Emanuel News September / Octobert 2010
Emanuel News September / Octobert 2010
The Emanuel News Vol. 86, No. 2 September/October 2010 • Elul/Tishri/Cheshvan 5770-5771 FROM THE RABBI A s I sit to write to you, the summer sun is blazing, the wind is wafting through the windows, and the red and gold leaves of autumn seem far-off. I still have sand between my toes from a month of lifeguarding and teaching children to swim at Camp Ramah in New England. This column is the first of my new four-year term as your Rabbi. Beginnings are pregnant with excitement, expectation and possibility. I am excited to have the opportunity to serve the Emanuel Synagogue family for the next four years. There are abundant positive directions we can chart together during that time. I expect to learn, grow and improve during these coming years. It has been a blessing to work with talented, committed, creative and capable partners on the Emanuel staff and among our lay leadership. It is a joy to come into daily contact with our people in all the moments of your lives, mundane and sublime, painful and exalted. Together, we are creating new possibilities built on the accomplishments, inspiration and sacrifice of those who came before us. This is the Jewish way. This is the Emanuel tradition. As we embark on the passage towards our centennial in 2019, I invite everyone in the Emanuel Family to join in imagining the possibilities: What we might be like as a congregation at 100? What is your vision of an Emanuel Synagogue at our best? What must we continue and strengthen? What might we change? What can we do that we have not even considered? I welcome your thoughts and visions. Please share them in person, by phone, email and even by surface mail. An important thought as the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) are upon us: In June, at a community gathering, I witnessed two Emanuel congregants who had not spoken in several years stand together in close conversation, shake hands, and part with smiles on their faces. This was a chance taken: to make amends for angry words and to let go of long-festering resentment. To make peace with another human being is the highest mitzvah of the Yamam Noraim. Our sages teach that forgiveness and atonement for offenses between people may only be settled between those people. The Holy One cannot do it for us. But with G-d’s help and blessing, we can find our way to walk the “pathways of peace.” This is our deep moral responsibility, and it can be done if we summon the courage and generosity of spirit from deep within our souls. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve as teacher, leader, guide and minyan-member of this extraordinary congregation. May our Creator grant us all strength wisdom, kindness and love in the coming year. Together, may we make 5771 a year of accomplishment! Debbie, Gabrielle, Sharone, Ilan and I join in wishing the Emanuel Family Leshanah Tovah Tikatievu. May you be written in the Book of Life for a Good Year! B’vrachah (with blessing), — David J. Small www.emanuelsynagogue.org L’Shana Tovah Tikatievu PLEASE JOIN US for ROSH HASHANAH, YOM KIPPUR, SUKKOT and SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICES SEE SERVICE SCHEDULES ON PAGES 3-4 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Inside This Issue… Community of Prayer..........2 Holiday Service Schedules ...3 Community of Learning ...11 Community of Action .......14 Community of Caring .......16 Sisterhood ..........................18 Brotherhood ......................20 Minyonaires .......................21 Donations ..........................23 Service Times/Calendar of Events ...................... 27-28 Community of PARTICIPATORY PRAYER / Tefilah PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE — HELP RENEW YOURSELF AND THE EMANUEL FOR A GOOD YEAR ... by Alan S. Parker I n the Avinu Malkenu prayer chanted on Yom Kippur, we pray that God help us to be renewed for a good year. As Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins asks in his book on Yom Kippur Readings, “How do we find renewal, refreshment and reinvigorate our spiritual lives?” To answer that question, Rabbi Elkins recounts the story of Brooklyn-born Robert Kirsch, a prolific writer who died at age 58. As the long-time book critic for the Los Angeles Times, Mr. Kirsch wrote more book reviews than any modern critic and authored a dozen books in his spare time. Mr. Kirsch summed up this career and his values: “In the end all of it is an attempt to recapture Coney Island and the lesson I learned there: ‘Live, read, grow and be a Mensch!” If you want to seek renewal for yourself and the Emanuel as we enter the New Year: 1. Attend one daily Minyan service every month. For only thirty minutes, you can show your support for those who are in a period of mourning or observing Yahrzeit. Your presence is counted and will be significant and meaningful to others and yourself. Sign up in advance on our website so that we can ensure uninterrupted Minyanim. 2. Learn something new by participating in one of our upcoming Adult Education courses. 3. Get involved with our B’yadenu (Social action) committee. Contact Risa Davidson about new projects and efforts in support of Israel. 4. Experience the mitzvah of giving by donating to our Annual Giving/ Kol Nidre campaign. Support your spiritual Jewish home as generations of Emanuel members have for our benefit. We’ve made it easy to make a pledge (see our website) and have added an opportunity to give during Yom Kippur. We are looking for 100% participation. 5. Meet new friends by volunteering to join our other lay leaders with whatever time commitment you can give. Please let me or Laurie Leader, our new Executive Director, know your interests and we will find a match for you. 6. Become involved with one or more of our affiliate organizations: Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the Minyonaires and have fun together and work on worthwhile projects. Or help us to connect to new members (contact Francene Weingast). 7. Participate in Shabbat services by davening, reading Torah or chanting a Haftarah. Contact Mr. Pinchover or Hazzen Cohn to express your interest. Our clergy will support you at whatever level you would like. 8. Deliver a care package to someone who is ill or confined to home. Our Caring Committee makes these trips throughout the year. Make someone else feel better with your support. Contact Joanne Pasternack. (continued on page 9) The Emanuel News The Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 The Emanuel News (USPS 174-820) is published bi-monthly by The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hartford, CT. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Emanuel News, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Business Office ................................ (860) 236-1275 Business Office Fax .......................... (860) 231-8890 School Office ................................... (860) 233-2774 Internet Address: ......... www.emanuelsynagogue.org OFFICERS AND STAFF EMAIL VOICE MAIL EXT. Alan S. Parker ................................. President .... aparker24@comcast.net David J. Small .......................................Rabbi .... rabbismall@emanuelsynagogue.org ...... 115 Gerald B. Zelermyer ............Rabbi Emeritus Moshe Pinchover .................. Ritual Director .... mpinch@emanuelsynagogue.org........... 117 Sanford Cohn .....................................Cantor .... cantorcohn@emanuelsynagogue.org .... 114 Laurie Leader ..................Executive Director .... laurie@emanuelsynagogue.org .............. 112 Judith T. Fox ...................Education Director .... judyefox@emanuelsynagogue.org ......... 122 Carolyn Topol......................Rabbi’s Assistant .... carolyn@emanuelsynagogue.org ........... 110 Jeffrey Rudolph .................. Admin. Assistant .... jeff@emanuelsynagogue.org .................. 116 Beth Polebaum ............................... Librarian .... library@emanuelsynagogue.org ............ 124 Francene WeingastConnections Coordinator .... franiwg@comcast.net Grae Sibelman .................... Family Educator .... grae_es@yahoo.com The Emanuel Synagogue is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. 2 YAMIM NORAIM – HIGH HOLY DAYS 2010/5771 Cemetery Service Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 1:00 PM The Emanuel Cemetery, Wethersfield ROSH HASHANAH September 8-10 BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO THE EMANUEL INVITE YOUR UNAFFILIATED FRIENDS TO MEET US AND THE EMANUEL FOR THE COST OF HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS (AND SCHOOL FEES IF APPLICABLE) EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY. THEY CAN BE MEMBERS FOR A Wednesday Evening ................................. 5:30 p.m. Thursday Morning....................................8:00 a.m. Shofar Service ................................... 10:00 a.m. Tashlich .................................................... 5:00 p.m. Thursday Evening .................................... 6:00 p.m. Friday Morning .........................................8:00 a.m. Shofar Service ................................... 10:00 a.m. Friday Evening ......................................... 6:00 p.m. Ohel Musaf Service (First Day) ....... 10:30 a.m. Family & Teen Services ................... 10:00 a.m. After the Shofar in the Sanctury YEAR. IF THEY TRY US, WE THINK THEY WILL STAY. HERE IS WHAT WE OFFER: • DIVERSE COMMUNITY • FABULOUS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL • SINGING TOGETHER IN SERVICES • COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL JUSTICE • EGALITARIAN DAILY MINYAN • APPROACHABLE CLERGY • AFFORDABLE DUES SHABBAT SHUVAH September 10-11 Friday Evening ......................................... 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Morning ......................................9:00 a.m. Shabbat Afternoon ................................... 7:00 p.m. Havdalah .................................................. 7:49 p.m. YOM KIPPUR – DAY OF ATONEMENT September 17-18 Friday Evening – Mincha ........................ 6:30 p.m. Kol Nidre ............................................ 6:45 p.m. (Please bring non-perishable food items for local food pantries) Yom Kippur Day Saturday Morning .....................................9:00 a.m. All Yom Kippur Youth Services ..............10:30 a.m. YIZKOR approximately ..................11:00 a.m. Ohel Musaf Service .................................11:45 a.m. (A break follows the end of Musaf) Mincha...................................................... 5:00 p.m. Ne’ilah ...................................................... 6:30 p.m. Tekiah Gedolah .................................. 7:40 p.m. Maariv and Havdalah ............................... 7:41 p.m. Break the Fast ..................................... 7:55 p.m. 3 PLEASE CONTACT: VAL MICHAELS, MEMBERSHIP CHAIR, 236-1275 FRANCENE WEINGAST, CONNECTIONS COORDINATOR, 523-7778, FRANIWG@ COMCAST.NET LAURIE LEADER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, 236-1275, LAURIE@ EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG SUKKOT HOME OBSERVANCE The Festival of Sukkot offers several opportunities for home observances. Blessing and waving the arba minim, a.k.a. the lulav and etrog, can be done every day of the Festival except on Shabbat. Sitting in the sukkah can be done any day of the festival. Don’t own a lulav and etrog? Come use the set we have at Emanuel. Don’t have a sukkah this year? Visit a friend or neighbor who has one. Also, the sukkah at the Emanuel is available for you. Eating a meal or snack and even sleeping in the sukkah enhances the fulfillment of the mitzvah, “To dwell in the sukkah.” The blessings that are said for each of these mitzvoth are included below: SUKKOT AND SIMCHAT TORAH Erev Sukkot, Wednesday, September 22 Evening Services ............................................................. 5:30 p.m. Candle Lighting .............................................................. 6:32 p.m. Sukkot Thursday, September 23 Services .............................................................................9:00 a.m. Evening Minyan .............................................................. 5:30 p.m. Friday, September 24 Services .............................................................................9:00 a.m. Mincha ............................................................................ 6:00 p.m. Shemini Atzeret Wednesday, September 29 Hoshanah Rabbah ............................................................6:45 a.m. Erev Shemini Atzeret Evening Minyan .......................... 5:30 p.m. Candle Lighting .............................................................. 6:19 p.m. Thursday, September 30 Morning Service ...............................................................9:00 a.m. Yizkor Prayers recited during the Torah Service. FAMILY SERVICES FOR SIMCHAT TORAH Erev Simchat Torah, Thursday Evening, September 30 Mincha/Maariv ................................................................ 6:30 p.m. Hakafot ............................................................................ 7:00 p.m. • Marching with the Torah Scrolls • Singing and Dancing • Torah Roll — guided tour of the Torah — see an Entire Torah Scroll unrolled! • Safe Flags for Children • Chocolate Bars for Children and Adults’ “Inner Child” (at the end of the service) Simchat Torah Day, Friday, October 1 9:00 a.m. Morning Service Begins — 10:00 a.m. Hakafot • Singing and Dancing with the Torah Scrolls • Group Torah Honors for everyone • Special Aliyah for Children • Snacks and Drinks • Kiddush Lunch Following the Service 4 USHERS NEEDED A GIFT TO OUR MEMBERS PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING A FEW HOURS DURING THE HOLIDAYS AND/OR SHABBAT. IT IS A GREAT WAY TO MEET AND GREET PEOPLE AND FULFILL A MITZVAH. OUR USHERS HELP MAKE OUR SYNAGOGUE A WARM AND WELCOMING PLACE. CONTACT LAURIE AT 2361275 OR LAURIE@EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. OPEN SUKKAH PARTY FOR ALL AGES (OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 2:00-4:00 P.M. HOSTED BY MICHELLE AND CHUCK WARD 81 BLUE RIDGE DRIVE, SIMSBURY RSVP: 408-9273 THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE THANKS YOU FOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO OUR EMANUEL COMMUNITY WITH THE GIFT OF THESE MAGNETS. WE LOOK FORWARD TO GREETING YOU AT ROSH HASHANAH SERVICES. WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU THROUGHOUT YOUR MEMBERSHIP. SEEK US OUT WITH THOUGHTS YOU WANT TO SHARE OUT OF WORK? NEED HELP? EMANUEL NETWORK CAN HELP. CONTACT RABBI SMALL WITH US. (860) 236-1275 TO LEAVE A CONFIDENTIAL VOICE MAIL. AT JOB CLUB RESUMES WITH OUR AMAZING COUNSELOR, COOKIE MELITO. WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION. 5 6 W TISHA B’AV REFLECTIONS 5770 e sit safe in suburban sanctuary Peer back through time So sad and scary by Rabbi David Small T his poem (at right), first read in July at the Emanuel Synagogue during the Communal reading of Aicha (Lamentations) was written as a Tisha B’Av liturgy, in the spirit of centuries of Jewish poems of mourning and reflection on the anniversary of catastrophes, e.g., the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (twice), the Expulsion from Spain and other persecutions and massacres that have been perpetrated against our people on this date. During the Holocaust, the Nazis and their willing accomplices chose 9 Av and other significant Jewish dates to schedule mass murders, deportations and other humiliations. Today, the President of Iran, backed by the ruling council of Islamic clerics, has declared his intention to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Iran has armed terrorists on Israel’s borders with rockets and other weapons, acquired and test-fired ballistic missiles and is enriching uranium. These verses represent a look at the past through the prism of today’s events. When Zion’s streets ran red with blood And no force served to halt the flood Of death and destruction Hobnailed boots trod on The routes once walked by Judah’s Priests and pilgrims This date marked by anguish dark with pain and confusion Our enemies In cruel glee Chose this night to do their worst ����������������������� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������� �������� �������� ��������������������� The people groan The mothers moan The night they drove old Zion down Remember when we sat alone Without a land Without a home No priest no Levite no king no crown Today imams build their bombs And they intend to use them ���������� ������������������������� As if to say “Your G-d is away Or else has decreed us to be first While you poor Jew Will feel our feet upon your throat No expiation for your situation No oil no loaves no bull no goat” ��������������������������������� �� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� 7 Let us mourn but not too long Tonight is time for sad old songs But soon enough we must get tough Our work resume; it will be rough . We must be bold, save Jerusalem of Gold Call the free world to refuse them. For the imams build their bombs And they intend to use them. 8 NOTES FROM THE CANTOR President’s Message, cont. from p. 2 NUSAH OF THE HIGH HOLY DAYS 9. Invite someone to attend Friday night Shabbat services at the Emanuel and then enjoy a Shabbat dinner together. by Hazzan Sanford Cohn H ow could I possibly write a column on a topic that took a year to study in seminary? Just to put us all in the mood for the upcoming holidays, I’d like to give a brief overview of the special melodies we hear in synagogue at this time of year. The first melody is the one that pervades the evening services. We hear it for “Bar’chu” and for every prayer thereafter. This is a prime example of a “Misinai” tune, that is, it is so old and so a part of our tradition as if it came down form Mt. Sinai along with the Torah. (“Kol Nidrey” and “Aleynu” are also examples of Misinai melodies.) Next, there are special melodies for the morning blessings and for the Shaharit service that follows. One of the most recognizable themes for this section includes “Amen” sung in a descending minor triad, evoking both the solemnity and the dignity of the day. For the Musaf service, many of the themes from Shaharit are repeated. On Rosh Hashana, each of the three special sections, Malchuyot, Zichronot and Shof’rot, has a particular nusah. The first reflects majestic themes of the kingship verses, reminding us that G-d is Sovereign of the world. Different melodic motifs accentuate the themes of remembrance and the blasting of the Shofar. On Yom Kippur we chant a different set of melodies for the S’lihot sections of the services. Here we hear some plaintive tunes as we ask for G-d’s forgiveness. Ironically, when we declare our communal sins in “Ashamnu,” the melody almost sounds joyful. This may be because our ability to approach the Almighty directly to confess our transgressions is really something to celebrate and be thankful for. I hope that you listen for these various themes in our High Holy Day liturgy. Please accept my warmest wishes for a Shana tova um’tuka. WORLD PREMIERE OF DOCUMENTARY ON CANTORS ASSEMBLY MISSION TO POLAND THE PREMIERE OF 100 VOICES: A JOURNEY HOME WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M., SHOWING ON APPROXIMATELY 500 MOVIE THEATRES NATIONWIDE. THIS IS THE DOCUMENTARY FILM MADE OF THE CANTORS ASSEMBLY’S UNIQUE MISSION TO POLAND LAST SUMMER THAT CANTOR COHN WAS A PART OF. THE ONLY THEATRE IN THE HARTFORD AREA SHOWING THE FILM IS SHOWCASE BUCKLAND HILLS IN MANCHESTER, CT. TO VIEW A TRAILER AND PURCHASE TICKETS, PLEASE LOG ON TO WWW.100VOICESMOVIE.COM. SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES! 9 10. Share your ideas and willingness to work on helping us to build a stronger, more vibrant Jewish community. I look forward to addressing the congregation and sharing more thoughts about the Emanuel during my Kol Nidre message during these High Holy Days. Until then, on behalf of Michele, Jordan and Lauren I wish you and your family a happy healthy new year. May we together make 5771 a year of renewal and refreshment for ourselves and The Emanuel. 2010 ANNUAL FALL MUM SALE Beautiful field-grown hardy mum plants in 8-inch pots in lavender-pink, white, yellow, and burgundy suitable for indoors or outdoors will be available for sale for $7.00 on Sunday, September 12 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at The Emanuel Synagogue (outside the Hebrew School entrance). Proceeds from the plant sale will go directly to benefit Hopeworks, a nonprofit counseling service providing hope and health to young people and their families, supported by over 20 area communities of faith and more than 700 individuals. These plants are perennials and will bloom again next year! In order to get your color choice, place your order now with Judy Silver: (860) 523-4424 or rjhsilver@sbcglobal.net. Indicate pick-up at the synagogue or at Judy’s home at 32 Beacon Hill Drive, West Hartford. SAVE THE DATE! Voices of Hope Presents the World Premiere of the Documentary Film FAITH and DESTINY A Tribute to Rabbi Philip and Ruth Lazowski We were witness to the horror and destruction. I must tell our story so that my children and grandchildren, and future generations, will learn, know and never forget. Sunday, September 19, 2010 Herbert Gilman Theatre at the Mandell JCC Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Film Begins at 7:00 p.m. — Rabbi Philip Lazowski MORE INFORMATION FORTHCOMING MEET OUR RABBINIC INTERNS T his year we will have two Rabbinic Interns, Ami Hersh and Ari Saks. This has been made possible through a generous grant from an anonymous donor and a new partnership with The Hillel Foundation at The University of Hartford. Our Rabbinic Interns will be leading Shabbat services at the University of Hartford on Friday evenings and will join us at The Emanuel Synagogue for the rest of Shabbat and on Sundays. They will facilitate Bar/Bat Mitzvah Club on Shabbat mornings, teach in our school on Sundays and participate in other synagogue activities. Ami Hersh grew up in Providence, RI and graduated from the University of Hartford. He taught at Solomon Schechter of West Hartford before attending rabbinical school. Ami has also served as Assistant Director of Camp Ramah in Nyack. He and his wife have one son. Ami says, “When a new year begins we are able to dream our greatest dreams, and salivate over the possibilities ahead. I’m excited that in the year to come my dreams and your dreams will be intertwined. I look forward to learning more about what it means to be a rabbi, a teacher, a student and a member of a holy community with each of you. Thank you in advance for all that you will do to help me along the path to becoming a rabbi.” of Judaism and as a Torah reader and teacher at Park Avenue Synagogue, just to name a few. He and his wife have traveled to India, Guatemala, Thailand and Vietnam. Ari says, “I’ve loved experiencing new cultures during these trips and have especially enjoyed understanding their religious makeup. I’ve learned from these experiences that there is much more that unites us than separates us as humanity and often the way to connect with each other is through the lens of our own particular religious heritage. I’m excited to go on that path with you and to learn from each other so that we can expand our understanding of what it means to be a Jew in 21st century of America.” Both Ami and Ari have spent the past academic year studying in Israel. We are looking forward to working with them and to our new partnership with The University of Hartford Hillel. PURCHASE SCRIP GIFT CARDS FOR MANY OF YOUR FAVORITE NATIONAL STORES AS WELL AS LOCAL SUPERMARKETS. THE EMANUEL RECEIVES A PERCENTAGE OF EACH PURCHASE. A LIST OF MERCHANTS AND AN ORDER FORM IS AVAILABLE IN OUR OFFICE AND ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG UNDER WHO WE ARE/DONATE/GIFT CARDS. CREDIT CARDS, CHECKS AND CASH ARE ACCEPTED. Ari Saks is a 4th year rabbinical student at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He has worked as a teacher and Rosh Edah (unit head) at Camp Ramah in the Poconos, as a head teacher at the Society for the Advancement 10 Community of LEARNING / Talmud Torah SCHOOL NEWS by Judith T. Fox, Director of Education PLEASE JOIN US… O Family Services in September: KAHAL FOR KIDS AT THE EMANUEL nce again we have a full and diverse schedule of our High Holy Day family services. We have divided the services into four age groups. Many parents have asked what to do if they have children in more than one group. You may either choose one service for the entire family that best meets your needs or attend services with your youngest child and have your older child(ren) attend their own service with a friend’s family. Please note that the 6th and 7th grade service is for students only. The various services for preschool through 5th grade are family services and parents are encouraged to attend and participate with their children. We have found that these services are much more effective when parents are there to guide their children and enhance the discussion. We also realize that it is important to some parents to be in the sanctuary for the Rabbi’s sermon and for Yizkor on Yom Kippur. We will be sure to notify you when these events are beginning. You are welcome to leave your children during those times and rejoin them later. In the case of preschoolers, please be sure that someone is responsible for picking up your child at the end of the service. Of course, all families are welcome in the sanctuary at any time. Since Rosh Hashanah comes this year before school starts, I am looking forward to greeting everyone at services. The entire education department joins me in wishing all of you a Shanah Tovah Um’tukah - A very happy, healthy and sweet New Year. Opening Days: Grades K-7: Sunday, September 12 – 9:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon Beit Sefer Tichon (Grades 8-12): Sunday, September 12 – 10:30 a.m.-12:00 Noon Kahal meets in the Chapel at 10:30 am every Shabbat beginning on September 11, 2010. A High Energy Interactive Service • Facilitated by Anna Elfenbaum • Lots of singing • Student led • The entire family is welcome • Weekly Torah service and discussions • Explanations of the t’fillot • And of course…Candy! Please join us to sing, pray, learn and have fun. High Holy Day Family Services: Rosh Hashana (9/9-10): The Shofar will be sounded each day between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. This is the most essential element of Rosh Hashanah — hearing the Shofar. If you have children and are planning to bring them to one of our Youth Services, Please come to the Sanctuary First for the Sounding of the Shofar. We are aiming to bring everyone together in one place to share this moment. Please make every effort to be in the Sanctuary no later than 10:00 a.m. Family services will start after the Sounding of the Shofar. Pre-School: Seminar Room – Gail Mackey and Grae Sibelman Grades K-2: Activity Room – Deborah Mehlman Grades 3-5: Chapel – Anna Elfenbaum Grades 6-7: Resource Room – Susan Wolpoe Teen Service: Library Yom Kippur (9/18): Pre-School: 10:30 a.m. – Seminar Room – Gail Mackey and Grae Sibelman Grades K-2: 10:30 a.m. – Activity Room – Deborah Mehlman Grades 3-5: 10:30 a.m. – Chapel – Anna Elfenbaum Grades 6-7: 10:30 a.m. – Resource Room – Susan Wolpoe Teen Service: 10:30 a.m. – Library Tashlich (Thursday, September 9 – 5:00 p.m.) On Rosh Hashanah afternoon we go to a body of water to perform the Tashlich ceremony – to symbolically “cast away” our accumulated sins and transgressions and to purify ourselves as the New Year begins. To enact this “casting away” we toss a few bread crumbs into the water. As usual, we will have two locations for Tashlich: Simsbury – Simsbury Road and Route 10, near the oldest tree in CT. West Hartford – The corner of Trout Brook and Asylum. 11 USY ON WHEELS by Irene Mackey We thank Irene for sharing her reflections prior to embarking on her trip this summer. Welcome back, Irene! W hat do I expect to gain from USY on Wheels? Not only am I looking forward to seeing our beautiful country, becoming more in touch with my Jewish roots, and getting to know a lot of other Jewish teens, I’m most interested in becoming my own person. My older brother, Evan, was extremely involved in USY. When I was a freshman in high school, my brother was a senior, and on regional board. He was always very friendly and reliable and, I guess, considered “cool” around my region. Because my brother was so involved, I sunk into his shadow, and was known by a lot of people as nothing more than Evan’s little sister. I fell head over heels for USY the moment I attended my first convention in the 8th grade. All I ever wanted to do was make my and everyone else’s USY experience as amazing as possible. After my brother graduated and was no longer in USY, I feel I truly blossomed. I showed my chapter and region that I, too, can be a lead- EMANUEL USY WELCOMES ADVISOR, HARRISON SHAPIRO H arrison Shapiro and will be the USY Director at Emanuel this year. He is from Stamford, CT and is currently taking classes at Central Connecticut State University. He is majoring in Physical Education because of his love for sports and working with kids. Harrison was an active member of his synagogue’s USY in Stamford and was president for 2 years. Last year he served that synagogue as a USY intern and planned and chaperoned many events. Harrison says, “I am looking forward to working with the Emanuel community and hope to meet everyone.” We are looking forward to working with Harrison. er. I can be positive when necessary and give others the joy that USY has brought me. I want to show other teens that they, too, can break out of their shells. Also, to some teens, USY may only be a social time to meet new people. They may not realize how important it is that we are spending as much time praying and getting into the songs and prayer to understand why we are Jewish, and what it means to be Jewish; to be loud and proud of our faith. I wish I had more words to describe how great the USY on Wheels program is going to be for not only me, but for every single other person on my bus. Even though I don’t know anyone else on my bus, I can already tell that this is going to be the absolute best summer of my life. When I think about how much this experience will truly change my life, it almost brings tears to my eyes. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the chance to blossom even more than I already have and to love my religion even more, as well. HELP US KEEP TRACK OF OUR COLLEGE STUDENTS! DO YOU HAVE A SON OR DAUGHTER WHO HAS GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND IS SOON GOING OFF TO COLLEGE? PLEASE SEND THEIR ADDRESS, NAME OF SCHOOL, AND EMAIL TO CAROLYN@ EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG SO THAT WE CAN KEEP IN TOUCH. THANKS! 12 ADULT EDUCATION NEWS NEW CLASSES STARTING IN OCTOBER: Yiddish through Yiddish Song: Ruth Lazowski Four Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 and 10/27 in the Chapel Lobby By translating and analyzing Yiddish songs, students will begin to learn the fundamentals of Yiddish. Natalie Ziplow Study Group: Facilitator: Rabbi David Small This series will meet on Thursday mornings beginning October 6, 2010 from 10:30-12:00 in the Chapel Lobby. A Sisterhood study group which includes text study, current events and lively discussion. Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class: Facilitator: Judith T. Fox The class will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. beginning October 13, 2010. Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a two-year course of study that includes Hebrew reading (beginners are welcome), trope, Torah study, the structure of the service and other aspects of Jewish knowledge. The entire professional staff participates. For more information, please call Judith Fox at (860) 233-2774 or email judyefox@emanuel synagogue.org. TO REGISTER FOR THESE CLASSES, PLEASE CALL THE EDUCATION OFFICE AT (860) 233-2774 OR EMAIL SCHOOL@EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG. RABBI HAROLD S. SILVER’S SCULPTURE HAILS THE NEW YEAR! by Gloria Bein, Exhibit Chairperson R osh Hoshanah is here, and with it a most extraordinary exhibit! The works are the product of a new local sculptor, Rabbi Harold S. Silver, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel. Rabbi Silver began sculpting just six years ago, at the age of 80. A friend convinced him to take a course at the local Art Center in Sarasota, Florida. Although he was uninterested, he resolved to attend only if they had a course on stone sculpture. He tried it, was “hooked,” and a new career was born to the busy retiree. Within weeks, he created his first piece, “Self Portrait,” and now, six years later, he has sculpted 12 pieces, enough for a fantastic exhibition. In February 2008, Rabbi Silver won First Place for his alabaster sculpture of “Bathsheba” in the sculpture exhibition at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts. The new artist works in limestone, alabaster, and marble, chiseling away the fifty-pound stone to create his figures. Most of his work is inspired by Biblical themes — Jacob wrestling with the angel, Rachel weeping for her children, Moses and the Ten Commandments. Silver studies with Ken Cotrona of Meriden, referring to him as his primary teacher and mentor. Rabbi Silver is also a long-time volunteer narrator for the Talking Books for the Blind, a project of the Connecticut Volunteer Services for the Blind and Handicapped. Our guest artist commented, “In retirement, you have to move on to the next phase, and not look back. To help you move on, you’ve got to get into something creative that taps every creative source within you, and that is a totally rejuvenating experience.” 13 The sculptures will remain in the Rose, David, and Ralph Mitnick cases opposite the sanctuary until Chanukah, when they will be replaced by the fabric arts of Ellen Gang of Westport. Inspired by her grandfather, Gang creates family heirlooms from fabrics. She combines fabric arts, Jewish tradition, and personal heritage in her unique design businesses, “Once Upon a Tallis,” and “Once Upon a Pillow.” Her work will fascinate any viewer — it is so unique! THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! To support the synagogue by advertising in The Emanuel News, please contact Laurie Leader, Executive Director, at (860) 236-1275. Community of ACTION / Tikkun Olam B’YADEYNU NEWS by Louise C. Rosenberg The B’Yadeynu Committee wishes the Emanuel community L’Shanah Tovah! P lease bring your saved non-perishable food items for the annual Kol Nidre Food Drive on Friday September 17. Food items will be donated to the Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford, the West Hartford Food Pantry, and Shiloh Baptist Church. Bags for your food donations and envelopes for donations to Mazon, a national non-profit organization that allocates funds to prevent and alleviate hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds will be distributed on the first day of Rosh Hashanah at tables at the front and back entrances of the synagogue. • MAZON (“food” in Hebrew) believes its dual purpose is to provide for those who are hungry today and to address the systemic causes of hunger and poverty, both domestically and globally. Although grants are provided to many organizations serving the Jewish poor, in keeping with the best of Jewish tradition, MAZON believes it is important to respond to all who are in need. This year the Emanuel Synagogue has been selected by Mazon to be the site for the presentation of a certificate to a local Tzedakah organization, End Hunger Connecticut during services on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. End Hunger Connecticut will be the recipients of an $11,000 grant from Mazon to support their anti-hunger advocacy work, including the expansion of childhood nutrition programs WIC and SNAP. WIC (Women, Infants, Children) is a federally funded program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, and children less than five years old to stay healthy and well. SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is the federally funded food stamp program. tion, children and adults, regardless of your knowledge of Hebrew or the service, will help to make it a warm-hearted and spirited service for everyone. • Please join other Emanuel Synagogue members in leading Friday evening Shabbat services and sharing Shabbat joy with residents at the Hebrew Home beginning in October. Services are from 7-8 p.m. on the third Friday of each month. We start gathering and escorting residents from their rooms to the chapel at 6:40. For more information, please contact Pam Garry at 523-5254 or pgarry@comcast.net. Your participa- • Please contact Risa Davidson, risa@manageyourleads.com if you are interested in helping the committee with its many drives and endeavors for the community both locally and internationally such as the Kol Nidre Food Drive and Lillian Harris Turkey Drive, the packaging and mailing of Chanukah gifts to Jewish American soldiers serving overseas and the Israeli Solidarity Committee (ISC). ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES SOLDIERS VISIT EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE O n July 26, First Sergeant Eran of the IDF Paratroopers and Sergeant Ilan, a reserve duty medic in the IDF Paratroopers (last names not used for security purposes), paid a visit to the Emanuel Synagogue to tell about their experiences in the Second Lebanon War. Both soldiers were wounded in combat. Dessert and coffee was provided by the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood. This event was co-sponsored by the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood and the Westchester/Connecticut Chapter of Friends of the IDF. (l to r): Sergeant Ilan, Robert J. Fishman of JFACT, First Sergeant Eran, Jeff Rudolph of Emanuel Brotherhood, Rebecca Feld of FIDF and Dan Haskel of FIDF 14 15 Community of CARING / Chesed EMANUEL’S SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER B’NAI MITZVAH Sara Pipernos, daughter of Gilles Pipernos & Patty Pipernos-Schatz, and the granddaughter of Walter Schatz, will become a Bat Mitzvah on September 4, 2010. Leah Ginsberg, daughter of Douglas Ginsberg & Tammy Russell and the granddaughter of Melvin & Razelle Ginsberg, will become a Bat Mitzvah on September 25, 2010. Mikayla Bryn Gordon Wexler, daughter of Elysa Gordon & Steven Wexler, will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 2, 2010. Johnathan Cohen, son of Cindy & Joe Cohen, will become a Bar Mitzvah on October 23, 2010 (no photo available). Alyson Gabrielle Graff, daughter of Guy & Melissa Graff, will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 9, 2010. Jenna Behan, daughter of Lisa & John Behan, will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 16, 2010. HAVE A BABY? NEHAMA Join the Baby Chavurah. Contact Francene Weingast at (860) 523-7778 or franiwg@comcast.net. CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES OF… Ronald Kaizer, husband of Arlene Kaizer, son of Gertrude Kaizer, brother of Marvis Gersten and Jerry Kaizer Arthur Mitlak, husband of Beatrice Mitlak 16 SUPPORT GROUP FOR PARENTS OF GAY & LESBIAN CHILDREN What happens when your child tells you they’re gay? What do you do when you think you’re child is gay but they won’t talk about it? D o you feel excited for your child that they are on their way to self discovery? Do you feel concern that they may face discrimination? Do you feel isolated because you don’t know anyone else with a gay child? Finding out your child is gay is an unscripted journey from discovery to acceptance to fully embracing the joy in your child’s being able to lead an authentic and fulfilled life. Come join our group to share the “ins and outs” of your experience, give and get support, and navigate the complexities of sharing this journey with family, friends, and the community at large. The group facilitators are Emanuel parents of gay adult children who have been through the process. This initiative has the blessing and support of Rabbi Small and the Caring Committee. Email your interest to Renee Friedman at sheldon. friedman@comcast.net or Cookie Melito at tonescookie@aol.com. Strict confidentiality is assured. The first meeting will be held Tuesday Sept. 28 at 7:30 at the Emanuel Synagogue. GOALS • Help answer or get answers to questions about gay unions/marriage, equal rights, social attitudes, grandchildren • Provide support and positive role models to other parents, especially in a Jewish context • Offer strategies to deal with situations that arise • Provide a springboard to bounce feelings and thoughts off of to people who totally understand where you are coming from • To help Emanuel congregants feel comfortable sharing their pride in their children • Potential to engage in political advocacy, if there is group interest difficult our process was, compounded by not knowing who we could talk to and go to for support • Recognizing that Judaism supports gays and their right to lead an authentic Jewish gay life • Our belief is that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem FACILITATORS Cookie Melito: Cookie has a masters degree in counseling with a background in facilitating support groups and group process. Cookie’s son David came out as a freshman in college in 1989 and lives with his partner of three years, who is also named David. Renee Friedman: Renee is a certified CT school teacher with many years of teaching experience, including adult workshop facilitation and student advocacy. Renee’s daughter Robyn came out after college graduation and married her partner Alex in 2008. HOW WILL MEETING GET STARTED • At first meeting, facilitators will share their experiences with the group • we will ask participants - what their experiences are - where they are in the process of acceptance - what they hope to get from the group, including future possibilities such as engaging speakers, etc. • we will develop future meeting agendas based on the needs of the individuals in the group. CONNECTICUT TOUR DE SHULS EXCEEDED ALL HOPES O n June 27, 2010, like spokes on a wheel, cyclists from the greater Jewish community came together at the hub — Emanuel Synagogue — to start and end their bike rides benefiting the Tikvah Special Needs Program of Camp Ramah New England. 55 bike riders and 25 volunteers joined together for a very memorable inaugural event. This year marked the first CT Tour de Shuls, cycling fundraiser, sponsored by the Connecticut Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, area businesses, Connecticut GI, Stanger & Arnold Attorneys at Law, and synagogue men’s clubs from Emanuel Synagogue, Beth El Temple, Beth Sholom B’nai Israel. Nine area temples also participated in providing volunteers and publicity support: Beth David Synagogue, Beth El Temple, Beth Hillel Synagogue, Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, Congregation Beth Ahm, Congregation B’nai Sholom, Congregation Tikvoh Chadoshoh , Emanuel Synagogue and Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation. OUR MOTIVATIONS • We remember how isolated and 17 News From The SISTERHOOD SISTERHOOD NEWS by Debbie Bettan, Co-President T he summer has come to a close and therefore we must get busy for the year ahead. The Sisterhood Board members met at the end of the summer for a Pot Luck Dinner to discuss the upcoming year. We have very exciting programs in the works so please watch for dates and times as they will be announced in the monthly E-Blast thanks to Susan Kurtis. We are so pleased to have most of our Board Members returning for the second year of their term. We are currently looking for someone to fill the position of Torah Fund Chairman. If you are interested in this position or know of someone who might be interested please contact Melissa or Debbie. Our year ended with several of our members coming forward to help with the Tour de Shul Bicycle Ride. The Tikvah Program (meaning Hope) helps to raise money for Special Needs children to attend Camp Ramah. We were very fortunate to be involved in such a worthy cause. Our first program of the year will be a Brunch on Sunday, September 26 to welcome new members to Sisterhood. Membership Chairpersons Lisa Tesser and Dodie Mendal will be contacting all new members who have joined the Emanuel Synagogue in NEW YEARS GREETINGS 5771/2010 the past year to join us for a Brunch where they can learn what Sisterhood is all about and meet our Board members. Sisterhood’s annual Paid Up Dinner is scheduled for October 12. Please mark your calendars and join us for a fun evening. This is the time to stand up and show your involvement in Sisterhood. We cannot survive without our members and the many wonderful ideas they share. Melissa and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Please do not be a stranger to Sisterhood. Come out and see what we can offer you! — L’Shana Tova Hal, Judy, Melissa and Steven Mooney Mark, Barbara and Benjamin Nachtigal Renee Neikrie and Family Avra and Dan Novarr and Family Lester and Emma Pahuskin and Family Michele, Alan, Jordan and Lauren Parker Joanne and Saul Pasternack Drs. Adele and Sidney Perlman Joy Platt Joan and Bill Prensky and Family Lillian C. Renert Susan and Jeffrey Renert and Family Elaine and Marty Samuels Sylvia Schloss Selma and David Schwartz Edna and David Shamash and Family David and Lois Sheketoff Mrs. Gloria Sherry Hyla and Harry Sklar Rosalie H. and Jay D. Smith and Family Dr. Marilyn Stuart and Rachel Lisa, Neil, Adam and Michael Tesser Carolyn, David, Jenn and Adam Topol Hope, Stan, Jonathan and Benjamin Tripp Janet Wallans Ruth and Myron Weiner and Family Francene, Jeremy, Lila and Jay Weingast Ellen and Harris Weingold and Family Al and Helen Weisel and Family Arline and Dave Wolansky Melissa, Gary, Ashley and Jenna Zachariah Moshe and Deborah Zwang Augusta Apter and Amy Mimi and Jack Bassok Sue and Bruce Bergman and Family Lois and Norman Bower The Brick Family Eleanor N. Caplan and Martha J. Caplan Alan and Risa Davidson Jan and Syd Elkin Bella and Judd Fink and Family Shirley and Mel Gerrol Rabbi and Mrs. Nathan Hershfield Fred and Faith Helene and Family Gertrude Horowitz and Family Muriel H. Hyne Arlene Kaizer and Family Geri, Jerry, Hannah, Emily and Sarah Kaizer Karen and Sid Kaye Naomi and Joel Kleinman Marcia and Michael Krinsky and Family The Kurtis-Presant Family: Susan, Jason, Ryan, David and Eve Dr. Michael and Carolyn Levine and Family Loretta, Larry, Todd, Doug, Andy, Doug, Julie and Ali Levy The Graber-Lipperman Family Alice and Herb Margolis Debbie and Peter Mehlman Seymour and Judy Melnick Arthur and Beatrice Mitlak Gladys Mondshein and Family 18 GIFT SHOP NEWS W ELCOME BACK TO EVERYONE. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. In a few more days, we will all be celebrating the New Year together. Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, we are offering a 25% DISCOUNT on all High Holiday purchases. We carry apple and honey dishes, candlesticks, candles, kippot, taleisim, kiddush cups and hostess gifts. We have a beautiful selection of gifts for you to choose from and with our discount, the price is right. You can shop during the week when the synagogue office is open or on Sundays during Religious School. Call us if you need to meet another evening or are looking for something in particular. We accept mastercard, visa, checks and cash. On Sundays, during Religious School, we can help you with scrip also. Your purchases benefit your Sisterhood and your synagogue. We look forward to your visit. — L’Shana Tova from Lisa, Debbie and Fay MAZAL TOV! CONGRATULATIONS TO… Brian Becker for winning the Democratic primary for State Representative Gloria Bein for her recent Haftarah chanting Paul & Debbie Bettan on the marriage of their daughter, Andrea Albert Engel on his graduation from Hall High School Leatrice Etelis on the birth of her great-grandson, Jonah Luke Farber Michael & Judith Etelis Farber on the birth of their grandson, Jonah Luke Farber Helen Fine on her birthday David & Cindy Gerber on the birth of their son, Antonio Joseph Leonard & Joan Glazier on their wedding anniversary Leonard & Anne Goldman on their 64th wedding anniversary Sam Goodman on his birthday Eleanor Henken on her granddaughter, Samara, graduating from high school and her acceptance into Amherst College Esther Kerzner on the occasion of her son, David, becoming a Bar Mitzvah Rabbi Philip & Ruth Lazowski on their special birthdays Laurie Leader, welcoming her to The Emanuel Synagogue Ed & Trudy Milikow on the birth of their grandsons, Ariel and Ben Melissa Mooney on graduating Magna Cum Laude from Washington University in St. Louis’ School of Medicine program in Audiology Steven Mooney graduating from Marymount Manhattan College and being selected to sing the National Anthem at Lincoln Center at graduation Marco & Sarah Morel on the occasion of their daughters, Nazli & Shana, becoming B’not Mitvzah MAZEL TOV… TO ATTORNEY MORTON N. KATZ, RECIPIENT OF THE HARTFORD COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION’S 2010 PRO BONO AWARD M orton Katz volunteers for Statewide Legal Services which provides legal counsel without fee for those who cannot afford private counsel in civil actions. He also prepares documents for court in family relations actions. He represents claimants in unemployment compensation hearings, and is one of several lawyers certified through VA Benefits Training given by the Connecticut Bar Association to represent veterans in claims before the department of Veterans Affairs. He has worked with the Connecticut Bar Association’s “Law Works for People,” representing clients in family relations cases in Superior Court. Lester Pahuskin on his birthday Jeffrey & Susan Renert on their wedding anniversary TO HAVE YOUR STUDENT’S GRADUATION Lillian Renert on the birth of her new great-grandson Steve & Janet Selden on the marriage of their daughter, Jesse Rabbi David J. Small on his special birthday OR COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE Sharone Small on her high school graduation LISTED IN THE MAZEL TOV SECTION, PLEASE Jay D. & Rosalie Smith on their wedding anniversary Gerald & Barbara Sperber on the marriage of their son, Michael to Elana Chafetz Carol Tellar on her birthday SEND THE DETAILS TO CAROLYN@ EMANUELSYNAGOGUE.ORG Al Weisel on his 90th birthday David & Lori Wetsman on the occasion of their son, Ryan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah 19 News From The BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2010-2011 September 19 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Jeremy Paul (Dean of University of Connecticut law School ) Topic TBD October 3 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Jeff Rudolph & Saul Shemkovitz – Recent trips to Israel – A great pictorial October 13 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Annual Paid-Up Dinner Keynote Speaker: Bart Kollen, VP ING Financial Solutions October 14 Thursday 7:30 p.m. Cooking Class October 24 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Speaker: Jeff Renert – Planned Giving November 9 Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Dinner with Rabbi Small Topic of talk: Making Marriage Work – Teachings for Real Life November Date, time, place TBD Keeper of the Flame Luncheon November 21 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Speaker: Pam Garry, Educator, Trash Museum November 30 Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood Board of Directors Meeting December 5 Sunday 9 :00 a.m. Hanukkah Carnival December 12 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Meeting – Speaker TBD December 14 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Cooking class January TBD January 16 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Meeting – Speaker: Dr. Steven Belinkie February 6 Sunday 9:00 a.m. World Wide Wrap February 12 Saturday 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Shabbat February 27 Sunday 9:00 Breakfast Meeting – Speaker TBD March 9 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Cooking class March 27 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Meeting – Speaker TBD Guys’ Night at the movies Brotherhood Board of Directors 10:00 a.m. April 8 Friday 7:00 p.m. April Robotics Dinner Yellow Candles distribution May 11 Sunday 10:00 a.m. Hebrew School Holocaust program – Speaker TBD May date TBD Laymens Institute – Speaker TBD June Thursday-Sunday Date TBD Laymens Institute – Camp Ramah June Tour D’Shul Other events planned: University of Hartford Women’s Basketball game, Trinity College squash match, visit to Trash Museum. All events are subject to rescheduling and cancellation. ARE YOU A BROTHERHOOD MEMBER? IF YOU ARE, WE WELCOME YOU BACK FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! IF NOT, PLEASE CONSIDER HAVE YOU BECOME A NEW MEMBER OF THE EMANUEL, WITHIN THE LAST SIX MONTHS? IF SO, YOUR FIRST YEAR OF BROTHERHOOD MEMBERSHIP IS FREE. BECOMING ONE TODAY. 20 MINYONAIRE BREAKFAST SPONSORS Thank You Gloria Bein in memory of her father, on his Yahrzeit TO THE MINYONAIRES FOR Alan & Ellen Burstein in honor of their son, Ethan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah PURCHASING A NEW Kevin Dinowitz & Karen Zelman in honor of their daughter, Jeslyn, becoming a Bat Mitzvah REFRIGERATOR FOR Melvin Ginsberg in memory of his father, Louis Ginsberg, on his Yahrzeit THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE AND TO Miriam Goldberg & Gloria Levin in memory of Isadore & Alice Radville, on their Yahrzeits Leonard & Anne Goldman in honor of their 64th wedding anniversary GLADYS MONDSHEIN FOR FACILITATING THE Sam Goodman in memory of Lillian Goodman, on her Yahrzeit Stuart & Beth Katten in honor of their son, Samuel, becoming a Bar Mitzvah Rick Lasker to commemorate the end of the mourning period for his mother, Sylvia Lasker ARRANGEMENTS The Minyonaires in honor of Sam Goodman on his 97th birthday The Minyonaires in memory of Bernie Mintz, on his Yahrzeit Renee Neikrie & Family in memory of Joe Neikrie, on his Yahrzeit Craig & Lisa Rieman in honor of their daughter, Ilycia, becoming a Bat Mitzvah Carol Tellar in memory of her mother, Esther Harris, on her Yahrzeit Al & Helen Weisel in honor of Al’s 90th birthday GERTRUDE K. CLARE SISTERHOOD SHABBAT BOOK REVIEW SCHEDULE 2010-2011 DATES REVIEWER BOOK HOSTESS October 9, 2010 Rebecca Salk The Rest of Us by Stephen Birmingham Judy Mooney 120 Mohawk Drive 523-7712 December 4, 2010 Murray Zinman The Rise of Nuclear Iran — How Tehran Defies the West by Dore Gold Marsha Wolfberg 31 Mohegan Drive 233-9933 December 18, 2010 Beatrice Mitlack All Other Nights by Dara Horn Joanne Pasternack 20 Burnwood Drive Bloomfield, CT 243-0442 March 4, 2010 Ben Engel Enemies of the People: My Family’s Journey to America by Kati Marton Linda Stein 31 Soby Drive 521-1319 June 4, 2010 Edith Kalin Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay Bonnie Lasker 16 Ware Avenue 236-7455 Alternate Reviewer: Rachil Chalik, From Time Immemorial by Jean Peters All reviews are held on Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. Please call your hostess at least a week in advance to make your reservation! Book Review Chairperson: Gloria Bein (232-9860) Book Review Corresponding Secretary: Cynthia Blayer (233-4702) 21 EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE DONATION FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND RETURN TO 160 MOHEGAN DRIVE, WEST HARTFORD, CT 06117 Name of Fund Amount In Memory of In Honor of Other Sent to: (name and address) From: (your name and address) SPECIAL FUNDS ❏ Adult Education Fund ❏ Endowment Fund ❏ Ritual Director’s Disc. Fund ❏ Art Fund ❏ Executive Director’s Disc. Fund ❏ Scholarship Fund ❏ Sharon Barshay Music Fund ❏ Flower Fund ❏ Siegal Garden Fund ❏ Bein Scholar-in-Residence Fund ❏ General Fund ❏ Sisterhood Torah Fund ❏ Brotherhood Tribute Fund ❏ Library Fund ❏ Rabbi Small’s Disc. Fund ❏ Camp Ramah Scholarship ❏ Macy Accessibility Fund ❏ Social Action/B’Yadenu Fund ❏ Caring Committee Fund ❏ Minyonaires Fund ❏ Torah Repair Fund ❏ Cantor Cohn’s Discretionary Fund ❏ Music Fund ❏ Torat Hayim ❏ Education Director’s Disc. Fund ❏ P.T.O. Fund ❏ Youth Activity Fund ❏ Prayer Book Fund GREENING EMANUEL by Michael Levine, MD T he first actions we’ve taken to reduce electricity use are beginning to show results. The House Committee went through our electric bills for fiscal 2003, 2004, 2008 and 2009. What they found was striking. For the first two periods, we used about 315,000 KW each year. For the last two periods, we used about 252,000 KW, a 20% reduction. This means that we are responsible for reducing significantly the CO2 the power company has to create when generating our power. There is also a significant cost savings. How did we do it? Some savings came because several of you donated to the Green Building fund, enabling us to replace two inefficient refrigerator/freezers. The Minyonaires replaced a third. We’ve put motion sensor switches in several rooms. We stopped holding meetings on Monday nights, so we can close the building early. An improvement which promises to create an even bigger reduction in energy use is the changing of all our light fixtures and substituting energy efficient bulbs. Some of the most dramatic reduction came in the 22 sanctuary, where we were able to substitute 50-watt efficient bulbs for 500watt bulbs. I’ll bet you cannot detect any reduction in the brightness of the room. That project was just finished in July, so the savings will not be obvious for a while. It’s estimated that this will save about $14,000 a year. We want to continue our energy saving, recycling and waste reduction activities. We’d like you to join us. If you’re willing to help, email me at docmikelev@sbcglobaal.net or call and leave your name and email address to (860) 233-7168. We expect to have our next planning meeting in September. DONATIONS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Michele & Alan Parker RALPH CONRAD by Judith & Fred Fox Wishing Good Health to: JEAN CHAMEIDES by Judith & Fred Fox ART FUND In Memory of: HELEN KLEIN ROTHBARDT by Sylvia Schloss RALPH AVSEEV FUND In Honor of: JULIA COHN by Henry & Linda Cohn SHARON BARSHAY MUSIC FUND In Memory of: SHARON BARSHAY by Gerri & Paul Silversmith by Goldie & Roman Luftglas SARAH & SAMUEL PETLUCK by Gerri & Paul Silversmith MOLLIE & L. FISHER SILVERSMITH by Gerri & Paul Silversmith LEE BIRNBAUM my dear Summerwood friend by Vivian Marks LOLITA COHN by Suzanne & Michael Kaplan In Honor of: SUZANNE CONNELL on her retirement by Miriam & Richard Goldberg In Appreciation of: A LOVELY BARSHAY CONCERT by Miriam & Richard Goldberg CANTOR COHN & THE CHOIR for a most beautiful evening of song by Miriam & Richard Goldberg BEIN SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUND In Honor of: GLORIA BEIN’s recovery and her recent Haftarah chanting by Carolyn & Robert Isakson in Appreciation of: GLORIA BEIN for her many kindnesses by Ruth & Gilbert Hershman CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Appreciation of: ARIEL ROTHSCHILD for his kindness and support during our recent sorrow by Philip and Samuel Schlossberg In Memory of: SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Robert & Dorothy Field by Carolyn & Robert Isakson by The Barshay Family Our loved ones at Yizkor by Philip & Karen Schlossberg JACK LIPITZ by Arlene Weiss In Honor of: JACOB GRABER-LIPPERMAN becoming a Bar Mitzvah by The Pinchover Family ESTHER SCHLOSSBERG becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Carolyn & Robert Isakson RABBI SMALL’s special birthday by The Magin Family The Aufruf and upcoming of MICHAEL SPERBER to ELANA CHAFETZ by Philip & Karen Schlossberg CARING COMMITTEE In Memory of: BETTY HABER by Brenda Sutter KATHERINE SZABO by Gayle & Moshe Pinchover CANTOR COHN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: CANTOR SANFORD COHN for his kindness and support during our recent sorrow by Philip and Samuel Schlossberg and family CANTOR SANFORD COHN in appreciation for your supportive presence at my mothers funeral by Sharon Gross Hoffman CANTOR COHN by Terry Cohn In Memory of: DR. MARSHAL MERKIN by Joyce & Jack Merkin PHYLLIS WACHSPRESS by Howard Wachspress Beloved granddaughter, KATY HALEY SCHAFFMAN by Muriel Schaffman Beloved mother, BERT WELK by Toby Sidrane DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: JUDITH FOX on receiving the Chayeh Olam Award by Carolyn & Robert Isakson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: the birth of ANTONIO JOSEPH GERBER by Steven & Janet Selden In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Steven & Janet Selden FLOWER FUND In Honor of: HELEN FINE on her birthday by Carolyn & Robert Isakson In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Miriam & Richard Goldberg GENERAL FUND In Honor of: SUZANNE CONNELL by Marlene & Bob Levine Our granddaughter, SYDNEY DAUM, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Debbie & Richard Fish JESLYN DINOWITZ becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Grant & Elizabeth Ehrlich by Sam Unitas The engagement of MIRIAM HABER to ZACH by Carolyn & David Topol The marriage of JEREMY GOLDBERG & RACHEL ARCUS by Linda & Martin Stein SAMUEL KATTEN becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Linda & Martin Stein SYLVIA COHEN being named a Minyonaire of the Year by Linda & Martin Stein The marriage of MICHAEL SPERBER & ELANA CHAFETZ by Linda & Martin Stein HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Iris, Bob, Dan, and Charlie Praid In Memory of: SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Marlene & Bob Levine by Anita & Bill Mancoll by Rabbi & Mrs N Hershfield by Florence Fichman LEAH FORMAN by Shirley Zeldis MOLLIE GROSS by Rosanne & Jack Dolinsky by Linda & Martin Stein 23 GERALD CARLIN by Gloria Ginsberg by Sylvia Salad by Marilyn & Jack Fink JACK FICHMAN beloved brother by Florence Fichman MERRILL FICHMAN beloved brother by Florence Fichman RONALD KAIZER by Joan & Bill Prensky by Linda & Martin Stein by Brian Rubenstein & Mindi Sternblitz-Rubenstein LOLITA SHAPIRO COHEN by Lynn & Stephen Greenfield, Diana Dean, Helen Freas, Eric Haitz, Ariel Pearl-Jacobvitz, & Mike Gordon by Paul & Leslie Korus SHIRLEY RACKOWITZ by Charlotte & Raymond Wice by Ursula Marx by Jewel Abrams ABE GORDON beloved uncle by Ed Dubrow DOROTHY LEWIS dear sister by Ruth & Gilbert Hershman GREEN BUILDING FUND In honor of: RABBI LAZOWSKI on his special birthday by Michael & Carolyn Levine RABBI SMALL on his special birthday by Michael & Carolyn Levine ZEKE SLOAT by Sandy & Al Parven The marriage of MICHAEL & ELANA SPERBER by Carolyn & Robert Isakson HELEN ROSENHOLTZ on her 100th birthday by Ron, Emily & Jenna Levitt In Memory of: CLARENCE LEVESQUE by Harvey Silverman KATHERINE GRADANTE by Harvey Silverman WILLIE COUNCIL by Harvey Silverman MAX ROSENKRANTZ by Harvey Silverman JOHN McDONALD by Harvey Silverman LOLITA COHN by Dan & Joni Fine by Janet Wallans KEMLER TORAH HAYIM FUND In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Rhona & Joel Roffer Beloved ELIZABETH SUDARSKY by The Kemler Family RABBI LAZOWSKI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: RABBI PHILIP & RUTH LAZOWSKI on their special birthdays by Faith & Fred Helene CAROL TELLAR on her birthday by Sheila & Howie Mark RABBI LAZOWSKI on his special birthday by Marc & Sandi Needelman The birth of ROMY LEIA, granddaughter of DR. MARSHALL & SUSAN SEIDMAN by Brenda & Malcolm Berman The marriage of JANET & STEVE SELDEN’s daughter, JESSE by Brenda & Malcolm Berman LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: DAVID & CINDY GERBER on birth of their son, ANTONIO JOSEPH GERBER by Joanne & Saul Pasternack MINYONAIRES FUND In Honor of: SYLVIA COHEN, SAM GOODMAN, & ABE SMOLAR being named Minyonaires of the Year by Judy & Herb Silver SUZANNE CONNELL on her retirement by Bella & Judd Fink SAMARA, granddaughter of ELEANOR HENKEN, on her high school graduation and acceptance into Amherst College by Robert & Hedyth Fishman Kudos to the “Baseball Team,” those on the field and those in the background by Renee Neikrie RABBI SMALL on his special birthday by The Emanuel Minyonaires SAM GOODMAN on his birthday by Lois Saffer by Louise & Elliott Rosenberg by Bella & Judd Fink LAURIE LEADER welcome to the Emanuel Family by Bella & Judd Fink MY ALIYAH on the Yahrzeit of my Dad by Miriam & Richard Goldberg THE MINYONAIRES for my outstanding birthday breakfast by Sam Goodman The birth of ZEKE, grandson of Mr. & Mrs. William Sloat by Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Stolman ANNE & LEONARD GOLDMAN on their 64th anniversary by Eleanor Calmus by Ruth & Harold Alpert AL WEISEL on his 90th birthday by The Emanuel Minyonaires by Harry & Sylvia Rosenfeld Wishing Good Health to: ELAINE SMITH by The Emanuel Minyonaires ROBERT TELLAR by The Emanuel Minyonaires SUSAN WOLPOE by The Emanuel Minyonaires GARY BLAU by Ronna & Mitch Sauerhoff JEAN CHAMEIDES by Abraham Smolar by The Emanuel Minyonaires GLORIA BEIN by Meryl & Elliott Rosenberg In Memory of: WILLIAM KAIMOWITZ by Jeffrey & Llyn Kaimowitz MOLLIE GROSS by the Flescher Family PHYLLIS WACHSPRESS by Howard Wachspress RONALD KAIZER by The Emanuel Minyonaires by Bella & Judd Fink by Sylvia & Norman Cohen SYLVIA GOODMAN AV’SHALOM beloved sister by Sam Goodman LINDA LANTZ by Miriam & Richard Goldberg SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Miriam & Richard Goldberg by Sylvia Schloss SYLVIA SLOAT by William & Beverly Sloat Beloved mother, RUTH PEARL KORDANSKY by Ava & Dan Kordansky SHIRLEY RACKOWITZ by Bella & Judd Fink by Jack & Rosanne Dolinsky SOPHIE ALTMAN by Arnold & Cheri Altman Beloved husband, RAYMOND PORISS, on his Yahrziet by Muriel Poriss Beloved mother, ANNA B. TICOTSKY by Charlotte T. Brick Beloved father, ROBERT RENERT by Jeffrey & Susan Renert RUTH MOSKOWITZ on her Yahrzeit by Barbara Canter SAMUEL CANTER on his Yahrzeit by Barbara Canter RALPH CONRAD by Pamela & David Garry In Appreciation of: THE EMANUEL MINYONAIRES for prayers from my great-granddaughter, SERENA ESPOSITO by Roslyn Cohen A GOOD DOCTORS REPORT by Sylvia & Norm Cohen MUSIC FUND In Memory of: MAX FINE by Dan & Joni Fine Aunt, ALICE LEOPOLD by Leonard & Joan Glazier Oma, BERTHA LEOPOLD by Leonard & Joan Glazier SHIRLEY RACKOWITZ by Leonard & Joan Glazier PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of: Beloved sister, SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Helen Rosenholtz Beloved cousin, RONALD KAIZER by Janie & Nate Pickus RONALD KAIZER by Dan & Joni Fine by Sue & Bruce Bergman RITUAL DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of: Beloved mother, LILLIAN A. D’AMATO, on her Yahrzeit by Lynn Talit JOSEPH F D’AMATO beloved father, on his Yahrzeit by Lynn Talit BUZZY D’AMATO beloved brother. on his Yahrzeit by Lynn Talit MERVIN ROSENBERG by Irene Rosenberg Beloved father, ABRAHAM DWORSKY by Lois Sheketoff In Appreciation of: MOSHE PINCHOVER for his thoughtful, dedicated service by Lynn Talit SIEGAL GARDEN FUND In Appreciation of: SUZANNE CONNELL by Judy & Barry Siegal SISTERHOOD TORAH FUND In Memory of: MOLLIE GROSS by Chick & Fran Waltman In Honor of: DEBBIE & PAUL BETTAN on the marriage of their daughter, ANDREA by Carolyn & David Topol SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND In Honor of: MARSHA & BARRY COHEN on the birth of their grandson, LUCAS AARON by Carolyn & David Topol by Fay & Ernie deHaas In Memory of: IDA GRAY, mother of Lauren Seplowitz by Carolyn & David Topol by Fay & Ernie deHaas RABBI SMALL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of: RABBI DAVID SMALL by Meryl & Elliott Rosenberg RABBI DAVID SMALL for his kindness and support during our recent sorrow by Philip and Samuel Schlossberg and family RABBI SMALL for his support for the Menorah Legacy Society’s meeting by Jeff & Susan Renert 24 LET YOUR LEGACY BE FOR A BLESSING… THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE ENDOWMENT FUND You know how important it is to have a will and make plans for the future. Once you have provided for the people you love, we hope you will consider a bequest to The Emanuel Synagogue Endowment Fund to help support your extended Jewish family. Give a gift to The Emanuel’s future. Call Laurie Leader at 236-1275 for more information. RABBI DAVID SMALL in appreciation for your supportive presence at my mothers funeral by Sharon Gross Hoffman RABBI SMALL for his kindness at our time of need by Bob & Marvis Gersten THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE and the daily minyan by Ronald Szabo In Honor of: MR. & MRS. MARTIN BINDER on the occasion of LAUREN’s wedding by Sandy & Al Parven RABBI SMALL on his special birthday by Faith & Fred Helene by Sonia Berk and Family by Gerald & Barbara Sperber by Edith Kinas SHARONE SMALL on her high school graduation by Sonia Berk and Family Wishing Good Health to: JONI & DAN FINE by Bea & Arthur Mitlak ARTHUR MITLAK by Estelle & Myron Freed In Memory of: MADGE W. GLADSTONE by Alfred Gladstone PHYLLIS WACHSPRESS by Howard Wachspress HAROLD M. GRODINSKY, on his Yahrzeit by Avra & Dan Novarr ESTHER HARRIS by Robert & Carol Tellar Beloved grandson, SAMUEL NOAH STOCK by Wilma Hoffman Beloved brother, RONALD KAIZER by Donna Hoffman RAYMOND PORISS by Andrea Poriss and Mark Poriss LOLITA COHN by Ernie & Fay deHaas SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Ernie & Fay deHaas RALPH CONRAD by Fay & Ernie deHaas RONALD KAIZER by Fay & Ernie deHaas SOCIAL ACTION/B’YADENU In Memory of: IRVING SILVERSTEIN by Alexis Davidoff RONALD KAIZER by Faith & Fred Helene BENNIE NOVARR beloved father by Ruth & Gilbert Hershonan YOUTH ACTIVITY FUND In Appreciation of: SUSAN WOLPOE by Jenna Behan In Honor of: ALBERT ENGEL on graduation from Hall High School and Beit Sefer Tichon by Joanne & Saul Pasternack MELISSA MOONEY graduating Magna Cum Laude from Washington Univ. in St. Louis’ School of Medicine program in Audiology by Hal & Judy Mooney STEVEN MOONEY graduating from Marymount Manhattan College & being selected to sing the National Anthem at Lincoln Ctr. at his graduation by Hal & Judy Mooney Our bubbie HELEN ROSENHOLTZ on her 100th birthday by Noah, Jordan, Tia & Drew Emrick THE ENDOWMENT FUNDS… MARK & LINDA ASMAR FUND In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Linda Asmar LOUIS & ETTA BECK FUND In Honor of: ROZ YELLIN on her birthday by Rick & Judy Goldberg SUE & BRUCE BERGMAN FUND Wishing Good Health to: SUE BERGMAN by Carolyn & David Topol MIRIAM GOLDBERG by Sue & Bruce Bergman JEROME & ELEANOR CAPLAN FUND In Memory of: Beloved father, MOSES J. NEIDITZ, on his Yahrzeit by Eleanor N. Caplan by Daniel & Arlene Neiditz SAMUEL H. & PAULINE R. COHEN FUND In Memory of: DOROTHY SILVER by Sheila & Stephen Levy EVELYN “EVA” SKLAR beloved mother on her yahrzeit by Harry & Hyla Sklar NORMA SHARON SKLAR beloved sister on her yahrzeit by Harry & Hyla Sklar In Honor of: BRETT & TYLER BIAL on their Bar Mitzvahs by Fredda & Jon Goldstein MYLES & SUZANNE CONNELL FUND In Honor of: SUZANNE CONNELL and all she has done for Emanuel Synagogue by Maxine & Dick Kates SUZANNE CONNELL on her retirement by Barbara & Howard Nair ELKIN FAMILY FUND In Honor of: OSCAR FISHMAN by Jan & Syd Elkin HERBERT & ELAINE EPSTEIN FUND In Memory of: Beloved mother, MILDRED GLUTZKIN by Elaine Epstein and Family RONALD KAIZER by Elaine Epstein & Reuben Cutler ROBERT & HEDYTH FISHMAN FUND In Honor of: The birth of grandsons of ROBERT & HEDYTH FISHMAN, SAMUEL and OSCAR by Cary & Beth Lakenbach PAUL & SUSAN GOLDBERG FAMILY FUND MELVIN & EDITH KATZMAN FUND In Honor of: The marriage of JEREMY & RACHEL GOLDBERG by Carolyn & Robert Isakson In Honor of: EDITH & MELVIN KATZMAN on their 60th anniversary and EDITH’s birthday by Ruth & Gilbert Hershman KAIZER FAMILY FUND MORRIS & EDITH MANCOLL FUND In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Fred, Judye, Jonathan, Michael, and Amanda Fox by Judy & Seymour Melnick by Carolyn & David Topol by The Barshay Family by Fred & Mae Kaprove by Dr. David L. Weil by Hal, Judy, Melissa, & Steven Mooney by Gerald Silverman by Ruth Ann & Harley Graime by Debbie, Peter & Rebecca Mehlman by Norman Weinstock by Babe & Sam Gold by Richard & Denise Order by The Elman Family by Judy & David Borus by Bennett & Libby Pearl by Katherine Savard by Longo Dental Arts Studio by Joyce & John Lemega by Marcia & Robert Marcuson by Jan & Syd Elkin by Sylvia & Harry Rosenfeld by Ricky & Les Hochhauser by Ann Rosenthal by David & Merle Harris by Linda Webber by Jeanne & Marshall by Nancy Rips by Gertrude Marcuson by Davidoff Family-Leon, Alexis, Rebecca & Ilana by Jerry & Geri Kaizer by Judy & Ed Siegel & Family by Nancy & Allen Satenberg by David & Judy Levine by Larry Brick by Saul & Joanne Pasternack by Morse & Betsy Solomon by Dickerman Dental Prosthetics by Ruth C. Yahr by Marlene & Bob Levine by Linda & Joel Schwartz by Helen Mehlman by Stanislaw Olejarz by The Guggenheim Family by Robert & Jane Cave by Francene, Jeremy, Lila and Jay Weingast by Ann B Andrew by Anne & Terry Cohn by Stanley & Hope Tripp by Gloria Sherry by Honey Levine & Ed Sinatra by The O’Meara Family by Carolyn & Michael Levine by Wilma Hoffman by Bob Kiniry by Anita & Bill Mancoll by Betsy & Herb Wolk by Beatrice Turken by Susan & Paul Goldberg by Michele & Alan Parker MURRAY KAIZER by Jerry & Geri Kaizer JEREMIAH T. GLEASON by Jerry & Geri Kaizer Beloved mother, ETHEL PERER by Arlene Kaizer LOLITA COHN by Arlene Kaizer In Honor of: The marriage of JOEL ROSENBERG by Arlene Kaizer HARRIET & MARVIN KATZ FUND In Honor of: JOSEPH PEAR on his special birthday by Harriet & Marvin Katz 25 In Memory of: SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Anita & Bill Mancoll ANITA & BILL MANCOLL on the engagement of their daughter, REBECCA to NICK PETESCH by Saul & Joanne Pasternack FAY LEOPOLD on her Yahrzeit by Anita & Bill Mancoll SYLVIA BARTON on her Yahrzeit by Anita & Bill Mancoll ROBERT & SHEILA MARKS FAMILY FUND In Honor of: LILY REISNER on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Joanne & Saul Pasternack Our granddaughter, LILY SHANA REISNER, daughter of Ron & Laura Reisner, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Robert & Sheila Marks In Memory of: BEVERLY TOUBMAN BROWNSTEIN by Robert & Sheila Marks MORRIS & HARRIET MARKS by Robert & Sheila Marks JOSEPH & MARTHA TOUBMAN by Robert & Sheila Marks SEYMOUR & JUDY MELNICK FUND In Honor of: RABBI SMALL on his special birthday by Seymour & Judy Melnick RABBI LAZOWSKI on his special birthday by Seymour & Judy Melnick RUTH LAZOWSKI on her special birthday by Seymour & Judy Melnick TRUDY & ED MILIKOW on the birth of their grandsons, ARIEL MILIKOW and BEN MILIKOW by Seymour & Judy Melnick JOAN & LEONARD GLAZIER on their anniversary by Seymour & Judy Melnick ALAN GEETTER on the birth of granddaughter, EVELYN by Judy & Seymour Melnick JAY & ROSALIE SMITH on their anniversary by Judy & Seymour Melnick SAM GOODMAN on his special birthday by Judy & Seymour Melnick ANNE & LEONARD GOLDMAN on their 64th anniversary by Judy & Seymour Melnick Wishing Good Health to: JONI & DAN FINE by Seymour & Judy Melnick BOB TELLAR by Seymour & Judy Melnick In Memory of: MELVIN STONE brother of Lee Oberstein by Judy & Seymour Melnick LOLITA COHN by Judy & Seymour Melnick SHIRLEY RACKOWITZ by Judy & Seymour Melnick Beloved brother, LLOYD GOLDMAN, on his Yahrzeit by Judy & Seymour Melnick MICHAELS – REVZON FAMILY FUND In Memory of: LOLITA COHN by Valerie & Edward Michaels DONALD & REGINA MILLER FUND In Memory of: PHILIP MILLER, on his Yahrzeit by Don & Regina Miller HAROLD & GLADYS MONDSHEIN FUND Wishing Good Health to: ELAINE SMITH by Gladys Mondshein and Family JEAN CHAMEIDES by Gladys Mondshein In Honor of: SUSAN & REY TEJADA on the birth of their granddaughter, CECILIA GRACE by Gladys Mondshein JUSTIN & NICOLE TEJADA on the birth of their daughter, CECILIA GRACE by Gladys Mondshein SAM GOODMAN on his 97th birthday by Gladys Mondshein COOKIE & BILL SLOAT on the birth of their grandson, ZEKE by Gladys Mondshein and Family AL WEISEL on his 90th birthday by Gladys Mondshein and Family In Memory of: RONALD KAIZER by Gladys Mondshein THE ORDER FAMILY FUND In Memory of: RACHEL ANN ORDER on her Yahrzeit by Denise & Richard Order LESTER & EMMA PAHUSKIN FUND In Memory of: Beloved father, ABE PAHUSKIN by Emma & Lester Pahuskin SYLVIA SCHLOSSBERG by Emma & Lester Pahuskin Beloved mother, PAULINE BOUCAI GRAZI by Emma & Lester Pahuskin Dear friend, SHIRLEY SCHWARTZ RACKOWTIZ by Emma & Lester Pahuskin In Appreciation of: CANTOR SANFORD COHN with our deepest respect for his compassion, visits, and friendship by Emma & Lester Pahuskin Special prayers wishing good health for our family by Emma & Lester Pahuskin In Honor of: Wishing LESTER PAHUSKIN a happy birthday and prayers for good health by Emma Pahuskin and Family Wishing Good Health to: Our family, with special prayers by Emma & Lester Pahuskin ALAN & MICHELE PARKER FAMILY FUND In Memory of: LOLITA COHN by Michele & Alan Parker SAUL & JOANNE PASTERNACK FUND In Memory of: ROSE PASTERNACK beloved mother by Saul & Joanne Pasternack ROBERT PASTERNACK beloved brother by Saul & Joanne Pasternack JEFFREY & SUSAN RENERT FUND In Memory of: Beloved father, ROBERT RENERT by Jeffrey & Susan Renert LILLIAN & ROBERT RENERT FUND In Memory of: Beloved brother, ARTHUR J. CLARK by Lillian C. Renert Beloved husband, ROBERT RENERT by Lillian C. Renert Beloved father, ROBERT RENERT by Jeffrey & Susan Renert In Honor of: SUSAN & JEFFREY RENERT on their anniversary by Lillian C. Renert The birth of my new great-grandson by Lillian C. Renert My grandchildren and great-grandchildren by Lillian C. Renert My children, JUNE & RICHARD RENERT on their special anniversary by Lillian C. Renert BEN & SYLVIA ROSENBERG FUND In Memory of: TONY ROSENBERG your beloved son & brother by Marc & Nancy Bazilian JEANETTE FINKEL your beloved wife & mother by Marc & Nancy Bazilian our Paj & Popie BEN D. ROSENBERG by Marc & Nancy Bazilian THEODORE DENOWITZ our beloved Pa by Marc & Nancy Bazilian SARAH ROSENBERG our beloved Aunt by Marc & Nancy Bazilian SHEILA LEVY by Herbert & Judy Silver ELYSE & STEVEN SLITT FUND In Honor of: SUZANNE CONNELL’s wonderful service to the synagogue and her retirement by Elyse & Steven Slitt, Erin, Gavin, Austin, & Kirstin DRS. ROSALIE & JAY D. SMITH FUND In Memory of: LOLITA COHN by Rosalie & Jay D. Smith VIVIAN & ROBERT SPIVAK FUND In Memory of: Our beloved grandmother, BELLE SPIVAK, on her Yahrzeit by Arlan Lieblick and Melton Spivak Our beloved grandmother, ANNA SCHECK BERSON, on her Yahrzeit by Arlan Lieblick and Melton Spivak IRVING & IRENE STARR FUND RALPH ROSENBERG & HILDA SLIVKA FUND In Honor of: SUZANNE CONNELL on her retirement by Irene Starr In Memory of: HERBERT STARR by Irene Starr RENEE & LARRY RUSTIN FUND ABE & SYLVIA WALDMAN, KAYE, & SAMUELS FUND In Memory of: MAX SLIVKA by Hilda Slivka In Honor of: MARILYN LEVIN on her special birthday by Renee & Larry Rustin In Memory of: Our beloved mothers ROSE KOTIK and FANNIE RUSTIN by Renee & Larry Rustin JACK BUSCH father of Francis Diamond by Renee & Larry Rustin HARRIET RUSTIN ROSH sister of Renee & Larry Rustin by Renee & Larry Rustin The sister of Barbara Schwartz by Larry & Renee Rustin HOWARD SCHEINBLUM/SUSAN FIERBERG FUND In Memory of: LEAH FORMAN by Susan Fierberg & Howard Scheinblum FRANCES DOBROVOLSKY by Susan Fierberg & Howard Scheinblum JUDITH K. SCHEINBLUM by Howard Scheinblum & Susan Fierberg HERBERT & JUDY SILVER FUND In Memory of: Beloved mother, SYLVIA SILVER, on her Yahrzeit by Herb & Judy Silver BERTRAM KORWIN by Herb & Judy Silver Beloved sister, PHYLLIS SILVER KERTZMAN, on her Yahrzeit by Herb & Judy Silver Wishing Good Health to: ARTHUR MITLAK by Herbert & Judy Silver 26 In Memory of: LEE BIRNBAUM by Karen & Sid Kaye RONALD KAIZER by Karen & Sid Kaye Beloved mother of Nan Lamm by Karen & Sid Kaye BERNARD & BERNICE WALDMAN FUND Wishing Good Health to: BERNICE WALDMAN by Robert & Hedyth Fishman TURKEN/WEINGAST FUND In Honor of: DAVID & CINDY GERBER on birth of their son, ANTONIO JOSEPH GERBER by Francene & Jeremy Weingast In Memory of: RALPH CONRAD, father of Llyn Kaimowitz by Francene & Jeremy Weingast LOLITA COHN, mother of Terry Cohn by Francene & Jeremy Weingast WIDEM FAMILY SPECIAL NEEDS FUND In Honor of: GABRIEL WIDEM becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Alison, Jeff, & Aaron Rudolph SAMUEL KATTEN becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Alison, Jeff, & Aaron Rudolph by Eleanor Caplan EMANUEL BROTHERHOOD ENDOWMENT FUND COME VISIT AND TOUR THE HOFFMAN SUMMERWOOD COMMUNITY RENTAL APARTMENTS DO YOU WISH TO MEMORIALIZE A YARTZEIT? IS A SPECIAL BIRTHDAY OR ANNIVERSARY IN YOUR FAMILY? IS THERE A BAR/BAT MITZVAH TO COMMEMORATE? WHATEVER THE OCCASION, CONSIDER DONATING TO THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE BROTHERHOOD ENDOWMENT FUND. CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE EMANUEL BROTHERHOOD ENDOWMENT FUND FOR THE FUTURE BENEFIT OF THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE AND ITS MEMBERS. PLEASE CONSIDER GIVING GENEROUSLY AND GIVING OFTEN. ALL DONATIONS TO THIS FUND SHOULD BE PAYABLE TO THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE BROTHERHOOD ENDOWMENT FUND. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS SIEGAL AT (860) 561-8050 OR RENA MILLER AT (860) 305-5725 October 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY Tishri/Cheshvan 5771 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 SHABBAT YOUTH PROGRAMMING PLEASE JOIN US FOR… Kahal – every Shabbat at 10:30 a.m. 25 Tishri Shacharith 8am Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Grade 6 & 7 Family Program 10am 4 26 Tishri Shacharith 7am 5 27 Tishri Shacharith 7am Ritual Committee Mtg. 7:30pm 6 28 Tishri Shacharith 7am Yiddish Through Yiddish Song 7:30pm 7 29 Tishri Shacharith 7am Let’s Go Gan 9:15am & 1pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm 10 2 Cheshvan Shacharith 8am 11 3 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am Board of Ed Mtg. 7:30pm No Classes 12 4 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 23 Tishri Simchat Torah Services 9am Hakafot 10am B’nai Mitzvah Club – every Shabbat at 9:45 a.m. 3 FRIDAY 13 14 Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Havdalah 7:12pm 8 9 30 Tishri Shacharith 6:45am Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Candles 6:04pm 15 16 Candles 5:53pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm 17 18 19 20 21 7 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am Hebrew Home Service 7pm 22 14 Cheshvan 13 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am Shacharith 7am Let’s Go Gan K-Grade 5 Adult Bar/Bat TGIS Mincha/ Board of Trustees 9:15am & 1pm Family Program Mtg. 7:30pm Mitzvah Class Maariv 5:45pm Ziplow Study Group 10am 7:30pm 10:30am Yiddish Through Mtg. for B’nai Yiddish Song Mitzvah Families 7:30pm Candles 5:42pm 7:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm 9 Cheshvan Shacharith 8am 24 16 Cheshvan Shacharith 8am Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Ozreinu 4pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm 31 23 Cheshvan Shacharith 8am No Religious School (Mitnick Confrence) 10 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 25 17 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 11 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 26 18 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 12 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 27 28 Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 7:30pm Yiddish Through Yiddish Song 7:30pm Let’s Go Gan 9:15am & 1pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am 19 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 20 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am 29 21 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am Community Shabbat Celebration 4:45pm Candles 5:32pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm 27 Bat Mitzvah of Alyson Graff Mincha/Maariv 6:15pm Havdalah 7:01pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm 1 Cheshvan Parashat Noach Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Services 9am Mincha/Maariv 6pm Let’s Go Gan 9:15am & 1pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Brotherhood Cooking Class 7:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm 24 Tishri Parashat Bereshit Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Mikayla Gordon Wexler Candles 6:16pm Sisterhood Paid-Up Dinner 6:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm 2 Mincha/Maariv 6pm 5 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class 7:30pm Yiddish Through Yiddish Song 7:30pm Brotherhood Paid-Up Dinner 6:30pm Columbus Day 6 Cheshvan Shacharith 7am SATURDAY 8 Cheshvan Parashat Lech-Lecha Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Jenna Behan Tot Shabbat 10am Mincha/Maariv 6pm Havdalah 6:49pm 23 15 Cheshvan Parashat Vayera Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Johnathan Cohen Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Havdalah 6:39pm 30 22 Cheshvan Parashat Chayei Sarah Services 9am Minyonaires Shabbat Mincha/Maariv 5:45pm Havdalah 6:29pm The Emanuel News Periodical Postage PAID 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford Connecticut September 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY Elul/Tishri 5770-5771 TUESDAY SHABBAT YOUTH PROGRAMMING PLEASE JOIN US FOR… WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 22 Elul Shacharith 7am B’nai Mitzvah Club – every Shabbat at 9:45 a.m. Begins September 4 Kahal – every Shabbat at 10:30 a.m. Begins September 11 5 26 Elul Shacharith 8am 6 27 Elul Shacharith 8am Office Closed Labor Day 7 28 Elul Shacharith 7am 2 23 Elul Shacharith 7am Executive Committee Mtg. 7:30pm 9 10 29 Elul Shacharith 7am Erev Rosh Hashanah 1 Tishri Rosh Hashanah Services 8am Shofar 10am Tashlich 5pm 16 17 18 Mincha/Maariv 7pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 19 20 21 22 23 15 7 Tishri Shacharith 7am 14 Tishri Shacharith 7am 8 Tishri Shacharith 7am 15 Tishri Erev Sukkot No Classes Sukkot No Classes Services 9am Candles 6:32pm Candles 7:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6:45pm Mincha/Maariv 6:45pm Mincha/Maariv 6:45pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm Sisterhood New Member Brunch Sukkah Open House 2-4pm in Simsbury — Intermediate Days/Chol Hamoed — Shabbat Shuva Services 9am Mincha/Maariv 7pm Havdalah 7:49pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 28 20 Tishri Shacharith 6:45am Board of Trustees Mtg.7:30pm Support Group for Parents of Gay & Lesbian Children 7:30pm Rosh Hashanah Services 8am Shofar 10am Candles 6:52pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 19 Tishri Shacharith 6:45am 3 Tishri Parashat Ha’azinu Mincha/Maariv 6pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 27 11 Candles 7:54pm Sisterhood Mtg. 7:30pm 18 Tishri Shacharith 8am Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Sara Pipernos Mincha/Maariv 7:15pm at Emanuel Multi-Shul Selichot at Beth El: program at 8:30pm/Service @ 10pm Havdalah 8:01pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm Board of Education Mtg. 8pm 26 25 Elul Candles 6:56pm 14 13 Tishri Shacharith 7am ADL Dinner @ Emanuel 5:30pm Premiere 100 Voices @ Showcase Theaters Buckland Hills 7pm 2 Tishri 4 Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm 13 12 Tishri Shacharith 7am Candles 7:04pm 8 12 11 Tishri Shacharith 8am Sukkah Decorating 9am Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Premiere Faith and Destiny @ JCC 6:30pm Nitzavim-Vayeilech Mincha/Maariv 6pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 6 Tishri Shacharith 7am 24 Elul Shacharith 7am 3 Mincha/Maariv 7pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 5 Tishri Shacharith 7am SATURDAY Mincha/Maariv 7pm Mincha/Maariv 7pm 4 Tishri Shacharith 8am Fast of Gadaliah Mum Sale 8:30-11:30am Cemetery Service 1pm First Day Religious School Grades K-12 FRIDAY 29 21 Tishri Shacharith 6:45am Sukkot (Hoshana Raba) No Classes Candles 6:19pm Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Mincha/Maariv 5:30pm 30 22 Tishri Shemini Atzeret No Classes Services 9am Yizkor approx 10:45am Candles 7:17pm Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Hakafot 7pm 9 Tishri Shacharith 7am 10 Tishri Erev Yom Kippur Food Drive Kol Nidre 6:45pm Yom Kippur Services 9am Yizkor approx. 11am Candles 6:40pm Mincha/Ne’ilah 5pm Maariv/Havdalah 7:41pm Mincha 6:30pm 24 16 Tishri Sukkot Services 9am TGIS 6pm Candles 6:28pm Mincha/Maariv 6pm 25 17 Tishri Shabbat Chol Hamoed Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Leah Ginsberg Mincha/Maariv 6:30pm Havdalah 7:24pm