Christus Rex - Anglican Province of Christ the King


Christus Rex - Anglican Province of Christ the King
Christus Rex
Anglican Province of Christ the King
Vol. 8, No. 3
Apostolic Christianity in the Anglican Tradition
August, 2015
Third APCK Archbishop Elected
To: Clergy and Congregations of the APCK
From: Council of Bishops - APCK
Subject: Election of Archbishop
Date: Thursday, August, 20th, 2015
The Council of Bishops of the APCK, assembled in
conference in the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Tulsa, OK,
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and supported by the
prayers of the faithful, did duly elect The Right Reverend
Frederick George Morrison, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese
of the Southwestern States, to be the third Archbishop of our
Province. This election comes into immediate effect, thus
filling the vacancy left by the recent resignation of the former
The Archbishop's installation will occur without further ceremony in his cathedral church in
Tulsa in the near future. He asks for your prayers and a remembrance by name in all Masses
throughout the Province.
Further, The Rt. Rev. John E. Upham is nominated as Bishop Ordinary for the Diocese of the
Atlantic States; The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Ashman is nominated as Bishop Ordinary for the
Diocese of the Western States; and The Rt. Rev. Frank W. Brulc is nominated as Bishop
Ordinary for the Diocese of the Southwestern States. The Election and Installation of these
Bishops will take place during their respective Diocesan Synods.
The Bishops extend their gratitude to the Clergy and faithful people for their patience and
prayers during this time, and look forward in anticipation to our pilgrimage together under the
renewed guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
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August, 2015
Vicar’s Son Joins Coast Guard
On May 22, 2015, Seaman Apprentice Samuel
Clayton Howard Hillman graduated from the eight-week
basic training program at the U. S. Coast Guard Training
center, Cape May, New Jersey. SA Hillman was Recruit
Training Company Charlie 191 Religious Leader
SA Hillman is a Licensed Lay Reader and the son of
Susan and Fr. Howard Hillman, Vicar, St. Aidan's
Anglican Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. SA
Hillman is on a wait list for his A School (Intel School).
Meanwhile he has joined the crew of the U. S. Coast
Guard Cutter Thetis.
During his first mission on Thetis, SA Hillman
qualified as Helmsman and participated in the interdiction
of six vessels suspected of drug smuggling. The crew of
Thetis recovered over 4,650 kilograms of illegal narcotics
worth an estimated wholesale value of $140 million. 
USCGC Thetis (WMEC 910) is home ported in Key West, Florida.
Save the Date!
APCK Clergy Retreat for Fall 2015
The Fall 2015 Clergy Retreat will be held October 19-22 at Canaan in the Desert, Phoenix, Arizona. The
Retreat begins Monday, October19 at 4:30 p.m. and ends on Thursday, October 22, at 10 a.m.
Clergy of the Anglican Province of Christ the King and Postulants for Holy Orders and those considering a
vocation are cordially invited to attend the silent retreat which will be directed by the Rev. Steven Dart.
Those interested in attending should call Father Steven Dart for more information at 480-488-0525. 
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August, 2015
2015 Youth Retreat
Saint David's Anglican Summer Youth Camp took place July 5th to July 10th at Warm Beach Camp in
Stanwood, Washington. The Camp was directed this year by Bp. Donald Ashman assisted by Dcn. Brian Faith,
Benjamin Lawrence, Fr. Michael Mautner, and Fr. David Webb. 
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August, 2015
St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church
St. Bartholomew's Garden Guild created a beautiful entry garden this Spring in Woodinville, WA. 
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August, 2015
Summer Fiction Reading
Thanks to Sue Peterson, the Parish Librarian at All Saints Church, Bolingbrook, IL, who has the following
recommendations for light reading in a religious setting:
If you haven’t been to Mitford, or haven’t been recently, Jan Karon’s series is highly recommended by
members of the parish. You will fall in love with all of the characters, especially Father Tim. The books are
about an Episcopal priest living in a small town, Mitford, North Carolina.
Phillip Gulley also has a series set in the small town of Harmony, Indiana about a Quaker leader. You will
laugh, guaranteed!
Into historical fiction? Want more intrigue and suspense? Try the two highly acclaimed series surrounding
World War II and the establishment of the state of Israel. The Zion Covenant series contains six books and the
Zion Chronicle series contains five books. They are by Bodie and Brock Theone.
Editor’s Note: And, of course, there is The Complete Father Brown Stories by G. K. Chesterton. If you
have not read them you should. These stories have been acclaimed as the best crime fiction since Sherlock
Holmes and not all of the stories involve crime. But all involve the perceptive, mild mannered Catholic priest’s
insight into human nature. If you have seen the PBS television series, then you should definitely read the
stories. The television series does not do justice to the Chesterton’s stories.
Happy reading! 
Parallel Requiem Mass
On Saturday, June 6th, as a Requiem Mass was being conducted at Abp. Morse’s historic church, St. Peter’s
in Oakland, a Requiem Mass was also being conducted across the continent near Charleston, SC. APCK priest
Fr. George Miley, retired from Church of the Holy Cross in Oklahoma City, assisted by Deacon Peter Towle,
late of St Peters, Oakland, conducted the Mass at St. Timothy's Anglo Catholic Church in West Ashley. 
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August, 2015
St Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College
Online Courses for Fall, 2015
Our Province's seminary, St Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, will offer two online
lecture courses for interested clergy and laity this Fall. All lectures are pre-recorded and then posted on either
YouTube or Vimeo (commercial-free) at a rate of one per week. Both classes are designed for postulants
preparing for canonical exams as well as clergy who have not had a formal course in these subjects. But they
will also work well for clergy seeking a refresher and for laity who want an introduction to Old Testament
narrative or the Church’s doctrine.
The fee for those taking either course with written assignments is $230. The fee to audit either course is
$50. The textbooks can be purchased from Amazon or
Please email Fr. Jeffrey Smith to sign up and to obtain instructions for access and for tuning in:
Please send your fees directly to SJAATC, P.O. Box 40020, Berkeley, CA, 94704.
A Tour of Old Testament Narrative will be taught by The Rev.
Michael Mautner, St. Peter’s, Oakland, CA.
This thirteen-week course will begin with Genesis and end with
Esther. Every Christian should be familiar with the Biblical narrative,
and clergy more so. It is the foundation for all that both the Bible and
the Church teach.
The course assumes no prior knowledge of the Bible; only a
willingness to read through and learn the entire story of God’s people
under the Old Covenant up until their return from exile and rebuilding
of Jerusalem. Following the canonical order of Scripture, it ends with
Esther, a story of Jews in the Dispersion.
The textbooks for the course are a study Bible (preferably the ESV)
and Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen’s The Drama of Scripture,
2nd edition.
Begins September 11 and ends December 11.
Dogmatic Theology will be taught by The Rev. Canon Stanley
Sinclair, St. Mark’s, Victoria, B.C.
This thirteen-week course will have two tracks: an easy one for
postulants preparing for the liturgical Diaconate, and a more advanced one
for those preparing for the Diaconate with a license to preach and teach.
Dogmatic Theology gives you the complete and detailed version of the
Church’s Catechism — what there is not time to cover in an inquirer’s or
Confirmation class. It will help you to gain a new appreciation for the
The textbook for the first track is Frank Wilson’s Faith and Practice
and the textbook for the other track is C.B. Moss’s The Christian Faith.
Begins September 10 and ends December 10.
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August, 2015
2015 Seminary Summer Session
Not everyone was able to attend both weeks of the Summer Session. Participants are, therefore, shown in
photos for week one and week two.
Week One- Clockwise From Bottom Left: Marty Lal,
Fr. Jeffrey Smith, Deacon David Sweeney,
Franz Longsworth, Fr. Paul Russell, Larry Smith,
Michael Ruffino, Bp. John Upham.
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Fr. Russell conducts a class in the first week.
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August, 2015
Week Two - From Left to Right: (Front Row) Franz Longsworth, Fr. Paul Russell, Bp. John Upham, Fr. Jeffrey
Smith, Fr. David Napier, Fr. Steven Dart; (Back Row) Bp. Donald Ashman, Paul Evans, Fr. Matthew Weber,
Deacon David Sweeney, Benjamin Lawrence.
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August, 2015
Diocese of the Atlantic States 2015 Synod
at Church of the Holy Comforter, Montevallo, Alabama
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August, 2015
Diocese of the Western States
2015 Synod
St. Charles, Huntsville,
On May 17th, 2015, then Archbishop James E.
Provence visited St. Charles King and Martyr
Anglican Church in Huntsville, Alabama, for the
second time this year.
He returned for the purpose of conducting
Confirmations. The Archbishop and Deacon George
Specht are pictured here with four new
Communicants. Deacon Specht is Deacon-in-charge at
St. Charles.
In the back row are Tristan Sanders and his
Mother, Amber Carder.
In the front row are the Paschal sisters and Ada
and Natika.
Mr. Sanders expects to commence instruction at
the U. S. Marine Corps boot camp in early June,
which motivated the confirmation in May. 
Christus Rex is the national publication of the
Anglican Province of Christ the King.
Abp. Frederick G. Morrison
4040 East 91st Street
Tulsa, OK 74137
Copyright © 2015, Anglican Province of Christ the King.
All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced
in any form without permission.
Contact: Monty C. Stanford, Ph.D.
The APCK Provincial web site is available on the internet at
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August, 2015