2011/2012 Annual Review - The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust


2011/2012 Annual Review - The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
Annual Review
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
Annual Review
Who we help
The term we use to describe our beneficiary
group is The RNBT Family. Anyone who has
served as a Rating (RN) or Other Ranks in
the Marines or are the direct dependants of
those who have served or are still serving
can apply to us for help when they find
themselves in need or distress.
How we help
02 The View from the Top
06 Grants and Regular Charitable Payments
10 Pembroke House
18 Grants, Legacies & Donations
Centrefold 90th Anniversary Supplement
N Grants to assist with a wide range of
individual needs
N Regular charitable payments for those
on especially low incomes
N Care of our older beneficiaries at our
care and nursing home and almshouse
N Grants to our beneficiaries through
3rd party organisations
N Advice on welfare matters
Who’s Who in the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales KG KT
Vice Patrons
K J Pritchard CB MA
J W S Thompson MBE BEM
Vice Admiral Sir Fabian Malbon KBE
As at 31 July 2012
Vice President & Honorary Treasurer
Mr P A Shuttleworth MBE
Rear Admiral A J Rix CB
Corporal P Barnes Royal Marines
Mrs J Behan
Mrs S Bryant
Mr N Gartside CFA
Mr G Harvey
Chief Petty Officer J Holmes
Mr K Lambert BEM
Captain T Martin OBE Royal Navy
Brigadier M J D Noble Royal Marines
Mr J Moulson MBE
Mrs B N Ryan
Mrs P Shaw RGN
Mr O W Shread
Commodore S J Woodcock OBE Royal Navy
Where we help
The RNBT Family can be found all over the
world; we added one new country to our list
in 2011/12 – the island of Fiji.
Chief Executive
Commander S P Farrington QGM Royal Navy
Financial Controller
R Jesson BA FCCA
Our Mission is to help those
who are serving or have
served as Warrant Officers
and below in the Royal
Navy or Royal Marines, and
their dependants, in times
of need and distress. The
Mission has not altered
since the Trust was created
90 years ago. We thank all
those who help us to help
our beneficiaries.
N Canada
N Malta
N Portugal
N Spain
N Cyprus
N Lebanon
Home Manager, Pembroke House
Mrs J Trembeth RGN
Registered Office
Castaway House,
311 Twyford Avenue,
Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP
Aquis House, 49-51 Blagrave Street,
N Cambodia
N Hong Kong
N Malaysia
N Philippines
N Singapore
N Thailand
Principal Investment Managers
BlackRock Investment Managers (UK) Limited
33 King William Street,
Schroders & Co Limited
31 Gresham Street,
Barclays Bank plc
PO Box 6,
N Colombia
N Gambia
Blake Lapthorn, Harbour Court,
Compass Road, North Harbour,
N Namibia
N South Africa
N Zimbabwe
N Falklands
N France
N Germany
N Gibraltar
N Ireland
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
298 grants were made to War Pensioners in 2011/12 totalling £108,691
N Bahrain
N Yemen
N Australia
N Fiji
N New Zealand
N Tonga
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
02 The View from the Top
It is worth reflecting in our 90th year of operation just where the
RNBT came from. We trace our roots back to 1916 when Admiral
Sir John (later Lord) Jellicoe was the Commander-in-Chief of the
Grand (Home) Fleet. He established the Grand Fleet Fund in 1916
with the help of rating representatives. His aim was to address
the needs of sailors, marines and their families who were suffering
the very real effects of poverty at a time when widows’ benefits
and the Welfare System were non-existent. If the Admiral was
around today he would recognise the virtues and values that he
sought to establish all those years ago in today’s RNBT.
History and a glimpse of the future
Before I move into the body of my ‘report,’ let
me spend a moment exploring the history of
benevolence (defined in the Concise Oxford
Dictionary as the act “doing good”) in the
Naval Service. Scholars of the Elizabethan
era and in particular, the defeat of the Spanish
Armada, will recall that the threat of invasion
from Spain had passed by October 1588.
The English fleet had returned to Chatham
following 9 months of active service that had
exacted a terrible toll on the crews. Deaths
from what was called ‘ship fever’ were
widespread and this had a profound effect
on the naval commanders of Queen
Elizabeth I. Accordingly, Sir John Hawkins
and Sir Francis Drake founded the Chatham
Chest, the name given to funds collected
from the wages of all English seamen to be
used for the relief and support of their
injured and disabled peers. The chest itself
(now on display in Chatham Historic Dockyard
Museum) was wooden and strapped in iron
with five locks, each key was held by a
separate individual to ensure probity in the
disbursement of the monies held therein.
In 1802, the Chatham Chest funds were
merged with those of Greenwich Hospital
(founded in 1694) creating a single focus for
the care of injured and disabled sailors.
While the needs of the injured and disabled
from the Naval Service were met in a variety
of ways from the days of the Chatham Chest
onwards, the needy and distressed, or in
other words those suffering the effects of
poverty, remained in the shadows until the
creation of the Grand Fleet Fund in 1916.
Several other funds emerged that replicated
Admiral Jellicoe’s model, culminating in the
formation of the RNBT under Royal Charter
in 1922. The Trust was created specifically for
the relief of the effects of poverty suffered by
those who had served or were still serving as
Warrant Officers and below and their
dependants. The question is often asked of
why the RNBT only helps RN Ratings and RM
Other Ranks? The answer is quite simply that
RN officers established a charity in 1739 for
the relief of poverty among their ranks. The
reason for this was that in between wars,
naval officers were ‘put on the beach’ on half
pay until they were needed and many found
themselves close to destitution. Their fellows
rallied round and hence the creation of the
officer’s charity.
So there we have it, naval benevolence in a
nutshell! Several other naval charities have
stood up from time to time all designed to
meet the needs of specific groups who are
able to identify with each other and thus
provide mutual support including the
provision of funds when necessary. As is so
often the case in life, if we were starting it all
again, we would probably have done it
differently. The Royal Air Force as the most
recently created armed service looked
around the Service charity scene shortly
after it was officially formed in 1918 (from an
amalgamation of the Royal Naval Air Service
and the Army’s Royal Flying Corps). As a
result, the ‘father’ of the RAF (Lord Trenchard)
set about creating the RAF’s own benevolent
fund in 1919, a charity that encompasses all
personnel with RAF service.
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
The decision by the Navy Board to create the
Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity
(RNRMC) in 2007 was a major step down the
path to create a single naval charity. The
RNRMC’s vision is that it will encompass all
charitable activities including prizes, sport
and amenities alongside the commonly held
understanding of charitable activity i.e. helping
others who are worse off than ourselves, in
other words, benevolence. You now have
the complete picture, albeit in abbreviated
form. To bring you right up to date, the RNBT
is currently looking at ways in which it might
form a closer relationship with the RNRMC in
order to improve on the quite excellent service
we already provide for our beneficiaries. I will
be in a position to report on progress in that
regard in next year’s review!
In accordance with Lord Jellicoe’s original
intent, the ‘heart’ of the RNBT remains its
people and especially its volunteers. I make
no excuse for emphasising this point every
year because without our volunteers, the
RNBT would lose so much. The Trust’s
Unique Selling Point (USP in management
speak) is the manner in which serving and
retired sailors and marines, young and old,
male and female, junior and senior come
together twice a week to disburse Trust
funds to help their peers who have turned
to the RNBT for help, often as a course of
last resort. The Trust assists over 4,000
applicants every year. It can take a great
deal of courage to ask for help and it is very
important that when this does happen,
cases are handled swiftly with compassion
and understanding. The peer group support
provided by the RNBT’s Grant Committee is
virtually unique in this regard and I commend
its loyal membership to you all.
The change to the Trust’s governance
structure that took its lead from the revisions
to the Royal Charter in 2009 has resulted in
a revitalized, robust and improved board of
trustees all of whom serve for a period of
3 years; they can stand for re-election on
completion of that term. These 3-year
tenures are staggered to ensure continuity of
governance. We said farewell to Commodore
Andrew Cameron as our Admiralty Governor
– a historic title relating to a post that is filled
by a retired officer of Captain RN or Colonel
RM rank or above – and welcomed Brigadier
Mark Noble Royal Marines in his place. Mrs
Carole Davis stood down after 3 years as our
Care of Older People specialist trustee and
Mrs Pauline Shaw, the Director of Care and
Service Development at the Royal Star and
Garter Homes has now taken over the role.
Warrant Officer Jackie McCafferty also stood
down after a full trustee-term and Colour
Sergeant Steve Willet and Chief Petty Officer
Bailey both reluctantly stood down as
trustees through pressure of work caused in
part by the draw-down in the size of the
Naval Service. Chief Petty Officer Holmes
took up an overseas posting in Oman and
has become our first ‘country member.’ We
will see how this arrangement develops the
efficacy of which is based on the use of
teleconferencing and the ease of modern
day communications. We are also looking to
see if CPO Holmes is able to promote the
RNBT within Oman’s ex-pat and serving
community! Mrs Julie Behan and Mrs Brenda
Ryan (both former Chief Petty Officers) were
elected as new trustees and Corporal Phil
Barnes, Mr Ken Lambert, Mr Jim Moulson
and Mr Owen Shread were all re-elected.
I offer my most sincere thanks to those who
have moved on from the Trust for the time,
energy and competence they were able to
contribute during their time in post and
warmly welcome the new faces as we look
towards constantly improving the way in
which we do our business. In my own case,
I will complete 6 years as President in
October 2013 and will be looking to step down
for a younger and more energetic model.
Anyone interested in this non-stipendiary but
extremely rewarding post, please apply to the
Chief Executive in the first instance!
64 grants totalling £31,636 were made for riser/recliner chairs in 2011/12
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
04 The View from the Top
While several trustees sit on the Grant
Committee, I am very conscious that the
majority do not, although some have carried
trustee responsibility in the past. The Grant
Committee forum is a super way of finding
out about the Trust’s core deliverable (grants
to individuals) and I hope some committee
members will want to continue along the
volunteer path and stand for trustee election
in due course. I cannot praise the work of
this august body enough and commend
their work to you all and especially anyone
who is Portsmouth based who would like to
get involved. The work is not onerous, it is
very rewarding and attendance is on a “when
you can make it” basis consistent with
developing the necessary skill set to disburse
benevolence i.e. the act of “doing good” in
support of The RNBT Family.
I must finally mention the last team of
volunteers, The Friends of Pembroke House,
our body of volunteers who assist with
activities both inside and outside the Home.
Quite simply they add great value to the lives
of our residents. They are a warm and
generous group who come together, some
on an almost daily basis, and add another
dimension to the Home. As with all our
volunteers, I offer my warmest thanks for all
that the Friends provide in way of fellowship,
expertise and their all round invaluable
contribution to the life of the Home.
The paid staff run the RNBT on behalf of
and under the direction of the trustees. Our
retention rate is among the highest I have
come across which says much for the time
and competence put into recruiting and the
level of satisfaction within the Trust created
by doing a thoroughly worthwhile job in a
well-run operation. I recognise the excellence
of our people in this regard and am pleased
to witness the commitment, innovation and
competence that has characterised the staff
since I have been in post. These qualities are
never more evident that in the pursuit of value
for money in every element of the Trust’s
business processes. The focused attention
to this principle continues to reap dividends
and I am proud to present the RNBT as an
exemplar in this regard. Having paid tribute
to the staff in general, I’ll mention just 2 who
retired this year after periods of quite
exceptional service – Steve Davies after nearly
26 years working in grant administration at
Castaway House and Mrs Anne Cocker, the
Housekeeper at Pembroke House after 27
years in post! Anne came straight back as
volunteer and now runs the shop that is a
feature of the new development at the Home
– more of which shortly. I could easily exhaust
my stock of plaudits in relation to our people
but suffice it to say, people are the heart of
the Trust and I am very pleased to report that
the ‘heart’ is beating as strongly as ever.
Cripps Marc courtesy of Greenwich Hospital
with other grants from Chatham Royal Naval
Association, Coleman & James (the prime
contractor), Lloyds Patriotic Fund, Medway
Mission to Seamen and the Towergate
Charitable Foundation. We are extremely
grateful to all those who contributed in either
monetary or energy terms to create a first
class result that keeps Pembroke House
firmly in the Premier League of care homes
while allowing us to achieve ever more
cost-effective operation without compromise
to the excellent care we provide.
While new developments tend to capture the
headlines, it should be remembered that our
core deliverable is grants to individuals. Our
income streams to fund this vital work come
from our own resources (mainly investment
income), block grants from Greenwich
Hospital whose funds are now channeled
through the RNRMC, the RNRMC in its own
right and Seafarers UK with supporting
grants from the Queen Mary’s Roehampton
Trust and others. In addition we receive
numerous donations and legacies each year
the details of which are at the back of this
review. While not wishing to single out
individual donors because all monies
whether large or small are donated with
equal generosity, I will however, make an
exception in the case of the Michael Uren
Foundation. The Foundation’s donation of
£250,000 is the largest single donation in
the Trust’s history and all of us involved with
the RNBT are united in our thanks to the
Foundation’s trustees for their quite
outstanding generosity. Thank you.
A key component in the RNBT’s benevolence
‘jig-saw’ is the case-working organisations
without whom we could not operate:
N SSAFA Forces Help and The Royal British
Legion who between them conduct the
majority of the casework in support of our
N The Naval Personal and Families Service
and Royal Marines Welfare who work with
serving personnel and
N The Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services
League who look after The RNBT Family
living overseas.
I unreservedly offer my heartfelt thanks to
the case-working oragnisations and indeed
all those who have contributed to another
very successful 12 months for the Trust in
helping The RNBT Family.
Process and Product
I have already mentioned value for money
and it is apposite to underscore this focus in
2 ways:
N Our policy of continuous improvement
has resulted in a reduction of 82.5 staff
hours per week (a saving of 21%) at our
head office since 2010 without
compromise to either staff morale or
output. This has been achieved by a
thorough revision of working practices and
embracing new technology where
appropriate. Head count was reduced
through a combination of staff retirements
and one redundancy. The money saved is
used, as you would expect, in support of
The RNBT Family.
N In last year’s Review I reported that
Pembroke House continued to operate at
a deficit, albeit less than in previous years,
despite our best value for money efforts.
The trustees decided that the best option
was to increase the number of beds and
accordingly approved a development of
6 new rooms plus other improvements to
the Home. The work began in June last
year and was safely completed to time,
quality and cost by Christmas; the Earl and
Countess of Wessex formally opened the
new complex earlier this year. The residents,
volunteers and staff are all delighted with
the new development and I have even
detected some joy in the Chief Executive
as the monthly accounts begin to indicate
a more positive end of year outturn!
We used our own funds, in the main, for the
development with the loss of income as a
result of liquidating a proportion of our
investments generously made up by the
RNRMC. In addition, we received significant
grants from Seafarers UK, The Royal British
Legion and the estate of the late Florence
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
A recent study indicates that while the
number of our potential beneficiaries will
gradually reduce over the next 10 years or
so, the situation will then plateau. With the
population living longer, the needs of the
elderly will become increasingly complex
and by definition more costly while our
younger beneficiaries will continue to seek
assistance for a very wide range of everyday
needs. Debt remains a significant concern
and I am pleased to see the major charities,
The Royal British Legion in particular, putting
in resources to help in this area. In short, the
evidence is irrefutable that the need for the
help we provide is as enduring as it is
187 grants totalling £90,300 were made for EPVs in 2011/12
necessary. Please help us to help serving
and former sailors and marines who have
served as Warrant Officers and below, and
their dependants, who turn to us for help.
We have delivered against our charitable
objectives for the last 90 years and with
your help, we will continue to do so for the
foreseeable future.
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
06 Grants and Regular
Charitable Payments
“To give away money is an easy matter in any man’s power.
But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when,
and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man’s power
nor an easy matter.” Aristotle (384–322 BC)
The RNBT is justly proud of the way that
money is ‘given away’ or to put it into
benevolence terminology, “making grants.”
The decision on every grant is made by at
least three members of the RNBT’s Grant
Committee that comprises current and
former RN ratings and RM other ranks. The
Committee review each case and decide on
the basis of the evidence presented by the
caseworker how the applicant can best be
assisted and also whether or not the
applicant is eligible for assistance from other
charities. The decision regarding the level of
assistance provided is made using a ‘cocktail’
of guidance provided in the Trust’s Grant
Instructions and other benevolence related
documents, experience and wisdom (some
members of the Grant Committee have
been doing this for over 30 years) and a
great deal of common sense. The Trust’s
two Grant Administrators support the Grant
Committee using a combination of paper
and increasingly IT based systems that
include a database, an accounting package
(that is central in the provision of key
management information) both of which
are supplemented by a new online Case
Management System (CMS). This new
system, sponsored by the Confederation of
British Service and Ex-Service Organisations,
is shared across the whole Service/Ex-Service
charitable sector and is moving towards
being the most commonly used method of
presenting cases on behalf of the serving
and veteran communities. The adoption of
this new technology allows the Trust to ‘work
smarter’ enabling payments to be made
through the Bankers Automated Clearance
System (BACS) and more communication by
e-mail that has resulted in cost savings and
even faster response times. The use of BACS
has gone from virtually zero 18 months ago
to about 35% today and is rising all the time.
The opportunity presented by these new IT
based systems has been used to better
inform some of the Trust’s statistical reports.
The table below illustrates the rise in the
number of cases now being more efficiently
managed through CMS:
Grants to Individuals
The Trust’s principal output remains
monetary grants to assist members of The
RNBT Family in a wide variety of
circumstances. Most grants fit into fairly
standard categories i.e. food, clothing,
accommodation, energy costs, disability aids,
training costs (for second careers), house
repairs & maintenance, household goods,
child care and respite holidays. The size of
our ‘General/Miscellaneous’ category reflects
the free thinking of our Grants Committee
and the fact that they do not feel restricted
to narrow categories but are able to meet
the actual needs of our beneficiaries as
presented by the case working organisations.
The number of applicants assisted
decreased by 101 during 2011/12 and there
was a small decrease in expenditure on
No of Cases
As well as grants to individuals to meet
specific needs as they arise, the Trust
administers RCPs (formerly known as
annuities) that provide a modest level of
regular financial support to older people on
very low incomes. There are 1200 RCPs
funded by Greenwich Hospital with a further
3 funded by an endowment left to the Trust
by Mrs Ina Briggs. These payments were £15
per week (mostly paid quarterly) during the
“May I take this chance to thank the RNBT, staff and fundraisers, for
their superb work in helping ex RN and RM personnel, I will endeavour
to spread the word and raise awareness for your brilliant organisation.
Thank you again for helping me through a rough patch.”
From a former Royal Marine
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
The Trust continues to share the cost of
meeting its beneficiaries’ needs with other
charities when possible so that the need is
met in the most cost-effective manner. In
short, we endeavour to spread the financial
load so that our funds are ‘stretched’ as far as
possible while also ensuring that the needs
of our beneficiaries continue to be met. We
also work hard to ensure that statutory
authorities meet their obligations to The
RNBT Family in these difficult financial times.
Regular Charitable Payments (RCPs)
Cases Actioned Using CMS
grants and regular charitable payments from
the 2011/12 figure of £2,216,742 to £2,195,421.
A total of 4,050 applicants were assisted
during the year with the overall average
assistance (the mean of individual grants &
regular charitable payments) being £542.
34 grants totalling £16,915 were made for stairlifts in 2011/12
financial year 2011/12 and increased to £16 on
1 April 2012. The Trust is extremely grateful
to Greenwich Hospital for their continued
support in assisting our beneficiaries on very
low incomes and we are particularly pleased
that Greenwich Hospital has been able to
fund an uplift in these difficult times.
Although modest in their nature, RCPs
provide a lifeline for the particularly needy
senior members of The RNBT Family.
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
08 Grants and Regular
Charitable Payments
Age Distribution of People Assisted (excluding RCPs)
Moving Forward
Despite the slight reduction in numbers
assisted this year, the Trust’s core business
of making grants to individuals and the
administration of RCPs is set to continue into
the foreseeable future. The current financial
climate not only constrains the Trust’s level
of giving but also suggests there could well
be an increase in the number of applications
received together with the level of assistance
requested. The ability of the Government to
meet the welfare needs of the UK’s
burgeoning population is clearly constrained
and it seems inevitable that Service charities
will be ‘invited’ to carry an ever greater ‘share’
of the welfare burden generated by the
needy and vulnerable. This situation will be
further exacerbated as the population ages
and people are enabled to stay in their own
homes for longer (in line with their wishes
and government policy). The need for the
RNBT’s services through individual grants is
likely to rise with cases becoming increasingly
complex and expensive, as is the need for
RCPs to assist those of pensionable age and
with limited resources.
Total Grants and RCPs
Average per Applicant Assisted
61 – 70
51 – 60
41 – 50
31 – 40
21 – 30
Under 21
Categories of Need
Amount of Assistance
Number of Payments
Average Payment
2011/122010/11 2011/122010/11 2011/122010/11
Over 70
Type of Grant
Assistance Provided
Total Applicants Assisted
Convalescent/Respite Holidays £7,785
Council Tax and Water Rates
Furniture, Furnishings
House Adaptations (Med)
House Repairs
Household Goods
Legal Expenses
Medical/Dental (Equipment)
Medical/Dental (General)
£16,111 £25,962
General / Miscellaneous
Vehicle Repairs/Purchase/
Driving Lessons (Mobility)
General / Miscellaneous**
£108,211 £2,022
41 £644.44 £633.22
£132.14 £144.43
Other Assistance
Regular Charitable Payments
Christmas Grants –
Durnford & Cawthan
**General/Miscellaneous – comprises items such as TV Licence, rodent infestation eradication, house deep cleaning,
garden refurbishment/adaptation, childcare, marriage counselling, veterinary fees, EPV storage facilities and the
recovery of pawned items.
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
222 Serving personnel and their dependants received grants totalling £107,201 in 2011/12
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
10 Pembroke House
The Trust’s care and nursing home has been improved in its
Diamond Jubilee year (the RNBT opened the Home in 1952).
Six new rooms, a shop, salon, 1st floor accessible terrace,
garden WC facilities and a large, indoor storage area are
all significant enhancements. The increase in resident
accommodation provides the opportunity for the Home
to operate ever more cost-effectively while improving the
living conditions for residents and the working
environment for staff and volunteers.
The RNBT took on Pembroke House in 1951
from the Royal Navy & Royal Marines
Children’s Fund who had operated it as an
orphanage for many years. Following some
modest modifications, the Home opened its
doors to elderly former Naval ratings and
Royal Marine other ranks in August 1952.
The Home provided residential levels of care
with shared rooms and bathing facilities until
the trustees decided to upgrade the operation
to a full-on modern care and nursing home
with en-suite facilities. This decision was
prompted by the Trust’s desire to update the
Home through the provision of modern and
relevant care facilities. The catalyst for action
was provided by the Care Act 2000 that
among other stipulations, laid down the
minimum standards to be expected of a care
and nursing home. While the Home continued
to operate throughout the modernisation, it
was formally re-opened in May 2000 as a
cutting edge facility offering residential and
nursing care in modern surroundings for
both veterans and their wives/widows.
In many ways, Pembroke House may be
compared to a rather impressive ship. Each
resident has a good sized cabin with en-suite
facilities, they enjoy excellent food from the
galley, drinks from the bar, coffee, cakes and
other life ‘essentials’ from the NAAFI on the
quarterdeck. Like all good quality cruise
ships there is in-house entertainment as well
as periodic ‘runs ashore.’ There are compass
roses at each end of the building, a fine
binnacle and ship’s wheel on the Bridge
(an impressive lounge on the top deck) that
offers panoramic views across the River
Medway to the Thames Estuary. Pembroke
House even flies the White Ensign and given
the impressive facilities within the Home, it is
probably better likened to being a member
of the Royal Yacht Squadron as opposed to a
warship that our veterans will remember well.
It is only right that after experiencing life at
sea with the ‘Grey Funnel Line,’ Shipmates
and their wives/widows should enjoy their
twilight years in a ‘ship’ with rather more in
the way of comfort than they might have
experienced hitherto.
It has been another exciting and busy year at
the Home. The trustees decided to increase
the Home’s accommodation with six
additional rooms and took the opportunity
to enhance the Home’s facilities. This has
resulted in a salon for hairdressing, chiropody
and holistic therapies, a shop – referred to as
the “NAAFI” – stocking everyday essentials
(and some luxuries) plus a modern coffee
machine. The shop and salon are sited
adjacent to a new communal area called the
“Quarterdeck” that has become a favourite
meeting spot for residents and their families.
In addition, a terrace has been created on the
roof of the new-build that is accessible from
the first floor making it very much easier for
nursing residents to enjoy the fresh air. A
large storage area has been created beneath
the new build and finally, much needed
garden accessible WC facilities have also
been provided. Along with these physical
improvements that have been universally
welcomed, there is also the significant
psychological boost in that the residents,
volunteers and staff can all see the Trust’s
continued commitment to the Home through
its policy of continuous improvement.
The President has mentioned all those
organisations that contributed to the
development in his “View from the Top”
and a plaque has been placed on the
Quarterdeck to recognise all those who
helped to make the development happen.
The other plaque in the same area marks the
formal opening of the new-build by the Earl
and Countess of Wessex who visited the
Home as part of the Queen’s Diamond
Jubilee celebrations within the County. It is a
very happy coincidence that Pembroke House
should be similarly celebrating 60 years of
operation and like Her Majesty the Queen,
we look to many more years of active life!
Other major works completed in-year
were fitting a local area network (LAN)
encompassing all residents’ rooms plus
public areas and offices and redecorating
the two stairwells (that provide access to
and from the upper floors) and the top floor
corridors – including a new carpet. The
Home is now in a good material state and
with the LAN up and running, is well placed
to provide better connectivity for residents
at lower cost while improving the very
necessary record keeping associated with
caring for our residents using a bespoke
management system (CARESYS). More
efficient record keeping will free up time
for nursing staff and management to
spend with the residents building further
on the personal touch that is the hallmark
of the Home.
“I am not sure that thank you is
enough to express how we feel
for the care and compassion
you showed us at this difficult
time. Dad’s final days were
easier to bear because of the
special love and attention
shown by all the staff at
Pembroke House. We would
like you to know how grateful
we are, Dad could not have
wished for a more comfortable
and peaceful environment.
Thank you to you all.”
From the family of a late resident
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
166 Falkland Veterans and their dependants received grants totalling £79,508 in 2011/12
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
12 Pembroke House
Looking ahead
Pembroke House is all about people. While
improvements, LANs, redecoration etc all
contribute to the quality of life for the older
members of The RNBT Family, the recruitment
and retention of good quality staff is at the
very heart of all that we do. Once again the
Home has come up trumps when ‘inspected’
by statutory authorities for both planned and
surprise visits along with monthly inspections
in line with the Trust’s quality control regime.
We owe a great deal to our staff whose
loyalty is only exceeded by their unfailing
professionalism and good cheer. Our
volunteers provide a massive extra dimension
to the life of the Home and we could not
operate in the way that we do without them.
All this was recognised during the Royal Visit
with both the Earl and Countess commenting
very favourably on the Home’s ‘people’
aspects. Our prime focus is of course the
residents and their well-being and morale
mirrors that of the staff and volunteers.
The families and friends of our residents
reflect the good that characterises the Home
through the many cards, letters and
comments received. Our affiliation with
continues to flourish as do our long standing
friendships with RNAs, RMAs and other
Service Associations plus the Medway
Mission to Seamen whose long standing
support for our work is especially notable.
The life of the Home is much enriched
through the programme of activities that
remains as busy as ever. Residents who
are unable to travel far enjoy fellowship
with their family and Shipmates along with
a vibrant programme of entertainment
and stimulation as well as quieter reflective
activities to suit the mood. The Friends of
Pembroke House play a key role in this
regard along with the Home’s full time
activities co-ordinator. In addition, local
community groups and particularly RNA’s,
RMA’s and other Service organisations
enjoy the company of our residents at
quiz or race nights, fine dining evenings,
the annual garden party and many more
activities and events. The “Not Forgotten
Association” provide in-house entertainment
and invitations to Buckingham Palace,
St. James Palace, the annual supper at
Lloyds of London supper and tickets for
the tennis at Wimbledon. The garden party
was very well attended this year in fine
weather that was in stark contrast to last
year’s event. It also provided the opportunity
for our many supporters and friends to see
the completed extension with the gardens
fully recovered from their trauma while the
work was underway!
“Although my Mum was only
with you for a matter of weeks
before she passed away, she
was at her most contented
during that time. In short, you
gave her back her dignity,
which she had not had for
weeks, if not months until she
came to Pembroke House.
All the staff were absolutely
wonderful and I can’t speak
highly enough of everyone here.
Thank you for all your help
in making this happen.”
From the daughter of a late resident
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
Our focus is and will remain on providing
high quality care for our residents. The
trustees and staff are at one with this ideal
and many of the quality of life aspects have
been covered above. High quality staff are at
the centre of the care standards in the Home.
We employ a RGN on training duties to
maintain standards and bring on members
of staff wishing to upgrade their qualifications
or learn new skills. The Home has always
met or exceeded standards on all inspections
by CQC or its predecessor CSCI who awarded
the Home its “3-Star Home of Excellence” –
their highest award. We will continue to
encourage residents’ families and friends to
participate in the life of the Home through
the mediums of the social programme and
by involvement in the development of
residents’ care plans. The success of this
engagement is evident from the many
written and verbal plaudits received and
the continued involvement of families and
friends in support of the Home long after
the death of a loved one.
We are clearly striking the right note with
our many supporters judging from the very
generous sums donated in support of the
new development along with other grants
that contribute to the Home’s running costs.
However, we are not the sort of organisation
that simply holds its hand out asking for
money based on the quality of our product
and the value we add to the lives of our
beneficiaries. The residents, Friends of
Pembroke House and staff started a “self-help
fund” in 2009 the intention of which is self
explanatory. Over £37,000 has been raised
since the fund was first set up – a notable
achievement by any standards. The initial
project was to fund a pavilion in the grounds;
there had been one many years ago but
time took its toll and it was demolished after
being judged as being beyond economical
repair. The refurbishment of the Home’s
public spaces along with other garden
projects have taken precedence over the
pavilion but the ‘dream’ is still very much
alive and now that the Home has reached a
high and uniform standard of presentation,
the Home Manager is determined that she
will have her pavilion for residents and their
families to enjoy and we hope to report
success in this area in next year’s Review!
All such ventures help to set the Home apart
from others and they reinforce the fact that
Pembroke House, as the only care and
nursing home in the world for The RNBT
Family, is not ‘just’ an old people’s home, but
a home from home where older people live
in peace and harmony.
In Memoriam
The following residents passed away between 1 August 2011 and 31 July 2012;
we remember them with fondness and pride.
Lorna Silk
8 Aug ‘11
William Whitehead
6 Nov ‘11
Sybil Knell
28 Jan ‘12
Valerie Tuffrey
27 May ‘12
Kathleen Jones
24 Aug ‘11
Kenneth Fleming
20 Nov ‘11
Sheila Checkley
3 Mar ’12
Victor Green
28 May ‘12
Doris Deal
31 Aug ’11
Gwen Hutley
21 Nov ‘11
Kitty Wheeler
15 Mar ‘12
Roy Worland
1 Jun ‘12
Des Diskin
24 Sep ‘11
Ada Stevenson
1 Dec‘ 11
David Holden
16 Mar ‘12
Patrick Gibson
7 Oct ‘11
Alfred Walden
11 Jun ‘12
Margaret Betts
6 Dec ’11
Iris Kasper
31 Mar ‘12
Jack Hoyle
17 Jun ‘12
Leonard Anderson
9 Oct ‘11
Bridget Roach
21 Dec ‘11
Norman Phillips
1 Apr ‘12
Veronica Batchelor
25 Jun ‘12
Robert Daggett
21 Oct ’11
Henry Strange
29 Dec ‘11
Ronald Finch
10 Apr ‘12
Ronald Catton
30 Jun ‘12
Hazel Martin
25 Oct ‘11
Kenneth Whittingham
2 Jan ‘12
Iris Spice
18 Apr ‘12
Patrick Jackson
28 July ‘12
Kenneth Deaves
30 Oct ‘11
Cyril Webb
24 Jan ‘12
John Constable
7 May ‘12
Patrick Gibson
30 July ‘12
30 veterans from the 1st Gulf War and their dependants received grants totalling £20,099 in 2011/12
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
14 Finance
Incoming resources
The Trust’s total expenditure of a little under £4.5 million for
2011/12 was broadly similar to the year before. Income was
higher than expected at just under £4.6 million and was largely
due to a significant donation and contributions towards the
new development at Pembroke House. The result was a net
surplus of £106,000. In line with many other charities, the
RNBT’s investment values fell during the year, in our case
by £0.5 million. The Trust’s net worth at the year-end was
£30.7 million, a decrease of £0.4 million over the previous year.
Expenditure on charitable activities was £4.3
million out of a total spend of just under £4.5
million, an increase of 1% on last year. Grants
to individuals reduced slightly by 3% while
there was a small increase in expenditure on
Regular Charitable Payments (RCPs). Our
care home expenditure increased by 5% due
to higher nursing staff costs required to care
for the increased number of higher
dependency residents. Donations, grants
receivable and care home income were
higher than last year, whilst legacies and
investment income were down.
“Many thanks for the money
to help with food costs and
the annuity you have given
me. My late husband would
be so proud to know that the
RNBT is looking after me.
God bless you all.”
From the widow of a former WW II Rating
* The results for the year are shown in the
summarised Statement of Financial Activities
(SOFA) on page 17.
Total incoming resources were £4.6 million,
representing an increase of £247,000 on
last year.
The heading ‘Incoming resources from
generated funds’ includes donations, legacies
and incoming grants, all of which are listed
on the pages at the end of this Review.
N The donations, legacies and grants come
from a wide variety of sources with many
made in memory of loved ones and there
remains strong support from many
branches of the Royal Naval Association
and other ex-Service organisations.
N We are especially pleased to receive
monies from serving personnel through
either individual or collective fundraising
events, or through the Royal Navy’s charity
payroll-giving scheme, the income from
which filters through to the Trust via grants
received from the Royal Navy & Royal
Marines Charity (RNRMC).
Greenwich Hospital (whose monies are
distributed by the RNRMC) is the very
generous principal source of our incoming
grants, contributing over £1.3 million towards
our grants to individuals, RCPs and support
for Pembroke House residents.
N We also obtained an allocation of grants
totalling £190,000 from Seafarers UK
towards the cost of mobility aids, building
improvements at Pembroke House and for
the 1st Gulf War Fund.
N Other significant grants came from the
RNRMC’s own funds and generated
income, which this year also included
grant funding to offset the lost investment
income from the Trust selling investments
to finance the extension at Pembroke
House. We also received a generous
donation of £10,000 from the Kytes Trust.
We thank them all most warmly.
Donations received during the year totalled
£430,000 up by £238,000 on the previous
year thanks to the extreme generosity of the
Michael Uren Foundation with a single
donation of £250,000 to the Trust.
Income from legacies was £166,000 and the
details are shown on page 18. The Trust is
extremely grateful to all who remember the
RNBT in their Wills and we are actively
seeking ways in which we can improve on
this very important income stream.
‘Investment income’ represents dividends
from investments, short-term interest on
bank balances and rental income. This was
down by 7% on last year due to ongoing
turbulence in the markets affecting
investment values and yields. In line with
many other organisations, we experienced
a loss in the value of our investment
portfolio of around £535,000 (2% of the
total portfolio).
Under ‘Incoming resources from charitable
activities,’ we show the income from
Pembroke House. This is made up mainly
by the fees paid by the residents themselves
or by local authorities and also other sources
of income such as donations, grants and
investment income on Pembroke House
restricted funds. Income from residents’ fees
was £1.6 million; although this was a 1%
increase on the previous year, it was lower
than expected. Increased resident turnover
together with reduced capacity during the
building works adversely affected the
occupancy rate.
Pembroke House also received around
£325,000 in the form of donations, grants
and dividends; this included generous
contributions of £140,000 towards the
Pembroke House extension, which reduced
the Trust’s requirement to sell its investments
to finance the project. Significant contributors
to Pembroke House funds included Seafarers
UK, The Royal British Legion, The Bridging
Fund, Lloyds Patriotic Fund and Medway
Mission to Seamen. We also received a very
generous legacy via Greenwich Hospital as
well as a significant donation from the family
of Joan Fill, a former resident. Donations
and grants go into the restricted funds that
are maintained for the residents’ benefit to
enhance facilities and to help keep the
charges as low as possible consistent with
running a World Class operation.
“Thank you on behalf of myself
and my husband for your
assistance, my husband has
been diagnosed with PTSD,
depression and severe anxiety
due to his time in the Falklands
and the Gulf War and is now
unable to work, this has put
financial strain on our family but
the RNBT was there to help.”
From the wife of a Falklands Veteran
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
Serving and former Submariners received grants totalling £15,761 in 2011/12
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
16 Finance
Supporting The RNBT Family
Resources expended
The heading ‘Costs of generating funds’
covers the cost of public relations and
investment management fees; this shows all
expenditure incurred in raising our income.
The RNBT’s main expenditure heading is
‘Charitable activities’ and these are covered in
detail in other sections of the Review. The
figures include staff and support costs
incurred in running the main functions of
grant giving and care home management.
There was a small increase of 1% compared
to the previous year. Increases in care home
expenditure and RCPs were partially offset by
reduced expenditure on grants to individuals.
N The overall costs of running Pembroke
House were up by 5% reflecting the
increase in resident dependency levels.
N 1,203 beneficiaries received a RCP of £15
per week, the same as the previous year,
however, there was a small increase in total
expenditure as we backdated payments
for particularly needy cases. RCPs are paid
quarterly to recipients and make a real
difference to our older beneficiaries on
especially low incomes.
N There was a small decrease in the number
of grants awarded compared to the
previous year (2,471 compared to 2,563)
while the average grant reduced slightly to
£500. Overall, expenditure on grants fell
by 3% to £1.45 million.
The third heading of expenditure,
‘Governance costs,’ incorporates the costs of
trustees’ meetings, allied administrative costs
and audit fees.
Net position, Investment Portfolio and Total Funds
The donation from the Michael Uren
Foundation, together with the grants
received towards the Pembroke House
extension resulted in the Trust reporting a
net surplus for the year of £106,000. This
additional income more than offset shortfalls
in care home fees, legacies and investment
income. The Final Salary Pension Scheme
was formally wound up during the year
through a bulk buy-out of the liabilities. The
costs of the buy-out were estimated within
the previous year’s accounts; the actual costs
came in lower than estimated resulting in a
£31,000 increase in funds. The value of our
investments fell by over £500,000 with a
year-end valuation of £26.8 million. We
depend on the portfolio to generate income
and also to cover some capital expenditure
and particularly in recent years, to cover net
outgoing resources.
* At the financial year-end the RNBT’s total
funds amounted to £30.7 million.
Incoming resources (000s)
Resources expended (000s)
Incoming resources from generated funds
Investment income
Incoming resources from charitable activities
Costs of generating funds
Charitable activities
Governance costs
Summary Statement of Financial Activities
Incoming resources
Incoming resources from generated funds
Investment income (Gross i.e. before deductions)
Incoming resources from charitable activities
Total incoming resources
Resources expended
Costs of generating funds
114 135*
Charitable activities
4,292 4,238
Governance costs
65 70
Total resources expended
Net incoming/(outgoing) resources
Gains / (losses) on investments
Pension scheme : payments to reduce deficit
Net movement in funds
Reconciliation of funds
Balances brought forward
Total funds carried forward
31,094 4,443
This is a brief summary of the Statement of Financial Activities; the full audited accounts are available on request
from the Trust’s Headquarters (address on back cover).
* The 2010/11 figures for Investment income and Costs of generating funds have been restated from the previous
year’s Annual Review due to a change in accounting policy on investment management fees.
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
81 grants were made for legal expenses in 2011/12 – mainly bankruptcy fees
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
18 Grants and Legacies
The Trust
Individual donations were received from:
N HRH The Queen
N HRH The Duke of
N Alexander K
N Allison B
N Anderson J
N Armour J
N Bailey J
N Baker S
N Bartlett J R
N Beckwith B
N Bell G
N Bellingham S
N Benzon M
N Birch K
N Boyd K M
N Bradford S
N Brock M
N Brookes R B & N
N Buchanan C E
N Bull N
N Burn R C
N Butler P M
N Cameron A J B & A E
N Chatfield P
N Chidwick K D & R D
N Clark J
N Collett D
N Collings M W
N Collins D B
N Colson & Watson
N Cooper T
N Coutts J M
The Trust receives its funding from several sources with Grants,
Legacies & Donations all very important income streams. Totals
received in the 12 months 1 August 2011 –31 July 2012 were:
LEGACIES £ 163,767
DONATIONS £ 445,175
We are pleased to acknowledge the following organisations that
made general grants to the Trust:
N Durnford & Cawthan Memorial Trust
N Greenwich Hospital
N Queen Mary’s Roehampton Trust
N Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity
N Seafarers UK
We received legacies from the estates of the following:
N Acton R M
N Avery G C
N Brodie A H S
N Dinsdale R C
N Dulley I E
N Fasham D
N Hales C
N Hucklesby K L
N Jones A
N Kurn A
N Middleton B J
N Morton J W
N Oldfield M
N Smithard G C
N Tanner F M
N Watling E M
N Waugh T D
Donations from family and friends received in memory of:
N Akid A A
N Allen D
N Allen P J
N Avery G
N Barber A C
N Barratt M
N Bottoms D
N Bowen B
N Briant R
N Brighton L
N Broadlist D
N Brock T
N Brooks I E
N Cannon J
N Carlile T
N Chesham W G
N Chesterman F T
N Cole E G
N Coleman A
N Coleman M
N Cotton P A
N Cunningham M G
N D’Authreau P J R
N Dean D C
N Deaves K
N Doubleday J P
N Doyle A
N Earp R
N Elliston E
N Evans J
N Eyre R A
N Falk A
N Finlay A P
N Ford H C
N Frost R G H
N Gafon J
N Gerrish I G
N Gibaud D J
N Gowan H C
N Gradwell R
N Haggerty J
N Hanham R D H M
N Harris E R
N Harris G J
N Harris R H
N Hill A
N Hill J
N Horne E J
N Horne M S
N Horner E
N Hunt G
N Ivory DH
N Jackson G J
N Jahme R F
N Johnson C J E
N Johnson J
N Johnson W B
N Jones B T
N Judges C W
N Kenshole H
N Kinzett W G
N Knight J
N Lake E
N Loveley J W
N Macleod D G
N Martin R
N McCandlish A
N McCurry D
N Medlock A
N Mitchell V
N Newman M
N Osborne A
N Overington J
N Owen M D A
N Pack D
N Payne D
N Peak M J
N Pinnington N
N Rayment L
N Roberts A
N Rockell A J
N Rutter D H
N Suggett P R
N Syson J
N Tallett R E
N Thomas E G T
N Thompson C G
N Todd R
N Walls T
N Wardle K T
N Watson R
N Weech M J
N Whitley E
N Wilde E
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
N Cowe A
N Cowls B
N Cox M G
N Craner C M
N Crocker G J & T K
N Dancy J M
N Davies S
N Davis R I
N Down P J
N Doyle K J
N Drewett J
N Dudding M J
N Earp M J
N Elphinstone M
N Emmerson J
N Evans K
N Evans M H
N Farrington S P
N Foster H
N Foster K
N Gannon L
N Gartside N
N Gellett A
N Getz T
N Goodship P
N Gordon D
N Gordon T
N Govier R
N Harris L
N Hawes J
N Hayward P
N Heaton F
N Hewer I
N Higham D
N Hinde R J
N Honey P W
N Hornby M
N Horne B
N Humphreys A
N Hutch L & D
N Hutson D
N Jackson P
N Jenkins N
N Jesson R
N Johnson H R & B
N Jones C & J
N Jones G
N Judges P
N Keatley N
N Keeble L
N Kiff M
N Lambert L W
N Lambird C & I G
N Law D
N Laws N & E
N Lawton J B
N Lee C L
N Lennon S M
N Lunn D
N Lyons M
N Magan M J C
N Marshall P
N McLean L
N McLeish L P
N Merckel P & L
N Mogridge K W
N Morgan A
N Morley R
N Mortimore M & I
N Moss M
N Moulson J
N Mustors J
N Newsham A
N Nicholas K
N Noble A
N Noble J A
N Nolan C
N Oliver T
N O’Neill J
N Ovington D
N Owens J
N Pastakia V
N Pentreath J
N Pepper M
N Phillips S
N Piddington D A
N Playfoot D
N Pomphrett G & M
N Powell Mr & Mrs
N Rayment A
N Roberts R A & D
N Robinson W P
N Rodriguez T
N Ross J
N Ryde J
N Saddington S P
N Salmon K W & S M
N Sanderson T
N Sapey P
Donations came from the following Service Units and serving personnel:
N Anderson J – HMS HERON
N Baxter H
N Black Cats, RN Helicopter Display Team
N Cyprus Joint Service Unit
N Defence Academy
N Defence Academy Fireworks Display
N Defence Diving School
N Govier R – MOD Whitehall
Corporal Mess
N HMS NELSON Retirement Function
N Joint Services Medical Group Afghanistan
N McKay A
N Mountbatten Festival of Music 2011
N Redman J
N RN Careers Office Nottingham
N RN Engineers Golf Championship
N SHAPE, Brussels
N Lt Cdr Varsogea C, USN Exchange Chaplain,
Navy HQ
N Williams K I – HMS WARRIOR (Northwood)
Largest slice of expenditure was grants for Medical/Dental Equipment – £162,144 – 329 cases in 2011/12
N Scala S A
N Shearer J S
N Sheppard M
N Shuttleworth P A & A
N Simnor P
N Simpkins L C
N Slee D
N Smith C L
N Smith G B
N Soper S C
N Tanner A
N Tanner D
N Taylor C
N Thatcher M J
N Theobald C
N Thompson G W
N Thompson J
N Thomson D L
N Threadgill M
N Tree H
N Vella N
N Wake C H
N Watson M W
N Wheeler K J
N Williams P
N Wilson P
N Withington R
N Withinshaw J H
N Wood G
N Wright R C
RNBT Annual Review 2011/2012
Supporting The RNBT Family
20 Grants and Legacies
The Trust – Pembroke House
The following Royal Naval and Royal Marines Associations donated funds:
N RNA Aberystwyth
N RNA Alresford
N RNA Ashford
N RNA Belfast
N RNA Bexhill on Sea
N RNA Bodmin
N RNA Borehamwood
N RNA Bourne
N RNA Bracknell
N RNA Bridlington
N RNA Brightlingsea
N RNA Buxton
& High Peak
N RNA Canberra
N RNA Cardiff
N RNA Cardigan
N RNA Castleford
N RNA Christchurch
N RNA Cork & County
N RNA Crawley
N RNA Crewe
N RNA Crosby
N RNA Cyprus
N RNA Dagenham
N RNA Dereham
N RNA Durham
N RNA Edgeware
& Millhill
N RNA Enfield
N RNA Folkestone
N RNA Frome
N RNA Hansworrh
N RNA Harlow
N RNA Harrogate
N RNA Hull
N RNA Leamington Spa
N RNA Lichfield
N RNA Liskeard
N RNA Llangollen
N RNA Market Drayton
N RNA Market
N RNA Mitcham,
Morden & Wimbledon
N RNA Morecombe
& Heysham
N RNA Norton Fitzwarren
N RNA Norwich
N RNA Perth
N RNA Peterborough
N RNA Purley
N RNA Redcar
N RNA Romford
& Hornchurch
N RNA Roydon
N RNA Rugby
N RNA Rushden
N RNA Salisbury
N RNA Sherborne
N RNA Skipton
& District
N RNA South Bristol
N RNA Southend
N RNA Spennymoor
N RNA Stafford
N RNA Stockbridge
& Deepcar
N RNA Sturminster
N RNA Tewkesbury
N RNA Thetford
N RNA Torrevieja
N RNA Trowbridge
N RNA Wadebridge
N RNA Wallasey
N RNA Warwick
N RNA Waterlooville
N RNA Wetherby
N RNA Wigston
N RNA Windsor
N RNA Wymongham
N RNA Wythenshawe
N RMA Bridgewater
N RMA Norfolk
N RMA Poole
The following ex-Service Associations made donations:
N Army & Navy Lodge 2738
N Armed Forces Bikers
N Fleet Air Arm Association
N George Cross Island Association
N HMS BRUCE Association
N HMS CLEOPATRA Old Shipmates Association
N HMS PENELOPE Association
N LST & Landing Craft Association
N RNBT Grants Committee – skittles evening
N RBL Dundee
N RBL Fife
N RBL Gatehouse
N RBL Newton Mearns
N RBL Peebles
N RBL Scotland Riders
N HMS ROYAL OAK Association
N THUNDERER Squadron Mess,
Southampton University
N TON Class Association
N White Ensign Bath
The Submarine Memorial Fund held by the Trust was supported by the following:
N Chatham Historic Dockyard
N RN Submarine Museum
N Salters Company
Other donations were received from:
N Armed Forces Day Working Committee
N August Westland
N BAE Systems
N Bastion Baton Trust
N Book Royalty, Arctic Snow to Dust Normandy
N Bridgemary AF Community Day
N Burnside Blairbeth Church
N Buzzword Creative
N Charity Ball
N Chatham Historic Dockyard
N Connaught Army & Navy Lodge
N Dunnachies Charitable Trust
N DVD Sales form Ross Kemp
N Gosport Civil Service Club
N HMNB ‘Cakes for Casualties’
N Hunting PLC
N John Basterfield Ltd
N Kytes Trust
N Lomond School
N Malsis School Trust
N Michael Uren Foundation
N Missionfish Charitable Donation from Ebay
N Navy News
N PB Davis Insurance Services
N PH Balloon Race
N Probus Club of Windsor
N Queen Mary’s Roehampton Trust
N Queen Victoria School
N Rochford Masonic Lodge 8992
N Saddlers’ Company
N SODS Opera
N SW Charitable Giving
N The All England Lawn Tennis Club
N TJ’s Cafe Whale Island
N TOR Rugby Club
N Tyneside Festival of Remembrance
N University Of Portsmouth Student Union
Welfare – 02392 660296 Administration – 02392 690112
Pembroke House has its own identity and consequently attracts
income in its own right. Income specific to the Home although
included in the overall totals given on page 18 were:
£ 17,851
The Home received grants from the following:
N Florence Cripps Marc Trust
via Greenwich Hospital
N Greenwich Hospital
N Lloyds Patriotic Fund
N Medway Mission to Seamen Trust
N Royal British Legion
N Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity
N Seafarers UK
N Towergate Charitable Foundation
Donations in memory of loved ones came from:
N Anderson Mrs
N Catton R
N Corrigan R
N Figg W
N Flemimg Mr
N Hutley G
N Jones K
N Kasper I
N Knell S
N Lucas Mrs
N Martin H
N Meagher C
N Gee G
N Holden D
N Roach B
N Silk L
N Spice I
N Stevenson A
N Webb C
N White W
N Whitehead W
Individual donations were received from the following:
N Coleman & James
N Craig T
N Crispin Mr & Mrs
N Deaves K
N Dorrington P
N Goode J
N Hughes T
The following Royal Naval and Royal Marines Associations donated funds:
N RMA Gravesend
N RNA Boreham Wood
N RNA Brentwood
N RNA Bridlington
N RNA Caerphilly
N RNA Chatham
N RNA Chelmsford
N RNA Conference
N RNA Greenford
N RNA Hanworth
N RNA Ipswich
N RNA Market Drayton
N RNA Soham
N RNA Swaffham
The following ex-Service Associations made donations:
N Chatham Naval Officer Association
N Fleet Air Arm Armourers, Hanworth
N RBL Greenford
Other donations were received from:
N Darland House
N Royal Marines Band
Further details may be found on the Trust’s website www.rnbt.org.uk
We are seeing an increasing number of cases presented electronically; this has contributed to a reduction in staff costs
Head Office
Chief Executive
The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
Castaway House
311 Twyford Avenue
Administration: 02392 690112
02392 660296
02392 660852
Pembroke House
Home Manager
Pembroke House
11 Oxford Road
01634 852431
01634 281709
Selected military images ©Crown Copyright/MOD, from www.photos.mod.uk
Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.