View - Forncett


View - Forncett
St. Peter’s Church & Village Sign
October 2009
The Forncett
Bringing news to the Forncetts
The Forncett Flyer is an independent publication, and is paid for by Forncett Parish Council.
Diary Dates
3rd Oct (Sat eve)
Tas Well Club CLOSED
But open Fri 2nd (p.2)
3rd Oct (Sat eve)
Forncett Village Hall
Harvest Supper (p.4)
9th Oct (Fri)
Children’s photo comp
Closing date (p.7)
9th Oct (Fri eve)
Allotments meeting
Village Hall (p.5)
Diggers & Dibblers second annual
Produce and Craft Show
The second Garden Club show was held last Saturday at Forncett Village Hall on an unusually
beautiful sunny day: the exhibits were brought in by eager participants who placed them reverently
on the appropriate tables. Judging began at 12 am and the doors were locked whilst the team of
independent Judges made their deliberations. Promptly at 2 pm the doors were opened and
competitors hurried to see if they had been awarded the coveted red rosette. For more results and
pictures see pages 11 and 12 (rear cover).
Diggers & Dibblers would like to thank The Norfolk Community Foundation who very
generously gave us a Grass Roots Grant of £478 to enable us to buy a set of show vases to display
the exhibits to their best advantage. Also purchased with this grant were a laminator, an advertising
banner, and other small items. Without this grant the staging of the show would have been a great
strain on the club’s finances, and a lot less fun for everyone. Our grateful thanks to this organisation.
10th Oct (Saturday)
Flu Jab day at Long
Stratton (p.3)
10th Oct (Sat eve)
Meeting, Village Hall
Development (p.2)
16th Oct (Fri)
Mobile Library (p.10)
Oct 17-18th (weekend)
St Mary Church photo
exhibition (p.7)
20th Oct (Tue eve)
Diggers & Dibblers
Tree care (p.8)
20th Oct (Tue eve)
Flyer DEADLINE (p.8)
23rd Oct (Fri eve)
Diggers & Dibblers meal
@ Village Hall (p.4)
24th Oct (Sat 5 pm)
Cider festival & live
music (p.2)
31st Oct (Saturday)
Flu Jab day at Long
Stratton (p.3)
3rd Dec (Thrs am)
Coffee Morning@
Webster’s (p.4)
12th Dec (Sat)
1 Tas Well Club CLOSED
But open Fri 11th (p.2)
Photo above by John Metcalf: all show photos by John Metcalf and Su Leavesley.
Diggers & Dibblers second produce show
Films photo comp, bowls & caption comp
Village Hall matters &Tas Well Social Club 2
New improved Box adverts
Dr. Willis, School report, and History club
Box adverts
Books, Pelican Pub, & community meals
Line adverts, contacts & oil buying
Allotments, Football, a thank you
More pictures of Diggers & Dibblers show
Parish Council, Church and Police
More pictures of Diggers & Dibblers show
7th Nov (Sat eve)
Planning for 2010 @
Village Hall (p.2)
Your Village Hall
The Tas Well Social Club
The mini beer festival and hog roast took place on the 29th
August. The hog arrived a little after 6 o’clock and was soon
being sliced and consumed with much relish - well actually apple
The beers were tested, tasted and drunk. The beers were all
local, with the furthest being from Acle (Tipples) and the others
ranging from Long Stratton (Spectrum) to Attleborough (Wolf)
and Tivetshall (Buffys) to Denton (Grain). Again the evening
proved very popular with the Hog Roast making a profit of
approx. ₤100 and the bar taking nearly ₤600.
On the Saturday 24th October the Tas Well will be holding a
Cider Festival with live music. The evening will start a little earlier
than normal at 5pm as we will be providing children’s
entertainment in the form of apple themed games, so bring your
little ones down to the Tas Well, and don’t worry adults can play
Sealed for decades to come!
too!! There will be both local draught ciders and bottled ciders to
try. From 8.30pm there will be some live music by "The Terry
Adams Duo". and during the evening there will be a raffle.
There will be plenty there for all the family, and we hope to see
you there.
Future events planned include a bingo night with fish and
chips, and a New Years Eve fancy dress party. More details to
come in future Forncett Flyers. These events do not happen by
themselves and any help is greatly appreciated, ring Paul on
(01953) 789848 if you want to lend a hand however small.
Please not that the Tas Well will not be open on the 3rd of
October, due to the Harvest Supper, but will be open on 2nd
October at the usual time of 6pm. On the 12th December the Tas
Well will be shut again due to the Diggers & Dibblers quiz
evening, again we will open the night before instead. Paul Leeder
Where Next
Now that the uncertainty of cost over-runs is behind us, we've
called a public meeting to discuss priorities and get the ball rolling
on other fronts. This will be at the Tas Well from 6:00pm to
7:30pm on Saturday 10th October (the day after the allotments
situation should be clarified) – all welcome.
The main agenda item will be developing the site to get
additional storage and car-parking and to provide the playgroup
with free-flow access (so children can come and go at will)
between indoor and outdoor play areas.
Planning 2010
Surprisingly little rot was found in the wood
On Saturday 7th November the Entertainments Committee will
be hosting a “Planning 2010” meeting to discuss diary dates,
events and activities for the coming year, from Tas Well specials
through to the fete and anything else anyone wants to raise. If we
could hear from (or preferably see) representatives from all user
groups such as Diggers & Dibblers and Line Dancing etc., and
anyone planning ANY local event for 2010 that would be great!
Also if you wish to book the Village Hall for a private party, be
sure to contact us very soon, as dates are being filled rapidly.
Shirts come off as the new roof goes on
Some 18 months after the mad rush to secure funding from
WREN, and following a lot of fund-raising on the part of many,
many volunteers, T C Garrett moved in this summer to strip, felt,
batten and re-slate the old roof. In a matter of days, in perfect
conditions, the building was sealed from the elements to a
standard that should not need major works for decades to come.
After all the anxiety about rot or damage where water had got in,
we were pleased to discover a structurally very sound roof: one
gable end was rotten, and one rafter on each side, but other than
at the very tips of each rafter (by the guttering) the timberwork
and lath-and-plaster mostly looked to be in excellent condition.
Playgroup re-started this autumn in excellent shape. All eight
sessions are going strong, albeit with a very different feel to in the
summer now that all last-year's older children have moved on.
We've children doing two sessions (5 hours) on each of our long
days (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) and the staff are already
planning the first big away-day of the term.
We're pleased to report that we've received a wonderful
donation of a computer, monitor, printer, scanner and web cam
through Peter James of a wonderful charity
that exists to recycle PC's (for free) for the benefit of elderly,
disabled, charity and other genuinely needy users. Ours will be
used by the children in conjunction with our digital camera, and
by the staff for making resources
Behind the scenes, a new committee is taking over as new
parents get involved. Emma Leeder, Jo Weston, Debbie Walker
and I are standing down, and our thanks go to Caroline
Bolderston, Tina Fisher, Kate Timson and Elise Morritt for stepping
forward to replace us, oversee the smooth running of the
playgroup, run social/fundraising events and take forward the
assorted grant applications, development projects and so on –
thanks to one and all.
Page 5 compiled by
Greg Spencer, Chairman, Forncett Playgroup,
Tel 01508 488056;,
Blacksmith’s Cottage, Low Rd., Forncett St. Peter, NR16 1JG.
The School Report
September 2009
After the long summer break we have returned
to school well rested and full of enthusiasm for the
new school year ahead. It was wonderful to welcome so many
new faces on the first day of term, including eleven children into
Reception year. We hope you will all be very happy at Forncett
We are also delighted to welcome our new Head Teacher, Mrs
Judith Jones. Mrs Jones joins us with a wealth of teaching
experience and was the Deputy Head of her former school. She
lives in East Harling with her husband and two young sons. She
will undoubtedly be a huge asset to our school, and we all look
forward to working with her enormously.
Following a School Council meeting last term it was decided
that from September our classes will have names instead of
numbers. Much discussion ensued and after a vote the children
have decided that Reception will be Ruby Class, Years 1 and 2 will
be Diamond, Years 3 and 4 will be Sapphire, and Years 5 and 6
are Emerald.
On Friday 25th September to celebrate European Languages
Day we will be hosting a continental breakfast for the children,
parents and carers. Croissants and pain au chocolat will be
served with tea, coffee and orange juice. It will be an excellent
opportunity for the children to practice their French and Spanish
skills, and it promises to be a really lovely event.
The exterior of the school is still proving something of a
headache for parents, staff and governors alike. Finally the work
will shortly begin on the car parking area and very soon the
playground and a new outdoor learning environment will be
taking shape. We have at last received planning permission to
add a footpath to the front of the school which should make dropoff and collection times much safer for children, parents and other
road users alike and of course we will keep you posted on the
progress. We should add that the new outdoor learning area will
partly be funded by a wonderful collection of celebrity autographs
which were donated to the school by Mr Mike Bolger several years
ago. The autographs are due to be auctioned at a special
Memorabilia Sale at Diss Auction Rooms on Saturday 26th
September, and we hope that a substantial amount of money will
be raised for this very special project - a very exciting time!
Also we must say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has
donated supermarket vouchers to the school over recent
months. These really do make such a difference to a small school
such as ours, and so far Sainsbury's have provided us with two
sports nets, some balls and garden equipment, and Tesco have
supplied two full hockey sets with goals, a large play tray with
sand and some outdoor games. We are also currently collecting
Morrisons 'Let's Grow' vouchers and Nestle Box Top Books. If you
do have any vouchers which you would like to put to a good
cause, please either drop them in to the school, or through my
letterbox at Maple Cottage, Long Stratton Road, Forncett End
(just opposite the new houses).
Helen Carlile
More school news next month!
Doctor’s Orders
After the blitz of “Swine Flu” in July things are
quiet at the moment. 74 of our patients acquired
Tamiflu during that rush. We have followed up on a
dozen and found one positive result after doing blood
tests! The same rate applies nationally – 10%. Lots of people
took Tamiflu unnecessarily for sore throats, summer colds,
tonsillitis hysteria and hypochondriasis. Hopefully they won’t get
the real thing, real bad – they’ve had their quota.
Don’t bother with Tamiflu unless you get hit hard, you get hit
fast - and then take it within 24 hours. We now know for certain
this is a mild illness in the majority of cases – BUT about one in a
thousand people, particularly the teenagers and adults under
35years can, for some strange reason, get bad lung problems.
Thanks to all our patients who put up with the disruption it
caused to our appointments. The same will happen again during
October and November if forecasts are to be believed.
Our scheduled mass winter flu vaccination dates are Sat 10th
and 31st October. If we have been issued with the swine flu
vaccination the two jabs can be administered simultaneously. Not
many over the age of 65yrs qualify as they are low risk for H1N1.
Extra sessions will be put on when we have vaccine. The
doctors and staff will be having it as soon as it arrives because of
the concerns about us being high risk transmitters. No-one is
going to be working on the front line if they are going to put
patients at risk. The scandal of unvaccinated staff in intensive
care units in NHS hospitals transmitting the flu virus last winter
causing deaths in vulnerable patients has made us all recognise
that we have a duty of care.
As soon as we get the vaccines we will get the jungle
telegraph operating. In this small community gossip spreads fast.
Anyone at particular risk who doesn’t turn up spontaneously in
the first couple of sessions we will chase up. Please let’s have the
young asthmatics first in line. Pregnant women are at particular
risk but there are understandable concerns about safety – at the
end of the day it’s a matter of choice.
What else can we say? Use your Common Sense! If you’re
really ill the doctors are here! Give us a call. Don’t fuss us with
minor sore throats, aches and pains! Someone is certain to be
really ill sooner or later – don’t get in the way of us responding to
them. Thank goodness our patients show so much more restraint
than in some places!
Hopefully this drama will be all over in the next couple of
months and we can get back to discussing the benefits of a
chinwag with friends accompanied by a pint of beer, a
Mediterranean diet, exercise, a great mate, a dog, a good book
Dr. Malcolm Willis
and a long lie-in at the weekend.
Forncett History Group Visits the National Records Office
Thursday afternoon, 17 September 2009 saw a number of our
members being welcomed by Athena at the Norfolk Record Office.
We were treated to a fascinating introduction to the workings of
the NRO and its development since 1964, the disastrous fire of
1994 and the creation of the state-of-the-art new Archive Centre
behind County Hall.
We had a peep into one of the strongrooms, where documents,
including maps (some over 12’ long!), are stored in a controlled
temperature of 16oC. Then we heard from the conservator of the
work in the conservation lab, where documents of all types (paper,
parchment etc) are restored and conserved. Much of the work has
been dealing with damage caused in 1964; this is now 80%
By John Webster
Finally, Athena had set out a selection of documents relating to
the Forncetts for us to peruse. This indeed engendered most
interest, since she had selected such a broad range of documents,
amongst which were the tithing apportionment and the associated
map (1839-1841), an indenture of the seventeenth century,
Forncett School logbook (1872-1898), the plans of ‘The Safety
Valve PH’, Forncett St Peter Marriage Register and a note from
John Ringer to his brother.
Seeing such documents whetted the appetite for more and
stimulated the desire to initiate the projects discussed in meetings.
Our warmest thanks were expressed by the Chairman to Athena
and the NRO for arranging this opportunity to gain such a
rewarding insight into this immensely valuable resource.
NCT Charity Bike Ride
Warmest thanks are due to all those who sat in at Forncett St
Edmund Church on the day of the NCT Charity Bike Ride. Without
the generosity of Sonia, Philip, Margaret L., David and Mary we
would have had no one on duty to welcome the cyclists, including
families, who clocked in on a fantastically ideal day for such an
event. We hope that local folk will get involved next year and
perhaps even ride for Forncett St Edmund Church!
(Diggers & Dibblers members regret that they were busy
elsewhere, see pages 11 and 12. Eds)
Pam Thurtle ….
..wishes to thank everyone who donated to her Charity Cycle
Ride fund, she is proud to report that she cycled round 16
churches and raised £300. this is to be split 50/50 between St
Peter’s Church and the National Church trust. (Congratulations
Pam, well done. Eds.)
Forncett Harvest Supper
Sat 3rd October Forncett Village Hall @ 7 for 7-30.Bring your
own drink Tickets £10 Sandy Barnes 01508530209 and Pam
Thurtle 01593 489532.
Coffee Morning
Forncett St Edmund Church
The next fundraising Coffee Morning at ‘The
Old Trowel & Hammer’ (It’s almost Christmas!)
will be on Thursday 3rd December 2009, 10.30 –
12 noon. All will be welcome to enjoy a chat with
refreshments, buy something and participate in the raffle
John Webster
Just around the corner….
… in Tacolneston, The Pelican Pub has won South Norfolk
Council’s first community pub of the year award.
Our hearty congratulations go to Landlady Esther Maginn,
partner Bryn Tomlinson, and Del and Jackie Maginn for all their
hard work and dedication over the last ten years, making the this
business the success it is. This lovely old pub bucks the trend and
bans juke boxes and wide screen television preferring to give
customers wine tastings, quiz nights, locally sourced food, beer
festivals and many other community based entertainments. Many
people from Forncett go there and really like the people and
atmosphere, “you feel very welcome, the food is good and, so I'm
told, so is the beer.” said one Forncettian.
Diggers & Dibblers
End of season meal.
All diggers past and present (and spouses, partners,
significant others, wives and hubbies) are invited to our ‘bringand-share’ meal at the Village Hall on Friday 23rd October at
7.00pm. Please, either bring food items to share, or buy a ticket
for £6 per person. You will also need to bring your own crockery
and cutlery and wine etc. (This is why it’s only about half the
price of the Harvest Supper). Contact Su Leavesley on 01953
789752, if you wish to come, then we can finalise details about
what food is required. It will, of course, be a jolly event, and not
to be missed. If you are thinking of joining our club, this would be
a timely baptism of fire for you. Don't worry, we will still be
having our Quiz and Chips night in December.
Carol Chittock .01379 644988 Diss Norfolk
RSPCA Ambulance 24hr . 08705 555999 .
RSPCA 03001 234999
B H P S . 01584 890801.
Pam Butler . 01379 677704 . Tivetshall
Sue. WILD BIRDS > 01379 854161 /
854886. Diss Norfolk
The Return
by Victoria Hislop
G roup
The Forncett Reading Group was keen to read
the new Victoria Hislop novel, following her very
successful debut offering – The Island. This new book is based in
Spain at the time of the Spanish Civil War. Most reading group
members knew little about this conflict, except that it was won by
General Franco’s fascist faction. We looked for enlightenment but
were disappointed. Aficionados have told us that the conflict was
a complicated one that shouldn’t have been tackled in a 578 page
novel – I believe they are right. Hislop obviously delved deeply
into the history of the war, but at times it was difficult to know
who was on which side and why.
The story starts in modern times with a disillusioned
housewife and her friend journeying for a few days to Granada to
develop their interest in salsa dancing. A great deal of time was
spent going to their classes and dipping their dancing toes into
flamenco along the way. Our heroine, Sonia, meets an elderly
café owner and as they talk he tells her about his city and a little
of its history. She is intrigued by wall posters of a matador and a
flamenco dancer and wants to know more. She returns to
Granada later and goes to the café again. This time the waiter,
amazingly fluent in English, tells her the story of the war and how
it affected the people in the wall posters. However, we had
reached page 150 before his story began, and the faint hearted
who are desperate for the real story may well have given up
before then. Miguel, as we come to know him, tells here the story
of the Ramirez family, who owned his café before him. We learn
about the parents, Concha and Pablo, who are honest hard
working ‘salt of the earth’ people. They have four children –
Antonio the eldest is a teacher, Ignacio who becomes a famous
matador, Emilio, shy and artistic who plays the Spanish guitar in
his room and Mercedes, their only daughter who yearns to be a
flamenco dancer. Mercedes takes risks to fulfil her dreams and
meets Javier, a brilliant ‘guitarra’ (flamenco guitarist). Mercedes
and Javier become well known and travel around performing until
they are separated during the early part of the conflict.
All three brothers are affected by the war. They are not
always on the same side and sometimes say things about each
other that they will come to regret. Mercedes thinks only of Javier
and sets out to walk to Malaga, where he lives, to find him.
Things are not that simple and Mercedes travels to Almeria and
then to Bilbao in her search. Her journey continues, but to say
more of that may give the game away and spoil the read for
others. Concha and Pablo suffer greatly as their offspring go their
different ways, and Pablo spends some years in prison when the
fascist authorities discover that the family has been listening to a
forbidden radio. The story of the Ramirez family is related to
Sonia who is saddened and amazed to learn of Miguel’s
involvement with the family and the real story of the people in
the posters.
Our reading group all felt that although the research was
obviously thorough, the story that Hislop threaded through the
war was, to say the least, unlikely. Artistic licence is one thing,
but the amount of coincidence in this book is bordering on the
absurd. There is almost a feeling that having spent so much time
researching, the story was dashed off to meet a publishing
deadline and insufficient thought went into the plot. We felt that,
although The Island was a deserved best seller, without her
husband’s famous name, Victoria Hislop would have been lucky to
get the degree of publicity for this novel that has come her way.
Help for Hedgehogs: here is a list of
emergency carers and helpers. As winter
approaches please look out for young ones
(late broods) which may be too small to
survive without help. Hedgehogs that are
out and about during the day are at risk:
this is not normal behaviour and it may need
help. Please ring one of these numbers.
April Carlin, Forncett Reading Group
North Walsham Hedgehog Sanctuary. 01692
VIVIAN. Long Stratton . 01508 530731
Norfolk .
Mrs Satchell . Potters Drive HAPTON. 01502
732423. Norfolk .
07884418943. Norfolk .
Action on the Allotment front
A Letter from John Webster
Land has been acquired behind the Jolly Farmers pub, and a
meeting has been arranged for Friday October 9th at 7.00 pm at
the Village Hall on Low Road. Anyone who is in interested in
having an allotment (or a half); anyone who is interested in
growing their own vegetables, or anyone who would like to lend a
hand with the organisation and setting up will be more than
welcome. We have secured the services of one keen, bright lady
(not me!) who has volunteered to forge ahead with the plan; and,
with help from Karen Kenny of the Allotment Association, we
should soon be pulling carrots and picking beans.
I have been very pleased to learn that Mr Malcolm Chapman
(of Bungay) is prepared to make some of his land available
behind the 'Jolly Farmers' for the purpose of allotments for local
parishioners. This is most promising, although of course it
involves a long-term commitment for him. I have been concerned
at the length of time it has taken for the offer to be effectively
taken up and hope the proposal does not fall foul of inertia!
I am therefore expressing my keen support for the scheme
Contact Su on 789752
The Forncetts Emergency
It appears that the majority of H1N1 cases
have been, and it is assumed, will continue to be relatively mild
and ‘self-containing, according to the Royal College of General
Practitioners. A new peak in infections, however, is anticipated
with the return to school, colleges and universities. Taking this
into account the Department of Health have forecast a
‘reasonable worst case scenario’ infection of 30% of the
population, a downward revision from earlier forecasts. The
accompanying disruption to public services including the supply
chain of essential commodities and services could well affect
essential services to the local community including the provision
of utilities, food supplies and welfare services.
The Achilles heel in any response by the Forncetts emergency
team remains the need for a central administrative and
communications location with the accompanying facilities of
telephones and generator. The emergency planning team are still
looking, also, for a suitable site to store protected and filled
sandbags on pallets. So far all requests for storage of sandbags
for the protection of homes in Forncett from flood damage have
been ignored or refused.
The Forncetts emergency plan manual has been completed,
and taking into account the lack of resources available to the
emergency planning and coordinating team it still provides the
community with the basics that will enable it to mitigate a broad
range of emergencies and the accompanying impacts. A copy of
the plan is to be provided for the Parish Council shortly.
A first aid store has been created using date expired bandages
and other first aid supplies which have been supplied by the ‘Long
Stratton Medical Partnership’ and it is hoped that this ‘store’ will
continue to grow through the generosity of the partnership.
Other health professionals in the parish might give thought to
assisting in the provision of similar supplies if they are able.
The two most immediate threats to the welfare and wellbeing
of the community remain the effects of H1N1 upon essential
services in the event of a second spike in infection rates and the
potential for damage to households and disruption caused by
localised flooding. The provision and secure storage of filled
sandbags as well as a central admin/meeting and communications
facility remain still a priority for the community’s emergency
planning team.
The Committee, also, would still like to hear from anyone who
feels they could assist in the planning of welfare matters and
communications in the event of an emergency, as well as
transport issues and administration.
Please contact the Forncett’s Parish Clerk, Sarah Berwick if
you would like to help in the emergency planning process or
volunteer to help in the event of an emergency arising in the
Sarah Berwick, Parish Council Clerk, 10 Hall Lane, Wacton
Norfolk NR15 2UH Tel: 01508 531854 Mobile: 07816 231468
Emergency Planning Team, South Norfolk Council, South
Norfolk House, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, Norfolk NR15 2XE
Tel: 01508 533607 Charles Hoste, The Forncetts Volunteer
Community Emergency Coordinator
John Webster
THANK YOU! Thank you ,
I need to send a big thank you to all those who contributed to
the Open Week at Forncett St. Peter Church. Whether you gave
up time or money (or both) or used your talents and gifts to
provide wonderful exhibits for others to see, Thank you. The
Open Week was a big success; over 200 people visited the church
and have been able to appreciate what a fabulous building we
have. A very welcome by-product of this was that we were able
to raise £560 towards Church Funds. I must also thank the
following local businesses who donated raffle prizes all the
support received is very much appreciated:
Long Stratton Leisure Centre. Bobbin Bros. (Swardeston) Dunston
Hall. Co-Op Long Stratton, and Waitrose Wymondham.
I also need to thank those who have helped me in my first
five months as Church Warden of St.Peter’s Church. There has
been a lot to do and learn in a very short time. So to all those
who are old hands at this and have helped me find my way round
the Church and the requirements of the job
thank you. I would also like to show my
and the Benefice’s appreciation to Su
Leavesley who came to my rescue when I
was confronted by some very old and very
much the worse for wear church fabrics
whilst completing the Church Inventory.
Su has repaired several lectern covers
and with a donation of fabric from Jackie
Scully and a small amount of cash from me to purchase other bits
and bobs required has made the most beautiful new white service
set. St.Peter’s Church is now the proud owner of a new white
chalice veil and burse (the old ones were beyond repair) and two
matching lectern covers plus a ring tray for use at weddings. Su
has donated her time and expertise as a gift to the church and I
know she has done work for the church before when Pam Thurtle
was warden, so thank you very much Su for your work for St.
Peter’s for me and in the past and I hope you won’t retire just yet
as like the rest of us, the church fabrics aren’t getting any
younger and will be in need of your help again.
Churchwarden, Bev Poole
Bunwell Football Club
Bunwell FC enters it fifth season (2009/10) in the Crown Fire
Central & South Norfolk League. The team sponsored by AD &
AGF Harvey and Jimmy Burt Plastering Services will be
playing in Division 2 and will be playing at Bunwell Recreation
Ground. See We are pleased to
announce the formation of our first Bunwell Ladies team. For
ladies aged over 16, the side has been entered into the Norfolk
Women and Girls 7-a-side league, beginning matches on Sundays
in September. The team is sponsored by Chapelfield
Veterinary Surgery @ Long Stratton If you are interested in
playing local ladies football please contact Nigel Seaward on
01953 789909, email
This year, we will be without Colin Harvey, who has been with the
club since 2005. We are enormously grateful to Colin and his
wife Sadette for their support and commitment. We continue to
look for local people to assist and if you can help in any way,
please contact Nigel. “Come on the Blues”
Nigel Seaward
Tel 01953 789909
Parish Council, Police, & Church
If you have any queries
regarding the parish
council please contact the
c l e r k
S a r a h
Berwick, Parish Council
Clerk, 10 Hall Lane, Wacton,
Norfolk NR15 2UH Tel: phone
531854 Email:
There have been incidences of
people letting their dogs foul the
pavements and verges around the
Parish. The maximum fine that
can be imposed is £2,000. Please
take a poly bag with you and
clean up after your pet. Also
please don't put the offering into
other people's dustbins, wheelie
bins or gardens.
Thank you.
This months report from the
last meeting of the Parish Council
can be found on the website
Sarah Berwick Clerk to Forncett
Parish Council
If you are unable to access the website, and need a
printed copy of the Parish Council report, please contact
Sarah Berwick on the address above.
A Beautiful window in St Mary’s church
From the Church Register
The funeral of Dr. Stewart Andrew Burns was held at
Forncett St Peter Church on June 22nd.
The funeral of Mrs. Sylvia Balls, (81) of Tabernacle Lane,
was held at Earlham Crematorium on July 8th.
Church Services in the
Upper Tas Valley Benefice
All are welcome to attend any service at any church.
Rector Rev’d Clive Styles,
The Rectory, 16, The
Fields, Tacolneston
01953 788227
Assistant Minister Rev’d
Jenny Cooper 10, Boileau
Avenue, Tacolneston.
01953 789702
There is a Harvest Service at St. Peter's on
October 11th at 10-30am
October 4th
Sunday after Trinity
October 11th
Sunday after Trinity
October 18th
Sunday after Trinity
(Luke the Evangelist)
October 25th
Sunday after Trinity
November 1st
All Saints Day
8.30 a.m.
Wreningham Church
Holy Communion
10.30 a.m.
Ashwellthorpe Village
Benefice Family Holy
10.30 a.m.
St. Peter’s Church,
Family Harvest
10.45 a.m.
Forncett Methodist Church
8.30 a.m.
St Edmund’s Church,
Holy Communion CW
Please Check Service
Venues-there are
changes because
Ashwellthorpe Church
cannot be used.
Methodist/ Anglican
United Service
10.30 a.m.
Hapton Church
Family Worship
10.30 a.m.
Tacolneston Church
Festival Family
Holy Communion
Norfolk Constabulary
29 Sept
Forncett Jolly Farmers
13.40 - 15.10
2 Oct
Wymondham Market Cross
8.15 - 12.00
8 Oct
13.40 - 15.10
15 Oct
Bunwell, the Stores
13.40 - 15.10
16 Oct
Wymondham Market Cross
8.15 - 12.00
23 Oct
Spooner Row
13.40 - 15.10
Although every effort is made to honour the time table,
the exact times can not be guaranteed.
Bunwell village screen
We would like to welcome
back those film goers who
have supported us during
the past two years to our
screening of “The Young
Victoria” in Bunwell Village
Ha ll on Frida y, 25 t h
September at 7.30pm.
If you don’t know about us
and so haven’t yet ventured through the hall’s doors to see
one of our films, we are a group of volunteers who show
up-to-date films, usually on the second Friday of the month
(a change this month due to a prior hall booking). The
films are viewed on a large roll-down screen and with
“cinema” sound. Doors open at 7pm for film screening at
7.30pm. We serve tea and coffee, soft drinks, sweets and
ice-creams prior to the film and ices and sweets during a
short interval. Tickets priced £4 can be bought from
Bunwell Post Office, usually two weeks prior to screening,
and are available for £5 on the door. If applicable, the
ticket price for children of age 16 and under is £3.
If you can’t make our first film on 25th September, we
are showing “Australia” just two weeks later on Friday, 9th
October, “The Reader” on Friday, 13th November and “A
Bunch of Amateurs” on Friday, 11th December. Please see
our ad which gives details of our films for the Autumn
Season in this issue of the Parish Magazine.
So why not join us on Friday, 25th September and have
a good night out at the “cinema” without having to pay
City prices, having far to travel or having trouble to park?!
We look forward to welcoming you to Bunwell Village
Screen. If you’d like to know more, please phone Carol on
01953 788278 or Linda on 01953 788961.
St. Mary's Church
The theme is Autumn, entry fee is 50p.
Two age groups - up to 7yrs, and 8-12yrs.1st prize for
each age group £10 book token, 2nd prize £5 book token.
Entries will be exhibited in St. Mary's Church on 17th &
18th October 11-4pm with refreshments, tombola and
children's Lucky Dip! Closing date 9th October. Entries by
then please, (A4 size if possible) with name age and tel.
Church Cottage, Forncett St. Mary, Norfolk NR16 1JG
Graham Prior,
Forncett Short Mat Bowls Club
We have started on the new season of bowls with most
players very keen to get back to their Wednesday
Evenings. Very soon we will be playing in the various
competitions. New members always welcome, particularly
younger ones.
Ethel Coleman
Forncett End Methodist Church
We celebrated our Harvest Festival on 13th September
with morning service conducted by Mrs Trixie Dye, and
Songs of Praise Evening service led by Rev. Briant Smith.
The church was wonderfully decorated by members and
friends with lots of flowers and produce. One of our
members, Mr Barry Eustace undertook a mammoth cycle
ride last Saturday on the Annual Cycle Ride for Historic
Churches. He visited all the churches in the City and very
many out in the villages amounting to over fifty. This is his
26th cycle ride. Barry will have raised more than £300.
Well done for all his efforts.
Ethel Coleman
B eauty Treatm ents
01508 536366
Calgel nail extensions * many colours Calgel
French extensions, overlays, acrylic extensions
& sculpture or powder. Manicure/pedicure/
French polish, nail art, reshape & varnish. Waxing, paraffin
wax, facials & microdermabrasion, aromatherapy massage.
Piercings, all types:
ear-tongue-navel-rook-nose-labret &
others. Electrolysis, hair/tag removal. Body contour wrap—
weight loss. Indian head massage, reiki treatments, lipotrim
diet - lose up to 1 stone per month. Waxing: leg, bikini, lip,
chin, brow -arm etc. Dermal filler face lift/injectable face lift
completed by qualified nurse. Spray tanning Plus other
treatments in salon. Many training courses also available.
Caption Competition
Gary Hillier has just undergone a ‘procedure’ at the Tas
Valley Salon and is being comforted by Mel Large and
Tracy Land, owner of the salon.
The best caption wins a £10 voucher to use, (or give to a
friend), for treatment at the salon.
Keep it decent though, please!!
absolute hair design
permanent hair straightening
human hair extensions
creative cutting
expert colouring
long hair putput-ups
long stratton road
forncett st peter
for more information or to book appointment
please call bonnie Corbould 01953 -789566
females only sorry.
Sold as half or whole
Accountancy services, bookkeeping, personal and
business tax returns, payroll, VAT
Marketing and general business advice.
No jargon, practical advice from an
independent local practitioner.
Contact Sally-Ann on 01379 677115
Or 07988 766787 Email:
Beef orders also taken Contact Ruth Hedge
Southgate Lodge, Station Rd. Forncett St Peter
Station Approach, Wymondham, NR18 0JZ
Ludkin & son Ltd
services include:
Wheeled digger and Mini digger hire.
Supplier of crushed hardcore, topsoil,
Sand and stone in bulk.
Bulk, and plant transport
Expert in new driveway construction,
Concrete pads and site clearance
& Plant
R.G. Plumbing Services
Ron Grimsley
Phone: 01508 532331
Mobile: 07917338828
All other building work undertaken
please contact Paul Ludkin on 07776184525 or 01953 789566
Taylored Joinery Ltd.
Traditional GreenOak Framing
From Pergolas to Complete
Bespoke Construction
In Soft or Hardwoods
Skirtings, Architectural mouldings
Windows, Doors, Staircases, etc.
Supply only or Supply and fit
For more information or to
request a free quote for your
Joinery requirements
please call David on
01953 788080
mob: 07507 560194
150 used concrete paving
slabs in good condition
60cm X 60cm x 3.5cm
£1 each, collection only
Phone: 01508 488344
Four Seasons, Cheney’s Lane,
Forncett St Mary,
Norwich NR16 1JT
Rayment nail & health
We are exclusive but not expensive!
Our beauty salon in Gt Moulton has now been running for
over 4 years and our prices have never changed.
Fully qualified creative and calgel technicians. Treatments
include calgel nail extensions and overlays, facials,
massage, pedicures, bio detox spa, pedicures, hopi ear
candling, st tropez tanning, smilegems, manicures, nail art,
waxing, eyelash tinting, ear piercing, bridal and holiday
packages, we also do gift vouchers.
To book an appointment or to ask any questions please ring
Charlene on 07531072168 or
Jeanette on 07708248930 anytime.
Forncett Flyer
The deadline for copy for each month is 20th of the month. This
gives us time to design it and get it to the printers.
Please send in your copy early. Thank you
We would love to hear from you, either by letter or email. We
want to know how you feel about the new-look Forncett Flyer:
are you happy with the amount of advertising? The increased
amount has helped us pay for colour printing, and more pages;
but are you happy? Do you want colour? Let us know.
Vintage or Modern
Coach hire, and excursions.
ring 01508 531323 for details and a
list of our trips, or visit
Thurs 15th Oct Ely £10
Sat 17th Oct Calamity Jane @ Marina Theatre £27
Sun 18th Oct back to school with lunch £28
Sun 22nd cinema bus to Wymondham £3.50
Sat 28th Bury Christmas market £9
Wed 16th Dec Thursford £42
Thurs 17th Dec lunch & Dick Whittington @
Gorleston £to be advised
Sun 20th Dec Santa special Barton house
railway Wroxham £tba
Need assistance with your
accounts? Invoices, statements, bank
reconciliations, wages etc. Call April Carlin
for very reasonable local rates 01953
AJH Carpentry
All types of carpentry work undertaken including:
Door hanging, Kitchen fitting
Renovations, New Builds
Flat-pack assembly
Professional, reliable service
01379 677381 or 07867 977731
Temple Building Services
For Carpentry & Plumbing
All types of work undertaken
Call Brian on
Mobile 07760232989
Home 01953 789266
Bed and Breakfast
Private en-suite accommodation with separate
access and patio. Quiet off-road setting in large
garden but just minutes from
Long Stratton and the A140
Sue Hubbard 01508 530072
Little Tractors Playgroup
Offers both morning and
afternoon sessions for
Children aged 2 years
To school age.
No job too small,
Free Quotes
01508 470482
General Landscaping
& Gardening
Contract & Private work
Hedge cutting Fencing
All clearance
Taster sessions available.
Ring 0845 257 193 for more information.
For an appointment or
more information
please call Tracy on
01508 536758
or 07828 547738
Gift Vouchers
Nice gift for
a friend.
Dunroamin, Aslacton Road,
Forncett St Peter, Norwich. NR16 1LT
Tas Valley operates a female only policy
when you need glass
make sure it's
Come for a happy hour of swimming
Between 8am and 3 pm £2 per person
30 approx temperature: Sparkling clear blue water
PRIVATE 30’ X 15’
Casuals or Members
07762 203022 2 miles from Long Stratton and the A140 at Forncett St 9Peter
Please mention the Forncett Flyer when replying to adverts,
thank you.
contact April Carlin (01953 788775)
Registered Osteopaths
Yvonne Ayliffe and Associates
01953 789629
9, The Fields, Tacolneston NR16 1DG,
available for consultations about
muscular, joint, back and nerve
problems. Ring 9am to 1pm Monday to
Friday for further information.
Holistic Massage Therapy - MTI
qualified and registered practitioner
offering Holistic Massage from 'The
Massage Studio' in Wymondham also a
mobile service to women in this area.
Sessions 1hr to 1 1/2hrs. Gift Vouchers
available. Melanie Prytz
01953 600946
Anglia Beauty Therapy and Training
For those wishing to start a new career
why not undertake one of our many
courses or simply come in and enjoy our
relaxing & therapeutic treatments.
01508 536366 for details or pop in to
the salon in Long Stratton .
PC Assist
Whether it be home PC repairs
installation of new computers upgrades,
advice, tuition or virus removal PC Assist
offer a quality service at competitive
prices. Contact Darren 01508 481730
or visit
Small Building Works Inside & Out
Carpentry, plastering, decorating,
brickwork, paving, fencing etc Studios,
Summer-houses, Sheds! Plus support
with design decisions. Robert Hosea
01508 488151 or 07982442815
CONTACT information
Su Leavesley
All sorts of sewing, for existing clients
only now please Retirement looms!
Su Leavesley 01953 789752,
Last Homely House,
Tabernacle Lane, Forncett End,
NR16 1LE
John Metcalf 01508 488344,
Four Seasons, Cheneys Lane,
Forncett St Mary, NR161JT
April Carlin 01953 788775
26 The Poplars, Forncett End,
NR16 1HP
Bunwell Stores
Your local community shop Open Mon-Sat 7am–8pm; Sun 8am-1pm
groceries, newspapers, off-licence, fresh
fruit/veg & bread, DVD rental, Home
delivery (free to OAPs).
01953 788066
Rotovator and operator
Available evenings and weekends. Prices
from £10. Please call Sam Fuller
01953 788689
Taxi Service for local people
Contact Simon Leeder
01953-600007 or eve 07765 402602
CPS Fuels More than just another
company for heating oil. We employ
local people and do boiler servicing, oil
tanks and bottled gas too.
0800 7833332
Bed & Breakfast
at Sunnyside South, West Road,
Forncett End. A real home from home
with two en-suite family rooms.
01953 788680
Maggie Wright
Oil Boiler Maintenance and Sales
30 years experience. Contact
N. H. Services Nigel 01953-788460
mobile: 07747 848700
Peter Cooper Home & Garden Solutions
Kitchen & Bathroom refits, tiling,
wallpapering, painting & decorating.
Garden Maintenance, decking, patios &
01508 531469, Mobile 07818603021.
Email Special
discounts for OAPs
Carpenter Toby
For all your carpentry requirements.
Including roof construction, internal
joinery, kitchen fitting, fencing etc. For
an honest and efficient service please
Toby Browne on 01953 789958 or
mobile 07733337199
For all your domestic installation and
testing requirements. Contact – R.R.
Electrical Services. Member of National
Association of Professional Inspectors
and Testers. Ron 01603 456817
Can't find a plumber?
Call P.D. Plumbing. Friendly service &
free quotations. Contact Paul
01508 532671 or
mobile 07879 414197
The plumber that will return your call
GCSE & A-LEVEL Maths Tuition.
Tutor in Forncett End.
Contact Steve Wright 01953 788 680
Mercury website address
Tacolneston website
Forncett website
Recent Planning applications
Member of Parliament (con) Richard Bacon 01379 643728 / 643769 / 643979
'Grasmere' Denmark Street Diss Norfolk IP22 4LE
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Mobile Library times
The van comes every
three weeks, Forncett on
Friday; Look for it in on
25th Sept, 16th Oct, 6th
Nov, 27th Nov, 18th Dec.
01603 222267
Orchard Tabernacle
12.10 pm
Ring to book 0845 600 2315 between 9am and 5pm on the day before you want to travel,
Oil Buying Syndicate
So many people have asked about whether there is an oil buying syndicate in Forncett End ,
that I thought I would clarify the situation. There is one, but the man who runs it (and has
done so for many years) says he does not want any more names on his list. The syndicate in
Wacton is too far away from Forncett End, but they report a saving of 5 to 18p per litre.
The oil companies insist that houses need to be within 2 miles of each other to count as a
consortium. All I can suggest is that all like-minded people get together and form a DIY
group. I don't use oil, but I will take names and addresses and put you in contact with
each other, but by email only—please don't phone me., put ‘OIL’ in subject line please.
Su Leavesley won first prize
in the Handicraft section
with this wall hanging
The serious task of sampling
the jam gets underway
The Wright family
Victoria sponge cakes
The packed Village Hall
before the auction
Sandy Barnes first prize for her chutney
Linda Preece first prize for her oil painting
Henry Wright third prize for cheese scones
Clare Wright first for decorated fairy cakes
Ethel Coleman first for her fruit scones
Sonia Yull first prize for her roses
John Metcalf first for chrysanthemums,
dahlias, and roses
First prize for Val Baker
A tempting array of Jam
Milo with brother Archie
in the background
John Metcalf took
first prize with his
flamboyant entry
‘My Garden’
which contained
flowers, fruit,
vegetables and
foliage. Well done
Some prize-winners
Alison Walker Eleven first prizes for just
about everything
Su Leavesley first prize for her poem
Mary Yule for heaviest marrow, excellent
for a first time entry
Also first prizes were awarded to Pam
Thurtle, Allyson Rae, (pot plant) Suzanna
Averill, Sarah House, (shrubs & trees and
runner beans), Sally Rhodes (beetroot),
Margaret Hickman Smith (Victoria sponge
& marmalade). Margaret Webster
generously donated her painting of wisteria
to be auctioned, 50% to the club and 50%
to St Edmunds church.
Club visit to Bressingham Gardens
After an overcast morning, on Saturday 15th August, the sun came out and nineteen members and
guests enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Bressingham gardens. The gardens were a picture and we
probably picked (deliberately, of course) a time of year to see them at their best. One of the train rides
went around the gardens (useful when the legs got tired), another went through the nursery area,
where it was interesting to see the plant stock being raised. The third train explored the Waveney valley,
passing some very contented looking livestock Some of us also tried very hard to use up all three
carousel rides, but didn't quite make it! The steam museum and Dad's Army exhibit were fascinating, especially the war-time sweet
shop, where old favourites like sherbet lemons and rhubarb and custard were weighed out on scales and put in paper bags as in days of
yore. All in all, a most enjoyable trip.
Margaret Wilde
More Show pictures from Diggers & Dibblers
Suz Averill’s
display of Lathyrus
(perennial sweet
pea) was awarded
second prize
Alison Walker
(show organiser)
chats to
Sarah House
Archie Leeder’s
monster carrot won
first prize
Terence Henderson
sees the funny side
of things
Most important
ladies ready for
action in the
Noddy, by
Margaret Wilde
proved popular
Diggers and Dibblers Garden visit 25th August 2009
Due to unforeseen circumstances the planned visit to Tas Valley Vineyard had to be cancelled. Instead we had a real treat being
invited by members Christina Wakeford and Cynthia Finlayson to visit their gardens.
On a dry balmy summer evening we were all welcomed by Christina who gave us a brief history of the gardens and a guided tour.
The original farmhouse had been divided into two with later extensions by Cynthia including a lovely terrace overlooking her garden
lying to the south of the house where we gathered. We set off round the East side of the house via Cynthia’s terraced beds, inspecting
many well grown plants, to Christina’s garden past the East facing front presently under development to her Westerly rear garden, paths
edged with mature Box hedging enclosed not only a peaceful lawn area but well planted beds of perennials and shrubs. The path led
through an arch to the chickens’ domain and on past an outbuilding to, my personal favourite, the vegetable area, prettily enclosed in a
picket fence to keep the chickens out, with raised beds and a shed with a roof that extended over a little seating area (negotiations
have already started with maintenance at home)
We then inspected the meadow area that is again under development, all discussing the various trees and then round to the South
and through a gap in the mature hedge into Cynthia’s garden, sporting several fruit trees and a pond created by removal of clay for the
original farmhouse. We meandered our way back up the garden towards the terrace taking in the veg patch and enchanted by the wild
flower border, so many different plants creating a kaleidoscope of colour, there was a noticeable outbreak of grunts and ums as
members tried to take in all the details to re-create later.
Having enjoyed a cuppa, some lovely cake and a chat the light was beginning to fade so we all had to go home past the well clipped
hedges on the path created from paving in shingle, the slabs having been perfectly positioned to allow easy walking (when the D & D’s
get together not much is missed).
A most enjoyable event, packed with interest, thank you so much Christina and Cynthia for inviting us.
Sarah House
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