, however, was so
“At first, I was all excited and geared up for
this new adventure!” Jake said. “Imagine, it
was my first time to be deployed and spend
ten to twelve hours just ferrying people and
goods! I was also excited when I learned we
were going to ride a helicopter. But as the
hours of work piled upon my shoulders, I
began to be more consoled to see the people’s
generosity and cooperation.”
“Yup, that’s what I thought at first,” Iñigo
interrupted. “But when we saw that the
bigger picture didn’t allow us to make our
own choices or simply to enjoy the ride, I
became aware of how serious things were
and how much people really needed our
The experiences of these students, however,
do not remain on the experiential level. Many
of them share how it has contributed to a
deeper spiritual conversion.
Iñigo for example says, “Hey, dude. I’m
not saying that I want this stuff to be a
lifetime thing. But it has helped me to be
more generous, to think more about the
others and always to be ready to give a hand
to anyone, anytime...”
“I agree with you,” Jake said. “I guess only
a few of us [students] will really get into this
stuff professionally. But, like when I went
home dead tired to rest for a few hours, I was
lying in bed. But I just couldn’t rest thinking,
‘I can’t just sit comfortable here while a lot
of people still need help.’ I immediately left
the house and reported to the Red Cross to
be deployed again.”
I then asked Jake if he could say something
to the other young people who didn’t have
the chance to get involved in such a lifetime
“I guess, it’s simply that they shouldn’t
wait for something big to come along in
life. Anyone is already helping if he really
strives to do the little things well. And doing
this everyday in the most ordinary things
at home and at school, like studying well,
doing their chores and whatever.”
The idealism of youth has converted this
disaster into an opportunity to discover
and experience more than what they could
get when listening to their iPods, going
to malls and watching movies, spending
hours of surfing the Internet in Facebook,
Multiply, Flickr and Twitter; or worse,
and spending a week-long of suspended
classes in a moldy couch watching cable
T.V. or playing video games. These young
volunteers, as well as many others, have
discovered something more than what a
“virtual life” could offer.
Ondoy had given them entirely new and
priceless lessons in generosity, sacrifice,
service, compassion, prayer and love. It is
precisely this experience that helped them
realize that they can answer a call to greater
adventures—both human and divine—in
life when they open their hearts and minds
to the God’s invitation and their neighbors’
Bo Sanchez
Always give your best struggle
I PREACH in my prayer group.
And every time I preach, I
always find three or four or five
people in the audience who sleep
through my talks. Repeat: Every
time. It doesn’t matter what I do,
whether I crack a joke, scream
till my larynx dies, or I murder
someone in the front row—it will
have the same effect on them:
Zzzzzzzzz... That’s right, they
snore. In four voices, no less.
Because they’re the same
people who always nap, I know
them quite well.
Like I know their permanent
seating arrangement in the
And I know exactly when each
one will fall asleep. With clockwork
precision, one guy sleeps at my
third sentence, while the woman
with the flowery blouse signs off
on my fifth. The rest doze off the
moment I enter the stage. (I get
paranoid sometimes. Do I really
look that boring?)
I also know their favorite
sleeping postures.
There are only two major ones
really. The most popular is what I
call the Wet Look: After the head
bobs up and down for awhile, it
finally tilts forward. Count ten
seconds and drool flows liberally
from chin to lap or chin to floor.
Because of this, I limit my talks
to forty-five minutes, max.
Anything longer than that and
the entire audience would need
knee-high boots to go home.
The second most popular
sleeping position, I call
Hallelujah Forever. This time,
the head is tilted way back, and—
gloriously—the mouth is wide
open. The same way a mouth
opens when a world-class tenor is
singing the final “jah” of Handel’s
Hallelujah. Except this one won’t
stop. His orifice is so wide, I can
tell you his entire dental history
from twenty feet away. Three
molars filled, one root-canalled,
and a mild case of gingivitis. If
I get any nearer, I can give you
an endoscopy report.
But lest you think I’m angry at
them, I want to say that I really
admire their struggle to come
despite their obvious exhaustion.
First of all, they’re a loyal bunch.
They’re present every prayer
meeting! (Physically, at least.)
God knows they’re tired, and He
honors the struggle they’re going
through to be there.
Because when I’m tired, I too
sometimes fall asleep in my daily
prayers. When my wife catches
me, I just tell her that I practice a
very “deep” kind of meditation
where I “rest” in the God’s
Presence. She doesn’t buy it.
But curiously, I think my God
does. Because He hasn’t thrown
a lightning rod towards my
direction yet. I bet He even laughs
at my wet look or hallelujah forever
posture. I guess He also honors
my struggle to pray despite my
exhaustion—and that struggle of
mine really pleases Him.
We have a funny God.
We have a God that demands
that we give the best to Him. But if
the best we can give is faulty and
weak, He accepts what we give
to Him anyway and transforms
it to become the best. Even when
we flounder and fall and stumble,
He’ll know if we gave Him our
best struggle.
He’ll know.
And He’ll laugh with you and
tell you to struggle again.
P.S. By the way, I’ve overcome
my paranoia. These people sleep
not because I’m boring. They
sleep because, like Mahatma
Gandhi, I’m a very peaceful
human being, and consequently,
have a strange calming effect on
others… Mwahahahaha…
Indeed, it is scarcely untruthful
to say that there is something
demonic in political power. And
one who holds it normally finds
it difficult to relinquish it. The
privileges that are attendant
upon it are hard to give up. No
wonder, once one is in power,
he makes an effort to hold on to
it, even by hook or by crook. It
is not easy to say no to political
power and its trappings.
Because it corrupts, deception,
graft, corruption, abuse,
oppression and repression are
often connected with it. Thus,
though we change those who
hold political power time and
again, society scarcely exhibits
itself as evolving into a more
just and more humane one. One
often gets the impression that it
is a case of the same dog, with
different collar. That is how it
goes in the kingdoms of this
In today’s Gospel on the
account of Jesus’ trial before
Pilate, Jesus said that his
kingdom is not of this world:
“My kingdom does not belong
to this world. If my kingdom
did belong to this world, my
attendants would be fighting
to keep me from being handed
over to the Jews. But as it is,
my kingdom is not here” (John
18:36). This does not mean, of
course, that Jesus’ kingdom has
nothing to do with this world.
It does not even mean that his
kingdom cannot be found in this
world. In the theology of John,
the word “world” as used in
this pericope means the world
of sin. If anything, what Jesus
said means that his rule does
not belong to this world of sin,
a world that values political
power and social privileges,
where there is domination,
where rulers lord it over people,
and make their importance felt.
Hence, he cannot be a king in the
sense Pilate understood it:”You
say I am a king” (John 18:37).
How then do we look at the
kingship of Jesus? We can
understand his kingship if we
consider how Jesus understood
his kingdom. According to him,
it is a kingdom of truth (John
18:37). Truth, in John, echoes
the meaning of Wisdom 6:22
which associates it with God’s
hidden plan of salvation, and
in Daniel 10:21 which connects
it with the designs of God for
the time of salvation. Thus,
unlike Caesar, Jesus did not
have soldiers who were armed
to protect him, nor people who
were at his beck and call (John
18:36b), but certainly he had
followers—those who hear his
voice, which is the truth (John
18:37c). These are the disciples,
the believers, his sheep (John
10:16; 8:47). Having considered
this, we now understand Jesus’
kingship. He is a King in the
sense that he is the embodiment
of truth (John 14:6), and all his
words and his deeds testify to
it (John18:37b). Moreover, he
testified to that truth with his
death; so, in his crucifixion he
is the King (John 19:19).
Viewed in this light, we can
easily understand why Jesus’
kingship is not of this world.
However, still, it has to do
with this world. For the truth
is opposed to this world of sin
and division; not surprisingly
enough, it hates the testimony
of Jesus (John 7:2). This world
cannot accept the values of
his kingdom—truth, justice,
peace, liberation, equality and
participation. But Christians
cannot despair. For few they
may be, yet those who hear
the truth and believe in him
will eventually conquer the
world: “Who indeed is the
victor over the world but the
one who believes that Jesus is
the Son of God?”(1 John 5:4).
In this feast of the Kingship of
Jesus, John then has this to say
to us: Jesus is a King and has a
Kingdom. But if we are to share
in his kingship, we must listen
to his voice. By listening to his
voice, we turn earthly values
upside down: better to be poor
than to be rich, to suffer than to
persecute, to be weak than to be
powerful, to be utilized than to
exploit. We no longer imitate
the current language of power
and privilege. On the contrary,
we follow him in discipleship,
offering our very self on the
cross, in which we can find our
victory and vindication. In our
crucifixion, we reign with him.
In this reign, we experience
wholeness, love, truth, justice
and peace. By this kingdom
which is not of this world, we
will conquer the kingdom of
this world.
Bishop Pat Alo
IF it’s part of the Ten Commandments that we respect
authority, beginning with our parents, it is because that’s
for our own protection. God’s word says it so: “You must
obey all governing authorities. Since all government comes
from God, the civil authorities were appointed by God,
and so anyone who resists authority is rebelling against
God’s decision, and such an act is bound to be punished”
(Rom. 13:1-3).
Look back in history. The rebellious angels were cast
away from heaven and now they tempt man to do the
same. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, violated God’s
command and were expelled from Paradise. It’s the same
tune of their temptations. That’s why the battle-cry of St.
Michael who fought in God’s name against the rebellious
angels is within his own name, which in Hebrew means
“who is like unto God.”
Obedience therefore shows our faithfulness to God for
it is God who is the reason for our obedience. The great
master in prayer and mystical theology, St. John of the Cross,
a Carmelite, wrote in his Cautions against falling into the
devil’s snares. He says the devil usually portrays evil under
the guise of good so as to tempt people. Obedience, according
to St. John of the Cross, is a protection of our virtue. Thus,
he advises not to go outside the line of obedience by doing
whatever may seem a great success or charitable action.
Even making the human defects or qualities of a superior
or authority a condition for obedience is not appropriate,
lest it become purely a human obedience, not an obedience
to the invisible God to whom we owe all our loyalty. The
devil tends to attract with the feeling of power and freedom
telling us we can then be like gods. That is how he deceived
Adam and Eve to disobey God and thus were expelled from
Paradise and lost all other privileges (cf. Gen. 3:1-24).
If the Lord asks our obedience and humility, it is for
our own good and protection. God’s only begotten Son
shows this in His prayer at the Gethsemane garden. Thus
He prayed: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away
from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine” (Lk.
22:42). The things Jesus did out of obedience turn out to be
the very essence of success and victory, in spite of apparent
failure and frustration. That’s why in the long history of
the Church, priests and religious persons recognize that
of all the promises or vows made, the vow or promise of
obedience is the pre-eminent one. Those who sacrifice lives
for obedience to God are cause for victory of the Church. As
the writers of Church history attest, the blood of martyrs
is the seed of Christianity.
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
The concept of cooperativism
I HAVE always been interested in the concept
of cooperativism. It combines the seemingly
odd pair of business and social development
which is my academic background in college and
graduate studies. My graduate thesis of decades
ago compared two pre-cooperatives or the socalled “samahang nayon” to bring out the factors
that would spell for the success of running such
an organization. I really rooted for the success of
cooperatives because I have always thought that
amidst the many unfair or uneven circumstances in
life, cooperativism offers an opportunity of fairness
and a sense of unity for the people. To borrow the
definition of a cooperative by the Cooperative
Development Authority:
“A cooperative is an autonomous and duly
registered association of persons, with a common
bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined
together to achieve their social, economic and
cultural needs and aspirations by making equitable
contributions to the capital required, patronizing
their products and services and accepting a fair
share of risks and benefits of the undertaking
in accordance with the universally accepted
cooperative principles.”
It brings together people of the same interest
or with the same cause, and creates a spirit of
community among the members. Membership is
voluntary, not coerced, and is open to everyone
regardless of race, religion or political affiliations.
The cooperative organization is an independent
formation and run in a democratic way with
members have equal voting rights on a one-member,
one-vote principle. Members actively participate in
the economic or business affairs of the cooperative,
and benefit in proportion to their transactions.
Latest data from the Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA) show that a total of 2,056 were
newly registered cooperatives from January to
December 2006. Among the single-purpose co-ops,
credit cooperatives belonged to the biggest group
at 115, compared to consumer (34), producer (46),
marketing (18) and service (64) cooperatives. Credit
Photo courtesy of CBCP-NASSA
By Gemma Marin
cooperatives have always been observed to take
the biggest slice among the single-purpose co-ops
because of the constant need for capital of individual
members, small capital requirements on the part
of the cooperative organization to embark on the
business, and the conduct of simple transactions
(until delinquent accounts pile up, and the co-op
is faced with huge collection problems).
In response to the various needs of members, many
cooperatives expand in a matter of time to engage in
another business endeavor which is usually trading
of consumer items, hence converting the same coop into a multi-purpose cooperative (MPC). As
of the same period of January to December 2006,
CDA reported 699 multi-purpose agricultural and
1,074 multi-purpose non-agricultural cooperatives,
comprising the bulk at 34% and 52% of newly
registered co-ops, respectively.
The need for capital of member-individuals and
cooperatives is indeed one of the foremost concerns
of the National Confederation of Cooperatives
(NATCCO). Established in 1977 primarily to
provide co-op education to its members, it has
progressed through the years to now offer a
sophisticated range of financial and non-financial
services to its network members. As a financial
service provider, it provides wholesale lending
to cooperatives and enhanced its money transfer
services. Its financial products include credit cards,
debit cards, fund management of the coop’s surplus
funds, microfinance (which they call Microfinance
Innovations in Cooperatives or MICOOP) and
For its non-financial services, training and
consultancy has been the network’s core business
development service aimed at professionalizing and
enhancing the knowledge and skills of its primaries.
It also engages in corn and sugar marketing,
established a coop mart, offers opportunities for
settlements under its housing coop, and ventured
into travel and tours operations, among many
Over and above the aforementioned services
already offered for co-ops, there is still a call for
cooperatives to galvanize their efforts and to unite
even more for the good of their individual members,
their organization and the community to which it
belongs. In the past and perhaps until today, many
cooperatives have been organized to comply with a
requirement by government or to receive donations
of benefits from some private agency. Once benefits
are received, this kind of cooperatives disintegrates
given no basis of unity.
Nothing beats a cooperative organization that
is initiated by the members themselves. It is in
their unity and strength that they can leverage to
enjoy more services from external organizations.
Whether for financial or business development
services, government and private institutions prefer
to deal with organized communities. The Land
Bank of the Philippines, for instance, courses its
wholesale funds through organizations, specifically
cooperatives, than through individuals due to the
hefty costs attendant to transacting with the latter.
These big financial institutions take calculated risks,
and dealing with a stable cooperative organization
helps minimize the risks.
Cooperatives in the Philippines have been in
existence for almost a century now, and yet continue
to be relevant and recognized even if other formal
and informal organizations have evolved. The
selling point here is the unity of members and the
many opportunities that the co-op brings to its
individual members.
Tabuk / B3
new Bishop tried to emphasize
the need for the ongoing
formation of the Clergy and the
Religious priests and sisters. He
was convinced that as Pastoral
Leaders, we need to know each
other better and learn how to
work in teams on the Vicariate
level. This would serve as an
experiential model of team
leadership and stewardship
that could be translated into
the parish level in terms of our
evangelization programs. He
insisted on a two-day monthly
meeting and recollection for all
priests and sisters. It was quite a
new experience in the Vicariate
that we have to come every
month for the meetings.
One of the first tasks during
his first months in his episcopacy
was the re-organization of
some of the Commissions that
were then defunct and of the
Mission Council that until now
serves as the decision-making
body of the Vicariate. Till now,
the organizational structure
of the commissions serves as
the backbone for our ministry.
Each of the pastoral workers
is encouraged to function in
one commission in accordance
to his or her capabilities and
giftedness. The following are
the seven major Commissions
that we have:
The Faith and Doctrine
At the moment, this
commission constitutes four
desks namely: the Catechetical
Desk; the Biblical Apostolate
Desk; Liturgical Desk; and the
Family and Life Desk. Aside
from these, they also take care of
issues concerning hospital work;
prison apostolate; mandated
organization concerns.
In a nutshell, the Faith and
Doctrine Commission takes care
of the spirituality of the whole
The Formation Commission
This Commission takes charge
of ongoing formation sessions
of our pastoral workers (priests
and sisters) and also the concerns
about Initial Formation of our
seminarians. Two big projects
are currently being worked out,
namely: the Galilee Foundation
for the studies of seminarians and
the Caritas Dei Foundation for
the Diocesan Clergy’s retirement
It is also the task of this
Commission to ensure that
recollections and retreats are
scheduled and other ongoing
formation programs in and out of
the Vicariate. During this Year for
Priests, much of animation and
prayer is needed in support for
the apostolate of our priests.
Social Action Commission
As its name imply, the Social
action ventures in taking
charge of the Socio-Economic
services, Political, Religious,
Environmental and Cultural
involvements of the Vicariate.
The Bigasan ng Bayan that they
supervise is an enormous help for
the indigents. We are also closely
linked with the KARSA (KalingaApayao Religious Sectors
Association), an ecumenical
movement comprising of more
than 15 participating church
denominations concerned
about social justice and other
peace issues in this part of the
country. Alongside with this
is our partnership with Heifer
International and the Child Fund
Japan, two non-government
agencies that are serving a good
number of clients around here. Education Commission
Our Ed-Com members oversee
all our schools comprising of
one college, 10 high schools and
three elementary departments. A
monthly meeting of directors and
principals takes place in order to
pave the way of centralizing our
school system. It is still a tedious
undertaking as the schools have
been originally functioning
so differently from each other
in terms of salary and tuition
fee scales; grading systems;
and some policies – before
they were handed over to the
Vicariate when it was time for
the missionaries to leave.
Youth Commission
The Youth Commission
has so far organized several
activities on the parish and
vicariate levels over the past
years. Spiritual Formation;
Catechesis; Development
Projects; Leadership training and
other skills formation are in the
pipeline. It is our hope that our
youths may pursue their goals
based on Christian foundations.
Meanwhile, they look forward
to the Asian Youth Days—an
opportunity for the youth leaders
to meet their counterparts from
all over Asia.
Finance Commission
The Finance Commission
takes care of our temporal needs.
Aside from the grueling work
of record keeping and financial
reports, they assist the pastoral
workers to be in line with our
calling as good stewards of our
resources. It is not an easy task.
It demands patience and so much
trust in Divine Providence as
they manage a “treasury without
The B.E.C. Coordinators
The BEC team is not really
a commission per se but a
coordinating body that roves all
over the Vicariate to help orient
our parishes with the dynamics
of BEC. They train leaders and
encourage our people to be more
self-reliant and self-sustaining.
Pilot parishes are followed up so
closely. Their focus is mainly to
keep the vision-mission alive in
the minds of the faithful, while
forming among themselves
Christ-centered communities.
Other Programs and Services
The Cultural Heritage Research
Center Al on g s i d e w it h a ll t he
evangelization concerns is a
quite specialized task that
is linked with the St. Louis
College of Bulanao. This is the
establishment of the Cultural
Heritage Research Center whose
main purpose is to help bring
about lasting peace in Kalinga.
Since its inception in 2004, it
has now crystallized into eight
different components that could
be spelled out with the word
PRECEPTS i.e., Peacemakers
m ov e m e n t ; R e sea r c h a nd
documentation; Education and
information drive; Children
values formation programs;
Earth care; Pastoral Counseling
; Teaching museum and School
of Living Tradition.
The SLCB-CHRC is on its
fifth year now since Bishop
Andaya founded it to cater to
peace advocacy work as a major
concern. Perhaps, in our present
context, a more effective way
of evangelizing our people is
to enter through the portals of
cultural perspectives.
I would like to focus a bit
more on the PEACEMAKERS’
MOVEMENT that has been
the inspiration to establish the
CHRC. It all started with a prayer
request written on an envelope
which states: “please pray for the
repose of the soul of my son who
was killed and for the spiritual
renewal of the killer’. The mother
who prayed for these intentions
took courage to stop the cycle of
revenge and counter-revenge.
Then a movement followed
so naturally with the coming
together of nine families with
similar predicaments.
MOVEMENT was born on
March 20, 2004, the first day of
the twelve-day pilgrimage of the
miraculous statue of Our Lady
of Piat in the Vicariate of Tabuk.
It was indeed a very significant
occasion to dedicate our cause
to our Lady of Peace! Then we
coined the acronym of PIAT to
be Peace In All Towns. Hope has
dawned to smash the chains of
revenge and tribal hostilities.
It was seen as relevant and
significant to create a group to
facilitate counter-consciousness
and advocate non-violence that
could work on this cultural
facet of peace in the Kalingas.
With the vision of evolving a
sensitive cultural pattern that
could overcome the distortion
of prevailing cultural practices
of revenge and counter-revenge,
the Peacemakers’ Movement
consists of families and friends
of people who have been killed
because of tribal conflicts,
atrocities or criminal acts. The
members of the Peacemakers’
Movement had been victims of
tribal wars due to a murder of
a loved one yet the bereaved
families refuse to take any
form of revenge; while at
the same time seeking justice
through civil courts or cultural
negotiations and settlements.
In other words, the focus of the
PMM is to be of help to widows
and orphans of victims of tribal
As its founder wrote: “The
Peacemakers’ Movement works
on the basic premise that,
vengeance is at God’s disposal,
not anyone else (Rom. 12:19)
and nobody should kill anybody
(Deut. 5:17). It ruminates the
very words of Jesus Christ to
“Love your enemies and do good
to those who hate you” (Luke
6:27). Tribal enemies shall learn
the ways of reconciliation and
forgiveness. Hands would not be
raised to smite in violence but to
cuddle in peace for Christ affirms:
“Blessed are the peacemakers for
they shall be called children
of God!”(Matthew 5:9). Tribal
enemies shall embrace to become
brothers and sisters. Faith in
the Lord and trust in His Word
has inspired the start of the
movement. Kairos has come;
now is the time when Christian
principles and Gospel values
are more eloquent in flourishing
deeds of love, reconciliation and
The Lin-awa Development and
Rehabilitation Center
Another very important
outreach program of the
Vicariate is the service for the
physically challenged. Children
who needed physical therapy
treatments and SPED training
were first served at the Vicariate
Pastoral Center and at the parish
hall respectively. But then the
number increased that it was
already needed to establish a
more permanent rehabilitation
center. Bishop Carlito Cenzon
together with the SIHM Sisters
acquired funding to put up
the center, thus, the Lin-awa
Development and Rehabilitation
Center took roots. Today, the
center provides services for
hundreds of physically and
mentally challenged clients and
their families.
Our journey continues…
So much has yet to be done.
It is only with willing hearts
and minds to respond to God’s
gracious call that the message
of the Good News be lived
among our people. And we
need generous men and women
to join us as we continue our
journey. We continually rely on
the intercession of our Blessed
Mother who followed her Son
closely on the road of true
Kids / B4
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Each of us is ruled by and
defined by our habits. However,
while the habits of our adult
years get increasingly resistant to
change, the habits of childhood
and adolescence are quite plastic.
While this statement may seem
like a magnificent platitude, the
question remains, why do so few
parents and educators focus their
attention on habit formation?
Instead of anxiously planting
Jack and Jill in front of the television
screen, the good parent should
help them acquire habits such
as persistence, self-control and
define good students and treasured
employees. A character marked by
these habits knows how to set a goal
andget a job done, whether it isacing
an exam or getting a scholarship.
The root of “character” is the
Greek word “to engrave.” Parents
can do a great deal to help a child
groove good habits, but at a
certain point the job of engraving
a character must be shifted to
the young person. Convincing a
young person of the significance
and importance of crafting his
or her character is, though, the
central duty of parents. The work of
character building is slow and long,
but the rewards for both parent and
child are monumental.
The key to how to increase one’s
CQ has been known by wise people
throughout history. Aristotle told
us that a man becomes brave by
doing wise acts and honest by
doing honest acts. However, before
Aristotle, Confucius captured the
essence of character formation in
a short poem:
Sow a thought. Reap an action.
Sow an action. Reap a habit.
Sow a habit. Reap a character.
Sow a character. Reap a destiny.
(Kevin Ryan founded the Center
for the Advancement of Ethics and
Character at Boston University,
where he is professor emeritus. This
article is published with permission
by MercatorNet.)
Moral Assessment
Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is
a loving father and husband until
his wife and his daughter are raped
and murdered during a home
invasion. But a messed up forensic
investigation compromises the
findings. Prosecutor Nick Rice
(Jamie Foxx) decides to make a deal
with Darby (Christian Stolte), the
actual rapist and murderer, and pin
down Rupert Ames (Josh Stewart)
on a theft charge. Rice argues that
what matters is not what it right
but what can be proven in court.
Ten years after, Ames is executed
by lethal injection but suffers
an agonizing death because of a
chemical alternation. Soon after
Darby is abducted and brutally
dismembered by Shelton . When
police arrest and incarcerate
Shelton , a series of brutal killings
take place after the latter’s requests
are denied or not served on time.
Shelton emphasizes to Rice that the
killings are not mere retribution
for his family but defiance for the
failure of the justice system.
Law Abiding Citizen is a chilling
drama which illustrates how
the failure of justice eventually
destroys lives and humanity.
Butler , Foxx and Stolte deliver
an outstanding and authentic
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Technical Assessment
 Abhorrent
 Disturbing
 Acceptable
 Wholesome
 Poor
 Below average
 Average
 Above average
 E
portrayal of their characters. The
camerawork and editing keep
up with the action and suspense.
Entertainment-wise, the movie
accomplishes its goal. The plot,
however, is a little cheesy and
exaggerated. The movie feels like
one of the local films where the
hero is always pushed to his limits
and forced to seek revenge against
the bad guys. Director Gary Grey
was not successful in maintaining
sympathy for the protagonist
turned anti-hero because as the
violence progresses, the film
becomes another serial-slasher
movie as one man searches for
Vengeance has been
romanticized time and again as
people turn to St. Paul’s letter to
the Romans stating, “Vengeance
is mine”, and conveniently leaving
or forgetting the part which states,
“says the Lord”. With this in mind,
some people can now rationalize
acts of violence and retribution
in their search for justice. From a
little child’s small and sometimes
hilarious manner of getting even to
the brutal and violent and at times
legalized ways of obtaining justice,
revenge has become a way of life.
But getting even, getting back,
Title: Law Abiding Citizen
Cast: Jamie Foxx, Gerard
Butler, Viola Davis, Bruce
McGill, Leslie Bibb, Colm
Meaney, Regina Hall
Director: F. Gary Gray
Producers: Gerard Butler, Lucas Foster, Mark Gill
Screenwriter: Kurt Wimmer
Music: Brian Tyler
Editor: Tariq Anwar
Genre: Drama
Cinematography: Jonathan
Distributor: Overture Films
Location: Philadelphia
Running Time: 109 min.
Technical Assessment: 
Moral Assessment: 
CINEMA Rating: For mature
viewers 18 and above
revenge or however it is termed
can never be righteous and good.
We cannot correct a wrongdoing
with another crime or sin. We need
to remember that as human beings
we are asked to be compassionate
and as Christians we are expected
to forgive and be merciful.
Although the film makes a strong
statement against systematized
injustice it does so in a very brutal
and violent manner. The theme
and treatment are for mature
audiences only.
Ni Bladimer Usi
Buhay Parokya
Look for the images of Pope
Gregory VII, Holy Water Font
and Holy Trinity.(Illustration
by Bladimer Usi)
Title: Estasyon
Cast: Mon Confiado, Klaudia Coronel, Christian Galindo,
Diana Alferez
Director: Cesar Apolinario
Producer: Cesar Apolinario
Screenwriters: Chris Lim, Cesar Apolinario
Music: Jerrold Tarog
Editor: Miguel Araneta
Genre: Drama
Cinematography: Jay Linao
Distributor: Huge Screen Small Pictures
Location: Philippines
Running Time: 100 min.
Technical Assessment:  ½
Moral Assessment:  ½
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 14 and above
Sa kagustuhang makagawa ng may saysay na pelikula,
susubukan ni Martin (Mon Confiado) na gawan ng
dokyumentaryo ang panata ng mga deboto sa Quiapo sa pista
ng Poong Nazareno. Dito niya makikilala si Christian (Christian
Galindo), isang tinedyer mula sa Laguna na naglakbay mag-isa
patungo sa pista upang ipahid ang dala-dalang puting panyo
sa Poong Nazareno sa pag-asang ito ang magpapagaling sa
maysakit na ina (Klaudia Koronel). Sasamahan at susundan ni
Martin si Christian sa pagsusubok nitong makalapit sa Poon.
Makakapanayam pa niya ito at dito malalaman ni Martin ang
kuwentong-buhay ni Christian habang patungo sa pista ng
Nazareno. Makuha kaya ni Christian ang inaasam na himala?
Nagnais ang pelikula na gumawa ng makabuluhang kuwento
ukol sa isang sikat na debosyon sa pamamagitan ng paggamit
ng paralelismo sa daan ng krus ni Hesukristo at sa buhay ng
isang deboto. Sa ganitong konsepto nais palabasin ng direktor
ang paghahalo ng katotohanan sa kathang-isip. Ngunit sayang
at hindi ito ang naipalabas ng pelikula. Maraming nais sabihin
ang kuwento na hindi nito naipamalas sapagkat kulang sa
masusing pananaliksik ang kabuuan ng istorya. Mahusay
naman ang pagkakaganap ng mga pangunahing tauhan lalo na
si Koronel at maganda rin ang potograpiya ngunit hindi pa rin
naging epektibo ang kabuuan ng pelikula. Marahil ay talagang
hindi naging sigurado ang mga nasa likod ng pelikula kung ano
ba talaga ang nais nilang sabihin at kitang-kita ang pagkalitong
ito sa pagkakalahad ng kuwento.
Isang matinding pagkuwestiyon sa pananampalatayang
Katoliko ang Estasyon. Sa isang banda, dapat nga namang
suriing maigi ang mga debosyon at panata kung ang mga ito
ay sadyang nakakatulong sa pag-unlad ng buhay ispiritwal ng
isang tao o nagiging instrumento lamang ba ito ng panatisismo
tulad ng sa mga pagano. Ngunit napako ang pananaw ng
mga gumawa ng pelikula sa negatibong aspeto lamang ng
debosyon, at hindi na nila nakita ang kagandahan at maging
ang pinagmulan ng isang debosyon na tulad sa Poong
Nazareno. Kapwa naghahanap ang mga pangunahing tauhan
ng kahulugan sa maling lugar, sa maling oras at sa maling
intensiyon. Sa aspetong ito, nakababahala ang ninais iparating
ng pelikula. Pawang walang silbi ang relihiyon, ang simbahan
at kung ano pa mang pananampalataya sa pagpapayabong
ng buhay ng sangkatauhan. Isa itong mababaw na pagtingin
sa isang pananampalatayang nananatiling matatag sa loob ng
mahigit 2,000 taon. Oo nga’t may kahirapan, may karahasan,
may kawalang-katarungan, kawalang-pag-asa at kahalayan,
ngunit hindi masisisi ang relihiyon dito kung tutuusin. Kita
naman sa pelikula na walang pagkukusa ang mga tauhan na
alamin at palalimin ang kani-kanilang debosyon kung kaya’t
nagiging pawang mababaw ang kanilang pananampalataya.
Ngunit tahasan na itong hinusgahan ang relihiyon sa kabuuan.
Nariyang ipakitang suot ng isang babaeng halos walang saplot
ang rosaryo at lantarang itapon ni Martin. Na sa bandang huli
ay binawi naman ng paghalik niya dito. Ngunit hindi pa rin
malinaw kung ito nga ay pagbabalik-loob o gawa pa rin ng
kanyang pagkalito. Mas mabigat ang mga binitiwan niyang
salita sa huli: “Ninais ko lang ipakita ang kawalang-kabuluhan
ng anumang debosyon at relihiyon.” Sa mga nagugulumihanan
at naghahanap ng kahulugan sa kanilang pananampalataya,
hindi makakatulong ang pelikulang tulad nito.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus
Forum held on October 27, 2009 at SMCity Events Center, Baliuag Bulacan. The forum was facilitated by the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI), Knights of Columbus, Shoemart and the
Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Inc. Commissioner Rene Sarmiento was the prime speaker during the event. Similar fora have been facilitated by civic organizations like the K of C and the DMI, which is said to be one of the
reasons cited for the increased voters’ registration and awareness.
KCFAPI together with Bulacan K of C,
DMI, DSWD and SM City Baliuag hosts
voters’ education forum
(L-R) Grand Knight Harry Curia, DMI Regent and KCFAPI Executive Vice President
Ma. Theresa Curia, President Antonio Borromeo, Comm. Rene Sarmiento, Mayor
Romeo Estrella and Mrs. Sonia Estrella during the voters’ education seminar.
Comm. Rene V. Sarmiento together with the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI)
Rosarian Circle, Makinabang Baliuag, Bulacan.
THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines,
Inc. (KCFAPI) together with the Knights of Columbus (K of C) Rosarial
Council 10104 headed by Grand Knight Harry Curia with the Daughters
of Mary Immaculate (DMI) Rosarian Circle led by Regent Ma. Theresa
Curia hosted a voters’ education forum last October 27 at the SM Events
Center in Baliuag, Bulacan.
The voters’ education was held in coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) headed by Ms. Jo Labasbas together with Architect Andrew Cristobal and Ms. Jenne
Teodoro and LG Officials led by Mayor Romy Estrella.
The forum, which was attended by more than 2,000 people from Bulacan was meant to help educate the voters on poll automation that will be introduced for the first time in next year’s national and local elections.
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Commissioner Rene V. Sarmiento, an active member of the
Knights of Columbus, was the main resource speaker who discussed in detail the voting process, various features of the machine to attain clean and transparent elections and some of the alternatives that
have been planned in case of unexpected occurrences.
Sarmiento also discussed the necessary preparations that COMELEC has been doing to attain
a “smooth sailing” election.
He also gave assurance that COMELEC will disclose to the political parties the source code
that will be used in the automated election system.
“The source code contains the readable instructions on how the machine will operate. This will
be made available for political parties for them to justify that no marking has been made yet in
the machine,” the COMELEC commissioner stated.
Fraternal counselors and other KC members in the area, led by District Deputy Ronnie Robles
participated in the forum.
Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Executive Vice-President of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) and Regent of Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI);
Ronulfo Antero G. Infante, Senior IT Manager of the Management Information Systems Department, Gari M. San Sebastian, Fraternal Benefits Services Manager and volunteer educators of
KCFAPI were also in attendance. (KCFAPI News)
Intramuros residents,
barangay officials attend
voters’ education forum
AT least 50 residents and officials of Barangay
655 in Intramuros, Manila attended the voters’
education forum conducted by the Knights of
Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI).
The forum was held October 30, 2009 at the
Barangay Hall of the said area.
Headed by Mr. Edwin B. Dawal, Manager of
the BC Holders’ Relations Office, together with
Mr. Basil Occeño, Assistant Manager of Mace
Insurance Agency, Inc. and Mr. Andrei Rosana,
a former Underwriting staff, the activity was
made possible.
The presenters first introduced the vision of
the Voters’ Education campaign, which is to
educate the people on the right voting process
at the 2010 automated national elections.
“Basically, ang tinuro namin ay kung paano
yung voting process, kung paano ang tamang
shading sa mga bilog, kung anu yung mga hindi
iko-consider kapag mali yung pagshade,” he
The facilitators also discussed other issues
relevant to the first automated national elections
that will be held next year.
The group ended the discussion with a question
for the participants, “Ngayong educated na kayo
tungkol sa kung paano ang pagboto sa automated
election, ilan ang mai-educate ninyo sa inyong
pamilya, o komunidad?” (KCFAPI News)
KCFAPI Fraternal Benefits Services Manager Gari San Sebastian with DSWD head
Jo Labasbas during the voters’ education forum held last October 27.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Patrocinio R. Bacay
THE national election has been in every Filipino’s mind, young and old, rich and poor. For many years, election time has been branded as the national past-time in the country. How come a very important event in
the life of a country acquired such a lowly nomenclature? Is it perhaps that people often times do not take it
seriously enough to use their time and spend effort in convincing themselves to be aware of what is going on?
Unfortunately, it is only those who have vested interests who take active role in every election we have. We
have all been witnesses to the tragedies of making wrong choices when it comes to committed leadership.
Once more, every Filipino voter should feel important because he can personally help determine the future
of his country. Perhaps a change of mindset can be good if each one will make his right of suffrage a sacred
responsibility, in the sense that his time and effort will not be wasted in making it his business to be aware
of current changes such as the poll automation in this particular election come May 10, 2010. It is important
that each voter take initiative educating himself on this new process of voting and feel responsible for helping
others to use this method intelligently. Let us seriously try to know about the people whom we will choose
to lead us. We are a Christian nation. We put high values for honesty, for integrity, for competence and for
their priorities.
As always, we pray for a good election day and ask our God to enlighten us in choosing the right people to
make this country part of a truly Christian world.
Antonio B. Borromeo
IN about six months’ time, we will have our new
political leaders. It is timely, therefore, that all voting
citizens be educated with regard to poll automation.
The Commission on Elections has been educating
the public through various organizations in different
occasions. KCFAPI has been part of this voters’ education by creating a team working hand in hand with COMELEC. The team’s project theme
is: “Neighbors Helping Neighbors Understand Poll Automation.” Its mission is to educate
the voting population regarding the new system of voting by initiating a network of social
awareness. This is being done through formal seminars, group or individual discussions
and through posters and flyers. KCFAPI together with Commissioner Rene V. Sarmiento
had its first formal voters’ education last September 9 at the Head Office of KCFAPI, the
next one was held in Cabanatuan. Last October 10, he was one of the speakers during the
Luzon Convention and he also spoke at the SM Events Center Baliuag, Bulacan last October
27 about poll automation. This campaign of educating the electorate will go on until April
of 2010. This is one way by which KCFAPI is responding to the needs of the times which is
to educate the Filipino voter. It is also another way of showing its commitment to corporate
social responsibility. KCFAPI will always be at the forefront of activities for the good of the
Knights of Columbus Order and the nation. Whoever said that KCFAPI is only concerned
in providing fraternal benefits to our members?
‘I cried like a baby when my father died’
By Arsenio Isidro G. Yap
(This is a tribute to my father who was
a 4th Degree Knight and the Treasurer of
Gomburza Co. 5310 at the time of his abduction. I wish to share this story to all brother
knights who have already lost their fathers
and terribly miss them. I know the aches and
pains you’ve experienced when you lost your
father. I want to share mine.)
I CRIED like a baby when my father died. It
happened on December 3, 1981 at the Chinese
General Hospital. I was 26 years old, married
and with a one-year old special child, yet I
cried unabashedly. He was only 57.
On January 8, 1973, just a little over three
months from the declaration of martial law,
my father was kidnapped on his way to work
just about a block from our residence. It was
just fortunate that our driver lives in the area
and his neighbors were able to witness the
incident. Some of them went to our place to
inform us of the abduction. They were able
to relate the matter to a first cousin of mine
who immediately informed her husband who
was then an executive in a reputable insurBrother Knight Arsenio L.
ance company. He reported the matter to the Gomburza Council 5310
Metropolitan Command (METROCOM) and
gave the details of our car to them.
Our vehicle was spotted along EDSA in the Makati area. Sensing
that they were being followed, the abductors engaged the lawmen in
a shootout still on EDSA but in the Pasay City area. After the volley
of gunshots and the smoke cleared, my father lay wounded, two of
his abductors escaped, one died in the car and the other severely
wounded. The wounded alighted from our car, knelt down, raised
his arms in surrender and begged for his life but to no avail. He was
gunned down until he was dead. The two abductors who died had
no identification papers with them and remained unknown up to
the present. The case was left unsolved.
I was in school, a college freshman when the news came to my knowledge. My relatives took me to the Hospital where he was brought by
the authorities. Not knowing the severity of his
wounds, I knew right there and then that the
beginning of the end has began. How long? I
really didn’t know. I said to myself to be ready
to accept any eventuality. At 17, what could I do
to help my father in his situation? A few days
later, we heard the prognosis and it was not
good. My father was shot at the back; the bullet
entered from one side and exited to the other
and grazed his spinal column without breaking it but caused him to be paralyzed from the
waist down. He was in such a pitiful state for
almost 9 years before he succumbed.
Before the tragedy happened, my father
and two uncles ordered six of us cousins to
join the junior Order of the Knights of Columbus, the Columbian Squires. All we could do
was howl in protest but the end result was
the same, we all became Columbian Squires.
Eventually, about 15 of us first cousins on my
mother’s side became members of it. I didn’t
like to join because I was an altar boy and
a boy scout, the groups I really liked to be
associated with. In due time however, I also
began to like it. I became a Chief Squire on
my last year as a Squire and have occupied
the highest positions a council and an assemYap, former Treasurer of
bly could offer when I joined the Knights of
Columbus at the age of 20.
It was ironic, that my father was not given the opportunity to savor
my successes in the Columbian Squires and in the Knights of Columbus.
I’m sure he would have been so proud of me. It was even sad to note
that I was the Chief Squire when he was shot and became paralyzed.
As if adding insult to injury, I was the Grand Knight when he died.
About a week before he died, his heart stopped and was revived
by an uncle who pumped on his chest as hard as he could. Two days
later, his heart stopped again and was revived again by my uncle.
We brought him to the hospital for a series of tests to determine
what’s causing his heart to stop.
Just a little over a month before he died, I was drawn to his side
in an unusual way. I felt so helpless seeing him in such a situation.
For almost nine years in his sorry state, he was in constant pain, at
least according to him. No one really knew if he felt pain or was
merely imagining it. He felt pain even on the paralyzed portion of
his body. He felt pain even after an hour of being injected with pain
killer. And from the looks of it, he felt pain all the time. It was this
situation that had drawn me to him one morning about a month
before his death. I felt so sorry and so dejected that I could not do
anything for him. I asked him about his pain. I asked him where he
felt the pain. He could not answer me back as he was twitching in
extreme pain that morning. I had to answer for him and he would
nod if I was correct. I describe several types of pain and was able to
establish that his pain was similar to that of muscle cramps.
His muscle cramps was however twice or thrice intense than our
normal cramps. I pointed to different parts of his body where I think he
had cramps and nodded. Then I asked, all over your body? He nodded
yes. I asked him the frequency and tried to figure his answer. I asked,
every time? He nodded yes. I followed up, everyday? He nodded yes.
At this point, I could no longer control my emotion, went out of his
room and allowed tears to fall on my face. It was a 24/7 for him. It was
only then that I realized his agony in all those years. Despite the pain,
he never complained nor had been a difficult patient to care for. On
days when his pain was not so intense, he was able to take life as it is;
watching TV, reading the newspaper, listening to music, eating and
conversing with us, even laughing when a joke was cracked. Those
were few moments when he was able to handle his situation.
We were at the hospital on the night of December 3, 1981 when he
died. He had a hearty meal and was for the first time seemed to be
not in pain, was even in a good mood. Sensing that we were tired
he told us to go home and rest. We never suspected that it would
be the last time we would see him alive.
Upon reaching home, our household helper told us that they
received a call from the hospital a few minutes earlier and asked
us to go back. We were not talking with one another as we drove
back to the hospital. Could it be what we had expected for 9 long
years? I hope not. I was still hoping against hope that somehow he
would be alright. Upon reaching my father’s room, the doctors had
just given up on reviving him. Seeing his lifeless body and recalling
with vividness the pain he had endured for almost 9 years, I could
not help but cry. I cried unabashedly like a baby.
It pains me to see a brother knight in a coffin. It always reminds
me of my father’s death especially if the brother knight is a father
who’ll be missed by his family. It refreshes the wound in my heart
that has long been healed by time.
To you Papa, I just want to say thank you. Thank you very much
for all the things you have done for our family, for all the sacrifices
you have made in a very short life. Yes, your life was short, but short
though it was, it was a life well spent. Thank you Papa!
Visayas Jurisdiction extends help to victims of typhoon Ondoy
THE Knights of Columbus Visayas Jurisdiction has recently extended
their help to the victims of typhoon Ondoy.
A day after the heavy rains brought by typhoon Ondoy, Visayas
Deputy, Bro. Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr. called on the brother knights in the
Visayas Jurisdiction through their District Deputies to extend assistance
to the typhoon victims in Luzon.
According to Sis. Allen C. Bohol, Fraternal Benefits Associate, the
knights immediately responded that they were able to collect thousands
of goods from different districts and areas.
The gathered relief goods were placed under the custody of the
Visayas Columbian Foundation Squire in Cebu City. After which,
the collated goods were dispatched to KC Luzon Jurisdiction to be
distributed to the affected KC member victims in different parts of
the country.
Present during the said activity were Bro. Esteban; Visayas Secretary,
Atty. Allan Nicolas C. Ouano; and Engr. Patrocinio R. Bacay, Chairman
of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines,
Inc. (KCFAPI).
The brother knights from the St. Joseph the Patriarch Council 5308 and
Remedios Council 7397 also supported the activity. (KCFAPI News)
KC Davao conducts initial tree-planting activity
the city itself.
Oplan Kontra Baha is known to be as one of
the contending projects of Knights of Columbus
in Davao.
The tree planting was undertaken by putting up a mini-nursery on vacant lots owned
by the parish, government and KC members.
The said mini-nursery can also be financially
self-sustaining as it can produce seedlings,
which can be sold to other groups who are also
engaged in tree planting activities.
Included in the success of Oplan Kontra Baha
are the networking and linkages built with all
sectors of society from the military, government
agencies, NGOs, Academe, and the Catholic
Church. (KC News)
Vice Mayor of Davao Inday Sarah Duterte together with Grand Knight Boy Sarmiento of
Catalunan Grande Council 9573 and some Coast Guard officers and Brother Knights
during the tree planting activity.
Vice Mayor Inday Sarah Duterte and some DENR Officials and Brother Knights.
THE Knights of Columbus (KC) in Davao City
particularly councils nearest to Davao Rivers
conducted its first tree planting activity last
October 24.
This project, which contributed to the success of Oplan Kontra Baha is believed to be
an activity of a greater scale unseen before
in the history of KC in Davao and even of
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Christian Conscience and the
Christian roots are the key
Future of Politics to true freedom
By Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
POPE Benedict XVI has long made clear that Christianity does not
believe in political messiahs. Recently, he reminded us that only
faith in the true Messiah—Jesus Christ—can allow us to influence
politics in a profoundly ethical way.
His words in September in the Czech Republic—a country celebrating 20 years since the fall of Communism—have important implications for all of Europe, for the Philippines and for the American
continent, places whose history is inseparable from Christianity.
Speaking there at an ecumenical meeting, the pope noted, “As
Europe listens to the story of Christianity, she hears her own. Her
notions of justice, freedom and social responsibility, together with
the cultural and legal institutions established to preserve these ideas
and hand them on to future generations, are shaped by her Christian
Moreover, Pope Benedict explained, Christianity must not be limited to the margins of society. Religious liberty must be protected,
and Christianity must have a voice in the public arena, in shaping
the conscience of the continent and in bringing moral consensus.
He said, “I wish to underline the irreplaceable role of Christianity for the formation of the conscience of each generation and the
promotion of a basic ethical consensus that serves every person who
calls this continent ‘home’!”
What Pope Benedict said about Europe holds equally true for the
Philippines and the Americas. Christians must bring the truth of their
faith to bear on the formation of their nations’ consciences.
The same day the pope spoke in Prague about religion and ethics
in the public square, a symposium on religious liberty sponsored
by the Knights of Columbus was held in Mexico City. It discussed
the history—and future—of religious freedom in the American
In the Americas, as in Europe and the Philippines, the entire
history is one of “baptized Christians.” Christians founded each
country in America, and, equally important, each country has a
strong Catholic tradition.
Indeed, from the days of Bishop Juan de Zumárraga—the first
bishop of Mexico—to the important work for religious freedom in
the United States carried out by Bishop John Carroll, our predecessors in the Knights of Columbus and countless others, the Americas have been an important place for debates over conscience and
religious liberty.
In the past century, the Catholic Church has been a witness to
conscience, whether the issue was civil rights, religious liberty or
the right to life.
So, what should the future of politics look like?
We should start by considering how Catholic social teaching can
inform the entirety of our political platforms. There must be space
for Christianity in the “political ethics” of the state.
Long before there was a “left wing” or a “right wing,” there was
the Gospel, and long after these political labels have faded into
oblivion, the Gospel will remain. As people of faith, we all have the
responsibility of protecting the Gospel from manipulation by any
political philosophy—including our own.
Pope Benedict is calling us to continue what French philosopher
Jacques Maritain called the “evangelization of the secular conscience” by applying “faith respectfully yet decisively in the public
arena, in the expectation that social norms and policies be informed
by the desire to live by the truth that sets every man and woman
free” (cf. Caritas in Veritate, 9).
Our task as Knights is to continue this evangelization of conscience
and to work for the protection of religious freedom. In step with Pope
Benedict and his predecessors, we embrace these responsibilities.
And in this light, we recall the meaning of true freedom. During his
meeting with Czech leaders, Pope Benedict put it this way: “True
freedom presupposes the search for truth—for the true good—and
hence finds its fulfillment precisely in knowing and doing what is
right and just. … For Christians, truth has a name: God. And goodness has a face: Jesus Christ.”
Vivat Jesus!
FBG holds 10th Fraternal Service Training for 2009
FCs from North
East Luzon
Cavaliers join
Producers’ Forum
FRATERNAL Counselors from the North Eastern Luzon have joined the Cavaliers Producers’
Forum last October 16-18 at the Governor’s
Garden Hotel in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya.
Grouped as North Eastern Luzon Cavaliers,
these FCs were from the provinces of Cagayan,
Kalinga, Apayao, Ifugao, Isabela and Nueva
This forum aimed to assure attainment of the
FYCI and the number of the “paid lives” and to
increase the number of awardees for the 2009
Annual Awards.
It also intended to orient the FCs on the
various products of the Knights of Columbus
Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc.
(KCFAPI) aside from the “Gold Series Plan”
that was recently presented to them.
Gari San Sebastian, Fraternal Benefits Services Manager, and Armando Gonzales, Area
Manager of the North Eastern Luzon presided
the said conference.
San Sebastian discussed the directions and
strategies of the area such as the product positioning and packaging while Gonzales talked
about the incentive programs and other events
To date, KCFAPI has been organizing the
Council of Honors, TOKCA, MODD and the
Annual Family Service Awards.
Gonzales, likewise, tackled the BC holders’
Register and the individual prospect list that
concerns the area.
San Sebastian also reported that “14 FCs
were able to meet the minimum of four
paid lives during the short-run sales drive.”
You may contact KCFAPI
Send to: 0917-825-KOFC
or 0917-825-5632
To register
Example: KCREG 00000 123456
To inquire allowance
Example: ALLW 00000 123456
To inquire for Submitted, Released & Paid BCs
Example: SRP 00000 012008
AIMING to orient the newly appointed fraternal
counselors in Luzon on the recent development
and products of the association, the Knights of
Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines,
Inc. (KCFAPI) held its 10th fraternal service training for the year 2009 last October 28.
This service training was organized at the KCFAPI home office in Intramuros, Manila.
A number of newly appointed fraternal counsel-
ors from the different parts of Luzon such as Bicol,
Northern and Central Luzon, Metro Manila as well
as South Western Luzon attended the seminar.
Several matters were discussed to present the entirety of the KC Association to the participants.
Among the topics discussed were the objectives
of KCFAPI; and its products such as Gold Series
Plan, a dollar-denominated single-pay ten-year endowment plan, Fraternal Accidental Death Benefits
Central Visayas Boomers holds area meeting
AN area meeting of the fraternal counselors in the
Central Visayas region was held last October 10 at
the JJ’s Dimsum, Tagbilaran City.
Named as the Central Visayas Boomers (CVBohol Area), the meeting was headed by Area
Manager, Bro. Ireneo Guadalquiver and Fraternal
Benefits Associate, Sis. Allen C. Bohol.
The qualifications and other relative information
on the incentive program of the Knights of Colum-
bus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc.
(KCFAPI) which is the Council of Honors Awards
were further discussed.
Council of Honors Awards is intended for the
KC Councils of the three jurisdictions namely:
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
It was recently announced by the KCFAPI that
October 30 is the final date to qualify for the Council of Honors Awards.
UND - for Underwriting
FBG - for FBG
FMAS - for FC’s Account
SERVICE - for BC Services
FGJWF - for Foundations
Bohol has presented to the FCs the various
products being offered by the Association such as
the Gold Series Plan (KC C.A.R.E.S.), KC Capital
Accumulator Plan, KC Assurance Plan, KC Retire
Plus Plan, Enhanced College Savings Plan and
Super Saver Plan.
Sales performance and production as well as
some sales techniques had also been given priority
in the said meeting. (KCFAPI News)
KCFAPI sets to break 2008 sales record
THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal
Association of the Philippines, Inc.
(KCFAPI), will be surpassing the
P102 Million First Year Insurance
Contribution Income (FYCI) which
was generated in 2008. For the record, it was the highest FYCI which
the Association made in a single
year. It was even more remarkable
achievement since the feat was made
during the Golden Jubilee celebration last year.
After the conclusion of the sales
report as of October 31, 2009, the
year-to-date 2009 first year contribu-
tion income stood tall at P95 Million.
With 2 months left in the year, the
sales leaders of the Fraternal Benefits
Group are confident that the P102
Million record will be shattered by
November 30, 2009.
Fraternal Benefits Group (FBG)
Vice President, Joseph P. Teodoro,
expressed optimism that the Association will even hurdle the P110 Million
FYCI assignment for 2009.
This achievement in sales was
made possible through the popularity of the lead insurance products of
the Association namely:
1. KC US Dollar Supreme. The high
yielding one time pay plan in US dollar denomination.
2. SPEK. The plan which enables
the elderly and those with special
risks brother knights and family
members to participate in the insurance program of the Order.
3. The KC C.A.R.E.S. Plans which
were launched in 2008 during the celebration of our Golden Jubilee year.
The 15-Pay Life which is affordable
thereby allowing members and their
families to provide themselves life
Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the
Philippines Inc.,
an established Mutual Benefits Association is currently looking for:
Underwriting Supervisor
Underwriting Assistant
Accounting Supervisor
Accounting Staff
BRO Staff
If you are dedicated, service-oriented, and have the promising
potential to join us in our continuous drive to provide mutual aid,
assistance and excellent service to our members. Kindly send
your comprehensive resume’ thru fax number 527-2244 or handcarry resume’ with a 2x2 photo and transcript of records to:
To inquire for the status of Benefit Certificate
Example: BCINQ 1002840 01061971
To text a particular Department
D E P T C O D E < s p a c e > Yo u r N a m e < s p a c e >
Yo u r M e s s a g e
Example: To text Underwriting Department for followup
UND Juan Dela Cruz Follow-up application of Bro. Joel
(FADB); Special Plan for Elderly Knights (SPEK)
and Council Mortuary Benefit Plan (CMBP).
Also, the group discussed the Underwriting
process and the total sales production for the Columbian Year 2009-2010.
The current total membership of the Knights of
Columbus Luzon Jurisdiction was also tackled.
Fraternal Benefits Services Manager, Gari San Sebastian conducted the said training. (KCFAPI News)
Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana Sts.,
Intramuros, Manila
You may also call 527 – 2223 local 202 for queries and look for Ms. Kristianne.
insurance protection notwithstanding their greater priorities for other
financial needs.
Sales promotions also played a big
factor in the good sales performance
this year. FBG worked out an array
of incentive schemes for the sales organization and the three levels of the
Order (the territorial jurisdictions,
district deputies and councils).
Call KCFAPI Fraternal Benefits
Group at 527-2243 if you wish to
get more information about the life
insurance products and services.
(Joseph P. Teodoro)
The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc., is an established and
progressive Mutual Benefits Association operating for 51 years, has been
highly committed to provide mutual
aid and assistance to its members
and their immediate families.
KC Fraternal firmly believes that
the continued progress and success
of the Association depends to a great
extent on its human capital
KC Fraternal also believes that
through training and a host of
other benefits if coupled with hard
work, will help employees and the
Association attain their goals and
In our continuous drive to provide
excellent service to our members,
we are currently on the look-out for
individuals with promising potentials. He must be dedicated, service
oriented, and willing to undergo
Our compensation and employee
benefits are comparable, if not
better than most companies of our
same size and nature of business.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 23
November 9 - 22, 2009
Fr. George J. Willmann
website launched
THE Knights of Columbus Fr. George J. Willmann successfully launched its website last October 22 at
the Knights of Columbus main office in Intramuros, Manila.
The website is a project of the Committee of Mass Media of the Fr. George J. Willmann Charities,
Inc., headed by Msgr. Pedro Quitorio.
According to Msgr. Quitorio, who is also the Spiritual Director of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal
Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI), the website is intended to raise awareness on the cause
of Fr. George J. Willmann.
Luzon Deputy and President of the Fr. George J. Willmann Charities, Inc. SK Alonso Tan led the
“ceremonial click” to formally launch the new website.
Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr., Chairman of the Fr. George J. Willmann Charities, Inc. lauded the project
as a tool in spreading the ideals of Fr. Willmann.
“The website was launched to promote further the cause for the beatification of Fr. George J. Willmann,” Reyes said.
The KC Fr. George J. Willmann Charities appeals to all Brother Knights, whose lives and families
were touched by the good works and inspiration of Fr. Willmann to please volunteer testimonials of
answered prayers and petitions made through his intercession. This is in order to accelerate the process
of his beatification.
Those who would like to seek the intercession of Fr. Willmann may download the prayer for his
beatification (with Imprimatur) at his website www.frgeorgewillmann.org.
This new website highlights resource materials on Fr. George J. Willmann, news and events, Willmann
fellows, testimonials, and podcast on Fr. Willmann, among others.
Fr. George J. Willmann, S.J. is the Father of the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines. He considered KC as a “university where men’s character could be molded for the greater honor and glory of
God.” (KCFAPI News)
KC Philippines Foundation, GK complete
2nd year housing project
KC Philippines Foundation President Alonso L. Tan, GK Foundation Chairman
Atty. Jose Tale and San Jose del Monte Mayor Angelito Sarmiento during the
ribbon-cutting ceremony.
THE Knights of Columbus Philippines Foundation and Gawad Kalinga
Foundation have successfully completed its 2nd year housing project
last October 21 in continuation of its first-phase project last year.
Aligned with the completion were the blessing of the Fr. George
J. Willmann, SJ Chapel and awarding of additional houses to the
beneficiaries, which were held at the Gawad Kalinga Housing Project
in Tungkong Mangga, San Jose del Monte in Bulacan.
Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, Spiritual Director of the Knights of
Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI),
who was also one of those who encouraged the construction of the
chapel once said, “If we can build houses for men, why can’t we
build a house for God?”
The awarding of the certificates to the beneficiaries of the seven additional
Msgr. Pedro Quitorio heads the blessing of the houses at the Gawad Kalinga in
Tungkong Mangga.
KC Mindanao celebrates Columbus Day
KCFAPI donates P100k for Borongan’s
Home for the Aged Priests
© Fred Padernos / Leyte Samar Daily Express
THE Knights of Columbus (KC) Mindanao celebrated the Columbus Day last
October 16.
The celebration was in sync with the
theme: “We stand by Peter, in solidarity
with our Bishops and Priests.”
Grand Knights of Councils in the
Archdiocese and other Officers invited
chaplains for a dinner program, which
encompassed various presentations
that included a talk on “Tribute to our
Priests” by State Secretary SK Hernando
Jordan, special prayer for Priest, and
information on the ongoing “Cenacle
Prayer Movement for our Priest” which
is a special program activity of some
councils in the Archdiocese.
Meanwhile, Auxiliary Bishop Most
Rev. George Rimando, DD delivered
the inspirational talk.
DD Gerry Mission, Chairman of the
DD’s Round Table and concurrently,
the Chairman of the Columbus Day
Celebration together with other 250
brother knights attended the program.
(Bro. Sofronio R. Cruz)
The establishment of the chapel at the center of the housing project is in line with the objective of the KC Foundation to help meet
not only the temporal but also the spiritual needs of the people in
socially-depressed areas in the country.
The chapel was named in honor of the Father of the Knights of
Columbus in the Philippines, Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ, and was
dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
The said inaugural rite consisted of the blessing of the altar
and a Eucharistic celebration that was presided by Msgr. Pedro
C. Quitorio III.
Following the Holy Mass was the awarding of seven additional
houses to the beneficiaries chosen by the two associations. This has
brought a total of 17 housing units built by the KC Foundation in
this site.
KC Philippines Foundation President and Luzon Deputy Alonso
L. Tan, and Atty. Jose Tale, Chairman of the Gawad Kalinga Foundation, Inc administered the preparations necessary for the event.
KCFAPI officials led by Chairman Patrocinio R. Bacay, Mindanao
Deputy Sofronio R. Cruz, Visayas Deputy Dionisio R. Esteban Jr., KCFAPI President Antonio B. Borromeo and Executive Vice-President
Ma. Theresa G. Curia attended the said blessing.
Congressman Arthur Robes and Mayor Angelito Sarmiento of
San Jose del Monte graced the event.
KC Philippines Foundation, headed by Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr.
is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility arms of KCFAPI and
its two corporate subsidiaries, Keys Realty Development Corp. and
Mace General Insurance Agency Inc. (Kate Laceda)
Guests, NCD Chairman Rey Trinidad, Speaker Pol Benedicto, Bishop George Rimando and
Mindanao Deputy Sofronio Cruz during the Columbus Day Celebration.
Most Reverend Crispin Varquez, DD, Bishop of the Diocese of Borongan (center) receives a
check worth one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) from Bro. Dalmacio “Massey” Grafil
(2nd from left), Regional Deputy of the Knights of Columbus for Eastern Visayas, as donation
of the KCFAPI for the construction of the Home for the Aged Priests. Also in photo are Bro.
Eldito Nabong, KCFAPI area manager for EV; Bro. Rufino Homerez, Faithful Navigator of the
Don Jaime C. De Veyra Assembly, Tacloban City; and Eastern Samar Senior Board Member
and Provincial Deputy Bro. Generoso Yu.
THE regional deputy of the Knights
of Columbus for Eastern Visayas Bro.
Dalmacio “Massey” Grafil personally handed a check worth P100,000
(One Hundred Thousand Pesos) to
His Excellency, Most Rev. Crispin
Varquez DD, Bishop of the Diocese of
Borongan on October 4, 2009 during
the Feast Day of the Our Lady of the
Most Holy Rosary.
Present during the turnover held at
Guiuan parish convent were Senior
Board Member Generoso “Colon” Yu,
the provincial deputy of the K of C for
Eastern Samar along with Bro. Eldito Nabong, KCFAPI Area Manager for Eastern
Visayas, and Bro. Rufino Homerez,
Faithful Navigator of the Don Jaime C.
de Veyra Assembly, Tacloban City.
According to Grafil, the donation for
the construction of a building called
Home for Aged Priests in Borongan,
Eastern Samar, a project of the diocese;
was taken from the funds of KCFAPI
which is the Insurance Agency of the
Knights of Columbus members and
their families.
K of C as a whole sees the importance of such project, saying that
priests are singles, which means they
don’t have children or a family of their
own to take care of them when they re-
tire and grow old. But with this home
for the aged priests some personnel
would be provided to take care of
them in that home, said Grafil.
Msgr. Lope Robredillo, parish priest
of Guiuan and Vicar General, told Leyte
Samar Daily Express that the plan to
erect the building started in 2008 but due
to budgetary constraints up to this year
the construction has not yet started.
Msgr. Robredillo said the 12-room
Home for the Aged Priests (HAP)
would cost P4 million, and for the
construction to start, the diocese
must be able to raise an initial fund
of P500,000. Without mentioning how
much they have already raised, Msgr.
Robredillo said, they are getting close
to the P500,000 starting fund. This
project will start soon, he said.
Because the budget is quite high,
the diocese is doing different kinds
of fund sourcing such as solicitations, benefit concert of the Priests,
to include it in the Misa de Gallo
love offering collection this coming
December. Any person or group who
wish to take part in the realization of
the project is welcome to donate any
amount of their own discretion. (Fred
Padernos, Leyte Samar Daily Express