MacNews - MacGroup


MacNews - MacGroup
16 Years Serving The Mac Community
October 2002 • $3 US
MacNews - October 2002
I hate SPAM!
By Terry White
I mean I really do hate SPAM!
It clogs my inbox both personal and
work. I never knew there were so
many people in the world willing
to help me. I have had offers to
enhance my sex life in a variety of
ways, to get discounts on cars, mortgages and insurance. I have been
told I can meet singles in my area
and get my drugs online. They even
offer to repair my credit and give me
loans and credit cards. I can lose
anywhere from 5 – 200lbs in a week.
Wow! So many offers to help me in
my life and all I have to do is click
their link. I hate SPAM! As a matter
of fact even on the odd chance that
I seem something that I’m remotely
interested in I go out of my way
NOT to buy from a company that
has sent me an unsolicited offer.
When I came back from my most
recent vacation I had 200+ emails
waiting for me at work. 70% of it was
Spam Sieve, like Apple’s Mail can
SPAM! Companies are losing mil- be TRAINED and it works with
lions each year by employees having Entourage! Hoorah! Spam Sieve is a
to take the time to sift through
simple application and set of Apple
SPAM to get to the emails that they Scripts that does a very SMART
really want.
thing. It builds a database of every
When Apple introduced Mac word in your emails that you tell it
OS X 10.2 Jaguar, one of the things
are either good or junk. It uses averthat intrigued me the most was the
ages to determine if incoming mesnew Mail app. Apple built in the
sages are either legit or SPAM. This
ability for Mail to “LEARN” what
is as perfect of a solution as it gets.
is SPAM (Junk) and what isn’t. Because only you know what you
You teach it which messages you
are interested in and what you’re
consider “Junk” and which ones
not. SPAMERS can’t get around
aren’t. In about two weeks time you
this unless they actually start sendcan switch it to automatic and let it
ing you messages that you do want
manage your email automatically. I
to read. After only a few days it was
really wanted this and as soon as I doing a phenomenal job for me. The
installed Jaguar I switched to Mail
more you teach it, the better it gets!
or at least I tried to. I currently use This was the best $10 I spent all year.
Microsoft Entourage and while It can either simply mark messages
Mail is a great program it just falls
as Junk or it can actually mark them
short in too many areas to manage
and move them to a Junk folder. I
my complicated email life. So I chose the latter and I also modified
went back to Entourage and looked
the script so that it would not only
over at Mail with envy. As I was
move the junk but also mark it as
giving up on Mail and going back “Read” and remove it from the server.
to write more Rules for Entourage I have a schedule set in Entourage
to try to deal with the ever increas- to delete mail in the Junk folder that
ing SPAM I was getting, I saw an is 3 days old or older. This is kind
announcement about a new piece
of an insurance to be able look in
of Shareware called “Spam Sieve”. that folder for something that may
have gotten mistakenly identified
as Junk. It’s amazing that I have an
average of 180+ messages in my Junk
folder at all times. That equates to
about 60 SPAM messages a day. If
you’re an Entourage user Spam
Sieve 1.1 is worth its weight in Gold!
I highly recommend it. It’s so good
that I have turned off Microsoft’s
Junk Filter and all my custom Junk
spamsieve $10 Shareware fee. Spam
Sieve also works with Mailsmith and
Powermail email applications. Only
works with Mac OS X 10.1 and up.
MacNews - October 2002 3
Welcome to
Metro Detroit’s Largest Apple® Macintosh® User’s Group
PO Box 760399
Lathrup Village MI 48076-0399
FAX 248-557-9403
Officers & Volunteers
President ............................... Terry L. White
MacNews Editor .........................Orie Carter
Meeting Coordinator................ Carla White
Special Interest Group (SIG) Leaders
Genius Table (Q&A SIG) ....... Phyllis Evans
Beginner’s SIG............... Loretta Sangeorsen
Internet SIG........................ Howard Parsons
Digital Video Detroit.......Michele Kotlarsky
Digital Video SIG..................... Bill Johnson
PDA/PowerBook ........................ Terry White
Adobe Photoshop.......................Bruce Spike
Webmaster & BBS Sysop
Webmaster ................................. Terry White
Sys Op .................................... Allen Herman
© 1986-2002 MacGroup-Detroit.
All rights reserved.
MacNews is published by MacGroupDetroit. Excerpts may be reprinted by user
groups and other non-profit media. Credit
must be given to MacGroup-Detroit and the
author. In addition, a copy of all reprinted
materials must be sent to us at the address
listed above.
MacNews is an independent publication not
affiliated or otherwise associated with or
sponsored or sanctioned by Apple Computer,
Inc. The opinions, statements, positions and
views stated herein are those of the author(s)
or publisher and are not intended to be the
opinions, statements, positions or views of
Apple Computer, Inc.
You and your friends are invited to attend our next meeting.
Our membership is only $40 per year, entitling you to this newsletter each
month and many more benefits.
If you would like to become a member or get more info on MacGroup, feel
free to check out our web site at Also see the
membership form on page 14.
Meetings are held at the
Bloomfield Township
Public Library
1099 Lone Pine Rd.
Bloomfield Hills MI
Welcome New Members
William Agnew*
Peter Barlow, MD
Michael Berry*
Christopher Bidlack
Ernie Cooper*
Joe Elliott
Laverne Gamble-Cox*
Steven Gold*
Henry Greenwood
Daniel Haffner
Al Halper
Lewis Hopkin*
Mary Hustoles*
Marilyn Krol*
Joseph Liss*
Don MacDonald*
Ivan Marshall*
Hal Newnan*
Tom & Margaret Parmenter*
Charlie Sanders*
Nancy Sisco*
Bill & Doris Stewart*
Chester Stewart*
Clamah Stewart*
William Streffon*
Christopher Trey*
What’s Inside...
* = Renewals
I hate SPAM!...............................................................2
Welcome New Members .......................................3
Connecting Jaguar with Windows 98® ............4
DISK on KEY!.............................................................5
“Insanely Great MacGroup-Detroit Fans” ...........6 Review ................................................7
Tips and Tricks ...........................................................8
Emazing Tips..............................................................9
Apple Events ............................................................13
MacGroup-Detroit Volunteer Help Lines ........13
MacNews - October 2002
Alan Frenkel
I Am Truly
It feels like
time for “True
but I’ve got to
admit it…there’s
a PC in our
home. My wife,
it for medical
transcription work that is sent to her
over the net. There’s some hardware
attached to it that isn’t Mac-compatible, so we’re stuck. Sometimes I’d
find a need to open a file that was
sent to me in MS Word format. That
was before I owned a copy of Word
for Mac. I would have to e-mail it to
her even though we were connected
via a home Ethernet.
With the advent of Jaguar, this
e-mailing files down the hall is no
longer required. It’s really easy to
connect my Mac to a shared folder
on Barb’s hard drive. The real challenge was in setting up a shared
folder on her PC. I’m not much of a
fan of Windows®, but I have found
the help system to be useful. Not in
this instance though. I did figure it
out eventually, and the following
will guide you through the process
should you require it.
2. Click on the Network icon
to bring up a window with three tabs
(Upper arrow, Figure 1):
a name (Figure 2). Since she types
like greased lightning, I named
Barbara’s computer Flying_Fingers.
I left the name of the workgroup
at its default. Note the underscore
between the two words in the
computer’s name. Without it the
network name of the PC was only
Designating a Shared Folder
The final thing that you will
have to do is to create or designate
a shared folder. For data this should
be in the My Documents folder,
which you can reach from either
the desktop or the Start Menu. To
designate a folder as shared you
must have first gone through the
steps above. I tried it the other way
and no “Sharing” tab appeared.
• Configuration,
• Identification,
• Access Control.
3. Click on the “File and
Print Sharing…” button near the
middle of the window (Lower arrow,
Figure 1). In the window that opens
you must select, “I want to give
others access to my files.” Then
click “OK”.
4. Click on the “Access Con1. First right-click on the
trol” tab and select the type of shar- folder in question and then select
ing that you want. There are two “Properties”. You will see a window
like the foreground window in
• Share-level Access Control Figure 3.
that allows you to supply a password
2. Click on the “Sharing” tab
Setting up a Windows 98® PC
for each shared resource.
and then click the “Shared As” radio
for File Sharing
• User-level Access Control button.
1. You first need to access the
that allows you to select a user
3. Enter a shared name that
Network control panel in Windows®. or group for access. The user or does not have to match the name of
Press the Start button, scroll up to
group is set up elsewhere and I
the folder.
Settings and then across to Control
did not elect this choice in order to
4. Set up your “Access Type”,
Panel. Let the button go and you
keep things simple. I checked the
passwords, and Click “OK”.
will see a window with various
Share-level choice and then clicked
system icons.
It’s interesting that you may set
5. Next, click on the “Identifi- up differing passwords for differing
cation” tab and give your computer levels of access to the files. One
MacNews - October 2002 5
Product Evaluation
Calvin Carson
password, for example could be
for read-only and the other for full
access. When a folder is shared in
Windows® its icon changes to one
with a folder supported by a hand.
When you see this, you will know
that your shared folder is set up
Accessing the Shared Folder
From the Finder press Command-K (Connect to Server). In the
window that opens you will see a list
• Local
When I clicked on the “MY
GROUP” Flying_Fingers appeared.
I double-clicked its icon and then
had to enter my password before the
file was mounted on my desktop. It
looked just like any other volume.
You are given the option to add your
password to your keychain so that
you don’t have to reenter it each
time. You can drag files to and from
this volume, just like any other, and
even delete files. I’ve found it quite
helpful to be able to transfer files
and backups between the PC and
my Mac. One added bonus: It seems
that my remote folder stays mounted
even if the PC goes to sleep, and I
can access it at any time.
Need a small hard drive to move
that presentation? Want a place to
put those few pictures you took with
your digital camera? Need quick
storage on the go? Well I found
something that works just great for
M-Systems makes a great little
device that is a hard drive on a key
ring. It’s called DISK on KEY. Actually it’s not a hard drive but memory
in a key ring. It however works like
a hard drive when you mount it on
your computer.
DISK on KEY connects to the
USB port on your Macintosh (or
PC). Once connected to the USB
port, it appears on you desktop just
like a hard disk. You can copy file
to or from it. Run programs from
it. Whatever you can do with a
hard disk, you can do with DISK
on KEY.
DISK on KEY comes in a
variety of capacities. DISK on KEY
comes in 8,16,32,64,128-megabyte
sizes. The best part, this will fit in
your pocket or on your key chain.
I can’t tell you how handy this
device has been for me. I can use it
on Mac, PC, and Linux machines.
Disk on key is a great way to move
data from one platform to another.
Thanks to Bob Witkow from MSystems for the evaluation unit.
Also available at our Apple
Retail Stores in both Twelve Oaks
Mall and Somerset.
MacNews - October 2002
“Insanely Great
MacGroup-Detroit Fans”
one of the other nominees. http://
I know that I voted for Terry,
Alan Frankel voted, Phyllis Evans,
Carol Goodell and Steve Wozniak
voted, and am very curious to know
who else voted….. J - Millions of Mac People, Places & Things
9/17/02 8:59 AM
Choose a Selection...
Terry White
Founder - MacGroup-Detroit (Detroit area's largest Macintosh users group)
MacGroup-Detroit's web site
Terry's personal web site
Featured Sections
Some submitted comments...
Terry is extremely enthusiastic about Macintoshes and all that they stand for. He is a great
communicator regarding program and computer features and compares them well and
understandably. In addition Terry came by my Macintosh computer class and gave some
excellent instruction to the young students. Terry has energy for new and interesting
technologies and I count him as a great friend.
Mac Directory
Mac Galleries
Mac Web Sites
- S. Wozniak
No one is more dedictated to the cause of the Mac than this man. He lives, breathes, eats Mac without being a nerd. He is
COOL. Terry White is extremely generous with his time and knowledge regarding Mac and couldn't be more helpful to all. He
created a Mac User group, MacGroup-Detroit and has been tireless in sharing as much info and experiences with the group
as possible. Through his reputation and efforts this group has grown to over 1000 members. He could be called the "Mac
- E. Hunter
These past few weeks, MacGroup
members have celebrated the honor
of not only doing something nice
for our illustrious leader, but totally
surprising him in the process.
Through the driving efforts of
Phyllis Evans, MacGroup members
(you know are, because we really
don’t know exactly whom and how
many) nominated Terry White for
induction into the “Insane Greats
Mac Fans” Hall of Fame at http:
After writing my nomination for
Terry in July, I heard nothing more
until I found a great big “Thank you”
email from Terry in September,
expressing his shock and thanking
MacGroup-Detroit members for
this honor.
It was too irresistible to
not go to the web page to see
who else was nominated. http://
Steve Jobs, of course, Guy
Kawasaki, Steve Wozniak, Richard
Dreyfuss, Scott Kelby and our
Terry White. For us Mac fans, we
know that this is an impressive list.
I took the time to read all of the
write-ups on the nominees and was
impressed that Terry’s write-up was
longer than any of the others, and
he seemed to be the only nominee
who actually had a nomination from
MacGroup-Detroit members
have some (more) serious bragging
rights here. Congratulations on your
award and induction Terry.
Job Listings
News & Articles
Product Directories
Service Directories
Terry founded MacGroup-Detroit when the first Mac arrived and has been its president and leader ever since. He has
probably owned every Mac ever made. His home is a network of Macs- both wired and wireless. He even uses a 20th
Anniversary Mac to serve MP3s to his music system. Terry is into digital photography, digital video and all things
Macintosh. He has been selfless in helping others suceed on the platform. Terry White is the most "insanely great" Mac Fan
in the state of Michigan.
- A. J. Frenkel
Who's Who Directories
Designed, developed, maintained and served entirely on Mac OS X
Chita E. Hunter
Served By, Hardware: PowerMax Refurbished iMac, Marathon Computer iRack, iForce upgrade card by PowerLogix
Served By, Software: Mac OS X, QuickDNS, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Copyright ©2002, Inc. and its licensors. - All Rights Reserved.
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Page 1 of 1
MacNews - October 2002 7 Review
Jim Nichols
latest version of
iTunes (3.0) and
the latest iPod
firmware update
(1.2) there is now
support for Audio
am not a big
book reader, but enjoy listening to
audio books and vintage radio serials while driving, so when this was
announced I decided to give it a
try. You can try them out with no
obligation and get a 1 hour interview with John Lasseter from Pixar
from the Robin Williams interviews
series which I highly recommend.
Or join one of their 2 plans and
get 2 Whoppi Goldberg interviews
with Robin Williams, and 10 blank
CDR’s (if you don’t have an iPod or
supported MP3 player and want to
listen to the books in a CD player
you can burn them to CD). For
$14.95 per month you can chose
any 1 audio book and any Subscription Program that varies from News,
NPR programming, Magazines and
Audible Originals such as the Robin
Williams series. Or choose any 2
audio books for $19.95 per month.
There is no commitment, you can
cancel at anytime. You can also buy
more at their full price if you chose
as they vary from approximately
$0.99 - $39.95. Once you make your
selection you choose what quality
you want (smaller, lower quality size in 2001 called
files are offered if you have an MP3 “Black House” also
player with limited storage) and just
narrated by Frank
download it to your Mac and it will Muller which runs
start playing in iTunes as soon as the 23 hours long.
download is complete.
Other portable
I signed up for the $14.95 per MP3 players are
month plan and chose “The Talis- supported (and sold at audible) if
man” by Stephen King and Peter you do not own an iPod (you do
Straub, narrated by Frank Muller(1). not need a portable player to listen
This is the unabridged version and
to audible content on the Mac, just
runs 29 hours long. The great thing iTunes3), check the web site for a
about audible books is the automatic
complete list.
bookmarking it does for you. If you
stop listening to the book and switch Check it out and tell them “evilbibo”
to music or just turn it off it will pick
sent you.
up where you left off, no need to
h t t p : / / w w w. a p p l e . c o m / i p o d /
write down the time count on the
player. Or if you listen to it on your
iPod for awhile then sync the iPod
with iTunes, it will pick up where
you left off on the iPod and play it in Mac OSX
iTunes and vise versa. It’s an Apple iTunes3
product, it just works!
Audible support in the iPod is only
My wife Ryanne and I recently
available to users with Mac OS X.
took a trip to Wisconsin and listened
Side note: Stephen King(2) and
to about 5 hours of the book on the Frank Muller are both Mac users,
drive there and another 5.5 on the Frank has recorded many audio
drive home. Then another 5.5 books at his home studio “Wave
hours worth on the drive to and back Dancer Audio”(3) using a PowerMac
from the AppleStore Grand opening G4 & Digidesign Pro Tools.
in Novi. Now we are listening to
(1) From - “Frank
the rest of the book as as a bedtime Muller, one of the leading audiostory (yes Stephen King before bed, book narrators in the world, was
no nightmares so far) which works
critically injured in a motorcycle
out great with the new sleep timer accident in California in November
added to the latest iPod firmware. (2001). There is a chance that Frank’s
Our next choice is going to be the
injuries will keep him from ever
sequel to “The Talisman” released
working again. ..... Frank is making
steady progress in his recovery. He
moved to a transitional living center
in the early summer and is working
hard on walking on his own. He is
also listening to recordings of his
own narrations to help him regain
his speech intelligibility.”
MacNews - October 2002
Tips and Tricks
by Phyllis Evans
Like many, I’m still waiting for
OS X drivers for my Canon scanner.
The shareware application VueScan
works to an extent with my scanner,
but it’s not the same as my standard
method of scanning directly into
Photoshop. Well, there is a way to
still use Photoshop with my scanner,
as long as the OS 9 plug-in is present in the Plug-Ins folder. Simply
highlight the PhotoShop application icon, do a “Get Info” and select
“Open in Classic” from the options.
The same procedure also works with
Photoshop Elements.
Digging Through Folders
While Jaguar brought back popopen folders, it only works if you are
dragging a file into a folder. I missed
the ability to just click on a folder
and dive through three or four levels
to get to a document or application.
Well, I found a way around the OS X
limitation. I dragged my drive icon
into the dock. Now, clicking on the
icon in the dock pops up a hierarchical menu that I can dig through
up to five levels to find what I want.
Any folder or drive that is added to
the dock behaves the same way.
iCal Trick
If you right-click on an event in
iCal, you will get a list of your local
calendars. Select the calendar that
you wish to move the item to and it
will be moved to that calendar. You
can also double-click on an event
to bring up a ‘get info’ window that
allows you to move it, add an alarm
or a note, and make other modifications.
Screen Capture
Jaguar has given us one more
way to do a screen capture in addition to Shift-Command-3 to grab the
entire screen and Shift-Command-4
to select a section. Press Shift-Command-4, then hit the spacebar. A
camera comes up along with a movable overlay that allows you to select
a window, a menu bar, an icon or
the entire desktop. Try it.
Mac OS X Killer Tips
If you buy only one book on
Jaguar, make it Scott Kelby’s Mac
OS X Killer Tips from New Riders
Publishing. It is over 250 pages of
nothing but sidebar tips that cover
everything from managing the Dock
to troubleshooting problems. There
are also generous sections on working with iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes
and all of the other applications
that come with OS X. If you are
one of the few who have never read
anything by Scott Kelby, be prepared. His style is totally irreverent
and thoroughly enjoyable. There
is nothing dry about his books. To
paraphrase, “Buy it, you’ll like it.”
A Tip From Alan Frenkel
I was reading the October issue
of “MacAddict”. There was an article
called “101 Tips”. One concerned all
of the extra language files that OS X
installs. There is a Freeware application named DeLocalizer at http:// He does not
guarantee that it will work with OS
X v10.2 but it did on both my trusty
old G3 and my G4 PowerBook. It
removed about 420MB of unneeded
files on each - especially useful on
the 10GB drive in my PowerBook.
One warning - the program seems to
hang for a good number of minutes
with a message like, “Preparing,”
but give it time. It will complete the
job and then report how many megs
were saved.
The double-dip is this. I had
the install disk image still mounted
and was going to drag the installer
to my PowerBook over the network
(well, they’re really only 2 feet apart).
When I logged on to the G3 from
my PowerBook I was asked which
volume I wanted to mount, and one
of them was the installer image! I
mounted it and simply dragged the
installer out of it to the desktop of
the PowerBook. Bet ‘ya didn’t know
that you could mount a disk image
over a network! I sure didn’t.
MacNews - October 2002 9
Upgrade Your Older Mac
(Pre X) Keep those older Macs
running along smoothly. You can
get upgrade cards for many older
Macs, with some of them even
capable of running OS X! The
best place to look for upgrades
is at the link below . They have
reader opinions, benchmarks,
costs, tips, tricks, and more for
all available upgrades. Give that
old Mac new life.
Possible Lockup Source
(Pre X) If you run Microsoft software, it may be causing some problems for you that you cannot diagnose. Take a look inside your Preferences folder and locate a file called PPC Registration Database. Quit
all Microsoft software, toss the file in the trash and empty it, then
re-launch a Microsoft application. This will re-link all the ugly Microsoft
junk and may fix your problem.
Keeping Things Clean
(Pre X) Optimizing your hard drive can help clean things up a bit. You have three
main applications that do this. Each can do the job and we’re not going to play
favorites here today. The applications are: Norton Utilities, Disk Warrior Utilities,
Tech Tool Pro. It may not give you a huge speed increase and you may think it
useless but if you have an older Mac and hard drive space is limited, this may
help things a bit.
Desktop Folder
(Pre X) When you connect to
another Mac over a network, you
will see an additional folder on
the hard drive called Desktop
Folder. This usually invisible folder can be seen when mounting
a shared volume. Opening this
folder will show you all items on
the desktop of that shared volume. Sometimes you might wish
to view this window in list view to
see all the available items.
Don’t Be A Slasher
(Pre X) If you share files with
Windows users and now OS X
users, it might be a good idea
not to include a slash “/” in the
name of the file or folder. While
Macs running OS 9 and earlier
can have file names with a slash
in them, other OSes cannot. (Mac
users like the slash because they
often place dates in file names.)
OS X deals with slashes a bit differently. It will accept a slash in a
name in the Finder, but looking at
the file with the Terminal changes
the slash to a colon, something
older Macs cannot use in a file
name. Even stranger is that you
cannot place a slash in the name
of a file when saving that file but
you can place it in the name after
the file has been saved (from
the Finder). To avoid confusion,
just don’t place a slash in the file
name to begin with.
Trim Down
(Pre X) Rid yourself of any fonts you don’t regularly use. This will improve your
Macs response time to, well, everything. A large number of fonts can really slow
down a Mac. So if you really don’t use them, remove them.
Dialup Spoiler
(Pre X) Serial Port Monitor is an application that is installed when you install the
Palm Desktop application. Sometimes this Serial Port Monitor can cause problems, especially with dialup and printing. Open your System Folder and then
open the Startup Items and remove the Serial Port Monitor alias. If you hot sync
with a Palm, you can always double-click it and start it before you sync.
Have Mouse, Will Travel
Kensington makes a most unique mouse for travelers. Called the Pocket Mouse
Pro, it’s an optical mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel and a little something extra. If you press a small silver button on the left-hand-side of the mouse,
a latch will drop down, revealing a USB connector attached to a cable. If you pull
the USB plug, you’ll pull a cable along with it. This mouse also has a retractable
cable, allowing it to be put away without tangling. Check out the Kensington
Pocket Mouse Pro here!
Background Move
To move any windows in the background, hold the Command key before you
click on the window title bar. Then you can move background windows without
first selecting them.
Pre X Tip -- Pop Up
Drag any open window to the bottom of your screen and it creates a pop up window. Take your recent documents folder and place it at the bottom. Now you can
quickly a cess all your recent documents at the click of a mouse. To make things
even better, change the view in the folder to buttons. Now one click will launch
your documents AND close the window.
Fast Filler
Use Auto Fill to ease the task of entering data
on web sites. Open Internet Explorer and head
to the preferences. Choose Auto Fill from the left
side and fill in all your info. You can even enter
other data like usernames and numbers. Try it
and see how it can work for you.
MacNews - October 2002
Look At Your Privates
(X Tip) Because OS X is UNIX or
UNIX lite, or a derivative thereof,
you have some invisible files you
should know about. You really
shouldn’t mess with them unless
you know what you’re doing but it
is OK to look around a bit. Head to
the Go menu and select Go To Folder. When the window pops up, type
in /private and press OK. You’ll see
several subdirectories with names
like etc, var, tmp, Aunt Thelma,
and more. These folders contain
some of the techie files your Mac
needs. One place of interest are the
log files that are located in the var
directory. Take a look around and
The Console application is very
useful for looking for any strangeness happening with your OS X
system. Open the Console application and take a look at your logs. If
you can’t find any, choose to open
a log and enter the /private to get
to your log files. Now the layperson
will never be able to decipher these
and I wouldn’t recommend it. But
you can take a look and see what’s
there so you know. We all learn,
and learning to look at the logs is a
good start.
Microsoft Software
(X Tip) Users of Office for OS X
need to know that when they quit
any of the applications (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Entourage),
Microsoft sends a packet back to .
. . somewhere. It travels over ports
between 3000 and 4000 and I have
yet to get a good answer on why.
It could drive Firewalls crazy so you
do need to know.
AppleTalk Issue
(X Tip) Just for your knowledge, if
you run OS X and turn on AppleTalk, that protocol is active. Apple-
Talk (unless you specify otherwise)
will automatically obtain an “Address” by talking to other Macs on
your network. If you start the Classic environment, Classic will obtain
yet another AppleTalk address. So
your Mac actually has two separate
AppleTalk addresses. This can lead
to some problems with printers. Not
much can be done about it, but it is
good to know.
What Exactly IS
NetInfo is a database that keeps
information about your OS X Mac.
It can be read from and written to
and actually is a collection of hidden files that, when looked at by a
particular application, appears as a
single database. Apple is teaching
classes on NetInfo, networking, and
Time Change Anomalies
Changing time zones on your
computer can cause applications to
act a bit strange when restarted.
For example, Virtual PC users who
save their PC “states” will notice
the state is unusable when the time
zone has been switched. OS X users
of Microsoft Office will notice that
any Office application must re-link
itself with its various other products
causing a longer than normal initial
startup. Some applications may forget a recent file listing. Just things
to keep in mind when changing
those time zones.
You Belong To Me
OS X still uses resource forks for
backwards compatibility but new
files do not contain resource forks,
only data forks. Regardless of why,
it is up to OS X users to understand
how to change a file’s extension.
This may be important for a couple
of reasons: Say you edit Web
pages. You don’t want your favorite
Web browser to open a file with a
.html extension all of the time, you
want it opened with Adobe GoLive,
or BBEdit, or something less great.
You will need to click on the file and
press Command-I for Show Info.
Then use the drop-down menu and
choose Open with application and
you can change which application
is responsible for opening that file.
You can also hit the “Change All”
button at the bottom of the window
for a more universal change.
Dock The Dock
Some people are never satisfied.
First Apple introduces the Dock.
People say, ‘We want to move it!’
Apple releases 10.1 which now allows the dock to be positioned on
the right or left as well as the bottom and people say, ‘We want to
anchor it in a corner!’ So I say,
download TinkerTool and use one
of the many tricks in TinkerTool to
anchor your Dock.Get TinkerTool.
Out Of Sight Out Of
If you are an administrator at home
or work, there are certain applications that you should move to keep
regular users from fiddling with
them. Now they can’t do any harm
without an administrator password, but if they’ve never seen OS
X before then hiding these apps
means they’ll never miss them. You
might wish to place them in your
Documents folder. They are, NetInfo
Manager, Directory Setup, Terminal,
ProcessViewer, Console, AirPort
Admin Utility, Disk Utility, and maybe
Network Utility. Now these are not
‘must move’ apps but they can
reduce clutter and you, the admin,
can still get to them when you log
AirPort Peer To Peer
OS X Users can create their own peer
to peer network with their AirPort
cards without a Base Station. With
your AirPort card active, head to the
AirPort icon on your menu bar and
choose Create Network. Place the
name of the network in the first box
and a password if you want to restrict
it. Choose a channel and click OK.
Now tell others in your immediate
area to go to their AirPort icons (OS 9
users will go to their control strip) and
choose the network name you specified. Now you can turn on File Sharing
and share the files to your friends.
Fire your registrar? You
bet -- you’re the boss!
If you’ve registered a WWW
name, you know there are
hundreds of companies -called “registrars” -- competing for your business. So what
if the registrar you selected
is falling short regarding the
service they promised? Maybe
the advertised features that
drew you in don’t work the
way you like. Or maybe a
friend has told you about a
better deal. Now what? Are
you stuck with an under-performing registrar? No! Many
folks don’t realize there’s a
way out: You always have
the option to “transfer” your
domain name(s) from one
registrar to another. It’s easy
to find out what registrars
charge to transfer domains.
But be careful! Read the
transfer terms and conditions.
In fact, what if the price is big
and the terms and conditions
are real small and long? That
might be your tip-off to give
that registrar a pass. Your
transfer terms should be up
front, clear and understandable. And if the registrar to
whom you’re transferring your
name offers a proven reputation for first-class service,
low prices AND a money-back
guarantee, that’s the icing on
the cake! So if you’re looking
for more in a registrar, don’t
wait until your registration is
about to expire. Transfer your
domain to a registrar who
gives you the level of service
you deserve, prices you can
afford and products you need.
You’re the boss -- demand the
best registrar!
There is something for
everyone at this site.
Whether you’re considering buying a laptop, PDA
(personal digital assistant), or just components
like chips or keyboards, features price
and feature comparisons
on all sorts of hardware.
Interested in computer
games? has the
info you seek. Want reviews of new software releases? News about manufacturers? Industry info?
Check out Go
here for the site.
Web Site Popularity
Want to know how popular your web site is compared to other web sites?
If so, you should try a
freeware program called
Link Popularity Check.
All you have to do is
download and install the
program and enter your
web site address along
with the addresses of any
competitors you want to
check for comparison and
run the check.
Go here to download.
Picture placement
When you’re cropping an
image to use on your site
take into account the Rule
of Thirds. It will help you
draw your viewer’s eye
into the image. To apply
this rule, mentally divide
MacNews - October 2002 11
the crop area into nine
equal parts using two vertical and two horizontal
lines (think of it as creating a Tic Tac Toe board on
the image). Position the
focal point of your image
on one of the points
where the vertical and
horizontal lines intersect.
You’ll find you end up with
a more pleasing composition than if the focus is
positioned dead center.
When not to be direct
There are times when
not being direct can pay
big dividends and one
of those times is when
you’re creating links to
other people’s Web sites.
If you create your link to
a page somewhere deep
in their site’s hierarchy
you’ll risk the page being
moved or removed leaving your visitors stranded
with a 404 not found
error. Instead, consider
linking to the site’s home
page and explain to your
visitors how they can find
the information from
there. It’s far less likely
that a site’s home page
will alter location so your
links will stay fresher for
Specialized Browsers
If you have special interests
such as wrestling, sports, motorcycle racing, re erence work, or
news, why not try a specialized
browser to match your specialty.
You’ll find a set of custom
browsers at 4ComTech Browers.
MacNews - October 2002
Get Info
In Jaguar Rocks!
First, you can once
again open as many
individual Get Info windows as you like. OS 9
had multiple Get Info
windows and now, so
does OS X.
Not impressed? How
about this: Every folder
and disk has a new option so you can index
its content or delete its
index with a click.
Still not jumpin’ for joy?
OK... here’s the biggie
-- one you’re certain to
appreciate: Administrators can change Ownership and Permissions
right in the Get Info
window! Now, if you’re
using a Mac and it tells
you that a folder belongs to someone else
(like “System”), you can
fix it right in the Get
Info window. Yippee...
But wait, there’s more:
If you screw things up,
just open Disk Utility
and click the First Aid
tab, where you’ll see
two new buttons:
Verify Disk Permissions
Repair Disk Permissions
They diagnose permissions problems, or if
you prefer, just fix them
for you.
New Calculator
Jaguar sports a totally
new Calculator. After 18
years, it probably was
time to offer something
more than the basic
bare bones 4 function
calc. Anyways, there
are two killer features
of the new calculator.
First, the paper tape is
live - make a mistake in
a previous calculation?
Just go back and edit it
and everything will be
The best feature though
is the currency conversion that uses a webservice so you can be
sure that your conversions are using up-todate information. Another transparent use of
the net in Jaguar.”
Scroll Sideways
In Jaguar we now have
the ability to scroll sideways using the scrollwheel of a mouse. Simply hold down the Shift
key before scrolling. It
works in the half-dozen
programs (including
BBEdit and PhotoShop!
YEA!) and it’s a great
tip to know!
New Commands
Making an alias in OS X
is NOT Command-M as
it used to be, but Command-L now. Creating a
new folder used to be
Command-N and is
now Command-Shift-N.
Command-M will minimize the current active Finder window and
Command-N will open a
new Finder window.
Entourage-toAddress Book
Easy Contact Migration-a few clicks and you’re
1) Open Entourage’s
Address Book.
2) Select All Contacts.
(Entourage:Edit->Select All)
3) Send Contacts as
vCard to your
email account.
(Entourage:Contact>Forward as vCard)
4) Select the message
in Inbox.
5) Save attachments
into a new folder.
6) Import vCards into
Address Book. (Address
That’s it! Now all of
your contacts from Entourage are available to
all Address Book savvy
It’s easy. It’s fast. Best
of all, it works.
Shirley Weichel
MacNews - October 2002 13
MacGroup-Detroit Volunteer Help Lines
Can Help With
Contact via
Hours Available
Loretta Sangeorzan
Clarisworks, MS Word 5.1, Beginnersgraphics
Tue., Fri., Sat., Sun.
Vicki Burkholder
Word Perfect 3.5, Superpaint, HyperCard, FileMaker Pro, Lotus
Most evenings after 6pm
Ralph Marontate
Adobe FrameMaker, Photoshop, Superpaint
Mon., Tue., Wed. evenings
Mary Grey
Chita Hunter
Illustrator, MS Excel, PageMaker, Freehand, QuarkXPress
Most evenings before 9pm
Chuck Freedman
Mac Hardware and OS thru OS9.x,
Quark XPress, Basic Photoshop, CD/
DVD authoring,
Alan Frenkel
General, Claris, Quicken, Networks
Leave message or e-mail - most evenings 7-11pm
Jerry McBride
Utilities, MS Word 5, PageMaker 6,
Illustrator 6, Freehand 5.5, Clarisworks
4, Painter 3.1, many other graphic
Mon.-Sat. 4-9pm
Howard Parsons
PageMill, Nisus, Excel, Canvas
e-mail checked daily. by
telephone Thurs. evenings,
Terry White
Mac questions in general, Adobe Products, Digital Video, Networking
Apple Events
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MacNews - October 2002
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line. Each month there is
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MacNews published in
Adobe Acrobat PDF
format. You can get your
copy of Mac News a week
before the meeting at http:/
macnews.html or on the
MacGroup BBS
MacNews - October 2002 15
Dealers, hardware/software vendors,
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Keep all your cables connected to the dock and then just plug in the
PowerBook when you return to your desk.
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Bring a friend to the next meeting!
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MacGroup Meetings:
October 20, 2002
November 17, 2002
December 14, 2002
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We meet every 3rd or 4th Sunday
of the Month....
Don’t miss our next Meeting!
October • Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
November • The much requested “How To” Meeting
December • Special Guest - Scott Kelby - on a Special Day
Saturday, December 14, 2002
3-–5 PM at the
Bloomfield Township Public Library
1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Lone Pine and Telegraph Rd.
PO Box 760399
Lathrup Village MI 48076-0399
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