teen wilderness adventures
teen wilderness adventures
TEEN WILDERNESS ADVENTURES FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ® YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN 2016 Summer Schedule widji.org OUR MISSION Widjiwagan was founded in 1929 as a wilderness adventure program in northeastern Minnesota. Throughout our 87 year history, young people have been inspired by the Widji wilderness experience. Our mission is simple— “to develop, in young people, respect for self, community and the environment, through wilderness adventure and environmental education.” Respect is the foundation of all Widji sessions and trips. RESPECT FOR SELF: Respect begins by believing in yourself and your own capabilities. At Widji we stress taking care of yourself and taking responsibility for your actions. RESPECT FOR OTHERS: We emphasize goal setting, sharing, and working together as a group to accomplish more collectively than would be possible individually. We honor individual differences, believing that diversity presents many opportunities for learning and personal growth. RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Travel in the wilderness is conducted using “Leave No Trace” ethics and standards. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Widjiwagan welcomes all who wish to participate, and annually raises scholarship funds to help make that possible. Please let us know if we may serve you or your family in this way. You may call us at 612-822-2267 or visit widji.org to receive a financial assistance application. RESPECT FOR EQUIPMENT: We stress the importance of taking care of the tools and equipment we use in wilderness travel. 2 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • widji.org • (P) 612-822-2267 • (F) 612-223-6322 • info@widji.org GENERAL INFORMATION BUILDING A FOUNDATION The key to providing successful wilderness trips is preparation. All Widji sessions begin with two to three days at base camp. During this time, campers meet their counselors and fellow group members and begin planning. Campers are involved in all aspects of the trip preparation: goal setting, establishing a menu, route, and honing the many skills they will use on their trip. WILDERNESS SETTING The real magic of a Widji experience happens in the wilderness. For canoe groups, this might mean paddling out of camp or getting dropped off on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness or Quetico Provincial Park. For backpack groups, this means driving west to the mountains or east to Isle Royale or the Superior Hiking Trail. Once groups go ‘on trail’ they spend the rest of their session in the wilderness. They move most days and camp in a different place most nights. Free from the distractions of civilization, groups get to know each other and come together to accomplish their goals. On trail is where friendships form and memories are made! PROGRESSION OF CHALLENGE WIDJIWAGAN The Widji program has been carefully crafted to offer progressive challenge and growth for teens ages 11-18. As campers return to Widji year after year for more challenging trips, they build upon their wilderness skills and take on greater leadership roles. Ely 61 LAKE SUPERIOR TRAIL COUNSELORS Leadership is the key to a quality wilderness experience. At Widji, our trail counselors are teachers, role models, coaches, and mentors. They are highly trained both by Widji and through their previous experience. They all have certifications in lifeguarding and CPR, and all are certified Wilderness First Responders. They are carefully selected for their experience with and interest in working with teens, their judgment, leadership, and wilderness skills. Duluth MINNESO M INNES ES SOTA S OTA 35 WISCONSIN W NSI 94 Big Stone L. CAMPERS Of all the things to bring to camp, a positive attitude is the most important! Campers should come to Widji willing to learn, eager to be challenged and to function effectively as a member of a small group. Minneapolis St. Paul 94 Ely, Minnesota RISK MANAGEMENT For over 80 years, Widjiwagan has been teaching care and respect to youth in a wilderness setting. It is important for parents and campers to acknowledge that due to the remoteness of our trips, instant communication with emergency medical services is not always possible. Because of this, we have developed a risk management strategy that couples advanced wilderness first aid protocols and training with a thorough knowledge of the areas we use. Our program cannot guarantee accident-free travel, but our attitude and investment in accident prevention can ensure that, in the event of accident or illness, our counselors have the training and judgment to make appropriate and expeditious decisions. TRAIL GROUPINGS AND FRIEND REQUESTS Campers are grouped as much as possible according to age and experience. Groups are kept quite small, by design. A big part of what makes Widjiwagan special is the strong friendships that are formed on trail. We encourage campers to come to camp ready to make new friends. However, sometimes it is very important for two campers to be together in the same trail group. We will try to honor a friend request for two friends to be together, but we cannot accommodate requests for more than two friends to be grouped together. Sibling pairs will be in different groups if registered for the same session. YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 3 CANOEING PATHFINDERS CANOE TRIP Entering grade 6 This 5 day experience will introduce campers to the basic canoe and camping skills for an overnight camping trip. This program will focus on the tradition and history of Widji, the BWCAW, and northern Minnesota fur trade and logging history. Campers will spend their first 2 days getting ready for their overnight camping trip. On the 3rd morning of camp, the campers will paddle to a nearby campsite on Burntside Lake to get a sense of what ‘trail life’ is like and camp overnight with their fellow Pathfinders and two Widji Counselors. The group will return the next day and be involved with the banquet and closing activities. This trip is a great way to introduce an eager camper to Camp Widjiwagan. Pathfinders # of Days Fees INTRODUCTION TO CANOEING SESSIONS Entering grades 7-8 These sessions are ideal for first-time campers looking for an introduction to the Widji experience and the Boundary Waters. Campers will learn the basic skills of canoeing, camping, and navigation in a fun and supportive environment. A typical Intro trail group consists of two Widji trail counselors and four to six campers. After three days of training and orientation at Widji, groups venture out ‘on trail’ for six to ten days in the BWCAW. Although canoeing and portaging can be demanding, working as a team allows campers to accomplish a lot more together than they could as individuals. All campers are expected to pitch in and do their share of the work, carrying packs and tents across portages which may be up to a mile long! 6/16–6/205 $510 6/22–6/265 $510 7/23-7/275 $510 Intro Canoe 7/30–8/35 $510 6/12–6/20* 9 $821 8/8–8/125 $510 6/22–7/2 11 $1,254 6/28–7/9 12 $1,368 7/5–7/15 11 $1,254 7/11–7/21 11 $1,254 7/17–7/27 11 $1,254 7/23–8/3 12 $1,368 8/8–8/20 13 $1,482 8/16–8/25* 10 $912 #Days Fees *Discounted 20% 4 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • widji.org • (P) 612-822-2267 • (F) 612-223-6322 • info@widji.org ADVENTURES BWCAW SESSIONS QUETICO SESSIONS Entering grades 8-10 These canoe adventures, the mainstay of Widji’s canoe program, are our most popular trips—perfect for excited, first-time campers as well as seasoned canoeists. Each group of five campers is under the leadership of one Widji trail counselor. Over the course of the trip a group may travel 60140 miles through the heart of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, learning and refining their paddling and camping skills along the way. Entering grades 9-12 The pristine lakes and remote wilderness trails of Canada’s Quetico Provincial Park provide challenge and adventure for experienced campers. Trail groups travel deep into the heart of the Quetico and learn the basics of expedition style canoe tripping. BWCAW Canoe #Days Fees One Widji counselor provides leadership for up to six campers. In the Quetico the portages are more rugged than those in the BWCAW, there are no designated campsites, and it is generally less populated. Quetico campers are required to have a valid passport. Fees Quetico (includes Canoe #Days permit fee) 6/12–6/20* 9 $821 6/16–6/26 11 $1,254 6/22–7/2 11 $1,254 6/12–6/26 15 $1,770 6/28–7/9 12 $1,368 6/16–7/2 17 $2,006 18 $2,124 7/5–7/15 11 $1,254 6/22–7/9 7/11–7/27 17 $1,938 6/28–7/9 12 $1,416 7/23–8/3 (Grades 10-12 only) 12 $1,368 7/5–7/21 17 $2,006 7/30-8/12 $1,596 7/11–7/27 17 $2,006 $1,482 7/17–8/6 21 $2,478 $912 7/23–8/3 12 $1,416 7/30–8/14 16 $1,888 8/8–8/23 16 $1,888 14 8/8–8/20 13 8/16–8/25* 10 *Discounted 20% YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 5 BACKPACKING ISLE ROYALE Entering grades 7-8 Isle Royale, a National Park in the midst of Lake Superior’s cold clear waters, offers a fantastic introduction to backpacking. After a few days at Widji, groups embark on a three-hour ferry ride to reach Isle Royale, where they spend six to seven days hiking. Isle Royale is known for its wildlife, including moose, foxes, and wolves. Isle Royale #Days Fees 6/12 – 6/26 15 $1,976 7/23 – 8/6 15 $1,976 SUPERIOR HIKING TRAIL Entering grades 7-8 Groups spend five to six days hiking along the north shore of Lake Superior. Campers enjoy panoramic views of the big lake. Groups hike along well maintained trails, and each night the group camps at a designated back country campsite. Superior #Days Fees 7/11 – 7/21 11 $1,105 8/8 – 8/20 13 $1,287 BACKPACKING/CANOEING COMBINATION Entering grades 8-10 If you are not quite sure whether backpacking or canoeing is your calling, this is the trip for you! It is perfect for experienced or first-time campers. The canoeing segment covers the eastern portion of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, a rare destination for Widji groups. The backpacking segment traverses part of the beautiful and rugged Superior Hiking trail. Campers spend approximately six nights canoeing and six nights backpacking. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of both canoeing and backpacking, allowing experienced campers or novices the opportunity to enhance their skills in both disciplines. Canoe/ Backpack Combo 7/17 – 8/3 6 #Days 18 Fees $2,153 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • widji.org • (P) 612-822-2267 • (F) 612-223-6322 • info@widji.org ADVENTURES BIGHORN MOUNTAIN SESSIONS Entering grades 8-10 The Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming offer an excellent introduction to mountain backpacking for confident first-time or experienced backpackers. After several days of training at Widji, groups drive for two days by van to the Bighorn National Forest, near Buffalo, in north central Wyoming. Campers spend approximately eight days hiking at elevations of 8,000-10,000 feet. Two Widji trail counselors share the leadership for each Bighorn group of four to six campers. Groups must be prepared for a variety of weather, including the occasional snow shower! Bighorns #Days Fees 6/28–7/15 (boys only) 18 $2,410 7/5–7/21 (girls only) 17 $2,296 7/17–8/3 (boys only) 18 $2,410 8/8–8/25 (girls only) 18 $2,410 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SESSIONS Entering grades 9-12 The Rocky Mountain sessions are ideal for experienced backpackers looking for a fun challenge. After training and orientation at Widji, groups travel for two days by van to either the Absaroka Mountains or the Spanish Peak Range of southwestern Montana. Both mountain ranges offer excellent alpine backpacking terrain, providing many opportunities for campers to hike above treeline. One Widji trail counselor leads each group of four to six campers. Rocky Mountain #Days Fees 6/28–7/15 (girls only) 18 $2,410 7/5–7/21 (boys only) 17 $2,296 7/17–8/3 (girls only) 18 $2,410 8/8–8/25 (boys only) 18 $2,410 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOOD At Widji, campers are involved in the menu planning and can tailor the menu to suit their tastes. But generally, meals are made from scratch out of common grocery items and specialized dehydrated goods. Common menu items include: Breakfast: granola, pancakes, oatmeal, cinnamon rolls, Grape Nuts. Lunch: cheese, sausage, raisins, trail mix, Ry Krisp crackers, peanut butter and gorp. Dinner: macaroni and cheese, calzones, pizza, burritos. Groups are mostly limited by their own imaginations! Note: Most food allergies or dietary concerns can be accommodated on trail. Please contact us with any concerns. 8 BANQUET & CLOSING CAMPFIRES We invite parents/guardians, family, and friends to visit their camper at the end-of-session banquet. This is a fantastic opportunity to share in the Widji trail experience and participate in camp’s celebratory banquet. note: Registration is required at least one week in advance for the Banquet dinner and breakfast the following morning. Banquets are held on the night before the last day of the session. Visit widji.org for banquet registration. For accommodations in or around Ely, please visit ely.org. REQUIRED FORMS Several forms are required for your camper to attend a Widji Trip. This information is crucial to help ensure Widji has the most up to date information about the health and well being of your camper. Forms are available to download from the Widji.org website, under the Forms and Publications link. The Health History form can be filled out and signed by a parent/ guardian. The Physical Exam Form must be filled out by a physician and submitted to Widji. YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • widji.org • (P) 612-822-2267 • (F) 612-223-6322 • info@widji.org LOTTERY & REGISTRATION PAYMENTS There will be two lotteries again this year. The first lottery will be for returning campers. The next day there will be a lottery for new campers. The $200 deposit must be made by credit card or bank debit card. This will allow us to delay processing the deposit until after the completion of the lottery. Read through these instructions carefully so that you are fully informed on how the process works. If you have any questions after reading the instructions, feel free to call us at 612-822-2267. American Express. You may set up a payment plan by calling 612-822-2267. Lottery Deadline: All registrations must be received by midnight, Monday, December 14, 2015. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY . A $200 non-refundable deposit is due with each registration. . A ll remaining fees are due by May 1, 2016. . R egistrations after May 1, 2016 require full payment. . A ny changes made to session dates or type of session will require $25 service fee. . Paayments can be made by check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or . C ancellations must be made in writing. If you cancel: Lottery #1: for returning campers: Thursday, December 17, 2015. Everyone will be notified by phone. Lottery #2: for new campers: Friday, December 18, 2015. Everyone will be notified by phone. Open Enrollment: begins Monday, December 21, 2015. At this time registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis according to availability. Notification will occur by mail. To be a part of this year’s lottery, we must receive your registration by midnight, on Monday, December 14, 2015. We accept on-line, walkin, mail and fax registrations for the lottery. A $200 deposit must accompany your registration. The deposit must be paid by credit card or bank debit card only; no checks will be accepted during the lottery process. The deposit will not be processed until after completion of the lottery. Once enrolled, the deposit is then applied toward the balance of the camp fees. This deposit is non-refundable. Please read the cancellation policy on the registration form. All spaces will be allotted on a lottery basis for registrations received by midnight December 14, as will the subsequent positions on the wait list. If you have listed more than one choice for sessions, you will be enrolled in the order of your choices according to space availability. This means that if you end up on the wait list for your first choice, and there is space available on your second choice, we will automatically enroll you in your second choice and keep you on the wait list for your first choice. Therefore, you increase your odds of getting into a session if you list more than one choice; the more you list, the greater the odds. Please, list as choices only those sessions which you know you will be able to attend. TRAILMATE REQUESTS In order to assure that requests for a trailmate are honored during the lottery process, we require that the registration forms for both campers list each other in the trailmate request section. We will be unable to honor a request if only one of the campers lists a trailmate. Trailmate requests that involve both returning and new campers will be drawn in the new camper lottery. Please remember that we can honor only one trailmate request. . . 1. O n or before May 1, 2016, Widji will refund all fees except the deposit, which is $200 for regular sessions, $300 for Explorer and Advanced Explorer sessions, and $500 for Mountaineer and Voyageur sessions. 2. A fter May 1, 2016 all fees are non-refundable.* *Exception for #2: If a cancellation is made due to a medical condition and confirmed in writing by the treating physician, all fees but the deposit will be refunded. O ur staff works as hard as possible to help campers with homesickness or behavioral issues, so we do not issue refunds for campers that leave early due to those reasons. C amp Widjiwagan reserves the right to send any camper home early who does not abide by camp rules or whose behavior is disruptive, uncontrollable, illegal, dangerous, or disrespectful to other campers or the camp community. No refund will be issued for any of the above reasons. PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS Campers coming to Widjiwagan should be motivated and excited to experience simple wilderness travel, develop leadership, work as a group member, and be in good health. Physical challenges are an inherent part of wilderness trips. Therefore, it is very important that each camper prepare themselves for the rigors of a strenuous wilderness experience to the best of their ability. Please let us know if your child has a disability or condition requiring accommodation. This will enable us to better meet your child’s needs, within available resources and to the extent reasonable. Widjiwagan will dismiss a child if they do not follow respectful behavior expectations. Harassment, use of drugs and alcohol, theft or damage of property, and disregarding instructions are actions that will lead to dismissal. If a child is dismissed, there will be no refund. Also, please be sure you read and sign the “Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability” section of the registration form. For specific trip details you are invited to attend the parent informational meeting in the spring of 2016. Send registration with appropriate deposit to: YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN 2125 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55413 phone 612-822-2267 fax: 612-223-6322 Upload to: http://ymcatwincities.custhelp.com/app/ask/ YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 9 2016 REGISTRATION FORM Online registration available at widji.org Please return this completed form with parental/guardian signature to: YMCA Customer Service Center, 2125 E. Hennepin Ave. Suite 100, Mpls, MN 55413 • Phone 612-822-2267 • Fax 612-223-6322. Upload to: http://ymcatwincities.custhelp.com/app/ask/ Please use one registration per child, per session. Please use a pen and print neatly. Camper Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (last) (first) (middle) Nickname _______________________________________ Gender ______________________________ This is my _______________ year at camp. Camper Street Address________________________________________________________________ Home Phone______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ Zip___________________________ Date of birth _______/_______/_______ Age at camp ________ Grade in fall 2016 _________ School attending____________________________________________________________ 1st Contact Parent/Guardian___________________________________________________ 2nd Contact Parent/Guardian__________________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________State__________Zip__________________ City __________________________________________________ State__________Zip______________ Home phone ___________________________________________________________________________ Home phone ___________________________________________________________________________ Work phone ____________________________________________________________________________ Work phone ____________________________________________________________________________ Cell phone ______________________________________________________________________________ Cell phone_______________________________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________________ SESSION INFORMATION Canoe or Backpack Session Name Session Dates Session Fee 1st Choice: 2nd Choice: 3rd Choice: TRANSPORATION CHANGES to original registration form including payment must be completed in writing no later than two weeks prior to the start of your childs session and will incur a $25 change fee. PAYMENT INFORMATION A non-refundable $200 deposit per camper per session must accompany each registration form. Remaining fees due by May 1, 2016 Registrations after May 1, 2016 require full payment or payment plan. ■ Check enclosed amount: $������������������������������������������������������ (payable to: YMCA Camp Widjiwagan) Please bill my: ■ Visa ■ MasterCard ■ Discover ■ Am Express Card #__________________________________________________________Exp. Date______________ Please charge: ■ a $200 non-refundable deposit only ■ the full fee of $��������������� ■ the $200 deposit now and the remaining balance on May 1, 2016. TRAILMATE REQUEST Please place me in the same group with (one friend): ________________________________________ BUS INFORMATION Widjiwagan provides bus transportation to and from camp. Indicate mode of transportation below. Parent Transportation to camp ___________ from camp ___________ White Bear Lake YMCA: to camp, $65 __________ from camp, $65___________ Cloquet: to camp, $44 __________ from camp, $44___________ TRANSPORTATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE CAMPERS If you are from out-of-state, you must arrive in St. Paul the evening before your session. We can arrange transportation to the airport, bus or train station, overnight accomodations and meals. Please add the following charges to your total: (These charges are in addition to the above bus and transportation charges.) 1. Transportation, before and/or after session, plus one night housing and meals . . . $ 102 2. One-way transportation to airport, bus or train station after session only . . . . . . . $ 40 Out-of-State Camper Fee: Note: Per PCI Compliance, credit cards are not stored in the system. Numbers are not on file. Billing information if different from camper: Name_____________________________________________________________ Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: PARENTAL/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE REQUIRED Please sign here_______________________________________________________________________ Please complete the Release Form on page 10 and return with registration. REGISTRATION PAGE 2 OF 2 info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 11 perforate CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION Widjiwagan wishes to provide the best possible experience for your child. We ask the following questions to help us gain an understanding of your child’s needs in order to assure that he/she is placed in the proper session, trip or trail group. Please use additional paper if needed. Is your child currently taking any prescription medications? Yes / No If yes, please list them and describe what they are for.������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Is your child currently under the care of any medical specialists? Yes / No If yes, for what conditions?����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Does your child have any sensory, physical, cognitive or emotional disabilities? Yes / No If yes, list them and state how they affect him/her. Do they require special accommodation? Please be specific! ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION How did you find out about Widji? �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Submit forms: online at widji.org, fax to 612-223-6322 or mail to YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN, 2125 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55413 THIS SECTION MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN BEFORE REGISTRATION WILL BE ACCEPTED RELEASE, INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE 8/01/13 PARENT/GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION SECTION — TRANSPORTATION/MEDICAL 1. In the event that I/my child need immediate medical attention for injuries received while participating in a YMCA program, I authorize the YMCA staff to give me or my child reasonable first aid, and to arrange transport of myself or my child to a health care facility for emergency services as needed. 1. I acknowledge that participating in YMCA activities involves known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis or permanent disability, death, and property damage. Risks include, but are not limited to, broken bones, torn ligaments or other injuries as a result of falls or contact with other participants; death as a result of drowning or brain damage caused by near drowning in pools or other bodies of water; medical conditions resulting from physical activity; and damaged clothing or other property. I understand such risks simply cannot be eliminated, despite the use of safety equipment,without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. 2. I give permission for myself and/or my child to be transported by the YMCA as needed for field trips, inclement weather, or late pick up. I also give my permission to participate in walking field trips. 2. I expressly accept and assume all of the risks inherent in this activity or that might have been caused by the negligence of the Releasees. My/My child’s participation in these activities is purely voluntary and we elect to participate despite the risks. In addition, if at any time I believe that event conditions are unsafe or that I or my child are unable to participate due to physical or medical conditions, then I will immediately discontinue participation. 3. I also give permission for myself or my child to enter Canada with the YMCA. I also understand that I/my child will need to bring our passport to camp if the trip involves such travel to Canada. 4. I hereby acknowledge that the YMCA will assume that either parent of the child may pick up the child at any time during the program unless there is pertinent court documentation on file at the YMCA that indicates otherwise. 5. I agree to the release of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance purposes. The YMCA receives medical information on campers/ participants that may need to be shared with medical providers. 3. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action which are in any way connected with my/my child’s participation in these activities, orour use of their equipment or facilities, arising from negligence. This release does not apply to claims arising from intentional conduct or conduct that constitutes greater than ordinary negligence. Should Releasees or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. 6. If I or my child requires use and administration of an epi-pen, prescription or over the counter medication, it is my responsibility to ensure that the epi-pen and/or medication are on me or my child or within our personal belongings every day of the program. If YMCA staff is required to administer and use the epi-pen and/or medication, I agree to forever release and discharge the YMCA and its directors, officers, and employees from any and all liability arising out of or resulting from use or administration of the epi-pen and/or medication. 4. I represent that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I or my child may suffer or cause while participating in this activity, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further represent that I/my child have no medical or physical conditions which could interfere with our safety in these activities, or else I am willing to assume – and bear the costs of – all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. GENERAL 1. I hereby release all pictures of myself or my child taken by the YMCA for promotional purposes and programming materials including the YMCA website. 5. In the event that I file a lawsuit, I agree to do so in the state where Releasees’ facility is located, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply. 6. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Page 10-11 perforated for tear out In consideration of participating in YMCA activities, and for other good and valuable consideration, I hereby agree to release and discharge from liability arising from negligence the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities (hereinafter referred to as YMCA) and its owners, directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, participants, and all other persons or entities acting for them (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Releasees”), on behalf of myself and my children, parents, heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate, and also agree as follows: 2. I give my permission for the YMCA to administer sunscreen as needed and to change my child’s diaper while my child is in their care. 3. I acknowledge that certain sections of this waiver may not apply to me and/ or my child and the programs or activities that we have chosen but agree to be bound by any applicable language. By signing this document, I agree that if I or my child is hurt or our property is damaged during participation in these activities, then I or my child may be found by a court of law to have waived our right to maintain a lawsuit against the parties being released on the basis of any claim for negligence. I have had sufficient time to read this entire document and, should I choose to do so, consult with legal counsel prior to signing. Also, I understand that this activity might not be made available to me or that the cost to engage in this activity would be significantly greater if the YMCA did not utilize waivers as a method to lower insurance and administrative costs. I have read and understood this document and I agree to be bound by its terms. Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________________________________ State _________________ Zip ��������������� Telephone ( _______________ ) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT (Must be completed for participants under the age of 18) In consideration of ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (PRINT minor’s names) being permitted to participate in this activity, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees from any claims alleging negligence which are brought by or on behalf of minor or are in any way connected with such participation by minor. Parent or Guardian ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date������������� Signature REGISTRATION PAGE 1 OF 2 info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 10 top of mountian. ADVANCED TRIPS OVERVIEW EXPLORER CANOE VOYAGEUR The Widjiwagan progression of challenge culminates with the advanced trips programs. Grades 10 Sessions range from 29 to 31 days, with about 21 days on trail. Groups often explore the Crownlands of Ontario, the Quetico and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Grade 12 Sessions of 45-52 days, with 34-40 days on trail. This trip travels to the Arctic rivers of Canada and Alaska. Recent groups have paddled the Anderson, Kazan, and Thelon Rivers in Canada and the Noatak River in Alaska. All of Widjiwagan’s wilderness adventures, from the Introductory BWCAW canoe trips to the Mountaineer or Voyageur expeditions, incorporate our mission to provide a fun, quality wilderness experience that fosters respect for self, community and the environment. The advanced tripping program gives experienced, qualified campers the added opportunity and challenge of traveling in more remote areas for a longer duration. Campers who are currently in 10th to 12th grades are eligible for advanced trips. They are invited to participate by demonstrating an enthusiasm for wilderness travel, initiative and an ability to work well with others. These trips provide an opportunity for campers to continue to develop and refine their skills in the areas of wilderness travel, group dynamics, and leadership. Advance trip invitations will be mailed in the fall of 2015. If you have any questions about these trips please contact info@widji.org. How are advanced groups put together? One of the more significant changes in trip preparation is the fact that we no longer honor friend requests at this level. Our priority is to put together the strongest groups possible by factoring in the strengths of each individual camper. There is great value in being able to branch out and work effectively with different people. EXPLORER BACKPACK Grade 10 Sessions from 30 to 31 days, with about 19 days on trail. Recent groups have explored the Wind River Range in Wyoming and the Sawtooth Wilderness Area in Idaho. ADVANCED EXPLORER CANOE Grade 11 Sessions of 36 days, with 27 days on trail. Groups travel further north and generally spend a significant amount of time in either Wabakimi Provincial Park in Ontario or Caribou Provincial Park in Manitoba. MOUNTAINEER Grade 12 Sessions of 45-48 days, with 35-40 days on trail. This trip travels to the mountain ranges of Alaska and Canada. Recent groups have hiked in Gates of the Arctic National Park, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and WrangellSt. Elias National Park in Alaska and the Ogilvie Mountains in the Yukon. ADVANCED EXPLORER BACKPACK Grade 11 Sessions of 33 days, with 22 days on trail. Recent groups have traveled to the Beartooth Wilderness in Montana and the Willmore Wilderness in Alberta, Canada. 12 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • widji.org • (P) 612-822-2267 • (F) 612-223-6322 • info@widji.org Fall, Winter, Spring Looking to experience Widjiwagan outside of the summer months? Last year over 2,200 individuals participated in programs at camp during the fall, winter, and spring months. Widji’s location is the perfect setting for groups to experience the north woods. Our setting, combined with Widji’s strong program, facilities and mission, creates many opportunities for schools, groups, and organizations. OUTDOOR LEARNING PROGRAM For more than 35 years, Widji has offered residential outdoor environmental education to school groups. The program provides learning opportunities which empower students to invest in themselves and an environmentally sustainable future. The Widjiwagan curriculum is designed to provide an understanding of ecological concepts, knowledge of cultural and natural history of the region, problem solving, decision making, and teambuilding skills. We tailor the curriculum to meet each school’s specific goals and objectives. Weekend Retreat Opportunities Organizations and groups have found Widji’s setting, facilities, staff, and program conducive to weekend retreats. Staff work with the group organizer to plan programs which facilitate the objectives of the group and take advantage of all that camp has to offer. Activities may include canoeing, hiking, skiing, stargazing, taking a sauna, or relaxing by a warm fire. WOMEN’S RETREAT WEEKENDS Escape your busy schedule and spend a weekend at Widji relaxing and rejuvenating. Experience the gorgeous fall colors, skiing along the snow-packed trails or relaxing by a fire. Whatever your pleasure, you can enjoy it during a Widji weekend! Please contact Karen Pick, Outdoor Learning Program Director, at 218-365-2117 ext. 221, to arrange weekend or week-long wilderness experiences. DISCOVER YMCA CAMPS TRADITIONAL OVERNIGHT CAMPS YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities Camps provide a life time of camping experiences for the whole family. Our camps fulfill all stages of camping in a clear progression of skill development. Our four Traditional Overnight Camps, for kids ages 7-17, provide campers with a solid foundation of camping and leadership skills while giving them rich and magical experiences. campstcroix.org campicaghowan.org When campers, ages 11-18, crave further challenges, our two Teen Wilderness Camps are the next step in growing their camping expertise and confidence. Family Camp brings the whole family together to play, deepen relationships and connect with nature. It’s for all ages and features both summer and year-round programs. Discover, achieve and connect through a Y camping experience campihduhapi.org campwarren.org TEEN WILDERNESS CAMPS campmenogyn.org widji.org dunord.org FAMILY CAMP YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN • info@widji.org • [P] 612-822-2267 • [F] 612-223-6322 • widji.org 13 YMCA OF THE GREATER TWIN CITIES 2125 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55413 YMCA CAMP WIDJIWAGAN 3788 North Arm Road Ely, MN 55731 JOIN US FOR OUR NEW CAMPER ORIENTATION April 27, 2016 or May 2, 2016 6:30-7:30pm 2125 E. Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis Like us on facebook Follow us on twitter View photos on flickr.com/widjiwagan Visit us at widji.org Have a question? Contact us at 612-822-2267 Email us at: info@widji.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID YMCA TWIN CITIES MN