Volume Two, Issue Two, March 2007


Volume Two, Issue Two, March 2007
Books. Movies.Games. Anime.and more...
Reviews you can trust.
Vol. 2, Issue 2
Special Fantasy
March 2007
word inside
Meet the Critics:
Ella Enchanted
Never Been Kissed
Immortals series
Christmas in the Civil War
Gone with the Wind
Snail Mail No More
Fooly Cooly
Scrambled Eggs at Midnight
Case Closed
Gossip Girl series
The Thumbs
Aaron Choi
Allison Tilles
Lont Evoll
Jenna Taylor
Shannon Louie
-LRachel Isaac
Sadie McMurrin
Kynan Welsh
Learn more on page 6
Join the Club
Do you want to be a critic?
Contact Amy Kaplan, Children and Teens
Librarian at Briarcliff Manor Public Library.
733-3612 or abgkaplan@gmail.com
The opinions expressed in the reviews are not
necessarily the opinion of the Library. The appropriateness of the materials reviewed is not for the
Public Library to determine and the students are
encouraged to review whatever they’d like—
therefore, we encourage parents to be involved in
and be aware of their children’s book, movie,
television, gaming, and music choices.
Scrambled Eggs at
By Brad Barkley & Heather Helper
Critic: Shannon
The evening
before leaving, her father wakes
her up for a midnight meal: scrambled eggs and bacon. As they ate,
Dolores is packing up the car with their belongings. She’ll never see her father again. The
scrambled eggs at midnight will be the last time
they’ll be together, at least for a very long time.
It’s then time to say goodbye.
Calliope, a.k.a. Cal, has traveled all around the
country with her mom, Dolores. Ever since they
left Cal’s father, it’s been non-stop traveling.
Spend a few months here, a few months there.
Upon arriving to New Location #24, Cal hopes
she’ll stay here longer than her previous homes.
While her mother works, as a jewelry maker and
wench, at a Medieval Times Renaissance Fair, Cal
goes to explore the town. In an old bookstore,
she meets Eliot, son of a highly religious Christian
father who owns a “fat camp” to help overweight
people, children and adults, lose weight. Since
the day they met, Cal and Eliot spent a lot of time
together and eventually fall in love.
While Cal and Eliot see each other, Dolores has a
fling with her co-worker, Phi, a stuck-up jouster.
When Dolores announces that they’re traveling
again, this time to follow Phi on his way to success, Cal finally stands up for herself. She tells
her mother that she’s sick and tired of moving
from one location to another. She’s fed up with
her mother for assuming that her relationship with
Eliot is just a summer fling that won’t mean anything in the near future. Cal just wants to stay in
one place for more than a few months, especially
now that there’s Eliot. It seems as if it’s time to
crack out the old frying pan for a painful farewell.
But two possibilities lie in Cal’s future: will she
stay with Eliot and be happy or will she be forced
against her will and travel with her mother?
Ella Enchanted
By Gail Carson Levine
Critic: Lont Evoll
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Lucinda didn’t intentionally
“curse” Ella. She was only
trying to give Ella a Gift with
her fairy magic, the Gift of
Obedience. Now, Ella, a young
daughter of a merchant father and no mother, is
trying to live a normal life. But, if anyone found
out that she would have to follow any order she
was told, she could be in great danger. Ella soon
finds life is not so easy as she learns new secrets
of friends and meets new people/creatures on a
journey to find the fool Fairy, Lucinda, to expel
the “gift” that had been given to
her. Ella’s journey is a humorous,
creative and life-solving adventure
written by Gail Carson Levine.
Gone with the Wind
Directed by Victor Fleming
Writing Credits Margaret Mitchell
Genre: Romance Rated: G
Critic: Aaron Choi
Scarlett O’Hara, the southern rich girl who enjoys
the social life and the attention of every single rich
male in town, is the central figure in this famous
movie. Set in the Civil War era, her town and her
luxurious mansion are destroyed by Northern soldiers. Although Scarlett was in love with a man
named Ashley, that love was unrequited. She is
determined to return to her rich lifestyle and find
happiness, and in time is swept off her feet by
Rhett Butler, the handsome and incredibly wealthy
gentleman. The happy marriage is only shortlived, as Rhett believes that she only wants him
for his money, but she really is still in love with
Ashley. Only when it’s too late, and Rhett Butler
leaves her, does Scarlett realize that she was truly
in love with Rhett. The movie ends with her
promising to move on in life, paving the way for
the sequel.
Case Closed
By Gosho Aoyama
Genre: Murder Mystery, Manga, Humor
Critic: Lont Evoll (for ages 12+)
Jimmy Kudo (Japanese name, Kudo
Shinichi) is infamously known
around Japan. He is a 16-year-old
high school detective, sometimes
referred to as “The Modern Sherlock
Holmes.” He is every mystery’s enemy. There isn’t
any in Japan he cannot solve. But when coming
home from a carnival, he is knocked unconscious by
men in black, suspicious coats. He was drugged
with poison and supposed to die, but when he woke
up, to his surprise, he was still alive!! Only one thing
was wrong...he had the body of an elementary
school student!! When Dr. Herschel Ayusa (Dr. Hiroshi Ayusa), Kudo’s mad scientist friend, finds him, he
is shocked to see Kudo this way and tries to help
him. But then Jimmy’s elementary sweet-heart, Rachel Moore (Mouri Ran), sees Dr. Herschel and
Jimmy, and thinking Jimmy is just a little boy, she is
convinced that the boy is Conan Edogawa (two book
author’s names mixed together: Conan Doyle and
Edogawa Rampo) and he is Dr. Herschel’s nephew.
Dr. Herschel supposedly has no time to take care of
him, so “Conan” finds himself moving into Rachel’s
house. One good thing about this is that her father
is a second-class detective, so Conan can keep on
new cases. As Conan lives with Rachel, mysteries
are cracked, secrets revealed, and more and more
suspense and fun! I loved this book because it is a
mystery manga that is full of suspense
and surprises!! It shows many detective cases better than Scooby-Doo!!
Never Been Kissed
Rated: PG-13
Critic: Shannon Louie
Josie Gellar, a 25year-old and the youngest editor of
“The Chicago Times” newspaper, has
a dream to be a reporter. She’s finally given the
chance when she’s assigned to go undercover as a
senior high school student and find the best story
possible. With bad memories from high school, she
has trouble fitting in, but with the help of her
brother, Rob, who also enrolled in high school,
and is a 23-year-old with dreams of being a baseball player, she becomes one of the popular people, something that she’s never been in her
whole life. She’s also attracted to one of her
teachers, Sam Coulsen, who happens to be attracted to her as well, but he thinks Josie is only
17. If Josie blows her cover and she doesn’t
have a good enough story it will cost her job and
her reputation.
This is a romantic comedy starring Drew Barrymore as Josie, Michael Varden as Sam and David
Arquette as Rob. An overall great movie.
The Immortals series
By Tamora Pierce
Critic: Jenna Tyler
Did you read
the books I told
you to read?
The amazing
ones by Tamora Pierce? Well if
you took my esteemed advice
you would know that her books are good. Now
the Alanna books were for either a boy or a girl,
but these are just for girls. Sorry guys!
The Immortals series are about a girl named
Daine. This girl believes she has a knack for animals. She never found an animal that didn’t like
her. She finds out that her knack is actually
magic. Wild magic. A magic that most die from.
It is hard to control but when it is controlled it
can let you talk to and order around animals.
Daine, as she is still alive, struggles with her
magic and finds out the amazing truth about her
parent and the hard to accept truth that she
must stop the immortals from coming in. Can
she do it? Will Tortall have to sit like prey waiting for the Stormwings and Spidrens to kill them?
Find out for yourself. (Or if you aren’t going to
read them, ask me.)
Christmas in the Civil War
Critic: Sadie McMurrin or you
may call her Skippy McPearl
This movie takes place during a
year of the Civil War. During
this time, many families in the
South were having crises.
These included, men in the
family dying, being attacked by
the Yankees, and having to give up
their homes, livestock and food.
Most of the shots that are taken in
the movie, are of Southern families. That is not to
say that the Northerners weren’t important.
fought more in their territory. This movie is good for
anyone who lives in the South or the North. They
can learn much about their history.
Snail Mail No More
By Paula Danziger & Ann M. Martin
Critic: Allison Tilles
Snail Mail No More
is the sequel to P.S.
Longer Letter Later. It is a very
good book. The people switch
from letters to email and they face
more issues - some a little bigger
There are also some interesting facts in this movie.
as a new baby and an alcoholic
One is that the modern Santa Claus was created durfather. You will discover all the rest of the issues
ing a Christmas of the Civil War. Thomas Nast was
the official creator of the Santa Claus that Christians when you read the book. It is a good book for girls
know and love today. As said, our Santa Claus was- ages 10 –13.
n’t created by Coca-Cola. In the movie, there are
Fooly Cooly
many sad and romantic things that happen, so if
(FLCL/Furi Curi)
you’re watching this movie, make sure you have a
box of Kleenex in your hand! Even though you may
Critic: -Lthink that watching a movie about the Civil War and
Christmas is boring, it is not just that. This movie is Fooly Cooly is probably the
not only about these two topics, but it’s also about
best anime show that you’ll
the sacrifices that the Northerners and Southerners
ever see in your life. It’s
alike had to make to live. For example, since the
funny, extremely entertainfather was away fighting for his side’s rights, the
ing, and best of all, it’s
mother had to do the hunting. That meant walking
anime! Plus, you don’t have to enjoy anime to love
through the freezing, wet snow, with only a dress
it. Fooly Cooly is about a boy named Takum whose
and a petticoat, and chapped hands. This also
brother is a famous baseball player in America. His
meant that the children had to take care of thembrother’s old girlfriend hangs out with Takum a lot
selves, and sometimes they didn’t even get to eat
and likes to skip school. Takum secretly has a crush
meals. But, even though this must have been hard
on her though. As Takum says himself, nothing ever
enough, there was more. The worst thing that could amazing happens in their small little town, at least,
happen to a family, was a death. Actually, this was
not until the strange Vespa woman appears and
a lie, that is not the very worst thing that could hap- leaves her mark on Takum. As soon as she comes,
pen, there is something that nothing can top. What Takum starts growing strange horns and robots start
this thing is, is stolen farm animals, burned down
appearing out of nowhere. Luckily the Vespa
houses and barns, and much more.
woman, who just happens to be Takum’s new
nanny, comes to stop the robots. Well, that’s what
Even though these horrible things happened, there
Takum thinks that she’s here for. The only advice I
was still a bright side, for us anyway. We won the
can give you, is to watch Fooly
war, and, even though we are still fighting for part
Cooly. It is on DVD right now, and
of our freedom, that was a huge step. But, as all
is also on Adult Swim at 2:00 am.
bright things have a dark side, this one does, too.
has never been so good.
The Southerners obviously lost the war big time, and
their land was torn apart. This is because we
Gossip Girl series by Cecily von Zeigesar
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Critic: Aaron Choi
Critic: Rachel Isaac
Gossip Girl is a series of books by
The book Uglies tells the story of
a Utopia-like society where everyone is sent in for an operation
that will make them amazingly
beautiful, have a perfect immune
system, and never worry or be
angry. Ever. To Tally Youngblood,
the main character, this operation is
just what she needs. She impatiently waits for her sixteenth birthday where she will become pretty and a new, better
life of nonstop fun and partying will begin. While
waiting for this day, she performs many tricks, including going outside city limits. On one of her adventures, she meets a girl named Shay. She is also
waiting for the operation because her birthday is the
same as Tally’s. The two girls instantly become
friends. A few days before the operation, Shay tells
Tally that she isn’t sure that she wants to pretty and
that she thinks her regular, ugly self is just fine. This
is particularly shocking to Tally because everyone
wants to be pretty and you are not allowed to not
have the operation. The only way to not have it
would be to run away. Shay runs to a colony where
other people go to stay ugly and Tally must decide
to stay ugly and stick with her friend or to become
pretty just like she has always dreamed and show
the authorities where the ugly colony is.
I really liked this book because of the way that it
made me think. The book makes you think about society’s problems and what can be done to fix them
and what will only make them worse. The author
also uses good detail and gives you the ability to see
the story clearly in your head. Uglies by is an excellent book that I would recommend to anyone who
likes a good read.
Cecily von Zeigesar that are very
popular with teenagers. Gossip
Girl is the first novel, and the
nickname of a character in the
book. It is the story of several
high school students living on New
York City’s upper east side. The
book describes the lifestyle of the
rich teens who attend private school. The author
often includes details of behaviors that happen
among teenagers. The main characters are Blair
Waldorf, Serena van der Woodsen, Nate Archibald,
Dan Humphrey, Jenny Humphrey,
and Vanessa Abrams. So far there
are 10 novels in the series.
Don’t miss our
next meeting
Join Ms. McCabe & Amy Kaplan
May 10, 2007 at 6:00 pm
Contact Ms. McCabe at BMS Library or
Amy Kaplan at Briarcliff Manor Public Library
with any questions:
1. Extraordinary powers of the supernatural
2. Half woman, half fish
2. When she looks at you, you turn to stone
4. horseman
3. A winged horse of Greek mythology
5. Buffy the ______ Slayer
7. A monstrous beast, usually huge, winged-like reptile that spouts fire
6. Son of Venus
9. An imaginary, mischievous pest that disrupts any kind of activity
8. “My precious”
11. any kind of being
9. Ghouls, __________ & Ghosts
12. a being with human-like forms that possesses magical powers
10. Cousin of 3-Down
14. A slender rod made of wood that produces magic powers for wizards,
12. Lucy’s friend (Narnia)
Warlocks and witches
13. Hides the gold
15. A small devil/demon child
16. Evil spell
17. A human who transforms according to the moon
17. Harry Potter
19. fiery bird
18. Salem ________ Trials
21. Male magic user
20. Raised from the dead, or you on a Monday morning
22. A liquid made for medical or poisonous purposes, usually magical
22. Tinkerbell
23. Santa’s helper
24. Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum chanters
24. Aladdin’s companion
25. Soaring tapestry
28. what kind of monster Shrek is
26. Evil wizard
Aaron Choi
4 years old.
er and
mother, fath
lives with her
ors are
favorite auth
d E. Lockhar
Kate Brian an
meet the critics
Sadie McMurrin
or you may
call her Skippy McPearl
Allison Tilles
or you may
call her Sasha Emerald Ruby McPearl
She likes adventure books, and
fantasy and realistic fiction. She
loves books and she hates homework; and she likes movies and
comic books.
She lives in Briarcliff Manor, New York in
the middle of America. She was born at
8:30 pm in Vermont in Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. When she was eight years old, she
moved to New York with her mom, dad, and younger
adopted sister, Grace. She is now 12 years old, and
goes to Briarcliff Manor Middle School and is in the
6th grade. Her sister scares her sometimes.
Sam Kimm
Shannon Louie
Lont Evoll is a 12 year old student
attending Briarcliff Middle School. He loves
to draw and crack logical codes. He loves to
play mind-benders and mind exercisers such
as Sudoku. He likes to read murder mystery
novels and he likes to fiddle with the computer and t.v. He LOVES ANIME. He LOVES
Shannon Louie is 14 and currently lives in
Briarcliff Manor, NY. She lives with her
mom, dad, and younger brother. Shannon
has a pet bird, Happy. She loves to read,
maybe too much.
Mysterious detective
able to solve the case.
His true identity is unknown, but he goes under the
name Hideki Ryuga at TO-HO
University. Currently working on the Kira case,
he has two other identities. Penevue and Eraide
Coil. At age 19, -L- is a genius, and the only person able to contact him is another mysterious
man named Watari. Hopefully -L- will stop Kira
soon so he can do more reviews.
Jenna Taylor
Jenna Taylor is a twelve-year-old seventh grader in BMS who loves to read
and play soccer. She has two brothers,
Jim and Henry, snails, and a dog, named
Shannon. Jenna enjoys talking with her
friends and writing stories and poems.
She finds that many people are mispronouncing
her name. It is Jen-nay Tie-ler.
Rachel Isaac
Rachel Isaac is 13 years old and lives
in Briarcliff Manor. She lives with her
mother, father, brother, and dog,
Archie. Her favorite author of all
time is Roald Dahl. She plays the
saxophone and loves running street
Kynan Welsh
Age: 13, 7th grader
Favorite Genres: Adventure, Realistic Fiction, and Fantasy
Disliked Genres: Mystery, and
Favorite Book Topics: Animals, and
Fictional Creatures
Disliked Book Topics: Sports
Some Favorite Books:
Artemis Fowl series Chicken Boy
Spy Cat
Kite Fighters