Sumário de Touros Girolando 164 Ingles.indd


Sumário de Touros Girolando 164 Ingles.indd
ISSN 1516-7453
July, 2013
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
Document 164
Girolando Breed Genetic
Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Technical Editors
Marcos Vinicius Gualberto Barbosa da Silva
Marta Fonseca Martins
Leandro de Carvalho Paiva
Marcello de Aguiar Rodrigues Cembranelli
Wagner Antonio Arbex
Katia Cristina Lage dos Santos
João Cláudio do Carmo Panetto
Cláudio Nápolis Costa
Bruno Campos de Carvalho
Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Juiz de Fora, MG
Copies of this document can be obtained at:
Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610
Bairro Dom Bosco
36038-330 - Juiz de Fora, MG - Brazil
Phone: +55 (32) 3311-7400
Fax: +55 (32) 3311-7401
Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association
Rua Orlando Vieira do Nascimento, 74
Vila São Cristovão
38040-280 - Uberaba, MG - Brazil
Phone: +55 (34) 3331-6000
Editorial Supervision: Marcos Vinícius Gualberto Barbosa da Silva
and Marta Fonseca Martins
Electronic edition and illustration treatament: Carlos Alberto
Medeiros de Moura
Cover illustration: Criar Propaganda
Assembly of pictures representing the animals: Wagner Antonio
Translation: William Páscoa Pereira
1a edition
1a impression (2013): 2.000 copies
All rights reserved.
Partial or total reproduction of this publication without prior permission
constitutes a violation of copyright laws. (Law no 9.610).
CIP-Brazil. Cataloguing in publication
Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program Sire Summary Progeny Test Results July/2013 / Marcos Vinicius G. Barbosa da Silva ... [et al.]. – Juiz de Fora : Embrapa Dairy
Cattle, 2013.
48 p. (Embrapa Dairy Cattle. Documents, 164).
ISSN 1516-7453
1. Dairy Cattle. 2. Breed Girolando – improvement. I. Silva, Marcos Vinicius G. Barbosa
da. II. Martins, Marta Fonseca. III. Paiva, Leandro de Carvalho. IV. Cembranelli, Marcello de
Aguiar Rodrigues. V. Freitas, Ary Ferreira de. VI. Arbex, Wagner Antonio. VII. Santos, Kátia
Cristina Lage dos. VIII. Canaza-Cayo, Ali William. IX. Panetto, João Claúdio do Carmo. X.
Costa, Cláudio Nápolis. XI. Carvalho, Bruno Campos de. XII. Ferreira, Marcos Brandão Dias.
XIII. Lopes, Beatriz Cordenonsi. XIV. Series.
CDD 636.082.2
© Embrapa 2013
Marcos Vinícius Gualberto Barbosa da Silva
Animal Scientist, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Marta Fonseca Martins
Biologist, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Leandro de Carvalho Paiva
Animal Scientist – Technical Superintendent
Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association
Rua Orlando Vieira do Nascimento, 74 – Vila São Cristóvão
38040-280 – Uberaba, MG – Brazil
Marcello de Aguiar Rodrigues Cembranelli
Veterinarian Physician, M.Sc. – Operations Coordinator of PMGG – Brazil
Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association
Rua Orlando Vieira do Nascimento, 74 – Vila São Cristóvão
38040-280 – Uberaba, MG – Brazil
Ary Ferreira de Freitas
Agronomist, PhD – Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e de Saúde de Juiz de
Fora – Suprema
BR 040 – KM 796 – Salvaterra
36045-410 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Wagner Antonio Arbex
Mathematician, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Kátia Cristina Lage dos Santos
Computer Scientist, M.Sc. – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Ali William Canaza-Cayo
Agronomist, PhD – Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n
Campus Universitário
36570-000 – Viçosa, MG – Brazil
João Cláudio do Carmo Panetto
Animal Scientist, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Cláudio Nápolis Costa
Animal Scientist, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Bruno Campos de Carvalho
Veterinarian Physician, PhD – Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610 – Dom Bosco
36038-330 – Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Marcos Brandão Dias Ferreira
Veterinarian Physician, PhD – Epamig, Centro Tecnológico do Triângulo e
Alto Paranaíba – Experimental Farm de Getúlio Vargas
Rua Afonso Rato, 1.301
Caixa Postal, 311 – Mercês
36060-040 – Uberaba, MG – Brazil
Beatriz Cordenonsi Lopes
Veterinarian Physician, PhD – Epamig, Centro Tecnológico do Triângulo e
Alto Paranaíba – Experimental Farm de Getúlio Vargas
Rua Afonso Rato, 1.310
Caixa Postal, 311 – Mercês
38060-040 – Uberaba, MG – Brazil
Feedback from Girolando
Message from the Executive Board
Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association
2011 – 2013 Triennium
It is with great expectation that we once again await the
publication of the results for the Girolando Sire Summary, during
Megaleite 2013 – the 10th Brazilian Milk Agrobusiness Trade
Show. These results reflect the arduous work of over 5 years
dedication from collaborative breeders and herds, which have
the endorsement and credibility of Embrapa Dairy, honoring the
Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association through its partnership
and the valuable guidance of the increasingly present Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply – Mapa.
The result is immediate and always highly decisive on the market.
The numbers from recent years, expressed in the Official 2012
Asbia Report, show that the breed we represent is a clear leader in
percentage growth for semen sales for dairy breeds. On the other
hand, the first months of 2013 have reiterated the continuation of
the trend of this victorious climb.
The present moment, however – far from the euphoria and natural
expectations that arise with the approach of the publication–, calls
for serenity and responsibility with the entire process. Nowadays,
improvising is no longer accepted, which, not so long ago, was
tolerated through amateurism and a lack of experience.
We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining more than mere
dialogue, an effective policy of unconditional support to our
Genetic Improvement Program, strengthening of capacity and
training of personnel, modernization of the researches and
material resources, the partnerships that sustain it, along with
the determination of maintaining the levels of acceptance and
credibility achieved thus far.
It is a privilege to have reached this point and to be able to share
it with so many people and entities with common interests and,
together, we will continue to write the history of Girolando’s
victorious path.
Uberaba, July 2013.
José Donato Dias Filho
The importance and lack of dairy products on the feeding of the Brazilian population are
facts widely discussed by all links of the productive chain; it is being consensual that a low
technological level is one of the leading causes of reduced production and productivity.
With the idea of reverting this scenario, rational handling, feeding, health and, especially,
genetic improvement programs for dairy breeds are now being established.
Programs aimed at identifying sires with positive performance in the production of milk
and other traits of economic importance are usually grounded on progeny tests, the safest
zootechnical tests used to identify the predicted genetic values of bulls and promote the
genetic improvement of dairy herds.
The Girolando breed Progeny Test was established in 1997 and has already presented
results for 57 sires. Recently, new technology was incorporated into the Girolando Breed
Genetic Improvement Program, with the publication of molecular marker genotypes and
the Sistema de Avaliação Linear Girolando – SALG (Girolando Linear Evaluation System),
further increasing the interest in the breed and visibility of the program.
It is important to note that the genetic evaluations alone do not promote changes or
genetic progress. Improvement only occurs when the results generated by the genetic
evaluations are used in selection programs and in mating systems. Thus, the information
held in this document must be understood as a tool that should be used by improvement
entities and breeders, with the goal of promoting the genetic improvement of herds and
consequent increases in the technical-economical efficiency of milk production systems.
Duarte Vilela
Diretor General
Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Introduction..................................................................................................... 9
Historic of the Breed......................................................................................... 9
The Girolando Breed......................................................................................... 10
Progeny Test Bull Genotyping ............................................................................ 13
Molecular Markers...................................................................................... 13
Zootechnical Performance ................................................................................. 14
Database................................................................................................... 14
Progeny Test and Genetic Evaluation of Bulls....................................................... 16
Distribution of Progeny Test Semen.................................................................... 16
Statistical Model and Analyses Methodology....................................................... 17
Girolando Linear Evaluation System - SALG ......................................................... 17
Body Capacity Measurements...................................................................... 18
Rump Measurements.................................................................................. 19
legs and Feet............................................................................................. 20
Fore Udder................................................................................................ 21
Rear Udder................................................................................................ 21
Mammary System...................................................................................... 22
Dairy Characterization................................................................................. 23
Auxiliary Traits........................................................................................... 23
How to Interpret the Results............................................................................. 23
STAs for Conformation.................................................................................... 26
PTAs for Milk Production and Age at First Calving............................................... 28
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................... 32
Staff.............................................................................................................. 32
Glossary of Technical Terms ............................................................................. 32
Annexes ........................................................................................................ 34
Girolando Board of Directors............................................................................. 47
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Marcos Vinicius Gualberto Barbosa da Silva, Marta Fonseca Martins,
Leandro de Carvalho Paiva, Marcello de Aguiar Rodrigues Cembranelli,
Ary Ferreira de Freitas, Wagner Antonio Arbex, Kátia Cristina Lage
dos Santos, Ali William Canaza-Cayo, João Cláudio do Carmo Panetto,
Cláudio Nápolis Costa, Bruno Campos de Carvalho, Marcos Brandão Dias
Ferreira, Beatriz Cordenonsi Lopes
The Girolando breed progeny test was first conducted in 1997, through a partnership
between Girolando and Embrapa Dairy Cattle. In 1997, the Programa de Melhoramento
Genético da Raça Girolando – PMGG (Genetics Improvement Program of the Girolando
Breed) was implemented, forming interaction with previously existing programs in the
Association, such as the genealogical register service, the progeny test and the dairy
control service, in addition to the creation of the Linear Evaluation System (SLAG). The
main objectives of the PMGG are to identify genetically superior individuals, foster
guided multiplication of genetics, the evaluation of economic traits and the promotion of
sustainable dairy activities.
The results of the program have been truly impressive. Today, the Girolando breed is
the fastest growing in terms of semen sales in Brazil, having reached the mark of over
500,001 doses sold in 2012, with an increase of 22.38% in relation to 2011. Another
important piece of data to note is the growing increase in milk production from primiparous
cows, rising from 3,657 kg in 305 days in 2000 to 4,258 in 2012, which represents an
increase of 14,1% in milk production.
Due to this and other factors, the Girolando breed is gaining increased national and
international recognition, making it a favorite for the production of milk in tropical regions.
The breed is widely accepted in Brazil, with some 80% of the milk produced coming
from Girolando animals, which are able to maintain a good level of production in different
handling systems and climate conditions.
History of the Breed
The first crossbreeding activities between Holstein and Gir in Brazil occurred in 1940 with the
idea that the offspring coming from the crossing between these two breeds would align the high
milk production capacity of the Holstein cattle and the rusticity of the Gir breed. The product of
this crossbreeding stood out for excellent productivity, high fertility indexes and good vigor. Due
to these qualities, the crossbreeding practice quickly spread around the entire country. Within
a short period, it became the predominant cattle breed on the majority of Brazilian farms. Some
felt that these crosses occurred mistakenly when a Gir bull covered Holstein cows.
With time, crossbreeding for milk production took on great importance with many research
and rural extension institutions beginning to study and explore this technique, aimed at
improving the quality of the products. Thus, in 1978, the Programa de Cruzamento Dirigido
– Procruza (Directed Crossbreeding Program) was created with the goal of selecting dairy
and beef cattle in all degrees of grade cattle. Through sub-delegation of the Associação
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Brasileira de Criadores – ABC (Brazilian Breeders Association) the Criadores de Gado de Leite
do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba – Assoleite (Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba
Association of Dairy Cattle Breeders) was the entity charged with implementing Procruza.
In 1988, the Ministry of Agriculture determined the end of Procruza, and in 1989 Assoleite
was registered with the Ministry and began managing the program for the formation of
the Girolando breed, assuming the name Associação Nacional dos Criadores de Girolando
(National Association of Girolando Breeders). In 1996, the Girolando breed became official,
the entity took on the name Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Girolando – Girolando
(Brazilian Girolando Breeders Association), headquartered in Uberaba, Minas Gerais.
The Girolando Breed
The Girolando breed was created with the aim of forming an ethnic group able to
sustainably produce in tropical and subtropical regions. It is grounded on the crossbreeding
of Holstein (HOL) and Gir (Gir) breeds, passing through a range of genetic composition
from 1/4 HOL + 3/4 Gir to 7/8 HOL + 1/8 Gir. However, management of mating seeks
to establish the breed’s genetic composition at 5/8 HOL + 3/8 Gir, with the goal of
producing productive and standardized cattle that meet the necessities of milk producers.
Animals resulting from mating between 5/8 HOL + 3/8 Gir individuals are considered as
Pure Synthetics (PS) of the Girolando Breed, that is, the previously mentioned breed. For
an animal to receive a definitive PS register, in addition to it being the product of mating
between 5/8 HOL + 3/8 Gir animals, said animal must include positive genetic evaluation
for the milk yield (PTA milk), which can be obtained through its own performance or the
performance of its parents. Other requirements are also demanded according to regulations
from the Girolando Breed Genealogical Register, available on the Girolando site (www. Presented below are the leading matings and crossbreeds practiced
within the Girolando Program (Figure 1).
In Figure 1 the fraction or percentage of Holstein breed composition is always read first.
The genetic composition of the sire always comes before the dam. For the purpose of
the register, only 5/8 or PS cows can be bred with 5/8 or PS bulls. Females with genetic
composition between F≈5/8 will be controlled as 5/8. Males of F≈5/8 will not have their
genetic composition rounded off to 5/8, maintaining the correct fraction according to the
mating from which it arose. The cells marked with the X are products from crossbreeds of
which Girolando does not turn official the genealogy.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Figure 2. Crossbreed strategies for obtaining PS animals using Holstein breed bulls in the first two generations
and a 5/8 Girolando bull in the following generations.
Figure 3. Crossbreed strategy for obtaining PS animals, using Gir and Holstein breed bulls in the first three
generations and a 5/8 Girolando bull in the last generation.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Figure 4. Crossbreed strategy for obtaining PS animals, using Holstein breed bulls in the first generation, a 3/4
Girolando in the second generation and a 5/8 Girolando bull in the third generation.
Figure 5. Crossbreed strategy for obtaining PS animals, using a Gir bull in the first generation and a 5/8
Girolando bull in the last two generations.
The diagrams presented in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the leading strategies for the
formation of Pure Synthetic (PS) Girolando. However, any combination between the
breeds, Holstein, Gir and its crossbreeds can be used for obtaining PS.
Due to the greater offer of semen from Girolando bulls on the market, the crossbreed
strategy using it has become more viable. Figure 6 presents the leading crossbreeds
produced with 5/8 of PS bulls. Figure 7 shows crossbreeds using 3/4 bulls.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Figure 6. Most commonly used crossbreeds with Girolando 5/8 or PS bulls.
Figure 7. Most commonly used crossbreeds with Girolando 3/4 bulls.
Progeny Test Bull Genotyping
Evolution and recent advances in biotechnology have allowed for the incorporation of
information on molecular markers in selection and mating programs. The knowledge of
information about animal genotypes is of huge strategic importance and elevated economic
value, as it allows for the identification of animals with greater milk production potential, fat
and protein, in addition to allowing the identification of allele carriers for genetic diseases.
With this information at hand, farmers can oversee mating, the choice of semen and apply it
in assisted selection through molecular markers for genetic improvement of the breed.
Molecular Markers
Kappa-casein (k-CN) – The properties and quality of milk and its derivatives are directly
influenced by the content of its proteins. The leading proteins in milk are caseins,
lactoglobulins and albumins. Molecular studies have identified that variants of Kappa-casein
are strongly associated to a greater yield for the production of cheese. Animals with the BB
genotype present a greater production of proteins in the milk when compared to animals
with an AA genotype. The BB genotype is associated to superior processing traits for the
production of cheese, with less coagulation time and the formation of coagulate with greater
density, thus resulting in greater production. BB animals present a yield 12% greater in terms
of mozzarella cheese and 8% for Cheddar type cheese in relation to the animals with the
AA genotype. AB animals present an intermediary yield between BB and AA genotypes. AA
animals have the least favorable genotypes for the production of cheese.
β-lactoglobulin (βLGB) – This gene codes for a protein in the milk whey, representing
around 50 to 55% of the proteins. For this gene, 12 alleles have been identified, with the
A and B alleles being the most frequent in commercial herds. Allele A is the most favorable
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
for the production of milk, while allele B is related to more expressive rate of fat and
protein. The milk from the animals with the AA genotype is recommended for in natura
sale and that coming from animals with the BB genotype is most recommended for the
production of lactose derivatives, such as cheese.
DGAT1 – The DGAT (diacilglicerol O-aciltransferase 1) gene is strongly associated to the
percentage of fat in the milk, with two alleles having been identified in bovines. Allele
A, fixed in the majority of Zebu breeds, is associated to an increase in the production of
protein and milk. Allele K, very common in European breeds, is associated with a reduction
in protein production and an increase in the production of fat in milk.
BLAD – Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) is a genetic disorder common
in Holstein breeds. This disease is caused by a recessive mutation in the CD18 gene.
Homozygote animals for this mutation present retarded growth, tooth loss, immune
system failure and premature death, generally caused by pneumonia. Heterozygote animals
(carriers of the recessive allele) present normal development.
DUMPS – Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase (DUMPS) is another important
genetic disorder in the Holstein breed. It is characterized by a recessive mutation in the
UMPS gene that results in a deficiency of the UMPS enzyme responsible for the conversion
of a metabolite part of the pyrimidine synthesis stream, necessary for RNA and DNA
synthesis. Homozygote embryos for this mutation die at about the 40th day, as it is
necessary to have a large number of pyrimidine during the embryonic stage. Heterozygote
cows have an elevated level of orotic acid in the urine and milk during the lactation.
CVM – Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) is characterized by congenital growth
retardation, vertebral malformation and deformation in the ventricular septum. A mutation
in the SLC25A53 gene, which codes for a protein that plays an important role in the
formation of the vertebra. Similar to other recessive genetic diseases, such as DUMPS and
BLAD, carrier animals develop normally, while recessive animals die shortly after birth.
OPN (osteopontin) – In studies with animals from the Holstein breed, it was shown that
this gene is associated to the production of milk and fat and a percentage of fat and
protein. Other studies also show that this marker is also associated to growth traits.
Zootechnical Performance
118,546 performance records were used in the present genetic evaluation, with
information on dairy control and genealogy, provided by Girolando, originating from
breeders that have herds supervised by the Dairy Control Service. The records of lactation
productive performance for the first calving (15,824) were published for: the age at
calving (18 to 55 months), year of birth (1997 to 2011), year of calving (2000 to 2012),
breed composition (2/8 to 7/8 HOL:GIR), causes of lactation termination, herd size and
contemporary group of the herd-year of calving, with at least three lactations and the use
of at least two bulls per herd-year.
The productive performance at the first calving of 15,824 controlled Girolando cows
in 443 collaborating herds for the progeny test, in the period from 2000 to 2012, is
shown in Table 1 and Figures 8 and 9. The general average production of milk in 305
days in the period was 4,223 kg. The total milk production and duration of lactation
averages were 4,670 kg and 303 days, respectively, for the average age at the first
calving of 1,077 days.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Progeny Test and Genetic Evaluation of Bulls
The Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program (PMGG) has been underway for 16
years with technical collaboration provided by Embrapa Dairy Cattle. The PMGG is geared
toward dairy control and the use of artificial insemination in the herds of breeders (Annex
1) for the realization of the Girolando Bull Progeny Test.
The progeny test began in 1997 and 57 sires part of the first eight groups have already
been tested. Another 97 sires whose semen doses were distributed between 2007 and
2013 are part of five other groups that are currently at a stage of testing (Annex 1). This
year, 2013, the results of bulls from the eighth group will be made available.
Distribution of Progeny Test Semen
For the Progeny Test to be conducted it is necessary for sires and dams to be made
available by breeders. Sires must present excellent genetic origin and be selected by
a technical board. The criteria for the selection are specified in the regulation for the
participation of bulls in the Girolando Breed Progeny Test, these being divided into groups
according to the year of registration. The dams that are to be inseminated with the coded
semen from these bulls are called collaborative matrixes.
The period between the distribution of coded semen to the publication of the first results
of the progeny test for a certain group of bulls is an average six years. This time is due to
factors like the period of distribution, use of semen by breeders, gestation period of the
dams, age at first calving, lactation period of the bulls’ daughters and time for analysis of
dairy control and genealogy data (Table 2).
Table 2. Time for the realization of the Progeny Test.
The average time estimated for the publication of the first results is 71 months, that is, 5
years and 11 months after the start of the distribution of semen to the collaborating herds.
This time may be more or less according to the time necessary for the execution of each
of the stages, with those of the greatest importance being the use of the semen and the
age at the first calving for the bull’s daughters. Another stage of great importance is the
distribution of semen, as the faster this occurs, the less time necessary to inseminate the
collaborative dams.
The results can be published after five or six years of testing, varying according to the
performance of the collaborating herds and each animal participating in the test.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Statistical Model and Analysis Methodology
In the genetic evaluation for the milk yield a model was used that includes the fixed
effects of herd-year of calving, season and age of the cow at calving as a covariate,
with the linear and quadratic component. Other effects included were the fixed cow
breed composition, defined by the contribution of Holstein and Gir breeds, in proportions
varying from 2/8 to 7/8, and the random effects of the animal and experimental error. The
predicted breeding values of each animal were obtained through the Best Linear Unbiased
Prediction (BLUP) methodology using the program MTDFREML (1995). Table 4 presents
general information about the database, the values of the estimates of the variance
components and heritability used.
The breeding values of the bulls were expressed as the Predicted Transmitting Ability
(PTA) in relation to the genetic base, defined as the average of the breeding values of 744
cows born in 2000.
Girolando Linear Evaluation System – SALG
The Girolando Linear Evaluation System (SALG) is aimed at measuring and evaluating
conformation and handling traits of animals from the Girolando breed, so as to generate
highly reliable information that can be used for the prediction of breeding values for bulls in
the progeny test. These predictions will be useful for breeders, within their herds, to select
their bulls and dams, aimed at the genetic improvement of traits of economic importance.
This year the genetic values for an additional seven conformation traits were included
in the Girolando breed bull report, totaling 12 evaluated traits. Below you can find brief
descriptions of the traits measured and evaluated through SALG.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Body Capacity Measurements
Rump Height: measured using a measuring stick, placing
the device above the rump, close to the hook bone, to the
ground. In this case, the ideal scenario would be for the
rump to be high enough for the udder to be sufficiently far
from the ground so as to reduce the risks of injuries and
Body Depth: measured using a measuring stick, positioned
at the region immediately behind the rump, before the
hooks (lumbar region), up to the lower line of the animal’s
belly, the cranial portion of the previous udder insertion.
This trait is directly related to the animal’s digestive and
productive capacity. The body depth should be above the
breed average.
Body length: the measurement is taken from the point of
the scapula to the hook bone, using a measuring stick.
It is related to the animal’s respiratory, digestive and
productive capacity. A body length should be above the
breed average.
Thoracic perimeter: the circumference of the animal’s
thorax is measured using a measuring tape. It is strongly
related to the cardiac and respiratory capacities. The
thoracic perimeter should be above the breed average.
Chest amplitude: evaluated by means of a score. The distance between the back members
is evaluated and refers to the animal’s strength. The grades vary from 1 to 9, with 1
for animals with an extremely closed chest, 5 for intermediary amplitude and 9 for an
extremely ample chest.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Rump Measurements
Rump length: the distance between the point of the pin
bone and the point of the hook bone is measured, using a
measuring stick or tape. This trait has a strong influence on
the quality and the support of the mammary system, as it is
the dorsal support of the udder. High values, above average,
are favorable.
Width between pin bones: the distance from the left point
to the right point of the pin, using a measuring stick or tape.
Higher values are related to greater calving facility for the
animal and better dorsal support of the udder.
Rump Angle/Inclination: the angle of the rump is obtained by measuring the height of the
hook bones, height of the pin bones and length of the rump. The inclination of the hook
bone is calculated in relation to the pin bone, with this measurement possibly positive or
negative. Above zero indicates a smooth rump. Below zero indicates an inverted rump,
which leads to problems during calving and elimination of the placenta. The ideal scenario
is a value as close to zero as possible.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Legs and Feet
Legs – side view: the angle of the leg’s curvature is evaluated through a score. Score 1 is
used for very curved legs, 5 for intermediary legs (ideal) and 9 for extremely straight legs.
At the height of the hock the legs should present slight curvature, which should not be
accentuated. Very curved legs may lead to wear of the hoof claws, leaving them cracked
and very straight legs may cause mobility problems. The ideal score is close to 5.
Legs – rear view: The position of the back legs id evaluated based on a score from 1 to
9. Score 1 for legs with very closed hocks, 5 for parallel legs (ideal) and 9 for legs with
open hocks. Legs with closed hocks may crush and reduce udder space, causing injury and
increasing the occurrence of mastitis, while very open legs may cause mobility problems.
Hoof angle: evaluated by means of a score.
For good animal mobility it is important that
the hooves are strong and set at a good
angle (close to 45th). Score 1 is used for very
low angle hooves, 5 for hooves with an angle
close to 45th (ideal) and score 9 for extremely
steep angle hooves.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Fore Udder
Front height: the distance between the base of the vulva to the fore udder insertion, in
the perineal region, is measured using measuring tape. It is related to the length and milk
storage capacity of the fore udder. The higher, the better.
Front width: the width is measured from where the fore udder ligament begins, that is,
the distance between the left and right ligament of the udder. It can be measured with a
measuring tape or ruler. It is strongly related to milk production and storage capacity.
Teat placement: the placement of the fore teats is evaluated through a score. The score
goes from 1 to 9, with 1 for low quality placement, 5 for intermediary placement and 9 for
extreme quality placement. The fore teats must be centered in the udder quarters. Values
close to 9 are preferable, indicating more centralized teats than low values, which means
open teats, placed in the sides of the quarters and which complicates mechanized milking.
Rear Udder
Teat length: the rear teats of the animal are measured using a measuring tape or ruler. The
ideal length of the teats is around 5 to 7 cm. Long teats jeopardize colostrums nursing by
calves, complicate mechanized milking and are related to an increase in the incidence of
teat loss and mastitis.
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Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Teat placement: The position of the rear teats is evaluated based on a score from 1 to 9,
with 1 for low quality placement, 5 for intermediary placement and 9 for extreme quality
placement. The rear teats must be centered in the udder quarters. Values close to 9 are
preferable, indicating more centralized teats than low values, which means open teats,
placed on the sides of the quarters and which complicates mechanized milking.
Ligament: Quality of rear udder insertion and support is conducted through a visual
evaluation (score), with the evaluator able to press the evaluation area to feel the quality
of the tissue. The rear udder must be firmly attached to the animal’s ventral region,
preventing the formation of swelling. This trait is of great importance, as it strongly
influences the longevity of the mammary system. The score goes from 1 to 9, with 1 for
an extremely weak ligament and 9 for an extremely strong ligament.
Mammary System
Udder depth: trace an imaginary line
from the level of the hocks, measure
the distance from the imaginary line
to the udder floor, using a measuring
tape or ruler. This trait strongly
influences the longevity of the
mammary system and the quality of
the fore, rear and central ligaments.
The ideal udder floor is approximately
10 cm above the hocks. Very high
values indicate deep udders subject to
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Central ligament: the quality and support of the central ligament is evaluated visually. It
is directly related to the longevity of the mammary system. The score goes from 1 to 9,
with 1 for an extremely weak ligament and 9 for an extremely strong ligament. It is one of
them most important traits in terms of the udder, as this ligament is what keeps the udder
attached to the animal’s stomach. To support high production for a number of lactations,
this ligament should be very strong. The more positive, the better.
Dairy Characterization
Angularity: the bone quality and dairy form of the animal is evaluated visually,
considering the femininity and the angular form, also known as a wedge. The
evaluation score ranges from 1 to 9, with 1 for extremely angular cows, 5 for
intermediary angularity and 9 for extremely thickset cows.
Auxiliary Traits
Temperament: evaluated by means of an animal docility score. More docile animals
have better productive and reproductive performance. Scores vary between 1 and 9,
with 1 for extremely aggressive animals and 9 for exceptionally docile animals.
Milking ease: this is related to the time and effort involved at the time of milking the
animal. It is directly linked to milk production. Harder cows tends to be more vulnerable
to disease and greater milk retention, also known as residual milk. For the evaluation, a
score from 1 to 9 is used, with 1 for very hard to milk cows and 9 for cows extremely
easy to milk.
Facility in calving: related to the size of the calf and the need for assistance at the time
of calving. Cows with expressive facility in calving return to the estrous cycle faster
and, consequently, they have better reproductive indexes. The evaluation is conducted
by means of a score that varies from 1 to 9, with 1 for cows with extreme calving
difficulty and 9 for cows with extreme facility in calving.
The averages for the traits described above can be seen in Table 4. The averages for
daughters of Girolando bulls participating in the Progeny Test are described.
How to Interpret the Results
To better understand the results of the evaluations published in this report, we present
an example with the due interpretations. Below find the results of a specific bull (Table 5).
Just after its registration number XXXXX, its general classification by PTAL (XX° between parenthesis) and its name, are presented the registration numbers and the
names of its father and mother and the PTA for milk production (PTAL), followed by
reliability (REL).
In the table, to the right of the results for productive traits, the genetic evaluations,
STAs (standardized PTAs) can be found for some of the evaluated conformation and
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
Sire Summary
Progeny Test Results - July/2013
management traits. STA is the standardized predicted transmitting ability (PTA) of the
handling and conformation traits and allow the traits to be compared, even when measured
in different units, as they are expressed in standard deviations. Thus, the breeder can
evaluate if the bull is able to improve a specific trait, if it covers average cows from its
herd. STA values vary from -3 to 3 standard deviations.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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Progeny Test Results - July/2013
In the first column, under the title Traits, are the names of the traits and under the name
STA, its respective standardized predicted transmitting abilities (standard deviation values
of -3 to 3). The line in front each of the traits indicates its confidence interval, a measure
related to the average and the reliability of the STA estimation. The dot noted on the line
corresponding to the STA estimate and the size of the line to the confidence interval. This
means the smaller the line, the greater the reliability of the STA value, and vice-versa.
Furthermore, it expresses the degree of estimated STA averages within these limits that is
expected for future mating, in 95% of the cases.
It is important to reiterate that this information must be used with the aim of
complementarity in mating.
Conformation and management trait deviations on the right or left mean that there will
be genetic progress in the selected direction. For example, if a cow has very large teats
(above average), the ideal situation would be to mate is with a bull that has an STA close
to zero for teat length, seeking to correct this problem in the next generation. The same
logic should be applied to other traits.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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STAs for Conformation
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Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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PTAs for Milk Production and Age First Calving
The results of the genetic evaluation of bulls for the production of milk are presented in
Tables 7 and 8, showing the registration number and the name of each bull in Girolando,
the PTA for the production of milk, the reliability of each test, with the respective numbers
of daughters and herds, as well as the bulls’ genotypes. These results are presented for
bulls used in at least three herds, with a minimum confidence interval of 60%.
Table 7 presents the results of the tests of nine bulls from the eighth group of the progeny
test. The PTAs vary from -577 kg to 451 kg, with five bulls presenting positive genetic
values and four with negative values. Three positive bulls are 5/8 HOL:GIR and two 3/4
Table 8 presents the general results and the genotypes for the eight groups tested since
1997. The PTAs vary between -577 kg and 451 kg, with 22 bulls presenting positive
genetic values and 35 with negative values. Among the 22 positive bulls are 16 5/8
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Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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Progeny Test Results - July/2013
HOL:GIR and six 3/4 HOL:GIR.
Thank you to all who collaborated with the Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
(PMGG), both directly and indirectly. Thanks to the breeders, technicians, milk controllers,
interns, grant students and employees of the Brazilian Association of Girolando Breeders
and Embrapa Gado de Leite that collaborated in the collection, provision, editing and
processing of data for the genetic evaluations and publication of this report. We would also
like to thank the collaborating herds, insemination centers, associated entities, the Ministry
of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply and the Federal Government, who all believe in our
work and support the PMGG and the development of the Girolando breed in Brazil. Thank
you very much to everyone!
Edivaldo Ferreira Junior: Agricultural Technician from the Department of Zootechnical Tests
Jean Carlos: Data processing coordinator.
Mirelly Campos: SCL Data processing assistant.
Jessica Miranda: SCL Data processing assistant.
Gustavo Rodrigues: Agricultural Technician from the Department of Zootechnical Tests
Glossary of Technical Terms
Allele – The alternative form of a specific gene located in the region of a homologous
chromosome (locos). There are two alleles for each gene in diploid bovine cells, with each
allele passed down from a progenitor.
Genetic Base – The mean genetic value of cows born in a specific year, for each trait.
Composed of the genetic merit reference of the breed for the comparison of bulls.
BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) – Statistical method for data analysis, to obtain
solutions for the effects considered in a specific model. Among its statistical properties,
the simultaneous estimation of equation solutions for fixed and random effects (genetic
values) stands out. In practice, the genetic values (PTAs) are estimated simultaneously to
the adjustment to the effects of the environment (contemporary herd-year groups, time,
age at calving, genetic groups, etc.)
Reliability – The measurement of the amount of information used in the estimation of the
genetic value. Using a percentage, it indicates the confidence that can be placed on the
PTA estimated for each bull. The greater the reliability, the greater the certainty that the
value of the estimated PTA represents the real genetic value of the bull.
Genotype – The allelic constitution of a homologous chromosome region. Example: AA, Aa
or AA.
Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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Progeny Test Results - July/2013
Heritability – The parameter that describes the proportion of total variance for a specific
trait that is due to the genetic differences among the individuals of the population (breed).
Heterozygote – The individual or genotype carrier of different alleles in loco. Example: Aa.
Homozygote – The individual or genotype that presents two copies of the same allele in
loco. Example: AA or aa.
Animal Model – The procedure used to estimate genetic values or PTAs, using the registers
from the databases provided by breeder associations.
MTDFREML – The abbreviation for the set of programs written in the Fortran language
(Multiple Trait Derivative Free REML), which uses the Restricted Maximum Likelihood
methodology with the algorithm that does not use derivatives for the estimation of
variance components and the prediction of animals’ genetic values, in accord with the
model applied in the analysis of a specific database.
PTA (Predicated Transmitting Ability) – The measurement of the bull’s genetic value,
obtained through the performance of its daughters and its relatives in different herds,
expressed as the difference (superiority or inferiority) of the breed’s genetic base. Example:
a bull with a PTA equal to 100 kg means that its progeny, on average, has an expected
production potential of 100 kg of milk greater than the breed average.
Additive Genetic Variance – The variation in the genetic values among animals of a
population (breed), for a specific trait.
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Girolando Breed Genetic Improvement Program
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Progeny Test Results - July/2013