SPCA NEWS - Lycoming County SPCA


SPCA NEWS - Lycoming County SPCA
MARCH 2015
The mission of the Lycoming County SPCA is to
protect all domestic animals by: providing shelter,
emergency treatment, investigation, and
prosecution of cruelty or abuse complaints;
adoption and counseling; education programs; and
humane care throughout Lycoming County.
SPCA Directory 2012
President……………………….…….Joyce Hershberger
Vice President…………………….……..Deb Schneider
Secretary……………………………………Ron Walko
Asst. Secretary……………………………Terry Girdon
Treasurer……………………………………….Bill Fox
Asst. Treasurer…………………………Andy Gallagher
Katie Bell
Richard Schluter
Joanne Dipasquale
Doreen Shope
Ed Metzger
Donna Sortman
Jacob Miller
Directors, Emeritus
Michael P. McDevitt
Executive Director……………….……..Victoria Stryker
Kennel Manager………………………….….Jan Lechler
Assistant Kennel Manager……….…Kabrina Schweikart
Humane Police Officer………….…………Larry Woltz,
Shawn McMonigle, Jan Lechler, Victoria Stryker
Bookkeeper ……………………………....Judy Jackson
Secretaries……………….….Haley Detrich, Pat Snyder,
Christina Campbell
Director of Development ……………..…Mindee Lyon
Volunteer Manager…………….…………..Missy Black
Dog Trainer/Behaviorist……………………..Tracy Free
Team Leader………………….………….… Kelli Smith
Veterinarian………………………………Dr. Lise Lund
Austin Boroch, Kortnee Blair, Jen Colon, Crystal Gray,
Monica Jones, Amanda Massengill, Michelle Madera,
Sharon Michaels, Beth Morgan, Megan Murray,
Whitney Quiggle, Wendy Rundio, Howard Simpson,
Andrew Swank
Mon., Tues., Thur., Fri.- 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Wed. & Sat. -10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Holidays
Phone……………………………… 570-322-4646
Website………………….. www.lycomingspca.org
Blogs……………………… lycospca.blogspot.com
E-mail……………… lycospca@lycomingspca.org
2014 - What a Good Year!
Each year the Board of Directors, Staff, and Volunteers
work to provide the best possible care for the animals of
Lycoming County.
to the
and everything in between, we care for them like our own.
We are especially proud to report the success of our
“Cats by Appointment” efforts. Even though we took in only 5%
less cats in 2014, we adopted out 22.7% more cats, and
euthanized 68% less cats than the previous year. This would
not have been possible without the cooperation of the
individuals who agreed to wait until we had a space for their
The additional benefit of having a cat intake waiting list
was the ability to have every healthy cat and kitten spayed or
neutered prior to adoption.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of
3,173 animals in 2014!
The Lycoming County SPCA news is published quarterly
from 2805 Reach Road, Williamsport, PA 17701
The official registration and financial information
for the Lycoming County SPCA may be obtained
from the Pennsylvania Department of State by
calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-7320999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Your donations remain in Lycoming
County for the welfare of the
animals we serve. We do not
receive contributions from
national organizations.
Raya Pauling (age 10) sold rock
charms at the Pajama Factory
during First Friday and donated
the proceeds of $55.25 to help
care for the SPCA animals.
Landon, Coen, and
Connor Winters, with
the help of their Mom,
donated food and treats
to help feed the animals
while they wait for their
new adoptive homes.
Ferrell Elementary sixth grade held a “No Tricks Just
Treats” fundraiser for Halloween. They raised
$75.50 through their efforts!
Danielle Parker donated
many wish list supplies
in honor of her SPCA
adopted dog River so
that the animals awaiting
adoption could enjoy
their temporary stay.
Ten year old
Emmaline Muthler
sold bracelets and
used the funds to
purchase items
needed to help care
for the animals.
Connor Hill got into the
Christmas spirit with gifts of
gas cards, funds for medicines,
food, litter, dog treats, and
laundry detergent.
Boy Scout Troop 38 collected and delivered many items
needed to care for the SPCA animals while they await
their forever homes.
West Branch School students and teachers have
been doing Acts of Kindness in their community.
One of their projects included making dog treats
and collecting needed items to donate to the
Eliza and Olivia
Kile celebrated
their birthdays by
asking for gifts
for the SPCA. In
addition to all the
supplies, they
donated cash and
gift cards.
Lauren Packard
donated $92.07 to
the SPCA that
she raised
through her
Senior Project at
Canton High
Kayne Bungo celebrated
his birthday at the SPCA.
Here he is pictured with
volunteer Cindy Moon
and a basket full of items
that were donated to help
care for the animals at
the shelter.
Brennan & Caden
Finck celebrated their
9th birthday by asking
for gifts to give to the
SPCA animals. They
delivered a cart load
of supplies.
Todd M. W.
Modispaw celebrated
his 11th birthday by
collecting and
donating wish list
supplies for the SPCA.
SPCA house cat
Carver loves to check
out the donations.
Juliana Cruz chose the
SPCA for her
confirmation project.
She asked friends,
neighbors, church
members, and team
mates to donate items
from the wish list.
Juliana also donated
$380, then helped put
the items away.
Chloe Campbell
(pictured with brother
Cole) celebrated her 7th
birthday and wanted to
give her birthday money
of $50 to the SPCA. She
especially loves cats.
Troop 38 visited the shelter for a tour and
educational program and brought a generous supply
of wish list items for the care of the shelter animals.
Thank you PetSmart in
Williamsport for the
donations of animal food
and treats!
Fairfield Ford of
collected and
donated wish list
items for the care
of the SPCA
Jarrett & Anna
Easton used their
Christmas money to
shop for homeless
animals. Here they
are pictured with
SPCA house cat
Erika, Kim and
Coleman at the
Target in Muncy
presented Rufus
and our Dev. Dir.
with a gift
certificate for the
fur babies for
Christmas. AND
some of their
employees have
recently become
Ollie’s Story
Dominic & Issac Thompson
each received a $25 gift
from the grandfather so they
could donate it to the charity
of their choice. This year
they chose the SPCA to
help with Ollie’s care.
Devin Lope decided two
years ago that he didn’t
want birthday presents.
Instead, he wanted gifts for
shelter animals. He
repeated his generosity at
his 13th birthday party and
made a $25.73 donation.
On January 28, 2015, the SPCA received a call
from Corporal Finnerty of the South Williamsport
Police about a dog he found abandoned on Sulpur
Springs Road. The dog was emaciated,
hypothermic, and had a fractured rear leg.
Chase Swartwood was
unhappy that animals were
treated badly and he wanted
to do something to help. He
made a list then took his
Christmas money and went
shopping. With the help of
his mom he delivered needed
supplies to the shelter.
Corporal Finnerty, who will adopt the nine month
old dog, named him Ollie. With good care, Ollie
should heal nicely and resume a healthy weight.
SPCA supporters were outraged by the condition
of this poor canine. So much so, that a reward
fund was started offering $1,000 for information
that leads to the arrest of the individual that
mistreated Ollie. Anyone who has information
should call the SPCA at 570-322-4646.
Nine year old Brennan Emery
used his birthday money to
purchase cat food and litter.
He enjoys helping others and
was happy that he could help
the SPCA animals.
Ollie is doing
well. He is
weight, and
has a cast to
heal his
fractured leg.
By March he
should be
ready for his
new home.
Maegan West adopted a SPCA cat two years ago.
Because of her experience with her own cat she realized
that other animals needed care as well. She decided to
help feed the cats while at the SPCA and delivered two
bags full of canned food.
Thank you to Andritz for being a
Gold Corporate Member of the Lycoming County SPCA
Honorariums and Memorials
(as of January 29, 2015)
In Honor of
Janet & Bruce Hurlbert…………Contribution In the name of Marsha Mowery
Rebecca Huber……………………Holiday Gift for Chuck and Hallie Luppert
Adam Finn……………………………………………………………….Meg Finn
Ray & Catherine Douglas …………………………….."Radar" and "Little Joe"
Paul Reed………………………………………………….. "Sam" and "Gunner"
The Gnau Family…………………………………………… all their loved pets
Patricia Lockspeiser…………………………………………….. Bobbie Yetsko
Mary Sullivan………………………………………………………… Deb Books
Robert & Mary Pierce…………………………………………….. Dincher Stiller
Donor………………………………………………………………. Dr. Roy Tuller
Kathy Fought & Judith St. Clair………………………………………. Edie Saar
Patricia Sydock………………………………………………… Geryll McQuown
Mary Sullivan………………………………………… Glen Morse and "Sparky"
Linda Stein………………………………………………….. Joyce Hershberger
Loene Yetsko………………………………………………….. Pat Lockspeiser
The Lopez Family…………………………………….. Penny Estes's Birthday
Sharon Ertel……………………………………………………… Peter Pearson
Lorna Greaves…………………………………………………… Robert Phillips
Maria Wodrig……………Merry Christmas for being such a great supervisor
Louise Markovich…..Recognize for the Holidays Gary Wasson&Brian Wynn
Ramae Cohick……..Recognize for the Holidays Gary Wasson&Brian Wynn
In Memory of
Stephen and Madelyn Brown………………………………………....... "Bailey"
Marilee & Philip Sholtis………………………………………………..... "Bobby"
Edward & Ann Kaye…………………………………………………..... "Brandy"
Dave&Judy Cohick………………………………………………………..”Buddy”
Edward & RM Rymsza…………………………………………....... "Cinnamon"
Wayne & Debbie Stine………………………………………………...... "Claire"
Henry & Eleanor Perciballi…………………………………………...... "Dakota"
Betty Mitchelltree………………………………………………………..... "Dillon"
Bonnie Mitcheltree……………………………………………………...... "Dillon"
Melissa Lundy…………………………………………………………..... "Dillon"
Wolfgang & Judy Rast &"Kodi"………………………………………..... "Dusty"
Lee & Evelyn Trefsger………………………………………………....... "Fluffy"
Donald & Jean Keyser……………………………………..... "Foxy" and "Vixie"
The Flook Family……………………………………………………....... "Gidget"
Jean and John Burks………………………………………………........ "Ginger"
The Bacher Family……………………………………………………...... "Katie"
Charlie & Bernie Kuhns………………………………………....... "Miss Daisy"
Donald & Trudy Alexander…………………………………….... "Piper" Dunkle
Garry Bassett………………………………....... "Rusty", "Brandy", and "Abby"
David and Sally Craig………………………………………………........ "Tweet"
Betty Knecht………………………………………………....... Alvin Henderson
Robert & Susan Christ……………………………………...... Alvin Henderson
Eric & Margaret Tupper………………………………………...... Betty Gehron
Gabriel Sinicropi, Jr……………………………………………..... Betty Gehron
Lori & J.Woods Rich…………………………………………....... Betty Gehron
Richard & Betty Lou Eberhart………………………………....... Betty Gehron
Michael & Ruth Del Re………………………………………....... Betty Gehron
Karen & Francis Daly……………………………………………....... Bob Cero
Ray Roth………………………………………………………..... Charlene Roth
Robert & Linda Overmoyer…………………………………..... Codee (Dakota)
Ashley & Jim Twigg…………………………………………....... Cooper Wright
Charles & Mary Lichter………………………………………........ Dale Criswell
DePasquale Staffing …………………………………………....... Dale Criswell
Donald & Virginia Garver………………………………………..... Dale Criswell
Janie & John Matter……………………………………………..... Dale Criswell
Josephine Bush…………………………………………………..... Dale Criswell
Kenneth & Donabel Larson……………………………………..... Dale Criswell
Mr. Dershimer…………………………………………………....... Dale Criswell
Roger & Patricia Miller…………………………………………..... Dale Criswell
Sage Age Strategies…………………………………………........ Dale Criswell
Thomas & Sharleen Shoff……………………………………....... Dale Criswell
Caroline Bailey………………………………………………....... Darrell Hartline
Denise Wohlfert………………………………………………..... Darrell Hartline
Jane Hartline,Sammy, Nugget……………………………....... Darrell Hartline
Phillip & Dorothy Komnick…………………………………....... Darrell Hartline
Walter & Shirley Muench……………………………………...... Darrell Hartline
Jose Ameigh……………………………..... Donald Ameigh and "Sweetie Cat"
Donald & Barbara Switzer…………………………………...... Dorothy Dodge
Donna & Joe Shank…………………………………………..... Dorothy Dodge
John & Lana Raymond……………………………………....... Dorothy Dodge
John & Marilyn Incitti Jr……………………………………....... Dorothy Dodge
Karen and Francis Daly……………………………………………...... Dot Cero
Lana & Robert France……………………………………………..... Dwain Butt
In Memory of
Anonymous………………………………………………………..... Earl Wingrove
Mary Lee Eck………………………………………………....... Eleanor Wendell
Master Contractors, Inc………............................................ Elizabeth Chirdon
VFW Post 3428-Ladies Auxiliary ………………………........ Elizabeth Chirdon
Jackie & Quentin Moore………………………………………...... Francis Moore
Ann Casale, , Ashley & Jim Twigg….... ..... ……………………..Fred Plocinski
Carl & Dee Ulsamer, Carol Retorick, Diana & Frederick Rovenolt,
George & Lois Conrad, Gertrude Wainger, Linda & Leo Deseau,
Mary Jo & Raymond Stahl, Michael,Jesse,Phyllis Harmon,
Robert Dougherty, Terry & Mary Gamble
Thomas & Blanche Marnon, West Branch Federal Credit Union
Terry & Susan Girdon........................................................................... Greta
Carol Bastian…………………………………....... Harry Boyer and "Miss Kitty"
Fran Crossley………………………………………................... James Crossley
Jane Hassler, Larry & Mary Icenogle,
Mark Schaver, Richard & Diane Confair
Angeline Stacey………………………………………………...... James Luppert
Brenda & Marlin Cromley, Carole & Richard Smith,
Dave & Doreen Frey, David & Carol Luppert,
David & Susanne Wright, Donald & Ann Allison,
Gloria & Charles "Skip" Greevy, Joan Stubler,
Lawrence Reidy, S.C. & M.B. Huddy,
Williamsport Water Authority, Richard & Vicki Reeder,
The Killam Family
Ruth & Joann Ferlazzo…………………………………………...... James Moyer
Donna Biehl………………………………………………………...... Jean Shelley
Lorraine Stetts……………………………………...... Jim Stetts and "Fluffy Ann"
John & E Jane Haefner…………………………………………..... John Ringler
Donna Maule……………………………………………………..... Julie Venema
Paul Langford…………………………………………………....... June Crawford
Phyllis & George Creasy………………………………………..... June Crawford
Raeneda & Don Barger…………………………………………..... Kathleen Fink
Betty Brown……………………………………………………...... Lawrence Allen
Denise Wohlfert……………………………………………....... Lawrence Meeker
Susquehann Health - Finance Dept………………………..... Lawrence Meeker
The Knepley Family………………………………………........ Lawrence Meeker
Elizabeth & Charles Lomas………………………………..... Loretta Mae Pedro
John Huckaby & Barbara Ritchey………………………………..... Lucille Bruss
Sandra Gorka &Jacob Miller……………………………………...... Lucille Gorka
Melodie Johnson…………………………………………………………..... Mariah
Tom& June Zimmerman………………………………..... Marshall D. Welch, Jr.
Jeffrey Moody………………………………………………………Michael Loomis
William & Patricia Kerstetter………………………………..... Mindy Kerstetter
William & Patricia Kerstetter………………………………..... Mindy Kerstetter
Mark Mann………………………………………………………..... Monica Mann
Dorothy & Charles Fetterhoof……………………………………..... Richard Eck
M Irene Welshans…………………………………………………..... Richard Eck
Ron & Maryann Boyd……………………………………………....... Richard Eck
Joan & Melvin Fetzer……………………………………………....... Richard Eck
Don & Rose Miller………………………………………………..... Robert Pardoe
William Hart……………………………………………………....... Robert Pardoe
Donald Miller………………………………………………………………..... Rosie
Sharon McNichol…………………………………………………...... Russ McGill
The McGill Family………………………………………………..... Russell McGill
Trevor & Robin Enderle…………………………………………………...... Saide
Williamsport Municipal Water Authority……………………....... Samuel Beatty
Paul Reed………………………………………………………....... Sandra Reed
Wanda Byrne……………………………………………..... Sarah (Sally) Corson
Mary Jane Turner……………………........ Tara, Panther, Tobby, and Peaches
Cheryl & Donald Mille……………………………..... Tasha, Donald and Daisey
Greta K. Elliott & Henry E. Eilers …………….…………………….Jeanne Smith
Stephanie Calder…………………………………………........ Terra Foust Smith
Michael & Willa Stewart…………............. their beloved dogs Willow and Lizzy
Carolyn Bullock………………………………………………...... William Hartman
Kathie Brelsford
Jacquelyn Keener
Dr. William H. Gehron, Jr.
Carl White, Jr.
We strive for accuracy and would like to know if we missed your
donation. Please contact Judy Jackson for any corrections.
ENFORCEMENT-2014 in Review
“Snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails.” “Sugar and Spice and all things nice.” Our wish is that the world was so whimsical.
Unfortunately, Mother Goose does not describe all boys or all girls.
In 2014, the SPCA issued 48 citations or arrests for animal neglect or abuse. We prosecuted or testified in 26 court hearings, trials, or
appeals. We initiated 505 investigations. We conducted 379 check back investigations to insure correction and compliance with PA
Anticruelty Laws. In some cases, counseling, instruction, correction, and check backs were not sufficient, and in those cases, we seized
and rescued 346 animals.
Species investigated for neglect or abuse included: dogs, cats, birds, livestock, horses, rabbits, reptiles, and rodents.
Citations issued or arrests filed:
Loyalsock Township: Thirteen cats seized and rescued.
Cummings Township: Nine shepherds seized and rescued. (Two persons charged)
Muncy Creek Township: A Husky and six cats seized and rescued. (Three persons charged)
Woodward Township: Eight horses seized and rescued. (Five persons charged)
Jordan Township: Two horses seized and rescued. (Two persons charged)
Clinton Township: Forty rabbits seized and rescued. (Two persons charged)
Woodward Township: Beagle seized and rescued.
Wolfe Township: Deceased Pit Bull seized.
Montoursville Borough: Pug seized and rescued.
Williamsport: Chow seized and rescued.
Mill Creek Township: Pyrenees seized and rescued. (Two persons charged)
Hughesville borough: Labrador seized and rescued. (Two persons charged.)
Williamsport: Collie mix, Mastiff, Pit bull seized and rescued.
Clinton Township: Three shepherds seized and rescued. (Two persons charged.)
Plunketts Creek Township: Cat killed.
Montgomery Borough: Seven Australian Shepherd mixes seized and rescued. (Two persons charged)
Nippenose Township: Cat killed.
Woodward Townships: Pit Bull puppy seized and rescued.
Williamsport: Schnauzer seized and rescued.
Fairfield Township: Two deceased cockatoos seized.
Gamble Township: Rottweiler, Pit Bull, Mastiff and 16 cats seized and rescued.
Nippenose Township: Cat killed.
Porter Township: Labrador seized and rescued.
Williamsport: Retriever seized and rescued.
Violations in these cases included summary offenses and misdemeanor offenses. Charges range from abandonment; depriving of
necessary food, water, shelter, veterinary care; to the actual killing, maiming and torturing of animals. There are citations and arrests
that have been finalized with penalties that include fines, court costs, restitution, forfeiture of animals, and in several cases incarceration.
Also, there are cases that are pending on appeal and others where arrest warrants have been issued.
On the bright side, because of your support, the SPCA was able to seize and rescue these animals. Because of you, we were able to
provide food, water, shelter, medical care, long-term rehabilitation, and in most cases rehoming. And because of your support, the
Lycoming County SPCA had the capability to investigate each case of cruelty, abuse and neglect, and the capability to prosecute violations
of the PA Anticruelty laws and bring some justice to abused or neglected animals. It is comforting to know there are boys that like
“puppy dog tails” and girls that are “all things” nice!
Thank you to Carey Stiller, staff and members of the
Fitness Factory in Williamsport for thinking of the shelter
for your Christmas Donation of gift certificates and loads
of items from our wish list. Carey also raised $145 for the
shelter from a master class she taught that morning…in
addition to the other donations. Pictured above from left
to right: Carey, SPCA Volunteer Greta and SPCA
Development Director with “Lucky Meatball” who was
adopted in January!
Thank you to the Lycoming County Paralegal Association
for your financial donation as well as cat food, dog food, toys
and litter! From left to right: Nicole Oeler (incoming
President), Rachael Lepley Joy (Treasurer), Sue Jones (Vice
President), Pam Toseki (Secretary), Rebecca Hovenstine
(incoming Vice President), Shelby Weber (Director) and
Michele Frey (President). Thank you also to: Kevin Derr,
Kathy Rooker, Sarah Heintzelman, and Kiley Myers.
Susquehanna Valley Roller Derby Vixen, “Meecha
Maker” getting a kiss from Pierre who was adopted in
August of last year. The Vixen’s are hosting another
bout to benefit the shelter on Saturday, June 13th. Last
year we took Duncan who met his forever person
“Mean Eddie” and it was love at first sight…a repeat
performance perhaps? Doors open at 5:30 PM at Total
Sports on Elmira Street in Williamsport.
For more information check out their Facebook page at
Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens.
Thank you to Marshall, Parker & Webber for the
donations of wish list items! The firm's staff who
participated in dress down Fridays throughout the
year donates $1 each Friday. The money then goes to
the charity of their choosing...and they picked the
Lycoming County SPCA!
Stacy Zales is pictured above with SPCA Executive
Director Victoria Stryker who is holding a Pekingese
mix named Missy who was adopted in December.
Thank you for your Silver Level Corporate Membership
Thank you Williamsport West Veterinary Hospital for your
Gold Level Corporate Member of the Lycoming County SPCA
Kevin Derr
Sue Jones
Kathy Rooker
Pam Toseki
Shelby Weber
Sarah Heintzelman
Michele Frey
Nicole Oeler
Rebecca Hovenstine
Kiley Myers
Rachael Lepley Joy
Nonprofit Org.
U. S. Postage
Williamsport, PA
Permit No. 66
Become an Adopter
Wish List
In addition to supporting the SPCA through your contributions, consider opening
your home to an animal in need.
Honey was picked up as a stray.
We estimated her age at nine
years. With her gray muzzle and
eyebrows, she was often
overlooked. For four months she
wagged her tail and never gave up!
Her new family came to the shelter
and adopted her despite her age.
This eager to please Labrador is
enjoying her new home with fun in
the snow, and cuddles with the
children. We are not sure who is
happier, Honey or the wonderful
family that adopted her.
It is a curious phenomenon that a
cat can arrive as a stray and even
after five months at the shelter, is
never claimed by an owner.
Such is the case of this handsome
tuxedo cat we named
Mr. Penguin. He was thin when
he arrived, had ear mites and an
upper respiratory infection. With
good care he was restored to
health. His personality soon
emerged and he graced the staff
with his affection until his new
family found and adopted him.
Cat litter-Non-clumping type
Postage Stamps
Kitten Food
Home grown catnip
Veterinary ear thermometer ($236)
Laundry Detergent
Oxygen/blood pressure/EKG
monitor ($4,500)
8. Gift Cards for gas, office supplies,
or department stores
9. Dog or cat food with meat as the
first ingredient
10. Feline pine or yesterday’s news to
use during post-op recovery
Lycoming County SPCA
2805 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701