Synod 2015 – One Lord, One Mission
Synod 2015 – One Lord, One Mission
The content in this preview is based on the last saved version of your email - any changes made to your email that have not been saved will not be shown in this preview. QUICK LINKS ADNE Website ADNE News ACNA Website St. Aidan's Institute Givetothemission! BISHOP'S CALENDAR December 6 Faith Anglican Church Lowell, MA December 13 All Nations Church New Haven, CT January 3-9 College of Bishops Melbourne, FL PRAYER CORNER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2015 - This past Saturday the Anglican Diocese in New England held its 8th annual diocesan synod. It was a time of worship, prayer, recognition, fellowship, and council. The diocesan clergy, delegates, and guests took part in a Festival Eucharist with Bishop Bill preaching and presiding; all clergy who were able to vested and then proceeded into the church, celebrating their work together in embracing the mission that Jesus Christ gave the Church in New England. Bishop Bill preached on the challenges we faced in building a diocese and the point we're at in the building process: maintaining the work we've accomplished, regrouping as a united front, and pushing forward to continue the mission. He used his own sabbatical experience of building a new house on the foundation of his old one, illustrating the need for vision, perseverance, and teamwork to complete any difficult and significant task, especially those for the Kingdom of God. The worship music moved us into the truth of that vision: the worship and love of God. It included hymns on the organ and contemporary acoustic worship led by Fr. Nathan Baxter of All Saints' Anglican Church, Amesbury. The excitement and unity in the room was palpable; hands were raised in praise and the sound of Christians from around the region singing to the Lord filled the sanctuary. Our collective worship continued after Eucharist, when a number of presenters testified to the work God had done through the various ministries in our diocese over the past year: Continue to pray for the ADNE and the resources we need to do the work God has given us to do. Pray for Bishop Bill, for protection and wisdom in all his work, that the Lord would fill him with the Spirit of God, and that he would find God's rest in this season of Advent. Pray for the Council of Canons: Alex Cameron, Ross Kimball, Andrea Mueller, and Susan Skillen; especially this week for Canon Alex Cameron as he takes on the role as President of the Isaiah 40 Foundation. St. Aidan's House, Canon Susan Skillen The Outreach, Josh Burns Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Mthr. Piper Runnion-Bareford and Fr. Jordan Easley Young Life, represented by presenters from various areas of Young Life ministry across New England The Franklin Mission Event, Fr. Dan Sylvia We were especially encouraged by a team from St. Paul's Kenyan Church, Lawrence, who came to celebrate the payment of their church's mortgage, the first congregation in our diocese to do so. We heard from The Ven. Peter Gachathi on the process they took by faith to work through their finances to meet their goals, and the team from St. Paul's sang a Swahili song of praise. Continue to pray for St. Timothy's Anglican Mission (Burlington, VT) and Church of the Good Shepherd (Forestdale, MA) as they search for new rectors. As always, refer to the ADNE Cycle of Prayer each week. EVENTS After lunch and a presentation by Fr. Malcolm Reid on the state of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, the synod continued with a special guest presentation by The Rt. Rev. David Hicks, bishop of the Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC). He introduced the REC and its history, along with its journey of faith since the 1800s. He also presented the REC's vision for the future and their desire to continue partnering with us as founding members of the Anglican Church in North America. It was a warm and welcome celebration of our unity in the faith, and we are grateful for his visit (read Bishop Hicks' bio here). The Synod 2015 business meeting followed, with a busy but relatively brief agenda, the main points of which are as follows: January 15-17 Women's Encounter Weekend Imago Dei, Bangor January 21-22 March for Life Summit Washington D.C. January 29-31 Men's Encounter Weekend Imago Dei, Bangor JOB OPENINGS Rector St. Timothy Anglican Church Burlington, VT More Information Music Ministry Leader Church of the Redeemer Franklin, MA More Information Vicar Church of the Good Shepherd Forestdale, MA More Information Administration and Reports on the changes and statuses of churches and missions Elections to the ADNE Standing Committee and Ecclesiastical Court Budget presentations, discussion, and vote. Major topics for discussion this year were the development of a Church Planting Task Force and added financial support to church plants, a Church Growth Task Force, and the ADNE Cathedral Initiative for 2016. The following summaries on each topic were presented: Church Planting Task Force: "In 2016 we, the Bishop and Standing Committee of the ADNE, in response to the call of God and our Mission as a diocese commit ourselves afresh to the tasks of Church Planting and will add a task force of leaders to assist the bishop in this enterprise. Further we will add 6% of our annual tithes and donation to fund the ongoing work. We will appoint Canon Alex Cameron and Rev Justin Howard to head up this task force and design the final approach to the work through the year 2016." Church Growth Task Force: "In 2016, we, the Bishop and Standing Committee of the ADNE, recognize the new season we are in as a missionary diocese. We will assist our Bishop in his work by adding a task force of leaders to assist him growing our parishes to be healthier, stronger places of Anglican Mission and Ministry. We recognize this effort to be of the first order of importance to reach a level of sustainability as a diocese. The Bishop and this task force will direct their time according to this mission initiative. " (See ADNE Canon VIII) ADNE Cathedral 2016: "The Vestry of the Pro-Cathedral of All Saints' Anglican Church Amesbury asked the Standing Committee, that we, the ADNE, consider formally naming All Saints' "The Cathedral of the Anglican Diocese in New England". Further they have asked that this request be considered this year and ratified by vote of the 2016 Synod of the ADNE. After much discussion, we the Standing Committee, Bishop, Rector and the Vestry of All Saints' agree that this request, which is such a source of joy for us all, needs further reflection by the whole ADNE. So when we do vote, we will have arrived at that place of understanding and peace that always precedes a decision which is one of clarity and joy. Communication Coordinator All Saints' Pro-Cathedral Amesbury, MA More Information Be sure to pass this on to anyone willing and qualified in search of a job! For more information, email IN CASE YOU MISSED IT "Therefore, we the ADNE, are entering a year of education around this request. We see this year of education as a process that is more about shared ownership of a mission initiative than the naming of a building. We see our Cathedral as an organic agency of mission, not just an institutional monument. "We will provide the clergy and lay leaders of the ADNE opportunities for reading and reflecting on the changes and benefits we see in the final and formal naming of All Saints' Anglican Church as our Cathedral. The natural opportunities for theseeducation events seem to be the Clergy Retreat, large area-wide confirmation events, and the new "Clericus" meetings being held this year. Both Fr. Nathan Baxter and BishopMurdoch will take the lead in thiseducation initiative, producing materials and leading discussions throughout this year." ReadanddownloadimportantdocumentsdistributedatSynodand checkoutthephotogalleryhere! An Advent Call to Prayer Embracing the Call of Isaiah 40 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ: As we travel the season of Advent, preparing for our Lord's return, I am writing to ask you to pray daily for God to intervene in the horrific persecution and refugee crisis facing the world. Nearly 12 million people have lost their homes, possessions, jobs, and sense of belonging as they desperately migrate for safety; 7.6 million are displaced within Syria; and 4 million are in neighboring countries. Please pray for these refugees daily and in your corporate worship on Sundays. Please pray for the leaders of our nations as they seek to do the right thing in the right way. Please pray for their persecutors - that they would be stopped, and that they would encounter our risen Lord Jesus . . . <<<Continue Reading>>> Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins. -Isaiah 40:1-2 It is this verse that begins a passage in Reflections on Advent Taken from What They're Saying about Advent, by Fr. David Rosebery on A collected series of quotes from saints, writers, philosophers on the meaning of Advent and the coming of Christ . . . <<<Continue Reading>>> Not Against Flesh and Blood In the Archbishop of Canterbury's short and moving statement in response to the Paris attacks, the terrorists, their beliefs and actions are described as "evil", "wicked" and a "demonic curse" which Christians are called to oppose. What does he mean by these words, and how are Christians practically to engage in this opposition? Taken in isolation, the text of Archbishop Welby's statement doesn't tell us. But given his background as a charismatic Bible-believing Christian, it's legitimate to interpret this as seeing unseen supernatural forces behind jihadist philosophy and the random brutal violence it has spawned, and calling Christians to spiritual warfare . . . <<<Continue Reading>>> AVAILABLE NOW! ANewReleasebyDr. MichaelBickford! Canon Alex Cameron, new president of Isaiah 40 Isaiah that serves as a spiritual reminder for the vision of Isaiah 40 Foundation: to bring comfort, forgiveness, and healing to those in the Church who are in need. Formed in 1991 by the late Vina Sweetman, it has been a spiritual home for many who have come out of broken sexual and emotional lives to find their true identity in Jesus Christ and seeks to recognize and affirm the presence of Christ as a continual source of healing in the Church today. Because of this legacy, the ADNE is honored and thankful to announce that our own Canon Alex Cameron, who has worked extensively with Isaiah 40, has been made its new president at the passing of its well-beloved founder. The annual general meeting of Isaiah 40 occurred in Montreal, Quebec at the Friendly Home, their headquarters and retreat center, on Saturday, November 28th, 2015. Canon Alex welcomed all who were there before the commencement of the business meeting, which included an address by Bishop Bill in support of our canon at this important moment in his life and in the work of Vina Sweetman's continuing legacy. The next day, Bishop Bill attended Emmaus Anglican Church on the first Sunday of Advent and preached at its service, an important moment to express support for our Canadian brothers and sisters in the Anglican Network in Canada, partners in the faith and work of Jesus Christ in North America. This service, together with the Isaiah 40 meeting, was significant not just for Canon Alex but also for the ADNE, as we celebrate together with him the continuing life and work of Isaiah 40. One of the hymns sung at the Isaiah 40 annual meeting was Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus, and its words fit with the call of Isaiah 40 as it moves forward into a new chapter of ministry: Come, Thou long expected Jesus Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. IN OTHER NEWS The Church of Sudan Breaks with TEC and Recognizes the ACNA The Very Rev. Michael Bickford, Dean of St. Aidan's Institute, has recently published a book on the spiritual disciplines. Everyone Dies, But Not Everyone Lives guides the reader through the process of developing a personal "Rule for Life," a set of named values, disciplines, and practices that provide the structure for Christian spiritual growth that most people lack in the midst of a secular and fast paced culture. A great small group resource, Dean Bickford would be happy to give a talk at your parish and can be reached at Everyone Dies, But Not Everyone Lives is available at all online bookstores and in both Kindle and Nook versions. ORDER TODAY! A press release from the Anglican Church in North America: Following their November 25-28, 2015 meeting, the House of Bishops of the Anglican Province of South Sudan and the Sudan announced that they have formally recognized the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). They also recommended that the Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Deng Bul, Archbishop of the Church of South Sudan and the Sudan, forge a closer relationship with the Anglican Church in North America. The decision to recognize the Anglican Church in North America was made in conjunction with a decision to end formal ties with The Episcopal Church (TEC). In a letter published following their meeting, the Sudanese House of Bishops pointed in particular to two resolutions passed by The Episcopal Church this past summer that redefine marriage. "In our view such innovations are not in conformity with the Scriptures," the bishops wrote. The Sudanese House of Bishops recommended that their Provincial Synod sever their relationship with The Episcopal Church and any other province or diocese that approves liturgies for the blessing of same sex relationships. In addition, the bishops noted that there are Sudanese "diaspora congregations" that are originally from the Church of South Sudan and the Sudan, but are currently under TEC dioceses and parishes that support same-sex blessings and marriages. The Sudanese House of Bishops encouraged these congregations to join the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) wherever possible. Archbishop Foley Beach commended the Sudanese House of Bishops, "Despite the ravages of war and the suffering of their people, they are courageously committed to standing on the historic teachings of the Bible and Anglican Church. I look forward to deepening our partnership for the cause of Jesus Christ." *****
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