Messenger - Faridabad Diocese
Messenger - Faridabad Diocese
SANTH ME Messenger Vol. 6 Issue 3 May-June 2015 faridabad diocesan bulletin km³tPm IemkÔy A variety entertainment solidarity show to support Sanjoepuram Children’s Village and for Social engagement of the Diocese. On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 5.00 p.m At Thyagaraj Stadium, INA, New Delhi Starred by Guinness Pakru & Tiny Tom - Comedy show Stephen Devassy - Keyboard Reserve the date for not missing the occasion An initiative of the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi. For more details : Phone: 011 25759160 Printed, published and owned by Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, Bishop's House 1B/32 N.E.A, Old Rajender Nagar,New Delhi - 110060, E-mail: Website: (Private Circulation only) Design : ROYALTHOTZ, New Delhi, 9971072326 Rimi Tomy & Team - Musical programe Meeting with Delhi Chief Minister Mr. Arvind Kejriwal Pqsse 15þ\v \matlXpI Xncp\mÄ BtLmjn¡p¶ A`nhµy amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv ]nXmhn\v {]mÀ°\miwkIÄ... Team Santhome Messenger Festal Greetings to our Dear Fathers Fr. Lijo Thaliyath 13th June Fr. John Mylanvelil 24th June Fr. Kurian Fr. Boby Joseph Kochettukunnel Kaiyalakakathu 15th July 15th July Fr. Paul Madassery 29th June Fr. Alex Muttath 17th July Fr.Paul Raji Fr. Peter Kanjirakkattukari Kodiyan 29th June 29th June Dr. Jacob Nangelimalil 25th July Fr. Benoy Vazhayil 25th July Festal Greetings to all our Rev. Sisters and Laity, having Patron’s Day in June & July, 2015 Fr. Sinoj Pattathil 3rd July Fr. Jackson Puthenpura 25th July SANTH ME Messenger Faridabad Diocesan Bulletin Volume - 6, Issue - 3, May - June 2015 E-mail: XmfpIfn Patron Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Editorial Board Chief Editor Rev. Fr. John Mylamvelil Associate Editor Johnson V.P. CSbteJ\w...........................................................03 BÀ¨v_nj¸v Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c Curia News.............................................................05 k`m-Zn\w þ CS-b-te-J\w...........................................06 IÀZn-\mÄ tPmÀPv Be-t©cn Members Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakumpadan Rev. Dr. Pious Malekandathil C. J. Jose Celin George Pastoral Care of Migrants..........................................09 Managing Editor Rev. Fr. Jetto Thottungal World News ............................................................18 Design & Layout Thomas Mampilly Royalthotz, New Delhi SJSS News ..............................................................25 Published by Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi Bishop's House, 1B/32 N.E.A Old Rajender Nagar New Delhi - 110060 E-mail: Website: DSYM News ...........................................................12 Family Apostolate News ...........................................26 CShI hmÀ¯IÄ...................................................27 Pope Francis’ visit to the Latin America ........................31 Printed at Gokul Offset, Okhla, New Delhi (Private Circulation Only) May - June 2015 -1- SANTH ME Messenger CutimbpsS XncplrZbta... R§sf A\p{Kln¡Wta... Fsâ IÀ¯mth... SANTH ME Messenger Fsâ ssZhta... -2- May - June 2015 CSbteJ\w Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Bishop of Faridabad ssZhIr]bm ^coZm_mZv cq]XbpsS sa{Xm³ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c Xsâ A[nImc¯nÂs¸« CShIIfnse _lpam\s¸« hnImcnamÀ¡pw Akv t X´namÀ¡pw aäpsshZnIÀ¡pw k\ymkn\ok\ymknamÀ¡pw hnizmknIÄ¡pw \½psS IÀ¯mhotimaninlmbn BinÊpw kam[m\hpw. hµy ktlmZctc, hÕea¡tf, C s¡mÃs¯ _nj¸vkv A¸oen\v (ABA-2015) FÃm CShIIfn \n¶pw henb klIcWamWp mbXv. ap³ hÀj§tf¡mÄ henb Hcp kwJy Cu kwcw`¯neqsS kamlcn¡phm³ km[n¨Xv NmcnXmÀ°yP\IamWv. X¼pcm\p sImSp¡phm\pÅ Zimwiw IrXyw IW¡m¡n henb Hcp XpI CXnte¡v kw`mh\ sNbvXhcp v. IpSpw_¯nse hcpam\apÅhcpsS Btfmlcn \nÝbn¨v ABA -15 tebv¡v \evInb ]e IpSpw_§fps ¶v _lp. hnImcnb¨·mÀ Adnbn¡pIbp mbn. Xosc Xmgv¶ hcpam\¡mcpw X§fmemhp¶ Hcp kwJy \ev I n CXpambn klIcn¨n«p v . ABA-15þambn klIcn¨ FÃm cq] XmwK§Ä¡pw lrZbwKaamb \µn. ABA-15 sâ IhdpIÄ Imcyambn hnXcWw sN¿pIbpw X¡kab¯p Xs¶ Xncn¨p hm§n cq]XmtI{µ¯n Gev]n¡pIbpw sNbvXXn _lp. hnImcnb¨·mcpw ]mcojv Iu¬kn AwK§fpw IpSpw_bqWnäp `mchmlnIfpw \à ]¦phln¨n«p v. {]tXyIw \µn. kÀÆià\mb ssZhw \n§fpsS Cu DZmc a\kvIXbv¡v kar²amb {]Xnk½m\w \evIs«sb¶pw \n§sfbpw \n§fpsS IpSpw_mwK§sfbpw BbpÊpw BtcmKyhpw \evIn A\p{Kln¡s«sb¶pw {]mÀ°n¡p¶p. ap³ hÀj§sf At]£n¨v Gähpw IqSpX kwJy ]ncn¨ Nne CShIIfp v. AXpt]mse henb XpIIÄ kw`mh\ sNbvX hyànIfpsS F®hpw hÀ²n¨n«p v. bphP\§fpsSbpw _m¨ntegvknsâbpw (t\gvkkv) klIcWw t{]mÕml\P\ Iambncp¶p. Nne CShIIfn ABA-2015þeqsS e`n¨ sam¯w XpIsb \sÃmcp kwJybmbn DbÀ¯m³ B CShIbnse ]mcojv Iu¬kn ImWn¨ \à a\Êns\ \µntbmsS HmÀ¡p¶p. cq]Xm tI{µt¯mSpw \½psS kmaqly tkh\ {]hÀ¯\§tfmSpw ssZhhnfn t{]mÕml\ ]cn]mSnItfmSpapÅ cq]XmwK§fpsS {]Xn_²XbpsS ASbmfamWv \n§fpsS Cu klIcWw. \n§fpsS FÃhcpsSbpw klIcWt¯msS cq]XbpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v DNnXamb t\XrXzw \evIphm³ Ignbp¶Xn kt´mjap v. an¡hcpw Ah[n¡p t]mIphm\pÅ X¿msdSp¸nemWtÃm kz´w XdhmSnt\mSpw IpSpw_mwK§tfmSpw \mSnt\mSpapÅ aaX ]pXp¡phm\pÅ kabamsW¶Xp t]mse Xs¶ amXrk`tbmSpw amXrCShItbmSpapÅ _Ôw ]pXp¡phm\pÅ Ahkcw IqSnbmWXv. FÃmhÀ¡pw ssZhm\p{Kl{]Zamb Ah[n¡mew Biwkn¡p¶p. \n§fpsS kz´w ]nXmhv, amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ^coZm_mZv cq]XbpsS sa{Xm³ (ItcmÄ_mKnepÅ cq]XmImcymeb¯n \n¶v 2015þmw B v sabv 18þmw XobXn Xn¦fmgvN \ÂIs¸«Xv. NB: Cu CSbteJ\w 2015 Pq¬ amkw 21þmw XobXn RmbdmgvN IpÀ_m\ at²y FÃm ]ÅnIfnepw RmbdmgvN IpÀ_m\bpÅ Øm]\§fnepw s]mXpP\§Ä¡mbn hmbnt¡ XmWv.) May - June 2015 -3- SANTH ME Messenger Seminarians who received different orders from Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara for the Diocese of Faridabad on 16 May 2015 at Kristuraja Cathedral, Faridabad Deacons: Saji George Valavil, Mathew Kizhakkechira, Biju Kannampuzha & Sunil Panachempillil Sub-deacons: Jinto K. Tom & Anoop Madathiparambil Karoya: Jomy John Vazhakala, Joseph Dennis Maliammav & Arun Madathumpady Vestition: Jomon Devasia Kappalumackal, Tomy George Kalapparamban, Freddy Porathur & Binto Baby Kalathil 2 015 sabv 16þ\p {InkvXpcmP I¯o{Uen sh¨v BÀ¨v_nj¸v amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]nXmhnsâ apJy ImÀ½nIXz¯n \S¶ hnip² IpÀ_m\ at²y ^coZm_mZv cq]X¡pth n bpÅ sshZnI hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡v hnhn[ ]«§Ä \evIn. {_ZÀ kPn tPmÀÖv hfhnÂ, {_ZÀ amXyp Ings¡¨nd, {_ZÀ kp\n ]\s¨w]nÅnÂ, {_ZÀ _nPp I®¼pg F¶nhÀ Uo¡³ ]«hpw, {_ZÀ A\q]v aS¯n¸d¼nÂ, {_ZÀ Pntâm sI. tSmw F¶nhÀ tlhp]XbtImW ]«hpw, {_ZÀ Acp¬ amSXpw]mSn, {_ZÀ tPman tPm¬ hmg¡me, {_ZÀ tPmk^v sU¶okv amfnbamhv F¶nhÀ Imtdmb ]«hpw {_ZÀ _ntâm t__n If¯nÂ, {_ZÀ s{^Un s]mÀ¯qÀ, {_ZÀ tPmtam³ tZhky I¸epam¡Â, {_ZÀ tSman tPmÀÖv If¸d¼³ F¶nhÀ sshZnI hkv{Xhpw amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]nXmhn \n¶pw kzoIcn¨p. ]mh§tfmSv klm\p`qXntbmsS s]cpamdm\pw PohnXKÔnbmbn hN\{]tLmjWw \S¯phm\pw AXneqsS PohnX¯nsâ hnhn[ Xe§fn thZ\b\p`hn¡p¶hsc Bizkn¸n¡phm\pw AhcpsS kt´mj§fn ]¦ptNcphm\pw It¯men¡ sshZnIÀ¡pw sshZnImÀ°nIÄ¡pw IgnbWsa¶v hN\ktµiw \evIth amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]dªp. ip{iqjIfn hnImcn P\dmÄ tam¬. sk_mÌy³ hS¡pw]mS³, BÀ¨v Uo¡\mbn dh.^m.cmP³ ]p¶bv¡Â F¶nhÀ klImÀ½nIcmbncp¶p. SANTH ME Messenger -4- May - June 2015 Curia News Orientation Programme for Priests An orientation programme for the priests working in the diocese of Faridabad-Delhi was held at Sanjopuram on 8 to 10 April 2015 which was inaugurated by His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara. The sessions were comprised of liturgy, particular law, pastoral orientation etc. About 30 priests participated the orientation programme. The sessions were led by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara, Mar John Vadakkel, Bishop of Bijnor Diocese, Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan, Vicar General, Rev. Fr. Paul Madassery, Pro-Vicar General, Rev. Fr. John Mylamvelil, Chancellor, Rev. Fr. Jetto Thottungal, Procurator and the priests in charge of various departments and associations. A basket ball match with the youth of the Cathedral Church was also arranged at Sanjopuram and the fathers won the match. Seminarians' Gathering The seminarians' gathering of our diocese was conducted from 10th May 2015 to 20th May. The seminarians started their journey on 8th May after the ordination of Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil. They spend 6 days in Sanjoepuram Childrens Village. The classes conducted by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara, Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakumpadan, Rev. Fr. Rajan Punnackal, Rev. Fr. Mathew Moothassery, Rev. Fr. Sherin Puthenpurackal and Rev. Fr. Peter Kanjirakattukary gave an elaborated picture of various ministries of the diocese. On13th May 2015 the seminarians visited Agra and it was a cherishing experience for them. The seminarians spend 15th May as the day of prayer as they were preparing for minor orders and Rev. Fr. Mathew Kochuveettil helped them to think over their priestly call. After the Minor Orders at Kristuraja Cathedral Faridabad on 16th May they moved for Parish Experience to different parishes of our diocese. On 19th May 2015 they gathered together in the Bishop’s house after their Delhi Darshan and departed for Kerala on 20th May 2015. Congratulations Rev. Deacon Davis Kalliyathuparambil was ordained priest by His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 07 May 2015 at St. Mary's Church, Thesserry. He is the second priest to be ordained for the Eparchy of Faridabad-Delhi. Archbishop's Secretary Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil contact No. - 9999762328 May - June 2015 -5- SANTH ME Messenger k`m-Zn\w þ CS-b-te-J\w kotdm ae-_mÀ k`-bpsS taPÀ BÀ¨v_n-j¸v amÀ tPmÀPv Be-t©cn Xsâ kl-ip-{iq-j-I-cmb sa{Xm-t¸m-eo-¯m-amÀ¡pw sa{Xm-·mÀ¡pw sshZn-IÀ¡pw kaÀ¸n-XÀ¡pw Xsâ AP-]m-e\ ip{iq-jbv¡v Gev]n-¡-s¸-«n-cn-¡p¶ FÃm ssZh-P-\-¯n\pw Fgp-Xp-¶-Xv. IÀ¯m-hnsâ Ir] \n§-tf-h-tcmSpw IqsS D m-bn-cn-¡-s«. anin-lm-bn {]nb ktlm-Zc - o- k-tlm-Zc - · - mtc, tXmam-Çolm tNmZn¨p: ""IÀ¯mth, \o Fhn-tSbv¡v t]mIp-¶p-sh¶v R§Ä¡v Adnªp-Iq-Sm. ] - ns¶ hgn R§Ä F§s\ Adn-bpw? Cutim ]dªp: hgnbpw kXyhpw Poh\pw Rm\m-Wv. F¶n-eq-sSbÃmsX Bcpw ]nXm-hnsâ ]¡-tebv¡v hcp-¶n-Ã''. ( tbml 14: 5þ6). Cutim injy-·msc hn«p ]nXm-hnsâ ]¡-tebv¡v t]mIp-I-bm-sW¶pw Ahn-sS-s¨¶p injy-·mÀ¡v Øe-samcp¡n-bt- ijw ho pw h¶v Ah-scbpw Iq«n-s¡m v t]mIp-sa¶pw Xm³ t]mIp-¶n-St- ¯-bv¡pÅ hgn injy-·mÀ¡v Adn-bmatÃm F¶pw ]dª ]Ým-¯e - ¯ - n-emWv tXmam-Ço-lm-bpsS tNmZyhpw Cutim-bpsS adp-]S- n-bpw. tXmam-Ço-lm-bpsS ip²KXnbnepÅ tNmZy¯n\p¯cambn«mWv Cutim Xs¶¡pdn¨pXs¶bpÅ kphntij¯nse Gäw at\mlcamb Cu sh-fn-s¸Sp¯Â \S¯nb-Xv. ]nXm-hmb ssZh-¯nsâ ]¡-tebv¡v a¡Ä¡pÅ hgn anin-lm-bm-Wv. Cu hgn-bn-emWv a\p-jy-a-¡Ä kXyw Is ¯ - p-¶Xpw Poh³ {]m]n-¡p-¶X - pw. Cutim kzÀK-Ø\ - mb ]nXm-hn \n¶v h¶-h\ - m-Wv. Ahn-Sps¯ a\pjyP·w a\p-jyÀ¡p P·-km-^eyw \evIm³ th nbpÅXmbn-cp-¶p. anin-lm-bm-Ip-¶- h-gn- v. Cutim ]nXm-hnsâ ]¡-tebv¡v bn-emWv \mw \½psS Pohn-X¯ - nsâ AÀ°w Is t- ¯- X t]mIp-¶- hgn GXm-sW-¶mWv tXmam-Çolm tNmZn-¨X - v. Cutim-bmWv hgn-sb¦n Ahn-Sps¯ PohnXw Xs¶-bmWv \ap¡pw hgn-bm-bn-¯o-cp-¶X - v. hgn t- X-Sn-bh - ³ kzÀK-¯ntebv¡pÅ hgn- tX-Sn-bh - \ - mWv tXmam-Ço-lm. ad-dm-tcm-Sp-aà tXSnbXv, Xsâ Kpcphpw \mY-\p-amb anin-lmtbmSpX-s¶. hgnbmbht\mSp Xs¶ hgn tXSnbh³. ss{IkvXh - \p Pohn-X] - mX {InkvXp-X-s¶-bm-Wv. amt½m-Zo-km-bn {InkvXp-hn-t\m-Sp-IqSn P\n-¡p-I, {InkvXp-hn-s\-t¸mse Pohn-¡pI, kln-¡p-I, acn-¡p-I, Dbn-À¡pI þ CXmWv ss{IkvXh - sâ PohnX]mX. Cu PohnX ssiensb {InkvXp-amÀKw F¶v BZna ss{IkvXh - À hnti-jn-¸n¨Xmbn A¸-kvtXm-e· - m-cpsS {KÙ¯n \mw ImWp-¶p. (A¸. 9:2). tXmam-Çolm ]Tn-¸n¨ Cu amÀKs¯ `mc-X¯ - nse BZna ss{IkvXhÀ- tXm½m-amÀKw F¶v hnti-jn-¸n-¨p. Cu tXm½m-amÀKw kzoI-cn-¨-h-cmWv \½psS ]qÀÆn-Ic - mb amÀt¯m-am-{In-kvXym-\n-IÄ. hgn-tb- \-S¶ - h - ³ anin-lm-bmWv hgn-sb¶v Xncn¨dnª tXmam-Çolm B hgntb \S-¶p. aninlm\p-`hw Xsâ A\p-`h-ambn kzoI-cn-¨p. "F\n¡v PohnXw {InkvXp-hm-sW¶v' hn. ]utemkv Çolmbpw ]d-bp-¶p- t- Ãm. (^nen. 1 :21). Cutim injy-·msc Keo-en-bnse ip{iq-jb - v¡mbn Ab-bv¡p-t¼mÄ AhÀ¡p- m SANTH ME Messenger -6- May - June 2015 I - m-hp¶ ]oU-Is - f-¡p-dn¨v ]d-bp-¶p- v. injy-·m-cpsS ]oU-IÄ Kpcp-hnsâ ]oU-IÄ¡v kam-\a - msW¶pw Ahn-Sp¶v ]d-ªp. ""injy³ Kpcp-hn-s\-¡mÄ hen-bh - \ - à - . `rXy³ bP-am-\s - \-¡mÄ henb-h\ - à - . injy³ Kpcp-hns\-t¸m-sebpw `rXy³ bP-am-\s - \-t¸m-sebpw Bbm aXn.'' (a¯m 10: 24 þ 25.). Cutim bqZ-bm-bn emk-dnsâ {Km-aa - mb _Ym-\n-bm-bn-te-bv¡p- t]m-Im³ B{K-ln-¨t- ¸mÄ - mWv injy-·mÀ XS-ks - ¸-Sp-¯n-s¡m v ]dªp, blq-ZÀ Ahn-Sps¯ IsÃ-dn-bm³ Im¯n-cn-¡p-Ib F¶v. At¸mÄ tXmam-Çolm klinjy-·m-tcmSv ]dª hm¡p-IÄ injyXz-¯nsâ Bgw hyàam-¡p-¶h - b - m-Wv. tXmakv ]d-ªp, ""Ah-t\m-sSm¸w acn-¡m³ \ap¡pw t]mImw.'' ( tbml 11: 16). Xm³ {]-kw-Kn¨ {InkvXp-amÀKw a\-Ên-em-¡m¯ FXn-cm-fn-IÄ ssaem-¸q-cnse Nn¶-ae - b - n Xs¶ Ip´-¯m Ip¯n ac-Ws - ¸-Sp-¯n-bt- ¸mÄ tXmam-Ço-lm-bpsS B B{Klw ]qÀ¯o-Ic - n-¡s - ¸-«p. Nn¶-ae tXmam-Ço-lmbv¡p ImÂh-cn-bm-bn. anin-lm-tbm-sSm¸w tXmakpw acn-¨p. AXm-bn-cp¶p tXmamÇo-lm-bpsS Pohn-X] - m-Xb - n aninlm A\p-`h - ¯ - nsâ ]qÀ¯o-Ic - W - w. At¸mgpw Çolm DZo-cWw - w. ""Fsâ IÀ¯m-th, Fsâ ssZhta!'' F¶v. DbnÀs¯-gp-t¶dd anin-lmsb sNbvXn-«p- m-hW ZÀin-¨t- ¸mÄ tXmam-Çolm ]dª Cu hm¡p-If - mWv kphn-ti-j¯ - n \mw ImWp¶ Gd-dhpw {][m-\s - ¸« hnizm-k{- ]-Jym-]\ - s - a¶v "\{k-¯nse Cutim' F¶ {KÙ-¯n _\-Un-Ivddv ]Xn \mdma³ amÀ]m¸ ]d-bp-¶p. hgntb \S-t¡- h - À {InkvXpamÀKw kzoI-cn-¨h - À - {InkvXp-]m-Xb - n \S-¡W - w. \ap¡v amÀK-{`wiw kw-`h - n-¡p-t¼mÄ \½psS hnizm-ky-Xbv¡p \jvSw kw`-hn-¡p¶p. aZy-]m\w, [qÀ¯v, BUw-_c - {- `aw apX-emb Xn·IÄ ss{IkvX-h-cpsS CS-bn \ne-\n-ev¡p-¶p-sh¶ hnaÀi\w tIÄ¡m-dp- v. hnaÀi-\-§sf - c - n \n¶v Ak-ln-jvWp-Xt- bmsS I n-«p- Im-cy-an-Ã. {InkvXphn hniz-kn¨p PohnXw \bn-¡p-¶h Ahn-Sps¯ Pohn-Xs - si-en¡v tbmPn¨ Hcp- PohnXw ad-dp-Åh - À {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶p. ss{IkvXh - cpw ss{IkvXh k`Ifpw hnaÀin-¡s - ¸-Sp-¶X - nsâ Imc-Whpw ]et¸mgpw AXp-Xs - ¶-bm-Wv. i{Xp-hns\ hsc kvt\ln-¡W - s - a¶v ]Tn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw B kvt\lw kz´w PohnXw hgn km£y-s¸-Sp-¯p-Ib - pw sNbvX {InkvXp-hnsâ PohnX]mX F{Xtbm D¶-Xa - m-Wv. A{Xbv¡v D¶-Xa - mb Hcp Pohn-Xs - sien - c - psSbnS-bnse Xn·-IfpsS t]cn ss{IkvXss{IkvXh - À¡v D mtI n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. ss{IkvXh hÀ hyàn-If - mbpw kaql§-fmbpw sN¿p¶ At\Iw \·-IÄ hnkvac - n-¡s - ¸-Sp¶ Hcp ØnXn-hn- nse hnZym-`ym-kc - w-K¯pw BXp-ci - p-{iq-jm-cw-K¯pw ss{IkvXh - À \evInb tijhpw C¶p- v. `mc-X¯ kw`m-h\ - I - Ä BÀ¡p-\n-tj-[n-¡m³ Ignbpw?. Imcp-Wy-{]-hÀ¯-\§ - f - nepw ss{IkvXh k`-IÄ ap³]-´n-bn-em-Wt- Ãm. ss{IkvXh - c - psS amXr-Ib - n \n¶v {]tNm-Z\w DÄs¡m pIq-Sn-btà ad-dt- \ Iw k - aql-§fpw {]kvYm\-§fpw hyànIfpw Cu cw-K¯v hen-b kw`m-h\ - I - Ä \evIn {]hÀ¯n- f - nepw ss{IkvXh - À Gsd hym ¡p-¶X - v. `n¶-ti-jn-bpÅhÀ¡p-th- n- bpÅ t£a-{]-hÀ¯-\§ ]rXcmWv. C¯cw \· {]hr¯nI-tfm-sSm¸w \½psS CS-bn hym]n-¡p¶ Xn·-Isf Zqco-Ic - n-¨p-sIm v \½psS PohnX-km-£ys¯ {InkvXp kZr-ia - m-¡m³ \ap¡p ]cn-{i-an-¡mw. sshZn-Icpw kaÀ¸n-Xcpw Aevam-bcpw Hs¯mcp-an¨v k`m-\h - o-Ic - W - ¯ - n\mbn {ian-t¡- n-bn-cn¡p-¶p. kaÀ¸n-Xh - Àjm-Nc - Whpw IpSpw_s¯¡pdn¨pÅ kn\UpIfpw Xs¶ k`-bpsS s]mXphmb \ho-Ic - W - s¯ e£yw h¨p-ÅX - m-Wt- Ãm. It¯m-en-¡m t- Im¬{K- v, bq¯v aqhvsaâ v, amXr-thZn apX-emb Aßmb {]Øm-\-§-fpsS \thm-°m-\-¯n-eqsSbpw k`m-\-ho-I-cWw Imcy£aambn \S-¡p-sa¶v {]Xo-£n-¡mw. amÀtXm-am-Ço-lm-bpsS cà-km-£nXzw A\p-kvac - n-¡p¶ Cu ZpIvdm-\m-¯n-cp-\m-fn hnizm-k¯ - n- s - c-bpw, hninjy Cdm¡v, kndnb F¶o cmPy-§f - n \p-th n Poh³ _en-Ig- n¨ FÃm-ss{I-kvXh May - June 2015 -7- SANTH ME Messenger ASp-¯I - m-e¯v sImesN-¿s - ¸-«h - s - cbpw, `mc-X¯ - nse kn. dmWn- a-cn-bm-sb-t¸m-ep-Åh - s - cbpw A\pkvac - n¨v hnizm-k¯ - n \ap¡v Bg-s¸-Smw. hnhn[ aX-hn-izm-kn-IÄ hkn-¡p¶ \mSmWv \½psS `mc-Xw. FÃm- a-X§ - f - n-sebpw \·-Isf AwKoI-cn-¡m\pw BZ-cn-¡m\pw A§s\ ]c-kv]c - - _-lp-am-\t- ¯msS Pohn¡m\pw \ap¡p km[n¡Ww. amÀKhpw kXyhpw Poh-\p-amb anin-lmsb {]tLm-jWw sN¿p¶ Xncp- ` CX-c a - X - § - f - n ImWp¶ kXyhpw hnip-²h - p-amb H¶pw Xnc-kv¡c - n-¡p-¶n-Ã. ""ad-dp-aX - § - f - nse {]hÀ¯-\c - o-XnIfpw, Pohn-Xap-dI - f - pw,- {]-am-W§ - fpw kn²m-´§ - fpw Xncp-k` hniz-kn-¡p-Ibpw ]Tn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶h - b - n - f - m-Wv. F¦nepw Xncp ` Ah-sb-sbÃmw BßmÀ°-amb _lp-am\n¶v ]e-Xp-sIm pw hyXy-kvX§ \-t¯m-Sp- IqSnbmWv \nco£n-¡p-¶X - v. Imc-Ww, kÀÆ-a\ - p-jy-tcbpw {]Im-in-¸n-¡p¶ "B kXy' - a - X - § - Ä \¼À 2) ¯nsâ civan Ah-bn-seÃmw {]Xn-_nw-_n-¡p-¶p- v''. (Ass{I-kvXh \½psS FÃm c - q-]X - I - f - p-sSbpw k\ym-ka- q-l§ - f - p-sSbpw {]Xn-\n-[n-IÄ ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶ k`m-Zn-\m-Nc-Ww Pqsse 3þ\v k`-bpsS BØm-\I - m-cym-eb - a - mb Im¡-\mSv au v skâ v tXma-kn \S-¡p¶XmWv. hn. IpÀ_m-\b - psS BtLmjw, kt½-f\ - § - Ä, Iem-]c - n-]m-Sn-IÄ XqS§nbhtbmsS \½psS FÃm CSh-II - f - nepw {]hm-kn-ka - q-l§ - f - nepw k`m-Zn\w BtLmjn¡-Ws - a¶v kvt\l-]qÀÆw HmÀ½n¸n-¡p-¶p. k`m-Zn-\¯ - nse \n§-fpsS kw`m-h\ - I - Ä k`-bpsS s]mXp-hmb Bh-iy-§Ä¡mbn kam-lc - n-¨p \evIW - s - a¶pw A`yÀ°n-¡p-¶p. {]hm-kn-Ifmb kotdm ae-_mÀ It¯m-en-¡À¡v C\nbpw ]e-Øe - § - f - nepw AÀl-amb k`m-kwhn-[m-\§ - tfm, kz´w k`m]mc¼cy§Ä¡\pkrXamb AP]me\ip{iqjbv¡pÅ {IaoIcW§Ä t]meptam e`yambn«nÃ. ]cn.- knw-lm-k\w A¯cw kwhn-[m-\§ - fpw {IaoIcW§fpw GÀs¸-Sp¯n-¯c - m³ X¿mdmsW-¦nepw XS-ʧ - Ä Gsd-bp- v. Ah- XcWw sN¿m-\pÅ {- ia§Ä \o p - Ä km[n-¨p-In-«p-¶X - n\v Ime-Xm-akw D m-Ip-¶p. t]mIp¶XpsIm v\½psS \ymb-amb Ah-Im-i§ C´y-bnse 29 kotdm- a-e_ - mÀ cq]-XI - Ä¡p-]p-d¯v {]hm-kn-If - mbn Ignbp¶ kotdm- a-e_ - mÀ hnizm-kn-IÄ X§-Ä¡v kz´-ambn k`m-kw-hn-[m-\§ - Ä e`n-¡p-¶X - n-\p-th n Pqsse 2 þmw XobXn D]-hmk- {- ]mÀ°-\m-Zn\w BN-cn-¡p-Ib - m-Wv. k`m-a¡ - Ä FÃm-hcpw Cu {]m°-\m-bÚ ¯ - n Ah-tcmSv ]¦p-tN-cWsa¶v A`yÀ°n-¡p-¶p. \n§Ät¡hÀ¡pw ZpIvdm\¯ncp\mfnsâ awKf§Ä Biwkn¨psIm pw hn. tXmamÇolmbpsS am[yØyw hgn ssZhm\p{Kl§Ä e`n¡s«sb¶p {]mÀ°n¨psIm pw, Cutimbn kvt\l-]qÀÆw, IÀZn-\mÄ tPmÀPv Be-t©cn kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS taPÀ BÀ¨p _nj¸v Im¡-\mSv au v skâ v tXma-kn-epÅ taPÀ BÀ¨v_nj-¸nsâ Imcym-eb - ¯ - n \n¶v 2015þmw B v sabv amkw 23þmw XobXn \evIs¸«Xv. N.B : Cu CS-b-te-J\w 2015 Pqsse 3þmw XobXn¡v ap³]s¯ Rmb-dmgvN (Pq¬ 28þ\p) IpÀºm\ at²y FÃm ]Ån-I-fnepw Rmb-dmgvN IpÀºm-\-bpÅ Øm]-\-§-fnepw hmbn-t¡ X -- m-Wv. SANTHOME MESSENGER SUBSCRIPTION Those who would like to get Faridabad Diocesan Bulletin ‘Santhome Messenger’ by post may please contact to : Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, Bishop's House, 1B/32 N.E.A, Old Rajender Nagar, New Delhi - 110060 Telphone: + 011 25759160, Email : Subscription fee in India for one year = Rs. 150; abroad = $ 20.- Euro 20.- ^coZm_mZv cq]X _pÅän³ "kmt´mw saÊ©À' X]m hgn e`n¡phm³ B{Kln¡p¶hÀ Xmsg ]dbp¶ A{UÊn _Ôs¸SpI Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi, Bishop's House, 1B/32 N.E.A, Old Rajender Nagar, New Delhi - 110060 Telphone: + 011 25759160, Email : hcnkwJy Hcp hÀjt¯b¡p C´ybn Rs. 150 hntZit¯¡v $ 20.- SANTH ME Messenger -8- Euro 20. May - June 2015 Pastoral Care of Migrants T he 7th World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants took place in Rome from 17th to 21stNovember 2014 at the Pontifical Urbaniana University. The theme of the Congress was “Cooperation and Development in the Pastoral Care of Migrantions”. The Congress gathered together 284 participants from all five continents and from more than 90 countries from around the world. We give hereunder the conclusions and recommendations of the Final Document of this Congress. Fr. John Mylamvelil, Chief Editor 4. Benefits that can come from migrants are far greater than solely the economic factors, and are gained not only by the receiving countries, but by the countries of origin, and in some cases for the communities of transit, as well. 5. The transit of migrants carries particular relevance. It is more than just the simple relationship between the departure and arrival of migrants, but a source of some of the difficulties that migrants experience. 6. There is an unfortunate tendency for Church communities and organizations to work in isolation, creating a void that may leave the migrant vulnerable to the violation of their rights, and being a source of difficulties in the creation of adequate pastoral programs within the Church of arrival (including the proclamation of the Gospel, the formation to the reception of the Sacraments, evangelization, and the interiorization of Christian values and concepts). 7.The personal faith and popular piety of migrants is an expression of their personal experience of the Christian faith, and is a link between the Church of departure and that of arrival. Integration implies neither artificial separation nor assimilation, but rather gives the opportunity to identify the migrant's cultural heritage, and to recognize their gifts and talents for the common good of the entire Church community. The goal of the 7th World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Migrants was to take into consideration the phenomenon of migration, with a particular consideration concerning economic migrants. This notwithstanding, the participants wish to acknowledge the existence of mixed migration flows, which can also consist of refugees, internally displaced persons, climate migration, etc., as well as the difficulty that exists, at times, in clearly distinguishing between these movements. However, in the light of the goal of the Event, the participants of the 7th World Congress affirm that: 1. Migration continues to be a sign of the times, in which the centrality of the human pe~son and human dignity are of ever greater importance. 2. Development signifies a dynamic process, which implies growth, advancement,empowerment and progress, and whose ultimate goal is to increase human capabilities, to enlarge the scope of human choices, and to create a safe and secure environment in which all inhabitants of a country may live and work and worship, with dignity and equality in both civil and ecclesial contexts. 3. The human dignity of each and every migrant is paramount. Religious, ethnic,social or cultural variables, citizenship or lack of it, do not change this fact that gives each individual an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity, in which every human life is and must be considered sacred. May - June 2015 -9- SANTH ME Messenger 8. Modern migration policies tend to emphasize the individual dimension of a person's decision to migrate, concentrating on the work aspect of migration rather than taking into consideration the migrant family. In fact, national migration policy is often one of the causes behind family separation and the breakdown of familial relationships that can ensue. 9. The migrant family often finds itself between the experience of uprooting from the place of origin on the one hand and the lack of integration in the new society on the other, which creates a sort of tension that has a destructive force on both individual members and on the entire family. 10.The issue of family separation, caused by imperfect migration systems, is of utmost concern/ importance for the pastoral care of migrants, particularly regarding those countries that have a large diaspora. 11. The pastoral care of migrants must take into consideration the distinction between first, second and third generations, each having its own specific characteristics and difficulties. 12.Women migrants can be recognized today not only as dependents, or part of the family reunification process, but as independent agents, family supporters and/ or strategists. Migration may be an important instrument/ opportunity of empowerment for women. 13. Young migrants require a social environment that permits and fosters their physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development. 14. There are three areas in which young migrants most vividly build bridges between societies as they engage with the people they live and work alongside: through their relationships with others, their education, and their working life. 15. Sects continue to grow as a particular challenge within the pastoral care of migrants, particularly with regard to younger generations. SANTH ME Messenger 16. In the broader context of migration, in which a vast majority of modern-day migrants are either not Catholic or not Christian, ecumenical cooperation and inter-religious dialogue are of utmost importance. RECOMMENDATIONS The participants, in view of the conclusions drawn from the 7th World Congress, wish to declare their commitment to put into action the following recommendations: 1. The particular Church communities should work together to create a common and humane approach to issues and difficulties that migration carries with it (which can include working with Bishops' .Conferences, governments, non-governmental organizations, and faith-based organizations), to protect the rights of migrants and to prevent human trafficking, exploitation and other similar crimes. Insisting on working within social networks (which begins with the simple exchange of contact details, such as email addresses, telephone numbers, Skype details and addresses of pastoral agents for migrants) can strengthen a more widespread pastoral care. 2. Those charged with the mission of teaching within the Church will make an effort to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the Magisterium of the Church regarding migration which, in turn, has the capacity of turning theory into practice at the local level. 3. The pastors of the Church must speak with one voice regarding migration. The Church is a prophetic voice for the proper integration of migrants in receiving communities, keeping in mind the universality of the ecclesial Catholic community, which entails a pastoral approach that' is more comprehensive and goes beyond solely the charitable aspect. -10- Continue on page no.22 May - June 2015 kotdm- ae_mÀ am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯I kwKa¯n ^co-Zm-_mZv cq]-X ]s¦-Sp-¯p k Xy-¯nepw aqey-¯nepw A[n-jvSn-X-amb am[y-a-kw-kvImcw s]mXp-k-aq-l-¯n hfÀ¯ns-bSp-t¡- -Xp-s ¶p kotdm ae_mÀ aoUnb t^mdw Im¡-\mSv au v skâ v tXma-kn \S-¯nb am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯I kwKaw DZvLm-S\w sN¿th IÀ±n-\mÄ amÀ tPmÀÖv Be-t©cn ]d-ªp. k`-bnepw kaq-l-¯nepw am[y-a-§-fpsS {]kàn hÀ²n-¡p¶ Cu Ime¯v s]mXp-\-·-bv¡mbn am[y-a-§sf D]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp-¯p-hm³ \ap¡v km[n-¡-Ww. kaq-l-¯n\p icn-bmb Znim-t_m[w \evIm³ am[y-a-§Ä¡pw am[ya-{]-hÀ¯-IÀ¡pw {]tXy-In¨v k`m-a-¡-fm-b-hÀ¡v D¯-c-hm-Zn-Xz-ap-s -¶pw, k`-bpsS ZÀi-\-§-sfbpw \ne-]m-Sp-I-sfbpw icn-bmb coXn-bn kaq-l-a-²y-¯n F¯n-¡p-hm³ {]tXyIw {i²n-¡-W-sa¶pw amÀ Be-t©cn HmÀ½n-¸n-¨p. Aevamb I½o-j³ sNbÀam³ amÀ amXyp Ad-bv¡Â ]nXm-hnsâ A²y-£-X-bn IqSnb kwK-a-¯n ""k`bpw am²y-a-§fpw am\h \·bv¡v'' F¶ hnj-b-¯n ImcpWy-I³ No^v FUn-äÀ dh. tUm. tP¡_v \mep-]-d-bn {]`m-jWw \S-¯n. kotdm ae_mÀ k`m hàmhv dh. tUm. t]mÄ tXse-¡m-«v, aoUnb t^mdw I¬ho-\À {io ]oäÀ sI tPmk-^v, sk{I-«dn kntPm ss]\m-S¯v F¶n-hÀ {]kw-Kn-¨p. dh. ^m. amXyp Ns{µ-Ipt¶Â, dh. tUm. tPmÀÖv aS-¯n-¸-d-¼nÂ, AUz-t¡äv _nPp ]d-\n-ew, tUm. sIm¨p-dmWn tPmk-^v, tPm¬k¬ hn.-]n. ^coZm_mZv, Beokv amXyp, tPmÀÖv tImbn-¡Â, kndn-bIv sk_mÌy³, t__n tPm¬ Ieb-´m-\n, t__n-¨³ FÀXn-bnÂ, AUz-t¡äv dnPp hÀ¤o-kv, s{]m^. sPÊn amS-¸m-«v, tPmbv Fw. a®qÀ F¶n-hÀ NÀ¨-IÄ¡v t\XrXzw \evIn. tIc-f-¯n\p AI¯pw ]pd-¯p-apÅ kotdm ae_mÀ cq]-X-I-fn am[y-a-ta-L-e-bn {]hÀ¯n-¡p-¶h - c - pw, aäp am[y-a{- ]-hÀ¯-Ic - pw, Fgp-¯p-Imcpw ]s¦-Sp¯ Cu kwK-a¯ - n ^co-Zm-_mZv cq]-Xsb {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cn¨p {io. tPm¬k¬ hn.-]n. ]s¦-Sp-¯p. May - June 2015 -11- SANTH ME Messenger DSYM News Diocesan Leadership Training Camp & General Body Meeting D SYM Diocesan Executive Committee (DEXCO) conducted the Diocesan General Body Meeting & Leadership Training Programme at Our Lady Of Fatima Forane Church, JasolaOkhla on Sunday, 26th April 2015. 22 parishes of the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi participated in the meeting. After the Holy Mass, the event began with the Leadership Training Programme conducted by Rev. Fr. Noble George (Principal-Don Bosco Technical Institute, Okhla), the session included a set of icebreaking activities which was aimed at enhancing group dynamics & a sense of togetherness. After lunch, the GBM commenced with the felicitation of the guests; Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan (Founder Patron), Mr. C. J. Jose (Pastoral Council Secretary), Rev. Dr. Jacob Nangelimalil (Forane Vicar-Jasola parish). The Functional Year of 2015-16 was inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp. Rev. Fr. Jiju Thuruthikkara (Director) addressed the youth followed by other guests. After the presidential address of Joseph K Antony, the new DSYM website was launched by Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan, in the presence of other dignitaries. The website layout & data was arranged by Joseph K. Antony, developed and rendered by Mr. Thomas Mampilly. It was followed by the SANTH ME Messenger felicitation of Mr. Thomas Mampilly & Mr. Mathew Joseph for their ineffable support to DSYM. The functional report and the financial report for the period of 2013-15 was read out by Ms. Jinu Francis and Ms. Alphy Sony respectively. A round of sharing suggestions and queries was included wherein the parishes contributed their suggestions that could be adopted for the Functional Year of 2015-16 and also sought solutions for their queries. A tentative yearly plan was also discussed in the GBM. The meeting was followed by elections for the vacant posts in the Diocesan Executive Committee. Mr. C. J. Jose consented to be the returning officer for the same, and the following members were newly elected to the following posts: Ms. Jinu Francis (Motia Khan) promoted as General Secretary from Secretary 1, Ms. Alphy Sony (Motia Khan), promoted as Treasurer from Joint Treasurer, Ms. Aneesha Avarachan (Janakpuri) - Secretary 2, Mr. Tijo Gregory (Burari) - Joint Treasurer, Mr. Prince Shajan (Faridabad), Executive Member (Male), Ms. Steffi Stephen (Palam), Executive Member (Female) Ms. Julia Joseph delivered the vote of thanks that was followed by tea. Even though His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara (Patron) couldn’t make it to the event, he had bestowed his blessing and best wishes to the team. Arise & Shine – Parish Visit at Mayur Vihar Ph III, Assumption Forane Church DSYM Diocesan Executive Committee (DEXCO) visited Mayur Vihar Ph III, Assumption Forane Church DSYM unit on Sunday 19th April 2015 as a part of Arise & Shine – Parish Visit of DSYM Central committee. It was a fruitful day to be with the youth and interact with them. Mr. Nidhish P D (President) introduced the DEXCO team to the youth, which was followed by a general interaction with the youth and animators. The unit functional reports -12- May - June 2015 Vocation Promotion Programme 2015 T he vocation promoter of the diocese, Fr. Sherin Puthenpurackal, visited the Dioceses in Kerala and introduced our diocese during the vocation camps and selection camps. A heartfelt thanks to Rev. Fr. Varghese Palatty who visited the vocation camp of the Archdiocese of Changanassery. We could visit the Archdioceses of Thalassery, Ernakulam–Angamaly, Thrissur and the dioceses of Mananthavady, Idukki, Kothamangalam. We are happy that we have got some candidates this year and they already started their formation in different minor seminaries in Kerala. Let us pray for the priestly formation of these candidates. May 2015 under the leadership of Msgr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan (Vicar) and Fr. Liju Thalliyath (Assnt. Vicar). IT was animated and led by Jesus Youth Faridabad and supported by DSYM Central Resource team. More than 100 youth gather & praise & worship session. were read out and all the initiatives if the unit were explained effectively. The DEXCO was able to clear the queries of the youth and provided them with guidelines for future youth ministry in the parish. Arise & Shine – Parish visit has once again proved to be an effective way to strengthen relationship of the center with the units and an incentive towards faith formation, introspection & effective participation of youth in both unit & central activities. The program was concluded with a prayer led by Rev. Fr. Renson Thekkinezhath (Vicar). Quo Vadis Youth Convention by Karol Bagh DSYM Unit DSYM Karol Bagh unit organized a One-day youth convention ‘Quo Vadis’ on Sunday 3rd May - June 2015 General News & Guidelines • Also, all are requested to keep updating the DSYM Directorate with the youth programs organized by your parish (Both intra-parish & inter-parish) for us to be in knowledge and to promote it at the Diocesan level. Stay tuned with our social media outreach at www.facebook. com/dsympage for all news and updates. • Prayer gathering led by DSYM Intercession Ministry would be conducted on 4th Saturday of every month from July onwards. Further details shall be provided in due time. Also, encourage all youth to follow the DSYM Prayer time of 10 am/pm to recite One Memorare (Ethrayum Dayayulla Mathave) interceding for all the youth of the Diocese. -13- For any further queries/information contact: Rev. Fr. Jiju Thuruthikkara (Director) 9810807214 Mr. Joseph K. Antony (President) 9971343207 SANTH ME Messenger Celebrated the 3rd Anniversary of the Diocese cq]X Øm]nXambXnsâ hmÀjnIw BtLmjn¨p ^ coZm_mZv cq]X Øm]nXambXnsâbpw amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]nXmhnsâ Øm\mtcmlW¯nsâbpw aq¶mw hmÀjnImtLmjw cq]X BØm\¯p Ignª sabv 26þ\p \S¶p. cmhnse 11 aWn¡v \S¶ IrXÚX _enbn BÀ¨v_nj¸v Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c apJyImÀ½nI\mbncp¶p. cq]Xbnse FÃm sshZnIcpw s{]mhn³jymÄamcpw Aevamb {]Xn\n[nIfpw ]s¦Sp¯p. 2012 sabv 26þ\p Øm]nXamb \½psS cq]X {][m\ambpw {i² tI{µoIcn¨ncn¡p¶Xv anj³ {]hÀ¯\¯nemsW¶pw Ignª aq¶p hÀj¯n\pÅn CXn\pth n ]©m_v, P½pþImivaoÀ {]tZi§fn anj³ skâÀ Øm]n¡pIbpw, Øm]\§Ä ]Wnbphm³ ]¶nhmebn (Punjab) \½psS cq]Xbv¡v Øew hm§phm³ km[n¡pIbpw sNbvXp F¶v XpSÀ¶v \S¶ A\p tamZ\tbmKw DZvLmS\w sN¿th hnImcn P\dmÄ tam¬. sk_mÌy³ hS¡pw]mS³ ]dªp. kotdm ae_mÀ k`mkaql§fmb MST, CMI, CST F¶o tIm¬{KntKj\pIÄ hfsc kPohambn Cu {]tZi§fn anj³ {]hÀ¯\¯n GÀs¸«ncn¡p¶p. Bdv kwØm\§fnembn hym]n ¨pInS¡p¶ Cu cq]X, t{]jnX{]hÀ¯\¯n\mbn Du¶Â sImSp¡p¶Xv \½psS ]nXmhnsâ {]tXyI \nÀt±i{]ImcamsW¶pw hnImcn P\dmÄ HmÀ½n¸n¨p. XpSÀ¶v s{]mhn³jymÄamsc {]Xn\n[oIcn¨psIm v knÌÀ kvanX Fkv. Sn bpw AÂambsc {]Xn\n[oIcn¨psIm v cq]X ]mkv{S Iu¬kn sk{I«dn {io. kn.sP. tPmkpw A\ptamZ\ {]kwKw \S¯n. cq]X Øm]nXambn aq¶v hÀjw ]n¶nSpt¼mÄ \½psS cq]X¡v C{Xam{Xw ]ptcmKXn ssIhcn¡phm³ IgnªXv BßmÀ°ambn ChnsS tkh\w sN¿p¶ sshZnIcpsSbpw k¶ymknk¶ymkn\nIfpsSbpw CXns\Ãmap]cn \Ãhcmb cq]Xma¡fn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ \nÀtem`amb klmbklIcW§Ä sIm pamsW¶p kam]\{]kwKw \S¯th cq]Xm²y£³ amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c HmÀ½n¸n¨p. ^coZm_mZv cq]XbpsS t\XrXz¯n hnip² Nmhd Genbmkv Ipcymt¡mkv, hnip² Ghp{]mky hnip²]Zhn {]Jym]\tZiob BtLmj¯n hninjvS AXnYnbmbn C´y³ {][m\a{´n {io. \tc{µ tamZn ]s¦Sp¯Xv \½psS cq]Xbv¡pw {]tXyIn¨p kotdm ae_mÀ k`bv¡pw A`nam\n¡mw F¶v amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c Iq«nt¨À¯p. s^{_phcn 17þ\p \S¶ hnip² ]Zhn {]Jym]\tZiob BtLmj¯nsâ kph\oÀ tam¬. sk_mÌy³ hS¡pw]mS³ {io. kn. sP. tPmkn\p \evInsIm v {]Imi\w sNbvXp. SANTH ME Messenger -14- May - June 2015 Catechism Scholarship Rank Holders 1st Rank Abin Prince, Amita Anna Shaji, Sharon Saju Donna Elizabeth, Sebin Varghese, Amal Mathews, R.K. Puram Class-I Pushp Vihar, Class-II Karolbag, Class-II Hari Nagar CL-III South Extn., Class-IV Burari, Class-V Shruthi Maria Shibu, Ashita Sibichan, Jassola, South Extn, Class-VIII Class-VIII Arsha Liz M Jos, Dilshad Garden, Class-IX Neha Maria Benny Jassola, Class-X Blessy Thomas, Burari, Class-VI Shiji Bose, Tagore Garden, Class-XI Febia V Mathew, Jassola, Class-XII Sneha Maria Shelgi, Hari Nagar, Class V Jerome Shijo, Mayur Vihar 3, Class VI 2nd Rank Anjali Roy, Kalkaji Class-I Ann Mariya Aji, Pushp Vihar, Class- II Riya Varghese, Motiakhan, Class-III Shalat Jayan, Hari Flemin Thomas, Nagar, Class VII Kalkaji, Class VIII Alvy Sabu, Mayur Vihar 3, Class IX Alina Mathew, Palam, Class IV Neha Sam, Motia Khan, Class X Nikhila Mathew, Mayur Vihar 3, Class XI Elizabeth James, Jasola, Class XII 3rd Rank Jisna Biju, Jasola, Class-I Ananya Jaison, Kalkaji, Class VI Riya Sheelu, Vikas Puri, Class-I Remya Saji, Palam, Class VII May - June 2015 Maria Monica Philip Alita Soji, Tagore Garden Jasola, Class-II Class-III Anisha Mathews, Divya M S, Jasola, Class VIII Janakpuri, Class IX -15- Ashly Sibichan, Jasola, Class X Anto Jose, Viashali, Class IV Sania Johnson, Jasola, Class V Jacqueline Joseph, Jithin C Glennym Mayur Vihar 3, Class XII Jasola, Class XI SANTH ME Messenger Faridabad-Delhi Diocese delegation meets Delhi Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal Catholic Bishops meets Shri Arun Jaitely, Union Minister for Finance & IB Releasing Sainthood celebration Souvenir(17.02.2015), giving a copy to Mr. C. J. Jose by Vicar General Archbishop inaugurating Orientation programme for priests in Faridabad-Delhi Diocese Cash award given by Rev. Fr. Sebastian Thekkanath, Director, Sanjoepuram to Ms. Geetha, a Blind student of Infant Jesus (inclusive) School SANTH ME Messenger -16- May - June 2015 Congratulations & Weclome to Faridabad Diocese Rev. Fr. Davis Kalliyathuparambil was ordained for the Diocese of Faridabad on 07 May 2015 by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara at St. Mary’s Church, Thessery, Perambra Msgr. Dr. Sebastian Vadakkumpadan inaugurating DSYM Diocesan Leadership Training Camp & GB Meeting May - June 2015 Rev. Fr. Jiju Thuruthikkara (DSYM Direcotr), Mr. C. J. Jose (Pastoral Council Secretary) with DSYM Diocesan Executive Committee Members -17- SANTH ME Messenger World News Vatican Rolls Out First-Ever Guidebook for Arab pilgrims Vatican City: In a move intended to reach out to Arab pilgrims who make their way to the Eternal City, the Vatican has for the first time published a guidebook entirely in the Arabic language. At the May 20 presentation of the book, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri said that “We cannot forget the sufferings and the challenges which Christians and more generally the populations of the Middle East are facing.” He expressed his confidence that the new book will “help to keep hope alive” for Arab pilgrims who come to Rome, particularly during the upcoming Jubilee for Mercy declared by Pope Francis in March. The cardinal, prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, was present alongside the book’s author Edmond Farhat, who is the current archbishop of Byblos, Lebanon. SANTH ME Messenger Held at the Patristic Augustinian Institute in Rome, the event also gathered Lebanon’s Ambassador to the Holy See, Georges El-Khoury; Egypt’s Ambassador to the Holy See, Wafaa Bassim and professor of Oriental Rights Onorato Bucci, who teaches at the Pontifical Lateran University and the University of Molise. Titled “The Vatican, its meaning and its monuments,” the guidebook was released by the Vatican Publishing House, which is directed by Fr. Giuseppe Costa. Fr. Costa gave the welcoming address for the event. Designed to serve as a guide for the thousands of Arab tourists who visit Vatican City, the book elaborates on the art and monuments within St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Apart from heading the diocese of Bylos, Archbishop Farhat has also served as the Vatican’s nuncio to Austria, Turkmenistan, Slovenia, Turkey and Macedonia. His diplomatic service also took him to Libya, Tunisia and Algeria. Cardinal Sandri said that given the archbishop’s ethnic and diplomatic background, his book is “ready to grasp a challenge of the ecclesial world and contemporary society” at a time when Christian life in Arab countries is threatened. He noted that the Vatican’s attention to the Arab world has increased in recent years. He pointed out how after Benedict XVI greeted Arab pilgrims in his first general audience after returning from Lebanon in 2012, there has been a summary of the catechesis in the Arabic language every week since. Other initiatives include the launching of the Pope’s twitter account, @Pontifex, in Arabic as well as the establishment of the Vatican’s Arabic website, which celebrated one year of inauguration May 24. The cardinal said that the new guidebook is both “beautiful and important” since it is written by someone who knows “the contradictions of today's world (and) never tires of publicly declaring the persecution and the martyrdom of so many of our brothers.” -18- May - June 2015 Extraordinary Holy Year A Jubilee of Mercy The Jubilee will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015, and it will end on the great Feast of Christ the King, November 20, 2016. The opening also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council (December 8, 1965). Jubilee years are important to the faithful as they allow them to receive special indulgences, the highest form of forgiveness. In the past worshippers travelled from all over the world to participate in one of a limited number of events where indulgences were granted. Indulgences grant a full pardon from the temporal punishment for sins that have already been forgiven in confession. That translates as a shorter penance for the faithful to atone or a shorter time his/her soul will have to spend in purgatory. Holy Years were initially to be held once every century, but the term was later shortened to 25 years. Jubilees falling on those years are known as "ordinary". But the Pope can call an extraordinary Holy Year for some special occasion. There have been 26 Holy Years in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. The first Jubilee was called by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300. The last ordinary Jubilee, known as the "Great Jubilee" was held under St. John Paul II in 2000 to mark the start of the third millennium, while the last pope to call an extraordinary Holy Year was Pius XI in 1933. Announcing the new Jubilee, Pope Francis said his intention was to keep the church's doors open not to exclude anyone from God's mercy. The extraordinary Jubilee Year will help the Church focus on its main priorities: forgiveness and mercy. "Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church could make its mission of being a witness of mercy clearer," Francis said. "It is a journey that begins with spiritual conversion, thus I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee focused on God's mercy." … "The bigger the sin, the greater must be the love that the church shows to those who convert," he said. Pope entrusted the organisation of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation, so that it may bring it to life as a new leg of the Church’s journey on its mission to bring the Gospel of mercy to every person. “Even today the Lord has to be born with the fall of the gods, with the pain and martyrdom of witnesses against the (false) divinities of today” which include “anonymous capital which enslaves men (and) violence perpetuated in the name of God,” he said, quoting Benedict XVI’s speech on the first day of the October 2010 Synod for the Middle East. However, Cardinal Sandri stressed that it is the faith of simple people which constitutes the true foundation, wisdom and strength of the Church. The new book, which has been “written with faith,” will serve as a great support for the faith of the simple ones who come to the heart of the Church, he said. P ope Francis announced an extraordinary holy year, a Jubilee of Mercy. He broke the news during a penitential celebration in St. Peter’s Basilica on the evening of March 13, the second anniversary of his election as bishop of Rome. May - June 2015 -19- SANTH ME Messenger WHAT IS A HOLY YEAR? I n the Catholic tradition, a Holy Year, or Jubilee is a great religious event. It is a year of forgiveness of sins and also the punishment due to sin. It is a year of reconciliation between adversaries, of conversion and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and consequently of solidarity, hope, justice, commitment to serve God with joy and in peace with our brothers and sisters. A Jubilee year is above all the year of Christ, who brings life and grace to humanity. The origin of the Christian Jubilee goes back to Bible times. The Law of Moses prescribed a special year for the Jewish people (Book of Leviticus 25, 10-14).The trumpet with which this particular year was announced was a goat's horn called Yobel in Hebrew, and the origin of the word jubilee. In the New Testament, Jesus presents himself as the One who brings the old Jubilee to completion, because he has come to "preach the year of the Lord's favour" (Isaiah 61: 1-2). The Jubilee is called Holy Year, not only because its begins, is marked, and ends with solemn holy acts, but also because its purpose is to encourage holiness of life. It was actually convoked to strengthen faith, encourage works of charity and brotherly communion within the Church and in society and to call Christians to be more sincere and coherent in their faith in Christ, the only Saviour. A Jubilee can be "ordinary" if it falls after the set period of years, and "extraordinary" when it is SANTH ME Messenger proclaimed for some outstanding event. There have been twenty-six "ordinary" Holy Years so far. The custom of calling "extraordinary" Jubilees began in the 16th century and they can vary in length from a few days to a year. There have been two extraordinary jubilees in the 20th century: 1933 proclaimed by Pope Pius XI to mark the 1900th anniversary of Redemption and 1983 proclaimed by Pope John Paul II to mark 1950 years since the Redemption carried out by Christ through his Death and Resurrection in the year 33. In 1987 Pope John Paul II also proclaimed a Marian year. THE HISTORY OF THE JUBILEE The first ordinary Jubilee was proclaimed in 1300 by Pope Boniface VII with a Bull, "Antiquorum Habet Fida Relatio". The Pope declared that he grants certain "great remissions and indulgence for sins" to those who fulfill certain conditions. These are, first, that being truly penitent they confess their sins, and secondly, that they visit the basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome, at least once a day for a specified time—in the case of the inhabitants of the city for thirty days, in the case of strangers for fifteen. A similar year would be held in future, every hundred years. While the Apostolic See was transferred to Avignon in France (1305-1377) there were many requests for the second Jubilee to be held earlier, in 1350 instead of 1400. Pope Clement VI gave -20- May - June 2015 his consent and set a period of fifty years between jubilees. Besides visiting the Basilicas built over the tombs of Peter and Paul the pilgrims were also required to visit to Saint John Lateran, the city's Cathedral, being the first Church of the Bishop of Rome who is the Pope. Later Pope Urban VI decided to reduce the period to thirty three years in memory of the earthly life of Jesus. When Pope Urban died, however, the new Pope, Boniface IX opened the Holy Door on Christmas Eve 1390, but since the numbers of pilgrims were so great he called a second Holy Year at Christmas 1400. In 1425 Pope Martin V proclaimed the Holy Year 1425 with two novelties: a special commemorative Jubilee Medal and the opening of a Holy Door in the Cathedral of Saint John in the Lateran. Nicholas V called the 1450 Holy Year and in 1470 Pope Paul II issued a Bull to fix the Jubilee for every twenty-five years. The next Holy Year 1475 was proclaimed by Sixtus IV. In 1500 Pope Alexander VI announced that the Doors in the four major basilicas would be opened contemporaneously, and that he himself would open the Holy Door of Saint Peter's. The ninth Jubilee was solemnly opened on December 24th 1524 by Pope Clement VII. The 1550 Jubilee was proclaimed by Paul II, but it was Pope Julius III who actually opened it. The next Holy Years were proclaimed by Pope Gregory XIII (1575), Clement VIII, (1600) Urban VIII (1650), Clement X (1675), Innocent X (1700), Benedict XIII (1725) and Benedict XIV (1750). Clement XIV announced the Jubilee of the Year 1775 but he died three months before Christmas and the Holy Door was opened by the new Pope, Pius VI. The difficult situation in which the Church found herself during the hegemonic rule of Napoleon prevented Pius VII from proclaiming the Jubilee of 1800. As St Paul's Basilica was under new construction, having been destroyed by fire two years earlier, Pope Leo XII substituted the visit May - June 2015 during the Jubilee of 1825to St Paul's outside the walls with Santa Maria in Trastevere Basilica. Twenty five years later, the Holy Year could not be held because of the unsettled situation in the Roman Republic and temporary exile of Pius IX. However, the Pope did proclaim the Holy Year 1875, although there was no ceremony of the opening of the Door due to Rome's occupation by the troops of King Vittorio Emmanuele. Pope Leo XIII called the 22nd Christian Jubilee which opened the 20th century of the Christian era. In the Holy Year 1925, Pius XI wished to direct the attention of the faithful to the prodigious work of the missions. To gain the indulgence, the people were asked to pray (according to the intention of the Pope) for peace among peoples. In 1950 Pius XII called the Holy Year with the following indications: the sanctification of souls through prayer and penance and unfailing faith in Christ and the Church; action for peace and protection of the Holy Places; defence of the Church against constant attacks by her enemies; prayers for the gift of faith for those in error, and for unbelievers; the promotion of social justice and assistance of the poor and needy. It was during this year that the Pope defined the Assumption into Heaven of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as a dogma of the Catholic faith. (November 1st, 1950). In 1975 Pope Paul VI called the Jubilee with two main themes for reflection and action: Renewal and Reconciliation. Pope John Paul II proclaimed in 1983 the Jubilee to mark 1950 years since the Redemption carried out by Christ through his Death and Resurrection in the year 33 and in 1987 he proclaimed the Marian year. On November 10th, 1994, Pope John Paul II promulgated an Apostolic Letter, Tertio Millennio adveniente, on preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 to be held from Christmas Eve (December 24), 1999 to Epiphany (January 6), 2001. (extract from history_en.html) -21- SANTH ME Messenger Continue from page no.10 4. The Church can make better use of media to enhance migrant rights. The raising of awareness at the local parish level, the encouragement to vote for justice and equality, the creation of study centers and publications has the capacity to change the narrative on migration. Public opinion should be properly informed regarding the true situation of migrants not only in the welcoming country, but also in their country of origin. 5. As the phenomenon of irregular migration is a cause for the exploitation of the migrant worker and his family, the faithful must advocate for more just and inclusive immigration policies of the Governments, which will assist in the migrant's search for job opportunities and better living conditions, safeguard the role of the family and of women, while at the same time preventing the exploitation and/ or trafficking of migrants workers, and other forms of abuse. 6. The Church on all levels is a community of hope and of action, which is expressed through solidarity with migrant people, through advocacy on their behalf (particularly children and unaccompanied minors), through the raising awareness among faithful that leads to a practical commitment, through efforts to address the root causes of forced migration, and through assistance in the provision of food, shelter, medical care, and legal assistance to migrants, no matter what their status. 7. The Church at the place of origin, the Church at the place of transit, and the Church of welcome must improve communication and communion, and work together to create programs of prevention organized between the respective Bishops' Conferences. 8. The collaboration between the Church of SANTH ME Messenger origin and the Church of welcome should be intensified, particularly regarding the first two generations of migrants. Through the preparation of pastoral and social workers capable of serving as bridges between the two realities, this collaboration requires a dialogue between the two cultures and takes into account the specific problems of each generation. 9. All pastoral agents in the service of migrants should ensure that the voice of migrants is heard which, in turn, facilitates advocating on their behalf. The Church must ensure that their stories are recognized and appreciated. 10.Diocesan pastoral programs and initiatives regarding young migrants should concentrate on their integral formation, a part of which includes the formation to become active collaborators between their culture of origin and that of the country in which they now live. Emphasis on respecting one another's culture is necessary for a better mutual understanding. 11.Diocesan pastoral programs may consider working with local vocational schools to initiate certificate programs that could recognize and give the necessary accreditation to young migrants, so that the contribution of their skills and talents may, in turn, be an opportunity to contribute to the development of their country of origin upon their return. 12.Formational programs of priests, religious and pastoral agents should take into account the theological and pastoral dimensions of migration. Formation of both clergy and laity, therefore, requires inter-cultural formation, knowledge, training in dialogue and the appreciation of migrant potential, which includes their role in the new Evangelization. At the local level, this is expressed in the necessity for the formation of cultural -22- May - June 2015 It¯men¡m k`m tae²y£·mÀ {io. Acp¬ sPbvävenbpambn IqSn¡mgvN \S¯n kvXh kaql¯ns\ Xncmbn cmPy¯p \S¡p¶ A{Ia§fn It¯men¡m _nj¸pamÀ tI{µ kÀ¡mcns\ Bi¦ Adnbn¨p. ^coZm_mZv þUÂln cq]Xm²y£³ BÀ¨v_nj¸v amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c, UÂln AXncq]Xm ²y£³ BÀ¨v_nj¸v A\n Iqt«m, KpUvKmhv cq]Xm²y£³ _nj¸v tP¡_v amÀ _ÀWm _mkv F¶nhcmWv tI{µ [\Imcy a{´n {io. Acp¬ sPbvävenbpambn sabv amkw 23þ\p IqSn¡mgvN \S¯nbXv. {io. \tc{µ tamZn kÀ¡mÀ A[nImc¯n Hcp hÀjw ]qÀ¯nbm¡p¶Xnsâ `mKambn«mbncp¶p IqSn¡mgvN. ZfnXv ss{IkvXhÀ¡p \yq\]£ ]Zhn e`yam¡m³ kÀ¡mÀ DSs\ \S]Sn kzoIcn¡Wsa¶pw _nj¸pamcpsS kwLw Bhiys¸«p. UÂlnbnse ]Ånbm{IaW§Ä kw_Ôn¨ At\zjW§Ä A´naL«¯nemWp {io sPbväe v n _nj¸pamsc [cn¸n¨p. CXp kw_Ôn¨ {]mYanI dnt¸mÀ«v a{´n _nj¸pamsc ImWn¨p. ]qÀ®amb dnt¸mÀ«v DSs\ X¿mdm¡psa¶pw At\zjWw F{Xbpw thKw ]qÀ¯nbm¡n Ipä¡mÀs¡Xnsc dnt¸mÀ«p \ev I psa¶pw a{´n hyàam¡n. cmPy¯p ss{IkvXhcpsS kpc£ Dd¸m¡m³ FÃm \S]SnIfpw kÀ¡mÀ ssIs¡mÅpsa¶pw a{´n Dd¸p \evIn. ss{IkvXhcpambn _Ôs¸« hnjb§fn tI{µ kÀ¡mcnsâ kao]\§fn Bimhlamb amäw h¶n«ps ¶pw IqSn¡mgvNbv¡ptijw UÂlnþ^coZm_mZv BÀ¨p_nj¸v amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]dªp. s^{_phcn 17þ\p {][m\a{´n Dd¸p \evInbtijhpw cmPy¯v ss{IkvXhÀs¡Xncmbn A{Iakw`h§Ä \S¶ncp¶p. F¶m Ct¸mÄ C¯cw hnjb§tfmSpÅ kÀ¡mcnsâ kao]\¯n {InbmßIamb amäap mbn«p s ¶v amÀ Ipcymt¡mkv `cWnIpf§c ]dªp. mediators, who know how to speak the language and who understand the culture of migrants and the expression of faith that they bring with them. 13.The presence and role of lay ecclesial Movements and Associations, whose structures have the advantage of operating in a different (and at times more flexible) on text than formal Church structures for the pastoral care of migrants, should be strengthened and intensified. 14.Each Conference of Catholic Bishops' or corresponding Hierarchical structure within the Oriental Churches commits to establish a particular organ (office, commission, sub-committee) that would be specifically engaged in the pastoral care of migrants, which could be a step to building a better network between Churches. The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, in turn, could be the common point of reference or coordinating point in this specific pastoral care. ss{I May - June 2015 -23- SANTH ME Messenger Shroud of Turin S The 2015 Exposition at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Turin, Italy, April 19 - June 24, 2015 hroud of Turin, the burial cloth of Christ, will be on display for 67 days from April 19-June 24, 2015. "The greatest love" is the theme of the Exposition. Pope Francis will visit in Turin to venerate the Holy Shroud and to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of St. John Bosco on Sunday, June 21. Housed at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, the Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the image of Jesus. It is believed by many to be the cloth placed on Jesus of Nazareth at the time of his burial. The Shroud has rarely been displayed publicly more than one or two times each century. The image on the shroud was first observed on the evening of May 28, 1898 on a negative of a photograph. An amateur photographer who was allowed to photograph it while it was being exhibited in the Turin Cathedral almost dropped and broke the photographic plate from the shock of seeing an image of a person on it. The image of the person appears to be consistent with that of crucifixion. The exposition of the Holy Shroud will dedicate particular attention to themes of youth and physical and spiritual suffering. It is a time to reflect and a time of prayer. Infant Jesus School, Sanjoepuram T he topper in plus two exam in Sanjoepuram Infant Jesus Inclusive School Ms. Geetha, a blind student was awarded with trophy and cash award by DSYM members of Nativity Church of Sanjoepuram and the parishners. Infant Jesus School is an Inclusive School where normal students together with all types of differently able students study. This year there was only one blind student and it was Kavitha (Geetha) who got the highest marks among all other students. SANTH ME Messenger -24- May - June 2015 SJSS News S JSS organized two day training for the SHG women leaders about gender sensitization, leadership, village animation and entrepreneurship. The program was organized under the umbrella of Caritas India in Fazipur village community center. Sr Divya CMC, Pushpadam, Faridabad was the main resource person of the training. She expressed that the leaders are capable to direct the village women and their social understanding is found satisfied. Fr Joseph Muthuplakkal (Director – SJSS) took a session on need of women empowerment in the present era. Mr Byju Kurian conducted a group activity “helping hands” to give emphasis on the need of working together for more support. 73 SHG leaders were present in this training and got motivated. Fazipur village Surpanj Mrs Parbhat Bhati was also participated in this training and also promised her support for the upcoming activities. Mr Byju Kurian gave vote of thanks to the dignitaries and participants. SJSS honored the top scorer’s of 10th and 12th class students by organizing a meeting with VAT in villages. During this academic year, organization is planning to support 400 young girls with special tuition program in 12 villages. BZcmÚenIÄ During this period SJSS organized 48 village action team (VAT) meetings to discuss more about the need of waste management in villages and promotion of girl child education. SJSS noted that the villagers are not interested to send their young girls to school after their 8th class education. We organized mass awareness programs through the VAT teams and supported young girls to get admission to high school. We also successfully completed feasibility study of five more villages adjacent to Sanjeopuram children’s village. May - June 2015 -25- _nPp hÀ¤okv acWw : 19.05.2015 Cu Ignª sabv 19þmw XnbXn R§fn \n¶pw thÀs¸«pt]mb abqÀ hnlmÀ- þ 1 skâ v tacokv CShImwKamb {io _nPp hÀ¤okn\v CShImwK§fpsS BZcmÚenIÄ SANTH ME Messenger Family Apostolate News Marriage Preparation Course Marriage Preparation Courses for the month of April was conducted from 24th April to 26th April, 2015 at Navinta Retreat House and 42 persons participated. As usual group activities, individual counselling sessions and confessions made the preparation more effective. Marriage Preparation Course dates for the year 2015: (Course begins at 9 A.M. on Day 1(Friday) and ends at 5 P.M. on Day 3 (Sunday)) July 3, 4 & 5 and July 31, August 1 & 2 September 11, 12 & 13 October 16, 17 & 18 and October 30, 31 & Nov.1st November 27, 28 & 29 December 11, 12 & 13 Venue: Navinta Retreat House, Opp. 251 Sukhdev Vihar Road, Next to Don Bosco Technical School, New Delhi-110 025, near Fortis Escorts Hospital & Dev Samaj School. As number of seats to each course is restricted, advance booking is compulsory. Booking closes when the seats are full, then only urgent cases would be considered. Therefore book your seats well in advance (2 months to 1 week) How to book By online : By email to By sms to 7838567767 Information required for booking: (1) Course date you are planning to attend (2) Your name (3) Male or female (4) Mobile No. (5) Email ID & (6) Parish (place). Please bring along the registration form (can be downloaded from Family Apostolate website – duly signed by the parish priest or a letter for the purpose, two passport size photos, Personal care things for 3 days’ stay and the course fee, when you come for the course. ARE YOU WILLING TO COOPERATE WITH A SMALL MISSION CHAPEL IN THE VILLAGE? SPONSORS SOUGHT! Diocese of Faridabad has an area of 9.5 lakhs square kilometres extended in Delhi (NCR), Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Jammu-Kashmir and U.P. Since the inauguration of the diocese, ten new missions are opened, including some in Punjab and Himachal. We are building up small mission chapels in remote villages of Punjab, in collaboration with CST Fathers. To our village outreach programs, response is overwhelming. We need sponsors to build a few simple places of worship in these poor villages. It does not need crores, but a few lakhs of Rupees. Generous donors may please come forward. A memorial stone will be laid in the name of the sponsors and prayers will be offered to them regularly. Single donors, families, associations or a parish in Kerala can collaborate. Thanking you in advance and invoking God’s abundant blessings upon you, Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi SANTH ME Messenger -26- May - June 2015 CShI hmÀ¯IÄ Assumption Forane Church, Mayur Vihar Phase 3 Catechism Annual Day he catechism annual day of the Assumption Forane Church was celebrated on 10th May, 2015. The celebration started with the Solemn Qurbana by Rev.Fr. Renson Thekkinezhath, the Forane Vicar and Rev. Fr. Justin Muthanikkatt gave the message for the day. There was display of the film, “He will come again” soon after the Qurbana. After the warm welcome by Fr. Vicar, Rev. Fr. Kuruvila Marottikkal, the chief guest, inaugurated the function. Rev. Sr. Elsy, the principal of the St. Mary’s School, presided over the function. Around 200 children entered on the stage to perform various colorful and breathtaking programs. The parish has 501 students studying catechism. Among them, 128 students received the prizes for the full attendance and more than 200 of them lacked one attendance to receive the award. The students who obtained ranks in the diocesan level catechism exams and also in the class level were also awarded. Everyone enjoyed the cultural banquet and the dinner thereafter. Our brother, Step by Step to Altar Bro. Mathew Kizhackechira who has been doing a year parish experience in the Assumption Forane Church was raised to the status of clergy along with three other brothers at the Kristuraja Cathedral, Faridabad on 16th May, 2015. Around 20 of the parishners under the leadership of Fr. Renson and Fr. Justin were present for the diaconate at the cathedral. Everyone wished him all the prayers and blessings for his ministry. “Visit to the Unvisited” The Mathrujothis and the 17th family unit of the Assumption Forane Church made a visit to Santhidham, at Khera Khurd, the home for the T May - June 2015 mentally challenged women run by the Sisters of Destitute under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Renson Thekkinezhath who offered Holy Qurbana on 3rd May and also on 17th May. Our visit was really a heart-touching and comforting experience for them as they were feeling lonely and unvisited by anyone for some time. The group offered 1000 kg rice for the inmates and promised to offer them 300 kg rice per month for a year. The Mathrujothis collected 30,000 rupees and handed over the money along with other food items and other material things to the sisters. The sisters and the inmates were so happy and expressed their gratitude for the love and care they received from us. “Thanks for the past Seven Months…” Rev. Fr. Justin Muthanikkatt has been rendering his dedicated service to the Assumption Forane Church for the past seven months, after a year ministry as the parish priest of Indirapuram-Vaishali. The parish organized a farewell program for Rev. Fr. Justin as he was leaving for his home diocese, Mananthavadi. Rev. Fr. Renson thanked him for his selfless service in the parish activities. Rev. Sr. Mercy CMC and the Kaikkaranmar of the parish remembered his pastoral zeal and care they received from him. All the parishners bid farewell to him and wished him all the best and prayers for the success of his future ministry. -27- SANTH ME Messenger CShI hmÀ¯IÄ St. John Paul II Parish, Vaishali CHARITY VISIT BY CATECHISM UNIT th April, 2015 was a day of realization of God’s abundant blessings and a day of thanksgiving to Lord for creating us all as physically and mentally sound human beings. The catechism students, teachers, Rev. Sisters and the Parish Priest were welcomed by the 22 hostellers, Rev. Sisters and the helpers of Anand Bhavan Training Centre for the Differently Abled, Mariam Nagar, Ghaziabad. The innocent, natural and infectious smile and semi classical dance of Achu, a Malayali teenager from Kottayam, the enthralling cinematic break dance of Francis, a pass out and now an employee of the same school and the melodious group songs of the school choir left everyone spell bound. Vaishali parish members with the inmates relished the sumptuous lunch arranged by the Rev. Sisters and sponsored by one of the parishioners. The venue of the entire programme 19 was a park filled with swings, plants and shady trees. All the children enjoyed playing with the inmates on the swings, danced and sang for them. Students from St. John Paul II Parish offered many edible and daily use items which they had been collecting during this entire year as offertory offerings. It was very difficult for both the hosts and the guests to part each other at the end of the day. The visit made the students of St. John Paul parish realize how fortunate they are to be born completely normal; lucky to live at home under the care of their family members but still are not so confident and don’t make use of the opportunities and abilities. I asked God- “Give everything so that I can enjoy life. He smiled and replied, I have given you LIFE to enjoy everything.” Let us make the maximum out of this wonderful gift of God. St. Ephrem Parish, Vikaspuri he new office bearers of DSYM unit Vikaspuri for the year 2015-2017, were elected on 8th March 2015. The election was led by the youth animator Rev. Fr Joby Thonakara V.C. The new office bearers are (1) President - Sharon Joslin (2) Vice President - Jebin Baby (3) Secretary - Naina Johnson (4) Treasurer - Blessy Shaji. The first event organized by them was a charity trip to San Joe Puram, Faridabad. On 29th March 2015 they visited the children and held several interactive sessions with them. A "Career Guidance Program" was organized for the students from Classes 9 to 12 on 19-April 2015. T SANTH ME Messenger -28- May - June 2015 CShI hmÀ¯IÄ St. Joseph's Parish, Kalkaji C S-hI a²y-Ø-\mb hnip² butk-¸n-Xm-hnsâ Xncp-\mÄ sabv amkw 5 apX 10 hsc BtLmj]qÀÆw sIm m-Sn. sabv 5 apX 9 hsc-bpÅ hnip² IpÀ_m\bv¡pw hnip² butk-¸n-Xm-hnsâ s\mth-\bv¡pw dh.-^m. BâWn (entPm) Xfn-b-¯v, dh.-^m. A{_mlmw sNws_m-«n-¡Â, dh.-tUm. tP¡_v \t§-en-am-enÂ, dh. tUm. ]bkv ate-b-¡- -¯nÂ, dh.-^m. sPtäm tXm«p-¦Â F¶n-hÀ apJy-ImÀ½n-IÀ Bbn-cp-¶p. Xncp-\mÄ Zn\-amb sabv 10þ\p BtLm-jamb hnip² IpÀ_m\bv¡v dh.-^m. äntbm sIm¨p-Im-hp-]pdw apJy-ImÀ½n-I-\pw, dh.-^m. kpPn¯v AK-Ìn³ kl-ImÀ½n-I-\pam-bn-cp-¶p. IpÀ_m-\-bv¡p-tijw {]Z-£n-W-hpw, ]cn. IqÀ_m-\-bpsS BioÀÆm-Zhpw XpSÀ¶v ASp¯ hÀjs¯ {]kp-tZ-´n-amsc hmgn-¡p¶ ip{iq-jbpw \S-¶p. kvt\l-hn-cp-t¶msS Xncp-\mÄ kam-]n-¨p. Infant Jesus Forane Parish, Palam e celebrated Mothers’ Day on Sunday, 10th May 2015. The day started with Holy Qurbana, celebrated by Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Anoop Narimattathil, C.S.T. Mathru Jyothis took the leadership. After the Holy Mass a meeting was held to greet all Mothers. Rev. Fr. Anoop, Mr. Eapen Varghese, Kaikkaran, Mr. Tomy Jose, Secretary greeted the mothers and a greeting song was sung by the Church Choir. A one day seminar was organized for mothers of our parish on parenting especially teenagers’ care. It was led by Mr. Vincent Thomas, Mayur Vihar, who is working with the Family Apostolate of Faridabad Diocese. The seminar started with an on the spot Skit by the members of Mathru Jyothis. 55 mothers attended the seminar. W May - June 2015 St. Jude’s Parish, Sahibabad n 19th April the youth (DSYM) of our parish had a gathering presided over by our new parish priest Fr. George Thoonkuzhy. Sr. Ancheal Therese of Holy Family Convent was nominated youth animator for the year. It was decided that holy mass of 3rd Sunday of every month will be coordinated and conducted by the youth and regular meeting of DSYM will be held on the same day. On 30th of April, we celebrated the feast of St. George and wished our parish priest Rev. Fr. George Thoonkuzhy festal greetings. May 10th we celebrated the international mother’s day. On Sunday mass the readings, the offertory and the choir were done by the mothers. In the homily he emphasized the mothers to be the light of the home where they live. After the mass there was a medical camp was arranged by them. O -29- SANTH ME Messenger CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF INDIA COUNCIL FOR WOMEN CHAIRPERSON Most Rev. Jacob Mar Barnabas MEMBERS Most Rev. Mar Mathew Arackal, Most Rev. Edwin Colaco SECRETARY Rev. Sr. Talisha Nadukudiyil SD 1 June 2015 Subject: Region-wise Competition on Drawing an Emblem for the CBCI Council for Women Dear Cordial Greetings from CBCI Council for Women, New Delhi! In the National Meeting of the CBCI Council for Women, held in Mumbai from 11 – 14 December 2014, it was suggested that the CBCI Council for Women should have an emblem that speaks of the commitment of the Catholic Church to women empowerment and the inclusion of women. In order to create awareness among the people, it was also proposed that we could conduct a region-wise competition for the same and the best of three among them can be rewarded with a cash prize. Consequently, we humbly request each region to participate in this competition by sending emblems prepared by the respective region/diocese/parish. The emblems should reach the Office of the CBCI Council for Women, Delhi on or before 31st August 2015, with an official attestation from any of the Regional/Diocesan office bearers on the same. The cash reward will be for the first, second and third among the contestants. Further, the emblem must embody and indicate the VISION, MISSION, and OBJECTIVES of the CBCI Council for Women, especially the commitment of the Catholic Church to women empowerment, and the inclusion of women. The amount of the cash prize will be as follows: 1st Prize: Rs.5000; 2nd Prize: Rs. 2000; and 3rd Prize: Rs.1000. Let us participate in this venture with a competitive spirit. We humbly request your excellent cooperation and collaboration in this competition. Wish you all every good luck! Yours Sincerely, Most Rev. Jacob Mar Barnabas Chairperson, CBCI Council for Women Sr. Talisha Nadukudiyil SD Secretary, CBCI Council for Women BA-274, 1" Floor, Tagore Garden, New Delhi - 1IO 027 Phone : 8750483 867, Email: SANTH ME Messenger -30- May - June 2015 Pope Francis’ maiden visit to the Latin America I t was announced by the Holy See in April 2015 that Pope Francis would be visiting three Latin American countries in July 2015: Ecuador from 6-8 July, Bolivia from 8-10 July and Paraguay from 10-12 July 2015. His homeland Argentine is not included in the schedule. The Holy Father is to address UN General Assembly The United Nations announced that Pope Francis will address the UN General Assembly on the morning of September 25 and will meet separately with the Secretary-General and with the president of the General Assembly, and also will participate in a town hall gathering with UN staff. The pope’s visit will occur during the UN’s 70th anniversary, during which its members will make decisions about sustainable development, climate change, and peace. Pope calls for witnessing Before the Marian prayer, Regina Coeli, at midday 19 April 2015 Pope Francis spoke about the meaning of witness in the life of Christians. “A witness is one who has seen, who recalls, and recounts”, he said. “To see, to remember and to tell are the three verbs that describe identity and mission. The witness is one who has seen, but not with indifferent eyes; May - June 2015 he has seen and allowed himself to be involved in the event. Therefore, he also remembers, not only because he is able to precisely reconstruct the facts, but because these facts have spoken to him and he has grasped their deep meaning. And so the witness recounts, not in a cold or detached way, but as one who has allowed himself to be questioned, and has from that day forth changed his life”. “The content of Christian witness is not a theory, and ideology, or a complex system of precepts and prohibitions”, he added, “but rather a message of salvation, a concrete event, or rather a Person: it is the risen Christ, the sole and living Saviour of all”. The Pontiff went on to emphasize that the Christian may be a witness of the risen Christ “by way of a path that has its foundation in Baptism and its nourishment in the Eucharist, its seal in Confirmation and its continual conversion in Penance. … If, however, a Christian allows himself to be rapt by comforts and vanity, if he becomes deaf and blind to the question of 'resurrection' of so many of his brothers, how will he be able to communicate the living Jesus, with his liberating power and infinite tenderness?”. -31- SANTH ME Messenger BZcmÚenIÄ Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Celestine Elampassery OFM Cap. Rt. Rev. Dr. Symphorian Keeprath OFM Cap. Bishop Emeritus: Jammu-Srinagar Diocese Born: 28-06-1938 - Died: 27.05.2015 Ordained Priest: 03-10-1966 Bishop: 06-09-1998 to 20-02-2015 Bishop Emeritus of Jalandhar Diocese Born: 22-04-1931 - Died: 03.05.2015 Ordained Priest: 22-03-1958 Bishop: 23-03-1972 to 15-04-2007 ^coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]X kmt´mw ss__nÄ I¬sh³j³ ^coZm_mZvþUÂln cq]XbpsS B`napJy¯n Xmhfw sklntbm³ [ym\ tI{µw \bn¡p¶ Cu hÀjs¯ kmt´mw ss__nÄ I¬sh³j³ 2015 HIvtSm_À 23, 24, 25 þ shÅn, i\n, RmbÀ Znhk§fn UÂlnbnse INAbnepÅ XymKcmPv tÌUnb¯nÂsh¨p \S¯p¶ Imcyw kt´mj]qÀÆw Adnbn¡p¶p. I¬sh³jsâ hnPb¯n\mbn FÃmhcpw {]tXyIambn {]mÀ°n¡patÃm. IqSpX hnhc§Ä ]n¶oSv. tam¬. sk_mÌy³ hS¡pw]mS³, hnImcn P\dmÄ SANTH ME Messenger -32- May - June 2015