106-The World Parachute Championships
106-The World Parachute Championships
106-The World Parachute Championships This year, the World Parachute Championships take place in two different countries. The competition of Canopy Formation, Accuracy Landing and Aerobatics will happen from August 18th to August 22nd 2014 in Bosnia, more exactly in Banja Luka. The events of Formation Skydiving, Vertical Formation Skydiving and Artistic Events will be in Prostějov in Czech Republic from August 24th to August 31st 2014. The French Parachute Federation-FFP-on the authority of its President, Marie-Claude Feydeau, has engaged 61 athletes (43 men and 18 women/29 competitors in Bosnia Herzegovina and 32 competitors in Czech Republic). A press briefing will be transferred every day (Click here) Photos and videos copyright free will be on FFP website www.ffp.asso.fr The Patrick de Gayardon’s trophy- which rewards the best parachutist nation and which was kept by France since Dubaï in 2012 - will stay in the FFP’s showcase for two years until the next World Parachute Championships in Chicago in September 2016. Even if the trophy is out of the competition, Jean-Michel Poulet, French Technical Manager, is determined to hold France in the first rank. Few hours before the beginning of the competition, he explains in details, discipline by discipline, his hope of best results for French teams. Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina He begins with Canopy Formation which represents the opening trial in Banja Luka. As a matter of fact, Jean Michel Poulet is really attached to this discipline because he was himself a multiple world champion of it. France has won the Canopy Formation 4 way rotations. The team is composed by four world champions of Dubaï : Emmanuel BOUCHARD (captain), Gregory CHATELAIN (Video-man), Frédéric TRUFFAUT, Benoît ROTTY. Adrien MERLEN is a new man who has joined us. The team is decided to keep its prize. This resolution probably announces a hard struggle against Russia’s team. The French Parachute Federation presents two teams of Canopy Formation Sequences 2. We are waiting two places on the podium, keeping in mind the objective to preserve the reward of Dubaï. France A is composed by Rodolphe POURCELOT (Captain) and Kevin TECHER, with Olivier PLAT in charge of video. France B is characteristic because it is composed of two women who are both medical workers : Charline DELAY who is a doctor, and Cindy COLLOT, who is a nurse. Their video man is David HUET, who is a military man. The training of Canopy Formation sequences 4 –a team which owns the prize of world’s champion-was disturbed by the injury of its Captain Magali BELGODERE. As a consequence, Magali BELGORDERE (Captain), Alexandra PETITJEAN (her substitute), Aude CLESSE, Benoit BAECKEROOT, Guillaume DUBOIS, and Laurent-Stéphane MONTFORT in charge of camera, will have to reinforce their training and make many efforts during the last two weeks before the World Championships. Everyone is ready to take up the challenge in order to win the Grand Slam in Canopy Formation as it was in Dubaï. The trials of Accuracy Landing and Aerobatics will take place too on the airfield of Banja Luka. Five women and five men are engaged in these disciplines. We are waiting a podium for the women’s team which is composed by Adeline DELECROIX, Danielle MARQUEZ-FERRONI, Anne-Lise GUILLARD, Stéphanie TEXIER and Deborah FERRAND (captain of the team who aims for the gold medal too during the individual competition). A podium for the women’s team would be a good surprise for the Aerobatics. It could reward all their efforts and hard works. We can hope a gold medal with the men for the individual competition in Accuracy Landing. Jean VIGNUALES, Maxime DUPONT, Tanguy MAHEU, François MARTZOLFF or Patrick VENTAJA whish a success in Accuracy Landing and Aerobatics and combined with one podium by team. Senior’s Championships will happen at the same time as junior’s championships. In this category we can hope medals for Léocadie OLLIVIER DE PURY regarding the girls, Sylvain FERRONI and Mathieu GUINDE regarding the boys. Prostějov, Czech Republica The French teams in all fall’s disciplines will go to Prostějov in Czech Republic. As far as women’s formation skydiving 4 is concerned, all the conditions seems gathered together to reach the highest place of the podium. Laurence HERVE, Christine MALNIS, Sophia PECOUT, Perrine SANCHEZ, always joined by their loyal video man, Rémy GRANDCLERC, are at ease with their favorite’s position, even against the American. The Skydiving formation 4 Open means to ride up on the podium. Gold medal could be possible. The results would be probably very closed. The athletes’ state of mind and little details would interfere in the competition, especially against the United States team-which owns the title- Belgium’s team-which is really well trained- and Canada-which could create surprise-. The Skydiving formation 8 Open is totally new. It was built with the 8 who have taken part in European Championships 2013 in Banja Luka with Mathieu CANNESON, Nicolas DAVID, Mathieu DESPRES, Antoine LELEU, Charles ROMMEL, Kevin MANSION and Michel LAYNAUD the video man. Thomas PERRIN GACHADOAT, a former competitor vice world’s champion SF8 in Dubaï, and Anaïs MAILLET from women’s SF4, have joined the team. The goal is silver medal. But, even if American still seem to be unbeatable, who knows ? The team may create the surprise ! Regarding Vertical Formation Skydiving, it will be a real disappointment without gold medal. Indeed, United Arabs Emirates, which represented it best rival was dissolved. Therefore the French team composed by Cathy BOUETTE, Raphaël COUDRAY, Julien GUIHO, Frederic NENET, and Yannick POLETTI, video man, seems to be ultra-favorite. Regarding Artistic Disciplines, The French Parachute Federation is waiting for two places on the podium, even a dipole. Yohann ABY is a Free style uncontested winner since 2010. He still appears as the favorite with his partner William PENNY, video man. His best rival could be his friend of Free Fly, Loïc PERROUIN. Jean Philippe RICORDEAU will be in charge of camera with him because his usual video man Pierre RABUEL announced his withdrawal because he had health issues. In the French camp, we hope that both French Free Fly teams will compete with each other even if other teams are competitor too. We will see on one hand, European champions who won at the World Cup of Banja Luka in 2013, Yohan ABY and Loïc PERROUIN with Jean Philippe RICORDEAU, on the other hand, the French champion team 2013 and 2014 composed of Nicolas GOUTIN, Arnaud MILLE, and Guillaume FEHR, as a video man. The Accuracy Landing/ Aerobatics and Canopy Formation World Parachute Championships to Banja Luka (Bosnia) Competitors by disciplines (29 competitors, 18 men, 11 women) : MAN ACCURACY LANDING: Jean VIGNUALES -Tanguy MAHEU - François MARTZOLFF - Patrick VENTAJA - Maxime DUPONT WOMAN ACCURACY LANDING: Adeline DELECROIX - Anne-Lise GUILLARD - Déborah FERRAND - Danielle MARQUEZFERRONI - Stéphanie TEXIER JUNIOR MAN ACCURACY LANDING: Mathieu GUINDE - Sylvain FERRONI JUNIOR WOMAN ACCURACY LANDING: Léocadie OLLIVIER DE PURY CANOPY FORMATION SEQUENCES 2 TEAM A : Kevin TECHER - Rodolphe POURCELOT - Olivier PLAT (vidéo-man) CANOPY FORMATION SEQUENCES 2 TEAM B : Cindy COLLOT - Charline DELAY- David HUET CANOPY FORMATION SEQUENCES 4 : Magali BELGODERE - Guillaume DUBOIS - Benoit BAECKEROOT - Aude CLESSE Laurent-Stéphane MONTFORT (vidéo-man) - Alexandra PETITJEAN CANOPY FORMATION 4 WAY ROTATIONS: Emmanuel BOUCHARD - Frédéric TRUFFAUT - Adrien MERLEN - Benoit ROTTY Grégory CHATELAIN (vidéo-man) Competitors by areas (according to permits) : ALSACE : Jean VIGNUALES - Tanguy MAHEU- François MARTZOLFF - Anne-Lise GUILLARDAQUITAINE : Patrick VENTAJA CENTRE : Benoit BAECKEROOT - Emmanuel BOUCHARD - Frédéric TRUFFAUT FRANCHE-COMTE : Rodolphe POURCELOT - Cindy COLLOT - David HUET- Charline DELAY - Magali BELGODERE - Guillaume DUBOIS ILE DE FRANCE : Laurent-Stéphane MONTFORT - Alexandra PETITJEAN LORRAINE : Aude CLESSE - Adrien MERLEN MIDI PYRENEES : Déborah FERRAND - Danielle MARQUEZ-FERRONI - Sylvain FERRONI NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS : Benoit ROTTY PICARDIE : Adeline DELECROIX - Grégory CHATELAIN PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D’AZUR : Stéphanie TEXIER - Mathieu GUINDE - Léocadie OLLIVIER DE PURY - Olivier PLAT REUNION: Kevin TECHER STAFF parachuting FRENCH TEAM (BOSNIA): Team Manager: Claude DUBREIL // Canopy formation sequences 4 trainers : JeanMichel POULET // Aerobatics/accuracy landing trainer: Jean-Noël HARDOUIN // Médical : Cyrille MALLON // Médical : Franck MARBACK The artistic disciplines and Formation Skydiving World Parachute Championships to Prostejov (Czech Republica) Competitors by disciplines (32 competitors, 25 men, 7 women) : FREESTYLE : Yohann ABY - William PENNY (vidéo-man) - Loïc PERROUIN - Jean-Philippe RICORDEAU (vidéo-man) FREEFLY : Yohann ABY - Loïc PERROUIN - Jean-Philippe RICORDEAU (vidéo-man) - Arnaud MILLE - Nicolas GOUTIN - Guillaume FEHR (vidéo-man) FORMATION SKYDIVING 4 OPEN: Mathieu BERNIER - Julien DEGEN - Damien GOURIOU- Pierre-Emmanuel BALAGEAS - Olivier HENAFF (vidéo-man) WOMEN’S FORMATION SKYDIVING 4 OPEN: Laurence HERVE - Perrine SANCHEZ - Sophia PECOUT- Christine MALNIS - Rémy GRANDCLER (vidéo-man) Sophie DEREMAUX BOULOGNE FORMATION SKYDIVING 8 OPEN: Matthieu DESPRES - Anais MAILLET - Thomas PERRIN-GACHADOAT - Charles ROMMEL - Antoine LELEU - Mathieu CANNESSON - Nicolas DAVID - Kevin MANSION - Michel LAYNAUD (vidéo-man) - Mathieu BERNIER VERTICAL FORMATION SKYDIVING: Raphael COUDRAY - Julien GUIHO - Cathy BOUETTE - Frédéric NENET - Yannick POLETTI (vidéo-man) Competitors by areas (according to permits) : AQUITAINE: Nicolas GOUTIN- Guillaume FEHR- Kevin MANSIONBRETAGNE: Yohann ABY- William PENNY- Loïc PERROUIN- Matthieu DESPRES- Mathieu BERNIER- Julien DEGEN- Damien GOURIOU CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE: Frédéric NENET FRANCHE-COMTE: Yannick POLETTI HAUTE SAVOIE: Michel LAYNAUD ILE DE FRANCE: Sophia- PECOUT- - Anaïs MAILLET- Mathieu CANNESSON- - Antoine LELEU NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS: Nicolas DAVID- Rémy GRANDCLER- Pierre-Emmanuel BALAGEAS- Christine MALNIS- Sophie BOULONGNEDEREMAUX- Charles ROMMEL - Jean-Philippe RICORDEAU- Thomas PERRIN- GACHADOAT PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE-D’AZUR: Perrine SANCHEZ - Laurence HERVE- Arnaud MILLE- Loïc PERROUIN- Olivier HENAFF- Raphael COUDRAY- Cathy BOUETTE- Julien GUIHO STAFF parachuting FRENCH TEAM (Czech Republica): Team Manager: Jean-Louis GANAYE // Freefly/ Freestyle trainer: Sébastien CHAMBET // Formation skydiving 4 trainers: Jérémie ROLLETT // Formation skydiving 8 trainers: Marin FERRE // Canopy Piloting trainer : Philippe SCHORNO // Freefly/Freestyle trainer: Nicolas ARNAUD // Médical : Mathieu DESCHAMP // Médical : Mathieu DESCHAMP French Parachute Federation : www.ffp.asso.fr Press Contacts : Michel Jouinot : 06 80 22 39 50 mail: phoebus-comminucation@orange.fr