2009-10 Year In Review


2009-10 Year In Review
Sarnia Hockey Association
2009 – 2010
Year in Review
MARCH 12, 1943 – APRIL 1, 2010
Lloyd Windover grew up near Petrolia where he played fastball and hockey with his
friends in the community. He was a member of the Junior Farmers Hockey team.
Lloyd attended Teacher’s college before attending the University of Western Ontario
where he obtained a B.A. in History. He taught for the Sarnia Board of Education, then later
with the Lambton County Board of Education. Lloyd taught at Lansdowne, Queen Elizabeth II,
High Park, and Confederation Central Public Schools. He also served as Vice Principal at
Lansdowne and Bosanquet Schools. Lloyd was active in school sports -- he coached soccer, two
pitch, floor hockey, volleyball, as well as supervising field days and cross country runs.
In the community, Lloyd was a member of the Lambton AAA as Second Vice President,
Secretary/Communications Director for Sarnia Hockey, and First Vice Chairman of the Sarnia
Minor Athletic Association. In 1993, Lloyd was involved in the formation of SMAA Inline
Hockey serving as inaugural secretary for that sport.
Lloyd was inducted into the Sarnia/Lambton Sports Hall of Fame in 2006. He was also
involved with the Sarnia Lakeshore Optimists in which he was instrumental in forming
Bluewater Musical Productions, Retired Teachers of Ontario, and the Imperial Theatre.
In addition, Lloyd often kept score-keeper and clock operator for local tournaments such
as Silver Stick, AAA Golden Blade, and Sarnia Hockey House League Xmas and March Break
tournaments. He also volunteered at the National Women’s Championships that were held in
Sarnia. Lloyd brought remarkable dedication and compassion to all the activities in which he
was involved. His generally quiet yet potent presence, not to mention his unique sense of
humour and infectious smile, will be sorely missed.
Lloyd was married to Ruth Ann for 43 years. They are the proud parents of 4 sons
Jamie, Darcy, Michael and Corey.
The Lloyd Windover Memorial Scholarship has been established in Lloyd’s honour. The
scholarship will be awarded to students attending post secondary education with a passion for
history. Donations can be made to the “Lambton/Kent District School Board”.
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On behalf of the Executive, I would like to welcome you to the Annual Sarnia Hockey
Association General Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Night.
Four new board members joined the executive committee this year. We continue to
grow and work towards making hockey in Sarnia an enjoyable and learning experience for the
I would like to thank all board members as they put a lot of time and effort into the
hockey season. For many of you, the hockey season starts in late August and ends in March.
Our season goes all year long and I really appreciate the commitment our board members have
made and the sacrifices they make for the association. Thank you and a job well done.
This year we lost a long time member of our association – Lloyd Windover. Lloyd played
an integral part in the formation of the Sarnia Hockey Association. He dedicated many years to
our organization and we thank him for that. His presence at our meetings will be sadly missed.
Thanks to all our House League sponsors, your support of our organization is
appreciated. I would also like to thank the Sarnia Sting organization – in particular the booster
club – for their continued support of our Rep program. Community minded sponsors, such as
those found in Sarnia Hockey, provide the much needed support Sarnia Hockey Association
needs to continue providing hockey to the youth of this community.
I would like to thank all volunteers – the coaches, trainers, team officials, managers,
referees and helpers on the bench - your efforts are appreciated as we all work together to make
hockey fun in Sarnia.
We ran 3 very successful tournaments this year – the Sarnia Atom/Midget North
American Silver Stick Finals (Chair John Mellor), the Tim Horton’s Christmas Break
Tournament (Chair Brian Slack) and the March Break Tournament (Chairs Pat Brethauer and
Jim Morrison). My gratitude to you and your volunteers for running fun successful
tournaments and look forward to even better ones next year.
Congratulations to all Sarnia Hockey Association Representative Teams – A/AA and MD
on your accomplishments and successful 2009-10 season.
The Instructional program continues to grow with another successful season in both the
competitive and no-competitive divisions. There was a lot of interest again this year, so in order
for every player to have a place to play we added more teams. Our objective is not only to
provide children some of the basic hockey skills but to provide those who are a little more
advanced, more complex drills to challenge them.
An area of concern for me in hockey is the way in which parents/bench staff act
towards the referees. There have been too many instances in the news this year where parents
and/or fans have become abusive towards the referee not only verbally but physically. We must
understand that mistakes are, and will be made, and our reaction to that must be controlled.
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We, as an association, will not tolerate yelling and screaming at officials – some who are
as young as 14. Referees are an integral component in the game of hockey and without them,
there is no game. We need to keep our emotions in check and consider “What am I really
accomplishing?” by yelling at the official. We need to set a good example for the kids on the ice
by behaving as adults, and not a poor one, by yelling and screaming when a mistake is made.
We all need to do a better job in this area.
Looking forward to the 2010-11 season, we have the challenge of the new HST. This will
make our task even tougher to address the ever increasing cost of playing hockey.
We are always looking for volunteers and if you would like to help us in some capacity,
please feel free to contact me.
Mike Johnson
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Sarnia Hockey Association
MAY 19, 2009
Mike Johnson, Chairperson
Kelly Lane Acting Secretary
Mike welcomed everyone to the 2009 Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Night. He
asked all who wanted to ask a question to rise, state their name and address the chair. He
reminded everyone to sign the guest book at the back of the room. He thanked Linda Lauzon
for putting together the AGM booklet and Paul Douglass and Wayne Scarrow for looking after
the refreshments. As there were a limited number of AGM booklets available, he advised that
the booklet was also available on the SHA website.
Mike asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the AGM in 2008.
MOTION #090519-001
“That the minutes of May 20, 2008 be accepted as circulated”(Desotti/Windover)
Mike asked if there were any issues or business arising from the minutes. None were
received from the floor.
Ted Pendle presented the Treasurer’s Report. He noted that at the end of April, Sarnia
Hockey had a balance of $175,360.31 which is $20,000 more than last year. It was noted the
costs were increasing and there would be an increase in registration costs this year. The
SHA registration process is changing and instructions with respect to this were on the SHA
MOTION #090519-002
“That the treasurer’s report be accepted as printed in the AGM Report”(Pendle/Douglass)
Mike called on David Palmer to speak to the house league report. David thanked all the
volunteers who had worked so hard to make the year a success. He thanked the new people
who came forward this year and went through the certification process especially the trainers.
Mike called on John Desotti to give his report. John thanked all the coaches and volunteers
for their efforts in making this year an excellent year. There were good practices and good
player development has occurred.
Mike asked Brian Slack for his report on the Christmas Tournament. Brian said he had
nothing to add from what was in the booklet. It was a success and the players had fun.
John Mellor mentioned that Silver Stick was a tremendous success this year and it was the
40th Anniversary. Silverstick raised $35,000 for Sarnia hockey. There were 217 volunteers
and local teams were very competitive.
Cindy MacNaughton reported that a lot of fun was had by all the participants in the March
Break Tournament, but more volunteers were needed.
SHA 2009-10
Mike asked Wayne Scarrow to highlight the policies passed from June 2008 to April 2009.
Wayne reviewed the minutes from the last season and has listed all policies passed at
regular meetings over the year. He asked that the policies will be read and then questions
will be answered. One motion will adopt all of those listed.
See Attached.
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MOTION #090519-002
“That the Policy Motion from June 2008 to May 2009 be accepted as
A cheque was presented to Sarnia Hockey Association for $310 from Beanstock which
represented the proceeds from the “SHA soap” sales.
The Adopt A Player program was explained and 50 players benefited from this program last
Tom Collins, Director of Instructional presented the Coach of the Year Award for Instructional
League to Tom Babcock. Tom indicated there was an excellent group of coaches in
Instructional this year and he had excellent feedback from parents.
Brian Miller Director of Novice House league presented the Coach of the Year Award to John
Drew Tucker Director of Atom House league presented the Coach of the Year Award to Mike
Chalmers. Drew indicated there were a lot of coaches and trainers at the Atom level which
made his job easier.
The Pee Wee Coach of the Year is Len Busby. Unfortunately he was unable to attend.
The Bantam Director Marc Bouffard’s speech was read as he was unable to attend. The
Coach of the Year Award went to Doug Graham.
David Palmer presented the Midget Coach of the Year Award. Tier 1 Award went to Marty
Gaulin and Tier 2 Award was presented to Tim Glover.
John Desotti presented the Coach of the Year Award for the A/AA Division to Jonathan
Taylor, Coach of the Minor Midget A team. Jonathan has many years experience and has
volunteered endless hours. He is enthusiastic and runs excellent practices.
Marty Gaulin presented the Coach of the Year Award for MD to Derek Rennie, coach of the
Minor Novice Tier 2 team. Although the team was not overly successful, it was a positive
experience for the kids and parents.
John Desotti advised he had received 48 coaching applications this year. It took three nights
to complete the interviews. The coaching selection committee consisted of Glenn Hall, Glen
LeCoer and Paul Burgess. Caroline Vallee, Drew Tucker and Marty Gaulin from the SHA
Executive also participated.
Mike advised there were a number of changes this year:
Sarnia Hockey introduced the new website.
We closed registration on 25 August.
Hockey Canada mandated certification for coaches and trainers.
71/72 approved rosters were submitted to Alliance prior to the deadline.
We introduced the Rep Team Apparel program and modifications to the program will
occur this year.
We are no longer a joint member partner with OMHA. The process took 3 years and
will now make the registration process easier.
We ran more coaches and trainers programs this year.
A new Registration process will be unveiled from Hockey Canada.
Mike also discussed the need for respect for Referees.
Mike asked if there were any questions from the floor. There were none at this time.
Wayne Scarrow listed each of the following individuals who were continuing with the Sarnia
Hockey Board to complete their terms. See attached
MOTION #090519-003
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“That we accept the list presented and interview interested candidates for the open positions”
Wayne mentioned that there are positions on the board where people volunteer in the
position. These people will be approved at the next regular meeting.
MOTION #090519-004
“That Ted Pendle be appointed as Treasurer of Sarnia Hockey Association.”(Scarrow/Shipley)
Marc Bouffard, Patti Dummit and Ron Dann were leaving the Board and the Chair thanked
them for their contribution to the Board.
A request to consider lowering the fee for the March Break Tournament as it was felt the $625
was too high and a deterrent for teams participating.
MOTION #090519-005
“That the meeting be adjourned” (Desotti)
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AS OF APRIL 30, 2010
P re vio u s
Actu a ls
A dvertis ing
A llianc e A nnual M eeting
A llianc e Team E ntry F ees
A llianc e Direc tor A Team E x pens es
B ank C harges
C linic s
C oac hes /A nnual M eeting & A w ards
E quipm ent - H /L
E quipm ent - R ep
F inal D ay s E x pens es
F ores t City League Regis tration
F ores t City League Direc tor E x pens es
F und Rais ing E x pens es
A llianc e P lay off F ees
H oc k ey Ins uranc e
H ous e League V ic e & Convenors
H oc k ey R ule B ook s
Ic e Tim e
M is c ellaneous
O ffic e E x pens es
R eferees -H ous e League
R eferees -R ep Team s
R egis tration + P hoto E x pens es
P lay off Team C ham pions hip E x pens es
S ec retary E x pens es
Tournam ent- H ous e League
Tournam ent- Jac k K itc hen
Tournam ent- S ilver S tic k
Tournam ent- Tim Hortons
U nderprivledged R egis tration E x pens e
T o tal E xp en d itu res
O p e n in g Ba n k Ba la n ce s
Cu rre n t
Bu d g e t
Cu rre n t
M o n th
Cu rre n t
Ye a r to Da te
V a ria n ce
Ye a r to Da te
Re ve n u e :
B ank Interes t Inves tm ents
F und Rais ing & D onations
M is c ellaneous
P lay er Ic e Tim e
P lay er Ins uranc e
P lay er Regis tration
R ep Team Ic e A s s es s m ent
R ep Team Loans
Team S pons ors hip
Tournam ent- H ous e League
Tournam ent- Jac k K itc hen
Tournam ent- S ilver S tic k
Tournam ent- Tim Hortons
Try out Ic e
T o tal Reven u es
Ex p e n d itu re s:
Ne t Re ve n u e a s a t d a te o f th is re p o rt
B ank B alanc e as at date of this report
Les s O uts tanding Cheques
Ad ju ste d Ba la n ce a s a t d a te o f th is re p o rt
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We have reviewed the Register Report which includes cheques written from and items
deposited into the Association’s bank account for the last fiscal year.
We have found no irregularities.
Wayne Shipley
Paul Douglass
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ELECTIONS 2010-2012
Mike Johnson
John Desotti
Paul Douglas
Lloyd Windover
Cindy MacNaughton
Brian Davidson
Brian Davidson
Todd Conrad
Caroline Vallee
John Mellor
Brian Slack
Ted Pendle
Wayne Shipley
Mike Johnson
John Desotti
Kelly Lane
Cindy MacNaughton
Brain Davidson
Todd Conrad
Caroline Vallee
John Mellot
Wayne Shipley
Marty Gaulin
Blake Morrison
Blake Morrison
Glenn Hall
SHA 2009-10
Gina Brown
Linda Lauzon
Gina Brown
Linda Lauzon
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1. The Sarnia Hockey Association Tryout Policy be amended whereby each player is
guaranteed one tryout at the highest level with a total of three tryouts before being
released to the House League.
2. The Novice Representative teams may play other Sarnia teams at the Novice division
3. Those players who have not paid regular registration fees will not be permitted to play
rep hockey (i.e. those qualified through the YMCA program). This policy can be waived if
a player can acquire adequate sponsorship to cover regular registration fees and rep
team fees.
a) SHA bench staff for Rep teams consists of a Head Coach, two (2) Assistant
Coaches, a Trainer and a Manager.
b) SHA permits Rep teams to have two (2) on-ice helpers over and above the bench
c) SHA permits Novice to Juvenile House League teams to have two (2) additional
on-ice helpers over the coach and trainer.
d) SHA permits the Instructional Director to have the number of on-ice helpers
equal to 25% of rostered players.
e) All on-ice helpers must have speak-out training and a police check.
5. Representative and MD Chairs are given the discretion to allow House League players to
AP more than 5 times.
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This marks the 41st anniversary of Silver Stick in Sarnia, and I’m happy to report that
our tournament is running strong and growing.
This year, in spite of the economic conditions in Canada and the US, we hosted 40
Midget teams and 54 Atom teams – from category B through AAA.
In the process, we raised over $40,000 for Sarnia Hockey and left 1600 players with
some great memories.
Thanks to our many volunteers for making this tournament the ongoing success it has
been, and will continue to be.
Our winners this year are listed below.
Little Caesars
Grand Rapids Griffins
Southpoint Capitals
Harrow Rams
Ajax/Pickering Raiders
Mt. Clemens Wolves
New Hamburg Huskies
Aylmer Flames
John Mellor
Tournament Director
International Silver Stick®
Atom & Midget Finals
Sarnia, ON
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On behalf of the Sarnia Hockey Executive, I would like to thank all of the coaches,
assistant coaches, trainers, managers and on-ice helpers, for another excellent year in
representative hockey.
Without your dedication and commitment to your respective teams in preparation for
practices and games, progress and success would be compromised. I urge all coaches and
assistant coaches to consider the upcoming year with a view to volunteering your services
again. All members of the Executive appreciate the significant effort it takes to coach and
manage a representative team.
All the best this summer!
Yours Truly
John Desotti
Vice-Chair Representative Teams
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This 2009/2010 season saw the Sarnia Hockey Association once again ice 8 A/AA
teams. These teams ranged from Minor Atom through to Major Midget. A few teams started
out struggling, but we definitely saw each team improve as the season progressed.
Some teams were more statistically successful than others; however, success cannot be
measured by numbers only.
After seeding, which took place in mid-November this year, 3 of our teams were seeded
into the Bristol or “A” division (Minor Atom, Atom, & Minor Peewee) and 3 teams were seeded
into the Constellation or “AA” division (Peewee, Minor Bantam, & Bantam). The Alliance
decided, due to a lack of teams, to let the Minor & Major Midget teams continue to play
unseeded for the whole season.
Some notable numerical successes for Sarnia teams this year included the Bantam AA
team finishing their regular season in 1st place over-all, and the Minor Peewee A and Minor
Atom A teams both winning their Alliance Bristol Playoff Championships.
Congratulations to all the coaches, managers, and bench staff of each A/AA team! You
did a great job leading each one of your players on a winning journey this season, whether this
was indicated by stats or not. It is because of your guidance that individual and team hockey
skills were improved, friendships were developed, life lessons were taught, and a love for this
great game was fostered. The dedication of so much of your time and effort is truly valued.
As this was my first year holding this position on the SHA Executive, I had a huge
amount of learning to do. I would like to say an enormous “thank you” to my fellow executive
members for all of their help, advice, guidance, and support throughout this season. It has
been greatly appreciated. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you as we strive
together to constantly improve the Sarnia Hockey Association for each and every player.
Cindy MacNaughton
Director A/AA &
Rep Council Representative
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Forwards: 5-Austin Coutts (C), 6-Nic Direzze, 8-Chris Dunn, 9-Joey Ferrera (A),
12-Justin Houle, 16-Andrew Peters, 17-Dilan Peters, 19-Jack Smith, 2-Dawson Young
Defense: 7-Bryce Dummitt, 10-Aaron Frankcom, 11-Tristan Haagsma (A), 14-Jordan
Hurtubise, 15-Lucas Knowles, 18-Spencer Preece
Goaltenders: 1-Josh Bayne, 30-Max Musico
Coaches: Paul Hurtubise (H/Coach) Scott Preece (A/Coach) Craig Musico (A/Coach)
Heather Young (A/Coach/Trainer) Mark Phillips (Goalie Coach)
Mary Sue Knowles (Manager) Benjamin Hurtubise & Mac Young (A/Managers)
Overall Record:
Total - 64 games
26 wins, 29 losses, 9 ties (4 OT losses and 1 OT win)
League 11 wins, 15 losses, 6 ties
10 wins, 5 losses, 2 ties (2 OT losses)
Tournament Record
5 wins, 9 losses, 1 tie (2 OT losses and 1 OT win)
Note that we also had 51 practice ice times
The 2009/2010 Minor Atom A/AA enjoyed a solid season of hockey. It was a season that
started off slowly, but one in which the individual players on the team continually improved
and developed their hockey skills. By the time the season had ended, the hard work and effort
by this determined group of young boys had resulted in several impressive accomplishments,
including a gold medal win in the Alliance Championship Playoff round.
The first segment of the season turned out to be very challenging as the team finished
with an overall record of 2 wins, 9 losses and 1 tie. Although this record was not impressive,
the team played hard in most of these games and lost several games to very strong teams by 1
goal margins. This was also an experimental part of the season in which the coaching staff
worked hard to evaluate players at different positions in an effort to match the boys with a
position best suited for their skills.
In the second half of the season, the team resumed play in the Bristol A Division and
the wins started coming more easily. In the Bristol division league play the team put together
an overall record of 9 wins, 6 losses and 5 ties as many individual players really began to
develop their skills. The team started to really play as a team. In the ensuing playdowns, the
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team won their first series against Brantford, dominating most of the play throughout the
series. In the playdown semi-final, our team was matched up with the division leading
Kitchener Rangers. The strong play continued as the boys won game 1 and came within
minutes of winning the series until Kitchener scored a late 3rd period goal and won in overtime.
Both teams ended the series with 15 goals for and 15 goals against. As the team moved to the
playoff round, they would win their next 2 series against Burlington and Oakridge convincingly
to win the Playoff Championship. This capped off a season that saw the team continually
improve. By the time the season ended the boys had clearly demonstrated to their opponents
that you were going to have to work hard to earn a win against the Sting!
The Minor Atom Sting also participated in 4 tournaments during the season. In the
Woodstock Silver Stick Qualifier, the team was able to advance to the semi finals matched up
with the host team from Woodstock. In one of the more memorable games of the season, the
boys were able to take the game to a 10 minute overtime period and lost a heartbreaker with
just over 1 minute left to play by a final score of 2 - 1. This game demonstrated the potential in
this group as Woodstock would go on to finish the season in the AA Division with no losses.
The team struggled at the Mooretown Storm and Preston Tournament in Cambridge, but
played very well in the West London BMO Tournament. In the BMO Tournament, the boys
advanced to the finals, again taking this game into overtime before finally losing in a shootout.
The boys earned a well deserved silver medal in this tournament.
Coaches Comments:
Overall, it was a very good year. I am very proud of the players and I appreciate all the
support that was given by my coaches/trainer/manager as well as all the other parents who
supported the team in various ways (fundraising, home game clock/game sheet, stats, game
write-ups, etc.). I look forward to seeing everybody around the rink during the 2010-2011
hockey season. Take care.
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Players: #1 Taylor Iacobelli, #3 Eric Cardinal, #4 Ben Rutledge, #5 Peyton Cox, #6 Cameron
Rannie, #7 Burke Roszell, #8 Marcus Cossa, #9 Mathew Prail, #10 Zachary Matias, #11 Mathew
Hunt, #12 Marco Pinelli, #14 Isaak Tucker, #15 Brayden Groulx, #16 Brett Brydges, #17
Nicolas Burgess, #18 Camden Pomerleau, #30 Ethan Williams
Coaching Staff: H/Coach Derek Rannie, A/Coach Ian Brydges, A/Coach Dave Williams,
Manager Vic Matias, Trainer Mike Roszell
Team Highlights:
League Play – Overall our record ended at 3-23-2 as we placed 7th overall out of the
eight teams in our league. Though we placed down in the standings our team showed a
tremendous amount of improvement in their hockey knowledge and ability. The focus of their
development was on team play and developing a work ethic that the kids will need in years to
come. At the end of the season we had teams that once enjoyed playing us, respecting the
game we played.
Tournament Play – We competed in four tournaments this year in Kitchener, Brantford,
Sarnia Silver Stick and West London. Our overall tournament record was 3-9-2 as we
advanced to the semi finals in both Brantford and West London. Although our record was not
the greatest, the tournaments allowed the players to develop great friendships, have fun, and
compete under pressure against good competition.
Playdowns – We entered into a 6 point series against the second place Woodstock team. Our
team lost 3 straight to a tough Woodstock team however competed very well in two games
losing by 1 goal.
Playoffs – We entered into a 6 point series with Oakridge that went down to the final
game. Oakridge came out on top with a win in the sixth game of the series. It was a hard
fought series and the players showed signs of great team play.
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Interesting Comments – We as a team came together by focusing on team play over
individual highlights. Basic hockey skills including working hard, passing, backchecking,
forechecking, and short hard shifts, were the main focus of this team. By the end of the season
this focus showed up in their games when they hit the ice. Many opposing coaches and
parents were surprised by the improvement in Sarnia’s ability to compete at the end of the
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Front Row: Tyler Armitage, Nic Day, Jacob Caughlin, Jack Johnston, Nathan Cooper, Noah
Tardif, Anthony Hurtubise
Second Row: Ryan Greenaway, Justin Riley-Meyer, Bert Thorpe, Matt MacDonald, Vaughan
DeGurse, John Fazio
Back Row: Steve DeGurse (Head Coach), Jack Soeder, Tyler McLean, Dylan Lavoie, Cody
Nicolaisen, Steve Soeder (Manager), Greg MacDonald (Assistant Coach). Missing is Jeff
Johnston (Assistant Coach)
As the Head Coach, I am pleased to submit the Minor Peewee A/AA Team Report for the
2009-2010 Hockey Season. The year was an enjoyable experience and I look forward to having
the opportunity to volunteer again in the near future.
During the first part of the season, we lost a number of close games as we had not yet
come together as a team. However, as the season progressed, we found ourselves winning more
than our fair share of games. As the month of November rolled around we were really starting
to gel as we headed to the Annual Silver Stick Qualifier in Woodstock. The boys played
wonderful and it was a pleasure to see the boys win their way to the semi-finals. The semi-final
game was a very close game, but unfortunately, a one to nothing loss bounced us out of the
tournament. Everyone was disappointed however we headed home with a ton of confidence.
By the time the A/AA split was upon us, we found ourselves one point out of the “AA” loop and
therefore sitting on top of the “A” loop for the remainder of the season.
During the Christmas Break, we entered the Annual Wayne Gretzky Tournament in
Brantford. The boys continued to play well and many of the boys were thrilled to meet up with
“The Great One’s Dad – Walter Gretzky”. By the time Sunday morning rolled around, we again
found ourselves in the semi-finals. This was an exciting game-- we were tied at the end of
regulation time. We went well into overtime before our opponent scored to win the game. It
was a heartbreaker as we had many chances to win and we felt that we let one slip away.
In the second half of the season, we unfortunately revealed some inconsistencies in our
game and by the time the end of regular season rolled around we were in fourth place heading
into Playdowns. Our first round opponent during ‘Playdowns’ was Woodstock. We lost three
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games straight in four days. This was really hard to take as we lost each game by a goal (two of
the games even went into overtime). With this early exit, this meant a bit of a break as we had
to wait for an opponent to face off against in Playoffs.
By the time ‘Playoffs’ were set to begin, the boys had enjoyed the March Break and they
were eager to get going again. Our opponent was to be London West and the boys found their
winning ways again. We put out London West in four games and were set to face the London
Bandits in the Championship Final.
The Championship Final Series was outstanding hockey to watch. The boys were
pumped and all players stepped up to meet the challenges of playing in a Championship. All of
the games were close matches and the outcomes were greatly determined by the amount of
trips the teams made to the penalty box. In game six our boys played fantastic -- we clinched
the Championship with a 3 to 2 win in London.
The players, coaching staff and parents were thrilled with the efforts of all of the boys in
this game. It was a real team effort – A GREAT WAY TO FINISH THE SEASON!!
Thanks again for the opportunity to be a head coach with your organization!
Stephen DeGurse (Minor Peewee A/AA Head Coach)
Sacred Heart Catholic School
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Kyle Adams, Jake Armitage, Jared Bourque, Jason Braun, Cory Burr, Aiden Chapdelaine,
Austin Hewton, Keith Manery, Colin Osler, Michael Pearce, Tyler Rand, Gage Riddoch, Nolan
Riley, Matt Szabo, Ryan Walker, Matt Williams, Michael Zottl
Bill Adams (H/Coach), Gino Vitella (A/Coach), Brad Riley (A/Coach),
Dave Rand (Trainer/A/Coach), Brad Forbes (Goalie Coach), Dave Riley (Manager)
Paula Riley (Assistant Manager)
The 2009/2010 was a rollercoaster season for this group of boys. Right from the
beginning of the season, we were plagued with injuries as our first game with our complete
team didn’t happen until late November and only lasted to Christmas.
We finished in third place by the end of the seeded part of the season and had other
teams thinking we were serious contenders for the league championship along with having two
tournament championships under our belt going undefeated in both tournaments. For our
efforts we were one of only three Sarnia teams to qualify for the AA division which is a big
accomplishment from the previous season.
During the second part of the season wins became more difficult and the boys found
they had to give 100% each shift in order to compete with the strength of the AA which we
found ourselves consistently in close games. During our third tournament in Fort Erie in early
December we hosted the team Christmas party on Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls, a great time was
had by all the players, parents and siblings as the kids are still talking about it to this day.
Around Christmas time we had a couple more key players go down with season ending injuries.
With these injuries, all the kids were asked to take their own game to the next level heading
into the North American Silver Stick Finals and league playoffs. We had a great run in Silver
Stick going two wins and a tie to move onto the quarter finals where we would play the eventual
Silver Stick winners Southpoint Capitals. We had several chances to beat this team and out
played them but we just couldn’t find the back of the net as we lost 3-1.
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After Silver Stick we headed back to league action and playdowns where we took on the
Brantford 99ers in the first series. Our boys battled hard as each game seemed to come down
to the last nail biting shift, unfortunately Brantford beat us three games straight by a goal. We
moved on to the playoff round against St Thomas, the boys seemed deflated from the first series
loss and were down 4pts to 0pts. With the season looking like it was almost over... we had a
meeting with the players and after multiple pounds of jujubes, a couple of dairy queen visits
and a special dressing room equipped with stereo and TV with Don Cherry’s rock’em sock’em
hockey playing…this group of young men gave it everything they had and then some. They tied
this series up at 5pts each heading into a winner takes all game. Even with the boys down 3-0
during the game they found a way to work even harder and not give up by closing the score and
controlling the last half of the game. Taking this one right to the final buzzer…unfortunately
with March break holidays, more players gone and a couple more injured including only having
one goalie for the last month we were eliminated.
The coaching staff of this team is extremely proud of the boys and our hats go off to
them as they gave us everything we asked of them and then some -- the heart, determination
and team growth these young boys have shown over the course of the year would bring tears to
your eyes. This team seems to have become a big family over the years, if this team decides to
stay together many more great memories will be shared amongst them on and off the ice.
Coach Bill Adams: “Thank you to all the players for your hard work and to the parents
for their tremendous support. I hope to have the opportunity to coach this team again in the future.
Thanks to all my fellow coaches, managers and to all our volunteers for their help over the course
of the year, the season would not run as smoothly without you. Thank you to the Peewee MD
coach who supplied us with countless players over the course of the season.”
2009/2010 Overall Record
Games Played 59
(30-Wins 25-Losses 4-Ties)
Tournament Record (15-Wins 2-Losses 1-Tie)
Thanksgiving Avalanche, Toronto
Mooretown Storm, Mooretown
Fort Erie Meteors Annual, Fort Erie
Port Huron International Silver Stick
SHA 2009-10
Won Championship over Cobourg Cougars – undefeated
Won Championship over Fort Erie Meteors – undefeated
Lost in Semi-Final 2-1 to Niagara Falls
Lost in Quarter Finals 3-1 to Eventual Silver Stick
Champions South Point Capitals
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TEAM ROSTER Brent Blais, Graeme Brunet, Jeffrey Brown, Mitchell Bigras, Stephen
Blysniuk, Ryan Devine, Paul Einhorn, Ben Garrett, Calvin Hughson, TJ Janzen, Kolton Knott,
Curtis Lindsay, Declan Mayo, Mitchell Perkins, Ryleigh Taylor, Steven Taylor, Nic Van Bilsen
BENCH STAFF Kevin Devine, Jonathan Taylor, Jim Janzen, Brian Blais, Chris Perkins, Judy
The Sarnia Sting Minor Bantam AA team, coached by Kevin Devine, had an extremely
successful season overall. There were many new faces on the team, but the boys had little
difficulty adjusting to each other. The parents of the Minor Bantam AA players were an
incredible group. Their support through fundraising, driving the players to practices and
games, and cheering the team on was much appreciated by the players and coaches.
The team experienced a great deal of success in the seeded part of the season, finishing
in 6th place. This earned them a spot in the Alliance Hockey AA loop. They knew this would be
a difficult loop to compete in. Although the team had more losses than wins in the AA loop, the
players played with determination, and were able to close the gap against most of the
traditionally strong AA teams, making the games extremely entertaining for the fans.
The Minor Bantam AA team participated in three tournaments this season. They won
the Motown Cup in Detroit on Thanksgiving weekend. Although they did not win the
championships in their other tournaments, they were excellent ambassadors for Sarnia Hockey
both on and off the ice.
The players showed a great deal of growth both on and off the ice throughout the
season. Their hard work and dedication resulted in steady improvement as the season
progressed. The coaching staff of Kevin Devine, Jonathan Taylor and Jim Janzen is to be
commended for their efforts with these players.
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Owen Sound Fall Classic Champions (Nov. 2009)
Team Roster Kurtis Adams, David Addley, Braden Basso, Colin Cameron, Garret Deley,
Joseph DeSena, Jordan Henry, Brendan Orr, Tristen Reib, Brian Reinholt, Braedon Szusz, PJ
Vandervaart, Frankie White, Reid Wilcox, Clay Williams, Matt Wyrzykowski
Team Staff: Coach: Glen Hall, A/Coach: Ken Hall, A/Coach: Steve Wilcox
Trainer/Bench Coach: Dave Henry, Manager: Anna Addley
The team ended the 2009/2010 regular season in first place in the Alliance
Constellation Major Bantam AA Division with 23 wins, 6 losses and no ties. We led all AA
teams in goals scored for the regular season with 118 and allowed 62 goals. It was a big step
from only capturing a few AA victories and ties the previous year.
For some time the team was ranked in the top 5 in Ontario and even highly ranked
nationally. In the opening playoff round vs. Kitchener Sarnia jumped out to a two game lead
with 6-3 and 8-4 wins. Unfortunately, Kitchener upset us in the next three games eliminating
the team from Constellation League Championship and hopes of OHF contention.
These 1995 A/AA player continued a 4 year string of Tournament success. This year we
competed in 5 Tournaments reaching 3 Finals and a Semi-Final. The Sting won championships
in the Owen Sound Classic in November and The Fort Erie 31st Annual Rep Tournament in
Coaches Report
The Sarnia Major Bantams had a very successful season overall. The team built upon
its previous season’s record and led the league from start to finish in 1st place. They
participated in four tournaments throughout the season and came away with two
championships and a finals berth in one other.
The coaching staff Glenn and Ken Hall, Steve Wilcox and Dave Henry thanks all the
boys for their hard work over the course of the season. Their efforts made for a very exciting
time. The team would like to offer a big thank you to Anna Addley who did an outstanding job
for the 2nd year in a row as team manager. Her efforts made everyone’s season so much
easier. Also Darrell Szusz, Ken Deley and Terry Addley need to be thanked for their hard work
in the time keeper’s box and taking care of the team’s statistics.
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I hope the players learned a little bit more about the game and a whole lot more about
being part of a team. I wish everyone a safe and fun filled summer and look forward to
watching everyone play again next season. HEADS & HEARTS BOYS!!!
Coach Hall
Managers Report
I would like to say I had another great year as the manager for the Major Bantam AA
team. I was proud of our team and the season we had. It has been my pleasure to work with
the coaching staff, the players and their parents. I wish them all good luck for next year.
Anna Addley
2009/2010 Record
Games Played 56
Wins: 42
Losses: 11
Ties: 3
Goals, For/Against: 211/123
Shots, For/Against: 1265/1067
Tournament Record (2 Championships, 3 Finals, 16 wins, 3 losses, 3 ties)
Owen Sound Classic, Owen Sound ON, Oct 16-18, 2009, WON Final 3-2 vs. Kitchener (5 Wins
- 0 Losses - O Ties)
Halloween Showcase AA, Glacier Point, Oct 23-25, 2009, did not advance past Round Robin
Play (1 Win - 1 Losses - 1 Tie)
Mooretown Storm Tournament, Mooretown ON, Nov. 12-15 2009, Lost Championship Final 3-2
to Amherstburg Stars (2 Wins - 1 Losses - 1 Tie)
The Fort Erie 1st Annual Rep Tournament, Fort Erie On, Dec 4-6, 2009, WON Final 4-3 in
Overtime vs. Fort Erie (4 Wins - 0 Losses - 1 Tie)
Silver Stick Championships, Port Huron MI, Jan 21-23 2010, Lost Championship Semi-Final
3-1 to Iroquois Falls Action Auto (4 Wins - 1 Losses - 0 Tie)
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TEAM ROSTER: Brandon Johnson, Spencer Lindsay, Anthony Sproviero, Beau Callum,
Clay Walker, Karsten Berg, Curtis Epps, Joe Frayne, Brandon Burns, Tim Tannahill,
Jamie Vandenberg, Andrew Ganter, Daniel Hubbard, Chris Ferrera, Mike Brown, Justin Moore
COACHING STAFF: Rick Brown, Don Dabanovich, Tony Sporviero, Jim Walker and Ted
Regular Season: 11 wins 16 losses and 6 ties
Tournaments: 10 wins, 7 losses and 1 tie
6 wins, 5 losses
Overall Record: 62 games played: 27 wins, 28 losses and 7 ties
Team Summary
After tryouts, the coaching staff knew that we had a team that could play with any team
in this league. At the parent meeting, the coaching staff told the parents that this team has the
potential to do very well, but it will be up to the kids to learn a different system and play as a
team. This team didn’t have a superstar; we had 17 kids that worked their tails off. Our goal
was to be in “AA”.
After about a week of practice and getting to know everybody it was time for the regular
season to start. The coaches knew we had our goal scorers, our playmakers and our hard-nose
players along with what we thought were the two best goalies in the league. We as coaches
knew it was going to be a long year so we were going to try to peek at the right time. We put our
game plan too work! We started off the season with a 3-1-2 record.
Then it was off to Woodstock Silver Stick Qualifier after going 3-0 in the round we where
off to the semis which we won. To the FINALS against the home team Woodstock where we lost
2-0. Now back to the regular season for the weekend then off to Waterloo AA Tournament which
was going to be a test for the kids. We went into the first game short handed (9 players) and
lost 3-1 to Oakville AA team. Got some players for game two and beat Barrie AA team. The
next test was our league rivals London JR Knights, still playing short bodies we ended with a
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tie, we weren’t moving on with this record. Gloucester Rangers, which we as coaches thought
was the best team we played all year, ended up 1-2-1 in the Waterloo tournament.
Back to regular season -- we ran off a 6 game unbeaten streak.
Next was the Oakville tournament over the Christmas break. After losing the first game
we ran off 3 straight wins to move on to the semi-finals where we lost to Newmarket. They went
on to win the tournament. The final tournament of the year was in London where we made it to
the FINALS – losing to the London Bandits.
Now, the last few games of regular season, we hoped to have a good finish, but things
didn’t turn out the way we hoped finishing 8th in the league. Playoff time, we played against
Woodstock, the kids knew they stoled our chance to go to Silver Stick. It was time to show
them what we were made of, we won the series 2-1 -- moving on to play the TOP seeded
Brantford team.
Now, it was up to the kids to show everybody what this team was made of, no way we
were going to “A” bracket. The best performance all year was when the team knocked out the
TOP seeded Brantford team -- 3 games to 1-- moving on to semis against London North. We
think the kids were up to the test but fell short losing 3-1 in the series, ending the season. The
team ended up, being one of the best teams in Sarnia, by making it to the semis in “AA”
playdowns. See what a little hard work will do!
As coaches, we would like to thank the players for their effort and the parents for their
support. Plus a BIG thanks to Manager Ted Frayne who did a great job and Don Dabanovich
who helped out even though he did not have a kid on the team! Also, thanks to the parents who
volunteer their time doing the time clock and game sheets!
Thanks for a safe and fun hockey season and hope you learned lots!!!
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Trevor Crawford, Alex MacEachern, Derek D'Andrea, Jordan McBeath, Eric Hicks, Jeff Noppen,
Ryan Jennings, Jeff Schroeter, Ben Johnson, Taylor Smith, Viktor Kovacs, David Sparks,
Zachary Lippiatt, Justin Stymest, Chris Losier, Chris Taylor, Graeme Wattie
Coach: Jonathan Taylor, A/Coaches: Kelly Marks, Gerry Eede, Glen Lecour
Trainer: Matt Armstrong, Manager: Kim Noppen
The Sarnia Sting Major Midget ‘AA’ team had a good season.
Avalanche “Thanksgiving Challenge” Tournament Finalists
Sarnia Silver Stick Tournament Finalists
The Major Midget’s finished their 51 game season with 22 wins, 21 losses & 8 ties.
Finished in 5thth place of ‘AA’ in the Alliance Seeded League
Several players received invites to participate in practices with Junior B & Junior C
teams throughout the season.
Congratulations on a Great Season Boys!
Thanks to all the parents for their excellent support throughout the season.
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The Sarnia Hockey Association iced 11 Minor Development (MD) teams during the 20092010 season. The teams included Minor Novice right through to Major Midget.
All teams played in the Alliance at the Tier 2 level except novice where we had three
Tiers. All teams played through the regular season with everyone qualifying for the Playoffs. To
qualify for the Playdowns teams needed to be in the top four after the regular season.
Six of eleven teams qualified for the Playdowns including Minor Bantam and Minor
Midget who finished 1st, Bantam and Midget who finished 2nd, Peewee who finished 3rd and
Minor Atom finished 4th in their respective divisions.
The Playdowns were well played by all teams with three of the above teams successfully
winning the MD West. Congratulations to the Minor Bantam, Bantam and Midget teams for
your success in the West.
All of the winning teams won at home. Members of the Sarnia Hockey Executive had
the pleasure of awarding the teams with their MD West Trophy and gold medals.
Congratulations to Minor Midget who won silver medals in their finals.
While playing the MD West playdowns, 5 teams qualified for the Provincial MD
Championships. Peewee qualified at Tier 2 while Minor Bantam, Bantam, Minor Midget and
Midget qualified for Tier 1. All of the teams enjoyed and benefitted from their experience at the
provincial championships. Congratulations to the Bantam MD team who enjoyed the most
success by winning the silver medal in the provincial finals.
I would like to offer congratulations to all teams regardless of winning medals. Coaches,
Managers, Trainers, volunteers and parents all contributed to the fun and development of these
players. That is what the Sarnia Hockey Association strives for every year.
All the best,
Marty Gaulin
MD Director
Sarnia Hockey Association
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Goalies: Ethan Langford, Adam Mino
Defense: Danny Gratton, Connor Antosiak, Cole Brydges, Logan Lake, Christopher Scott, &
Kaden Babcock.
Forwards: Wil O’Leary-DiLosa, Nicholas Medeiros, Blake Butler, Tristen Konrad, Lucan
Hazzard, Andrew Lemieux, Michael Handy, Lucas DeLorenzo, Lleyton Williams, & Cole
H/Coach: Tom Babcock, A/Coach: Dwayne Amyotte, A/Coach: Ken Mino,
A/Coach: Bill Langford, Practice Coach: Ian Brydges, Financial Manager: Tara Medeiros
Document Manager: Kelly Lemieux
The Minor Novice MD team began the season with very high expectations and, although
their record did not show it, 5-26-5, this young team did not disappoint their coaching staff and
fans. Each and every game had its highlights as this group entertained everyone who attended
a game whether on the road or at home.
This season was all about the development of young talent. Our coaching staff took on
this difficult task at the start of the 2009/2010 campaign and by the end of the season had
molded this group into a TEAM! Thanks to an excellent group of coaches for showing their
dedication to the TEAM. They were rewarded with a great core group of players that will
continue to grow as they continue to develop in their hockey careers. Several leaders have
emerged from this group to take the team forward into the 2010/2011 campaign.
The season had its ups and downs, but this young group persevered through all of the
good and bad. The 40th annual Wayne Gretzkey Tournament was a blast for the Minor Novice
team. This was the first tournament for many and the TEAM became clear.
Although finishing 0-4, the team bonding that took place was exceptional. The major
highlight of the season took place at the Oakridge arena in London. The Minor Novice team
picked up their first win of the season in a 3-2 thriller. This started a very successful streak for
the young group beating some very good London teams.
2009/2010 saw a group of young hockey players become a very successful TEAM and
will, no doubt, provide some excitement and more thrilling games in the 2010/2011 season.
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Our fine coaching staff has laid the foundation for this core group of players to become
successful in the years to come. Thanks to all the boys for a truly fun and exciting season.
Thank you to a great coaching staff and team managers for making the Minor Novice
2009/2010 season a true success both on and off the ice!
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Goalies: Colby Ramsdale, Liam McCarthy
Players: Steele Harris, Nolan Rannie, Gavin McGregor, Nathan Armstrong, Lucas Coats, Cory
Smith, Logan Tardif, Brendan Bouterse, Colin Simmer, Brock Barber, Nolan DeGurse, Ryan
Barwitzki, Spencer Vandenboom, Nick Steeves, Dylan Riddell
Coaches: Ian Steeves-Head Coach, Derek Rannie and Malcom Coats-Assistant Coaches, Kelly
Steeves-Manager, Ken Smith and Shawn Harris-Trainers
Regular season and playoffs
The Novice Tier 1 team played in the West Alliance division – this included 4 London
teams and a Stratford team. The team started off slow at the beginning of regular season but
peaked just prior to playoffs. After playing 20 games our team placed 3rd. Playoffs was a 10
game round robin series where we ended up 5th and out of the finals. The 2 London teams
which were North and West London were very strong teams which we beat and tied during the
season. The London North team went on to win the Alliance Championship.
Tournament Play
November was championship month for the Tier 1 team. They were first crowned
champions in early November at the "44th Annual Strathroy Olympics" going undefeated in 6
games. This was the turning point of the season for the boys. They realized if they shared the
puck, played their position good things would happen. Two weeks later on the American
Thanksgiving in Port Huron, Michigan we were the champions of the Glacier Point Thanksgiving
Classic. This was a competitive tournament with 4 teams from Michigan and 2 from Ontario
including Mooretown. The semi final featuring the host Blue Water Stars team went to a
shootout with us prevailing with a 1-0 win. The final featured was an all Ontario final with
Mooretown as our opposition. We squeaked out a 4-3 come from behind victory. The final 2
tournaments of the year were the Wayne Gretzky and the John A McDonald which we made it
to the semi-finals in both. The kids really showed heart and character when it came to
tournament play.
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Team Roster: Lennex Jagoo, Kristofer Lotz, Kristian Spitzig, Gavin Lauzon, Zac Moore,
Ian Bailey, Aidan Clark, Greg Ross, Adam Ikert, Evan Trigatti, Andrew Czyczurko,
Nathan Abbott, Zander Campbell, Ryan Janssens, Simon Doan, Ryan Eyre
Coach Jamie Lauzon, A/Coach Ken Doan, A/Coach Larry Trigatti, Trainer Phil Eyre
Manager Lorrie Lauzon
The 2009/10 season was very fun, exciting and challenging. We started the year off
with a pizza party discussing our team, budget, and fundraising ideas. We took this time to
congratulate all the players and introduce all the players, coaching staff and parents and for
everyone to get to know each other.
Our first team bonding was bowling and dinner; it was a great way for the team to get to
know each other.
Then we jumped right into our first tournament, the Mooretown tournament. Competition was
very strong. We worked on our defensive and offensive plays. It was a good learning experience
for our team. We finished the tournament with lunch at George’s Grill in Sarnia.
We continued our regular games and practices, developing our skills and having fun.
At Christmas our team decided to put a float in the Santa Claus parade, the parents
and players worked for hours and hours decorating our float. We even got The Sting mascot
Buzz to be on the float with us, it was definitely one of the highlights of the year. We also had a
Christmas party at the Sarnia Gymnastics Club where the kids enjoyed trampolines, balance
beams and all sorts of fun activities, followed by a healthy snack and exchanging secret Santa
We ended 2009 in Brantford for the Wayne Gretzky Tournament, where we participated
in the opening ceremonies; it was very exciting with so many teams from all over the world. The
competition was very intense.
We also had other team bonding events. We attended 2 Sarnia Legionnaire games as a
team, and 1 Sarnia Sting game, and after the game we all put on our skate and attended Skate
with the Sting at the RBC Arena.
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We ended the year with a Bell Captains Clinic -- 4 Sting players came to our practice
and ran all the drills. The Sting players signed autographs for all of our players.
And the last practice the parents and players all went out to Stokes for dinner and we
handed out our trophies.
I had a great year and enjoyed coaching this great group of players. It was a wonderful,
exciting season. I would like to thank all the parents for all their help. The great coaching staff
and on ice helpers I had this year were all very reliable, professional and committed to the
team. I hope everyone had fun this year and best of luck for the years to come.
Thank you,
Jamie Lauzon
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Front Row (Left to right): James Dunn, Jackson Burrowes, Matthew Torti, Joel Pavey, Tracer
Mackay, Matt Dunn, Logan Harvey, Kole Louks
Second Row (Left to right): Mitch Neal, Eric Duguay, Dakota Moore, Chris Harwood, Tyler
Third Row (Left to right): Rob Harwood (Ass’t Coach), Alastair Mackay (Head Coach), Josh
Glass, Zach Lessard, Sean Janssens, Nate Broad, Bill Lessard (Trainer), Tony Torti (Manager)
Team Record
Played 47 Games in total - 19 wins, 21 losses and 7 ties
Regular Season – 20 games - 11 wins, 6 losses and 3 ties
Playoff/Playdowns – 12 games - 2 wins, 7 losses and 3 ties
Tournaments – 11 games – 3 wins, 7 losses and 1 tie
Exhibition – 4 games - 3 wins and 1 loss
Tournament Summary
Cambridge Tournament – Nov 20-22, 2009 – 1 win 3 losses – lost to Cambridge in Semi Final
Burlington Tournament – Dec 4-6, 2009 – 3 losses – did not qualify for Semi Final
London Tournament – Jan. 8-10, 2010 – 2 wins – 1 loss – 1 tie – lost to Centre Wellington in
Semi Final
Team Events
Fund Raising dinner – Nov 7, 2009 @ Huron Oaks – Meal prepared by our head coach – Chef
Dinner at Moose Winooskis in Cambridge – Nov 20, 2009
Dinner and Fun at the Palasad in London – Jan 9, 2010
Sting Bus to Stratford for a playoff game with dinner at Boston Pizza – Feb 7, 2010
Numerous team meals at Stokes Inland
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Coaching Staff comments
The coaching staff is very proud of the kids and all the effort they put into this season.
We thought the kids became stronger and stronger as the year progressed. Even if the results
did not necessarily show it, the last few weeks were some of the best hockey the kids had
played all year.
I think we can all say without a doubt that every single player has improved from the
start of the year
Overall this hockey team had a great experience, for what was for most kids, their first
year of travel hockey. Hard work in practice coupled by a great group of parents and players all
contributed to the successful year.
We were especially proud of the many positive comments made from other teams
(coaches and parents) about how respectful our team was and about how pleasant it was to
play our team at tournaments and during our regular league play.
Minor Atom MD coaching staff
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#1Hunter Taylor
#5Brennan Healy
#8Dustin Dennett
#11 Dylan Schroeter
#15Brent Tunstill
#18 "A" Aidan Manery
#2Eric Capes
#6Jacob Serratore
#9"C"Adam L'Heureux
#12"A"Jordan Marks
#16Tyler Vanderkloet
#30 Hendrik Lindhout
#3Jakeb Gray
#7Jack McAuley
#10Matthew Clouse
#14Julian D'Agostini
#17 Keelan Kells
The Major Atom MD team had an excellent season in 2009-2010. The biggest highlight
of the year was being crowned Atom AE Tournament Champions in the Mooretown Storm
Tournament back in November. The team went 3-1 in the tournament with the final being won
via overtime and a shootout. This was the crowning moment for some of these players, most of
which had never won a tournament before. This one was a little extra special also as it
occurred early in the season when the team was still coming together and building chemistry.
This was a weekend these players will not soon forget.
This season the coaching staff focused a lot on keeping the players focused on
improving every game and every practice. A big goal of ours was to have fun and make sure the
boys were consistently getting better. Our effort level was always a big factor in how we did
during the season. When the team worked together and used their collective strengths we were
a tough team to play against. Our league record may not have shown this fact, but we were one
of those teams that were in each and every single game. The majority of the time you could
attribute losses to bad bounces or just plain bad luck. I don't remember having a team that had
so many 1-goal games. It was always exciting that's for sure.
The biggest goal for this season was to have fun. Coaches, parents and players alike
can easily agree we did have a very fun season. From dry land to team parties to practice to
games to mini-sticks in the hotel to multiple parents’ get-togethers...this team did it all. From
my point of view, this team had an amazing chemistry between all the families. Everyone got
along so well throughout the entire season. The parents were a great group of people -- right
from the first parents’ meeting everyone was engaged and got involved in some way. The fund
raising efforts started immediately with everyone contributing their fair share.
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The players enjoyed many team building events this year. We participated in the Kerry
Fraser mini-parade with the Stanley Cup. The team also got to be "On the Bench" with the
Sting for one of their games. The boys were so pumped to have gotten the chance to watch the
warm-up from the Sting bench. There was a street hockey game held early on which served the
dual purpose of team building as well as being a good dry land session...not to mention fun! At
Christmas, our players each wrote a special letter to one of our Canadian soldiers who are
stationed in Afghanistan. The parents donated over $200 to buy items that soldiers rarely have
the luxury to receive being stationed so far away. Along with the boys' letters, the team sent a
care package that included extra socks, chewing gum and a few other things we thought might
help them in some small way. All the players wrote some amazing letters showing their
appreciation to these soldiers for serving our country. After Christmas, the team supported the
Legionnaires by attending one of their games. Late in the season, when the weather improved,
the team had another street hockey game. The boys all had fun that day. One of the more
memorable moments, in terms of fun, was the final tournament we had in London. The team
booked one a conference room for the boys to play mini-hockey. All the players helped move
tables/chairs to create a sort of mini-hockey arena. They played all night long! Even in the
chaos that ensued, in that room, every single player had a great time. There were many ministick Champs crowned!
On behalf of the coaching staff, I would like to thank the parents for their amazing
support throughout the entire season. A special thanks to Todd Vanderkloet and Stacey Clouse
for taking on the always difficult jobs of manager and treasurer, both did a great job. Thanks to
John Marks for doing all the game write-ups for the media – well done and professional.
Thanks to Jake Marks for being there every week to run the clock along with the other parents
who chipped in to help when needed. I would like to give a very special thank you to Scott
Manery, Tim L'Heureux and Duncan Tunstill for their outstanding work as the coaching staff
this year. These are all remarkable individuals who deserve all the credit for the successful
season this team enjoyed.
10 Wins
25 Losses
8 Ties
Rick Schroeter, Major Atom MD, Coach
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Team Roster: Eric Lange, Brody Dummitt, Emile Deschenes-Lebel, Tim MacNaughton, Ryan
Marks, Blake MacKinlay, Adam Vanerlaan, Noah Murray, Matt Sawatzky, Austin Freer, Lucas
Davis, Cameron Orrange, Sean Fraser, Jonathon Boccanfuso, Jake Trusler and Jaden Lumley
Coaching Staff: Mike Chalmers (H/Coach), Ryan Trusler (A/Coach), Darren Murray (A/Coach)
Marc Lebel (Goalie Coach), Lauren Vanderlaan (Trainer), Wil Sawatzky (Trainer)
The 2009-2010 season ended up being a skill developmental period for our team. For
various reasons a few players from last years’ MD team decided not to play this year. As a
result, several house league players had an opportunity to play travel hockey. As coaches, we
had the distinct privilege of witnessing our players greatly develop their individual hockey skills.
The season began with some rather lopsided defeats. The coaches however stayed
positive and the boys worked hard in practice resulting in continued improvement. We
eventually won our first game and it appeared that we were on our way.
One game in particular that proved pivotal this season was against undefeated North
London. We were leading 1 - 0 with less than one minute to go. Yes, they pulled their goalie
and subsequently tied the game. Unfortunately during that last minute, one of our players
broke his wrist. In addition, earlier in the final period, one of our defenseman had broken his
collar bone. What was looking to be such a positive game for our boys, resulted in being a
negative experience for many of them?
This was the first year of contact hockey for these youngsters. Having just witnessed
two of their teammates endures some fairly serious injuries proved too much psychologically for
many of them. The fear of injury had set in. To make matters worse, two more players
sustained broken bones over the next month and a half. It’s always disappointing to have
players miss games as a result of injury, yet in our situation the fear for some of the players
had a far more negative affect than the physical injuries themselves. Interestingly however, the
players that were injured came back and played extremely well.
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Despite the fact that this psychological affect did show up on the score board, we were
pleased that the boys had fun and that their hockey skills greatly improved. They developed
new friendships, increased their self esteem and learned some valuable life lessons that will
benefit them as they continue their journey of maturing.
Finally, we’d like to thank the parents, many of whom devoted much time and effort to
make this year a success.
During the regular season our record was 5 wins, 10 losses and 6 ties - for a sixth place
During the playoffs our record was 3 wins, 9 losses and 3 ties again for a sixth place
Burlington MD Tournament
London SSE Wild
John MacDonald in St. Catharines
Coach Mike
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The boys worked hard for the regular season to be in third place. They played 18 games
with 11 wins, 6 losses and 1 tie. Round Robin Playoffs started after Christmas. The Round
Robin playoff series ended with an 8-4W/L record, tied for second place with West London.
Through the tie breaker West London was awarded second place.
The playdowns were disappointing for the team when it was discovered that they would
be playing during the March Break without four of their regular players. This seemed to be a
turning point for the team. The Sting lost 2 games to 0 against West London in the semi-final
playdown action. The players were able to advance to The Alliance Championships in Stratford
April 9-1. With a four week break with no hockey games. Sarnia lost to Hamilton in the semifinal game.
Mooretown, Festival of Friendship Cambridge Silver Stick and John A MacDonald (St.
Catharines) were tournaments the team participated in.
The boys worked hard learned to play together and had fun. Good year for the team.
Coach Marty Entrop
Assistant Coaches Gerald Borody, Duane Hurlock
Trainer Everett Forsten
Manager Cathy McIntosh
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Head Coach: Randy Cunningham
Assistant Coaches: Tim Maitland, Mike Healy, Steve Gray
Trainer/Manager: Ron Dann
Minor Bantam MD
Total Pts
Regulars Season
The Sarnia Jr. Sting Minor Bantam MD Team concluded a successful season by
participating in the Alliance Championship in Stratford where they lost in the semi-finals. The
Minor Bantams finished in 3rd in the Regular Season, finished first in the playoffs and won the
Playoffs going 4-0-1 beating SSE1 in the Championships 2-0-1.
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Goal Tenders: Greg Loucks, Dan Caverly
Forwards: Koen Gendron, Kyle Classen, Zac Lewis, Austin Williams, Chase Henne,
Alex Daamen, Justin Lindsay, Matt Hodgins, Dayton Hart,
Defense: Ben Hurtubise, Mike Kindrachuk, Mike Kerwin, Frederic Deschenes-Lebel,
Dylan Musico, Jacob Theoret,
H/Coach Craig Musico, A/Coach Mark Williams, A/Coach Paul Hurtubise,
A/Coach Marc Lebel, Trainer Matt Kerwin, Manager Kelly-Lynn Musico
Regular Season Record:
Games Played – 16 (2nd place)
Playoff Record:
Games Played – 16 (tied 1st place)
Wins – 12, Losses – 2, Ties – 2
Wins – 12, Losses – 3, Ties – 1
Tournaments Played and Victories:
– Champions
– Semi-finalist
West London – Champions
Alliance West – Champions
Provincial Championships – Silver Medal
Coaches Comments:
The 2009-10 season was an excellent year with an outstanding group of young men. The
Coaching Staff set objectives and expectations of the players for both on the ice and off the ice.
The players responded in a very positive fashion. The players delivered games that were intense,
exciting, fun, and great for the fans to watch. Although our first objective was to have fun, we
worked very hard with our practice time to prepare for game situations. As the season
progressed we continued our efforts to increase the complexity of our game play. This hard
work paid off with securing the Alliance West Championship and reaching the Finals at the
Provincial Championships.
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Off the ice the group worked toward game preparation and what it takes to truly become
a member of a TEAM. They represented themselves and Sarnia in a very positive way. I, on
many occasions, was approached by individuals from other cities that complemented our team
for their conduct.
I am very proud of them all.
I would like to thank the players and parents for their support in our efforts. I would
like to also thank my coaching staff for all of their hard work.
Respectfully Submitted,
Craig Musico
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Players: Zac Ives, Duncan Gibson-Lockhart, Braden Litt, Tyson Slack, Nathan Havers,
Harrison McCrie, John Redmond, Austin Roberts, Taylor Gordon, Nick Ravenhorst, Arron
Sisson, Shawn Master, Drake Babcock, Clay Wilhelm, Mike Hummell, Devon Cooper, and Ian
Coaches: H/Coach Brian Slack, Trainer/A/Manager Mac Redmond, A/Coaches Tim Ives, Corey
Cooper, and Darryl Plug.
This team did not get much opportunity to play together as a full team due to many
reasons including injuries. The team was very lucky to have AP’s Kurtis Buckeridge, and Ryan
Krasinkiewicz to fill in. Other AP’s who helped out from time to time included Brad Columbus
and Chris Pamenter.
Of the players mentioned here amazingly 9 of them played house league no-hit hockey
last year making the leap to travel (hit) hockey for the first time. I would like to thank the
Sarnia Hockey Executive for their support this season – in particular Marty Gaulin, Paul Walsh
and Cindy MacNaughton.
The season got off to a slow start but this was expected as most of these players had
never played travel hockey. Starting out at the Midget level was going to be a challenge for
these players. The team found arranging exhibition games with similar aged players a
challenge but was able to secure games with Midget AE teams but this proved to be too much
for the MD team as they started the season 0-4 in exhibition.
As the team got into the regular season game by game the team started improving but
was still having a difficult time winning games. The regular season wrapped up in mid
December. The team finished with a record of 2-13-1 and in last place in the league standings.
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However, a tournament in late November saw the team make several line-up changes
and the results started to show immediately. The team won its first playoff game, then another
one. They were on a roll winning game after game, eventually finishing the playoffs with a 131-2 record, good for first place in the playoffs.
Once the league play downs began the MD team was able to win the semi-finals with a
record of 2-0-1 to win the series and qualify the team for the Tier 1 Division of the Alliance MD
Championships. The team eventually fell to LMHA in the league play down 2 straight games.
At the Alliance Provincial Championships the team ended with a 0-3 record but played
very well. One of the losses was to the Hamilton Phantoms by a 4-3 score, the forth goal for
Hamilton was scored in the last minute of play. The Phantoms eventually won the
The Minor Midget coaching staff is very proud of this young group of men. At the
beginning of the year the team really struggled but through their continual great effort they
were able to completely turn the year around. They were a real force by the end of the season,
none of the teams in our league wanted to face us in the playoffs!
On a personal note I want to thank everyone involved with the Minor Midget MD team
this year and for everything they did to help make the team successful.
is a breakdown of the different segments of the season:
Exhibition 0 wins, 4 losses
Regular Season 2 wins, 13 losses, 1 tie
Playoffs 13 wins, 1 loss, 2 ties (first place)
Mooretown Storm Tournament 0 wins, 3 losses
London Tournament 1 win, 2 losses
North London Nationals Tournament 4 wins, 1 loss (tournament finalist)
John MacDonald tournament St. Catharines 1 win, 1 loss, 1 tie
Play Downs 2 wins, 2 losses, 1 tie (league finalists)
Sincerely, Brian Slack
Minor Midget MD - Head Coach
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I joined the Sarnia Hockey Association this year as the Apparel Director. This was the
first year for this position, and I feel it went fairly well. I enjoyed working with the different
teams and their parents. I would like to improve this position for next year and plan on
working on that thru the summer. I enjoyed working with Dennis and his staff at Bluewater
Sport Stitch, and will continue to keep in touch with him to make things run smoother. This
has been a great year joining the Sarnia Hockey Association, and working with some really nice
people. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer.
Anna Addley
Apparel Director
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I would like to first start off, as I do each year, thanking all of the conveners that
sacrifice countless hours of personal time to establish and maintain divisions so our children
can have a league in which they learn new skills and experience friendly competition on a
weekly basis.
Brian Davidson and Tim Glover
Dale Lane
Brian Davidson
Brian Miller
Todd Konrad
Tom Collins
Thank you to Brian Slack for another job well done with putting together the Tim
Hortons Christmas tournament. Brian and his volunteers make this tournament an annual
We had a new volunteer look after the March Break tournament this year. Pat Brethauer
put in a lot of time and energy to create a successful tournament. Pat, thank you -- a great first
year for you and your team of volunteers.
I also want to sincerely thank any parent that volunteered as a coach, trainer or on ice
helper. To any parent that has considered stepping forward to coach a team, don’t let the
training requirements discourage you. The Sarnia Hockey Association puts on clinics each year
to train new volunteers. Sarnia Hockey covers this cost with only one request that you continue
to volunteer your time in the future helping the kids.
I would like to finish with one thought that holds true each year. Remember, this is a game and
the first goal in house league is to promote fun and foster a love for this great sport.
I have a favourite saying unfortunately and that is “Most kids don’t know they’re not
having fun until the parents tell them.”
I hope to see you around the rinks.
David Palmer
Vice Chair – House League
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The Tim Hortons tournament was a huge success this year, due in a large part to the
following people who were a huge help during the tournament: Diane Slack, Joe Robinson, Tom
Walker, and Gerry Smith and his family.
Thanks also to Brenda Bishop who put the program together and also assisted with
administrative items. Once again Rob Collie and Gail Mitton of Tim Hortons in Sarnia were
very supportive of the tournament as sponsors.
We had 20 teams participate in the tournament this year. All of the teams were from
the Sarnia Hockey Association. Teams from Novice through Bantam participated and formed 4
divisions. Response to the tournament this year was not as good as expected.
In future I would hope that teams would get their entry forms in much earlier. Entry
forms will be available on the Sarnia Hockey website next year prior to the start of the house
league season.
Each player received a tournament memento, as well as receiving a Tim Hortons
calendar. The division champions and division finalists each received a trophy.
The tournament generated over $2,600.00 for Sarnia Hockey, which was used for Final
Sincerely, Brian Slack
Tournament Chairman
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The Sarnia House League March Break Tournament
was a great success this year.
There were a total of 31 teams competing in 5 division
that included Instructional, Novice, Atom, Peewee and
Bantam. Teams came from as far away from Kitchener,
Ingersoll, London, Blenheim and locally from Point Edward
and Sarnia.
Thank you!
Thank you to all the Coaches, Trainers, Managers
and Volunteer Parents for their time and support of our
youth! Also thanks to the Referees and Arena staff.
Thanks to all our sponsors who contributed to the
tournament by supplying gifts for the players, draw prizes,
food for the volunteers and thanks to local businesses who
advertised in our program.
And last but not least a HUGE THANK YOU to all the
volunteer’s, young and old who gave their time running the
clock, filling out game sheets, opening penalty box doors and
manning the tournament offices. Your support was greatly
appreciated; we couldn’t have done it without you!
Instructional Champions Detroit
Respectfully submitted – Pat Brethauer & Jim Morrison
Tournament Co-Directors
Novice Champions
Caravan Kids Teal
Atom Champions
Wild Tornadoes – London SSE
Peewee Champions AutoMax
Bantam Champions Ledher
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The 2009/20010 season was the fourth year of my role as Director of Instructional and
although there are still improvements that can be made, I can honestly say that the program is
really taking shape.
Although we have begun to see the fruits of the Competitive division in SHA as those kids
progress through to Novice and now minor Atom, I realize that this being the third year of Comp
means for the first time, the majority of our 6 year olds have been 3 years in the program. Those
Development level kids (the Pylon Pushers we jokingly call them) who started out 3 years ago
barely standing have graduated through the levels of our program and are now ready for the next
level of hockey thanks to the efforts of a lot of great coaches and helpers.
Once again this year we registered around 200 kids for the program and were able to ice 4
teams of Competitive Level players, Toronto, Montreal, Detroit and Boston. It was pretty cool to
see 4 of the original 6 NHL teams doing battle every Friday night at Clearwater. Congratulations
to the coaches on another great effort. The Comp teams were back in the March Break
Tournament with thanks to Pat and Jim and the kids didn’t disappoint, playing to packed crowds
of amazed onlookers. Congratulations to all!
Final days with medals, “breakfast” hot dogs and more free stuff from Tim Horton’s was
another success and I am always very appreciative to the parents and kids who take time to thank
us for the hard work.
As always the year included some tears but watching those faces on final days always tells
me we’re going in the right direction. My favourite games to watch are the Development level kids
because they have progressed so far in a single season and the parents seem so amazed seeing
them actually playing hockey.
I think that the success of Canada’s Olympic hockey teams this year in Vancouver was
directly reflected in the eyes of all of those young players who looked at that Timbits medal on
Final days and wondered, “Will I win another someday?”, I love this sport!
In closing I would like to offer thanks to all who helped with the continued improvement of
the program including my fellow executive, my coaches George Zalesak, Brad Axani, Greg Yates,
Darryl Moore, Darren Rogers and Mark Lumley, my family, the parents and most of all the kids.
I’ve always believed that if you surround yourself with good people you end up looking good too
and this has definitely been the case as I have been fortunate year in and year out to have a
terrific group of coaches working with our kids.
Good luck to all the players as you pursue your dreams in hockey and in life. Remember,
“The first goal is having fun”.
Tom Collins
Director, SHA Instructional House League
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The start of the season was a bit rough going through the evaluation without a final copy of
the registration. We had an additional 32 players compared to 2008-09 season. There were over 35
requests for players to be on the same teams. For the upcoming season, I would like to limit these
requests to single mothers and siblings.
At the beginning of the season, I made some trades a little too early because I was going
out of town for work. We also had one player come up from instructional and a late registration
that caused confusion resulting in a lot of negative e-mails.
All equipment was allocated in the lockers on time and all coaches were briefed on the
upcoming season.
As the season went on it ran its course. We had one incident with a parent accusing a
coach of harassment. Upon further investigation, the coach was cleared of any wrong doing. I felt
that the board supported this coach and the issue was resolved quickly.
There were a few mistakes on the schedule and the practice schedule did not get scheduled
right away. This is something I would like to improve upon for the upcoming season.
For the 2010-11 hockey season, I would like to find someone to help with entering the
game stats for posting on the web. There was no player stats recorded for the 2009-10 hockey
Final days were great and seemed to go well. One coach was little harsh with the referees -this was the same coach we had an issue with from the house league tourney.
Now that I have gone through the first year, the upcoming year should be a lot smoother. I
look forward to being involved again with the Novice House League division.
Thank you
Todd Konrad
Novice House League Director-09/10
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In the atom division we had 8 teams, consisting of 13-14 players per team. Finding coaches
for each team was a little bit of a challenge. A few teams had co-coaches due to shift work and not
being able to be there for both practice and games, most teams had 4 coaches, helpers assigned to
a team. We had one coach asking to switch practice nights only for 2 months so he could coach
his son’s hockey team and football team. We were able to find another coach to take that team.
It was difficult to evaluate teams is the beginning as other sports were still playing. It is
suggested that we evaluate each player at the end of the season to pass it along to the convenor
for the following season to help balance teams. One team ended up being stronger due to football
season still playing and stronger players not being able to make it to practice or game until after
the trade deadline. One team was weak and the other 6 were better balanced.
The teams found it difficult at times with each team only having 13 players per team.
Holidays or sickness made teams short and difficult to compete. It was difficult to enter teams in
tournaments during Christmas and March Break as there will always be someone missing. I had
many request of kids wanting to play, in our home tournaments, but it was very difficult to allow
them to be placed on another team without a lot of red tape to go through. It is our request that
we should be allowed to enter our players first and the responsibility of the convenor to balance
the teams out fairly. We managed to get the players in that wanted to play but not until it was
almost tournament time, and a few that made other plans thinking that they couldn’t play.
I had many comments on good coaching staff on all teams. They were taught hockey skills
and kept if fun.
A one coach chose not to give out the Esso medals to his team because they have all
worked hard and is not fair to reward 3 players.
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No report
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The challenge for bantam this year was four out of our ten teams not having a regular
goalie to play with. Although this complicated things a bit it did allow a lower number of players
per team and more ice time for the players. Special thanks to all the goalies in bantam and peewee
house league for doing double duty when required.
Ledher Environmental won the round robin playoff enabling them to represent our league
at the Alliance Provincial Championships in Brantford.
Below are point totals by team for both the season and the round robin playoff
Round Robin Points
Season Points
I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for the players in bantam this year to
participate in what I consider to be the greatest game on earth.
I hope everyone involved with this hockey season enjoyed it and had a chance to meet
some new people and friends.
Dale Lane
2009 / 2010
Bantam House League Convenor
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No report
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Where did the 2009–2010 season go? It seems like house league players just stepped onto
the ice for the first time sporting their new team colours and now it's over. Obviously, being
involved in house league hockey is a great way to get through the winter!
This season, nearly 50 teams in five divisions from Novice to Midget were outfitted in team
jerseys and matching socks. A powder blue jersey colour was added to most divisions for the first
time this year representing the 2009 Stanley Cup winners, the Pittsburgh Penguins, in their
original uniform.
The replacement of novice goalie equipment continued this year with the addition of new
goalie pads and chest protectors. Novice goalies are now fitted from head to toe in new gear. We
do what we can to inspire our prospective future net minders!
House league coaches and assistants were recognized for the many dedicated hours
devoted to coaching our players this year with a Sarnia Hockey golf shirt. Now Sarnia Hockey
Association will be on your mind on the golf course as well as at the arena!
It was a pleasure to work with my fellow Sarnia Hockey Association volunteers. Thank you
for your effort and help! Special thanks to Kristen Veenendaal, House League Sponsorship
Director, for doing such a great job lining up team sponsors again this year.
Thanks also to each of the House League conveners – it was a pleasure working with you!
Thank you to the House League team sponsors, without you the season would not be
possible! Your support is appreciated by all.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again next season!
Caroline Vallee
Director - House League Equipment
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During the past 2009 – 2010 hockey season, Sarnia Hockey schedule 8 hockey clinics -- 3
Speak Out, 2 HTCP Trainer clinics, 1 NCCP Development Stream 1 (DS1 or D1) clinic for Rep
Coaches, 1 NCCP Coach Stream Clinic (CS) for House League Coaches, and 1 combination HTCP
Trainer / Speak Out Clinic.
Facilitators for each clinic were qualified Alliance Hockey instructors: Don Woodley, Peter
Jones, Paul Marsh, and Jeff Allen.
In addition there was a Team Body-Checking Clinic for the coaching staff and Minor
Peewee players from A/AA and MD teams.
Alliance Hockey mandates body-checking clinics to be conducted at the Minor Peewee level.
This is the first year that body-checking is allowed. Jeff Allen was the Alliance Instructor for the 2
In registering for a clinic, a participant contacts the Clinic Director, by email or phone, “no
later that 1 week” before the scheduled clinic. Dates, times and locations for each clinic where
posted on the SHA and Alliance websites. A participant must indicate the level, division, and
centre he/she is involved in.
Hockey bench staff must be diligent at obtaining required certification. For example, all
bench staff, including any on-ice helpers, must have Speak Out. Also, all Rep Coaches from Minor
Atom up must have the D1 Coaching certification.
Of certifications acquired through clinics, each participant receives a wallet-sized card
which must be carried at all times when on the bench. Contrary to former years, certification
numbers are no longer assigned on cards.
Be aware that if you are the team “Trainer” that this certification must be updated every 3
years. Expiry dates for Trainers are labelled on the certification card.
Congratulations to those participants who have volunteered their time and efforts on the bench in
the past hockey season!
Pat Morreau
SHA Clinic Director
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Another very successful season of refereeing was completed at the conclusion of final days
at the end of March. Once again (and 5 years running) I am very proud of the fact that not one
single game was missed due to not having two referee’s available.
This year we brought in 12 new referees who primarily refereed the Novice division. We
had next to no issues with the competency of the referees this year at any level. Thanks to the
dedication and effort of the referees, as well as the fantastic supervision of our local Alliance
referee supervisors -- Don, Chris, and Kevin.
I hope to recruit 10-12 new referees next year who will participate in a new referee clinic at
the same time as the referee recertification clinic occurs in September.
Once again, a problem that exists every year is that I am losing some very good young
referees to University in the fall. These referees are the ones that would have handled the bulk of
the Bantam games in the upcoming season and would have also moved into the Bluewater Referee
Brian Slack
Referee Director, Sarnia Hockey
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Thank you to our 2009 – 2010 House League Sponsors. Your continued
support and generosity is greatly appreciated. Without the following
sponsors Sarnia Minor Hockey would not be possible:
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Thank you to Metcalf Photographers and Sarnia Sports for providing
pictures capturing great hockey moments during the 2009-10 Sarnia Hockey
Sarnia Hockey Association would personally like to thank Darren Flacco,
Kim VanDamme, Marty Gaulin, and WorleyParsons for assembling and printing
this report. It is great people and companies like you that contribute and support
our community in providing a fun learning experience for our youth.
This year’s booklet is dedicated to the many people that volunteer their time to
provide a positive, fun, competitive environment for our players to develop and
make friends – the SHA Executive Board members, Coaching Staff, Referees, Arena
Staff, Parents and the players.
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